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BANK REPORTS BANK REPORTS. [No. rsJ RBPOITT O? THB CONDITION Or THF) FIRST NATIONAL BANK. . se BBSS* BS" N??* VTSttt at the stlSjB of ruatne?? or, Un??n | ?:N'* ?. lalalBIfaRITN . , Cantil itoek paid .r. . . ' l.*.-.a *? . I .................. u - ? ?? |7 J74.177.M, I'? ?' ?:: ro.u?'' i.? ? ? ' ?or ":? m-U2 ' ?? s t-* otmmnrm? mmeor*e> >?? ?*> |?>0T7,aoo.M lerS?te or? ??a,i: 'i**** -?? tua i ?? HCUi!.rk' va' e l.MO.00 Lees cirrent -xpen???, ass?**! . li.t?r.?t. and tax.? ?: S *>t.- * ?3.5IO.0O paid . .. bUsbkJI ,ni unP" ?^ .- -8.175,f.? M . 6.?M.SM.0O C!r-ulailng not?? oaUtaniin?. llM.?M 0 Total t.. _ fc i r>ue to beaka i\nd hanktwa. ISt.Mt.101 U ^-arlti?? , ,?.-ed Dividand? unpMI . ... ?-.TUKIII D-m?nd depoilt?: ?' . . Be* _^ Individual depoalt? ?ubj?ct to ?to?? ??*/ ?,o" ?2?OC90 u*ok . tf.IST.SMJS tlftestse "f d?pot?lt du? In '.?"? ?a?? * 1*7.lil 77 ?- Ml j??~i?v2?i n,-, ? ? --------------------- Mas Ui?n I" day?. joR.yiJS ir*1? 11.100.? ??-? c?e ka . I.MTMltM rU-i? ti ,0tt,M Casal? ? check? outa'an-linf t? ? ? - *'T,oun -.- ?W.OV* : .;..;i(1 9t3tel ??pMiu. . -?-?. ta-a?a.. 1780,000.00 Total derratid dopo?'.'? I7? "JT.IKc,' laiefj.'.' :'j- from Federal Other time d?S;.?lts . ISi.??t.M ?M ????ur;,- 1J013.1W.I0 Tot?! of ttBM d<spo?l'.s II?. M ***?,-'? r from bank? and _ jr. a bond? borrow?? wit' "?LSST ???'.*H. furnUhlng collateral ??curif t*f?C.. < a? ??- . lt.OM.44l? for ?ame . ??-OOO.O* Treoorxli; ^^ \ % i'l" **?? ' "" ,mjwU " ! , ? kr ?as? ? j 5?? *wful ?. Zr. " ?' 17,M!.7trr> SK ? r *?? tSSfc- 'WIE *??? ?f , ?M?7J r "*-? " ?'' of ,uA:o?- m??i _ I... .-. 7-3.10 I Total .1214.IT2.703.'.0 ?JSri-Va ?.. ' Mara Tora, M.: i SV. ??hier of th? abo-e-namtd lank, do aolctnnly a-*<nr '?., , true to th? l??"t of my ki. o? l?dl? ai.-l relief. M ' f, Caahler. - - -? tafor? rna tM? 18th dm cf Nov?ml ; ' . HERBERT ?\ ? HRIST1E ?^ ?ilLaM II MOORB. Netem Publie. A h t Dir' ? ' New York Countv 'No. 8?'. C. D. B? < S J [No. 14*1.] s*stfO| 'N'DITION or THE NATIONAL CITY BANK. ri vw v. ai Neo i ?. .i ir. ih? mm? of fortt M I f Vjaln's.?. Novem - ? RESOt'R'-ES l4jam? a . ? ?? ".lao.t'iS.KS 8) CttJtorn?? Uabllltj undt-r L*t tmTm . ?.?urn ? i '?Milt,- account of Janenn - .r .i.?*i.&i*.*S Overlrtif:? - aurvd anj Cnae ?ar?x} .?. 84?.18 I ? ?^ads to ?Kurt r*ttoakUt4>?| *.*|S,itv,'?? ? a- '.?Loan-l J W.IM'\i r I 1 Ddi n i-a-'l ......... ,'H Ronda ?- i lea, ?to 82.S96.4J8? 70 R.a?.-v? Bank.. 1.6'?',0W).? *v??! ?t-lth ?*",*?*.** F'jrnlture and . ? .? (-?.o,?!.-, Lija ft" - I*-.? arl BBSBSrS. 14 ? 14. ?**?> Si M? fron : - ?lgii Accounts_ 48?.iS!.l? Due f: . 10,(,:?? 111 ? racbanu'? l '.?-?ring llo-jtr 40,*M.*7l.4'l i-h?cX? ike In ihl? city Mil.3?'-' H . r.eck?, other Caali l'a:-? a?. : rVa,-'l,>r.a] Currericv \ol?a ? l -.'rial tajik? r5r'.C?00 01 Ftdtrs'. R?a?rv? Not?? .. ? ' - ? vli . 1110,111 MSJ ? In I'.Jerat Ml ? ' II r- ?U.:T4.C5!, ss -?-?- I47,TU .v ? . 4 :ot.,Slfl 44 '?;nd with V. 8. rreaa^-er lit!,1*57 W 8J88 !i?.6Tl ? UABIUTIKS Capital Stock i all In. I25.W.0O0 ?I Capital aal asid? for Foreign B.-.--r.*?. . |.M0.(WS.~4] tarplui toad. tKMMtatt In?lvld?d pront?. les? ?x]?n?ea ?ni to-tee i*n . a.cil m* ?-. vs" nal Bar? N'ot?a Outstanding l."f>:.v ?? *>?!? to Banks and flanker?.12?.? Diridatide Unpaid Ii- lividual jeroalta ?ubjoel to /-herk.. ??? IH Demand i.'-rtlflcate? 1 ??[?'??it . ' ? . u i ashler'? ?'nee standing 1.174 ? : ? ??? of 1SJ -, 8.M.(voi.:4:.:t, ? - 1.4 ? iris dwhts- * resenting rwaty bot .. . ...?*7,fll? '2 r ,,'S.fct: H | ? p|) ] ; - .... 1 . ????' '.'"'. -' -^,'jnlv of New TottL aa : ;;Y. Ca?h!?r of tha . s?,ar that ?- ,- ?>, Um i??t of I C'.'.cf ? r ?-?-hier. r'.red an i ???<?>:: t,, .'.fTe gag tMs l?th ITS Sotar? 1 .:.'. . N T. Co ? ?.MRS h pt-jsrri ? SleOAN -Dl-.'-tor? :,>Vf;TT MEETINGS BEJ.I Y--I'KINGFIRI.I> TIKE CO. A Sptc'.i M??ilTig ?,f tl," Stockholders ef Th? ku ; th? Com? an?;? Pia? ?, 1er-.- i Nr? J??, et : F M . fer ? f aellas spot BllDM ?h. h ?.av I e?n p???<-.l and ap prov-ad ?y \. .. H ? ,ra of ?aid '-??mpaoy. ? n.m?r,d. alter a:.d th? ???r'ISegi? .' -pArstion ?f thla Cota? l>ar.y a? ?. r. i i ? -Ive par valu? of th? ?'"?emon Bl t fi 1101 par ahar? to I2S, P?r ghar. ?t ?t ?very ? ' ? . /?: h ? ?? or consent, ol ?toekbo. :??- taken or roqtilred. each atocklv, Six Per C?nt Ctjtnula? ? ' k and ?ach ?tockhoMer f '? M ?. umulatlv? Second "-?' - .. ?:t!?d to four ?ot?? ' . nr? of either of ?aid i,'? atr,elcrtold?r. ?nd each ..- -r.''n ?"tack shall be ??? t -v :. ?httre ol th? t such ?twicholdir: *'' ? transact meR th?r t i?1r.?ia a? may -?t'rva ? rr-.r.:' ? ? k a .-kaMaN S?4tretary. J?r?.y ? ? -.? j ml THE ANN1 A!. MBKT?NO ? Tlr? rompan. vin i^ h?ld at of th? Ctsasan N t, M?n a Of : ??-?".? ?r. 1118, '-???;?;' ' ? ? ' lBa r ? mpanr. *n<l ??r.%? ting Ht a? may ? ' oaa , a: 11 and r? ? ' - i ? ? LOOKER, ?*r> t?rrpl>MIr K MISIM. 4(OI|-\S\ A : '? 1er? of th? '?*>?? ?? t. ; 1 ?: '? ? ' ' Jol.n fy*?" .rt th? lltb it?. ,| ' ? i-.MAN i??cre'?i ?-???_____??. DIVIDEND NOTK ES. ?tri KI If IflOM 4 ?if i i liiMI'ANV ? i ' mmittM L* ? ... ." ;. " ? PrvfSrrcS 41'*." - Utb. i?i? ? ?sata Baa _'' alary. aSCJU.KNTII \l f K I IM. I, II. II?. ? __? 'J!! . "*? ?' ? -, :-' ?gat eataZ. "?t*4*- ' -,.<;....*] ?tea ./ , ' ' ??? ?? ' ? ? ? I KTO\ -lr.?4,'.-.f VftB ? pa? a I??.?: ? ?? r<< .4,r*l ?t ' r^arr t^ce for E. A. Potter. *JLA ''''?'*'. ''? hotter, Door ? Gris Ht? ki* *1-';t"' pr?s)?i*nt o? tl,. As. ?a??, **,*'?''' ' omt-an* veatertUt *o ??T srh? wa. E. . *"' "f i'" ??"'??r Ir.itt Cm?,.,-, Mr. Marph/ ?J*? .'?al?'-?"1 a- treaaorer, i.nt will aW..?'!'' ' " *'?''?' er.rriDiittaa and ?*"? ???lit/,.,' ??.m roi ties. [N? i.MBJ P.EPOHT OF COKDIT?ON or THE COAL AND IRON NATIONAL BANK, a: ' IU r.r N?W York. !n the State f York. at ?>? close of bu?ln??s <n Novamber ffch. M RESOURCES. Ixwitia bit! ?(?counts.. IS 1*4.144.C8 Total loan?. .,.. IS.BBS, 144 N Overdiaft?. ?ecurel. 1141.48; un a??.ured. I49?.45 . "S3.M U. S. bend?; !'