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Henry Clews & Co. il. is : : :: ai ; 19 hroad s~ M KM III Its N. V. VtCi K KrXCHANC.r. Stock? and Bond? bOUf-t ?r.d Sold on commission. Aiso carried on con? servative terms. Depo?it Account? received Subject to check .?.t Sight Interest p.i:d on dailv balances. IM I - I KKN 1 ?HI KITH ? I K\\ I I I r?> I.ETTKK8 Ol ? Bl Dl I llKAIT- UN I UMHIN AM? r.KKI?. rbire a ?? *. nay . St. rt Bt, Hr-iyn, AMERICAN LT. & TRAC. COM. REPUBLIC RY. & LT. COM. WINCHESTER ARMS Williams, Troth & Coleman ? . tUott ? . ?? ni M riiuiif 59H0 Hun..?rr. .V T. CONSERVATIVE SECURITY REVIEW ?rill sill Krs|ire?t C. H. Bergmann & Co. /.-.: r ?irr ml .Securif i?? ?K? IIHoimi \. rail YORK ,' ?? - 1341-1341 MICHIGAN LIMESTONE and CHEMICAL COMPANY 7% Preferred Stock. Earning prefer-ed dividends about 8 time* in 19 5. Earned 5 time* in 1914 Far&lsb? i limestone to Steel Industry }nr Boxing iron or?'--1', ton of linto itoae required for <\?ry too of Iron JIT xllirr (i. Outj-ut contracted for year? ahead by I S. SlSt] lorn., Inland Steel. Iro ?|Uois Iri'n, Buffalo l'n;on Furnace, etc. Largely increased busmen ?cheduled for 1916?net earnings for the year estimated at $60(1.000. Total Preferred Capital $1.000.000. $41)0.000 Treasury Preferred offered Is yield over 7 . I'ircular ''>'," containing full information, tent on request. THE WHITE INVESTING COMPANY Phom '- rrtUtmdt 55 "Liberty St. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. NOTICE OF DISTRIBUTION. ? ???An of Twenty-five Dollar? ? ? p*r char? ' pltal etock of ? been authorltod puya ble at the Trea.i-.irer ? IV 16E '. I .??..:< X . on the 16th to stockholders of r ' on the 4th UCB distribution to ' ting from the ; .. Stock i!ue. r.ot he i of this dlstrlhu i - mailed only ?o ?toe-k? illed order? authorizing ' BVnri Bit, Treasurer. " \i: l 1 III l> IH84 Union Trust Co. of NewYork M BROADWAY ? Fifth Av. A ?Oth 9t Allr ? lis??*?-?st OD Deposit?. /its i~ inecutor, Guardian. Trusts, etc. Ail WALL STREET reads DOW, (MES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL I IN \\( IAI . lili w II l *? - <?\ l.ltl.Wti COMPANT ? . 1?. tli" lfi.lrlT? nf I'referrs-il ??tusk In H ill?.-(?verli? ?I ( ompnn.vI ? ? r r I - I . ' . adopted , . : r?n |?*r r. plus t. ? ?. 1 ?? oek 1? r ? " at? f?r . .- ? v. am Salo ? Nrw V - T?ry. 1?16. and " par salo* Hi t I ' ' a' !.' ? rate il asweu ?.- m January I, 1 ? . ?i.l be i -.?? UT?ly. t ' reno: ! ;- a ? r l.'istrumeDU of I ???:?)??? lie trans sr?es. '?"I*- i-. diTid'Tid of < ?- ? I ?i ?ill be paid on laDUS*? ? tio'.drrs of pfrferTpd stock of i '?n ?i ?CO?? ?rill cease apon ?aid ??- ? a or of any c. ? ? l| ".t ?tfter ?aid ?I?? . ?Tiy, nor l :???:. v ??.-?pi ? paym- : ' * - "r of ih? car fa .? I ' ?cmied i .. said Januar. ' ale. Trie . said William Sale. ?toTi A - I Januarf IS, 111?, s sum ?jusl ! . ? ? ' tta ?trx-k r-?r : - ' r?d and paid t*fore ttis TTnse t n*t r-n ?all da'?, t"?. wl'ti tl.e MOTMd i- . ? -.:?-? -aid da'.-. In tr_l fur pay sr*oa, t?. the hulil?rs lilun ?rid ?urrendsl fr-m tun? t-j Un* ? I ? "'8 s-?.? rtar-s hi i>r*.*r . ? H'iVAL K 8' <?TT. He-retary. FINA sC.TAL MELTINGS. November ISth, 1815 The aaaasl meet Irr 'f th? atookholder? of t Atlantic 1 ?tlecrapb Comt>any ?JlTlce of i he Compi-T ay. In th*- I jv?w fork, ?in Thun lay, DooMibw 2nd. ilif>, , m . f.;r the el,-, tlon -.f ' r business a? i e 11 ng u.M. 11 BAXKR. ???ary. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. tai. axai ?iv,: di i ? n r.r I . .- lesa, i lit: \ I . ? *% :?*- M?t? Mfhest. 2 I ?. i par cent. Y ?sa? ?*?y. list?. 2^4 p*r cent ' la.?. 2"i? per cr.'.t for fcrur. . ill I Mil? AN'T.'I.E PAP?? ?a* i;!?' Itu.l:? ???<-. ???l??i !'- ? ?.'..'?. Lark a- ?'???/.s'ir-rs. lS?f?S wr ont cumin*.?; iioi'.sr TRANsarnoNa ? r.i fksaai?. ??'?? <? M. TTw a?s) Trr?>..r> ?sa - ! IM. *CS.iai:*?t'K? V?-? To*k ba.-._ cslned froio ?u?, ?i . I ' I, I I ? m ' U 'N'T RAT? - i A"- ? ? . :.-.. : ...' . - i .? . " < ' ? ir? .;s>?, 4 , ' - ?' ?.????ix-la. t I 4 I?-r -, . . . :??* .'. ?'r, IH/Vfl sTTT' ? \" '1 ? I ?II ?IV IV .i ' . I ? m i l net 90%?. ? . ??il/ v. .:.' Srtmt rrmri'.'; > '" " ~ *' ' * ' t'eP' ___ad ' . ' Sr'*? ! ? * ; ; ' ?MM ' ?? '? A '--?*"*' "''*? **** twit >?'?"' ?"