Newspaper Page Text
Without Parallel Anglo-French 5-Year 5% Gold Bonds of finalice have two ??rent nations redil for the payment of an issue of these bond] ' : many dis f the 1 on application. Price 98 and Interest, to Yield Nearly &A% William Morris Imbrie & Co. i is?: !way 111 West Monroe St. ork Chicago alt Dead. years from a fractured t-k'ill n ? he vus :. ? ing ESTATE PARCELS ON AUCTION LIS1 21st St. ?ind Prospect1 Av Property at Voluntary Salle To-day. are 'he pr' ure? of ti . list t ' st., a- ores. the high? t hi.hier a five stoi house set of Ninth av. The proper - rill be hi It the all te ling. Aii' ? It :.? .-. three I i If at ? et H?'.. j'i ' ? ? ? are ichi ? on a KLY SUMMARY OF BOM) SAUS OS THE S10CK EXCHANGE Th.- a. the ealee, highest, lowest, final prices and net chang?e of all boada traded la ea NfB j r? the ?ree* aaded Satardajr, N?*-easbei M. Alae tka Wfheel aad toweet ftiet )t?r> . : Ike ??<)>. $29.801,000, against S..0.? I-.000 a week ago. This w??k a rear ??to the Sin? k 1 ; I ?jalea fr??l January 1 to ??ate, ?T'.HV.'il.?OO. against 1424,688,000 in 1914. : ? I ' ' '? . HA I in A ?*: . ?4 4 . . ? ' 4 ' : 11-. lit, I 4 1.'. . ti ... As A r I .Ta.... ? I ? 4 . . ' I ' I ;. I 4 - a ? ? .' , M A ?4 a - - I ? ? 111 . 1 II ? ? " si i ' Ji rf?? ? ? ' I ' S Y N ? 4 t ? - ?I A \S Is t 4M . I . ?' I H :. \ - ? Y ? ? < .' I , ? ? . ' . ' I . I ? I A l ? ? : k - ? . A ? i I ? I ? I vacar ? aad 11T?* V. ? amount to be ? ? . at th ' ry loft building at 15 and IT ' ?-rated properties it forced i i the i" : ? 71 '.'. est 4(1 ' 1318,727 duo ? I the we. k is as follows: ' ?T At 14 V?t " ' :i?T IT. 848 t gf, | I ? ? :? n?T. ' . ?? , ,- H : AI 14 fM-j ?t.: ? '? n?r. Ifl ". - a? Ml ? >? g ag? J ?If?, ?te, >' glH 8. I a-.?t ?t, - tax?*. ? .. N 4i 5 - l*fTH 11 ai :oi*8ll. s ' igla t: tl; . ? i ?. ? ? I ? i . ' r.i.etru. - BBOOW ' ?,:-'-. ?. ;.. < ??B AV. ? . II I ? ? i STEBBtN?! AV ' I?., To. ? ? - >? Hin : 13; Ui 8TH AV, III ?r i T4 ? .'?ti ?t. ?4 ?xl* ' ? ??-? it ? ? 14 ?? ,. r.n ? ?? ?? ? ? -. ?. 40 w 4f?- ?an ??Tings : ? I ?1.1? ?. 141.1 n 1 ? I Mayen. 11.1 m et? ?? SEARCHLIGHT RESULT OF BET -'? lavent ion Crew from Wager with Hear) lord. Nov. '_']. Thomas A. ? trip to the ? ? ? ,-i new und 'or the i ord ear, ...... .v portable I . iiuan , .-: large ? n factory . consists of a ? of bat? rchligbt mounted aupplj* ?.-?. Thu cost of ? <-nts. EST \l I.. . i : m ; 1.1 ,. .. - BUSINESS CARDS. ? . . . ? .... ? - HO. A III.? ? reo ?t ni'g.i. ? -. ? .? .. ..Mil? - - ii llar. < ? I ? t - VOTICE. IIVEN that, ?t ? ? of AI'KTT '.!?. II ? ?-' '. i f o-al'l ?rk. In - in ? ,i ? ? ? ? > ? pro rata i ?loek Of 111? ? ' of til? t? b. ? - I i - ?? r band th!? 30th d?r of ... ? .-..- oa. STORAGE NOTICES. Sunrise Storage & Warehouse Corp'n. . ' H ' - ? ? piano?. New iork l . v. ?m nul SB ... rii'N (BUW??IS t?a b|.rix.