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i Tip Tops Elect a President and Receive Encouraging News from John Ganzelr GEORGE S. WARD CHOSEN TO HEAD THE TIP TOPS j0hn Oan/el Rounds Up Promising Youngsters jor Brooklyn Feds. PUD MTIGHE SIGNS WITH DETROIT TIGERS UiliyrtRobi'T'On Making Ready forFlyif-l Trip in Search of Training Camp. tiiO'H* s 'A,.: ' brother of the late F.otxrt B. Ward was elected president - tbc ?j| ..:ne club at , B.,f |s* ' holders held In Brook!? :?? ' Hr. Ward will ??k? U '?' of 'Mrectin'* the af r?iri of U*l at once- rhe o,^pr <._e?M will be chosen in the near fut Ete,end ???' i obebllitj w. B. Ward, ? a\ us vice-president. :hc ?ction taken sets at rest once and ?p. ?j. ? I Timor that (ieorpe B. Vvtrd ?veul ' hack the Tip Tpdi as ' bad. Mr. War that h s sronld fol* r,. xY.t ! irother. He said ?h?t he w'Si - ??! vvith the ex ?*lfla* c ted that th?* ,,w Isaeu" .?.i* **ai*flB*{ friends and . Amone other that ?>r in any way ?ought the Solons of erf in sod b??.?bs!!. election of 'he president ? >? ? . s re lohn Gsnxel, who I? now ?isco, en route for Hono ? Gl e| has been out on a scout nd reports that he has round?.' it or nine nroT : om ths- scouts of or ? .1 vvith longing admits that they are not ? l ?h.-y cm play rn to * ce..! try iom< tine in February. - was most enterprising to ? ?ay. Horn in New Hiram is a weather ? i* against the elements is easy for h . he says. He ?1 ?ISO a football ?intrv 1 iist night the sun set in a riebe of '"?re. a brilliant dash of red in lies ol white, fli'ecy clouds. Hiram at ?wie ? ? prediction: "For to _v: Clear, cold, Cornell." Bui : r own opinion. Pud McTiphe. who had a successful jest vith the Toronto club of the In eason, will i- chance to fool the hii* ? rs. He wH- purchas?.! by _? ? iterdav, and will . them in Maids. Mc - with the Hoston Hraves scv ' rs.' years ?go. He wrote to Frank J. 1 'iff, rs, saying that ht ?W I sritn Iletru I ? t" trouble of rnak Cobb look foolish. sin yourselves, the rs. Hutch dowdy will ba :innat? Red.s is gro.?0 ? xas-!*? rated! tve Orr in the mplicitlv ?hen ':? ? training trip Us*, sp: ? ? i.Hvvy was practising '.he hit ?nd ? Pat Moran was mor?j?ini* un the imnor '?ric? of kit! g throuirh the hole in the infield when tl ? man wont over to take ?h? throw Cravath came up to the ?'. sad th? her sent one singing ' rbt rhere th? - f s low like*, it. ln ?te?d of cv i' it over the Infield ? r?-?th twwi | *o *ne fence, ?he? it rol : ?irouzn a hole and dis ???)**??*?!. ran was. a bit peeved, but '??*?? ?W he certainly hit t through ?KLIE LEADS WAY IN REGIMENT MEET 'w Half and Mile Closed Races at nth's Games. Sidntj Le?!?, of the 5th Company. tfr*? :' ?.! t/ames ol the ?H'' last night, ?niDg bo;-. ?-,. half-nil? and the J ?'t?*: '? iitary Ath ? I??gj? .. ? r'-ampion ?tarted m neetti . hut in each ??as? * i tS*C! 3f* - ? ' r ' '. >r.r.;., .?, . , . >, : i -???? . ?,. :"1" ' . _> *' ,.. . I! 1. Sa??-? ?> '^ ? .. '??a. ?. ???,. , * ' ..???:*,?. IM I , - ? . .,'? VV -- ' 1 ' .-?? ???ai losatejsy ll' . ? : Tin.?. . ??'i**"*1 ' ? " ? ? ?, br K. I . - <n t . ? ?? t trajr ?? 1 ? .-, ."J ??i a 5,. by J mam*. > ? . I r?Vr ?'b ? ?? ?? / s. 1-1 i a?) v,->n i, L ' ' ? All . . **, ' ; ?i?i I ???< A ? it ?./.*._|, u.rl ? > : Won rj- si?! ?, ?fr, 1^. I- k K Pi? ? ? 4 S ? ... .., ' ' ... snsii ? >'? : . ' I . . A A ' - ? ? Whtn ordtring say*? Burke. Guinness H*l. p'actt Itrv? N txelutivtly ?UM by-E.?J.BURKE ' ? ' ..?/ Mil.!?? ? reol ??'H- mira I'??,. ?s_m i stau in St (Jftl'/ai t'juar Captains of the Opposing Football Elevens Boxing Bouts of the Week TO-DAY. Aft?fn??n?CliTtnont A. C. Brooklyn?Fr?nkl? Wriltavy ?nd Walter Mohr. Youno Ah.?rn ?nd Mid W?