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OUSTED EMPLOYE ACCUSES MITCHEL Burr Says He Was Re? moved for His "Death Avenue" Activities. MAYOR FROM BED GIVES HIS SIDE Ex-Counsel Polk Has Stormy Session Before Thompson Leg? islative Committee. Mayor Mitchel was accused yester? day of having caused the dismissal of Assistant Corporation Counsel William P. Burr because he was activo in push? ing the removal of the New York ( 'i-ti? trai tracks from Kleventh Avenue. The charges were made before the Thomp? son legislative cmnin.!*>??. by Mi. 1'urr himself, who also declared tha' his removal from oilicu nothing had been done by the city to make ''De th Avenue" safe. When Mayor Mttchel beard of the charges he at once branded them e* false. When reporters reached BcOOC j velt Hospital they were not allowed to see him because, his nurse .sa.d, he was so excited over the charges that a re- ? ?apse was feared. "The true story Is just the reverse of what Mr. Burr testified to." said' ex-Corporation Counsel Polk. "Borr was let go because he was not acthr* I enough in getting those tracks off Kleventh Avenue. The first thin.? the Mayor told M when I took office wa? that we must get those tracks off. t This I told Mr. Burr. But I must say' row that in our office Mr. Burr was considered ineffective. Mayor Mitchel Insisted on a new man, and bis resig? nation was asked." Politic? Not Concerned. Mr. Polk was testifying before th? committee about the Kdison-Amster-. dam light case when the question of' Mr. Burr's dismissal came up. He denied that politics had anything to do with it, and when pressed by Depot' Il torney General Lewis, counsel to the' committee, he sold that t involved the New York Central Railroad. "Did Mr. Burr represent the i that case and was the Mayor dissatis fied with him"" Mr. Lewia asked "Yes," Mr. Polk answered. Mr. Burr was sitting almost behind Mr. Polk. His face grow red and he twitched nervously. He could hardly wait until he got in the witnes- i I to vent his feelings. "Now, I am glad to know why the Mayor removed me," he shouted. "I did not know until I had heard Mr. Polk's teetimooy here to-day **o*\ was the reason for my leaving the Low Dt partment- It now appears that there ' b*ing no objection to me officially ?r as to my character or in any other re? spect, my activity in th't matter of the' New York Central Railroad was the reason. The Kleventh Avenue litiga? tion I consider one of the best things 1 ever ?d - ' ' I was admitted to the bar In 1879. I have always believed 1 would wear Mayor Mitchel's disnn lal as a badge of honor, ami now I am certain of it, having heard Mr. Polk's reason for my dismii Mr. Burr declared he lost Ins place r.fter ho had given an opinion unfavor? able to the railroad company concern ing the ownership of four anil one half miles of land under water from Seventy-second Street to Spuyten Duyvil. He held that it belonged to the city. "What did Mayor Mitchel have to do with that part of the situation'.'" Mi. Lowta asked. "He was president of the Bobrt1 of Aldermen at.d had the matter in enarge as a member of a special committee. Subsequently he was elected Mayor," Mr. Burr replied. Polk Takes the Stand. Mr. Polk came from Washington pr? imarily to clear himself of eorteifl charges in connection with the approval by the Public Servier- Commit the sale of the IJ" t-hates of AflBStor? dam Light stock to the Edison company. As he went on the witness stand he noticed Mr. Burr whispering to Mr. Lewis. "Why don't you become associate counsel to the commise? ?"' h?, shouted heatedly a? Mr. Burr. "I simply ajked Mr. Lewis a ques? tion," said Mr. Burr. "I want you to understand the! I am here at a great p-?r?onal Inconvenience.** "So am I." BMWad Mr. Polk. Soon Mr. Polk broke forth again, this Crie to tell Senator Thompson, chair? man of the committee, luel what he thought. abOUl him. This happened when the Senator referred to a letter which ex-I.ieutenant Governor Sheehan had sent to Commissioner threatening to take the approval of the ?ale of th?