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WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH TO-MORROW ?^^^^^-UrL.d^h^.J^L^^^,). U ?, >. '. >.?>.->.,),).,,>.,>,->, J >.->. >.,}, la K?J*?0*v>- >? L ?. ?- !-?r*?* ? **? *s> *"??* *-? ??a **? J * -? ????>?.> ... F. T. ? '? ^ ?s? i> % t ? \ -i f> .... ?? "a *?*??** ** rj? TO-NIGHT AT 8 P. M. PRESIDENT WILSON BY DIRECT WIRE FROM t ? THE WHITE HOUSE WILL FORMALLY OPEN THE I Palestine Pageant and Oriental Exposition i ?j? AT THE ? Grand Central Palace rj. Lexington Avenue and 46th Street. ?is J ;?V T S truc representation of the streets of Jerusalem and life in the Holy Land. 1 *<* Come and hear the cry of the water teller and see the native merchant* and peasants T rajoying life just as it was hack in the dayi "? David. ?_ * Rev. Allan Moore and a Cast of *f si? H. Tnder the auspices of the Board "f Religious Education of the Diocese of New York X X and the patronage? of Rev. David H, Greer, Bishop of N'en- York, and the \>w York Fed- X T eration of Churches. m ?f.*******-?- 4 | 1 |J >'M' ?1m1.Ai1i.Iii1! 1 1 1 tifiafifii *f" *M**Hf*4 f ? > ???-f? ??-|'-f? f* ?t? *f ? FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I!ro?Ml??BT uno 7011t Street. PASTORI. M. HALDEMAJ,D.D? 11 A M?"Till". WHNliI.I'll I- IKlTils pH I OKI II HY Till, nill'.KX A4 LE IN ?HE \tll iniliM ????. II.I.ISTKATKI) ?V A MODEL." B I". M? "lis TUT DET1X \ ncno?i OK A 1 \( I .' I?. MM l> TEL III TI AI. TOOI Ill WHO III 1.1KM> IN A PEK MiN \i Kit I... ok in: who iiefvses To HKi.ii;\ B?" t-'rltltts Nicht. Ni.vfinher 201 li. 8 o'clock. Dr. Il .Lu m m ??III aaewet Hie f..ii..i? ?tig qnr?ll..n?: "IIOKN THE 11(111 4.IIOM 1\ SI'IKI I'EKSONfs l(> BPEAK WITH ,'lllM.I 1?. TO-DAY* I*? THE PREBENT T4IM.I I ?loll.?UN I ill 4.(11) OK THE DEVIL T"_| MADISON AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. MAl'IBt?. AVE ? "II '-ST -1 C. A. EATON, D. D., Pastor. M A. M ? 'America (.l?-w Thank? While the World Mourn?." 8 P. M.-"But If Not . r e_Ue ? 4?. Pe? C. F. Hall. L.-edrr FIFTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHUBCH. . 't*? ' D. D. ' v..,,,.,. lie? - * vl."*' Or. ?rVtMltkln ?i ret '. a: 11 and f>. kuitde? . . , . 1?. - . g People'? fl LtJ. Prajret Me. . ? P M ^CALVARY BAPT1SI CHURCH ?? ? ma a, ne?- asta s?s Rev. Joseph W. Kemp, Pastor : ? A M 4 P. ?i M.i, ? ) Claaa ?i II. He? Dr. I ? ? ?s, it 11 A. M .?_ CENTRAL BAPTIST CHUBCH. hirl lb. ereo , r?.ii1i>pln? ID the ? . ? betw? i. a- '. I'l.e Pastor. I BAM 111 1?. 1' 1' ?nil ptastah. .- Thankl??? ,.. M . ' Dr. I ??. r?n "Llttl. Jourri'y. w'th Gre?; H?m? Writer!." "IharUs Wesssy nn.l Mis H\mns." tllKI-ll an M H Nt a. Christian Science Churches l.-rid???. II A.M. ?nd S P.M. Wednmday?. I P.M. lint Church. Central I? ?'? 6? ond Ci'ur.1. . Third Churc'i l reurfh Church i ?'??tiltil ? Firth Chare?, ? . ? I W. IM 81. buth Chu? r, . ( .'M. I.I i. VIKINAl.. Broadway Tabernacle Bro?i'*... 11'J 14*8 Slrft. if H*?, i'-.' "PERILS OF PREPAREDNESS" ms( iri i.?. or ( HKi-r CENTRAL CHURCH. 142 West Bltt St. flan Je??e. K. Philputt. I. I' Pastor i THE OUTUHN?S OF LIFE." IM? IMH. -BETH-EL TEMPLE," FHTi; \? ,.\'t I .?Mi 7..Til BTIll I I Rl.? I'll s ??II I T. si Hl LMAN, <?l M?S? ? ?'IMS AT I.I.I.? I . "Th? Lo?e of Am.rha ?A Th?nk?givlig Sermo?. I I lilt KAN. CHURCH OF THE ADVENT. l'.-,a1?a> A ?74| Bt )l-, ?Atn M il - Pai . ?m. Alpin. Ml.THODI.?! **B**aaM 'OPAL. ST. PAULS METH.-QIST CHURCH CHARIESLGOODELI, D.D., Pastor 11 A. M. I're? l.'.i.? ty Bat l'nr.t.r I P. M A ? I 1 ; !s - _I'-.'i/ ??a. en oj Hing Hing MADISON AVENUE CHURCH Sixtieth Street BEV. WORTH M. TIPPY. D. 0.. ?II prearh 11 A M I ?Soap ' ? | ? ??."; ?,~4 S 1* M Hn'l I ass. In '?. \\'<v!...r.'? (1?, ?I V iriksf-.?, ham . ? ? .it npi a r .si m?- . i as?. ,'? ' -, ??otn..t,-? nas?, ?Ils? JK,ug'a?. 10 A M . - Social Hour. ' i I- M T!.a/.ks?l?itig s - CALVARY METHODIST ffi* Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. At 11 a.- : - 18-*?. Wllll? P. Odell. . f . ? X'ST. ANDREW'S '^'^?^ FREO WINSLOW ADAMS D. I'.. Minister. 11 A M "A Thanksgiving Prayer.'' s !? .?! "Love Merle? of th-' Blbl?. ' III i . : Delilah) PDr. E. Von Ma ? .1 Harvard Unl,rr?lty, ?I "Germ?? Th?ugr,t? on |.,?..e? of War." ARK AVENUE CHU'tCH. OLD JOHN ST. CHURCH Mil THOM.HI. MRS. CHAP?N. <n~ s ? ' 1 . . : ' ? i . - n ? ? " - ... ?'? ' 41 - HARRY GAZE. . ir I s ; ? - . .. -, . I- v ? AC*Uf ?V HAll I ?A.-- '? s. THE NEW THOUGHT CHURCH HENRY FRANK, '."A'.??. A? i .-n: -T "Fr.?> City t? Ctealc Cntelou?.???." ._TV''V*>? "It A?,fit? a Melt n? Pelt" FREEDOM FRATfRNITY. ' ' * * ? ' ?Urth? Waah * ' ' ' A 14 **??>4??-> "OLYMPUS. I'RF.MHIIKIW MADISON Su. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH M? ? A.. I BIV C. H PARKHUHST !.. 0.. PASTOR BIV. (.. B. MONtr.OMEHY. P?. 0 ? Tl.? I A M trr M?' ? ??'? ?/ ?' -.-?!??. * I' M Tkaak??l?iri| Day. , u* |.?. FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH W'-t I n? Av, ?nd Mfl M. IOOAB WHIfAKtR WOHK u O.. Peale? . ? 11 A ?* ' . ? WIST etk' I ? ? M MIAN l HUB? H 8A4h V. ?*d A,?,teede?? A??. Bo? ANTHONY H 4?/T?NH 0.0. I .. , R?, ANSON P. ATTEKDURY 0 D. / J)' At II HI ' - ? ?! ? . I " ft Wsihioftoa Presbyterian Church, 1744k St.. ?? ?read?.??. Be?. D. HOFFMAN MARTIN I) P. Pa.'.r ?ill (/r.a/'i ?? I I A ?( a: ! ? V ?t UaiveTMtf fisc? Pre.b.l.n.r, ( bur.? Sa? '.