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TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Bonar Uw'sSpeech Makes No Hit ? ith the Local Bond Dealers. STOCK MARKET KNOWS DEPTHS OE DULNESS Horace S Wilkinson Replaced ,,n Crucible Board- No Re port Oi War Orders. _., v . Boaai La* . el the j ti bimpel? *e taj , ?; ? imOBl 'hat I ik bankruptcy tobrini? li conclusion, and ^c i,t , Ithelf perralts the th? cables to this that the ideas h,:(l in Londoi are ten dlffereat from ))l0i,.. York eonceraiag **ood jiromot.o-. work. One of the rer.aons ?hv the Ane'.', r rerich bonds have rior ittr ,-; . U fast as ??as at I - expected I* that the exes? ,,f caution enrendertd bv the success of the Cen? tra! Powers In the Balne ?IB has to a d?irr?e offset the extraordinary attrac? tion* of the bond? themselves. Bonar I.rtVs istet-t declaration will do noth- j ine to redact thai la Um course o' time, perhans. it ?nil be a? ? ell nnder iMed '? " ppeare be ,i, fjicat Uritaii'. thai cxatTj-eralien of the task the All.*? hare undena'..? i. il net** BBH tu Koatl t'.te British peopll '." a thrif' ' "inch supplication could not ]g?d them. If they think their countrv gtandi a chance of "t-oinj* broke" they will not waste 'heir laeney, but ?rill ggr- it. Once they have saved it, the Mrsraraenl trill know how to get it. Then ?s? not much said about that of Boaar Law's speech here yes tordav. What evirybodv did talk about area the ronr i.dvertisement it gave ih losns in foreign countries and the -".m.I persuasion there was in it for Americans to maintain balances in Lend' ? Outlook for Allies' Bonds. Apart from such interrupt or.s to its rrocicss as the Bonar Li.w laaaeb, the cistrihutinn of the hie Antrlo-r renrh ISaa lasse i* lik-'v to be accelerated tritt the approach of the new ?ear for on* thing, no iatellie-eal Inreetor nues t on'; the bonds' ? ccurity, and it is trren erallv realized that their hiirh income rleld is a concession ?o provincialism {n investment, rather than a m n-iie rf comparative risk. For another **Ood 1 are retting ?arcr Bad scarce.-, --.?en the heavy liquidation from 1 ' ; - ho? enabled the BBBpI* le keep up with the demand. Indications are ali those who believe that there I H be a much hirher I've! *"or the e'ardard issue- in th ? atoek market 1hat thi* scarcity of it vest nx-r' Ir all the moir pronouneed as time ? rnent in the ??ock mark- I a n<"i ?vhen in ? >?tor- and e* an 804 enlatara, consider ;~_ Stocka si lael t,,? hiirh. transfer operatlona tu th. bond market. .last Like <?ld Times. iterdaji was the dullest day on the I Kxchannv in tnar.v a leOf the turnover amountinc tu not much I 0 er half a millii Nota itk ItaatBna 'he neu nctivit? of the rail? road issui?. rao a*l M ran to five figures were indus? tria!? [p that citecor? of activity aere th< followmi*: Bteel, Erie Union Pacific. Anacor.d.v Bald-v?; Locomotive, ( hesapcake 4 Ohio, Resdinp, Interna Mercantil? Marine preferred cer? tificate?. Mexican Petroleum, Can. In spira'mr,. St.uthern Pacific. Alaska do! I. I'tah Copper and Guggenheim a railroad*, ten indus ? ? industrials min L\it Mr. Wilkinson. P'ibhcitv ;? carpera?. ? affairs i?ot an- ? ether black eye reetertlay. It ??-as an-1 Seaaeod 'rat Horace S Wilkinson- ' the direc'or wh-, told the truth about Crucible'? uar orders had re?i?rned two day- before from the board. His ?"alp ?vas ?ought fron the moment that he made his memorable statement. At ???hoi? belt it har.c* Boar if- a matter, of no I 'he chief point is that j li al* loat t. as hi* enemies said he, ?07j!d. ai 'i for no other reason, appar? ently, than that he told the truth.. Tktn. ?s?t? a candidate for his job who | cid no* a i it?Barry ?. Eldridge, who I bore with him to the meeting the Itexiei of half a dozen brokerage hossei. It is more o' a mystery WBjf Mr. E',<Jr:di?e ?ral not electtd to the. basrd than whv Mr. Wilkinson felt bound to resijrr.. His ideas should have ' rid? him pre-eminent!v el.j-ible fot Ike Craeible board. Of Mr. Wilkirsor. ? hi is ssid to have said: "It 1? all r't-ht ? for baa te think what he wan". about taS tock of the company, but as a di **JCter he bai bo right to sav what h? thougi.*. " Mr. Eldridge could not have frad Mac) h'ipe of being elected a di ?ector h -Tis-'.f, or else he was mis? quoted srhtf he added: "In the next I few yeara the supply of Crucible com- , Wall Street will be et ?.mal! an that of BetklehesB Steel to-day. j con- ' : ? xfect the common itock to sel ?t $20' a ?.hare Inside of tare or thre? ? ?? The Myster> Continued 1 hsirrr.r.r DaPo* ol tie Crucible ?>?*r'1 . ?av BBT-tklaa about : ? irv'? bonk? II? *'?* m that war arder? h?<i Mea rxagrerated but without intimst- ! -' ' ??' n uch. The steer ? i wit)? aorae "Otlmigtie but general Ulk about the facture of U '. steel Publicity 'or it? affair?, an ! ? ? back ?as ef rock' older? are something- that : u* Craeible comnanv does not -cm) rr??t:v *o favor There, are other com- ' Dam?? whim hold airailat ?rlewe. for I hangeth bul 71' "?'?' ' to be imp. rf. "?J" -natter?. trained ' foi -I- manu .*''-'? ' ..??"? I than for 'fit BBaaafaetor? of raaaitlons. If the lompgr,.? lopreelate the ". wh ch makes football? of ?pecula taT?'."' ' '?erhaps be less , 'ant la aaaj , ?toekholders. NEW R r HNANCING ?? H???n and Ml<h|g;an (entrai Sell ??aSllllH la BBSB-tflB. Hrm. * rfSte Htveem Ka.lroad, ,r, ?.rder to "j I tranir. l?% gold I* r -dort-f.;. ft Co a ti tat ? .- foi a,PMr?'.'** '' ??"??tiOflSl ??? **' > 'Wrt.\. aecordin?; t?, an r.-enr.?r? made y?-?t?rday, ha? ? O 0,S-4?4?ed .< ,., g.,Julpm,nl 1||ut t#J ?a Morgan firm On the basil of or ? icr aew ?nBlpment placed by the BW"??- reeeBtljr, It le believed TLZ.' . ": '?' " laaae h. *ln ,V,''/ V'''? ","1 M.000^00 and ' half that aasoufit. '?' Z?**V. K ' v" ' ?'d to lavoat h* V "? f'"'r g?o?rral sg? honde which >.! I,v the Sjl"**f" CtrtrtraJ '., J I? Morgan STEAM PtHMP PLAN EXTENDED ?tori Ma> tlr Deposited with Ssbtn Committee Until December 1. '1 he joint reorganization com' 4>f the Internntionnl Steam Pump ( MB? pany, ai ?blab Charlea H. Sabir i? chnrman. announced veMerdav that upward ..f M per ean! of the preferred rtotk l.i r,< ? r. deposited under the flan, and an opportunity will be offered the remaining stockholder* to deposit .bait muritiaa until DaeaaiWi 1. Ph? circular of '.he protective eora m.ttsa, of which McUougall Hawks? is cha.i'ran, announcing the decision ad? raras to their contention? rendered by Abrs?T.m S. Gilbet!, .ppc'a! master of lh? United Statts District Court, and offer i.g t9 the dapotitoil th? privilege of ?rithdrawing '.'-ieir .-.tot-''., was fol? lowed bt tba announcement tl n; Charles A Beekman, of this cItJ : Kofer I. Btnrgis, of Boston, and Charles 11. Wiltai?, o? Kocheater. had depoiited thalr ?took ?ritl the Sabin I'omr.'t'i.-. --a? .?--? JAMES J. HILL OPTIMISTIC Predict? Good Busin??*?, for Northwest Thia Winter. James J. Hili, at his New York office rest reta la tha Mutual Lifo Building, - tad good busines.4 for the North wo?' thia ,- .r.;er. "Tba ir.r in the count-y for grain," he saiti, ; .-. about R5 ce'its a bushel, which is netting the fnrrner handsome ?profits Than M r.o car shortage; tba Great Northern, and tba road is handling eorafortab Ita big business. The Northwest gansrally is in a very eoBsfortabla posit! >n.M STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES BOSTON STOCKS. MININO. ? ?aaa High. i?o? Bala* -. :r?. 2 t? a; meek . M . I A . ' I Arlsofta <'om ... 