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?lean Slates for Cornell, Pittsburgh and Columbia Depend on To-day's Gridiron Battles I-_ Cornell Stands Out Over Eleven of Penn. Must Carrv Extra Burden, How= ever, in Game Today, as Man^ ner of Play Will Be Used for a Comparison with Harvard. By HERBERT. Pennsylvania has everything to win and little to lose, whereas Cor? nell ha- Much t?i win but even more to loM in their yearly football strife i?t 2 o'clock on Franklin I- ?old, Philadelphia, this afternoon. Cornell ha- net ?nly Pennsylvania to beat, no easy task in itself lot-king brick ??\**< r a ?tNte- of twi-nty-tw?? year*?, but the team from Ithaca matt establi.-h to *he .-atisi'actioii of the critics that it has grown In power end re-oiir?cfuliios.-T ,,?,-.-?? that day late in October when Harvard was beat?t, b| ? KOTO ? f 10 to 0. It must show greater finish. t ven as the Crimson did, to oonuDand a general recognition f??t thai place at the top m> well duet rod. The burden is a heavy one, but no otaren in the Kast is bettet quali fied on the result" of ?M season to pick up the load and rise to peat heights. The test will ?.-orne to-day. The time has come to strike and to strike hard. Any analy.-is of th?? play of the two'I elevens leads to otic conclusion. On! paper Cornell should win, and by a ?n wide enough to leave no room l'or cavil, ?'n ths results of the .??'u ?on, on a lin?' through M ?chipaB, the only team met In eons100, the ehonctl of Pennsylvaniii look no brighter than the moon slipping up ?>n MM side und trying to outshine the declining sun. Cornell beat Michigan hy a score of M to 7. Th? Quakers played the Wolverines to a -.c?reles? tic. After the latter game "Hurry Up" Test SSpiSSSSd the opinion that Pennsylvania'? defence was stronger than Cornell's; but what about the offence? I>r. Sharpo has built up an attack this year that has , ?cored Ml points in eight Rame-? an attack which, while lacking variety at' times, particular!; against Harvard,: has been recognised for its power and irire and scoring punch. In com- '. parison th? I the ?Quakers has been loos?- end Impotent, Poor Season for Quakers. I'? tinsylvania won its first three gnases, bnt since then has lost to Penn? lylvania state. Lafayette, Pittabnrgh and Dartmouth end tied with the Navy and Michigan. Hehiinl the eleven is a disappointing and discouraging season, but in front of it to-day is the oppor? tunity to make amends, and the Quak? ers are noted for their fighting spirit, if nothing else. The best spirit, the liveliest deter? mination in the world, however, counts for little so far as scoring is con e< rued against a teen better equipped ? with weaponi foi point ?jetting, and Cornell is tar bettet eijuipped in this respect, unless,, the coaches in Philadelphia have been able to bring their team along fa?t and far in the last ten d Upsets in football have come to be the rule rather than the exception. I nere is no accounting ?or some of the unexpected happening? th! season, but i here is a ?ituation that can he faced , without hut I ? ? ii ne pe?; on which to I hi?, victory for Peansyl'an bee? uncer? tainties of eh there no rhyme or reason. The Fame of Harrett. ( aptaiii Charley Harrett ?rill play his laM gam? for Cornel] this afternoon, and football will lose one O? its hright ?iirs. Here i ? player who doe* everything ? layer whose name will ever b? ranked among ths il and beat. Then ore those who der him the equal if perior of Eddie Mahan. and certainly be treads eloselj th? hopw of the Har? vard captain. I" fact, Harrs-tt ihjould Coi_e?I thi? afternoon what Ma? han WS unison last Saturday the rock on which Pennsylvania will : plit. But tin- ? bered: Cornell, even without Barrett, except for three or four minut?e, wai enough to bea! Harvard with Mahan on the held. Shiverick. the wonderful punter; Col lins, the hard running, elusive back, and Mueller, whose \alu<- both offensively and defensively earn ol be overestimat? ed, Will lend Barrett able ar.d constant support to-day. Then, too. the Cornell line has pro\ed itself wonderfu I under the masterly coaching ?