Newspaper Page Text
T?HCS OF DAY IN WALL STREE Schwab Denies Bethlehe Steel Is Engaged in Any Merger Plan. STOCK APPEARS ONL IN ONF. TRANSACTIC Southern Pacific Shows BIrri October Gross Earnings in History of the Road. charles M- Schwab it whs te cither??! fron a Pittsbaifb dispa v?it?<l?y-_**oe- not think *oo hig ,( th? flow'rK storie? thnt have bi printtdsbout Bethlehem Steel. Ha 1 jjpjgjutlon for the ris?- of the ?t< ?, MOO S fbiiie Kur himself, he 1 cither bau?fh' nor sold the stock. ] holdlnP ?ere Intact Hethlehem \ jnvoJTfd In i ? rger plan, nor hac attempted ''' '?'" unv other comps Th? tonnage growing out of war c. tr?ct?. said Mr. Schwab, had b? trMtly exsn ?A, It amounted aethine liko ?hat the world in gene fitims-c! '?' Whatever the wo ??.onght about Betnlehem Steel yest aAj, it d-d not choose to reflect it? op Ion in th? - "? market. There v jB?t or.?- tranaactlon reportad in Be Whem Steel 15 shares at 47.'. At t) price it was down 3 point??. Southern Pacltic'g Hant'st. Southern Pacific'? October repc nade pub'.'o yesterday, was a furtl proof of the increasing prosperity th? railroads. It showed a train (rou for the month of $2,128,317 am pin In net ol 51,'-'00.302. The R-ain f-rost w? |728,083 above the aven juD of the three preceding months th? new riscal yoar; the rain in i $7141*? above the average. For 1 four month? ended with October 1 gain in gros? was $B,335,013 and t (tin In net M/82467. Southern I cifle v.'ull need to do no better thai Tear airo In the last eicht months its fiscal period to show 8.2 per c? e?me?i 6a its stock. As last yea earn'- g? on the stock were the poor, it: live, being, ns well, over | Wow th? m? rage et the placadlas fc year?. Is Be irr? at presumption that something much bet' th?n B.2 per cent will be shown earn ' -x I common stock at the end the fli ' year next June. By Way of Postscript. Southern Pacific, it might be not. never before ?hawed October gr< ssrnings as large as the $14,1334! jilt reported, and net earnings for t ?onth, according to an snthi I matched onlv by one**other Oetob that of Iftoo. In that year thars ? ? great revival of Inde and the ear togs of the railroad) Inerei idly that the losses of lf?0H -the ye alter the panic wer? hsndsp" ?Sown. f.uggenheim Di-f rihution. Beci'i^e of the wording of one o? tl ptregraphs In the Guggenheim Y. plomtion Company'*! circular relstii to the distribution o? port of the cor rany's assets, quite a litt ?'on/nsion la t! ? Btreel about the plan. howeve .ouncemtnt seemed to mea bout e.- The Guggenhei con par. y ara] ?hares of Utah Copper stock for oi and a half ' I Copptr ?loci ? it is to ?ay, for 60C 7M shhT Tats Kenn eott itock ?rill he distributed ?imet. to the Gflgg? . : .-holders, an u there art about *".1>'?u ?-hares ? (in<"?*e:.'' ? ? ration outstandini there will be .7277 of a share < ?*??* . ach share < Go**gerh' ?? If the Guggenh??;: ?hire or any of then tuh h.- they will receivi which is ?*2TT of a share of Kennecot:. the aria? ' f tl at itock at $50 Value of the Distribution. Tasking dosing prie? ti? Gat areholder? are be M gi*, on esc dare ol their holding? Kennt col sacks*' * Thev wil ?rth-t? * ? ?4); Ar ??unon Ut Co* ' worth SI.*", a :*.-, Jh? ?t/i' they mtv no Hsblet'i ? ??M? . - n they choos WkII may I lower or higher, and. be ?i4m frac* - of shares will no*, brin, M much a- In effect, how *Y*r, that ?iitribu*. ?Ml pr;?-.-- ? distribution o wot* stocl '???In .- ? ??e trea? ? ?? I *ar?? sarplrj in eaab?I ?heat $1?] ?f Taken ' ?? k, which has i ?jtaer.t raari - **? cor- ular stated tha Z*r* >? ft in the treasury ttoptr-, g m value tree capi *? ?toc> ? " and a> ne ettetti rk has a par valu? ?f %2o :. .... - f th? a******** '?'" sbly not tot i?r Sat, ef 1 ay b< **????'?' correct, th?* prop ?ty .*? treasur. J_*,.r' a share on ?' '????' lock. Even if it oe? y.?Mc??d hi a dollar th? *e\1t\ ttoel * amount? to $?5 a '??*? Old Anonymitv Again. A?on\ : ',?? rir . :?? attacking par ?**l*r ?toek* oi ? ? of ?orpo Tk?** *r" . 2 ?HWers*: ,}?'?' tro of the '*?'??*' r earn **"*.' ' tool common " :* r< was a time 2** har<::jr a ?lay ??.???,? by that r na ,*' m ttackad Tee* \z**7 *t v i? ' Petroleum 2J**t?Bier.t ?hat was assaulted in a Z*}** c named au ?T"** ' ' -x^ tryh.f to __??*-????> o good '?????Si 'owar'! ? rlt-M , HACRAY WINS POINT AGAINST SPRECKELS If Mandamus for Meetinj*, of Ncral Plantations Company. IT?,.,?, Krj .,.. 24 rurenee ly?*y. "t Sew York City, and his ?S**,'. *' '??"* >,*. a rr.?; h_r _L " '?"'"' ^sAtJ''* "*? ft a ? ..gainst |??f|,4' ' tl ?nd Il( * , ' ' ifharn r?-> ?fVT,*'"' ' ??JV* *'"npkr,y, an Kr./.'.?. eorOOT* ??? ?all ? . . ,,njf t(| ammmtAtU'r'' ""r* baving bean no h*m''' J|<aa>i>iar.t all^g?-, that *ltb?vufh SpreekelS owns cnly a minority of the ?toek he ir president of the eosapao] and control? Smith and Binghftm, soil refuse? to call a stockholder*' BBCOt log, The i-ompnny owns 40,000 acie? f' BOgOI lHiids m Cuha. It is alleged that Smith and Bingham aro partners in the tirm of Smith * Schipper, sugar brokers, in Ne? York City, and that Sprockets Is a special partner. BTvIEF WALL STREET NEWS. The Southern Paciiic Company in it? income report for October gives gross operating revenues of $14.13,'),3r>3, an increase of $2,128.817. or more than IT per cent over the same month in 1914. Net earning? after operating expenses and taxe? were $5,282,704, a gain of $1,200,802, equal to more than 29 per cent. * - Directors of the Montana Power CooipOP** have Increased the quarterly dividend on the common stock of hi of 1 per cent by declaring a quarterly din ? 'i:* of ?''