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November Bord Circular V.r ? ,1 !./? (,!-a?rd ti ?end a \ vrmSer General Bun?! Circalai lo ioveslon oe re quen bUi ittt nl?e? a coiri[iirlirn? ve I ?? of carefully ?e lecled SBOaiopaa, i?ilr? al and pub? lic ul.'ilv i lip ration bondi,which we recommend (or investment. Send for Geneiid virular 9) Karris, Forbes & Co Bin* BtT*e?, Corner William NEW YORK We Offer ?Jar.adian Long and Short Municipal Bonds To Yic?d 51 to 6? o Cuentan ?/? xn/riitation. W. i. Ooler & Co. OAR STREET EW YORK WE TRADE IN Inter'l Mercantile Marine Mir'vale Stec! Peerless T:_c Hendee Mir Victoria Oii Submarine Btftt atltkfl 'i;>r>n r? Marke) Rerlee C.W. HARRIS & CO. ? 50 IPf?D ST., M. ... ,'.:; "rm-e ??_2__n_I!!__^^ a??dard Oil iecurities FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. ??Bon. Bread sun. so Beoai st.. New York. fT?Ttti? ?-'.?..???? t.. WmXcrn .? I Phlad-lphla. STANDARD O ?\ BralDI tRIEX -I ?*> KM Ml oc Pli.Mfta'inv ?ii n -r?K K CARLH.PFOR_HEIMER&CO. 1'1,..:?, (- . . . 11! Mal Si N Y. If you are interested in Buying Stocks and Bond* Write for FREE BOOKLET X 2 pi i rtlal Piv. SHELDON. MORGAN & CO/ i ei kotafe, tl BrvadWajr, N.? York. Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Nassau & Cedar Streets, New York M Phlladslpbla K'atou LondoD Amer. Gas & Electric Co. Amer. Power & Light Co. Cities Service Co. Pacific Gas & Else. Co. Standard Gas & Elec. Co. Utah Securities Corp. Western Power Co. Binghamton Gas Works 1st 5s, 1938 Consolidated Gas (N. J.) 5s, 1936 Madison ? Wis. ) Gas & Elec. 1st 6s, 1926 Lamarche & Coady Phone 9970 Rector 14 Wall St. American Brass Co. Aetna Explosives Co. Babcock & Wilcox Du Pont-Hercules-Atlas Nilt'S-B ment Pond Com. Safety Car Htg. & Ltg. Singer Manufacturing Co. Yale & Towne Lamarche & Coady Phone 9970 Rector. 14 Wall St. Maxim Munitions Corporation J. ROBINSON DIIFF, ' ?ne i 61 Broadway. N. Y. DIVIDEMM \m. Iniiki,| UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. * ?|<iart??rl> III? Wir?,| ,,f ..... r?..n?r. ?-?Mi, ,?r .,,_,, OB . ?? D.I. I-*?? V'.rk Ml .,.1?. Janimrr ?, |?m ,,", ? ? ? lh< '? "? i tern* m? 'livid.,,t\ . ? -I tr,,,n ipoti ?p. :-asurar. ? ? BIIKHI S"K ? <<M<? N-M? Mil K? ??VITA VV I'ftrrr,.! -?'.. k f<l? l<!?-i.i| N., ",?. a , "A of 1U p?r i - Tr*f*rt?A tctmbet ,? I ... ? \i*. r;n ?i A M ' ?. r/iali"i *. Jt. V. I .-. ....-._ s? REVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL WEEK Stocks Malt and Become Uncertain?Market for Bonds Still Strong. DOUBT OF NATURE OF BUSINESS UPTURN Profits from War Need Careful Handling - Long Term In? vestment Better. As securities halted last week and became uncertain there was more dis? position to question the nature of this ' present commercial prosperity of which | the rise in securities had been a fore ' runner. Could it be a permanent up? turn in business, it was asked, ?vhich had been stimulated by war's demands, ?vhich existed while the world's wealth was being wasted in conflict and which faced the years of readjustment that, mu?t come with peace ? Evidence from every side that the tide of trade ?vns at the flood appeared to some merely the beginning of inflation that would make settlement more difficult when the war ??as i An opportunity, one of the greatest ever given to any nation, has been Placed la our hands by this world ??ar. and we may turn it to incalculable benefit to ourselves and to the rest of mankind. The truth would seem to be that our continued progress rests with ourselves. A? we use to advan? tage the good that comes to us from Europe'? misfortune, wp will be In posi? tion to resist the iinsettlement that is to lie expected when it is the needs of a world bent on repairing war's waste are must supply. If we keep our bal? ance, are not led into extravagance by unusual profit and maintain at its best the ordinary business of the ration, we should he able to meet the years after the war with ??hat, compnred with the rest of the world, will .