-ii?IS?^ ' HEW PLAN FOR COLUMBIA If. V. I*. t?i ('??operate So St'.n! nts Can Take Graduate Engineering. New Vor^. cooperate with the Gr.. ..eer ing School ef Colombia is proposed to cnurdinste courses jo 'h^t a student p ' Bar al aaj Bf all tho : ?' the '-. A. Goetze. of tl . chool. ha? D'-an . ': who propo-ed a | ? gineering Schools ' aity ware placed on r\ similar to that in otl - ? schools of the Bl B ne and a: th.H chang", i ? 9J rr.u^h foo b?1 takea i.p In eollefa f tha Citj noun.'. | School. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Beeehh ef the I...-1 ?'y-four Hours. '??'.' ? ?4? ln? ar?a ha? a i. ! 1 M . ?? i (J ' I i ' ... ? " II.? ail I* for M ? ? ii'^i'i It* ????? i.?i Lc-ainir?.?Bastara Nra foi? ? .mirme B*a laetaad let I Now terem, Delaiaars, Mar,l '? ?? Dl*. trict of Columbia and North and Batst! Carolina. Islr and coldrr to-day : to-morrow, tslr. ? ? I ' ? - Wf?t VI fl . ? I ?' - ! ? laeal Offl.'lal R?w!i .Tl fr..-j l!? I ? . ? ? r*?r: ,,., I"-'? Sam. < a Bl ? > ? a. m 4 ;? rn - . ? B&ramntsr (trading?. 20 e?, l : I a Bl Hun l l_?-*l Tl'm-ti' Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port or New York. - . ? ? . V ST. . - ... 4 '? a. t? B '.?ATKR 4 \r r m 44 ni II WIRELESS REPORT. ? INCOMING BTEAMEBS. ? ? 14 ?? ' 14 No? I ? ? 4 . .an . \.? 4 r I ? ? . .... ? ? i . i No? It v ? '. ' ..No* 19 No? It No? 14 ? . I . i - . > ? :: .. . \ ? : ? . No? 3 !., No? 1 Il 14. i .V"? ID ? . I tl N I 18 ? . . > n mill. OTCTGOING BTEAMEB& ? ? --?: ? i . .in ?m - re 2 10 pm ? ? 4 .i i: n? m ? . . - . . - II (M m ? ?EMBEB H 11 ne m ? llaaana .. ? m . . - I i . ?- ! I !.. . .. . ? . ? 11 un ux S'SPACIFIC MAILS. i . V T ? - ' ? ?. 4 , trail No? 1*9 .1 IX. I?e? 1 l . i .??ii 1'ran I>M 8 ? ?7 7ss I - Dm I ?I.air? Vf. IT ? ' l N . . . A l: _x K a ?. ? a M , - . ?'? Neaj II . * . n i i >v? If ?n-1 ? - ; ? : > I > . . i n n Vorfolk. I . , ?juar. . ? ... \ * .'. I> * . ' ? ' ? I V?- 1 , '. ? - . rn Pa.-lS? ? a a* I srlth m I ?? ' . . . ,. \ . ? sM Ms tea*** IS. to ?a JIut . ?. I ?n*r I'-ar. . ? Sa a N ?-? lir - -? . ? a ' Uli I 'i .? 111. ' 6 am. - T*ra i'? ? ?rase It - . - ? ' i a ? N . - ? '.?I s m .*-. Rail ?it- . Oraa No* l. to i ! t -s'f.T's IBr). I 11 sn<1 W I.?i.-ls ? . I . . . ? ? ? - . ? ? T H ?r ? I liajara'.on No* It *l"i nul** I'. FAI! : Ptrarrtrrs Hivmir- !'.'_? h. Sa'tn?; Mini ?tala, 1 STEAMERS AT FOREIGN TORTS. All';: ? - - ? T"V ' Br). K*w 1 ft lot ^? Xork (and i ilaaurts ? i it BAO New Tur*.: 'iMuns N?ra TerB, i F! ?? S N J . n ? Il '? M r r- '.'. ; - - . EIRE RECORD. A M -'""-???? " ?? ? li I P M IJO. < IriBInf i ? . I . 