(''h..: .', tAu.u'jn. > Will tm,m.b ?I 11 A. U. su? ? U. ?A. PK0BYTEBIAN, PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church AT 85th STREET THE REV. CHAS. W. WELCH, Minister. SERVICES Bible School .9:30 s. m. Morninu Worship.Il o clock Young People? Devotional Service.7 :00 p. m. Evening Worship .8 o'clock , Midweek Service, Vvedneiday.8 p. m. ' AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL _PEOPLE._ __ ; F?FTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Filth Ay?. and Fifty-fifth St. REV. J. H. JOWETT. D. D? Pastor. ?tottm ?t n a m mi* N iv m. I', v. Ill pi>?ch tt hot!. ?nice? Offarto? hat A??wni ?.>??% itoari of Freed m?-. M?n'? H?Me Claa? at 10 A M. Thank.glaint Servie? Triur!?<l?? at 11 A M ]>i Jtmeti "ill pr?si-h. I f"i ti,? poo? i( tli? Churi-h Th? M . W?ek tetelet will be omittad._ THEBRICKCHURCH mi \i - m &id TMrty-?ev?nth IMt ___. '.Ml MAM iTKRS'lN MF.R1UI.L. "?' ' I RANK U4TTMER JANEWAY. I?r Mi:ilHll.:. "Ill pr?arh at 11 snd 4. M?ndcl??or.n? "Elijah" at the 4 "'rich ^rrlc?. .. Deri III ? P1?nm4rn <;iaa? at 10 ?.'clock Pro! Charla? Tl.?Jl?u? TMiy, In-ader. Thankatjlalng Sen/Ice TMiit-laa at 11 o'clock. a- ? Dr. Morrlll ?rUI iiraech. Noon Servi? Every Weekday lexcapl N'o?. M). IS 10?11 M._ B RO AD WAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ? ?4!. St ?:.d Broadway Waltrr Duncan Buchanan. D. 0.. MInl?ter yrea. V? ?'. 11 A _M. and ? P. M. LD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIFTH AVENUE-ELEVENTH STREET HOWARD DUFFIELD-II A.M-8 P.M. DIlTrCDC PRESBYTERIAN CHU'CH KUluLKj Broadway and 78d Ft Rev. DANIEL RUSSELL. D. D? ?111 preach at M A H At h 1' M. IaatallatU-r. Service. Speaks??: A. J. ?RQWN. D. D.l W,_ P. M?R. RILL. D. D.. and ROBERT KACKENII?. D. 0. rPIMTDAI PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, .?DPI I K/\U Mld|,on Av??u? and ?7th Stre-rt. Rea Wilton Mcrl?-8?nlth, I? !' . Fasln?, trill pre? h >t 11 A M _R?v Hugh Bl?ek at 4 19 P U._ nomun _um*h opal. o trinity Cburcn Sunday Service? 7, 8. 9 a. m Holy Communion. 10:30 ?. m . Mornini Prayer. Ils. m., Holy Communion and Sermon. 3:30 p. m.. Evensong and Serven. 8 p. m., Service and Sermon. Week-day Service?: 7:30. 9 s. m . 3 p. m. Short service for butine? people ?daily eicepl Thankigiving Day and Saturday at 12 ra. Preacher, Nov. 22 to 26 incl., Ihe Rev. W. G. W. Anthony, D.D. Trana?.l?l?o Day Hervlpe? 7 SO a. ?"?. Holy Com? munion. 10 SO *. ?n.. Mornln? Prayer: II ?. m.. Holy Communion and Sermon: S p. m, Evening Pray?r. ? in H? ? iii-i.\ am. PA] CHURCH; 'BELOVED DISCIPLE Ea?t Slth St., near Madlaaa Ave. ri:v i>i:\r.v m ?Aitiiorn. i> l>.. nennr ? 7:30 A. M.. Holy ?..Vpii.Miiinior 10 A. M., Morn? ing l'raver II A. M., Bob t'onnnunlim Sermon 1 R Servira I C Ki:,g Hall. sa l Oteaa ,? lo..'1 the i'?-.. Cerne" w.?.:??r(i . i- ."Prtere" Ir?nck 4 P. M. P?pu!?r Veaper?. !?-? .1e Ar '?I.le It--.Ik!'??-"'' v i llarip I .<.?.: ' nit Worta" Hube? Tri.. a ? . T" W'lielpley TVoUn, 'Calle. Il?rt. a:i 1 ?ir.-aii. Organ M-.ln?tl..n" Betet* I '. !??>? ! ) Rert.if r ' v ? niiPTur-i S P. M.. 1 . ? a i iiTii au:\i e 4M? 1.III STKKKT. II ? Di i BRI ? -ri' KM Y GRANT, 11 M N -. r t ? - . rVhubert'a The ?A? g I Miriam " v ... ii ????? i! -. t... a??ae*esalsa ?t 111 INKSOH IN?, I?AY ? _n AM v ? .-i- - ?Sector) Church of Zion and St. Timothy ? v ? i -:?? 11. i 1.1 NitY 1,1 Hl.i h. I. ? ?. lift? ? ? \ ?I R pf I' raotialltr" 11 "i A. M C?rga-, : 0 I'. M l ,??..! B?rge?? i i M Tnankaglvlnf Day. i ? I IS A M i-..,. ? I're? ? ? TImj It" tor l? ? A U. CHURCH OE THE H01Y COMMUNION. ?'. a. al a ?? ... l; Ml' ? . I j- m I're? ? Ran W I. K. ? i ascension THANKSGIVING DAY. ? \ i the H p. M _ CHURCH Of THE INCARNATION. a . : !;?? il aoHM.Ntl lit SAM Holy I 11 \< .'- Hi Re? ???Ma ? SI. ., hUK-tlS ? '??? Iri? I \ . ii.. I. H Bourne Ti.?i.?.?-, g h , a \| l|.o i'..uiiiiuiilon. - _ CHURCH or THE HEAVENLY REST. I " A? ?l-.v? 4.?li ? a a ?.*' ?" "??'IT HIIII'MAN, R St. Georqe's Church ? .... ...i>, Mirwt. ?jj ?J ,,,.,, A_.r,,i# KARi atlLAaoTfcea*?? R???1?vn h II ai .1 m Nun lay -??Mng SAINT-ESPRIT, , V ??SI,,. ? 4 S h ORAI.I CMURCM. Br.ari.,, ,M lotll ., Il ? IIIAHI . - 1,1 U!? ?I M'IiKY I. T n^u? a. loi? ST. STEPHENS, ???la W.. ?.a/, Dr. Seagl? ?Ile?,ri pre?, lie, .i i| ?3 l'r i . I - : a' 4 ST. MATTHEW S CHURCH 7? Waat MO ?t H . AH NM H H I' l'?.K. ?f. u?l ......-a a. .^ .... t .??O? BCTAJVT r.l'lM?>?'.?l.. CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE Ai.i?tcr1a:a gad 11 '". MiM I anl 1" A M Tb? II" y Communion. '?A M T.- Holy Communion ?Italian). 11 A M l'r.'aciie?. R ?'? P < im 10. 4 P M l', R,-? Dr r M i-'irea Daly Ben,???, I M A M . -. I' M ?irerl M . Iriy ?r. I Satilr'lay). Thinkaslvlng D?y, November 2Mh. I A M. Tt.j ilnij- C'.n.niiit.lon (Brotherhood of St. Andre? Hervir?), II A. M. Pr?af hnr. Very He? Pean Oro? ? St. ?bomaa'? Church r?"TH AV. AND SIB ST R>? ERNE?T M KTIIIE'?, I? B? Rector. S A. M Heir ( pimu.uipi >;. 11. M'Vroin? Service am) Kerrr.i.;. Hiartorl ? F.aenxrr.g aid Addrraa iR? W S'rother Jor.f?. D H ' ? P. M. Hour of Organ Mini THANKRQITINO DAY BirRYICU _Thurad?)- at 11 A M [Bettor 1_ ST. JAMES' CHURCH MoSeSM Avenue and Tlat Ktreet 8 A M. . .Tloly Communion 10 A M. Runda? Reh 11 Monte? Fray?r a/i 1 Peenion (BUhop Courtney? ?i. Hi'ly t'.'minunl'.u IP M. Sun la? net : 4 K?e;i!n? F??yer and Sermon ?Mr. Bachman) ALL ANGELS' CHURCH. Wnt End Av. and Slat. Re? s DELANTE! TOWNBEND I> D R??*ot ?Holy ("onmunlcii. K A M Morning l'ra-er an I |?ra?a by me Reitor. il A M Cb r?. Cvtoj ? 4 1' M. S-.'-JveM welcome Thank?gMng Day. November 25th. Holy Comiuunlon. s A M il !v CJocomonlen ?_? I ,'p'vwn by Ihn Re.-!or ?* 11 A M Laming CALVARY CHURCH ,H Re? TlinopORE 8KD0WKK. !!? M ?.n'-ei I, 11 ?I, 11 and ? l'rta. her. The Re.