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WHITMAN BEGINS CHARITYINQ?IR Report by Kingsbiiry r Neglect of Children Starts Action. INVESTIGATION WILL BE STATE WID C. H. Strong to Direct Work "Tired of Lxploitation of Ideals." Says Doherty. Albany, Nov. 18 A BWSSpiag inves gat ion of the management and contr of the state's charitable and cortectio al in.t itu'-.ons was ordered to-niKht ' Qoveraor Whitman. To carry on tl investigation he appointed Charles Strong, of New York, as a special coi missioi'er under the Moreland act. M aHroBg *?s directed to , ?Tidurt an i ?iuir> into the adtniniatrattOn of tl State Board of i'ies. the office the F:scal Supers isor of State ( hai Hea, the Sitea, Buildings and lirour CaBaaaiasiofs, the Budding Improventei CeaiBiiaaiafl urn the Salary Clasoiflei lion ( nminission. all of wbicii n.ive I ?'o -a Mb the cnre of the BtatVl wards The investigation was ordered afti hetiag Major McAneny of New Yoi nad -lent >., the (?overnor a copy of report recently made by .lohn A. Kin?: hur>, ( ommissioner of Public Chariti' of the city, in which be asked for a investigation of 'be State Chariti? Board The report criticised the manag? ment methods of the state bourd an declared that many of the children ">stitutions which received approval c the board, were unfit properly to car for the inmates Mr. Kintrsbury an Homer Kolks, of the State? Charities Ai Association, conferred with the (lover nor to-da> prior to the announcemen Bji the proposed inquiry. Vthili- the ?overror had under eofl - dera"on Oie advisabilit;. of ni-thorn ing the investigation, Robert w. Heb b?rii. secretary of the State ? hantie Boi.rd. and William .1. Doherty, a dep ui\ of < itj Cosas, lioaei Kingsbary were having a aoi !y tattle before thi . ic?aai of the BBBteraaoe af ("haritie: ant] ( orreetion. Dohsrtj, aid 'bat the No*? York Citj departmenl ''ad "grown tired of COB ,,rei(>. when nothing was aSCOBI ?iliahi the i vploitn? ?on o i'ieala." aid charged that t' board underpaid many of Itt employe) and perm tied taanj ol thi chlldrei care to be gn n!l\ 0V( r worked, rhoee ?ere some pi ib? rea? -on?. I i said, why Camssissioner Kings bur) had roojaaitad the iaveetigation. pFFEE ?HAEE I CAFFEINE FTfEE COFFEE 1 1 ROT A SUBSTITUTE 1 | Kaffee HAG is clean I 1 coffee and naturally S J$ produces more cups of f S this delightful beverage j i than any other coffee. jf? 5 Besides, it won't keep ! S you avvak?. nights. gjj I '?*"?? a pai-ksi??la the befan I iaBl only?all dealer?. Kt Hcbbeid replied thst Kingsbury coi tinued to ?end children to ?tat? hist tutions, und thst if they ware r.s bad t described this practice ?houl'l hn\ le? i; discontinues long ago. Ilchlit-rd concluded with the ntSOl lien that the ita'e hoard welcomed ? Investigstion. This sentifaenl wa? ii dorsed by Bimoa W Reooudale, of A bony, oae of the itate commissioners. in his latter to |fr. strong appoin mg him ;i spaeial investigator du'-i,' Whitman said that It hea "become 11 ertasii gly evident that- the manrc raeat of the state charitable Institi i? unneeeasarily and unforti i.atcly compilent-il. an that respoM 1> 11 ; t >- ?> divided between too mai and departments, resulting i ?onfaaion an-i delay." The Govorm requested the Commissioner "to recen me:id at ?s early a date a? practical?! ?rhal < bang? . I ' ai >. sh< i in the law--- relating to the work - these several authorities." The Charitlei und Correction cot ferenee ele ?? I lesslons to-day. Th noxi meeting will be held in P keep ?? h November, 1914 OSBORNE TO ASK AID OF WHITMAf ? nntintixl from i-.ik? I thai everything is done in an absolutel Orderly way." "Why ar" you ?-o active in :ht" mat tei J .-liked the justice. "Rerau?e I ?m the Warden of Sin E ? i." Mr. Osborne replied? growing rat "and I desire to bave my rights pre terted. Do you consider it onnecessar activity >n my part when a prisons i? taken from me in this fashion?" Harden Called Interloper. "Mr, Oehorae is simply an interlope m this whole proceeding," Assistait ' PiRtrii-t Attorney Pail?n interrupted ! "He ha* nothing to say about this mat ter Colles wai brooghl here on you wiurant, your honor. I thuik the War 1 den is in contempt of court." "In view of the strain you are all un , der." the ju?tice said, smiling pnciticsl ly, "I don't think I ?hall take any M ? tion in the matter." "Who employed Mr. Ryder for Cul len ?" Mr. Fall?n a?ked hotly. "That'? none of your business," Mi Ryder Nhouied. Justice Morschauser, alter restorin, : order, then pointed out that the easiest solution of the problem was for Culler ! to remain in White Plains until Mr ' Osborne had complained to the Gov? ernor or Attorney General. "There should be no underlying rf fort to stifle Investigation," he added "If ? were the warden I think I shout?! invite such an investigation'' Mr. Ksllon then voiced the opinion that if the warden were sincere in in? viting the investigation it was his duty to request the prisoner to answer all questions. In leaving the courtroom the warden, keeping lus temper well in control, said to Justice Morschauser: "f thank you for the treatment of the case. It is entirely satisfactory to me. I haven't the slightest desire to stop the investigation. I want to help carry it on, and I regret tha' any person has refused to answer questions." A man in touch with affairs at Sing Sing asserted yesterday th?t Cullen had been made angry on Monday before he entered the grand jury room by slight? ing remarks directed at the warden and his system. The convict, this man averted, had believed from this that the jurors were already deeply preju? diced against the present state of af fairs at Sing Sing and therefore reas? oned it out that it would be best for him to "keep mum." Warden Osborne, at the University Club last night, refused to make any statement whatever concerning yester? day's squabble. He admitted that he would appear at White Plains again