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i The Conning Tower If he had written In 1S09 \K TO MF ONLY WITH THTNF. BTEB," BY BBNJ \M1N K. v. st thou or "in was oNi.v PBMI IOK1 '- MOTR1 it." \ nir ' iKting at n ia.iiiqm t rich and '-rand, iparkling brightly as he rose; ?I-1 - >f Rhine wmc high aloft within his hand, ? a toast he did propose. "We bare one friend that's true and kind, one thai lias lored us A dear one who in memories will *tay; I .ft u* drink now to Mother!" As lie raised that liquor itf ?iiire unto liim then did mmfi CHORUS: - only viith your ryes, I ask no Stronger drink, - t!?t- only beverage ! prize; Tim? thirst it on the sonl doth feed and drags to Ruin's brink. Oh, drink unto mo only with your eye I" many long years after in a Bowery la w ?? ? oar hero standing at the l>ar; Hil cloth? ? ;re torn, with shaking voie. | ribald t'.ne ? .icon's lines his face do mar. trity's Bong penny then he b ? of drink And trie? to drown his sorrows all away, But all ifl vain hil I ffoTtl are for now he sadly think? 'hose fond words his rnotln r dear lid -f CHORUS: "Drink to me only with your eyes. I ask no "rtronger drink, _Ssam. '16. Sir Edward Carson THE CAUSES WHICH BROUGHT ABOUT HIS RESIGNATION?HIS o\\ \ BTATEMBiT AM) THE TRUTH* WHICH UNDERLIE IT?HIS CHARACTER AND HIS FITNESS FOR LEADERSHIP. [(-tjprrtghl. til!?, b? O?or|? W Fr-.i w, ] London, October M, ' ' r Asejoitl 'a of twenty-two perhaps two men cap bl-, !r. ?he high, of lendcr?hi ?? s ef them Is go"e. Sir Edwa: Carson ha to fr low no man knows. What one do kno?4- Is thRt discontent aid anger a r ,-h. It la not without cau? alone that the leadn.g Lib? r journal of England turns ?{ -al Government. I e*i!l it, as ment. Its cig I'r.ionist members have never made rr.uch alte character or its methods. It is ju ?nuch Mr. ! abinet as was it memorable day, foi months ago, when the 1 i ? he had r- laolved t - -. the basis And thai ... r - ?on. Jt ?s - ? al flOvei b'-en an . torn o I ? nimon us in ' . -- i - -, doe? re?.. US il torn o .'"orma I - . ?. ????as re7iched when Sir Ed war . . :o in the House wha ?g? ; It was ? was not a statement and the . -.? as ?? h ;. . ind f.a 1 coi eiiei' bsld contained notl ;ng, re ??ale any decei tvrr ,;d not hav< let for*n as v.< ? hai 7 - to the colutr.r.s of "Thi I gu?s .rid most . er?l - ind. Thi! f;r*?t - adly call? foi iffht. ? for the fucts on which th? appeal te I for men Is Baaed far It say? "T hi superiority to Par 'lovcmment, and ? ? tel e cloud of ?ecrecy in ? of the **gr. njuring the ? lietment ? asida ?c ro-nlrr* from thoae (hole and notorious exc<-r? ?? ? rial goodnegg of the HritUh Bewa] ? - an:nt* what 1. .... '? his best friend In the newspaper * ? '.: Is the handwrltln?* ? dward Carsor.'s re?;g i tart a? a : ?r*- ? ? lysteaa of official seereey never fca?* ? ie to him It hi ?om ?thing more than wakn? ?? ?? the peo ? to ar-- Ie of it never ha? the leirlt oftht. I as In advi III l-tera when it Is adver?e. f arv.n'n Statement. -s-gH mad?, I. ? ? He does ful! ? col Jastice to ' ' g of him ***??" ' untry. -i.use he can ' ot ap Iro?. '? ata set aid . ?slay, ef .- f in haaj - ?tat dward ' **?' ? i er m th bin* *???* a 11 .-???? he any pi r?or.?i 0 the l>?rd?r.a:!?, ?.,.' ?-.. Balkan! f?ll4 ****** ? r if ? tak? It that th? lata? Attoraey '.a-r.eral saw no other "??y ' >w on the **??