- \?'l share? of Amsterdam Light h'.ork ir:?'> court if the commis? sion ?ltd nut grant the order for its purchase. ff-tttllg back to the real purpose of the heart,g Mr. Polk ?aid he had never given ( ommiaaioaor Maltbie an op?nlon ?tating the city'- would b* protect,-.! if the order of the Public Service Commieeiofl had ioeorporated in it a clause specifically stating that the approval of the ?ale of the Am ?tock did not carry with it the ap? proval of a merK?r aleo. He said, how? eyr, that after the order hi? -.-?utants had agreed to ?? ?pin ion that th?. city's laUroat* had not Oeen affected by the order. Burr Uve, HI? Story. M-ToSl. -TA? Thr>*"?'*"n reminded, Mr- I oik of th* marked difference he 2__lL_?fi.J>?L?<* *)} M-.I8I.,.. h,,, ,,. m em he re'I ?ith th.- mat emit ?? a?a*?f #Dspertmen1 Bali* I.?- did not koow what Mr Malt? bie ? idea wa* in te-.ifying aa he old i Bov? ho recollection ah- ? ,*"'"" " in the he added. i h.- area five dS in tl ' Am ? . ' i Hi th? p although ' Mr that ordl r uri'ii he hi ? Mr. Polk ???ivar withdrawn ?J?a a?.?i m. RARE OPERATION SAVES BA Thin Abdominal Wall Threat?' Death to Woo *J*t* Infant. No sooner had Mrs. Rosi Kaiman, -?UM 1 wenty-eighth Street, Ce givon birth -.t> a son in the B David Hoepitol, at 118th Lexingt? r. A-, mue, Tni iday night, -i I>r. Martin i Loeh win escorted infant into the world, noticed that ? ? of th- eh ? - ? eooa* death at any moment Wit ? ? ? ? ? ? s??.- ? ?? enild'i life. '? -.111 li a I v.:. Bide wi membrane. The slight* - the child'? death. W th l1 , Dr. 1 the membrane and .-???ved the two -i< of ; he ??- ???'?l togothi - , ? ? ..'.;? - ; ?' th.- operatioi on, and it wa? beliei I live. HIGHER SALARIES URGED BY WOOD Patrolmen and Captains Art U ? paid. He Tells Bui!:-. I Committee. ? . - of Aldermen finished :.? ..--i Monds ' ? ommend with 11 a passi .1 by the Board of Estimate. Police i committee that I ] moi ? ? trolmen. at 11,400 d the ea . .". lie ad raia? to |I...'.? I ? ?- * men. Hoth theae alai i"; are law. Hi aleo declared he woold lil ? the powei to reward men f< ,-1 ice. .- hoi be* i in on tl Commissioner's power to punish." r said, "hut what Concerns 'is far more his power te reward. I can attend t the punishment, bul I cant reir?n That is a bad feature. Men who gh the city sixty minutes to the bou often tor many hours at a time, in quantly a e badly injured in the dll i hiirge of their duty, and there is n way to reward them." The Aldermen cannot increase sal ut i , but the committee agreed wit the Commissioner and may make rec ommendations to that effect. Acting Mayor MeAneny and Control 1er Prendorgasl were asked by member of the committee about the al niwance for tie Board of Kstimat and Apportionment They were que-. tinned about the 110,000 a year salar; allow anee of William Wirt, of Gary Ind., who has l.een establishing tli Gary ?ystem in the public schools. Con troller Piendargaat explained that th. position Mr. Wut will hold amountei to nothing but a transfer from the Dc partment of Education, where at pr?s .-nt he is receiving the same compensa tien, adding that he bad more thai -nved the city his salary even if i ?? Ave times the amount. "I have the highest contldence in Mi Wirt," ?