this morning, and would be represented by some one from the Attorney Gen? eral's office. He also refused to make any com? ment upon the attack on his methods, made by former Deputy Warden John? son at Albany.on Wednesday. District Attorney Weeks a?so was un? communicative when questioned yes? terday. He announced, however, that it was probable that Mr. Johnson would appear before the jury some time dur? ing the Moras Of the investigation. William Smith, :i former inmate of Sing Sing, who was transferred to Great Meadow, was the sole witness before the grand jury yesterday. "Tom Brown" Films Aid Orborne's Sin? Sing Pica After watching the first performance of prison moving pictures in which be starred, Warden Thomas Mott Osborne, t.f Sing Sing, strode or. the stage and RESORTS. RESORTS. M' Hl ? li IR2WMOKL -M t nay: IVIa_ Beltedere ?n'iinarln, UrilT Ke.taurunl Trajine Tbc Promenade in (lie Miarl.l. rActiaii*-' Three I?e< k? I Mathag (lie llonnlvralk ami (lie Oi-run Library Tower I? , OoM Oe*BN?se Bvewlofl MtkBNMleO ( lolslrr (.arilr im^mmm?m?^mmmimmt^immm??immm?mtimmmim?mimma?^mmm??mm?mm^m?m^^m^i^m?immmLi TRAYMORE FRIDAY CHATS THEN AND NOW The Pilirims held the first Thanksgiving a: the seaside, hv Plvmouth Rock * ? * Those Americans who are grateful for peace and relative prosperity nu\ hold a Thanksgiving at the seaside in the Traymore. ? ? The Traymore Restaurant will represent country life, with rustic landscape, rustic at? tendants, and rustic animals. ? ? * Guests may enter into the realization of the original Thanksgiving of the Pilgrim lathers ?a rural Thanksgiving by the seaside?but the Trsymor? cuisine will lumisli stick I repast as, in contrast with the scanty fare of the Pilgrims, will SBggesI the growth of Americi in the inlervenirir, 194 \ears. I ?.serration*, at New York OflSSC, ?10 Time? Blila.?I'lione Hrianl MSS THE LARGEST FIREPROOF RESORT HOTFI iw. s w.u. Pr.. i\ THE WORLD iieph v. m-.?. M?. GALEN HALL IfOTEI. AND .-??> \Ii.KM tt ATLANTIC CITY. K. ?. ? a ? opao Alwaya raal) Alw*>a t>ua/ IjSeajQt .?a ? i~?U-<l for <;omfort or <?M? a ?-i :ti Au I4*al plac? for a long or ? ?'a, T'.iitc ?.-.'i curativo bat?.a ?US . MS operator* N Y. OIB<*, S?a Kifth M.-l.a-n So, T I. TOUKfl W-'f UK IfAOINO RfSOU MOIft Of THt WOKID ???iaruwrouari-i?iennctm v I I. A NTH ( ITY, >. J. o.-?aamiliaT JOS'AH WHITE a SOW? COMPANY Laurel -in- the - Pines NOW OPEN. FRANK F. SHUTE, Mgr. PINEHURST, ? ? !'?,...','.v. "' 10TEL G?AMATAN 2t minaltl lr?m '. 3irf ? cifra < ?unlrr r?. :.,.% plaea ror fttl ???rkera. All optSoor ?perl?. Free Monleatorl School far rhlllrrii KattureS rate? for Winter. flOTRI. OB AM ATAN Ijiwrene? f?.rk. Brnrmlll?. V i tlOMKHTK KITTVnONK WANTED. female iook *iA Maasm ?aatsataassaMi iiimih aa-h ?. nasa o. i "i II. * ? ? ? Hat 'Kl,,, um i*.,t r*fi .,- . >?jH? l,,?j?'?.?arr an?! i?.?ful aian ? wn 14'. J.I..H. a?-.- . i -, r.t., i ..,, ? ? Kin Ml?- MAIK tim.ui. (in. i.?.i raterai . J-iii. ? *?.:???> I BBS ?' 41': I-,,,, I, At'v? i H?.**, riiinub; ala? , ?>tii.i>.mal'l u. i rini'l'ti |,rl?. I?.t rrfcrriK?. Juaalla .,, : ?-. I. ,?lh .i Km si ".iil'.KKTI rimiUli Aman, an nrw, will ? , ttt at rount|?/j i r?Ua-n r?f?r??,f?a t^btl', ?pa?v, rt ? iBBa et ?fassa un bui* ?ona!. It'? up to you to say wheth our constructive work shall suecee?! or fail. When the people of New York speak, no District Attorney or Other made an eloquent plea for public sup? port yesterday afternoon in the Lyric Theatre. "I loft Auburn prison hot with in? dignation at prison methods." ?aid Mr. < Isboi ne. "hut I save been with indignation lately over other mat? ter?. The fight I atn ?aging ?? not per of?cial will dare stand in the way- I want you to ?peek! "Now I want money to make the tight for these men at Sing Sing. Last night while I was at Albany conferring upon prison matters, they kidnapped one of ray prisoners, one of the best fellows in Sing Sing, and took him to White Plains. It made my blood boil to-day to se? William Willett swelling around in good clothes, acune h h:. A ! Attorney, while Pote Cul ? out .? m iei d bol th< warden H?-'-. gel to have S lawyer! "Nobody I know wants to hide any? thing in Sing Sing except thOOC who want only half the evidence known. 1 challenge any ens to deny our con? structive forces when he know? the truth. iiis is no ch id'- p!ay, it'? se? rious ?ork. If vou let those men in Sing Sing and Auburn fee! that graft will become appsrSBOSl In the pn?ons, again you will arouse a dangerous ?pii t. it's h question of protecting \i>iir own lives and propCli ? Ot mere son timen tal ism." The tint Aim, "Within Prison Walls," depicted the actual experiences of War? den (??home when, as "loin Hrown " he voluntarily underwent h week'? im pi mment in Auburn, two roars ?g? I ? ootine of the reel pi ion of a ! new prisoner onto shown, including taking his measurement- ander the Bertillon System. A dramatic insert I shoo ng the inhuman methods S? twenty year? ago, ?ia- Made nossib'.e by fort) Piisoners. who volunteered I to shave tli?;r heads ami wear I tripes, I Two-thirds or the cost of producing this Aim was raised by the inmate.. Of Auburn. (?real Meadow Prison followed Au burn on the -?reeti. howing 1.000 pri? I oners busy at fanii work without pr; 0? I wallr about them. "A Day it Bg Sing." the final picture, was a three reel plea for that prison's abolition, i The hundred-year-old cellblock, with I the tiny cell?