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BILLARD PROFIT ANGERED MORGAN Thought $2,748,700 in New Haven Deal Too Much, Mellen Says. DIRECTORS' MINUTES RULED OUT AS WRONG Just $1,000,000 Out of the Way. Ex-President of Railroad Testifies. # Charle* S. Mellen'? memory and the duly attested and signed minutes of the New Haven director?' meeting of October 8, 1900, were in conflict at the New Haven trial yesterday. To the satisfaction of the defence, the court ruled to accept Mr. Mellen'? word. The divergence between Mr. Mellen and the record? related to the dealings between the New Haven and John L. Billard and his company The specific point? involved were, first, the 109,941 ?hares of Boston i Maine stock which the New Haven company was prohib? ited from holding in its own name, and to hold which, it is alleged, the Billard company wii created, and, secondly, what amount of Billard company as? set? was In the hands of the New Haren. R. I?. Batts, chief government coun? sel, holding the minute book of the director?' meeting in his hand, stated ' to the court that there was incorpo- j rated in the minutes of the October 8 meeting a report, purporting to come from Mellen, then president of the. New Haven, regarding the Billard matter. He went on to explain that If. leg declared the report was incorrect.' Batt? aaked leave to introduce it as! evidence, nevertheless, to be supported by other dnta, and to allow the .'.iry to pas? upon it as a question of feet "Th? figures In that report are in- | correct. There is a little discrepancy of 11,000.000, that'? all," Mellen said. MThl? report u in the minutes signed ' ii the handwriting of John (i. Purker, : the ???cretary. Do you know where the ? ? port came from?" Batts asked Mel? len. "I am ?ure I do not," Mellen replied. . "It is Mr. Barker's handwriting, and I ? imagine the figure? in it were taken from some memorandum found in my portfolio. I brought the matter before: the board and I suppose made an oral . report, but this is radically different ! from what I ?aid." "May it not be possible that these represent the figures you presented in jroa? oral report?" asked Judge Hunt, j "Oh, no, there is no possibility of ; that; they are too incorrect," Mellen replied, and the judge ruled that the re? port should not De read in evidence. "How long after the report wa? made was there an objection raised to it by | you?" Batt? asked, reluctant to drop! the matter. "Within two months and a half," Mellen replied. "Did you try to do anything about it in the meantime?" asked Batt?. "Oh, ye?, I had several conference? ' with Lewis Cas? Ledyard ?bout it and wanted to tear the page out, but he ?aid: 'Oh, good God! You can't do i that; it would be a crime' that I wanted to commit a crime," Mellen ! said, "and it was never changed." . The evidence which the government foiled to have admitted was in support of it? contention that the Billard Com- ! pany was nothing but a New Haven dummy, owned entirely by it. Otser phases of the Billard matter! made up the rest of the day's testi mony. the most important relating I the fight in the board of directors ove the amount of compensation Billard re ceived for his handling of the Ne*. Haven's 109,?-a8 ?hares of Boston l Maine stock. According to one metho of analyzing the matter, he got $2,748 700. It was shown that the Legislators 0 Massachusetts directed the New Havei | to reac?,uire this block of stack, o which it had nonO.nally divested itsel bv selling it to BiHero. and put it il the Boston Hailroad Holding Compan) and it was in thi? turnover that Hi?ar is alleged to have grown rich. Mellen told of J. P. Morgan's indig , nation when he learned upon his returi having been away while the matte was being consummated the size o the Billard profits. "'It is an unconscionable profit,' Mr Morgan said," Mellen testified. "Hi j was very much excited and said h? could not and would not stand for it I explained to him that Billurd's profi was more nominal than real, as Billar? had taken some of our subsidiary ?e . curities at their face value when som? of them were selling as low as 66." It was shown that as a result of thii dispute a minute was adopted Octobei 2, 190!? by the New Haven board of di rector? approving the Billurd contrae! ? with a provision allowing a "reasonublt ' compensation" to Billard for his ser | vi-es and risk. ! This proviso, Mellen, said, was pre? pared by Lewis Cass Ledyard, acting for Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan thought that, as a friend of the New Haven, Bil? lard should not try to make a profit of $2,748,700 on a deal involving only $16, 500,000. "I explained to him that no one could say just how much Billard would make," Mellen said. "The New Haven had no option, since the Legislature had ordered the repurchase of the stock so that it could bo turned over to the Boston Railronsl Holding Com? pany. The resolution did not alter the validity of the contract we had already made to buy the stock under orders from the Legislature. "The real reason why the clause about reasonable profits was added was to enable me to go to Billard and try to negotiate with him for a better deal." DUPONT DIVIDENDS DECLARED IK Per Cent on Old and New Stock. UM Kxtra on New. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 2-1. The di? rectors of the E. I. du Pont Powder Company, at a meeting here to-day, sleclar^d dividends as fcdlows-. One and onc-hnlf per cent reg-ulsr Quarterly dividend on the old ?tock, 1 Vi? per cent regular quarterly dividend on the new stock and en extra of 28V? per cent on the new stock. The dividends were on the common stock of the old and new issue. A rc<r ular auarterly lividend of 1'-a per cent was also declared on the new preferred stock. ? On October 15 the company declared a 200 per cent utock dividend; on Au? gust 21 an extra dividend of 8 per cent whs declared, and on May 26 an extra cash dividend of 2 per cent and a spe? cial dividend of ? per cent, payable in 6 per cent cumulative preferred stock of the Atlas Powder Company. On March 15 an extra dividen?! of 1 per cent was declared on the common. ? ? FIRE RECORD. A. M, 1.?0?2427 A.rnsts.rd-u.1 ?v ?* Ettsison. Iri Rtaar. 1:11?252 Mott ?t.. John Harm-; MS, 1:00- 13M 3d av.. Meyer lnk?.los. unknown I:?- ?0 St. Nicholas? ?v.. Mr* N?lll? 1~we. ?light. 8:10-180 E. ll^h ?t.. Max A1?*lman. slIgM. SiO-lSa YV. 4th st. F. Ku??otm. ?light PUS??l4 E. S'ith st.. ("anjfo )tavrUK-tia. tri? fling P M. II-.10?II? K. Un st. M. Feglna: trifling. 12Tlf.ll* K. W>'h st.. W. Deten; lin'K'iown. . ?J W. Kth ?t.. W. .almir. trifling. * ._ i;:', i'r.luinbu? ?v.. I..-?.? ?'t-rliimol.?!. ITS. S:S0 IS, E. 14?th ?t. Esa.Hi* I_n?-man; tri? fling. 10 no 23d -U snd Sth s? . M Klsgf 1 : trllll'ig. 1:4 MM lit ??.. V. Fertig: I200. SHAW SEES PEACE IN WORLDLEAGUI Says Severe German Defea Might Mean Alliance Between Berlin and United States. |B) (si If tnTiit l! trune J London, Nov. 24. -A league of Weit em civilization as a preventive again? future war w?a the suggestion made b lu-orge Bernard Shaw in an address d?? livered here last night. He pictured combination of white civilization fror the Rockies to the Carpathians organ :z?-d on a democratic basi? in th i league. He wished to ?ee America France, England and Germany in th league, joined, for their own protec tion, by Belgium and the Hcandinaviai stater. Britain, he declared, was ?how ing Germany that she hod better b? he friend than her enemy. "I do not believe, Mr. Shaw ?aid "there can be any peace in the worls until there is peace between England France and Germany. If Great Britau defeated Germany very heavily the lat ter might try to ?eea a combinatioi with the United States. She might sa? to America. 'We have been beaten bj the British ; this terrible naval powe; we have been unable to re?*tst. You sei how we are penned in. You are in thi same position, and had you not bettet form a combination with us?' "Britain might drive Germany anc America into one another's arms bj carrying victory too far." Mr. Shaw said war was the funda mental fault of the democrats and so cialiats of this country, and democracy must be far more active in the future. GREAT WAR ENDS CHRISTMAS DAY ( ?ntlnaed from pace 1 the best men and women that the I'nited State? can offer, and when wc get the heads of neutral nations to? gether with us, our efforts to bring this horror to a ?peedy end will be certain of success." "So it is not purposed calling tho rulers of the nations at war into con? ference with your organisation?" "That question will be snswered at the same time that we announco our plans fully." Mr. Ford was asked what made him so certain that the men at the front were opposed to war. The automobile maker turned to Louis P. Lochner, of Chicago, secretary of ths National Peace Federation, who is working with Mr. For?l on the peace plan. Mr. Loch BOr said: "I was in Germany and In France shortly af*er the war started. In Ber? lin i? a headquarters Of the Interna? tional Society of Socialists. There the Socialist leaders received letters from Socialists at the front, declaring that none of the men in action wanted the struggle to continue. In Fiance I learned the same thing about the French soldiers, who -as whs the case with the Germans reported that they had learned their enemies wanted the war to end. The Socialists in Berlin get together quietly once each week and go over tho reports they receive from comrades in the trenches. The German government knows of these meetings, but they are not matters of common knowledge." Mr. Ford has not the slightest doubt that his expedition will be welcomed at every fore'gn port reached hy the Oscar. His bubbling confidence was most evident in the answer he gave to a question of whether he will take an active part in Mr. Villard's Washington campaign. "I'll get to work with Mr. Villard." he said, "imnu iiately on my return from abroad after the war is over." It could not be learned yesterday whether the peace liner will be engaged for a round trip. Mr. Lochner said he understood the charter called for only a one-way trip. W. Benton Crisp, of Crisp, Randall i Crisp, lawyers, of SO Broadway, who il ???iiting Mr. For? said yesterday he was not privileged t talk. The eo?t of chartering the vess? for the trip across is estimated at $1?