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The Conning Tower I he I ndefectives In thr world tirer* his died a baby : eager to part with breath. 1 fr?>ni the world s hot noise?. bark to the cool of : .I dumb mil unhearjpg, he is rlone wrtfa ins ?lay? of ger array has rieen, aghast at a beb? slain' par . ryni'ii doctors public debate runs wild Is of men and WOTM n who know tin love of a child. to dispute ins sentence, which one of us will pis ?by, win? win die. of neglect, to-day ? \ baby, -<liul ?q ? world of his own. child, who i? hungry, or sleepy, or eold. or alone. \ v,: i ontidint baby, s baby with eyes and oai>. ?i i a lit*!r soldier to the scanty hope of the years, l'util, in i!?<' crue] summer, or the winter's cold? he goes. \ a ?otnumbered by a hundred ?iiibtle foes! i . . milk we ?x.\\r him. foes in dirt and disease. Dai a ' red and gutter, and greater dangers than these }>, - . - stem raoatl the r-tit and the wagt. iieart of a ba\v shut up like a beast in a cag?.. rieen in proti it, call this a crime if you will! find a baby; perhaps une is living ?till re to-morrow, whose battle is nearly done, Wl ' the unequal struggle for ?omfort and food and aun. L bis tiny conviction/that the world is kind and right, ager and scant and fever are onl\ dreams in th? niglit. e il strong and happy, with his own little place on earth, yooi organisation to lave the deficient at birth ?LaTtH-UM Nohki? We might have ever so much more respect for the opinions of J. ? | Addams if she hadn't referred to Robert Louis Steven as hating mitten "some of the masterpieces of American ? cannot subscribe to Miss Addams's claaaificatson of ? Marshall P. Wilder as "one of the world's greatest come Addam? cites De Quincey. Byron, Talleyrand and othera ? overcame some single mental or physical defect and rose to Homer nodded. Miss Addam?, hut, as somebody we fro ? mot? once said, 'twas not his nodding made hirn Homer. TRl'ETU.h. a?o TMOkJM Misa Jane Addam? has contracted the hub?; o? ation on almost every subject. to which she has devoted the greater part of h?r - -, * .-ion these her woid is accepted as authoiity, aa her effort? ? .rection? have been unieln' Jh and valuable. natoral also that kei ju-uiuirience should have tailed her foith ?f)l : <?? of activities. ? ? there 'i a limit to the fields which ?he ?an cover compicu imoag them Is not that of militar;, preparedness or the ar*. ?' Ige ;he made an unfortunate statement regarding ' . oung men, to the effect 'hat they could not engage in ?.; excepting when drugged wi'h liquor. allegation, most offen?ive to young manhoou. ?. -- | I. <? fiiit II r r?test recorded against Misa Ad ?nt utterances she ?ays that we ah o i :',ai? for de? fence for various reason?, ?morir them that Ae do not koow bow to pre? pare e should have said is 'hat she do? - ?? ho.v :>j - \ddams i? i ot e\pect?>d to 1 prepare Ol roi tory afl I ty ol -, ??igoroj? vour.g manhood I geaeral Stafl tl cted but, itely, is foroidd?- ? | te the public. Hence the volume of une.i ? the par' of ?nformtd ?BOB ?- IJeorj tord and \\ . !. Bryan no BJ ivhag thfm discredit themselves, but M:ss Addams ?peaki foolishly on subjects ?ne does not oa< -:es ??th usefulness in her own iph? Little did we dream that Mrs. Al Daril would marry without . The Conning Tower. Henee the anachronistic pera? gra: terdoy's column, h serres OS right for going home . If. w | - at i ? ? ?tali ? ; try to he fair ir OUT attitude toward the Fubli? on. hut we cannot forget that it ^ot us into trouble. We ip balayette Btroel OM afternoon ir. the i'. S. C. automobile; ?. we tried to do the ?ame thing in our Own chariot, and sped I .1 bumiliatingly contemptuous policeman. 'Dancing," iayi the Castle House Managen m t'i a.