-, the antiquated work? shops and the dark mess hall WCTC *hown Recreation activities introduced by Warden Osborne and the workings Of the Mutual Welfare League were also shown. This private view of the prison piet uifs was given under the suspjeos of the .loin? Committee on l'ri?"ti Keform. IM Wut Fortieth Street. Mis Franri? McNIel Bacon, jr., presided. Dr. O. F. Lewis spoke briefly Of the w(,rk brinf? done at (?rent MOMOW Prise Boxholderi were Mr-. Helen Hartley -lenkins, Mrs. William Frllowei Moi can, Mrs. Prancii McNIel Bacon, jr., Richard M. Hurd.. Mrs. Sidne) M. Col? gate, Mrs. Bvoritt Maev, Mrs llc.r-, .an. Mrs. 8. S. Hafkert, and Mr?. ?I. Kennedy Tod. Others presen! were Charles B. Alexander, Mr?. Au gu-t Belmont, Miss Ann? Morgan. Com miisioner Katharine B. Davis, Mr;. Arthur Dodge, Mrs. Adolph Lewisohn, Mrs. I', c. Havemeyer Mr? Henry Phipps, Mrs. H. H. Plagier, Mrs. -lame'; Speyer, Mr?. William Burden, Mrs. Julian Street and Mr?. Harvey Fi?ke. Osborne Predicts Ruin of System at Prison Thomas Mott Osborne branded the grand jury investigation si White Plain? ns the most detestable hreach of faith ever committed, and declared last evening that the using of evidence given by convicts before the Mutual Welfare League courts to obtain in? dictments outside spilled the ruin of the whole system which he had built up at the prison. He spoke on the part which penal institutions might be made to play in the solution of the problem of disease and crime at the anniversary meeting of the New York Academy of Medicine. "In the Mutual Welfare I.eagj? court? the men now tell the truth," said Mr. Osborne. "These men are now to be punished for what they told their own court. What do you think of the ethics of that"" The audience that crowded the au? ditorium until standing loom was at a premium, followed with the closest at tmtion the warden's frank discussion of the vice question unuer the old con? ditions at the prison, and under the new. "When you read now of two men dying as results of as.-aults of course they weren't you never think of the old times when such things happened all the time. The number of men treated in the hospitals for round? hai decreased sixty-four per cent in the paat year! "Inder the old condition? *he prison wai -i dumping-ground. They never segregated men with venereal <li-< All atC together. They were only taken to the hospital when actually sn-k. After the all day confinement on Sun days there would be knife tights every Monday morning. Then there was the horrible ?Irug traffic. "There have been a good many changes at Bing Sing. Ths guarda ara officers of the state instead of 'screws.' Diseased men are segregated. The men all talk BOW. The moving pictur?? are valuable if they only keep the men out Ot the tuboretUOUa tells. There isn't aU| drug traffic in the prison to-day." George W. Wicker: ham, former At? torney General, was ths Aral speaker of the evening, and took for his sub? ject the erfneern of society in the prob? lem of crime; and Judge Harry Olson, Chief Justice of the Municipal Court of Chicago, described the workings ami progresa of the laboratory in Chicago for determining the psychological res sons for crime. FIRE RECORD V I I ? Mai ?L, Tnn <;a.-*?- I o . ?. ??? MlUeti a?., Dan.I Bporrh; ?riniiis ? l?J i : J ?fan v. I main? < ? I nth at.. II (?hen. trifling !? VI II i;~?"l vv lllat ?L. Mr. KlUasftli T>a* trl ? IS ?? i ?t . M. Kir- -hcnbiuro; trifling P " -?. . M JW-r Irlflli g - ? ?t. ?'. . vi- i. -rt-llng d ??., M.- Vark; I rising >' 1> Hi IT? - -rlfllfg. ? '.'?- I BIO? 1 .??,.'. lAt-.-r 81 II ? rlfll ,i Vh ??? irttf and iirokfr ???? ? ? I | i km? ?? M vi k:u? 4c i o i?C" ' I- 5W. at . * v. riiaamj; trifling . . 1 --II--. 1 ?I VV I II, ?! . S Kr..!,-iM ?rifle.g 40?114 I ?L. A It,.ii > * Ml B IM x? . B Parus?; v:fl:- g REAL ESTATE FOR SALE hliltotl.ll OF HfUKlKLVN. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY lUl > B.???aaMt>l ef -a? ?- f ?r,,l fu-4, * ,,..?-.. . ^m. fc- -i iruir lu- T, - | i ?'. quirk btyw ?, ' . ? . ?ft ID- itgag. . ? I II-.. -,l ? >...?. . : ' . , ttnata ,on,p.-: na . , . ? l-.I |0fl N -,. V . i ? (oimk? ?toriBTv. Caiititr? Ham? IM?rmatU? traa ta ?raicatttv. la,. m IJat <-oaeri flaM i al. wrlta M? ag*< I? ??<?, II MM sartl.a 3!? W Mat ?I T.i -. u?i I MTRMSHKII ROI SE?; TO LEI. 16 East 75th Street i ru. ? ? ?4 K ilM ' ? r.nt lu ' ? . . ., f... .. ? lug ri^.ui 1 ? ? ? " MINI I KV l<<-l ? "I ' i> ..rr-lr> SSS._I ?..I -.11 h M. El UMSMEO COTTAGES TO LET. m : HI CIT?. rcuMisiren ctrTTAOK* r?* r?i - i PSJUM BKACH fer tl.a Haawe? Wrlta r? I'll- m* ?? in 0 l.ktLI Ml M- i M. VV..t l'alm B?a. h ri-'rt la. BOY KILLS BROTHER IN PLAY WITH SHOTGUN Hand Hits Trigger, and Charge Knters Youngster's Breast. Bj T? ffrv.S "j Tr.? 1 Elixabeth, S. J.. km. I*-.-On their way home from school at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon William (orbett. six. and hil four-year-old brother. Harrv, passed a ?eld ifl DbIbb Town aboat three nules from here. Frank and George Kraus, two ,onnsr men, were picking turnips. boys walhad lato the Held to watch the Krasses. AaproaehiBg, Will two shotgaas lyiar on ? oaad near ? eragon into which the tarn pi were :,c<r-,-_' tossed. William one of the u'uns when hi? band aveeidefltally struck the trigger. ;? .. load of Me. if ihel into the left br<ast of Harrv. I Ifurr. fell dead William toppled 'o the trround from the recoil. The, Kraus brothers were beside them a ItW I ?'?? r and. believing there tvai a pooibillty of aavfaa Harry 'bey raised aim into their arms and carried the both about IOC yards to a farm I OUSS. It was soon see:? that death had eosne Immedlstelj aftor the shot. John *.. Qalatiaa. chief of th? Caaa t-,- [)..ioc?i-. cs. made enough of an in? vestigation to clear up all d )ubt of accident. BIG RENTAL IN THEATRE CENTRE Exchange Buffet Corporation I.cases l.ntire Basement in Candler Building. 0 D. <<? H. V. Pfhe have leased to the Fxchange HurTei Carpasatfasfl the 01 tire basement of the Candler Building-, at 220 West |ga] a!.. f? ? term of twenty-one years. Heii it Sterfl have ?eased for th? i leveland Holding Company, in 10-42 IVeal 27th st . ?t'-.r? and basement, to Samuel Baehl * I o.; for the (??-orge Hacker Realty Company, in I*-1W Madison av.. fifth loft, to Herman Zen I ti A i e.: and for the IM f/sel tath St. Construction Comnanv. in 108-110 W? ll "?