-tor. THANKSGIVING DAY. _?lenice.? and 10 30,_ ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH Ma !i? I Avcrm- a! 44th Striae* T?.? ILe? L??tgl'.in P?rk?. I>. D . BesMft S 30 A M. H"lv Communion. 11 00 A M Preacher Re? Dr. Dickjr.aon B MH?r. 109PM Preacher. Rev. Sydney N. C'ttier. 1:11 F. M. ?'?rgan Recital._ THE TRANSFIGURATION. I EAST .Wh, COMMUNIONS. T. i. 9 A M. 11" r,Y*.K? MASS a. d t-tRMiiN ?Rector) EVENSONG, 4. THANKSfiTVlVQ DAT Herrieft, t, S. I ?n4 II 99. CHAPEL CF THE INTERCESSION. Broadway ?n 1 ISMh Street. Hev I?r OATrT.I TV?f -Si - ?' 9 45: 10 So. 11: 11; 4 P. M, Popu'?r Ve?iper?; ?_ ?_lior?l_f>en?ong._ HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Lenox Avenu? anal 1234 Rtrtet, 11 P NT? HOI,?:. D D . IWtor I, 11 A. M.. Hector. 8 I'. M.. Iil?ru?p L?wrenoe. RKFORMEI). THE Minm.I. COI.LEOIATE CHrRCH, 2d A?e and 7tn St Rev. JOHN Q TAW). D 1).. MlmiMi. 11 A. M. r?ul W Harrlann. M I) . avili ?pe?* IP. M. Dr Pagg ?111 prvarh. Hfrvlc? or. Thanluurl-lni Day ?t 10 80 A M Dr. lag? ?111 i>-?a.-h. THF MARBI.K OOLLSOIATl CHI RCIf, ill. Ave ami ?SUl b4. H?t DAVID JAS BrilRKl-L. B. D . MJnU'er. avlll pr??-h 11 A M "The Poo'.Mnif? of Preaching " ? P. M 'The Happy Life " On T!i?nk?g1t1iig Bay tin- congregation of tn* Collect?t'* Church of H' Nl.-lmla?. iit,!>? with thl? congregation In ? aeTTloj 11 l!'.- ?'hnr-h at 11 A. M. Rev Malcilm Jame? Ma. U-'il. D I)., will preach. IHK OOLUDOIATI ( HIKCI? f>F ST. NICHOLAS, Mia Ave and 4->th St. Re? MAL?'??LM .IAS MACLEOD. D P. M!nl?ter. will preacl, at 11 A M SB III M Evening Suhlet I? lb? \\..r Helplruj cr Hurting :l? <-?u?e .f Rellgl..?.'" Cburrta Brbeol. c 4'. a m. On Tnankaglvli.g Day thl? i-pn?-ick-at|p'n untfe? with the CousregeUot ?' lb? M.-rt-le ?ollngtate Cliurrh In a ?rilr 11 ' 1 .it Clmr. Ii at 11 A M Dr Ma,I??l -rill pre?, h THF. WKST KM? COLL-BOIATO f III I? II, \v. -t i n : A?, ?i i ::u. St. H.-? lll.MiY i:\i.lti-iiv ipilii?. D l?, Mlnldet ?III i.rea. h it I! A M ami ?.lu P M A' 4 N P M BkHtJeol ' Mr ?Ireat T??la of Thai ?fullkm " I*? 'hoir will ?In? M?ui,.lcr-? i "?lu? "f T!:?nk??tv1'ig " (?r, Thjn>.-giving Dav , the Congrega!! .n ' U i RjtOI Memorial Ct,ai?>l unite? with Hit? congjegatlon In a ?er?l m In this 1 Church at U A M. Dr Co'.h arlll p?e?c),. M'i.1- |g "in Knoi Memorial Choral Bt?sti a<MOl Av ? \Y 14?t"h 8t" Am?i?rdan. A? CAM KKIHKHT LEIXBACII 1? D. Mlnltter. 11 A M "?ETTERED FEET." -_?- M Tha II' i P II i' un? ?rj I prea.-h. REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM I a A.I ?a ... ! 1. i M-ee; H'? EDGAR TII.T'iV. ir . |) I) Minlater. 11 A M Ar. K'T. Jam-? I I? I) * T. M Dr Ti;?.?n will pre?ch Hamilton Grange S?. Ktioiniiii CATHOUC, REFORMED CATHOLIC SERVICE. Chrlata Mia. ?Ion. Ill Wea? 57th R?. It; I op Mat lei Prrri I i 1? D l'a.?' r s rt - lor? SO? I\l l?.|. BRYANT HALL ? Av. tn| 4; | H ? -t, y m Bul ? la WHITE, I? .i icr. v 1 1 ,; Tul.h. T p ? . ? Me " >tx ii.ii o? rmiKNDt, RTLIIpIOUS b?CIETY OF FRIENDS. M.? gt 1 f.T wnralnp lia m . ?t Bl l.i-?- I'.-h ?t . Man kattan. a: .1 111 K. ?irrni-ru rn ?p. It Rel?ale 1, ^op|?? of Frl-nfl? lO'-horto?) ?T| :.? l'art New I ? . '. 1 av?.. Bl sriKin lUKT. . FIRST GERMAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. . ? " ? !' - p \| <;?? I ?p a?. - - . v. ?? 1, ? . 1 nil a 1 ' Spiritual and Ethlral Retlety. 14] M 1 .- sag s- ?v. g ? ilng > ! Ing. Evening kljefe.1 I ? IMT4KI AN. CHURCH MESSIAH V"?j* bV JOHN HAYNES HOLMES 4M-, ?WHY I AM A PACIFIST' S 11 I- Ml "The (,lrl Betting the Mach?n?. Mita Leonor? O Rellly and Mlaa E?th?r Park.rd. AI I ^ODI S' ' Sit??u f\L.L. . ?JULO I". Ar jMh S! Il? H. 1 R RI.ICER Ml ; Re? WILLIAM Ul III1M I. SI I.LIVAN A I.e. I" II i? PEAIIOD. i,f . I M?-' - ?? 11 A M K , 1 rordta n?lM I LENOX 4V??U? UNITARIAN thl RUH ? |l?l -?:?.. ?... .- i .? "MY IRRELIGION" It 1 . ? a ?t 1 .' |. Ii Ml IMI t :i?. '.LIST. - ? 1 THE CHURCH OF THE DIVINE PATERNITY. Cntral Park W??t and 71th Rt. n.? 1I!A\K (ILIYKR HAU, I? |. ; . ? , A M "RleM ??'?d Wren? Thinking aa th? C?ua* ?t H?pp?ne?a or Ml??ry.- . ? ,? I m I' M "What I, Van''- I-' ?.?- ... :i A M. 1 ,. 1 - .1. TbatikasHta? ? laihea's M 1. 1 I iir.-li OTHER (?rRVICBi. THE UNION THECLO'.ICAL SEMINARY. . 1 .,,,1 ? ? 1 ' 4. aa?, i-- ...-, ?? o-J, ll,e II \. K D I) 1 . ...... ?hlppiat ? it" 1 _ UNION THIOLOI.ICAL SEMINARY llmail -.a .' !-' '? ?'?-et l'l 1:1.|l 'E???ntl?l fartor? In a F?e ? Ig* Minian?' ' . ? Rev J? :. - ' !??? lier, M A r??.-rei.r> of >?- \ - 1 India ? Tur?<1a>. s-p.Trni'H-r *.. l.'attell-ti. atad ? .'.urrh I DR. HARVEY W. WILEY, "FOOD AND EFI CIENLY. ' W-.l SM? Y. M. C. A_ ..-u, ? ?Lti A? If a A Thanksgiving Prayer fly the REV. JOHN HENRY JOWETT. D. D. Almlghtv God. i?f thank Thee for the spirit of praise. We lhank Thee if BS can discern the sign?, of Thy providence upon the common road. We thank ?Thee if we have not tors-ultra the miracle of yesterday and it? ?acred lesson for to-da?. Hut if our gratitude I? scanty because our remembrance is faint, lei Tin Mol? Spirit quicken our memories, that we ma> recover the lo?*t reve? lation iihI ma.? come into Thy presence in the multitude of Thy mercies. M ?- thank Thee ior Th.? Church. We adore Thw for her communion in I'hrlst Jesus. S* e bles? Thre for the Blood of the Vine in which she bears her I mit. We glorify Thee for the radiant record of her triumph, for her miracle? of grace, for her cloud of witnesses, for her martyrs who have been faithful unto death. We thank Thee for her prophrts of the Word, for her sweet singers who by their hvmn.? have enriched our devotion, and for all her unnamed laborers a ho ha?e toiled in obscure parts of the field. We Me?