Newspaper Page Text
PAWS BOYCOTTS BUYER OF GOWNS FOR MRS. GALT Kurzmann One of Two German-Americans Put on Blacklist. VICTIM WILL ASK DIPLOMATIC HELP Dressmakers Say They Would Be Olad to Present Trousseau to President's Fiancee. Paris, Nov. 1?. One of two American customers of German origin blacklisted by the Paris dressmakers' syndicate is Charles Kunmanri, reputed to have been comr.iissioned to buy gowns for Mrs. Norman Gait, who is to be the bride of President Wilson, according to Gustave Tery's m'.?'?paper, "L'?uvr?." The newspaper aver? that Kurzmann bas threatened to raise a diplomatic question because of the modiste'? re? fusal to accept orders from him. "L'?uvre" declares, however, that each house from which he ordered gowns has offered to supply them, with its compli? ments, to Mrs. Gait without having them pas? through the hands of an in? termediary. Determined lo Kar Germans. Paul Poiret'a confidential secretary . confirmed the statement that Kurzmann had threatened to invoke diplomatic aid. "You may declare that no member of our syndicate will deliver gowns to Kurzmann. or through Kurzmann, or any other German house," said the sec? retary. At the rame time each or every member of th.? .?yndicate would be proud to be honored with a commission to make * gown for President Wilson's fiancee, and would be most happy if permitted to present it with its compli? ments." Kue de la Paix and other leading houses refuse to state whether or not they have ha.i orders for gowns for the President's fiiiMOc. Some of them say. ho?vever, that they have had order? from Kunmann, which they are unable to lill in consequence of the decision of the ?.yndicate. Ill expresa regret that such an inci? dent ha? arisen, ard state that they hope it trill cause no annoyance to Pres d?nt Wilson. They are endeavoring to dispose of the matter without too much pBolieity, but declaru that they cannot overturn the decision of their repre? sentative body. Mrs. Gait Muat Get New Agent. The Dresamakers' Association met to-day at a session pr??ided ov?r by M. Poiret. its president, and took of ricial action regarding the dressos or? dered for Mrs. Gait. It was direeted that no member of the association should deliver the dresses to a cer? tain house in America, whose proprie? tor was a Gerroun, naturalized in the United States. It appears that only this man and one ether proprietor of German origin has. been blacklisted by the association.: Some time ago it was found that a' large number of drees importers in New York and elsewhere were of Ger? man origin. The association, It was explained, decided as a matter of prin? ciple to refuse to sell to only two houses. The numea of th?se houies were dra?vn by lot. it ?ras said, and one of them wa^ that of the person ordering gowns for Mrs. Gait. A Paris dispatch early this month said that Charles Kurzmann, of New York, ?vas there to select gown? for the wedding of President Wilson and Mrs. Gait. He ??'as quoted as gaying that, while it "would be indiscreet to talk about clothes ordered by the Wilson family before obtaining per BB from the White House," he ?? ? -hat "Washington can look for? ward to a brilliant social season after the wedding." Paris Gowns forMrs.Galt? Sure, Says German Agent "The report is absolutely ?tnthout foundation. President Wilson's own comment of 'Piffle!' is the best thing1 that oen be said about It." Thli was Julius Kunman's state? ment laat night on the alleged black-1 Jailing by the Paris dressmakers' syn ?BBSS of Charles Kurzman, said to be ? commissioned to buy gowns for Mr?. Norman Gait, the bride-elect of Preal elent Wilson. "L'Oeuvre," Gustave Tery's newspaper, said that Kurtman had been blackballed and had threat? ened to raise a diplomatic question over the refusal of trie modistes to ac? cept orders from him. "We make a clean denial of the re? port, In the absence of any worrl from Charle? Kuriman." Julius Kurtman re sated. "If !t were true we would have ?ard from him.** lie ascribed the statement to some competitor's jealousy over the fact that the aouae of Kurzman stand? high in Presidential favor. He also called at? tention to a comment in "The Trade Journal'* that, by a new arrangement with the dressmakers' syndicate, buy? ers, In purchasing a model, must pay "6 per cent caih, which gives them the right to make copies of It in America. The garment Is then invoiced for the balance of its coat "Thla a-ould be committing a felony against the government by not declar? ing th? full coat," said Mr. Kurzman. "1 am sure that Mr. Charlea Korsman j weald never conaent to any such ar- ? sens?ment. There may nave been troubla over that. There cannot have ' I EKAL ESTATE POR SALE. HEW ?ttCBSrt. FRUIT ORCHARD ?s ^ff*?y*Jl?e *-* u<m. ;?rg? i?w. ftstrte^vk;."^.''- zz~%. -JP-Bkbt r.LLicyrr lii*,??..,,.,. ? t I-ON4. INLAND. COC?tTBT raorBKTY. 9*B*M\?*** '?