-..?.our.ce al nine o'clock ami continue until _' u. in. These hou .re reasonable tnan thoai which generally prevail ? --penally for those bosinei men who wish tl I regular exercise and social diversion, and yet are unwill . rifice the necessary nigh'.'s sleep." There had to be a arard puntaniam. Thi-i thing of dancing from 11 p. m. ' ?"iirht. Now the tireless business man may slumber, t'iom 3:30 to 7:30. I II KRWK SOM.S Of AN I I.DKK I?\> ?'?I LCaaa TO ?0*C.?T YOU.' bf W a William?. C??,ri9M itU U? ?Oil Baaill" of angelic grace a? float.? in the clear blue ihlea, --?nt uealth of hi own hair, and oh! ?uch dreamy e>e?! ?m an ?he lovingly kr."!t b\ your Bide, - < .? - ? si ? ied that she'd be fOSVt ?Ko. I r '?' ?f.M'i? or ?trife, betweea, sad ws parted, yeo, patted, ? HOat?fi al to ???? ? ; ? 1 set; ? world for >?r.?- smbrOOO, - I ????r MO? *h:te hr-ov 1 il "i-, ||f-j han gone, I mutt learn to forget >ou now. ' *?? ? SB tho fairest O? fVoa'r? that bloom bf the ?ilv'ry stream, bsei M I H rrow cold, n ideal poet'? dream; bafaai e>e?, with tear? of regret they oft fill, I loved her ir, 'l?\a g?MM by. and 1 know that I love her ?till for SSM .','i? from her eye? drffeae, one leaned of her ?oft a? Wr*. . i SOOl for*-?' till I'n, v.i?j,i,e.| .i, Iks I irath. ' HOI ., !?arn to fort'*-' the ['??*. StS n man need? i? the idea." observes Torn Shevlin "'1 he < ?KTially of I? tiirni.i' Tom gave us the Pia. moi .'.it. t. V. A. WAGNER OPERA IN METROPOLITAN First Representation This Year of "Goetter claemmerung." A TRIUMPH FOR A NEW CONDUCTOR Abbreviations in the Wagnerian Dramas. Past ami Present. Bv H. E. KREHKIF.L. All of the amiable aad mot. . seif-sacn:,cing people, or BSTSOBS, OS artists, who took part in the rrprr?.;; tation of Metropolitan Opera House last SOI seen and siso heard again more i I Si the performs,' ces uf Wagner's lyric drama last seas-. nothing new can be chror,?? ? i them, there would seem to be pre] ' la devoting the ; I M convention is supposed to demand to the newcomers. These, eotl stage manager, who. like a good child, was seen and not heard and on. by proxy, were " the Gutrune of the drama, and Mr, Arthur Bossasky, the eoBdaetor, of ? appearani'e ,t i? BOl nscSSSI ?peak, and who ?va? heard as a ron ? If ? made by others Badet i There being a so-- ulent. iffepring of Isttsr day new - ideals, that v\?t\- artist must promul? gate a new evangel on his arriva: in America, we had been led to sxpoel that Mr. BotJsSMky would traer SI II possible to curtail Wagner*! . dramas. Those who attended the rep? resentation of last night expec'ing a surprise of this hind were diaappe ..* ?d. There were eartailmeate, bat *he Wagner i tes of Kow York were taug I ? vjie ??? these concessions tO ' . ? Jo] ment frota t : . ? ara not radieali < by conviction or froBi affectation. -.dl, who had no foolish COI I SU espite s intimate aa ? r With the composer he te seoi "G?ttenUn .'? ... ??'? lead pencil ho i rolofue, the i BIS of Wag ere delighted to hear its magnin . rote the Isfl . peel sy had not if regret to utter when it wag med bocease of the obvious im lity of consorting- the poetical id -a with 'he rade materia BCeompanied its visualization. Von can not represent the thread woven by the pi-odael of the hempon rope--, ? reducing the symbol to ei. And so. since the ? words are r. agit Seen! re hat ? wished ever since tha: the pro? logue mifht he trsBsferred to the cert i, there, nafortunstelj il :ias been give:, a place. ? economy in time, we were som ? . ? ?ni de, eploral ? the ropreaentationa, whicl i snage? ment has not repeats came get ere - tsjrji to give . i ol .? of the fini ciass for the sake of s :? >v minutes of dramatic B : belongs to the ? ? beaut". 11 VHs i.lade one of the his ghl ssl m.i-e b Ime, Mates? ? may be said that i as t'ne m naher of a cast nit,'.'