Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Y-Mir Money Bock If You Wont It. 5,, Editorial fafe. Fir?t Column Nm I?otk tjribttm WEATHER ?AIR TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW; l.ll.HT WINDS, lriter-davj'? Trmperatares: High. ?I: Low. S4. Vol. LXXV Nd. 25,212. [tat, lOtS, ? \?-?-, ml un. First to Last?the '.ruin: News- ditoriais - Advertisements FRIDAY. VOVEMBKR 20, 1915. * * PRICK ONE CENT In CU? of New York. Newark. Jerae? ill. em* Hooatkra nmnm two ceito. Czar Promises Invasion of Bulgaria in Week DEFECTIVE BABE TO DIE; SURGERY WOULD NOT HELP Operation in Case of Rob? erts Child Fatal, Spe? cialists Decree. FATHER WILLING HER LIFE BE SAVED Family Doctor Say** Early Ac? tion Onty Can Stay Death from Blood Poisoning. ... happy aad healthy children ,,. : day to tarkey aad j,),, . i aad all the reel ?hat i*oei ?'it. ?? Thaakagtring ?im Bir> [?i~ P.oherts. ?ho ?le? itet v. baby horn Tueadaj night into | WO! ? ? ]!Vf. laakegiTiag Mai ? He pital. The Maaai uso barley -,... peratare. death ia only a mi'ter o? .iay?. unconscious of the stir it? .-...?? lot had cau*-e<l. uncon sjton, - ry,the infant drank the bi- and seemed to c; .'iiy hoy 01 g?fl cf h ? ?T eighty, for thr ittei njoyed h or her ?.|? dinner. partakiag at ?'?? - nour ?? i.i <-'istai.. fo the Maat eminent physicians ??. vorld, specialist? on . were la con ? .,,-?'.? m? e< trdtel pronoaneed w edi Tl ? c ?aid rforai? unfortunate l?T.h>. opinioa of tfc Ma, Or, Robert Abbe an?i D? ???? illiaai A. De pea, ?nrgooae, Hiid bv ? m H. Kimbadl and Dr. L Lin-, _e, Holt, physician?, Dr. Maurice ? II set. Hi ri-peated ion of Wednesday that an ?va? necessary. a ?'?K-ratio.! I aot performed at . ?lie of blood poiaea* ? t. "h' 'his case t'r the -pine is rov ?r membrane, and i' Kill is resorted to this ?. ?come bruised. Blood poisoning I still believe, as I did ..ered the child, that an ? ?-cessaty." Operation Would Kill. Herr * -le statement issued by Dr* Holt. Kirnball. Downcs and Abbe: "In ?iew of the unauthorized opin i?n! which have appeared in the tiuo Ik pre?-* regarding a aewly horn in? fant n?r* < .1 Reharta, n?.\v ;? patient in tae Babies' Hoapital, a simple state m*nt of facts eeem? called for. "The :r.fnnt i? suffering from a not mom mon malformation of the spinal ahmn and ?pinal cord, technically knowr. a? spine birida. with complete Cralysis of the lower half of the body. on!y the mildest grades of this- de? formity i? this condition amenable to snrgieel 'reatment and such treatment 1? re*jj'?ir:y give:.. In the more ee ???e gr?r|. ? of malformation, ?uth as ?Jilts her?*, and in the child'? present andttioi ? i? our unanimous opinion'1 th?t r.n Tieratlon Is justifiable, it would probably ?horten the child's Ufa" To teil r'atemmt was appended the . ?lfi?ture' of th<* four specialist? - M'i? Mary Apr,*.?, su;,?*r t?ndent of the hospital, ?aid the child'* wrrj.tion ??nee its admission to the ?o?rlt?; war. unchanged. mother of the infant was Tan M yssts-rday. Th?> father. Joseph F.. looms, -?ho sp?nt most of the day Wild? hi? .'?.fe's bed, at their home 1W K??t Seventy-second Street. visite?f the ho?pitai *.f"T?-rday morning and Watch?*.; ?,? child talce its m<.>rni!,js* ?sea! ?cjrg?*o!,? can ?ave ?he little ?ae'i hfe they c?*rtainly have our per ?iiiior. ?., do ^r>." ?aid Mr. R? who hastened te correct a ?tateman? ?ud? b) Dr, Rosenberg that the moth ? join? ? ?h h.m and Mrs. Margar?" ?