**?*?*??? ??? *, ? -**Ty*>j?~p*i* Tin.?tuT ???Z'u ttt ?-s Baa?, ?.rrte? s? t? /U| ? fTtSti ato. WORK WANTED. "?mate TOt ?MI SIBL a?! ggs asrl-?. skssSS lia? ? ?... '?* ?'.- ?"????? a. Uai-l^r -!?"., - - 'HIMESTIC SITI'ATIONH WANTED. Female M "?? ?.. ? "??? ? ' ? ' ? >.?.? Maga 44 ' '? ? ?, ?41 i ,,, ltd s* i . .... ? ? ? '?riKI.? Mi .. A -.?,, ..... ' ? s? - - ?4 . > ? I . . II...?41 BIG WIM) OVERTURNING WAGONS AT BROOKLYN lili I Del'.. b?en any discussion over the fact that we are a German house, for ?re are not. We are Americans lirat of all and were all born in New York. Mr. Kur:, man is travelling with his United States passport, Ilk? any oth?r Ameri? can citizen. "I think that the offer of Paris house? to make a gown free of cost 1? an insult to Mrs. Gait," declared Mr. Kurzmau. "While we ar? particularly Bern to have her name come into the affair in this way, we have the utmost reason to be assured that Mrs. Gait in no way blame? us. She understands that the confidence she has reposed In us has been kept." White House Has No Comment; Not a Diplomatic Question Washington, Nov. 19.?While official circles here were Interested In the news from Paris that tha dressniftkrrs' syndicate had blacklisted a New York dealer said to have been commisslone?! to buy gowns for Mrs. Gait, the Pr?s? ident's fianc?e, the White House took no notice of the reports. It wo? gem?rally agreed by those ! who di?cu?sed the matter that there. was no possibility of a diplomntic question being raised. NEArI?AANE LEAVES 3 DEAD ? ontlntied from pa?? ' ?trat: TiktD to Btileri? HotplUl art'.h ?kail fractured. O ' ONNOR Kt'e ?JrcatrrtPur 154 ) r .-.; eliU) Sire?. S.own oT f?ei tt FortJ-Bfta Stree: tr.<1 Pars Arenue Tnunib fra PILLS, Mr?, Finale. 16^3 W??i?n|ton Avrrj?, The B:onx Blown fr-?m feat wM;? tuemp'.lni t.? crem ?TUy H?U PttK. Badly brulteO. BOMA.> tint:???. T4 Mulberry Nti??t. In? jured ti/ernt::/ whtn ?truck t>y faille? tUn it I. La'ivd?* Str??' TtJt?n !o liud?"ii Pire*! Ho? pVt!. SLANPOWiTZ, Atrti.nn. :ti Kut Houiton Kraal Tumbl*<l -an pttercer; "it:? '.??I?"? ?twin? rr,t chlBt? wbin ???on ctrryta| then ?u blown In'o ttrtaitctt ?t<1axi Aw.vji tr.t ?asbtf-IAlMh Street f;t ar.J IrulaasJ. TA.VNtNTJA' M, Frtcli, SOP Tut 10'IB B?N?t Right It? fraol'Jrtd whta wagai drlteo by Mm <?a? blown o*?" SININEV, Samuel. <5> Jerome Arrtt'it. Bro-Wm. CM by ?lasa <afej*a ?ttedeti- of -alio: ?r, ?;, a KroclHar ?rat blown In. Storm Came from Lake?. All Thursday the storm hrd btMB ! brewing in the West. Three separate storm centre.? were noted by the Weather Bureau, one overhanging Mar. itoha, another above Arkansas and the thin' over the m!d-Gulf coast. Within twenty-four !iour9 the storm centres had merged over Lhke Michigan and ; barometers along the Atlantic coast | were falling like plummets. As the ?tore tore eastward ?torm i warnings were ?et from Jacksonville i to Eastpoit. M<\ Passing over N'en ' York, the big wind boomeranged back. The manner of Its return wa? a? un? usual as the conditions under which it ; found force. The forerunning br?ese? of the ?torm '< bagan to drift off the sea at midnight At 8 o'clock in the morning gales were , general the full length of the coast. By 10 o'clock the i-torm wa? racing In? land at ?eventy-one miles an hour. A j half hour lat?r the seventy-two-mile notch was slipped. Three more miles ' 1 would have made the big wind a foil? | fledged hurricane But even without th? extra thref. mile? of velocity the storm wa? mat nifled Into ?omethint? better?or worse : I ?than a hurricane bv New York'? man- ' i mad? "eaves of the wind?." Driving lefore it a stinging rain that ' | ?wept the street? clean of humanity, ! the big wind to?sed cxpc?ed sign? from roof? and played billiards with ?uch minor movable object? of metropolitan flotsam a? ??treetcar? and drays Un? I w?ight?d p?de?trlan? who ?? entured 1 into such open space? as Citv Bal] p ? ? and the squares lying to i found themselves converted int? Im | ?arovlaed but fearsomely practical b? i ? ier-than-air flvlng machin??. Scores of pedestrians, chiefly women, were lifted from their feet and thrown t ?crawling in City Hall Park and t!.?> plaza in front of tha Municipal Build lng. Police reserves carried them into ? ubway kiosks and the public buildings to await ambulance? or to recover suf? ficiently to pur?ue thtlr journey? afoot Thousands of pane? of glass ware blown in and other thousands blown out to shower those In protected north and south th?proughfares. At the Manhattan terminal of the Brooklyn Bridge five wagons, one a United States mail cart, were lifted citar of the pavamtnt and smashed against th? we?t ?iurb. Under the arch of tha Municipal Building, perhaps the windiest of sil wind caves, a heavily loaded motor truck wa? picked up ami jammed against a streetcar. Although there were a number of pasenger? on the car, none was Injured. Because of th? number of person? who came to grief while attempting to pass r.longthe Centre Street side of the Municipal Building a ?