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MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Prices Sag Toward Close ?Railroads Lose Their Early Advance. TRADING IS SMALL IN MID AFTERNOON Copper News Fails to Strengthen the Stocks?Further Rise in Sterling Exchange. After good resistance to professional ?ellini.' in the forenoon and some ad? vance in the railroad list, securitle? I turned dull and sagged toward the, close. Dealings amounted to less than f.OO.UOO .-hi.r, , and in the middle of the afternoon trading was at the rate Ol less than a quarter of a million I day. The railroads had a large share of the business, but attempt to carry on the advance in these issues? was unsuccessful. Coppers were j quieter and the war stocks were dull,! with a few further losses. In bonds, activity was better sustained and prices were still firm. Irregular fraction?! change? marked the opening, the railroads ruling higher. Bear pressure checked for a while the tendency to rise, and when the carriers recovered offerings at higher prices were sufficient to check the upward movement. While the rail? roads were at their best a few went to new high level? for the year. At the end of the day losses extended from a food fraction to a point or more, 'nion Pacific and Erie were prominent In the late decline. Canadian Pacific fell back on a small amount of busi? ness. Higher price? for copper in London and reports ol large sales here failed to arrest the decline in copper stocks, which ended fractionally lower. The retroleum issues continued to advance. n the war group Crucible Steel made eome improvement, as reports came from the annual meeting telling of de? mand for the company's products, but the >t'?ck ended with a loss. Baldwin,! Studebakei, Maxwell Motor and others j of the industrial favorites fell back. There was no heavy concerted selling j by the short interest in the late reac- . ti'on. but the market party committed to the other side seemed unable to at- ! tract any larg? public following. Rea? sons for hesitation persist. Abroad the Balkan? bring no news of any im? portant success by the Allies, with whom our business affairs arc steadily; becoming more involved. The coming session of ('.ingress, talked of among traders as reason for uncertainty, ap? pears, after all. as no great cause for disquiet. National legislators will doubtless, as in the past, make sug- i gestions that are inimical to com merce, but their constituents are less ? likely to approve business baiting than j before the war abroad shook our whole commercial system. How ?rreatly we have recovered from that shock almost each day brings ovt-l donee. Bank clearings throughout the country continuo to expand, citiM out sida of Now York showing even greater j percentage of gain over the corre- ] spending period of 1913 than they did the Brook before, (iross weekly rail-. road ai minga that come to hand for the Irat week in November not only j make the largest increase yet seen j above K'l t, but indicate that the trans- : portal ion industry is obtaining greater receipt? than in the bumper times of i 1913. To make it easier for our foreign evatoasers to purchase here and to ! carry on the foreign trade that has so stimulated our domestic affairs is the purpose of the banking credits being arranged hero for London. Banking in? terests were l.'avy purchaser? of ex? change yesterday, and sterling rose further, sight drafts on London selling above 4.70 in tha pound. The foreign trade of France shows why oui customers abroad need accom? modation. For the first ten months of this year the excess of import:, v ?.. over |7?RtO0O?00O, where it had been ftSO.OQOftOC the vcar before. AWKM.I OT THF. TRUHM/S I.IST or rorro* rail?. November 19. yrnterday't) clow. . 119.?18 November 1?. 120.567 One week Mn.? r, %<l% One month ago.115.875 Jal? 30. 191?.104.425 Blah for October.120.842 Low for October.. ....109.4S8 High for September.H'1.9IS Low tor ?September.107.200 Hlsb for August.10S.1SS Low for Aoguit.108.904 Hlsb for July.105.850 Low for July.101.918 High for June.108.217 Low for June.105.26? High for May.111.588 I,ow for May.104.52? Hi*h for April.113.608 Low for April.107.287 Hn-li for Man h.108.108 Law for M arch.102.558 High for February.106.758 I.??* for February.101.11)2 High for i ... ?...108.923 Low fur .l.ii in.10.1.567 High, it..?? far. Mil.121.433 J.?.??. Hin? far. 1015.101.192 High, full ?rar, 1914.120.191 I-on. full a ?rar, 1911.102.OOS AaLIC.t.f 111 HO TKIBINL'N I.I.ST Ol TWLI.YK INDIMTRIAI.S. V.aembrr l(i, yrrirrday'a < loae 91.304) .Noan.ilacr IM. 06.4.19 ??i:?- aurL neo..MLSM One n?.nit I. ago . temfU Jul> Ml. 1314 .67.427 High for OSSohSB .99.700 l??w for O? tolaer .91.448 High for -.-,?.? i,, ,-r.92.990 I??* for aapeanaBaa. ??...oo High for \ogu%t .89.250 Low for .g- I(tg High f.?r July. gaooo I-.-. for Jul,. S02u High f?r J...? . H.)MII I** for June. "8-(is M,?h;?r M"....'.'.'.'.'.'.*: M?M L.W for mOsj . High for April.... ',,;" Low for ?ipril ,......"' .'_' !" High for March .!',.'* Low for M.r.h . ." 'T* High for Februar, .. .."'I*4 i<- for Temremr, .?"