Newspaper Page Text
The Why of Briggs He has blue eyes and gotxl, old fashioned teeth that you see whenevt r lv* smiles?which is often. But that doesn't tell you why so many people turn to his work in I ho 1 ribum: ??very day for an extra bit of brightness and a laugh. I lu- answer is in his cartoons themselves? "they're humr.n as you are; you'll like 'em as sich.' I urn to them?on the SpOTrting I'age every day. ?The ?Xrtbuttc | r?f to Last?the Truth: \ i ?s?/. tutorials? \ii\ et tlsetnemtt bro?' are IBJ" of i etatT left Athei An ? aays . atente Powei -iis on (.1 adued, havi irehing all Gisah flag la t-. arranean. A the i Wd the ??1! ... ,. taken by the Hell? . ? regard to Cell . ? the Allied i t- , irkment on Greek territory, tl hu?. . lake or inch will I : : 'tumor? Disturbed Allie?.. ' the Allied P arh ich. in th.- ? hoi government! | ? bj cer i to eventual measures - i ;. have : s on that . i, to a s staadiag ? . the ob rrWal of i r-.ccord . i which result from nor i that in ca?e of ? is poasible for the (. ninent -..- not to theta and ta ; :. -n to Cr.-i k Soil. 1! ? ritory, ?ince if ti ? once more at rnpos ? irsaing ?? \>.k Pledge of Bafsty. rtpi ? . ne con c forci ; ritory, they frei-doin of action. I und Premier a.- un onto d to have bee:; c nceraed ? ' "??i will ? ?.ion 'n Grei itill with the AJliea. That was illaatratod ?trik lay in the reception f'iven to Lord Kitchener. A? the i'.i:? sh Beere ta ry came ?own the ?-.airs of the le/;.' on, he was ehoerod by a crowd : gathered at the news that the Allied envoy had arrived. Com.; g after th.- ovation given to Dei Frei eTh cab r e*. mem? ber, who confei a special n rm greeting given to Lord K here as farther Indication that th>- * 1 or face ssrioBi the nation. Venuclo- Will Not Move. Veni-elos apparently had dec keep h.s hands off in the present crisis ??:.ii I i ?*ork out their own lalvatloi Leaden of his party held a meeting in terilav to deci'le on their atttudc regard t?> the forthcoming MM electioi ?'- corresponde?! ni decided to urge 0 take part In thi rith the col ? ? ? . ' V t<> dO Moreover, it li considered doubt . In th?' event of another 1 tOTJ at thi polls for the Ycniz? party, il would !??? able to put policy n dispute! | the Inchang? Tr graph I ... - tbtl the follow of M. \ ire i? Idressing a ma hich partis: of M. V' slos are asked to abst g part in the election. morn am papers m? ire of an Interview given katl ' ns, November aid: ? quite clear to rr First, l hat Germany is hound to 1< run; seeond, that the n ;n the Balkans offers vorable conditions to tho Allies." Says Blockade of Greec Will Halt German Pit IV. 22. "The Chronic! "There seems no r? doubt the BOWS from Athe hat the A es hive instituted a paei Gr< SCO. A pacific blocka an acl of war, an?l in h ItO to war. It is a pi ceeding ?? hich has afton been resort r powers in order to brii ? doeisioi intern;; ? fui relations. h and British ??over ment?, which command tl to go on letting Qroe I il a campaign whl K ? Germ?n mini Hoi campaign is n for us. m;.i may be sg i .'