^oad of policemen wa? de? tailed to divert pedestrian? to the com? paratively ?heltered Park Row ?Jde. In the harbor and adjacent water? I ?mall craft wer? the worxt sufferer?. I Around (..ty Ll.nd and further up the ?Sound1 many ve.ael. were torn from anchorage, the freUh?r ?, , ral S th? New York and Parte H,c. S,;Brn' ?hip Company, fouled th? i;r,,k freighter Andre?? (?trekl?. ?t anchor tatue of Liberty. No plate? '"" imsshsel on either ve???T, but of th? v./???dwf?rk and rails were npned off. The vaeather bureau experta another "?? i/ wind" to day, either from th? ?tit or ???.? uortbw??L It a ?torm I comes from th? latter quarter It may I bring with It some of the sr.ow which I fell in the lake region yesterday. Somewhere off the northwestern coast of Jer:-ey a barge Is believed to be in distress. Before a message con i ccrning the barg? had been completed the wire connecting the coast guard stations along the shore was snapped i and the telephone ?vent dead. The tank steamship Platuria fient a wireless call in the forenoon for two tugs to convoy - her to port. The Atlantic front of Long Island was battered all day by o sea which s??ept over the sand bars between Great South Bay and the ocean and set afloat many bathing houses and small summer cottagos. Jamaica Bay was likew'se flooded and many small bouts wero sunk. At Seabrifht. although a high surf ran all d.nv. little damage was done to cottages along the ?hore front. With th? falling of the wind In the early ?.f*ernoon it was believed all danger had passed. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts And Rerorda of the Last Twenty-four Hoars. v. uhlngton. No? II?Tr? ?sT?rs norm e? ?rar ?U .?? . bi, ?''?.-. ?1 to tr.? ??.??.-?) and ostrgpTsad Bag TroTlm-a of Ontirlo and ?Vest?rn Naw Ti?"*. I!.?, honorer, hiring pasatd t? TP.-.fl t!i? fle.1 at or.?erT?t!c.; High ?Inda gal.? is?? trrT?!'e<i ?Jong th? mill ? A- a?.M- - ??? a aaga*aS*g] ? ta .- ??. . ? ? batti a .... ..[,-. froat '-. ? a'otj -, r. ;'???:. ! .? 1.-. , '.-. *:. form t: ??!:. t: ? Istlrr : a? 'U'..-l II .now lr -.. Obla Vgllgf ar I . n ... :?? >?.:. --raifrst'ir. ? !"?? In fir. _'? >? I ?? ? ...,--. .??? ? ?'.:. h. ? ?? ? . - freal i '.?? ai pearcd In i!i? fgnadli Thsio . -, Is |a ;>?? r.ngtai.'t ?.-.?! ?r."H ?:?:? , i,.--a' ..jioa OUlWaM g?:?rt . fair v.. ail., r ?. . . >rr tenueinnr. !-. A'.?:.;'..' ..'.?i.-- ':?..?? S '?rru ?,?r..i.-?'i ara U??t?t*a sa Um AtlanUl cos,-, from N rrMll I? fc.a?!,>ort and ?a th? Qr.n Liare Wl.'.Js for BsturdW and Sunday?North AtianUc. strong ?ait to soatUasal ?l.iftlr.g |? we?-.., middle At ; ianilc. fresh, in ?tr :.? aottthwatt; south .?.llanU., freal: nut. out Uulf, :r.o,!t>i? ?? *?st; i?est Cult, light and ?arlab>, .?kit. ?,-uig r.ortiiwra'.. diminlihlr.i Ktr.r?!-.?' Bunds) with anew on m BMSor, i.u.-.hir:. Hi-.: god r.: r'.l.trn Mlrhlgan lower ?ai??. frt?h n strong louthwasl Be??.-. ??.. rm c?. tral to-nlgh'j u?rr l'Vf.m Lake i. . Forecait? for Special Localities.--fcajle . New York, fair on ec?t. rain and roolor Interior t)d?> to-morrow partly cloud?. l?V*-rni ind Indiana, rar". ?o a?] ?ad i" BE Botitlian. Nee fc.'.gi?.!'. pr" sI.1t raja a-.d colder . ? ' I ? ??,-; Virginia. ? : ?nlv ' ?".?? ,.:?>? at:, snow ?as!, v fair ?.:,'' ??rroe:, ??!-?< m New I rK rain I? .a,, Bfl ? ?.'v turning to an *. oidor. '?? ttasrrow tar' ? i li Ma?, and. Urglnia, Digtrkl of ( ...c :?. Xotth ?? . - Mh Camilla ai. I i.e..:sia fait a: 1 colder to-da>. i-j-moricw Harold Bailey, newsboy at Thirty-fourth Street an?1. Park Avenue, harvest? ing umbrellas after tic? storm. He saved many persons crossing the street from being blown under ears. Pennajltir.t? New J?r??t a-1 1>? i elf? ?a] ?a ! ?" !?.- ?'.? l?j mserom fair. r?'.:.?aaee an?! K'?i ttt k> ft:: to-<1a\ . I ic^rr n fair a ii ?a.-Tp.e V:,v??ni New K'-.?la .2 :i'.:i Uta ?armer In day ?o-morro? rloiady tiA roM'r Leoal OSWIel Rcertl. Tt ? Fi I -wl.vr ?""*? Id rr ? -1 from tb? Weftifr Bureau ?to?? th? ?et 1 tfaUpevtMir* f i lia? 1< pt.-tjon -"h Um impel U ? d?U I .?? ??tr l?lt. 1?P 3 t. m M It? S p. m I t m U I p m ? a n. ... i ii- ' 11 m . t- " Il p m 4 p m U H?e?.?.?. ,?n.p?ra :? . -'.? : ? I lotreat, a al. ?I t. aa.l .? r\g- ?_ ??M ?a? for corre t?e for | laat Uall Baroret?? R?adln?a. % a m :!'J : i a ? H I ?- ? Huml?Jlt> la" ?t 1 p m | S 9. ? L?o?l Forectat. rai le a? la-aMfTW p-:r.up1). atroii? ?n l Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. Ml MATIT.E ALMANAC ? 4 19; mofpi, a?t?. Jl' a a moon'? ?i? l'' III?; H WATHl a m r M R?. ;.S;M < 51 <J"Tem?pr ? Iain.a. * "1 Till ?^^^K. INCOMING STEAMEKS. in L>AT Tea*?'. 1 ? ' K|! f<l : V?rdl ..... r?lerreo.No? t ?Bff?'i.s?jord .Itfrseii.Not 10 Tokai Maru .I.lm?r1rli . Oct f? Hind a ....UUll .Nu? 1, iClon'.ta .L.y?rpool . No? 4 I.enceJiilaii.LMafM .Not ? lin Null.Beseeaui ..No? ? lx?