|nrr, Eddl? Wallace ?nd Ko homo Kid. Bro?dw?y 8. C?J?ck ToUnd ?nd D?v? Kurti Aillo Nick ?nd Battling Gr-orgr Divl?, B?r n?y Wllll?m, ?nd Harry Nrlion. Quran,boro A. C.? Mlka Smith ?nd Sam Boyd, Ch?rley Dunn ?nd Tim Murphy. Young Ger? man and Johnny 01*1.1. FRIDAY. Vandarbllt A. C. Brooklyn?Jimmy Murray and Battling Lahn. H?rlem Snorting Ctub?Battling Levlnaky ?nd Porky Flynn. Tom Coole? ?nd Tom McCarty. Frank Ha?ney and Larry Wllllai?. SATURDAY. Broadway fioorWa Club. Brooklyn?Soldier Bar-ltleld ?nd Fr?nkl? Nottrr. t-'hariiey A. C?All St?r Sho?. F?l?mont A. C ?Tommy McCarty and Whltry Allen. BRISK BIDDING AT HORSE SALE Marc Treganta Fetches High Figure of $900 at the Garden Mart. Beatrix King and Biddy King, a twin pair of three-year-old mares, were sold in a aingle lot at tho Old Glory horse pale In Madison Square, Garden yester? day. Many veteran horsemen- about the ?trig vouched that It was the first time that a pair of r-is-crs v ere sold to? gether at auction. Both young trotters ?cere bred by the HillooddalC Kann. King Bellini is the sire end Miss Pre? vious the dam. Beatrix King bas a mark of 2.M** and Biddy King 2:28%, both as two-year-olds. K.arh mate brougtu SI TO. O. MeCovern, of Ovford Station, Ont . had an option on both youngster?. but he elected to tahc Beatrix Kinc Dr. A. lie? Laurin, of Quebec. Both men were pleased with their pon Most of the stock ploeed "n the mar? ket yesterday was yooof blood and brought gooil pries. The top figure, was fetched by Treganta, 2:1-',, a four-year-oltl brown rniur- by I-, gantle Maggie Director, 1" ught by Hal Irwin, of thi-? city, from the con? signment of tho Beaumont I arm. The ?tock from the latter stud drew the best prices of the ?lay. Tenbaron, a two-year-old black colt by The North? ern Man Anna Shropshire, went to William Lease, of Parkway, Long Isl? and, for MSB. lee? ?? v.!.''--, "1:11%, by General Watts i'loretta Block, was knocked down for 1625. The Beaumont Farm had eleven head on hand, which drew the best av-rage price of the day, $82? 50. ?'. K. G. Billing? augmented his Curies Neck Farm by )..n<iing in Ber? tha Bellini, 2:15, un i ignt-year-old chestnut mare, for $4S?. The be?? ?ai-1 recorded follow! '.SMKNT PBOM w K DKKSMPOH Rn . > r i t . .... .. ?.', ,?? ).,) !??- v , I N i i.-.-l'.- \-> : ? THOU SA' i.l IITI1 s rAf.M ,. Ir f . 4 ? , I- ?r \V - ' Mtal: J J Hlrammi? ? *0*> ... - . j i a ???. A. .'. ? '4*1 I-. a . ', I r ? . 4 ' . I'. ? Ui??l - ; , rfaa Ma tat ??? NT mOM ' HIHI IUIIITHK1U4. Mil Hill. t. f . 2 ??;,- H ?? t II? May D?T, I .- ? ? . . . Mali s ?,t U'< Kitty. A L. 1 - Mo 500 ?lr?t - . ll.l Th? - M?'-. U. b 4 v X i I 1-II???. i . .VI?! T-.?.. ?? -i II? 10* . '?? ?? W?tt? ? '.,-'. it c? . N?v? M5 144*. h m ? ' I - .??'??? st. - -?J.?!am: W 1*??? . I I a 1 I M." Ml?? I!-'.? Bm?i r. it I Haiooki.. B J ?It > ? I Mi i ? ISa Mian. J.n??? I'-,??-. ' s II J??! ? ?,.?.Mi:.?.'i i it'.?* iMiiit, iny i ahm. , I*.?!? .1. f ????? lag, '> A?,y , I. - ;? ' ? 2O0 . , . K J 71? !. , -. m y 400 ? i.ii -? in..?? Wort?., a ? in ? BOB i r.. s ' ' ? - 'id flar??4U. . II.. ? : ? . .?? I M| ?rTM? It ? if K.?.-l? Kir.?, I SMB. t> ' , I, I MlM l'"i ? '? '?? ' ? ? ' ?? % SI? III I ' , , ' . ??4 l i - lal'? ?30 ' Captain Barrett of Cornell in drop*kkkinf position and Captain Harris of Pennsylvania. 11 I ? ? . ? Personal Touches Here li, and There in Boxing _ By IGOE _ If Trim Jones expected that the ne that Jess Willard is to fight Fred Y ton for the heavyweight champions! of the world would knock everybody their chairs, Tom has had a slight a back in the matter of expectancy. Th startling bit of sporting news didi <? mak?' anybody's hair turn gray ov , night. As a matter of fact, the ge eral verdict was that Tom had Y nerve with 'iitii when be agreed up. F re I Pulton ?s the host man to take Willnrd's undented ?row ire that two-thirds of t' tight fans of the country have nev of Frederick. II Bret fo.' fam?