-anl the Controller, "and I be ?icve his appointment is one of the bes '?t made by the city." FINDING OF TWO BODIES TELLS TALE OF THEFT Police Say Men Fell Down Shaf After Stealing Silk. The bodies of a negro and a ohlt* BBon,clasped in each othri' tonnd early yctcrday morning at thi in ttom of at; elevator shaf? m thi twelve Story lofl building at 12i? Wo? Twonty-aeventb. Street. They were bat tared, OS though from a long fall. Al though every elevator ?loot between the tenth and eleventh floor: tag ? t"i, filled rith |60< worth of silk, taken from the Wearwel W' Company, on the fifth floor Thi men were identified as Robert Creen the negro elevator boy in the loft building, and Jacob Jagendorf, an en t of the building at 116 *?V< I Twenty-seventh Street. Robert Dileon. an elevator man at that address, told the police Jn|-? dor! had given him ?O cents for can nd biace to Green, which WOM found In one of his pockets. Neither man hail been home Tuesday nipht. It is believed by the police that they, with ;, third man, took the Bilk from the company'- roonts and vere loading it on the elevator when it Btartod upward, fine, according to ?he police theory, stepped ioto the shaft antl, failing, dratted hi?- companion down with him. Their accomplice, ened, ran, closing the door. PIANO AND FUNERAL MYTH FULFILLED Instrument Falls and Horse Runs Away After Woman 'Phones. "I am superstitious," sait] a woman's over the telephone when the j lieutenant lifted the the receiver at the , W eel Fort: entl m last - ,t-i- b piano . : - - third floor of No. 749 Tenth going ?ame time. iilren playing on the sidewalk, and I am afraid some en'. Won't ? "ti ? ?end a policeman around hen trolmen Louis Kick wa- ?ant to kveane address ii scarcely arrived when, through the third I I ''?'". < merge ; did a cable slipped and the in? strument fell crashing to the walk. In passing the second Poor it I a cornic< off the ht; ancrai party ?? J .'itl'.C. H.-fore the excitement bad died down ?ii on Ninth 1 . 'i he dr.'? r. G< era, I treet uninjured. The -H'. Bwny. ? buted bi? ? 1 :?.'b*'r "The gOOd '"ri! ?ook fare ol Hi? Bervao! tl ? ""."ring Eve," be _od. "Ann," said the policeman. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER $1.25 CAFE BOULEVARD M DANCING?CABARET SPEC IA L ENG A GEM EN T The BRAZILIAN NUT and SENOR ARBOZ Dinner One Dollar Lunch 50c A In Carte Specialties. SUNDAY MIDDAY DINNER 65c Rooms for Private and Club Dinners Baroness Fights U. S. Order to Deport Her Belgian War Baby Jeanne Marie Proctor, foortoon month? old, nrhoae deportation nai bead ordered by Hi" Board of Inquiry. "1 1er Mother Is Dead and I Want Her for My Own." Says Madame Proctor, as She Caresses Infant on Ellis Island. Jeaoaa Maria Proetor, the foerteea noathe-old Belgian war baby, lief*. with her thumb tucked la her warai little inouth on :i rough Kllis h land b'd yeeterday, unconscious of tha ef the Baroaeea Nadiae von Kllfaaa Proctor was making to get pat ? of hei and taha hei bora? f?"- ? real Thanksgiving. Out in the hallway a mu-ic bo? ?M ticking off "The Bin?- Daaube," tad crowded around wer?- ?hawled-beaded aromen and woadering-faced men. The haby, her cheek? ?lightly flushed, smiled in her ?leap a? Mrs. Mary Stan? ford ?hool her head hopelesaly and ? a! th? -"!?? furnishing of the room of iron bode. A rough gray blanket was pillow, nattreei and eovorlot for the baby, whoa? tonaled golds-n earl? strayed over lu-' nek? pillow and Beamed to brighten th?' gray ?tone-flagged room. "Tb plae? for ? baby," unid Mr?. Stanford, the gray-haired, moth 1 erly Knglish woman, who arrired last Mond ? E '. Paul ?rith Jeanne and her own little daughter, J? "Madame Proctor first ?ow Jeanne when she we? n tiny, ?iekly thing only a few days old." Mrs. Stanford con? tinued. "She was not pretty as sh? DOW i?. and nobody wanted her. The Baronoea fell sorry and a< the little one had lost her mother, she took pity on her and put her in my charge, Madame wanted to adopt her at once. \ n ericen citi* sen they said -he would have t. until the child was ?enl to the United State?. "I kept the beb] in England, ?hen my home is, until we believed she wa? oltl enoiifrh to be taken 8 roBI "h-1 ocean. Bui DOW W* are here und r is not as we thought at nil. The au? thorities de bo1 ?'?!"? to believe thai Jeanne has no people, Bod WB are kept almost tilt? p- laonei s." The Bari . Pro fesnor Kocarati, appeared and asked for the batiy a therq ami some one waiting to photograph her ...