? *' * MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Securities Generally Hold Steady?A Few Weak Spots Discovered. DEALINGS OF AROUND HALF MILLION AGAIN War Stocks Irregular?Coppers Firm?Railroads Quiet? Sterling Easier. With tradinj? so largely professional and in the main governed by evening of commitments before the holiday, the seeorities market yesterday nuid no at of important develop? ments from the outside. The negotia? tions o? Greece with the Allies, word of the projected abandonment of ti.t Gallipoli campaign and advice that peace proposals were to be expected from Germany were unheeded. Report that such progress had been made in France and (?real Britain that these countries could supply their munition needs without our help and an mter | view crediting the head of the Beth'e ? hem Steal i orporation with character* I iring the war contracts of the country as greatly exaggerated found no re in in the war stocks. For the ni'j-t pari prices held steady. A few vulnera!.It- laaOOB were de ? 1 by the short interest, Mercan ! tile Marine preferred and New Haven Ideclining under some proseare. The : oil stochs Improved airain, and coppers i were firm, a.s it was understood tnot a considerable amount of busineaa was j being done at 20 cents a pound, to j which the price of the metal had re? cently been raised. American Smelt I ing and Refining was advanced more I than 3 points to over par Bgail 1 Utah Copier Mas also higher. The railroad stocks generally were quiet, with fractional Improvement. Southern Pacitic's report 01 earnings for October was particularly favorable Gross earnings increased more t i i a r i $2,000,000 to the best ever recorded for the month, anil net was Over fl.QOO.? 000 better than last year. The larce proport on of the incrense in total rev? enue was from freight, again produc-d by better business in th?; territory served as well as through traffic thrown to the road by the blocking of the Pan? ama Canal. Crucible Steel showed litt?? on the overnight news that it- direc? tors had failed to take action on tl ? BC? cumulated dividends on the preferred, and Baldwin Locomotive made ,.nly a temporary dip following announi in the after:.non that no diaboraement had been declared on the common. United States Steel, still unusualh quiet, closed a fraction higher at above 87. In spite of to-day's holiday t!. total turnover was about 150,000 share-, above that of the day before. Local monetary conditions continu'-d to present evidence of overabundant supply, but rates held steady. Sterling exchange was not supported as on the day before and demand fell back half a cent in the pound from Tuesday'? best. Business in exchange wa.? in no great amount, though there was BOOM selling of sterling cables. The weekly review? of the steel trade, which had been famishing moteri tl for optimism, this week brought the ! note of warning that high prices were unduly checking domestic bu The Pennsylvania Ra ?road has with? drawn an Inquiry for 11,000 can b? 1 cause of the great advance in bids. ; This sudden expansion of our trade through foreign orders will have an unwelcome sequence if ler-itnnate needs of the" country cannot be filled. Semi-finished otee] ha? been in m demand nntl the mills are becoming booked for month? to conn. Avi.Kir.r. or ran tkiihm - i i??t hi nrni \ Kill.-.. November 21. ye?trr?lay'? close I'll 10? November 23.I I'i.'i 'o 4 lue week air o.I It. 7 7". One month tifio.1 IH.318 July 3(1. ItM.lui.125 High for .1SS.S4I low for Oi-tober .ISB.4SS Hi?h for September.11." 'lilt Low tor September. 107.1*0 High for .\uiiii-t. tSO.lSI Low for Aiiiiu-t ...".ISS.BSI for Low for July.101'J18 High for Juue.IMJ11 Lot? for June.It).'...''*. tilth for May.11 l.*,3S Low for May.Ki4 Y?<) High for April.11.1.108 Low for April.IOMOI Higli for March.MS.108 Low for March.****** High for February.10B.758 Low for February.101.192 High for January.10S.923 Low for January .103.7J67 High, thu? far. 1915.121.431 Low, thus far, 1915.lui.192 High, full year, 19 14.128.191 Low, full .?ear, 1914.102.U0S AVERAOL OK THI. TKIIH Ms | |>T OF TH Kl VK IMUMIll \| v "Voi-ember 24, ??, BOM? M ' Hi November U. in, laa one wee.', ago. .,,; .,,;? One month ago.MBH July M, 1914.117 47 II:cla for Oi-tnber. BCfBC Low for October.91.411 High for September.9;.990 l,ow for September.S'. 7,110 Hlrh for Augti.t. K'i.;:,rt Low for August. 