*- was when 1 came out of the Minnesota sticks at announced that he was 'he m, who had flattened Jess Willard ?? ?? second loand of a three-rnur ?." as they say a? the I.ondr Sporting Club. It was a little bit ? pre?-a-agenting that would have na< I.. ... Worn turn up his nee in hij; I? 11 s'niply because it was ? bit i catch-as-catch-can publicity that hs lone ?inca grown mildewed. Wdn .la?,i< Monroe rope us all in with th nm? ran sfter he had boxed an exh bit ion in Hutte with Jim Jeffries?1 Old niaera out in that section ?ti laurh ahout the time Jim Jeffrie i s? h? was climbing up the soa{ box steps into the ring and how quiek*wftted maimger sent the new whirling around the world that a mine had floored the bear-like Jeffrie?. Jac Moni h Bl a result of tha i, and it looks now a ? ? r Giant, as Fulton i called, will Imp nimbly into Monroe' Domini? k Tortorich and Tomm Borns, tha sx*heavyweight champion are to put <.n the ?ketch at New Or ?ear,s daring Mardi (?ras week. Jen? whispered the information lnst nigh that Dig Jess is to get $.50.000 am 12,600 i?i o< d cents and dollars fo: training expenses. It looks as thou?/) the only thing that poor Fulton w1l ?.?ct is the b"X that the gloves come in However. Joes probably will tell Joaei to tell Curie*/ to tell Mike Collins t? t? : I niton ihet he must do as the Ro mans bet?re him ?In!. Jess is prou?1 of the fr?e? that HF. went through wi?l: tl?. Johnson-Willard affair with noth? ing in sight but a good thrashing. Hi winild consider any title hunter a bit Hostage if be demandes! inun-nunny foi hl i w?rk in the drams. With the ntinounc? nient thst Fulton seleetad cones a sireadfui i led managers. It d by Ike Iirirgan, th?* man i.i/er of Frank Moran. It did seem that .??s Francis Moran would be the !.?..? .less. He had knocked Jim Coffey right straight down on hi littl?* ear, an?l the fans ?at back, took a long draw "ti th?-ir Ktogies and ex naturally: "Trot ou' and Jess sad i?t's have this thu.i; settled fof K'>od and all," Then there1 Jin Boekley. Jim's that mad that they've locked him out In the ban a' Bhoopohead Hay and are shov? ing hi? food under the door. ! ?ley has b?'en willing nil aiong ? Coaboa? Smith light Jess for marbles <?r tradiai stanoe, i.ittie Smith gave bi?,' J?'*..- a tern'ic drubbing ? alifomia -"nie tine back, and Buekley know thai tha Ganner can i spent. Dan Moran protest? in the of Rattling Lerinsk*, and Riliy (.ibsoii is waving a truce flag in the nans of Jane? Coffo**, at <?n?* time a p. ? f. ??? ly i?r,.,ri netomaa. From ail that ?an be gathered Fr*d Fulton Is going to -f*t a real Copley I'lar.a snub when he encounters any of the non Who have been sidetrack?-.I fur i .m. One thing i? certain l> Torta*] ? ,! T. Hums are a pair of guaM ,,.,e if thai 182,500 is oti the up end na. A lu'lo birdie tw*?t tw*??t? the info I thai mayhap Jones and ' urley are in on the light; that it will !"? a sort of I ring around the r?ele ??.'.'inble. That's a lot ?'i nosey to draw into a house. 1 Je? is a good card. N'n duubt ?if ?hat. ? Hut will ths tans nahe the pilgrimage to the Gulf town to see an absolute ; novice tiy fir ttie tit!?-" Maybe they 1 will. Jack ( ' t i r 1 ? ? y la a master builder when it cone? to ballyhooiag ;i spec taele. If Ihej leave it to ,i ? cess of !'?.<? ?ketch Ol :"(!. But one?' lot ''"ni JottCS back into the ;>.?-! ure with hi? Kownonee banning, and t the show will be uninsarable, i Bandy Ferguson, tha' tir-t citizen of BaWStOB, has been given the . >| gate by the New York State Athletic Commission. Chairman \Wnrk yester? day sat Sandy down for life so far as New VorK rir.irs are concerned, ^aini-, ?ras to have fought Charley Weinert over at the Broadway Spurting c!uh Tuesday night, and when the club medic wenl to pul the stethi ?cone ??n Sandy he discovered that s. bad par taken of an overdose of littl?. red ap? ples. He refused to lot Ferguson go on, and the matt?