Newspaper Page Text
The Giants Led in One Thing, Thanks to the Bat of Laughing Larry Doyle DEAD HEAT IN ROAD RACE OF PENNANT CLUB ffickey and Rostang Share Honors in Practice Run at Van Cortlandt Park. BRONX CHURCH HOUSE SQUAD SHOWS WELL Heydet Sho\^ Way to Field of Thirty In F?lir ani? a Quarter Mile Olc'H' ? \. C. Fixture. ^ f?(\? ,.- i.ree runr.. ? ovfr il? ? irter? mile ^u-r of " ? ' Athletic Club. ,:. Xbe Iraea, ration for '?'??? ' indny \ Church i. mmpM, I ? in the sennr ?jlU : on championship next I ? ? a'"' finish- i being B I ? ? r the finish lio?. Ion '? : the IJronx Church Hou?? ??juad. and Artnur Koutung;, of the Hoiy fam I] L>ct-um, of ???tree* (;.'.)?, ran a uead heal for first honors, both were timad il lrf.40, which clipped ?jur* than II ?eeonda troin the I he?t tint o > jra? John Phil? Up?, another I hard? House runn?r, wa? aaietaad?! for tl ? load for thr?o miles, thm il !?? Ua finished third, 10 jar . but more thai Milla frontol Hern 1'arkinson, from th? Ira ?jtt oir ? ome, ?lack Brun? set., it ? n/u?. ? ?r.J J House. 1er. I ' ? - i I A I 11. !.. a a ? ?? i. i . . : ? ? ? ? Thirty-one rni petad In the Harler. "r th? four i f the . wen: to ' with a total o! . of ! Bslpii . ? . two club tt?'.-. wer? uecond and third, re >>'? <?ws: r*s :-. - ? ? A C. i- - ? : A. C .. f-;i . ?-. ? H r. I r ? ( . ?? . Newark runners finished well in fror*. .:. ? ' b*at M . M ? y?r. . Nu'ity, s runners of St Bene? dict'? Pre; , 1 the r.ext two t. ?I ter cours? record . while Lyncr, si -0 wer? a th? o?d ? The ? . ? ? own *** ? Tim?. ? * ... .. J-? r , 9~J ? l'n> , N?-?rk. . ? Ja. : [ I? r .' ? ?Ll? l- A I. Rob?-- i. Colora ?o, of ?? ? ? the lrr. it A .klyn. The JWo ?tl ? oat for th? J"1"1 tl ? -. .. ?? tiie Bniah. ?'*? ? - Hrooklyn run }**? *?' " ? hoa he paffed I. Thor.v a ? Keystone Athletic cl"o. - I from th? finish. Th? ? ? ,0WBI * * . t. ? ? ~~t r A A . ' I I A4 A ? A .? . TM r: lrM a. var I ortlandl Park ?j,* '?? li U I" f ?? ?A ? ?a?? i' ' i ]!? . th? V??-Arr.e, rhr, A a!?*'? th? fast pae? ?? J?'- ? ?rent, over the thr?. J,v . ;? th? line r_T _' rr'*t*?? ? f-w :. h ?:.??.?.* ' e,ob ?no? on practice runa B?i * " : K ? pa?? ?j,, ..., ,.. ,f , ,rhl. ,n , ? witl Hai : ??? Kol?hmain?n ? _ HcDonald Biati Small Field. ? ?mall ??....' '.on over hn ? Si a ?t*. ?' ?f W:M Serr* V" '"' h * ?o??"* raes? ?*?_r.V r,*fotr??k? a clubmato. w??. io__;_._-h " 4*eob'' fro? th? Cl-'k *_l Ata,?tie ^?oclation, third. ?VKI'TTin.?', K'lM Bowling pj,':'-? ?'i r*rmi io Suit -"** BY cX?'r.HI MKCHANICS. **? S?, ???.* U??*r. >?? Vo?*. Boxing Bouts of the Week MONDAY. Aftn-nnon, Br??(l?>a, Sporting Cl.ib. Brookl,?? Kid All?? and K. 0. MrCiuilry, Young AI Kai? and Frankl? M?h?n. Eirenlng. Cltrn-ort A. C. Cl.rmont Ring. Brooklyn?Johnny Dunrtie and Phil Dloorr; V??f?rbllt A. C. Broiilyn, all ?tar ccl??-?d ?now. TUESDAY. AT?-' is flBortlro Club Sul/fr'? M?rl.m Rl??r Pirk?841? Langt?d and 9?m M?V?y. ? ? -. A, C.?All-ilar ?hcrw. Ou?-??boro A. C?Jo? Mounry and Young jo? B?rnit?ln. Brottfw? Bportlng Club. Brooklyn?Chirlty Wtlnert ano Bandy F?rgu?n. wi BMCSOAV. N?w Pol? A. 0.?JIti?) Co"l?y and Iddl? tilfor-J. THURSDAY. Aftirnoon. Broadway Bportlng Club, Brvsaklyn? i Dund?? and W?'