>f I ?an Reed and Ray Van Orinan. Shelton is hy all odds one of the best ends in the country, and, barring an unexpecte?! slump to-day, is sure to tind a place on most ell*star teams. Eckley i? ? worthy running mate at the other end, while Zander can step in at a moment's notice and till every requires: Jamison, at one tackle, may not be ConsiderCa re fully the qualities of strength, power, flexibility, econ? omy. Don't be blinded by price reductions when materials are go? ing up. Come to see the Jf?xinc??cm THE THOROBRED SIX n/*-??? m ie*. ' o 'i ' ?" - '?? t ? '/ t? ?'(.?VTlvll.'r,' *>;, CIScTi //u'/'y'irJ LEXINGTON MOTORS NEW YORK CORP. 1*40 BROADWAY, Ne? York City Brooklyn 1001 Bedford Avenu? PkiUdrlpki* ISO Nor!? Broad Str??t Dead .Storni?? for Autos tl MOttlM M. H ITKM. PIONEER Fireproof Storage Warehouses ?7 ro m ? i ?.???i -<i i? ? I'I'iiM. M UN OlsttU. " ' 1915 MERCER, 22-70, s . ?? . ? ' Roakam-Scott, 1|&6 B'way. Penn Team Still Far in the Lead < i.rnell antl Pennsylvania have faced each other at football in twen tr>ftW0 games, of which Cornell has ??on only three, with one a tie. Th? record In full follow?: (?>r- Cor I'enn. nell. Renn, nell 1098_ 50 0 1904 ... 34 0 1894... 6 0 1905... 6 1895. ... 46 2 1906. . 0 0 1896... 32 10 1907... U 4 1897.. . 4 0 1908. .17 4 1898... 12 li 1909 . . 17 6 1899.. 29 0 1910_ 12 6 1900_ 27 0 1911 21 I 1901 6 23 1912_ 7 2 1902 .12 11 1913.. .0 21 1903. . 42 0 1914... 12 24 able to play, on account of a minor in Jury, but Tilley, who will start the game, is an able substitute, while Gil? lies, on the other side, needs only a little more exp?rience to make him one of the game's best. Anderson and Paul Miller, the guards, are of the depend? able type, wnile the latter is likely to blossom forth as a star at any time. He is level headed and aggressive. Cool a Wonderful Centre. Cool, at centre, has few if any equals. Be is of All-America mould and the most dominant man in the line. He is one of those quick thinkers, and so versatile that he is constantly invent? ing new methods which get by and which tend to make hitn conspicuous. His very presence solidities the whole line. Man for man Pennsylvania suffers In comparison, or, at leiist, on paper. Miller and Hopkins are above the aver? age Bfl ends and may shine to-day. even against the brilliant Cornell pair. Il, Ht right tackle, who forced Captain limns off the team, is another strong, heady player, but otherwise in the g?nn- ?'?ill have te establish mon? than ordinary worth. Bell, who earned the place at quar t? i brick over Loucks, boCOOSS o? Ins -kill as a punter, cannot be compared with I'aptain Barret, while Rockefel? ler, Derr and Williams though reason? ably good backs and possibly above the average, have not stood out with th. same lustre with the men from Cornell in the same positions. Captain Harris, who so willingly sac? rificed himself for the pood of the team in giving way without qui-stion te Russell at the 'staft of the three biggest games, must be commended, lit? is --ure to get in part of the time tu? ai:! if he does !l la hoped thni he will be able to do -omething to command recognition so highly de? served. Against Harvard the Cornell attack. run from a close formation, lacked that element of deception and that variety which go so far to stamp the finished product. Power wa-? not Inching, but at this stage of the Bsosofl something more than power may be needed. In other games this condition was less notieeoble and the opportunity now comes for tin. team te show all it has, for truly the matter of winning rather than the sue of the score wil. count largely in the comportaos sure mil.i ? with Harvard. This as? suming, of course, that defeat is JOI ? il'l portion to-day. Hr. Al Sharpe l| to Cornell what D. Uaughton is to Harvard, li eatablished a --ysteiii and huilt up :, . r-m i a i. i i.