- e? in like continued prosperity Of the gold that is coming to us from other nations, a tangible sign of our strength, such part ??ill later remain ?vith us as our legitimate needs re? quire. Used as a basis for credits that develop our resources and that repur rhas?. from abroad evidence of our debt in our stork? and bonds, the gold will : employed. Concentrated through c ur new banking system it may enable i u. to make the bill on New York take i its place permanently beside the bill 1 on London in financing the trade of the world. Used in reckless capitalization of temporary profita it may easily be called back when the trade from ?vhich profits arose has ceased. Public Less In Stocks. How wisely we use our fortune will be evident later. The great conflict, it would appear, has still long to run. and we must carry on our affairs in ac? cordance ?vith the abnormal needs and conditions it has created. The securi? ties market, suffering from a surfeit of prosperity, Will no doubt have adjusted ii? affairs and indulge in ne?v excess before long. It may be hoped, how? ever, that the uncertain basis on ?vhich war profits rest will not be quite for? gotten. Lor the present 'he great specula ' re public seems to be keeping away , from the market. War stocks, having proved they could fall as easily as they roee, have lael their appeal. Reports of improvement ifl the market for me? tallic copper failed to furnish lasting stimulus to security trading. Exports of copper are large, 10,000 tons for the ?veek ended Thursday, ?gainst 5,r<00 and J.500 for the two week?, preceding. The large selling ageneiei advanced their price to 19 i eenta s pound and reports of a big domestic demand for the metal ware current. With improved methods of produc? tion, such high prices for the metal shoultl mean larg.- profita for estab? lished compel lea The**** are, how? ever, no longer public statistics of of metal on hand and of production to ?how the condition In the copper mar? ket, and these reports of improvement failed to carry complete conviction to trader.?. Copper stocks early in the week rose, in some cases to their high OOt ever recorded, but they gave way rather easily later as trader? took profits or sold short. The ?.ar stocks proper, steel com? panies, equipment concerns engaged in ordnance work arid so on were de? cidedly unstabil. Though in many in? stances it was sho?vn they could be advanced without much trouble by those interested in their market course, it became increasingly d to distribute stocks at high level?. In? dustrials no* directly interested in war contracts did better. The petroleum issues CHme into some prominence as' prices for crude oil advanced. Kailroads lairry Firm. The railroad list gave a fairly good account of itself, prices improved slow ly, but holding well as investment buy ing ?va? more than sufficient to ab? sorb such part of the stock returned from the other side as reached the market. Railroad earning? all over the country grow more favorable. Com? modities are being moved in greatel ?illume to meet the suddenly expand? ing need-? of business, and this means more traffic foi the railroad -. I-rom this grail in gross receipt?, some im provement ifl rate? and the more effi? cient antl economical conduct of