~h Taj.Hjvrdam . . .'?'.? ?Vy ? Ath?n?.(li'.re?ar .No? % AilrtXii-e .. . ? I ? .... N"t II ?aarfa? . .taeaasaftD? ...... r?e? if Ct?r . I ? I nenblfh II. U. Or?.X?* e Mal . lip; . .Not S Nort>iem .lda.-??i;:e? .?~. '.i BINT-AY. NOVI.M11F.R 31. ? am.. lalrcoulb . N ? 1} I" ' :<J .t>:oa . O.t 3? ? ' ?ala . Mtcrpool .Nat | 1. ;r??adi . ?.I'tllar . M ? I Lt T.K' In i? ?:?? 'am . M ? ? Tnti. ..... II-.;? s t ; M ? ? lia?, a . Not lu 0?f?.hre .Mtin* . .*. ? | ' Mof.'rjtn-fy. Sa?ann?h . ..Noell Tint ..Grtecuct . N r? S MONDAT. NVIaTM.Ua. ?a ?S: Baal . . Lh??f*Ml .No? 14 ? 1.lln.-p.pol .Not 14 Bal a .OlbralUf .No*U TUrab.t. T?.-.erlrTe . No?, 4 1 .BJen? Ayre? ... Outil Ca.- '.'.a .?? Juua.Nr?lT II--. . ??i . Pou a . KevlT il. .Gu?n!? .No? !: Tt .? . fia'.ate'.on .Ne? M . Stw ?-irliaaat.No?i: I - ? ? . Q?lt?ttea .N ? :h RnbfTI . Bart'? lo? No? 14 ?hrinp mail. OtTCOINI. STEAMERS. To DAT. m? ? Tetpt \??.-' I-r rl.aa aal'?. r?: ??-.? i?-?-?:? 12 00 m - - B?raio?a H???n? .... I M an Bren*. Sai, J'ian. ? ''0 tm '.:??? H?i??r.dl?r Bornead? . f 00 tm II.Wh ?" Jla'ta . ? 0<J am 12 00? ?(?? ?.->:'>. .lan,?ia t to ?m U 00 rr i ?? of Bat?nala, ?t-tnnah. .. 1 ? , 1 ? le . . \;> ??,rt ls<' 1 ??> . Me , 0?l???t<an .- ! <il pir Saillie?, S'" "r.?ai? . - :3 0"tr Bl . -? I .a:. ' i?? Kl l'aeo. Ut]??'"? .?? 1144? 'lra>?Ofp. ?>?:. .Ijan. - 1. ''On Ke' I' ?. T.xpa .- . 00 p? il .- ;?rkimille . ? 1 00 m? ?TNDAY. NOVKM?laW U Mont/m?'. C09m t 00 ?m Il Mam monha? no\t:mhfji :i l-hi:?.>;ph:a. l?awsid ,!,"*'" 4 ,n?a 1 ?{?r?.- l <-.? r?- <? 1! 00 m h:?i.i,?rp il J<p??e? ????/.tin? 13 00 m " v- va TKAVsrXnFN NAILS. I <?ST : I Jap? c r.r.? ? til- ? Philippin? !?'? "la l?l? Beeialei ?Maniai Ma ni New '1 Jap? ? .,???. Ci.tna "la ???tU?! Bailo Men Vos n lia.? I r. ?en | ?? , '. ? " ? I Ha ?ail. Japan. ?'<.r?a ITaln? 'tie "an rr?:. p-laro, ?.,[?;. Mari *??'? '? <.u?m and PMIIppIr? i?:?u.'l? '?le eau fr?'. '1?<^)l r ? ?rai?p.?r l*>? I ?e?eil Philippine laland?. Pernean I? . la V.1..11? S.? /aeiaarl "'? ?ai- Ira?. r?tri ?larra lu? t TtJaUL ??? ? ?"ej, QmO Mm?I htO tmSf laid. Australia (?la BBS Francisco) ? II' ana ....... Da? I Ha.all. Ft'l ??lind?. Na? Zei.ani Australia i??a Van.-ju?.- and V.i.rla. ?I.?.:? Dec IT Awmri' ZuMs. la '.'i?'r-a Viw ' M%r? al:?> II I .-? ,? Il ai. I Ma.? ague/. i:i la BUaa 1>?.:?". A ? ?. ?xn mall? an ! n '-.- Bar at ?< ('.'. a m a - D ? ' Bas? II lag It--.."'.am Oct. :i ??? :?.? h Uaad A:...ri.a Lia? Bag at I a ai ll??e?n, Imum s,i- -? : ran li - . Ball )? "? : ? "- a :.-i ?? l.';?.. 's? i.-r,. . Ha- a' I It a la Mlritl J? re.- Bp?a . Ha.- I u 0 -t I' Tarra l-cia II, ? alia l? Il All , 13 an I I.:, ? ,1? *N*S?aSa V.? L! UM '.ai. -?. I BtalM Ha.- at 4 a m Aalja?? St :?' ?fell MS? If, to oo H?:ua??n Uft uuar at il H a ? 8tu.t/vu .Nor i arllf? Ort JO. to ruj-n?M, B*SBf A ? > H? Ilia Cta of ??rir. a.'. f-.T?!i No, 18, to th? ?' - S? .' ? :l Is?, g :ar a- 4 OS a m 1 El T?U?, (jalTiaion No? 13. u. th* Ro-.iu.oro I la- ' '?:-.?; n.i?? tiuar H I *] a m. H?/<?;.Ml (Mati 'Dr.. Now-pert Nesvi Nat ?4 I J M V .r.ot.rster A <'.? 1n hallaat. Lwft Quar ?' H' \ m Cul??? Br Min? Oat 31, M 3 fl BSJa -???1er H >?>. tB ball??'. ARrrieed al Li* Bar ?1 . ?..., re ?>rti (Itali, P?'?riT? Bag ' '" ?I -. A TVu.ia, with raai.? a.-.d nta Har ?I . ? ?'.tJI Sf Bueno? Asres <:???. . ' , 29. Ht- M 'ajMtj - Nor 3. Ba Ja i II I I ... A I? Me.5 -?ith r- u . u . i ? - ???:- ?? N?4i ? ? ? Old |. ? ? ?-.,!? arltti rod?, -juar a' 4 pi Br Brlitol Oet 1" ?r. i H??,...? N-. 4. ?', Jin.?* A-?- A OB ' . liar st 4 ? . I ',? .an? Br), Doraerar?, No? ". I'ttrbod ? 8. St Lai-'.i. *Jar.!ntqti? an1 I'otnin'a I I Antigua. 8t Kilt? and Moniawt' II >? ? ?'. 8i rwu 14. to th? y-iob?. Is Ob srfla BMSB He ???'.'. Waaataj Oinso I (Nor Bar?e<u *m :i to ?h? ! AUan'in rtMl? Co. tan fruit Bar gl 5 M p as HAn.g*D L'.rn-L.? (Ft:. Bordssui, Vanotla '1: . La I'-?'. Uoe; Jca-aph J Once?? iNor . PU.?l?lpl.l? Ftotvi ? Du-ker.bac-h. PM'.sJ?'.pl.!a I^ed Berte?- ? Itr M? ?rpooi. ?fl???u:-! Hr' lyilon,* Chart? u? and Ja-StooTlll?. JefftrK:,. Norfolk ail N.w pcrrl N'ow?. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ARBrVXD l'a lass its, ItS? II Itl***** Anutardain 'D ?'. M \?.i 1 - 'it r. ??rerdara Berg-? No, It K-iaUulafjord Qlgfl ?-? s?rk ??a K'-Vwa.: Hair- N >? M D?tog U'J iBrl. N?w To-. Turr? AnnunslaU. No? 1?- IBs? -. Ma ? lir). v.. rarl Narria N..? '? S??j^or.r.?t . Bn. N.w 1 Ni.t 1? Samian.1 B?.g) New V -? '.. ra i?f Not IT Hw.ria Vnn Sari, Ne? Tart f : Y,i4lT-<*tnr.k ... '. n 11 SIllwaBI 'Br>. N-, Y"rk ?la I.ltboo. etc. Hat-re. So? M Han???la.i 'Hrl. K?w TirV. R?j - .1 ? Br , N'.w Y-?rk'liai'ji ?. Ni?? I* A'ig?j?!? ' Bwfiit, l"?m ai, d in ? and Norf-lk ?la Klrk.aJ' Kw'ri'lin No? ll-ilUdruorag iBrl. Now Yort ?4A I'.m.m'h ? g-i. No? li--rr?.l?s-lk VII f Ihag ? -. ela kl.