*?'? n< child'? grandmother, in ?"tine th? ?urgeon to let nature und?. '?* b ii der, ?.s ha I been ?lone in the ?go. AHKANSAS STORM KILLS 12 $!*>> ?iio Deaaage to ?-armings. Area hast of Hot Spring*. ' I Vk.. Nov. 2| Twelve n to be ri?_,j, one man ? buried ?I borne ar d about thirty are in i?fe<j r. .? probably fatally, as the r?* ' ? tornado that aw?pi through j.k* " "i farming cunt?, a ????? ?-tst of Hot Spring? this I H..., W?)r, r^?lf)Ulthra A I*. ' were farm?-r* Th ??* ? >'??>? Spring? ?affared no daa.. TPJ'," aa iajared ?J'1* 1'" dnrna..:?- rna> r? a? I, |] ?CHANCE HONORS RUSS CHIEF (e?>ip1 **"*? Pa? with < r?*. tor '??rtieral Alrxleff. *' ' A? M niMting ? ?< ?' ?eral (.?raid ".u wa? 2lV?'' will ? -?,,*,on to h..s,i? to AmmtJnJ'*P*" ? -..exieir, ?!z' ?' '/' _?n?r?l staff, the ff; V.'*"1 '/f'"" "f th" ?>*??"' of ?? ' "-?ident ?V-mrar* r,re?id?-d ?"_,"?"% f "W IMM-a* IIMIT_/> mm ,1',.. * ' "?" 'sr?*4i.f _?v. ' .'' '"S/-V. _ Tau.M ?ns ?lOat m _ .. SPY ON BUE?IZ JURORS s.-. 1.1 <??:?,., Mr? (,, i?.i \n? Have lo Ir-lluen?.- Ih.-i... ? h,eu a>od esjei ? ??' ?vr- watch h th- trial ef Karl ? ? ging an Lia : oe ..t ,i opplj in?.- Ci-i men - srshi] . : mid foodstulT I*, B*OS f.-ared !>v ths I niteci Stotes official:; i?. era! ?aid. that ;iiflu<-nccs ?-ugh: to bear on the juror All the .Btementa made bv the juror while ?h?v were being examined as to their qualiflcstioo* by eoonsel iri the cas?- -.:<? m-,ni? eheehed up b; 'tie s. - . The triol will o? relamed this moi i lag i th i niti-d 7stiit'?s < ireoit l BP^AKS NECK' IN LINE RUSH Pootboll I'iayer Kiapecled to Me, S??ti il Ki-Jcraey Mayor. ? ,. \ l Nov. 28. John P. Lu tweot* "Id. son ut Ex-Mayor .lohn p. .-.-, . ef M Prospeei street, bronce hi* noch thii aftoroooo, in the annua ? .? -. Daj foot? ball game ootweea the Katley Club ?uni the Pstei ni, Y. M. *'. A., .-it Nut '? al. Little hope i? held at S . Tor his recovery, si though lie lias been conscious lioc* be ?juied at 4 p. m. lii th?? second half Lux, fullback, ?a-1 ordered to carry the bn'.l through the Pol irsoi players' line In centre ru-l. play. After the BCrimmag? Lux wn fountl stretched en the ? Id. When he did nol re.?ion.1 te first aid, Dr. Ji orderet' him taker, to the li" Lux. a gradaste ef Nut ley iLrh School, has ployed football for l?verai HAD BEGGED TO DIE, NOW AIDS OTHERS Woman Who Urged Death for Hopeless Sufferers Is Recov ring and Joyful. "While there is life there is hope. v e doctor, no surgeon, no matter how skilled or eminent, should ever tell a sufferer that there i I no hope. There is while a spark of life remains. The ' best proof I can offer is my own case." This wa? the Tnanksgiving Day mes- ? sage ef cheer for "other sufferers from, Mrs. Sarah Harris, bedridden for nine years and who on August 2, 191*1, wrote ? a letter to The Tribune asking that the L?gislature pass a law allowing her and ' similar sufferers to be pi' to death to end their misery. When she OToYe her lotti r, or rather dietatod it, for she was paralysed from *he neck down, she pleaded for death constantly. Lminent rjhvsicians and BOrsjeoai who were called in by her relatives, who were wealthy, had told ; her that her case was hopeless. "But you see me now," said Mrs. Harria, who fairly radiates cheer and; happiness, as fh>- sat up in bod, able ; to move aii tne upper