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The Footballology of Haughton Made the Psychology of Shevlin Look Foolish ~~ ;? Comment and Gossip On Sports of the Day By HERBERT FOOTBALL has just about run its course The season Is all too short. Harvard ar.d ? nie rang down their curtain at Cambridge on Satur? day, and the end will come when the Army and Navy do battle at the Poio (?rounds next Saturday. In the mean time several other good rames nvist 1 >e played, chief of which is the yearly .?-truggle between Pennsylvania nn?l l'orne'.! on Franklin Field, Philadelphia, on Thanks? giving Day. On the .-.-true afternoon Drown will fa?'e the ('arlisle Indians : t Provide::.-?'. Rutgers will meet New York University on Ohio Field, ? hile Columbia will wind up its first sca-on in a poo?! many years with Weeleyan, which ranks high among the smaller New England colleges, south Field, In this dty? Cornell's Football Status. CORNEL!, has Pennsylvania to heat to maintain an unbroken string i place at the top. unless Pittsburgh'.? claims aro recognized bf BOOM? That victory over Harvard, even coming as it did at a ad time for the Crimson, cannot be overlooked or set aside. The wonder il Barretl was out the greater part of that game, and further, there is ? -cry reason to believe that Cornell has improved even as Harvard. If, OOWever, Pennsylvania wakes up a? Yale di?l and tramples on Dr. Sharps ii hi men a different story will be written. Cornell must show finish r?l powci on Thursday to hold it? proud place. So far as can be ? ivied ;hi> seems to be assured, but there is no telling what will happen ? n the gridiron. The Quakers are working madly to save something <:ut of the wreck of a disappointing season, but they no longer can count ? n Cornell's mental altitude to help in bringing ??.bout ? victory. That old "Indian sign" has been pulled down. Case of Pennsylvania. Si) SHORT a time ago as last week radical ehangei were made in the Pennsylvania team. The backfie'.d once again was reorganized and made over. The same thing happened at Yale, ar.d with good results, too. just before the Piinc?-ton game; but as a rule eight or ten days are tOO short to perfect ? football machine after inserting new cogs. Cornell - a decided advantage in this respect. The 'varsity eleven was picked before'the Harvard fame, and since then so few changes have been made that Dr. Sharps and bis assistants have ha?l plenty of time to perfect ?cam ji'.ay and polish off rough edges. Another surprise may come in a BOaaOO full of surprises, but success looks almost as sure for Cornel! as death and taxes. A Real Battle, This. EVERYTHING points to the same old bitter struggle between the tw?. arms of Uncle Sam's service at the Polo (.rounds on Saturday. With gold lace, brass buttons and martial music, it is quite likely to be the most spectacular game of the year, even if the football Mil neiow the average? There la no reason, however, why the football should not be up to the standard, as while nei; tier team has proved so formidable . - usual, both have been building and aiming for this particular day. Other games count for nothing with the cadets and the midshipmen. Ail they demand is a team to beat the other. The Navy just loves its land? lubber twin when it comes to football. The Army just loves in the asms way. At this writing the advantage, if anything, appears to lie with the West Point cadets, but this impression cannot be supported by any con? vincing reasons. It's a case almost of even money and take your pick. One thing, however, can be promised. There will be action enoutrh at the Polo Grounds next Saturday to satisfy every man and woman fortu? nate enough to crowd within the portals. Time Now for All-Americas. ALL-AMERICA football elevens will begin to bloom this week, and