8.-..!*M High for .lui?. 86.000 Lo? for July.Kii.21? High for June. BS.CSS Low for June.7H.;i|j High for Miay. IS tSB Low for SI?).74.179 High for April.8.V133 Low for April .7,-...'II? High for Mur. h .7VI56 Ia>w tor Mar. h . 70 ?<u High for February.7.1 i;h Ixaw for February.*e\*it High for January.75.916 I,,,?? for JOOOaSJ .7(1 7 79 High. II.u? far. I'll.'. .99.700 Low. thu? far, 191.%.69.543 High, full year, lull .Ml MM Low, full year. I'M.67.427 It Ml .ROAM BQ1 IPMINT BONDS ? t*m ? lam m ? I ? t ? ? Atlaatle Osaat ?taa.. isti M**?.. 4.41 ? 4 ... I I It 1 -i Ii at Pitt? ? ? . ?; ? 4 K Ifl'-.l?l< -a ,.i -4 ... 4 -? 4 I 4 -,.... 4 ' ? 4 1 . . e, Nwn... i 4 ? Chle I ? i a ? t - J-o'll?. 4 N I . ? a ? ? fxlaware A 11 414 ... 4 4 ? ? (?L.I . IH II.v at!'.? Vallaa?/. a . 4 ? . < i.:,,..,;? 'ir,ir?ii. l""4V'a ?*air4.. 4M 4. .... 4*1 t ? m *.- Tasa?!tl4Va ?'?. 1.1 , N V ? entrai Una*.... It*?-'**? 4V,-*...?' I Norfolk av ??.'-'? m, .]-.:? ? a a . -, y S H A II .?? tSlaVn *. I ' 4 < *???'-? ? ? ? ' -.! A Wi 1*10 i I < ? .' 1 I. 4 ... 4 I ?utrthern 1'allv.ay.. Ifl' I 4 . ' 4 , . 4 1. 4 ?:? Vugii.laui lmiiway.1W*-'1I *..-- 4.O0 IK NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1915. Total ?alt*? of ?tock? Wednesday, 4*>2,200, against 332,<*0O Tuesday and 1,033,600 a week ago. Stock Fxrhange closed a year ago. From January 1 to date, 157,229,100, against 4S.186.100 a year ago. ???ir? rate ? ?Alaska Juncau. 1,800 ? |Ala.-;ka Gold Min. 3.50O ? lAllis-Chalmer? Co. 1.-"" 'Shares Quotation Range. I sold. Open. High Low, Final ITS il1- h n 29 28% 27 27 82% - . .? 32H 8,601 tf-1 200 KU 12401 60 600 200 800 200 Allis-Chalmers Co. pr.. Am. Beet Sugar. Am. Biet. Sui/ar pr. .. . Am. Brake, & _ F. ctf?. Am. Can. Am. Can pr. Am. Car & Foundry Cc. Am. C. & F. pr. Am. Coal Prod. Am. Hide ? Leather... Am. Hide & Leath. pr. Am. Ice Sec. Am. Linseed. Am. Liasasd pr. Am. Locomotivo.| 18,600 Am. Locomotive pr.... 400 Am. Malt pr.i 20* Am. Smelting. Am. Smelting pr Am. Sin. pr. A. Am. Sm. pr. B. Am, >!ccl Foundry. Am. Sugar. Ait. Tel. & Tel. Am. Tobacco.; 200 22 Am. Tobacco pr. new... 800! Ill Am. Wcolen ctfs. hm. Woolen pr. ctfs... B00 97 W Am. Writing Paper pr. 200 13 Anaco-ida . 7,000 - ??- >.' Am. Woolen.i 400 N M Am. Woolen pr.| 600 97% 98 Assets Real Co. ml . 100 64% 64' Atchison . 1,0 1 ??'?"- 107 Atchisaa pr .: 210 102 102 Bain if. Loco. Co. 9,11 0 llfl Bslwii Loco. Co. pr... 200 109% 110 Baltimora & Ohio. ; 10% lt'i-i 1404 11'- - ?? l1. 11 r - 111 ?, 91 91 91 12*1.. 221 Baltimore & Ohi Batopilas Mining ... I '-m Steal ... Bethlehem Stiel pr. . 78% 100 l I.'. 472 47L' 11(1 161M ' 161H 161% Brooklyn Rap. Tr. Brown Shoe ? Burns Bros. tes ! I - - s* no Bitte tv Superior Cop.. 2,'. 9 Butterick Co. 1"" I ?'. Petroleum . 8,000 4 Cal. Petroleum pr. 2.loo ? ?da Southern. I'1 10 i sdian Pacific 2.0MI. 185 i Central Leather . 1,200 ? he?. & Ohio. 9,000 i > leags Gt Western.. W0 4 (hicaco Gt. Western pr TOO 4 (h.. Mil. ft St. P. 600 ( '!?., R. I ? Par. 900; i . (', C. i St. L.: MM 60 chino Can. Copper.... 2,600 ? II? Copper . 14,loo 100 10 t-I'eahody ? . .. tt*Peabodj pr < ..I Im ! ?X- Iron . . Comput.-Tab. Consolidated Gal . Cont Ca'i . ?'ont. Can pr. (urn Products pr. Crucible Steel. 6,700 76* 'Crucibl.- Steel pr. < uban-Am. Sugar... Del. ?V Hudson. DeL, Lack, fl West. . ? ? Ria Gr. pr... Distilling Securities I>- me Minei . Fleet lie Storage Bat Erie . Brie lsi pr. 1,400 Fed. M. <?:? S. pr. General Electric Co_ 2,100 11 l Irich, B. F. 2,800 71T/4 . Gt Northern pr. % (it. North, '?re subs_ 16 Guggenheim Expl.' (','? ?? n? Copper. I Bar. El. Ry. L i P.... Int Agi uni. pr. h ? i ipper.... Inte borough-Con. 6 It H ;r. of N. .1. Int? i nslional Paper.... . ??? . pr.'? 10 Int. Kickel. Kan. City South. I -.oh. Steel. i" Lehigh Valle?. 100 108% I"*1 l"*1: ' 2,000 621? 52% 52 100 42% 12% 424 421*. BO I 14? 146* 1 ?:?. 144**i l,(. 68 89% 98 89% 100 ids lot i ? l - - ... 75% 143 100 ir..:". ' 128 288 238 700 26% - 47% '. ??1* 26r'H 64% 64% -i ; 5 4..i 5,000 lull 6,800 * 1 46% -? 64% - 44% * H 600 126% 126 aj 1.'?'.??.. 126-r, * *a 46 10 11% 16 '?} -17 ? -T_ ,.- .. ; . - - 4,1. 51 760 47 100 91 a 8,100 22 100 108 : ? 1 - Loos.' W. B. Co. 2.1 pr. it. Shirl pr. - Maxwell Motor. 1,1 0 7 Max. Motor 1st pr. 500 Motoi 2d pi. 400 Dept Store?. Mex. P.-trol. 11300 ami Con. Cop] er. ... 