part of her body. , "And when, a year ago. I bofOB to grow well tin- Drei tiling 1 did was to reach - lor thai telephone there" she pointed to one at the bedside "and call up the physiciitns here in Now York who had given me up. The only favor I asked them Was tha? hereai'ter iney never tell a patient that the case is hopeless. And, mark me, I'll be walking around ; inside of a year." Mrs. Harris, who is in the early thir? ties, with beautiful black hair and dark eve? that inspiro, has spent seven of the nine yeart; at Or. Lloyd's Sani? tarium, 8 St. Nicholas place. Almost every day in the last year she has been wheeled sroond the grounds, but yes? terday her two children, Evelyn, nine, and Seymour, eleven, were taken from ?their boarding school and ?pent the day skylorkiof in the room. "They brought me sandwiches," and here Mr?. Harri* laughed 'or she has al! the good things of the world, "and made me eol them in sdditloi to the big turkey dinner I had. 'I hey sang all the late't songs, and it wn.? realiy a joy. This day alone was worth Hiring for. I ant glad to have lived to sav I am sorry that I ever had such selfish thoughts as to wish for my death. I em BOO goiog te lit I for my tWO chil? dren." And thei itod 'hi- uuatram from "Omar": I ?wit a ? ?< a '-.'- : - -, ,.- Hilf al - Ai 1 ir a ni b> no >?''? rrt irii? i u> me. V - ? >?r~! I injraalf ?it. II?????- and Met1 And Mrs. Harris begged that it be remembered that she was quoting from memory. ? "That's all there is to it," she said. " 'Omar' had it right." SOLACE FOR BALD HEADS LoM of Hair Declared a >ure (.uar eatOS of Sanity. Br i? i ? ?? Monroe, "A is., Nov. 25. Here is a gram of comfort for bald-headed men: N'o matter to ohol exta-nt the, all tompelled t0 bear the ridicole *i their ?hinin-,? dorn'-s. sad 'i" ma'"'-r boo romeroc me ?oill? a? they BOB their hair going, going ami finally gone, '^e fact that it .s failing ou? :. a guarantee that they ??nil i ' ? be iomatoi ef sn asylum. So say? Dr. Hoher? M. I lark, who ha? 'm.'I. n lifelong stud) of insanity. "I hov? '??h ,1 hundred patient* a- ?<> thoii sanity," said Di Clara. '1 svi bad the opportunity of ?t ,.l;,%ig many in-ane BSyiWOI of the eooatry, and in all of my experience I have yet, with a single exception to . insane 'nun -?.ho was bald headed " When wny. the doctor declared himself entirely in tin dark, merely maintaining that II was an indispoteble ?..'? ? i-. .... ty was found chiefly ? it h heavy head? <<i ? Salesman Hit by Car. Difs '.. ?.rga- Morr.a, ? i f ? y years old, a. 28* West eighteenth Street died m Scllevu* Hospital short ly after midnight thi?, morning, of "i juriei, received when a Barrees cai ?truck him ;?t Kighth Avenue and T?A*nt>-third .Str?*u HIGHER TAXES AND NO BONDS WILSON'S PLAN McAdoo Outlines Adminis? tration's Scheme to Meet Bij Deficit. CALI.S FOR N?:\Y DIRECT LEVIES Republican' Declare Secretary's Figures Are S200.000.000 llelow Sum Nef (let!. ? i Washington, N< i 26 I hi sdn trunon' plan ?- for ?nanc ng th< accumulating Democratic deficit anti the ...H ! ined in :: .. night i-, ... tary of the Treasurer. Mr. cAdo i d of bondi for ?u-se . | al the nee* taxe - in- boi ne bj the eeon? try. favors mahing penoanenl the "i-tni ? ?-.(-.'' taxe? oted leal year to heip out the Underwood tariff net, and suggest? that direct taxation of various kinils he resorted to. He estimates mount of extra revei ec that '?