-. did not mn-.. dsys of W sma .???ere ? ee York, i ad the Sie) Br?nnhildi I - ??ear after jrear as if thi ceding erspeel tnought -ve feel a bit apologel Mme. Kart, whose impel ? tig pe t wish to ? ? ? i .i ;? L'rfas's 1 ;. ? ? the ? I -tor ipe ? | ? ? ilagefl gniiieanl drams a I this), bal i am r. not te the mi .????? hat' 1 . . ( al scheme Wa wsthel elleetual ... and mu?ic to upon ?heir Aad mea? leim ? ? ? tent. ? ? the ble i ehi itage aill teach her i arms aad body In tirai : as she did last nighl i thing nal I ? ? non. M i" Bodanaky 1 : . i gavt Iiirn a greeting which was full af encouragement on ? anee at the conductor'? was all klndnass and . to a irssr, for no one knew . of him V> hen h?? appears 'he second act there wa m. one ? ? d ? val aad gratitude, hot! MasTea I manee ? -le mo?t finished heard at thi rabli -igt,m- To ?car ? \ ! which weighed WagBSI !.. ?? hieb, respecti the com] j nuanceR and the euphonious ?' melodies. Mr Bo ently feels the poetry I ar.d is not obsessed by ,? mare pondem-u:?. Re | ves the ? eir das ami then of the orchestral pur- rl? ?; ?? dji Ighi ?? an ? ?!i wa? full of noble ?Aas the cast of the drama: '? h - Marga.-? ?I, 1 I ? $200 Mean* Lads' Thnnkse/iving. There will hi no Thsaksgivini Harlem Hoy.-' Robjh ; i 1206, O? 'i.i home u. ? j years ola, SBd OB m the citj caring ? age for adn The Children's Aid So ? cond rn ell <? root | 11 a ? j ? !?,,'! | f..? the 1 bsnksglviaj dinner. M!,^ LAWRFN? T. MF.M) She we.<. Mis-- trotine Riely, daughter of Mr?. T. 8. Grave?, of 10 East Eighty-third Street, and wan ma-ri^d yesterday in the UniTeratty Place rieahjteilail Church. LAWRENCE MEAD WEDS MISS RIEl Ceremony Performed in P Avenue Church?Miss Churc ill Bride of Thomas Robert' HISS Armine P:?ly *as married o'?1ock yesterday afternoon, in the 1 Avenue Presbyteries ? hurrh, to 1 rene?- Mead, ?on of Mr. an.-! Mi?. word H Mood, of I Bte. Mi M ' n - tor of '. ?lane Smith GrSTSS, of San Anto To?., sad 4o East Eighty-third Sir ?<ie -va? in a gown of w i i rsrdroos. ?mbr ered r |rta. Bhc wore a i Mond pin. a k>?i- from th? r?ridaa;r-. Mrs Frank R larKir. ?as the mat of beaor a-:d or1, attendant of ras in pale blue ?ttin Mies Theodore M was hi? brother*! best mar.. Th* ci ? i ?'.?!?.? .1 '..-. ?ne Uev. ? . 1er, of 'he I I iven . ?hurch. I will Urs at East rhirtietl 3 A?na Fren?os < hnrchill, dau Mr. liai : . | - la Drive, \ marriiMi lo ThoflBJ ? -, jr.. '. m of Bt. Re| va? p ? ? I.- !.. bi rl B. I I? ? avtami les - hen in ?. ht s gown ol ?cv. s tulle ti .: ? ... | ? ? ? ? trii allow roses. S :i. ? i; M.?"' i bob and Miss Mar ?, ?ere in y ?Tun \elvet be ? ? bei rj mi best n.? ? .c l?r Harold H !!? I I ? Chiop ' f r. Uowod by a I : ?!r. and M : ? ' mi wi'i ihre in I - ? ? ?-#. - ? . YALE CLUB DINERS PRAISE ELI'S POWER: Dope? lolls of Cheers Oi\e When Hadley Was Born. arfJS ?he Nal \ ,?'??? ? ? I . .-.: I 1 ? ? fourth Street, was lied last mich ? ? ? srmiag. Pre ISOI V .. :? ;. H ?> war?: I Hadley, Ans?.-. Phelps Bl .:y ; (ieorfr Parmi] Day, treaaorer; Frederick 8 Jones, lean ol gOi 'i.aunc?.; M. Dopow hi..l Jane? Gambl ? Bogen smeni . y . ?- of boner. Profeasoi Th ? sal ? ?ai .?ah power last Batur <ia\ i toi rai ? root??I a ? ; to dia ? Vale ?'?.I ac?iuir<>d a millloi ?li.lUr-. referring to a recent boque it I that he would hesitate to put th< this test K ring up thai on if the* conld he a??ured of I ? | ore- Harvard Saturday. Chaancoy M. Pepea told of thi eheen River, th? !at? Profe.?-or Hadlej r;.i?Tt:raduates when the present dent of the nnirersitj rams '.n'c ?he world Prooldeni Hadley oor.jriat?i!:ite?l the ? elobhonss and pointed out the ndw;nta>r?-s of ?uch an institol i city. ? ?if the ird <iuh, congratolatod Yale Club, on behalf of the ?