- : i , .a A -I ru in on.. . r M I i ? ?1 J. ?. I I organisation which has made largely for the lUCCeSl ef the past three 1. -? Uaughton be kBOWl BOW to put me eve m his Kit-?.?---, iiiuiiit.n time ef an unbeaten team that can boast ? . ty over Harvard, among others. Pennsylvania and Cornell havv played twenty-three trames on the grid Iron and the Qoohera have WOB eigh? teen. ?This iee**< . i*s supply of throe victories for Cornell, as one was a tie. Two of the thr?'.- victories, how ever, have come in thi ti-sr'. Th" men from Itboca won l'y a score .,f El te 0 in I91S, and Bf 24 '<? 12 last year. As With 1 the presen*, that COUOtl 'I I ? '?u.tkers find little O ' pa?t This is the .lay the;, wat,', to he.?' , Cornell. Lafayette Meets Dickinson To-day Pern?, Nov. 24 Lofe hold IU flnol football practice of the on March Field this afteraeoa. It was the only drill that the eleven hoi ii?'! slnee the victory ever Lehigh oti Saturtlay. The work was light, ami ?imply served to call to mind the play-, that will be used agaiaal Diehinaoo. eral hoodrad schoolboys snd l'.. ? Moots will ? |?iiiiir? ? ? I Bf th' ? The full "vereity lio* ppoar, ami Cfow? ??II, the coach, will BSS ?? i.ii'iih.r open Held formation which were not called Into play against Lehigh. ?Maulhetsch (Captain of /Michigan Team A/in Arhor, Mich., Nov. 21. John 8. Maulhetsch, of Arm Arbor, was elected c-iji'miii of th* I'nivrrsity of Michigan fOOtboll eleven for 191a} here to da-, Mnulbetsch, Michigan's star halfback, has played two year? on the team. Movie of a Man After Eating a Large Dinner at Home . ? . ?BR1GGS Feast of Football to Go with the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Columbia Team to Fight fot a Clean Slate of Season on South Field with Wesleyan Team. I'ootball will bid a lout" farewell U i its short-lived glory this afternoon. To be sure, there remains the struggle be? tween the Army and Navy elevens to be fought on the Polo (?rounds on Sat? urday, but to all intents and purposes the sport of the gridiron will run its ??curse to-day. It will he a day of thanksgiving for the football enthusiasts. Thr.'e col? lege gamei will b?- played on local fields. Columbia will clash with Wesleyan on Smith Field this afternoon and will t?i make itc record for the i-ea .-..ii an nnbrohen -tring of vietoi With four triumph-? already won, the Rlue tiiil White I? prepared for the hardest game on its schedule an?! il fully confident that it will defeat the team from Connecticut. Turkey and the Thank-giving fea t aT a Count? i Sttrsction to the game have been reeogniied by the Colurabis authorities, and ?1 >^'i decided bj then y< -terday to postpone the start of th? gam? from 2 o'clock to 2:80. Tins shift, they feel, will mak?- it possible for nil who wanl te celebrate th? holi? day with th? family dinner at midday to have plenty ef opportunity to their feast '" foi going te th? gane. Wesleyan with a powerfal eleven, which has been defeated <>?:ly by An* herst and Trinity, is respected by the Columbia turn. ri,,. Connecticut sie*/, n. however, will b< ??.. vue ?>f Deetjen, who ?- pun'er and broken fielder, carnon ;t name for him? ? . tl ?? earl] bat? lea i ?*eet* .'tu wrenched hi-? knee in the Trinity* Wesleyan game last week ?nd ?ill he unable to pet it. the line up tgaittst the Blue and V, Despite the handicap which the loss ..f n et jen will cause the Wesleyan ?leven, it will stiil have the advantage ?.?.er Colombia in weigh? TitoI . ?nee. The Wealcyen line outweigh? the Columbia forwards ta averagi of ? ' pounds to the man and the bscks, (??o, are heavier than the Columbia backs, so that whatever ?davantage \ eight brings will be on Wesleyan'? imbls with it? nnhroketi record of victories over St. Lawrence, Stl ? th?- Connecticut Aggiei and New fork University, has no? been calle?! upon to fa?