-ill -. eeded ;?i 1112,806,894.22. . .ii I'can leai ? ."ut ts BMi ? Imp* tant foi ? eoneoal than for what il ey tiritl i' indefinite in many ?raye, the) lay thai ? ; really proves that the total the admioistrotioB must raise, i i it is to leave the Tuas iry in .is good eoodition as it found it ia over'Hi'i.iiiiii 1200,000,000 above the McAdoo figure). Mr. .McAdoo's statement, th< il fieial intimation of the administration*! policy) else fives '?he ?irst tahulstior ?m which to be? diseossion of thi jia.->t, the proeenl and future of Demo rratic financing. It is expected to form the ground for the great fight in Con? gress on fiscal affairs and to he one ol the big issues f m xt fall's cam? paign. House and Senate Iti-publican leaden have not yet had I iniv to give the ?>?.?.? men? the careful study which they wish Ijefore mahing a detailed summary ol the financial diWmma which confront Mr. \Vilson, but they detect even at fir-1 giunce tniiiiy .-- rhich they fee prove beyond eatiofl ho;h the decep tiv?- nature of tin- Bgum and t lu- re? Borieosoesi of ths eitootioa the tigurei fail to conceal. The statement atattl with a "balsnci in general fund" of |104470,105.71 ": July 1, lilt. This does not include tin "disbursing officer'- balances," whtci Mr McAdoo hit- ??nee added into thi credit balance in the Treasury state ment. More "Balance." Bi'l Not ( ash. Throe ehangoi m the form of thi .statement have been made since tin Wilson administration took afleo, e.-u-i increasing the "balance" without in ereaeiag the money. i'n October 23 li'li. Horvey .-'. * hase, of Boston, i certified arcountant. formerly il charge of the preparrtton of tin daily statement of the Unite?! State Treasury, mode a comparison of thi statement actually issued and thi st-itement n< if would have appearei in the form DBOd prior to Mr. McAdoo' advent. On thai date, he found, 'h< old form of Treosory statement shouii have given a balance of f?,517,027.21 The McAdoo Statement made it $117, I47.e*l, a difference of $11 4,118,'.H0. If, To get at the aciual condition 0 the Treasury, for a comparison wltl the figures ohich Mi. MeAdoo net itatOBMOt, the disborsiag officer' balances of that date must he de ducted, leaving S total difference b* tween the McAdoo statement und - ti old form on that dale of **.*"> 1.1 u.".,'. :?? 10. This .lgure is ? fluctuating one, d? pending on the daily balance?? ef ?'? rious account.-!, so that it does not giv the enet difference between thi . > form of statement and the old, exeef, for that date. I titles "f the McAdo policy, however, declare that it prove that the daily Treoeory ?tetemeat, I the foim used bj McAiloo in the <?? tima es issued to-day, shows abov *?-'..'.,. mor- than ths eld for would show. It- nti.ii ..ord-;, th Secretary 'art? with 165,000,000 aboi what ne would haw- bad except fu the bookkeeper's help. V r. MeAdoo' tatemeol aa in the balance With "-Inch the Treasili opened booiooea n July I, 1016, ?ha be allowed to drop to M0,000,00u ; the end ?if th<- . ? :? lisral peer. Thu be epenly plooi te pay IM,170 of the Demecretii i II i ami defl?it te ? ?in- siupi-i the Republican m the Treosory. This is declored b ?h<- Republican? to-be a direct vn Intimi of th? rule? of sound tinan? im;. ?Paeoes ? >io uiio.noo Buck." \ ?J. ird poll ' noted n, ;ne McAdo ? ? ment i- ti al ti?