*! In e*/erjf ?Cartel ?? ?tJ?.,.-m*rl, ?hin? ? -.t. and "*?'?? .-nation ????*?> -. wenitair i.Ut th? "*"antr> ?tronga* il? uk?-? h? ?eat || may I ' " ' ?SUh?? ?m, a ?ew <rrr.?? ; ' ., ? < : u, polity. _f* ?i bustiaess. I Lei la n4,t w-at is, , wanted. The lark of a strong I ' tion Is an Innen ? tion ' Anglo-French Troubles. ? aithlntjtl iiT.d : . ?1 ? ruption Tl s gone out i of 1 St, 1 Carson re : Q s?n llar r? ' than ? ' "? and fo ' he so have I it , ' ? er. keeps hi? forensic ? ' : ? ': There are in s ????m no men mo put themselves body a: d i ? and before I "? for 11. at Lamlash to back him, a ? i dan? ? lb Army against the Ulster volun as wa al woul? not be u?cd. "V, "is Illegal. I am ' ? ? ? ? acate, VI re they let It ? against him. He faced them al] en? wo:.. What would not such a B I worth to-? aj If ho wen him what you like, but I me < power. The Religion of Sincerity. Sim ? Caraon'e n ligion. (?:l ? : :i he had, hut ir public life, demoralized as it was ir most needed and Bav< y<?u forgotten his memorable to Mr. Kedmond in the I ? "If you want Ulster, come and lak? her come and a in hi r. B l never wanted our heart our taxe.? " ? tat ion t'i join It be , it. I ? ? ? ? ., a? - plained, he ? Bromen! I |y came In Bl I ? g that he ? r and bel i body 'O ' he ce him all <\ I I which ? the BXelUBlon of the war itself I' ?n and ' nds at haz ? /nation, it is a tien i ? 'hat only. Some Personal Trait?. I knew Bit [?ward I for* the time after he had been c . ? ' the toj I ad?- hi? way. I ? ? al first drew roa ? ? it eked ? pleat and i said Bark? I ?he Barke; ? lawyer. freedom ol 'lowed as you beet eoald A lawyer with sea? rletteno. in ? hoas mental eejs Binooritlei ' ? pie? a; nor Inde? nt he have been in a Cabinet where all these are to be ' He talked easily In the sal ,,.'?? ,i,i at] ?? -; ? too eflea get* i I opln? ? ? so many -. : ' eharoetor, ' h as < hiirar'i : t .,f i no a f?'w people a I Bl - rard Carson as | Leader, G. W. b. DA1??R0SCH GIVES CHAUSSON WORK Symphony Society's Offer? ing Produces Varying Impressions. YOUNG AMERICAN PIANIST PLEASES John Powell Plays MacDowell's Second Concorto at Aeolian Hal!. By BL E. KREHBUL. Three numbers constituted the nro e of the tubscription concert of ony Society Riven yesterday "lian Hall und?-r I .. alter Damn of t'? aw, wl l ne of them : even to the report .. f'<r th-.' It t. I 'han one or two hear? ings of a composition of large dimen ? I impression upon a c : ? upon a hearer who is per V. uch music that ' Bger hot i that the ? Mr. Damn 10 have a Fork at a given by I .. M. t d'Indy, in December, ll'Ofi. llr. - ..?e It and ths i-aine com . a'.ute of t. ??? concert la trie New l tu - b Februar, lili, erben he, too, :ur the nonce speculum?? in eh music. After a little more than a lustrum we bav? ard it B(**in. We con sll a cur oaity vester day to 1 attitade towani as, so : "Ct of two . pari* the orcaslon of I - .- . . . mi io over sii ; then to The '? I ? of isolations ai". - not ? . ? ? ? far! ?. the ? I ? ? v also had a perform.. - i not i I lack I color and '1 be work was pi i* sympathy on much ? ?: part of the ? rot vet W0I more than . . earns htacDow? h ich many perform-? ? - Mr. ? l ..i :. upon ? ballst in . ..nd at Mr. P a Vlrgli at who cot 'if it under Re has red th? i essential to Bt I Sai as mentally. Iritaal, an?! much pleasnrc to roster ' liant man \ off the second of the concerto. ? was over ? ? . seheme wn? ? from Bra ? le ?In Moulin." ? - nu? a feature of the opera sea ruarv, ELMAN AT METROPOLITAN \ ?"lini-t ? banal Large Audience at I Ir-t Sundav I ??inert. The I ? .