>0, 000. The Oscar II can accommodate 25 first and second cabin passengers. When the Detroit manufacturer get the boy? out of the trenchej, and afte he get? to the bottom of this America^ preparedne?? ide?, he will take up an other impartant feature of world life. "I ?peak of this Naval Advisor; Board," he ?aid. "In place of tha board we should have a group of mei 10 pess on th*? production of thing? ?le ?igned to benefit mankind in lue an? property, instead of turning the at teimon of these expert? to the of devices that take life and de<Hio; t rooertv. We ?houid tiAe all of th?:*;. gieat mind? and many more am have them ?uggeit improvements ii the things that will help us to ?ivi better and choap?r. "In my own plant we have a de partment that looks after this featur? of existence. Then men in this depart ment are engaged solely in trying t? .nake life happier for our employe?; showing our workers where their dol lars will go furthest with the ?am? result that would attend the suendir.? of more money, and in pointing out '.< them necessaries the absence of whicl thev remark but cannot define." Much of Mr. Ford's confidence li based on the hearty cooperation of th? Women's Peace party?with whos? members he conferred yesterday- anc on the belief that the numerous peac? organizations abroad will joyously join 'heir efforts with hi?. It is understood that Mr. Ford will have other conferences with Pres'i'enl Wilson. The former announced f? n i ? ?lay that Mme. Roslka Schwimmer, r lltingarien pacifist, and Mrs. Philif Bnoweea, wife of a Socialist membei of the British Parliament, will see Mr \\ ileon at ? o'clock to-morrow after? noon to "lay before him documentar?, proof that a majority of the people <>1 the warring nation? want the war end ? ei! as quickly as possible." "Never Heard of Peace Trip," Say Edison and Wanamaker a Staff I jrrsipor.deni r* Th? Trlhun?. ) ?TsnM Dri.iige, N J., Nov. 14, Thomas A. Edison said to-night: "l?on't know Anything of Mr. Fore's peace mission." William il. Meadowcraft, his as? sistant, admitted that Mr. Ford had called up the laboratories, but said that he had inertly mentioned hi? peace plan, and had made no arrangements to see Mr. Edi.*on regarding it. ?n? Mampft ?o Tu im i - ' Philadelphia. Nov. 2-1. John Wana? maker to-nighi, through his butler, said he had never heard of the Perd peae? voyage. FILMS CALL BEERBOHM TREE Englinh Actor-Manager Here To On Shakespeare for Camera. Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, regarded as Enr?an?!'? Meet noted setor-aUsB* ager, arrived in New York yesterday on the Kyndam. Sir Herbert it? here primarily to do motion picture work, but hopes to appear in New York in Shakespearian prosluilions in the spring. He will leave shortly for Los ?Angeles, where he will act for the Tri? angle concern under the direction of D. W. Griffith. "Shakespeare in the movies?" said the actor-amanger, when seen at the Ritz-Cailton. "Well. I shall act 'Rich? ard II' before the camera, and possibly 'Henry VIII.' They are how shall I say it ? pngeant?'T-?iue, I fear that a majority of Shakespeare'? plays are not suited to pictures. To present them without the dialogue would be like well, a bit like Niagara Falls without the water. "If I can arrange t?> pi".y in New York in the spring it will be my ?irst professional appearance in America far sixteen years. I am now BOfOti ating with a certain manager, and I ex? pect to know definitely in a few days." Sir Herbert i-i accompanied by hi? daughter, Miss. Iris Tree. ?ET* .a*. " ? "-""'--vr? ??!jt.T?^ "'??>.!<?*?>? 'v^ - * ^ ; $ * ?P^." 2 ^J BpW**-4_W..? ?..-.w.awiV'-7.4??_.;-. '_- ., .-'?._.- ,>; ,_>- .- % > ?? . *V '..', l I,-' *" tLA/:--TV7-/f> " N??^A^-t ? d* ,_^r?vr-r'-.-- ? H "**J**TnTrf*I The Whisper of Peace" I I uivAi-aK H. SIMONDS, author of "The I I Great War," tells in his regular weekly B I editorial in SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE why he 1 I believes that any hope of present peace is vain. I 1 He takes up one by one the questions that H ? will arise in any discussion of peace, and one m m by one he drops them out the window. If ml Read it for the characteristically clean-cut reasoning that answers another fgf Wk big question for you. Your NEWSDEALER will reserve your copy now. &.' 1 ?lp ^uni-ag Qfrtbtmp | ?| Fint to ?Last?The Truth: ? %\ News?Editorials?Advertisements \ t? KENNECOTT SYNDICATE SUPPLIES $65,000,00' j Completes Plan to Consolid?t Braden and Utah Coppers. The syndicate which has been forme [ to underwrite the Kennecott Coppe Corporation consolidation plan, it we announced yesterday, has agreed t furnish an amount up to $t>i,00u,00( It was understood that the entir amount ha? been subscribed and th syndicat? i? being paid ? 5 per cen commission in stock of the Kennecot for the liability which it assumes ii taking over control of the Braden Cop ! per Company and th? 400,000 ?hares o | the Utah Copper Company held by th? Guggenheim Exploration Company. The amount involved through th? purchase of the Braden and the I-'tar stock? and the bond? of th? Kennecoti is approximated $8s,000,000, but hold ers of $24,000,000 of Utah and Brader shares have agreed to accept stock ol th? Kennecott in exchange for theii holdings, leaving $?15,000,000 to be un i derwritten. It wa? understood that a proposal 1 ha? been made to take over trie $10, 000,000 of 6 per cent bonds of the Ken? necot* Copper Corporation at 200, or holder? may %ccept 40 ?hares of Ken? necott stock in exchang? for each bond. I The syndicate underwriting price on the basis, of th? exchange figures is $50 a share for the Kennecott stock. It is also proposed to take over the steamship and railroad properties from the Alaska Syndicate, in which the ' Guggenheims and