? ??fr*??..::::::?i5 l?.a? for .lao.a.rr . ,0 ? High. 11..?. f?r. IBIS. ?.?Z loa.. Iba. far. ISI5. " SB54? Hl?h. full ,rmr. I?l? ....iljS Low. full ?car. 101? ?7.427 DAILY MTOTII AMI IIFOCTS. Doily irr.: export* of k'N*. eral mere .and.?? at '?? ? r of New York wer. I .!,',?>. Krl'Jar. N< .'? J .-. a ?A'Klf?. L> No 1. ? ? !t ..... | a,? M- 11. 2 ?44 OatuM?, Naja 11 ? IAS kit T v.. ? *? t?plltl THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PMOAT, NOVEMBER 19, 1915. Total ?alee of ?tock? Friday, 591.500, against 790.800 Thureday and 923,600 a week ago. Stock Exchange closed a year ago. From January 1 to date, 155, 671,000, against 48,166,100 a year ago. ??iv j rate Div ; rate ? 'Alaska Juneau. ? ?Alaska Gold Mines.... Allis-C'halmers . Allis-Chalmers pr. 4 Am. Agr. Chemical.... ? Am. Agr. Chemical pr Am. Beet Sugar 7 Am. B. S. 4 F. ctfs.. Am. Can . _ 7 Am. Can pr.j 8,400 108 2 Am. Cor 4 Foundry...i 4.900 82 4 |Am. Cotton Oil. ?i Am. Cotton Oil pr ?i Am. Express . Am. Hide 4 Leather... Am. Hide 4 Leather pr1 Am. Ice Securities. Am. Linseed . Am. Locomotive . 7,600 7 Am. Locomotive pr. 3,800 1004? 1034 100 Am. Malt _ 2 Am. Malt pr.. 4 Am. Smelting 7 "Am. Smelting pr C Am. Smelting pr A Am. Steel Foundry.? 1,100 7 Am. Sugar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 8 Am. Tel. 4 Tel.j 4,100 128% 1294 20 Am. Tobacco .' 200 229 229 ctf? Am. Woolen Am. Woolen . Am. Woolen pr. Am. Woolen pr ctf?.. Anaconda . Asso. Oil ?S JAtchison.| 1,200 1084 1084 10 6 jAtchison pr. - - Baldwin Locomotive.... 7 Baldwin Locomotive pr. 5 ?Baltimore ?ft Ohio. ?. Baltimore 4 Ohio pr.. . Batopilas Mining, ? Bethlehom Steel. 0 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 6 ?Brooklyn Union Gas.... Brunswick . 1 Burns Bros. 80 Butte 4 Superior Cop Cal. Petroleum. 4 Cal. Petroleum pr I <'a?ada Southern.. 1? ? anadian Pacilic.. 4 i entrai Leather. . 7 Central Leather pr, 6 Central & So. Am. Tel. Chesapeake 4 Ohio.... i hi. Great Western_ 4 Chi. Great Western pr. 4 < hi., Mil. 4 St. Paul... 7 Chi., Mil. 4 St. Paul pr 7 Chi. 4 North Western.. - .Chi., R. I. i Pacific... 60 rhino <"on. Copper.. - - Colo. Fuel A Iron... Colo. 4 Southern - 'Comp.-Tab.-Rec. Co. 6 Con. Gas, E. L. 4 P 7 Consolidated Gae.. .' Continental Can.... 'orn Products. 5 Cp.rn Products pr.. Crucible Steel. < rucible Steel pr 10 Cuba Am. Sugar... '.' Delaware ? Hudson reit United R. R.. Distilling Securities... 20 Dome Mine?. 1.500 - I>uL, S. S. 4 At. 100 - - Dul., S. S. 4 At, pr- 100 - ? Erie . 33,000 - Erie 1st pr. MM - Erie 2d pr.| 2,400 ?'. Oeneral Chemical 8 General Electric . General Motors . . 7 General Motors pr Goodrich, B. F. 7 Great Northern pr 4 Gt. North. Ore ?ubs.. 16 Guggenheim Expl. Greene Con. Copper... Inter. Agricu!. Inter. Agricul. pr. Inspiration Copper. .. Inter.-Con. 6 Inter.-Con. pr.. .;. 5 Inter. Harv. of N. J... Inter. Harv. Corp Inter. Paper .... 2 Inte r. Paper pr. . 10 'Inter. Nickel _ Kansa-, City Southern. 7 Kresge Co. pr. Lackawanna Steel. 7 Lacledc Gas. ? Lake Erie 4 Western.. 20 Lehigh Valley. 12 Liggett 4 Myers. B Louisville 4 Nashville. 7 Manhattan El. Maxwell Motor. Maxwell Motor 1st pr. Maxwell Motor 2d pr. May I??'i?'t Stores. Mex. Petrol. Miami Cor. Copper... Mer. Marine pr. ctfs.. Mm. ?I- St Loui'. ML, s. P. & S. St. M... Mo., Kan. 4 Ter. Missouri Pacific. Missouri Pac. ctf?_ Mont. Power. Mont. Power pr. Nat. Biscuit. Nat. Cloak 4 Suit. Nat. Enam. 4 Stp., Nat. Lead . Nat. R. R. of M. 2d pr. Nevada Con. Copper... N. Y. Air Brake. N. Y". Central. N. f, N. H. 4 H. N. Y., Ont. 4 West_ Norf. & West. North American. 7 Northern Pacnic. - Ontario Silver. Pacific Mail. - Pac. Tel. 4 Tel. 0 Pcnn. R. R. 8 Peo. Gas 4 G. 6 Phila. Co. Pitts. Coal. 5 Pitts. Coal pr. 7 Pitts. Steel pr. - [Pressed Steel Car. 8 Puliman Pal. Car. - ;Ry. Steel Spring. 7 ?Ry. Steel Spring pr.... 15 Rav Con. Copper. 8 Heading . 1 Reading 2d pr. ,Rep. Iron & Steel. Rep. I. 1 S. pr. Rock Island. Rock Island pr. St L. ?ft S. F. St. L. & S. F. 1st pr_ St L. & a F. 2d pr. St I.. 4 South-.vest.; Seaboard Air Line..,. Seaboard Air Line pr. Sears Roebuck. Sloss-ShefT. S. 4 I.... SloBS-Sheff. S. 4 I. pr. G iSouthern Pacific . Southern Pacific ctfs... 4 'So. Porto Rico Sugar. . - Southern Railway.' ? - Southern Railway pr... | 3 Standard Milling. I Standard Milling pr_'] 6 Studebaker, ex div.' 7 Studebaker pr, ex div..| IS Tennessee tipper.' 10 Texas Co. Third Avenue R. I. Toi., St. L. 4 Western. Union Beg 4 Paper.. .. I'nion Pacific . 1 nite?! Cigar of Am. .. United Fruit . United Ry. Invest. U. S. Ind. Alcohol. U. S. Red. 4 Ref.i U.S. Red. 4 Ref. pr...! - jU. S. Rubber . U. S. Steel . 7 U. S. Steel pr. 40 I'tah Copper. Va.-Car. Chemical.! Va.-Car. Chemical pr... ;: Virginia Ry. 4 Power., Virginia Iron, C. 4 Cl H'ab.ish, v.. i. Wabash pr A. Wabash pr B. Western Maryland. ." Weiten) Union Tel.... fi Westinghouse Mfg. " \\ estinff. Mfg. 1st pr... 7 ?Vootworth . 7 Woolworth pr. Wheeling 4 Lake Erie.. Wheel. 4 L. E. 2.! pr... ?i Willys-Overland . 7 Willys-Overland pr. . u'..?cousin Central. Quotation Range. Net High. Low. Final enge 32 4 32 . R LU 112 ?r 614 81 4 - I1* 105 4 1054 - 14 14 14 - ? 82-4 824 ? 4 256 256 - |M 12?) ? 