--, Thee for her inheritance. We thank Thee for her Inconceivable wealth and ?rim? ??lu. h is vet to be re?ealed. Graciously deepen our purit?. Baptize h<r with the holt fire of passionate love, and deign with her to hasten Thy kingdom from above. We tl.ank Thee for our countr?. We hie.? Thee for all her hallowed privileges and freedom. We praise Thee for all her men and women who have consrcraii'il their strength to her highest good. We thank Thee for t-nlig'itened laws, for nil ?vise restrictions of personal liberty, for all that is treatiie of rumradeship bet??een man and man. We bless Thee for all larger ?..-ion, fee wider fraternal BIBBBBilB?. for the aspiration that seeks the p??ace and good will of the race, t.od bless the President and all who -hare the government of the realm. Kndue them with Thy Hoi? Spirit and use them p.s Th? ministers In the kingdom of Thy truth. Graciously drHw us all into closer kinship with Thyself. Save us from flothfulnes? in Thy servicp. Deliver us from the infidelity of ?in. and from the snare of the world, the flesh and the devil. May our family life be sweet f nd holy and may the Lord break the Bread of Life at the common meal. These mercle? we ask through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES I'aleatine Pageant Opens To-night. When the doors of the Grand Central Palace ?re opened to-night at 7 o'clock for the Palestine Pageant and Oriental Exposition, the public will have an op? portunity of viewing one of the most ?unique educational exhibitions ever presented by church ?vorkers. While the floor of the palace has been transformed into a reproduc? tion at Palestine scenes, showing the streets of Jerusalem, with its bustle of trade and the Oriental coloring of dres? and decoration as it ?vas in the days of David, there will also be unique exhibits by prominent local missions. The Seaman's Mission has erected a mission ship in its section, showing the quarters in ?vhich seamen lived aboard ship fifty years ago, and th? improved conditions on board vessels of to-dny. Tht're will be manv relics and curio? dlaplajred that are from 2,000 to 1,000 years old. In one booth ?vlll be sho?vn tho Pottur's House, ??'here will be seen his ancient wheel and where will he produced his earthen lamps, bottles and oil cruses. The weaver's loom, the progenitor of the weaving machinery of to-day, will also be in operation. Here also will be seen a Bedouin hair ' tent, which was brought direct from the land of Moah and standing on poles that grew in the land that witnessed the. exploits of Joshua. The musical programme during the exposition will be rendered by tho quartet of jubilee singers from the Hampton Institute, who will give selec 1 tions from the main lecture platf-rm and at thoir booth on the main floor. Mrs. Chap?n Returns. Mrs. Mary Etheridge G. f hapin. presi? dent of the Boston Metaphysical Club, and a lecturer and worker, will conduct her Sunday morning service, beginning at 11 il."., in the new Th??tre Franca!?, West Forty-fourth Street, near fifth Avenue. Her subject will be "Our Land 1 of Fulfilment." Mrs. ' hapin Is in her 1 studio, in tho Berkeley Building, Sat? urdays and Mondays. Sixteenth Anniversary. , The Eighth Avenue Mission Is cele? brating it? ?ixteenth anniversary by a week's special meetings. From a small j be?g?BB?Bg it has gro?vn to be one of the moat useful and helpful institu-1 : tions of i t s kind. The mothers of tliej neighborhood are taught to sew, while their Liibii - and small childrea are tiikt-n care of by the workers., and an evangelistic meeting for them is heitl weekly. I here i? a thriving Sunday school, services in the hospital, open air meetings, house to house visiting Bad splendid relief work for the poor. There has been a Gospel service every Bight for the last .sixteen years. The superintendent, Miss S. Wray, is just ; ctimpletuig her fifteenth year of ser? vice. The mission has a well deserved r?putation for good singing. BAPTIST CO! USE OF LE< TlTIES. Large audiences are attending the course of lectures held at 1U o'clock on Sunday morning at the Mount Morris Baptist Church, Fifth Avenue, between IL'Otli and 11.7th Streets, on "Recon? struction Days Among the Nations." ? Tho majority of the speakers are in | sympathy with the League to Enforce Peaee, of which ex-President Taft is ? hend. Next Sunday Theodore Marburg, of Baltimore, sneaks ofl "Justice Among the Nations." Mr. Marburg was for? merly Ambassador -to Belgium, and is r.ow chairman of the Committee sfl Foreign Organizations ami vice-presi? dent of the League to Enforce Peace. THANKSGIVING AT ST. JAMES'S. Tho Thank?gi? ing services at St. James's, Pordham, next Thursday will I"- note elaborate than usual. The tirst service will bo the Holy Com 1 rauflion ai ** o'clock. At 10:.10 there ?vill be a festival IBIS JOB, at which the regalar choir, augmented by the girls' and boys' choirs, will -mg. The girls' j choir ?rill wen loag of gray,with : ??li'te collars and white cage, 10 i.';.!! th. coetaraes of the Paritan , maidens. The MIBBOfl ??ill be delivered by the Rar. DeWitt L Pilton. VACATION BIBLE BCIOOL COX-1 FEKENI E. The National ( on?>t t nee of Daily Vacation Bible School Superintendents RELIGIOUS MOTIOM. ?.r.KtK KM. PROCLAMATION. ii, ? t. niM.itn. i..i.k:' rag ? . . ? . ' - ? l.rt.K- ? . |, m. "i I. , ? g II ? .. "1.1?. ' HIM.-.; TiitATHl !?- - .- i ; i rtiiaal? ?| ,, ,- u i u ????! hip 7 p ?l ? Ml T. J. t'OONAN. T.un Crt-e. 8 P. It "WHERE ARE THE DEAD?*' FULTON THEATRE, 46th & B'way. ? ' , i .. ? ... 