bus! r reread on railroad executires in recent months means a large propor? tion saved for net. November is pasing without the cus? tomary check to security trading caused liv stringency of funds from crop mov ? | demand. The interior has been aide to finance the greater part of its ewfl needs this season. Here call loans ????re. made at from I '-7 to t per cent. 1 irne loans on collateral made last ?eek as low at 21-, per cent for sixty dayi and '_'?? for six months. Mercan rer of the best quality ??as taken per cent,or less, for the short turitii This great abundance of money is till principally Available onlj time accommodation. The ? ? i r t . ?? term Investment cont ?ras that promise opportunity of uausual profit and re organizations and merger? of existing Companies v.I,,eh are doing largoi b ? ness because of the war are drawing ? on the supply of available capital. The needs of warfare, with the urgent de? mand and prompt payment by bellig erent nations, have brought greater chance than u?iia! for such ventures to attain temporary success. What will be the condition when readjustment comes after the ??ar i? Another que t ion. Investment (?.ndition- Heiter. Ordinary small industrial concerns whose issue? are not dealt in ?,, the lecurit) exchanges are finding it prar tieally hapoaeible to market their bonds ea any reasonable basis. War logo?, ho?vever, have largely fallen late a class by themgelve?, Hnd much less than expected have increased the yield, on ll.ted bond. The nation, however,' , ?till shows the shock of war in un willinj?n-*s of our people to intrust ' their savings for long periods at a ! ' ??d rate of return. Vet, as institution? and individual?, become H'gsati?fled with holding idle' th?ir ?UL'lus fund?, the bond market! bas grown notably strong. Particular ly ia this true for under'yinir invest? ment iieue? of strong railroaii?. vkieh Have Be Improved from las ? r ,?-i - thai thi y are i ? -? . of before the war. The be -ir?- limit?-?) in amount si I ? e>. . RTi'l con- i serval si boyen The ?up-, ply that COmei te BS from Kurope i? not now -T'jfficif-n? U> meet ?uch neeilv Improvement is no? confined to the?, gilt-edged ??sues. Railroad hond?. let?. ?v?!l aeeared and railroad stock have row made ?Treat recovery from their lowest of the year. There is consid-] arable new financing to be done by the| carriers, and the January reinvestment period is expected to pee a large num? ber of new bond issues put out In the bond houses it is trious:!?' 'hat soma one large surce*?ful offering by n ?tronp road might, as on previous occasions, hrintr out a large amount of investment buyir.: Proceeds of the Anglo-French loan arara asada available fei payments here. relieviag the ?'xchange market ef that much pressure. There wa? also ac? complished ?in arrangement hetween New York and London banks for ?teadyii g exchange through credits here the amour.* $00.000.000 to ?tnrt with. Exchange on London and Paru recover?;! promptly, demand sterling selling above 4.70 In the pound aga;n. Hanker-- supported 'he market and bills irare nol pressed for sale. [yondon and Fxchange Rate?. British aothorlties give evidence n' eoneern over the unfavorable c* changes, of which that an *' i coun? try is most conspicuous, To attract purchasing from abroad to future erar loans ili.'v will be made fm,. of In tax t?? fort'iirn holders ?\dd tionnl means of send market our secui ' are being Much aalnipg must be so owned that tl ? ? ly be drae " oat. The obvious method of s si <?? ob ln?