1 1294 1304 + 2 74 744 - 600 l??1? 10G4 100*4 1??? 55 50 92 H 34-, 67 4 17-* 124 H 74 74 64 r.3 52 4 924 ,34 4 684 174 1244 74 7?. 64 M 4 - 14 4. 24 Bid^ 32" lit SI1* 104 13 824 250 1264 1304 74 1004 55 524 92 4 34 4 M4 16 1244 Ask. 32** 112 4 82 105 14 4 82 4 260 127 131 74 4 1004 554 63 63 344 68 4 174 125 4 100 1124 1124 1124 1124 100 1254 1254 1254 1254 f?4 '64 764 18 4 100 _ I4OOI 284 800 654 too .?? 2,500 164 4M 13* 4,400 103 8,900 814 1,800 31-i 1,100 119 4 119* 200 714: 71" - H ? 24 a 2 - 2*4 3 4 74 74 65 112 654 115 161 138 28 4 654 164 137 65 4 94 10 4 137% 764 80 28 4 284 65 ?'.04 82li 32 3,900 1164 1174 1164 600 300 400 1,900 200 300 2,800 n 64 M .03 H 1024 1024 -t.'. 314 1184 714 117 44 32 4 41 59 4 4 24 80 31 118: 71'. _?_ 32 ' ? 444 60 44 32 4-1 69 4 14 1184 1184 1184 1184 "'? 44 4 35 4 106 100 684 4 431 34 4 | 105 4 99 67 166 44 1004 26 4 834 41 444 106 M 67 1H7 454 1004 2''.4 83 4 41 434 344 400. 105 4 400 ??.?4 1,600 684 1,400 166 4 16 925 45 4 .??' 100 1004 100" 8.400 264 26^ 20,100 84 ? 84r 200' 14 41 2,200 51 ' 51?; SO0 I0u4 1094 1084 108 4 300 4 M 4| % 1 m 11 94 224 194 41 167 59 4 ' 98 4 504 50 4 - 4 - 14 - 4 + 14 - 4 4 S m 7-J5 200 100 600 800 500 200 1 1 6 M 11 9 4 131 M M4 79 4 81 19 4 _ 41 100 157 1,200 M 4 L'un 984 11.200 108 4 108 347 119 119 500 130 1.900 234 20U 624 MO 79 100 si 8,600 118 25 1114 1114 2.700 u M4 5,500 182 194 800 614 100 *? MO 7 4 24,800 141 2,700 9-4 1,400 IM 100 23 4 2,000 (10 200 4 100 44 2,300 15 66,900 86 1 1*4 11 9 4 22 II 41 157 59 1 . 64 11 9 4 19 U 41 I - 157 _ 694 I M M 102 4 102H 119 1119*4 4 130 24 624 A 164 137 11124 804 314 1184 714 1164 4 43 59 4 1184 434 35 1054 984 ?7 168 44 4 101 264 83 4 43 4 50-4 108 4 t? 6 4 11 9 19 404 156 4 59 '.'74 1024 164 138 102 4 804 314 119 72 1174 45 .594 119 44 4 364 107 IM f.H itn 454 105 264 83 4 44 504 109 4 "? 1 64 124 9 4 194 41 157 M i 98 4? 1024 130 28% 62 4 79 81 si 160 4 1514 1844 64 624 h 94 i?" I M4 115 4 44 M 874 111 57 4 1-2 614 8 1114 - . 1924 62 -i 8 4 -114 ? 4 1394 1394 l7 784 48 1,800 1154 116 10.300 78 2,500 47 V 500 une 300 45 100 400 1,400 1.200 200 - 1,300 im 94 1574 23 4 11? 4 l'a .-,1 86 4 1154 77". 4; 1124 1104 81 184 474 304 324 ?84 694 764 41 ?:i 164 : 30 '?? :? ; ? ? . "..i 1. 4:. ?'.1 16 4 174 304 ? hs 88 . 70 ?4 1574 23' ? 1124 ?1 44 51 -' ? 1164 7? 474 1124 45 61 164 474. :"'' u 684 76 ? 1 14 14 1 lO?j 1114 1114 1114 1114 200 123 12:, 12:: 12:: 14 44 14 44 IM 64 64 54 64 100 2.'. U? 236 23 14 236 800 1134 1184 1134 1184 ion 40 M M 40 125 23", 62 4 79 HO 4 1544 1104 58 IM 62 8 74 139 4 94 1674 22 4 n? ?4 84 684 M4 1154 774 474 112 45 60', 164 47 304 324 H M4 76 1114 122 44 54 no 1184 M 130 24 624 80 814 155 4 1134 U4 193 tm 84 74 1394 94 1M 23 4 111 4 4 44 544 864 1164 78 II 1184 47 4 ?; 1 4 164 47 4 3? 14 33 4 HH>-, M 4 HO 112 1 23 4 4 4 64 235 114 40 CURB M.ARKET TRANSACTIONS Prices Steadier ? Industrials Firmer?Copper Stocks Little Changed. The outside market yesterday had a steadier tone, though price movements were still irregular. Industrials gen? erally showed an upward trend. Hous? ton Oil ?vas a leader in the trading and closed more than ?J points higher. The common stock of International Mercan? tile Marine opened strong, arid after touching 22 reacted to 20'? at the close, a net advance of 1 point, ?vhile the preferred gained l'i points. Mid vale Steel lost Ie?? points. M. Rurnely. when issued, was actively dealt in and gained 4 points. With the exception of Anglo-Ameri? can Oil, which was heavily dealt in and a substantial fraction higher, the oils were rather quiet. Standard of New Jersey declined 6 points, Stand? ard of Indiana 4. Illinois Pipe Line wa? advanced 4 points and Prairie Pipe Line 1. Pn<?5 changes in the mining section were for the most part unim? portant. Kennecott Copper ?is gained 9 points. INDUSTRIALS. Total ?trfiiM Op.n. High. low Tj.t. 4 ? ira T .?- ftp. ?V4 M tt% 41 ?O" A '1 K- ?v I S. m 33?, H ? M .... | -f r ,., 4''. 47 "I 47 ? ? DU C I :? - IM S? ?t'en c \ V pf M n? Ml 8.00r> Can Nat l?a? C. 1', 1,1 ..?. ? ?'. - 4 . ;.?? ?l'entrai Wry.. 11 il 1? il .7 K HI ? -.'t.. ? H C? 1188 .... ? ? -'.:?? M .. .?seat. ]<? n? II", n? i Km? r?on llsono 11 il u il i ?i -n? : Bienal :... ?H< :. les Mfe - m oHoustoti "il .. a B>M > . ?lut ?1er Mai . . :i ' ?il.. ? r?f 7" 71 it p pf B -".i ' m lio ?Inl Mi ton .. M .:'??.' . . ' I?\ 1!< 18 K S T ti 1st l'f !*> s7'j '?? H . 4f* ?K? ? - too? ' 'il 11 II l"1? ? Man Tran-11 ?tV irV lA 1H ?BMvalc ste.! *e*jj ?:*, ?i Peer T a M C. M ?8 * Rlh * il Corp.. Mi V iv. stl S ':?? I U? U . 4 Ml ?M lfm" ly ? ?SI J'?M??? Uao" 11*4 l*% MW n-. 1 m Bub B s : ? tf? ?8 4". TOO ? ;..: iu ", l'rod .1 H H - ?'- . , I IT-.f scar I', 1 . U I H C I. ? 4 . ... -:..;?? *, . ? ?Vent i on "H IMl 1" - I**? '? ? .'. |. ".ri . ?41 . : .?i m r ' . * etfa * * ? |:? STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. UM Aaste Ua OU l?*?j 11% i ?'. ':;? .? i. r. ? n* Il J) ' r. T [,... .'.! 19 I" <;?.l?r, . Slg oil. _ )... Il !? . *. r.ltr.t.l. P I,. . _ 1..4 '?? Bai iiMti-it ' I. 17" - "?rallia ?. a ?; 4S 4., 43.". f.) !?'..!';. PL..... p Ih.rr. I' I, ? i, ? r n j . ? f N Y ' M - Il MININO, ?taita Cea vu. ii .romand t ? t?. Oda? !