8TH AVE. MISSION, 290 8th Atc (.????I Tabernarl? Church. .,?1. Ai? au? tt'h il t ?, It sl?IISiiY |'? r - ? M : r?a. king -> -i.? r?.-,. ? ?? m._ , pttmtttta? H. ? j,.,.?,!! stoke?, of ?jia.n.d Churchiirs More than a Reataurant? A Broadway Inititution Broadway & 49th Street ! and friends of the movement from all j the leading cities of the North and | from Montreal, Canada, will open in the assembly room of the national as? sociation, fi? Bible House, SB Monday at I p. m. and continue until Wednes? day noon. The curriculum of Bible topics for the next four years, the standardizing of training conforences, the relation of the national in'er churcli schools to denominational group? and the relation of the daily vacation Bible school movement to the Gary system ?vill be discussed. NEW JEWISH CONGREGATION. Temple Israel, of Washington Heights, is the latest addition to the house? of worship in greater New York. The temple is located at ?'J3 West 17:,.i Street. Although only recently organ? ized, the congregation is already the largest in the city, fiider the leader? ship Of the Kev. Vr. Emanuel Schreiber, rabDl, and I)r. Max Salzberg, cantor, services in English are held every Fri? day evening at 8:15 o'clock r.nd in Ger? man every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Thesi- service' -n on the modern order, and the music, with organ and choir, is exceptionally good. The officers of the congregation I I. '/. metbaum, president; M. Hoaig, vice-president; Morris Levy, treasurer. and k. Mendelsohn, secretary. A imlies' auxiliary siso has been organized, the officers being Mrs. Silberfeld, presi? dent, and Miss Lucy Salzberg, breas ! urer. I An interesting feature of the new | congregation's activities is the Young Folks' League, with a Sunday school comprising more than fifty pupils, di? vided into two classes. The Sunday school is entirely self governed, the pupils electing their own officers. Meeting? of the congregation are held on the first and thin! Mondays of the month at 8 o'clock in the evening. At 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoons the Sun? day school pupils meet for instruction In German and Hebre??\ The Sundav school is under the direction of both clergymen. Dr. Schreiber conducting the religious work and I?r. Sal-berg tho musical part. In aid of its charitable work the congregation will give an entertain? ment Hnd dance on December 5 at Wal? lace Hall, l?2d Street and Broadway. Rutgers to Install Pastor. The installation of the Rev. Dr. Dan? iel Russell as pastor of the Rutgers Presbyterian Church, Broadway and Seventy-third Street, will take place to? morrow evening at H o'clock. Dr. Russell comes to Rutgers Church from the Irvington Presbyterian | Church, but he is best kno?vn to New York as the former pastor of the Har? lem I'resl.yterian Church. He assumed the duties of pastor of the Rutgers Church in September, and under his i leadership the work of the church has already been materially increased. For nearly three y.-nrs the church had been ?vithout a pastor. Among those taking part in the in? stallation service to-morrow night will be the Rev. I ?r. Anthony II. Evans, the Rev. Dr. Charles Augustus Stoddard, the Rev. Or. Arthur J. Brown, the Rev. I?r. Robert Mackenzie, the Rev. Dr. William P. Merrill and the Rev. Rich ? ard (.'. Morse. TOPICS OF SERMONS TO-MORROW. Baptist. First, Broadway and 79th St.-Rev. I. M. Haldeman, I). D.J 11 a. m., "The Won,Infill Truths Set Forth by the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, Illus? trated by a Model": I p. m., "Is the Devil a Fiction or a Fact? Is the In? tellectual Fool He Who Believes in a Personal Devil or He Who Refuse- to i Believe ?" Madison Avenue, corner Hist st. Rev. Charles A. Kafon. D. D.J 11 a. m., "America Gives Thanks While th? V, or!d Mourns"; 8 p. m.. "But ? Not !" I'nion Bible Class, 3:45 a. n% Christian Science. Subject of the lesson-sermon in all churches to-morrow will be "Soul and Body." Episcopal. Ascension. Fifth av. and 10th st. 11 a. in.. Rev. Percy Stickney Grant on "Lnjovment of Life"; 4 p. m.. Rev. Charts W. Nr.umar.n; public forum. B i. n. . Mrs. F.!;:i R. Uioor on "The .Sup? pression of New- at the Culumet Striko." Thanksgiving Day service at 11 a. m. w .. Beloved Discip!". 89th st.. near Madi Eon av. Rev. Henry M. Barbour, D. IV. at 11 a. m. and 4 p. in. The 4 p. m. Vesner servia? is becoming more popu 1 ir every week. Thanksgiving Day Bar? ricas at the same hours. Chapel of the Intercession. Broadway and l.Ki'-'i st. Dr. Cates will preach at all services. Subjects: 4 p. m.. "M. John's Vision of Heaven"; 8 p. ni.. "A Great Miracle." At 10:30 a. m. a great festival icrvice will be held, ?with spe? cial music. , St John the Divine. 110th st. and Amsteninm av. 11 a. m.. the Right Rev. lir Frederick Joseph Kinsman, Bishop Of Delaware; 1 f. m.. Rev. Dr. Ernest M. Stires. St Stephen'-. l-'2 West 69th st.