*ome from foreign securities will not be used until II essary, for such discrimination would seriously ?'and ?n the are] of ' resuming: her position as n great in? ternational investment market. Securities returned. credits obtained and gold shipped might well be suf- : flcient t'i take care of the government purchnsos of (?rent Britain and her ; Allies. The arrangements through which golrl holdings of France and Rus? sia were to be placed at the disposal of] Great Britain for war Aaaaetng ha far as ha? beer, announced, as yet, been rn!l?'?l upon to only a small extent It is not, however, ?jovernment buy me alone thai hai lowered sterling ? ?'? ? here. Private purchases In this country greatly exceed British shipments tooor shore?, and eUStOBSBry offsets of our travellers' expenditures and our other payments no laager til! the ??ap. Brit? ish publications contain IDgg? thai Import duties on luxuries ms ?luce such buying abroad This would he merely attackiag a symptom and leaving tin eaaac untouched. Kxpan sion of currency and credit In Great Britain would? according to rule. make. :' b profitable countav te sell te and a. poor country to buy from. While deduction? from prices are ' often unsatisfactory, their course in j Fngland appears to be in accordance with thil rule. Complaints are seen in I publication- received here by mail that the sovereign has the purchasing power of only I?; shillings. A standard index ligure of commodity pnce- received by cable from London shours a ris.- of one third since just before tha war. With such evidence of inflation and gold bo nc unrestricted from Lon don, exi I ai gi ratei 'nay be expect? I I continue unfavorable to thai eentre. - An Es? i . .,??? . . - Pax?, i. ? Bowel v . ?"'? It vaut fmk II? rovers l? ?'l.aae . IM Cl ut ,t P ? ? ' ? i . ?'it Cant Nat IM Cits . Ml H\Nk STOCKS. las i ? er - - Irving Nut .. ? Us ft M .. ?ntV ... : . oal & Ii N 1?'' ITI ' Vork Co ? . I ? - 2M Helgl ts ?." ?? . ? III* . ? 'ominen ? ?.?.i-? ... ? 'nrn Eaal River. it? '- ' N'Rt .. i nth Are... Flftti \Bt : . - A m.. 1.' '.'TlTi.lll \ ciermanla ?? Gotham N'at. 11? 171 ? IK ? TRIST ANT) III! /Illanco Rit] Am Sirety... 120 Astor . ?10 Banker*' _ 4',' I Mia : : ' ' ? ' l.I.lliiT-.' 'I ! r i. i I'ranklln ... Uuarai I llHIIIlK ? :, Tr... Kins laswyera M i?s ??' lK?n ? ? ? SURETY COMPAN Ask.i RM M| I?w T * I i", 131 ?ncela.i".: ? Mnri * Cll ? 1-nn.. 40Q d_ 112 ? ?' ' .' T of W . ISO ? Nal I 1*1 -INTLII V M B H . 1-0 ? i Title... UM ? eat , nloi . . Btatei I"'." I H '. ? ... IMIW A B Tftll ITI IBB, Ask - ? ?. 140 WEEKLY CURB TABLE i i? ? IIS ? ? II?, '. INDUSTRIALS. Balea ? ??'?'. .?. r i g*i . - laa ?' It, I ? . < ? ? ? ? -'!"ii Rel '?. . ?, ? I ' . I MTB '? 11 ? ? I ? ... ' -. ?,, ? ,. f ?. ?? , ?4S lleiMie? Mtr IZB 111.;, f. \ Arrr.? ? ? ? ft " llouaton 141 ?' 1: ' Ml '- M*t , ? . [fit ? ' - ? M.lM ;? ? i , ??,. * in || 3 IM Inl Rub Tr ? f? M*4 ISO In; S!. nm P pf :,4 i ? ? i I,, W I > It?. j. ? Ml 17 ? ' IT ' ? " ? I .1 ' ? ? ' V'. |7*4 t 1! C< . :? Kr< mge e I ? > tt'j : i.' ? ? s.?.i . ?? ?f rjBn ? <? 44?, ? '. ? - Boat - .??'>' 4 4?vi i n iT"f Bt nee l\ 1*4 - ' ' A I? ? ? ? I ? ' I . ? '. i In I** ??.?.'? i' I . ii ,o, i a* ?i, ? ? '?" IA III - "v m'.m 4 - ? ?? ? 1 t? '. S If". i m '? . ' ? \*A ? ?? 1S\ 11?. ?'?'a 'a ? '? .<?? M " I iNOABO till I ? ?.adle Am "1! !'*? ? ? hiii?'- Tt?f t*A ? . P I. I IS CeotlMBtal ?>ii '.". M2 ?r??. an? i"ip?> i. 210 Oalena Mb ?>h IM ?.'' in llr* I. w I IM Ir? 1V> NoMli.rn p I. Ill tf.7 (ihl.i Oil l"T SUBSIDIARIES. :?: l""4 I 111 14? >l u 1' i: in IT ? ? ? ' UM ii-. ? <jix..~.. .-._ .._ .... t- % LACK OF FUNDS MAY SETTLE WAR Hirst Finds Growing Feel? ing There Will Be No Military Decision. LONDON DISCOUNTS SHOW EASIER TREND Treasury May Raise All Rates In *i Per Cent, to Prevent New War Loan. By FRANCIS W. HIRST. EditQC. "I/ondon Kronnmist." l*e i ?