7tfc ? 4ic 73S b Ht? m A S Ott 10?, - h itti * Bal.... 3 ?..mat * Aril ?'. 21. alumei a h? p'rntrnnlal .... 17;, Pl er Kanjr '..'-, ? i Daly IV??* ..... 5 I.Oi?. L'aat U.itt? . ?.v? i m_?knn . 10u ?ranl.v MS Hkii'?xk .., 9i Helvetia ,., IIS le?? Ko?, al? II i?*? . ? i'ra Flal.e . ?1 ?aai Qeas . |M IB Mayflower . 4 US Mlchiatan . IB U2 Xioha-Tk . IT I . N". or .a llar . 10M M New liria . U no North Butt? .... i?\ MS Old ?DomlBten... n,\, reek ?? IS jtilncy . l?k. M tanta Ko . 4 X . H,i'.nti"n . ?S 8.7T.' BbattUCll .?? S?"'?? y. h .nth i.ak? ;?_ Bout h l lut. 106 St Mary'? Iyand.SJ . Us '. ? Ut? - lerlor Cop ?Tt? It Tamaru-k 1.4J5 Trlnltv .HV? h Mnei'.er? ? 4^. 4t 74.1 rtsn AfO? . 3?4 a n ai*, -n.? KAlIJtOADct IM Bomoti Ele\ . . -3 W Bottea & Main-? 3:>:. 10 C>,\c J A ? Y ?r in? 4 Nor * Wr.r,- ir.147 1 ili.tiand | i . 'i U tv?-si ;';??: Ht i: fglgCMUl ? ??tkeeg pr ... 9r'4j '??'? m l'nr;i Per ? le p? UM .?? ' ' Ma?, ?la? ... U -.: rKr 4 N-av Kng Ttltp.lM 5 I'.rr | ?' U hol?. 16 71 Savt't * Co. ...JM r'-.rrlnstnn i.ited rrult ...t.'?'* Bit MtO? M-.'h 4'4. h rr 2<> ?-.t ira (Ml .. ? Il74 I 9 Wnliaston L? BONDS tel & P M 6?. 72H 5?X>K ? . M O 15 ??. 711?. Uaa? Gas iva?- HH 1,000 Sow E Tele,, fa DUS Swift tt ''o <"?... MB ?.OuO W'eatem Tel :?? 4? M M ? 4i 10>. 3 p I.?9 "H t . ? M \9% a ii% Me M% US 6 11'?. 4'? M lti<i U tt% Mfl 15 I Mi ?-.: :?'?? E5 UV ?s* K K IM ""? 4?r 1 ?, ? 66'i ??? "Vi e: 1 ?sv . . M 17 40 21 I,a?t. : ? ? - .t 70 l?M ITM '-? ?? 16 13 4 M K : Bm u M Jea. M SfS 27 IS Mb 41 S*. M ?8 H BU :.!. SI _C=?, 10s 4. -' 2?>S ?S's 6 IM ?g 1?8 'a 11 . Mil IS s? 3H M f S Ht lie ^-\ H US M1?, ':?? m?? Si 17 . 113 ? lM*4a l'.S is . * 101H ??? M ??? -'* ml Ml i7:v? 133 II \a>\ a ?a l?? MH :? Igt 72'? 101H Bay ?t Cas Bohem.a Boit'..! Cala- .-traa.... Chle' -:? BOtrroN CTRB tu 1 a ?~IiC)FINa 'H 24? M?? M--al?. ?H Nr Se Ohl , - "'? t l i ?"??? Matai? i :4<?j n :i'? cs>? PHILADELPHIA STO( Ks. il'.- ; M >l U . . Ml'llna B| | 6i, 51 Aru B ?? ? ?3 ? do pr . KV? Bfl A Puaq t .4'., . ? ?ml rift Iron . . 40 1,771 ?mirla P-rr: \ 115 ions Trac N J- 72 lao -t.pi Bat f7 I ? Ct?a a-;.hait MB ... ;? ::-.^ : In- 1.0 n a . 10 J . BrUI pr. ... r, 1. K?.>?t<Hi* Tatet?. '."? H pr . r/4 Ukc Corp . ?H :: ..chiski va-. . Val Trar ... l?. 155 AS : : ?? SI*? : t h Penn .... ':. : Ptnn Ball Mr-- ? - a ?Co 44 . cjin pr .. 43 n ut 141 1?JH 1S3 M 126 14*. Ill I in IB 71?. A?k. |4r H [?aat :4i MB ... 1.010 ?,,..'... M 1 Phlla i: Tr t ? . , . UbImi Tih <? 1 37> (Lit Imi ?. ?. Jeremy a ? ?"* 4??, 1 -p ? rain; ,v ^i.M ? Ijivo Ar., oaa ? 1 ?i ? >? i,im Irit'atat? Ky- 4 -.< t A C S? M - ?t ?lep :? ? '?' ?Lan 1. 4vk? :oi . <co ist bVii?r? ?.000 Phlla ! ist 4i ? ? 'a* S ?" i:.!' Ky? Inv <? '( i 00 '.-. N V A P 4? ?0 S". U -, -, -'. 44 4? 4??< -?'. ' M K7 1 ?: 1MB H IMH B BB 'i1-. . '.; ?.-. 6?H '?S ? 1'' .?H ? M li 4? ? ? ? II s?1-. F IS?. n 1. 100T? H 74 811 -????y Mil . r?t M? 1 - 4 ? ? ?T'a SI , ?SB H '? ? ? CHICAGO STOCKS ?a? I 1 SB IIlKh. S, Arn Shlpbulldln? 36 ; ? . M . '-.i n?h pr ;.-'. . M 1 Tool- !1 ? ? ? ' .' C4HB Bdlson 14-?V . ? 'l' I art. 8 * M M . 74?, ' ? Linda*. 1.:?' ? ? M ,nt 'Aarl ?r r.3S 'ritikrr Oat? . ?" 3,544 (Hawart Wai ? ? '? ? 1 l*H ? , M ? .! "14. M.?"O Arme n ?s? ? 1*'? 1,00 :?> ?? 1 ils? :. i, dab W.i?j't -? . ? ? ?I '? 71 10?U_, 111 ? . I_ota M a tu 'i h 106 74v, 'j 11IS ? . '. 1 -??? M " M ::. 14 106 ? 114 ?m MB MB BALT1MORB BTOCK8. Htgl '. ? Pa ?t M.'A. 1 MS ? ? I .??*, 3 00?. ? Ill - I ... ..Il Fairmont ?? ? ?? - ? : TT...110 ? * )'*r ? a: : ? Oll 4 Kymlnajton ? 52 .IM ? ?Ity Halt 4 ? ?I ral ?? '.; Coin Powai < . liai!? ' Klkrx.r.. ? Jamta ? ? a- . M' V ? M notas v> ?Tllra A VVal 4a. 16 ?Ml 4 ?A 111 i.'. U ' 1 - ? '?1 '. l'.l m ? 111 30 11? 111 7?.?* 4 H ? ? I a M ?1 17* PiriSHl H?.H SlO( KS l.?Vi u, m ?11 ?. ?-. H ?.VA ' t, ?M . ' tn Con? Im M t .aa A r.l 14V. llar., U'alkr I_? Hall? I 4 'lo M Mfr? M * II- M Na? )-'tr??.i".fi 1? .;4. Se pr . ohi? r.' ohl., r. 'II.',., 1 irl .||f 1 .pi ? ? 1 rki, TOJ 1 ??* ?v M?i.?l l.S . K 14? HlKti. H M*a ?1 ?'??S MB II? '. Xi I? 140 J.-. 14H M MH 1? i?'. -. I - itt 1. ? si ! :iB MB M I uo BANKERS OUTLINE THE 'FRISCO PLAN Underwriting Syndicate May Subscribe Most of $50 Assessment. ,T. & W. Seligman & Co. and Speyer St Co.. reorganization manager? under the .St. Louis & San Francisco Railrot-d readjustment ylan, issued a summary yesterday of what the security holders will receive on completion of the re t.rj-'.niration. ' The reorganized com? pel.y will take over all the miieage of the old company, with the exception of the New Orleans. Texas ?t: Mexico Sys? tem. The BOW company will isnue $118, 398,500 in prior lien montage bonds in two series, one bearing I per cen' I and the other 6 per cent interest; $40, 617,Ms cumulative adjustment mort j ,, r, per cent bonds. $38,661,21)0 con? vertit, le income mortgage 6 per cent , |7,OOO,C*00 0 per cent preferred ; stock an'! lo8,MO,C<00 cotbbv n iteck I'nder the plan offer, will be mad' to refund ali underline: bonis on thl mileage of the rew company, with the ixeeatlOfl of three issues totalling tC9,t6o,1>70, the ret.renient of which ha? been ot!,eT?v!se plt>1 tdetl for. Holden of the Tr, refunding 4 per cut bends will receive 76 prr e.nt of their par raloc in ne?v prior 1 i? n 4 per cent beads, ?if. per cent in 6 per cent cur.iuU.t ve adjOltSBOBi mortgage bonds caih for overdue interest on the old beads. General lien i. per cent bondholder?! will receive 86 per rent In new prior I per eeal bondi, J8 l-S per cent in O pe?- re-i' eaiBolstiTe adjustment mort - i gaga bonda, M per cent in convertible ? cent non-cumulative income mortgage bonds and cash for overdue ! inti.r. Holder? of the old first preferred stock for the payment of the $r>0 a share assessment will receive *.,-,,) \Tl j prior lien ? rer c?nt bonds, or cash at ! Xt", and ?125 new common stock trust ? certificates.. Holders of the second pi I?? ' ferrad ?fock will cet the same in bonds I ?iMl 1108 in no?? common ?.tuck trusl I certificates, and common stoekholderi ] will receive the same in bonds Bad 686 i aaw common stock trust eertifleatae. Upon depositing their stock under j the plan shareholders will pay $5 on the assessment. At the end of eighteen ' months they will have the option either ' to forfeit the depollted stock and the [seaeiiiaenl already paid or secure an ifltereit In the reorganization through the payment either of ?15 additional ; or, if the syndicate ?vnich ha.? agreed ' to underwrite the plan elects, to retain the priai lian bonds at 85. through the payment of only ?"-'..'O additional. PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES (.eneral News and Earnings of VsfJOSJa Corporations. The Dnyton Power and Light ( oni pany In its October earnings report shows aid*, advances in gross and mt operating iBCOmo, ??hile surplus earn? ings ??ex- more than double those for the same month in 1914. Total electric reven-,p.? amounted to $94,289 and lob utility revenues wore S4.950, making a gross laeome of 199,289, an lacreaae of almost 21 per cent over October of last year. Operating expenses- amounted to $49,878. conpared with $45.461 a jreai ago, and the total net earning?, includ? ing tion-operatinir. revenues, .vero |6*V 247, a gain of over '.',', per cent. Dp- ' duetlons for interest charges on the j funded debt, noter- nut.