the growth is sure to be luxuriant. A3 Grantland R:os said last week, seats already have been assigned to Captain Mahan of Har? vard and Captain Barrett of Cornell, at fullback and quarterback, re? spectively, and he might have added Spear of Dartmouth at one guard; tut there will be almost as many players to fill the other chairs as there are critics to assign the places. The Amateur Question. WHEN Yale, Harvard and Princeton have agreed on an eligibility code to govern sports among the three as a result of a four day meeting, the first two of which will come on Friday and Saturday of this week, the amateur question with all its ramifications may be solved to the satisfaction of all college men. It is plain that those who will undertake the task?including Professor Conrea of Yale, Dean Briggs of Harvard, and Dean McLanahan of Princeton?know full well the difficulties which must be overcome, else arrangements would not have been made for a meeting lasting over two days of one week and two days of the next. The vital importance of the question is appre? ciated. The Airing of Theories. LITTLE good, it '.eems. can come out of the proposed meeting of repre? sentatives of the various sports governing bodies as proposed by the I. 1'. 4 A's. One can expect the airin>> of many th?orie- and the thrashing out of problems that confront one or the other, but which may have no direct bearing on the main issue. Conditions are so different in ?,olf, lawn tennis, baseball and college sports in general that even a Solo mon could not frame a rule to fit all without working some hanlships. .Still, _s ?aid before, no harm can come from discussion of such a vital .-<ue. and out of it all something may be accomplished which will brin~ ihout a better and fairer understanding of a most complicated situation. One Way Out of Muddle. IT seems to me that the only solution of this amateur muddle lies in #he National Collegiate Athletic Association, which, by the addition of Yale ami Princeton, is now absolutely national in its scope, framing St of eligibility rules not for absolute enforcement, but as a model for idoption by institutions from what may be calle?! the various college com? munities. In this way a general standard could be established for the guic.ince--even the control of those who naturally play together. Under jch conditions there would lie no backbiting or the stirring up of mud?! : ?waters for reasons largely selfish. DELEGATES to the annual meeting of the Amateur Athletic (Jl km did well to recognize the women swimmers. Al WmS pointed out ?everal weeks ago, granting registration privileges and then refus? ing sanction for a title meeting was a ca?" of taxation without repre '?ntation and was neither lojrical nor just. Harvard's Forward Step. LITTLE ran be added to what was written yesterday on Yale's crush? ing defeat by Harvard in the Stadium on Saturday. Another illu - tration was given, however, of the wonder work of Percy D. Haugh ton in bringing his team up to the final game, the all-important game for h" ? rimson, a finished and wellnigh perfect machine. Somehow the im pression was given that Captain Mahan's eleven lacked real greatness, !?ut this po-'-ubly wa< ?lu*- t/, an equally stronp impression that Yale! ?.lacking off aftr the nlmo<: "jp?'rhumar. effort against Princeton, was o far below the i-taii'lard as u> be iMfSSSSStj weak. This can he ?-aid: 'ne Harvard offence v.a? even better masked and certainly ?piite as '?ow?-rful fid ?-ff??'?! ' a- a year ago, SO that, ?vea with the loss of so ,'iany -tars, Bailfhtw tool a forward step. A S |j ', 1 . . |id 'I he M ? ?an !.?? left, in Yale hands. That a reorganization i? necessary seems generally conceded, and tha^Cn effort will be made to affect t_Ia reorganixation u as.ured. DR. AL SHARPE PLEASED WITH CORNELL TEA1?? Ithaca Eleven in Best of Condition for Penn. Game. Says Coach. II? i>'.tTa:*i to Th? Trtr?m*.] ,-a. N. Y . Nov. II. Dr. Albert H. Sharp?, head roncli ??f the Cornell foot? ball squad, in commenting upon Cor? nell's football team nn?l 'ho next game, mail?