. perhaps e ? "lie t< ? ' apt the possibilitj of ? pi? und? i ;> may bring home 1 the dependence < their country D| OH Sea power and tr value of tl e pel Un ' Rood will whir the two lending naval powers of tr ? ?;u. have shown. Unie Greek policy is changad quickly an tally, that good will may 1 forfeited, not simply for the perio of the war. but forever. It will h by then, not merely to dreams c . expansion in Asia, hut to th prospOl ity which has alOD S scanty and barren soil I European Greece to maintain its popt "The T mi'-" in at; editorial to-de the reports of prospective blockade of Greece greatl; ?.?'? stl Itude i doubtful, the newspaper adds, i would ! ?? natural for the Ententi the ^ea routes to com de the expediere of stopping the furthe military and other supplie ? Thi El tente Alii s, "The Timos" cm tinues, that King Constantin? is in ? position. They dosin meats fully int? Greece ? ise it would instantly relieve th? and solve the awkward constitu . i y the im ASKS AMERICANS RELEASE U. S. In<i>ls Britain Cannot QuOOtioS Naturalisation of citizen?. London, Nov. -l The Americar Emba? British gov srnmi l I -nil Ifiohlki Hermai Krauss, of ? hlcago, natural ' ' n s of Gel m birth. wh< from the Norwegian- Kmot ntly ai 1. kwall. The two men are confined in Edin? burgh. 1 : ports are ? but the British authorities are making ? iralisi d eiti Sens who are unable to produce their . tpers. When n o? d was at Mr. Miehlke aid Sir, nrausi wore ?? tied unquestionably to their passport im resents were made for ? It is understood here that Ws ton d? t that the 1 have i ny right to go behind American | and will take the stand that there mus? be no discrimi ? ?? id nat a ral it? ZEPPELIN EXPLODED BY GERMAN'S CIGAR Craft Had Made Only One Trip ?11 Killed or Wounded. Copenhagen, Nov. 21. Th" Z> Z-18, which was deetroyed by plosion at Tondern, l'russia, had mad-> ? id, over the ihed which housed it had Just boon completed at the time of ? -a few alterations ? made. The chief clang' Was the removal of the anti-aircraft gun platforms from the roof to the groui irnen of the shod ? ? in g the woikinen rnd, notwithstanding strict ordoi eral of them smoked ???gars H kl re? porta?! that one man dropp .1 a lighted -filled balloon, result lag in an immediate explosion. Th ow given as eleven i or woun loo. ITALIAN TROOPS STORM SUMMITS GUARDINGGORIZIA Pierce Austrian Line on North?Carry Strong Peak on South. FORTS DESTROYED BY INTENSE FIRE Invader Brings New Forces from Tyrol Front - Aeros Shell Aviation Camp. tn? Oam ? ? T'? ;? Paris, Nov. 21 Whiie their heavy guns batter without pause at the for? tifications of Gorizia, the Italian force? en the Isonzo are storming ?? which gaard the Au?' i on the north and on the Carso Platean to the south. The inn- ? ? ? h mbsrdlflSBt f,T* 'h" city has crumbled the protecl UnoflelaJ diapatehoe from l.aibach, Austria, say that the fortifications of Goriaia have ben?, almost d< the in' The Italians are concentrating their : ? ,? Btta ?:?: : to take th? which the key to 1 riesta, Vienna re ports that the enemy has hrough* t* inforcements from the Tyrolean front to strengthen his forces on the ISOBSO. Pierce Austrian Line. A fierce battle is still in progress, with the invader ?lowly forging to?vard his objective. North of Oorlsls, Vienna admits, the Italians succeeded in pene? trating the Austrian line in the Oslnvia sector. All positions, with the excep? tion of oi.