-.' opponents nuits as formidable is? against whom Wesleyan has fitted it- strength, but the fact rs that the Blue ? i..l Wh'.?..- eleven 1 .- -tu.-.?!, increasing strength la ?eck battle-, and 1- at the top of it? game for tit** match with Wesleyan. I thougl I ttauer, the big Columbia fullback, '.?h?? proved himself te be ?> How They Will Line Up on South Field ' --t? w . PaaXtta ? w?s,??,?.-. r?. n- I'i I, F. IM Hallr-k B?aley.. . 190 T.. T. 100 V4i'.kln?. I Kenrifly 1?7.1.. B....1*" ... T?*B*S lir>-. r:??rl?r..| . 214 B*UB?r. . IM I nt... IS*. MUler.IM U ? Mtrishau'l, -.' ?- IS4 . 1K0. .. llln?->l-> ??1 Ttlbot i QatOta l.'l ?: . l'a> a Banaaa M?rHI?'?r Qrafu l(?f' - H. It MaMB, .-prl:i?fl?'.| T. M < a i ?,h lunlr?. I .4 II?'-; vil.. Itra, . i Let r. .1. II, III ?, Con ?? i Ficttneti] Be ?>-. Tit-." f ??? te : M 1' rr hin* '* pertfah -, t? '? it n 11 T u i: y li U H. B Il II li l it 'ground gainer ef the highest order in the first two games of Columbia's short schedule, will not start against Wes leyan. he will i??-?t a chance to plav be t..-.- the irame is very old. Monroe, who showed well in the backtieid agains* N. Y. 1'., will be at fullback at the start, end Ifnnsboeh end Coptoin Simondi will be the halfboehs, with Lit. Doooho, Rosen and Wadleton held in reseive. M n ?lian seen theossad parsons an- expected i" be en hood when the whistle bloo . Thi ticket supply was \ wellnigh exhausted last night, and it is probabli 'hut the ?tandine room onlv rill be 'f order long before game time. The boxholder? foi the game la? clad* I'r. Nicholas Murray BotloT, "' Columbia, Preeldeol i. V Bhanhlin of Wesleyan, Georges Renault, Kdwm Go ild, Pr neis S. Hang? and Gostovos T. Kirby. Woi'. of the lightest kind aros in or? der for ? uobie squad veetardav. Simoods sod Mansboch did n little pontiog and th* eleven had a sharp .-... drill. Twe elevens from the ?ship Minnesota practised on the ! ? efor* the Columbia team tonk the gridiron. Pordham'* football campaign will . ...u.- ?u an end thi? aftarn ?an al Pord h.-im Field, when the Maroon -?ill pla" Villanova When the local university tors over th'- Army it will be belter equipped with knowl? edge, ability and initiative than st say ? ? sg thi Since the defeat of the I nr laic Ind? ians on Saturday the inspiration of BOOMT implanted in th? mini! of each nlaver, .-.. l! a| donee end determination are the attri? butes uppermost in the thought of every one. The results of the game? ef the last two weeks en the Maroon schedule bat ? boon gratifying, due to thi application of the principle-: of method. Of tin defence, the playera have improved in How Cornell Will Take Field Against Pennsylvania (ORNEM.. PIMNIVLTaiMU. \\t. Hi. Age. Player. I'ostlon. I'layer. Age. III. Wt. Ifis .",.11 22 Shelton . Left?end?Kight Miller . 22 ?..OH '71 192 ?02 If CilHes .Lett tacfcio light . Kussell _H 6.00 20?; 211.! il.OO 15? Miller . Left?guard?Itight Nelll .2."? ?.00 19". It,il I.U 2.", (?ml . (entre .W ra> .2) ?S 00 169 ?JIT, ?S.00 21 Anderson .... Right?tackle?left Henning-21 IM IM 189 5.0X 21 Tilley .Right? guard?left , Mai he??.? .22 Ml IN HI 6.01 20 Icfcky . Right ? end?f.efl Hopkins .21 .'?.09 IS*? 1H3 6.00 21 Harrett . quarterback Hell .20 ."?.O* IM 116 ."?.OS 22 Collins .. .. I.efl?halfback? Rigjit I.?k kafeller 21 ."?.OH 170 la? 3.09 19 Shiverick Right?halfback?Left Herr .20 3.10 lid IM (i.(10 20 Mueller .Kullbark.Williams .20 6.00 16" Average ?eight ?if the Cornell line. IS.'! paws?Sj average ?eight f ! enn line, IM pounds; average ??eigh: ?f (ornell ha? kfield. 170 pounds: average ??eight of I'enn hackttcld. 167 pound?: average ??eight of (ornell team. 17*. pounds: average weight of Penn (earn. 179 pound*.. Probable substitute* for (ornell line?Hard. Hrovsn, Snyder. Zander Me heage, llixon and Jes?eU. For Cornell backliel?!?Hoffman, Klelnert. Schlichter, Hene?|ict and Speed, tor Penn line?Harri?. Dorizas. Taber, Ro felto arul Itoblason. lor I'enn barkfield?l.ourks. Murdotk. Dougherty, Tithe and Fble. Time of gam?