* the following statement to-night! "The Cornell team is in fine condl ? tion. It is in an *rood condition as any team which has ever left Ithaca and at ?rood as it is possible to have a team at time of the year. Pennsylvania Bal be aapoetad to come back at Cor? nell this year, an she has done in for? mer year?, and the Quakers will no doubt put un a better game against us than they r.ave put up against any ?i SO far this season. The score ? :'' likely be a low one.'' All of the coaches, however, ajrre? that the Ithaca eleven this year Is one of the trongeat and most finished products that Cornell has ever turned out. Preparations for the departure of the football ?quad to Atlantic City con II v a snnouneod that there would be) two whole teams sent to the r. lort instead of one, and that these two would be met in Philadelphia by still snother combination. Much is expected from Mueller, Cor? tar defensiv? fullback. Collins, ? rick ti:, i Barrett alao can he re? lied on to pat up a good defensiva in.m", but they are not quite up to the standard sel by Mueller. Shelton and Eckley are two of the best ofTensive ends rvT turned eat by Van firman, 1 while Zander is a eloas t'nii'd. The players as well as the coaches expect a hard game with Pennsylvania, and as for OVerCOnfldenCO, it can be ? ; on authority that there is no thing at the < ornell headquartars. The team will be reinforced by one of the largest abrogations of si : . nbled on Franklin Field. This i" brought out by the fact sin ad] 1,600 tickets lava been sol?! in Ithaca alone, which is a con ible sdvance over last yea:' Faculty rulings, which have cut tin- re? ces.* Sown to on?' ??ay, seem to have made little or no difference. BROOKLYN CELTICS VICTORS AT SOCCER Boat Canicrnns Handily in New York Siat ? League Match. Outplaying the Castore?a at Mar? 11... n B ho Bi ooklj n ? n by a score of '?'. goals to f? m th? first diTision <?f the Rot? ?*ork State ! lay. At half time the league ehampiona, who nust meet ? ? ..: ; pnta in the .-< eond round of the A. F. A cup l.cxt Sunday, led by 'J iro?'ls to I). A. O'Halloren, at outside right, who played hi- sag IS BUM for the Celtics yesterday, shot the Brat goal from a cross by Lennon fifteen minutes i.:'t?'r the Start. Within ten minute.-, of half time 1 ht. : rough) and, beat? ing out the becks, shot the next goal from out Ellis also scon d the third goal for th?' Celtics from a cross b] th? right Ming fifteen minutt | after the restait. The line-up follows: i . Camrrani . Irvi-ir ji .f; i:. Lo \ .la. H. ... .Ft. M. Cl I .C. II. Duffy .La II.W A, O'Mallorsn . O R. l:< ? miallorsn.I. It. Key 1 Ills .?'. K< I^'iinon .1. L. .'rn .?I. I..F . . B ? ? ? ? - Yum re* w ?' Imston. i Idln a:,.i T Hal H.. - ' forty-flas BBS?US? The Metropolitan team of th?? St. George's Football Club proved no maten for the West s i. l ? ? Rangers in the championship gene at Chelses Park yesterdey, when the Ra won by 3 goals to 0. The Rangers, who havp net been scored in four names, Started the second half with a lead of 2 to 0, thanks to shots by Kennedy ami Denning. Keenan headed the third ?roal from a corner in the second half. OT.eary's game in goal was again the feature of the game, and Croogen was a splendid centre half. After a no-scoring first period, White Rot?e and the Subways played s tie . K&me in the New York State I.eajrue at Astoria yesterday. The score was 1 to 1. Sherrit placed White Tiose in the lead af'.er the re-start, but Daley equalize?! with a fine shot for the Sub COLLEGE TEAMS BOW IN CHESS TOURNEY No Surprises in Second Round of Metropolitan league Tilt. There were no surprises In the sec? ond roun?l of the Metropolitan Chesi League? the frame- ?.f which were con '?'