-kwal! Hu.l. N.w l? -Arlosto 'Bn. N?w To?l T?; al.UAna. No? 18 F?Kg-ano 'Bri Now Tort No? Il Chipai.a B- *??si Ti.-l? and Norfatl Hu> <i? i?-.?- \.w i4 Oa******aSj laBtaal IBjs ^lwk ?? I N*aif?U H?rgM.?.l r I ??r?en N-? 9 tr Ranhan. A ItorwsM. , Isa '!.?.*? ".-? ?? il IT n n :i I Ball (Juiraiti-,. a.- I '? f sj -tll.CT' <?.--' | N?, Inri, ? ? ? ? ? ...? a- II |l, <r SJ ?. T-.r" Annuaglsia No? M MajlantB if? \? 1 sS Olbraliat n Butt? .B?. ?ta?, v ^?:..'? l"a'' ? , rarl ? . lir' -.?. Y..-V for ?la/ M I rl?u? Saw II /?rapa Iftata '.? Vol. . ,? a .? , PAsstn aas*8BBa >??? U?BBsasBSSI ,Sn. A*? laia tag FORD SEEKS WILSON'S AID Will Irjre That United Statt? Join Noulral? In 1'eace < onferenra. I'-'.roit, Nov. 10. Henry Ford, auto moblls manufacturer, ?announced to? day that he would go to Washington .-?ooii ?and endeavor to discuss with President \V:l?on the plan to have the I'nited State? join a conference of neutral nations for the purpose of bringing about peace in Kurope. Mr. Ford'? announcement was made he had held a conference with Mme. Kosiko Schwimmer, of Budapegt, h.-ie in the interest? of the neu? tral nations' conference plan. He said he .as heartily in favor of the move? ment. New Wool worth Store. l.eoi. S. AltmfV- Edwurd .1. lloran Bad I Ihr Volzin? 4 Son have leate 1 ? n ear.? tii? tore and basement in the building r.t iMtf an?l ;<4rt "d av und 160 East B?tll st. Tie rental for the entire term - ggrezate? close to 1100,. The ta-asntS are F. W. Wooi '.ompany. BIG RISE IN 4TH AV. VALUES Blocks Worth $656,000 in 1903 Now Appraised at $1.810,000. REFLECTS EFFECT OF SUBWAYS ON GROWTH Industrial Survey There Made by Central Mercantile Association. Hloek? on F?.'irf-, av. whott build in?:? n''rage.! les? than four stories in height In IMf -iow nveruge eleven ?torie?. Th?' ?mints of 'he unimproved Und m- ?h? MON M< kfl *??/? ""?red from an aver?ee of 3C5?.001 a block in 190f> to an average of $1,810,000 a block. This romance ir. New York City real est?t?? Il brought out in the in? dustria; ?array 01" th;-. city made bv the ?antral Mi-rr;.nti!e Association. Thrtfl blocks -ere chos*n at random irom tarai Four.h av., whtfre the build ine development followed the opening of tho sub A-av. The blocks chosen were from IT'.h to 18th st.. from 27th to Ktth st. and from 31st to 32d st. I'n improved land \alues and the height? o' boil4ins*S on the avenue frontage fer ?905 and lt'15 wore compared. The average building on these blo??k? to dav i? throe times the height of the structur-t which stood there in 1905. There has been added |l,jlMtt to the value of each of theae block? on the average ?luring the decade. "To ?how one of the romance? o' New Von; real '??trite," says Dr. Henia niin V Rsstall, :h? ( ?ntral Mercantil? A??oc:ai:or'? eivic expert, "and at the ?ame time 'o reveal the effect of rapl?i trans;- J.< vloomi nt on city real e?t?te value-, the sssociation made a study of buildings anil values along the Fourth :iv. subway where it runs through what i? now one of the busy sectior? of the ;rr<\?:or city. "Tr>e ?e.?tior.s studied were taken a* random on fourth av. In ItOI ths most southerly or ths three blockt above BaSSOd ?ras oceup-od by build? ings which averaged tivp stories; the structure? or. the block between Wtb and 2ith st?. were typified by the three story building, as wh? the block from llsl to I2d st. In If?15 inspec? tion proved that the three blocks had soared in building height until the average stricture was. resperti\ely, seventeen, nine and ?even ?torie? on the several blocks. "The MS#flS4*d '?al'H'S of the ???'.im? proved land had alto inc:-ease?l r.'nr.rk ably during the decade. Ten year? ag) the throe block? were vaiue?i for BBSaaa* ment purposes at 1896,000, 1571,000and 1492,000. To-dav they are. raspactiTa* Iv, value,! at 12,026,000, 11392,000 nnd 11.498,000 a block. "This represent? an increase to ap? proximate^ three 'iine'' in former height of btiiliiings and in former land values in a ten-year period. Ir. other word?, the little buildings which st-iod this section in 1905 are buried, fig? uratively sneaking, ur.der rnodarn ?trueture? tarte times their height.'' Dr. Rastall predicts a Treat enhanc ment of valuer along Seventh ?.?? Bridesmaid and Best Man Wed. Oxford. X .1 ? N'ov. 19. While the woddinir guests were congratulating Mr. and Mr?. Erwin A. Bow-sman at the close of their weddinur ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mr?. Frederick H. Albright, parent? of the bride, last night. Ml?s Lydia lloke, of Somerville, the bridesmaid, and Frank Albright, best man and brother of the bride? groom, announce! that hey wanted to b* married. The Rev. M. L Andaries performed the ceremony at once. PIBE RECORD. A M : i Li? Bat ' ? Hi Ur,?a<. '.- Sll ?. I I? I 3 sal I i? a:. I Mtfe f... r^vel rraaafti ?'?> . ?tl?hl * 45-4411 Rar?;?? ar \ UirUnor? ?100 : is?4??9 3.1 a? I! Ctbtraaii I ?? I M 14T EilitVih ?t . 