the Morgan firm aru interested, for 200,000 shares of Ken i necott. The Braden control is being taken over at $15 a share, or one share oi Kennecott fur three and one-third [ shares of Braden. As already an j nounecd, the Utah Copper holdings of ! the Guggenheim Exploration Company \ are being obtained on the ba?ie of $75 > a ?hare, or one and one-half ?hares of ? Kennecott for each share of I'tah. Iiirector? of the Kennecott company Will meet soon to approve the con ' eolidation plan, which also involves the ilvtiea of the Guggenheim Ex? ploration Company. A special meeting : of the stockholders will be held early in December to ratify th? action of the director?. SENT TO PRISON FOR AUTO CRAS1 Owner of Machine Gets Sixt Days for Running Into Trolley Car. In line with the increasing ?everit of magistrates toward automobile o fenders because of the recent increas ir. the number of accidents, William 1 House, of 12 Maple Avenue, Maplewoo N. J., received sixty days in the Esse County Jail. He was sentenced b Recorder Nott yesterday, after he ha pleaded guilty to driving hi? mach?n while intoxicated. Mr?. House, who was in court whe th? sentence was passed, faintec House is forty-four years old, and r? cently became much worried througl the death of his mother and the los of hi? position. Late Tuesday nigh he drove his machine Into a trolley ca at Central and Birchwood Avenue? East Orange. Twelve automobile speeders were ar raigned before Magistrate Deuel in th. Washington Heights Court yejterdav ?even of them, including a doctor, wer? fined $25, two $30 and three cases wer? 1 eld over. Dr. J. H. McHenry. of 175 West Sev cnty-second Street, who received ? rummons Saturday, offered as an ex? cuse that he was going to a very im? portant case. "I can't treat doctors any different from other folks," said the magistrate. "If I do, the first thing you know they will go joy riding. John Jansky, of Elmhurst, Long Isl? and, obtained a verdict of $1,800 yes? terday in the Supreme Court in Long Island Cit;. IgaiMt Michael K. Mc? Carthy driver of a mail truck. Jansky asked $10,000 for the death of his son Joseph, -lixtuen years old, who wa? struck by McCarthy'* truck in Novem? ber, 19111 Ignatz ILinibor, president of the Pas saic Worsted Knitting Utile, at Gar tield, N. J., was inntantly killed yes? terday morning when his machine over? turned as he was rounding a sharp cor? ner. He was forty-nine years old and leave? a wife and twu children Rob? ert Geyer, a lawyer, the only other oc Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vesaeis Arriving at and De? parting from Port or New York. MIMATI UK ALMANAC. ?? 4 .'.4, mns-t, *?**?. mono rit**. " ?1 1 . !.. I'll ? ??? 1? PM watm . M I *.nd, Hoob .? M USn ?.???nor-. I.laiau .I I }! ;; Qet* . . ....M H '- m *n*M*my*> KSPOKT Tti. Ufa Tirk. Ameri-ia I.ln?, 1,4?? mile*. i?*l et ? Band) Hook at mtem iiiwdi)-. Eit-s-tftl to ?a?-b ; Siin.iar IM OMIMi STEAMERS. IU l'A Y v.... 1-roin. BaOOL ?ii iwxl ymmem .No? 13 ?i ? '.l.>r-.i?i ."*_11,-. .??*J'l;i- .EH l''ilia.l?lplil?xi . \\fStS.\m ? a:. . lalbraltai- .>?? I II? . .Marwlllea?.**'?? ,] I ..If..-tiliii .Ra?"v!"" .El? -?aril.? .turbad.* .No? 1? : Sirtihof-l.]}*?>'?>. . Eil I , . Har.eoiia.N"? 1^ i 1?. I-.M-T .fhl-W' \_ ? A m?renle. I?lii?t.m . he* ** I' .?"1Ju?? .k??lH1 s?-? Orlc?a.a.M?? -0 1KIDAY. NOVKMBEB ??. IMUHIr.Uwriau?l . _ II : .V.r. Cru. ... M-, ,,,, .lirr ?d? . ">??" ? ' 8,71 j?,-i..t..' :. <UI?*l.*n . ' St Loul?.&,,,*-''"*J' . F.I AIL? .OaltMtaMi.*_H !,,,. . *,rvh?n??l . No? 12 ill?i: ? I -. .Nu? 18 HATl'lla'AY. NilYKVlBIUi IT. -naaantslai 9__,. E?! \ e ? ?:?'????? g-?1 ? H?'.l .Ijrwi .N-J I ?,.. i-iui..rwa. . .- ? Zmtmm .Ja.bon?i<>e .No? .4 ?Briiif? mail. OtOTQOQfO STEAMERS. 10 hay. \l?!'. \ V-..?' For . -'..ilinu-.l 10 "?' na nan, Unmen . .. , ;. ? , bu? S??ni.?h. - - ! . . OaMMa. - - U0B_ utiniv. Mvnan -* Hl-ph?no. Hi John'? . ? 30 ?m U M m . ' , ... .11 30 an. ' l".i . -, -, ... 12 mm m .a. le- ?".H?. ..?? N.,i.?. ... . ? t-mXBU NATI KUAT NOVKMHKIl .7 Paul I.I??H>ool. ?-lOatn 1C ?0 ru ,. im, ??.-,, '.au. * ??*? ?_!_, ll.rf.-i. b ." ?"i Itriw.n . If ?O?. , , .. - "?'.' . C.r.. na Han lu*". s i? ?'n 11 v?-irl Ar,, ?.il? .I*?" 11?,..i. ? ''".i? - *? i?al. l.m?'.-? ? Kaiitni. 1? ?* il ? l . Unir -i . 1.1. I'. . .- > }**** i;.l?f?ton .- ,i"t?"' I ? uan. Man lu*A. I ? T....I a . ? J. I... lilil??. <:?-. r SI l-'il- .-??ann.h ??; Nana " f., ?- .. l.alt.itut..- li ''O?a 'i jrvln G?rn..n nalli TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. r?an? M T *. JO p. m. J.P.n Coro?. ?Thin? '?1? *4>?tti?l- 8?<lo Sen 2**_ I ?? San Kra.-.l?--..--Mu?.?la Not"?. Ila-talt. J.??i Cate?, Cliln. i tu SSS Fran ?4.?itl? Main._ No? !? 4luam aiii Philippin? la'.aiiJ. itla Ha-. Frai. ? i l s ? . v*t 1 Ilawall. PIUUpplM Iil.i.di, *4.m.)?n lalan.l?. 4 . -alia. Su Zcalar I <?la Kan Fran Slarra .?D**", Tahiti, llaruuciai. Coob UlaiitU. N-w Ze? lai-.l. Au,tralla Itla 6?n ? W,*ua . Om 1 lia? ?II. FIJI He* Z-?!?n.l. Au?'r?ll? i,la Vani-ouMi anj VlHorta)??MUuia D?o IT Ali-RIVKO V,.tnnr$. i\irl. l'.irt Anl.mli N<>? 17, Hl Ann? ,!..! hlmitmi 19. m ll* A?anilc Fruit Cu, Bu. l'i M P ?. 23.1 RnVlaa inri BaMM A?r?M OO 1? anil Ht T' mi? Km 14 to Hp.itc?r. Kill.??* k Cu. tallri , lUr |l:|| I a, M , Sarr.I? Om?m M ?1. t" tt.e AtlM.tlc Frutt Ga. . ..