<: lt., tenth loft, to A. * S. i 'i ,>e nletmc-r. Tucker. Speyers ? Co have lea-cd for T. .1. Oakley and Philip Rhiaelai d i r. to Pearth <?;? Peldmsn, millinery supplies, the store at M Wes? .';MH at, tor a term of years. Thorn,., Pord has l?ssrd to F. I. Wohl the stnrr and baseiBSBl of prcm '7- I rsl av. for the estate of Catherine Keilh . te A H. KritSST the building on the northesel corner of University Place and ISth ?t.. for Dar lei Buckley, and to Abraham Greeae itore at in East 84th it.. far -lohn B. Dahlgrea, of Wsehingtoi . $10.000.000 WAREHOUSE Structure Will Be Huill 1o Store 'i ucatan Sisal. Plant wan Sled reeterdej with the Building DapartBtOBl tor a sisal ware? house, to he erected on the waterfront. ? o ? of 110,000.000. rhe owner of the property- il the Henequ?n Market Reerulatine Contraiseioo of Yucatan. With offleei Pi' 64 Wall Street, in this eitv. The warehouse will be a six ?tery aaTair, thoroughly fireproof and in to date in o\cr\ particular, and will ho used by the commission for porary storage of liaal, or benrquon. shipments Kent from Yucatan to thi? country for distribution among manu faeturers of rope, cord and twine. Credit for the ?um | rolved aal ar tangsd for lasi week by Dr. Victor A. Rendon, Ami neun representative of the i "inmission. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ' in. B'irrai 1 w? ??inr . \,.tfinb?r II. ?fit?. ?I'.MY lar- UM.I.MM n m::istkb Mrd CstBA, <ir trrttal I I I. i m trail - ??a,? I a . I'arx BOWABTk? I.AKJ Mad Caff a'-.- a I - ? , r.l'allnn In,. I ' ? i Mil., i apt i 'IM si s ,v iiil.l.rr: g H r from l'l - ? II .?to . on at , I iisinn a ?-t<i\ ai t. i ,.- a . ? ? ? I i H 11 l ?M ; Dl '.V d i i ? ?. ? l'api IHI IICIIILI ' 4 l .; tor 1 Organized Mrtil? I ' " ll.I.IAM P ? HKBBIN43TO?. Coat! I ?, ma v. t ..'ft. 'T ..oa?' ? ? ? ? . i kui >.; iu:i i < , i:. ivni'BG fti . - i ri, ? mus i 1.1.?i.i n i in I irritai i-i I . I i n. tl ?ION i :i m ' K M , ' il M II HI !? "?? ! I ? \?\ 1 i .i- ii \:i Hi ?I Ma ? ? ' --.r ,' M ?,i.\.?I.|i. ilr.a l.,.| \.,al Ut , . , r HI i IT. Allai II. ft" U a i- ?. a i ? ! ? i - Maahad Jut*? la Prsas : - - | || ? ? IBD data as SU ? - . . l'ai U. ?'. II : s au i a? H , - ! Ml? 11 VII ' . ' . - ? ' . I . i S ) ? . BEI K> tl" da ti at '? Inaptcti - hi ? t. atalas sf N. T. ai,.i n i . ? ? v. ? War I . M ' v-I i i % o' Hath Iro,. i Pa >?-la an i . . U r I OAMI'MAN (taebed ? >rnmu ! Pi ;.- i; H IIAlM's -.. .<? . Pr?tas - ? ?. I'.j-r.j-. II "i linWT.KKIMl. "> I'Jdu-ali .?, , . i,?,\l.olll> i III BOB M Va, I'hlla MOI KMI'-T UUUTI D ' ? Arktrua.. a' HasflMatl leads H It P Said Powl atan . i E ! M V '. Ha ?? Utaberi Paint: PataJi - an I - ai i?, , ^ , t laa Dtset SAH.1.1) Ba?. i: lal i - ? atai drla; i. ! N ^ | !.. I nan v v. rani t, Yonkers Folk to Aid Osborne. Sc.eru! residents of Yonkers have formed a committee of ufty to conduct a MM meeting- to defend Thomas Mutt Oeborne'l work at BiBg Sing prison on Sunday afternoon, November L'8. ifl the vYarburtOB Theatre, that city. Amoiijr those on the committee are Campbell Scott, general manager of the Otis Flevator CompHiiy: Dr. F. A. Sheets, Lawrence <ii.:lit'n und Albert Hunker rhe meeting was organized at the home of II. W. Taylor, on Broadv a]. Yonkers, e> Sales at Auction. i ii I -. P !>.? MERCER ST. ? ,. . ? ? ., ?' tlnUS f',r ?'J4.M0 MONTGOMERY ST. SS-5T. a a r Monma ti i I at] : ? . ?? , - ? Jl B) lu Osa ,. park row im -. i rjaaw ? ?.4,10: s i m rat anil al astern park, row .? .. ::.3 a Daana - ? WILLIAM ST. ] rcit?nl tiaaben "'''?? . | il, ITH ST i ? > ? Mem ? .i i .-i a bl.lj in i alnarlM i>. - ? - ? i - . i . ?Me*. i-, h i i i nsTH it. is i i i.c.,,(, i; te Iba plaintif ? ?i rou li> i ?4 . I- Pa, NORTH PAK AV - , : SOUTH OAK DRIVE ' ' *?; map of H, ia0od | ' ; KM Nrw Building Plans. The liront. CITY ISLAND AV. - . M Bet a.r.r " -???\ 9 ' Hrai.p I Mm Alterations. I'he H ron \ HALI MOON PL. .?????! Illi.ij.l, m, llu.1 ar. ar hi. I?.'?* |M I a. im :|,.ib .1 and \4iljo GET A $70,000 BROKERAGE FEI This Is Biggest Commis sion Ever Paid for Sale of Realty Here. WELL KNOWN AGENTS TO RECEIVE MONEi Clarence Payne Fakes in Dea Postal Life Building. Sells I ifth Av. Site. A $70.000 re?! es'ate f??e was came? vesterday by four brokers ??eorge I Ualdwin, Rohert E. i. Mordeeai, Kob ? it ('. Knapp ?nd the Charles F. N'oye: I onipany and by stoddard & Mari and i harle? ( . f?B4fcsM?sd. as attorney? Thil i? ?ai?! to be the l:irge?t brokerage fee ever pmd in the history of thi local market for the ?ale of real e? The transaction w?a an exchange, in reiving properties 'slued a* in which Clarence Lav ne, of California v ho for ?everal year? has been one ol the ?ppctaeular buyer? of Manhnttar realty, ami the Postal Life In:?uranc? Company I cured. Payne sold ?h? lixteen-stery offir? building in course of construction at the BOUtheaOt corner of ':!d st. anii Eifth ST., which be recently bought from Harris M?ndelbaum and BBSO? eiatea li i? to be known aa the <;unr anty Building;. ?.? the accupuat of the ground, er atoro, loor an?i some other -?pac? i" to ba the (?uaranty Trunt. < om pany. A.-, a re>ult of th| deal the home cf the Postal Life will be moved from H Waasaa ?t. to tins building. Mr. Payne gar] m th? exchange the Postal Life Building, st r\f> N'aseau ?t. ?nd four other parcel? three in Manhattan nn-1 o,e m <;(v?nnsh, which the Postal Life aoajuirod when n reinsured, ios year? ajro, the Provident Saving? Life. In? properties, he-ides the Postal Life Building, in Nassau st., which Payne tool over are the flve-?tory loft at M0 and fC Wooster st.. a : inc Story loft building at S Lust 17th it Hud a six-story spartasent house at lOCth ?t. and Amsterdam av. and the '?-^rtier Provident Life Building in Sa? vannah. High Mark for Straight ?sie. Up to resterdsj 130,000 vas th? i- roe ever paid for the ?ale or r?