- landing and for linking fund requirements totalled' 118,062, leaving a net income of 681.*I 696. Surplus earnings after dividends ; amounting to $ 10,538 en the -preferred share; were 621.16?, against $T 0,186 In I 1914. Operating ratio was reduced from 56.2s to 50.26 per cent. I tali Securities Corporation. Announcement lias been made by the Utah Securities Corporation of the parcha** of ,; per eeal note? tendered to it to the amount of $1,000,000. AH of the notes etfe'-ed up to 89.99 ?vere bought in. Another $1,000,000 has been set aside far !>:i porchaae of notes ten tiered before December ". Wisconsin Ldison. Eai*Bia**l reperl "f the Wisconsin Ldison Company for October gives an j incren?^ of nearly t? per cent in gross j revenues, which amounted to $748,102, and no', earning? after operating ex- j penses amOBBtini to $2H5,523 were .43 per cent in PXCOBI of those in the same ' month of last \.'pr. The balance avail? able for the Wisconsin Edison Com paay anil depreciation of subsidiary companie- ?vas |161,360, an increase ,,t more than 2 Der cent. BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. A gain of about 812,000,000 by the beaks is indicated by the reported movements of currency this week. Tho gain from the interior was $1,666.000, shipments Including $1,301,000 national Lank notes sent to Washington for re demption. Gold amounting to $6,725.000 in sovereigns was imported from Lon- ; don and $1.75u,000 m United Sutes coin was shipped te Canada. There was a gain on Suh-Treasurv operations I proper of $5,16!>,0O0. The board of manager.? of the New York Cotton Exchange, at a special meeting, elected Ocorg'o M. Shutt vice president of the exchange, succeeding Robert C. Cairns, resigned. Stockholders of the Tulnncu Sugar .Company, at a special meeting yester? day, voted to increase the authorized I capital stock from $600,000 to $1,000, 000, all of the BOW -tuck to be common. Hichirohei Nose, a native of Japan, ha." been elected a member of the New York Cotton Exchange. There are al? ready severa! Japanese holding mem? bership on the exchange. i ,pper export? from principal At? lantic ports for the ?veck ended Novem? ber 18 totalled 10.630 tons. Shipments ?iaee the first of the month amounted' te 16,670 tons. An order has been placed by the' Pennsylvania Railroad lines west of Pittsburgh for thirteen additional loco- ' motives, making a total of sixtv-three fol 1916. Of these, forty-eight will bo built by the American Locomotive! Company antl fifteen by the Lima Lo- j emotive Corporation. There was ?hipped from the Bflb Treasary yesterday to Canada $900,000 in United States gold coin for th? ac? count of the Hank of New York. I. M. Marine Committee Named. The ci mmitfee which has been or? ganized t.. protect the interests of the : International Mercantile Marine com HOD stockholder?, in addition to John ?A' Platten, preeideat el the Daited S'ates Mortgage and Trust Company, a? rhrirman, will conist of Lewig L Clarke, BTOoideBt of the American Ex? change National Bank; Donald O. Cd ,|, g, ,,f Clark, Dodge A Co.; A. H. | I'ost, preeideat of the Mercantile Trust and I' poell Company, ef Baltimore; .-,,-,. I IMchmOflS, of Wnislow l.iiji.ei A Co., and William C. Van Antwerp, el I Van Aatwerp, BlahOf | r<>. Alfred A i ..,,1 will act ns counsel for the BOB?' | mlttee and Chauncty H Murphy aa I gerretarg. GEN. CHEMICAL DIVIDENDS Si? Per Cent on Preferred, Extra 3 Per Cent on Stock and 10 Per Cent Melon. Director? of the G?rerai Chernica, i Company ye?terdav. if. addition to de? claring the regr.ilar quarterly dividend of l't r?er cent on the preferred stock, declared M extra ?tocK dividend of 5 cent and a special stock dividend of 10 par cant, payable in common stock Ht p?r February 1 to stockholder? of r?cord December 31. A ?pedal bonu? to all pre?ent em? ploye?, ?xcludin;; officer?, wa? also voted. To each employe who on De? cember 1 ha? be'-n in the service of the corr.par.v for a year or more is to be given a sum equal to 10 per cent of hi? tr her annual salary. To those who have beet, with the company for a shor'T period will be j-ivn 6 per cent of their i-uriiinRs actually received. Payments ?rill come as u C hristmas dts tl.DUt.on, as *hey will he between December 13 and December S? The (?enera! Chemical Company ha? realizeii large profits as a direct result of the war through the sale of ac:!' us?-d in the mi ni facture of explosive? Teeterday's deelaratioai mado M per cent extra Stoeh Bad cash dividend? mne4 d tha ? '-.:? I h j yt ir -o TO REORGANIZE SAXON MOTOR CO. $6.000.000 Stock Will Be Of. fered to the Public. A new $6,000,000 company ?rill be formed shortly, it was officially an? nounced yesterday, to ac?,uire the Sax? on Motor Company. The new corpora j tion, having the sam- or a simUr.r i MUM, will issue $6,1.000 BMMMfl ?stock, which f irai -t,,;,. i would be the onl? liability except those inci? dental to i-urrent operations. The linancine || b.-inc handled by Merrill, L> nch & Co.. a Sow York and Detroit tirm. It wan understood that the new stock will tie olTereil imrne ,i ately for publie subscription at ?7," ?. share. Im und mar.?gement of '.i. conipnnj, it *u? annoanced, will not be chr.nged. The Saxon Motor Corn par...- now ranks a> the tenth ? manufacturer of automobile' in the world. The company, ?t wa? statad, has ?hipped 13.ot'o ears thii ?.eitr and will make S0?o0o in thi currant caotor saa ?on sndinf ii? .' Jnljr, Net earnings for the curren? yen'- ?tr?' | BUSINESS TROUBLES. the ?mi 'ii .m ?..m, m?, r. sirrn.1 CO., IW laafc ? ? ??.:,. II . hai i. a . The r - a. . : a . ? r?pita ?' i'.' ?? i .?a-T.'ir ?' - ? . ai ::> Br ?1 ?a. S ? | of Will? lali ' ?? >.- -i ? it \- vir ;? ottim It wa? t?-.e a-r ?hid. M.M I ? . seminal ai ? ?, i MICKALlNSKi r. ""Ill UOVlcH, maiaul I of ?Mas? u . Mil " : ? C ? '. M. MlT EMI ' < . partnrr? in Dari . .-, | ..... Sa JACOB BHZn . . , Bcnn/actopM ?; :?: . -.??"- ii:?d??i. ?? Nathan > haut .. an ?s. ?i ??.??: ?Ireaa, mt h a: ::,l 11 Kill :t la . ??? n.a.l? ?n ' ?i T.AIVhil. ? ? i.i SHI ' . ?U II .- Am . .. ? ? ... '? A ti?)? - . i l ??? ? ? > I p.n- . I - I'.ANKKI I'TV 1 I'KTITI? >NH i*I'?HI.N< L VAN AI.r.N IN. de?lgn?r aj I lr.r>T'?r of aotrai ?.. I aroaan't aaarlai ?i.parel at 2u Ka*t MU ??-. .'.?? ill? : a n'l'.ioi. in bank mptr) ?rien UaMlltki 1'. ? 1 ' ?'. . ? ????!? !?- . Ji'ii? o? ?.. Ill Sxteraa Mt?; sceounu, 107, a claim. 13?.?. ?i .. I A:. Vtdltori ai? the followta? Lote;? fot rtut ?uJ. in ?un,. CUM, : -i ?i ? ? iaa II..t. p. YVuti U.?-' -i ??' Ma . :. l|r,:?f n?li?r ltland. L I I", EtMcrtMn ?Juli li'tel, }t. A I Wab-1, Hill. $43, J A ?'.-:* v<? ii??ch BiUrt Mai?, t'i. W II. N?r. N?rr??an?ett Pit? ? I'.r.i: Hfl ], I?., $ir. M II. Uo^.r. risuar !>.? . Ii:-, UetaiuUI? i..,. XaflMlla ->i?. MM ln-an. ?MM A mm. Me., MS, ?ad Ne* lit Km?-.-! Iku??. M? . 1100. Tho c-oropan; uaraa ? rxan It ?ai Inctyrporaud ii. iMci-ob? : ? ?it;, -a;'-? ?? | |fo ios aad I m a? r?a a.?b ?? |r.?i. :, luig. Uoegh ??r- ntad A S \wr Liu. raol?*r r I?A\IH TATJB tmiet In drjiool. Jrei? good? ail runUbln? ."Oda si \Kt HC.h at t._a cal? ai, ??wpmitit to Uot-ria laraaj a r*tiuon in bu.k rupuy Wte ?l? Mad ??a:.. I l.lrr. v, lwr> Wliiiaru lara*. 41.; .-?n.uc. ?iolJuan; '. ... ?.... ?am, $271 UabUIUw ?