-; '1rs. Stanford. " I ? . my poor little one," Bai Proetor almosl wailod, "but wa will I... ? to wi eo : ? i up." ? open her deep viole? | she ? I until her plun Bai I th ? Stanford carrying Jeanne. '.Mine wa? placed on the super .'. --. nmedial L. C. ictini --upe; intendenl ; Mrs. Stanford, the Be NaearatI joined in effort? -?.^?iui<-t th ? child, l-'n- ? I the tear smudged ?BCC, an.i the ] was taken. As MOO Bs this hod been done the Baronesi signed sn sppoal fiom the ord.-r to deport Jeanne, if the an t hoi it [es at Washington decide favor? ably apon I ppl ication, tha v I i be able to po to her new m ? homo to-morrow. "it ?,-* s;.;,i ti e Ban "She i- my baby. 1 know her mother is deed, lod that'? all then I will take the bent eore ef the darling little one. It r- all foolishi ess i boar.) of muuir, te U] Jeanne might ? B public charge. '.'. ? ell ''.'? worry end troi ting her ever Lere If I did ;."t love her and wanl her for my verj own? i do pray thai >h? ?rill forget th ra) on ed me I her, a Belgian war b FIVE FIREMEN HURT; TURKEY IS SAVED Tenant of Dcvcry Buildinij Car? ried to Safety Rescued Fowl Disappear?. Five firemen were hart, two . m a ?ire whieh through a -tory brewnatone huilsiing owned by r?.Chief of Police William !????? at m Emmi Plfty-alnth Street yeeter? day. They are: i ? .tenant ?Totu^ J Nelson, Engin? '. burned about neck; taken t" pfower llo?p!4al. \ n? ' Manie? Kusine Company H, burn- I. ? T " , William Pruah, Engine Compeny .'(0; ?light. T h onus Mechan, linsine Company S; .?? ' ? man. ZwsTine Komit ? in the fourth story, WBI earriesl ol plank m? o t ho ad joining building by William Be? ? ? ol tora i'f ?'. il. I'..r, at No i20. Entei i "w- a turkej, nan ? ? V V It " ? :n the si ?! ?. i "wi,, i. I?.?* Lichter, eiph ? ' ..:.?. ui...-. '..'? . 1. Si. i tailoring establishment m the ..I tied hi- feet 8tr< poured late th- basei ?nt snd flapped hi? I e wat? r reached Ciar? room a fer the bird. gratitude i ? the li '"'? Battalion Chief C.raham said it was a goo : littl? lire. "Might have made -nmc trouble," he 'admitted, waving his hand towar?! the New York Orthop?die Hospital at 126, ? pa? tient?, ? Liffctkeuae, at 111, where there are manj blind. "Il I or tl : loor. Dam? age probably tbOfiOO. I i ? all there il to it." But it a ?* i "' ell, What Lieutenant Moja ?'.? d tha I i? '"?'> r know thii Thanksgiving morning "Who en' TIGEP STAlf MISSED FOOTBALL TO WED Princeton SaysDickerman\ Mar riage Kepi Him fmm 'Varsity. IB? Tf'ri-?, l 1*1 - .-? ton, N, .!., Nmv 24. 11 v?,,s .learned that Charl? ... trio Corli bury, Ma - It no? I I . Ian? ? earl ? for .? week In 0 - an?! fool ? Whet . tl ir to ? "t ? . ? ? ' I ? I ? p. Do? nt b< ' ? ' HOTEL WALLICK Broadway and 43rd Street. Positively the Best Location and Values in Ntw York. Rooms with Bath, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Attr ? ? lei ? I? h'.ite*. AM? A V I S T A !' R A N T THAI'S KNOWN FROM COA SI rO CO AS! FOR QUALIT*. M Ml ?DBRATI PR|( ES WILSON TO ASK HEAVIER TAXES Yields to Leaders and Will Recommend Means to Meet Deficit. PLAN FOR PANAMA BONDS DROPPED Defence Need Relied On by the Democrats to Excuse Imposts Message Almost Finished. Washington, Nov. ti. President Wilson has decided to yield to the de i ? ? ?erotic leader- in Con end recommend specific means to hi steadily growing d?ficit and the additional cost of national defence, it ? "? rtod to-day in circles close to ministration. It is said that his igS ??ill contain sonu diceussiou of inOStlon, but that he Will avoid "mmendatior.s which might rod to li ringe on the pr? in genera l s id* i itoed, the tool ?'