*r was reportad I commission. Bandy Ferguson on the ?.'round for life I oh, honored commis? sioners! Verily you've ?potted our ap? petites for turkey! That large guffaw that you've just heard is the overflow of mirth that is ? ? .? ?ting from little Jimmy J'ohnston. v. bouldn'1 Janes be splitting the air with wild hurst? of railler*/? Didn't his nseful lightweight Ted Lewis hit Jimmy liulTy on th? point of th? ai..i k?iock him for a ghoul'.' ! ? ? r in Beaton, the piare where Vale TRIED to hold them. Charley White has had then earn many an opponent out <>n a shutter in tiie !'.r..t round, but In this particular instance, it was a million to one that Huffy would be there to heat the final bell. Jimmy certainly a rabbit's paw in hi? jean? somewhere. It's one piece of luck right after an? other with that combination. This was the star bit. N'ews comes from New Orleans that It is the intention that Freil Fulton meet Frank Moran in an elimination bout before the tuial selection is made for a Willard bout. According to the report Moran has bi'en offered the match with Fulton and has refused it Tom Andrews, who is handling the Ful? ton end of the show for :h<- New Or? leans promoters, says that if Moran does not sign to tight FuMon by De? cember 1 Fulton will be named to meet Jess. Jack Dillon and Jim Flynn have been matched to tight before the Broadway Snorting Club next Tuesday night rtiaf ?.light to be a nice peaceful affair. We'd give the pries' of a tail ride from here to the Harvard Stadium in Boston to se?* that bout stages! right In the centre of a fashionable crockery store. That would make the San Fran CioOO 'quake sound like the sigh of a tattle, dove. "HOLD mat, fALEl" New Coaching Launch for Crews at Yale New Haven, Nov. 24. A new coach? ing launch, the Hu/.z. has bOM present? ed to the Vale crew s bv Colonel Charle? L. F. Robinson, of Hartford, H ?'?< an? nounced to .lay. The Huris la of the V type. 21 feet long, ? f?*et beam and is finished in ! mahogany. It has a ?peed of about six- I t?-?-!! mil,?? an hour. COMMERCE AND CLINTON TEAMS BATTLE TO-DA. Scholastic Football Seas?i to End with Treat on Polo Grounds. Captain Harry Foster will lead h High School of Commerce football teai into ba'tl, iga t < aptain Zelcer'? D Witt Clinton ?elevefl on trie Po! Grounds thi? afternoon, at 2 o'clock. '. will be the final call to arm? for th high school teams of this city. Thei he nothing to save, no scouts t anil ever;- last hit of power, e\ try strategic move and every ounce < l-.rit will be hurled into thi final struggle. ?he schoolboy ? their bottle. This game has take ?ti place .11 the ' l"i.dar of sports, an SCtS more attention, perhaps, tha any other SChoolhoy game of the ses -"ii LkSt year moi'e than M,MM BaV CommerCC win by a score of 1.1 to I and Dr. Erwin \V. Koe?sler, chairma of the football committee el Commer?a .. grontor erowd will be o (..?ni to-day. C?rtala il is that the en tire Btadeol body of both school' wi i.e thore,briaging,osthhey always do, sppl) of enthusiasm and eild cheer rlasi meetini's kav< been held all wee u'i til the boys ai- on fire. This :. the da) for which Clinto has dreamed and icheSBOd and plotte and planned situe 1911, a/hofl Hartfor ? ? i ? eld gee Thonhsgiving Day sine* thai time ha n Commer?a b?lido] Cii?- ?fr?re? .- . Il to Oj M ?? : and II to 7. with ClIotOB BB 'he shot end. Bul i! i- iml.I a long tiaa - 'ml l HintOfl believe made this aftcl i .: ?? ' eonfidei ee Is se Rod und Black ha U..'