- alloa i $93?80n m,-1 for tii'' yeor'a expOoditoree f* def. til '? I he ' ll niales given out fr?u \Miiy aad Navy deportment* an approved by the President are mm a .., ? ,. 136,273,14.1 ttioi , ? ?,, In ll yeai Mi. McAdoo, il ia ??? plained, has made no eeri m the th bul be mad? hi* -I ,.?- .... ?in- ilmpl* pn .j.-? idu.g ll..'' not all the mot:. appropi ?'' 'l ""ll I"- spent during o y,.liri ?? .1 i.-. eloSSlBg part of the ,i criases a- for "Ih-i purpose? than d il,, make? the total for or paredness only jMJUt,. Thus O I'..?I ?ii l?m?r 1. ?"luinii 1 ? MAY.Mi. GOES HQME KOR THANKSGIVING. After only nine days in Roosevelt Hospital, whore he was operated on for appendicitis, Mr. Mitehel spent the holiday with his own folks. MAYOR AT HOME, AGREES TO DEFEI ANSWER TO BUR! Permitted to Leave Hospi tal Only on Promise Not to Work. l.ovs ;.::?] .|iit. fought a pi tl batt!'. .11 Booaevelt Ho'pi'T morning, aad !?'<<? ?roa. That*? Ike re;? ?son Mayoi Mitehel ^pent Th&nks?,*i'in Day with 1rs ?rife at their cosey horn in i.i'.'i .:? ? ? n .?. foi the May. i era the hero of the battle, which has) : and aarelei eg i ok ?. ..? ?? r? I eree. An?l H il alai Mfl wk] thf Mayoi did 'us? aaawer *h?> charget ..i '. ran ' Corporatioi sel H ? ' la). lit. Peek, i; ? M.i' pkj ?ician looked ')"ii over ? ? tarda; aad 'oun< .? had recover? d frea hi? 11 tia to speai the hi I.?lay at hi? hoBte, "Fine," ?aid the Mayor. "Ml ge1 right to work on an aaawer to tlteei tkargei that Burr mad.- agaiaet me or V*/edai Hay." "If ?hat'?, your plan," said Dr. Peck ratker rteraly, ">ou will ?tai rtg-l here." "Rut. docter." plea4ed tka M?7or "it's p v doty to aaawer thus? chargea at once." "I hi ? it' foui <luiy." ??: d the stil ?tern Dr. Peek, "bat nah i ro . prom* ..? rae ' at j w ?un't look :.t n't even < ... ? i ospltr B . " ? pl.'u.i B . Dr. ''? "Will ;. tii: ... .' ? ? ' ' ?"'an ?aiil with i The Mayor hesitated. Be pictured to him?? ' v. ait - :p.k fur him at theii h?'m". Thai ?a? i '?':.. "Doctor,1 ; i aid, "I pro-. Mayor Mitehel will take ,p tli<* ?har?*?*'? ???' Mr Ban to-morrow, and h<- expect? '" iaaaa ?? stateaeat taal ?? .i] i, i ??m. *. . ' tkea 11 i Mayoi Murr wii hecaaee he nip? teal - ? New York I "ntral r i roln El? ' ? ? s ?em??i, tka Mayor taya, tni-. en I ha honed to acr-'oi ,i ? i-', i , . pu s'il! term of aflea ? lh< Mayor ?aid he felt tine when he left the hoapltal, altkoagh he :o'.;(*r: ;? little pale. Dr. ''hnrl?"? H. Reek an?! I siiiliniirsl s??i ims> I ii.limin s GERMANS PIT 1ITAU; GIVE UP DRIVE AT RIGi Von Hindenburg Abar dons Attempts to Reach the Ovina Line. London, Nov. 'Ji>. The GCTOUI ha bagua tka evaeaation o: Mitau. the forward base la the Riga*Dviaa regie and are preparing to ritkdraw from ;i now hopeless tusk of rapturing Rij nn?l the Dviaa line, ?aya a ?-"etroi?ri dispatch to the "Morning Post." Meanwhile the Russians hav? bcgti a wv. offenaiva in Galicia. Tkii ii dicated ;n the Petrograd official ?tat? ment, -\hich ?ay? that tke Ciar*? troop attacked the ?nsTT'.. nooi the village a Betnikovtze, 01 Stripe, ami drov him to tke riv? r Jaaopol, one ? ere Germans h?<i reach? wkeaee tke) had made attenpta I aroae, has be?1?! eaptnred by th?.- Rus siBns. A C"' i deal el 'he fightini which has aecarrad lat?*ly la the north air war tkeatre ; a? been directed towari securini* a bettet un?