>?? 4% 4U 4..' - ?fliOOtl 1.'. I ete TV ' ; ? ? . t i aS ? ?'.? .'4g feHg MINING. LBS Ceo Atis Brnell 19? i*. 1A lt% Ml ?' en Cop Mine? r, I 1*4 '??''?i'. A A 1.080 1 Diamond n a '? ? ?tKrrima Cop M M M I us- .\..- i ? ;? ,'. ?'. . I 8*4 ....: in? M l'on . n. i'. l'a iv, 1 MO |ll< ? Mtn . ;?? :>, "', Mi .., ? |- ..... , V, <,. 8.00U Joml ? l ?: .. i?, 1*4, IA 1. ' ? -. ''N ??:?-..- . H D Til 1.1 ?' 4M' Kln l'ai 1" 4'> H I ?Montai i Co i ? ?i ? i ?IMother laode, K M M ? ? V ' /.im e.- L I'? .'. lu. **4 ?Nevada Hills. 17 M 11 ? MplHsInf Mn... ,' '.". 7 ?:.?i,. ..... I 7 '.', lAtj -?' '. R. n ' ..t. ?I". Il ?'?' H 88 ?Bas lien Min 8% I , I' 2.180 IBoeheatet Min M M M R 41*1 ?Santa P? Mit. 4 4 r, ; . ! Htai dard BU t.. 1*4 1*4 I , la | , . ?' Stewart . A "? 8,088 aflSocies? Mm M fj n M , 1..7.00 ?Superstition M H II B Z> ! iOOO Traoper. E?t.... 3A 1*4 S,', MA i IfjO Tonopah Min ..', ? -, -, ?'.',. I 8.008 tWeat F.n I Con 71 " 74 7.'. Ml ?tWIi K ' ? i pf : 3 I I MS Yukon <;-.l?l M Mi Hi S 3 , BONDS. ; 830.000 Kent. Cop ?s.... "06 "OS 3? f*** ! ?liillited. Masai SSflM per ?hare *.I7i dirt lend. -a INACTIVE YESTERDAY. ixoutrniiaxat mi. Aeh : Asa B>A T art] 14 K. i ?tAk? Tor H 1" 17 iO or.i l.r 14 17. ! Mart Ott Am 4 ? , ?Dorn st.; .??, ?:? Mol P I I "? p lAPi i 1*4 *P>Tt ne Mfa 18 I7?? Ouantaaa *- Bhertaaa i a. :\ ?>, ?Hog) A A A : ? 8* !.. IT . ? II ? a waj o a o. 4% 4 ?.!,. -.?!."? ' ' ' if t? I in: i? ?s B Kr ?v i 18*4 M do rlaai . I , MlNIV'i ? ir, ii. i,| m t* .i Kesg i u.'i-n : 4 Howt "sound :'? i ?isan.i Ken. I II La? Row '' S l? ??silver l'i k 7 !? IMaJi ?Hi M 80 I ?'?'loti'.pnli M II l? ?tMarah M B B Tri-Huiiif. . ', % iiosi.s l'ler.e nil ? - - U c <i Pc m ui ia ? N ragatg i?-r il.ire. NEW YORK CITY BONDS. M M n K]. m ?. Ask, * U . M.'?a- i i.V ? . t . IM" . Il . IM*? liai Not . llil. ;ihi\ ?i 4 Jam MM. 3 :o : N ?i June. 1817. 4 ?:, ;: M ?Ilia, .]..,.. . !M!.'M. 4 N ?i-,-. J ... l.'-'l-'irs. in- ? .. ?r.- ' ne, ItM-'M. 4 a'.- i ""? ?" J n IMS . 1*:.*? iii'.s ??? "?! . ? " . 1'.'.?, || ', ??! . ? ???? . IMI. I''.'-, I'.'.', ?4',.. Mai ?.. ? --4 . i - . . i ?? . ?iv Mar i>. i?"?-. i.? ?-, ?i . ". IV,-, | ,; ? .?bl.-i.t. gra, .?, ?i . So?.. ; ' ?. ?4a, N... 180 . :...: . SI..... '? \ 7 . - ? Ma) 18M. B i M ? . i7 " . 4 1, 4 -, ?3?,- 1*17-19. 4 l'i ?3'-.s. IM. !M - ? Inter. !.?n.e?t.le. registered n coup??"). 1 Coupon. tHeC4?'' r- I -a - l'i BLK I TILITY SECTRITIES. Hi! As'? HH ,\,K. Am i. S T Ml I*] t'"i I. * t rf c. ?o ,|? [.r-f ..Ml 1I"H 'la. * I. a Allr II P.. H B I ae ; r. f ,.,, ,?,?? .. .1 i? i Mn '!?" ?v ? ;' ?a o a E.ic n o i. a i?. 1014 m ?do . r. f Bli ?'?! ?'" yrrt Ar.. P BUM "er tu f ,,,, ; ret ? d do arel a M a,., |- 1 "/-.'I >' a, ?'? ? ,i., ,.,.? " ''?'? ,;"" ? ? M 7 An, u . ?? grel M f. u B?| Ri S '? ?? 1 .1,, 1,. p ' ? . do prel 7i 74 - ,-i.- ? , da ....f ;? I ? .i" !"? ' ; .'..i Powei 1 I ,--: '?' ': I ' "'? '?>'% ,;., |.i, r ?? IM 'do pref M 3 f p 1: .. 1. u r By 1. * V 11 i Sa pref M ?4 Se P"f. 4-. 4? I n ha 1 l'a m A Bra is IC I Ki n. 1 i> |.f a .i" :?' i"-f "? 1 K lid * S i.f lei. li.j . I !.. \?. .'.rr. r..?r 17 I? ? . ... ? ' .') .) -....- 11 1 'let t. . J' a. LONDON MARKET TONE UNCERTAIN Business Is Narrow Rubber Stocks Firm -The Copper Shares Are Irregular. London, Nov. 19. Th" absence of favorabl'' politl?n] news gave the Stock BSnrkel an uncertain tone to-day ?uid bnsiness aras aarrow. Japanese, Chineas and Argentine bonds were oc? casionally dealt in, an?l rubber shares were active and firm, but copper stocks: were irregular and Canadian issue* ?nsy. Consols w?rc unchanged at 65. The new war loan closed unchanged at 964. In the American section a good busi? ness was done in Union PaewCOt ad? vancing prices, and the rest of the list strengthened in sympathy and closed steady. A fair number of Amer? ican gold bonds changed hands. The Rank of England bought 1100, 000 in foreign coin, shipped ?730,000 in sovi reigns to the United States and ?100,000 to Japan, and also enrmarke?! ?60,000 for S' IncrooBed money offerings weahanod diaeoont rate- American exchange eontinnod tirm. Coble transfers toocbed 4.704 and closed a1 4.704 n 1.704. Treasury billa were in ?good demand at the Hunk of England. Honey loaned at 4 to 44 per cent. Discount rates for short and three months' bills were I4(? 4 4 per cent. (?old premium at Lisbon was 60. Paria, Kar. 19. Trading ?rea qui^t on the Bourse to-day. "i iuee per cent rentes cloned at 10 Centimes lower at 05 francs. Exchange on Lon?lon, 27 francs 624 c? r.tirn? ?. LONDON CLOSING MUCO. I/.ir! ? N Y. . lu?. ? , il .a N?.\. 19. lent, Nov. IS ?linr? Con?oit mon?. .. ? ? ? British 4'.? . '? - .....IM* . ?", :??:'. '. n?,t a Ohle. W?* NU m", S .i.:....Un Parit?t 1''"'. Il . UH . A Oble " ? i'? 99% ?;? w.r.t M & m P.. ? ' ? '. -- H Denver . 1??* :?'? 1?. '. i:ri- . 4* . ' , ?SU - ?. K I? 1st I-r. ' . ?'. - 'a MUrvI? l'entrai... IIS 1?' 1 -', . Lotila A Neon.... ? . Mo. Kaa .?c Te ? i ? 7-, N V t'?Nitral. .... IM ? , N.,rf..:k & UTni I: III ?;?\ , Ontario a? v.. il , ?. I'ennsyl ?-tuile , ', 11. adln? . - rn Ri ? ' I ?Peril ... t I nl-.r? PariOc.. l.'p". Ill ?? 