-ollec* club? of tho city. The Harvar.l < iub sent a . ? ?? iiuncii of cnm?on mse- ?n h?>nor .? .ri mon. < ONNKI.I.?? S\\ I B HathoWl Have? Ceaaell, ?f "?aiden Emilie Virginia Sayle?. ' ? ' Bereath B?troot, Broohlin, ????ere mar? | lay afternoon Is the 'hurch Of Bt, I'ranri? A??i?i. Amone ?Rrii-n and Hand O'Bi ? n, ion ai d ?angbtei >.f Her nan i ' ' '*'!'-" J I J Laaala, <?nd <.'h?rle? 9 Nlcheas? NEWS OF PLAYS | AND PLAYERS Lou-TellegM to Follow "Quinneys' " at the Maxine Elliott. Loa-Telegea, thi ?ted actor. Will ,;:e Maxine Elliott Theatn r.eya' " snd its anti , ? re will move r.'.t n' ? ? . 01 ?' ' the now- Tellegei play, "The Ware i ase," w ill tai,- a Bar St. "The War,? t'sse" i?, g drams BJ George Pleydell, aad - si besi on the road fur several ?seeks B are entertained for it here, although it Il h great s'l. eis in Loi Having left "Town Tapies" simple expedient of walklBg out, Ade? laide and Haghea are rooting -easily. it is though*. Ai ' ? ?tended ?ras- ' pic'urei will be eel says Freder'c McKay, sad sitar that anything may happen. It is possible th&' the) "??ill appear at. the bead ' organ-: ting fail pantomime The mm e Mipi night box efflee - ed i : a i J '?? aa wa Work. "The Red Heads" will i Joan Be i ... ssj Hssi , who wa ' n" Ki.d can be it i will ht Ruggiei o H? ! Gap " Jol ? Ho ? Klondike Kate a Internai a ?? ?? ? ?? Palace tali ? I - ? hospital restar?s os ss as tie, thi latsrastio isl s lias I i ry v. Pennj baekei helped Bsvsral hundred members ef the Nos \ ? Eternal M ??.. est after? noon. Beg ,...,.? - ifteraooa ?nd evening Bl "'l he Bal tie Cry of Pi ? bob ng in N ? and Philadelphia, ami J Btsaii Black? leg are mounting ever big "Alone a? Last" is announi . remainder of the sea bert, l" i'iphia companies in proceM \ ajg tsn eluding i aniso and M . I ' 1er, trill attend thi i . aas at thi ae 1 BU ( Hive. In honor of Mine Matxe neuer, who hails from Ham . i little Frei A gross of VivisBBo Segsl'i I h friends, who evidently had not heard about New York's SU. rea ... presented Mis* Bogsl s poay aad eati PANAMA CANAL HELP BEING CUT DOWN Dropping of Men indicates i)e lay in Reopening Waterwav. Panama. Ksi IS. I: Sg B, the blockade of the ?'atiana (' I recent slide mar.y employee, Btsl : in the operst.r.^- n| furloughed or given vacations, which is taken her- to i d cate that thi will restais do ed for a much l< . time than was a1 i I expected. eases eassloyos are being di -i,.. - ? ' ? se op?rai mg i lien sai ? been trsBsfsrrsd to Bl er there the work has iaCTt notably the dredging division, which has taken over most af the canal pilots as tug masters and captains of dtl It is the intention of Major General George W. Goethals, Gevsrasr Geaeral of the ("anal Zone, to force a tempo? rary channel through the elide a? . ry as possible, and to passa through the vnv a few ?hip? which have BOM X since the canal cloeed, and then ?hut off traffic again satil all lan. gt r ot ilidee has hex : i his probably will be not ?ess than six month?, according to the bes! svailasls , ?tiingtes. The COadition s' the ?-lid? remain? -, irtuallv unchanged, though g I gain, an the dretageg a? which i blocking tbe cbanucL I WARY PICKFORI AND HER TEA Glancing Behind Sci? ?t Girl Who Became a Japanese. TRACING A JOKti TO ITS SOU? Latest Example of Ger Frightfulness Defended Friend of Fmanuel Reiche By HKVV.OOI) BKOl N. "Was this the face that launc ihouaar.d lb ips a::d burr,?, the to tower? of [hum." ?aid Dr. Faustua off i i ?e that when he mu* Troy. 1 hat. was the way art more ?