- 4 p. m., Rev. Cvrus Townsend Brady on "The LtiaaOBS T? Be Learned from the Four Roman ?""nturiotn in the Gospels and Acts." Fthical Culture. Societv Meeting House, 64th st. and Central Park West- 11 a. m., Dr. Adler on "The Charge of Attitude Toward the Criminal." Sunday school festival on Thanksgiving Day at 10:45 a. m. Methodist. Calvarv, 129th st and Seventh av., the Rev.'Willis P. Odell will preach at both services. Dr. Odell will be lov? ingly remembered as a former paetot of this church. Grace, 104th st., botween Columbus an 1 Amsterdam avs., the Rev. Chris? tian F. Reisner, 11 a. m.. "Make Money or Preach"; 7:45 p. m., "God Speaking ' in Apples." "Skookum" apples will bo given away to all the congregation. Madison Ave., corner 60th st., the ' Rev. Worth M. Tippy, D. D.. 11 a. m., I "The New Gospel of the City," and 8 p. m. Old John Street, the Rev. Lewi? R. Streeter will preach at 11 a. m. and | 7:30 p. in. Park Avenue, corner h6th st., 10 a. ni., F. von Mach, LL. D., of Harvard Uni? versity, on "German Thoughts on the Issue? of War." Dr. Arthur Jamieson will preach at the 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. services; subject, 8 p. m., "The Judg? ment Day." St. Andrew's, West 76th ?t., the Rev. Fred Winslow Adams, 11 a. m., "A Thanksgiving Player"; 8 p. m., "Love's Tragedy Samson and Delilah." Thi~ tupie is one of a series of sermons on "l.'iv.- Storie.- ot ?lit. bible." St. Paul's. 86th st. and West End !! 'i in., Dr. Goodell; H p. m.. Deputy Warden of Sing Sing Prison Spencer Miller will speak on "Reform? ing Men ami the New Life at the Prison Institution." Washington Heights, Amsterdam av. and 153d st., forty-eighth anniversary 1 ?erviee; Bishop John L. Nielson will preach. New Thought. Majestic. Hotel. Central Park We?t and 72d st., Mr. Harry Gasa, at 8:15 p. m. on "The Psychology of Thanks? giving; or, Power Through Praise and Appreciation." Theatre Francais, West 44th st., 11:15 a. m., Mrs. Mary E. T. Chap?n, president Boston Metaphysical Club, will speak on "Our Land of Fulfilment. Saturdays and Mondays Mrs. Chapin will be found at her studio In the Berkeley Building. 1'nitv Society of Practical Christian? ity. |M Madlaen av.. Il a. m.. Mr?. Van Marter on "Happines? -Its Place ?nd Power"; evening, Mm?. B?ttinnctti on "Knowing God"; Monday at I p. m., Mrs. Van Marter. Presbyterian. Lafayette av., Brooklyn, Dr. Albert son will preach ?t both service?. At 7:45 p. m. his subject will be "The Burden Bearer," and the cantata, "Seedtime and Harvest" will be sung. Thanksgiving Day service at 10:30 a. m. Old First. 5th av. and 11th st., 11 a. m., the Rev. Dr. Howard Duffleld, "The Night Watch"; evening, "The Acid Test"; Wednesday, 8 p. m., "The Martyrs of the Alps." . St. Nicholas av., corner 141st st., i I'nion Thanksgiving service next Thurs? day, 10:30 a. m. The Rev. Jacob E. Price will preach the sermon. Reformed. Hamilton Grange, 11 a. m., the Rev. Dr. Paul S. Leinbach on "Fettered Feet"; s p. rn., the Rev. P. H. Pleune will preach. Marble Collegiate, Fifth av. and 29th st.. 11 a. m.. Dr. Burrell, "The Foolish? ness of Preaching"; 8 p. m., "The Hap? py Life." St. Nicholas Collegiate, Fifth av. and 48th st., the Rev. Malfolm J. MacLeod at 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. Evening topic, "Is the War Helping or Hurting the Cause of Religion ?" West End Collegiate, West End ?v. an.l 77th st., the Rev. Henry E. Cobb, D. D., will preach at both services. Evening subject, "My Groat Task of Thankfulness." The cantata, "Song of Thanksgiving," will be sung. Snedenborglan. \'pw (hurch, 35th st., between Pork and Lexington aVH., 11 a. rn.. Thanks riving lervic?, with sermon by the I Rev. Julian K. Smyth on "Social ! Christianity vs. Christian Socialism." Cniversallst. Divine Paternity, Central Park West *.nd 76th st., the Rev. Dr. Frank Oliver Hall, 11 a. m., "Right and Wrong Thinking as the Cause of Happiness or Misery"; 4:30 p. m.. vespers, "What Is Man?" Thanksgiving Day, 11 a. m., union service, the Rev. Dr. Fred Wins low Adams will preach. I'nltarlan. All Souls, 11 a. m.. the Rev. Francis G. Peabody, of Cambridge. Mass., will preach. Messiah, Park Avenue and Thirty fourth Street, the Rev. John Heynes Holmes on "Why I Am a Pacifist"; 8:15 p. m., "The Gill Behind the Machine," by Miss Leonora O'Reilly and Miss Esther Packard. Miscellaneous. Eighth Avenue Mission, 290 Eighth Avenue, sixteenth anniversary services from November JO to November 28, in? clusive. To-day, the Rev. J. Palmer and the Drew Male Quartet; Sunday, the Right Rev. Bishop Arthur S. Lloyd; the soloist, Mrs. G. W. Cleve? land. The Free Synagogue, lia. m . Louis K. Anspaeher and Percy Maekaye, on "The Drama of Our Time"; evening, Professor George W. Kirchwey, of Co? lumbia University, on "Prisons and Prison Management." The Fulton Theatre, West Forty fourth Street, 8 p. m., Professor Ever son on "Where Are the Dead?" Th's is one of several lectures on the sub? ject of life after death. The Rescue Society. 5 and 7 Doycrs Street, on Thanksgiving Day, begin? ning at 6 p. m., a dinner will be given , to about 1,000 poor. A special Gospel service will be held from 7 p. m. until ? midnight. Temple Beth-El, Fifth Avenue and Seventy-sixth Street, 11 a. m., Dr. Samuel Schulnian. on "The Love of America,-' a Thanksgiving sermon. SUFFRAGISTS SETTLE FREEZE-OUT CASE Onetime Landlord Compromises on Half-Month's Rent. An unexpected thaw, resulted yester? day in breaking the back of the great suffrage freeze-out case in the Su? preme Court. After a few minutes' pleasant conversation with Mrs. Har i riot Stanton Batch, George F. Parsons, owner of the shop from ?vhich the suf? fragists were frozen out two years ago, consented to settled the case out of , court for 1300. "This ig more of a love feast than ! a awsuit," said he. "I am really sorry, Mrs. Blatch. that ?ou and your society are not back there now " This is the same Guorge F. Parsons ?vho angrily refused to take down the ??inking eye from those same headquar ters at 13 Wgst Forty-second Street , la the rviiiter of 1913. Mr. Parsons is an oculist with a store on the first floor of the building. The suit was settled for $800 because ! Mrs. Blatch admitted that half a month's rent was due Mr. Parsons for the days in February before the suf? fragists picked up their kerosene 1 stoves and moved away from Forty second Street. The jury had been out about fifteen minutes when the thaw came. At the time they stood eight for Mrs. Blatch and three for Mr. Parsons. Bull Gores Child to Death Woodstown, If. J., Nov. 19.?Gene Bort?n, three years old, daughter of Frank Bort?n, a farmer near here, wag fored to death yesterday by an in uriated bull. It took the combined ef? forts of several farm hands and mem? bers of the family to drive the animal away from the body. The child had strayed fro mthe bouse Into the field. ?