*nl estate ii this eitj si private eon trad Such h fee ?n ? earned h> .lohn '.' Gelding when he sold the old Hotel Plasa property, occupying the block Iron' o?, the westerly lldc of Fifth ?v., from .">*th te Wth lt.. to th.e present owners for aboul 19,000,000 cash. Her? bert A. Sherman ?nine year.? ago ?ol?i the Lord's Court Building, a nineteen* story itrueturc at '.'7 William st., for John T. Williams to the laic Chauneey rruas and ?--oc?ate? foi about S.', ?ion. thereby getting a eh eck foi 110,000 ;i In-- commission. When Sherman sold the Broadway Tabernacle property, at the northwest corner of ,'Mth st. an?l Broadway, about twelve poors ago, to Edward f. Beor?es hia commission for negotiating 'he ?leal vas about $10,000. Kor assembling the site on which the Woolworth Building ?Und?, et F Place ami Broadway, (?oldinjr und ? ard .1. Hogsn were paid a fee of ab $22.500. (?f course, the most valuable pi erty ever sold in this city was the of the new Equitable Building, at T ?'. and Broadway. General T. Coler du Por.t's company got it for ab 112,000,000. That sale was made rect between the principal?. Dou| Robinson, Charles B. Brown ( ompa n getting for th? Pennsylvania R mad the lite on which is the stat at ltd St and Seventh av.. obUii fees of many thousands, but the pr erties were not bought st one til This same situation applies to the p cha?e by the New York (.'entrai of terminal properties at 42d st. t Fourth av. folding wa? the broker 'hose operations, and his fees were abovi the 130,000 n.ark, but the p cell v. v.?- bought, not in a lump- 1 separately. The fees earned, moreov by Horace S. Ely i Co. in procurii H brokers, the properties the MeAd tunnel company needed for its right way and for terminal purposes far ( eoeded by many figures the !arg< single commission ever earned; but this case, too, the purchasing campa? extended over a very long period. Biggest Individual Fee. The largest ?ingl? fee psid to individual for s sale and a lease of site was that given to Albert B. A? forth for the sale of the old New Yo ? property, at the southwest corn Its St, and Fifth av., and the a joining property, owned by the la Charlo3 Stewart Smith, to Boehn ai Coon, and the lease of the entire pr?t .- - and proposed building at Acke Merrall 4 Condit The fee for the sa of the property was $29,000 and f< ?he lease of the building and lar $.18.000. bringing the total up I S?i7,0i)0. Lawrence B. F.lliman <fc < o. g< for the leasing of ?he Hotel Anson propertv some years ago for \V. E. I Stoke ?HO.tlOO. Every broker hopes some day to a tech himself to one of the record con ? Issiona In the local market, and thi explains the umhakable lure that th realty brokerage field casts over man men, in ?pite of severe setbacks. Man a broker has gone to bed poor as th proverbial church mouse to wake up il the morning to find that he was wort] thousands as a result of a deal ?uccess fullv negotiated. The biggest commission for a resit; operation ever paid was that, given t< Albert B. Ashforth and Lawrence H Ellimaa & <o. for leasing for Burtoi Brother? to Lord ?- Taylor the land ant building at STth st. and Fifth av.. now occupied by Lord & Taylor. The fu? they split was between $100,000 and $115,000. This record is said t<i haw been equalled by QeorgS P.. Rea?! & Co. when they leased the Marshal! Fiel?) proport] o i thp east side at Fifth av., between ?lst and I2d its., to the late Benjamin Altman. Some other record realty fees in the local market and the properties in the ';>-m v, er? . s follows : Leasing of ths F. W. Yanderbilt property at 10th st. an?l Fifth av. to Arnold, Constable & Co.. for a long term, at ?? 15,000.000 rental for the term. Douglas !.. LUinian *. Co. got a 160,000 fee. Sals of the site at the northwest cor ? SI of titith it. find Park av. to the Fullerton-U eaver Corporation by Douglas !.. Elllman. lee, $12,000. Aliinch estate parcels at auction, the <um realized being $:>.000.000. Bryan !.. Ker.nelly was the auctioneer. As the auction commission is one-half of 1 m>r cent, his fee was $25,000. Joseph P. Day ha- obtained quite s larga number of f<>es around the $25,000 mark and some equalling th<* previous record. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MIMAT! KP AI.MANA' . ... v., i?' 4 4'. i.. ,, ??' 4 .am n. et ? '. MI'.H WATKR AM TM Il * 4' - M , ? ' ' ' Hell (JaW ? : INCOMING BTEAMEatS. 10 DU I aas, Sailed *?r.-g?iiffjoM . ...Bata ' ? ' . . i Sot H . Man . I Oct .4 Ma.-D'K . M ira "? I M l!li,.1.->.Ilu.l . ? ? l I. 1 ;\? 11 .... Not I . .? It i '? ? I 4 Cardiff .... " ' , . i. \. i s v. ? l , ....... Pundit I A . . . . i'.a ? . - ? , , Met d i. ... \ ? i : i. n -. ? . ? v, i h Vtultalos Ma-selllct No, .1 . ' Not II . i.. , . . N. > 1 -.? atanna Not II Ualtasu . Ka* i lATI SOAT SOTI mhi.i; . i ?Rj .| m n iterdaa n ,' it?tni U ? n -? - ... . ? ? i N >. ? i .iirl/.a-. ... ??i N" '?' I ,?r ? ? ? s .? -. I H " ' \ .. . .... v.n '? \., rltnd \ ? * n ... \ ? il - x Ka?.i,?ti PedAlal - n -. , -. o,?r. ?Maratll -? 11 > ? irttta ?? . U ? Hub? . i . Kev I l'a.. Uta aas So* 1J ?\V. SOt KMBBB Il Betford >:? . 0 ? I i 'i . i S'a* < Indrawadl .Olhrsltar ? '? ? ... ?,,-' last * ? ? .?,? a ... U 1 Mai aal..., a- X , | s. li ,? S'ot 1 : .Rio u . v , WastaaotaM . .. ? p mail. 01 T(.Ol?T,~TEAMFKS. ru ?.a? *? \ r ' Y i anopi, A.< r,. 14 SO %m ' Ile f- ?... -i- 4 'i ,i) tat : ?-.?.?;???? Il M n, i Jack* i ,111a. l "1 MU ' I I . , ?? ? . - 15 N m ? -au hu?t. BOVauaSLU ?. Uantaarral CadB .... - "'?.m uivini Kaseins. Botitetai .?-'oom t II afana. s M ^m ; l ........ I:*) sa j ' M am 1 '-' i?) ni , I , ,n, ! i te .i., H nana . !? M am 11 M iu Minai l :o ,,? , . . , Kaatern Prl ? Art-, n la '?" a ? i ? Sari ia'ajroaa ? i Panamas, I> I don . ? Hull . -- Mrdti . Oalttsl ' . .. Batas. s, .,., . ,?, p,r, l'aaa i.. .- ? .- 1 M ? San him . _ - |] -iu n ?-. : - Tarnpa . lluro-.. ia. ta. irllle . IM tan TKANSPAf HD MAILS. , - s y . i p i,, Hawaii ' i -, l a kw*l Mai a T.. dSS Hawaii, i . lai.: la s.? lea sad A .? . ? n.. '? ? . I \ .. rial M.tara Sel 1? ii.w.n i,u r?