Newspaper Page Text
YOUNG "INDIAN HOLD PEACE WE 100 Woodcraft Boys ; (iirls Gather at Cam for Prize Awards. ROSEMARY SCOUTS COMPETE IN TA Head Chief Setos Oistrib Feathers at R-'dskin Counc on lake Shore. ? n. Nov. ^l By f-hm ' if Lake Pel Bal estate ? Indians ? : CO! Moa. 11 a i g on I a ft'?il Novel iiir of r.i Medicine Man s ravea to 1 ?jncil fire, a ceren-. with approval by h!1 apoetatori ase ? ? ? ?: liy the yo ful tribesmen, and they essayed a blaze by f notion, twiilin ? >>y means of a 1 Judging from ?? lad muet have had a harder time to I ra flat ?lw - ' ho?, water Oil I * ? hey tried for ?? se fail* ?'?." dro 'on with an Indian accent a I | moveasenl for a ma Bat ' mOBIOBl perseverance ' rewarded ? a spark, and boot was polng. Three stalwart Woodcraft maid il in chanr- which avoi the ground by twenty inches, show that 'he old styles am the most ult modi.?!, after al!. "-an1- a sonf* of salu tion to ? rit Misa Ai Beten, eleven years old, daughter Head I tho 8in(r around the fire :-. Indian fi.e. I pipe of pei SSd announced tint tail whs a pu me. ? loon ii the earth and the '"-?r winds. Only t -.?ii. ?dy di i he had kt still. nog (Many Feathera . of ' ?Ui. a blond I ells h ? ?' Indian !o Th:- feathers than at.y p< ??on i ?? > r -.?. re Before, and lie will hei after be kno\?; n. Ishkachi? ki? . . II same tril wl,. : ' "?:: I WOB his T.ame to be Harvey ? , Went, g tweaty-fbur fon-hers and the tii . lad pot grai d eons fot ??? ? enty-o and liti Kdith Hoisina-ton, a Wo . in ., ?utive night ? any one know any i the- made t|Ufstioned the chief. "If .?'>, let hi ah now or forever hold haa peac ?its from the Ko.? mary School, Greenwich, started 0 much like a we g event of tl evening was ? t ta which ts lusty lut . -?d in a r . ? tWO BiBBt ? II a secon 1 the aril Martin A I the Black Baal two to oi lied il drav ? o doub'. that the reputi ? ' Other things wort'.; '.on ii eluded an Indian brave, wl o '.?ore ipe tack?; a small boy, who sharpened tl ?real kn which inn ed the Sullivan la? and a hardy but di ed goes who entered the Connectieat a - ? Praak I. CoKe m, a friend of Hart ? ,n. I ce Indian, fro ahorna, wh lo Indi? dam further touch of rea iiri ? ral graet . "PRIZEFIGHT" RAIDED; WOMAN AMONG 12 HEL1 Harry Stone, "Battling Turk and Eight Boys Untier Arrest. H.irr;. StOBS, who calls himself wi? fe r?? -ifiion of the world, an William Murphy, the Battling Turl 8 area on th floor of B t.'ymnaaium in West ll'it ghth Avenue, yi iteppe tho ring and stopped the ?. snuad of detectives ralbe av?rai of th boon watchin bosjaa t ? . t-fll ?OBS p tees of ap .th which the place wa liana Grupp, the physical in Lena, wen I ;.-. \? . -' !_'Id BUN . I Its rrfereeing i _ admis - SSMBf the spectators, ail a - B, wen y on a .'?? of juvenile lielino/jeney. U. S. ARMY AVIATORS RESUME LONG FLIGHT Will Oo Ninety Miles To-day, from Forl Worth to Waco. Pail Worth, Tex , Nov. 21. The first ??ro -aaoadron of the United Areiy, consisting .,' Mx military ? miles, from Fort ' '"? ' ' . ?t H o'clock arrow non , w?'"- : "In an air line from J-o-t Woitl ? th? next land sptaii B I? Pe?lela in aroald he flaade in I??? ?'? ??her liureau loea milt, an tbeaet, which w II laereaae the normal ?peed of the tUHCI m. 'I he aviators wl! spend fo-morrow in tbary .?ill land in ... tfiey expert ' f.m country er undertabea by ? fly'? when they ? ? . ir per Y '.ri Sam II' . ' , h?rt Worth to-day,., I WICKERSHAM FOR DEFENCE No 1'xcuse for Not lleing Pri-pari-d, lie Tells Y. M. ( . A. rsje w. Wlekerahaai, former Halted BtatOfl Attorfle? General, ?poke '. :;' 'he "l ? -.