1' Ml ????.. ?ilih'. I? -??> tit rielar.-?-? ?? I. Mrti-l.-r, Irtfllng M ." Kin ?tri far pv. ?M? ira.?, lv'h ?L ?nil <s/ma pi., Ii. ?-rb->r'?.iah. tritt?-a r m I 10 IS? Batlnd i. ?? Ktv ? Coin?, - - im nee. i ? Vito S'ei 3 M?Hm??1w?i t I Wal ? H Sn Tort Hall ??ty ?'oir,p?nr, ?rifltri? 4 .?iv- Hin UV?.taltifton a. ; I. \\r-\. --A'-.i lit rrttl'n? I! - H'lTmnn. Irlllliig It? Kaa' ITS?* ?: . >('. Ullrph?; MS i ? ,>t 117th ?'.; luiio.-t Beffraaa Irl -. i ? ; :?i Weal tSUi :? . jr-jerti Daa? MSaaB RESORTS. RESORTS. Atlantic atym T?\cRov?1 Gerne ijvtfvcRig?vtPl?CC A brilliant BtOTBinf*, a salty air like a strength? ening tonic MBlirU" straight from the ocean, and the links in perfect condition. What more can the of man desire? And this i? only one of the manya tions to be er.joved in Atlantic City, the popular All-the-Year Resort of the World. THE LEADING HOUSCS ARE ALWAYS OPEN And will furr lall full information, rato?, ?to., on arphratioa ' ilot.'s ar? al'. Arr-ricati Piar., .nlsgs otherwise reeled > Hntrl Dennis Ob th? Front WaU?r J. Htn-by Galen H-tll tlotrl St. Charles. The Shetburne ' I tas O ran Front N?w!in Mai'.ra Co. Mo -I Strand nit-? Oe??ri Fr?. r. B ?lt and II. C Edwards On th? Ocean Kiin Marlbororjh F'rr?'f.rnl ()? tr. rkggjgu An.eri.-sr. ? I Eutopoaa < I 1 total '.v.-. ?? * Bet ? Cas, ' BaasaalaTlfla Onlr Hire.? ii..u.-? fr -m Now V..rk City via 4 ENTRAI of N. ,!.. or PKsNA. B. It. Consul l?val tlekel agants for further Information. 1 The Wiltshire 'Centrs Enrocan Piar J. WaessT. Mgr Seaside- house Or, th* Ocean Fren F P Coi??? So-s The Holmhurst <.>nt!-?l . Near Hear H.rry Darnell Motel Chelsea Near Beaclyj Or th. O ?an Front J B Th. mrwnlf a. n Galen Hall in Hbf Mountains WERNERSV1LHL, PA. W'ber? Winter Da... are Full of Ckarsa Feservitioni for THANKSGIVING Should be midf now. THE ADLER TRIO WILL BE THERE. HOWARD M V/lila). Mgr OAUKM Moi NT.tIN CO. f i. T. uria Oeaeral M?nag.r N. Y. OSc? 141 3th Ave. Plus Mag. U- 8339 l?l? KAOINO RrSOJtr MOTfl Of THf WORID onar?corOiifiii^Kn?i,iiii a n.ANTii CITY? >. J. o*si ???< ? giaioiNiat JOS'AH ?VMITC 4 SONS COMPANY Ml BICAL INSTRUCTION. INSTITUTE of MUSICAL ART ?.f the I'll? of RatS TorL fa ?-??/,....? .''iriol f.-iik r>ri'ii>oarri,r)te?rl?. ?? ?If. r ?rural a'lllt, snd ??rn??t p?iroo?? 4 : ?r? ?? ?I ? ? Icon :|h and ? .mrnher at?? i ? ? M'irai-H. ?:? .1 going abroad Eit? el..?,.i i. d ei1'.??t arttbtsM tho'igl.i ?' araSl Lha I ?ti' .t? raamaisiti nt ??,?',.? r srtlst ? . , ':??? |rl??'. ..ill? prohlhlilT? Fees ??, mn?ler?t? ?nd uniform Kl'glhk, atsalaati -?.?iTr.l a. ?a a:- i?, .'?tur B?r.lai?. Baas UAV Ha aaBBBBBsBBl A? M.TC TRAYMOREaaSr?, INSTK! '<* TION. NEW t'OMt? Manliallaaii. The Berlitz School of Lnn^uaces, t?r IS-? WEST MtS STREET. t IT?r>m Bra:, a. ?! Ul a At? .? Bmo'.Hn BrtVBeli III ..?o Latin?te? SI PMlidelpfcU. Ulli a ' i.tai- ul *<?? l:iK?r B 4i ) riaaaea i?.???a lea.. ?- l'a? a 1 ?>?..u.?. :x)i M)-1? i?:s. MOM? SCHOOL ?f LANGUAGES t?l atBalljUB Av. 200 W 7?d St. Hr-iant S? boni for fttaunmrrlnf. Raliabl? educational mathotla; tn??t r??ulta Hooklet ttOO. Eat. IMS. M V?. 40th St DANtlNO. .-LOUIS H. CHALIF-, I Graduate Russian Imp?rial Ballet Sthoo!, r?rai>rp-.ll? teai-tie* ?.??-lier, and .nit teure, lulcrprrti??", etlhellr, rarial .and all-..em darning In dally aind aarekly rot?'?*? H.-.n htir. -. ?t?l 4?<i Ht? N. T. DANCING CARNIVAL. ^Xn'^ ? ????trig, tin-liidlr.?- Sun.1?.'cut ral Pa'apf. l.?iln?t?.n av : uaa 4Sth ?I ?nt'tnrt No II?, or -..l.l BCROOL AGENCIO. %m?rl< an ?and Foreign Tearlier?' Agency.? 1?-ippr,.a Prnfewoi? Ttaeft ra I 1er? Gev?rn??a?a, ?I?*-, m ?'nil??"? B<ho<M? and (-'?mill?? Apply lo Mr? a? J. tUCNU * L'a.71.?I 11 LaJna )aua-?. BTJY BROOKLYN BLOC? Apartments and Storea To Be Ballt on rite. Louis Gold end Somue' Teplitx have purchased the cntira block bstween ?Oth and 61?t it >. end Tth and 8th aw, Brooklyn on wl eh thev will erect apartments and ?tore bui'dlnga. This plot is ?tear th? -*w subway. The cor.struct'on alone will involve over $300.000. 4 Sha.npan ru?e prepared ' plans for five story apartment build? ings to be eree'ed on a plot 103x91 feet, on the south tide ot Kings High? way. 12 f?et ni *n of Ea?t 13th ?t. for the I.ancast rshire Realty Com? pany, as owner*. Johnston 4 CfoeB** havi sold for the Eagle Savings laJ Loan Company of Brookly i the property formerly kno?vi as Nichelson's property, on the south erly ?ide of 83d at. between Mtk an-l St llerell aves., u ?.dward F Renner. Ilenrv Pierso i 4 Co. It.?'., have ?oil KM Park PlaeS, rear Vandvrbilt av.. a 'iveHint* home, for Marv Nolan; 103 St. James Plac?. n?ar C?reer.e av., a dwelling; house, tit J. G. Dobson. and 1'.0 Underbill a? near Purk Place, a dwelling house, for Marie Kraemer. ESTAlTT?L?S $150,000 SITE Property the Wilson Par? cel, Adjoining Guaranty Building Plot. A sale of property in 48d st.. east of ? the Guaran?; Trust Building, which on Thursday figured in a $7,000,000 ex? change, was :he feature of the realty market yeiterday. This transaction was negotiated by the Douglas Robinson, Charlea S Brown Company, the property sold b' ire 4 East 43d st., for the est?t? of R. T. Wilaon to Kleifl 4 Jackson. The property ha* been held by the Wilson estate at $.50.000. It ?? 