. I I ond? .l?postted to ??cure, circulation .... 'par vaiu?) . . . MM.O0t.ti I'. B. bond? pled?*. m stur? 1'. S de? posits ipar value).. 14,500.00 Totsl D. S bend?. 414.SOO.0O Bond?. ?< rarities, ?I Rond,? uth*r than U. ? bo'ids plfflgej to accuie I. a. d? poaiu . 110,000.10 Bond? oth?r than T\ S. bond? ple.lged to ?' .re po?t?l UV Inga deposite .... 113,800 00 Bond? loaned fot' er CMS) V. B bond?- IB,tts\M S?ci;rlt|e? otber than Q P. bonds .not Including stock? ' owned unpledged 2,440,121.41 Total bond?, ?eo'irltie?. BBS.. ?.K?.7?1 .*l Subscription to stock of 1 PadersJ P. ? s ?rv? , Baa : . 172.000/K) ; Les? ?mount unpaid .. Mil - 136.000 f1 ?- MlttlM Net amount du? from ?T?deral Re I serve Hank . ?o?. ?I?. 2*. Ne: amount du? from bank? ?nd bankers .! ? Exchange? for clearing houa?- I' '? Out?ld? check? and ? cash Itaaaa. Frai non?! currency. I It and rent?.. I.TII.I7 -?7,711.80 ?-- ?I oth?r national bank?. ?{.(So.00 ? Keaerve note? . 15.870.00 '.awful money reserve ta 'ink: and oertl?c*t??. tl,om,4?S.?0 l>gal-tend?r notes.. It) i 1.1?4.itS.')0 Redemption ftind with V. 8 Treasurer ?no; mor? than I per rent on circulation) and due " S. TV-u-urer . Jn 000 x) Customer*' liability under Uotters of C're-'lt . .. 34 4"' M Cu?t?m?rs' liaMlltr ?ccount of "Accep'Hnces" . 1,000.00 Other ???et?. If ?nr. Total. Hl UM - ; MAB1MTTE8. * ?Capital ?lock paid in. ?l.oooooooo lun ;.? . Undivided profit?... I?01.?J4?? R e eerved for taxes 12 710.00 R ? Kl for- 2.I42 4I -m Laa? urcnt ?xpen?e?. Interejt. and IMS? paid M.M4.M iVO. Ml *1 Circnlatlns aote? outstanding. rm.BO.oo Du? to bunks and bankers. 1.032,042 00 ? 01vld?Dd? unpa.l . 214.00 I ??: ?and deposit?: Certificates f lepoadt du? In iban I i.-"-? . t r.Ti oi?.?? , ? - l.a ? el*? oheck? outstanding.. . ?8.40141 ? I aavli ? poetti ?r?i Ri . . Tot?! c'eina-i'l S?p?altt. V.(40 17110 Other be? la tor ?rM collateral ??cutity wa? furnlehed. f.9.000.00 : Letter? of credit. A- ? , ? r. e? baaed or. Import? and ?averts ? . Total . . ...taLtTI State of New York Count?/ of New York. a?. : I. ADDISON II. DAT. Cashier i [ I arov?-name.l beak, d... ?olemnlv ev?e? the abm-e ?tatae ant '.? true to the bent of mv knowledge an-i belief. ADDISON H. DAY. fashler. Subscribed and ?WtWn to before rr.? this 18th ! day of No H f. THOMrSON Notary Public, W?M-1 Certifie? te nie?, in I t-c?ai ] n?-m fort O ntr Mew Tort County B New York Realiter No 7.01 Correct--Attest: JOHN A MIPIU.BTON, ??'? AN ?Lilree'nr? rriANK I) 'All HEY. J MONEY AND EXCHANGE. 1 , ' i HAT, BaTsSSBaTI DISCI it NT RATS-for ! lay? or le??. S p?r cer:. up ?-. '. ? 4 r?-r M 'AM, M"NKY ?a<nel ?t 1% p?r o?nt;' t ' ?"?fit. m par cent; cloitaf. I : ? . : B STMI M0MR wa? In fre? BaSSST. Ra'a? 2'? pa BstJ Sapa a*ai(8 pat ?nt for ?BBBtt OSOt, ' tern, tee u-l >t? month? MKR?-ANTIIJS 1'AfKH w?s ?ul?t Hulln? rate. ; I?? bM r.arn??. paSS ?.orpUner?, j . . ? ? '...AKIMi BjOtSSS i|I.VVSAi:nON? - Si? I ? iBSMtMBB; bataa -?. ?asJBtJta Th? ' ?Airy ?la CtOdlt?? U Ik? MtBM li - SI B TRKAHI'IIT.-New York b?l?V? Mined fr. a rretuury 14.048.098, ?nd ??load tiara I'n I HAI. RSSEBTl DIRC'Ot XT TT.SE \MII.C1 ?? 'a... I BSI aMM . BP I? ... 4 ..... . i a i- - r?rr (en iara. 'i r?' ?? l; Tji da??. 4 ?lit? ?? H njMtj .Ian. 4 Lrr . cnl. A' a Ul t.> :,:: . It] 'la.'. 4 DTI ? o t I" . la. 4 ?nd .', pel ? I; Ksi ??. ' It?, < Dallas. 4 i psi -It ??.'.-??, dan ?iltj a?jr?. 4. fe? "it? t<? rilnetf , . . I IkiMI. -lie KXCHANOK We'.'-:, par. Cassas? ! UBI bid. I at a.ked. ?aa TtU ? ' . MBBMB. Mb ??'?a:?at*. .urn HANK IXfaABOraS Ballaami. archanie?. I? . ? ? IMaton, ?ichani-a. 117. ?lance?, II.7tl.4ll. Ch?calo, n ? hslti.e-a S3 20? ISO, l'hfl?d-4[.l I?, r? 1 I.IIICM, I . hai.??. lit ill ? ? balan ?a. II.I ' MABKCT H?r t?.-*? l>c : . ??u -. rase a ? ' I-lid Haw Forl n p .. -:S a ?a-i ?r S M??te?B . ? TOOMiQri sxctiAS'.i Statua? ralat ???? i ?"-.'?? ? . In?Unj al ??'.- I< ndon- ?'ai.!?. I " . ?'. ; i). ? tl i (?>.:? ? t sitht n?:, i I ? ?? ? 47S ?;.-... e <>;,:?. iiii? ?' k, ... ?, -laj iMt i > ?r<. ?lui. dar?, iU.y%. i.ii.r.j datt. 4(4 Federal Reserve Fund. WfiRriiritrton, ?'??>? \H. >f.,re tlmn llO'i.OOO/.'OO now ? i,i-?d by th? rVderal ttasiTS Board in it? gold *?ttlt?m?nt fund ti? tlie credit of th? roeery? bank? and reaerve ?gent?. The fund ha? bee,, m exiatenc? ju?t stS month? to-j morrow. TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Good Buying of the Rails the Chief Feature of an Irregular Day. BROKERS CALL THEIR ACTION "IMPRESSIVE" Congress and Labor Disturbing Factors Big Railroad Earn* ings in the Northwest. Good bnjrios of railroad stocks was tho chief feature of yesterday's ir- ' regular market. Most of these issues closed either at the top or olose to it. The chief deterrent to activity in the rails thus far has been foreig". iiquidatioi., but foreign liquidation has been headed in the bond Market, and there aro many laflaSBOOS St work to' offset it In the stock market. The chief of those Is the rise in '-torl.r.g axchar.a-e. ? II cutting down the premium on foreign salas S? "Ameri? can?." Another influence that mav I.ave been ai work yesterday is the report that ths Britiab government ??ill Satbi r up a qiisn'.ty of our stocks and j bond:- held abroad and use them a? ' basil for a loan here. Then, the lam earnings of the railroad com? panies may have mado last such an appeal to the iraaaiflstioBa of their forain stockholders as they have to American investors. Atanj rate, brok? ers wer? prone to call "imnressive" the : strength of asea aacaritieo a? Uaion Pacifie, Southern Pseifle, ;l,e Fries and the Northwestern group. Atehison ?vas fu; oT-cept.on to the general ri?e 01 'he rails. It showed, at one time, an ad? vanoe of H, but this was lost, and ?BBS, too. In the late dealings. Congreas the New Factor. Cotiifress and all its works, which have so often been an important fac? tor in the stock market, are ag?ain be hag taken into consideration by the ; financia! community. There is no ' knowing definitely what will be done I in the matter of foreign relation?!. The preparednes? programme promines to be an bone of contention. As for gen? eral Btwiasss, ?