-CENT THONES OFFEREDTOOn Great Eastern Asks Fru, chise?New York Co?, pany Fights It. The Board of Estimate hold t p?k henrtng ye?tord?y on the nppli?-,^', of the Great Eastern Telephon? c* pany for a franchis? to condaet ? t??, phone business in this eity. Tk( plication wa? opposed by Edmunl ! Mooney, counsel for the N?w York t ephone Company, who decUr?? ?v the title of the Great Ea?t?rn co?-^ wa? "a mere paper title," tnd tka?. ! was "a stock Jobbing and a?rladliag'tr ganiration." Tho application of the Gr?st ttttm company state? that it will m??t il conditions imposed upon other ou, panies and will give a much ttmmm service than the present compta. gives. For official city bu?ln???, m company declares. H will chart? ?an on? cent a message, Irreipeetr-a j boundary lines or district? witklj tk city * Mr. Mooney contanded that tot m. plicant was not a lawfully ?jjnj corporation, but a South Dakota m. cern, which was not authorised nj! business in this etate, and wa? |j _. position to ask a franchis? fro? ?v. city. "A? its creature," said Mr. Honet "the New York Electric Line? flS pany 16 battling with the city for, telephone franchise without payra? of any compensation." In the brief submitted by th? Net York Telephone Company it w?i ttttti that the petitioning company ??4 ft I associates had shown thsmitlfti far ! capable of operating ans t?l?phona m; vice, although their petition stat?? to?' I they have plants at Peekiklll ul ?Perth Amboy. This IstteV plant, m cording to the brief, i? in th? ttt.ii I of a receiver and not In optrttioi ? The plant at Peek?kill, it ?u ?s!d,ki? I lost more thon 10 p?r cent of it? Ki I tions, while the New York COmpss'iM gained 2'J per cent. Records w??a fit sented from the Department of Tu* of the city ami the office of th? State , Controller to show that while th? ?et?. 1 tioning company ?a? incorporeU?! a 1905 under the laws of this stau, tk? torporation did not organize withint*i years of the date of its incorporstiH n? required by statute, and ntv?- k?. transacted any business withis tk? itat?- ?luring the ten year? ?hit k?r? elapsed since its incorporation. A statement by the '?re?t EaiUr Telephone ?"ompar.y to the Stat* C?c troller was submitted, which wa? to tk? effect that the company wa? organii? simply to preserve the nsme until m end of the lfligatien to establish tk? validity of the Mea York Electre Lines Company's frenrhi???. JETWOOD a smart ami with a ama? ) Abiiiwrm 4 Ilk C? The?,, Jiuit ?? "f H"?T. I.aet " T.tne? 44tn it. ?i. i ? ' 11 h ?> i ' ? N HARRY LAUDF4R r T LYRic1:;" ,4.'.\ :':\ ! .'. k'*? 1 EsmmEsism A '. MtJ , I Uw s-'-ry "f "POTASH ANO PERLMUTTER. " dSTH ST Theatre. I 1 ' i: Kegs 8 ?8. loin at. ?,.. T., l?i.VTI 4..k.?:u... 2.8?. THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE ?nth JULIA ABTHUB. PI AYHOIiSF **?? K '?' " "?> l"?' * ''? rLflinUWL .,,.., T |? v., ; AT, 1.W1 MATINEE TO-PAY, 2:15. (irace ?eorsro ni The Liars COMEDY. I.e. II'. ?|-.r-,? Bag SThai -g'g r" ' Vi ? : HOBSON'S CHOICE MANHATTAN r,,?,-?,,'.,',,,. JOHNSON ?.$. ZBYSKO ; SYMPHONY eilCEITI * I nit I'M m. 1 . ."i! . X THIS AFTERNOON AT 2:30. ?> ( \K\H.|i. II VI I . ? N V BYMl :."'-. ?In IIKSTBA. ?v ? ALTER lil.MKiisi II i uiitlii. tor ?t? It-ethov-n, Liest, K-i ha. Carpenter. t r? > GRAIMGER v eta an sal? il I'"* ' >ITt. .. SYMPHONY soclet) of New \ .. r | ?1 M Till l> ??Util?-! II. I ..n.liirlor. in ?iiikuii?? ,?i \t>\. irr. ?r s. POWELL Milnl.t JOHN Smpti.-ny i7i Ti flat, t HAI --'IS Plan? i ? i.i-nrto I> ail - Ui l" ?IT !.I. I.'Alta.n i i ?!, u . , I J ?' ? Seat? at B?a OP*e?. ?I?e Rmin IMS. A-ollaa Hall. ?.oIIhii Hall. Til M(.111. al ItSS. VERA B?R STOW KN'ABK I'lAN" i ?r- vi H "???us CENTURY,?*? NED WAYBlflNS ?asa NEO WAYI3' RN Si Town topics PAPIf TBKATBR ??* Sir???, r?..lunibu? 'Trcl?. rrtiMv. | ,, y t? ?j ,. ?jj 1(?. ,n1 aj4 i^U^ur, EUROPE'S FIGHTING FORCE ?.?: St i r It ?.?j 1. u?< I titles ?It 44th ST. EE NEXT TUES. EVE. Hv"f ,,V.;, ROMEO & JULIET *??* I'rt-? ?t. tl '.n ?Tad A Kit? M?' T,,, ? MAXINE ELLIOTTS. Ml. T. .!??. w ..| ftTla/katf? , .11 yUll'i'l. I O :,,..!i l.aj'. .' t.rrk?. 3?TH ST. Bf?.S 15 M' To 'l?v WV.I *T!i?nk?a'? THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN SHUBERT. EtaTS:.] M" T.i lay W-.1 ATVk.??-? Iran? Later at Hi. \>r> H?K. ALONE AT LAST BOOTH. Et? 4 It Mat, Da mV.Wet ATti?iili??? j SOTHEBN *;??. CASINO. E?a ?!' M:, 1 , la>.W?<i ? THE BLUE PARADISE ?*"L?c;L PRINfFSS lth ?"***? E?-w ??" B??<???i?7L riunvtoa ,. , ? . . u> u Tit FO? TWO WEEKS ONLY. GERALDINE FARRAR CARMEN "MY YEAR OF THE WAP" BAMMH HALL. TUES. EVE.. NOV. : id ?:IJ. FREDERICK PALMER A r-Ht. I Aiit-i-1 -?i. Corr- r>"i !'?? t ?.th th? !lri".?*i Arm), ?t'l ?PBOS ?? .?!? riprrt*nr? at ? Brttlsb ate SI ?gill tttom ?mi utt? th? Ililtiali fl??*t. ate tli? Mwd M i.atlonal pr??pan?1 Bal . ?Mum ?ni alao n.i?it a a? ?up lilt-.| liy th? Ttetl h ll.'i rr.l SUIT. 8KATB. ?V. ?Se. TV. SI. SI '.