* of 1 per cent. The regular quarterly dividend of 1*. wh* also declared on the preferred shores, lioth being payable January 8 to hold ? r-t ef record December It, Stockholders of the Colonial Oil Compon** voted yesterday to liquidate, the company. The Delaware, Lackawanna ft West- ! ern Railroad Company has declared the upual extra dividend of 10 per cent, . tiayable December 20 to holders of rec- I o?d December 2. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. MINING (>l?D. taire . 74 t Alinieek . ?* I'M AlKom?un . IS? 7'i Alloue* . i>74 1* Butt? A U IM Hute A: Hal . 2.114 Butt?, i f-ui.a-r.. 73 (10 Calumet A Aria. 7o t Calumet At 1IM.1.6? 170 Copper Hange... (2 ?0 Daly Wcat . ?4 ??0 East Butt? . U',l tu ?-"Vanillin . 10 So Oranbv . 84 ? 7 Jlnnoork . 17 HW-etla . 60o 17." Indian? . ?S? 170 isle Royal? ...? 2*4 ISO Keweenaw . a* l.?'Xi Lake . 14 110 Mas? Cona . II ii MaVlnwer . 44 :.'. Ml. Misan . 2-, 41 Mohawk . *7 ll ??? Arrn4;an... I ?4j ISO Xotth Butt? ... ?o North l?ake ???? IS II Old Colony . 34 . ? ocola . ???It .... 14)4 | lac-- . ? - Pa . 3'? annon . "? stuck . ?i luth rub .. ? Mar.v? Lan* i.'4 ill?.. Wi ?4 ?,7 4 li 34 ! . ??V? -4 Ul v.-: 84 17 60O (** M 24 If. 134 44 24 Is 104 ni i-, ?>!-4 B 144 N 4 m ? ' iper Copper ... -74 ;74 ?inltv . 1"4 it s Smelting... 4(4 474 1o pr . 4-4 t*% ?" Utak Ap?s .?? ?4 I'orla . ? i,. ?riae . : ? ?ABMOaUM ? "on Elev .... ?:', 141 Boston ? Maine ? f." Boatoa * Wore I . i ,t .?;? s r pr.losH ? cen? ....1? ? 'i-.-, a- won .': West Kn*. St RT 634 fe pr . M MI?-rFU.ANFn! s ? it Pneu P?rv.. 14 ?H.-nn .240 . ? Hv ? El rr. '7 Maas Ga? . '"4 So pr . M n .? Yarn pr I] few Hnr Tvlep.lS?? ?Mit A: CO.. ?ilitftTin. 144 ? - tl I '- ' ." ' alt Bhoa M? M <1. pr . ? ?ntura Oil .... 134 too lotst M"\T>-" tlitV'O ri.t. Ran??? f.?... 86 " ?i Pond Creak r - ? eet ?t T .' OaOBINO Bi*. aUB ?? - ... .'-^r -'. 14 ? -, . . --a ???4 t?.. H -St .1.4 IK H 17 eoc w a ? isu 13 ??'. um M 1H 34 ' . ? . 14 7-4 1? * ?? 4- . a ? 1 ; 24 1?4 ?'. ?..<>, 17 V . ? a II - . : ? ? 144 W4 - M H s 6 lent 10? MU U . l'a. ?34 ?4iit 174 - . 14 - m : - 1 . i U I ? -, ?4" 87 m < 11 18.' U MU I : ? ???s EIv Calavera* .. 14 ' Bl '. ? t M..-tal?.. S7o 4: ? \'?v Ili'llgian 7 lo I U Varal? Bat Ift 14"l'tah M?>tal?. 10 I M I : i 12 -, 150 ? ? - ?7 - - H 1 ? 49*.. : > in *??? PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. *>p-?ii ?a Gm n J .u? ? m K.? . si ta Militai ???? '-4 - ? . tor Bal . A?iilialt ??? M4 1 pr . ''?'? se, Ata.. M*4 i j Q mili rr... H . ? N \":.l Tr p? ? . .. : -i Pena Bah Mf(..lM ?Pe? ?"hila '"?? ... II' -?? 17*1 l:ao Tran 174 I ' 80 Pblla Trar; . -f' ? Trae ???? 44H ? n Ja -. ; ?la* Imp ??'. ran -.. l: ...'M? HUNT'S 115.*?vi Am Ou? A F!! M ?? ? il ? ?? . ? - 4? ?2 \ ? . PI ??? I ?,000 *o aoi'i ta. ...1M4 an-A Iron ? ll| ? 4? 7S us** 14 a '-. n .,7 1 ! 1 e 4.4 ::4 17?. ?\ \, I lid M 4 "ai ? ITSi TI4 ? '- "? " 1 -V ? a ? - 1014 ?? ?. '.',44 . 76 BALTIMORE STOCKS. rial?? m u A:a?ama Co 'Ye* It Con? Crmi ? f'oPKlen . .. ? . i'a-.-i? cti?m;i ? n fui ni -.'? ? n;*r, 94 V m 74 ? PT ? 11 "*' tlM Fi*a>l!tv a Del M??-'anille Tl i M le. 17S ? . POMM Ote Bait 4?. M (??.o. I"??- BOt??.l**-4 CoaSea t? .'i'1? I'avia < K'.k'.orn l>ie? ' le? be Ti l?a w a r?r l" MU ' 1. U* i' <'? '? R i 1: :-? 4- II . 4. *: ? * a u ;t t?a? ?4 40 H - ? ? V34 l'.?4 . ? 71 ' ?4 t% 4 ? ? m i. ? . - 1"! ? ? HIC A?.O STOCKS. <>p?-i - Am ShlptJ*jll*lnf l'< s? er . ... ' **1?h i-* "4 Bl? Kr? ?er L. 78 ?to ??r : . 17 . / n I ? '44 MOMurn M?"-h ??|. . . radaav U 1 ? 14 VI'.o' Warl i ', PacllV 'i?? ?I'-a ek.' 1 r? *ft l?* Ion Ca? I v/. ? ,. p.? 8? ? ? '? 4 1 W\ ,4. V, ??.1'r*'4 ,i- :. n <:n* lt... **.'4 ill?l.. I? ? 74 1 174 V' ? 71 .3 17 111 !'?'(, ? -. Mi 1184 M14 1044 7? ? 74 14 1:4 :. IM M I ?-'! PITTS?i;KfiH STOCKS. 10 Arn W 'Jl Mart? Kl? <iHI? t.t'i < '.l'am 'la? a El Ut< arr.l.rl? ?t?-l ? . Ha** * Walker . Belle i k h 4-'i M.'i. 1.1 * II' .' K1i?-pro/<nri? r??> Se t.? I -.1 .?wlri? M ?'.,, ?r ? -. I- "? PI Ol??? m Te? H-? tt Kl?r??l h ';..)?? ?Di?? All H ??[?n 774 I,/.',, - "?> lilil? ??7V? 17 11 . i'4 II v.-% "?s i? 1. m :?> M 4 ?i? 1. H ? I7l 'i |4'7 BANKERS BUY PANAMA BONDS <7:>0.000 ; Per Cent Issue Find? Ready Markrt. Tb? National City Bank, J. P. Morgan . the First National Bank and Kuhn, Loeb A Co., it was announced ;. terday, have purchased and ?old 000 Republic of Panama 5 per ??king fund thirty-year he third instalment of ? <J issue of $.'1.000,000, which an ? November 2. 191-1, anil mature November I, 1944. there are now out ?tandil ? '?o, forty-eigfft bond? bavins been rel red through the work ni|; OI the * .nking ??und. I ?dl ?rom t.?o bonds are to be Utilised h connection with the con ?tructfVSii of a railroad by the Panama government, which, it is understood. will be (i.mphted with ?the exper.ditur.' realized from the sale of the third in? stalment of the bonds. It was stated that there was an unusually large de mand for th? bonds and that they were ' placed m several cities throughout the United Sti t? HIGH STEEL PRICES CUT DOWN ORDER Pennsylvania Railroad Defers Buying 11.000 Cars. I h" inpid raising of steel piices ha?, according to trade authorities, begun tu ci? ??own naa] busineea The Pennsyl? vania Bailroad, because of high price? quoted, lias doci<!?