700 Mir. Marine pr. 1" Min. ? S:. I. ' n. <v St L. pr. Mo., Kan. <v 1 ? \. K in. S T. pr. ri Pa?'tic. 2 Mi . Power. \ut. Cloak & Bait ? 7 Nat Clonk & Suit pr. ?. i sv St p. . . 7 Xa;.. Enam. t Stp. pr. Nat Lead. Nat Lend pr. -i ' CO X. Y. Air Brak?. X. Y. Central. V. Y. Dock. X. Y.. X. H. & H. x. Y . Ont ? W. Xori. <? West. Xorf. ?t West, pr. Xorth American. Northern Pacte. Ontario Silver. Par. Tel. & Tel. Penn. R. R. !?'?. ladelphia Co. Pit? Coal. in ??-. ?',:. IP 107% : 56% 57% 7 96 17 : 500 lu 0 112 ' ' 11 i : 10O - 1,400 T.' ? ? 400 116% 116- :'?'?:' 400 44 '? : - ; 1.:. 69% - . : 950 -::?'. " Coal pr.l '1,800 107% 108 7 Pi r burg Steel pr. Prei : St? ? 1 Car. 7 I'i ? ?' Steel Car pr... ? '? ?.. Ser. Corp. of X. J. B Pullman Palaee Car. 15 Raj ' on. ? i pper. * Re iding . Rep. Iron &? Steal. 7 P.t-p. Iron _ St??] pr. . . Lock Island . 2,400 187% 167% 167% Real I-dand pr. l. umel] pr etfs. ? L i S. F. 1st pr. . St L ? S. P. 2d pr... St L fi Swesl. Seal.?.Tit.! Mr Line pr. 7"" ' ' 1 % 1% 7'? 7 Sears-Roebuck . 104 ?: Pacific it h Porto Rico Sug t ? 1, ithern R. R. i - il era 1: R pr. i Milling . I Mill ng pr.... 5 Stud?bak?_ . 12 Teni ? i Coppei . 1,80 Texas Co. full paid. - m Texai Companj . 17,800 198 4 Thii t Ave R. R. . T..1..1I-C i i pr.. 100 i" ? Union Ba ... 100 ? . t united Cigar. l" 61% 61> 6 United Cigar of Am.... Fruit . : K united By. Investment. I ... ted Rjr, Invest pr.. ! U. S. Ind. Alkohol. : 00.11 - U s Rod fi Rel. I ? U. S Rad. a R< i. pr... 10 r. s Rubbei. IJt ; l'. S. Steel. 2731 ; : 161% 161% - %'l 134 l . 24 - : ' - 21 I 217 I9f 21 - . 218 219 \ 61% 62% -llilClM'-", I 140% 140% 7 U I Steel pr.' 1,100 II ruh Copper. Va. Car. ("hem. Vir. Ry. <v Power. .. . Va. Iron C a C. Wabash v. i. Wabash pr. A. Wabash pr. B. Wei Maryland. Waatinghousa Mfg. .. Wool wort ii . Wheel. ?A.- L E. w. a L. E. let pr.... W. a I? E. Id pr.... Willy? Overland .... Willy? Overland pr.. : ' I, 2,70 ' 100 ?2.40 100 H ? 1 h 47% -i7:, a 47 14 16*4 . 47 % 92% 8S?4 1% 69 . ? % 112% 112% ' ?-? -". I :. 18% 19 '?? 7'. - ' % 1M% 118% Colonial Oil Co. Dissolved. Stockholder- of the Standard Ol pany, at a special rncet'ng in Jersey City yesterday, votid to d'*-'oIve the com? pany. It wa? intimated that share ,,,:'!' r* * I lieelve between HA ?Mi? a share. The t-ompany was inroi porated m Lffl* to I I .mlml Oil products in South Africa and Australia. | CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Upward Trend in Oil Stocks on Fairly Active Dealings? Industrials Irregular. Numerous small advances were regis? tered among the curb stock? yesterday, With trading as a whole on a fairly ac? tive scale. Oils generally were on an upward trend, except Atlantic Refining, which receded 5 points on small deal? ings. Anglo-American Oil continued active and advanced fractionally, whll Standard of Indiana and Illinois I Line each improved 5 points. Ohio Ui! was active. A few weak spots appeared in the in dostriol list, but prices generally were advanced. International Steam Pump common gained 14 and the preferred A and B each 2 points on dull trading. Atlantic Gulf and We?t Indies was actively dealt in ar.d improved a go"-! fraction. Penn Marine and Ordnance gained Ia?, and Driggs Seabury 2 points. The Marine issues were depressed, the common losing half a point and the preferred 1. Braden and Kennecott ! Copper led the mining list, the fora Cl gaining ?ii and the latter l'i points. LNDUSTHIALS. Total i ??hare?. Om, Blah. I ? w Lee?. ?? ?A:-! T-." 1 ,t P. 4-- I-' I 4S B.SM A O * W t 86 I3?i 34\ O? 34'. Ut*) *o Pref. 0% i?'? I , 1. ' ?Ban*.?:-?' D!? C 7 I 1 ? - H-A Tob r.rd br 14 141*, II I4!tj ?osa c ? ran ??? mm ? ' I are!.116 lis 113 <.:.?" '"*sn N't .in? C IV HI 1\ 11 . ? ?? s ; u ?-. Id ?.-? B . 611-? ? ar l.t & Low 7?, ? I* 8 ? ? ?'" Kti!>r M..?. ?.-', R? S.?. S-1? ? ' U) 7', 7'* 7'4 T?? * imp 8hl ??. ? ? 147 Ul ... - ? :? ?! M ?Hop g A .\ DU ; ?H ae .-, . .*4*4 : 1*4 -i ...... j ?,-, ?t.:v : . UI ?In? M.itor? .... r.i : ?? i*% ii '.Ti?, ?Irtt Sterna i ?So ormt a... ??: ret ?lion n pf i??4 -.ii, '? -jit, : ? ? . ' '? :??'. . . . ? 10 R 300 ! . 11 11 11 1' . ? . t ?oat 14*4 "; - li** 1>"? 1,0*4 Man Tranalt.... is Hi 1A IS nl of Am : . ,i Mun. H 14*4 ' '? ,; 6.000 a -4 - [ 7 . ? : > P M O O i Klk .?. 11 Cerp , "-, .. 