*?Two o'clock, on Franklin Field, Philadelphia. Time of period?, fifteen mlnuie? each. N. Y. U. and Rutgers and Fordham and Villanova to Wind Up Their Gridiron Battles. tackling, cliarfing and have shown in? stinctive ability in following the ball, especially a "loose" ball, which brought about long gains by Dunn and Yule in the Carlisle game. Kew York University's football sea? son will be brought to a close by the battle with th? Rutgers team on Ohio Field to-day. In the final workout of the year yesterday Tom Keilly ran the "varsity through a long signal drill. The" team from the banks of the Raritafl is powerful and aggressive an?) shoul?! he able to take the mca^ur? of 'he lighter Violet eleven. New York University will depen?! largely on end runs ami forward pas-*? - to advance the ball. Particular attention was paid to this method of attack yesterday. All the players, with the exception <?f Krwlg, are m ?good condition. The probable line-up follows i Waldman, left end; Williams, left; tackle; Jordan. !"!'?. guard; I.a Konica, centre; Doggett, right guard; Somer*. right tackle; Egan, right end; Manley, quarterback; Cana, left halfback; Draper, right halfhack, and Bernstein, fullback. Hut the interest is not all local. The Cariisl?' Indians ?*-?*ill meet the sturdy l'.rown eleven at Providence this morn* ing. the mighty SvrUCUM t'am will I tackle Montana at Missolua, Mont., ati?l Washington ami Jefferson ? ill take the field against Lehigh. The championship of Pennsylvania will be settled when derm Warner^? Pittsburgh sloven faces the powerful I'enn **ta'?' team. Both sre well rated ami Pittsburgh has not been defeated this ?eason. MR. HUNT IS FLEET ON FEET Columbia Hairier the First Home in Last 'Cross-Country Race. R. L Hunt, '17, captured the final Van Amring?' 'cro-?->-eountry run at (?o lumbia yesterday, defeating a field of half a ??o^en of the university's best runners over a five and a half mile course mi Riverside Drive. Hunt's vie-j tory tied him with T. E. McCracken, a freshman, for ths individual honors of the season and ti leg on th'' Van Am rmg? trophy cup. Hunt and McCraehon, vviio tied for the trophy, with a totr! of 14 points,1 will run a IDS? si rtMS BtSt Wool to de-, eitle the holder ?'f the trophy for the eoming year. The summary follows: Pas \- ? Tims* I u I. H. ? -i: . .?:.?? -.' j s i. ? .: . . . II \? ' . ' T 1 ? ? ?a;. ' - t.?u rs..- li l 14 T I ?i Urs :. . II > I Uuettoni, IS: , II vv I.-,, 15; II ?, Una?, 1" point? tot tlirt? r?. r?. Many Lively Bouts at New York A. C. Man] spirited battles ware seen in the preliminaries of the amateur box mi: tournament held ai the New York Athletic Clnfa la i night Several of' the bout? erere culminated before the schedule?! time h" the referree to pre-: vent nnneeeseaiy punishment being in? flicted upon the lost rs. The snmmnries follow: ? I.'. ?? l V ? ! ., I.. 1. l-i 1. . Harrea l: . ., . ? K.I ?lut ?. -i ?. vu.. i , '. . ? ? ? -1 i |. . ?. in. sllutial ?Illanr?. dtfrstad E. Air.?. la ' J ?>ll??r > . '? .?.i.!?*-' 'I- ' ?.? lprtH_lnarl??) s si I . i ? i ?? n. I n.- unatt? ' ? - ? ' At It? ? e. UUrluM. V V ?a- t.. |i ?, . . |. nun I?. In.tcss' .1 ? I -? < a? - ? t :? 'l v. I M i . :.. . I ?,t si I, il I Rs 11 I' ??. . ? .-. ' VV Nlirrt.lail . ?. ? .? ? slssJri? :.'. i--'i. I .Is? ?v v..r Krsms* \? l-rs-i . ,|rf, 4.^i s vi - i ? i- thTM round? nMVrv-'s slrri.i. ? v it -, ?,;_[ >i|.|r Him??? l U ?I - it.I. nt ; rrrr\ <t?. Isl : V Duff]'a. iwl .i.-r-at-.| J It ?ram. ?'.?t.. .* ?'?< ' .i Siljlisitl. un I ? ?. -. :? ' i i i Ka malta? h?l tt.rc ' mnats. ; ei??' ie?stoo; i? Vaugim i... II. n?r itrfraVl V. tjllfcm. St?inf..rU. ('..?it, . thr-s f'.Uti.l-. fUltT*)' I' City College Sophs. Win in Pool. The annual intarclas? swimming meet at the City College vvns won hy the ?ophomors? class jresterdaj with II points. The freshmen ?