.tiled along this falL It is not un i.' ::. ?i. he -ur., hut none the les it i? a t,.;iin well grOOndod in the fund? mentals. Il i* m this all importonl d? ment of the ? .- at Commerc ? ? ak. Th.- in.?, do not know th ? I work "t' thi game, and the en hallt on -.nt on of crumbling ?and. Thi? perhaps la one of tie roosoni that Com mere* has not acorad i touchdown sine . I'....-' High gome, away back in lie And it might he added tha '' ira ad 'ewer than '.v point? Th? ' linton teem ha few outstand iniT s'at Bill Cook, the coach, ha rounded OUI a'machine which, if no ? : polished, Il powerful. Th. ..; ?? glaring fault in it is the knabilit; ?n hold tl ?? hi'1. The attack i? .stri.nj" ?. .-il cm,c ,\c,| antl cohesive, but funib tins nullified it iti several game? Brown, the yooog bochfleld man, i? i ? -, and Captain Zelcer has few su parlors SS a tackle. Walter HovinR t..o. is a dependable man, and Ritner i . ; tor ..: exceptional ability. That for the first time in years it is go ?r into the fight the under dog bother th* Commer?a team aot a whit. If tight ing and playing all th* football it know how will turn the tide, thefl the Orangi and Hhii? will wave at the end. antl thi Commerce lads Will do all the snaki ni?. Harry Foster ij one of thi ?layer? who a er wore the colors a natural fighter and a born leader. Hi is deten, iiied to close his career with i victory. A double-header will be played a' Ebbet* Field, with Manual Training vs. Boye' High, and B ly ftidge faein. Commercial. The first game is expect? ed to settle the championship of Brook lyn Borough, end. with the rapid im? provement m 'ti'- I'' ??' High eleven, it? supporters are rooting for a victory The first game will begin at 1:30 o'clock. Krasmus Hall and Poly Prep will con? test their annual game at Washington Park at 2:30 o'clock. As both teams are evenly matched, the K?'np I? certain to be close. Poly Prep has the more finished eleven, but it may find trouble m breaking through the ButT and Blue def'-ncc. Hutge. I Prep BXpOCtl little trouble in ting the speedy Brooklyn Prep eleven in theii game a' Waahington Park at I0:M a m. The Brooklyn team has enjoyed a good reason, and, with its success in the past with the forward posa, expects te moka a good ?' Bg. HAMILTON DEFEATS COLUMBIA'S CUBS Schoolboy Lleven Runs Up Bit Score on South Field. Hamilton Institut? strengthened it* to p honors |BM| New York'- "pi-' p" BCnool* by troune ing the Colombia freshman sloven ?B S. u'li Field yesterday afternoon, the being ,;i te i. roe Hamil ? leven completely outclassed the ters. i rovatt, quarterback; Formoso, ciapp and Stackpole completing the backfield, led the vi-tors in the number of toueh . eneh man Bcoriag two. Nine touchdowns were scored in all by the Hamilton combination. Crovntt kicked following the touchdowns on -even of the ntne tries. Ignorance of the fundamental? marred the work of the freshmen the epening whietle. Poor tackling van? the chief bolt After being swept off their feet in both the ,irst ?'nd sec end Boosters d'1? Columbia cubs ral? lied for a Cow minutes at the start of the third period, but an Untimely tum? ble disorganised the eleven sntin ly, n?ialM?n 1 III I I'.-l-'.on. ?-olurr,'1? Cana .'?? '."- '?..t.inn M i;?w .I?. T..Raefr.--r M- r rill .U O.. '. . ''.U (?or |..n ?n . K- '"?.P?ak* .It T.Van Nnrt I .'J H.M'll.iiaan t '. M Tl.'' . It. H. 14.Imnn .F. H. I'...--n . l?t .'-I ..I 41 h 14 14 I? 14??1 il - i ?) U 0? 8 . . -t.i-kpot? , | ? ?, \| ?v ??. i. ? ? I tii ?