| lammt, the official report ?li) -, I '.: i ?!. On the Carao the fight centred at Monte San Mich?le. Here. Rome i the Ital sai gained i aol I foot the top of the mount bel ? - - I and repnlai Van counter attacks. Ano'1 tie is in pr. north of the Gorisiai bridgehead. Podgora, dorn nsting the Austrian tioi . I - ? I ? It aviators are n!?o active, havin one hundred bombs on the All aviation earap it Assevissa. AUSTRIAN official Vienna gave out th imiflt: The Italtani again brought for?es from the Tyrolean froi ' Into the Goi lia Diati et. With th forcemeats the eaamy n ? attacks on the Got Before Monte Sabotin attacks eollapsed by rea ir.. In the Oalavia er.e: ? pOBOtratil | line of defence Wl recapture posit OB, bo -"ver, in I CO attack, ? icspl o? i summit, foi possession of which we arc still light. enemy attacks aga nal Peota miscarria I, the nevero losses. K-i OC al attacks were direct? I Pod I -, but lure also the Italians were rei ulsed. Hoth sides of Monte San arare l-pt under ?trorg run fire In '. h e forces ad vane slope of the mountain. Their attack ???;.*. foiled by our eroaai attacks against ihe San Mi - ii an ! i.orth of the I '? bridgi ? met thi On the summit of the Colidl I.ann th? defender? repelled two [( attacks against road barricades near Zagora. ITALIAN OFFICIAL War ( IfflcS in Rome u ? eat : In tho Cordeeoli Valley, after an intense nrtilli ems launched larf.. force! in an at? tack OB the summit of Mojito I i Line, hut .?-.-is repul -ed. In a <-' eh be wsi put to fliirht, with great loes, leaviag on the held, munitions and hand bomba In 4 arr.ia there was great act.vit', by the artillery on both sides. Alunir the Isonzo front the strug? gle continued vigorously ? In the Zagora stctor we took by as sault ? Strong barrier in the l'on.I" Valley, fluking thirt] levai pria oners. In the Gorizia zone the intense bombardment by our artillery con? tinues. We have begun saccessfaly nn attack on the heights B( Oslava. Storm Top of Peak. On the Carso plateau, after a bril? liant assault, our infantry got a footing on a portion of the top of Monte San Mich?le, between the third ar.d fourth summit . V The LibertyT>Tational ISank of XewY?rlt Corner Broadway and Cedar Street Equiial.l?- Building RESOURCES Lmm sad DfecoMti . 9eMlT.t90.4l 1 S B i to secura ( - at i -n . . . *00,000.00 U. S. Bom s h nil other s?curi? t?s to m ? aro U. S. Di pootta 44t,TfT.4l Bonds, S Due from U : ka . Exchangee for Clearing Ihm?? ... Cuh . . . . - - ,089 OS T,2S?.M7.?8 i*),ie?,???.?s #7??,7?-'., _h.i._t LIABILITIES Capital SffH-k . . . $l,??fK),n?V).f)0 Surplus Fund . . . t,000,000.00 Undivided Profits . . i,iL',:?,i..'?? Rcmtvc Roc Taxoa, Etc . 110, i U (B Circulation . . . 100,000,00 Deposits. 14,008*790.11 IThTTT-TTKUT ?tnom m, nrTiiFt.t. I ? ? >.rw ?uik Tr\rptv<me KK\w OMBCA ?ALTON I?.? " ?trri, i t, on Tel'srsph ? pony TH'iMA WWHRAN ? BI'Mi SOC CONVERSE i>f>v? , 011-, Il f I'TLEB prM Amerfcea Rr?k? Shoe and y 'y I ',. HENRY v liAVWOM i T M ?*?? f< < ? IOH-TH ? MM ??IAN ??M< KL1. H'l.r.KR >. .tl \ Ca?. DIRECTORS iiARvr.v i? OIBBON >? IT. lident THOMAS A. liM.I.KSl'lE Ive? I he / A ?.illr-pleCo. PRAM I?. I. HINK Tin. rirot .National Rank, N. T. P.Ii.S AKIi K, LOOM 19 \ v r li.?. 1*1., 1_< k. _ul Wflt It. K ? '? Alt I HI It Y I IKE Ik- H?:,k. A, Ueekt IIOWAKIi W. MAXWF.I.I, Vlc?Prce. Atu? partie-?. Ce? rnent Ce AMBROSE MONEi.I. Prra. Iiiterii-ttloni.1 NlrkelCo. ElJVVARH S. Mix ?It I ?rra Ainrr,, ?an Hrake Slv?? _ii<I I-'ouikJi) ( ?,. DANTKL V. poMfROV \ ne I'rr?. Benkerl Trust Co. SEW Alt I? PRO.sSBR rrr?n|.rt Hniikri. Trust Co. DANIEL 0. KKIU Meabei BxecutlTS Committee, 1, v.r. Hi e CHARI.I ? W RIK.CKS Vice l'i?'