( H?r lu 4?. p m. 2S.I it 14r - BMMM ?"Ift II "a BoblJiaon Al F-ttvt, In bitllul llar 10 ? la viii.aii., tuii i;?n.? ?Vi II, to H?rtB.l?. ... i-., l'?r. 4 10 ? ru. >.. .- ??, .1? I.arrli.?*? iBn, C.I?a*ow No? 7, Ui ' . | .- A ' I'..r. II M p m. t*?. ? Hotrli It r , H.IMiiir. N. ? ti. to noul.l??. ?ir A l-uaranilr.?. 1:11 ? ni *..u'li??l!? iHri. llu.n.i. A>i?a QM 13 and ?at BUSINESS CARDS. (AUKll'I. CABPBT (lJIAMMl I o (?ai., '7 \tttm? sir. ?team lituxl i*r ?i to.,; '.'54 ., 4:1 i:?l 4.4th at. CUE A HHANliT. .?il. __ _ Ml LTIOBAIII TVPI WRITTKN LITTERS. M?, < i 11 ?5. 1?.0"0. I. OSO, it .- - a mi :.?; BroMvw -'i.- HMi ?. , ; I f. u-j ?.? -,t\V Y- K CAItlKT CIKAMVO WOltK?. '..le.' lime M 0,1 Miilcrn /INE Bl'iiS W'lViLN UtoM '.M. i AIIPKTS. I rl -? ll??iiii?; 7e. flfr.l f..r ilr ul.r M IBM MM llriai.t 4JT I . \t?all 4Mb 14 WORK WANTED. ???malt. A VII4ITIM1 OOVKIIM.-H t-n .ur~??ful with '?V?r?il rUIUrtn; rrlert-WM. .4 1 Irr?? Miu L IU lita .1 14 Ir.l s I' ?????. -ttjr i l.l"l'I.Si. II4IH. IS ?ait. ?Tulilu? t.alr. 4? ?i ??' ?.II.? ![??-? 1 ?? -..-.- 1. nica, liai, ?*p?r1rii,. 11... Italil). Ml Hui ?lili .1. DOMESTIC SITIATIONS WANTED. Male. i-iriX MIS t"*?JW.| P*W**1 tefmnm. I IHsrej 1? lui Nia il Pia*? 4I*>!. loi S'i UBBMAM Cix.K ni.I PATI-4SII.HF. flr.t rla-alaWI ?iH-.b* 1'rrnt.b llnalhl^ daalra? pa-dtkata ??lili '?rail?; ?? -i r?f?rrn??i?. lierai.aa V4>1??. Ilu uib.ii. Y ?flit i I??aa Pamela i OOO V?MWm I.ami?iiiiM.I rlpah'. Fr?n.'i ?Irl i hlflanl I?: :.i...'. .vaUn'ry pnf?rr?il. JuaaJ.a A,?<..7, 111 tail 'lia ?I. 1*1??? ti*). LtKls NM M, to Nofts?n I.!!l? O ?">. ssirh Unseed fiar, ? n sj Msr'a l. Olli n No* 1*. t? ?? Southern Pi tit ? . ulth m.!?e. ?luarar.'ln*. S 11 s isi I.J.I.? IBal?), i" S.aalr- V.? I !.. 1'ierrv Malt I?. ' ? laal i: . |] ..? a. m. Sir?*?.,-? rRr.. Msnosa N i 5, l'ara 1" ?uid Bsr bal., I -, l| h,m ft I',, ?uh ,-n.W- liar. S ii m Heran iHut DI, Anw'snisoi ?oi t. ??? Ha?II. fcd?e i ? . (mi ?anlii Kinariu.U A.-, a?..? Iltal . I ?rann. ijtisrintlns. I T M s m h _ Willem IT.. A -r.-.tiir. Oct 9. kf? 1?tr? 17 a . .-ir, - \ ? rui -t.. Eiiy? ? lu ? ?ni lbs AtajSl l'v.i, W?M In La Mail. ?Ith B ?as ira ir?i - : 11 r ?1 3". g ru I.? T.mi; . Hfrl, l!..rle?ui No? 1?. ti, the ('?smpigiila Osama!? Trum?ajitlfln? ?1th mslls s:. 1 ii. I- liar a' ! t" |. tu Joha 11 RasriieTcalar. Tupan No? ^ sn.l Timi'lcn I, t.. n.ti.l T Ward?t, ?Ith etoAe ou. Bar st il p m ?'hilsm-tte. Philadelphia, to the Southern Pvlflr? , Ob. Qiiar a'. 3 I* p r, Hatuvrk. JaaksooTl . - Nos 21 an.) Ch?rleat?.n ??. In ihs ? i) ?e ,1s Cu. stith l la? 'juar as 1:1 a ? B li'l-r.l-'. Oalssstoa No? :0. to th<l K.iUthem l'a. HI- s... arlU* i, |aa sjuar ?t S 17 ? ? Ma..ils.-s \?v?p.,-i Ne??. ,i-i l .v.rr.-ii.. la ?lu* OU Oomlnl? n 8s Co. ?I Mr <? - tt a m. Iir.rt i.\,/i. OUatrosi s.iv 4. M Hr-fiham 4 B?y?? v*n. In mllt** Bar st * s m Brau'.T ? Bi Tomas ??"t :?. ?1? ni Johm. Il Hm I? ?? 1 :????, W?thj. & ?'o. with chine clay Ha* si a M a ? N'snm? I.S.T . Ivrh Amhoy l?i ?lis New York 4 Bamutsll <J iar ?t 10 '?'. a m. Htaamer Sno i \..r . ?ilhraltar Qusr s* l:?|? Panan.a ? ri-.! ?. Noi II. lo Uni Panama Kl? H-, Una, ?Ith Tiai'i ai..i mina. Har st 1 M p m. Pa?r:<*?;. PtaUasMpbla. to the ?'b da lis Ci wl?b n I ? quar s: : 31 p m Prlni-os? Ana?. Naasps r?. N'awa lid Norfolk, lo 1h? 0 '. 1? ?toi-.." ?-. ? ... ?i-h tt. ! i- sj-.iar a? 3 M P m hail-kh and Newrn.rt SVw?. Arhllb ?i-r II.--. Ra?anlo; ?.mal. liatsaston; M?m Cu? ti? n...:?. Rottardsm iDutel , London; Alion? an ?? Tu-:. ? ?sitad; l?uyai.s- i!-r.. Bordean? ?Jrena (Nor), Vladivostok, lu ?mr..,i (Hr.. Hull, T.Is-r. Noefafal and Nom., n Nasua; Kl Ma/, ??sl , . '1 .. . Ar.'tiir,?.-'. tla Wtlalnston. \i. ,, .,- -i?a. .s rfatt ntiisuhiili lltali. Ha**?a?; F?i* ?l'y ?Hr.. ni. Baacki lUs.. Hr t- ? m; Auraiiia Ti'sl . Naplea; M itara. Illser purr Due? I?-_ il! ilial), Maplaa; Chala (Brl. Norfolk; Ctt| o? Pun?ais? ?Hr . l'on Said. Mot.tMT.-?t iSpai Barcadona; CotaiU V.? ?>r.??:.?. i; . , ? .' . Ml . !?.'... ,-?..:, f [,.?; j..,rriai..l ia?a*ad Oolhi iiburf; ????.ta Ma*?a Kir.i?i?K.. OoWa-h?, CkWleUM ?'"1 J ? >? *..r.*rt:ie. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. Aiut;\ i D M? J.melro. Ni? '.3 - AllMUlih. New York , J? ArrUfd Darr..?mor? (Br>. ?- ^ Soi ?-Cymric iBr?. >>'??' Ter*. 1,1-, No, U A Irlstl? (Brl *? ? ??-rk. i: '.. , 2| Ntr'.ua .llr . llMstrsal. i l i. t, f A i t.? (Bn. Nav? T?rK foi ;.- i? Nui.i?:. ian lo ? ? ! ? i N.-? i? I.'.. . NfS? S . , !..-*|.-k inri i ba?il. Nos 11 A'.nar.rlra ( fIsr-, ?. N-w ' '? . . l!,riA....i. Nu? 21?llli'.aiod (l)ani. Bhlladal [.'!. VI . i r?r.l n ? ana ?Pr? Nass Tork. .-: Ui la. V.? t1 . - ?/-.i i.? 'llr.. Krsira N?rs? Iroa I.a Pi!lir?> . Ns?s \ or? Haalaa N?H :J -R'.? lllan.o -BrI, Ns-w Tnrk. m Mlha.l?. No? ::? WlsrlJnvht (I)u'.-ln. IfrMn N.l? 1- I Mr 'ar Soi 31 l!tr:Ui.'1 (Br'. New Tork '. - ; - ?iniiu /isia. ? '- ? v??.'?- '? (Bf?, Torrs An nunitat? f. r Kasi 1 O tt on* pro alr . r N ? .? Kun '1 ilir?, Nsw Tork Poe! |. -?i. Nos ?? Bu? ?o??m s- Ti. m?.. N V. Ko? U Kommt (B-!. .Vas?, i .. HAU KP Amiterilam. N..s 10??iran-chir? 'Dutrhi, New Tnrk ("ai?> T m N ? '.'? Hi'.'? 'fin. Ns-??. \'. rk !-. .. ', ..i-- II- Na? '. v lllakai i. No? II? Borna tt m %fsr Mll . Protldaetr? ai. 1 N? ? 1 la ?! r.i ?.i t,a-k Nsw Tork. . i ! ? i Hr-, Htm York Barbadas. Ko? 34 I? ni? ? Hr . ifrsuu Ntrw York and K. .f.'.k . Pats. <?? ? "-? -? M r- b!? dtsl?. Vus York. K!nm?iioMkl. N.;? 