??r Mo?ir. Evening. Ciif-nont A. C, Brooklyn?Wild Burl Ktnn, and OatTlirg L??lnik/. Frank Magna-, and 11 n Btawnrt. Vandrrbllt A. C?Jl-nmy Murray and Battling Lahn. FRIDAY. Harl.m Sporting t,.,.;.? !.Tiling Lavlniky and Porky Fl.nn, Tom find Tom McCartry, Frank Hag??, gal Lan) William?. SATUI Bronrlway Spotilrg Droa>*lyn?Soldi?. Bartfl.ld and Frankl? Nottrr. A. L. BURNS VICTOR AT N. Y. A. C. TRAPS Makes Total of 90 Out of 100 Targets Z. Rogen Also Wins. Weather condition? were fairly good yesterday at the Travers Island traps of the New York Athletlo Ciub, and as a result th? gunner? mad? decide.jly better scores than th.y did on Satur? day. The ?vlnd sttll was hif-h, how? ever, and nothing of a sensational nat? ure happened. A. L. Burns was th? hlph ?cratch irunner of the day. He had a total of i'O out of a possible 100 targets. Ills .string-? were H, 23, 22 and 22. The hiffh handicap gunna*1 was Z. Hot-era, who made '.?'.' Oflt Ol 100 blue rocks, shooting; with a handicap of S. The .inly other winner Bras J Ward, who nrnexjd the Trnvers Island trophy after a shoot-off ftgalnst F. K. Wiliiam and B. Godwin. The " ?* runners ??ill shoot a special n Thursday njrain-t team of profeeeional ball to?sers who are ?our rig the ? . Msthe-v?on, the -' pitcher; Chief Her. 1er, ??ho i on th.- Baltimore Feds last sea nd Ol I .-andall, of the St. Louis Poda WOMAN KILIS TEN "BIKDS" Mr?. Fish Wins First Shoot for Fnlr Sex nt Nepoaall Club? The fentiin- of the weekly shout nt oundin?- of a woman's ?1 eluh. '? ? . chain hip for ?vomen four of the fair H It wa? - . and the ?vlnner pro? Mrs. John J. Fish, ?vho "killed*' 10 of the I ? ? f the i ,-. laahor, '.'; hire. A. Wagner, 7; M ra. J. I lecker, 7. ? ran? in a rpec'.n! 1fl|i-"';i!r?r' match fur ' rod by r ..t. i i-i-1 - the ::cr, with a score of M His ha? Louis ! with ? Loomis Carries Off Two Prizes at Traps D. O. Loom!? carried of?" the I in the of the Manl Hay 'i I "-?pite p ? blue rocks describe *? glee, he .'.'? und w..n the lea - - monthly cup. He a:-', rh ?run for the day, i ' 100, on his | oral some keen eompi in the ihoot for the yearly eu| . r the leg, and In the off H. I. vi ! the winner. Trae** H Le a is uns high scratch B B for the day, ?vith a score of St. The .?cores follow: ? ?'?. h?n-|~api? n O lavint? ? ;? il .4. ii ;. ; I: H. 1 I V Alt? I! I 'n f?ti?n (I |1 T It : ' ? . -n U Boa*e) ? 18; H 1 M: H. !.. f. ] ? . il -,v !. 7 II. ] ',-.-. I ?. ? a? Women on Long Hike. The ?vin ens branch of the American Walkers' Association took a hike yes? terday from Atiat.tlc Avenue, ltrook lyn. to Ccney Island, a distance of mm m les is ?ver? wet. but the Misses Falk, Jackson, Seibert, Luft and ? ??ero undismayed Bnd flniihed strong. GIANT CAPTAIN MAKES 189 HITS DURING SEASttf Larry Doyle Is Official!] ,' \ ned Batting King of National League. Lan y Hr.;, le. captain of the Giant; ??or. ? .- iionors of the Nation* ?lie oflicial figure .-.? A. Heydler, secre League) rea . imi -, ?' . ft.r .. earns Prll Ludern?, ? ? 'lun ri I club. Lu ? ? ? out 0 a plate, for an a?.rag of .;. Ja ? r >: ilo leader of th league, "-as f ft i ?. re o ? 'ni- Tommy Griffith, of the Red? and BUI Hinehman tied at .807, an. con: honor class. Fre ras just on ide of the leled circle, em als, an. Joe i ? ?f the- Braves, were twi the ses Crnvii'h led th" league in scorini . run?. . v' ? y ami f;r?t in ?tolei bases, with 36 te i erad t. Grob am 'Griffith, of the Keds, played in 1?> | .