*teii at the rooms of the Manhattan. Progn ? Brooklyn Chess eluhs until nn early bour yesterday morning. Hoth of the college teens, Col and City College, were beaten, the for - to the Manhattans by $% to 1 '? nn?l the latter to the ProgT? ? - to 0. !?; Brooklyn, Ocean Rill fared little better, being beaten by 7'; 'I he vu-tory of K. ]?'. Korkus, of CoIaUab S, Bt the thinl board of the ittan match was the outstanding .I the play. The summaries follow: MANHATTAN ft nUMIIII? AT MANHATTAN t'Hr.-s i I.I |1 " ? !! X.TTAM O ?'. ?~<">T.T-Yr?!A 1 H I UBtW. 1 H Muni.'' 9 . '.. it Meyer.... l A j m in :? II .. o M lliinliTiin.. i I i Korku*.... 1 . 1 N : ... n v L_xln*k. 1 I ? .... H ?' m., ?aj ? an. ..1 p, K Pin ? ? M. la I :/.::. Tota'. I . TOM]. I', a played * tin hoafd*. PH ?-.'.' ? rrr <"i u ne at mo ? ? i . 11 ? ii('>'".F:is-'\ r. ?' C C1T1 COLUKM ' I ii i > , ? v . . 1 A. I. I ,n, n .1 S Muid .'??-.? I I 9 ... 0 ? il 1... : 'i ?t? In.. 1 M ? i'"i?in?n ... 0 .. 1 H Oil . 0 i Mai ? ? . ' N' Sinew. 0 .. 1 I ? i ; ' ? " . 0 . \ m . ? ?.????!> i n nriwvMs.... o Tof?).? TMal . I) ?layad ?Mi? en ?.'.?? ? . ? -- : KIluoM ? '. ' ?" IW liri.l. AT BnoOKLTN i HI - ? l.l II i:?t... , C OCHAN HU.F. r . I?.? I?ft. T. !,-??? .'"'"r * , , .... , i ? ... 0 i ? ..!.?.? I J. 1 " c \ i ,? .. i i. ?.?, 1.1 nina-?-. " ? i. i .. i ?, i - i. H H- il ... I * M Harker.... ? ?-M Hehro. 1- r . t ri Total.T?4 Total o ?. Ulli nlitrad ?i.'i* "?? Um .?l l ? uini-?r?.i K ,r?ua. of ( .tumb?a, alan ?n??! Ma ai)< irn?l a?/... ?ni) ??;??In. of Cil/ ' ?l.esa. sa lofti l* li?lu* ???. _a* a__a s* i M t When a Feller Needs a Friend . ?y briggs WALLACE BP.i-0 6 The "sJOTtE AmO_ The School /?%ri a-^c? ?-3* 'CO fe 5V ~/ZA, ^ Q ^_'._, 7-5 ;7^ V* Life > mi s\i ?FT* We I "?> - ??'? ??^!lr - W ? :^< "?-V?? Three Busy Days Ahead for the Service Teams Army and Navy Coaches Feel That Their Charges Are Far from Being in Proper Trim. \\ SSl l'oint, N. V., Nov. 2L The last leg in the Army's training for the Navy game hu?, row Iren rear-lird, and the coaches announced to-day that th-' drive would continue right up until Thankigiving morning, wnen the final home drill will take place. Fci.m mages ha\-e been planned for to-mor? row, Tuesday and Wedne?day. Parker was the only rryin hurt In th" Springfield contest. Hm ankle injury will probably decide tho taekle tion in favor of Jones, the big pound man, who is the I?>? I ? one of the fastest and most ag'-r o? the Army fnr.?ar.!s. At ojnarterbieb and guard thi re is itill BOIOS doubt, ?-.ith Gerhardt aad htnrrill eontei for the pilot job O'Hare uni! Knight fif-'hting for the gaard tos tion. Followers of the team WtOT? ; with the ?lowing in Batarday'a game, while rea'i/int? thiit tbere ??>?:?? several weak ?pots disclosed. The eoaehei ? III work to eradicate I evils daring the next few daye, at th. ? .me time drilling th.n i th a eiew '?? laereasing the spaed al the el een. in- Mas*?! ' - | " BM i Annapolis, Md., Nov. H. With only da?-- left for practice on I? ? home prounil? before the conte ? \\'e?t Point sl Near Tork, of th<- fia* f tei I I ihowing of the eleven agaiasl l'? on Saturday Indicates that rnur-ii be done. There will h? drill at Annapolis to? morrow, Ttii-ilnv and Wednesday afl -r nOOfls and on Thursday morning th I foo!v?nll squad will start for \'e? ?topping over at Philadelphia B< 8 thi i'ornell-Pennsylvnriia game. On 1"r:.I,iv an opportunity ?vi'.l he afforded of gattiag the Jay of tho laid a: !l Tolo (?rounds. The fact that Lieutenant Tnirrsm ha not found a satisfactory i ? ?