?i?i?T,t end C_irilrr CIIAMI.K?. M SAHIS rr^aidrnt (.iisrHii'y Trott Com puny CHARLES H.STOUT Nf* Tort ClIAItt.l'.S II. WARREN Tr^s.urer Mutual Life In?ir?nee CiwuaiiT AI.Ml HI II. WtOOIN freaidrnt CbOM Mill?n?! Dank MERCANTILE ACCOUNT! INV.TF.D counter attack? deiigned to take these positions all were repulsed by the bravery of our troops, although fa preceded lad Bccompanie.l I flrs. We sere. Aerial raida One aviator was br ' anti-air? craft | . MBB zor.c on the plntea-i Borthweet of thi Arsiero. - wsfs fottad dead, (ire of our air squadrons flew ? camp at Alii I ' -' nor.? than on? hu: I and causing ? -. re? turned ?afely. TURKS TO INTERN FRENCH Will Batall?is by Sending Ten Families to Interior. Berlia, Nov. 21. The Tarkish govern? ment ha? Mlsetsd tOfl French familie? to be sent into the interior and in -. :n lar treat I French, accord . ? . --.?d for '?*?? -. 'tor of the of the Hon March? rtor ?ei ? intinople Water Com , GUNS CRUMBLE GERMAN WORKS French ArtiPery Wrecks Enemy Trenches with Intense Fire. .... ..- ? ? ? '. ? ? enemy*i workl very badly with their heaey gUBB. In Helgium the bombard? ment from both ?ides ; I '??use. Fighting with mines has taken place in several sector.,. In the Argonne the Frene'; ? illy two series of m.;II idaiSS. War Souohez the Gi I mied a crater made bv . Berlin aa?,.rts. Ite F .M Mar?hal I r< :1 ' i- aim that in the Laos fight? ing on Oetober , to 9fiot Gar? ? ? '? .'I m-n wen FRENCH OFFICIAL I eommunic it on was issued r OfTice to? night: The **** v.-- ? lois, aroui ; and Halluch, as well as to the nortn I to the i ; th of A ? ? t ' Arman .'.court and T I'.oloy, and IBB. 1 in? enomv ry Badly damaged bv our ' i. .-,. ex ' \ . ? Boaade ? . bo, in ? | ex ?i mine cau.sed no . I be Belg i - eommaaleatiafl ? in. oar soll mud? i Our artil ? ? - at divi ? ng the front In reol: ? Far ! th? ? GERMAN i ' -iient: ? ? rail ? ? -\ ei ? ? ? t to 1 by a mine ? tained It. Germi Paraos. VOLLEYS AT AIRSHIP END REDMOND SURVEY German 'Plane Appears as Irish Leader Reaches th" Fr-Mit. London, Nov. L"..'. .lohn Reals front to inspect the Irish being followed with great ? gdom. The tour of ti..- Ir !: Nationalist leader ling to the account? f.. i the com poad Mr. Redmond was niaking an inspee on of th-- Boyal Mun which bad tahi n a ? fr..'r. the f ? M Mr, red. 1 be tillei opeaed on the .aeroplane frOlfl all i|; r?-c? .01. '. Soul. ? Mr. Ri pel ?>-, and the -. . !: is In in making . they have ' PERSIANS PRO-GERMAN, SAYS ENVOY TO BERLIN British Will Keep Russians from Teheran. He Thinks. 21. The "Voseieehe ?*" prints an Interview ? ? in. the new Persian lay, in which th- mi:. -aid: Persia is neutral, the Islamic sentiments and natural on to ? -many. The R'.ss an? ma) be before Teheran before th.- Brit? ' It it is 1. . ? thev ? tor, a? the Bi itish ??.-.u 1 d not want to MS th.-m in thi Persian capi? tal. "The pre?ent course of the P.ussinns ? lO the fact that lertrtt i ? ? - ? in Europe. ?h Turkey are | Bgaiast the ? rth Pen a sad ' 'he British :? ?sat! Persa. bi aeeame the right t" exerciae . over the ?i govemmi ?.* .