-..,- t? siaaaan.No, ?:? Japan. ' ?, ?. ? iliia l'i.llprii- Islaiida nli atatitsl Baal i m.- i No, ;i lapa ? . ? 4 ?.??.,'-. i Sa.ld M.i.i Bas :i Guam a:.i Ptll pplua 1-U .? ,1a Ban V rat. - 1 ?irai .por. Pat 1 Ha.all Haiooa ir.dt. Aualralla , , -.: I rai laeo) Sierra I '-c i Talmi Ma',,... . ... I- ai la ,N?w ?a a. I A . ira la .< . ... I -a.. MM . . IW I IBBJ*.1 0 Hat I' Mai ? i IM i m, i a?? II. -l s . ;. I W Hurta* |U- a! Il p m i;n. . ? : . ? ? .. ? Noro i.. a . ., . la a a l'a IS l'a ???!", Ski l.?'i Quaranlln? .i ' a m l . - s...i-l,.rn l'a . -: QuaraalltM .i . .1 ai., H'i llanl | m .- - i i N- M, Hal?n il .. ? ? . i i ?< il ? ulna Co, I ?ft u ,.-.'! ? u ?' I ? m Ratattdlaa H H-- -i la Sot II la lha tin* ,, -i". m? .i ? .i- Bai ?? I -, tw.ia ?I in?.' * ?rug* a N ,?' ? 'litarla Casanga 1 Maaiill. vciarairli- al ? Il p ni - lU Ma '? Bast? M r'a 10. Oten n and Klnpti.i IS, t? tat L'nllfd Knit <v. ? lih null-, ?ad ?alai Bar a- ; : :o r m Keaa ? it-ai vv.r 1".. 'o ru.ter. u haltaat ?fl QuaraiiUiM at 1 1? p a lifr?noi K?vport -? ? . ! Sortait 'i th* ?i i I>..n IM..M s. '.. ?Ith mdt* Quarantine ai _?.7an. ' iXaf) ' !? ? ? Soi 10 I? lh? M un?? ?Ith .iigar l'ar ?t - I'? p m lluro l.-k- tivtll?,the a' 1" p m ?era in?), Sint? Morts Ko? If, to tii? '??il- llar a* 10 .-0 a rn Brl ?'an- <'ra. laa ?X ? < artagena and Ii ?sea ' It <?" ?a? U '? ??*? * ' ?.??/,.. and i Bai st M la ? BAttatD ... i tnbal: CK) ?I v' I l>ela?ari\ I"-..:? tflpiiu. SUaoU Sa Halo i|.- Cuba; Mali., Norfolk and Vrt'P"! i, -, . .-, i . I'niieer ? ..? ,t i ? Dan), -i" Bla.-k lio-k. H im . i Si P '? Seal luaia iDulelil i'?p? Ha nan. .Slam-.-? Pria I Ink i .... Hi- . a. CanaOet (Brl P ' ' ?. ,-. a .i? ;. ? .1 pdirlek Luratabadi P . lia-. ? I;.?ug.v P*rfi i \, ? ; fnranv lor? R*!liin fNotf, V?? -, ? -? illiUT ? Ht . .1". \ . i BBS Kae ???? tla K? - - i -1 sow 1 I..., v.t it rommewyn? lm- s?- I rig M ila for Amata lau - .-? i tN?ri N. ? test - - v ? ?., ?? < iftasMU ' ?? Hem I ? ? 4 ' . i ?( | ?? v York for ?'?! ? I'r.i ? IV IU ? I DU v rig Parai . . n s > - 11. ?at? I I Nor . V i York SAH.I.I? , ? > ;?? kllartnnlni . Br New Vork - , , ...? 1,1,,. ala i in . v- ? . Km ; ? ?Ir, i Vla'ti iJap . V ? I ? in So? I M?-4? [BTvad , B.??ton an-l . I So? 1 ^ax-n MlBSNfe i Or Kl ? 1 ? , Panama Ne? rot* - v| ?. ? \.,r I] VI i; Ilarp-r irrom N?-? v > 11 I a i. ?M P: New Tork 1?. I?), ?In. paaaajB So? * NkM? Am?ter laiu -liiit.h , N*?r Soil r.lam. De i i t.-- ?a ia' . Sem l i. Punta an u Ko? l? Honoluluan, I'ori'.and, Or? Sorti '-'..- IB i \ ., ?s Lanftan Mail Hr.. filmt:? and ? i. md X?w Tori * So? IT?1 had? r'agrlun I i Nor. ! ? roral, v ?.partite THE WEATHER REPORT Forecast? and Kecord? for the La-U Twenty-four Hour?. Wa'hlr.jti.t. KM. l<? 0m of flip runt ren,.-k.; l?n ,.,pnifiit. Ii. m?n> vir In-. .. a-t !??.u fo'ir huure. Two IMetia* ?t.irm ? ??- .- la am of tot teost d seadl t the other, at .1 th? mor* -vt-tut** ?I th? .nitral In III'. ;nbj. Mall are a?ltiti.-l.ig ortlwaMvaid attended by modtrat? to fraali galas . i ..It: rVre ?!,1 h- rain Friday 1, Ihr I Atlantic and s.-? Ki,gland BUtaa, iAm ?a '.. upper (?hin V?U>1 rt.d (lie lgk.. rt-glon Sal ? ?. I?] ?111 I* fair an I col 1.1 In Hi. i.u.f II ? are l|.,vav,l ..n (II. Allai,I front J?i-k?.n.l ? r- ami au tl. ? Ur?a' ; \>ii,.|j for Krl.Jtv ?nd Saturdu -Norlli and middle Atlantic, meditau t.. freak ?art i. - '-i.... i,.on::.,g ?.--? Satur.laj ; ..'Ulli Atlantic. ? ??- northwtal rai*- ra?i (Mir, fr-.l. : .,rtl. ?aat ?rind mal Oolf, p?*-*T*?'l uuitlii??! vtnda: .'.?rm i-^ it ral -a, ?out h ?a.. Una cuut; -ivn ' lafeat, r.i.,-i?ra-. t.. .. . mm nlaa, baeaaduf ?<-it .-rl? . rain. p<is-.itilv Ml > '. Mnp?-rlor ; lovrt lake?. ? to l.lgl? ?eutlwati ?lnd>. rea.hlng o ? ff-r. c r'rl.lay . ral i Ftractat? ?tr Steel il Laealltlaa -Kuteni New Vork. M-,..t. . r-i Si,?: ir.gland. r.aalern I'pinnyl lanla. N>" Jrr.-\. Iir'auar.. Weal Virginia, rain Irl.lay. Baturdai'v fair. Northern Vw Kig land fair ar.l '??ilt Villa? ln'.lo??..t bf rain *e?tei -,l?anla. Wr-trrn .Nr-.. Tork, Ohio rain ami .-.-Mer t'ri.lav. ?atnr.iav p.n \ clouljr; Maryland, Vlrftola i?i . f I'.lnmult. r,? . I r, la, fair ?nd S ?? ? ?outH ? ?r..llnv ??'.ligia. I * in. Aiatam? Mlae'ae ppl, IV. i aaaoa Kantuck? fall a...I ... ifr s.-.unia? lair Letal Official Rectr?. rh* followit.? offlrlal rec ? ru tin- Wfallirr Bureau ?h..?. Hie . Iiajig?-? If, * t.inperi'ii??- tor the la?.t t n *? 111 > four hour? In . ? ni ?r'.son ?tIhi Ik? .-??rri-.rHHiilIng date of Ital year 1?1? III . I'JI? III'. an? - I p m . Il ?'? ?. a n. I Im ' ? . n * '.lim i II i, 1 t- : f im 4pm * ? lllgheat trniKr.tiir.- r??Ur*aW, ?? detjreea ( at 1 10 P .?i. i,.?(it. I .Vgi,. |al ? a. mi an-rag? ? . .- . a., rag.- fo? o rr. ?|>.i .111 c lag .. Id ? M? o?i(. hM ... te%p?H.d lug .1.1? la?! llilrl) Ihn- ?.at. Q ?I'grrr. Barametrr Reatla??. ; t a n. MTU ?. ? " I ? ?. ? ? i m a. I p m ?'. I p ? ? lecel lio-iil lui lo-.lay. pn-l-at l> fair lo morrow. m.Klrrat? I? freah eaal galaa on th? t-oaal '.j .jaj, b*wiAlug vest to morrow BUYS BROADWAY CORNER PLOT Second Purchase This Year in Thoroughfare by City Investing Co. A number of big realty deals, be I ides the $7.0(>0,o00 transaction in v-hieh the Pgstal Ltfe Insurance Com? pany and Clarence Puyne figured, was reported yesterday. The City Investing Company I Robert K. Dswling, president), bought through Hart?n Chapia and giawsoa ft Hobbs from the Chelsea Realtv Company a nlot of Bear lis lots r| the northeast corner of V? 1 ?t ?t. and Broadway. The premises front n3 tret on Hroad waj ami In'.' feet on ?Ms? st. The par eel was held at $45.000. This is the second Rroadwav pur chase made by the City Investing Com r??ny thi?, year. Last spring it bought the block front on the east side of Broadway, bc'ween ?8tb and S9th Hts, II resold the plot to a building for improveme it. Adolph Lowieohn has purchased from the Dreieer Realty Coatpaay Michael Dreiser, president' the ten-story Ire proof building known