-hile there have been many intimations of a new benevo? lence with regard to !t, havo be n few Wherefore the coming ses? sion of the national Issrislatare is re? garded as a factor of the greetSSt un? certainty in stock market operation?, and the disposition in many quarter? j is to go slot? until it can be seen ; what the legislators purpos" doing ami I how likely they are to get it done. Introspection's Da*?, In the curiert stock marke' Clark, < hilds *? Ce. seo plainest of all a dis? position of operators "to get down OBCi moro to rock-bottom facts and to ?,'i'-'o less attention to tales which ore plain? ly tho work of a vivid imagination.*1 Thev look forward to a decline of bssi BOSS and a period of introspection, of which the** say the market is jrieatly in Bead. In their opinion this will mean a ragri ?; nj of securities with respect to the prospects of future movemem? of income and prices, and with particu? lar reference to the meaning of Eu? ropean penco on the affair? of vari? ous corporations. "The safest section of the market," they say, "appears to be the low priced railroads, which have managed to show their fixed charges earneq in recent years of business de? pression ar.d government antagonism, Sad are now beginning to ?how heavy . gain* in -revenue."' Seeks America's Monet. There II much -igniflcance m the ' aatendateat to the Britlah finance bill ?vhich would exempt future bond issues of Great Britain in the hands of for? eign holders from the operations of the income- tax. Great Britain, financ? ing hor -owns needs and much of her allies', ia bidding for the world's money. There ?s moro available for I er Basa ir. the Ualtsd States than any where else, or in oil ether countries ? combined. Evidently she intends to ? lesee SO Itoae unturned to get it.' Thank- to the activity of Aastrian ami German agents in the United Slates, lachtet raahing among workmen, aatractioa of munitions factories, ; the incendiary fires on ships leaving1 VjBertcati ports, to say nothing I submarine atrocities, there is a grow? ing disposition in this country to think that the Allias' fight is not only theirs, bat America'?; or so it is believed in the financial district Once the idea .-prend broadcssl in the United States thnt the Allies must, and will v in, tin-re il likely to be considerable lion of our surplus fund? into British government securities. Mobilizing "Americana." That 'here Mill he some favorable ? (feel on a ir seearitle? Bsarhets il the British government carries threagh its plan to raobilise Arneiican Bsearitiss borrowing than, from their OWBSn and : us collateral for supple? mentary credit.? ben ;? not to ba doubted. Of eonrse the government is not lik >ly te gi ' rvsfl a majority of 'ha "Aaerieaae" ?till held la Great Biitaia, BOr, In all probability, will it desire to. Nevertheless, the plan, if effected, Bill make a eOBSiderBDlC diminution ifl the liquidation Horn abroad that other?', i-e would continue here until victory fur the Allies was in sight. What May Happen. if the war is truly a war of attr tion, it doe? not take much imagination . vu-tory for the Allies may be due to our own Federal Reserve banking sy-tem, whether the system wills it or not. For practical purpose? it does not make much difference which pocket a man takes his money out of. lie ha- the sumo amount of money,' whether it Is in tivo pock?-ts or one. Itig Railroad earnings. Karnings of th? Northwestern rail? ways ale running far ahead of expecta? tions. Not only i? BMtaeaad traffic ab? normal, but there Is a big volume of freight moving Westward. Officers of the St. Paal have been surprised by ? ? laiiidity with ?vhich the lumber tlude has revived. Great Northern officers .say their road is doing a record t business. So the story goes all , through the Northwest. It's an ill v : i that blows nobody good, and the Bgestioa at Atlunt.c seaboard points rought a harvest to the Western for freight Is going to the Pacific Coast from points as far Fast as Pitts? burgh tha' would be a*. ported through Atlantic ports. In? cluded in thi traffic are considers?,i? amount! of gaas and ammunition dea i. . lamine of Labor Near. lasher troahlee proaise Is demand more arid more consideration as time goes on. .Munition factories havp been stealing BSOfl from one another, often at an advance of '?.5 per cent in wages. In a number of manufacturing ettab lifhrnenf, around ."lew York, manv of them place? whose output is of staple gcods, there il a regular famine of ?t, Newark, where there are wirk? of the '?at? Thread Comphny, t(,e Wsstiaghoase Klectric, the 1'ru Cible Steel and other big manufactur -, the local newspapers have ? i u'lvrrti-jnent? fo lahor, but the demand continu, ? alateot. Employers tell <>f taking met. ? off the -treet* and naying tham rood i waWBS whi!? they are learning. The h!gfc wages paid by the r.iunitior.i maker? have brought about a good deal of unrest in the labor world, and thi? ?vinter promises \o have more than the usual amount of dUsatas. Minera Want M??re Money. In January the coal miners ?Till hold their convention, and frame an agroe rr.ert to he proposed instead of that which expire? on Annl 1. There i? though*, te be. little ..'i?''lihood of their not getting their demand? in ?hepe by 1 that time, b-eause there is s pretty definite idea among the men :n the snthrar.'.tc region that a 20 per cent in? crease ir. wa?es and a decrease from ? to 8 hours D day ought to be sought. Miner? of bitamiacBS coa'., too, are ex? pected ;o ask for bet'erment? la their wage scale. So .'a;, however, there is no indication that th? mii.e owners are prepared to rnaVe any c;rces?ion?. SHIP~TRU^^MM~ITTEE Join. W. Plattes, president of the Halted State? Mo-tjrasre sad Truat Com? pany, in forasiag a committee to reo r*i',:i' ?he common itockhold?r? of th* Intt-rr.atiorHi Mercantile Marine Com? pany, lie member? of tie committee1 wili be announce?