33 - lismrlyd? (Brl. New Tswfe, T4SSSM Clhraltsr Not 21 Sin ?luillslno (Itajl, Nrw T'.rk f .- Ns; la?. I.tiarl. No? 3?-Jan Van Nsaaau ?Dsiichi. Nsw Tork f r H.i'.i?.r.lam ??.iliraltsr. N',.? 2S--Corrh iKn. Np?? Tark for ?'a.- Util Not H Uru-otnahlr? (Brl, ?'alfTitta for Pliiln.l.- phi? and N*?s Torl Prawu. ririiu. Nor 31 Ulllpool i 11; . Nsw Tork ?sd portli I. Mr. f, - n.,:?.-.;.,,? t Miarl. Nu .? Hr.. New Tork for Dartmouth and Hi'.tcr.lam. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. PKI>||YTKKIAN. 0 LO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIFTH AVENUE-ELEVENTH STREET HOWARD OUFFIELD. D. 0.. PASTOR. THANKSGIVINO OAV SERVICE, Il A. M. MADISON SUUARE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Ma -..i. \> ? rar I4th IN Tha usual Ti a kiflrlna Im, Utrriet at il A M R.*? It Pirkh?i-it will preic? im l'KKPARKD ? I'KdTh.sTINT KPIMOI'AI ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH Hi-i Ai IM at If.i Mlnaut. 1>.o II.-? I.KIOHTON PARKK, I? I> . Rector. ? EHVICtS UN THANKSlilVING DAY. ' . AM M?t*ll?l I'rsisr a:.,I f. ;i:..ii II A ?I. IT. a her. Res ?t.s.-;-, II MKIOI-.MKI). TIIK MlllllI.K ( ?III K?.I VTK ?IHK? H : Ass a : He? Jiill.N <i KA?i?; I? H Mlnl-ler . ThsnkHl?nns 1'a, at 10 JO A M llr. I ??a ?sill prra- h TIIK M A It HI K COLXEOIATB CIUKIH, Sib A?e. ?i. I 33th HI lie? DATID JAR H! 1.111:1.1.. |i D., Miniate?. ?in Tl ai.kaa-liiii? lui i: ? runfnutlon of Um lol !*?l?sa Church of H?. Nu.'- a? unltaa >?lt!i thl? ...n- ! KT??I 1: In a sarrte? In this il.ur. h al U A. M .1 Malr.ilm Jauiaa Ms I... .1. V I) . will pr?s, h nu. OOLLBOIATR < m m 11 or IT. mi Mh As? a-, I ?*lh HI R*? MAI,?m.M JA> ma? I.K'il? I? H Minister ??i Thsi.k??1?in? D?f (ses aunniin.-aaient of Her ?li-e si ii .at.- ll.Tir.l.i TIIK W satn KM? < UIXCOI ?TK MU H? H, Wr-I l> -I A. ? Slid Kill ?t li>< nr.NRY KVKRTsHlN ?sHIH 1? I?, Mlnlslsw 11 , |i ?'::?- III ? ? O? ISI - f I' * Kn. 1 Mslliorlal < Lai*' us.'lr? with till? ? ? n?rr|al I. !i In a .,,., r m H U ? hui h I II A M l?r Cob? will | ?..?r?, h Mu-U brj lite Ui. -i MtmoNsl l liorsi .?.Ut?. cupant of the car, escaped with ?light I bruine?. Thomas Ilealy. a taxi chauffeur, of 413 West Thirty-seventh Street, wa run over by his own taxicab at Fifty third Street and Eighth Avenue ysster | day morning. Healy was under hi, : machine making repairs when a car 1 bumped the taxi over his body. He wa, taken to Polyclinic Hospital suffering1 from internal injurio?. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecast? and Kecord?- of the Laat Twenty-four Hour?. Waal.iaa-.on. No? 24 ?The low area central on t!a? North Pacific Cut Mor. lay rtnilnf ha* adrancctl to Kaat ?bruk? ai.J lncr*aa?d ..maiderablj In ?Stem***, Thus f?r It ht? not been attended bgr prertpliatl. < nr?t?t la It? mar ?low ba* fallen In in? mMJL* Bucky Mountain refltyo. and rain or ?now car th? plateau state?, aiao In IB? F?wia? Co.?t ? . . . In Ui< Kaat th? weither ta d <_? i at?.I by a hlfh Kniyer?ture which ha? lullt, up In th. lu? twenty tour hour. o??r tin Canadian maritim? pr-oilnc?. l'air weather !? lnJlr?ted for Thuradaj and Fri? day ?aat of tli. Ulaalwliapl aud toub ?a* th* tiki* rlfer?. I:-, -.-. 1'.??.*? tli? Mld.ll? Atlantic and N'?w I' t a. '. ?Uta? Kaln U lndlc*t?d (or in? upper 1?** reflon Thur?da?\ and for Ui? ?ow?r lake r?*iJii Friday A* temper*ture will rltay ?lla-tHl, In AUaMl? ruaat .Hautet*. St. -i.. . .iniine, are dt-playal on th. up*?r laku. Win.I, f..r Thunid?) ?nd Friday?No-th Atlantic. raodarala north, u-.-oialiuj ?artahl? Frklty Mi'dl. Atlantic, i.... r?t.- north. tooomiiuj. ?>?utt.?a?t 1 rl day ??hiiI. f.iantk. mod?rai? iiutllwaat, tut l.nil n?-t-r?T ?..uiti.ut. Weal Gulf. ?a.?l?r?M ??iiitheaal to ?outll. upper Ilka?. ?Uoi.f ?outh?ut *.u ?out!. Tt.ur-.!?). ?hlftl.ii to wt?t Friday, luaet lake?, frr.l, ?aulla. to ?Iron, i' Ij-...iI 'or S*?clal Laaalltla?. - ''??tern New Yuri.. r.??:?rn l'.iiii?yl?antt, X??? Jen?. Delaware at. ! Manlaad, fair Thunday .... I Friday Kaiit'ii-kj, Tenu?**??, WMt Vliflnlt. Kti Varia, A M am*. Mlwlulppl. Arx*i.?a?. Oklt i . i 0'?,t?ni Penucyltanla, f?lr Thur?d?y, TrtiUy. i.ri.l..'.|y ?IiuWiti Tl.a l'l.irl.i at i ulumlil. Mrfii.u OaMaU, North and S< nth Car...I.,a and Ne? Lnflaiid. lair ThuraJay ; Friday, Lacal Official R.cord r ?? r... ? ; ?..-..?. ...? : '? from tl>* W.-ailier llureau ?how? !h? eh?nfe? In the . fur th? l??t twenty-four hour?, In cum pa^MS with th? aofr-atpundlii, dit? of lau >ear l?14 ISIS UI? 1010 .1 a in ... 1.1 111 ? p. m. . .8? 474 H a aa. 1? 41 ? p. m SS 41 Ham.29 it 11 i> in .11 41 I II ui. ... 7.4 4'? li p in.81 ? I 4 I "i M 4. | HUhe-it trmpveatura ?ealerdtt. 44 deine? (at 11 noon!; l< v? .-?t. 7-s detrwe? i a: | | m I : ateraj* )?Mterd?y. 42 de?reo?. atera?. fn ..^r??p..i:.ll."., dale laat year, 80 d.?r-.->. ? f.?r mrreitpotidlnf data laat -thru? >e?r?. 41 lignes Bar?m?t?r Rudlan. ! ? ?. no . *4 17 | 1 p ra 84) 1, 4pm. .30.SI Humidity. Sam. ?31pm ?7 I I ,. m. ?1 L?cal F?r?ca?t.-Fair to Iff ?id tomorrow, ?armer to n.i.rrow; :i*i.l taiiabl? ?lud?, bccomlnf frr?h ?oiitlieant ? *%*$ CO?NC? 50 MAWSON AVENUE HEADqiARTEKS XOTICE8. Tha follcwlnf ?>?u*? ttvessafu'ls paaasd Dm?. aminailon for promotion m M i;u, ^ |^* !aal. al _???* h?_lQUarta*rs. Wsiiar Krou, ?uam taammo Tl-oop W; lobait J. Kssjiel-j, Jr. (????J ?ton ?i??'r?? M.srfr. Kdwird H?..' Alb?. 7**" kus. Troop 1*4; Edward Mo.? ,rLa? tvLv* Jatur? Mi'Kskls.'ua*, Enie?t u_-?.11" Tioop llu. Km..