- ;? '? Ifeg IMbem ! London, Nov. 21.- Money and dis? count rates display an easier ten? dency, with a small volume of busi? ness, but a considerable rush for Treasury bills reported. Thi.? may justify the Treasury in raisin;,' rate? tu :i uni form ."i per cent rate, as a legitimate means.?if carrying ?>n the war without a fresh loan. Under the rircumstanires, ihort-bill [.nanea i preferable tu long-term finanre. Probably a new short-term loan may '.(? required, but if so it will not. I think, b?- issued till February, cer? tainly not till after New Year's. Honar Law's speeches point to a quick decision as to the policy of both .oif government and the French. His replies to Trevelyan and others on iliplomacy, conscrip? tion and finance have, awakened keen interest. More and more people be? lieve that no military decision will Ie reached, that winter militates against the Germ?n armies, and that bnanrial pressure will ?-ml the arar. We regretfully recognize the diffi? culty uf helpil g Serbia by direct means, but diplomat***, aided by our naval achievements, itoald ulti? mately restore her autonomy. Public upiiiititi will support any : ?derate Ind reaaonable settlement. Bonar Law ha? emphasized the ne -.- of public retrenchment anil i ai promised more thorough bu-i nesi control of war expenditure. He rcferretl to the dangerously high scale of wage.?, which must come d-.wn with a bang when the loan is raee have to be cturtafladj he spoke of the fictitious prosperity ifi fllas gDW and other places, and said the Wat of munitions was treble the nor i ml coat? He was not specially alarmed aboot tin- exchange.?, which are now going better, but dwelt upon the need for maintaining our finan? ?ai stability. A? a whole, the tone ..i his speech was ntisfa**t4*****, as indicating a better ministerial per ipective and ? greater reacUneai to face realities. The problem of finding gold and i redit ifi aid of the exchanges will i'i ubtless be solved. The gold hoard in Paris is enormous. SEEKS $1.200.000 LOAN HERE Shrciepnrl, l.a., Mayer Wishes Money lo Batid Water Plant. Dr. S. A. Dichtv n, Mayer of Bhreve port, La., ia here to Interest Eastern capitalists m Boating a $1,200,000 mu? nicipal bond issue The May? r explained that the . aue would be'of 1,200 $1,000 ?.-rial beads issued in 1916 and tlue 1 iar>r>, bearing i% per cent intenst. The money ?n.l be usetl in laetalling .. nee city water plant in piare of the privately owned and unsatisfactory one whose franchise has just expired. ShrOVCport is uniler a commission form of government. Taken with Wife in Gem Theft. Flovd Knox. thirty years old, ?vas ar yesterday, charged with stealing $2,000 worth of jewelry from the home of A. J. Thorsen, s promoter, in Rronx rille. Police I sptain \'an Hureti, of Bronxville, srrvsited l.un n? he aras leaving hl dotai. st ?1 H est IS7th Street, Manhattan. Knox i? accused of irorking in i>-iit?,u.' with In?- ?vife, n ser? vant in the Thoreen household, erho is also under mn -' STANDARD oil. SIRSIDIVRIKS. -'4 Iratrt. P i. m M . j, ???-.:??? ? l .11 ? ? . 1 ? M Sun i ? -, m i ? i ? 1; ? - MINING. ? Am l'uni ! I , 4 I'.ik Lade? ' ? ? ' . i . 4.?, '. 14S is ? IS i as *s> -I 1 \ i ' H ? ? N ? I'4 I "S ? 1?. 18 M ? "A ? r> ? ? ? ? . , . i ? S ' ? > . '?? r, i - ' ?? - ^? - \ ? ? J . ?, ? 11? ' ' '. ????.- ', . '? ?4 ..i.i . i | -, ? ? i ? '? 740 11 ' ?. -, , E ? ? 10 i . . . i\\_ " -71' il?, ? M . ? J. ?a u *?* '? a ' ' ' ? M ? ? ? hi '? " - I , ' " " ? ! ' ? t: la," M 84 1 ' " I ' ?