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SAYS ?. S. LOST BIG SHI? BARGAIN Head of Mercantile Marine Would Have Sold Con? trolling Intere PRICK NOW RAISED BY !-7l),00).0u0 Baker Urges Congress to Ap? point a Hoard and Provide Funds at Once. I :r??-i ) WaSBlBsi ? 1. Purchase of aoati nal Mi rcaatils Mariii- ' ? >? la ?vhich the flail . tu acquire shipping t mi : .rchase bill j ti- ? ? ' reliable inforn raa< hing The ??"ribui.e to-d ... -.< r, of Baltimore, ? . : ?.f the ?" gTvaaaaoti ? It the a ?hin expert ?talement ? I itioe of tho eoi already would ? I price of ? ck. Mr. ? t Is of special interest ?ln-e he has been in frequer f the Trea? ury '?' last few month ;ue.?t;on of a ghi?i purchas for t>.<- coming Coaaress. Mi liaker plainly Intimates nis opinio: .- n.ntr" of th. laten tioaal Ifereafltilo Marirn gardll , ?if con trol hai advanced ir.timi - I In i ongrei and hy the ? roil all over the country Mr. linker, "that It ??'H? BOt DO to tonnage at that timt ? draw u? into complica tion? with o "Over 1.000,000 tOBBagl muid have I" ? r ? le 1 to our merchant marine hj the parchase of a Controlling inter?s: In tht; International Mercantile Marias "Every ship owned by the Interna? tional Mercantile Marine was owned by an American com? pany, incorporated in New Jersey, our mir a.'.d controlling the shares Ol Itoch in the various English compa? nies. Consequently It is a bona Bdc American o??'nership. Tho passage of the ship registry bill gave the noce - sary authority of ?aw to transfer these ships, as | large majority of the ships ? our America*, nag under U g t let t ???'?!'.'<? months .?i exactly similar itat " I ' Would have been an IOBS addition to proper and suit able ships in our foreign commerce, under the American flag, with the full ?inn of our flat:, and the only ? would have been that the Efl ' li.i. i?o-*--mirient would have been com to drav. more largily on its own eompaniee, "I.?-* Congreei appoint immediately - nnd II lose BO time a com ? board of a few men with amp I and bl rere, both in apir to providi ' y with a merchant narine I. ?.'. to develop our foreign commerce." Every Housewife Should See Our Toast-Making' Demonstrations T^OAST is something more than a piece of charred bread. GooJ toast is one of the rarest of all things that are perfectly easy to make. Good toast means a great deal to many thousands of persons every day. DUPING TKIS WEEK we will toast hundreds of pieces of bread every day in the following Gas Offices:? No. 157 Hester Street No. 130 E. 15th Street No. 36 Union Square No. 112 W. 42d Street No. 2084 Third Avenue No. 281 Lenox Avenue No. 32 Weit 125th Street No. 1909 Amsterdam Ave. CourtlandtAv.&148thSt. No. 1815 Webster Avenue No. 173 Hunter Avenue, Long Island City The TOASTER we use sells for 25 cents regularly, but this week we shall sell it for 19 cents. -? will be slices of buttered Toast for every interested visitor to these Demonstrations. "The Right Way Is the Gas Way" ConscHcktecI Gas Company of New York B. C?KTELYOU, President "Variety Is tlhe Sr^fce of Life" M and a variegated wardrobe is a pretty f< rtile field from which to garner ;t full measure of spice. No man's wardrobe is in any ?sense variegated or even complete without a "Cutaway Suit" man's daytime dress garment, and indispensable adjunct to the dress preparedness of ?? man of taste. And furthermore, with "Cutaway Coats and Vests" Ilk?' thus'- in this "Store of Style" selling for as little as (125.00, there u n ally no good reason for being without one? Faultless in tit, flawless in finish and tailoring and irreproachable in style, they are the very acme of perfec? tion in clothes, moderately juiced. O \ ford C7?i i/of, Silk Lined One-Hut ton Coat, With If.ind-Svwn Silk ?