*d to postpone pur chasc of 11,000 ears. Manufacturers hic complaining that they cannot get. finished material needed. Mori plans for enlarging steel production have been brought forward. ??The Iron i\ge" --ays: "The steel trail?' - rushing on at a speed which may easily carry il paal say danger signal. The rapiil advance of prices is viewed with concern in some quarters. Th? Pennsylvania HailroBd's announce? ment of ?he w'lhdrawal of its inquiry I for 11,000 car-, on which the bids 1 showed a ?tattling advance In prices nearly 100 por cent in some cases over the lowest car bids of the year--is the first strong demuirer in the horn? mar The complaints steel producers ? have bien hearing thus far havn rnther ' come from manufacturing consumer? who could not fill their orders for lack ' of ?tee! or who could get no place on the books of the mills for steel sure to be needed in the second quarter of next year." v "The Iron Trade Review" will say: "Programmes for enlargements of steel works capacity are becoming numerous under pressur?' of demand, which mak ?M team as far ns ever from satisfying notwithstanding the fact that the high prices now ruling are exercising nom" check on new business, as the mills really had hoped they might do. N?. lesi than half a dozen new proposi? tions of enlargement of open hearth steel output and mill capacity bav? been brought forward this week. Most produrers are so obligated on delivcri?" for the next ??ix months, and not a few of than have their capacity oversold. that they are welcoming a brea.hjng spell. "Pig iron prices are very buoyant in all Northern centres, and in the week the average aslvance has been 50 cents ? ton under a stea?ly demand." PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES Ccacral News and F.nrnlngs of Vari? ous C'orrMirationH. The October income account o/ the Westers Power Company, the principal operating subsidiary of the Western Power Company, not only shows large gams in gTOSS and net earnings over those in 1914, but also . ? 1er advance? than in recent months oi the cuiront vear. Oroi operating revenues amounted to |296, 471?, an ncr? i.f >??7.**71 over Octo? ber of last year. equal to more than 2\i i' . .?< nt. Nf-t earnings over oneratirg expanses and taxes were I187.M0, a ?.-hin of nearly 19 per cent, and the sur? plus after ?nteres, on the funded debt 18, against 170,001 in 191 ?. Accru?'?! dividend? on the preferred stock of the California Electric Gener? ating < ompany totalled 112,600, leav? ing s balance of surplus af $77.54*?, an jnen i Public Barrica Corporation. The Public Service Corporation of New Jeraay report? for October s gross Increase i revenues of 1109,129, equal to approximately .r> per c?-nt as eon pared with earning! far thai month ear. Aftei paymtni of ?peratin?* ehan Inking fund requiremei ?etc., the balance avail stipn, dividends an?L surpln ? |488,742. There was a1 ?ai i lib..- for ('ivi The gross increase in earnings for the ten month? ende i 0? tob? : 81 i . -t 1,127,342, "r IMS pe? cent. -a SILVER SCARCE IN LONDON Hits up ta U'i'id an Ounce?1% Cents Higher Here. London, Nov. 24, Har, silver jump?*! T*d to _i.a a ?I an ??.nice to-day, the high ?St point .-inc.. AugUSl SO, 1914. Th" sdvanc? '-. small offerings and reduced lUpplie? her?-, which are esti mated at barely 7,000,000 ounces. China shews in. disposition to sell arid with the English mint and India buying supplemented by Continental orders the pine is steadily rising. Responding ta the rise in price in ? ? i andon market bar ?liver sold ben ;? terday at ."'?'a cents an ounce, an advance af r? Mats over Tuesday's quota tioa "Mop" Bonds Being Deposited. ? si mad? yesterday la ? circular to Missouri Pacific bond ul 10 per ??? it of th* 129,906,00o :.. ? in,.! refunding I per cent bonds and the $37,256,000 gold loan 1 pei cent lends have been de? posited with the respectiva committees affiliated -ith Kuba, Lord? <v Co. In the ?reorganisation Of the property. The | readjustmeit managers ana the chmr men of the ptotoetlvs conimi" uigmg the prompt cooperation <?f all security holders affected by the pro read ja tment In order that th.' "evils and den! to S pro !' ngad receivership ?-an be avoided." Cambria Steel Fills Board. Philadelphia, Nov. 24. Another move in the readjustment of the steel situa? tion that has been going on in Pennsyl? vania urea mad? ta day, when Barben F. Black, "f Pittsburgh! J. Leonard ,?!??, of New Yin k, and Arthur Y.. ' Newbold, <>f I hiladelpbla, were elected ?'?rector* of the Cambria Steel Com? pany. They suoee? d Samuel T. Modmg Theodore N. Ely sad chilsls Prick, the , son of Henry C. Prick. Rep? |r,.r?(. and X? v. bold wr-ro made members of the executive committee. Mr. New bold ll a member of the linn of Ilrexcl K in., of Philadelphia. Guaranty Trust Stock Doubled. BtockhoMars af the Oaaraaty Trust ? -*? n.|.>?' v yesterday formally ratified I the propoood increase la the capital Itech from tiOftOQflOm to $20,000,000. Tha aew ?haras will he offered to stork holders of record on November 24 at pur iixi to January 3, 1911. Baldwin Locomotive Dividend. Philadelphia, Nev 24 TJba Baldwin ?Locomotlvs Works to ?lay declared th.* regular ?ami annual dividend et on ]?r f.-,,t oa the preferred stock. No actiion , . takes on the question of reeamlai a the eommea stock. PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Closes %c to i/2c Lower?Corn Market Advances. l.LNERAL MARKET REPORT. N,.> 1 rk. .s.,i?rs?*r 24. 111?. WHEAT. Tl.? ?olurn* ef biilr.ea? In ?i!i??t au com pintircv mail ?t.j lemp-mil j.rin i?,-i'v -4 ?leiiing-up tontr?r'? 'it o?r: :!.e boLMaj Henil mult was dlrlded. ?nd ?ft?r ratt.r-r l-??rl?h flu imtlopt bolli ??j?. tl.? raa/k?' tieee? b?r?iy ?te?dy. with net lt???e? .if 4c !" 4 '??ik whe?t us* ofTer.-d ? llf.l? mure freely in ai market, ?r, 1 th? ?i;- rt tteaand ? umlerne. Mal ?tie? ?mounting to ? Th. re w?r? ?>: 1 to he order? men t: loner figures. lio?.t?r. a: 1 Dm ei;.-i". ?1tu?l|.?u. ?a a win.It-, hi? lieeom- ,?ry .