- baekfleld ?ill b ike H necessary -, . ? -? the i sa th men srl o ha? i had almost no opportunity of p ber In a natch. Tl ere ii little ilcubt. however, bat that Crate ???11 b. at quarter. VTeatehal an.i Davit helves and llartii at 1 effort will I..- made In the 0| ? days of the leal araos to get this qaartet in smooth working order. A still more serien? proposit on ;? presented bv the fact that the line has hee-i pierced by almos' everv team which ha? played here this ?-ear, de? spite the fact that Navy lines in the past have generally be.-n Steel-ribbed. Fordhaim Now Makes Ready for VUlan?va with the Carlisle gaaie tacked santT. Fordham is looking foi tory over Villa- . | giving I'ay. The Pint t1M> ,, r.I i. ...r.! this | ea i. i.-i? Ing ii. Urainaa, Swarthnmr.- ami :? \ I.a?t Mason Villaaoea noeed oal Fordham hv a 7 to ii score in the la?t few minutes of play, and a elooe gB8M Is expected wh<-* th? rival? claah again I 1 en Thurgday, > i LEHIGH GETS $27,500 (?ift to <'?implcie I'.asrball F.nd of Tay? lor Stadium. Be eh? na, r? nn., Mee. 21. ; ' . i. president of Lehigh ? . made known a gift to Le? high to day which will amount in value i 500. The money is to be used to cum end of the new Teylor Stadium. The football end, which was completed a little moro 'han a year ago, cost between $50,000 and .$75,000. The gift oriR.nated at a luncheon at the college commons yesterday, iust before the Lafayette-?ehigh football game, by Charles M. Schwab, Eugene G Greco, president of tho liethlehem Steel Company; Charles L. Taylor, of ? b 11 iih, and V, urren A. Wilbur, of this c.ty. Lehigh Men Still Dazed by Defeat South Rethlchem. Penn., Now L'l Jim Keady, the I.?high halfback, was the only player leriously injured in uy's eonteat with Lafeyettc. He has a dislocated knee. While the ? layers an.i Students hav?. not yet fully recovered from the surprise ha them on Saturday, the 'vnrsitv plaver-i 'he outcome philosophically, and one ard all fully believe IhM the team will "come bucK" for the U ,? i and Jcirerson game on Thanksgiving i' i-. BOXES FOR WILSON AT ARNY-N?VY GAME West Point, N. Y., Nov. 21. -Reser? vations on Army side of the Brush Stadium in New York, where next Sat? urday's football game between Woet l'oint and Annapolis v. ill be played. will be mode for Pn Ideut Wilson and innounc? l here to-day i. eutenant charles B. Mayer? secre* iiiiv a ti! treasurer of the Army Ath Council. The Presidential party w.ll havo boxes Nos. 24, 25 and 2d in the upper staml. Th?- President also will Wit? niss part of ih" gema from the Navv il.- of the Bold, boxes Nos. L'OO. HOI und lii?- having been reserved for his party in that section. Lieutenant Meyer is being delug?! with retueata for seats by late appli? cants. All seats at his disposal hav.j ulready been distributed, he said. CASSIGNOL COMING HERE Iren, h Billiard Champion Hope? to Clay Willie Hoppe. With a view to matching him against William F. Hoppe or entering him in handicap balk line billiard tou.-na menta la which he will play at scrat.-h, Maurice Daly has arranged to bring Firmln Cassignol, recognized as the champion billiard player of France, to this country. Coseignol has announced by a cable message that ha will leave Bordeaux Doeenbor 4 on the steamer Kspagno and will be m New York on December 11 or ]'-'. As an artistic manipulator of ivory spheres on a billiard table, Ca?s gnol hes no superior, perhap* no equal. 11,i matea er tournament Play? er remains to be determined. Columbia Football Team Stood Hard Test Well Eleven in Good Condition After N. Y. U. Game and Hopeful of Making Good Showing on Thursday. I table enters upon the last week of it.? football campaign, not confident thai it will be able to bold Wesleyan in their en :? on Boats Field on Thanksgi**? ? .- 11..-.. in- n th bi r-. eae of the regalan in better condition than they have been nt any time this year. eagh the game with New York Unirei rday was ths hard? Columbia has played, it ?va far .