-ame? IM regular contests and 8 tl ?.rames. The Cardinals led the leatr*ie In elul ' hitting. wi?h an average of .254. Thi 'champion Phillies were fifth, ?vith .217 N. Y. YACHT CLUE RACING RECORDS A Brilliant Season Shown by 54 Races?Resolute Beats Vanilie. No bettor evidence of the success of tho yachting season of 1 : ? 1T? is needed port Of '.lie New \ i ik Vachf ju-t issue! II || fifty ra si won n ?vhich 16? yacht? took part, during ti.e period be. ! Be] Umber 18. Two feature! lonrked the ciub'H rae rhe first wai the annual eruise - d>-s the usual ? I the 4*aces for the Altor took ninety-two yachta, aggregating a tonnage of 12,000, ? ? Cape ( od (anal. The sec - : d wai thi presence o: tin- two b g CUp ?? . its und Van most of the race? of the a.-aso'n, Including the ci.. i A ?;. i ... m ? : ..? the "tiftle.i" opened . on on June 12. Tin.? was won i-mmr-dore George F Hak- r tura, with J. P. Morgan's Grayling in on J um- a i were ?. toner M'.iH.ii tl..- sioops Oia H and 1 . : a York i acl I Clnb eour ie cup? on that da] .-. ?si ? ; Ahma '. na. i.nil ;lio Vanitil made theii in July 10 ? ??. Inner by a good mar Ite was also the win ner Of the Long Island Sound race, on July I] of all three of the Sandy ilo"k seriei races, on July IS, 14 m d l?, and of the Newport sines race, y 27. r Smith Cochran's sloop Vanitle ws ? laoedron run of the a a f i om Ni a London to h ilf a Rale.. The Resolute ?vas ai?alilci off 1 .? ten of the r.-iiles. The vanitil also won the ? mile run from Newport to n August ?3. i be Baso. lute captured the prizes on August 7 and 10, thi ?'anitii winning again on August 11. The K'.-solute won a special cup on A.?tor (up day, and tho Vunitie won on the King's Cup day, BO the lie ilute \?o:. nine rac?s to the Van three during tho Now York Yacht Club's Mason. They sailed a number ? er. for trophies offered the Resoluto carrying off most of them. The Astor cups were won by the schooner Queen Mab and the sloops ite and BsmurL The race for the King'a Cup) sailed off Marblehee wr.n by Commodore (?'-orge F. Haker's ? Ventura. The cruise, under the direction of the commodore, assisted former Commodore Frederick ? .. Bourne, Btajrvesant Walnwright, ?luirles Francis Adams, William Hutler Duncan and ths race committee H de B Pal ph M. Macdonough and ril 0. BpedflOfl ?vus a pronounced ess. Official Batting Averages of the National League Ii~1*. I,*r-. *?. T .l"> I ?? ? V- ... HI * i ' ? ? J i ? I -.. s 'i .il ? i ? -s- ; h ? ? Y Ml ? . I i ? i?- <\. ou* ei K . P III . .11 !' ' ..I - I ? ? i... .t- *? r ? L II? n S'. I. ?o. Wh*?.- Pi"* treten, I!'- n ' : o J i B ?''??. i .. lea ?I . HI ?' ) J i <;.. ????. V. ?'" 45 ', in ? , I- ' ? > ;' - IN m . - h? i. i ?? - i ?? I ' I 1"? I. m 1? H I? I' ? ? ' 505 \t\ '?. ' ' I ..1 ' 44? ' ni? ?? ? ? i.i ? t ???? ?? do 14? I? hi ? - ????. ?ti hi HI ? ? ? .i ? . i. ? ?i ? w iii '.; ? ?H ? it Id l'-l ' ? ? It |?j 41 HI ?? ?1 ?IK , 141 ? ? [M ?" m l; M fl 141 T4 it] y i Fi 111 in? 17? 11? ret ?7 AB 111 I?? ' . .-? |?4j ?1 P' Yrr. fl?? ? ti ? i ? ? Rosira a L... r I " . ? Brooklyn.. B ?ton 14? ICH ? - -.? ' *; m? .- -> v Y II I St. I, 1 ' ?"! ' if? '"? 11? ?i ;. i -. . Ma ?*, J I I'" ?' ? . A 1 ??? . har.ra BrnoMrn 111 I. .. fi ? ?i *? N T ... 4? ? . . Y I to '? N Y ,11 I ? ? M |U*I r ? I,... M I' I'*?*. ??lilc . '5 u 'i p."'..?; Brooklrs -i - K V .... 1? '-?. ' !? I run sin ?ii n *' ' . n*rt Hutu" !! ,1? 17] ?2? ' 4' ? 101 Ik? '. . ?7 40 VM .1 J-AT. Ill? i i. n n nu* I Arthui ?Ine . It ?4 101 I M . < ? .. ?. ; :i P Y 45 I .. 105 ?