-otu??lli ?led. owing : ibfoad at?, the frelint tUuailon Tlie Engllth market ?a? eaaler ?t a re .'?.? uf foitign ?aiiatt ?nd more Userai ? : tiles arhaat, tad u t??? ??id th?t ttwre Lad ' ???. ?mue OTpori ?ratal re?"'.' here for Britl :, !. ?< '.li?t Gr??i-e *WM f.i.form with ?ome ' et the i?q..e?U of tl.? A . i ;. ?, ? _al ? "< -ht M??titarraii?an Hlfhl r? re- | ai Intel----. ?? i.-urii wl'h t|;a 4ire? k ?Ituatlon were ? h?n ?, on m?lt'.ng intpraent? ?t ?reietiL In Ih? lt. al ??h n.urket N.. 1 durura wl.e?: ?..? ?aMaS ?t 11.114 : .. ii New York; No 1 Northern Dului Il "4. ?n I n , ?i ? ? ' Male, CORN. s'eritin.. n m?r??t ?s- i ta 1 ni.lie ? ? ' t . i ? ? ? - r"?; . t Tu.-?.? in il . eal .????. n,?i, ? ??? OATf?. Tlie os'? n:?-?.' -i.? lai ?'.?? ?? i atjhaal ir?> "?I -.??.?'ire. althouajti priese wer? ?i??iller In ? ?il r. ?Ii.'a ai .let w?, ?leady ?hit? quoted .,' I24<342V. Nu ? ?tilt?. 4 |414< :? I. 41 B4S4?, ? Il elerator. BYE. Ml!k?t e?-- . \ . ?A. (aj, 1 H% <- I f New Toril I i| i ?in uld to I ar,. i???n fruiu HI let? ta Tue?l?y NEW YORK PRICES. t?.??.. ?..??? :i'?> te? , . I'e-ernber M?y. v 1 l?>, CHICAGO PRICES. I"-?rt' '?""?? l'ilS 1 "-'? 11714 1034. MBB .' Mil i '"?", : "7,4 i "6 i A*4 l.lttj ' orn l' 81*. ?? 1*4 ?44, M?v. ?7'?, | , 'S Mag ? '. o??. 'December ... "3 '., Ml ,3>4 .18 I M?y 114 ai", ?i .414 -414 FLOUR AND MEAL. I holdiy iPlrll pr???l ?d in u,e flou, m?rS?v and i-.>rEnri!tfr?'7 ]|lf]n b-jgfcMt? w?i dor?, ?? I hurir*. ?ad Mlltfl were I:. Boat ru?i ?p?rt in t : ther? w?. ? dl?i ?III n lo ??all de.elopti ? ?? I tl? erbetf ?int.- I"be 1 win? -..-? m li wood ". ? k Produce i ? Swing pal ? .??-.. Intel ?Talgl '. ? ? .- ? 1er? Il ? ? ill ?" ti iti'l' . KanM) s-,ralehl?. i' 4" 18'. I ?lot? II ? -,'.'. (IEAT I I."i l: Mi I " ' ' 1 I ... II i. ? -, ? I? ? ? ?. i \i*?4i, - rii? I r lu Ml. 41. 11.41 in?. SI. I ! ri.i.i' ' - -? balk, "in ?>'K?. I >. - -, ? I ' '. red iloa flour, II? lb ?* k?, ? -. v. . bran, lov lb ??ok? 188.10 . ? lo, 181 1", floair ml?! Hingt .|r> I rt ?IT, 1 1" .1. a? kl. ! II I", ol! meal. I ? - PROVISIONS. A r Ml INU rr???lled lu tli? met product? owing to ? better maulle il ?... It- ? ?; i ?atlamaied I - reutlftd ' '? , 4 I'UKK 1 I ' ? ? ? ? ... Rrt i Ble? 1? ",--? 116.9 ' ' tel ? r|l 7; e?tra lt.dla met ? lit mil - - ? ; ? ?? ? ' "'?.!-. I'. i i r Ml AT8 PI Wed ba : -??-???-:, : Il S 11 .-. 18 lbs. 1:4'. i* '?? ' ? ?aiy; I 11! TAI.' "'?? city, 74 ; oountry, *?)T4 LARD Steady; MlddU . li 1 ?'? ' ; . ' ? \in?rl.?, llriril. keg?, II ?i . ?'e?rt- ? t ttearlM ' . CHICADO PROVISIONS. T??'?? l.?rd Ope-i High. Low. C to.? d?. ??'iu?ry . 8 4S ?M ?.81 (? 4 : V i M?v En 111?.? .la- u-v . ? 117 9 ?4 it" I.I Mi, ? ? I.M '- '" S.TT I n Pork lanuan ? IT.II II ft II 7: II II ir.M H IMS 17.81 1T.-T 17.1 COFFEE. (iper?(1m.? 1" the ?BOM i-.a---' ems? ?*?li lirg?!? Kile? i Ion, ?nd ?.title ??i?, f..r the '1- .. I. I ? ???? ? con.pii-e.1 of a ??r?- ;?,-??? i- ? . 1 iNKiei.tber to Hie l?t?r ran 4 little foret ! Ir:g e?r:v In tl? day and a ral Uat IlrazlIUn r-,?rf?'.a bad ? ?uitalnj g !? il lene? i?:i ??; .r?., at, 1 at Um ' net gait ? ..! -' t-> '? :? I , 1: Ii. ?;. ??.-.. II ' ? .,.. I , . Ill ? i . -r? ? , j llra-lt, and a!?o under the ?pot. and thai ? ? ' . ' - lined had ?old ?fall ? . ' ??riilier trim n. , I -.' ?i.d fr.igtit . 1 - ' BrazS ??r? a t?1fle , Iteidirr It. ti.ti?. S?:,'? . 4 helng quoted a ' ! ' . 4.? ?. d S* al ?? i Ja ? I '? ?? ? . . ? I. | ? i - .?? ? ?t ' ? t'hel ?u It,?-tn? t.-i; ??.-lily, with Itlo 7, ?I 7V. B? ? upen. Mii'i I.-.?? i let? .1 I her.. ' ? ,i?: nary, ' ? i ' ? ? ' M.n 1. > -I " ?' ? i A : ? ' : I ?...4 \U? . ? 7- ? 7tt f. 71 .7 ? . . ? Jui i . , . - ? i . ? 41 ? *?? 6 41 t. ? V . ? ? ? .- ..) e 9i ?.?? ...... SUOAB FUTURE?. ? t aaehauad t" ??. ?Suata i ' I ,-,..i ? r.'t.. - d??, ..?i .- lo report? "f -???. ? ?i . ? ? i ? ? lurtni I..), with j . \ ? .a' a.?ttere.T Th? 1 t.. i- t ? . ? ?1 ??loa : Bai s .-?' i-". * \ r ' III?.': 1?-?. Cloee day ?i - i i i , . 19 ? ? ? .. ?? , . . - - - I | . 3 i'? ??? 7! -4 lune......... ? :; -, -, 8 ? ..-..- - " i . i ? .... il . - COTTONSEEO OIL. Pronomtead ??:? .-'I b "- tn?rk?t ta? Ttld? oil, w-.l.ii w?. ,|i|o'e.| ?t .. - . m ui th? id ? 1 . , ' . il.v ?aliir? w?t blgtWI T ?.?li t w?. : ?-.:.! lluiga of trica?: \ ? ? .. - High \rm. Clot?. ?lav s,-. ' 1- ? ? '.i ? ? ? H?,, i,i'-r ? K ?K *? 17 8 1' ? ? - i s .'.1 s :i ffH io s i.? | M,r, 'i i tn '1 ? ' ? ? - 4 H-?:, April .. ? 4 - - -. - ? u m ? ??, ? ?i 8.41! S 4 141 1.31 , . ? t 8.40 i METALs. Tli? taeal ?treet m?rk?t tal atOOM wu ?teady. - - '? w Y -r . M- lil 1.? h mg? U. ?? , ? ?.- ' -'?*) N" ?h? .?m.' . I urn bang* i il ? " Tort . I S ITH? Eaet -'I ?piller quiet ?I for ?; i In N Y '- uid il l? W , . ? S' l^iul? In Uan.lon le?d . .I ?t i: 8? 'I l'.r tpoi ?ti i . i futur?? 1-7 Copper u lannd. ?-?1 ?' U? ?ii? for ???.:.lard not, ? l f?8 for ?m irulytlo ?pot, a ' Un i ? ? l!'? 7m. f..r ,t. . l -; t - ? ?Ith ??le? of i.o UM ?i-.t ?ad i:<> tes? future?. COUNTRY PRODl'CE MARKETS. Srw York .Nr?r?Dt>eT 34. IS1I BUTTER. Ile ?kill ?I'll parktge?. F-irl.e: d- a?. I-i th? dellterf of Mock ??? I th* m?rk-t w>, ?m llghtl-. ? .: l ii 1 ?i'i. phi ? a . I f.? ?> ?r?.!. . r??u,?ry The 1?'? ??!?? ? ?'? Brmll '???> bul ?. i> f?w r?.Tl?er? f?li dhpowd lo '? I ?. v lugl ?r I n ."?'?" . rering I . Br?ti 14 ? .?.?.?H. , l.l?!.?r ?oorln? -Ui.- .I?lt?. e - ? ? In fair. 1 . rrramerj S ? ? ? . '-'I I " Bra?! ? , lower MOM. Ilayelr,!? 4 11? bo??? M.rk?? ?trrmg ui .-.[..r? baring, tad ?tkln? pri,-?. ?r? fr? hlgtaer than ff ?-' l?Uon? ?m n h->w??.r ?ll-.r full f,.r ?i-i' biwll ?.? In i" ? n. tti?i,t Hl?te. - m. held, tl?!