{raided lidoc and Silk ?Sack \ est?Striped Worsted Trousers?$5 to $12. 01 ' '!< n E Ti IANKSGIVING DAY STROLL. ?J^xilt ?*$^<>tkwte ROADWAY AT 49TH STREET 1*56 BROADWAY AT 421) STREET WOMEN PREPARE CONGRESS FIGHT - Hard at Work on Details of Winter Campaign for Suffrage. - MANY NEW YORKERS GIVING THEIR AID Active in Arranging for Coming Convention of the Congres sional Union. [FM_ BM Tn:'ir.? Tt'ir??n ] ?Washington, Nov. 21. -Member? of the Congressional Union for Woman I f? aro jubilant to-day over the ? of Mis.? Margaret Wilson, daughter of the President, to assist in rec ?ing at the big reception on the night <.f Doeoa bar ". which will open their winter's active campaign hero. WaBf her promise, invitations have been sent to all wives of member? of - :, and it la believed that ! will accept, as a majority are to favor the suffrage cause, union is gathering ita strength 'or nn attack on Senator Thomas, chairman of the Senate Committee on ;i?, ?vho has r ..?nnt a I hearing on the Susnn B. Anthony ? amendrm nt because the union opposed his eampaiga foi re'le?"ion last year. He ?vas active in the suiTrago cause and helped bring the Anthony amend in the .Senate, and he rected - hold Party Ri-aponslble. Memberi of the union explain that .?as in ?me with their ijority parts and all i: ? , foi th-- dl* no matter what ? ' . vidual logis I lator had been. Suffrage sth .en already have tho ballot are gathering and the Sena? tor will And himself in hot water as ?oon l s from the tram on menta arriving for the pre] img tor the COB ? ..ii li.fcniber 7 include prom.- ? w .rkcr:,. i; has come to take -?? (if the f.nai-.cial committee. g with her art- her mother, Mi?. John ? lira-in an, nn ! Mrs. Harvey \V. Wiley. Mrs. Evans luck has com.) as chairman of the pro? gramme comm.ttee, and Mrs. J. II. Hampton in here to take charge of the financial arrangements for the pageant which ?nil close the convention on De? cember 1?. Ifisi Mary Avu'in will arrive to morro?v to T.ln*i the artistic side of th. ?-. i eome which given ca Da? . Sara Bard PI ? Prances Joliffe, envoys of the Woman Votera1 Convention, who will bring p?titions te he presented ?b Proel ? r und Mrs. Inez . :!-<?!?? havi ? ., the An amendment has passed both ?h>-? of I'ongress. They have taken a houce if. II Street and will be i ir. work for the amendment so long as there is need for it. Pi .i ,1 from Mrs. H in Ot "i Ulatch and Misa Florence Kt-1 11er that they will ipeah at th.- bearin**i before the House and Senate commit? tees. Net Yorkers to Attend. Several New York women aWady . - '"or the suffrage mass I h .?. .11 be he!,I in ' he P.i - r l.'. Mrs. .11 hrmg a motor Mrs. John In Wl y ? l ? ,? i -, ? I . I'ni if the ? .. n. Otht 1*1 wl 0 havo are Mr?. \\ . -a L Mi-.. 