>???. Ij .40 I . - i{ ??r ? hl* 7T MrslnsriL Pr..l V Y ?l M r. J H Boston - I?? rl.liil-P. I'.rl . N ?> ? I ' 13 ! '1 49 ?1 III 111 :: ?i 7? Ml IM ?? 11 Prt. Ill '. ? . I '.??? .?' .44 :?l 144 .' . ? . ? ill S':4 .. . ii? 71 111 1 I r m 41? ?0 I' Ml MMM -M si? rrs <rs??'h. PM!*?1?lphta. I?. mama t.?? Car*?, Pltubur?h. M ''Afm h\; ' !'.. ?i'. 4.'. 1,'ifii* nn a. I laisth 14; tlir?? I. , hi {?it. ;". h*ab*M-_. DwU, UtXer?? tii-sth. ?f OavataMil Pls'-i 1"> MM III.. , 11' t \'t > ??I 'I"1 ?' ' * ,U ?""??' * ? . ,,f tan.-a parllHi ?twl In ' . In a rrl'i ar NaT.' ? l'a* i? .' ?_ a ? M? _ ClUI) BAirih'.. '? .1 ? '? _ ?M*s.>. . ii m? >? i ., ,. . .1 17 *.*?._. .?_.. _< W?? u. A B m ?m ? 4 11 .I Mill J II ' . ? ill? IV? ,11 l I? l?.'?i l ?il S II I'? ll?; ill g y m H PH tl H U ?9? U? The Nightmare of Penn. Captain Barrett of the Cornell eleven, who will lead hli tnarn against the Quakers on Thanksgiving Day. Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ By 1GOE_ "People have been saying that I'm afraid to box twenty rour. 1? for mj title," raid Freddie Welsh last night. "Well, I'm going to disappoint the croakers t>y saying that within the next iveek or so I will i.e signed up for three Of the long d.-rision bouts. 1 fll .- r \? a afraid of a long bout. As a matter of fact, I won my best battles over that the title came to DM let of that length. I'm stronger than any lightweight in the world to? day, and a long eoltatst Is more to my in a short one, if the truth be known. Let me tell you ?vhat I Intend to do. Pol oh, my manager, has come to t< run with Iioniimck Tortorich, of Orleans, and n ; I sign for a twen? ty-round di ' with Joe Mandat as soon as the artielei arriva In the mail. January hai been named as the month In ??Inch the bout will be fought. "On Chi ' la I v : Wolgast twenty rounds to a decision in Hi over. Wolgs t and the i '? ? ? ei ' .y. 1 met \\ oipust last Thu ? ed to post |2,&O0 a? .i of good faith, the e of ? te be put up . , amou ?- h ? pretty sure that he can whip me if he I ? .i part wit! On 'op of ? ? wo bouts i- the ene_f*ith l I \S bite, of Chicago. "When I ??a IB Chicago some weeks ago i t the man who ? . ? . ? ? , me. Wh:' that Mrraml ti s. and I will keep my word with thi Chicago sporting edi? tors. I ??ill t.ght him twontj i for the ehampionihip, Irrespective of ?vhat is offered. Now, I can't be any fairer, cim 1? If 1 close these other two matehee, then I will be preparad to fight White in February." If folks don't think that Billy Gib? son believes in the Dublin Giant, let ? rnoi ey gal? lop up to the M. ? Bronx ??ith -, and Bill ?? .1 eo* ai il I ith new bills to the tuna of mmfiod and then calmlv remark I I the bet le: ( OF? FEY KNOCKS THE GUNNEB OUTI That's Bill's Idas and Bill'i wager. So if there is n liflgle blue blood iib'out the to?vn with an sejual amount oi in the Gnnuer, let him trot right out into the i is little B. B. | "I may I -If," [remarked Jim Buchly last night "You I know, 1 don'; think for a minu'e that to do any knock! or even DOWN, You gee, the old Cun ner hag been lighting around here for 'a long time, and he hasn't even been upset, l.t alone K. O'd. He wag only floored twice in his life- one time by ?Jim Harry when he ?vas only a be? ginner, and the other time by Ckrpen tier So, you see, I think 111 to save my nickels end dimes and Just grab that soft bet of Billy's." Charley Murray, of Buffalo, draw on his gum boots and pussy-footed his way into our hamlet yesterday to see Tawu Jones an.I Ji Curley, ans of big Jes? Wlllard. l'hnr aatl Joel '?? fight before his Queer.sbury A. C- of Buff .' ; ni ray. When U.