*. ?I-? ?? ?? . ? >?r?g' f?r.?y. l'L,. eorr-ml reek*. Sai? 'P*?,?,??'. I?4r! i'.'?!? tests IV . f."?h. < hr.i I?-. Hal.i?. ?parlali ?c all ??. k ni Il?l?le. I, ,?.? A'... Il? r >'?? ?lerital?, I 14?, 14. ,., ,,.,.! I, . ICG? Itay-etpt?. | 7-.? .a.?. ?.?* I?' ' ?li.u? f???m?lv ?r?r.? ?lid fully ??i?i?lii*d M.?t <?f tl? reeelit- are tat ?Tiled .i I Im-pilai quality ?nd ring. "'" ?1th a large l>?ri ..rt al ft.:ti. I ,,!,?,. I , .1.1 ft? I i > - . 1 (??irer. -1'" ? ? '1 rs ? ?'?'-. - .?? , rtn-rato* ?hitas H?I AUD STRAW. ..T.'* !?trk? m ' ??*'?' I r'::'r * traaa -.n..-- i . ... ,,.. .... bet thn* h pli ? ??.T -. ?-S.1. t?j_.:li>, 'rta, |^r loo. 1??.; \.,' .' ;.,' "? ?'? 111 ? !. ?RAW. r,,. No !. 113 ?}..: ",? i,b_u !.. ?I uinlcr larf i FRESH FRUITS. , VZgg* , v' ' ' I. Walt Bisar. - ?? ?2*1 s ; $.'?$? i ppin. j: :? ? ", , ? '? '??? . . U ?<? Ktni. ?j ? II; Bal.lwL', | ,*?,-'? " , ?? :-.?::.*. Hau Da? . .i Pip-j Il ?sil ? " ' v ? Sat -3. ? a 11 .OS?. ?lis 11..* |. ? . . Wsstcm. i90.Vh*2 *' i s- ??? '?*? Wluasap ?! ?"?. '?' ' 111 ?S Black r . t..n Hit. ??I?; wi ?- IV, < ! ?,? ?,*S,s.J.1' ' ,;-?"'1 H-T.. ;i ..i?i-?;,.,... . ? ? ? r. .?i: ? - i - ?' '"* 1"? , Mil ' ?!? Htiirr? ? islr(*su ? Beurra -l'A' : -i ?. ? ., ? f . ,. ,? " I ?1 MJ ','' - ' '? '"""" ? - ?'.ate Maaars '",: moat ' srtklta, 4-lb hstsr?, 11 ' ?' ? ? ? ? K. lib i.??s-t n# 13?; s b ^.r black. It, ?ra>.. II ' ?; ?? i i?-r ? : ? , |40 i RANUGHRIKH ' -1. 1st? ?.ira - ? . *??? Tt-r, Ills-?. Mil, I ? Itteey :. '? ? ?; l?*rs?v, native, per i1 II - : . : . ? ? ? '?'??fl 5?. .rs: ? l'ai, fist ho ' \ -- \l. V MI I '.\< . -- . ' ?.; .' V.K'.i. ?HIM s. Us. i HI MAS 1 , , || , , | ?- It I IT ? ? , ?I.t,i|-.;?, 111-.? ?. ? ?. . Ismsi.-s il - ?'??' -V.EA - I ' . , VLF.H. V .'?.. Ill ... , ? - ' ? ns .-. ?. |j jo POTATOES AND VEGETABLES. POTATO] I. I; ? .- f- ?,.. Xn :. ?- s - U s ... Um- la ' - ' -at*. In ?"ilk. 1 '?' .- I ? . ? *.;trri In 1'UiK. 1* ,j jerssi II ? ? J ?. -VUl.l - t ? i ? . :i a .-1 ? ?41 : s ?. ? - . 11? ARTIi IIOKM. ('?! I leartj, li :: '? ' ? ? . - -' .:??: I- I l lalai i nu?n - i . ? , - M ?.', f-r . . . ? WSJ ifeei.. I'c i?. :.*,; I.] ? , - <? pah It'ir.-i. warb) l?Hi-ib la*. : ! et ? iiikii*? 1 ? bal ?.-.' . M;iiAi,;.ri 111 ? - '?, 1-iM. ?Il, ?AI\". FU-? I- if U'ar. ' ?i i ? ' BU OBI ? s* rrata i 11. ? i l.Fli.1 ?at* a- l ? r-- - - ui - I?, ; tardar.I .-?.e, ' I I.VKV CABHAlil . rate ' ,).-. AHOI ? It* ."- r?, - I iM.i'lJaN rS, t , ? .,, |-.-:,|.. (?AHUC II , HORBE1UU1?IL !" !'. I?*?'. KALE, \\ b? . i ? -m ? ; r*rsts. llidll.lS. : do/ ?-:??? II . J?r?ey. H-doi era?? I M!. V? and N C lia. ! O.VION3, Watta, ?.rs??' or ha "".- ?> Il . red. ?..-?: i l'a -.? ha?. Il '?'? ?t ?1 II; Its'e a. : W ?< - r i I .; Y?lloi?, 7.1c ?*?'.'. ?.-s-.? ? ' ?i .' rr I, 4?c Ml : Ci L II?*?.; ? ?I : l|2, <?KUA I ? | 13: bak. li AH ?C I ? ? - ; l'AftSNIl ? IM Mli.lN - M; l'Klii 11 t , .... -. i . -.' , ?, ?i ,. ... ? II'lMIlM., I ??''?. ',-.-.- ? " . ?M i '. . UM'i-IH : SI'lNAi'H v 111: stau, in SQ1 a.-.'i h .-.. msrr.iv?. 1 ?hit?, 1-0?. I3lf|l !S, Tl I! Ml'.-. ?tlilU, ? lUbacs, roMAT01_ Cal. lia; t-a?. Iliall M; ?i . IVATEnCaU? ; -I Minci ? ll'iriHU SK PRoDll TP ' Il -. ?'. hi-fi -r PKarawbaei ? - ? >? ? r Hadabas nr. . I"mstn*s ?'?ail?. I.IVKSTO? k MAKKKT. s,* , ... n tseaam -i ISU. BEEVES. i: . ?d: H ears I? rcarV?.. ^'? ? I 11 il;.' hUii'r M ?lmlt**l rtaatats: ? ? r . rmi to ?ha la rititior. ivh-rs ?'.'h >?? p ka ??? " ' ii'j "-..'1:. shieh ?a-? -m tn a ?.!?.* SASkT A f-'a rars St 1mv*w ? '. t ".rTl?i>l ?air. b? Um dsy. s'. I ral?t-( nr?t b? . ii ?Common In s<?M ..t??r, ??- i im D>; i*i?n, 11.15; IhiU?. M I9II.T5; ; ? - , ' | ? ? ? CALVES. Rrvolpt?, l.M? asMi' l??*. "- "S'? >*?? MM ? lo llm?, '?"'. ?."-i* ??'?s of irtri'S *_d ?-?i ' ? .' higher; arrsaatrs vr. strgnew;t?I i^r.s ?..r? cisat?.L ? ?:.? solo at 17.31 ??1 ? ? ??:, fr??-'-? si 1? ?'.?*.?? ye?rllii?s. st r- |5, f-l r.lrf., ?r ,. i.v, ,i |?e; ? > ISr SHEEP AND LAMB?. ro.*i;t->. N IM ' ? I ??n ? mle eome ..-.-i ihaap . - ' ? * ? ? *t*i *.o irr . I lanrli?. at } i - ? 1 v 14 - |i i - . ?., ;? , | ?Inn at - 1 laaJUl , St !J'."1'--. U"i ? ? '?- ?"???I?' ?3 p?T .arr-aS!?. HOGS. I; Ont* 9Jtn hos'l. Its'.' ? ? ?narh't ,?>?!, . ? ? - - I at | , ? . | ... BUSINESS TROUBLES. Bsnkrustcl** lli.HI I ' . ?' .' ? . ? '? W ? r 1 ? < ' ' "i',n'ii..iN ,? i ?ii.v. ? ?inn . ? w . - < . \ ? I ..?'?..'?} ? IU3HTF.IX A CO 1 I a ' Mutual Br? - ItXII H Hill I . msfit ?o I Al " I ? i ? II ???? PHItlsn OI?mlMS?l. II P.AIK'V A I " ? ? HI. ?? * ' ? ?loilar. , . . 11 \M"Ki laoN wnnns ?" r ! Mai l Dlichsrf? Grant*?!. jiillN W MMtltlAM I. - rUsr msnufarti - ?:? ?' ' N|? ' ? '?? H1* "?' - I Ennkruptry Pr-s-?Sdlnsj,. j?iH\ Aci'l.l ?. M'l- tant* ' dss'.sr. at :14 F,V.".s i , I t.. ?.:-,.?. IM.7M. and u?a._ 111 IS ...... .-,,, j- ono. trii ; Mura. ll-SO; s ! IsiiO, an?! ci ''?.'-, i.... il rncj ln| ii.Jj.iita.-lur-T, al T.l ; .. ?ni sr-s-ounto a?iKAIIAM HI.I'M' cUan - 1 ' ' UM _ *. oihlnt msnul??!?u?r. at 14?? ' . . J. r_d sc-l A??l?nm?sl*. AM?'?) rHfatST 00., IM' ? wholes'.? dsal-' , . ans, ?' <??- tlrsanals-li *.. to Morris 1 ?''-*.'' ? I.-ul? Ba.1.? , , j . -.-?.. ?t 33 mmtm ?rle. ^_ SF.( IRITIES AT AUCTION. The following securities were sold yesterday at ?uotion at the Exchange salesroom by Adrian H. M?ller & Son: r,T a.-' _ ci..u'..r*. HSM Pin'.-- V\a'*r. Posrsr A Land Co (Pas- I ,.,, M i| !,, ?.-j, T r*., esM bM. ;? [53 tameat Heseh and mm .iw*4 ; r.i iisMil "< ""? ' m* ? i - -**_???-) met ? r M,-,fr.t a Oni-isei u . iia.-i.rr? TraS O IllM eat* ?-? , I f A i*lc? 