*. at Ho? OBr?. CARNEGIE HALL. 97TH ST. ?ad 71(1 A**. ELMENDORF iL'NDAY NIOHT at S .!?' MIINOAY MATINEE at 2.41. SWITZERLAND ; SI?S9S5T Ci r I Vlartaa ate M It ?1 ??!-?. I>? VI It II MKMMiIlK Prltc? M?, 73o. 11.00 ?ad 11.50. BROOKLYN ACADEMY of MUSIC PHILHARMONIC m -il- HEW TORK lOHKF MK\N>KV. COXDl'CTOB. Tn-in?rr?>\? i-miili.?l Aft., ?? 3:1*. EMMY D'STINN Ticket? jo ?t.? ??> li IS. "i B?a Ml* WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS. BAM?BOX. ?li A ir? A? I'?'? IU tet ? 4S. Mat ?at M Tii ?V Th Bt? ?ntriparati?? for-tel?? Tr. K? ???tilt.*-;? La* Tim? H?l?na-? HuaSate.' IRVING R7?HEA. ?&o&... | r, ..ifM- -.lOHEIT TANZT IVALZEI." NEW YORKS LEADING THEATRES \M) ?-I < ( l>"s|> EMPIBC. B,warL4"tfi St. Last Mat To-tUg. fill WM. GILLETTE ^cT?S?fe? LYCEUM, \? l.'.lhSt. Ma'? To lay ml I* .urs ETHEL BARRYMORE ?',!? .???fT... iONr.AfRF u Bal BryaiUXl ?? I.I LwnurtLivr. ,,,?, To.,1?>. VV(,,, 4T!..tng,ri COHAN A HARRIS PBE8ENT LEO DITRICHSTEIN , r,r ?THE GREAT LOVER" HUDSON "'">' Mth r,,r**' r.Tn.ti.g. a |:U nuuour? Mt(1 Tu.,lly Ued A Th?nk.,g NEW AMSTERDAM ;' V 1rs 4 II ?I?'? T ..?? ,'-1 II I Thint??**! KLAW A ERLANfiER PRfSfNT oim?M?P 'AFTES THE PLAY VISiTTSSTTSr; . J1 Uii^??i-aUlia HARRIS .?-t 42.1 S' i.tngj Mai? To 1?y W'.rl & T!: I.MUIfl?*1M:re, "YOUWG AiVl?BIC' 2IEGFELD MIDNIGH <?"? COHAN'S ?. * ^v-M "BACK HOME"??fe GAIETY ? . ' .??SS LIBERTY wkSt i? TWIi.K DAILY. INCL. SI \'S. of II W '-.RfrflTfTS Gigantic Phot? Igeotacl?. K? A S?l Ma'. 23-.?0-;S 81 It. OUwt Ma's -V. .?').? & Il 8S B'?VAT. 4S BT Er? S 1? Brrenl ?gT." Mau Tb-sUi ??'<i st Ti.ankjg'g ? Cohan? Or?at American Farce. HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY nth KIUH MBLO u HILI.Y BOtUPAT." rASJniCD W I** HRYANT^It Ma'V LArsULtlV Toda? Wtti A T'.a: k.gnl- g THE HOUSE OF GLASS win. Mary Ryaa 4k tlio tir..t Ail-Am?rl,?n Caet, Ore* 11.11 ?'1 ?SI !*??'? l?t H?l SO-, 75-. |! BELASCO jJ?u TO DAT /rsaavia THE BOOMERANG ?LTING? ro-OAl w~l. 4 tlattlsri ASTOR Oe?. M /.-hiri.i?/.H-ra] ??public %;.'?; ?,--.r.yyia? GLOBE u\u\:\\;..',. h.^ The Paris Fashion F?te THE Firat Offl-ial Kihibitlon of la R?n A-.rtt de I? Grand? ? ou tur? Fran?-?'??, ?ni'lu'lir.g a ??olledioti of on? hundred entirely new Mrxlela, nea?r before aeen In Fran.-? or Amenra. U-1 n ? i ?:-.d . r rated fur tin? oeeoalon it CALLOT JSNNV POIRIT CHSRUIT LANviN I'KIMtT OOUCIT PAQUIN WORTH aiANCHINI FSRISft NOOK? T'a H. : ?7? th? Orphan Children of Frer.rb Boldlere. ?.ginning Mond., Aftern?.?., N?V. tt Concluding tetu?de? (venina, No?. 27 '.? [P.rf ??. ?r. ?a .Il?lH.t? N ?. 24 ?ttern.ene et ? I SO. ????In?a ?4 ? la? Th? ?allreem of ihe RllvC?rlt??a M.lel T .-'? at ?' OO fer ?a?h p.rf.'i-ei.-e* me? be ob ?aiie.l ?' the n/IWee .t VOOUl, 4?) t*urti> A.? . er ?t Ike ?it? taj-lten Hoaei ?Tiffin Mat. To-day, I5c to II.50. I?4 A Sal Mat., ? IS ii-l ?? All.50 Vtmmt HIP HIP HOORAY Sha?. Lew- 10 M'i-'. ?. ? a* laaa ?a? Prtee?. tn One- -lfl'?i I',..pi?. SOUSA AND HIS BAND. SENSATIONAL ICE BALLET staged hr B. II. Kur Hi* Stat? ?e? ?? I? Hi?. NIGHT 47AITC A ?til HI, ?iNl'F.KT -WU-SA H?r,, .??il sa Minn-, au SMi-a tmwOmwVtot Hir" s;?r Teetmem a kstihk t? r. hai.u.t twh e .V- 0 .. 01 Other Mau. <? 5?v II'1 l'htldr Mot T.lav II an. IS-SS. THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE SUNDAY VITAGRAPH;; * tee Anat Mai tie-SOt I ?|J Theatre Fran?ais, ?f, "LES MARIONETTES" PVi^TV c NAT C GOODWIN A LA It loi I?: ?;i VMS?; - rtae M'WAT 4T ST ***** Kl'"?' " ' IXtll Mat IS t.pjl rl" NEXT WEEK.??IMC. EMMA CALVE. f.oew's American Roflf A? !-. CRAWFORD M . .a I. ?. ? ' 4: a?. A t?.r> E*a. FASHION UIRLS ALL SEATS . 'p?r.nella-..<\<-o IU?.FRVEO .'?w? r. is. wc GARDEN THEATRE, ?M IVx r.?ery Kre-l-.j k is EMAM H. SEICHES lr. VallK?. TllF. TOU?a VINK BUMiSH ?? ?eau Mr tit II 00. Mion? ?0? <Jr-J?t?r C0U h ? ?j a ?rth. I tM lr*la'. MAUS mr METROPOLITAN B? To-dny Mat. Bl t K^nk???!!** ?J*; Hempel. Mason (del., ?Jswl?* ?*"? * botta?. Reto? C? d B .??? ,.?..,,,. 7 ? to 171!^.**;?! au.-r; Marlln-lll. A-..?' ''nui *S25Z Nrat Mea. ?? ? Iri? B r\ O*!*?*** Botu. ScottI. i'i.i'.r rond r-teeaa .^ Res*, al ? rxniKiti ? Pallia. M*^*!*1 Caraap. Amato Kothi.-r ' ? ?'? kW r**Ft Thtir?., Tk..? Mat at I. I'a/?if?l- ?V^JT,, lK<-h. Braut. ?Vail, Clorlt? ""?I "^.?i Thur?. at Itarleer ' **slllf. H'?!*' r?. (debut). Darr,?"- i debut i."*?** Malat.eta (.Lb-it) Cond Ttavagr.e.i Krl. ?t I Lohengrin. Zaraka .deb-it,, i""** I'rlu?. Braun Well ' " ?"? n'"1i,n* ., ,?*? hat. at 2 Manon l^ae-mit. !'''r. V'V.-.,?. butiiCartiao.B ottl.Sai ?' ? C?ad b* ??? THIS SUN. EVG. -*-\Mfi"A t. MSitacMatr-*-*** ! ?ELM*': Or*Sa?B*l ' ' *4 ?'"ti.! liait. HAB icon at* KM toe to 11 II? . h% vun?rr or?*a?etra Ceaeeet ?-.tub r**i,.?i ?Con?! Hag-ernan? ?I w'iv ?I THOtai HARDMAN PIAN4> raKD ?, ,. tn I' k P ??? PRINCESS PAT V?t "MR > MKiiit; ins I. ...... ?- . BIUOK-T HIT i ?:th ELIA?."? P*,,T1... \. - VICTOR HERBERT $2?. LEXINGTON '?"?'?^-JB M.i T.ia, ?::. A *.?v n. TNt *l?.?i Nagt ?'..?-. ... A H Wood?' "?-'.-??, STANDARD B"^a#*1?; ,;..'"*?*? v.- r las tteu-a RlCfc-IH ^v*-, Neil ??e?k . L-ul. BtSSa In 1T*'_"^. IDEI/xTab^II? Ot->n* 17-er? I?ar frota 1" ** ** '* ?*?--?-?. "AenlUn lLll">rl.TVo?. tl. ?? ? -1-II ?""iisn liai, in,, .-????. ?w. ? - -?i SPALDINfl Srd VloHn He-clt?!. Ticket?. 84V. f?J _ ?;.?a M MIISIlN M)1 Mtl. OAMDBW. B-A*. '"T 3K?,??:fL MILITARY ?c^jj TOURNAI^11 Rshlbiiten M.?.lern Stir. Wiarfur. Admla.lon. _.. Freo K?ery .?ft?rn ???: Xr..lUn Hull. Thl? Aft?rnooai ?* *j ? BAIERA CASAlj ?I?- I.surlt. rhailtoo. Il???" A Ha-jW.*? Strand #F"Uff^J? .vgl. a-a. TtalN Mo??? to *??aa^ 4*?s?t-aI?*1