11*4 11 : . ? L- 7i " 7 Btl A Ltd.. ?t ..... k so*?? ? ? ? - ; li '?-a.* nu IP, II'? ? . 1 ? ? 4 ? I - . o Pi Ml t ?? . I | 1*4 1H ???:?,? | H ' : : ? 4% \K\ ? ? "' i.. im n n :. loria Oll... ... , , ,{w, ,? ? le v, ?? . ri ?'?. ' f. a i -I WDAKD oll. SUBSIDIARIKS. ta ')i!.. - Il i-* M Atlantl?, Ref .. ? 77. IllInOt? I' I. .. - 171 171 1"! .. - i"- l"l 17s ? I '7 - M] '?'? ' M l-r -:-:? ,r I. . - :?* ?K B "l! of Ir. 1 ? 810 t Il of N J - ? M S4 Stan OU of 1 M M ?.. 1 rit m Tank I? -- i--' *1 '" MINING. MM ?t Mt_?Ceo Min U 177 II 1" ?: ... ?! :i z" :? Dt- ;?. 4. ?? i i '?It. oth . S" '?' '.- ? . . ? r ' . ? ". L MO Butte 2.500 I II . ? ? ?? ? laada '"op... IA . A ihboi 7-, Orna Arl? Hrn'-H 144 Hi Is-? 11, ,-..n r*av?l*tah.. rV A A A ? : , r, ti Si r: a "l et 4" 4*. M Ifleld .".-n ..1*4 ?', l'ai ? : Mei 11 II II - ? ? i-, P. l'4 . ?I . ? ? ? 47 ? ?? 54 III 34 f A? ??, l: ? ' 'IM- ? ? : ? 7'? 7 Ml . A A ?1 ? ! ? - |l ?-., .. ? ' ' , ? BONDS t ? ?ACTIVE YESTERDAY i : M pf I ** * _ ? . ; : -i u M tuai i >,? y. . ? ??>?'-.'- '. ?r- t- . \i'i i m ?? . . KS'I llpll Mis: MAm fini. ? 7.4 I * PUBLIC UTILITY SK<TltlTIKS. ? Am i. : :. . : I I A.llr . . ? ?Am ? ? - ? i , . La . 74 ... 71 74 ? Ml '-* Wa, ? 'i : ... I 4? ' ? !4 NEU VOIkl Cm BONDS. . ; . i... . . :? . ' . ? . . l-'M. ? U? i . ' . >7 . 4 :? ! '. 4 ? . ? I or <v>ur> n ?. DAILY IMPORTS \\D K\ PORTS. Daily imports and exports of m, srol i sod Bt th? Perl of New Tori w.-n : ?? , * m ?? ['?' " . . ? I . I ?l Nov II.BI7.M .? ?day, So? 17. I ... No\ I?,. Mil 4 "Eluniiay, Nuv. li.. 1,144,stA I?.m'miI NEW WAR LOAN FIRM IN LONDON News from Balkans Encourages Traders?Kaffirs and Cop? pers Improve. London, Nov. 24. -Better Balkan news cheered the stock market to-day. The war loan hardened. Kaffirs and copper and rubber stocks were the ?rmest in other sections. Dealings n the stock.5 recently protected by the minimum ..'rowed declines ranging from four to eight points, but the transaction? were small. Consols closed % higher at IT%; the new war loan '* higher, at 96%. American securities were dull until near the close of th? session, when a few buying orders caused a steadv finish. Several American gold bonds were sold. The Bank i.'t England, it was offi? cial'..' announced to-day, will closo at tend of 1 o'clock in the afternoon commencing December 1. The Bank of England to-day bought MS8.000 In bar gold, shipped ?100.000 to Spain and earmarked ?100,000 for Egypt. Arrangements made by the authoii ties to borrow money from th?' lead? ing banki for short periods, instead of a mont!., caused a hardening in , money and discount ratei. American ' exchange was weaker on the appctr ance of a number of buying orders be? lieved to be for Xew York ?count. Cable transfers ranged from 4.701?. to 4.70%. Money loaned at 4 to 4% per cent. Discount rates for short and three month-.' bill? were 6% to 1% per cent. Gold premium at Lisbon was 60. Paris, Xov. 24.?Trading was quie* on the llourse to-day. Three per cent rentes closed unchanged at ?>4 francs M centimes. Exchange on Lond n, 27 francs )-tf*4* centime?._ LONDON CLOSING PRICES. I,ondon N Y . k.3i*. e>jut\ a ttor, Ml lent. Nov. _ Chn* , ' \ _ ? - . - . ? .1? on . '?'???'?* *'?" I :'? '?<? Bait a- Ohio. ?'*' ;'4U- ': B . n Pacific. II -? 1M>, I* - \ a Ohio, ... ?? ??% 99% - ?. Wee*. W4 IW4 ?Mi ? *?s ??. a bi p.. v*' s? n ?i . y<\ U*i '.????i - ?a Erl? . ?S 45?, H &. EH? 1st rr . m llllnota Central... U?Mi I?? Mil -Ml IB? l? 13?? + ?a 9% *'? th 4- "i v n ?? ntral '? '. ' ?-'? l?1? S'orfolh * W'- IM H1*1? ?*M v '-' - -' ? ? i . a 10% "?,. ? *? i? . H -3 *.'"? - ? ? rn Ry, ... !4? '3S M - - !.. 1 ? . i H? lot? - ? rnlon .' :<? UM? l99*i '?-. . H? Kg *?'? ? 's ON THE CONSOLIDATED. NThils the day'i pries navanenti an i he Consolidai I Exehang reu iet?ad s the nal changas in ihe majority of cas?- erara toward ?m, m. American Smelting am'. Rel r rose I K . where it clos?.,I. Mexii nu lui up? to '.?">. Col* i Petroleum did not cet abo*/? 88%, American Can touched a hiu-h or . Crucibl? Steel weal as low as Baldwin Loeomotira's law? i ] 14*54. Unit id States Steel's lest was ?-7'i. STOCKS. Bait I. ' 1 ? > - oo a a ." n ... .: ?? us ir. 1 - . -:. - ? i ? - | ? ? - . "?? a . li? . ' ? l ?- . ? ? . IlS I I ; MU ?.i?, i . ? - :i% .1? ;;?? :\\ i v - [Ins - - | ? ?- tiH IM? i ft M -.'.-. IMS ; lltl . i : . 