-..-..'r on the player? than any of th>- preceding contests, and aside from a fear brail es tin- team ??ill be able to buckle down to hard work . - i n to-day. It is probable, however, that the practice between now and l lur . l laaited to a hard scrimmage tomorrow Afternoon. Although Colombia mails half a In 8at irdaj ' bat tie, not one wai made neceasar] be ?i injury. Littauer, the big fullback, who wreaehed his knee n ? -.. was taken out iftei was seer, ? I ??? i den I thai I he < 'olu-. beginning to Sad Itself. With I. ttauer in condition to go through the fall battle with Issslsiflu, Colambia'i chance? are not entirely hopeles?. If the def'tne. of the Columbia eleven i were on a par with the aiuok, the aup porters of the team might well feel t would hold its own against Wes leyaa. Where there was a variety of play and plenty of resourcefulness on the oll'enre, the defence lacked cohe? sion, and the tackling was poor in the main. To be sure, the defensive line play beat i ambia naa disclosed la its brief M'.iTnii. ami that there ?h, ? i watchful waiting or the part of the forwards was a feet mail?' eloqu?'nt whoa they smashed through ami blocked three of ? nun's kicks. It was this charging through the opposing line the! ama ana of the most pleading feat? ures af Columbia's play, and although the defeashrc formation In Ita tirst alignment was of the loosest sort it ????-".I in with speed and precision. Broom, at centre, has proved himself to be a player of the highest quality. His leek of bulk makes him a target for old fa limned plunges through the midill?? of the line, but on all other pleyi he shines. He plays a roving sa attested by the fact that be i M Intercepted five forward passes, ??it" in the Stevens game anil two each m the gain?'? with the Connection* Ag i \. \ I I I;.!,1er. Mealey and Kennedy ir eon lition, th.. I. ft sida of the Columbia line ii aperior t.? the right Meteall h.s had a ?leal of trouble ?ritt, the r'uht tackle position, h"?I this has re tarded the doeelopmeat <>f thla wine Wither, Doneldsoa and Enees hase nil had a trial and ?-ach has disclosed | faults which have kept Metcalf experi ', men?ng. Sunday Soccer Games Results u. s. r. A. CUP TlfS. Clan 44 ?In-.? f,. !Wnl Hu.M??.1 ?sney A. C.2 S>t?a?ttl*h Anas-t??-?.. I a. r. a. cue Tie. B-mII>?? . II ?. T. ?trail?-.l N. Y. STATE LCAGUL Br-Mlty? Cattlo?.! Cin-r??i .* Y?n??r? .T Bgy BU??.? Clan MaaOuff.8 Our Bay?.1 Gl??-nprlnt .7 H.l!?rllll .I '.--??a? .i BsSssdam .?' Whit? R?m.I Sutway .I St ISaaflS.....t Lenpf-rllow. .8 METROPOLITAN LEAGUE. Fuit?-, Cam?re?a S Willi *?u.I Waal SID? iBSfWB.. lit. G'??8?.0 Grrmani .8 Bay Rldg..I Mud??". . ?|-?d. 2 Visitation .I ..-??i. ? .i Maws Biu?..i CLAN lYI'DONALD AND WEST HUDSON IN ANOTHER TIE Soccer Elevens Play an Extra Period in Vain to End Deadlock. For the second time the CUfl Mc ? Donalds of Brooklyn and the West '? Hudsons of .Newark fought to a tie at I goals all in the United Slates Foot? ball Association series at Haivthorne I i in Brooklyn yesterday. An un BSUal feature of the play was the fact that three of the iour goals were the results of penalties. Extra fime of , thirty minutes was played without the : tie being broken, nnd the two teams must meet again next Sunday. PI j mg ?vith the wind the Clan Mr ? - were able to i itahlish .1 l< s i : of 2 to 1 in the first half, and In twent"-!ive minutes LafTrrty, the right bach who easily played the star rams of the day, ihot the first goal fiom thirty yards out. Five minutes later J. Ross, the left back, made it .: to 0 from a penalty. It lacked ten minutes of half time ?vhen Muir, of the Hi Hudsons, scored from a penalty, The same player shot another penalty f-1" the west Hudsons fifteen minutes of? ] ter the restart. Toward 'In- end of the second hah' M Agar broke his thumb, but summ back mto the game after ends sroi god in the ISCOnd extra period, when McKay, of the West HudsOl Who had sustained an injured ??;?? returned. 