25 faet front by 65 feet In depth*. Separating this parcel from the Guaranty Trust Company Building, at 43d st. and 5th av . is a 10-foot alley, to which Klein 4 Jackion have acquired a one-third in? terest In the fee. This Insures per? manent light and air, and makes the property virtually a corner. Tne purchasers intend to erect a si?: story building of artistic dssign. for ?vhlch, it is said, the plans are al? ready In preparation. Tho attorney:? iepres*r.t'.r:? the Wilson estate were Edwsrtia 4 Carter, and Stcddard 4 Mark represented the buyers. SBTH ST. The Atlantic National Bank baa sold the four story and base? ment ??veiling at 50 East 69th st., on. a lot ItalOsLI feet, located 81 feet west of Park a1 The house formerly be? longed to Seth B. Robinson, und was laid m foreclosure last July, a repr?? sentative of the bank bidding in the property for $64,700. It is diagonally opposite the palatial home of Commodore Arthur Curt?as Jantsa, which, with the residence of Oaowa Blumcnthal, occupies the we?t trlv Park av. front between 69th and 70th ?ts. YER.M1LYEA AV. The Aldus Con? struction Company sold to an investor the new five story' apartment house on the ??-est block front of Vermilyea av., let?veeii Isham and 211th ?ta. The frontage is 14?? feet on the avenue. 91.6 feet in tilth Bt. ar.d 75 l'eet in Isham st.. ?vith a rear line of 95 feet. CROTONA AV. William L>. McDon? nell Bold to ar. investor for the I, K M. Bnilding Campan** ZS1I Crotoaa ???. a f. nr iton flat, !7.Sx80xM feet BAB1 lr-'U.? .ST. rVUllsBs D. McDon? nell ?ol?. for f, Glannone 747 Eagt 183d i it., a two story one family house, on a : .t '/.6x?0 feet. Sales at Auction. a-, i? wam ?*??1 By Henry BraJy. 27TH ST. 3?5 317 B r. I 115 ? of 8til a?, 4; ?? - I "?i | ? . i i is?? .I'Tgi ?ol is!? Kaoclwd J. -v.. a; |81 Me? I28TH ST, t:4 L. ? s. 100 ft w of 8d a?. 19.*g Ht.ll; 3 sly dvig. " .;'.. Irgsra By Ju-eph 1? Dst l.RANO ST. SSI ? SI CM U ro.->ar? ?I. 13.8? .'?- ?? '.nrut gad ?-...res T.. "... ? alnUff for 111 '?'.'.' ?TH AV, rt, ? - '?I, ft .. ot 11th *'.. l?li'.OO. Ian .:?..,- ft h? i..?in!lrl tog Ill.uOu 41 I he llrcr.x Exchsr.g? Bt 1? Ua>. i;6Th st. IM ?. a ? rl I ft ? tf craSsai a, ;o? :'. 4 ; st> !'?? T.. ?).? gtaloltIT for ft US wse av, ? ?. Il B ? of i?:?t ?L :3iico. racial ? ? - ?I .'?: l!v Mr:in Bia !.. 22C.TH ST. tit I ? I ' ,1 ft *? *" Rroti-sotvl ?? -,;:i r., gg it.-- ?. Bf si u.a ", ' let 18.878 H O art? A Herrlai CITY ISLAND AV. 8TI Bridas ? ? ? fl I sm ?t?li, .: ,r I ktlnn?/ord ??? '-?'7\;r'..' .i fl3 I C UM t.aintlff !? i >'." ? AOMTYIN BUSINESS ZONES Roggen Brothers Rent 32,000 Square Feet of Space Downtown. Roggen Brother?, mar ?ifacturer? ol ?hirts, have leased 12,000 square f??t of spac? in the remodelled building? 649 to 665 Broadway. In connection with the lease closed (art week for the property i? and 44 W? t iJ2d ?t., on which a fireproof buinling i? to be erected by S'ordyk? A Marmon, Inc., the Cros? & Brotan Com? pany ha? closed un additional lor.( t?rm lease for the o?m?ra of th? land, the McAlliater estate, of Philad?lphiaV Thomas 4 Eckerson repre??nting th? McAlli?'?r estate in the t.-an?action. Th? Cross A Brown I also lea?ed the eleventh '.oft of 145 lnd 147 W??t 28th ?t. to W. Philip? ? Co. for a term of years for the M?nr*y Company; alio the third loft m th? building SO and 82 4th av. to Bonn ? Rieckei for William H. Whiting A Co, agents. Burton Thompson * Co., Inc., har? leased to Rosa Bptrrak a ?hop on th? Broadway love! of the Standard Ar? cade, at 50 Broadway. Pea*e ? EU ?BUM ha**S leased to Har wood, retail clothiers, the entire thr?e etory building at 1212 Hroadway fer F.. T. Ward, a? agent, at an aggr?gat? rental for the term of about *50,?XK), also lensed for R. M. Haan a loft. 25? 100 f?et, in 674 5th av.. to J. B?ron? A Co.. ladi??' tailor?; nlso lea:cd office? in the Feas? & Ellimar. Build Big, at S4fl Madison av., to the llo>phane (,|g?a Company ! \'?n Norden A Wilson h?v? rented office space in 180 Broadway to ]. C, (?ardiner, George h. Eatoa, John A. Donegan and S. L. Peyser, and h?v? leased ?pac? In 74 Broadway to (?ret:, Cran? A Webb, and additional sptce to C. J. Halsted, Kerr ? Co. and J Will? Ho.!' Tuckor, Speyers & ( o \etac for the Siebreeht Realty Corporator the ?ntire corner on the aecond floor, together with an office atj ."?th ?v, ?> the building at 426 Bth av., st a rta?l aggregating about |100 Malcolm E. Smith ? Co., a? agent-, have leased through L. Ki: man & Co. the entire top floor of 7;i 5th av. to Max Horwitz for h t?rm .?f years. I.oui? Kempner & Boa bars le*?