?ill declare 'or an increase of vai ? .1 ta? a and the im ? . , arid oppose any changes in 'he taritT. The original plan of th>- eel the finan? cial needs bj BBSS Conol bonds ha met leh vigor?os opposition that apparently it ha? been abandoned, al le:. ; i. -eilt. Then- ".!??? indications 'hat it is still, ? -Il m roaervi n case serious trouble is found in framing tpS mea I Some ol the elder D?mocrate remem? ber vividly the rosoli ef the hood ieeoe in the Cleveland administration. They believe il better to meet the opposition which tOgOt ' ? ifl sure to sroOSS than tn attempt to provide an accentable ex i.r bonds. The administraron plans to explain th? new taxes ?N mude necessary largely h,- the demands of prepared i k-lit extent by the fall? ing off In custom- revenue , due to the war. Every effort will ii" made to ] cover up the I'r.-a ir., deficit, followingi the ?mes iiv Secretan MeAdool when he issued S BOW form of Treasury ! rhich i.'lded overnight some; 180,000,1. to ?- a nominal "balance on e was not the slightest reel improvement m the Treasury's eondition. it i' fervently hoped that the plea' that "if the eoontry wants defence it must paj for it" vvill carry the day FALSE LABEL COSTS MEDICINE MAN $100 Health Department Wins Victory in Decision Against "Cure." G erg* W, Pelter, secretary of the BgS B i facturer of "Dr. Burton'? Ani ? i | sino i,v .In- ticca Mcli Garv?n und Kai the Couri u - yeaterday for -'io-] latioii of the section of the San Cod? ?hick prohibit? be placing bel on a pi ??tarv medicina Thi- a at pi ... .,,., n, Department, which, under the lea ship of Dr. Goldwater, initiated movee ? m the pefreyon .res. In the present BOB? Y< ,. ?Ja ?? m b "i*P' an?! c.'.-T || ear? for diphtheria, s let fever an,i eoauaon -?ore throat According to II r. vi'.ener. a chei employed by the Health Departm the ingredient? of : b i alleged i were sugar, vmirar., red pepper, i water and ? small quantity of oi peppermint. Doctors Hubbard. McMillan Leiser, of the Health Department, titled that th,. eoaeeetioa possessed curative virtue? m the case of advertised diseai I?r. William !'. Waldroa, of Noble Street. Brooklyn, calle.! to defeace, testitl .1 ?hat he had te two children by means of the m? cine, but the court did not accord teetimoaial any value. MOTHER'S ''MAD''; EUGENIA'S GLA lingerie Raid Enrages Oppo: tinn. While Bride. Undaunted Plans a New One. Th i Kelly-Davis tango-esetrimee COn revere] reach?*.I a ?t?te of perf? toraooa. Mrs. Bel .'?!. Kelly ?ma j.i.-t as perfectly mail she could be, and Mrs. Bugeaia Ke] Davis and Al wero perfectly hap; And the attorney? were in a perf?' state of reflected emotion?. Kugenin, it ?rill be remembered, la siege to her mother's apartment, wi a wnt of replevin, an army of ?V of' the ?aw, a flotilla of tai cab? and her husband last Tuesd; afternoon and captured various esse tial bita of lingerie. Unless the cot' decidea again il her she will soon ha? enough clothes, ami, to make the dt more complete, her mother is in su?, a -t?te of mind thai she cannot < will not say anything about the cas ?-ven for the newspapers. ?I can't imagine." said John Y. M< Intyre, who is Mrs. Kelly's attorne? "Low this AI Davis gets all the pu with the Pol ice Department, exceji that he is a former ?rambler." Mi Melntyre was duly wrathful an?! an nounced that he was about to mak complaints te the Mayor and 'he Po [lice Commieeioaor charging the ell I marshal and the officer who assiste? in the raid with exceeding their au thority. The complaints had not b??ei received late yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Devi? were found ai ?the Hotel Netherland jus* a? thei wer? returning from a ride. Both of then wer?' onxtoui '<> hear what "mother' and her attornej had to say for them lelvee, and tin':- 01 preaaed unqualified pleasure when *he> ws-ie told that the opposition ?a? mad simply roaring mad. "Mi. Melntyre ?av? you have a pull vvith the police because you were once a gmribler," Mi. Davis was told. "Big 6" Holds Annual Ball. The annual nail of Typographical Union, No. i'., known a- "Big Six" throughout ?he trade, vas held last night at Suiter's Harlem Rivei Caaino, .ni attendance estimated a' 10,000. The eroflt? of the dance were devoted *.i the hospital fund of the union. President Leon H, Rouse led the grund 1 march at midnight. Ill.ATIir it|til.4l'lV.4l AM) 4 II STItl i T il ' D CONTINUOUS TOOAY, 1 to 11 P.M. ?'W *mV '' KBKAFTEn FOCS t'M?''iHMAN'f.S 7-AII.Y I' W'M m ? ceo. n S M u - . t ~^ ?????? - ?? ?i- ,NrL fjt|--vi??ai at : .