-? i and ?iKU MM H- .. i . r.r- a tern ?<eek? ?4.' AXX1E JAWITZ. rnanufarturer et drra?^ at 94 i Wa?i 30'h ?t . ?iaa rr.a i- _oi .?al?r,n?nt tu Sair.ual Ool Ibar? A patltlo a??lr,?t h?r by tiaeaf ... , }-?;. .lulu? Laar.rr. IJ.n. a;.. J. MU I.MAN A Wp'AOXSB A Bttltl ?I lo . ry haa b-?i f.lo.! ualnat Jila .?hulm?n au i I ( Mprtftnj 'i.? en: i Shulaie .?? \\\t :.. r, lia. : \tmtt ' ' - ?I ; n ? I H . at ' . timw radlton Otto \\ i? . it:. Lout? l. \v?a r.-r, MIS, and )?eot ? Lark. ?v LUMUU? ?ta |.i tlld 114414 LOl'IS W OABTNXB ? IM 9nm MM .: . ? firr.--) '.t ?... - - S Co., whole?ai? iMOaa] .?.?a "- ti. Broa :?.. - la baru- ! : .;' '.'t. '.*?" .-.- ' ' 4 '4J ? i -. ? ?,a?'j He . Blata? -? r ? ?? m h te tatuad "??r M a iru'hcr In auiii.?r. ?? -a:. puawitln?? IV? >.aj-? ?g. ANIillLW T. DAM3.I. f IM test 2 1 ?t., haa iiai a patlUaa ta baafentptcr, .ut. lH**Ptttti af lit,] ? .^ .?? aaaa-t.? Th? llabUltlM ar?a ?.?flelat. -v I ,r.p i f !.. .- _?"?.-. ' '. ;' H Ea?t I i ?t J'iU.N H. M1LLK1I tart.nd-r ^ 7.3 He?ltt p'.?i??. ha? fl>1 a pMltlaa II b?_-.l?rui)lc>-. ??lui :i? Wlltla? ol ll3.t.''J a; 1 a???t.a $'.':'-' lie Ml M nur.r ? il?, ? ' ? ? JAiOIl ?rINr/. Jr. <* Xt Weit ITtb -? . Ott. Sled a p?tltlen t- taiiKruptrT ?i'ti BahHB ??' t'. Ml ar.,1 u?tl< 11 ca?h. VAN hTEENBERon BBOS Bullan auj .laal?-? tfl faeil an I Ii?:r. a: Hhln?! "..-k. 'lave ti:?pl a p? tl'lnn la ar.krj;OT. ??1Ui llabllUla? et I17.SM ?i.l ?aaata M.4SS' | un?'r ira .al a mnraag? et ?. . Ott, Il Ml. and not?. 1**0. PETITION DISMI68E0. :-th KTia'.iiT nirATui. ?omi'a.ny -jud*? Houih hi? Jacil.ated t ? pttlttoq In 'a.',lrr . .- ?Tod Notai 10 uaintt u ? ITU? sti?->t Tha ?tr? Cteimem im et a affirment arlta .re-lltir? lana BANKRUPTCY SCMEDULtS. LKXIN'fiTON SALB8 O'UPANT. INC. d'a.?r In au'om. 1.1 n at _!? flesX J*Ul ?t.. haa f.?.l a h.Vi.ia ?r.wlng luMll-4?? K'6.4?|J ard ?a?.?;? 131*7 coc.?1?'.L-p1 of not??. 140'). aacouat) 11.111 .;?lm' MO f'jn.l"irj aud tlxn-ir??. 11,11?, and ? ml. in bana. 11. Tha UilL?tor. H ??art Con la: , '.! Cor.r.alla?11>. Bd., la Qm lar???! -r?dl-j?i. tor us r.?a. DA\'llJ BOSKNZ'Vr.IO rr.a.-.ui?c*ur?T cf l??Ul?r ?rvod? ?t IS Osetem ?' , h?? -Mi mm .'.te Marias UaMUtia* ?tout 111 I'' ) ?ud ?J?<?u II 0?' WIEKLY FAILURE REPORT. Br? ijtTeaf? reporu Ml tO?OOOt fal.ur-a durtna the ?M* ?l?lo?t HI tor tha prtrto?!? -reek ?rd 8^4 gi. ii ? .. for '.no oorre?i"jt.'J'.r.j wieka I ? . M TU? Mid?)'.? SU??? h?l ?. Ni? Lcfliod II Bouta?? IT, W.'itani 14. Njrt!.??-.? ?? ?1 v.? lar weatarn ti. Cariada had IS, a'aadra?- IT ?I 'he ir?o?du.f w??k ASM -J P?I c-ot or ?1* coi..?rr.a ft!.In? had -ai It?. la?a than MSN ?H I ?jS? cr'-' hl? lrum ?3'">0 '? Ud.Oui? ll-J'?. _ MONEY AND EXCH.1NGE. ril.I.RAI. nr.RI.nVK MM? NT RATE.-Fcr pa;*: rr.a'?irln? In tan day? .it leaa 3 p?r ra-.t. up '? ' . ? da,. 1 ?? (?4M, MOKST t'Q"i ?t ??? tr Mil Mit???' : per rent. L ml IV. K? Mil ?AmMB. - P?r MSi rr ,?-??'. I?, i'-r .-?nt. TiMK MOKX1 ?h.wel tttemOft xeotmoe, Rai??i. j?, i*r ,?.? t t ?ii'j i???. 4H?j.i r?: ?aai ? r [?.'.?.-. tai? R H M ?'-i ?:i ? ' ':'' Ml It? \N I-!!.?. I'AI'KR ???? ?u'-' Rul'.nf ra'e, ?i,,, par ?ol loi i cat naiiia?. bank a-'?p4?u.e?. :v? V?v, [. illAKIN?, BOI f "?IAN".*'!-!?..---- -Kl .!???.;. I134.MHM. ha-.n^e? IW.177/JI. Ti.? RuTlreaaurj ?a- ?? "- ttttot el MfS.SH 81 B TK1.ASI ItT N??> T rk ? a-.i? 1 ?? to tha Pub Treu-.r- ?10.VCO". ?nd ??ln?d ?1no? Frld??. III IH.OoO 1 ?HI HAL IlESI-KVi; H18<?il NI IlATEt? ELBE It ?? ' r '< l?r?, par rant; up to ais?*.? lar? * PWl?d?lphla. I aad 4 p?r ?nt: Cleralar.d. f..r ten day?. -V? P*r ?ten', up to ?liyr dan 4 ?1?'.. to Blatt] d?;-a. 4W. Bl.-hru? nd. ?IP to r.lne'y d?ra. 4 V' *?''? Al'?n'*- UP ,0 '?'?u''? .1?,?. 4 p?r cert. ?'hlr?*". ?P to ??.it? fa>a 4 par ml ?l?t> t^ ninety day?. 4-v? St Loail?, I ?ad IJM ,?41 Mp:.".?i- II?, 4 ?il th vet emit: k? ? 4 v,! tent Dallaa, 4 i- " '. ten 1 r.r, ,, ,. (,. m lafi Inrem for I .??>? -?W. .? ihirtj t? ?i?tj .. . ? ' ? ? '"'?"? day?. ?4. DiiMliRTI? I X< HANGE?Ok??? 10r dl? mint. ?4 I..p-.r.? '.'? dl???unt lid. tw dUrounl ?aked. BANK ? I.I.AIllN?iS -Bal'lmnr? taehai ?e? W. '4?a?0 balai "? MS?.M?: I'ni? i?'phi?. Meb?n*-a t 4 081 'MT balan?a? 13 HI.?-i. St. IaiuI?. e?. haj.fe? llf.tfl.iM ??'?"? ?? >? ??'.IK MAIIKET B?r ?li??r IP I/ridon ??? :&d an ?dftne? o? vied. New York ?inn'aUon ??a? '.li.- ? i?11' 'f -te Itekaa ?n..r ?l"l.?r? KdRF.KIN IX? II IV. I H.n.t. I ?ler.ln? r?v>? a'nmfv In ?be m. <-'U'.? "!? "' ""v ?4"''l tT a ratpnrl t.a? .ieial.? p.r tea Intamaili ? ar-anfrmei l ? ? . ". ' ' ??! i, ,. ,?. i,! i radiai i i ?'?''? ?'?'" ? ? ' ' ' iTi, .. . ?". i.-.'? ?? .i'? i .-i?'* ??*, i?? ? ? ? ' ? k '.*? nrmrn? 4 an- i ? ???. ? 1 *?'1-; ?y dar Mil? L"n.|"r. Banker? at??y ?lay?. ???. -^ .u J.aa i K PRODUCE AND 1 GRAIN PRICES Wheat Closes with Net Loss of 12c to %c?Corn Market Advances. OaWlRAL MARKET REPORT. WHEAT New York. S, ??tuber ?3. ll; ?Vr.??u waa m>l?r?tel- ?cU?? tag] pf.-*a ?*?"* testar. tfcstaa ?as m . ?>?? ; ? -, ?,. ,0' <e? offera.1 a Uli.? mer. fraalj. ?. ? ?port l?t,>?.-.1 ?aa re ...rar? er..! letal ?? ? ?? -s matad at ?t. 41 'u?..?? s* ? . ? ?? '? .1 Manitoba? a ?1 f.?: eeoVen ?r? ,'nt"j* aa IT ? ? pa-tr.g ' rrpod :jifK?t araa IrrTgluaj . -, ?>- ? ; . **? '-'?'?? 14 ?'er- ?-.?.L.e.1 -, awai' ???one ?hgna-g fi-.|M ,.????, , ? ??? a'aotesl gl ' - 1 ' ' Vet? 1 .?I V-r-hern Buiuih i. ?1 , > rs.- ??! i ?,. e 1 f CORN. ?a? modera-.. ?, . ? a ? . -iras wt -.?;??.) U?. n.? |.e?*? .-,.?-? : ??'? ?? . l-rtd ?er? uafi .-:.?? iho .e? : ; ., ; b'jaklAg raterai ' s Illtootg, ?wnrme.1 1 ?'"?*_ "' '?'*? at a large proportion , '. Uij roa.-'.? e-vp )? ' poor luali'T. R.??-.;.'? ?-. I ?...rnarj- point? ?er? -:,.?.. and th*r? appe?i-l i ma ?... eorn *?* r-iot?! a' 7?a? r?r?rr.;. 1 . OATS. I o?)? ?,.-. ...?<-.:,, <i rlas Bat ?jasJae p?-* ?J aai I a?- sK-ttl? .mal, pi-./s. iTmiii ?ut -owaM Um -.??- pr .- - -,.-. H . r...? i .1er.? Wen H 1 S ? ;.:?'.? , rae-ar-. -ta Bxrr.. No '. arhlle ?j-wc-rl ?t 4.?? J41V. K'LVfSL1* * ? ????? ntlla*-? to farci 4 s, Mlt*t ai. aleoati r NEW YORK PBICIB. lererab?..- . _ LU ill M?) _ ' 14 1 4-, CHICAGO PRICES. v a, ?',"? ' r 1 ?** I M JJ?4?j I f |* 1 OS-S afa-. 1 "7?. 1 ?.:?, To >. ' "", 1 u7?i - ? . 88? 61?, ?v-' ? 5?, ?'-. ?5 , '? . i',' '' ' '? '? . J?S .'9?* ?8'4, '???*?? < '. 4M, 4'S H? 4??! FLOUR ANO MEAL. I tai ,.p.?.l,at 'jn.'t'Jlcd. gag on til? whole! prl'-e. ??re ?rm T?i?re .111 a goo.. . I tut It 'a- BetjJt I I ? : ?an rl ?? 14 lia ????--, ..' ocian ?,. Arrt??la ??,-.? a Uttla i*"'r I ?" I 1 ?et? ??..?.ng car. lr ??lag ;.-;- ? ... ?-1 ar? ??ax? 1 ? -, protfue? '. . u ?. Iprlng patents, IS. S0| a . ?? .a-e. ?? |3 51 '"-',.> . . IJ.SI I tx'ra No 1 ?lita?, fl " ... < ?. Inuri II ISOI480; Katuaa atralgtita * 13 4 . ? ? s ?e -l ! ?HEAT Ki.)t;K-M?,?? ?, W .- II?1 I'M.I I! Rae) 'aJr Je , ' 'a: . ! 5?lf?5l!M ? OK.VMKAI, Uulet; kiln .?-.. ? ? BAU ?IKA?. ' ', gnu II f ??! *t-!?,li. I ran bulk. ] ? itu-k?. ? ? P 1. 883 fl".- 4o, Il icka. ?1, \?T-.-.n ? ??? laeU, 123 31. ?-,.-: nl ; il Itigl Uo, |2I ? . Idltni ? I <o, r?d 1 ? I , PROVISIONS. IT-.- rr-"!?'.i. raarM ?a? a lilt:? r. ore ?er4,?, a..,l I ? ' . ?St*d > ?ii.aller r? I??-.'? I ?!? h?g 1 '!? ' . ' ?.- . wer? 21.000: '? Bavai t'lv? re I ."UK - ?Veair. ' ' I ? i , ? ? '?.' t. 81? 111' 1 . ' 1117 extra In 'la ?I.- |,.?r.l' UOOS -? . '.?"