-d for the 9?Sth .Street ?n<l Rroada.-y Rcalty Company a ? |q t'i? Riverside Theatre Building to Hr. S. Neuman, dentist. Charlea B. Van Vaien has '.-asi-d th? third loft at 43 We.t 17m st toSchart. man & Xiedelinan. ? ?tor? it 148 W ??t 19th st. to J. Frankel and with th? Bur? ton Thompson Canaan} store I in th? Standard Arcade to John GilbatAl C?ntala 4 Liiinekin h?\?> ?oa-eel for the Cros? & Brown Compati) th? third floor in 149 Weal Btfth it . and not ? floor la 18 Eas' 41 st it , .-?- rapartsd. M. & L Hess. Ib? . fin i th? nrrn ?j Leonard J. Carpenter hav? !r?ied th? f.fth floor in the remodelled Flint Puildinsr. at 4.'! to 47 We ? :'.,,) si., run? ning through the block to 24 to 2> West 21th st., containing approxi? mately 12,000 square feet, for a term of year? at an ??vgiegate rental of ?40,000. Tl.e le:-?i>c is Favor Ruh] ?4 < o., I sale dealers in arti-ts' materials and stationer?' specialties, f.,r man) ] located ?t 7:< Barcia tak? passassion of the new quar'" BOta? lime in December. -a> City Dwelling Leasc-s. Dcufrlas L Elli ...m ?it ? ?. hart letsti for a Ion?/ term of years i-.r ,Vr?. J> ?ephine Drexel Hcry 157 East list St, a dwelli ig house-, or a lot l'ixlOO feet. to Robert Burrju^h?. Slawson & Hobbs have ler.ted fat Charles A. Mille, ?o F. A. Nedwell 1?1 West 72d ?t. New Building Plans. Manhattan 820 ST < Iff ;'??'? ? . at) ?at I ? .'??:?; .-. i R?-?. owner; Beb I ? IIOTM ST. S |? SS W; for 1 SO. ItuaalT Uta-, ? i. " . oiane?. Uroner.ber? A I/ . Alterations. Manhattnn. t;o ST ? I ' . a ? f. -- ? ?a ? ?r I II A A Wtrr I' tia-hta; BROADWAY. ? a I?7.S fr n of Bl arv ?tor? tn.i r r?r?l'?. .'?? ?t i il - arcU. UNDER THE AMERICAN FLaQ SPECIAL SAILING To Falmouth and London American Steamer MO Feet Lor,* * ' C 1 V%1 ** V\ A9 9 '^ ^ ^'"'^ M Fee, Brosd f I M I d I I U HM Ton? Regluer Tuesday, November 30, A!?u I rom Pier 61. North Fiver. New York AMERICAN LI NE O F FIC E 'STtS CUNARD EgfdftfMftrrI 181/ EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Orduna .Sat..Dec. 4.10A.M. ? AMCBONIA .FUI . DPC IS, ? P M. -r<n?;|A ...SAT, DK<- 85. 10 A. M ?Ti s.- vM ? ... FUI., DEC 31, * P M ORDUNA BAT 'AN- ?. 10 A. M ?Bu Hou'e le O'asgow ROUND 'I1F. tt41BI.ll TOl'BS , as Ia' All ix.rt* "' *.h? ***IM COMPANY 8 OFFICE ? lift STATE ST.. H. V. The pufcllc b? pleased. BOSTON $2.65 ?ta I'- it and Ball. UOIMi TRIP. la. 15. PROVIDENCE ,,";?;. $1.60 not nu tair. isoo. Colonial Line Piral ilasa servKe ?AeeB <la>a and ?*Jn? .1. a at " 1' M trom Pier $8. N B,. f ..? \v. st Itnuston St. All Outaid? llminaa. 81.00 lo 11.04). U .relea? equipment. Up toA!. >?::?? Urnadwgy and -la ?t. Phon?, ?-print?B*9I. FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $3.03 ? ?- PlFtP. 14. M R.. ft. Fulton St, Dallr. a? 00 1' M. New London (Norwich) Lin?! Lv. I".?r 40, N ;> f' Houaton Hi , w??k .?.?;.? onljr, >, .80 P. M . Pl?r 70. K. K.. ft- ? :id St. ? oo P M I ni rSlfoi ST\TKrti)4)MH. 11.00. Dally. In.In,ling Sunday. 5:00 p m. I Fr-ir, r".f 18. B n TW.? J'OO B??k?a*n I ' I- r..|.. ,>?.,. .,? nr^,^?,r N I I; ..???-. T ?.I !>?*,.., W ??. ?nd ^d HI I II' THF ilt'DHON NIMltY. 'Newrtuegh ' lor liigli..u,d K?l!a. ? H?.,.-on and return. lion Franklin ?? . 0, \V 118 St. 8 30 A M K.a'aiirant lunch roota ( K.NTBAI. HI DBON MNF-. N.wb'.rgh I'oughkwpaj?. ktngat? rranklln St 4 W. LMU SL. ill P M. Tai 44 I l-ranitiia. AMERICAN LINE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag R, Y.?Liverpool?Piar 62. N. R, N?? Phllia.lclphlit .Not. ?? ?Flnliin I >"?? ** HI. Paul Not. ?7 New V? rU I"' * ?10 A.M. For Ptalinoiith ami I "niton WHITE STAR UNE N.V.?Liverpool?Pier 60. NR.. Ifi B?ltle lie? 1 \ilrlallr 1??K " Ar ores?-(libra! tar?Naples?fleno? ' Crrtlc, Dec. IL 10 A. M. ( auiopif. J?a ? , OmtZL?BVi \t. N. Y. Tel ?<>00 tttr\?> FRENCH LINE < om:???j>il? (,. nrrnlr Tran*atlaat'<l'>? POSTAI. KP.KW? F Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE .... Nov. 20, 3 P. M LA TOURAINE, - ? Nov. 27, 3 P. ?J ROCHAMBEAU, - ? Dec 4. 3 P M LAFAYETTE, - ? - Dec. ,1.3 P.M. POR INFVpKMATI' N AITI.T ^ COMPANY'SOFFICE, ??wW.wLg? RED "D" UNE r? ,/ V HIJA,. \.? :? MAIU? AU'" '" romoW.sslmW^' ' - ?? BRAZIL o^V-l^:^Battes B?J.'.:?. ??an fr?, ?-??a v af#, LLOYD fBAXILCIBO. 17 State SI. N. T. vv OLIt DOMISIOS M*?B BUSINESS CARDS. R? ? ? .. N-?i ?.TNT A F,,ST ' ,,',"'?,.VV,i* M Wo- ?tatiser?, UTRI.rTS J ?tlWT ? t| Pr-?l??rf St Rrpvli'jr. ? AHM I I. lARPKT ?HAMM. CO -?J? ,. .i>anpnv??xl tl?. ?learn hanil ?r ,!v'."'?Vi . wT Br,-.a.!>>a>, 4?I Kaat ???!> .? ? '?? * Of T?! :?! Mil? ? Ml'I.TI.'.KAI'II TYI'IWUITTKN I >TT>jKS -?"?? list i o?e. ilTj. i???)??). **HJi!u-u.. ?ArATIIUal'oRD, l-'u Br??a?a> ?fcqultat'l- ???? Roa.? I l?l fcMor 454* I ~~"7??\% r?5Ek ( ARPFT nTAStNO WO*aT .?Meet I..???.- Mata? v ^'rn. .RrEa>. /ISTf mt.M \\OViN IK??I ? ?!' ViVniltr. 1 r,|.??i R?a*t.??l?. .^ri'^?W??? IM. t??: twJ aVraak ?TA? *** ?? ?