-i TM ?????? i- ?t ?J, THE GREATEST WAR I II.M EVER PRESENTED fr'-"IS?! iOniir^8 Bpecioll"'ti for the Offldol PUei of the PrecatTh W'ar Dent ORCHESTRA AND BALCONY, 50c. jn SYMPHONY An 2d BALCONY, 25c ; BOX SEATS, $1. ? ORCHESTR \ *HJ! Fulton Tbeatrew? i "NTIS' Oil ? TO f'AV ' :. P M SO SCSCBVCB SEATS SOLO FOR TH'NKSI-IVINti DAY. FIGHTING IN FRANCE ? , I . | ? .,- ,- M - ? i, . . ?? ? M I'lNAI. fSbt I Part of the rrceint? will be given to the Preach R-?cl Cross I Society ? . . ,.- _y i-" m - - Orchestra of 40 Pieces. ? Prices 25c and 50c \-\?**.mtV YTa*. 1 A? THI I"?? I ? I'BH is 1 trf-i M?t. Ti>rla? i Etrrry Day. V ' ' 1? A s.- M.: I V * - a?-.1 k? B B Hurtjkla. ALICE NIU.StN.WUS/ \.,.'-.,n Haiti Hat M<- ; " HUTGN?80N u . . . tl-?h ?f S-.irj'ion? So. Iffv Bf N. V. WALTER DAMROSCH, conductor. MarOawrll. T.?r,al?-e.?>?-> *- ?-??it ' I 41 M A C A L V ?. PA I ? 1*4 C ?* ". L A C t t , s.i '? ll.atri.-? Il-rf M. I ?? A i 4 - ? . I , .,? . COLONIAL mt i... ti..-. IHM II- SI IL84IN n um l|.,|;l m t miBI - S It. I II. ? 1- " uitli Jaa. B i .? lialli -" '. 1III-? l.VIMM.. -H 8:30. S LOIS EWELL ? . i Mi r -????. ;? f Theatre Francaii, JJJ , i men?t tarn I MATINEE TO-OAV. 8.10. LILLIAN GREUZE \$SW , g .- I- '. ? i'l ? l-l ?" 4 Ire* M?ry AEOLIAN MALU TO-MORRO?* EVE. et ?J7>. EDITH RUBEL TRIO Lorw'i American Roof ,' ? .*?",? *7i BfRNAPOI. 1-1. ALL SEAT? ..Ala RESERVE!' I I . . ,i , i . ... ?V lie, 5'.?. COLUMBIA, li .?? A I ' **? tl i ?l? H'.i>-i - i? "i' M il ? VMl.lanaa _LTM ?T I?ie?tre, lu?! Ws l ?' ?"ii??' til n Ol. ?HAT. TODAY st 2. Br?t Stst? gl.OC ./?,., ROMEO -JULIET MATINE?7 TODAY at 2:15. GRACE GEORGE THE LIARS Vlalll ???- T MATINEE TODAY. 2:20. THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUR. LYRIC ABE and MAWRUSS MAXINk ELLIOTTS Matin*? Tsday. 2:20 QLINNbYS COMEDY. ?>;.-? Malls?? T?.d?y ; || : . ??TH ST. !.?? - 1* Matin,* f?-ta*. 2 It>. THE UNCHASTENED VVOMAiN SHiR'nr K?fl - '. *. Matin** T?-da>. 2:15. ALONE AT LAST BOOTH. It- ;i(j III M?Hn.? Tsdsj 1:11, J SOT HERN ' ^f??. CASINO I. ,- Matins* T?-ds>. 2.15. THE BLUE PARADISE lcefaCnIL PRINCESS , .\ ' V' :,'V.7m SEBAtfli?_ ' FARRA.? ! TO-DAY ! TO-NIGHT ] Al : m._I I_?Ttaa Ukc Yew Wife INTERNA^?CW?T To Ihr Symphony WRESTLING n? Streagtli TOURNAMENT MAMA! TAN OPERA HOUSE FINISH BOUTS PRICES 12.00 AT ALL II.SO. $1.00 I PERI OitMANCES. 7?C. SOs*. .is.. CARNEGIE HALL, To-Night Motion Picture Travelogue SPECIAL ARGENTINE MUSIC. A TBtP TO IRVING PL. THEATRE 17.;".... I ,,,,.. ? i i? m.mi.i r i'A*./ r W At ZTM " B.ndbss 'A 'I A. 1 ./?I- I ? I ? WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS?, V ALL COMEDY BILL EVERY NIUMT. SAVED HB UFE, SAYS PONY BRIDE Herman Threatened Sui? cide Unless She Married Him, She Testifies. PAPA-IN-LAW'S KISS TAKEN AS APPROVAL Annulment Suit by Husband's Parents Surprise to Her, Says Stage Girl. "I am ? ?Vet ?1 inches tall. I ?m a pony, and ponies ar?> hard to get." This dercription of herself was given In the Supreme Court yesterday by Mrs. Deroth*. li?t?* Herrman. whose hus? band is Philip Herrman. eighteen years 1 old. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Herrman, prirent* of the young man, apparently | think that it is much more trouble 10 ! get riil af a pony than it is t<< acquire i one. Whether they have succeed? d in doing so Justice (iavegan will decide, following the trial of the annulment suit brought in Herrman'.? behalf by h la tether and mother. Herrman was seventeen year? old and attending Pawling School when h* met Miss Gates, who was then eighteen, and. as she said, a pony in the chorus of "Watch Your Step," which title meant nothing to Herrman, according to ala parent?. She was referred to as a show girl. But, r-he explained, then girls aro tall, statuesque young women. Mrs. Herrman is petite and has bl??nde hair, which is cut on the bobbed style. Young Herrman met his present, wife in a restaurant in West Forty-fifth Street, where she was chaporoned by ? Mrs. Raymond Bs-lniont, ?laughtcr-in | law of August Belmont, formerly Miss Ethel Lorraine, with whom she occu? pies an apartment at 245 West Fif**y lirst Street. When Philip threatenesl to kill him? self unless shi* married him, his wife :-nys she saved his life. "Philip wus \ very much In love with me," she said ye?terday "He begge?! me at least sixty times to marry him. He threat? ened to kill himself if I slid not ir.i.rr; . him. so I did just to save him." Without the knowledge or consent of Herrman's parents they were married. Philip being uruler the legal age, his parent? began the suit to annul the marriage when they learned of it. Young Mrs. Htrrman seemed much surprised that the suit to separate her , from her husband should be brought, : because, she ?aid, the elder Herrman! her when he learnesi of the marriage, which she considers?! ?._ in-law's seal of approval. She *r-7??" dignant at the suggestion that for proper consideration she might conita? to permit the marriage to b? annuHaj It was the young hunbanrj ?_ brought the sordid subject of n*a-"* into the day's proceeding-. H.rnaa? said he went to his wife's span?,!? and asked her why she oppo-ed _.. sott "She told me," he said, "?h, *_ going to get money out of my '?.??J and wanted me to side with k,r? Herrman added that Mrs Bt Iraont va? present at the conversation. Mr?. Htrr man gave Charleston, s. c., u ^" home. "Why, yes, I smoke cigarett?* ,.?? drink some highballs," she said !* tt. swer to a question on that subject "How many highballs?" "Never more than three. I know, ho* many to take, and that is more th,? ? some men have learn?d." "Did Mrs. Belmont teach vou toan?', I highballs?" ? ?"'* "No, I drank them before I rr:?t h?r I learned to drink thetn in a TurlmD 1 bath." Mrs. Herrman said she sa?* h?r htji. band only four times after their a?r ?riage. Herrman had trouble wit^ hi? father for stayi. g out Lite at alrtt The young husband wrot? his vif, j letter, in which he mentioned that jobs were scarce, but that he might aik i the "governor" to aive him one. Th, : elder Mr. Herrman is a wealthy bulld*r. RTJEF RETURNS FROM EXU? Ex-Boss of San Francisco Will Spts^ Thanksgiving with Aged Moth*?. San Francisco. Noi-, 24. Abrah,?, Ruef returned here to-day from prj?,r. ! and exile to ejend Thanksgiving Day with his aged, Invalid mother and**-?. sume a life of freedom, ;: it? rruptajd if '. conviction of attempted bribery duntj the famou? graft trials of 1 '.*06-trT. Hi? father died while the son araa a*rrtji| a four-year term in San Quentin P?*?. ' tentiary. Ruef's exile expired *hree day? aft. .It was at his r*qu< I that his pattb : retiuired that he reinam in Mendija*i_ I County for ninety days after hi? n ' lease, on August 23. Hr feared kit presence hefe during a mu-ucipal sao palf-n might revivie enmities of th? ?U days, when ?he was "boss," and inwln him in accusations of renewed polit). cal activity. . JETWOOD ASSART COLLA with a rara? ABLE LOW PKOVT M;n YoitK'** i.kadin?; i-DBAT-Jn AND **i ? < 'ESM NEW AMSTERDAM ! EMPIRE. B'WsV IOS' Mata. Trillar ?_ 1 W.J. JOHN DRfcW THECH.?r LYCEUM. ?'. s: i'rB's?, Mala. TODAY a >??. ETHEL BARRYMORE ?0cuhhe8nreSy HARRIS "?' -"' -s' ??* ^ *? 8 ; SPEC L HOLIOAY MAT. TU-DAY '.', iTlJ. ?? UM ir. Hl HOLIDAY MATINEE To-OAY. 2HJ. KLAW A I 1(1 AM AROUND'MiMAP ? M s i^to-w*? AfTERTHS PLAY' HUDSON S Ulli st. K?er It.j, a1 ,'ii I>AV. SAT f* UKI? SPEC L HOLIDAY MAT. TODAY. a*??1>l?A ^oYlSM 21 EGFELD MIDNIGHT FROLIC L!1_____I__ eltingf'a->v\v.-,;,v,:.-:."iu.:; SPEC'L HOLIDAY MAT. TO-OAY. LAST 6 TIMES gaiety? i ? S "YOUNG AMERICA" NEXT MONDAY NICHT. 