-! soon. Mr. Platten will act at chairman. [| wa? understood in the fnaneial district jrseterdsT that the Platten committee will cooperate with the pre {??:.-.(] itoekhelders' or th? Wallace ? Ci.niiiiittee in the formirtiir. of a reor garwutio. plan to safplaat the ons presei ?cd by the Bannnrr! bondholderi* committ"e. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES MIN Pa ?< M?Adv?atur? . Aif.mnh. (? v. MM ut? a i-, "tt . i i? ' ?- Arl* 11 i.'?ium?i A H?C nial . . .. ? er l'.?nir? . ? '? itte . ranklli i Hancock .... 10 Indiana . 21 l?|an 1 <~'r??k pr. : ' :?;? Royal? ?io Lak? Copper -?? Ml Mac? <~on . 10 Mr-, flower UMol.i.? . ?06 New Arc*dl?n... .. Be? Idrl? . ir'ri Butt? .... i" Hbwar . ?4'. ? ?: i le-rmlnlon... 133 ?"i?cenla . 2?i Pond '''??It .... . liner. M isata Fe. ? nr .ti . 10.?io abattue? . I0<1 I? i.l. i^k? . .. "tail .... MB Ht Mary? ijind ipH I 'o;r?r ? ire.:? . 1 MOTrinl'.r - .? Hmelter?... S25 do pr. Ml Utas A;e:< . 170 L'tan On . ,. I? VI - rl.% I .r.r.n* . I'Uol-. ?rlne . BOSTON STOCK?. ING. "pen BW I ? I? HI? ml Hi >'h K 101? 14 W? 5?. I n .!*? r. k n i? 14 l? ? 4 Ml ?. 11 47 ?. 4? J'. 14 I J'i M i si 71 -*. '. ?' |?U *'? w H Sa 13', 4-? 17 U 11 ni i. : 4 ?*? tTJa ??. ?M ? j ? I m i% m 3 4 SBi ? S ?< l . 99% W . ?'S R u i ? !*?> ni M \ ?M s* ' ION 11 I. 1?. [??a ?? le li'-l K1? l?4 4T 4tS 1?. ll\ 3 M ?H ?H MJA M ? i 12 . . : s1 - a3 I I Ha 2* i 134 liv? 4 '? MU l'-H ??? M? 14 Boston Il Boa mn ? ? M c ?ton ' P ? RAIUIOAM ? > A Alh bei I la* B ;' l?? M i". ?71 F?chbur:: :?? Kl.? M ';-.? and ; ' . r, so w Ea i st i. ?4 U'. 15 ?1 ? ?1 IM SA 4 \ (4 : : M H to ; v 50 ;'? MM lit MU ISU Vtr.osker.r <?', ? lo pref.. ', A ri i Pneu S pf. I'?, dtaon . ;? a By pf., IM \i lss ;???. '"-, So pref. -7 H N E Telephon?. II1V? Il 't 1"3 e*lf: . 1 -:, 10 Torrlnarton . ?4-, s Se i vef. Ml 3 Fruit... Ill 134 !"n Fhoe M?rh . 40U 4^-? la pr?t ?,f"4 Vent ira "11. lt 7<". w illaat' n ivitid iv? BONI-?. H.MI Mua? ?; 4<?( "9 M i "? la 'SI . H* 1.000 .??'.fr 5e. ?Ml 3.-.-I t\v?t Tal M ...M BOSTON CURB CXJ?KSQ. BM. A??. 1?: i Ha M "*? -??? 3k Max Me'.al?.. S*? Bohemia ...Mi '.*t Nev Doj*la? ?J> 23 Ohio Cop.. .. :.v V-r!- B? ?', ?rV t t?'? Matai? ?'? s:o rtitt Ml MU | Su BM ?T <V4'4 SMi H II B no M ??4 i S ??'. 17 ? IM - I ; -? Boston El l'n.ft'. ?ru? ?Matf '''?n Majestic n? is ne MS ? ? PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. O'a'p? lil>?r. 5 Am Oss ?i J.. ,MS ? Am Hvs. V 114 l'.uff A Pus t e. 24S M ?.'i ? (?:'' 'ivrrbrli Iran... 4J4 10 6?0 Ceml '.re Pf?el Co i--i.c ?t.-.ruare.. MB '?en Asphalt... pr?t. W In? rv? ?f N ? ?-. J O nrlll pf... 1" Keyatone Tel.. .42 iAk* I . II Let.'.?'. N?v.... US Valla? 'r> SI d?, pref III Pean Sali Mf? l? U l'.r,:. :4t?-I pf ? . r. Phll? O?. : r i" II? : . R r ctf? I a T?action. Tin- <?? . O? In '??? Imr .? .- . .?- B io?? 114 U ler??y & H.. ' Lj BONI - tsMBZ.VJlSil ???W .... -, Vtn rtf, 1.B ' Harwe - Interstate It 4a i m l? s ? ??. iua M K 71 !?*? ? 14?4 9*J '? 174 H:?h .?H li -, ?!> 14 ?sa l*% ' t'.i_ ?.1 ni i . 4 ? 73 ''?. ?? MM i ' ? M 14 m Wi M ? . ? I la?' 1!? S3 031-. H . 73V, ' ' ? M I l CHICAGO STOCKS. . .-? n 11 7.11 Mai 110 Am ShlpMd? ISO do pief. M 123 1 Ttern pt 1 :'i flilc Tneu Tool V", ' R) Ne ta Ita M TIU? A Trni : i'.niAea.-h !. : Ut\ H3'-a 170 Diamond Match W " M'. Hart ? A M pf IM . lUInoll VrWk. 71 .'? Liadaay i-i?ht . il? BWtfl A l'o.12? 'nlon '"i.rbl.le :'? BONI'3 m IMH i: KM v? Ri ? M ? ?. ? r,m ?? otn K M??.!! Il . Morris 4'??. . ?j :?r, ns* i? i M fool . Mit f"H Mi Ml ..s '? ? '? ISM? l?t?4 ?y. I w Mi v> ' ? : >? tu 43i. I - ?M 74 M 17? :??.". SMi MB . Mi m s?i (M mm,jrt i?. >??? SMi BALTIMOB1 STOCKS ?, Oren High. Low I B?7; Tru?:.IS Ml 1-" : i>,n '"o?: IM '-on ro-*er ....111 1 1.0 Com 'Teilt pf -? !Bt ? m l?n . ?'? IDO do pref ?! ?aira ' ' *' : rinanc? a ?; pf ?- ?* >' m rtaa u?t?k. ?Mi I -. IN Meixl A M i?* M B i M. il, A- M Tr 4 , ?? ? ISO Pa Wa!-; A P I? pul. Sa? H M Ml : Symlnst' '? .. :., pr?i . loi?? ?l n Ban ? . m R? A Basa i% Mt? Ma HO.MI8 Ans- A Bot 5s M N >? Bmt Ele? I? CMr et h ?? 'M '-'7?? i'\ '' . do '43 .... !?? ?' K C Lum'j ?f? '?'? i: ? '?'?'-* Mi BtN M " 91 ?7 M | P'ee; Fa 100 r? S* a P h , ?:. Mti ?*t*rro?r l't I ' ?' '!'i T P> A. I.l in1' M do u? Is.... l M *a PITTSBURGH STOC ua? B t Am W O Mr?. ? ,-.f . ? .. < aall-v Kl^ar 11) <\.n lo? if. ':? : tabla <!ae 14'? 14?? ,. Ul | i:re?r pf . || ?? ?4i La B?"? ' * 9. I4S I m i? rr?f ..IM VA M'r? U A H ?MJ M Nat Fire r. ua M U'?''0 1.100 1.000 1.000 :.ot? ? M ? 1.000 U.00O I0OO ?alaa -m 14.1 ?0 ?O pr?f IM 1 7"0 -'-'? * 114 11 ? f.S 1? BIITV, lau . ?t/aatlasti A H ua?, BOND?' tni ?Ir??e1n? ?r?f 'ihlo F?'? ou? r "'? on Oklahoma Oa? Pitts Plat* o Pure "Il Htt? '?r. a <? y?r. Toi In P?i- ' I .'.'?? t! ? . ? . KS. I-as 2? !.? I 10 144 120 -. --j nil m 174. ??i .1 ira 1S*H '. 4 S u 22S ? 1 \ la S? ? 73 ?0 ni m 71 ? l-'-a Mail -. '. i"3S 7 l.a?t 1?7 W i 113 ! -?< ''. ?0 ? l . I I . 13?\ M . M ? ? >7'| ?7 Ml - t w? ? ? ? . r* ? 14?, 1? Mf? 1." 4 H us 7-S I7\ j II 17? l?'*i 1? I ?11? MIA f?H FRENCH SENATE RATIFIES LOAN Terms, Which Mean 5.68 Return, Hailed as Great Victory. PAYMENT COVERS LONG PERIOD Bank ot France Increases Gold Reserve 24,000.000 Francs in Week -More Available. By YVES GUYOT. SB-1 ??? "? I BBS I Ag?r-? . . ., St n-.a- .-? ; 3j " sSta B* T>? Trtbu.-.a ) Pans, Nov. 18.?The Senate voted the ?quida'ion loan with the same unanimity as the Deputies. 