-.pre second? with 28 points; the senior:?, third, and the junior? l??t. Record of Penn and Cornell Teams '?"KNi:i.i. ?j- :.? 13 Gettyatmrg. i'ornell. 31 Uberlln. l'urne?. ?4 William?. ' orn? II. ?1 liui knell. Coarr.all. to Har?-ard. Cornell. 4.. \ Irainla Poly.... ? orriell. Hi Ml. hlgan. Cornell./. Il W ??h ind Lee. Total.. 0 Total. PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania. I ?'eel Virginia.. Ivanla 61 '? irlfht. Peanayli'aala... ? IS Frank and at..... I Pennaylvanla. 3 Pean State. 13 I'eniiR? l?aiila. " \n.: .tolls. Pennaylvanla... . 7 Pitiiburptl. 14 min. 8 Lafayette. 11 Penn?) Ivanl...... 3 Dai tmoutli. 1 Penn?. Ivanl? " mi- litaan . ') OLD PENN. STARS ROUSE ELEVEN TO HIGH PITCH Urge Red and Blue to Rally Against Cornell as in Past. Philadelphia, Nov. 4. Pennsylva? nia'- football team took only the lightest kind of practice this after 'noon to finish off its preparation for Cornell to-morrow. The men remained at White Marsh all day. and this even? ing took dinner with the members of the Varsity club. Enthusiasm ran high as the old foot? ball stars urged the Red and Blu: to rally as of old and beat Cornell. A victory, the veterans told the team. would be the greatest football upset of the year. The student body has been doing its part to arouse the team. Every undergraduate has been wearing a red and blue badge with the voids, "Boost the Team! Heat Cor? nell:" The entire undergraduate body will meet the team returning from the country to-morrow and escort '*, t . the training house. There is not much betting on the game to-night. What little money is being wagered is at .. id ef I to 1 on Cornell to win. The Quakers ?hink they have a chance, but Cornell, en account of its great rec? ord, particularly its victory over liar vard, is a strong favorite. The Pennsylvania players are in the Lest of condition, with the exception of Ross, whose leg still troubles him. Williams will, therefore, be at full? back. B'ajeeell ?rill again start -.head of Captttin Harris. Leading Football Games To-day bast. Cornell ??. Pennaylvanla . Phlladelnhl? ..?i i -'. i ??. Wariejaa *??? yc-< Fird?. ? v?. Vi..??o>. Fortlhain Field N?w York Unl?e-.lty ??. I'.jti-r- Ohio Held Br?*n ??. Indiana Pr??ld?nc? Plt'ahurth ??. Penn htat? Pltt?bur?*i T??a? ?i. Notre D?me Houiton -.?'..?? and It*, v?. L?hl|h Wa?hln?t?n. Penn. Holy lo?? V4. Ro.'rn Botton Hi, ? ?I v?. Lebanon .LrntUbur? Laf.iyett? ??. Olckl.itan. Eliten Rochester ??. Clark?on . RochMter Vtnhl?n.Hir? .? Albiifht . AII?ntown Sprlngn.M ?,. Tuftl S?rln|fl,ld dtllaudrt v?. Cathallc Unl?enfty Waihlngtan Frank, ?nd Manhall ??. Gettyibur? Lincaatar SOI TH. lltorgia Trtthnltal ?t. Auburn Allant? Vlrflnl? ??. North C?rol!na ,., Richmond Vandrrbllt ?t. Sa*an?? N?ah?lll? iieorgla ??. Clenn?n Athen, W?-h. ?nd Le? et, N?. Carolin* A|?le. Norfolk Tennme? ?r?. Kentucky Lriln|t?e> \\ LSI'. Kama? >? Mlnourl . Mi.iourl Amn >i Drake .Da? Main?. Oklahoma vi. Oklihom? Afflt? Oklahoma South n?k?tt ?i. Cr?l?httt . Oman? (,??rf?t?wn (K>.) ??. 81. L?ul? .. St. Loul, Cat? in. W??t?rn R??enr? Cl??el??d Miami ira. Cincinnati Cincinnati SCHOOLBOY I ?A MKS. D? WIM Cllnttn ?,. Canmerc? P?l? (.round? Manual ?I. Boy?' Hit? Ebb?*? f l?i i Bay Rldt? n. Commercial Ibtiat? Field Eraimui Mb Paly Pr?? W?,hl??*?n Park B kl>? Pro? IB. Ilu!|?r? Pr** Waahllft?? Park BROWN ELEVEN ON TOES FOR THE CARLISLE GAME Only Two Regulars To Be Out of the Line-up in Tilt with Indians. (Br Telegraph to Bm Tribun?.] Providence, Nov. 24. The Brown football t"ani, in the best possible trim and ready to bring in a decisive vic , tory, meets the Carlisle Indians on Andrews Field in the last home game of the season to-morrow morning. Last year Brown defeated the Indians by a score of 20 to 14, ami to-morrow the home eleven looks for a larger score. The showing of the Carlisle team has boon none too good this season, but It i- understood that it will make a su prems effort to-morrow to wipe out last year's defeat and incidentally