1 T 4' ?rlflln? ? ? ? To See First Thanksgiving Here. Hebrew Immigrants will eelebrate Thank tei ing and ImmigT ? <?:' Aim-rra, : d 231 Eaal Bro id rajr, Th i ?V? aing. Judge Leon ' pro side iukI Adolph Lewisohn, Hagjstrate Samuel 8, ! adore If, I.t-vy, ?.' ? ?! of E la? . Representa! ?? William S. R?'in?'t and Abram I. Elkua ?fill Le amona the speakers, Bimilar eelebrations, tl announced last ni?jrht, erill be held In Baltimore, Beaton, Philadelphia and San Pranel - WORK W ' !.. iaa and i I DOMI ?I l< ?-IM M m? U 4.N H.I' .Male. ? Female I ? -.'. ?IT1 ? ? ? - - ? ? ? la i* ? - ? ? ray 11: | (Tl ???! ? ? I ? M '. ? ? ' : t -..?!. I . \ ? 1 . ? ? ? - ? 4 ? ? tl H ? !? .. ? S - : ? ? i .t. : 1 HAI ?um n ' M l.?? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? I I . . I !.. ... ?. CHANGE OF NAME. ? Hick. I ?i ? . .... Ih.reof. I ' ' I ? 181... TUB UK T ll> ?S . lill'i-. 1'l.fcJ.uL '?il. I ni' PETITION. v iRK COUNTY. itlOB ??' I? r. fog . ? - ? I Billig til? petition of :?; .lay of of I I. ? in.r, ?ti ? et of the ' and tii ? ? ? . kflebal Part I ? ?? ? -. -.? ri th. of D 4 . ? pra ?- of ? : p.tltlOB ?H.n tiy ' >.f th? ?hall ? In Ih. ? . ? . - ; ' rork ; '. thai a ropv ;.. t'tlori ? ? i Surety | t!:? I . ?ni-.--r, - | ?? ?.-. rt >V? o- '?- la .? ?????i< f-.r .' ? a V ? r K lu Hi? ? ?. i me. ? I . : 1111. i philbtn. . ... ? ? | ... ; ?? . g| ,., ,,f .. . ? . . . pou II /.. Ka? ' ? ? -- rule, An BI BkuGAT 'S NOTICES. ... . tor HON. IM? ? t th. ? -i te a? p?ri?r>?>? , ?o th? ... r gbati A g th. Bor? of . -.f .?.'-w Vurk. on ' n.xt. lay of (jeto KATIE s tJN 4N.;sT. J'.rix. ? N ? V - ?: PCK8U . ? ?i sorabU* j . ? h n of ;? bas/ ?-'.?.-ii to ?Il lalaal SI in hop? r Lima, Para, ; t th. aame with roach .,i . ? a ? ? Be. . ' use ?'. . Bti ?t <Man .. ?.- ? ,i k on or ..f K. l.ruiry n?xt. -, - !..?.- et AU ?I INNlfl TATIaOM, nialetratot ?^ t ? LI.? s'rator. ml . r i ha?.: > a ?in PU*t*?"?* ? , ? n-.noi-ahi. 'osa f < -i??? County "f n?w ? . l ... . on .nt. ... ? ?!? ?r. -i.?r-or, f I! ,-Ak.n?. . I.i.hsng? ... .. .... ,.~.... ?... York. ..r, or b. la) of July. ? RICK H I ' 19lS KOMAINE H. CR08BT. Hs?.-iitiri ..... ? ? ru:i n A LONOaTBX? '? ? i f'ARTRH :n : ? i..,. Joba PC - ? f N??r n?t .lu-iith C.rt?r '"n' ? 1, e i-" ' ''? ' of ; ? ? th? - ?ut. ' - ' ty * .' lauar**, llll . . r-:-.-"-utor ... ,..v for Bi ator, LM aiv*?l**y. N??* Vwik Cltjr. SURROGATED NOTICES. iIAI'I'I.N HAROLD )?' IN r' i:m AM'K of an order o( If ? n P Cohalan, ?? i ?. ? . f Ne? York. ' claim* afalnai M .' r tha < ? ? '.,, i.r-.-. seal the aan liara thereof, . ? M ?it tll<? ? ' ' ' ? . 11 Wall ? i BS ? ? ^..'.>, th- Uta ii.iv of Ortnber. ISIS. HAF'.DI.n F' RADDEN, JR.. <;.\\ IN n m I.? Tutor*. ? BTRONO a Wli ITEHEAD, I ?.'. .?tan, _N. a ORIUOS, .' uf an or.l.'r at KonorAbl? J? i P i halan I I F Neu ? A Irving I Y'irk. touch i ? h ? I r ? ol Rafua T. < ? r m.:,, No 31 N III Tl. ... OB Bf I ? '.' llth .lay "f May ? IBS IrJ day ?' V' M r i-.' i i ? ?eeuter ELIZABETH MARION BEECTHER, Rtjrua T ni'.! ' r Bseevtora, II N^.?a'i i ugh ut y York ? rther. at placo ? r i Tha l i- tn. r.r.