-- lUtt.titon liutt i ? ? t - rri I !. Ii?rr?li I . i ,. ? . ? . Hr?e ',. . i - for V?n .. i; ... ?... i.? t. r Batalla, i(| >?r' latt for Kaln ? U ' ? t . . i , i f U? ta Ball? i i-,pit? ii ' : ' I BlIIMlW uf t?l?rllii liin* of r-rrlial? ?V?:?? ? Three Road Runs on the Card To-day Three road runs will be held this afternoon. The annual Thanhsgiving Iiay run ef lineen miles of the Mer? cury Athletic Club, ef Yonkers, will tturt from C-tty Square, with the run? ners finishing the last -even miles on the Empire City racetrack, About forty-two runner i are entered. A seven-mile handicap run will be held by the Rahway Athletic Club, at Kah way N- ?>. with the teoau of the Mohawk Athletic Club favored to win! the team honor?. ? A four mile novice run will be held, hv the Bt Mark's Athletic Club, m j 182d Street and tighlh Avenue, wher? a ROM of fifty athlete? will face th* I staiter. ^___^______?_? ^Jporili?kt &Gr*ntkn?Rice i The Golfers Prayer. H'tn't*?', to-day I make ivy plea. Com? nit h your ra>n and sleet and maw, Freeze up each putting green and tee Blow, wild and stinging breezes, blow. Starling, my ?ri? and children trait; My office seeks for ?ne im tain; For who am I to rough-house fate When Bogty beckons doicn the plain? For when the heather holds tts green And autumn's tun stUl rules the sky. Say, who am i to intervene And lay the deck and wash,* hy' I yearn to see my folks again? / need the money from my job. Fall, snow, across the bunkered fen Come on, you Win'er, like a Cobb. Yale ha? this ?atlgfaction left from the waning season a Vale man coached the eleven that wrested the Fas'ern championship from Harvard. Rigler the Canny. I'mpire Rigler, we were told, was once a member of the famous Massi! Ion eleven. Charlie Moran, now training the Carlisle eleven, played fullback ? on the Massillon Mammoths and from Charlie we recently rounded up th?? low-down on Rigler. "Rig," says Moran, "took part in one play in a practice game. He got the bull on the scrub team ami started out for an end run. About six guy? weighing anywhere from 210 to 248 started for him. But Rig beat 'em t(> i? 'Down right here!' he felted. 'If you guys want this ball that bad you can ? have it.' " Having ?een that Massillon bunch play, we don't biain? Rigier for lump? ing ?hat job to umpire la the National League Boost for Pitt. .Moran ?aw Pittsburgh beat the Indians, and the Carlisle trainer, who is one of the best football men in America, taken as player, coach and trainer, has a big boost for Pittsburgh's machine. "Pittsburgh has one of the finest teams I've seen in a long time.'' sa;,.?. Moran, "a great eleven in every way. It has the speed, the weight, the power and the plays. I haven't seen Cornell play, but Pittsburgh looked to he a lot stronger against Carlisle than Harvard looked" "I have seen nine games thii fall," write? A. B. T., Jr., "ai.d five of these were lost by fumbles. In my opinion, ability to hold the ball i? the one most, important thing in the game." Referred to Travers, Camp, Ouimet and Haughton. Dear Sir: Solomon, thy judgmen'. Complainant begs to state that on Jim Taylor's Manchester golf course he contracted for large ?urns of money and allowing generous odds to play a match with one Walter Hale, the dis? coverer of New Fngland. Furthermore, complainant did permit said Walter Hale to be accompanied by one male Bon-bon pointer pup, named Tobey. 1 Complainant further state? that on the sixteenth green, with a putt to win, the ball left the putter with evident intention to enter cup At which point Tobey. the B. B. pointer pup, breaks from custody of caddie, seizes the ball right a?, cup and presents It, wagging tail and closing one eye to said Hale, who chides ! pup diplomatically without any display of ultimatum. Query Is this wha? is meant by strong defensive play at golf? Second query Should not th i defendant have been penalized one-half the distance to the last tee for off? side play, rough stuff and introduction of a player without reporting to th-* refere?