-'it concerts opened nu a.ghl Tho and and Caroso ?. artiat app? Hischa Klman, whi * place .<? the Wien i as Coi IS this whs ch Id's play riolialst, - dorfnl stehniOOC and ffi Qg ?? aodienee from it i foal in llr Klman gave a number ? ons. - Jour" and once attain displayed bet roiee and axe? lient a of the groat a:r a is but it was ? ? meet graeofolly done - bleas" Hiichmi.-' ? r." The ether solo performer Paol Althouse, who ?rave "I A! ii" eery effectively. The ore) I i mder the direction of Richard Ilaiteman. Memorial for City Collepe Dead. Memorial day after! ? f New Vorn for - ? of the a!iiin-i Boee? ses <l-?-d I j 1 ear. 1 bomas O? 'he Hoard late of th" class ; Kiel ird it. mmen orj.':nn .if ? firmier classmates. Joatic? Bam? I. i ? in . pi I ident of t'ris A : d. I'HILLII'S?Ht'LI.AKD. Harken^ark, N. J, Nov. 21. -Miss IB Hullard, a daughter r>f Mr and Mr? Ellsworth F. Hull .rd. ' ?nmit Avenue, Hackensack, and Kussell William I'hdlips. of Oradoll, || Bight B| the bnd"'s W. W Kerry, of tl Al r.uncla'ion. "f >r? ,?,;i |fn F Raya] Bammott, of <;?-r manto?n. I BUltl IB Of hunor M ? 1.1.u;' ?iilliinl ?TBS SSald of bonoi, ... .--. the III ?ei -,d aad M ? < PI Up*. The boBl man was 'hillipa, a brother of the bridefre^Ba? DESERTS STAGE FOB FILMS. Miss Mao Murray, who depart? to-day for California to spend three years In motion picture work. NEWS OF PLAYS ARD player: "Back Home" Quietly De cides Not to Force Matters. So soft t It WS t hl irrj gout ! . . B ' ? ptoed 01 ? nigh g anj Some doubt wa thro?vn a> ? the pre? ? ' ' ., r*mai ?o'.ice ??a? ; it the tl i. ? i an ?r. I Itlll a great ahoi ' ' - opening nigh B huge hit. however, and tl.ire is that 11 will be sent on tou : iay. Meanwhile, the ?nanat-eme Cohan ha- .. orig ng the gap witl rhe Alms an id, like at] pred- ,i rra ' 11 with -. Uf '? ? | for I.on.lor .- arltb him 'hi I . ' i a couple of unnamei i '? 11 | n earn Raymond - - -. ? ; -.-, appeal ' ? rear, and ? I ip Hooray" an. ! Listen 1" Mr. Butt sa?? 1 ;le in thi? eoun ?yi that he is sorry tf leave David liela?rr, disclaims all illicit 1 ' ' eket hr-cticies. a so announce in the Bela CO Theatr. A!! ?eat? for thl I'.' 'a eo an box office ? "a limited allotment tell Snd other recog? nized theatre I a con rce to out of-towa patron? Bad he hotels." A "devil"! ball" will occur nt the I "'-.-fourth Street Ice Palace Sfl "iVodr.e?.: iv evenir::', and the I 11 he g ".en al! ?rho attend." There are M lie many in town who can qualify. Tally That" book h7 Guv Pol'or;, by 1 ' Wodehoose, maeii by lerome Ken ?? up 'or sir around Christmas, under the "?' a i ib. -h Marbary. Maurice sad Florence Walton, ia and M iui Ice Parkas will east The mm in the Hippodroms sM ' dying la??, in tinai tl at he -.? Ill never gel anything accomplished if the rush ? ues. The films have laid haadred the?, ?and-dollar han ! ' mon Mm- Murray, ' M ; Mur for the Leaky California, there ? yean Sidney Mather, who played Asa Trenchard In the two Sothern revivals Dondreery" 190? and if] t will again be ?een in the role at the Booth neat Mon.lnv. The part was ? ? | by Joseph J'tferson, in A pri.