1 -. '. ? II? Pli . i ..t., v.:, ?l, i --? li: w, m ? M h .?.i .,-.-,. .. j i I ? li-- -. 1: T :..>'. ? . . , ... i l'slll '..... .-. . .1 4 I a SI . ?95', 1 .-. ..... ' . : ? ? . ? - ' '., ' . A 1 ? t? ! i 11 '? . N . ' ? . IT? II? I'? ll* ?1.44? I ... > i tu? ? . ' ? I.: >'? ' ?, " - 13? 1 9'l*t N? I . : . k .. r "'? r? ? . . . . il L?id . . : '. . 1 V S Il * U ' . I ' . -.'.:. ?' r ' ? ??: . . . ? ' . . ??i . ?m? - . ,v S'. || I ' i . IT ? Il . !.. - ', : ? . : ? . : ; ? 134? ' ppor. .... W? '. . us I 1 Ai! .-.i . . ? . ? . . ... Ps lllo, : ?? . '.? - ' R HS ?'? I IV. M? !4*Z . I . ?? ? ? ' - - ? . ? . ??. SI-, II-- - , ' ..- ? . >'.:?? 4i? Wabfu .....: s slo Did A. IT II t: f. U il Ma .t lt U? S.', . ?' ?'. MINING. \ . .'_? H . : .?! M .SI i .20 .M ? ? ? . il .9* . . ;, .o;? .u:1-, ""?-, 1 .45 .4 ,43 lu? T l < 4:044 .-. : ri ?? ? . '? I Tl ri .:.'? .79 . I - INACTIVE STOCKS. The : ibl? rire? the closing b -i sad -i ..i eos for stocks which are ?is! . ich were aot dealt In on the Stock Exchange Wedneedajri m : 4 >. ? hen : : p :-.', 1*6 . ; ..- . I: Am ? I- . t ? ? , ? H|l . '. I? W ' ? H s . : .1? .-1 pi l??i 194 Petrol pf. M .. UUI.l ..' .- - 1 .. rr. I. I.n.r-a n I. U ? P I ; .' 113 III? II if 104 III . ChslUISO IM id . . n. u is; '? '? 1 ? ? 13 ircisLi #4 I. ?? , lex et M H IST Doc? pf SO? H l'eut 1 . . :. pi II" ? . \ a ? ? Il m ViS* I'. .' Ilr |i( . ? S cm _ HP pi a K... Il 1 ?iaa *? ?' II* 11- -. ? si? ?i ,v u 1.1 i.? p ce a s L. ?a IM i test ? ? ? t -I. ;' r. *. - - M t? ... IT?|Qnleksll*ef '. ? I . it- r I? i IT? II- Bteol Bpi 4? ?au I*? I?? .i 1 pr.: I-: . T ft ft (? 13 I .1. teat : si .. -; Is) at n 1 I . ( ut h ihr st.. 13 M 111? 115 g . I. ;- H?, U Mill..,,? ?0 ?: eret III? Il . i.r ni 112? s p fi s.:? ?.f inri m II I Itl ftp ; ?- , t .1 SKUMftii ,-if?. ?i;. ;-, . .\ r.. r.'? r?, r?i s L a w, ? *? 1 ? . . : - ' U 1 ? i h r - I .- a II !'? 1 t.rrf Ut 1 '? ?M 1 a?ere Tip? v> M I II .Y \J ?if HSU ll-S .1.. |."f l?l II" lut llar? ? -. .? l'n B a P ?I : - 1 ? ' a pf 11 ?. 1 -? 1 * ? 1 . I"r ?in.?!* M M less? Centn : 10 ?la i.rsf ?r T: ? 1.. -anal 1 I'D ? If ft F J5H -'r;?? K'a.t-r I -.. - A* j.rsf '-' '.4 lo prsf 1".; Ill IS Kiprrs? 4.' ? M I - .? M p (J ro I'lliltpi IM 1 "? ' A (? IM? i..??-. I - n a Imp ? I" I un 4!, r r s u Itl ;?! l": IM ?I ir-r 1? i'ar ?'li |.f II' 11 : \ II? A P |.f M III Hj.. ?,!?, y i.? i m il I.x ..I- s.i, |0 I"? W Jlsrvlsi ? i?f ?? ? 4 I. I. A \\ It? 1? WssSJ It. I,i ?;*, * d > i ret ? 'w ut Mf? I?t :: M 1.1 a m r..?. ?-? if -?". '.\.?iiumt n m t . ! !??' II**?.? II'"-. At irr' II.' 119 L W III...1II-. J4 2? iWoolttsN-Ui **4*.1?? K4 .. in ii i. ?I IWU Csaual... m U 19? .1 ? pr?I H I Hi.? lat pf It Vf I ;' ? ? i . . Hum 4 i . INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE To Holders of Preferred Stock: The investigation into the affair? of the Marine Company ajjj iU ?ub?idiarie? by the accountant? employed by the Committee ta? been actively proceeding, and the re?ult? confirm all announces.??*-, heretofore made by the Committee. The certificate? of deposit issued under the deposit agreeaaeat dated September 21, 1915, have been li?ted upon the New Yeffc Stock Exchange. Holder? of preferred ?tock are urged to depoefe the ?ame, duly endonad for tranafer, with ?tamp? required by tfc. Federal and State law?, with CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, the Depositary of the Committee, at it? office, 54 Wall Storey New York City. The Committee will continue to receive preferred ?tock on depoiit without penalty until the clo?e of butine?? 0? DECEMBER 1, 1915. Dated, November 12, 1915. ' K. SIOLER, Secretary. 7J4 Wall ?Str.'^t. New V.irk CM .''?LINK. I.AKKIN & KAT1II I." I " t ' K S fl A 1.1." X A N DOR, CoMBeeL .I4MKS N. WALLACE, Thai HKiSKY B*l \S\, ItSKttS KKllNNKK. IIII.IIIKK K \4. s? OTT. 4 II SKI > H. MHIN. to BOND SALES OX THU STOCK EXCHANQ WEDNKSDAY, NOVEMBEB 21. 1913. Trading in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday -usei*?. to $5,121.000, against $.i,l01,00t> Tuesday and S7.16ii.0H0 a week ago. St?rkt, change closed a year ago. From January 1 to date, **.*< 15,919.000, agaiast tin. 665,000 in 1914. GOYBBNMBNT BONDS. I S ?i r?( 'Jap M 44 ., .101*4 ? - . J?P?IK? M i'-jl 1 Ml STATK BONDS. M I - a? 44-. Va <i<-' ? ? iir"?n Beat I12>4 L?M . tan '. : : i imM MUNICIPAL BONDS. 