14t\ -, r I S'...|. K% ->',. ?7 - ? RAILKOAD EQUIPMENT BONDS. (Quottd a? i aanaataai '???? > M? Atlai.ll.- i fiant !,!n? ore * Oblo a * ? a n.? t, a n:i-.i ?!.; S0 4?,-;. a i in r a. in? . i -i... .. au a o ? i l'iar.illtiK ?"lit 't. (? . IM? 4 f. ' I '?I | nj ? 4?. . 4 7'l 4 .i (titanio . " ? |4 . i ?Til? I nal ? i_ i- III? |?1?.'3 a'' i -. . . ? Clu ?' ' 'A *? \.- l , I ? ' :> 19SS 4; . I ?'. ( 1 l.'l-' ... :-.|. | , ., -. , ;? ? I ?? 4 -.. Ill.- ? ? ntra : -, ? , III* ? N*uhv|||?isi ..? - ? ( M.i ?.uri Kan a ?. ualSK i Norf?.!k A U??t.-rn . i?|, '?? ?u a I 14 N V N M * Hartford ,, , , I'rnn ?l.n'ral l-'ir|?liM>l?-.--*3 ?.a... ?vi ?, Bl Urula I Ml ,, m r?, 4 ? ' H?al?-iar,| Mr Un? U| , , H.,iit'-in Kallarar ...11U*.;| 41 _ ? -,, , ', ??^?-??. 1 ? m .111?. -.., ti '44, t i.Ikji luii*ay....i_a4. 1? izJZ ??J i.u INACTIVE STOCKS. The fol!o?ving table gives the closing bid aad asked pri?es for stocks which are listed but ?vhich ?vere net dealt in 0:1 the Stock Kxchange Friday: Ad?T< Exp Am Coal. A-il ?. ulT ' : .- . Ai,. T pf ... ? An ?V- I' r't \ B ? i- ' i lit- l: t. V 111.I. Asite I 11 I A?koi 17 I'M.- A A:: to : '? a ,v s*? pf 171 CM' ?I A '?'.'I ' CCI A I I. 11 .!-> |trr' 7' ? ,1 . r-.f IM C 1 I A I pf 17? < ft S I.: pf M ? I.. .1 |.ref M l're- Can?-' M ? s pf lO li. . I. At ?? !? I B '? da pref. I. ?1 * l- n !'?? 1 !>.-? A ?: .!. pr. : 1, 1 1,.m ?.f 11 w lle'ruf - ' '. f pf.lll li? lla \ .. II ? , I II X J Pf ll'.V? l'Jii I M lor ???! I K A- ?I pf 1. A M T pf ll*?4 'la I Wat 1 lili ', I. W It...u: ? 1!? It? ,1? Is- pr. ' M da Id ;?:? ? 101 ll'i Mail H-"' 1 11 1 : Ml. :. ' -', I? ?t a M I. pf M I VISI'ASSM ;.| IS? "i ?. ??. .- A Eaafi HI \ K ft Bpl pf ?I Sa' t A 8 (?? IM s.' Lea 1 pi ',"", i:.". \ V 1 * m I, u ?'? ? . - ', .|.t lag ?.r.-' M ... . '." da ii put I I-' 14', N Y D-ck ? . ?4 !" prd . K ' Botjtli M Il. IV st n pf II? r-oorta ft i: . 114 ? 1 p c c a at L ,i? p-??? ii , l>u Mill Ik Ml ,|.i Ut pr* V:< k. ;? r ?v ft .h r,,', SO II) StI S? pf I'll M I lit pf H '" 'Huiiw-Iv t% III ,!., pre.' 7'? II >? I. Bwai pf i: ? 1. ? pf 124*4 ?u ft !?.,.- :'.', 1 - 1. v 1 :?' et/? Jl lit It 1 ,!?? pr f ISJ I ; dtrrl T , do i.n-f . in: It'lilted ci??- g| I? ?1 . 119 IS n ! ??' ll?H -' . M ? IM : 4 ?...i Ill ? IMi M IM IM 4I'4 ?S us !!4 117 111 I n l>r. I! I? IS 1! 183 ?? ll'i II ? 1 rti ii < 1/ 17 m 1 stir ft 1 I..P 71 4" S8?4 1 ' V: ?? ' I - I ? ; ' I , ? II pf ."?? - :' ? i Kr-.k A I' "I I da pr.f ' ?a It) ft I' I., ?Veit? it? l.\ 1*7 Mgl.. Air n . . . ? ? Uni : I ? I? l-t- 1!. U a La. I pf 1.1H IMS 111 14 SHORT TERM NOTES. Kai , . ' IM I. ti . ' ? . Am Cotton Dl . . 101/, Bali * ' 1 . 4 i' ? I . I FMI ' ? ?? ' I? .-. Il* . : ' . ?i it!, pi- . ia?s : 1' -4- Apr?. IMi Om'l Huhiwn ta I Hoca Valles Ini ti re? - r. t II. I Ml Ash M-:-' MM IHK ? IMA "'.'? ' ... ? il'-? I" 'S 100*4 1"! ir?', ? '"S 1011? ? New i;. g . ? ? ? ?lav. I Ml N r.NHAll Penn 1 ? 18, I'M , .' ? I'ett. If>1< .'. l'i,it.-,; Foreign Government Issue?. . la, On !."??' '-7', !'s Argenilna is. 1 ... 18, III? At g< nlil.f i'-, I .? 1 I >17 Arg. M(ti. Be, M. II . ' .? ,. ? ? ?.'?:. III*. t rent h ?'??. April, UK 1 ? : rlanl [4, Mat rland is?, Man I : ?M Rwiuerland ?'-, .?;.. Ii .hut. ?.?. -1.-tflt. r 17.. III? ?a, ' ?? toi .-r IS, III* I :..' -r !.',. 181" S?,u ? ???r. 1811 ? 1*1*4 101S ? - ?i.t 87* - , isa lee*?, 1'????-, 100 WM ? 1 ' ? I . ? I 73 1 ? 4..7 : M 4. ?? : 1 ? 4* Ml 4.1.71 4.11 4 ??' l.uO I M IM t 11 DIVIDENDS DECLARED. ' . "hem 1 f 1::. ? irl. . u IBtd "ii ol ' Sue 'j i.m i:v Min. . y tlalen . 81? "II... >j ??? ?... loug ?!? . ? do let pref .... Q I , :? f '. pf ?; ?Am Multli rapti >i Trnn. il He, I i. .,1,1. !' I r, !? II. i Uol I Mln .. Ith ?V 1-4 laa I lui I .Inn I Do. "I Dec .1! Dee I.', Do I. I"-,- IS |... II I".-. ? H.cord : rial?. Dec II l>.c IS Dec 3 l'.. M No? . TA N N,,? M !).,? I Dec I Dee I Dee 1 Nov. 73 ?Alp? ?" ....-?i ,| ,|,|,ii.I ,if . p.r ,-ent ax,I I , ?t? 1 .ii.,.. ,r in pat al ?a Bm ? ?? 1 ???' u In . isiiin ,1 ?1.? a at par 1, ??ear, I id ,?,|,'.r. ?I ?....n Datarapgag ..| ? .??? r.t.i ..'it IS P?f ""t. ritr? IA11I 4 per ,.ut tin lliil'.laj dlttduiX lAad Anglo-French Five Year 5% Gold Bonds Dated October IS, 1915 Due October 15, 1920 ?Principal end Interest payable in United States Cold Coin In New York City The Anglo-French Rve-Year 5% Gold Bonds are the direct obligation of Great Britain and France. The interest charge on this issue equals only about one-seventh of one per cent of the estimated combined annual income of the people of the two countries in 1914. This loan is practically the only external loan of the issuing Governments. The bonds are convertible at par, at the option of the holder at any date until maturity, (provided notice is ?given not later than April 15, 1920), into long term 4? i?x Bonds of the Govern? ments of Great Britain and Ireland and the French Republic. Price to yield nearly 5!4% Complete circular on request Harris, Forbes & Company Pine Street. Corner William, New York BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1915. Trading In bonds on the New Yurk Stock Exchange Friday amounted to $4,581,000, against $.'