<- big i bai in d best he ??"'-.'.1 a the "stickt." Murray gave h:ni a to flgii'. Al Ji-sa amant Ut demand in those day?, he hai always felt | ful ' I upstate promoter. "I've Just got a moment," gald Murray over the wire lagt night. "I've got the phone attached to the train here, ana we pull iway In three minutes. Just want to say that Jones and I had a talk. Not about the money a* yet but about the possibility of having Je?s show in our town. You ! can seat 12,000 up there by building up a few more sent?. Tom Andrews Hiid Madison Square Carden aro my only rivals when It comes to ?eating a big crowd. Jess will fight ut Ne??- Orleans daring the Mardi Oras . a-, i tni" SS uill fight for me. Ho?? much Will I give him" Well It will b? a lot of money. We didn't talk rice, as I ?aid before, and didn't even int at It. Hut Jess will fight for me. I haven't ?elected an opponent so far. So long. They're toot tooting up there ahead." "N'o-.v there'? a good old Indoor sport that has been almost forgotten," s-ild Jim I'orhett last night a? he pointed to three young ladies crocheting aero?? fron I, rn on th? Knickerbocker Limited .?ht. Jim had heno te tin Indigo Wake at the Harvard Btadiuifl and ?vs. bringing the suiii-hiii?, back to Havsnle, L. I "Hv Jingo," ?vent on .lime? .lay, "it ' has bean ***** since I sa? a set at ' croi'iiet needles on the job. Girls don't ilu wiese things i..r.vauays. 1? 1 ban my aray I'd go over unu pin a V. 0, un each oi.e oi thorn. Ihora must be u ?train of th? good ulJ ?tock in th.ii??- leaalea, Thai ?i i ?r h t ??.ves me Jii"t ibe mi t ef i I at 1 got m ii." other day. when i saw a ?lu ty i a.-i d little aid through th? eei ?i pair ?>. toed shoes on. BRASS TOED BH ii.-. - few \<-ara? Doeaot it make you I i oot i and - lamp? i i an in?!..": in "in- world now date. Why, tak? Il ?Jeera te my house Ibora at I ajreide W? alwaya have a lot of friand? down for dinner 9 und I have to rot. ? ant ?ten . da of won't "V.. . .im ,> He Pat 1 rg? Cohan and fellow? like thai eoma down, I the i i for a - lion of th? Dipper?. Wa'r? all old*faehion kl la, and w? have coffee served in niv ?ien, and if you dont think we ?njej lipping our breed la our ?off?? without .?.i7.7.1i:iK iraroj 0f our many, many wives, yoa'r? mistaken. That's why wa anil anr lalvaa th? Dipper?. Ah, m?1 I nri'l rrochetni:; are two loot art : ?iriys." Safe ?,in? a". ! cena? rmtlea ?hew for the poor o! i fi^'h? fan at the American ? tig ? ??.i. to-m? rrow tighi 1 oo our tiehel pi re, and for Jo? \a thai there will b" a eonpon attached which guar> antees the return of your money If ?vtim Lnngferd niul Sum McVtry try any of that in.'i/uikn ?toff, 'Ihrv've ?rot to show Fomethinii, or they dont ?et paid, and Charley White is *o bo the Judie? 'of their actions. Charley has !;e?n Instructed t?> toa? the two peat masters Cirht out ?