<>. aa we ?hook hand* Pickford, for her Ilium? an i every rc-ei. :.. horse. thOQa tl.'y wore wooden :or all the King's men could gar' for a ilngle evening the thoal Mise Pickford smile? and love) die?. ha ' .. | ron against preceded the release of bs immeasurably greater jangle of a; par an.i lead ha? followed ever; !e??o of Mary. Troy an?i Psri? 1 Helen, hat i_ur Mary i? farr.e.i .n 1' S) raru??. Home and Elmira aa Wl And ret Mary Pickford i? not pi until ire smilsSi Nw, SOt even I for with, tha' smile ?he becomes bei ful. tJadonbtedl] Miss Pic'<ford at least | ! her weekly solar account of her smile, while the re? it may he attributs : te her eyea a wonderfully expreisive pair of hi She il a great artist, however, bee of a quality which doe? not regl on th? ?creen. "Di?l you cry when you wat. Ma?l?me Brterrlv?" we a?ked Pickford. "Ves, I tried," si.? ?aid. "1 cried cau?e I saw thing? that I could do ?er If I could do them over again.'' Wri'er? of ''irce a;:d vaudc sa 'i:^ ?i.-ep for their suits amo of Bosn Jol neon the Scotchman tell? how ?cc.jr.ipanieii the k,h.'u' lexicographe an Sntertalnmei i where s young played tr?cate pie?e upon marked th at va? di?ici.Il replied. "Would thai it were impo ble." And that Joke, or ?ome varia of il 11 running. Strangely enough, t'uere are a the ncting of trieb stein in "The Great I.ov?r" bees they ?ay the part has been mad?> to measure. We can see no substance inch a criticism. Th ? best : .'!>'irir.e<l by writing eritsi a portict person In view. Bhakespeare, Moll and Clyde Fitch did It Humlet created n? fat as Burhage. and Holi ?'ailing to cure a cough, dramatised Ditricnstein foel? a disinclination play parts calling for great emotional feeling, and so he has ? ' '?ir hi rr. sei f s character wh heart is worn on the lloOTO. It (??'?r snd n> rs BTtlstic to acter in the actor than for the BttOl 'u-c himself in a character. Every night. :.nw, we pre] comme: We would h a buffer of buaineei :nen between stage err) such productions as "Dep of Purity" and "When the Young V Blooms" Pereiral Wilde, who lOtni i ' wliich Reicher is to produce. ? ?? inter, lew that Bj?rni *he "N ???egian Shakespeare1 ??? theref 'he Americai bould rlo.-k to "When th? Young Vine Blooms." '1 b ier the circumstance." he is "shall we say that the thiaf American people to do i ? ' ? chance s of this g tions : F.- ? appeal 'o o ir emotions. ? ?ur mental equipnie:: to the extent or' giv ng DI a in envii i than o M r W : le'i wordi eei i be ? ?hat "if it's it'a a great I Ime "Tit \ \. have our ?ea even if the playi *' "Hamlet" e "Bfaebel ' On 1 ha? "no appeal to rgh? oi ? b a itoif, if are at ?H, shoul i be ? sorel. Mr. Reu-her's whole vent: to be somewhat Ill-judged The th strs of Germany is a remarkable the ? ???. bul il : SOI e. :? . nal 'h-'ii'i and an attempt to found an Amener people'- theatre w th B repertory whi< i? almost wholly 9 ? K-d's Play at Columbia. . ? olumbi -, ' rersit] oon an g in the Brinkerhofl '?? Spanish Tragedy." arhich it - - ?en. WBA1 i- GOING "N m !>\\. ? \ - ? ? - ? : a il > ... ...-.-.. I * . v. v? tsm m B - o-ar"-? c Saw V'jt?? a:. i ? . i p m T. : / | i- '??-? tl.? r-.,p.a-a ! i p n M. < ? . I'M F'-'. Ki-r? F - .- I /? ? - . . - . ? - | ? . . - Rai:-? : ? ? - ? IS | ! l'rl raaaoi . - . .- , . \. ? I Ul . \. ? ? <? ? ? . ? '.. M t> . ? ? .,???? I . . ? I - .??.'., ' -. Ar | ;: llliiatratad). .,, "av \ -u~i <?aat X a ..... A siiEia-r ?n A ? . ? > Pi.hllc ?; :. ?,..... ..f , ! S-T.. IS A>c ... ,. ;.';n>.-. Maur ?nd II?? : i- -. . - \\ D , , ??. '..?.artm-ri' ?f II?. ? (. ' | .-., 1 Mrn-'l!. TV Mar. . ' li.Jla " lu <'la>1 ..; ? bi M.-> N?M? f- M-al VWholaa \>? . ? ? ' * !?? .? I auf ' ?A-la' . ? " ? .?r?.? ' ? ' "??' ,'.;.?..? '? -?" ' ? . I ' I \|,.