-. .?.' p? opts. "Hut h- Baeelaaa and British are i are very strong. while Geimany, nnfortanately, i? far away. Therefore it is Boceasary to find I modus vi-.. nd| with thom." EMPRESS OF 'JAPAN" WELX Official Statement Declare? She 1? In Prriest Health. Tokio, Nov. |L la view 0f alarming rumors which have been riKalstsd con? cerning th? Fmpreas, a semi-official I ?tatenaeat ?u | ?ued to-day ?aaertmg i that ?ha was in perfect health. ' g _- -* 9700 Rector, please Vou will make a lot of telephone calls to-day, some of them will r>e productive and some futile, some will ?t?t business and some v, ill meet with disappointment, but there is one number which will put you in touch with a renting proposition that means a better, bigger, broader outlook for your business, at proportionately less money than you are now paying. Take the receiver off the hook and do it vote. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway -? Linen Like Russian Snow Will Cover German Army Teutons Gather White Materials Everywhere to Make Troops Invisible?Have Metal Buildings with Steam Meat for Winter Campaign. I ? ?? ? :n? 1 Petrograd, Sot 21 (D Post" ? ' torn - spenden! e? the ' ? oi the i ropai i trie Qormaai are making fof a I campaign in Russia. After at!?1 / Brat to the question of warmth, the Geranne devoted their ingenuity to in? ventions for concealing their winter trenches and the movements of their troops and supply trai. s and to finding mean.? of dealing with snowdrifts. Several new ideas have been evolved. Light metal buildings, ready to be pul ' ST and provided with steam heat? ers, are designed to aifor?! temporary warmth, even in trenches. ?upp!ie? of ?looping sackl are being procured, l'ro vision is being made for the delivery of enormoas quantities of 3pirits, and strict orders ,ave t,.-. pj ?ssnod t'.iat sol ?iier-t must ruh thoUUOITM all ov?l| Iff is said to have '"tiare?! that any com? mander who loses a Single man from frost de?"rves to be shot. i.alher l.'nen Kverywherc. Amor.i' the most eurioui pr?parai is the gathering ' of calico linen and h Hand cloth sad, indeed, of any II ? materials. ? from the ? . throughout Germany, the rcirion hold DJ ' slip pillaged of surh material. The object uniform.?, trenches and supply c ?' t tiTit they will be In? The Gcrmaai have invented special f r i ?, ; rial, under which ?ero i lanes. Another device Is inl allow a !::?? advane n^r t?i the attack to cr. ep up w.M.oni h? ing Organize "Muring Command-" As the ground during the Ru ? : reei s ? for ? oeptl of from three to six - practically inn oi ?l.'.ary circumstan? ??? of war. I hi' Gor fore, have organist d special creep forerai d at i on of borlnfl nstrumoRtl These are ? . ? hen all is ? the soldiers ?rill be to shovel ?J.-hn? away and make ?hich will afford them adequate proter- .r!y horin??? eontain ice of Kussians Retake Czartaryek. I terrible gan ii being playi d in the i od of Cur ' . tro-Genn na .?ctually ? . ?, hut they have now been forced lack. West and north?? est of Csartorysh is rising ground, anil from these height? the artillery made the position of the Russians In the town, lying on low ground near the river, DBtOBfl Bat while th.? ie:'i bank of 'he Btyr Is low and the rich' h'ir.k II h:i,?h, Bul lian artillery pos-.e.) there h-is it i i my out of the city. This oper aton ??-a? facilitated by the fin" I ri?