>f the arena if he thinks | they are iloin?' anything but lighting, ; Nothing could tie fairer than that, OOW cou ?1 it, Mr. Fan 7 Douglas Fairbanks, a former Ifgltl? mate actor, will ent"r the rini? at the Sharkej A. <'.. la do battle with Jack Denning, Wednesday night. And there's a reason. Fairbanks la to ?:ar in s movie- called "His Picture la the Papers." and the bout between Den? ning and I will be photo rrapl ed. P? r allowed to I ' r .'f bout9 free of ci.arjre. i ranU th? a ring I ?he whole town ? ??? in on this irreal 1 riat'n i 1 ' i.rhett will bo rra^-ter of Terry McCovero -a ill refer, P Bnd ?00 Hu-nphries will de the hell] Entries for To-day at Bowie Track rrftiT *ucn?M_i_n Mo-tea? ?a r:?* sad a | ? ' f-T.-.IIIli?. Name Wl Nam?. V? t. tvir* i .11? i; ? -? Kltch?n....lll . i . '.'? ' rj J' .Ill ?? ', ?r i . ....Ill In ??on? .1 ? ? - Jac* .?it? .i ? Bi ? t .Ill t>an '.-.? Star.Ill Litt . o ru'T- j. _*fc M i ? if ? ta tita? .Ill Tmeemt .ri . > .1 ?5 ? ?r.!t>-. ..... I Dane?? . ' ? ? ?*? Ti Mili nv. !'? Bsllln?; '..'.??? yuill? an.l up . ? M?rtln ?'?ac?.1C* RamtllaUM . W >nr*n . 1001 ? era !.;*? ' ? - Blair.1 ?- !!?? loo . " - i i?; bodjr.. . allaa ...... Hoial T?a.I?. ?I.ntrfra.-t .IjO ?v.atar ?Jir.1CX ?paneta . M Rua-'a Brother... K4 ?rnl.i? . ?? A.hena .1- ?M?? I ?a .?1 hi'/mi ruiT?TTir, TB-IUX-L P?MBi all am S**M ntrbOW *??, I.'?' n?a'*r I'r-rns*.Ill Herbert lUbefl Bradiar....llO I"1 a Tari.104 .'..iahen .IN H* eeoe la. 1 r .-.<?? . ~n . M Hors* .IM BlafS C o*T*?. M A.-ra .!"'? Bettel . M I'll HI RACrVA? S? ? -a- .!? a-'.d ip-aM. .-.?. ? T : 'J ?'. U Miller. ':> Kl?e ra-ftii*. IN , \ja.ek-.Ill ?I'attT l:?s?n.. * ! ? nl ? ..Ill 'st'iiln fair. !<M ? Rs ?a ... . ?-?".. i.ry .10? ? alaa .let ?Marrar? t Mela*. 1 ? -i\ril IIA'T.-*V'.:l->? met* ?Ar iUls _>4 ut?'ant i ? ...* Sir ?a, Johnson. Ill ?tl lita Arcind.tW H*n Qalni-a.. Ill ?OM l>eom. M ^ ;r*m? . lr? J?m . H I'.ila Prr??>a.'" "'??ant .'?? Hionrhenra .I* ?Ulk? Van 5>nt . ?4 ?At?l?har?n .ln< l?i.aa of Pnnbar... ?M ?'n,..n?l Cook.IM "L.?ill?. _arl. ?i ?Arrraml?-? all'????J,.'?i "' H?* ?lain?*] Camfgie Tech. Picks Captain. Pittahnrgh, P?nn. Nor. II. Herbert 1 Rollatrea . of H ? ng, W. Vs., was - to nicht elected captain of the 1916 football team at < arnegia Terh. Hell- j ? trom ii a junior and thiiQeaiou played lie^H loch. tliiiQeaiou TROTTERS IN KEEN RACES ON SPEEDWAY Ben Dat Carries Off Honors in Pace at Final Fall Matinee. Two thousand lovers of light harneas sport turned out to see the final mati? nee of the fall meeting of the Road Drivi m' .'-. -?ociation of New York, held on the Harlem Spot !?v??y yesterday. The programme offered vu of the usual length, and provided some ex? it. There were thirteen races, and desp.te the fact that the track a the beat con? dition, due to *he cold weather, the horses perforate I The 1:03 pace, the feuture of the card, went to four beats and was WOfl by Ben Dat, a bay gelding bo to J. F. Hinan. In tl ? Ben Dat ?von handily. The folio-une; heat wa? won bv Winian by a length i rom Clovei latch, and th? latter turned the tables on the Bold in 'he next tussle, winning by a neck. B<'n Dat flni-hed a poor last in the third heat, (inly the heat winners partici? pated in the next set-to. He ?vent Info the ?cad at the start and just cantere i across the line as ho pleased. I A. Merke!'? b?-o-.?n mare Countess Kohl also ?cored a nice win by captur? ing the initial laurels in the 1:08 pace. In the opening tilt she finished last, but came back strong in the following boats and ??on each by a small margin. The 1:04 pac a i ? a mateb between O'Bi en Bo] and Hnr thea. attracted consid?rable Interest, the former, who ... ? LAKEWOOD GOLF TILT THIS WEEK Fixture to Begin Thanks? giving Day at Club in the Pines. Golfers will turn their attention to the leeond fall tournament on th-i links ef the I ountn I I ib of Lakewood ? ?? k, for on 1 the last meeting of the Northern 1116 seaoon. ?t is a sont nuation of tho of the Blah, adopted last fait, t<> hold two ton:: eh autumn? the roaeofl being that *aai ?