to iai->* its season'? record. Maxwell and Brace will be the only Brown regular-? who will not get into the game. The big guaril has a broken none, ? souvenir he received in the Harvard game, whr.e Brace is out be? Cause of the injury to his knee sus? tained early in the season. Orassby and Botaer, the left ends, are both hack in the game. The num? ber of Cripples thil season has been remarkably small. In the brickfield Purdy will start at quarter, and will probably play the f renter part of the game, although iramy Murph; will probably gol a chance some time during the con' Captain Andrews, Pollard and Saxton will compose the rest of the first | string backfield. The coaches to-day contented themselves with a signal practice for the members of the squad, and two teams, made up of men who have a good chance of getting into the game, were put through the varions formations. Murphy ran the sub t?'am and Purdy the Val iltj The teams will line up as follows: I'- I f . I'ar | "-: . ButOsar ..I? I .Looksroiml K. W?rd.I. T . Wetm?? sa" .I, s; . Dowawln.l - '4 ? . .?' . r Moni : Wad .k ?; . ?i Mot-rta It I . Msrtsl!? W,,r. . I? ? . . Tlt.l?*tt? I'n-u g n i ' An?!'.??? l?*a\pt?!n) It II H . DI V .Ta-l I.. II. II. ??? ; Ha*.tou. I'll . Honiisji .-a Wesleyan Men Out to Beat Columbia MtpiBjl '?' The Trlrsj:.? 1 Sfiddletown. Conn., Nov. 24. Wes? leyan Anishee it-? last practice of the season and the last before th^ Colum bia game here to-day. The men, with the exception ?it DootjOB, are all in axeellent condition. It is now positive ' that Wesleyan will be without this ?tar In the contest with 'olumbia. Harmon and Crafts practised to-day in punting behind the line of scrim 1 mage with men breaking through While neither is as good as Deet'en in this department, they are both re? liable kickers. The men wearing the red and black jerseys realize that in winning this game with Columbia Wesleyan will have had one of the most luceeesful seasons in vears. and all are looked foi to give the best in themselves from start until finish. Be far Weelejraa has wton six game? and lost two, Amtierst and Trinity being the colleges to detYat he Mid dletown team. The team has score?! 15S points to SI by her oopo showing thereby that not only does she have a great offensive combin_tiun but a defensive one as well. Wesleyan averages IS'2 pounds in the line and 1?>3 in the backtield. - m SYRACUSE TEAM IN WEST I pstate Kleven Will Play (nivertity ?if Montana Tn-da). San Francisco, Nov. 24. Another in- '. tersectional game between the Kast and the West is slated to take place at i Missoula, Mont., tomorrow, when the I teams of Syracuse I'niversity snd the ? 1'niversity of Montana line up on the ! latter's field. At I.os Angeles the I'niversity of California ansl the I'niversity of South-1 ??rn California will meet in a return! contest, the Southerners having won the tirst game, playesl early in the sea- ! 1 son. The I'niversity of Washington I ami the University of Colorado will I nltiv ?t Set'ttl.. INGRAM EXPECTS NAVY WILL PUT UP HARD FIGHT Coach Pleased at the Big Improvement Shown by Team This Week. DALY DRIVES ARMY AT TOP SPEED Defensive Work Against Plays Used by Midshipmen I inures Largely in Workout. lly Tel,-tr?i>li I? Tl..> Tr. Annapolis. Nov. 'Jl Pleased at tl? work dono by the Naval Academy teaa in practice this v\..k. Lieutssgfc Ingrain, head eoach, expre??ed hiraaelf to-day as confident that th? elertj would make a much lutter ?howi-g against the Army than was cenerally expected. With most of the Navy ft*, lowers, he believes the team will w;a if it ploy* as well a- ' i ion? at intervals this fall. The improvement in th* line Barter the co.iclung of Parmenter and J. H. Brown has been notable thi? week. Parmenter, who handled the Harvard linemen, has no?, mad? :.?.> ??rwt I cl?.ange in the methods used by Brow, the old Navy star, but his ability eg] prestige have put nev. life into the for? ward-. The workout was ?.