255 Sen? ators out of 300 voting. Tho follow? ing day, rimultaneously with the pub? lication of the law in the "Journal Officiel." ?ters appeared a decree signed by the Finance Minister, uet tbng the condition? of the loan. The issue opens on Noven),or 25 and i?; unlikely to close Later than December 15. If the minister de? cides that subscription? have reach? ed a satisfactory figure ho can close them earlier. In any ?ase, the sub g*g*riban a,o certain to meet with r.o reduction in subscriptions. Suhscrip '"i"iii England and America. w-hich would benefit by the rate ot ex-'hange. ?ire not guaran tcc-'i. Ai (oraaatm, payments- .urepted in cash for 100 francs' stock and multiples thereof?may be uistn* uted over a considerable period. Thus, 10 francs the day of subscrip- ? tion for twenty-six days from Janu? ary 15, 191? ; twenty-six ?lays follow- i ing. February 15 and March 15. The : three latter are given a fortnight's ! grace, rrrak'ng January 81, February 28. March 31. the latest da Adirn.'v on It i i . Subscriptions reeei\-ed at the fcoi t. in the colonies abroad, or from savings brake must be paid up immediately. Treasury defence bond?., whose lastM essass November 2". will be taken in payment at the issue price. Actual interest work-i out at 5.6o per cent, but we must - DO| a that the loan will be converted ? hon January 1, 1931. If then con? verted into 4'2S, and in thirty years: in*o 4s, and in forty years into 3HS, the rate should be calculated aa ."..40, which is still very high. The Hank of France is empowered to Mate advances on loan stock DO to 7" p-T cent of its valu?. The loan imme diately was chn-tened one of victory, which every "ne is convinced to bs no exaggeration. (?old K4??er?-e Increased. Last week'-: gold brought into tho| Hank of Franco 21,000.000, making: the total gold reserve 4.NO?>,000,000. j An4l there is still gold available inj the hands of individuals. French exports for the first ten months of 1915 amount to $470,400, 000; imports, $1.240,700.111)0; the former is augmented $ 1', 1,200,000; the latter diminished ?382,100,000 from the corresponding period last, ?asar, In 1911 exports amounted to $1.,iw.|,,?iii,hO0. of which manufact? ured objects amounted to $577,300, 000. In 1914 manufactured object. amounted to $452,880,000; this year only $2Mr900,000. LONDON QUIET; COPPERS FIRM American Issues Dull Japanese Bonds Easy Some Buying for Investment. London. Nov. 18. - The stock market to-day Brsa generally quiet in the absence of any special simulating fea? ture. The usual investment transac tiona recorded, but JspS bonds ?rara ea*y ind International afar? can'ile Marine reaetsd. Copper ?hares were firm SB American advices ami rubber ?tocks improved strain, follovv int- the ri-e in IBS ?a material. Con soli sere anchan?*?*?1 at So. The at loan elssed BBeaaagsd ?.t MH, Except for a ni'"i rate nniount of IBS in the low-priced Issues, American securttiet ??ere dull and In? clined to droop on the rise in exchange. The bank I Bflglaad bought II,?"?"". 000 in foreipn com. Bad iblppsd i'l'"'. 000 in ssvsrsigai to Spain, C170.000 to .South America, ?57,000 to ? anuda and ?20,noo to the United States, aad eur raarhed ?-'?">,"n" :"r a^ilscslUae*>as pur? poses. Money ??as Ifl quiet demand. Dis? count rate? ??ere steady owing to the poor bank return. American eSShsBge ??as firmer, cable transfers ranging from Lot?'* to l.S#*4. Money loaned at 4l? per cent. Discoun' rates far short and three month?' bills ?vere ?. '. per cent. (?old preni! .m .'? Lisbss ?aa "Ann. Paris, No? 18, l'rsdinK ??:i" quiet on the gtoarse to ?lay. Three per cent rente? closed '-'?" rer.'imes lower at ri? francs, 10 centimes. Exchange on Lon? don? 27 franc-i 71 '.? centimes. l.oM'ON i LOSING I'RK KS. I Y * -? lunsolg BtatMM ?i 4^s **~""l !. Bali a Ohio >** . in? lien i'-> II ,' ? i 's . ?., . ? ? .'. ? - ? I . ' ' . l'a . . '? . Eri? lat pi ,;- '. . , ?ntral l?. .1. .'. N.l-' M I ?: a T*s **J .?liai. ...ns i ? -. ? Nr.ifrlk * tt???t Ot llltj III ? V, ? -\ SI - ?? Ivanla . ?S *.'??'. ?-' . R...llng ???????* ' * "-? rn It-, . i ?? - '? ,.,!?' 14 '. H?S K? , It? swn roll can bonds. V I!. I ' '. '? ? ? ?'? ? ., ? Ma.-J .,..'?. . S ? . 4 ?:. ?4>*s Jun? ? ..... i T ??? ., '. ... 4 . J ?M , . 4 , ? ??. IX'-? : '', ? I-,, .: . ?4'*? May-' ? . Mareta ? ?41,, Mi '. ?i , ? ? ?la. So . .,, No, , ' ? :, 4 ? . na i 4. 4 1? 4 M ' ???? !1 i a.; ?J',?. Ill* . *? -,.,....,n??,???. ^f..,..M -? matt ?C**r* PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Market Has Ner? vous Undertone. 1 1-3 to \%c Higher at Close. N't* Tor? Norerafcar IS. ''I! WHEAT. ti ?M ar. tsaaM ?t2lm-..:t :broia*"ui rMt-rda-?? ?c?r?il?aa tad u m I dm Sap ??7u?? wer? i%a to ?Se Bal Masar Tr.? under ? ? rataav .-.?r.o.u. ?.. near ?r.j it *?? ti> ra.-T.' me -r.e -.ta> t; ,ar?e ?aa ?" ?p prebenat?? of Irr?, pateta m Eurrje. ?tDwIi.l? in ta? B?;k?.-.s Ra?.-? ::.??. QM BrtUih loTernmer.l an'i-tra:?.! attune? -e? rol of : ? ???!.' ? .:??..?? -, -?.-?lied t tj.7.?:. Interpretation to ?t,i?c <;ua-ter? ar.,1 ha I a w-vd u?a; to do .|th t.'.e la- ? a.!.?. I :?*? cms? . ,*?r pr.'. wUrh might t? r?f!ee'#.1 by a ,> would r, ? .IU4 .? ?hlproatiu U ?:.* Cmitta-Al nhi-A n lb? .-?- : S-.i-r In UM American au ? Kiport orden ?<-"? 'n .t It-? Vi-.rj IB? d?r. but ?IJii It wa? rimer? I tbsl ?a-- ? ?;'1 pmK ? 'jr.: trt rally a mil;: . . . would ? ? big ;>erc?c'aj? f American hard . Ou'.f porta, tl.a report? ?-r Crm*.. MM ?em? laaal e.,? rtar? ?ejd th? buttnoa I htd been wall Ta I-eerr-'c' rarr | i. .?.-- r.?u.s ;3 \tlfr ? rr.r? . sad '?i , ?-.? rev?1"? ristrdlTii t.i? r r- p :n Ars?ntlna ?nd Auatrii:* in tri? loeal : -ir.. ??, ,j i ?ad ?? ?I 1. 4 ' " 0. "M !.. ... iltrta II OyV : ?n'1 Ba i Pa ??. ? ? Ku-S.., CORN. ?? ' ? ..-? I . ?-? of ??:? 1 ~ . ?? I M " ' ? ? ? ' - a '?;.-.-? fi ? cha II .-. : ? . :?. , . . -..?? - ... - -r?r? !?r?*r i- ?. ihl ? it r? n..: t,,rn ?>i;, , ? - n??r i- - | - . ??a? ?a-asM ... rt?4a m om\ ?hliuaent. ?ATS. ? || - ?? .?,,. :?,,..?. , . ? ' ; -?????? --. aj? r? 'ir-. it ... ?Mallet r, it 4I\ ^ ' \ III?4 rdln?i7 t. ' . RY?. ??a.:-, ?f, | W.,.tri! tl '\ | ? ?.? NEW YORK PRICfS. ,,.. Testar ,l>.?i ?'pen Rlfh. I/?w. r;m? <1?, Mai ... _ iJJjJ , n <vh?, CH,CAG0 PR,C" Ee5* h!? tau i-ffN un ?gi m?t \m\ '. ira I " > Cor:, gMMbOT ?OH -tl?ai .?01* ?Is? ?o?; ..-?-?r ,?nH .a?,, -,0u 41s? ?0?. x>? ?4-, .' ?I?, ,- r.i i ,,., r>??