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VIADUCT SINKS. BLOCKS CARS , i ad ? W i1 \v. strutt ur0 - I I J I r.lllr. fwt nue ? ? " l rhv;r-.' ? I at 3 ay sxaml e{ t, night ?>sb on i speed. Terry ? -. cause of the : , . ? Don t ccchl trie cold; get on board a Santa le train to summery California and run away from winter. On the way? Quaintly garbed Indians, petrified forants, punted deserts, and that supreme wonder the Grand Can? yon of Ati_ona. At the end? Hedges of ruses, gold of orange orchards, tninny I ekicsgolf.aut. the romance or oui Spanifh days. |( I on nay fo in I j* na ine California Limited or tra ' m ...y in.'i tour . -per. Four Jauy transcontinental trains anJ the weekly Santa re ae-Luxe. Frca Harvey r ' '.??ta. ? ' - let? ? ity. I aSSOl. WAR CLOUD OVER FASHION FETE Local Importers Threaten Hostilities Against Pa? risian "Big 9." SORRY MRS. GALT'S NAME HAS FIGURED ? \hibit at Ritz-Carlton Opens To-(Uy Despite Trouble Over Inspection of (?owns In Paris. A larjre, conn shaped vapor forma? tion, which looked M?m?'thing like ?i Kan?ai? eyclone, hut which was ?ly by military < as a war ?loud, hovered above t! ? I: H Hot. ! yester.lay. Balow in the '.?room tho finishing touche | put on the exhibits of the Tari* in Fete, which is to be opened to Before the end of the fc^te week, it lictod by certain New York In ? rs of Paris model?, the nar cloud is destined to break. The reanll :r a conibinution of Importers will ' throw down tho gauntlet ? alan "Big Nine," banded as the Syndi? ? cat de Defense de la Orando Contare 1 Kran?ii ' shot against the syndicate probably ?rill b<> fired by I ? KUnman, . ? th Avenue and 1 street. Bamuel Kurz ?h?r Charles found it i ? the creations of ii v days ma? ..! tor be bad announced I aetin?/ a? eommiasionairo for lira. Mor? mon (ialt, hus let it be bnoem he is collecting facts and Bgurea ior a broad "It will not be long before the syndi? cate Is conclus!' m it cannot force American merchants '.i?t<> a?i un American |' tlon?" ss d Mr. Kurzman, e/ho spent tbs dar in his office awaiting a eahls Sorry Mrs. (?alt's Name Wan Unt?. "I um sorry tl ? n ims of Mr?, ('.alt, the futur?- of th? ? ' . ' ? : y," ho continued. rong, for I con . ? |th our cual which ?ei's dealii | ? ? ith a cl.? Bl or a doctoi - "?lj broad as an old ? the syndi? sn doing bnainei with many jroai In fact, he had been to Taris four times ?:.' war. Mi ra, M who was boat in this com try to present pr?sident of I "Bui ' they ask my brother ntinfs 1 boy aal ? of German ori| II that ho was bol ? In the .??h. has a l ? fron '?'? r 'I '.'i bi ? i : orb agent i bearii Toll me, what . opfa ?I? we photograph for e< untryf W : can merchant is willing to thus humiliated ! in the next few days tve n public ? pro? of the now. The statement a/ill be : with facts, and. moreover, we tho? that, ?le-pite the rules of rndicata, it is still possible for us1 i- ^m i ..i..._.... i _-.**?? Like Dust in a Fine Watch? That is Constipation A RUSTY watch leases time. In the same way, a rusty human system is clogged and slowed down by con? stip?t ioii, which causes a tremendous loss of mental and physical energy. The remedy in the case of the watch is a fine grade of ma? chine oil. And the remedy for constipation, according to t?i'* latest conclusions of medical science, is an even liner lubricant?Nlljol?the pure white mineral oil. Nujol lu?.?ricates the intestinal tract throughout its entire length, and softens the intestinal