'II'" "afhl \ , iisl Hsnk SI-*, sacb , . rum mm ?al Beat ??' R ^ , i- ? . v - . .1 .s, il Bank IHM rarh i ? i r.ii-i H-stra tram ? - ? I y?t , ra 1? toa? .oner:, . .rs KsJI? Paps | ? ? . itlral. IT..?'., s ?-; y?i.'- . ? |. : I ? . ? .. Br? ?in? A llalUns '? I.??' HI "' {1.1M ?.'..iisoll ..??... th* l -? '. H.rlaa 1 : ?r. . < li!. sfo llrswin? A Mall?n? ?'-. . ( I.- i , | ? _a ..?'l.c prrlrr. r, ?? . til) , . ? < M ;i!?ry \a?al ?'.irpn J p?r rant tion.l. .li? . ' ?' aaWI ?'"1 July. J'lly. ?Ml IM ?? -t.i'.- I H ? Hon? ?i.mpai.? rorami". t .a. h- I-i I'l l?i .int.. 1. H sr'i S.r? Cofnpany a tiKI.h ir:i.l tstfl IllM ?s.-l... lot ?lo*? | t.? Inurnstloial Hsadacaaelea Ca., In. < IS -.liarr. . . ..r Tru.? s ,. fl.-t?! .-rr'f. . |*r slMM ? ?i. .1 arr. 1 i i?rl BUta* KliiUMn? Co. pr,fl ? ? M OIK? I'rrs. Mamustts llalli.ia I (u (Uara i i ?,- ? i>-r .-?ml rtii?t?r*.| bon.1?. .|-i? lanusr? I ?A ? | M.I I's.'Il H H 1*1 IMS lrt n?'?? . i?r MM i. nd-, ?M IfM . sU I A NEW NORTH 5THAV. DWELLING Lawyer James Byrne Buys Plot on Which to Erect House. FIRST SALE OF THIS SITE IN 37 YEARS Plans Filed for New Bronx Structures Involving an Outlay of $810,000. Jame? Ryrn?, of the law firm of Byrne i Ciitcheon, has bought two lot?, 60x100 feet, in Fifth av., 50 feet north of 98th st., on which he plan? to erect a large dwelling*. He purchased the property from Arthur M. Mitchell, who had owned it since 1878. The Byrne residence will be the most northerly one in the upper Fifth av. homo colony of fine private dwellings. For many year?, the Carnegie mansion nt 9!?t ?t. ?leid thi? distinction. In the iast five or six years, however .-??nie eeetij dwellings have been built BOM?BOB list and Mth sts. Last year John Russell Pope bought the blpcl: front in Fifth av. between 96th and 97th st-.. ii. which te erect two modern and spaeiou? houses. According; to re port, one ef those structures is to be occupied by Mrs. John II. Flakier. On the block to the north of the site bought by Mr. Byrne the trustees ef Mom ' .' rial Hospital plan a group oi hospital boil P!a::.s were filed yesterday by Broir bailder? for the erection of five apart ment houses and one theatre and ?tore buildinc. calling for a total expendi? ture of 1810,000, 49TH ?T.-John W. Brett is the buyer of the three Columbia College leasehold properties at 28 and 57 West 49th st. and 65 We?t 50th st., ?old some week.? ago through Frank B. Taylor a? broker. Mr. Brett's purchase of 16 West 51st st., also a leasehold, was re? cently announced, and he is also un? derstood to be the purchaser of 34 West Slat lt., si,lil a toupie of weeks ago. KELLT ST. Richard II. Seobic has : to a client for cash 116 Kelly st., a four story, eight family hou e i-i piel 1." ''? tlZO feet This house was in part payment to Kberhardt A. Podoni for the Arts story, tweoty41**e family hoOOS built on plot 10x180 feet, nt 2482 Valentine a'--, ISO feel ?outh of Fordliam Road, and recently completed. The trOOSOetiofl involve.I 1100,000. Mr. Scobie WS? the broker in both trail I? i- ? (JRESCF.N'T AV. P. S. Treacy has sold the triangular-shaped plot 93.5x 72x69. on tiii- west aide of Cn av., aoool 6*D feet south of Hughes av., and directly opposite Adams place. (,HAM? AV. Flizabeth C. Matz, of Chicago, 111., is reported to have ?old 2483 Grand av., a two ai.d one-half story frame dwelling, on plot 72.5x90, between Kordham toad and 188th st. At the rear of 'ho property Is the old Crot?n aqueduct. WEST ITH ST. The Irving Sav Inatitut on - >!d to Aaron Miller the Suoridgv, I six story apartment house al KW it d 11'1 V? ?al 121th st.. on a nlo feet, 175 fool east of Broadway. The on; er resold the prop ? rtjf *o the Hull Building Company, which ha? a'so contracted for the sale of it to Frederich Broero. HAST 89XH ST. DoUflas Robinson, Char!.; S Brown Company negotiated ths isla of 50 sod 5? Fa-t WH, Bi to Arthur Curl !- bs. The property eoraprlae? two dwelling booses, lie also own? M Baal I i9th st. DEI ATI R AV. Harry II. Cohen has j sold for the Beoooaon Realty Company to an Investor for cash the tive story apartment house on the weet side ei Dacator av., IM feel ?outh of With it The ?troetor? eoatatoa thirty apart? ment.? and occupies a plot 57s Km fee*. ! [t is thi southerly eoe ef .? poop of boose? recently completed by the soil* loo conapans m' that point. ?TEST 26TH ST. (liarles B. Van1 \'a!en and James V, Graham have boM Lunes II. Cruikshank the foorotor* privat" hOOSe at 4 West 29th st., taking : m exchange s plot of forty acres located between Ridgewood and Weet* wood, N. J- The building will be ex-1 tensive!;.- altered for besieesa pur-j -. GRAND ST. William Lustgarten & ' Co., Inc., porehoeed from Howard tend, bi '?? ?<? itor of the Is I rill and testament of Maria A. Campbell, decae ? iry A. i ampbeli, prem? iaos ?">'"'.'. 561 and (69 Grand I . ?ome V ? to ; C Madison st. The plol S6x67a irregular. The premise? hove been le possession of the seiiers fur SBOOt seventy years. W. Cruikshank'? Sons are the brokers. 74TH ST. Blawson t Hooka have sold for the Mason Realty Company 114 Waal four -tor-, high 80x102.2 feet, to Walter R. Goldsmith. HUDSON RIVER HOME SITE FOR MOTOR CLUB Audubon Organization Leases Land Between 159th and 163d Streets. A home site on the Hudson River for the Audubon Motor Boat and Canoe Club has been secured. The organiza? tion araa recently formed. Through W. II Smsheimer. as broker, the club boa leased a strip of land measuring eboot 690 feet long and in places banne 100 feet lo depth, lying between 116th and (6Sd sts., from the Lamont Dock Company. A concrete elobhooee will be erected and there will be spacious facilities for boots. An athletic field, with tennis courts, is i,,.