'I he line-up folio- ?: ?? H .>'?. i -.-.- .it n. .I.. H. V . . . -r .It i I. Lennoi M .'.ir.n .C. If. I H. Altar.I- il . N Agar..' It. Milla .I u. Low M.i '. !?n .C. Bala .I I4. v.'.r 1 Moi tii-sr!? .O. I?. Z ' 1... ? ie*en 1 ? ?? - 1 ?ii - ; ' I ' . . I .Il ?, m..I 1 ? . . Encountering the Bohemians in a New Voik State League gnme at Van Cortlandt Park yi-s?erday, the Orar Wanderers icorod a victory by 2 goals to 0. ii. I . ? t both one in each half. Hudson United defeated the Visita? tion eleven in the Metropolitan League gaaae at Brady's Field by the score of 2 goals to 1 yesterday. F. Brett scored from a penalty twen? ty minutes from tin- start. In the second period McGuiness, from scrim? mage, placed Hudson I'nited 2 up. ten minutes to go, Isaacs scoied for Visitation. Fred Brett, II. Brett and Mahone, of the nrinning team, WON conspicuous for good work. The Germans had little difficulty with the Bay Ridge eleven in the metro. politan League game St Hubor*! Oval, winning by a score of 5 goals to I. Bummeit, with three, and Koehler and Bleich, ?vith one each, were the Germans' goal getters. Maxwell, of the Bay Ilidge team, got by the Ger mtin?' defence when they led by 4 to 0. ? I. R. T. STROLLERS IN TIE AT SOCCER Brooklyn Field Club Eleven Ral lies and Just Averts Defeat. One of the best soccer games seen hereabouts in a long time took p'ace yesterday at Lenox Oval, where the I. B. T. Strollers and the Brooklyn Field Club slushed in their first A. V, A. Cup tie before a large crowd. A draw resulted, each side scoring twice. The Brooklyn boy- were lucky to equalize, as the pass from the left wing to Vandeweghe, which gave them th.- goal, was made from over the ?roa. line and passed unnoticed by the ref? eree. The I. K. T.'s held their big op? ponents splendidly for three parts of the game, their left, Gibb, giving a grand display. Brooklyn scor .1 the first goal from a breakaway by Dick? son, but the Strollers equalised Im ? me liately through Young, w-ith a .?hot I that gave th,- goalkeeper no cha ce to sa?e. The I. B, T.'s nut on a pressure after this success, and Rc-illy, ? g up a perfect pass by Etal .ie the lead by which they led at half time. The line-up follows: I n T ?ttmllr-rs (1), I? ???tion. Brook rn F C II. La*4*al . ''?. H Dahlll .'t ". ?. Olbl.?? I'. *.v Cmail.!?? n. Bplw c roull.(' H. A4 .t? II. Win ti. Ml-r .O R. Vnn.t"?A.'el." .I. It. Uun-rlker s, i ,-t .C.. Dlckaon < .I. la. Klni ii.iii .d.i.. Beban ? ? . i aad ft? .?? i n T Bu .-. lir?vk:yti V C. I 4 ?I . . - ; !. . - . . . ra' ai.i an I t ? a itj fla g_M8ga The New York fltate League game betweea clan MacDuffs and Degaaa Boya, at Miirlem Oval, rc-.ult.-d in a iir;i??'. n?ither side finding the net. Fitzpatrieh miss.-d a penalty kick for Clan MacDuhTs in the last few minutes of the game. HARVARD ELEVER IN FINE TRIM AFTER BATTLE Fifteen Players Used in Yale Game Lost to Teat Next Ye?ir. BLUE WILL LOSE THIRTEEN "V" MEN Both Colleges Face Hard prob. lems in the Selection of New Captains. tB? TH*s?rl to Th? Trttwr?? Cambridge, Mas?., No? 21.-flimri came out of its Yale game rot out with 41 points, but also with era? man who engaged in the play ?n gm class physical condition. Thcr? *u only one real injury, that to Walla?*/, head, but the reirular centre rush vu all right soon after th? rom? Cow? hurt his leg, but not bo badly that h* could not attend a dance aftar th* game, co the coat of victory was tot ut all ?Treat. Percy llaughton already has turned his thought., to next ;.?ar, when hi again will have to build up almost u entire new team. He need three ?layen .?.g*!?.,?, Yale on Seta . ?; x\?t% will be gradual d a ?n jM, l''l?