contents. In this way it facilitates the processes of normal evacuation, and eventually makes possible the return of regular bowel movements. Nujol is rrnt rt laxative-drug nor a bowe?l stimulant. It is not absorbed by tiit" system, hence it may hr taken in any quantity without harm. 1' does' not act as a pur^e, but if used regularly will bring permanent relief from constipation in the course of a week or ten days. Write fur booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Constipation.M If ist hasn't it, we will send a pint bottle of Nujol prepaid to any i>oint in the United States on receipt of 75c ?money order or stamps. I STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Hityonne New Jersey ?go.U.S. OAT.-*" Jforr. THEPUREWHITEMINERALOIL Appro?7**! bjr i Murrey W. Wiley, Director G.kvI Hou?-. ker[ilr?r llureau of Fond? Sanitation ?nil Health. MISS HARKIS, IX "BETTY'S TROUSSEAU." Two-act playlet will be one of the feature? on the programme at ihn Pari* Fashion F?te In the Ritz-Carltnn this week. i to purchase models from those in th< ..tion. .May He Forced to Act Soon. "I should rather not open th? until the syndicate fashion I ?...r, for it is advertised 'he r< Tire to go to a WOl thy chanty. B II it miiv be l shall be forced t>? net i | i we?-k." At the RltS-< arlton. Philippe New York representative of the ca??', gave out an explanation i I ? form ng ?t the combination! which In among its members I'a'iuni, Worth, Poirot) (allot and Jenny. i two big objects are to ??top the ' faking of Parts labels and to ? ! the : ri who pay full for ?air creel one, pnreaaood tl accredited Importera," he said. "S.nce our beginning, in 191 I, we have practically stamped out the nmnu fncture of fraudulent labels. M? ; to (?top other practices. There me Importera who got b< and peddle them. 'I I suit Is that a few days after a woman ; id a good price for a moot a shopgirl wearing a cheap imitation. "It has been said the Syndicat de D?fense wns orgunlted to light the 'made in America' movement. That is absurd. Bo long as the world en Paris will be tho centre uf fashion." M Ortiz ?aid he had sent a telegram to Mrs. Gait, but would not gil the text until he had received a reply. 'it la believed, however, that It ? as. o'Trr, follow ' ?' ? -.t. RENO DIVORCE Wir HALF OF FORTUP Court Orden R. E. Tiedeauins Account tu Ex-Wifc for Share in His Wealth. Far moro important than Ike ? lepal conveniences of a ] the sustained contention .if Mr-, (I trude ! Nevada d ? I Etad >lph Ern Ti?di i intiled t the pr. accumu'.uti-'l linee their n the ease of Mrs. Tie? mann this rig ! i?iven under the Nevada law, ? lar,;o sum. ag Mr. Tied? mann, whi i home is in Grei i. . : - ? me htr of the ,!??)?.ml- imj orting firm '.Theodore Tiedemann fc Sons, at .' , Fourth Avenue, is raid to he I millionaire. ' Justice Newburger h?? deelded favor of Mrs. Tiedemann on her clu ? .if til?- property acquired bj h I from the time of to the time the deeree a .hi 1911. Tl commuait] of inl rei t, however, d not Include Inheritances or propei lired by will. Ir bi hii decision, Juit pointed Will to whieb Mi ? ? I "k ha all Judgment? if I ind for : obligatii ? a party, the r*cord | ?i any othei t -m. for :? j ; . ? intiff m litnated It iix ? tiff . to a decree bi prayi ? The Hero court awarded to the wi 1500 a mon*! alimo y and ordi i Tiedi mane te | ? i ' of their dau *1 ter, ? era G< trui!'