-?n,G.r ?4i4 ?HI BjM .-.|?? ?ai, ??) ? Bj Ml ISV FLOUR ANO ?4EAL. Flour w?a flrn -, tl-.. ??/. . , .,. irlj ^, I -?rat? .... - - I ? ? i T?4 i ^vr? \ ? j -, i- . -. j( ? ISAS; fjnc? .;- . , >U. la ?5 <??' 7- f|i RWREAT H.'l It ' ?- liar?.- aulet, IJ ' p.-, i; n^>l R S-.?.iy; '?|r ? I, iS Marts I ' ?'.'?<- . . ? ? ? ? > ? ,? | ? - . . FI ''n ? :? ??.? ' ' ran, bull I.. ; ?lo. f 13 flour ? ? 140 ib ?ti-ka, I 14 ??eli?. I.' ? stan.l? ' ? PROVISIONS. II"C prort'ict? ? ?-? - . ? ? i pitea? e?r> ? ?a ? flrn e- ' ,-e to :>e !. | ? ,.irU ? I'n. :- ? ? I ? ?? ifW ?ad toward Ifte .-in? ?t ' the ??j-lv g?;: It.. r.ip.. of r.. j, at i'h!-?ip> wr-r? w "no. satlnataal for I'll.av la.MO; K?'..?? I'lly recel??, f.? ? '. iin.a: a. 4.1-0 PORK Stead-; re? ? ' fam..?. |?2,#IM50, . ?rt . ..-?r. ?!?? S0(l?ttfl BEEF Qulst; '..'?? H>. ? ' ? ' ? ? - ? p*.-ket 116 ,',0?tl7; nr? India >.. ??? ;." ? ? r.i!;:-?-i.ii in?;.? rim. ; ? i . . rt'T MiTATf? I'likvt UUIet IT-: ItVH l1-,- It Ba, ', i: It 1 - . ? ? ?m ?t :? Pa;.-.'.'A -? -. . . - " 3 -?? ?. eniintrr. 7 *?>?.-. I.AUIi-n:--. mid * ?'5-' ??ti itrd. >.:.?ly: qlMttd at ?'. r?r ? : lard. ?ule?. seothxal l Beotli AmtrVan, '."MOe; Hrarll. ?af?, 7: pound, ?tea.ijr: raoUd ?' laattic '?"TT.AKINK- I"1rrr.; .?'.eo, 10c. Ctt, '.ard ?u-ar'.r.?. 10*?' CHICAGO PR0VI1I0N?. Y' ' - Larl f)fon Uli:'.; J/v H ????. day. Jar.uar? . 1.11 111 '.''?' fit V 10 aft) . ?!7 ?41 0 M f >' Rib? Jii.'iary Mlv I', rk Jan?iarr . 14 '1 1"*0 1? 42 1? "J IS.ST jfav . KM !?' M II ',1 I" "0 1" St COFFEE. CotTee wu a??r du-l:?- lha earlr .-.paratlori, Mr?: r' i? belai 1 to 4 potnt? loMr, ato? to funii?r rf wee'v.??i In Drull, bit d ?r\rg the ?lajf iaraleced flmineaa ?ad ?t th? ..;.)?? ?a? ? t?. 11 , polr.-? net hi?l.-r Totti ?aaa tTM? 4" COO '?a. T*i* ?dTaree -jaa due 'o a?rr???lT. buylrif ir. t'l? T'rt of ^perat' r? <r!. ? I:at? rsetf.tlj ' een ? ?' ? ; Hlltn? "M- ?? i '-: -???'?'? ml?? M > me ne* buj-ln? foi iisl '. ? ? Trn.l? l:;ter.>'a ? -M ??It? 'r?.r .?n la? Daw ' " to-iar\ ft.? .?...?? of ti? dar il.? .?eii.a... ?uffldant ?OlUDM ti ?-' . ? ' ? :?? a? "n.ent wa? So? >?/' to remen to? >a? fafora'-l? cr>.p ne?? h?.I been rr'el.-: Ilrajll and or the theorj Ua' tl,* I ?In wa? aU'ji.?*r aa a r. ?i:: I OS I ?''. IkOUSd? 'i ? ..-/era In th? r. a: tad '? l?W marke- ???? ra?v fr-.m Han'oa MM ?'"?'1'. fr '?? Bio Bt were effsre?1 !.. tl,? fost , ' . ?? . ? ?nd 4? at ?C , 4- ?' '.o: ?.? IS-.-, ?n.l , | , , , r r? wer? ;,-- ? ?? ' Al ?pol marke' ??? Ir.actli ? . im-lM-iSWl ?t 7S '7-t fot Klo 7l H?n|? et ?t OpM, Hi?'. Urn ' M BAMMkai - ' '? .. I.ST ?49 ? " .1?' uarr I'el.ruarr ... .?.17 S.I ' .... ?7S ? so e ..... June . ? .?7S r -* . ? 7? ' .?..?? . ' ?I r-.r ?' 17 K '? ? 6 ?? H.M , _ . M 1.?4 , SUGAR FUTUBES. m . . ?.- .?r I ? i?ar trad? tpeptred ti '',:..:.?-?? . mi ' ' 7 ?> r ?? BtShn. Kai ft of i r! ? I ^ r Opsn. Hl?h. I?w ?'i.-ae ,1a?. N'.Terr.'.er . . ? I :? . .3 "?) ? ' * j... ..r> ..?:?? ' -' V* ruar? ... . ? Mai ib I.N ?A4 ? "I ? ?' ? ? v Mil' . .71 II 3 14 ?>? .1 '.7 3 I. J . ? i .... . . AUCDSt . -- b?p-?mb?r .... ? ??.ot?r . ? ? ? COTTONSEED OIL. ?'oi'iataed oli w.j firm a.-..i at UM ?MM et BM d?r talura wire 1 I I poin'? net ' ./!.?- Tra.i..? wu fair!? aethe. total n;'? unoui Ils f to 1...-? ? u : ?r.- a Kai/a M Vetter o:,?' ii.< - da;. Mal ? 10 7.7". V.?emr.*r ' '> 7 77 ?y. ^ .. rio M lai ,?rr : vi ;i* :? r? -:ia.T --??-? MareU . . 7?1 7 ?4 ?! 7 ?'<) April B.M ??- ? "- " i "" ' '?* Mav . . '. >'? t M * ? ' ? ? ?.OS ? 01 JMS ... 81' * il > I? "'. METALS. The lo ?: itr*?t niaik?: I?f .nppvr w?a flr.n ? '? . ?IteUolytta quotavl at l^ilK'a Ou 'f.t New ^>,rk M.'aa Ex? ? ?? ' '?'?'?. ?M* In s t*. ? 4. Uad wat ui bl l?ed at I .' aake.1 'nr .N?rw > '-. tpot ar, t S i:..r aak> I for Ea?'. ?' I/','.' Bp? .>.--. Y.j-k -.i? : ... '.. 1 17 "' - :> " ?.:?- I. .. ??.-..'. ? ti MI ' . ? I; ? b i ITS IS? :..i Kai 'lar.l ?, ? . ?. ? ..:-.?. laid st- ? : i ? :.,r future?. .Ilh ?tl?- f M UM i ir-. < Ol MliV ?'K(?[)i ( I MUMvKTS. .\f? V.irk. V??mUr 14. lSili. BUTTER. li/ ... 4.1 pa. ktav?. '!!>? ah'.r'.ate of hi?!) fr??h . r?au.ery l,aa ?el L??u r?>T?d. ar.d ptice? w?r? t\ir\.rt ?dtaaeed ?Hh ('il'? a firm t ' ? la I? a Uttlt ni.-r? p!, k.r? ??a, a' tt.- aadei ?? laaauii of the??, rr 1 , ?'. ' .?? ? - ? ?':,'!' I'raaaery, e?:ra. i ? , :, . ?e--. n.U, ->?l .' . third? . ( r tirara. ?' ?:7'v ?'? '. r . ?ate.|. .in. -IS ar..!.. -*??. I* '--"v ' ,c' -**T l'?."Ui* .'ir!; Juna m??, ?ne, .1 ' ? -" ? - ?,., : .. . ? r ..-? i-v -1 lent CHCKSC. * rueelnt. 1.14? boi-a Tl.? ?M*H . U ? ?. ar?-r t*a l'?i"-t inaulrr .????'?* ??';'?? ? ? '"' .'*'. ."" ? ' ? -zi 1- !?l \ lia : t?.?. , , . Amerl ?v I' . '7 . . ??law.! I.'al.l a?fl?H m4"* ?t-?"?1?. . tZ . .'boire, 1V ',?. i^r le r. 1. 1?* ram. n. 4 , IDH? EGGS iO.aip'i ?I- a?. i : ?' ??'.l.?i?l ?u? <:<?u ileut In liant ?upo;, "a:,. > ne-? lai.1 ?aailtlc? rar> MM ?M in? >Lx?d ouailUat ?f frath rsr-g? of sat.-?? r?.Uig :? ?bou? th? tua? a, last 1 lira ill ? ?c:,n. I ,r? ' ? - 4' 1. . " ? ? M N . ! . . ? ? ? ? 1 - .. rag ?? ?i *r?ts. - - . -. I', ;.. Slid ??-. -, '? i ? ? saitwrfsl- ?Uu?. to un?. ! Siatr. > ? ? ? .-.-. t-iru-i? Jv.?4^ gath- I .r. . IK r,?arS?. r? , - - HAY ANO STSAW. T?ier? i? a , .,:.; , ,,,;., tor.? SB th? higv.e?t ira Im ,? tl?tc'_ , bag, but uha.-vriv, ...? ,,. .. '"??4 : ? -i ivx ?:i ir. .?,-ge Sal?? fci? r?lh?r ?laeptlcraL IU, .arg? bsusJ tltt'lhj. -f.-x-t -??r -.*.. ?. No 1. Ill, j?o J to No . I.V-??4 ?I?. L *TK.v\?. No 1 I,?..??)?!.!, ?ma;!! -* ?* t tjsja FRiSH FBI/ITS. ,. i**1** * ::l5* 2:-,r ?>**" ????<*> Gratis tn Wit l'-rr T On .:. ar.1 ?r?4?fr.:lt sel'.lng ?-'? r.r.eagp-a Ir. ?-.p , aTMAS. M I . IJS0BI4: Wolf Iilr.r ?? JM? ,t 13.5: Tors? lmp?rla. I: ?3,4?? :3 We? ? ' ?? IV ,.,, ? ? ' ? ? ?f- Seul , ? Iff. . . I It, .?i i ?? < 1. | ? He\ 4. I.?SI ? -i i na ; . ... . , ; .-..'?erg 11 So ?14 :' ? S-ajma- Wi .,, <: 1:411?] ?Allies*-) |l lila, a Twig Was i 4: .- ,} ? Pearauln. J. ; s'- 14?i b;? a n- ?. . . 