- B Br.sii?. TMup l_?i__ Br.?_an. Hsrr> Bran... ?os A raiwsalti D v?!* suMartUh rr'"P Ifti H. Beitram Smith ' ?_?_ Welnhe-rf. Bdwln Kriagaman. Troup IM, J^i-!?* Pa-tiai d. ^ ?*?? ?.Mut? who ars i-aiidt.lalre for ?m ?ad - ??lai? ara reminded ?hat Ihaj sJiould ks?a?*_ lo aujnal ?tth ?M. ai ?.?!: aa nresm?HJa? -r, Jf* About 1 601 as-s*uls unie t ut>_wl?? of _> v_. orTVr at Mr GniTithe M Wllnats Ci? ?,jtio?^2? ? -nie Mftt C a Nation" ,a?t SatuMaT 5~*? I.lherti Theatre. A Ural c.sia bad?e ?ai fo_? after the pli-ture. Sont should |..-plj u yg* Ue*> I qu ?rt??_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ Thare la work for tw? or thrae ars?s? _ ?>_ ??_? tlunii? the ? ra_p?s?:, to last a??? thr?? w...? ~?*" Major ?resterai O'By an ?rill rmrtrw tr? saaasa w the ?Vphaii A?>!ua? lo-daj N n -r y ?7 ,, o?T.o?'k. --out. as? p.?tint to ii'?si,| in Haifa?, to l.'t II uahcr?. MC. Not los vas ae: t tMMmmt Quarter? too 1st? t.? notify troop? Indliidiiaii?)^' ?uadsy. Dsv.mbar I. Wir, ?ill ? fc,,'"?s_ Da?. 1? Lhe ?.-Lurehaa of this dl) Bj ta h<^???s! ?nin??*n..Siti ?ut b? trade lo ha?? ta? afsaal? auk? soiutln? the suhj?.-t ..f h'? ??rs? ? 31 Boy aWouia poaslble to atrend In tferm lin Saliinl??. I le>etiib?i I tlis ra ? ' all su?. ta ?ha ?reatar eltj will I* h*lrf in ih? ?fta????V_ s placa t.. u? lint ister l'.i.. ..ra.l. n ?. ?..?>_ IrsMpa will ba ?flw". In!? ai ; .. faami,-J ?lia ?siai.rial e?u.pal|?. ?aid S . 4i ? ^ " noumed lo ?.vuijii.tera . ..,. th? ?>? srraniesuei la ars Troop Note?. An liitesrstllif MRM ) Im* Orna* o? tttt! rseiilri? Isst si the Tr.-n, ..?.? \|. i .?ti?i ?rYaaui Church Kill? Sire.- ?il \\ .. t .?.Wim? fk, ' ?i,?r aesM niaaUrr. ?Leu the I'alrl? '?"trhllsj. 1'reSMIlte.l the Ii..p Hill Ih? lial'.tiai (?SSS? TW MsarntaUaa ?sa aiada ') I??? > rai.s Miagrl, as! s-Mrens?? ??-?? .i " .i-.-?-? Mit* ,ui, slao '. .??? Uhj.I ar.l Capta I illas. ? Uie ?Irani Ainu oi Use h-, ? ,u,:?r aft)? rs'rkrth' ...h::?.? ??t?- pr?-?-.t 1' ???.!'.a HA? H..U .-ft ? \ . ? Ti-.-.p M 11?, 111 ??* re rst>rs-??*it<?l Tro>>p UT l'r H.mli'.r a.-.?j'ma?'?r h?;j y^ < l'art, Priav? ?ere a?| U the I r.v l.i'usi uauI ?Ij \\*n. Sss-os..! .Iks seou'l A IsJiso M Kn?eri and I??. ?... till Tuursds) No? 1? twa?iir-a1i *rn???f_i ??Ml? of Troop 31 Mai S. huir?. i?MuusisM?r. ?asi a? mis lu U Judm (?resnOauru. of tin K|?m ?'oiirt Ii.1Mii> R.?'Ut Cr-mnuial.? er A ?' ? ?larlas ?Si 'o TraOsP lo? o. sa .- '.?a sajuai .?.?eni?r won by Ih'.a ?a at t_ IVi?liin?iton HsCihti i? ? T> - ' ??'? ??, . lui-.d durln? ' .? -..ii.iu. r ?u s4M??? ', Usput] !*.? ?it ? ? ?- ? L P^iyj In hate !.. .i atrae trot? . I At t?if n. mi..? m??'i.n ..r T. a I lers' T.-.?.|j of ti.o tall SI le. a .<wun on trsss ?tj I 1.;, 1 . !? I ? H ? Ti.aip 1 M '?? h A Kill? ? . orn.aalar tUas^sl In a !.??!>? u Im ' -??_!i?i{7 ' ranshss ..' ' sew Turk in the aaaesj?. r.^.ni ..f '..- Hariaas Puklla Ubrtn lut weak. Tsa ua ??? -f ?Irla al' , f;.?n tatiu I,! twss I) mn <tu ?srs.ia aii.l |. ...??? f N?? \ .ark ??., i __ ?al?ate and talk and ?In? Tasas amilanas! ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS [Frr?n Th. Trti.iin? Bureau ) ?A a-'ilii|'.in, No-ember 24 AllMY ICto* v\ii.i.iam c ii.4ni.iKF BT?rta? rang, ?p I Inted. ii.-ti. cr if it tt lull ?I botxd fur prmnorioii a r r!.- practica I?;- Ll.VWOnn F HANSON, "Hi Inf., upon com ple'loti of dutlaa ?I Uefceoarllla. return to prop? ?tatliui. rinl Uarut, AI.BF.IIT II AiHEH. Cofia of En |liie.-r? t? San Kran.ii-p fo* etanilnallon for pro u: ill B A ? V Lieu' II A MA d.-'xlied work? lituaeh * I?ni' Optl.'.I I . II -I..-"?-. In Vislal Uiii II II Ml' HAM. dtt?-l.ed coaiai?rid Brutvu to home and ??|i i ile-? Uarut 11. fl.) it. V BELL, d?i?eiied TartSawn: be .-?iiiiieotl. ti fit'i'.g ou'. Oklahoma and duty ?a ? ?Hard *!ien r. tnmliilot.ed 'J O I IIAX8 liltT?. .Irl.olir.l M?W llarop ?Lire. In Vtnkl ? E.i?l(ii E U. HF.K/.IViK.H iletached rtteWIng -lifp ?t Sari Fran. I?, o : to Yorkiowii Ensign A. J M?KK.T. del?, lied llllnot*: to I., .h,:.'.? I . A. M D'lN'oHl K .iet?ehed Hannibal: to I.IOI.I'U?. liii-ign W l>. fl 1.1.IVAN". det?.-hed n??y yard. I'ii?et Sound: to Cliaiuii-....? Knalgli MICHAEL III li.ON. deUrhed Hannibal ; to I . . I tu. i W H piiltTEIl. dem-hed natal training ?'?lion, Newport, tu ?.? .n Etulfli I. 1' P1CKKHIMI. .I'?.lie.l Tanklon: to connection Biting oi.l OkUliuaia ?nd du'y on tuOT'l ?h?B ixjIUUdMloi.tJ. SJlSlfn H II I IM." rim ?,? N-? ll.iapaklsi '. Enjl?ii J 1' liAll'iv tt?,|..| Iijucae; u I..,., 11?? Natal c..i ?:-irt..r C I. W I ?Tf.R\ Kl.T dctadM ? ' !???. Ir-_ <_ Seattle In home a?..I ?all - . >td Rssst?. (s s'olu Piltra , ,.-. ?? n T\ ii At.i-.'.Ic ratas?? Baal i ' ' l'a. t '?rk C ?. PLAIT, detftrhml sir, j'?rd, Norfolk : t? I La. Clerk W. C <"l HI I r le'ae->?l Moat-t: ts MsIit. _. IPy lurk M J?KIKWAN. ?illrill MDB?: u Montana. MO* V\\\ NTS AKHl.KU N M .'. O'BHm al ? ? N. |1 llr.-.'.lyn II ??>?.'. ms?, ?'uslili ? ?t R.wel ?i k. \. ? N-? Y rk .?'??' -i . ?? st Tokohan ? ? - - ? \Jfi Hirer, W. it \ Irjl I? - SAILLI' ! Nor 33 -HIWKle III?' 1 N ? mmt \ | .- U vwl l ?legrarla, ?rom Nswanrl los "?*,, y,,,? No? . Hr oliri from IVrim for ?Xorar... B? ?er, ?ri-in S?n pr? . j from Bussen.k for S'il lif? ??m; ? l.'jer.i??, i H 1 H 3 ?...I II i Ivm ???.. omm f.? *? ! I's-dro. Justl frm ! , T. ,i!-.a- a. from H amp' . I: ill for .*??? ? Mar>iai..1 rroM ??? Ir. Ml wsuks'?', from San I f : ?'