4 ,? I ?? i lui . . I? i . t - k 11 4? . 1.000.... r??? 1 .? ?ui i* ro? _. ? ,S""*?_ 83,001) m k w'?i""" ... a. I,. lUtli i'l.'H'u .ior Is 1 'Mr ? MISCELLANEOUS. 4 - ? ...... I- . d - liual Co clfi N 1 ' 1*41 : " v'4 i.eet ?.two.teilt la 4'? : . 4 MM BAIL* S Y AND Alta- I.-.;-? i .; i.u?t Co Aloai.y ....... - . .4i. At- I'lietn Ist. :?, i SI r ?.I A I' ?? t, l?'1' . . i' * Wr-.t ln.l 4l do ?!? -?7', i Ml* I'opiwr T? Am Cit.,n Ulf ;? ... . - . . Am M? . 71,000. ? - .ill a-k ?.?vu .Ill?? ICBM . 1.."- I .1US ?.IWO. .... ; i j 101' _ ?0 Kai ??? . ?? s-util 3? . h?i.-?. . . Ii-rtn 4? B I ,?"???? m, ... M . I? ? 4 ? Uli-. . IMS Ray < >-net i. II ? ? ?"" }, Boa? . .- i. i. I. .-. \\ l? |a ? ? ?7 ? ) . r_t .- a? ism s?? I * Bli" a ut ,a M ' ' V 44? IM** . 4 ? . L \ ' r- . i 1, i '. lis? 4 I'.!', bon? ... . i 10J4 ... 17 I. A \ uaU ? - i ... r? ? .... ri ...? r, .ts 1?-. m ."V ?'4 s? l'i s r rni'4?"hU '-. ' '? -txati S30I -1 . ? ^^ m. 14?. M il* l?i, fc C 1)H la -.. \; Lw,rt,4,' ??*, . Manhattan H) la ?i.-, : ; '-.o .i..s ? . 11.4 C C C 4 Bt L | i -". . 1134 l " ' - . ? i , . i ..? . n . . i".. ? m : t.? i (atral a??,? 1 .?.'4 Ain T 4c T ?tal 4? LI.Ot-0. . . . Il do en mi loi A 1 A > K .'mii 4? Col lutluatrial - :.oik) .?:. r(? 44 1 ?4M . ' 1 ?M. l.utW. - I :? . i,.. ,ilti. ? . ? i; 4-. >t?nip?.l .i ?M ..-7'. |,?W. . .v K'riii 4, ? At I ..?-I I, l. Se S 4? l.aat ?va?! a n w s? ?sel .. 101 Il al ii prior llaa 31?,? . M M l i - 7 ? ; . , :i,i>on ? k M K O T a I 14? ? ?l\ ?i? . I? . Il:"? ri ii ?0.W0. ll'i , lltuourl l'?.-15 '? ? ? . . ism Caen Pi ? . Un lus? lOlS lui . |?| " .u i ?- 'i . . 43 41 rio 4" i??r 4? ... 434? llraurli 4? . . ?0 IM T ai t'a' * '? ?? " . N -loutl- ? l?t?uk t*. S, ? ?? W% 1' .Itf< .w me ?? li s -i .i. ? .a S'a .M MM., m . y i .m\ ta <?. -, i. .as .. ., as < . as ? ""'? . ... as in iv?? .as -? '?'??? i? . m . les ..ins - - : ,, :>v, 1 ?M . it'4 Cum .11 ?-.| i 4? I,.I . . 9l\ :?''? .'." '?.n . ?a n k il . it i . Monta ? r .??r s? ('-,? r.,000 .1U7', 2.0C).?Ma . fe.; do i .v-.."" i. . ?.i1, 1.00? -?, . . .100H 1.00O. ?'??, tta r-.- i, 1 "01 . US .tl . i'".7. . i>-'h '?.oeo.i'1* a,.?..? r. a :.. . M n ?v n '. . t:<-, ? ? . v do t* L B O W Va 4a S.OOO . M 4? Mom? ? V~ttt 3H? Xtnr. ? ??-r vtr ts M et* ? -S . S1H l.**M ??"?. 4 ?"t .fil l.BM . s? i."'i'i BMF. ? ? llV??*>>?as?ii iTicctnc 4? TV,,? i . n 'i . IT*, do if? S? . fl"4 ? i"" .Bl ".,'"."' .. . ?7', li 100 B30r . ?? N?'.lnna' Ttib? ',, T?,?? A !?,<? 1? b 14 k II S B* JVj, |)?tr..ll Hiver Tttll 4S? 14.6 ? 101 ?? 1'," . t??, 13.000. (Il1, ?,??? . . y4 4? N' Y .4 r linke 6? ???tlr-l * ? ? rf| fc ll-ih sii-fi lit Si Detxotl l'alud H>? ?Hi I.SSI IflHl ?.OOfl .H 1.?'- I ..... I?t%| . 7-.a. Li?-.- ...lit ,? t.SN .los*? . Ill ?irai it'b ?? ? .*t*i 'i" rf? 5, 1.000. I . I II T i. ! ,l "i ,-,0>, lfkl>:l I II-..H1 Kl?, 7.S . . lui H II .? !? 4'?. rtf .100 B i rmlnsl 4? l,?0?.8*??. D . mi ni? s? ..... ?T?, 1"I". Dll I? I? N I'."*.l-r t*4jl . lui llrl. I lllil .102 ? it-n 4? ? . de *.:? Hm t? . . 7?*-? . ... 77 ? l- -?-r A du n i. -i n ?? M ' .*"'?. ? ? - ' ? la? U ;? 1"7 ill. I I. I? UfO?.lois, iVrt'i?! L. ?trier 5? I.0M le?\ . Criur?! PactBe ?t.l 4s -, I ; \? .\ Hlo <i 44 . . .'? ?M . ??..,.-? tri? 'Ifb '? ' - PacISc 34? 1 . ...... ISS* -. i 10,. . I"" '. C H U -. 1. Co mil-. SSM ?: . ',i ' , I K 5? ?>iitr?l Timoet 4. ?"'" n(H>.MSH : lira-, Mli.ltig C? i _ - B "hlo eon 5a ft1? . , ,...,? . . i i - ? , 4 I . i , . L i.. ?i \. rtharr i i'? 11.03* ? ? , . I'. .; \ \ ? . i V - ?J. . I H A ?' ? I, 4, . reaia do Illinois 4? loo.) ?im ?i ?t r. * wo . Ill |nni? .II il'?', frt.?. i It 1st ?a 111 i m me ''a 44? IMP B ' - IF ?7S ? i .f**i i I .... ,, -. 44 ? r ."M M4 ? ... M ?o 7. s S4i f V i K H * C to ? -?r.w* . . n% r a b ' s?? ... c .44"? .!? ? .es I" ri"i .es . *' . .es ? \ i>f ri?h I . d M '? S4? .. 7? - i s i ' ? r r. a p p m i? ? 71.000. Y N II k II i-? ?? i n?-.. ? --. .es ! M :. ? - .*? ??4 n V '? .? w ist 4? i .es i1 "? i .. Putna-a 4? * I U _, , ? ? .......m . ?? s ? "? .. ?n rff ta -!?*7 ..te? ' f !' ?a.? mi. IfcS ? !.. ? - ? ? . ' . '. < ir? ?vw? 2 r.nn 7 S. . . T ILi I .-. il r'a ' I. . i 10.1 . ?' . '. . . . I . . . '?!? . .. : N 1 T ;.|. n? 44? . ? ?4 "? : I? ?-, . V* ' -a V? . "? ? ? : ?, .... I?S i"H Xlrtrl'i'?' Rr ?? . B"\ Vlr-nrf.r ?r ?? ?. 