0*\t Sals Ts-dsy. ?slivfr ?|,->r.>-. . ? -? * ? ? - .? 'w ri'' fsr't*. ~/\L/la_ I__? V _. ?;,| Marjort?* Hanilrsaij. IAN S IIAUIilS I'll KSK NT LEODITRICHSTEIN LIBERTY ?n ICi. I.AII.T. -' SV *K?t Mat ?lOT'lli: t?.:.-r Ms- '? ?/?? A 11 M SPECIAL ..i s I am He Crtatt'i Bis P'trs-Siaet?la. 3 SPECIAL MORNiNC MATS., 1030 SHAIf TO-DAY, TO-MORROW _ SAT. Hpr.'lal ,r* ,, , : pet ? at t!.?M <__ .? LAST TIME SArmnAY Nli.H.*. fANni FR '?'" ?' ? ' ft THE HOUSE OF GLASS with Mary R??n A i ? m CM ?irh. J.'. It.}?. |L SUN.' BURTON H DLMES-ENQUi IM _ REPUBLIC "THE GREAT LOVER" {___G]j_|__ki_D^ \\ -st 4?'!i M. _ ??wilns-s ? Vl.ltlTT.r.? MATINEE TO-OAY AT ? :20. ASTOR M?'a T" IT ?I I?. Os?. M. Csri?n'? Grsat Am*r" i , THE BOOMERANG y^2?^,,!??"^ ?URT?N?CANDLER GLO?E CANDLER T'l'.A W I:*" SUN. EVE. ?TlO. MON. MAT. ?t J. ENGLAND [ SOo TO 11.1 ..,/*?? ?? li -10 III ? Tu i 'A ? .-? A KJJ "I! MONTGOMERY & STONE ?? PARK?*;.*' 10c i '?. BATTLES OF A NAT?O? METROPOLITAN ffig? Tt dar. Tkefi Ma' '' ' rarslfat. Kur'. ., ' Rraui u ell.Qorlti foti'i Borlanslty. To-nlahl. ? Hurli-r of Seville. Hempeli De i>? 'ai. K (del. Uamaeeo (debut), Maar, ita (daba) I, Cond. R*??arioii. PH. " ? lolia-riKrln. Kai-aka (debut!; Mat* - l'rlu? M-.. in.W ell Oond Bodanskj*. Mat. Mat, ( hans- of Oper? al : gasas, r.d? In, (debut ; Cam Ba-ottI Cond Polaeco Next Mnn. a' ? R*aMilr_v_ttar. Ober, Him ., ?.',.,. .,-..?. Well, ''on? Bodansky. \le?l. a- 7 ? Tristan ti lantale. Kurt, Mata - i . ,* \> . Braun 4'end Ho.iaiixky. Ilnirs. - I HMillrnu Kiiilleeiin. /..r?ka, ,-. rlnl; H itt? i ??- l?u i; fell d '?> ?'?*Hae.1. ? ? earn?. Amato 'load Bavafaotl Ih.a Sun. ***- R:30. I. O TI O W S K Y The Kminent I'UnUt. h .,-, RAPPOLD?DKL?4 V HA RDM AN PIANO I'BgP ?! ? . . ;? r pn --? set in thla ?-It? PALESTINE PAGEANT and ORIENTAL EXHIBITION Grand Central Palace, Lexington Ave. at 46th Street Re?-. Mian Moore ?anil n < a?t of 100. BVBS1 XITKKNOON AMI KVKMMi. i>p?ti : M le I "' sad t.ti* te i<v.v). Admission 25c Children 10c SYMPHONY i of New Y o i li limn?! H. fondue . Ufl ".. Mil. ?H. I CULP ? oe le 11 of New York. H'ALTKR DAMKOBTH, fondu? tor. MAT t"l N. MPT.. Mil. 2?. AT S ?sol?la* .11 1.1 \ (Piral apr"'ra.-.-f of th<> ???aaonv havi'N st in ni.iir. KAKNnr. dki.ii*? llltAIIMS IIHIIAKI' STKAISS j Salt? ?t Bo? 0?lo>. ilii ?w? 1201. A-allan Hall. ! PHILHARMONIC s. "ir.TT OF NK\v TtHtl MM?F STKANsKi, fONIMTTOR. To-morrow irrl.) \fl. at t-.nti. < i?rnr(|r Hull PERCY GRAINGER Bcaamaaa, it Btraaaa. n-i 'in, Dcurao-alaatd *?eit Mini'it.? Wt.rn....n ,u 3 MELANIE KURT Til ?.? I, at !...\ .;? 1-nri.a-Kl.- Hall CARNEGIE HALL S.'TH ST. aa? 7t? Aw. PLMEinDOKF **?I 8UN0AY NIGHT at ?JO. MONDAY MATINEE at ? 44. NORlHERN ITALY FBOM SIMPL?N PASS TO BOMB. 1 i -- l V|l< 1 I.MJ Mi. .HI Prlca? J??:. 7Je. ?1.00 et* |l.?0. I Anillan lit?!.- to nn.rron, m t r M SPALDINC . *r.l \i..lin KrrllNl. Tleltela. .Mir. |? *?. Mothers and Fathers of New York--Answer! I If Dr Holae??eti of ? ? * ??' ' "* torn r-hil.i In ?? <1<?f> ?? 'jou fall?? Mr. Bolllnfer'a 1rs I ? ? ?? ?!'??' <?" | . ..ll'rl ? ???! il".?" ' f I??'??** **_?! e* too kstoe ' \t*aw9tm d?s/ll m ?-??'' I Thl? pri*.?>rn BUI ... - . I ? *??' Kare i?' . N .- .. THE UNBORNl i? H?ii f A PLEA FOR BETTER BABIES \ usplr. . M? ?? *a i ? ' ? '*' PRINCESS, 39th St., E. of Broad?, I ?? . I'M, Ms?.? ?' ::<* Triangle Plays This Week Orti? *f,,,,,,'!,!? "Th- !??? it?"?-? ;' _"_ of the Ab/M'.wit? M?| BoUnd: ? - * ??_*? ?Th?Gr?tat ? acuuta Kcewa Matiiteei at 2. K?'- '/??* *? PRICKS Daily Mat -.-?.- ? '? i~"l5 Kvcr.ic.ti. ??oil?.. Met! . ?" ?H ? ?'?*"* ?a Knickerbocker Theatrill Bro?<r?ar a? ???I? Vfjt _^M y ??^MII??lilc m khi urs I ,,,,l*'?.^piaTtl III?,?.I KT HIT / -i'l. CLIANO? P? LEXINGTON ? ??.? ; ?.? j ",\. ?.?.,.,., Lewis Us **??? J SiAAUAtW ?*"?'?''" w?V?a,: AROMAN HALL. Mat * _ s ' -j. f SOT CAMPrfELL feat? ?r 11 IIM I ? ? * ^J ViTAGRAPH?f:Vw| THE BATTLE CRY OF PEA*? Sfrand .?Sj8