4. ?? ... i. . < ilrtroe-s t; >-., |;,?T|i:.'. ri:.\Rs IV.rr. a.? ??i. Rstirrs Cigltiaau, J.'*r Betirr? . 5M.'4I4 Sheldon, I ||S. Uosreil. ig? -?51 ????. i4a?r?m?a 19 W 483 rl K?lf*?r 11- i ? aaS.T ao.? S.V. .?HAI'KM. ?rat? Mai? r.-- J. - .J. .' ?Liu, 4 ??-' II > a . 4 I ? I ...,? .? , I to traja, i <i ' ? and I'atawb?. p*r ? 1. |4 , i HANPKKIUErt. "ap. , . 1. 1st. a. r-s. I??.. ?rat? I II ? , , . -? - ? . :?-.. , -, . , .? ? ? ' ? ? J.T-s?) a-.?.- i?r I-J-- M. J r..-, ,r?u. 11 .?.?4. ; ? lala ' shl. MSS,' >0: ,-ra'? 11 ?? - I! . KU1S. '?l? da' i i ?'I'"- s :.; \?v Uf lllti.s ' i 1' pit! . ..ttil ?ii ...\. - ?'? ?- ?I?'.' ?RA.M'.KS ' ailf-.-rala. hug, I -' :. 1 ? ,f -,,i; Iam?l..a. I ! ? Pom Kl-., ? . ?S- Vwi'i ?. ? i on ia. t<r i!i?l' II :? i|? H vt ?' ' ?- ? ? ?trap, u .. " -.) mure Y*\ II I . rid?, to, ? M?l|4 . u 4 >. -.It. Porto II.'',. Il J4 Jan,a... Nassau, Il 118)12 -a I : |J ?S ,4, AVOCA?) PBABS. lia ,rat? it^?:? POTATOES ANO VE?ETABLES. :, to Arm. ?w*?t t-'-?'., higher; ai .1 wea? . ? i. ? ? ? 1 ?r.ik. hoil?.i.s. mu.h -rs a'rlUi , .-' u - ? ? a if?? 1. 1 ?'? . liM^iU U, lu?a, par l.o lb, t I . ?. ii Maine, il ; ? .>.?.?. ?' ,t. -..- 13 183 - M '. In i il*, i" If Iba. ?jai.' I! r-.^ J'. -.??I. ?O. J. M? tiag. I! ' ,'?- I ? g ?. ?. Ill M g ith? '1 ''* ??-?.? S -.-?..-r.. :.. |1 ?' ,t|., Utt I Vrsa. bbl II r?g| IS; I'?.? K MUS ral loa '-4.. -r.?a. liytllO, AltTl- i ClIOKKB. i ?i, Frivtich, Ir-.n., |:.t?: ? 'or ?? ?I I ' ?14, liKtSSlM-l SPROI - II I ,.? ?r salle; ii. .In.r.1. 14 If. Ill ?M4 K r. ?r-.. II . ,. i IS. ?wen II ?3?83t3 ? ? Ml half bbl 14 VI HKETS i.??rhr bVl. T?.-?|i I ? WITS. a,.- pa IM-lk ' ??. rleOll i n't M I I'.KHs I.? U ?" tlV I AH: '. ' ? ? I. ? ', .1'.. '?I r*,l. PT ????-. ' til ' .4,1-1.1 Vl.irVV! II- I, a l.lsiid -I ' I ? |] ,f! :?,. . un "itY. ; ?? i r't.lHY .t^ I . . ? , , ? oi c vt.. n $-, ?? toar HOIWKHA018H . I.ETTT'CK, ?tat?, < los crata S1?SI-1 ! t>? ?>"?? i i-rsis. r.? ?-??? tasfcl III >? ?.'-1 N < ?i\ RKANS ' iV. !: 183 ?S i ?i. ' ?hit?, crsw or Ukt ftc ? ? ,. I II; red ?'-' '1 Cor.n ??. e> ? it 41 .i .*i .". ,,,t. u I WrtUrti, rad. hag. - ? Oraaas. Costal ?. - ' ? r?d, ?. .'? ' - ?? *?, h>? ?. ?. ' \ F.a. .arrt.r II 4 ? 1 iAi- ?a ,ar<- p-r '.arge '?:?' i , heat, ?l W?l. " . Va ?mail. p?r line [?*;. ?1 ?.?? -i 12 ?," .rual; I ?it. liai!. N '. $; .? 113 38; I C . i ris '? ?? PAH.1NII'? PI Ml KINS PI H ? . . ? ? f ?'.- ' II . If'.l ? ;. if: ?,o ROM ? -.-..?!!.?.??? ? J Pia :y tit M i: ?:> - . sii il. va "-- lira SQ1AS1 il I. I 11 ?Ii 19 nisrrcri. < .11.1. I '? 33; mta baga. i ?bag 5oc?|l T"MAT"I s, ?ai. flat i.,i. !. ' ig II. if. a |i, \? ATT.llI lll.'Ss. LIVESTOCK MARKET. N.v? Y'rk. N, II. Brrvis. Bgastf** ' :-' atasl; main:/ *a ?:?'i^'?r BS tral? ?f lm;?,rtar.-,. fueling .teldjr. Dr????<] b??f In nnder?'? demai I at las? r.ntatlons. CAL V El. R?^?lrt!. ii? lieid 141 'n t?le. V.?l? ?low ? ' i ,ad). griser? n.,oiln?l. FaJr to ? ? reals io'.1 at |ffl '' ,':: ;?r lOfl lb; 4r????,| .alvri ? | -. ''OvintTt ... tit?. Urusaet giaaatrs and fed ealtaa, SHEEP AND LAMBS. R.-.-lp:?. 3.l.'0 r-.-j.l, >?? .-ars on ?a!.: roark.t <ju'.?. prl^s? st,a,l'. Prim? lan.t'1 ? i a' It 33 f ? ' !?- 1 ? . .14.751 !? * -,"? ?' i',-', ,lr.??-ri inutt,^. quiet ?'. -..,i ,ai .!,, ,'eady at UHaJ>!?>; h?g , si l'?,i*11 . .''e.'rr lr^.*l h<xl.,iu ? l?rubs unohange.1 at If ? til per rarcaa HOt.S. H?,-?t[f?. 5.001 head I, sala r?p<vrt?d ?n Mr? w.lgl.t. Keeling ???< i 'ir-ry dr.??*d ?,,?js **a?*?> -? per lb; r?.,??tli.g pig? hlgh^ at 14 III LOAN AIDS EXCHANGE Tran-fer? at 4.19?* in London?Italian (?uotatlons Higher. London, Nov. 1?. American exehane? responded further to-dav to the reM dent crsdil ur ran (remonta, und trani fers rose ta 4.MH and iM% on the knowledfre that the comml'tee of bank en ?.'?',,<"h i? andoassiiBa to arrant?? ;t cr.'ii,'. in the I't'.i'ed State? to re- ' th exchange rat.- :?oon ?vill have ?. Btial sum? to deal with the prob? lem. The ord/.nery check rate ro?e to 4.77M and ihe Stock Exchanjre check rate to |.72*a and 4.73. The plaa to mobilize American se- ', curities In this country as collateral for further financial aid is much dis- ' d. but repeated inquiries have .;.,;.?<! to disclose detail?, either from b.-ink? r- or esehsBsje bosses. Quotations on the Italian and Dutch rtock aMBBBgas to-day were much higher. Those on the former wen ?taflaoBCe i by heavy purchases in the L'nated States. ATEBAOB OF THF TRIBI'M'.'S LIST m i in n Si k\ii a November IS, jesaterrlay'? clo?e IMJCI N.veiiilier IT.111."5 line vv eeli ?no. .11S.SS8 Due .m I. lago.116.11 ? lull 30. 11)11 .101.1'5 High for i)< tuber .|S*JS1 Le?S for .llrl.m J|i.,li for Septrinhrr.H'MIIB Ii? for ?.ei.tember.BtfMSJ II.ill. for August.100.181 Low for August.105.001 Huh for July.lO.VSM l.o?? for Joly. 101 911 H r? I, for -lone .108.817 Low for June .10S.?'IS High for May.111.S3S I.o?t for May .104.829 High for April .113.508 I.o??- for April . . .107.?S7 High for Mareh_.10S.108 Low for Mareh .102.558 High fur Kebnusry.101.758 low for renr-iaxy.101.ISS High for January.108.011 l,ow for January .108.517 High, lima far. 1915.ltl.ISS low. thus far, 191.. . i01-'9* High, full ?ear, 111 I .IM?>?' Low. full ?ear. 1?I* ***** lU;Rl.,l OF THE TRIBI VKR LI-4T OV THFLVE IXDrSTBIALV V(1?muer I*. yeaterday'. cl4>a? 88.ISO Voseml.-r IT. . W!M" . 9.V854 One week a???. One month ago .95.808 Jul? 30. 1914. ??'??" High SJB 4lclob??r.W.-joe Low for Orlolser .01.4 It High tnr ??eptennber.VPi.t'90 Low for .September. S*l..,oo High f".- Auen?! .SS.?50 I^,w for Align?*.l...BsVtBa II..-'. fur July . 8)1.000 I .?? Bat Jul}.80.218 High for June .85.888 Lot?- tor June .78.311 High for May.85.050 Low for May.74.171 High for April.8.V1SS Low lee Atari .75.344 High for March .75 131 Low for M:iri h .70.094 High for Kb: oary .7S.S8S Low for February .89.3-iS High for J?i.uar>.78.118 In? for January .70.77S High, thi? far, I'll!,. ??I.700 low Um? lor. 1913. ?0.54t High, r.,11 year. 1914 .11.004 Low. full year. 1014.?.187 IIS 13 09 U 214*1114 1111 - II ?till 91 11 ?? I 13 11 II 1! ?Sail 4 II ?? 