-e fight ?rene In Iiougla? Fair ? 's late?t photoplay will he filmed at the Bharkey V etic Club, I'road .?:.?-, near Bitty-fifth Street, on Wcdnes evening.' Joe Humphries will an? nounce, Terrv McGovera will referee; .lame? J, i'orbett will be master o' ..nie? and th.? public will be ad? mitted free. \ ,|e?patch from the Palace con'ain? "iponnnt BCWI that the hou?e itaff Of that theatre roller skated and. - ? ' - Beach yesterday. -? BURTON HOLMES AT CANTJLER And Dwight Elmendorf Is Heard at Carnegie Hall. Rurton Holme? began his metropoli? tan travelogue season at the C. ndler | Theatre last night with a double-! Jointed lecture. West Point and Yel? lowstone Park wer? hi? theme?, ?nd wer. treated tn Mr. Holme.'? > man thorough ?ml >'et interest-: ing manner. The lecture was the first, of n eeriee of eis. At Carnegie Hall Pwight Eltnend .rf continued I u:'h "n '-:u*-'; trated ta'k Ofl Switzerlsnd. Beth the lli.lrne? and Elmendorf slcfUCI will b. repe.Ud thi? af-, I Uriioon. NEW SINGER AT HIPPODROME Mlflfl Kuth MacTaaUBBBy Appt-ars with Boeoa s Band John Fhi?p S'iu.-a introduced a n-->w ? o at th'- Hi] podrome '"is* ' " Bath M who sane "'aro N'orne." from "Ri|."o." und 'h" waltz BOBg fr ??I "llon.eo and Juliet." OrvT'le Ha rod, Stte and the les ballet, from the In th?? ment. There was more tl . and "1 be : f..r -ii? Aral time la New I II BROOKLYN GETS WOODWARD JADE Mttsenm Will Exhibit 218 Carv? ?nirs, Motrf of Them from C'tinese. , I iviag .n appraioed rains :? |W, tly have been received at the Bro?> I? ?rn fr"m 'he SSl ' ?r? B. Woodward. Inclu i ed in thi^e bequ? sts are foBrteOB oil . . 'nur water colors, thirty-six . . . .-j and other :aneous work-? of art. ' the collection, which is soon to be placed on exhibition, is a group of ?18 carriage, mainly In Chin? Thi? will make one of the muifiim exhibits of the kind in tho United States. rd'i lade collection had always been destined for 'he Hr m dt his death, but during his lifetim? . jades Oa tho , i ia his gifts of Greco-Roman glass. These Brill b* an rtanl addition to the ;'n's exhibition on account of the rar'ty and I srtalfl individual ? mllloflore and van colore ! I . ? i' ?? pieces also are m ? to he ano I The Wooderard collection iBcladoa a aride and cempn of all the verieai I objects which the ? is have been accustomed to fashion from jade and other hard . such as lower rasos for ?emple ornament, 'or palace decoration and f?ir th-- houses of the mandarin and nl sceptres, bowls, libation cups, mythological an?? mala and symbols. Sume of the panel carviaga are resonant stones, which were or.finally suspended and used as gongs or bella The remarkable reso of jade is a peculiar quality, which gives It threat importance in Chinese estimation, to such an e that "alagara' ehiases" of twenty-four pieces an?! tones were sometimes con? structed An elaborately illustrated catalogue of the Woodward jade collectif prepared daring the lifetime ?>- the i -.?r by tha expert, John Getz. Cop ?s of this catalogue will be at the service of all serious students of the Colll etion. VASSAR GIRLS SEE THEMSELVES IN FILMS "Gracious. Did I Look Like That?" Exclaims One. 