*" If not. what rule covers It? OWBN JOHNSON. Wagner Again. Han.? Wagner did something more than bat above 27?) and rank high with the fielding shortstops through the year behind. The venerable Dutchman at 41 played in IM ball games, one of the vary few of the 250 National Kntries who covered the full route. It is something to still be in the Big League after passing 40. Very few ever have. An?! these in the past have only travelled part of the way. Wagner's mark of l?fi games at 41 year* stands as the greatest record of the year?something above even the batting of Cobb or the pitching of Alexander. Ma*hew?on'?, athletic record now consists of football, baseball, goif, trap shooting, iniurance and checker?. What other games have you? On-side Kicks. Why i? It that if a football team is beaten 98 to 0, it li referred to a? "beaten?hut not disgraced"? Also why is it that when a team is beaten around 50 to 0. in unhorsed, demolished, overs?helmed, the aforesaid team in most of the publir- prints alwsys "fights on gamely to the last"? Haughton gays he doesn't want his players numbered because certain play would be more easily detected. He is probably working on the theory that he ha? a few plays to protect while most of the others haven't. And. taking the arerage, he isn't far wrong. Which, however, is no excuse for Harvard holding out again9t one of the fairest, sanest and most logical developments of the modern game. Cornell is in ? bad way for coaching quality. She ha'n't anybody except Al Sharpe, Courtney and Moakley to look after the destinies of her people. That'? all. AMATEUR BILLIARD DATES ASSIGNEI Class A Tourney in February i New York or Chicago. Dates for the national amateur bil Hard championship tournaments wer decided upon and two awards made a a meeting of the executive committe? of the National Association of Amateui Billiard Players la?t night. The Class C 18.2 balkline tourna ment will begin on Monday. January I at the Morningside Academy, with Rob? ert Weld as official referee. The Clasi I 18.2 balkline tournament will be held at the Brooklyn Billiard Club, begin? ning on Monday, January 24. No ref? eree was appointed by Edward F. Gray, who presided at the meeting. The Clase A 1H.2 balkline tourna? ment will begin on Monday. February ti. The Arion Club, of New York, as well a? s Chicago club, is negotiating for the premier event of American amateur billiards. The final award will be d-cided at a special meeting of the National Billiard Association in about two weeks. The pocket billiard tournament will begin on Monday, February 14. Official? of the Chicaro Athletic Club have ap? plied for th?' tournament, and it it likely to be awarded to Chicairo. OYEZ! POOL SHARKS! JACK DOYLE CALLS Tourney for Newspaper Men Will Open on Monday. Hear ye, all ?porting writers, sport? ing cartoonists, sporting editors and column conductors, or or.ce upon-a I time-sporting writer?! Jack Doyle an? nounces that the annual invitation 'tournament for pool ?harks who vieM the blue pencil, the pen, or assail a typewriter, will begin with cue and chalk and ivory balls on Monday, at his room in West Forty-second Street. I Golf pool will be the game this year, land as thia is a game in which nearly all men are created free and equal, there is a good chance to bring home a piece of silverware. It will be a handican at match play and the com ? mittee -v ill endeavor to make it as even a*, possible, ao that the medium player will have a good chance to beat the ??tar player or at any rate to give'him ' a good tigt. Daring the series a moratorium will be declared hy Mr. Doyle, all entrants j having th" freedom of tne green for 1 practice. The committee in charge is as fol | lows: lb...,?linn. Bulger, Grantland Kice, Walter Trumbull, Harry iVshman, Sid | Mercer, Frank O'Connell. W. J. Mc Beth, J. P. Smnott, F. K. Sprague, W. Fernsworth. T. A. Dorgan. P. T. Knov.. Harry William?, Joe Millard ami Carry Semon._ OLD KEWESSA BEATS BACK BAY IN HANDICAP Just Noses Out Youngster in the Capitol?Disturber Is Disqualified. ?. *--?.