-fl HI ?* ? _ ?'.??1 .. ' : ' .i, I.8MW1 ? . ___ ?i < '? S ?4 - eeees MOM)?; ? ? ? la ia. . ? Altttm ,1? ? .,,1 ' ' Executor Trust?e Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18. 20 <fc 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 15 Cock'rrar St., ?. ??? 26 Old Breed Street, E. 0. PARIS, 41 Eonlevard Haussmam EEUIN, 56 Vvtaf lei Linden, N. W. 7 Travelers' Letters of Credit. Foreign Exduuige. Administrator Guardian STOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE WEEK ??olloming la the usual tat.le ghlng the number et ?hure? of all ?lock* ealt in for the ?eek ended Nmember 20, together ?ith the highest. lowest -S? nal prices and the net changes of the ?seek, and the high and km prices of the dea I year 191.'), ??th the high and low prices of the year 1!?14. Total sales for the week. 4.fi0...t>00. against l?ttjNI a aree* ?(?'?? lhls wt,k a ?cur ago the Stock Fxchange ?vus cl???-.?!. Kr?.m .laniiarv 1 to date, iVi.noi.sOO, agaiaal m.isMOO ?n 1114. ?". ? l.'n? Ki| ? i ?, .1 S ? .0 Nat i ?? L I I I ? ? ? ? r, i ? 6.0 : 4 1 ii I . ' I ?g r ? - ? ? : Ain III ??? - ? \ \ ? i" i n ? Amert.-ai. ' . '?rr.'l Ain ? ?: A TtmaAlf ?'? . ? ?? i i - .Ii. t 4 ? ' Il flli ..... ? , . i ? - . Am Mil- A lyatnar ,1.. ? - > kan I -- Anii-rt' an i il'i trrfir-' ' -- LA_atV*n I ? ?:>? T i do prfl>rrf.| I 1 4 0 e 3 Asarte* M > l do ? An,, ri. au SmsUlruJ T.,1100 100l? 4 ?, ? ? 4 ? * 4 4: t , I ? _? 1 ? . N : ? r? ? . i i i 5 3 , 4 1 ? ? ? ' M T 1 ? : T I ? ? ? ?1o r.r.?? ? B Amerl a . rj id ? ret \ ? s ? - ... A T-. -, : new I I . . .. Amft-I a , rsftnrs i T t^i) ? ? . n-? . latka ?'u 1 ?Ml ? I _^?_____ . i i>: I ? a M?* Co ?Ici i.irlfrrcd Baltla 't? a ?Mua ? 'rrrf.l h.< ri ?? Min par 12"' i >?-... 'rrf.1 i Rapid Trajialt Brooklyn l'olon a Ur.i?r. Sr.? ? 1"-.' T I . ? Hr thfrs Butts * M Cup ;ar IIS) ? r.i isllfoi ill PetrolM? '-r - . l', H i il? .11,' . l'.nlwr ? .. \ ? ' .! . K ?tsrn.. ' ' ' . 'T - P 7 in...- 4 ? - - .i? r i a l' crea b? i. I . | T. f| TT- I t ?r |S). I ' ? : i a Ira ' - A H"5 ? . - ' I. I. A 1' ii .... '.?? 5 Cool sntal t'en ' ill: 1 ' ? i'ni.T I? St?*l preffrrf?!.^ ? m?! ' 4 i , > an Siiisr p.. - co - ? i ? i. i; i? i-illfS lilalllll . ,.r $10? '?--.>. ? . Balten Elis do i-i prrffrred F. : : ! M A H 114 ; ... rai itii-m mdd loU) ? ? .? : ; rtisrred. ? ? ! t General I. "trie . ? j ? ? ? . f. 1 t lo i r*f? .---1 . Il l ? > 1.0 i, i. ' ' 18 ?. . -, il?, ma I ma r T?. Il' m u tral I ? \. ral . ? ? ? S J bit Harm ?'on Ii ? : do i let Intel ltb*m. . 4 Ksefc? A i? M .. ? Kl L A P T Kr' '. i '. I.a<-l?a??am.a St.fl. - ?3 I T T ? t 4 3 ? ?r? u ? ?1 T l.a. ? I- '. S 1 10 : 4 ' ? ? ? ? I 4 0 : s 4 ?I ? ? ? I 0 < ' ? ? !? l A - a : ?1 ? a - W 4 PS ri", u? ?i** i ,. !.. pr f' _ Rallas? ' ? II n RfSdlui ' ? it. i ft Mae) " ?.r.f.iri '1 H - y ? Rutland II H - B4 Leu ? a - ? lat p? f, rre I s- i. . . a t'mest ? I do p-Wrrrfl ? Baaboanl Air Usas du pff'rrrfd r Sfsr? ii. ? ? i ? SIom SliofT SI A Imn t i ' : i.?.-- -? :. ?? a s...ilr?fri. l'a inV ? ??i ?ta. ?*f. i .. I ris ft ?A ? .? i ? i 7 do . ...1 T dn t'i ??.-" I ?.??l.rlll?. i' ? ?fa |.-???. T Manha Maiwrll \< ??' ? . rrf.1 stors* ' do i me . p par |SI . ' I 'lt?.?__^^^__i - - do i r? - Maps T .!'. pr-f.r-i"! M Kan A Tel H" p-.Ii-rnrd. . M ?'? M ? p.* p__________ ? ' <i.i prfffrrfl Vsil .i .? A Suit I \?- I > ? t A Sip ' Il I?! I ' ? ' lor? I ? ni mi a S \ ?l'A S fl \ I ? ? . - - l'.ii. Mail T-l A TVI B I par I r?'.?? ?.a* ft " % Pli 11 s i'? ii?*r ? _ _._. il^^. t _-_i *.