- g '.ia't Association, Ifl Hanson l'lace, Hrooklyn. Wick- I on "Notions! Defence and Prepared? ness." "' Bill this out.try had m strong one of th>- , powera Invaded a little, inof? fensive country," he said. "'?Vi.' of the crea' powers sent to . . ? . ? ?? women and children, I boliivi eountry should have made a | thai would Mho around the world sad demand a eeasatioil of such hont "Some day out of come an a.ot that I i American blood ?'i the boiling : tint We muet be ready to : ? ? I tuatiOfl N I la are worthy of freedom i ?rs willing to pn ass preserve thi gi ?-.? ,,f freedom out Dt to fi&ht and . for i*. 'I he BOB! I "' j.- paru? tion are shorter to day than in (hi for attack conn - swiftly There II no a for not being reasonabl] . to-day " TRAVIS'S BAN ON TIPS AND SHAVES Controller Will Not 0. K. Ex? pense Accounts, Including Shines and Cigars. State Control, r Bug" ne "I '. has mad? a ml lag that ?have . ll cigars, tips sad i ipei mato expon?" item? for e ? BgaiBBt the state. As he has th.? jio?ver to audit and correct ail ac? counts, the Controllei led or of this ehi must not be alb ? This ruliflg ??as brought about through a bill rendered to Cont ? nonue, of burp. m. h.' . i of the Board of Embalm? ing Examini rs. \\<- submit account for $87.46 and rcc. cut of $18>.'>. in addition to eliminat? ing the it.-rn? f.-r ?:--.-..-, etc., the Con troller ron- ? I Donohoe'l taste for food and lodginga was too i .- ive for the state I i all"??'. It appears from the records that In Embalming Ex rs hold their rneetings m ;l i summer time. To hi c i comforl ?ble wb le deliberating over the prob ii ms bofon thi in I ? .- . reaoii by I Three ?if the members live u] more central locations eould ted, but thi ferred to make otiu r am gel Several yeSIS SCO ' tlie Hoai'l of Kmbalmini' Exam which appears fr- m thi Ttt ?'-' I.? en a v.ry costly body for the I was under Investigation. the members were paid 110 ? day In lieu of expense?. Th $16 .- day, os the ?? pay 'lie examiners, and lat? i it I : to $21 a day. It ?vas reduci i te | day, and finally tl ? that the memberi received am $200 and were paid expenses for at tendin?* the i-. the board. MARTINE SEEKS REELECTION V J. Senator Fi?hts Move to Side? track Him. United State? Senator Jamea I!, .-lar tine, of New Jersey, is going to fight for a second toi m, di OB. "Jim" mnouneement himself nt the Wal ? da). and i ?hat hi- campaign had all I ? ? ferme i ??ill not be sidetracked, and ' the vote: record. Senator Martine leemed IBt"| that the lent ?? Chairman lbs primary law ? rovldes thai the voten ed m ai ?! ??? upon as doing? away ?vith the old boss system ol :.-!'r-s. Thi from eets to go '.'i the Democratic National Convention as a te>at?large, and la in favor of id term for ProaidlBt Wilson. LABORER WINS 5-YEAR SUIT Steamfltter. Hurt in Pall Off I'oof, to Kereivi? $I0,:.00. After a battle la the courts le ? urs John Grady, a ?if White i - won i . ? ? nal Cable and Co Company f<?r iajuries received In 1910 ' nj; to 11 and interest amounting to 1,600 more. Grady WBS working: on*One of the cable buildings at B ? in the Hudson whin a scaffold g about thi 1 twice tried in the Supremi Court it White PlaiBS. appealed twice to thi App4 Hate 1 the Court of Appeals, which has ju?t tied the rardict of $10,600. BLUE LAW RULE FOR MEXICO CITY Municipal Government Takes Over Control of Saloons. CARRANZA ASKS PEOPLE'S HELP Reconstruction Lonii and Diffi? cult. He Warns Villa Army Intrenching. n ? linee of an by the ?1?' facto government of ?o, requiring :i!; o.i ?Jeeeloposnat companies I .??'tails of tlit ir organisation an . was : announced to-night by the Mexicoa that the c from 'I he i of a throughout erec in ? t said, "placet in the ? ? : ? .; , ? ? rnment ?if the N tail l.'juor in reafter, . :,g re .?. ,11 he ?.i ? ???? i.u.