., ICl' lb, . . pt-g '. CI 1 ?f! ITS- II. kMd . II&C. II lb 12??c. ' Tf I.l.oW -S'?4tad) . IP? '?? ' . . '?c IJVKli Mi 11 ? Uni, ?j ?? 1 1 ? .-I ?-.-j'. 1 ?: ? At. erica 1 ? JOc ?t-a,.. keg?. II ! ?lull. .??. ????, riTEARINE s;?s ritj lard -? ?ari ? , CHICAGO PROVISIONS tagar- , l..r ');.- High l4,w 1 log? ,!?? Jii.u?-: |s 17 f ' . KM I?, it i Hai ? ? J?r,u?n I? ? 2n ? If 3 10 J 11 j M?? S t? I 1 - -? 4?' * SO I l',.rs Jauuar, . 1I.IP 11 ?- 10 to M?? U M IIS II 17 I? I' (',*".. oper.??! at in alsaoce of IS i polrta, an.; aft?- latatanai a ?ttlg ?l'i'l.'- n*~. -g '-.a." at ? ,' ? ? ... ?:?? '.??"et.T".'. fTllllliaai it) 1 at 1 1 la* *u in j I] nglnig :.?t : if. .? Total .1? ???re 1?,5??? uag? Tl). wpturn waa ati . . raw ou: , :? '-.g. ?vt.lcf. ?? ?? -rrotnpted h) ? eeadler tort! ? . ? ? . ^t gad rralfW n.a-'.et an ! to a rumor that [ a itggiagt 1 ????/ . ?-' ' ' I' ' ' r ? ?'ink l prima ^1'".'* ??ora ?.(;?,? Klo ar.1 Sani is 100,008 ?.?g?. ag?l''?'- 5f f'00 in: ?aar. while S?o I'a-j? :.?!?. 77,-.., a,?. r ? 1 Ju? ?U?17 4-,"'\ ??tint 4C.'.0'> In the co?t at.J fls-litlM sois? of '.h? o?T?ri ?.-?r? uDi-hangeil fro::. ?!'-? ? nuroda 11 ,<her, wer? a ll'ile ,-!.-lyr. Siai.l? 3, Being ?.?r. ?? I 7V. 4. u I.154?I ? 4, gad '? il I.MO?IV and ?s ,?--,? lot, -roJti?. ?lii:o IU, 7? ''.-?roi ? I^ir.-oi. -.-??lit?, ar.d 7 !"- I - ra., cridiII tbc 1 1 ?;.t uvift ?Il l.-.?.tl?e and tincUarge.!. artth P?o 7, ,,u,,iel al 7S r . Bai 1? of pf ? ? - OSSS H la" L?S lio? Nosembrr - ? ?80??. 4 : . , ?"*'? ? jamar. ? ? ???l! ? ... ?Oil Sr?j e 9t ?S3 . .!?-. 1.8.. I ? .?: . ' -, - . 8U0AR FUTURES. Ha? rr.arge' '? r "-l?r futures again SSttd 1? .' ? jf tl.e ?'r?..- marke- and prir-.;? wer? flri.i. . ?t 0 :." ? Iva: f 4088 point?. To;?; lia, u? of prU-r? Teater Open. High I * ' ?I? '!?. Novei.t '.4 ? ? J^,|..;, ' 8.?8 ?ebman - '-'"?' i ?nrll ? -- ? .4-1 ??'?* 1 . Ma? : 17 II . ;? 3.19}- 21 3.15 J.... J.:; . Auguit ? i ? '? , 17 3 10 h 21 3.13 ' .. 3 15 - COTTONSEED OIL. P.liM ?Sar?n al UM n.a-?e-. hl ?MSI ?"? ? ot? ?er?: .ssi.ra-'.- . nan ?? bal Iba '.r. lar?;e flrrr., i 4;ii1 ... ? ? . u, Iie-eniUer w?? ? i.-: hig.,. ? ?hito UM ? ' *?' i?lr-' ' -, Hang? o' prl'-e? Open Hl?! ' ' flp.< l)e.-cm!rr T 83 . I" .1" lai '.?.'. ?' *' ? "3 I.truanr -- . -r . ~ March .... I ?'? ?^ ? ? M?'. B.?T I im?.. - ? ? i Eil METALS. The local at***** rnarKe' for -??r-r ? ,?< tlv.e.'. -Ith ?!? ? *: :''" '?i'V -V" S i -a': f-???.?** ***'* - . ? ,? ?? ? .'- s -1 and Kaj; ? sl-u.' Soa.ler ?u l.omlnal, w?!| N?>? ^ ' Quied ?I 17 ri R*?? "' I--':: . .: lit foi .1 ??>?;??? ?? ??s for ?i'-t T.?. m Uo4*?a ?.. ??g| alagS at tlT2 ? for ,:?'.dird of*.', ?u-l ?? ? ' i ?pot ?.l III I PP?r wgg DUIrer all .... i ?nl ?lecti ". ?'.-' fi', 10? _ COINTIf. I'KOUl'CE MARKETS. , \e* ?,:i M ???rrb?T II. 1S1 BUTTIR. BflflflBB tS-Saj ?:-? ;??*?<'?? iraatEui:. a " riT?co? 11401. : ?****" i}M*ifl .*?? ^ f.rsu '."?it' ?? w.!, f 4:?' Ullrdg, t3(| 34?,?. enlsom ?? I ??''44 ?4 ?cr?: -m ?t.'.e dalo. in**?. -"A- ? 80041 1 Prlir... IBS.? ?,' re-.nrite.l ?xtra, -..-. , . .. ??? I.? 1-, '? 11 lr..'..." ..... ..-.14?. 1?;1.??) urrei! make rr-s. : -?a -'?' lo??' ?r?'? 1..1. . ,?,,- :? ?1-, ?- - lor.? r,.a. ' ru.? lie male K -, ?**? ?'' * 1"1,V CHEESE. Ile.elpt? '? I?' *H? ??? p'-*'* ",."l.i',*; ' fl.'a ?rel?? I'?? *;'"l' ,4r'" I?*!?"*'. la . l'1-.^: "','? fr*?h Lhaddarg. .IJ1?1? . Ii.i-1.? ?7??l?? 18?|?lTe. all ?trie?, under ir?,.t, '. ?,''.'?. Wlaeot.itn. ?? m. Dal,In. U?? .'. ? ?0?jl4'4r V.'t:.? Ame.i.?. I^g ?.?.c. fair :?' l?soi. Il.ll."*?-. cotor-if-n. .??,01*? EGG8. Ttec?ip(. !..",4 <?**-? y"*n g?'l>"-ed 'i ta Jr.? ,?o?en 4L II?'. '?tr* flnt?. 40?4:c. BriU 18? ??T^--.-on.U .'S.;w4.'. tli'.rdi at.T poorer, lil;:.', V? 1. 5:*8i?; No - and t?vr,: II? l^g. ..1 -,, ctotc. .lo ll?. cul!? ?:ii ?-- , ? ??.rial mark? ? ?, ..IS;.- ' '-"S * .., .... : ,. ? ItrtlsM l?i20'V. ?tat? l- r-J ' ''-'i'". A'" ? - . . -u, a- ? 1 - 1 I" ' "? cipher?,1 ,...., ? . -:.. ?at!. .r*.l whl ........--i I-1 ,.?>? lir - ' I ?? ' ' ? "r " ' .- r-frtg. r.:.?r -..l.lte?. ll???-. HA1 AND STRAW. Th.r. 1? a g?"-l .kmir.l tag medium ?nd low Ca ?a ?nd ? ?'??'li tr.?rke' on Uv Mgh.r gr?de?. oat Of th* t???*' VtAn '.f lirr* baled Mn, lb* at from I14?I.'S. Irul If)? fine,' tjuallttn ar. generally 1-1 H? HAT lax?. r,?;?l tim i.lhT Pr!ii" P*? ' ' "' S' ' ?* S ' " !l' -V" - ... ? ? ? f?n ? llglit closwr mllfd I 41*1 "m BTB aw n? 1 81 '. ? ? - ?rg? TRESH FRUITS. Atp.e? oui?' 1?" 8"? Prut BIsoSj '?tape? .lull rrtnlwrrln fl-n- "???g? and jrr?.'?fnj|t in ??I '?.?.id l'"'..l. I .<<??. 1" III.?' 4 J ! . , 1 ? -, 1 ?.*? imiyrUl I. 41II' -' ?vi.lthr I3??j:? n?. ?Hill ?Vlnnep. S? 15 j ??.. r? t.??. ou',. I'"*"* Tw^iU Oun.a 11 -?????? S?ttBnj f..-, MM-U. 11750 . 1. ? . Kiaa i. .' II Ny I ?14 Hall?:, 11 ? . . It . S all 71 li Dti a ico.ll*>! 1 ? ?< I! Pippin, II T5# ?'? a?. .'..-< I 4. ? ... i. Il M I-: ?I . H.7J: K - - 1'? a . ., i . ' - Win? ??i ?! " t. I. a.? T?rl* ke.1-.- ?> I. . ' ?! JO. V ? ? ? I - II ... B.acl 11 71. !. ' " I'l AH?i, B>urr_ ? - t l j! re a .?;.???!. l'.-?U ?un? ? ?- ai4 - < ;.. ? - i. ? m -" v .:,? N:???.-?. ??J ^'Sl er?-?. |l ;- a|i y ?,:.;?., ? aiaal? ..?'.. '? i? lh baaa.i 1041.1c, i It, .aikat. 1?3?J?; M ?'' v .-. ? ,. a-k. In -ra?a. to?:. ?I 3?? ? -a.' : p'ataW-.a, jar tor. 140 -14" ?.RANBUt KJ1.?. ?spt ?Od Ta? aorta bb. Mi?-!-*? eT?t?. llTofll???. ?afir ?'? *>M 1" -!?> T?'? ti-.Ti:-- fyi II??? --. I' At!."'. ?ad) llack. bbl. ?ti* .11?" ?.r?<-, r?'.l?'. br, MafM'O. Jt-r .??? < . <?. Uli !? ?-<t i - u?ti ? rat? ii ? ti: ? : ios c?.Por ? f.?t Ivx 40?.??>e STBaWBV.BHI I ? ?r ? :1?. Plot. ??4V; CASSUiA MI.D1N- .a.'' xl? crate lijl. : OP.A.N., . !. f?! ro-11?. b?i II " ?..3 '? ,'?-ia?,-a. ??..??-? ? Porto rtiro i: r ji? ??? %?.???. ft ? ; ? R0TAT0ES ANO VEGETABLES r 'atoea !-. regleta'.' au r r it 1 ?rm ?"???t i-vatx? at;?.:. Oalaaa ptocl . ' ? t???' In ei f??ir? lun-alr ?'?' ?-? -? ? i ' "? . ?- '? . . .- N . ? ? ?:?'?! i ?-?? ?ta ? v- :"!? wr artalw Ii? :???"? I T.lii.e ???'? ?etVM 1 ?< n ':? I ttmfti lt.vr.ii:.-. .-,? - SpiaaH ? ". .??? ?. lo??r ??? ?feadj Iaitu.i I - > -, . Ht.'.?*h>? "- - ' -? POTAl - : I. i : ? '. ?. ?.Jo* . . a M?l - :-? -.1 : Tr??. ? i it?l ... : J Midi In -, ? ?? - ?- ??<.: ?# ? ?' ? t. 1 l?n - J a- 11 70 I - '!.).'?? .11 ??' ' f. ?I: ">?, ?-at? ? '?' AWABAUI ? I ? I ? . ?a. I AUTU H(;KES <"? Irer.-'p. <? mi ?.?- . m ??? BRI ?SU,? HVR?'!T? ' I dnmi l?.v?|: I? 117 It! \\? v? par U b-. b.?- |: ?it -o i ?:. gn*t> i'-???*?.? ??> n?. ?i> ? i- <:.-?>? BT7ETB Nearfer. ?I- 7V3J1. ? AllkilTH N.... . - a? T'rSII. C\ ? I MBEKJ r?a. nal i .AUPA?IE? l'ai.:.1 S??.| too. Is*?" . I ??-'ill arhlte, re), -. ? ; SI, I At''liVril.? I. I 12 M ? .- ? |] .'. - at? 11 ?ill 3 ? 1'!.' ORY-Thm ot ???- ?I ? y ' M". - ?i-.J J?n?y. bu.-.'-' :'.'? .. ?tandard .r?-a II ." etiri. cTJ.rKi CAPn\GT ?? - -r?-' II, KS?-AR?'L b?kt r erst? |l*t?I M ?i?i ri.ANT-l F, ml 11175 HORPKRAniSH, $5. KALI -. . .".-?.'". LKTTfCB? Ktate. 3 dra ? ra'e. ?' ? ? > rets 115.); b?k'. "'i'.'!;.'. 1er??? : 1" crat-. 71c<> II ?arty? ,. \,a ? ' .N ? ' . I ? MM 4 BEAN?" ??? ! Ill ? . ?'. ? - ? ?I i V a ?. Vevotn.rt . I . . ? -v. h?| ? - i ? ?. blf. |1 Uli ?. -? ?%. okrA r a ? -"i ii i ? ; PIAS . 1 ?-? ' '?" ? : ? ' ? } ? i. an ?I! ivr iarf? Pakt, II t>: 10; V?. -m? : ikt $-. ?57? n l. ..-.i?, pir arta'.l '?akt. !.. ? ' ?nd ) . : |: ?S? Cal Inir. ?; ??? PARSN11-* ? ^11 SJ. PIMFM-"? ?.??..-'.y. r?.'. 0-..T til ?J ?f??n Mae ?H Fia. t?r -.i ? . 