81.000. ......P? ? *r.m 1.000. . M44 - ."? i : T W v II Ma 44? ?:? -?? - ?* "? .1 ; -4, I.'"!!)_ M. . ?8.. J.OooSoOF. ??4 t.or.'i. 0.44 I '".o . ?S4 c 1 II I fm II ?.ono . :? d.> Trutt Co cits 4.000 . 74 C k l.'rt? I- S? 1 . .107.4 Chic??.. Ut W-ait 4? 1 .,..11 _ 744 "3.0C.0 . 74', t: M a si p pa ?a 1 n? ri' |< ?rr II Il M I '. - ?. J'JSJ . J",," H" CS'I AMI ;.-Ir.t '.? " " ur-*. ?? -'...-t T. lk'?? ' ? 1 ? ISA, du rf? | 11 ?OO . ?? 1 ?01 -, 10 000. M '. ? Stwrl - ?h?m ' 4 ""?' . 044 4. . '. SetttiUi A Wet? cm. 4? 15.0110. ?" M 12H.0O0. - '" I "? ? ?? l'a. Ill- 4? T. 0>'0. : -?. as MM M 10.0.10 I r; '100 . 334 II Ulli...t. l'rntr?! rff 4? .M 1,4)0? -' . -*r "*? s? T ?U l.o*-*.O, _ ., Thi? 1' " '?i-i r ? ? - :?? '? . *. 1" I -f 'l . ?4 - 000. ?44 - -, ont ? ,, . ie] iln ,V 4'ti ?JOOOfl.|M i m .10:4 do rf ? 4 '.. .lu ?rii 4. ?-r A .934 do -,, r & |? w Dl? C A N W gon 4, , . ?"?? Int Mrr Marin do aaawad . 7.000 Il M . . . *3 - Chli ???? lull???. ? ? ... MU l.OnO. , -.. .- n 1 * i? i.t u l.n,i,i .1. ?' ?s nos ***v 1 B T il? ^ uith , ? A? ... I non 1 1 a I ma 4, I iH'0. M ? 14? ? ? . li?t H T rf| ? ' .'i ,W*l"Bl A '. \ .-? ? 1 ?M ! 4'-? ? do Tr>i<t ' -. : !>2 1 O?l.00 - - 4 "". 23 1 00 SMP - : 000 ? M '?'14 - ?? irO 34 12 I?v !'? > ??-. T. \i?r.'.in* 4? 1 ? l *4.o . r-nOB m? ?, 77t. pet - 44, ?? s? *,;. --', 1 . --1, ,t? ?t.. lai 4. ?*? na :? mo s.ior. tw ?? m 11 '*,... .,H'. p, H !*??? M . --> "-f,"*'1 07 l'.-r t. . ? r 44,, . J 1 ?M . 10 ?Of.t ? ? ,, ? l.oort ... \e,.\ 7 000 . ?-_ GOTBBNMBNT BON? Yester.ltv "ueittoT Bid. Ashed ? -s, reg, 19.?n . ., NI ? *, coup. U'.H) N 101U . .. .1 ?? ?1 t?? . :.*. rf-tr. 1918 ? * . *>?'?2. . le, eoop, 1918. .101M K coup, 1925 110 2-, Pon, "!?). reg 9S 2s, Pan, '.18, reg 9S 3s, Pan, *61, rOflOlU do ? - .lo .'?Il it 7 000. 4? 4"> .j.OIMl 4''? 4.'', . '?-"? ! I ??' , ? r - .?t 5, - 1 St Tump '?? Tr 0? r'U te,?et 10,1100. Pai , fil,c*p lOlH Bid.Aik?<L i'9S ?? 09 - lelB ?? K194 IB* 110 ?? 98 ?? 98 - 181*4 ?? l01%_Afia SHORT TFKM NOTES. Namr n.n.1 m.iturl?. ? UM Ask Am TA T sul. V. Ai.r. IT'I.'.. !>??.? l.?l Am rotton Oll t?. Nov.lSlT.. IMA 1<Mt*. 4.11 . . . - s 7? ... ?04 ? m?o l?a Jun*. i ?:? '? ?41 Bklyn I! Tr '.- J il) IMI !???? IM : < ? : ? Sa. Lui- . INS.. '<*>?, MM . W I-.-I Sa?. S ? ... '4 95 . , i II Rrt? H u ? \; rll. I?ll : ? , : ?H ?-:? Ei ? R U ?'.' i? Al ni 191. .4 1* Gen 1 Hu? t'T Ca. !"? ? I?l '. 4 73 I!... k Valla? . ? ? : i?. 4 3? [ni H ' ??? V i , IM? 4 a N.-w Kux V?. ? M> IM ? . ??'?? ?'.."? N Y.N H * H - M ? IM ? lui A 4 ? S.i'iih-rn lt\ 3a. I ? ? '? '.': IOS? IM? : l s.vith.-rn R*/ la Mcb ? HIT . IMA IMA III I nlte.l Krult ?is. Mm . 191 7 . 1? '.'?,', :.', 4-* Foreign Government Isauea. AruerKIn?. Ra. ? >? t 1. UM i>:\ ft I <" ?Vra-aettna ?s i>.-.- i... iai IM? Ml*? 4.10 Ara.-ntlna M I". I-'. 1 ?17 . lor, Ml?? I U Am-Titlna be. Maj IS. IMS. MM l-Sr?, ,'. a,* ?'aiiu?llun K>t I?. Aug. 191fi.. 100? It?? 3 at ?anallan KM -'s, Au?. 1S*1T . 100?, 100.', 4 73 F r ' n t h 5s. April ISU . M MA I H ?Mim.tii la, January. 191??.. Y?\ |?K>A 4.00 ? ?wltsarlsad ?'?. Mar. ti. mis. m\ ?oo?, 400. Swltsarlfttvtl ? -. M?r. K, isil . s?7v? 117? n oo ' swltiir-rlaii.l 5s. Marrh, tt\k MV Hallan ?Is. Octebw 15.191?.. M\ 100 t. i.? Norway ti, '?.t..Irr 15. I91?i.. 100? MM LU i Norway ???, ?r-tob?r 16. 1017.. IM? 100? I.?A SwaUUb C.. D.cemUr, Uli . tt% 100? 6 71, DIVIDENDS DECLAB-ft Term ?Pu Pont P new. Q I .?iminon ? ?1i now pref_ ? Swtfi A To. Q T..n Ho! I?ev. Q Votk M fit . I ? IM Ij?.l< ?k IV tl'ntt?rl Iiru-f.l... Q >J0 )i.f . Q . s Itv s ? luit? ?'o pf. o |Moot?M Power A* pref. Huff A- S R R rf M ?'.as pf. H.H.Ili Klsh pf.... ?lil.H?.. Tel Vast Sh K pf V- ???.. .1.? i r.'f . P.rn .' M p p? ?'It irons' Tra?* llallis In Loco pf. I?? I? 1 ?????? M ? S^r 11?-. mV I?** S* 1?.". :<* IS* .??? -< I? ' IV. *v 1* 1? I?-"?? ?An<4 CUS per rent e?'rs. tAn.l 1 |?>r ,-ei.? ?tin. |An ??l 'viM> ne' u Feb. Jan J.lT jan D?c I Uec. Dea. Jan. Pee*. Jan. Jan. Jan II Dm les Dm Dm .Un ?n Dt? DM ^^^^^ ? El?** ??* _? at "? U. S. Treasury Finanoej. Waahbict.. . N... .'? n-.e r?..llilo. ?** \f?asrtj H'atr. Ti-a..i.r> I., ,1a? ??a? **el ''*/ .7. ?S/lsta? fund. Ill: '-.'. Vo. t.xal re.eli-la. Il '!jT_W ? ua.ii_ar.ta. Il._;,t?4 Tl?e -i. -f.. ''/'V^.'?al?TK i*:.33?.lrt?. Mam.I a .trlVIt ??' ?'???, ?, ?M ?rar. r?. l?a leo ist l'a. a?a Csjul f **"