-ineis on 11 ?? more ? i ti eti an?! nublic : ; . ? : . ?? lalOOB ' ot church . ?:. . i lor may ed per ? ?? 1 he | quoi I k'Pt ' ? rel andiaing may : '? i. * lea ? It) her? will be from 9 a. m. to I p. tn . and from 6 p. m. to !? p. m , dally and from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. only on Sundays arid na- ' tional holiday*. :ii. ... ? ? ? ' | Nuevo I.aif I??, Mex., Nor. -1.?In a ? .if Mealeo ition, (??m ill 'Venus- ? ? arransa to*day counselled patl- ' enee, na th? ol reconstruction would !'<? long i?i"l difficult. ?Von mutt ail Imvu patience and an aadroaa, "and >'.:''. 'In' Carrann party in its' -? rnetion and of >ming the mistahei of former v> i.' -i linked about eonditiom on the ? ?:' Mexleo, General Carranza ? : nom .ver?' in no ? ?? r threaten taken to l,i n gard to -i' In Mexico which 'orre?? ? i that property t??i(pn from ' ? ' ? o*i '?<?? i ?v eatod, bul ' ? ? onging to those who had n? ated in political ? 't era it ft settle the ' r let urn of their property refugees who fled the bonier, including many former supporters ??f General H mu?t present ti i to the Mexi? can ; or trial, in order to ? ? :. it th?-y have ,-uiity of offences against the de ? ment. . [Harten reported that i in Sonora and ? eoast w.-r?' satisfactory, and that the territory controlled by Villa ? imos iil i was rapidly being nar.-' Nov. il, General Ofl tier?'ral . ? I tito, Dear Harmoaillo. orted in dispatches from (leneral . IS to-nii/h' to i .-? S halted his I? r twi nty miles north nt Bad to be ntrench by the Carransa I loss tit. the ? eluding ?? ? ;;' the V led ami 1,000 and < tared. LEAPS UNDER SUBWAY TRAIN Dead Man Had Accident Insurance Card Numbered ?.'O.llO?. An unid? ? of about thirty ? of s Broad Ight. as tho : ? Howling d. The mo lumc and r?g;ng train to n -? \ I an cbooh li If? "opoli '. Inga Bai Street and of f.'iO .. n.e of Carl Wind -? 1er, of il ? Itreat k\ thai raon was known. A ? for a watch eras found, and I by the iet.V? bearing the SOCIETY CHILDREN IX CENTRAL PAUK ????' ? ?. ? . Miss Danta Livingston and Oakley Arthur Brook, enjoy bright autumnal day in ? Uy', favorite playirrouml. BIG ARGENTINA DEAL COLLAPSES Chicago Syndicate's Plan to Build 600 Grain Ele? vators Called Off. By . lpt1 lo Tl.? TV' . Nov. "!. How a "l.oon, 11 ted by Chie i fell through at the eleventh ho1:. in B brief bit of news from ns. Hal the deal bien completed suc? cessfully the ?, Kosenbaum Cram ' it crop ? Imated to be ? drawn to build the ? ? it had the suprovs! of th. ?? gOVI i nine ?toad ? "the plan tin- au? thorities decided thst the government ihonld hi.mile the buiineii ilny are bow lookiog for n partner, preferably a ChieagoaBi to furnish the pita! ra the profits, Thi? information wag accepted ns meaniri?" a complete collapse of the plnn of the llosenbaum Company. which ?vas worked out Htid offered to the Ariientiiie Kovernrnent by I.evv ? the South American nal on in < ? i that all doala with the Kosi-nbaum Company, Armour A i o. fir ? wore <??''