- .. . I . ? rata , J " ? -? - > la . I Mai . I ? . ? . . ? Caatru ' ?. . Jaros? ???????j?. Ssea ?' IMBl SliitU $90 PAID FOR OLD CAKTEEN Total of Sesgion at Hunter Sale of ( hinat Was I5.2S2. A pear-shaped porcelain vas? ot th? ( h'i?n-lung period brought the top price, Bigs, yesterday at the opening ; session of the sal? at the American Art ?Gal'eries of the rare specimens of old English and American ch:na and other objects collected by Dr. Pleasant Hun ?er. of Newark, .V. J. W. W. Seaman, as ?vas the purchaser. He alto gave ?r a canteen bearing a transfer J- *? of the Capitol of the United -states In dark biue Staffordshire ware. Jiited 1?20. Eva I>. Laste gs-e S135 for a fruit dish and tray bearing three views ?'Drawing from Nature," "The Wit of I .ndov." and "Bound to a'Tree." William K. Hearst's bid of ttfO was th? ? it for an historical plate .n ? showing "The City Ilo'e!. Vor?." One of A. Vernay'i pur - was a rigure of a lion, glared ? ti brown and yellow on a green base. otal of tue s,..?ion was < The sale OOBtiaBSS this afternoon. raSSM.W.ALKER FIRST DEBUTANTE Dinner, Theatre and Sup? per Dance Follow After? noon Reception at Home. While there have bes-n a few lunch ' eons and two or threa receptions for debutantes given In 'he country, the Mrst girl to be formally introduced In ths oitv al a reception this fall was Miss Mabel W. Alker. Utr mother, Mrs. A.phonsc H. Alk?r. preiented her to society yeeterda?, aft?rnoon at h?r home, tl Kaa* Si uy-sixth Street. The deb'itante, who wore white satin and chiffon, was aggisted in receiving ' , Mi?s Janotta Lake, M;s? E'.:7ahe?h Titus. Mies Marie OsUrholt. Mi?s Elisa Sage, Mise Diana Richards. Miss Jo ine liedle, Miss Helen K.'rr and ? I erelyn Dorsett. The reeepfon was followed bv a dinner after which the guegtg ??ere taken to see "Alone at Last." at ?he Shubert Theatre, and afterward brought back to the house .' r supper and df.ncirig. Th? additional vuests wero Carrol! Alker, Alexander I.vie. John Gibb, I'hilip i rovat, Howard Smithera, Matthew Loeram, H*nry Steerae and Donald Cowl. Mr?. Aiker will give a dance for h?r daughter a* sherry's on P?comber - Mill Blanche A. Tyng. daughter of James *.. Tyng. will be married to Ed 1 en .lanuary 4. in th? Chare] ? - Heavenly P.eet The ,', raSaSSH will be performed by 'He ' r, the Rev. Herbert Phipmati, and i reception ?vill follow nt S'rerrv's Edith J. Fair Bill be the maid ?Bor and Bliubsth Hunt the flou . sir!. Th?re will bo no bridesmaids. Laurence Imr.g N'eale will b? be?t mas. Mr. Bl ! Ml*! M. Dim? Wilson will town on Tuesday to join Mrs. ?gdea Qoelet at White Sulphur springs, W. Va. - of the Lafayette Fund National, a supp?r was held :?? the RiU-Carlton last night, Il marked 'he opening of th? DOW , rystal room, under the ballro.un. ? ? attended last night were , ? mi only, bat I h i? ?ven be drown open to I rhoOO who had tables were Wileei . .Mrs Whitney I -? aad Mrs Kran c s K. . Mr. aad Miss, trank Giav? oid. Mr and Mrs. William Creen . . Mr. una Mrs. John Aspegren, '? i Bands, Mr. and Mr?. Walter "?"I, Mr. and Mr?. Alexander Dal? I Pratt, Mr at.d Mr?. Allan 8 -Wellman, Mr. Mid Mis. .1. Goidon Dougi?-. Mr. and Mrs. G Louis Boiise '?l. ,'d '.1rs. William Lavrrraee ' ? ? ? . .1 ? - Ar'tnir CarTSll, I ral i I ? i ..-i ' s ar, v. OT nd George L B ' ? ? The loeoad of the Biltmore Friday ?Bail nls will be given this moraii g ii the ballroom of the B ll IB artists w il! be ' ' Blmsn, Anna Fitriu and eiaaiat sV thd ,1st!?ant and bazaar ia aid of . Darraeh Home for ?'rippled < I ? i Ir the nni'ic room :' Biltmore on the after . ?i bar I. Tiiis charity, . .,, .re.! a' IH V. e,.t treat ia privately supported. Among ??,e worn* ??.-,?? it are Mr?. , ea Elliott Wartaa, Mrs. i BL Willard. Mrs. F M. Mui.v'.l. Mrs. W g Mr? \ M Morris, Mrs. i. V. -.nhainer and Miss Loiothy Gai Mr and Mrs ?V .?-eivbrd W?bb, jr., ? y ei'v ysstarda) trees , iBtry pi?<-e ?' Meahaseet, L t nr?- a' trie Hotel Gotham for r. few ds;s. Gsoqre V Iiske and Migs Kuth ? 