-'T. I Datad, Net? York, the :3d ?Iny of 0 ??> ber lili. t.i:VI f-' TI-.N'N!'.' JOHN Fl 'i.l F5M \ v. Attoi i I'-.rough of ?I. New Torlc. the 14th day of May. 1111 B IE R P BX*HIErKEMN, F>?. lot ? . . ?, .Ww York N V _ IX F Or AN ORDER or HO ...? surrogate of tn.- Coontj 'if N'? v rk. NOTICE la ; arson* ln.vir.a- claim? again*! . . ? I ? m i?'? of th* t New 1 it .. to pr??ir.t ?ra thereof to th? at | tranaactlna bual Tha ' llr . - are Um i^ii 'J?y u' ail . .. ? 1 N ? York, th? Wh day of ?ay. ? HU. OEOROI HOAPi.T. ____ I roHN V. H ?JCARBOROUOH. nilMI' ; Eaaci tora. IS William i v ?rh ?' 'r_ HENRT W IN I ' ?: '? an .,?*.. Burroea ? ' ?"" "f ?*, ' lai harebr rlvea to all p? . Vnry? Vom ? ,,* Va? Y.irk 'I" ?'"? : w?lh ?ou?-her? |m- ' the r olac* of ?r..T.-. ? v??l BtrtM. in th? CRl ?' ?"' Of ' Mor*_??'? ':" ' natad Na? Tori ' Juna. : ,, " ' CON81 : ?**? ADRIAN i: . \. 1IENHT V Pry.R A"orn?v ! '?,4 Wall S? . I'- iruugn ? '. H?S? Y .rk N I IN PURSUANCE <?K AN ? t Joba P. < - gate . Count* "f No* ? g I v. n to a 11 pel . , * ? [aal all Ann Ch ?m ????: la n, la -f i. ur?. sent tha s hereof te it | ,- I.USl aeaa B 11.- ' ItJ of N- ?? lark, ..i. or b. f.ji?, in? .. . f Januen ? i Datad. New Y-rk. Um .ith d.y of July. H-KRERT C1ATT?:; ? I! AMBER LAIN, A.lni n.?.r*tor. Care of It R HOWARD Atty l'??\MJ.K. GRACI BliI'MA-Trt 1\ i l f:??? '. ' , ?'.- ??( H I I?'.- ' ' > . . lirrrli? .. . ' aims ?a?'- i i < f St? ? . . r ira a 11 mi i r S* . I ? v na th* (_? , ?. ii ..r I .> >?/ I'...?? i.r ??' Pair.l Kew \.'* th. K-n .!?> .if k* ' nn J AUHHT KiWI.KH Anuir?.? I ' I! AI'.l.M II O'tMNN'-B, t>1 . Ai^?i?> lor AS 1 nur'-.?ral'T. N*. 141 PruaJnaj. ll-ou?? S. M?i,liallau, 1??? i-r? eu?. Quaint Porto Rico Only four days from New York lies this Gem of the Southern Se?-\s?Porto Rico, with its picturesque har? bors, its interesting old Spani.ih buildings, its delight? ful climntearul luxuiiant trop? ical scenery?. See this "laland of 1 nchantment" now. 16-Day Cniiie $Qyl 50 and AU Expenses ?/TT."-" up You make the trip on Urge, 10,000 ton ?teamer? I.nilt in America and sailing under the Amen, an Hag, ??? iylilte?! lor service m the tr?pica. BlOad ?ir,?,?, ?puoou? ?tateronm?, BOOM with private Lath. The ?teamer is font hotel for the entire voyage, to and around the island of Porto Rico, .topping at principal port, anil r.turtinlg t? New York. A ?ailing every >attir<lay. Warn for Basile .4JJi-m Cruising Department PORTO RICO LINE G-a?r*l Oihr-s. 11 Broadway, N?w T?rk CUNARD,> tttt/t EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Ordun.i .Sat.. Dec. 4. 10 A.M. *' ??II. I. DMA ...KIM. DPC IS. 4 1?. 8t I ?.SAT, DKt?. It. II A. Ii \\I ? . . . Fill., DEC 11. 