'Ht TV-iT'Sh I" TSs TV'.' PoaghheepeiO) ti. Y, Nov. IL The students of VaaOBT College had an op? portunity yesterday to see how w? II they would appear as motion picture actresses. They attended a show and saw themselves on the screen. The pictures displayed were taken by Professor (.-orge Uurbank Shattuck, bead of the geology department. Th-y Include?! features of last year's CU.s i . ai dora' Day and the recent fif anniversary, such as the pageant, the gymnastic exhibition and the aca? demic procession. There was much laughter in the audience, which was composed mos: .;.? .? "actresses " PreqnOBtly such outbursts occurred as "Gracious.! Did I |Jm like that!.Oh, look! Here I come!" One girl exclaimed: "Heavens! I never knew my belt was unpinned'" Another walled: "Why didn't I loOB at the camera, so I eould see myself?" The Vassar ?'ollege Glee Ciub ac? companied the pictures vvith appropri? ?t? college songs. The pictures will be exhibited before Villar i ollogO alumr.s* associations all over the country. The proceeds will fro toward 'he million-dollar endow? ment fund. Attending the "movies" is so popu? lar a recreation at Vassar that the students have petitioned the fai.lty and the trustees for the establishment of a motion picture Fhow at the col-' loga. They wish to run the pictu-cs .rt the student auditorium about once ? and to finance them on a sub? scription plan. MANY AT BURIAL OFDR.SCHECHTER Jews and Gentiles Honor Grand Old .Man of .Mod? ern Judaism. DISCIPLES FOLLOW BODY TO GRAVE Simple Service Like That for Patriarchs Marks Funeral of Dean of American Rabbis The grand old man of modern Juda I?m was bar i . Ith the Bervete simplicity thai .-? burial of patriarchs of old. : I his I OS* ? to the irr where \~>r Soloi his lait the "hals el .??era! proca ; through UN ! ' lem of men ?nd a ru-hed from hi i rei and with fovered heads B l .?vers, ? ??ere a? simple as the lifd Dr. Solomo:. had live 1 In ; - of a ? -i ir follow-d the body of their master te t Dr. S torn ye itei .?r A.. ter'? widow had torn her token of grief sds of mourner.? a Lack to tho city, Dr. S gered- tike the disciple, of old Through the night tney hsd w, by hi? bier. Thry J id not leave the study room, with its volumes bound in ? ancient Tellum. until dawr. filtered through th? window?. Th.-n others cam? in to take . last look on the dean of American rabbi?. Covered with a black cloth of ?ilk. on ?vai I ? silvei n at UM j; -. that ? men and v.. ? ? black ami window, tl du. ? \\ Ithlfl .1 a Hu* all reel num. which ? . r.ent .' ? ? ' ? ?:-.on Scheel On ? ... - ? I ? ? fell, R ' ?I vas a I Ju-la;-: ? - "By serval : - ? i.i him. The :. a " ri go by thi I ? .'I un .iiul him. "?li? the strongest pillai ??? He was the strong porter of our Jll : this country. To bis child] sa, tendered momer - ter ??a? harnea, but he i ' ?. men in all ?valks of life. ty of I **re?1 man \\ i ei ? lider i hildren ol mon Bcheehter. Hit Ion rreparabli l lewry, I Judai-m throughout tl ? ? Great Numbers Pay Silent Tribute. I eii by Louis Ifarehall end Jacob II. Schiff, the pallbearers ran the gantlet of humanity, As th beai a through the itrectl 01 Queen ore Bl ge ?reat numbers of Harlem Jews paid silent tribute to the ill ceased. In accordance with Dr. Scheeh'er's request, no flowers were taken to the ?v, although acorea of floral tributes had been en*. The ceremony at the ci ivi .?as ?hort and simple. The Kev. Nat! an Goldsmith sai memorial hymn. Then Prank Schech -on of the deceased, reel* Kaddish : "Yisgadal veyiskadash ih'msyi Be'olmo deevro ch.roosey ve'yai malchoo-ey be'chayechown uv'yome Chown uv'chayey dochol bais j be'agole sviemaa koreev ?? omalne." Whea the son had ftaished with the last ??'or.I of the and the hundred, ?,-senil plied "Amen" to the ?reliai It repose of his father's sou', the B era parted into two grogps. Mr a, Sehe- - ti ' M Amy Sel Frank Schachtet passed through, and ?it ?ome distance from the " I he Lord hag given, thi taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord'" The relatives of the cease,) ?hen tore their dc left ??de, above the he:irt. Before the coffin I'd had been Bxed in place a little qua 1 a*ai dropped into 'he coffin. Thi imported from Palestine, and betokens the return to the Holy Land Thea the body was lowered into the grave, the head turned to the east, when alea. Women to Aid War Hospital. Meatelalr, N. .!.. Kev. KL Word baa been received here from managers of the American Red Cross li Munich. Germany, that the institution is in urgent need of fund?. Women of this town will hold a fair to aid the hospital. The affair will be held in Montclair Club Hall December 18. Mr?. L A. Deetjen. Mr?. Paul Fischer. Louise C. Hinck. Mrs. A. C. Btader, Mrs. Rudolph Hering and Mrs J. < . Drurklieb ?re on the committee In charge of the fair Clergy to See Palestine Show. More han three hundred are expected to-dv. Pageant and Ori?r. I E-j*o?.t:on I new Grand ."entn! Pa! ici 1' position, which will coatiaue every afternoon and evening, till December a, includes street scenes in JerasaleaB? Bodontfl dwelling her tes. a meecjue am! a representation of ? Jerusalem A funeral PCOCOI the hired mournirs, u abuwu three times a day. RABBI LAUDS GARY PLAN The Rev. rTriofmaa Thankful for (. .lance to L'.wate Schools. Rabbi BBrnaal la-ahama, la Tempi? Jeth-F.l vesterday, ?ray? his annual Ig address. He ??aid that army and navy preparedness spelled efcient patrlotllm. He deplored the ? iwork for much of the present -?al prosperity, praised President m and said the Cary plan would the pubiie schools the secular in . . w?re intended to be. "We oi bo thankful for the' th? Gary school plan," Schu'.man said. "It is thebest plan yet to meet all demands Acre are two daaoos who oppoao it- those who do ? '. .?-..'it reiigion anywhere and ?rh? ?rant no religion ether than their own The Gary plan does not , teach ? 'he schools. It makes ? the school day if the Church provides machinery to - ' ; v Im opon tba yoath? . ?ay The last ex? il, bie in the schools and for sing g hvmns." "FIGHTING PASTOR" RESIGNS Pr. HnrnhiM Surprises Staten Island i a agr?gation bv (Quitting. The >' v, r V Karnhill, J known as the "Fighting Pastor" of Staten Island, surprised the congrega ? tie Fr?t Presbyterian ?hurch ter lay morning by ? "I I .'.nojncement to in fully con d after lu?! ling tha era of this pastor, my it an early : '" this ? ' ?ay he waB tlativo. ??'nier, declared Dr. Barn h ill eras leaving. ?? ? with th? church He hi I mid? up his mind that ? explained. Pr Ban - tule of Pastor" in 1901 by opposing lay baseball and th? sa NEW GRIFFITH FILM BASED ON RELIGION "The PenftenU" Best Picture on Trianjrh? Bill. *T1 ? ex lotly the kind P W ?Iri'Mth shows is a d II is a dea, and which therefore must b<> done in a big way or not at all. The art of ' - ? e programme at the ?hat is the I ? "The | ?. ., an(l a cr?: i hand from ? With so pow? I not i of a mere ? jre of this ve,rk as ?he ' ? ? . ' - ? ? : is are tare. ?h a Tl Key idea' .. bo Ha ? DE WITT C. WHEELER DEAD 1'iomer "!' - .