- plwyers lue to spend th. 1 h i n ksgiv i Bg season in tin- pines, Hi Three sixteens have been Dl for, and all of the holiday devoted ta> the testing round, ft. II hi obtained in tho last gathering two weeks ago. It s a little early to know who ??il Ibe among the competi? tors, but rumor has it that Walter J. ??.?I tee Afl Travis likes Lakeweod and has won many chief cups there. Thomas B. Smith, Mayor-elect of Philadelphia, Is the first chief ? ?ve of that city fer. l lure burs boon many department i kowever, who ate devotees of the roval Bl i aneen?, game. Martin Biurti baugh, Governor of Pennsylvania, the t imoi and ofte . kai I id s round at Si avie-.?, whci i mem? ber. At this rate of , not be long are the qualllcatlon nec? essary f'H be that ths ran didate Is capable of holding his o.'.n o i the links. Ren BayorSi famous old Nor'h Rer ?lek professional, ??'ho came to Amor? tar the WBI ! tgan and snent a -. ir here, bai returned to his native I on a business trip. To Make Genesee Valley the Home of Good Horses Breeders' Aitaociation Hai Plan for Production of Hunters and Cavalry Remounts. Mrs. Herbert Wadswarth an.! thost associated with her in the (?>? Valley Horse Breeders' Aasociation In ?:ew the establishme t of a ??hereby the region in wh oh hoi famous Ashantee Stud Is located ???. became the lre'.an.i of am riea through tl irough bred and half-bred buntere, ci? irons o* sus Ity From the time th. breeding bu? reau of the Joekoy i lub wai .* ab thoroaghbrod ? ?e on the horse Sf th ' ? (?u -, ? ell II ?! other BtalliOBI D04 tl patronised by the farmers, end last > . it Bi lasai t dot ated Wi a der Boy, by Watercress Donna ' bj Bayon d'Or and Merry Taab by , Octagon, Merry Token by Merry Hamp . the ' his remarl - ? and the latter i ?rot-xi winner of rtj ta ? ind. l - ? Id ? ???' to these, tl furrier had ?". the good hor?' Otia I.aura Agnes by .Ills Johnson, ? i Kentucky by Mrs. Wada ??orth herself. l Gen?ses Vslley Is thirty-five long and about twelve miles a' its wide?t point, and It, la a ?natter of record that no richer farming co?n munlty exis's In th? Cnited State. There are pasture? that have never i known a plough, th? purest of ?pi- : water percolate? Shrong-h th? lime ? bi I ?4 a grasing country It cs"-.ot be surp??sed H is not r? mnrkable that good horse? hav. b"en brad there, and the time has com? ??hen the woman who is re?po sibl for much of the develonment flf the i the farmers who iwaar by her ?vaut to Ineraaas their sapply of material an.i > -. Ig renntatton for their finished prod ict \l th thil purpose m view the i . ?. Hoi.e Breadsra' Aaaoe alien has asked the Jockey I'lub to place --.?'?? it thoroughhrou. kail brad or , o'.her good mare?, which ?? 1! be 1 ?? -?h ? breeding bureau st 111? project will come up before the Clah St ' - :>: fit-et ?ng I early in January, a? con mary work baa ? in connect on with the pre I tion. Lieutenant N. C. Shiverlck, formerly of the Third Cavalry, i? sssoelated ?ith Mr? Wadeworth n ?he Ashantee atud. which is devoted to the I.I ? / train? ing anil development of bu itera, and whs li a iirii?h"d horseman, din the plan at some length during -, re? cent ?? || i., v,.