. it la estisaated ?ha* with adequate fac ! Ities, laclud. r mi I Mori than i . ' ? handling the wheat ero** in Argi alone would amount to between $26,? 1 la year. It wai for these profit i that the Chicago and New York syndicate, represented by Mr. Mayer, was reaehiag. Was explained bv It C. Liebrecht, Consul for Uruguay In B**t ? ely laten ited 'n ; ? ? ping the ?? W. Hrick wood, ul for Argentina i Mr. Liebrecht'a moats. "IN THE WAY," TAKES GAS Son Finds .Mother Dead ?sith Tube in Mouth. Mrs. Annie Calvin was found un? conscious in ii? r home, at :."> Ea t lUTth Btree en year-old bob, : ' her, ran | East 126th Strei station and Lieutenanl B| echt for help, i he ? - ! nn ambulance from the Harlem Hospital and ? palmotor from the CoBBolidated Gaa I After work,ni? o?vr the WOflSBn for half an hour she wag pronounce.! Os thi kitches table was found a note written by Mr?. Gall i | .?he thought she ????? "in the way, ? . they would be hOUl tier. RITZ CRYSTAL ROOM OPENED ?.?OO Van!-? of Silk Rope and 1.000 of silk in DoearatUna. More than ?_'..'?" ' lift rope. Ibbofl aad ; of silk ?raterfall velvet ad in doeoratiag thi I;. ? ibly the if ti r rooms in New York, which was "p nod N ?<? m Forty-eixth - hat roeensbl? terrace of a mod l'pon 11 ei erected s from the "? ra.'Tgcrie," at the further '. froTi the riilge line of the tent Is a :?;'.'!. I . car I ? | ? ? J. D. ARCHBOLD ESCAPES BOMB < eattaued bom pnge i f'ompnny. Furthermore, John P. Arch bold has m '. out by the ? Btioa given I ilocke feller stables, in i\ug plot . : rj dowg the famous |60,< ! by a ? a large bundl? . ' wa I found shrub ? . be ?> the Rocke ? i anarchists 1914, and ill dud' ; . knouo radical 1?adera .. Alexander Berkman, . lelson and I he late Arthur n, who ^\.is killed by a bomb ex ? nement on Lei When the I \V .'. 'lirht t?) g| tO 1 ' I he bad four at each of the the Bilence i 1 ? B and S ? i - mi May 1 I 1011. ?? Jut! of thai W. W. following arrest? I, i ? th "? the i ictinx in a d ?lerly ? i i '.i?* i uet Inn ti 'I he d? ? ckie Edel . until their and a post n deputies of ? ! the rail . and there wore ana? ? ? . iJilla if the le guild their threat ? : 1, sur l by armed guarda. ETHEL BARRYMORE FINDS A MODEL l\ "OUR MKS M'( IIKSXKV." Urawfl ..: Un Lycatun Tbeatri by Lambert Gueatbsr, MJRDER BARRED AT PEACE SEANCE Otherwise Last of Worn en's Party Meeting! Is Howling Sut cess. The prit its for thi enjoyment ' ? >'? omen'i Poaes Partj the last of which iva; held .. i llOfl BIS i hair-trigger temper i I -. shout in loo i tot ? a rnigh' . ge in t last - ? it, -m< : tO BIB1 tho lato Ad that it ?vaj roallj Mr. Eaitman spoke for about font . ing that hi i. "Patriot! of thi nature. Po? ol Is eompo . N It icture, reii ? fore? . r dispositions st ara pug . group ioyaiiy. All mi i ost ani ? ? maltet ? Juan llii!, and thon i eute for lib Hill. Thei ? rig. ? for p.a? b. '?> hi i that alk ur ht" man said much mon?. The . an.i : . unity to a m, so thi man put on some musical act? nod by ad taken the i from un sment . n**> ahead to it. At the end of Mr. Ifahaa'i talk it . that the . ; rm?in .-.lion to the tact that both Mr. i were treated. Im? - ? . ?"e or t?vo ? o)]. ? on. Some ?i per? ? man, ? man I a yell ai ? I? o, and . cured. for life. Durl .; about Gen I ins, ,-ra\? 4 ' 'hen an A. yodel pitOO . ..?s hint, FUMES OVERCOME FIREMEN Motor Trink Mind OS V. .n to Leather Bl /?? Bleich- I ? ? ercome by r last ' : Gluck, manu ? ? l al ? ? Trink '.... 