0. H. 1'. Belmont ? York branch of the Congressioual ! -, leal Wilson has arreed to re ; ii 11 o hundred ? uffi ? ? ?? when the** pi ? - 7. m New York who have ? ? .. to be ? ' o H. 1 n I rdner, Mrs. \. ? . ! " r, Mis, John I L. Colt, Mrs. I, Mrs. > i ?. Mrs. J ihn Winters i - Ines Milhollaad B 'Ir?-. George S. Morn?, lira eh, Mr?. Tifl ii - ? ? ? III ? ? -hite. SUFFRAGE WINNING EPISCOPAL CHURCH One Parish Has Given Vote to Women and Others Are Ex pectei! to Follow. Episcopal -marches in ? I that theli meetings a wool fron .. So ? liter From the chancel ? < h Mich of tl : . i ? - aromen on Novel r ! : ? ? Cmcr. St Thomas'.?., '.?-, St. ' | ' ? . ? ? rsrd the Martyr ar ? I re their ??om?-:-. Ish baa not j*< rmined law m the Bpleeopal Chares was ovidea i of men may VI ' ? favorably '??'?? a yeg '.'??? I . | ' Monday are ?? i pariah, in chid i gl of voting ,|ily the right to he voted for. Holy Name Society Parades. Ol the An f hurch, 191st Stri et and 'h nn , ning , il Jo - ph 1'. : ? lebrstion i ? - an addri Dr. ?loi i ( -, '? Preceding thi era lee l ther* \?;r a parade through the pari -h I which wan seoa by lO.uuu pemons on th? ?lUiiW?ilka. SULLIVAN OUT AS LEADER Retires In Favor of Max Levin??? May Kan for Congress. Christopher D. Sullivan haa retired as Tarnmar.y leader of the E ghth As 1 if-nbly District in favor of Mix Levine. T .is decision was rr.ade on the day ft (lowing election, I ?t wai withheld fr'j-n the pub?e ur.t.i a tow days afro. On Wednesday I '. r.?*y's friends will (jive a dinner f*>r him tt Harry Greenhorn's cafe. 231 Hroorr.e Street 1' ur hundred persons are expected to b> rr??ent and It is p'anned to (five the ;? ? ? ?f honor a chest of -?ilver worth $2,000. ? hristy is supposed to be out of p?;lities, but It is reported th it he will run for Congrreis next year. For years h<> has not been on good terms with many of the supporters of hi a brother, the late "Big Tim." He has rever been a bic fignto m polities. Anothoi I brother, Patrick i? the Tammany leader 'of the Third, Ngnrdod as tho banner el of Man h v CHARLTON ENDS TERM IN PRISON - Finishes Italian Sentence of Six Years in Twenty nine Days. Como, Itr.V-, Nov. 21.- Porter Char! ton, the American who recently was on a charge of nurdtriag his and who was found guilty r.nd sentenced to six year" and tight months' imprisonment, was relo'i?><i to-day. Charlton is in good health r.-.d ?n!ri??. Because of the time that Charlton ha?! been under restraint, with an additional one year taken from his sentence under an amnesty, Charlton was compeli??! to ?erve only twenty nine days in prison following his con? viction and sentence. Porter Charlton killed his wife on June 9, 1910, in a villa on Lake Como, while on their honeymoon. When he returned to the united States, he was ?.rreste! while the stcamsrrp Ht Hoboke:-.. I!?- corfe??ed to tne mnrdor in the Joraoi City Jnil. Then followed a long Iei?al battle. in which hii father, who ?-as former.;. lornl Court Judgo in "otto K,co; I Mid practically to have exhauste?. -tune in an effort to prevent ?r.s .-one-yar-old lon'l extra to Italy. He lost the ight, howevr, and on September 1. IMS, '? hariton I from this port in custody of an ? of the Italian government. After many postponements his trial began on Ocober IS last. ? ?:? i and i ? ?ight dnyi when the jury found him guilty. The woman Charlton killed ? fore her marriage Mar* Scott Cattle, ten y?