'a?i: ' i ?Ui.V?AIVK -Vear'.j. baH ..: .'If. .If I UM. SceSjll; FU, 7' ;?|l. HAI'IAHK? ?J?r ?"' bunch?? lO?Tk ???' SOe?ll ?l'INACH V? ! ' ill ?V SQ V-1M-- bard btri I I!. . :i. ut a?, Ctt' .' TfRNIPB -'hi-* Il ?11.21: rutafcaa? W ill T"MA ' - i'.' fl?t toi. !1 -til 1 M il.M? '. WATERCRF.S.? - ? 411 IS ? a - LIVESTOCK HABUr. Kan T.r>. N i Mm U IBM Ti???-! al^A. ?????? I ? in.I .'o^i ?laya "i ?^ad? ?"?rr Steon V" ii ? trutl?. Jt - .'1 . wan ! ? < .' a. ? II :.?n?ed prlCM '"ii"? lull '??''? ?n I ? ??? '.'5c lowAr. Vaau, Iv'illl 7."., a :? ? -- fl; sail? ?? l?flfW?? ' O '! ?t ?' ' . ... ... countrr 'lr???M ' lo-??r Sheen, H?!', call? IS; lau.' ? *- i | ? .l.t tl 5i H. ?? -. " I 'im an.'. l-i?ij?i?HMa |: io??t7 U BEEVES. FU,-?i_)U. l "i-"-? hen '. ; ?.?, ini-iudins ;r4 . ar? M ?leer? Trad? '?a? ?low .ill the n -:.:.? -r? ' |ll . t-- an i ?. 'leir?nc '.' T ! a' a !-?? - 111? AJld -<WT? !.. ?tei'ljr. ?nl near!, all pttra? -' r. lo'.d ?? I", " .?-?? ;-- LSI IM M er- ?? ?' LIS JO bulla ? ;i " '?" 23 ?od .' ?; ? . ... ? ? - ' <?..'. ?? at hareiT ?-.. CALVES. ?.-?.p.. ??? (a,! UJ . , ,K: Uttm* i ?-.-al? ?nJ ?r?> ?ti 19 '- I >l prlBM atali ?eld at I' 111] '?'? pai 1 "i Ib? - ? iraawr? ?t lia ?! - ?r. 1 .carlinga at .na na Mff? t ?4 j 14 '? ? ?r???ed .-a'.tea ?loa? ?'"? i!r.??e'. ??a! ? i ?' ??H'AI?'- cur.'-; ?? ?? df'l'l'i [?.wer ?' ll#15e r?r-???d ?r?M?r? and fed ral?e? ?' ? 4-" SHEER AND LAMBS. "tec-lr'A. I IM h??4; M '-ar? 'jt> .?je .-!????,. ?ere ?te?dy. LuatM ItC lower, bot '.-. f.l all th* MMk cloaad ?yut. Common 'o chotea ?beep ?old a- <l,?l it liV. Iba. cull a' 41 mvdlum to atttTM a-ob? at ItStMM.U, and Iirrasc 1 mutton ?'eaJv at ??..'aie dr.-?*>.l l?mt ? ???? ?t nh ?i'; counto ?t?ady ?t 17 MglM P?r circa??. H0Q8. rte-eiru. MSS Ma; haM ? i?i aa ??'.a Mvtwl ? -r'.f!? firmer Medium sad la??i|???l(ta? ?old tt 17 10*17 13 per :r? lb?. ;!-?? ?,u?Mad ?? MSA? ttfi. r.nuh?. J'i ?"ourtrr drejacl ?io?i ?teady at j#lM p?r lb. roaattc? pin ?' 14i??H.-. COTTON QUIET: GALE RESTRICTS TRADING Wire Service Delayed by Storm Which Swept Over the Eastern Belt. The cotton market mot quiet yester? day and prices fluctuated within a Hinge of 10 to 13 point?, with the close ?teady, net 2 point:-, higher to 3 point* lower. January told up to 11.82c dur? ing the early trul.rjr on relat.vely flrr.i eaolas and bad ??<? -?her ir. the Eastern bait, but ra?ed '?tr to 11.72? !nte in t?o afternoon, with pi .ces at prac? tically the lowest point of the day. Much of the day' business was sup? posed to represen: the transfer of I.iv erpool ?rraddle i:.t?.'rest and local ?pot house commitment' from t ear to late month*, or a fuither evening up of ?cattenn't account?, for over the week end and the gnu ng tigures expected on Monday. Thsra was some talk of Eastara belt heiia selling but otTer ings of that tort were hardly heavv enough t? create 'entiment. The gen eral bu.-nness was prohahlv restricted by a delayed -v'?o service resulting from the Easten. belt storm. In a general arajf the talk around the ring reflected no material change of lantinsnt- Thsre appeared to be rather more talk of ultimately higher prices based on revised ;df?3 of availa? ble supplie* abroai un?l expectations of moderate ginning returns. These con? siderations failed to find any material reflection in the b-iying movement, an! trader.-, ippeare 1 -o be waiting on the attitude 01 Sou,l.e:n spot market?. The market opened steailv, at an advance of 7 ta S points. Acti/? months ?old 8 to 11 points higher shor'ly after thi call, with March ad vancinif to 12.10 -, or about 2" point.4 above the low lev?' of Thuiiday morn? ing. Liverpool ?rai a moderate seller of the late montrs on this advance, and as prico3 eased ? if there was some liquidation by larly bu\ers, with March idling off to 11.97?. ?p, the lato trading. The firmer ru'.ii.g of exchange re? cently has had a tendencv to inspire rather a more ootimistic feeling with reference to ex-sort requirements. It appeared yesterd.iv that more attention was being attracted by the recent statement of th.? (.ensus Bureau rais? ing the official lit.mate of last year's world's consumDi.oi; from 17,064.000 bales to l'J.761,C00 bales. The differ? ence of about 2,*597,0OO bale? wa? natu- , rally considered at the oxneuse of sup? plie? curried fovw; ? ?1 fioin last season abroad. Spinner?' tp.kingi for the week were tituted at KlSti bales, against S45JS74 last year, and there wa? an ', increase of 11S,,"61 bales in th- visi- : ble supply of Annrican, compared with 247,9fl0 iust year. The present world'? visible 3upp'y of American is 4,172,089 j bales, again-tt tJUSSU last year. The woekly Diu.ament figures of th? j New York Tott-ri Kxchange follow^ | Port receipts, 1?0,?44, agsinst 370.415; last vear, overlard to mill? and Can-i ada, ?3.P77. agairst 48.67.-1 laJt year; I Southern mill uk estimated. U0-i 000, against 11000 last year; ?cam of ! stocks at interior ?owns. 80,718. agains' ttJ?M last year; brought into ??ght for the week. 440.0T- against S95.899 last year. Tatal cro.) movemer.t- Port re? ceipts, 2,800,??9 '1.684 added New Or lean? i, against 2,397.88" last year; overland to mil.' and Canada. 311.HU.4. against ToojM '.'??t year; Southern mill takings, 1.-!6.000. rgainst 902. 887 last year; It' ck at interior town? in escess of Aurrvr.t I, 714,148, against nta8.K87 last yeir; brought into Mght thus far for Masca, ISSlJtt?, against 4.423,971 last yeai. <** prt..-?" Vor Ot?j:i Ht?h 1^?? ?"?'?* .?. v ,.,rcr-r H'? H'" HI* 1- 4*31' 4 1141 . .- 11 ?a ii '?? ii '.'. Il -.:.?;! v n ? ?anuar? II" II? U Tl 117.??ll7;i I?.JJ l'?brn*n ? ? ? 11 '1? ., H I, U_>vi. .. ?7* IM) 11.97 ll.rSlIM 11 H ? Apn: ,.., _ _ __ isv4?,__ u ?W ? till 111? lili ?.'Sailli 12 1 j?S* - i-itl--- ni. ?i?i ran ?su ?aii-ma* m .Vjoja: . ms u.!? jijj iijilun II.u "??"?mber _ 11 ?afillil lit ILN 11M 1111 11*1*1! 81 1188 Th? l?*-?! mark?' f?r ?pot g-gga *a* oui?' aa 1 , uac.lAi?(oj aj ll.tjc tor tBi?UJ-g, aalaa. ? -, a-clrrl* ?t th? pen, pja? ggagg-a? pointe m,la? e-id ro? -h? week eotcpan ?litt 'I.* l?tala oC it?. ???a ar. i i Baa ???k ??t ??-. _ , Tod?, mu wk 1*?'. ?k. L?*t ?r (.?1?.,:-: ?jtj ,-. ?. , m.341 New O-.??.-., .. g.5^; jo ;d,j |? .;,) ol 022 . la? s g:i ; sai ,. ???.?> f?*?rr.?h . j;u ?a,,*?: ????a -????. . 1.104 S 113 T ffc 17 ?48 ?? lln?nrao .? ?34 ? -g? gi.-.j : of? ?>, rf > .?.ll? 1? 44? 1? Hl ??.ticor.. L.?S? 1134 110? 3 3.-,: >??> \or\ . _ g?o H H S?*?'00^.. ..-. 87 Ul u? *?? rt.i?J-iphla . - - 188 ?*">?"?* .Il S?? 31113 84.88* 3T.I4T Total? ...sTm .H 344 101.1ST 3*4*1" BBBflBS -*? ?;?'-? .8.1? 19.19? 15183 18038 '? . 8.1? 4l 15* I2II? ??!**-* ?- ?'-"41? 14 134 11 '.7 2? |?! .? '" lfl.; ?T.?! H 743 114.835 "r? le! U-orpo.-' .?Mn Spot eSSMa la good *? ?M M'a?, 1 II a!?? ??eetjlatieg. ana e?poes Ar..*rlc?i. i?OC0. Irapcn?. 11.100 ?1 Aa.?rl 1 car.. Mi!:.: g uplaed 7 MM iNitiuta opeo.'. >:*??!. ; f 3 pol^u ed??n-?-. e'.ooed ou.?i I ' ????Jj 41*. pel?-'? r.?? higher I?Bu?nr-T?trua?' '?l'St Mi) J'.a?. ? H\i. ' A . ?? I.TM October-N-??B)!>er I Sod Hanrrieetar Yema ?nd ol?,tbe quiet t.:! ins COLDER WEATHER ENLIVENS TRADE Seasonable Goods More Active ?Laborers In Demand. The colder weather, according; to the commercial agencies, has sXarted retail trade in seasonable {roods, particularly in clothing and fuel. Wholesalerg and jobber? are receiving large ordera. Holiday business is beginning well, the ? remarkable retiuctioo of unemployment miding to purchasing power. In spite ?