10, m tur ? Street from Church 7-' and ESghtl , ? MRS. T. R. MalRSHALL IN SURGEON S H.1NDS Vice-President's Wife to Uadtr? fO Operation To-ttay. ladiaaai i II.?AH pi u I ( retorning to Waal or th?- open? ? ? i:. Marshall until the outcome of an Harahall n and w ill go il i .?1? : th? suri.?'?"' morra led a? critical, hi would suffering from a coi make ? an ah lom nal ?ary, sad it I ? lo b? ; family aargeon, Dr. 0 G Pfaff, if tbil l city. I WADE CHANCE ASKS DIVORCE New York Clubman Says Wife Deserted Him Year After Marriage. YOUNGER THAN WIFE BY FORTY YEARS Mrs. Chance Formerly Wife of Van Rensselaer Cruger, Trinity Controller. K. IWcgrapa? to Tti* MaMBB ! Lac Aagoloo, Nov. 21. A divorce trial that will interest European and American society will soon be fought out in th?,! Superior Court here. Wade . Pasadena millionaire, clubman of Now Yoik and London and a friend of Lord Kitchener? tri? for the third time aa. that the He that binds him "r-. S Van Rensselaer Cruger e be severe.! Mr Chance will the outcome iu London, while ? will receive reports at her home in I'aris. Mr. ? was married to Mrs. Julia Gordon Crugur, widow of Colo r ('ruirer, of New ?\orK. i-. Washington? on May 11, 1906, According to the divorce petition, - rtod her husband ono after thtir marriage. Mrs. RTade Chance was before her Ige Mi?>i Julia Storrow, of <~. ? eendant of old Kmeker r stock and a rmadnleee of ; Irving. Much of her early ? pa led in I-limce. After her ? ' ? " "? .-i ? ruger, controller ?if Trinity Corporation? she became a '.? ader in New- York society. \lrv Chanca has written several Is ander the pen name of Julien Cordon. 1! I lydo" created con ?iderable ?( r bceauec of the resem ? characters to some of ' | : fes. After the ?leath of Colonel Cruger. Mrs. chance lived for several year? in Italy, and following that SBC went to Ington, where 'she remained for [ an old Ceorge lon. Tiring of social activl Tinil in ldflH, met ' . .? Qoldfleld, N'ev. They Washington. He too,; i raged in literary work and came Canton, Ohio. to New York with his ?'.>rty years his senior, "I the brokerage busi A Bti a? t. whom bo was Irai ited the late Bponeer Trask. ? < itablishcd bil own firm in ? !;. ti' ier the nsnio of Wa?lo .- .*. Co. In I'.'!" the hr?ker went to R?'no and t t :! *ers there An action ?s begun, but the suit . 0 ight to an issue. SEEKS NEW BUDGET SYSTEM FOR STATE W. J, Schieffelin Asks Legislat? ure Not to Waste Constitutional Convention's Work. ? rtine that the work of the Con? vention should not he J . flfelin. chair? man of the Citizens In.un, yesterday the importance of the next ture paaaing constructive me?? ? ' ? . ??? i (feel changes i.i nilmin:-?-..'.mi and submit to th I eonatitutionnl amend? ment. ? .? demand was the lays the fle mand for many important amendments is unquestioned? should be . soon. Ho res eonatructivc legislation many of the desirable "?? Ided for in h<inie of tho important mensures which Mr. SehietTelin believes can be ? tablishment of a placing tho Governor. He latura can provide that an be m.; i ? ? ??' ays before the Sure:. ? of Public Works has certified a? to whether or tM improvements are needed. "**?? Other change, wh ch Mr Sehi4_ beli.ves the Legislatur? ?hotjU "^ are!? " **?a M.aiure. como'idgting. |U. parmenti, ai rj dirigu... ??? adoption of a elmple practice ??V S measures givir.t? to etti-a _?? over th?lr local ?rTair?. COit*ii The next Legialatui?. y. ?,kl . declares, should lubmlt 'hem ? '?