'RUSSIAN' COTTON BUYERS REAPPEAR Estimated Sales to These Sup? posed Agents 35.000 Baies? Market's Tone Steadier. Th? cotton market ?howed continued ?rregrularity during yesterday'? trading, but the undertone wa? rather steadier The c'.ose va? steady, at a net adrane? of 6 to 14 points. January contracti. which had io!d at 11.60 early, rallied to 11.73 and cloaed at 11.71. with other deliearUs showing similar fluctuation? Near month? were relatively easy under scattering liquidation. The ?ame brokers who were credited with buying for Russian interest? dnrtng Thur* day*? trading were buyt-r? yeaterda> Mtlssated niter the cloae last Riffelt that the demand from thi* source had taken contracts for fully 85,000 bales out of the market here in the two ?'ays. Thi? buyin; was aupposed tobe -against the forward requirements of Rassiaa ?pinners, who consider con ttact? for spring and summer delirerv here relatively cheap, a* comp?ied with Southern ?pot markets anil carrying chars??. Other foreign interests who are not in a poaition to undertake imm?diat? importations aro sis? aupposed to hsr? i urci'as-'ti Muieteraals lino? of con ttaetr? in tho market hure recently. Th? aaasaad frota thee? sources has helped to absorb th? Liverpool straddle Bailing rr tho liquidation of speculative bug account? limerai busine??, howerer. ?ras ?gain quiet, and local trader? ap? pear to be waiting for a more conclu? sive view of the crop or ?oot m?rk?t devel >pnunta befort- undertaking fr?ah commitment on any important seal?. The market opened steady at a de? cline *>f 2 to 6 point? in response to relatively steads cable?, but ouickly rallied on covering and lossl bull aup port, ?rith linces Mittag about lo to If joint? ml Bigher ?luring the middle of Eks day. The further advene? in ?*.?r linjr exchange and unfavorable w?sth?r in '.ho South helped the upward mevo ment, which wa.i alio encouraged by talk of an improving ?pot demand. D? uiand failed to broaden, however, and the market later reacted several pointa under realiiing and rather aggreaaire ?riling by ?orne of tho broker? with op tewn connection?. Private cables reported a very quiet market ?n Liverpool, and house? with Livarpeal connection? were moderate ?eliura here during the morning. Local missiijn houses reported very few m srdsn either way. Southern spot markets hs officially roported were 12 points higher ta 18 point? lower; !ly unclinnged. Export? w?r?* Id, ?les, milking 1,464,387 ?o far ?eson. The local mn.':et for ?pot cotton w?? quiet and 5 point? higher at 11.76, aalos, 2041 bale?. Range of prie??: Tutor ?>l?ti lllsh. Ixm ritme. .lay ? ? II IT 11 II 11 4 '. 11 ?9 11 4' 11 ?j January lit? Mi ll?o II'ISUT? II?'. 1 v 111 ii ;<i M.r-h liai l-i.s lit?. 1,1-9 S110? il ?i II * 111? Mv .......11 il il n n pi i] i|#itit i: j ? - u n nor il"? i ii? ?? Aus ??t fftt- mil ?r . ?I II 1 R>?>lpts at UM p. r?? anil !rt?rtm BeSStS ?Mtli c..u)?r'?.?r.i. MWx lut Lut Praaant TV tar ???? ?r*?r. at.iel? ?alT??t^ . | a?.' ??'? Ir.Jfl 23l.ll? .V.w Orleans .)>.32? l.8?7 11.;?.') .?' ??! Mi'tle . 12? Ml l.oil 21.W.. ??arann*h. mj 4 . ' "? ?. " : JJuminrioB . t.oii 711 lot.; i?,toi Norf".? . J.llf 2.Mi l.ijJl I???? ?Italiluior? . ? ? _ 2'lit \gem r??* . ? - 2? mifii ? ??"0 . U ? 140 i.CIl ?hi? . ?? i? JOS? . ? ?- ?Mi? I ? ? .!>:! I'l ?7. 41.14? 1.141? 7T4 Ii..-r"-r I ?" |.?4I ! MT 1TB.TT4 . . 4 ?'? 12531 I 4- .?- I ? E < "'? ? 144 2.441 12.111 :i ii. il i.ti-n-T 1 ail?? ?pet . ?ti.? in leod ?? ? I ??' < 1 ?? ??. -u.a'lon an ? ??port. ? 1 ? , '? 21.00?, tl! An. r MB Ml.) upli ruten? upsne.1 It???"-. Bael)*n?ad lO ?-j notnt Iew?r 4 In??? ?? ?'?I7 at a net ... fl tn i.?.t 3 point? J? . r?b, ?*M, Mar Atr 17?VI. 34?-, J'li.a. 4 7-',! JuItA'h. h ,'4.i. 1. ? v , , || ;. yta . . V?riu an I tlnijis .Ju|?t an I fir-. ? 1 ON THE CONSOLIDATED. BThile the railroad share? were ad? vancing on the Consolidated Exchange the irmeral marltart sagged. Anaconda, changing hands at 90s?, declined to H%. CrneibU Steel opened at 74, which was It? highest. Amcricsn Loco motive tottehed 71 "*?. and then fell back to 99. Union T'u'iti? ?ii?) not get above i ; i " - STOf KS. Ba Hltfh l/>w I*?' ??.-??". . , M% if. ?A 2?, ? ? mar? !s ', ? '? 32% - ,a?r > <A ?. "?? ? ? ?" . m ' a lit, -, '?-. 11 - I I ? . .?--?? W Am ke a ?I 24?? lit 21 21 ? ?? ?o?e I ? . ???? '"S - i?.r ll". Ilia I1I< U7'a ? > i roi ? ? "' i ? ? ? ; Uli 117 117 i . i ? ?a ''4'. ?H NI] :- . . U . U?ta?r.. >S '*'? ' ? ?' i-hss a um . . Ma riin ? , *? ??. ; ? , . i; I ,v I ?. . . ? ? ? S 9 HI? M ? i . rue! A In?. T, 'l , HI ' ? . -, . 144?A 144? U\\ 144\ ; tt ??:?.., . . ;? na at i?h lia i??-? i?1? ii . ? . i?a ? 41 - I , <.. 4 . :?; i.-?' ? . ? ia HS ? i- . . ? jsa I24M? ii;> . ) ? . ""'l 11 "if I ' 09 *? . *' * * > J*** ?*'? ':> iir ''- "> -7?* !ii? L'?? p? ,34? lg MJ? mm - P ? ? "r lii?t i?3 w .??? .. .: : V - " ' Isa ' ?al i> *" MIMM, i?u S* I . ? . .S . ? 32*? ?' -S -a t? ?? M .?? ? 137. .: ? a'J? su ? , i *? .?7 4 S j?, ? I??, J M 3 lilS .14 .S? M .?? ? 40 . ?. ? ? a COPPER MERGER PLANS Will Increase Kennerotf? Capital to Exchange Shares. With the plans nearing completion for the SBIslgf??'*???*? of the K?^nnecott Copper Compaaj -it.'l the Kradcn Cop? per CoBBf 'id the taking over o. the GtafyenheiSB Exploration Com? pany'? holdings in the Utah Copper Company, it became known yesterday that a mo'tini- of the Kennecott ?bare holder? will be called shortly to au? thorize an increase in the company s capita! stock. . . , It was un?lerstood in the nnanetsl district yesterday that the K?nn?eott I eaoital w'U be increased from th? pre? ent authomed issue oM.120,000 ? fares to 2 500.CU0 or 3,0?DO,000 ?harea. The ?ncr.i.s,- .- to provide BajMSBt jBsah lor exchange for share? of .*?? ???? company and the Gu-fgenheirn Explors t,Jnr? holding, in lT?h Copper. It is expected that a ayndicat? will be "rmV-i to ?ir-^'rw'"* ?b? We?r*' m "