-ars the Mnior of her Btuband. She was the divorced wife of Neville H CaatlO. a S a PmnoiaOO lawyer, who became ?tl t? i S1 ?tOI Attorney for a. The year she and (hariton iron married she tried to shoot William M. Craig, a Califorman, at the Waldorf In this city. M'KELLAR CARRIES TENNESSEE PRIMARY ?Vins Senatorial Nomination Over Patterson and I.uke Lea. Nashville. Tenn., Nov. 21. Virtu?.I? complete returns to-night indicated the ? live Keaaath 1?. Mi - rod a plaralit** of approximate 2,700 ?ot. ? in yesterday's I'emocra; . Bsaatsrlal primary. Mr. MeKsUai - be opposed in a "run-off" on Uecemhi :? 18 by ex-Governor Malcolm R. Patter-; ho received eecond largest vote.' Belata al roturas to-day gave MeKeliar a total vote of 42,180; P ?mi, 39.482, a:; I Senator I.uke Lea. who was f?minatt'd from the race, 5J,055. ; TIGER DEAL JOKE?WHIT?*rLiN laughs at Kenorted Placing Democrat In Judge S? aim's Place. j Governor Whitman denied yesterday ' that he wn? nrgry over the ?tatemen: < . that he had 'nado a deal with Tammany j I whereby ? Democrat was to be si ? fCammeye? - Stamped on a Shoe mefins Standard ?/Merit| S;xthAie. itfflltt. *'81 .-,!_*? "' in " br J _. Ed war I Court o' r* eral S? ntrart v.^" amused. ? "01 eoure? yu . many over the . ? .,j /?* "I will not del ? | ? ?j? *M. candidates for ? plenr?_ worthy hurrv : ? ?r-is -?- S .; ; ? : . -*-? ? " '?' .. r?t".- .??-^. . . .. ./, 'I 7- . ? l'-'^r-t-] 4il?r:'-^ M W -V 'r.pIm>.____?*& ?,:'' 1i?.<? _ ?.?*?_ _ . ? * ~??*^^___H , t*L?ir ~____W I ._ i 0 - - - ? ? * -" l'a m *_ m\*s**msrmm>'mmmame^mmmtm-~- ??_*>aW? -- ?*_????>?. ? , . ? _ ^ui^?: - ;?...%.>.' \/AEOLIAN V ;!%^ **?- ? ?-.- ?;???; '? -?,*'ir?f*?-.i-?i"-?'?? *!.?' ?rfiAf" I r v__w j_a jl.?. ?. a. ?4 .. | a ^ jij AIM ? KJSL-! ?"-?A\nrAT TOMOS? ".??* V'V'vi vjSjl I |]ji>- \*v - *??'?/ u ._, ?gjjjgil? .li_)mi~~y?: B)s?d^\ -* i.^ /-: ,??' - ?_'-**?_ .? I ( f j?21'* - [**_=r- ? % ?/'i .-'' S??"-? ? iT3S ? ' * _??.,-__ :*.-4.;.V. r. /3 ?v,'v' ". *i \r. '.' - s*! mteskl? m) un ??.j-a/tv-- 4? ?Oruujjij?-/rom i.'J Ktmi'? ?. i - > - J ,.-.; ' *v*5 - 1 ? 4 - r "-"**: ."??f?/#iT ?Jf7(7 Umist* ?f iSt? fAa?; Iw in rtH ???a aii/j./??r? Jj'J **0mM -V..I. in,..? *.:??: -.-?<...? ? : *? ' " ? : ?'-?'* ? . ? ? ? V '? ? ? ?',?' -? 1.' ; ' ' . "\ *-'??? -.'.' ?**; . *? - * - -.' i ? *:\ r?. - -."*??. ? -' .4' ?v -V V -; -r j*?~ C '"'**? *? ? * x*. ? - *. " ? a -- , '? .* ?-? ~. ^t?1 *a2 -'* '"r- - ~: -? .y? .*?? .'? - ?? ? I ?**| ,'. ? *. ' T went to bey a onograp / found one? and something infinitely greater ""SEFORE I purchased I looked at nriny phonographs. Fine r*?. instruments though some of them were, the differences seemed ^L^aV trifling. All 1 iked alike. In playing, one did, perhaps, a little belter with instrumental n?u>?.-; another gave a shade more perfect ri-proiluriion of the human voice. \:.-! then, at la-', my quest led me to the new phonograph ? antl all the others faded in ,111 my mind. ? . sewmm ? ? /?*' ^; -. j j ? L....... \^ I '. fr' : '? : ? ; ; : :. v - : r- fl ? ?? . .' ? r - ? '.'? -?','? ?***"." j' ; ,.'? : * ? ?' : ?."?.' 1" i ? r ?? A V" _? '. ? '. ? ? - *? ?? 