'lurr: "ov\n. N. J , gave a rday ?? Sherry's for 1 rginio Gcddes Mr?. Henry 0. HavsflaSPST "'!; re :i from Stamford, Conn., on 22. Mr a:-! Mrs Colgate Ho.v hsve ?r ? r, town from their country | .ice ? . gad ate at the Betel ,i m. -? LESTINN AT PHILHARMONIC Icbiaberg/s "I'elleas and Meltsando" 1 rature of Concert. Philharmonic Society? coi.cert ight brougiit to New \orr: Arnold i \f ? symphonic poem, "I'elleas ami Meliaande," and brought back to n? Miss Emmy DeetiBB. Mus Destinn vsrj mach thinner than laut sea? son and in very much better voice, both figure and voice indeed causing regret I no longer a member of th? ; Metropolitan Opera Company. i sang, wi'h ?"??^?-Ji-SSl "Dor F.scherknabe" and "Die Lorelei and Si nt-Sa?ne'i "Mon coeur *;>u%re ? ta voi: " The Schonberg symphonic ?eeiv. deui.ed a?'??j? Bee it to say at P"""1 "? ? aivsd sonfe applause ind ?i in one part punctuated *.th }***%":.. The programme opened with Go.d m-irk's "" overture and closed - "n Rimsky-K'ors.koff's "fapnccio F.s , i-nol " The audience was a large and ES a brilLant one. The programme will be repeated this afternoon. YARN SALE FOR WAR RELIEF The American Girls' AM yesterday made an appeal U the public to pil? onase i's stock of yarn- and clothing material? in order to assist in the work of furnishing riothi-.g to the vomen and children of France who are, vic.ims of the ?var. Visitors can see samples of the material on sale any day from 10 to 4 o'clock at the offica of the or? ganization. Room 1508. 50 Broad Street. Jacob H. Schiff, Colonel Harry Cut? ler, of Providence; Ri presentative Mi >'-r Lot.uon and Herman Hernstein ? 1 '?>* ths speakers at the conference of Jewish business men to be held at ti i Hotel McAlpin Mondsy night to de? vise ways anil means for raising a new fund for the relief of Jewish war suf? ferers. The Lafayette Fund, which is send? ing $2 comfort km to French soldiers, trdsy received Si.?.?, bring'! g the fund up to ?>7..T..7.20. The <'rt'>*e of the orgsaisatioa la 122 VanderbiH Hotel. MANY PAY HONOR TO DR. TRUDEAU Physicians and Men Ho Made Well Follow Body to Churchyard. .From ? BJaaf i'?(T?"jt?XHl?rv4 ?fl*? TrlMa-a* Saranae Lak*. N. Y Nav. IS.?Th'e village wai in 3VJi:rninjr all day to-dar. The ?hade? wer? ?irawn In the aho-ie and ail businej. was suspended a* a tribute ? i the can who iiad done mo** ti?n any one else toward ?o'.ving th? problem ci tuhe'oilost?. Hundred? o( people wth ?ad .-.??s itood outside the Church .?f Bt. L .ka the Beloved Phyo? can. and on th? saow?c?>v?rod ?treeti leading tu the ?? ? ;i:or:u>n which D-. Kdward L Tru ?eau founded while ha body wa> serried I y. Inside the church th? quantities of beautiful flower? which decorated the ehaeeol made one forget that this ?u a wnt.'t's day in the heart of tho Adirendacks. The aisle?, a? well as the pew? were rilled with intimate friend?, many of ?ion came from New York City, fron Pennsylvania and from N'ew England. The ?ervlce wa? read bv the Ke. Or. Sco" Ki.lder, rectos of the church, asv>te?i by the R?v\ William B Lusk, of R.dgerteld. ton?. The honorary pallbearer? were Pr E? R. Baldwin, Dr Hen 17 M Thoaaaa, Or. H. M. Kingborn. Charle? M. Lea, Ed? mund Penfold and Kitz Green? MailecK, who had been Dr. Trudeau'? guide fot almos' ?ort> year?. Paul Smith, Phelpe Smith, Tharles R. Armstrong, Pr. .lame? A Miller, Dr Lawrason Brown and Dr .1 Wood? Price carried thS ? ?". . which wa? followed by Mrs, Tui? ?lean, Dr. and Mri. Freed? B. Trudeau. Lawrence Aipinwal!, Miss JoaephmS Garretaon an<i I.elar.d Garret?, n The fui eral pis cession, which I ?a eluded more than sixty automobilst, followed the roa 1 through the grounds of the sanatorium, wher?? the chaoat bell wa? telling, ?pr! p.?' tie cottaff ? 'ull of patient? For fourteen mile? It wound throu?-1' tho ?no? ?