-.i ploOOOd. -. $944.000 FOR 17 BUILDINGS Official Figures fur Manhattan for Week Knded November 20. I 10 Manhattan building statistics for UlB week ended November 20 BTB as follow?: Plans filed for new build? ings, 17; estimated cost of new build? ing-, 1964,000; plan? filed for altera-? tions, 73; estimated cost of alterations. ' *>12'..l :'..'; buildings reported as unsafe.j ?11; ether violations of law reported, 118; unsafe building notices issued. 76; violation notices issued, 432, and violation cases forwarded for prosecu? tion. 13 Residential Leases. lo.uglas L. Klliman i Co. have leased IM Hast 26th st., a three story private boose, on a lot 17x100, for D. Melt Livingston to Laurence Millet; also bb i Fust Hist st., a tive story American < basement house, on a lot 20x100. for William H. Hyde to Fdward H. Pela-| Held and an apartment in 75o Park av corner of 72d st., for William /.leg? ier,'jr., to Dr. Schuyler Skaats Wheeler, i president of the Crocker-Wheeler Com- I pooy; an apartment in 149 Fast 40th St to Miis Laura Chai,l.-r. and an, apartment in 20 Fast 48th st. to Miafl Flor?ese I. Weiten. Krank L. Fisher Company has leased for I. Randolph Jacob? to L. Wetter man the private house 222 West 70th st. for ., term of years. kea;. estate^ at auction. | real estate at ai ction. WHEN IN DOUBT BUY . Lots in Bronx Boro at ! L STATIONS 1 ALONG LEADING AVENUES ON 100 FOOT STREETS The last Census shows that the Bronx is growing faster than any other Boro. H?BER-SCHRENKEISEN AUCTION Read--- Think---Act Remember 14th of DECEMBER RENT STANDARD ARCADE STORE Globe - Wernicke Co. 1 Occupy Big Space on New Street Side. The Globe-Wernicke Company ft '.frday figured in one of the most int? ?mting commercial leases in the tin? nal section reported in a long tin Through Charles F. N'oyei Company leaded from Burton Thompson & C Inc., agent for the Standard Area? owned by the Standard Oil Company New York, the southerly part of the e tire ground floor on the New st. side the builrliri??. The premises leased by the Glob Wernicke I'ompany include three stor containing about 1,0(1(1 square feet net available space, including mezz nine, and it has over 100 feet of ru ting window display. The lease is for a long term of yea sl an aggregate rental slightly le than $100,000. The premise? will immediately 1 equipped for tile tenant and will 1 v seil an a salesroom for ?iltice cqui ment and furniture to serve the tin? cial district. The N?W York bea o.iarters of the Globe-Wernicke Cor I iny are locate?! in the building <>?.? c tying the entire block front M ?Vkl t., from Broadway to f'ortlaiidt Alle Their business #in New York is und the direction of Lester S. Woodwar h'rrenMy M r. Woodward opened branch store for the company in tl Manhattan Terminal Building, Col landt and Fulton sts., so that the tic premises ?rill he the third location the Globi'-W''riin'ke Company in th city. Henry li. Morris has leased th?- f?i lowing lofts: To Yale Waist Compan 7*1 Wee. 18th st.; Freedman * Fhlic 1*1 We-t 18th st.; Willner 1 P?scii7.7. !? West 10th st. A. R. Mat hews has leased 128 (.'han hers st. to Arthur T. Boddington Con nany, and in conjunction with Tanner b?um L. Strauss & Co. the fourth loi at 170-193 Wooster st. to National Si ver Deposit Company. John J. Kavanaugh has leased th parlor floor store at 937 Madison a? to William Kelly, maker ?if tine em broideries and lac*s.. K. Tanenbuum Realty Corporatio has leased for Helen Joseph an apart ment in .1 West 30th st. to Samu? Jpcobs, and the same corporation ha leased with Roy Scherlck the store an basement in the Joseph Building, at HMh st., to J. Morris and Adolp SV^rn, who will occupy same as model Yienns restaurant for a terr ?if years. TO ERECT BROOKLYN ROW Dennis F. Flynn Files Plan? for Twen t>-two Dwelling Houses. Dennis Y. Flynn file<l plans T/*f?terda for twenty-two one family brick dwell ings, which he is to build at 616 to 66 77th st., west of Seventh av. Eac building will cover an area 20x38, th cost of the entire operation being esti mated at $77.nOO. Meister Builders, Inc., have sold 114 76th st., Brooklyn, a one family dwell inr*. to a client for immediate occu pancy. Frank A. Seaver? A Co. have sol eight lots at the southeast corner o Six'h nv. and 80th st. for the Moor ? ? to an investor. Fordham Road Rental. A. H. Lev- leased in the theatn building to fie erected at the north east corner of the Concourse and Ford hadm Road by Irving Judis the cornel store and the avenue store adjoining measuring about 37x56 feet, to Her.rj Danbert for restaurant and caf? pur? poses. The lease is for ten years, th? rental to be $3,500 a year for the first half and $3,800 a year for the second period. The lessee h?s conducte?! a place ?t ?th av. and 119th st. for nineteen y?ar?. o Home for Monday Club. Goodwin _ Goodwin have rented for Stephen H. Jackson to the Monday Social Club, Inc.. the dwellin, st 148 We?t 119th St. The house i* on s lot _a> New Building Plans. The Bronx. ronrnw? PARK NORTH, n * ?-or CnVrs ??, fo? ???.,? af ?s"?nt? "?"? W?.i:.I0i?? I r_a? Inssat iV?'?Vki?*.I r rnmeh. UCmmnUaf ars. srs.;. .'.s"..r. s;-r?n? F ivllisiu. Inc. 3? ?.sal 4?t s?. _, i i? ,.,-?? ? ???*., $7."',0C0. roRnHAM RDn ?* cor ?ran?l Cor.eaur*? ; tftt I ?tf l" k *"r." ?rid Uiaatra. 151 3-.130 5. Fordham 1',..' ?Vrp tl-tn? Jill?. : Ksat ?2d it? pre?., I ilr-.i .i'.?rs * Lsurhla?. *>* 5lh ?St ?Uchl tr.t i-'o?t 115.000. INTERVALE AV. * i. WM n Wss?r-t.*?t?-* ??; for ,\ .?y brl-.-k ?.snmt. 5?iH; Ha?ton BUldln* Co * Isla Ilsrrli.ftoo, Mil V-*? a?, prwal, <*wn*r; 11?. T H.