- Camera Man Was Striiken at Pinner. pp ? - aator s.; ie" f^r illus ?ongs and one of the pioneer camera men in the Amercan motion : \ friend, T. Gilbert 57 Loring Place, The ". In i?B ambulance from ? io years ? "f the f"r w r.;?"h he had made many bird pictures. He leaves a laya ago to :n Buffalo. \!i\ UN8LEY SHAFFER. J . Nov. 21. Miss Ada ' S88 Halo 81 ? I at bar horr.e last jenmoata. Miss Shaffer I tepel er in the Sa'e .'-''reet school, Hackcnsack. She was also a treaaatfr of the <"?1 rool. The 1 be held on We?inesdsv af "n at '-' o'clock The boys of h >r ehool c'a?s will act as pall BBr ?I will he In the BaCBOB sack Com? tery. s> ?PRE- I.FE. ???nine, for fifty ? ; - Y srry, H. if, ? hia hume in Palisade t, that ie ???fore his retire* - I years ago, he was the - I oaatf agent for the ?i par.y, of NOW York. He leave? a -on. John T. Lee. a M, and a dauirh -? , ,i. of Dobbs ii, ral a II be held to? ff afternoon. Burial will be at y Hollow t emetery. ALBA M KENT. II? T?.efrat>!? :o Ths Tr1t'ir.a J . BOStOWa, N. Y.. Nov. 21.-Alba M. , of the First Nation? and the Jamestown Worsted Bnd identified in the past with - manufacturing enterprises to sw York and Pennsylvania, a veteran of the Civil Her. is d?ad :n this city, after a long illness- ?J a son, Morgan B. Kent, of ?own, and a stepson, P. Wet more, of New ?ork. -. JAMKS V. P. XHWCK. gc, N. J., N"V. 21 James V. P. Schsnck. who lay at his 204 Irvington Avtnue, South will he buried to-morrow afternoon. The Rev. David Pe Forrest I tho First Presby Charch, of S'iu'h Orange .?? at the funeral, which will bo to. liurial will be in Kose 11.11 tory, Matawan, N. J. Mr. Schanck leaves a wife, one ?on and a daughter. i.EORGE P. CRONK. Franklin. Penn., Nov. 21. George P. rrmk, a former Grar.d Fxaltcd Ruler '. sad Protective Order I at his home here to-day '? r Bl llll ? of two months. He was elected Graad Exalted Kuler at, ? l ?. ' 190? end pr.- i- ; Bventioa in Baltimore. Mr. Croak came to P.nns>lv?nia in, V.'ll from (?maha. where lh.e greater! .?art of his hie was spent. ' ' NAVY LEAGUE WANTS TO SUE Asks Definite Munitions? Charges by Illinois Representative. INTEREST IN ARMS AGAIN DENIED Would .Make Tot Case to Prove Finally Its Patriotism, Says Colonel Thompson. 'From TTi? **t**MB. J Washington, Nov. '.M. A demand that his alleged Ineinuationa that the Navy League is tinaiu. tie?! firms b? put in Ji-rnite, positive form, so that the league can make a test case, ?ent to-night to BepicsoatatlfO .Clyde H -i- ? i, i.? i'ol onel Robert M. Thompson, pr?s.dent The league has already la..-?1 Mr. liryan to declare false statcmoatS cred? ited to him making this charge. The letter to Mr Taxenner i? ba?.-?d on a ne?v?paper report of a speech of his in Cooper Union on Friday night, whieh said that "he attached the Navy League, Intimating thai its members ???re not go disinterested In the i facture of mun;- ly had de i themselves to I | " "We Hre very Mudoui to get some recponsible person t?. i .hurgo in definite form, so that ??e may take the case court and disprove it once and for all," .aid Colonel Thompion to-night. "It seems te m? that the charge I? an CSCOadlngtl ?Illy on.. There ?re more than fifty taoaaaad rep re?entativ,- American men ?nd ?