-, of tl ther. Mrs. Tied ? hi - in alimoi arreare, in whit h ad Ion - ? md had an Ine und that he i more lhan 11,000,000. Mr. Tiedemann raised the q*i - ; divorce, hoi Justice Erlang? : ;. d?marrer by Mr. Tledemat tin- Appellate Division affirmed his d> ? cittion. ? Justice N'ewhiircrer trave 1 . -? lent foi I ' ?"'' ' as al Imony 1 1 that Mr | an accounting of her i-r'y. Mr? Tiedemann ha? remarried slm ebtainlng a div< marehaai. ?-? SHOP EARLY FOR SAFETY Delayed Ituiing nt llnlid.iv ****? Cause? Ciihk'-lion ami I- I Menace. '?Shoo earlv" end "- afety first f. iiM.'d an alliance ander the of the Baf ? "of th '. .rk. It :? uri?ed tha t iiri?tmas shoppinr? be done (???trlv, iio 1 only far ': . . : ibllc. . rnhelmer, praoident ol the Safotj l ? - ? "i^nt in ?? I ?hopping di fore Christmas ti.ftnufac.turir.i and aistributine eongeetiofl ? liveriei of ru?h < r conse? quently It I te the l.'-alth and safety of th?- WOrken in the factories, of I tail .tores and of the pedefltliani in the streets." FORCE PEACE. MARBURG SAYS I'nrmer Minister I ritl**BBOfl Admini-tra tinn for standing Dumb and In.i tue. liiiiminf* Oeraaaay a? ??one reepaa? ,r, and eriticialnf the administration for -tandiiij* "dtnnh und .nnrtlve,'* deepltfl <i? rmun nt' I ' I Theodore Mnrlrirc, form? t Mil I ? - ? ? t, at the Mount Mor? i ? Baptist Chnreh, urg? ! the .i.ioption of the plans of :! a Lm**UC to F.nforce 1'. sea, "The first step toward ????'?? I ?ran i* to i?et Battens Ii to ?nur ?aid. "Tl.-- ? Bafaree iimpoie? to accomplish this by ? i ng thai i ? ? -rut submit! ce f-'-r i .i hearinK shall 11 faced ? th tl ? lainty of a?? lit punishment." J What Is the Gary Plan I By ALICE HARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers will find in this derailment a clear and authoritative account of the Wirt school system, proposed for this city. Questions of parents and teachers W?? be gladly answered. The de partmen t n'ill appear on Mondays and Thursdays WHAT THI WIKT PLAN DC it take?. ch'Mren off the ?t r and boeya ? '?- lomafr bu* work, ntud> and play for six | seven hour-. B ?!?>'. It gives all children Just as m nca?OOSle ??ork as the trsdit?i school, but by lengther.inK school day it giTOI Umo for pi Ural shop ??ork. science, draw music, auditorium and play for children. w ll \l THE wiuT PI \n MIA To every parent?a chance to f Us Child I he enriched educatio opportunit? s usually roaorved the ? luidr.n of the favored few. To tea? hers?no mo? I bawl tea? hing; more congenial work. To the eommaaltj?better c zens; lutter schools l??r loOO '?'-' I_ Iron < (M.kstovri and the (,ary PI ?? ids Of many pt >\?e in ?.-??rd t'> *.i?e adoption of the ? is me of I ? Bt the toree. " - v. v? irreHt skeptic ?a'.n small t? - ? I that I .il. Finally one | n the eommnnlty h ve and ner neighbors to a dinner tc conked on ?? The neighl came ? w?.s over one of tl "Mlraady, that eon ma n | beat dint ??'. ? vas coo ?in that Iron tookstdra Bat, Mirar.i with a solemn shake of the head, "i ?lav? ?ill never work." Th? Anti-Mind. The scene row shifts '?? the v 191ft; | Ineoi Public School M, Bra Ijrn; time, a few ?lays ago. A vtalto inch 1 '?; sh?- I I r tho roomful an, turn gravely: "My d this plan will never work." Truly :id is the same the I ? But one of ' Inga abi ? "???ent situation I-? tl | study and play for children is ev older thee iron eeokat ??- Por ?re boy need -T'end his ?!:. - ssent cit ?T. w up. in the moi ? rea, chopr. ..i". I, ? ? 