>. - . ?,. re, u the? will include Mai . King, Watem Wa lac. 1'u on. Si i.\. !.. man m? Cowen, of th? . ?j i.. ?;?,. ti?, R. Curl - VN . rhead, Kolliu, McKinlock, Whitney und Dolu-rty, tub* . IS. Of the eight r? mnlning plnyer? only three Harte. Di Imun and be h ?r? regulars, although Taylor sis? should be rated aa such . the tea* ihre?- linemen and a back to ^.?rt ueit aensen. The other ?ho will be in college s year n Kobinton, Coolldge, Borweea si I \: It is going to be a I ? th* foot ball men to ehoo e .". captain of nut ? "n!y P.iiimiin n s rular Vai lity player, and he entered li. rvard from Tu I Coll? .'.? a litt!? moie than a year ago Harte ar.d I 11 _Ma \T.iil ha . twoye?ri ? r raff or? and Dan Hurle; . ? :mc* that an '18 i choten in D?eern In r SI ?i for two | ? <?r is ;h* most ' ? squad, while Rol nson. wl in t., be th? regular quarterback for two years t* coin.', also Ity. 1 ? ? Tl.- Tr'bun?.] New Haeen, Conn*, Nov. 21. Mem hers of the Vale football team r? turned to-night from Boston to resuma their studies, bfany of them are mors or les batter?'?! up, hu' Ssvsge, Guers* sey, Chati lor end Chub Sheldo? ?re the only men who are ?uffennf, from s. Seeagi in bad ihspe tnd h? will have to ' i'\ on crutches for s time, v. hi!" ' Taylor il ?of? ferinjg ??' Guernsey. rai [iut out of the game Ix n l w?? died b ?dea in hi? shoulder. C ? ?h? alder, which gave him trouble early tbi? season, wt? injured again. Vale will lose thirteen men who h?r? won the "V" in football by gradoition. The list includes: C?ptala Wilson, Rigginbotham, J. Sheldon, Robert?, Guernsey, IVay, Chatfteld-Taylor, Com roy. Miller, Savage, Von Holt, bildet and IVhite v. . teman, '.?ho played ?t end during the Princeton rame and who would have played .-?ganst Har vard but for an Injury to hu Ime? ??_ return * though He hat not yel With th? '?'* coaches next fall will have ''teen"^ men around ??? I om to bi ild ? loo*.' ball machine. Thin fac? ? i accounted for because of the exceptionally l?T* number of injuries in the Vale-Har vard game which necessitated the ea listment of many sul titutaa. The board of Vale coaches, which ha? had charge of Vale football for tk? last three weeks, wa? a temporary a.? fair, and a definite decision will h?*? to be reached rogerdiag a n*w eo?ch ing nystem Just when the meetinf to ?l'-ci?!e th's BUOStlon <v:l be held n?l not been determined. The re?7U.?r monthly rr."rf'i:g of the ?.??'neral ath? letic ciimrrrt'ce will be held here to? morrow nitrht, snd th?' mstter m?T -* diseussed then. Fran* HiaaeiTsl US* tract, it is understood, still has s J??' to run. There are man? questionl to be rip find relatrr? to Tale football, not ?? least of which i? tale'i cartain for next vear. "Chub" _* ployed a ?tar frame a?raii t ?'r-.ceton, but who wa 'he HarrsK game, will pn I I irn ?'!>r another year. He is the most'' "' tinned candidate. ?Tupe" Black, the "at guard, i'??' nthrr pi ; ' "' for the honor. I I Vale for two year?, while ? ??r_L__! with thr Vale Vanity, a faet wh'fh r*w imething to do ?rith the oaMyno of the eleetioi ' ' *he ",/ tion of the new Ci b*''n 1*2 but it will probab';-. ? .r ' am daya. Burkes Guinness 1% Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY THE PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK ?',:uNV ??.?-? Courtlindt Av., cor. MStn >?-___ IMI4MIKI 4 H Smith St., cor. Living'toi. St. Graham Av. cor. Dchcvoisc St. Pitkin Av., cor. Kockawi) A??^, 1 j PER CENT CHAKGIU ON *\_ LOANS NfcPAlU WITHW '& TWO WEEKS I ROM DATE. MAMIATI \.*s. fourth Avenue, cor. 25th Street. .[Idridfl St.. cor. Kivifi?,ton St. i?: ll.xiston St.. cor. fcssex St. S-venth Av., bet. 48th & -?9th Sts. Lexington Av., cor 124th St. Grand St., cor. Clinton St. E. Lexington & 3d Avs.