>.461,000 Thursday and $7,191,000 a week ago. Stork E\ a-hange dosed a year ago. Total from Januar?, 1 to date, $797,385,000. against * 125,665,000 in 1914. ?.??i 4 GOVERNMENT BONDS. An?!o-Fr*np-h Sa !:?? et ?M'a 5? ?394 io?Hio . 9:4 ?.?i'??' ??of .. . ?;<? 3.c?i? . vn ?Je ist? Japan?-?? ;?t m? .'? ii')?i . 9? lo.oo.) . i-.* UXttO .. d.) :.'. ?ft 4 4a ?1? 4 4? l.wo .TU?, '? M .. ISM I I .loo a.iOf. ... ??4 STATE BONDS. V? d?f ?? RwVB Hr ? 1.000.S9 I MUNICIPAL BONDS. N?w Vork CM? 4'.% ISM dl 4\.? 1814 13,000.10.14 H'.'UXI ? . 100 V !."??? . . . 10.-.S ?lu 4a IJ.'S ?l.p 41,? I960 1.000 .ST'? 13."Oo .100'-, ?J? 4? 19."9 .19??S" .97 V 3.1,000 . i???. ?i? iW? i?;> I 9,. ?.?'. RAILWAT AND MIS( ELEANEOIS. A lana K.pret? 4a I.' * Km geni 4f 4 ???) ' ??4 IS.SSS .it Ai*??? <;...'. Mi?,?-? p'i da 111? .l-h-i, m 1.9ft 9i% ttot . IM Chira?. i<>? s? II*"? I |M ..... ? , . ".p.. 11. ;, O'l.i 1 . .Ill* I" IIUI' r(|l, M ?, Am . ..? ?HI J? l.'i.M? I.""U ^^^^^^^^ , I" . -n ? U.??? .. . Mil IS.SSS .si Am mu -.'.lii* ?i? 1 . .Ill | '?.I. . Ill' . Ill .Ill . .i. . ,, II: Am 1 /: I .-ol 4? :.'"0 i . 44? LOW? ? . , . N ? ? , 'I., dth ?e i?SS . 4>'j 1'. ')?'? . 4" a 45 U.HI . 4* I. . 4'J4 In Tr-M i'o etfi .... 46 .. ' ?? lud i I '">').10?!?. .!-> 4? 1 "???. . ?3?? .'(.Hi- i'.pper 't -'! .? . . l'?5 . ' . 107'i l.niM .l?T 1 ""J _ :?"??' C C m St L geni 4? . .' . :?.'i'W S3 '?i? . 1?! Cto? M I. 4 4? : ? I?"? , Arn""ir .* i-., rea. ?ale I.SSS ?Sfi 4',. : i??'.< in ?, I . ? '. ?? ?' ?? ?? .IMS Col ? ?A Ulli !?? 4? A Tea ft ? I ?--.?i 4- I. .?31? J,. .'.'p'? ? ? iiipiiti, g Tib Hi-, rdln? l.. ..Of :?! . t.??? ' ??? nu H.O.Ni . ?Stf ?'?.M ?'..?1 et Ml-. j ii'."i.'.?'4 I.?".' ' Mil in p.? ?.?or . . '.'4;? ? .'i. <;?? ,.tt *? 4".'"'i iS? . M I ?"?" .1191? :..) . '.'lTi Cuban Am .?ug ?* I .I . ?4*. 1 ?">'( .101 J.. ?.IJ 4? ftawpr.l t'unil?rmii<l T 3a . ... ?tu 4.?)"') r>--_ : . iK.'T *?> Dei *t II 4a 191? Atl * ?? A I. 44? I.W?J .1004 '?.'M": . 93?? .1o r'| 4a Atl C I. 1, N 4a I '" . IM CM . 8S ?lo rtl Jt >uij reta full il? :,i .-pki 4? paid l.iiOO . 9? l.?SS .10Hi? Util a '? li.-li.r lie? S4? Dca S It (?r 44? : "p?" '?'?>-? .' :,-, 1".. ?IM .In , ?! 4? .-.,11'pO . ll.T? J..IIJ.' ... S?) I' ... 4l -....?'?? ..10f i ??? g dorf? :* l.l.'X'O . 9-4 ll....... ,,r, . SSS . Si IBM i,o4 .1 m 44? -.'?"' . , S? . 9* ...ipji, ,.iuf :,;?', I?.. '";l> Del i ?! Ity? 44s . " S.?M.T3V I ?.?)('?? .74 -'.'?<??' ...T?H .-"?. N< ""i1? Dlil?Wi s C is.??? ?? i. rs Dili S <? I".'-? I? ? * | . ;"u ?? v- " ?. I*.?M ?8 i-.'"" ? ???? S, I.SM ds( :_? Ball * .? Ham .?4? .',?! " ' " .9? BaecS t'rta* 4 ; '.,... 'j'<4 lie:U M .-1 lai ."? .11 r.o.i .lOJ'i I Uli (I" rr? .'? tjttt . 1.1'IH? . '?"IP . Bkiji. Hip Tr '? 100\ . 10??4 10?7?t do I per cent note? It u?"..loo J, 1 oiv. .ion ?? ; ij'~. . 100*. Bklr? m IM N .100?. Bkljn i n ?.?.? h .104 4 l'ai ?I?? & Klee 5. i ??s .9sT?, i "pi. .?r Can? u s..'!?'? ?" I".".? .10.'. : P....P . \9t% I nil U?tli?r '? Kill I SS? .. .. KH I :'p-n 4i . :h 14... ?.I0f. Trl i O'1" aiof. rail l'i.'io" ... _ r.;?4 n.on.j ?30f. ;.i4 a?, ?wo . r?8 i ?"0 . r?s d.p .-?t 4i Mr A l.OOO . T.?. r.SSS . T3 I ?In ,?t 4a Mr II |?,?M ?.L li.flO" . ? sss . ?r.?? M.SSS . ^?; SI'-1 ...... imp. i ?.... 8.4 VIMlO _ .'..OO'I du IVi.ii ,oI 4? l.??S . Flirt A [? M li l.OOO . ? ? i. Vemst 4Hi lio1? i??'? _ iooT.... - """' L'aol l'a. ri 4? ?.rai.i>>- Min t? ?ttmp.d leee '. . ?s, ?"'" , .. .. 1044 : ...m . ?Ji 1?tee? ?ee%h 44? . .?? ... , II? u? K ft Wl .'.? ?.ws ' ?'" ? mm - J"" H'l 1 DO.. . M IIuiImhi ?Do OM js . ? 11 II A lli.ka 1.1 _._.'?*?!. ?? . ..?? ?' ?;? S? "",| * **SB rf? h 1 r A .ms ',?'?. :?'?,? ?' .... 9..S -"""" , ?'' I I .. mal 44? ",', ?U I""""' M a. . ?4 ". ?%\ do ,.,t r,i :" '. - ' . V? . u? :.? . ., v. I" ? ?-n? rff 4.? LSSS iM Ml? , ' I'"0,.?1T? ..1, ? ? ,- i. v . " iti 1 .""?< .....mi 1 ... ? ???.', Ill in' t r ? u S '? .?.pint :.. 4". 1 '"')" .10?', p I- .. p. *.t '. 4? I.1 .l?-.'4 1.O.10 .S4't ! "O-. . h'.'4 -. "i. . i>4?. Ill ? ?. - aVaat Un?? 1? p . 941? I.SSS .1" III 4? '?.?"" . M .95 m mswi ,u;. a?,, --'???li>? .91 .' .un? . MS . MS .?.p I.'-?? 4t 1 . . ? da \.i. 4? . 9:4 .'.. '.p. ? 4l J4..MKI MS ? iSH " '? .1 ..?, ? A KM 1.1 |?-nl :?? . TO li. a? ...... SI ;i do Tram Co rtfi I ^?..f f.', (' A !.??' Ill rf| 4? s ??..! . 23 . ::\ .i.. T/..H ?o .if? . 19 l l.i \V,?t 4 s ?i?- . :j 11. "i rra j. n JO?.. . I3H ?? MU u s? I' grul A rff ???' la m - -.oiv. do |n,l 4 4? i,?ea ..ims ! IM..I 101?. '..1)00 . IipJ Co .?1 44? _________ ?.'.?Ml?) 101 V I'?" ?rt.tral 4? ;i.?^.i .KISl <J"" ,h.j :!4 S.SSS .91?? :. i?oa . ?_? Indiana Steel .'? I.SM ...HIS ln?i ? ?? . i'i.p d. li?. < l.?M ;?i?, 1 o.i'i .I?; IS.??? ..lM'j Interior Met 4'-? i".i"j'? . m-. lii.iKHi . :; ..?.??o . "4 I?,. . rrs vo'.p. . ... ;,'s Inti? H T rf? :?? S.SM ,. . :?< I.??"? :<-', l.???fl M lit A ?. N Ut ?1'j '.rs i l* Uarto? .... 4??. IMM . H S.??? '.''?t. d?' Tmil Co rtfi tt.etn j.-..!???) . ne 1.000 ... -..'j 1 -,.....?. .<?-, I?."?. v.''? lut S.Tlfatloii fa ^ -.? 1 '???0 lot l'?i?r .-ft S? .lian I'O?. I. 944 do rfg 44? : ?. .In f?lil 4a ?er A -.''..i?.?. o:?, . ?(aw) .... I?. : o?.i ., . ij: '? l.noo i'.'S il" .lei. 4? l'"4 ? i*.?? . .. 