4 V M. <min . i ? vi (AN t, m a. it. ?Kb It. nr '" (la.gow uni m? tub wniti.H nuii-i . - - , Ipal p ?'? "' 'ii. ?fort*. company a ei'iet, - n ?4 stat? st.. h. % FRENCH LINE ( iitniKigni? 47 ule T'r in? POST \l. ?Kit? H K Sailings for BOH?EAUX LA TOUPAINE, - - Not. 27, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Dec. 4, :i P. M. LAF'AYF.ITE, - - - Dec. 11.3P.M. ESPAGNE, .... Dec. 1?. .IP. M. l-'.-K INFORMATION 4ITI.T COMPANY'S OFFICE, !U!o1m?_%& -' In . ?' v.r.. ,, 1:1. .. i I'BAI A.i I \ V M-/TK1JL I A. A' A? IX III MI.Ai-l I.IIIIA.I ? II Zl 1.1 A I ' IB?< 4III.I I mi. | . y ;. ? :ii I .?..! ??r? ' , i it a i .i. c;.-1 ?t?r?. ?i Via I Straw!. Tii? put Mo b? pi?a??d. BOSTON $2.65 ?i? I', .nt un.I Hall. KOrND TKI1* IS 10. PROVIDENCE -AS H-60 Kill Ml IMF. 13.00. Colonial Line F r?t clan ?<r?l-i ?V?. k .la,? ?ni S-Jn? dar? SI I I' -'-I 'r.i.i i'l'-r is. S R.. r .r ?V?-?t llouatoa Bl .?Il out?. I? Uooms, 11.00 I? 13.00. Vtir.-lr.? e.|iiipnaru(. 17 p? i. t ! . ?? .??> ?uil IM ?t. Phut.?. il Id I ??y?OSTOlPL I?.61': Pro?ld'i?<? itlr?ct. !? 81 il 1-11)1 HTAT1 ROOMS. ?1.00. Dmllj m. 1.1.lin* Bandar, vno i>. m. ? I? K n -r, mm IT?. I4??*m?n i-.., TVM i.-l ?? I* |T"?.I???. K. T. ? I ???- ' T. ?? I' ?.-, ?J I ? I Ht ?? I >!? raj.1 Crut o? liar' LLOYD BR?/ILl'RO. ?7 Stat? St.. H. V. CltJ. KKMIKTM. Galen Hall in the Mountains WERNERSVILLE, PA. Wkert Winter D?"i gre Full of Cbana Sp-ciTi! Entertslnmstrl over THANKSGIVING INCLUDING THE SUMMER TRIO . I-.f> M. WING. M?7-. OALC? Mill M \IN 4 4). ]? I. , ral " N. V. 0**?'. 245 Jtri A??. Piion? Mag. S?. S?1S GALEN HALL HOTEL AND SAW ATOliIl'H? All-.NTI? 4-11 V. X. ?. AI??, optr A.wa>.-?-~" _^_\_ ?t'^V" ^"v.Kx i??^tSZMl3 ne?ilm\*. 2 A?... ... j. I. VijI'S'/ '?-0 1 ?T?T~? m WS~ ?tsojti tioin 8tmi 1 ?kid m.. "". u ' m 11 *i. >. j. r,*-.. ??.- ? ????>. r ui ?t JQSfAH WHITE ?t SONS COM"*?s*lV PINEKURST, ? '?r ?< r Usa INSTRUCTION. SEW VOBK?MaalM-Maa. The Berlltz Schook. if Languafes, ? :* 10 WEST 14th ?TRtlT. .. ! - I I A -?? - B tg ). . . a .1 1-T ?ai? !-.-. . I;a. , I ,.??'i-g D_*M 1N(j. -LOUIS H. CHALIF i Graduate Russian Imperial Ballet S hod r?r..ii-:i? I..?.1..-, tr.i.hrr? mu? .m?. t.iir?, iiil.-riird >., ?-?, ra. iitl anal m.,- linn, nx in .Uil) au?l wrckl/ coii'.^s. Itr... luir ; ?.-.i 4?u It? K. T. DANCING CARNIVAL. SUATS i.lir.g Kundajr i.runl .'.nlral ..... Laxluatoa .? oa. ?as?t? ??. ?nitanc?. N.i I .., or hold. SCHOOL AGEXC1B&_ Amerlran ?n.l Foreiac Teacher?' .\gea?*r.? Btip-tlt.? l'i f.-naor?. T-a....r?. Tutor??. ?ete. ? . lo foil?.??, ?. hoola ar.4 Apply to Mr? _. J rOL'NO ? in, . j Union Sail ***? LEGAL NOTIi LS. _ _ V.IIAMIV VATIi.NAI. HANK ??"JT^nT ... .. awging it. .(Tal?? -aS* U?g "tM*" Miai? Banl ?'-i i- a.??'?!..><-*->.iii !?>?? I?" <***? It.?? il a.), ?a? u?rv>>? i.-.tlrtUl lo P" ?."t .l?li_ lur va?mr.,t. JNt). Ki. B?VL?r. Cagiaiei. UaJi. Uliki. IXL U Uii