-1 ?> "The degree of enthusiasm for tho iction of high clasi harsei In t!.<* se Valley is remarkable." -i d I.e. "1 ? i ? Is a believer In the Jockey C lb I policy for the impi mt of the >? breed of hors?-? through the thoroughbred top cross, but, unfortunately, .?tune of them r type Our touch With I.- ?? dine eonait ion -, and ?t a ned '" ? Club to send us or thi i ? -it the Un te ' ? aid m eontr b three hundred thoroughbred or ether mares of proper typ?, pledging our felw* n tare ' . the mo ; watehfnl cure, not only during th? breeding period ant al ?''.her time? of the y< ar, ' ' r rea? ?rere properly car?.! for. our plan? ca'liii? "or an ugh hred Man . ..u Up I .'?'der? ,r> th? ; continued Lieutei rhes? ?.?,. would 1 ? ?'? d and short !e?ri,-.'ii they ?reuld ?nil our re ?luirenn ? perfect!? [f with feel ?hen ?ont to us and the foal ?hould I to be n ir???'.l . to repurchaa? the be expr?s?, d. I ' ?> err*:: rd OH tlu payni ; ente 1200, "Tl - ?' r?"ir?e. be'o'iir I sttet t> let ut? ber? l?uch Bato? ??< liive be?n incapacil ited i" > her way*, than bave them ?eld for b pitta c? and ??! . i \. With our as , 1 only h to ke..p ? d any ; I m al ' ",lin?r "I "ir piar. ? ivo." ?one i - ???ho breed bul i ? ? reuld ha fro? ?? . but there are other? who proper? i\<r the market and turn out tl ' ??rod u.'t. We aim to b* cH?>nl.:e of ??king care ot any ?,'d all who mav en-n* t.? UB to ptircha?# home* of iiua'lty. If ' < Individual hasn't ?hat i? required he will be pas?ed along to another member of file Boaeefatlon, and h? In turn to another unt'l hl? want? ar? sBti.afteil We ?ire anxiously awaiting the ,Iock?y Club's anaw?r to our ap? peal." Full Scores at New Pot hello Club Trans Boner? were prettily evenly divided by the ?i ip hooters of th? Neu i'?> eh? lie 1 ' ' '!i f? '? ' ?toy m their r?gulai ? i "?"1 faced th?- tuip? on Rarri?on (?lend, an?! with on? ? KC? i : on fall ?eere? were re turned in ?11 of the ftve HOtehe? BOft? '..??. d Nal Wol b eeptnred Iha l<> :i full Ki'.'re, ! i, i' ?, ? : bery, with a ?cora ?>f 14, ?Cratch trophy. Granberj alao proTod huh ?cratch man for the ?lay, wt'h a total of HA to his eredit ti D Curri?! ?on the hi.rh cap priae, with ? total of 100 on hi* handicap of ES. j I and Nat W?!.b tied '.v!* h full ?core? in 'he shoot for the monthly nip al ?? "Wrd?,M ?aeh ?coring a lee, while m th? I tl ?lal IB dip Oranbci h won t, McLaughlin) B, i< Btodderd, ?; i? ? n i loi. ? i . Moore ami < A. ???I with full ?core? of 26 In ?i !? in?ch, and in 'he chuut-ofT ind won. M? ?Il ?^'P 1?^ 1*lrd*"| ban?llra|il?Na4 W?bt? ? . i I ? A ? i I. 1 M.'l *iifl..tli 1?), i. ? ..?ii D. Hl . . m .. , ,. u wh_ ? ' " - ?? .,. ?i i i - II '. ... A Mahl ? ? . M*?* ^ ?. P. I . Il II K'..I l*i.| |4). I?. ? |||C!, ,- . . .- T ?? Na, . - , , M ..r? M; i. h i 'n 1*1 i ?? Il il ? A i r B*aa*tt H n '.Hl' ?. . r | ??-:. V^A^^4^.-;->*:^V>.. _._ a-spllj t%s^M? Th? CICARCTTC OF ?UALITV ?fci- ? '-?? pROM Virginia, "gi; j ^.|jl where cigarette to K'^^ 3^$J bacco originated, cornes U '^Si^ ''V*^? ^e ^est cigarette tobac ?L'i?mW^, "?tarr.^ co in the world. And that's what Piedmonts contain?only the choic? est, mellowest Virginia. Try them today- learn why Piedmonts are the biggest-selling cigarette in America I t^A^*?Ji*^^XicEeecC}r. VALUABLE COUPON IN EACH PACKAGE ?- all, ,