* raenti to the conititutioa: *??* Reduction In number 0f ?t ?t?te officer?; a broad erant J i ** rule to cit es; a x--i*e\.* tern, and the abolition cf sinki'iur f,T*" and lubltitution of a ?rial?** syitem. ?***?! "All amendments." he ?,., ? on favorably by th? 191* \m\a_ legislatures ran be ?uhrni,.,,. ta h people In November, l ->i 7 **? earlier than araendm-ota gnn.?.. j"* any convention authorlx??] ?B COUld be N ? ? ^B^^ U. S. DISCRIMINATES DR. VON MACH CHARGE State Department Suppresses R*. ports Favorable to Germa-v ' fi? ? 1 ,u_. .u- ..-._. -. ??????j, Char?res that th? St-t. D?pgrtIMl,. suPPr' ? '"-?crab!? t? Cm many and he* ra _a*m_ day morning by Dr. K.hnund vonWU of Harvard. In an addrsaa befor.V?' w?^Ulv for...?, ?, ii-.. D?L a.. Iar* **? many and day morni of Harvar... m .? ??nr.i, ?,,.?? ? weekly forum in th. i'.?rk Avenu? u^ odist Church He alto ded.r^T principle* of thi. country to b? inflrT to those which ,1 m nut? Auitria.?,?; K'ary. Dr, ron Maci ?aid: "The waves of pi !,. ?nd pr?ja_a which have awi pt hn??!gn.J ir. * beat;ti|f upon this - ? ,_ ,orr"T ?ay that the Sth'e Department KAj ing the publie ti -d ?-aw? t previously doctored by h iirittah cgg?T fails to present to it the ?ccnratT? formation that comen ???? , t, hgr.a, "Prior to the 1 ,,f ,}lf j report, la?t ?pring, Atibangdor fZ sent to the Stat- De| irtmoBt ar.otUr report, stating ? . ?-.,. CM4 rf German cruelty In B Igiuaa hid V? proved. Hut this Page report Big mm mad?) 1 "The principles of Atutrlsd^wg have been to a eertain extent fir ?^L liberal and Ideal I an fhoi? of a, Uni'ed States. In Aiutri.-Han-ait people of all nationa'it'es and b:r?, are allowed far greater freedom In ',:,. in? In accordai ce witl th?lr metal?r?a 'han In th-s ?-, : try " Dr. von M I ? g?i?-*-( that Germany tried to ??ert thi vu "KriK'land'a plans to itnk? ?t Gtraat were lout* laid," he said, "ar i ter, due to jealousy over Jermgny'i pm progress." ADVLIUISKMEVM. i jorses jn ^y'ar "|ihl qur |")u?vib j;riends j each A Svl?t? for th? ?? ? ; of li?le?! ' ? 1 ?. I ?nn n-. 1 -i aflssia IHUE f- "ROSS i;UND em? Hi???, to w?.. Urn* ' I ' ?oHfinw ? ? . . laOWBI AN AI'IUI. I I I (II -.-f-r, An-I I 1 - luj gj . - I ?an fror mv 1 > . - 1 ' 1 . Mali ' . ?-?? H, . ? - R*l i-raw - u -?:.! *?fjr westet I ? hi-U???*, A ;?? r Vari j . P I ? ! ''. r ,,it|; Bo p ra 'ir ?-turi?*. At, prifaw 1 Tli? liuv.'?:.. I'm only ? .?? - | "liai fa." nrs?et, Oh 1 ? 4M . -1 I**???; I ??. ? ?'" '. rag Ill.l K i'!f > - iv nu?'T, Till. Ill ?I ? HAL' Hii-r: ? ?ifobts no?; .?? - ?HT row? .4 H ix I .?' Ready Thanksgiving TO MEASURE ONLY If you order a suit or overcoat now. you'! h*Yi reason for thanksgiving on Ihur??i w'" hate no regrets, because you will bave iecuwd satisfying style and fit at a price fir l?l<>w what clothes would ordinarily cott Suits, Overcoats, -} Cutaway Suits, Silk Lined, Tuxedos, Silk Lined, Evening Dress, Silk Lined. 40 On all orders received before Iucv)i> il three o'clock we guarantee delivery Wednesday e*/?B? ing. Samples on recfjest. ?rnltmt Broadway & 9th ?Street TI Largest Merennnt-TetUoring BiteMithmeni i "'yr' M?e ?ti?mtt? LEADS IN Instruction Advertising During the Month of October, 1915, Over all other New York City Newspaper? Figure? Compiled by the New York Evening Po?t Hi?- I riliuii.-'.23.915 Lin??? " li?,i.. ?felTI " Mill. I?v1". '? Herald. M* S?iclribune should be on your \M