>f the fact that normally at this time outside work is lessened, many cities report demand for laborers greater than the supply. "Dun's Review" says: "Fresh impetus t'? the forward movement Is imparted : by lower temp?rature? 111 muny *co t :<>n?-. ?vhich stimulate the demand for all ciaste? of seasonable merchandise, notably clothing, footwear and fuel. Not does business continue highly favorable in actual rprl'ormsiict). but there is every promise, especially Ifl industrial lines, of a degree of expan? sion limited only by facilities. Gen? erally naaafaetorlB?* operations are on ' a steadily broadening scale, though the I tlyestutrV scarcity continues n han.limp 1 ifl textile production. "Commercial failures this week in ! the United States ar? 887, against 3*4 1 Inst week. 359 the preceding week and 471 ?he correspondi'ig week last year Of thes^. IS4 ??ere in fhe East. Ill South. 8'1 Weit and M in ?he Pacific States, and Mfi reported liabilities of (6,000 or more against 138 last week." ?'lsrndstreetV' has the following: "Further prr,?re*s in trade accompanies trreater Industrial activity, higher prices, bettor collections, incr?n?.cd de? mand for miney, sharp reductions in ?.:.employment, heavier' payrolls and lower temperatures over a wide area, ?vhich has g.ven snap to retail trade Ifl seasonable wearing apparel. Final pur? veyor?, short of good?, as they are, and feeling certain of sustained growth In bu?iness, are buying freely from whole rale houses as ?veil as from jobbers. "Holiday trade is proceeding on a satisfactory basis. Unemployment has dwindled to insignificant proportions, and nimcrou-, cities actually report a paucity of help, ?vhich in likely to be? come more marked as the season ad? vance?, a development that is all the , more remarkable became at this season outdoor work usually slacker.?" PLAN DINNER FOR AL SMITH Business and Theatrical Men To Re Sheriff-Elect's Hoste. Rusiness and theatrical men will have Alfred E. Smith, the Sheriff-elect, as their guest at a dinner on the even? ing of December 15 at the Hotel Knick? erbocker. Morris Rose, chairman of the comm'ttee, expects more than 100 there. Other members of the committee of arrangements are A. E. Erlanger, W. E. Lewis Michael Friedsam, John F Oal ?in, Robert R. Moore, Felix laman, William Harmon Black, George Y. Bauchle, Arnold Scheuer, Charle? II. Pe Witt, Harry Content. Charles Thorley, A. L. Sylvester, Sam H. Harris, Alex? ander Rosenthal, A. H. Woods, William Ziegier, jr.. E. A. Lefcourt, Samuel W. Rose, Eugene P. (.an?, Sol Bloom, Frederick W. Eaton, George M. Cohan. Harry S. Black. Alfred J. Johnson, Samuel A. Scribner. Louig Leavitt. Dr. Oscar M. Leiser. T. L Reynolds, T. O McGil!. Mose* Le?ry, Harry Seamon and Clarence Herter. Year and Day for Embezzler. Samuel R. Clark, formerly postmaster at Singac, N. J., was sent to State Prieoa for a year and a day by T.'nited States Judge Haight ,n Newark early last night on charges of embezzlement Clark admitted, while he ?vas in charge of the Singac postofflce, he had taken about $2,000. The court refused le? niency on the ground that Clark had >.ho?vn no disposition to earn his living, but was content to see his wife go out to work. CITATIONS. THE PEOPLE OF THF. STATE O?' NEW TOP.K. BT TUB GRACE OF GOD FREE AN!) INDEPENDENT?To PEDER I nRl'Gl'IERE, FRANC'S J URl'i,LIEHE CHILE A FIRt'OVIERE, LOCia a BRT' 'JTILRE and EDWARD O TAYLOR, the ?xecutora and helre and r.oxt of kin of Joeeph'.ne F Bruguler?. lato of the County ..; Newport, fi'at? of Rhode Ialand, d> - .-aaae-l. aSND OREETINO WHEREAS. Loul? a, who ro atdas at No 114 Ea?t 30th Str??t. In th? Boro'jgli of Manhattan. City of N?w Tork. I:aa lat'lx applied to the Surrogatee' t.'ourt of th? bounty of Now TiMlt to Bag**! ? c?r ? aln lnatrumant In ?r'.'li.g -..arlng dat? the 4th day of March, 1907. ralatlng to both r?al and p?r?cnal rroparty, o?t?b l'.ahaU as a loot ??ill and admitted to pro ?ifo as 'h? Uit ?111 and '.?st?m?nt of .ioaephir.? F Bru|ul?r?. d?c?aaad. who at ih? urn? f her death waa a r??id?nt of th* j '''vunty of N??vport, S'.ft'.e of Rhod? I?!?r.d. but who died or. th? Atlantic Ocean, off th? BoalBerl* COaot of Ireland. l?*?lnf -??rsonal ( property whirr, has, gli.e? her death, oonu? Bate the County of N?w Tork. and no other County, and remaioe unadmln!atag?d. THEREFOKE. you and each of rou ar? ! iMreby g '?d to ?how caua? bafor? o-r , Surrogat? of th? County of New Tork. at th? Su-To?at?? court of ?aid Count?-. h?14 ?t tna Ha.i of R?eord? In th? County of New Tork on th? 10th d?y of D?o?mo?r, ?no thou?and nine hundr?d ?ni *ft??n. ai half pagt ten oolack In the f?r?nooa or that lay. why th. aid -III ???! *****?*? should not b. ??t.bllahed a? a lo?t will, and b? admitted to probat? a? ? will or real and personal Vropttrtf. IN TESTIMONT ?THBREOF W? hav? entm? th? .~i of th. *yjJS^J?*!l ?f th? County of Now York to s%..i i be hereunto afflaed WITNESS. HONORABLE JOHN P roBALAN. ? Surroar*.?- of our e?. ! County at tr.? County of N.w Tork. th? Jlth dar o' October. In th. y?ar of our Lord on? thousand n!n? hur.tlr#(l and flf te.n DANIEL 3. DOWDNET. Cl.rk of *h* 8urros?t?4r' Court FORECLOSLRE 3ALB8, SUPREME "COURT, KING? C?UNTT. Klni? County Treat Company, u Tras- I t?-. PUIr.tlft. ae?ln?t Th? Eastern BT.wlne Cttijui?) at at, Defendant? In purvuano* of a Judgment of for.clogur? and ?ai? duly , ? *nJ ?nter.d In the above entlt.asl ?e ???rlne d?t. th? Ind d?i? of October, 1011 I th* Retar.? In ?aid Judam.nt named, will ?.a atpubiio auction to the ; hlghes.1 bidder, by William I M.jPhll'.amy ' k. C>.. Auctlone?ra. at th- Brooklyn R?al ?Catate Sachant?. Ill Montag"!? Street ' li. rough of Brooklyn. County el Klnga oa the llth day of November 1118, at U , ^ rioeit r.oon, th? r?al and p.reonal prop? erty of The La item Brewing Company, i ?.-??..g of machinery, tool?, flgtur?? and paraphernalia u??d In the brawlni bust. ' nee?, ?lgo the par ?', of Und and brewery ! i ulldlr.i ?r?ct?d tharcon. bounded by Huah wlck Avenue, Mnaeroi? Street. Scho'.e? ' Street, and 'ha centra ltn? ot what w?? i formerly the Old Bu?hwlck Road. Th? I property will b. aold a? an ?ntlr.tjr and In I one parrel ln.p.ctlon can b? h?d on ipv la? b appolmment wltl th. plalntlffa at i.,rn.y. Dated New York 0?"tob.r ?th. 1111 JACKSON A. DTKMAN, Bef.r?. OEOBOB v BROWEB. Pj4i4tvifr| attoraer. edl rnurt *4?r?e?. Bro.lBllli. I?. T. ) WILKINSON QUITS I CRUCBLE STEEL "Stormy Petrel" of Board of Directors Said to Have Sold His Stock. Horaoaj S. Wilkinson, the upstate l?ad?r of the Pros*r???lv? party, close p?r?onal friend of Theodor? Roosevelt and "stormy petrel" of the dtrtKtorat? , of the Crueibl? Steel Company, it was | announced at the annual meeting of , the stockholder? In Jer??y City jrast? day, had r?tlred from the board. He wa, ?uco??d?d hr E. L. Franeh. msr '? ?r?r of the Sanderson Brothers Work i a branch of the Syracuse plant of the Crucible company. Commenting on Mr ! Wilkinson's retirement, "Th? Wall Street Journal" said: "Director W?k.nson resignad after making; a million ?nd a half out of the I stock. HI* only regret la that h? did not make two millions more Although he advise? that the stock is worth onl\ ?25 a share, he claims to have sold his last