at in and II West ?v7tt, St., which is under lease to Henri Bendel at a net rental for a term of vears. The property has been held at $700,000. L. J. Phillips 1 Co. ne? gotiated the "air. The property is bought, b\ Mr. Lewi sohn as an investment. He is firmly of the opinion that 67th it has a va*J bright future. Thin street in the last few years has undergone a rapid change, and many consider that its business houses, will be of similar char? acter to those of Bond st.. London. Other sales reponed yesterday were: 171 ST ST. Wetmore ft At wood have sold to a el'ent for investment the new five-Story apartment house. oW and 63!", West. 171st st.. on plot 77\??.r>, between Broadway and Fort Washington hv.. re eeatly constructed by the Dayton Rullding Company, I Harris A Flv Ma ran |, The house is fullv rented and ifl the active section of the heights, where many investment purchases have heei, made in the last few weeks. MADISON AV. The firm of Leonard J. Carpenter has sold for Louii-e F. INSTRUCTION. N* "V VlKK-Manhattan. The Berlitz School of Languaires, M r.v tiiO WEST Mth STREET. -..?. Mar'-m Br?n. li. 4> I aaei A?- IM Rri okl-n H as II H I ivli t? l'MUilflp.ila l?tl> A llwatnul HU iRISgr Bid?-1 ? ....-, and Prual? I-.,-?" ir Da a-.) 1 ,' RAM INO. DANCING CARNIVAL. ftA'a^l. evoataa. lacladlas; Bastas Orand Central i'ai?,-e, Lexington av. ; uea 41 th M ?ntranc? No Hi, or Sold. SCHOOL ALEMTES. \ mer lean tnil Foreign Teacher?.' \gencj.?. - iftptlee I'r.-if.-sor?. Teachers Tutors. i ;? i ernesses etc., lo College* Schools and loa Api"- i" Mrs 12 J iOL.S'U PULTON il unten S'i'iare. I.ELILIOIS NOTICES. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Braadway at 120th Stm-t. PIB1.II torturo, ISvKSriAI. I V InKS IS A PORKIf.N MISSION ? II Re? '"UN B i HAMil.,.:i M A SorteUn i ' II ?? Amartean Mailura Mtaakm, IimUs PrUla s ,. i,ib*r I?. ?education' . Tuaada?, N'otfetneer . .*ll?ui . : ' iirch nrgai l'a'i"" " at f ? - . ''' ??'*_ BUSINESS CARDS. BUT tic boal i INT A POST entvliipts'' All I ? an? pi-s- tuttonatr, J WEST, M'r ?1 1', ?;? ? s- llr,.. LABKKL't CARPET h.H'.im. CO Clean, it ,-, mprwued air. ?team, tianJ or un flo. ? I'M Brci.rtwi}. 4.'1 East (s-h at tot A BHANl, I IV ' : Ulli _ mi i.rii.iiAi'ii irpBwaiTTEN 1.1 rrnens It.M: i ooo Ji 75; lo.ooe |? i;t:o n iVEATHERFiiltr? 1j0 Broad?*?) , Kquilablc i. i 141. IteoiJ, '4 MW YORK I Alll-KT il.l AMNli W'lflKS ilMa.i lar?t-M Most MixWn ?"INI RT"OB WOVEN iK'iAi OLD I'AKPKTs Prkot Rooaaoa s*n.i for Circulai M. 4?C'' 4ii!l.1 Bryant 4:i; 4 1? Wal 4Jtri IX ??*?????????~????.?m BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. (?ihi1> quiet room and I mar 1 required; easy Pig ta il---.. phyal, al ? ulturg Sled . 1,1-,,,i.e. H i: H Room Uli IS Brotad at.. N. 1 SIMMONS. ..IK COURT, COUNTT OF NEW roRK.? Summons tCTION Full AB? SOLUT K DIVORCE?LOUISE BOERNER. i . ntlR agalnal WILHELM CARL BOER NBR, 'i'., t;.- abo v. Banted Defendant You <rf hereby .umi)i.,n?il to answer i'n- , ?impUltit In this action, .,rul to im? i Ran at ,,', the Plaintiff >? Attorn?) attain ????ut daijrs aftei th< tar vice of th umn ona, ? s< iu-k> ..f thi da i of servio s-,, in casa ?,f poor f.n'urt to . | -aXeii , i ?? dafau ? f >a th< rail? f d' - plaint Dated, Se< fork, ? >? ? ibh r ZSth, I ? MORTIMHR l..\N/.r? )''-int;ir v At toi OSSce si d '-'? i OflV - Addri m Wo . : i '? Rtl. \.v foi I i'ii -. 1" WILHELM CARL BOERNER T?i. toregolnf Sim,mona - aor< d upon . ou i., pul it?..-Ion, puraaaaI af th.- Konorabl? Eufeno \ i-i Hein, a of the Supreme "'-.iiti .,r th? Btati of Nea V,.ru. dated th? ist ? ni. ,i a III, ? i o ii ?? orTtoa i ..f th? Count) of No? V,,i!>. .,- ^ Coant; i'ourt lions?-, in ih' Boroagfa "f Manhattai of N?n fork, on tan ?r,i ii?* of Nev< ! 'j 1 i Dati ,1. 'ii- .:r,l da> of Nov? mix r 111 Mi IRTIMBB I.AN/.i I Lti rn?) foi Plaintiff oftie? an,i Pool Oftlc? Addrogg - stre.t. Hot.?-.gii ,.f Manhattan, "f N>w V. r,._ SI KKOI.ATES' NOTK ES. BAXTO?, WILLIAM ? i in PURSUANCE ,,f an order of Honorable John P Co, halan, a Butrasjat? al the Coant] .,r Now York. i.,,'!,-?? is hereby given te ail pers,,i,j| having ,-iainis ag.ilnst William O Bat ion] lata al th? Count) of N m fork, d,,. .......l . . -,,r s, nt th? s.uii ? alth vou hi rs therecf to I ? icrll en -? their pi.-,, s ,.f acting busing??, ?,t t'.i? afflce of their sttoa n?y, PTanh '? Holt, .n,, :':-" Hr. . Uorq igb ? t Manhatl ia. New York Cltp, ?->u or before th? I ,: b day of Ha) a? \t Dated. New York. th,. 3<i day of Novem? ber, tan WILLIAM " SAXTON. illLs'l KR 1. SAXTON, PIDELITT TRUST <X>. OF NEW ioiix. PRANK I. HOLT. Ex< H Attorn?) f"i K\ei u'or?. ..' Broaqway, New York Clt) IN PURSUANCE OK AN ORDER < iF Honorable John P Tohalan. a Surr<g,le of the County ol New York. NOTICE ;s hereb) given to ail persoga having claims Prank B Tajeoon, '.at* of Um i'o-int> ,,f New fork, docoaaa-u, in pretatnl th? same v.nh voucher? th?-r-.,' t.. ih? tubacrtbor at h;> p..,. of traiiaactlag business., trm oflli ?? of .-?? >ar- ?- Bhaari :. .W. I.', Wall St . Borough of Manhattan In t?a Clt) "f Nota York, on or before th? SSd di) , f Aprn. i , ?? I).t?>il N,M\ York. !>ie 13th da' of OrtO ber. 191.', ANDREW r McOOWIN, Admlnletrator STEWART a BHEARER, attentera for Admlnlatrater, II Wai! Street. Manhattan, N>w York. IN pi R8UANCE OP AN ORDER (if Hatterahts John F. Cnhaian, ? Sarrogai? of th? Couaty of New York No'ice ,r |,<r. ? i,-. given to all pareeaa havingeigjsna against |i.,nle! A DaVia, lat? of til- I'ount) of N?? Y,irk. dOCOO?d. to' Ih* *,ini? with .ouehetg lhareof to th? eubarriber.? ai fllac* of Lranoactlae basin????, Boon .s0 til ii>; n?av*r Sir*?!. In the City af Mat* York, en or before th* llth Say of April n*xi It. .-,1 N*?a Tora, (h* 20th ?lay ,>f October i s i :, i ? a \ii> i> Dai ia i: BATARD HALSTBD, Baeoator? CHARLES II BECKETT, K?,. . Attorney foi Lx*. ulors. Ill llroadiaav, N*w Y..rk ' ', IN |'l Ksi'ANi I. ni AN ORDKR" OF Honorable John P Cohaloa. a Surrogat,' of the i'ouniy of New Y.irk. NOTICE la I ?r-!?? given to ail poroona having claim? agalnal Harriott? I Him?, lat, ?f tb? i'ount) af No? York, darseaad_ t,, pr*s-nt Ih? ?am? with vou,her ? th*r?