\il ... ?. aa_ ' WB BFAl TO ADVISE THAT SLRSCRIRTIOSS, SUBJECT TO ALLOTMENT, TOR TNT COMMON STOCK OF THI: Saxon Motor Company -vsrill be received by us at the issue price o? 75, 'when, as, and if issued." An initial payment of $3.00 per share, for each share* applied for. must accompany all subscriptions. The authorized and issued capitalization of the new company will be $6,000.000. There will be no Bonds and no Preferred Stock. No subscriptions will be received before twelve noon. Monday, November 22d. The books will remain open until twelve noon. Wednesday. November 24th. unless closed prior to that time. Merrill, Lynch & Co. Seven Wall Street fVn..lisent Rmldinf r,ew York Detroit UUi hones iVcifor 4'I40-I-2:I. Subject to allotment. ?is mentbtrt of the syndicate under:writing the Saxon Motor Company We Will accept suuscripHons to its Capita?! Stock Amounting to $3,000,000 at $75 per share ! No Preferred Stock No Bonded lndebt?dn??i Uns New Compgny ha? been formed to f?ke over the buiincis ?nd plant of th? old Saxcn Motor Co., which rank? as the tenth largest nianula?.turer of Automobile? ta the world, the mark-t ?alue of whose < ommon stock is approximately $ 1,6a)0 p?r ?hare. Net earnings for the current year, on ? production of 17,000 cgri, gre estuaaloi gt $850,000; for the year 1916 tfie company n covered both as to orderg ?ad pgrh for the production of J0.000 carl, on which profits in exiesi of $1 .fnOO.000 ?r? estimated. Hie Saxon Car it unique, ?I it meeti th? popular demand at g prie? low?- thaa ?ny competitor in iti rldss. Reservations may be wired our New York Office at oiir expense, to be follotetd by ?n inili?! payment of $5 per sh?r? on itock NBOCnbod. George H, Burr & Co. BANKERS 120 Broadway, - - - New York Telephone H740 Recttir Philadelphia Boston Ciitifo St. Louis Hartford S-gttle Detroit Sg? Frgge?K. ?s It Fair to the property you have created, to your family to whom you will leave It?is it fair to y^our own purpose? tt commit the many problems incident to the settlement of your estate to a friend inexperienced in such m.ittrrs? The Metropolitan Trust Company has maintained in.inter? ruptedly since 1881, an organization trained in th- handling of the many intricate problems of trusteeships. This orgdnira ;ion commands ample resources and in every way justifi'i th? increasing confidence which it is continually receiving. llooHtl "Its Strikt to You" Will bt stnt upon rtiut?: ?Metropolitan Trust Company of the City of New York Q-eorge C. Van Tuyl Jr., Presiden* All WALL STREET -??ids DOW, IONES BULLETINS & TiCKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Big Brothers and Sisters to Meet. Brothers*1 and ??'tig Siata i ?" ? orrow - Ln** st ? : r- 101 Court ?. i ? . under the auspices i ... \ ? Judgi Wilkin will pre- i in,I Dr. Ka ne B. Davie ?rill - apeak, i... volunta .-r "Hur Brot .nul "Bit - ; then report on their ? ; in earing for "little ? r" and "little sister." CONSERVATIVE SECURITY REVIEW liai .,n Ke.ju-?t ? C. R. Bergmann & Co. Imtstmrnt Srcuntiss r,n nito?.nu \i -**rEW' TOi* - K'C.'ir -.8*0-1841 FINANCIAL MECTINO* M.,*... ?. .-?w, ,it \ysta lllMPANi " 7____?\ . ....? vtvi. .. - -?-?i ? i.? a .,'? ?emmt ' ' , ? f**4. .. ? j ?*?**. . ,i ? a. ?.?.--? i* ? i - ? te* *****" STOCK EXCHANGE THE WEE m? Tl- I - NUT?. ratal ? - i? ? ' ? ?? Sng?r. - ?. ? KB ? '?rr..l . ? i ? I. ? < I i K It - i .-, ... 1 I . A I In I ig.- ? . I ? " r .i.f.i i Igtr ? ?? , I ? 1 ! ? I Ftarf ' g ? ? ir ??-I. A I ?" I? 1 I A. " ? - I B w I ? \\r.t Mil . '? ?i i .i |801 88 (F ? a i. r. i ? : .o-frrrr-.l .1 ? i ?? \\ . i .... , (J Kittunlar. Nov .0 ' lligl.i WSS ? ?? MS . I ar ?a.ii- ??( ? .an.-l Ho-?. uti. I.-? uui ?.._... -.? Uiciutlaxt. SMv ?-....??? oUi-i??l?? ?t?i?d *E? _?iil?uJ .j?w i? "?