stock as high aa mXm Efforts of ? minority interest to se? cure representation on the board oT i directora were unsuccessful, th? pros i ?n? management heavily outvotinf ! Harry (\ Eldndeo. who led the mi nority light. Mr. Kldndge declared after the meeting, ho.vever, that he would continue hi? campaign. Among ? the Arms who had giver, him their ?proxies were K. ? C. Randolph, H. P , GoldsehssMt 4 Co., H. !.. Horton ? ! Co., J. S B.che & Co., W. B Reekmai. i * Co., Clark, Dodge * Co . R. ?X Burra? A Co., Henry Clsw? A Co., Pearl 4? Co.. Fioro * Co., Van Em burg h ? At terbury, Laidlaw * Co snd Renekorf. l.yon & Co. Herbert Du Puy. chruri-ian of the Crucible Steel board, speaking of the business of the company, laid that not only .vas ir mnnufacturing munition?, but was producing ? large tonnage of tool steel. The prie? of thi? product he said, had advanced from 75 tonte a pound to about $3 a pound- A great deal of this advance was brought about because of the high pnce af tungeter ?in. which is obuinnble in only ?malt ; quantitiea. due largely to the British embaiKO The Syracuse plant of the compnny, according to Mr. Pu Puy, i? working entirely on the manufacture of tool steel with three other plant?. A new pjant will he star'?-I st Newark for making shells. Platten Denies Trust Co. Merger ("inmintiftg o?, a ruinp-r la the ?Inan elal ?listrict vesterday o' a possible raargti of th- l.'mted Btatas Mortgage and Trust Company and the K?niitable Trust Company, John W. Platten, pres? ident of the former institution, stated thnt there are no BOSJOtiatloBS pending, "r.i.r have there he? i, any negotiation? looking to the merger of the two com pan;.'.? In aa? 'on." Alvin 1 Krech, president of th? Erjuitable Tru?t. said that there had been some talk of a ?nerger about a jear ?go. hut that it had never reach??! the stu?re of formal discussion. THE WOOL MARKET. 'Bv T>.?fr?i,h to Th? rrlhiin? 1 Philadelphia. Nov. 19 tjuite a bit of Increased s'rength has developed in the j local wool murket during the lu?t w?ek and prices of nractlcally all grad?s sre I held higher. In many ca-es th? rising , views of holder? have restricted ??les, hut the requirements of the mill? h?v? absorbed con?iderable wool and the sit? uation is decidedly in favor of seller?, i Sale? of medium fleece? have been m?de 1 nt from 3? to 37 cent?, and at the elo?e ' irany dealers are unwilling to ?el! choice Ohio wools helow .'is cent?. The tendency of all foreign markets Is ?till upward, and as values here are still rela? tively lower than they are abroad hold , ers are conuMent of further advance? In the n?ar future. Quotation? aret I New Yrrt ?>? i MMilfan Beere??Fin? ua?*aW , 13*11 -. 1?i?h? .'? ?27.-. h?',f Meo? Utile.three | elf ht h?. 8?i?J?Ti, 'ii ? q.iar*<>r. 35S.4t34e, oO?-aiier 1er, 'hrae Airfiiin a-i ?-lull elethtaa. -"?*.* | fumai or.1 rail lIAISe. r.T.n?>;??jil? en4 <>H.> fleece?-. P.laJne ninal .a?*.?'? AX 12H,2'?jc. in? .uimer'r.?nt?l?W, MO Sir. ii? half h!"ort rn-nMnf .WHSIHoi Uiree el?Vh?. iraiae; one quart??. M ??JTc. deUtn? i.n'???h??l. t?*J*> ?Ir?. is*27. i-frani'm ?ad b?*l'l ll?IK ? ?rp?t '?"ol??A'.tr^i "??hed 11944c; An?or? tnOlU. Ii ?. ar? .?:.-> .s**,?.'. n:ln? oor-bl:.? '?.? Chin? No I, North?fi wtr.nw??! M? ? . - -.i .??.'. ? '.'...?o rsi*-. D*,?k"i rTTwrlor. 4"'?42'-. ???"rrtui ifle?e?l. 2T?I 2?. Joflaa v ?.[??, ?:i?>r. henleliar ?oeura-1, 47 8 43.- Kara II ?!.!?- ?7#JV Kl.rra??*ft Su? rip ISaiS? Kri"ra?"ai) '-?-otrl clip ?V S .'<>.. AI. t NOTICES. METROPOLIS STORAGE WAREHOUSE SO WEST ISSrd NTREET. Bet. I.rnoi and Fifth Avenue?. ttOW Tork. N'n?tnh?r llth, till To Mr? i. Aekermaa atlas W 11 o?v?n? Mrs Emma t'rquhart, Mr? H Browr Mr? C. '-.ark. Mr? G Bo?t! k. Mrs Mitu.'e Mr? M I M ullm, Mrs M?rg?r?' Austin. Mr O Purely Mr Lonr.le A. Mack Mr? P V A.' Mrs 8. Tait?n, Mr? Minnie Home? Mr? H. K l'.rrlon. Mr? Manida Harris. Mr? Hattie Ch?mb?rl?yn?. Mr? D Suitor. Miss Hattl* Da.!?. Mrs M Wpiodson Mr Joi.r. ?r.y.ler. Mr M RoMn?. : Mr? R W???on. Mrs Sad!? Floyd. Mr? C T?'.k?on. Mr? ?r.m? Moaely, Ml?? Lou!?? Clark. Mrs ? B r.\rker, Mr? fl?r?li? i Turner. Mr? Kdnn V'v rja, Mr A Feu?? Mr t-iward De?n, Mr ?Jh?r!?s D?y Tou and ??rh jf you :tr* h?r?l>> notllWd tha? ! th? tlm? for the payiitn', of our ll?n upon 1 the proper:; ?.^t?lr.?ft?T '!??cr:b?d havln? ?xplre'l ?f'?r Sa? no'lr? ?li*reof h?d been i flv*n too, we will eau?? such property, to ? i'. koaashald *""'i?. p'r?on?i effect?, ear ' pet?, ?tr , ?tored r. th? MetropV,!? Storaa? WarahotSM 9j TOO or In your r.atrie for In , which you may huve ar. ln'?a?--i?ti, to be ?Old at public auction, according to tb? | statute in such COM ri.a.1? an 1 provided ?at ?ie.rg- Mfrl?? Auction It .rna 111 K??t U?th ?t . New Tork Cliy, 4).\ I I WlJAT. voVF.MBEIt SOTH, 1916, AT lOiSO A. M,. ; AND 4>N V* FI)M>I?AY, DBCE-HB-SB 1?T, ? I'M V AT 10:30 A. M., ?ni If the eel? there ' of I? not compleud on ?aid date? the ??ra? ?rill be continued ?t th? ??ra? place e* ' ?ach ar.d every Tj?.d?y and Y'?V?? thereafter. H*?lnnlr.? at 11:1? A St, ?a? contlnuin? until all th? '^.^IIT' '/FlTROPOI.r.S ST^RAOB \VAB-_m HUT* KIMJKRMANJf t ft** 1S4?-UM Brook Ar 8SS-SST Woleo Mf. ? llSO-ISSt \4>t)?ur At llron? ls?>e?v?|B?. N?w Tork. November Hth. til? ooode ?tored at 1I4I-1IH Brook AWU? hv t ttar?h?elS. J?m?? D. Cl?rk. U ???J mann A Co. -Nora Rlord. E. Phillla* D.rld t> Draddr. M?rs*ret Pmlth. flala?daV ?tor??i at SSS-?ST WalM A? red at SIS.IT Wale* iMBW Shor?y. Mra J C?;dw?jB, D 8 S - n..? Mr? T. II ?.??:- J. H Flahar, Mr-?. J mono ?rid flood- ?tor by M I ?hor?y. Davl?. Mre ? D?ri*yr_, \ W." Far?; May * <?o7 ?b? Lena S?h>?n. A Zier. Mr?. Lu?:? CasnT? Ceo?U ?tored ?t '.lll-llll v,'?b??.?t Atra eue by Ch?rl?s Bat??. D Raumana A C? . ?. Kat?, Mr? T. J. Ol'.bert, O. ??aa. Brem Fireproof rJ'or?_f? Mr? D. M Merry a B MeDant?la. Mr Uo?r.?r, Mr? E. D Lou-.k?. A?o!!?n Company, F. It. Sraar' A Van de Water, Jama? CttlWtaa. Tou ?nd ?? -h of you ?re h?r?by aotHM that the time for the ptyment of o?ar It?? upon th? property hereinafter d???ria?a having explreil. after due notice there*! had been giv?.? you. we will cana? mtem property, to wit. Household Good?, r?f ???)-.?: Eftecu and Merchandise, ?tored la our ?.?reh''i?e? at litl-lllt Brook A??a r.ue. ?ad at SI&-IIT Wal*? Av?nua, aatt ?at US?.till ?.'.??'???: Avenue. New Tet* Ct'.y. by yiro, or In your nun? (me ta which you m?r h?v? on tnterett), to hm eo\& at public auction according to the ?tatut? in euch ceae made and provided. at our warehouse. Koa 1144-1141 W?b?Ur Avenu?, near '.*"?.h atraet. ?roru Mor ougb. New Tork City oa Tu??dor, De? cember 7'h ill! ?t lb a m and If th? ?aU th?r?of I? not eompl?t?d en ?mid date the ?am? will be eontinueal ?t th? earn? place on every Tueeday thereafter, be? ginning at 10 s. m. and continuing until all th? good? ?re aold ?rCLItS KINDF.KMA?jn? * HOJf?. IXC. _PBOPOaALB._ STATE OF NEW TORK. , APIUTANT GENERAL'H OOT47B. NEW TORK STAT? ARSENAL. Seventh Ave. cor llth ??*????. New Tork, N T. Nor?Malw lath, till SEALED rtOFOBALfl. ?robieet t? the condttlone of the ?ale. will l>e receive?! at ii..? o8o? until tw?lv? o dock aoon. W?>dae?<l?>'. November 14th. at whleh tinto and plac? ?W will be opened, for the pur ch??e of condemned un??rvlc?v?bl? end ?btwleu Ordnance. Quartermaaler anal 8lg D'<?.l?. jblM JF^SmmmjrfKtt this Tl? ?d'jatant TR?Vral v Th? A <-11u<an) rtmnmr