'mais, : ? rhen 1 u ? ; i i i '? ? arhli b . f ball or some other pli ? I eh to school a ? Then he did sume m?ire chores, work in a Ml ended ap th? il ? i ( boy, if he choosi ? - and arit in hour f a a peril of play, and Ihei phy from 2:1 rev? roe tart in wit] demie work and end up with The only difference is that tb Iting or meetings ' Hut in the otdlnnry pnbl which children bave been so for the last ????'? an I'.nur for lunch. it 2:SO, and then is tur street I the gang. Not only n it ; 'i chance te \ ? ? irm and i the ' rith thos ? ' ? a?k them this one q : ? harm can there ne i S ? . ? . play and an opportunity to work wit their ha: lly since this i suppl? mentary to the art . ititatod far M f" Aa ir up pononi instead of aa - tion dlgreedea into a heated ergumei ? sieh is ru? ... \ c:al prize li i.:r. red bv tl pir.-on Why Not M?>rc Work. Study and Play Schools? This departsu ? bad t pul>..~ ?? muni and address, but does not wish the "A yoni | m dow of my acquaintance is much e - ? i all daj drei are not in school at alL keepe them locked 'tp ?n a room all day. she nould send then t'> but !-l?'- .ti? the many honra which they would have to be on '. . more than ? ? hours that th? > i Iron need I I ? . m t* t Gai r for these chil ?Iri r. bat I and? schools ar?- i plan, n, is n?t rcr:- i ittoo of ? thi r on ti.?' : Iren CT\n gel ? ?.'?..! ' l?" I : - in regard ta tl .' on of school t on (he Wut ? In 1 i ? ScIt'u?! ?'.'. Brooklyn, ar.d il 'Pnbraary IfiJ. Public Schuol 45, The, ' Bronx, were reorganised on the work. A4 yet they have r . iT.ient. In J.i ..ation ? rhe 1 ?? ir that joint conference of the Hoard of Edo ? ? ?e ? ? B ? ? ; that purpi ? ? ? on, which ? v ? i ry .. tion ti I - .: ? eular roi ? r. under lueh a ? dren ' lind of ? work ? II two hand . ii d it "' ce II dooi mean thai i on ti ? - -, i ble for the Board rhe expending ? I l . of tho ren. So far as is known, the board hai not pel for the nion-y. U by flat ? The I'eliifioii- (Juestinn Again. The r letter haa been re ?am Milton ? '?-., 176th Street and W a stR' ion Into thi. i-unir Hail" atetad on Rev. Mr. lli-?-i h ii church ?? lilil?, -x to . Nine hundred children from Pub and I78d -. ? '.. ? When the ? | peratloii th.. ? "My Dear Ml is: at? per ? ?.. on iceoui ir yau had the last word In the ?n at ? Club ?m t. If I und m to the Im : ? Gar) ' "i. . sert, I am wi ? i ? give tluouph The Tribun rhi ?hould he 11?ut-rht in the public sake What Objection? te This? ? "Every publl land ? ? ? : give ii tr ligious, ti in tel y ectarian. A ? i eded far this par ? "I ii<- fundamantal. of morala and re -chool , ? pur great univ? r ' it you ? ? as to ??hut are the fundamental, non-debatable truths ?n moral? and r..;i_ion for every one. and for ail time, her? they I That Cod is, that He has re i that lie is wise and benevolent, that He is the great farce ?or .?f the Agnostics i making for -. " B) Ira', man's dutv Is to have ??'?I toward God: i. o.. love tlod. by keeping the Ten <r MOIO] tow, inJ th?t moral law must . God or no (tod, and ? i the moral law? all of 'Mi-. - c Prophets1 t? summed up in the '. Rule of .'? _BOW, are the funda ! truths. Kolther Roman t'.i im i or Protestantism nor Juda -?> fun Baornl and religions truths. "Everywhere m the public school there Is need <?f such fundamental 'ion bv one , of its teachers. .-.true ion should be given bv 1 one of .r teachers of the puh ' lie school, bv one who is qualifted it. The < utaide pr-.ost or Minister ut i be i ?bile school? free from denominational ?j politico?' as we no place in the - t? ?a. ?Tl for ?'ich funda? "..m is in the pah? . ?? lie ('.Line by one I s the American public will ?, such ? ?I. for without he ?"