9JT| i.,.,H?, (II I "..o iBM I ? :-j ooo . ?? t,?M ?.tor 9e% ? lu ?' M A l'ugrt --1 41 .-.'?'?" ,, 91 .1" la LM A I? .11? 1,???>0 l?3 J ? is wii * Mia 11? 1 ?as - -- - iua h t It s A M 4a Js ilrtfl Kan tit) !*m:'h 'a : iMM ?i?f. ?5 ;.?w?i ....... ?4-? h? ('li Term 4a I um ? .S?H K: . < ? I lei 4? l.O.H) . ?'.' Lark sirrl Sa 19V) iO .100 -.0.?n 1 ?i??i . . '?:?? |..'? IS ' ? ' <.?? nf St I. Ul m\ i ?o.. .1014 d" rf| It 1.00.) . 1014, i. r a ? ?.i : j s* SO'? S;S? I.ak? Shore I, 1828 <|m tea 4s 1944 in.i,n'>.94"? I OIK) ... !0(,', il? 4- 1931 .', .ido . , Ml MM . 94"?, do real e?' 4a 2 i">0 . 94'? I K)n .88 Lab ?a: .-on 4S? Put? Her of N i M 1 O'ji.l?os ? ?M 90', Uggell .It M IS .'.OOO .80 ! MB .112"? It) Sif-I oVr-lnt D.r?ii .'? (1.. ?? |Sj : 4.??'0 . 10.S li'.ooo . 94 I. I g I' Ml C? Ray toil fop tig i an .i?s i.?.?,) .tspt l/rlliinl Co tl 10 OO'J . ..130S 1.00U .123'? Re?ilit.g gertl 4? do H 9 00* . .. ?8 LSaa ...... .101 I 01)0 . 84 S L ft V -"1 '.? lfl.'l ? 000 .85 4 0')? .?Of. 104', R>p,ih.l I ft S f., d? urlfl.,1 4i 1 000 80S 12.000 . 94?, {OOO ... . 9?', 4.?00 .'.'4S I 000 ...> ', do At Knot A (.'In 11* rtlo 4;r Sr.tnii 4, 4? I.OOO . H MM .60 St I. Ir Ml A S :,? d" M ft M 4 S> I OO.i 101 ?'S 1.0IHI ... . 101'? M N t'rl ft MM l?t ' ? .I., 4. I.IM 1!4S 2 Oi'O T^S .!" S ft N AlSfe cou "s ?; o,..i . ... 77 d>. tat exempt 2'' OOfl 10 < j ,*?, r-it Maiihattan Il> 4s St I. 4 S V ',? l'J.7 "? Tr.l.t Co elf. al|?l M.- Tel A TVI 7. 1 gag ?31, ICI S S? I. Se.,, Ist 4, M. Uaa U u |,aM 7'J', I.SM MU ,.? u 4, M K ft T lit 4, 1 00.) . ?OS i4 8*8 . MU d,. 4, 1 ''"" .??S 2.000 .?S i - ? 4' . . st r m ft m ...n 4? MM .'???'? > o,,,. 9jt4 ,, 1- ?"'", ? ?'?' .San M. ft A 1' 4, Mm u-,? l',?rr .,, j qik) ?31. 1 '"'* "'?'* Se.h Air UM 4. Upd 20'K) . ti. ! ?y,.,. ?4 MU d? rf, 4. ?' ?"?a . M .'..Dun . 74 f 8M .l?-.?* | -,, ??:?. .?..u-, 1 "?' M n..ii,.fl r:'. 1 ?.'"' ?? '. 1 ooo ri<4 ?1 - 1 i. r>s? .-,.... :\i. ? m y ', N-tlMt,,! Tul,- "s :fc Vteitk ., -. I'M? 18* , t.t*n lirai l"l c \ifil Kl * 7 Ilrak. ?'? ?. ,?.,, ,?:, " , . }"-'?> ?1. 1..7?; M Y tClll le', .,? ?Ul, Il ,|? r?, 4, sei 1 , ,, m.mi,, .. on MM life 4.?00 ."Of M 2 ?j . ; ?? 1 000 ,.i.\ 11? S 1 i?... .,nt.. ??n,? ??i?? o?o im:.: mm }| 2 de,? 4. ' ?-::::: litt ?S? : : gt*4%4? . '4 I""" I' ' ttMeT . 9:.', **>*? IS.IM .. . M *?,_. 8.MI .Uli ,i'2 :: ir ...... ?ii- on ss ??r i?ui? .1 ? I? .I ; g ,,i -, .in., ?.4 ,1 . r s 11., ,??>, ?f t b Tri?. Co c-'t 0? loae as i"0"1 ? da M 1 :>S? i,aea .. , X Y 1 A SI I. l't 4 1000 ,.... 10'. Tr? ft I? U til? 5| tooo ....... M*4 ..Me* '" "94s Th,r;,.A,* rf* '* ..." 1.(08 . MM *\*3Lm v.Z .. :?l |?.MI . f'"\ 1.00.1 . 114*4 K \ s II A II <-?t 'i. ?17', 1.104' ."" S lo <-,t 4? S 000 ?ir. N Y 11 ft ?V Is. I, ... IIB ?MM N K Y ft Uiu-ii? Kl I.t ft ,|n, 5 * ** Power .', I.100 Ol' ?,, ? iei ?' ''?''00 ,,rt' 91 N Y'n.s rfg 4s *'n It 14 ?f ? f 4? .;.',',.. . TI 2 0O0 .44 d.. ,,;j ,-, T' S lirait? A I 's ?M . MS ?A . ?""* ...... '.OS C s Huhlwr : too ; noo .loss K Y"ir?4S? ~ "L JA .'. ' 10S^ lu OOO 9s?. t S Hte.1 , f S? X Y ?V ft B.? 4S? 14.110 .??JN l OOO SO*,1 '..000 .105 10 OOO . 81??' 54.000 .104S I ooo . Il 21000 .105 MM . IIS' 12.000 .104% 4000 . .41 s ??Me ?"***. |MJj Xorf ft ?V , ?t 4 S? : O.10 a?f.I04S 30 "00 .111 4.000 . li)4\ do ?M 4a a.?*? .IMS Z oeo . !)4S -1?? .104^i 3 OOO 94?j Valar tliem il N'ortli l'aclfl- *? "1H .M?*eJ -,oi.) 9|i. 20 000 .1074'4 .',4 0M . D41, ,!o '.? ? ?,.-. 04K 10 oen . 94V4 1 . iVt '-'.000 . ?RS 41, 10.000 . ?*K dan-Aatfrad ? 1 ?wo fit. . . '-"?S ?? o,?.) . 9JV, Va Iron f A C t? 4, jg -eon . 10 1 . 01.1 ... Ta Rr "s Dr II. A ?i. l< '??1'>* a.?... ???S ? n,.,, . Va Ht ? fr ?er U Dr s M ? : ' r. M l ,?,., .. I,-, s :, *A'a!,?.sli 1st 5? IBM - - i'?S ' m .?""'S. ,i,. rf? :. i."*! .I*??? .' .) . 0414 ,tn 3,1 5? 1 Dim .04I? I 4100 .0*4 1 o,.-, ?is MM ..M 1 1.,.,, H% do rfg 4s Central Tr Dr \? n u a N 4- .if? full ssse str-1 . . ?IM . t.? .102S 1', ? ?1 |?| 4, Wash t'.i.tral 4a .??, ?'??, I 000 .8s 1 . 1>0 Wes', h. ?ter I. 5| l'g.-l?,- TAT Ja 1 000 ..103% I nun !>?'. Wr-t Mao land 4? . 'inn M ?n ot'O .74 I'-tu. ran 4Si 200.1 . T3 -. oon . . 101 tVes'ghi.u?. Mfg 5 p g .. ?Of,'? tii.t.? 191T 1 ' o?o 100S 1 000 IfllS An 4S? t'tnp r.-tpo tVln?t..ti Salem BouthBiid , 1 . . loi la 4 0.1 ?OP? 4 000 .?8 I is 8M 101 tVli f s A Dul 4l 101S 1.000 .I? OOVERNMENT BONDS. Rid. Asked. Bid. Asked. ' Yesterday. Thursday. 2s reg 1930. ... H9 99?-g 99T? 99V 2s coup 19710.. .99 99 ? 3s rot IMS.... 10114101% loi-i 101*4, :is coup 1918...101'? \0\U ? 4a reg 192.5.... 109S H?H 109S 110?4j 4.? coup 1925. ..110 111 110 111 2s Pan VI reg. 98 98 ? 2s Pan -.18 reg. 98 ? 98 ? 3s Pan '61 reB..101<4 1014 ? 3s Pan'61 coup 101', lOUi ? ? BAR SILVER PRICES SOAR Firmness Due to Active India and Mintage Buying. London, Nov. 19. Bar silver ad? vanced to 2?d. an ounce to-day, the hif-hest it has been since August of last year. The lirmnes? was due to ac? tive India and mintage buying and re? ports that the stocks held in London :.r- br.rely 7,04)0,000 ounces. Doulers in silver bullion in this city saitl yesterday that the advance in the price of bar silver at London to 25.1. an otinca, in addition to heavy buying by the British mint and the? India bonks, was duo to the fact that pro daa*e*re in this country had been hold l?g back for hii?her prices. Thev also i attributed the advance to the condi- j tions in Mexico, which have prevented | n normal production of the metal. Ship? ments from this country abroad since the war started have averaged about II ADD (VHO a mt>?