-? ' . n i Bow e. Md . Sor. U W. I.. Oliver old sprinter KoVOOaa ?-pture-d the Capitol Handicap hi-re to-day after * game nniaa ia which he was just up to nose out Pete? Sheridan's Back Bav. P. B. P. Randolph'? True as Steel was the one to race third. There were eight went ?o the p.?st in the six fiy long ft-ture, hut W, It. Misell's Robert Bradley ?a? on hi? bad behavior again. and. after breaking, propped, an-1 would noi run with his company. Another ditjqaaliftcatioa markesl th? snort when in the first race Disturber, ?fter flniahing drat, wai ti bach for having foaled Jame? Arthur'- Margery in the run through the stretch. Th ta change in the placing t*Tt 'he pur?? to Fmil Ben's filly Important, with Mar? gery second and I J Carey'? Triholo third. Alter the placing of Important first Sam Leei? booated bor from an entered price of MOB to MOB, and Her? let her go at that pri?'?1. Before the race- ?he v?as offered at nactiaa, ami only **-:"???? irai bid It was a day of close finishes, for besides th? Capitol, Hiher and Pal? II., tara of the oth? r artnnera, were only up In the very las? striile. ? M i xa? hr s Isms Man ? : a? a Tims - ... ti?.inaii n . ii ? vi . ? < - . I* Marsyi pls.-r I ? I ... |n, ' ' <? I lip \l ? rr Mc? i - n..-. i i ? . s*V. II , | I . . I I?. ItuiS ?? ? ? ! ... vi<-". ?????' t . ?i- vi, , Ifsrsti. ? ? II'. Ill? * ? 1 1 M I VI I 1 ? I 111? I ... ? ? . s , ,1 . - ?li S??? ><f | I'. I .. ... i .. - .. Tima. I !? 1 IT I . Stsr'llng ? . itiirli pal.I K I*. To. thirl I " I | l'rue s? ?Il i Kirr li ra.r -, , **A ?0 I ?rani: ?..II* su ? ? ... n.iiinni. ?t. ?aha ??<?? I . v 1 U. M isiitm. liai.Mi ??.- l.a K lUIy. Ml ? . . ? la a . < I , , ??rali.'.' I?l" -I |l; MsiisU . < . up .1 iT?lr i Der?, ?ron b, (I?* :. , i ? ? . i? |M ?. ? T '????' BprtnfrnsM. Wei Hu ? . . ? i . ? uralcht H ? ? , . Il' H ?' ? . I 17 i" . ? r I? ? I ? li ? > . ?? |. . . 1 l.?.l -????!? i ? ? ' ?.ahi l's.ll) Il . I . : . ? ? 1 England and Scotland III Soccer Clash To-day Boeeer teems represeating Bagland and Sent?an.! will meet this afternoon at Lenox Oval in the first of the in? ternational series nf cup tie matehes arranged aaaaally by the Ken York Footballer association. An o'iier import?e! cup ti? fama which will doubt ? large follow? ing is the replay between the Yonker? hi..I Brooklyn football elnba stagna] at Tibbotta Field, I To-day'i whedola follows: Kngland tland, at Leno ? < h ??I, Yonkors re. Scotland, at Tibbetl Field; Break* Ivn Celtic?, - Greenpoint, at Marquei?* Montclair ? i. Pa sic, ;.' Mont ? clair; Engl? ?1 Training, a* EngleWOOd; Commercial I '?>. Com? mercial Alumni, at Commercial r old, a* lO::;n a m.? West Hudson rs. Alley Hoys, at l!ast Newark, an?! Scottish Americans ja. Distan F. C, a' ?Taceay, Penn. Entries for To-day at Bowie Track , ?r r??-l.? ?ill up ?rsr.l ' u ' aal iras. ''* 12 v ' ? ', ' ? ii? < ir* i )\. 2 ??'?mar I'sn '????IS I I I , . a*A ay ***\ * a ?i_t__ .... iem . . .'?' J?'"" . teat IS . 4 i * * .... ?taue "?' '? i. ? H '1 ?? 104 ii, * m in? llnf? .. 1 -KU.INO HAM'. ? Vi' * . ?? ' ~ . , ' ., u '? I "a ' VV? ?r 1.1 ?? . . ? .' niTT lil'i TIUM.-ilviv; HaXDICAF; a ??** On? Bill? sn.l ? ' ?2 Km i * I .?1\ti RA< I ' ' ' j . . -, 11*) :??? ;? RKVI VfH HA' ' . . .... ? ,-, ' ? ? .Iff ? _ |. ? ? ? ' ' " ' i : ? ? n v ?! ? ?ie??y HEATH THE ?NEW FALL OOLLAR. WITH THE OVAL BUTTONMOtJ ft/mn (ollars WRITE FOR BOOfLET OF 16 STYLM