1 : ;;. -? : ?nirnt to l'xik at? ilii. nogt iph. Character and distinction . ' in 1 ?t ry lint : in it ? t ire depth of finish was i the richness <>f old i *any. A record vas pur In and I heard sounds I never dreamed the phonograph could reproduce. Sweet? full richne-sesof t( >ne, vibrant with the very quality of lift. I h "i> voii 1 1 of the on hestra "'lier phono? graphs had l? meagrely portrayed. l)olicate tonal-tints that marked the subtle difference of Instrument and instrument. All untinged with any hint of phonographic Btridency. The demonstrator asked me if I wished to play it? What could he m< n? How could one p?oy a phon And then a miracle "f mu i happt neu. I be? came the most talented and versatile musician the wildest flight <>f irnaginati'm could picturr. I played the flute -ami reveled in the joy <'f expressing my inmost music-feeling in its liquid, mellow tone. I played the violin?and all the wistful string-beauty of that wizard inatrument 1 ?nded to my mood and wish. I played the French horn, the? rl.irinet, the 'cello. I whistled. I even s tng -firsl with a full-throated baritone, and then with a marvellous and hull-like tenor. Did I really do these things? No! Bur that wonderful phonograph did them nntisf *".v control: so ui e Iv, so completely reflecting my spirit, that the ? y was close akin to actual production?as though I myself were sounding the very notes. And so I found the new phonograph that gave to me, at last, the means to voice the latent music instinct of my soul. ? t4_ ? ?, . -r V't> ?> "'': . ?*? . ?i 1 . **2 *?' ' * * - "* ;. ' ? -?-***? ? ?? u .-Y Lii s S r '-? ?' ??' : a I - ; ' : ? . ? . "", (. .... ai - ? ? ? r ? ? if ': f? : ? - . ?..'-.' -*cr: '. ' . .'<-'? .' - ?? ? ? -- M "-'.??* . ?",'". ~~^-. W. The Aeolian -\?bca *)**** ?m. m m *j '-?.' \ -I ? * .'f ,''? 1 t ; | ? ;\ \ :' /' ?V. ? * ' ' - ? A ' 1 ? fr ': ? : , ?? lit ? ? . ? ? '. : ? .?; ? . - * - : -- * . ? 7 **s THF. N'AV IMIOXOGRAPH THAT MAKES YOU AN' ARTIST -"i- . \ 1 ?_. ? ? _, 4**V1 i l S '. " ????ll-a t >^V* .v**?'*-. ? \ E-IA-??IIS - 1 Ci '? F*_r a?i -"' -- ' ??' ?. ? - .*.' a'.???' " .. New and Exclusive Features The /teotian Vocalion ?s a ph m but a phonograph ] es ing such revolutionary features that it is virtually ??'.r.i,nrni. The ?'.r-.i<Jii<i!.i tant t ??tal invrn t ion ?nee I pati ntt d. The 1 tort trol. Its t.por.ition ?8 ss the 01 ... h.ui,i. It i r ng it to I ? bob The Mew Sound-Hox prodtaton nn enfin Iv new cli.iraitcr auJ quality o? ; i time, tastesd of ii.Tving the us-! i! tiiin, n ph4*?B4Jgrapll t-me, \\ys? Ac? i .11, rich sad coa?low, The loam tonsi of diff**f*fli ?nstru nents are I >r the i..->t time\ I I '???/ tiiis ni*?v ^.jiiii'i-Hux. TheSymphonotii' Horn Di etothiapateotad Horn. all ti i bete <-f.\ instruments us rved ?' ? tion I rtweea upper sad I iwer tots ? i liatainad ?is t.i ????-e sa entirely asw "bslaaos" to tl I inoe. Tht% Aeolian Vocalion i? on sale, in New York, only -tt Aeolian Hall. We invite you to come in tor a demonstration of this wonderful new instrument. -??. ?. ? ?? ? ',* <-\ THE AEOLIAN COMPANY AEOLIAN H.M.I.. 2g -? WEST FORTY-SECOND STREET, WEST OF FIFTH AVENTE " Mikrrs ?ft** Pern mi Pianola ?Lart?? Uannjadirer? of lis ? *l I*str**mT*u in thf W*H*T' ? '?. '' t-i ? -? ? ' .,4'< ?ii.'ii!,'.'r;,nli;i:, ^____ -?? -m<d_______''u^r?L*^mfcW*.- "'?''--.:"