~s.l. "?I s? snd 14t>_ s?. srchltact. ., t f'O.fXrO PROSPECT AV. ? ?. Ill n ll?d st: tor a 5 sly lirlik isnrot. 50i93. l*llnt<ai Construit I on Co iKrsnk Wtllo'.t?. is: Vjie as. prts). osrnsr; John t It. Tlaii-l. .:.'i Wf?j?'i*r s?. sxrlilla<t. .-ost, ? I. Oim?TEAO AV. I v? -or Hatllanl as: for a 5 st* ijils-k ?mm?, :nxil. John W Dick Co (John W I5TI? Hr.'nlw?y. prual. own?. M V? (t..l ??s'i-ii". Ml Tr?m..rt a?. arctsHtel; rost. I'O.OOO. ? ? Sales at Auction. At 14 V?a* St. By William P Rs* ITH AV. S.-..*, w s. 74 I a .nth at. 14?sl?0. 4 st? fist sud atom Dora Roam ?t?tn act Apti.asjst?. I???nsr*si at al: suit du?. I? 4*iJ 41. to ilio plsln tlfT for ?. Ilv M. Mor??*ntrisu. Jr . <o 1ST AV. 11.14. ? ?. .-.ft 5 n IM st. Kisl. s sis iriitut ST..: ?t.rrrs. Vrtr.a Lavlar.- a?- II? nall Walls, h .1 si. to tl? plslt.Uff for till 40?. a Alterations. Manhattan. ?TH AV. ? ? nr BA st; to ? ? ?If ?tors and loft?; Jsmr? M. </r??'? Hrslt? Corp. U J V?'w? 4.M a?. ..wiisr A I. Krh~ 1 tWknisn ,l. arrhltrc?. s-uat IJ9.U00. I NPURMSHBD APARTMENTS TO LET K4-.T BIDB. 37 Madison Avenue Opposite Beautiful Madison Square 4 Bedroom.?., 3 Baths, I ll?ing Kii'ima, ItsOS ami 1J.*?I4. Pint class liuiii sei i it--?. S'u tippin*-, Kent includes light. \(1. intagcuii? terms for remainder of lease. 41 Ml (around floor, S room? ?ml balh. ?ultalir?. for l?h>?Irian. FI'RNISHFI) APARTMENTS TO LET KAst ?IDE. 37 Madison Avenue Parlor, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathi. Very attractively furnished. Excillent hotel s<?r\i??\ mi tipping. II. I i Im-lu*-?? Il(ll REAL ESTATE. I 1)1 M'KY I V. RKST FI NANTI AT. PLAN FOR PI R.'HASE <*r ajntn 'i .rn ? ??plain?))] Ir, I??? d'LIf? Mu? ??.n? i,.um v n .n? t.??ri" *?'" i11 "::i fit, Om* /.Nil 'l"mn? 9??0 Mat s.| EXPORT DEMAND ADVANCES COTTON Prices Close at Top, with Net Gains of 14 to 19 Points Market Active. An increased busine?? and a much i better undertone were feature? of the j cotton market yesterday. Price? ad j vanced slowly but steadily all the ses? sion, and at the close, which wa? prae I tically top. were 14 to 19 points above | the previous niffht. One of the main 1 factors of Strength seemed to be a better class of spot new? from the South, includin-? not only advance? -at some points, but evidences of an In? creased export demand. Increasing ar? rivals at some of the port? were taken to forecast larger shipment* abi-oad, ai ?1 a noticeable improvement in ex? ports was expected within the next week. The market opened steady, with prices unchanged to 4 points lower, and immediately developed an advancing tendency in response to the atopplng of notices, which af*i*regated 26,000 bales. From the start the heavy bojr ing of December was a feature, ene trader being credited with purchase? of upward of 25,000 bales during the first half hour, against which January | and March were sold. A part of thle operation was thought to be for the i ?.ccount of Philadelphia interest?. The I demand strengthened December eon ! siderably in the early trade, and Ite discount under January was narrowed , to 16 points at the close, againet 20 ? point? difference the night before. The Liverpool market reflected the ' steadiness here, and at the close wa? :2li to lu? points net higher. Part of ? the spot demand In the South wa? for ? Liverpool account, it was said, partleu i larly at St. Louis, where considerable 1 cotton has be*n sold recently to Llv , erpool buyers. Export? for the day aggregated 4.357 bales, and tor th* season 1,714,69? bales, against \,19*fttt. i last year. ?_?_*?. Spot markets throughout Ui ****** i were unchanged to 15 point? net hlgnor. j Ranee of prices: Onto. Hllti. 1*7"?- '?_"*? _ 1144 1! '* H 41 H *'*|J?3 il ?? I?.I8 um ?i Sil1? I??S3rw.:;:n.?i u? n.i i?.i$X_* > "Vi-?inb?r 'Jart'ury ItilM July 4 .r. \l "i* 11? 1185 I'' 11 31011 9 ?? ils ?i? ????g .'" ii.M il m u.M i:iit3i..U OeMBW ... UM UM L^_?*r*&*ttB? **fc,.yr??'fe pan. me* mmtmt pota* M c?)mp?rt"?n? foil?-? Pn?a?l To *?y Uat ?k Laatyr. -*j*-V r- tm, ,?? Il M2 ? **?' ?-JJ4 "8**41 nv? ?rle.n? '.." LW? 5.STS 1?.MJ M? TU ?1;,.;',,. 1.21 f 8.**? .T*? 104.43' ?SSStoB Ml ?8? 1.181 ?4.1*1 \???,lk - ?-*?* =-M MM M.2J'. Hiltlmir* 1134 _ V,rt B 1*4 H*8 8*0?" r ??? ? 184 - t.?l* i . . ?5 32 ? 8..8H V,ri..ii . . 1?.MJ ?495 1M5? 3?, 1*7. To??l? ."a?*,1T- "? M ?f ?44 1.41T.15? Il terla r A.janiatta . 1.185 "?*?* 1.850 IBt.411 MrropMt . ?7?** ?.?21 ..?8 l*?.l*l s- i.- u:? . s.eii ?.see ?.??s il.S5.< 7.4M1 l.tafl U.847 1*5.197 l'otton En-htm? "'???r'.?! U.urpool rab????Bpot i-oftn 2"?<1 iltnmvl; ?al??. 19 000 ht'?*. ?p*cu!?*.lon ?n<1 ?xport. 1.50O, *r-r?rl?-?a. ?.???, Uaparta, 14,?**. Ama-rtctn, 8.000. rnltl'l'.lng uptial. 7.044. Futur-? ?l*n?* ?letdi. 'in hantM tat 4 point ht*h?r-. c!**?fl wy ?'?a*y. 14 'o 7 4 point? MfTr??r Wun-alm. ?il* J?jiu?ry-Krtru?ry. ?*?4t.. Mirth-April. ?ST*. M?v-Jui.?. 187,. 1: July Au-rutt. <.Md: On to^r-N'-frrab-'r. i 5Trt Manhr-a-r?Tun? Srta. tm '?i? .l'ilatt Lu; ?t??.ly. Rents Motion Picture House. M. A L. Hess, Inc., have rented for the Rudd estate the motion picture theatre to be erected at 115-117-11? Eighth av., plot 50x100 feet, at a co?t of 115,000, to M. Needle. The rental for the term will be about $15.000. Mr. Needle own? a large mo? tion picture house on W??t 2>d ?t. ? " ? Trade Notes. Nehring Brother? have been eppoint ed agents of the Stratford Avon Hall apartment?, at 590 Weit 174th ?t. Charle? S. Kohler will open ?Saturday a branch office at 1428 St NIcholoB av. Ren?FlWln Woolworth. Edward J. Hogan ha? leased to the Taft Peirce Manufacturing l ompanv the entire foujy-rifth floor m the Woolworth Bulling.