\? ERIE One ?if thr principal faet?n In tha rxpanaiori ..f the earning! of ffc? Krl? I? thr K' ater In ?ffl rleney In oandlln? I ? Thia f'i?turi- I? fu11 > dl ; In :h? tu. rent l-sur of Tli" financial World In th. Mcond )r,??t :]ill. lit of th? ?wrtel Mtalr-tta mt Tha Bai? ttatiruad. Send for Copy The Financial World 18 Broadway. New York. All WALL STREET reads DOW, IONES BULLETINS ft TICKEK ? Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL i. RANK REPORTS. Broadway Trust Co. MOOl MOKTII 111 II HIM, ? ? >\:>.-:.\.?r.ii it iTEMBBI AS AT i'l.ns;: Of llf.?IXK8S NUVIMHKB III. ISIS. HKS? >UBC*CI (jovernment. Nt.??i> \ ?'Ity Bon.t?. I! Oih?r Bemrttlea . . ?.li 51141 fitock of Ki'l-rnl l>arr\a (Link . .7.5114? First MertffaSTea on N?-i Yp-.rk <?'> Real Batat? I.41I.TJIM Loan? i.n.i piacounta 12.414.4,t?. ? p. ? rdn.fl 4?HJ i k Dulldlag an-l Vault? 137.15??? I- Kalato IT.IUII a rued Interest . 44.714 41 ?' Mi '?! Kan 1 ..i. : Da 'r..m Hank? T.MI.IIl i| Cuatomere1 Uabilltr on A? - p .T-....P .?? an.! I ? | <r..Jlt . 111.?? .4 ?.- ? - '.. ., LIABILITIES Capital. |i,i??.?H*l .Sijrplu.? nn.l rroflt? ???.?114 11 A'rni'.l In irreal ?S.III 4? liciirrvo.l f..r Taira a..\ \'.\ prr..r? . ?,?4 4? A.-. ? ] '?ni'?i and betten d Or.lit . I0I.IIHI DrpoiT.t? . ...STI.tStlt i:;,i?5.;::ii DIV?DENOS. (.KNKH.I (HKMH \l. ?OMPAXV. II Broad Bi Mew York. Movember U till An rxtr? at.irk (ttvldond ol tee p?r rait (?%), un.i ? ?peclel itoch dMdeed ?Ias per eeal ?iv, i, nava boon .:??? ?po? tiio Common itoek of th? ? p.mpany. p?r?' ble In Common ?lock al par on F>b?wr I, IS IS, ?.r as ooon trVreaft.r as tb??_SB? ??an b? Mated, to Con it? 'khelalMI M they ?hall appear ?>( recor 1 ? n th? book??* th?- Company at th? ' mIbm D? ctmbtr II, ISII LANCASTER MORGAN, Tra-aiBM ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Irrejfiilarity marked the tr?dia/r ? the Consolidated Exehanjce throuffcMt the day. Union Pacific did not rit? above 1411?. United State? |H dipped to 86% and then rallied to WH Anaconda ended at MM its lotrtit American Can at its best chssH hands st 61*4. STOCKS. MM Una n ?h U" U?. .80 Alaalia Ostd ... MV .ll? ?V ?r? SM Alll.-l'lialinrr? 1*8 81*4 K? .".?? An. itm rmtst . ???. ?', M *\ l.-'iiO Amrr1.'_j| ?an . ? ? , 11% lit 0% IS Am Car A T, ?!? M?. ???? C* I? An? I-r r If 1 E 010 Am LaaoaMMM i'.i, T0?4 B I"? 1.0 Am Loso pf ! . ? -, Wi% WS ISS Am r-aiBlBi '?:', M ? **> ?*??) Am ?Mu II- III IT !!'., S.l.'ft Aharon la < .'P ??'. ?% ??% M '.0 A. T A S y. . let HI IM tf IT? Flal'lHln r^ro ,||?U ;;', lit?? )'.'? i? iir.-k nn ml ?b 3To t'allforuU ivt , , .!?, l\ C90 4'Ii.t, A O!,),, , ? , ? ."?_ M 1? CM <.t VVn t.f ??. . J?% Ok ??> < . M A W P . . H? Kb 7" ?'. 11 I A I' la?, . , >'. ?"> ??1 Ctiluo fopa?. . Hi 93 11'? fol Kuh AI '4 a a > ? "I ?laa .144 144 144 M lio ('?ara I'r..|urt? . . i ?a ;?,% i? I?? l,?S? I'rtKlhU ??erl : ; V *-\ B ?*? l?l?l K.-urltl-a . UK 4'?, 4.5"? 4?S .440 KH? ?1* ru 44-, if-. 370 Krla? !.. ,,f . , ? . 1 ?. , ??. lio ?;i Nortaarn >?r-? j?u -, ???j 4?j 170 t;ua*r:.l.-lio Kt 7*?, 74 ?2 'S 'r* 44D <<v ?-.?J ?r 4'. 4!b !?'? Ini r..<r-, i .hi* u a :: If? l'l lii' t'.iai? pf ;?t ';?> T? K .0 Kai Clt? Ha .41 - .u 33 H% J20 Kaii il?, Ko pf m M ?4 ? 610 I*hlf!. Va?rr ?gu .iu *:S *** H mestmeU M,,!,?/, yC ?? * --\ ?J l.t'HO Meitraia l'rt MU u|. US ? -"' Miami 4'op ?4?? ?C 34% ?} HO Mo Hvlfl? .. "J '?i 'H ?* lo? N'at Enam A 8. :?.?J ?8 V?j P 1?) Nat I*a.I ... r- i-, E * ' ^-ata for.a . !<?. 1??. l'\ :..? ?? N Y fomr.l .. ;,, M% l??* m '?' ^ V N If A n -, ??go? l'artfl.- .UrQ lir% 114% I?1? ??' l'eiinirlfliila ... ?0 ?4 ?? ? I Palta < ?; M M I??' l'i't? Coal pf... lo* 10? 1* ?2 10 l'rmar.1 Rt Car.. ?4 *? tt ? .'?'Ra- foiiper . }fia. >a? ?H M| 170 Hipubllr I A S '1% 'IS ?:H ,*2 !?/; Houtiurn l'a? ...10.1 |??U l??v? 1Q *0 Rouilirrn H, . ?4 .?'? ?S ?J? .0 ... I'..-?, IST? IST-I ?;? ??" Hl?.|rl.?krr Rt? S*2 I ?? i 11" Trnn aopper .... j:v? ,-4% 57% M? ??>? !>lM_Par .l?l ? il". V. ? Babbar] ?% ?l'aj U.3?0 f g S??4^_ 440 Itah f.oprr. nui lin \ ?<'ar fhern . ?;-% ??v, a?-a ?_? ?f" ""?"?hou?? K . 0?% <>% M% ?SI 4?.170 Total .?!?,. MINING. ?KW Atlanta .:3V? .1?%, HH -g* ?00 rirlmv.t.4? ?0 4? ??! 7'?' fnmatorli .II I? -H ?a SOO IaaN.ll? .|? .11 .U -Jf ?00 Jim Butlar .Il .11 I' S .ton Mrilrait .41 .44 44 ??] ;<?) Mi.i*?r .u ti n .??: '.0 Diitarlai .4 90 ? ..0 *??? *Z H?0 Nl-rra Vraa?1a . .1? .1? M E f-"0 I ralon ?oiiaol ... ?0 ?M ??* 'S ?O't ?A??* End .U .73 .-I ? 3.37.0 Total <? ?? -" | ? ??. 8. Treasury Pinanc** tvaahln?ten. No?. I? --The <-ondt-l-<n ?*_ liil-rl Statra Trraaury t-d?r ??u MB tti,*mJ? l?nr-?l fund. |II?.U3.M1. total -?.?Jipta. I'-*1'^ total parmeft?. IS.TS4JSS Tt.? Jr?.ll "^f? >?ar t? M?.0O?.:i-'. a?*ln?t a drif? ?f IMMS ,... _._ ...a,, a., j i' Canal ??? I1**