*orr?n in th. Navy League, an.I I do not ?e? hew ?ny reaaonabl? person can beliav. that such ? ho?t of aplei lid patri..tle Americans would lend themselve? to the ni:u-h:niitions of any sort of cor bby. "THere are, in my mitid. rflly two I of ? H urge ? : ' ? ' .' nut ' in ?r. Howi been ? ? -he N'gVV I.? i - SB4M and for all by a cour- al so.iti a? ? ha? re.llv ma.' to him he court, ? i to Ii Colonel Thomt ?on'? l.'t.r he ' I del . It I ' i-trnir s-i ? ?? i ? ileci'-on the ? in i,,.t Sr will -? ' v iperts of "It; ' at an ? the in r.r pntHrta* i heva -.. rnnke Ifl ron ' MAX nt NOP? M ANN DEAD Head of Norwegian- \merlcan line ,\i?i m??. ?ai I itt? -nine. Max M. x f Bea ' !'us gad the Nora tl > r.can Si hi? apartment ?t Broa la ij and s?xty la lie had . " ing head of the Mr. ? -is -i nun.! ? r of the time and 1 r '7 <??*, presid? nt of the Norwegian-Ant imbor of Cor- ? I City Bad I dl ri 'tor of the Battery Park B. Norway fifty-nine im ?i'.'l came to thli country in 'ip in the hip business from a ?4 n wife. DIED. Comp'on, II. c. Pike, Georgs S Cook, Elijah L. .g, LoUiSp A Van Verb?, ri, ( . !.. mil, Max M. \ lias, ' ?pi B C Oakley, Mary J. COMPTON -At Jachecaville, Fia.. Fat urday, Nevem ? . H/i!?tead C. Compton. Services a? bis ?a'e resi? dence, l" ( ompten av., Plain?ield, N. J., on W< Ineei v, November 24, at 1 p. m. COOK -At the New York Hospital, No '.?.r :>i, ]'.r ' ti*. ?on of late Lavinia Fre.ierick? ?nd . ias Cook, In hig ?lit yesr. eral ser-rieee at St. Georg.? Chapel, Muyvesant ^T?*r* **d 1MB Tuesday morning at Vi:30 o'cloca. Interment private. DARLING At l..-r residence, 641 West l.'i'.h ht., on S-.t-irday, November ?W. Louise A. Gibson, wife of the Ute William Lee Darling. Funeral pri? vate. NORMANN M?x M., dearly beloTed huaband of Emma C. .Normann, on gon<j ober 21, st bu late r.?:ri<?nce, Spenmr Ai ' ?nH' {.roadway, after a short illnes?. No tice rf tunera! lerviCCe hater. Nor? wegian papen ? OAKLET November ti, i'!?">. Mary J. Oakley, age?! 71 ye?? ?er v.c- - -opal r lam av., . .' at 10 o'clock. Members thi list Bpiaee* pa! < hurch Invited. PIKE -On Sunday, November 21, (h orge .-' Pike. Funeral servlcea from St. Metthew'i Church, 2H Weat si 1 mbei 23, at 10 a. m. Interment p.' BCHANC- At Booth Orange, N. J., o.i mber W, 1916, John V. P. Schanck, in h!s "0th year. Funeral privat?. VAN VECHTBN Coraells Lesher Van Veehtea, wife of the late Sehaylcf Van Vechten. of Albany, suddenly, Novembei rvices at her residence, l1.". T U.dgewood Road, South Orange, N. J., on Wednesday, November 21, at 3 p. m. Please omit flowers. VILAS Suddenly, Friday, November I!?, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. H Cluet. 21 We?t 6?th ?t. Sophia C, widow of Henry Chapman Vila?. Funeral ?erviee will b. held at St. Stephen's Church. We?t IWth st., near Broadway, on Monday after? noon. November 22, at 6 o'clock. Plea?, omit flower?. Intenn.nt at Ogdensburg, N. Y. crMi**n_uf*a. nil* iropouifra 'rM~~?-,._ ISM Ot 14? H?r -m Trat, ?n* t>r Trollef. Lot? of .m:.l> ?I?" '_ "?> ?->f-lc4?, 80 E4Ut m bL, N. T.