??/'?"? MI.,; ? ?? s 1 u?_?, ? Ni?[on fw 1 Ni-i? York. CUNARD BetmbHehed "(** EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Orduna .Sat.. Dec. 4,10 A.M. ?CAftfERONIA ...FHI, pre 10. 4 P. M. BAXOMA.SAT, DEC. 16, 10 A M. Ul-.IM "N A SAT . .IAN |, 1? A. M "tin Knute lo (?iasgow HOI Nil -UK V4 0KIII lui H Tliroiigh hooking? to all pn-.i-lpal port? of tha ?or!*, COMPANY S OFFICE. ? 21 -24V STATE ST.. N. Y. The putllc be. platued. BOSTON ?2.63 \ii I'.tiiil ..n.I Kuil, ItOCMl lull' ?? 1 . PROVIDENCE ^1.60 KOI'M' IMF, ?MOO. Colonial Line First Claaa it-ril?.?. Wo-k lay? jr. ?I fa-in du>e at I T. M from Piar 33. N. R. f.ot Weal HouatOli St .All> Loom., $1.00 In ?>.' '?". Wir.l.-.? equipment, c'p tovMi Odie?, uroaOwsi ao4 ??u ?t Fho.??. asilas till. F?LL HIVER UNE TO BOSTON $3.01) '.- 1*1 ES 14. M R . ft. Fulton St,, Dally. it I ' ' r M. Nrt? I nni.nn t.NorwIch) Line: Lv Pier in, N il . ft Houa'.uu St . men'* day? only, 6:30 I' M , ??.?i :?, IC It.. ft. E 21d St. ^~>*o?o?oo-??^____^^H W?rr ?t.T.TT.liir Pro?ld??e? dlr.ct. |I.M itii TBIDK HTATl'IKHIMS. SI.SS. Dali?. In. Indine sun,la?. It?00 p. m. Fr- m p|?r I?. t R. 'Plione Vet lleekraai. ' III TV??! ? Jin Hr ?.Uay, N. T. I ptowti ft kel OrTli-i, H'way and 13d St, IHflRT SFA Norfolk, Cltarl.?oi It. rund?. Flir ?"",'? Ida. etc Ail 1 -? H-H4 fot detall?. VOYACtS Mar?t.r?. lut Broadway N Y Pit-, OLD IMlMI.MON UNE To ?II Pon.u fr.uih a id tv-at (mi W?e, Day II I I a l-iar If. N ft Tai. S?'Hi Fi ai.klla. ? ' ' --.***? _ INSTitKTION._ NF.V Y UKh ?Manhattan. LANGUAGES' -J3SUS Oe* pror.oi.ncl: t record! of Rcaerith?P? PractlejJ 1 IngUUtn ?niiilily git?'I.eii?! know,?up. ol Bputlgb. lo-rui.ti. Italian. Tou i-?n um your o>?-, T? ?it.* Uarhl ?. ' rite? for ?okut iar .an tor l'riiau DdtaattfaOoa, * to s tarn ?.???. thi: i.YNt.rAf.r. I'hosk mkthoh. ii.M Putnam Hid, . 2 W. tllti Ht . i.?ar >tn Ata. The Berlitz School of Lan-pi*.f*et, I," 5810 WEST 14th STREET, -\vj "Til ? :.. I I t I -i I Atenu? Hr. oki>i. Bran 111 0 lAetopiem st PI- ? l?.-.??..a ltitu A ? Si?, (il.ker It 1? ). ?la??.? ?n?! l'i--?aie I.--? ? -l'a, ai..) ?eiilng. DIM IN4.. DANCING CARMV?L. SS?g31 e?.uliig. n-iudlr.g Sunday t.rand Caattrai Pit at.?. 1.?'?iii?I?jii at : une ?Clit ?I. entra?e? No, ?ir I0U, ICHOOL AliENi'IES. _ Am.r'.inn and Foreign Tea-har?' Agency.? Snup.l'? liofeaaors. 1 luorwr?. Tutor?. i ivari ? *??? etc, !.. ?.'oll.-gaa, Si-hool? and Apply t" Mr?, t?. J. YOUNG FULTON. II Oaloa .?aquar?. sirro?atet notice??.__ IN ITHHCANCK OF AM OR'ir.H OF HONORA I!. J un ? l'.iii.Un. s Surr.?,?!? of t:.? 4't.unt? c( New Tora, i ? tl.-r It li-r-liv ?tim u> ?II j?ir? n. bating claim? w>t:?t Car...In? Hieeper lUrptr. lata ,,( tli? <? " U "' -??"?* I*??? >!? ? ?-??e.l. lo i rea. I the ??m?- '?'il' ?ouihtr? thereof to liw ?utwrilwr? ?I ll,.lr pi.'?' -' irai..? ting I.ii.!.teu ?t the oft), et I ir ?tl na?J Juin. t. I .?rk. Nu .14 Nu??u Mtert. In lb. ? ?tl lf New Yora. oa ?? U-fir? tb. 1,1 day ?r Mar. n .?t. l>.tad. New Turk, th? l?th d?t of AugU'l- I?!* ?H.iHtliE I? Hit I 14, HfMiY >4 HAiii'i :;. HAHPKII III.I IMAN I I 11 I.4MI -4 PIII.LPA. jOHM P CLARK AII.Mi.i-, for K??alan 1? N.a ..11 ?'irtl. Iloruugli uf UaiihatUn. Net? Turk 4 tty AMERICAN UNE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y.?Lrerpnol -Pi?r 62, N. R., N?? st. l'uni Nor. ?TXew Y??rlt Dec. 4 ?IImLim! lier, t'fit. fouls lite. II Tor I'ulntouth ?nil I s.n.lnn. WHITE STAU LINE N.Y.?Liverpool?Pirr f?n, N.R., Vn It ?His lie, . I ?.ir-ailr Dee. I Azores?O ?hr altar?Nap It's?'ieno? <-e?i.-, ties-. ?I. Ill V. _. < .ii.;.!?-. it*. I ?ill I? 1 . ?r It U al N i II s...?? lisrtsr FRENCH LINE (om-yatnla f'.ener.- le T-in? itlastlqM FOOT At IHM H I Sailings for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - - Not. 27, 3 P. ? ROCHAMBEAU, - - D?*c. 4,3 P.M. LAFAYETTE, ? - - Dec. 11.3 P.M. ESPAGNE, - - - ? Dec. 18,3 P. M TOK INTO km AT' '. Al'PI.T COMPANY'S OFFICE, JC"??m t tie i:a?t c'eeet . -nsnee ? BRAZIL _ i^?rk?t^AV^^'-^.-.''^, Kty s* s. sao pi.jLo, Ht it y:::*. ;s.s. Riode jan?iro. jmli? . rr? M??arn ri.t las? , -? ???.I*? _?_?' ?LfCMtA. Aettl m RED ??_" por porto r],., ?i ? ? ? ? -, ?"!,iJV CARACA? Oee. Il'HI ? ? ?' ??** ' ?UBACAIBO H* IZ1 tU '** " ?JiiINrlur Aeeoa?nn_s ?,,**?? ni.ISS DALUtTT sfc "?? << ? _Jl,,,''?Jf?. Phor.? IIT? Ha;...?sr. ? *??' " ?S Direct M UNE *?TK IJfMHf _?*' it.t??rei. PORTLAND NEW ??IRK _ r w ? \ , ?..uaocart WARSHIPS S & YACHTS !?? ?1 ?' v Galen Hall in tde ?Mountains W.RNCRSVIUr. PA. Where Wi-fer Diyi ?re full ?f (*?'? M?*iem Utith Grada Hotel with rn****1 eomtmrx ?t-i ?? ?*! ?'h?*r ^/t'110^ dry air with sunny ex; usur? a - rue ?r, from North ?sun is H-? " ?'? ? ""T* tl?r'.u?h th? ??dar? Resio ?? ', ?' *>?"? Di-i Kitch-n ? tt- t.r.arvd I nie ????. HkilM O^etor? Ne* B - ? --j^S from N. Y thnsugii H ?..?"? -'_" R. t. of N. J. m h tirs i -m <?'*?. K^riin? K. R. UUrmtur? ? ?? VjTnL tsrrns on re<jiiest. N Y 0_H? -*? -**? Av?. l'hune. M?a. S* ?."?.,.... UrT HOWARD M .?.'v-'' ?*rT ?.A LEX Mill ni \ l\ <??. f. U Yivunw, (??-riera; Ma"?ger ?fli lE^DI?*??Ti??SO.H HOlf I Of inr MM ?Kari?oroiii^Knii?iiii ATLAM'II ' OIT Y. ?>'? ??? 0WNfH*Mis ?????aGiiai*?? ._.??. | JOS'AH ?VHITe A SON3_^M__fli PASADENA HOTEL GREEN aSS? S:r?:.'Ar?:.eV? >' PARTRIDGE INN^-^ Countri ?'lu?' Two M llol? ,,"'f, !...'r>?l?? Tennis. BuU?. ? Ith K , h.- ?V*%J,nt ???*; N T Offlt*?*. a W ?" Ht Phon? BtT? TRAYM?RE..."*'"