-i, ? this after ; noon, but every one :"i>r?word to the open "practice, beginning it l o'clock to-morrow morning The drill will necessarily be sh irt. a? the foot ? ball ?uuad will start for Philadelphia, ' en route for New York, at '?. 40 o'clock. The party is booked to arrive in Phila? delphia at 1 o'clock to-morrow after? noon and leave there at 6 for New York, ufter having set. the I tilverslty i of Penn-Cornell ganu. The feature of the practice tail ; afternoon era? tin defi ; ( the team sgainst the West Point for | mations carried out by the ?crub. Only accident can now change the arrange? ment of the team i- I will ?tart against the Army. The line-up will be I Left end, Von Hcimburg, left, Ward; left guard, Kercharer; centre, (?oodstein: right guard, i.. R. Smith; right tuckle, '', Imsn; I, Job? son; quarterback, Craig, left halfback, V/oetphal; right halfback, l'avis; full? back, Martin All o? the-e -elections ere author? ized by Ingrain, except that of Craif ?it quarterback. The head eoach ha* his reason., for not ?tating at this tin? who will ?tart the g? pilot, bat there is little .?cub? ? ?rill 4? so and that he will act ai raptaia *t ' the team. Be has b"en performisj theie functions in al! of the prartio? j this week. The ur.ual precaution- are ?.-?ing ?taken ngainst the ?ale of tickets bj j those who hu-, . un * ? complimentary i ?'? - V?vy ! management \ i i of th? | Naval Athletic \ : I av? been 'on the watch for ticket-. ! offered for sale in order to buy then - and return them <o thi ?ecri *nry of th? association. The association Bgrei ? te rompen? sate the buyer f..r the r,?inunt BS* nended up to 111 e ticket Those wh? have j,. rir.:' ?.-.' ????'. ? ? T'H to foil Into the hand - offer Ing them for sale will not bi allow??! I to get tickets in the fu'ure I By Te!e?r?j,li l/i r ? West Point, Nov. 24. In- Army elev? en had It* final hard wort- ;? to-day in preparation for the navy battl? ?8 the Polo Grounds next Saturday. Da'y, the head coach, and his iSMlUaU drove th?. men at top -pied foi an be*.', -crub "Niiv. " eleven as ? bet? tering ram for the 'varsity men The player- came out of thu r?t**k work in good shape, and during their drill showed plenty of "pep" and ?ni*. De .-.-... formations agaii ?.tie N?ry flays figured largely in th* practie?, although the big team's .'?nee pet some polishing olf when Dalf ??nt it through a lengthy reh arsal of th? n*w piays devised especia!!', t if th? Mid? dies' discomfort The forwards were lined up exactly as they will face the Kavy, with Me EWOO "at centre, flanked n either lid? by O'Hare and Meocham; leOM ?nd i aptain Weyand a' the ?acklil, **d N-vland and BodAsld Ol the end?. 9*> hardt drove the team a* riarterb??**. Ol phant and Port wi the halfback?. an < offln was at : There were seven.' i ?ngBC '*??*' make-up of the team M to tin?? but they came c H* re?"*"1 that Daly desires al! han la who *?r? ?1" poete** to get m?.. ???? '-?'??"* w **" familiar with his latest formation?. Merrill piloted the ?.-. ?nd itriag back lield men, eol "? BBf? , Mitchell, ('ofl.n ?pent I tieno P?"? lags, but his kick . ?tie. Mit*? ell di.i> some kicking too, ar.d ?howH good form. Oliphant kicked goal? 'mm ?***? ment with much accuracy, ?nd h? slie got away several drop k.ekl BF cleared the crossbar" ' ' srcrel. (?? rooters, heeded by a b ? "',rch5"i"}J the stands th *-n<? __ forth during the ' the P": iron drill. Sonn- and ******?** be hurled a.-r- i,round? in defiance to the Nu- ?***??"" w rehearsed. . . The Army eleven will '-*'? it? "?' work-out on the pla:t - th? rtoTtm but nothing more sti. ? -than?*1?' nal practice will be Indulged t* If after your Thanksgiving' Dinner you want to pick a bone with us? "Your money back" to? morrow or any other day. Everything men and boy? wear. Closed to-iiay. Rogf.hs Pf?et Com pan* Broadway Bf^?? st 13th St. "The ?t34*h** Broadway Corners" Fi'jj ^_ st Warren et 41st "o. I ?