-overee] mountain? until 't cam?, to tue little Church of St. Job: in the Wllderne? . which Dr. Trud'iii ha.l founded for the people who si ?id the.r lummera rear Paul Smith'?. R< e In the churchyard, to the <?ra e? of three of big children, he whs 'aid to re?? hi 1 the Bev. PhiVmon;e?. of MorristeWBa M, .'.. re?d the burial aeiwiae, The ssm mng through the pine trees, ?nd the Adirondack guidas gathered fioro far and near to iiv a '??r ?ribute te the man who bad i.een their friend anj idol itooi iide b/ ? de with the ?ce.":a!t :?t? who had eosae to hi ror a irreal phvsician. DEWEY'S CHAPLAIN ON OLYMPIA DEAD father Reaney, Highest Ranking Clergyman In Navy. Suc? cumbs in Hospital. Th? Boo. Pathos wnilass B Rennen ''. B. N., who ?rai chaplain on A ral lic'.vev1? lagship Olympia sl the butt',? of Manila Bar. died at 9:40 l?ai nigrhu In Polycll lie Hospital, of an intestinal lesion, ile ha?l bora h th< b< ipital ? month, ?0I?0W1112 hi? removal from the Arrw mid Navi Club \ bi. lister ? ? ' lie died Public Serrico Commis? oner Edward E MeCallj who wa? a relative, hurried to the hospital lu-* night, after I I Path? r (team y. Car 'iviul Farley and PatJ I ek, 1'. S. N". visitad the j ?tient morning. The lost '1 were administered by Fatbei Flnnett? ? Church of the Sacred Heart. ?Tame? W. Carroll. Secretary of New York I.odjfe No. 1, of I .1 Ed? v..?r.l Shelby, Oi Ruler, were cal si ' ras said ? ill be from vt. Patrick's Cathedral to-morrow, Pother Reaney, known to 'he men ? :e?," w.i? bom at ?ea fifty yean a?o during a voy,?. 1 1 dea, ? f which hii fw'her wai HI eat!? ? ? ? ? ' I ral Gibbons In 188? At Mm ills [.?.r'h- ? the Arebl . ? :ik' *h?> capture of 1 l( "? is the : .1 nal a' Bt te I' It: Hep1 he wsi ord< .?d ba? ? ? Y?r?l, where he had srerlooslj been chap, lain. He wa? 1, ? nghout tri* boxing and ',?1? 'o. - Bthleties. Fa'her Booney, who ranked a| ' '?ced elerjn ? sei aas ?t or.? time trrand exalfd ruler of the Elks, and wn? I ? Irsl ' oil? to hold thai JOHN J l.i.l-? J'/:,n J. Gell for ? . Bty-nlne rear? aesftfiated ertth ratios Jelegraph I ?re^a and for mm tor foi that com? ' IB Cathei of s complication of d ?? "'?I even years old. married, and IveJ at -J9M' Jeversofl Avenue, Brooklyn. < tfi VIV -Ml III v\ M( HOLS. Boston, .'? ? ? tain Smith as? Nichol?, V. S. N. (retired?, a mernbel of th? I'rnted State? Naval AcademS rial? which \raa called into active ?-ai -e in I??l. died at his home here to-day after a long illnee?. He was born in thii city, in W3. i)K. ELIAKIM TCPHER JEFFER*. York Penn. Nov. 1? Dr. Khakir? Tupper'Jeffer?. r?r. sident of th? Ne* York Collegiate Institute and a widols known Presbyterian clergyman, died here to-dav a", the age of m ??< n'y fout year?. He was the author of several textbooks. DIED Broskllsld. fuhr *? Wir?!. !-??<-. q Maybon.H. A. K. BEOOKKIELO \- Belrt-loro, N J.. i Wednesday m..i.v.K, Joba B. Kroolc ftetdl Peioral service at hia lata . ? lei ss ' ?ey aftcrnooo ?t ' o'clock. COLLIKP. At Hudaon. N Y, Novem? bar .- Margaret liulford, wife of Frederick J. Collier. Funeral from r?sidence of her uncle, B A Du? Hoi?. Worth av.. on Saturday, at 1 p. pi MAYIDN On ITedneoday, Kovay-absd IT, at Hotel Boi Remo. Harret Aunt's Kellej . widow ol Jo?epi. J. May bon. Funeral service? ?ill b? held at S- M .unh? Went ?Un ?t.. near Central ParkW'e?% on Frit'ay, November 19, li p. m. ward Entered into root, Kovssshsa IB, l'.'li, at hi? residence, ?576 mtOt enth St.. in Buffalo. N. Y.. Col. FraoJ ci? (i. Ward. WATSON' On November 17. 1?1S. Jan?j aged 90 years. Funoial servicea af Methodist Kp.?copal Church Home ?2d ?t and Amsterdam sv.. Sat urdas raorning?, ?t ti o'clock. II em be ra ad Grace H. at Chuich invit?d. 1 i.arrr.KiRS? the woootAW* i r-wrrrrRT. tSSd m M) llarl-ru Train an? by Tr??!?^ U,t. of ?mall al?' BSraSila I offle?. :? 1 ???' - <i 8t" N ??