? tm ' "WILLIAM MILTON I'.Kss" Rel?K???n and tho Schools. dur answer is that WO can see no to the Kev. Mr . ?.. i i ? that ? brings relig ? I i schools, something which the Gary pi i ? ? prohibits. Gary plan no religious ? permitted o Ithia the [An oui of school boni i> permitted a week, at which time, on tlie ?f their parents, ehil . ' - :;:..;, irfllt|| 'hat bour ?? children as tl:. ?. see ftl They -, or to take nr to take relig instruction, as they do under the tern after school boas - No child may be excused without the writ? ten consenl ente. If no par -:i ?.?> be (' i the children stay la school, and th<> oro ? arranged on the assumption ill children will stay In school all . ? ? ? ? ???? -- ?-- ?? SCHOOL BOARD FACES RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION Levy to Make Resolution to Set tie the Question. The Board of Education will be called ?.n to diseUSS religtOUS training :g on Wedn Isadoi M. Lei r, a mi m? i thii rate "Beaolved, Tin.? the Hoard of Educe tlon deema it laadviaabla to expert further ?rith tin' rellgioua train? ?. / with ?. and that the Board h.- directed to and .iM ;it ' mi the public to any i alig? feature th ireof until further uc i n.ird" Mr. Li rta his r WANTED TOR JANTARY.? Fully furnished housekeep? ing apartment, not less than two bedrooms, below 90th st., for one month. State price and number o? rooms in an? ?wering? 0, Room ?V07, Tribune Building. the rretind that ..paration ef scheel und religion ha? been accepted M ?oiind public policy, and that the In? troduction of religious teaching would atfect the hartmnv now existing be? tween children and t.achere. He also contend, that saeh in.truction would I e ui'constifutioral. Fame Because Henry Ford la world-famous as a manutao? turer, it overshadows the fact that he is also a great in? ventor and ornithologist. Similarly, because tho Butterick publications are preeminent in fashion, tho breadth of their general scope and intluence may bo overlooked. The following partial list of famous contributors testi? fies to that breadth and to the desire of earnest protag? onists to enlist the iniiuenco of our readers: YYootlrow Wilson Madame Curie Sir Oliver Lodgl John 1). BiM?aMIar Clara Hart?n Theodore Roo-tevelt Mis. William Howard Taft Rahindrauath Tagore Sir Gilbert Parker ?John (?alsworthy Robert IIi4 ?.?-us Hon. ?John ?I. French i William Hard Cardinal l.ihlxina Houoft. Willtaie Andrew CanMcfa Mary Stewart Cutting Ifa?aro? Ifaje Arthur Stringer Lady Oregorr Rudyanl Kipling Richard 1,4- (iallienne PrincMMI F.ulalia K. Temple Thurut?n Alia* brown Gertrodl Atherton Filen Terry Krne-t Pooh Charles W. Flint William J. Lookt Less than half of these ara professional writers. Tho others wished for the under? standing or support of our readers. BUTTERICK Going Home Thanksgiving? If it is In or Near Philadelphia vou \n ill start ?ind end the day happily bv going and returning on the New Jersey Central pin, S ?-nerv? Pine S< rvioe?Try Thii Knute YOUR WATCH IS YOUR TIME TABLE Past Trains I.?a\c EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR Liberty St. from : a, m. t?> to p. rn. weekdays] I x. m. to 11 p. m. Sundays Midnight train daiK ; Sleepers ready 10 p. m. (?Letv? W. 2 id St, t? minutes of the hour lor ill trams.) Super:?.r dining car service at dining hours. NO TUNNELS?NO SMOKE?COMFORT