-of to (hi sub scrlboi ai bla placa of transacting bu?i II-?. .i th? offlcaofMeaara Morra) Proa? -i*,? a Rowland Me :iT W?n str*?i, m The i :u ,,r N?a York, on or bofor? th? l?l ilav of \U> in! Dated Ne? York, the 19th ,1ay of O-to brr. IRIS HKHBEHT I BARN KB i:v*e?uir Ml BRAT, PRENTICE A ROWLAND. Attorn?-ya for Kxeculor. Moniiot the four ?tory build-n? Madiion av.. site ZiMHJf,, t? Charles Remaen. the owner of southeast corner of 3td ?t, adiol This make? a plot 49x94.8, on ?a will be erected a ?ixtein itory ft building-. On the adjoinine p|0j Hacker Construction Company ig to erect a sixteen ?tory buildinsr e* plertrnr the block front improv??,?? EAST 120TH ST. The kto\TcL pany haa ?old 407 Ea?t 120th it tween Eint and Plena-it av?., . ' story and basement brownitorte d?-.i inf, on a lot 18.9x100, for Erank P r! mon to Lillian G. O'Brien. This i? S. first transfer of thii property b ?? ty.aeven year?. **?* ' LEXINGTON AV. Run ft fres a*. ?old for the 173d Street ImMamaS Company lSrt Lexington av., n??r jj st.. a three ?tory brick buildin?; ?9 100. to an investor. " BROADWAY The E. R. Wood ? 11. Dolson Company have ?old for ?w Halcyon Real Estate ( orporation, (J-T. son M. P. Murphy president, to ? Bloihen Corporation the follo'-i.? properties: :',099 Broadway, a six ?tee? elevator apartment, on plot WxlSl MM rentrai Park West, comer inSthaL. * seven story apartment, on plot u. 100; 47? West I4UI it . a ?even ,ur, elevator apartment, on plot 35x1* I -177 Washington av.. ? five story three' family house, sT.nxlOO, ?,n<j 502 VYt? 177th st., a five -?torv four-fami!? hoaZ 42.6x100. The bu er v>a* rep?2& by Alfred Lock?o i Brown l'h- *W Pol.-on Company ha? hem appoijij aj;ent for the properties. These property? fornifrlji beioB<l. to the New York I?ch' K-ta'te SeeoJJtr Company ?nd were taken over by ta? ?ellitiB company, represeatiaf bo?, holders. Rents Adirondack Camp. .lohn E. Sco't, in roniunrtion wrt-i Duryee A- Co., of Karens? Lake. \. I ha? tented for tin- Farmers' Lee* fad ITrust ?'ompanv. trustee? for theejjji of Uilliant II. Jackaoti, the ?idirondiri 1 cimii known h- Cherokee Lodge, H Gilpin Bhv. I np> ? lo?t, u on M Green, of ? Vork.' This 1? one ,>f the inosl heautif?! and complete camp? on the l?k?, ha?, ing lOo acres in the property, ?itfc ? larRS waterfront. It is a camp that w? occupied tri voars -Ago h-, Georffe ' P''rkiru. CUNARD KtlaUUhfl litt EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *Tuscanu . . .Tues.. Nov. 30, 10A.M. URDUS v BAT.. D?0 1 I? a 11 ?1 1M8RONIA . ,ri<f., DP 11) ? p , H IXOfflA ..... SA r. In .? || ?a ? . ?I 1 -'AM v . . Kl'.l., Ill C 31, I p ? ?Ifin I:?, iti to ?, .?go? noi'Mi -m. ?iikiii imr?, . ?r..i?ing? t.? al' M In. I'tiii/iUfM COMPANYS OFFICE. ? Jl-N ?TATf IT a? FRENCH LINE ? ompasnie M?nerai? Trtnaatlaatloa? rOOTAJ sun I? I Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE --.- Nov. 20,3 P.M. LA TOURAINE. ? - No?. 27,3 P.M. ROCHArViBEAU, ? ? Dec. 4,3 P.M. LAFAYETTE, - - Dec. 11,3 P.M. KOtl I N I?'' ?I M VT">\ APPI.T AROUND PORTO RICO Blue akie?, ?parkling sea?? ?atan. eique harbors and ciriet, ia*"Jraf your exploration, f in now to emtri thi? unsurpassed wiri'er vcyif? 16-D.y Crui.e jQA 50 toi All Expemei ?'"e as Th? .?earner -a v.; ir I-.-!?! for ?se enar* *s? to and around iheialand. iticpingalpe??* pal porta ?nd retumins to S?w York Lara? v.t?'? e.pei-'tllv eq upp?d 'o' a??vcai?ia?l tropi?-? .1 ?nsi e- eiv S?t?i?W, useJTBM An?n?an hej M'r-?/. > PlaoM PORTO RICO LINE Cruising Depl , 1 1 B/o ?.'-?aj. Near Y?lk Qo To For An Ideal. Vacation-? BERMUDA liii'i.iu- Tm.i-D.i? llimn l???f? -1 ' a I ' ? I ' Twin Screw 'Bermudan'' ,si?f, i,_?,,r,-,|. .1 eeererl ??all?, lltemale Weal? A >???? _ ' - ' 'I JMl |.-. t..,| I - I*" v. Kartaond A v. ?? *?. ?? ' I .?? B' ? ?';.'.'" Al:. v I. S I?1 REO "D" UNE ,iK l'liUTii III' -. . \ ' lA-u.As n ? ???'??'* ; /.. LIA '- ?* ' ?upertor A ' *SB brazil ? :r?u Bellini? < m ? era LLOYD SRAZILtIRO. l? State St. "? ' *? MhWiMiir 11? Kl 11 ro ?NT ro>' Offlrial .?gect? ?II '">?? ,. l!?-i?.,nil A Hhltrumh Cn..?tS Mb At.'? Ttaa p'jni?; fea p:ea?'.t BOSTON $2.65 vit lloeit anil Kail. K?H.M> tSSf 9B PROVIDENCE U? uniMi 1 Kir. V 00. Colonial Line Fir?i elasa earvia* ?????? lay?loarW taya ?'. I l' M ff ???" * -'r 3i -- ? r.c.t \\ n iiotaatee -t <?U ouia.d? *"TZ ? 1.00 to ?"3.IJ0. Uireleae ?uJip???S'lk^?, town w... feVra-AOwsi orno -?- ??- fM^ m?l_? FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 sirs i?- Pier M N n. n *?*** + dally M 5-.00 P. M Mu?:r i NVw l-.n.l.m UM. -ir ' F'*rr4?aP?i f Houaton st . ?e?k J*>* 0,">'^, p u Pii-r TO. ? it. ft r ::a St.. ? -H r ?* ? .New linen line ?tr y>" ' *H T ft. Ctth.irin.- St. w<-^k day? o"1''i M.; Pier 70, ft M nd R 3 " ?1, ? Bri.:?e|wrt l.l?e. ? ? k te'?*Vt ?1. ' \ 1, n U 1 M I'll <?? ,V 11 00 A. M 11 16 A M ,aj^0H^ ^O'oter. $:.*0. rr??!?'?? ??rt"m,m*Y ?)| T>II)P raTATFBOOIS?, S?A?a . Hall?. Inrlu.lln? fundar .??'li?. fr..iti I'ter II. K H Then? ??** sT LEGAL NOTICES. -? SI PF.KMK . .?: KT NBU VOBK COV"*?* In the mutter of ?he S"?'r?'. "'* i^a-T for lb. l?-n.nt of credllor? "' ??."?"?,? O iK.lns bualne.? ?? 1- L?aJ A ">????7' N?tlimi IUIII11. AarlSt-?' , _,? ggS ? \,.t. e I? hereh> ?Iver tl ?' '.." lL. ,u? piihil. au. Mon tkrou-rta "" ? ??5 Ua*4 lUaaar, Mil the ae??t? of ^??CLTm aaalajnor. .oi.ei.ilti? of labela furat ?f? ^ ur?t. pattern? and t ' lk iti?> ?,, . - Sovemher, III ? ?t '" ?'T7,2>* ?fuma???, ait Ne ?-? Hr.-.t-a? ?Wr*??* Mvnl'.attaii. ?.'It) of N-? V ...i?iie? t NATHAN BAI.1.IN. ,W.*SU DAVIH niSt'HBH, Altortwj I??" Tin. ?miiamik KATIONAI. HAM>jUB . a 11a ?aVfi ?'th "ViJ it? ??*?? Mtl It ? ?nail ?llh IBS^aae?BJ ?or?. I? a?'?, ara Uerebjt tio?lB?^ ?. .ivTS^? IM?. Ubi*. Oca. 11 Uli