-, i Bad tl poi ''ons to the north enemy fonnd him NOVIBAZAR LOST, SERBIANS BATTLE ( ?in I In il. -I from page I peril. In eaas of a turning movem thl only road to a be 11 retreat into - for an imn - I ? New Lffort Through Albania. v - ? o i ; rmnn report i. an of for! ?'? ill bi the I British to ? sad Albania, out ia the ? them to ? ' ild. <. --Lull trooji-, and heaTy gun? ha?-?? arrived at tantii ? ? patch 1 .1 von . the Turkish en; I.' OFFICIAL. obI the follow ? ? ?m-' : the arm (?eren.I vor, k if the loyad JS*3*mft h : ? 'Il ??)fa9d?sShopflmericjf^ %Z? *,e^-P4**?-????l-tith-a^fniir.4^?1 es?? _^47**?sr-? e announce -Important ne s Vmbmcinq selected qroupstf Women's OUIavtcst^ppavcl AT CONSIDERABLE REDUCTIONS IMPORTED MODELS A TABOUT HALF PRICE ?ABATI?!?*! MAS- BEBI8 MAD- TO ?iTi:r. SAl.i: OABMENTS FOB THANKSOIVtNO M { ?Jal?M<?l?ria ? _ L wj n % B **' ' ->-i?*r*______l Safety First?against chilling of the body; often a lorcrunner of colds, pneumonia and rheumatism. Famous over half a century lor its superior qualities. l.vt'ry garment shaped to the ligure and ?utfante-cd .?ot to shrink. Glastenbury Two-Piece, Flat-Knit, Sprint*-Needle Un Icrwear is made in fifteen gr?id?.'-?, several weights o? fine .vools, wouted and merino. See special fealure of adjustable drawer bandi on ? -a ,-... w ?Mine- weight i lanaaai use ? i jral ( r..' IV.,.: ?uiler ?re kilt ' - l.??:i.l) .j.r K-r-:?nt 1.78 ?. Saturai Ora) W ?- lightweight , - ?i.t ?j?, ? Natura ??:> lustra aa La i mit wetsM ,nt i.;i rj h Nu- . Ora) Worst ?cl med? cm taelgil ,-r garraml t.88 \ It ?Inter ?.iglit ? ' 148 I or ?>... ? l.eiailiiig II. tilt .? ROBERT REIS & COMrANY, Wholesale Distributora, N. Y. Glaatonbury Knitting Company, GlastonLury, Conn. ?or??.???-????.?.1;'a,..ig? )?'?'??"ipil?ni-i-4i ""?-?a own, **?S'T ' are f; ht:::g for ei i . \ Prisl - captured on ' bei'n V? iterday more eaptured, MONTENEGRIN OFFICIAL An o?i?c?ti! itatoment rocoived at the Mont? l nlate Is as fo lot n i in- troops, with B? i bians, i , heavy assaults <>n the River Lim on Friday. Our army in the Sanjak of Novipasar was i on the principal position.! of i i ce. Oa the other front*, artillery ??? Berenu I?. ?? . '?'II OFFICIAL From i ? folloarlag official rs> >ort has been receive !: Army of the La.-t: Quiet hss pts? ? Bul| I our po ? i m the I r< ' of Kovurin*.. All the attacks v.ere repuised with .emy. The ' ?:"i British troops at Sal?nica con'..- HI without Ti-nt. !. Alimatt Se (En. Special Mid-season Exhibition of PARI5 Q0WNS B.Aitman&Co. announce that through theco-operatTon of their permanent Paris organization, a Special Mid season Collection of French downs has been received, and wlH be shown commencing to-day (Monday). Famous Paris Couturiers are represented. Included are: Callot Soeurs, Pulloz & C?e, Rondeau & C?e, Bernard <Sc Cle, Pa q h In, Jenny, Erie, Weeks, Maurice, Mayer, Worth, ? FRENCH HATS The Paris makers of Hats are alto represented In thil rernark abiie exhibition o? late French Fashions. A group of distinguished names, by which the world of fash ion has ?eng been swayed, gives to the collection an undisputed place intheseason'sexhibitlone Among them ares Lewis, Louison, Reboux, Marie Louise, Suzanne Tau ?bot. Jiftlj Auntiti - i?la?itson Aurour, ?foro ttork (??ilrtii-fnurll? _>tmt ?Tliirtij-fiftEf Stxttt