* far tka Gerraaaa pcrmnncnt winter fortification. Threaten Foe's I'lanl?. Tke Russians continue to press or vano'i? po'nts to prevent the realiza tion of this object.v. and the German line ai : ow constiiiiied i* far frota =-?:>- ?,. f..i aaytktag mo??? than br?ef I? ' it Iva operation?. Inaamoeh .???< ;h? ' ' he tlank'. of !he n' on 1:0ns. i r, Germ oaetrn ting a stroag ? irfold lms- of treacke? la formidable icriaa af . ntanglement? extendint: I?? r. ? of rail? 9. In the <*xtreme rour the Ger? mans ais* busy completing field rail Way? to tke interior of Germany. ? >?...: af Dviaek, In 'he* Sveaten tka Baeeiaaa claim to have raade headway a' i ta kav? repalead a '.??i mai. ??out ' in the Bige lector Gerneaa attacks ? ? re a!??? ek? el ? : i.rrirans llaim Villaje. bv r I ? Bereeneead I ermar, nand?. R"r?emuende ? - fr\(\ of the 'u< ?!i?- lllouk?! .li-tr.c*, s ..m nus si ?su pj?|r '. rnlumn i AU Cylinders Working i If your idea of an automobile- editor ?a a person who ia ttiwed along by press agents, read I lank. Caldwell next Sunday and see how he runs on his own power. Manufacturer? and car owners alike have found his Gasolene Gossip on Sundays most valuable because it consists ol something besides ?aimed ?tuff. It's real news tola in a new and newsy wav. If you haven't been following it \ mn ?ell, Sunday's a good time to itart. <2ll?r g-utt?au, ?l?rttomp Flrat to I -w -the Truth; \**>a?Editorials?Advertl?em*nts I_ FORD PROMISES PEACE JITNEY ? m Every Person Who Goes Over Will Be Brought Back, He Says. BRYAN EXPECTED: ROOSEVELT NOT ASKED Taft Sm?cs, Edison Undecided. Governors Doubtful, but Barthouu ?Accepts. w illiaaa if. 'I aft and H Ilia? -le. Bryan at? i ew be lougk! h\ Ford to .;?'? ?' ti?. - Haga? Tribunal, n Los.- pur* oa? o gel I ha i r>rti'.* ii? the wo di ?- by ? i .-...,? While Kr. Ford wa lay, ryinj n to gi of Thomas ._ Ediepi luri party, repreeentativei of the auto? mobile maker ?ore bui m i*al telegrapl Ic iai Ital 01 to ill the U ?v ernon r.d other *x public life and endeavoring to par Mr. ral . . ? on -i . ? ?board the Oacar II. of the an*Au r ra? i . eh Mr. ???. '. On Wedneaday afternoon II was sti'.'ed that the detail of the plan would probably bs> given out yesterday. So. when reparten went to Mr. ?'oiii's peace beadejaertcra in the Hotel Hilt more yeeterday afternoon they were handed tke following easy of a tele? gram smt aal ut I o'clock yesterday morning t?> th<* peraoni wkeoe presence is desired: 'Will jou come as m> guest aboard the Oacar II of th?>*ScandinaviatiAmer 1 iraii Line, sailing from New York December 4, for Ckriatiaaia, Stock holm and Copenhagen? 1 am cabling , leading men and women of th?.- Euro? pean nation? to join us en route and at some central point to be determined later estab'ish .in internat ional con? ference dedicated te negotiation? lead? ing to a just settlement of ?he wi.r. One ii?. ol? ? 'i'"'?? tentative '? tmnt ar?. being invited, intone Jana Addaata, Tk< mis Kdison and John BTanaawker have accented laday. Pall latter follow?, with tke twenty thou ?aad men killed every twenty-fear houts. ter.? of thousands maimed, hornea rained? another wtntei began, the time has cama for a too men and arenen with eenrage and energy, irr?* tpeetivc of tka co.?t in pereonal Ineoi - venience, money, iwcrifiee and eriti* i . fr '?? tl ? : ood ?rill of !. that ii '??..?? thai ? ?an ba aeeeataliahed, HEN BY FORD." Thi? aal handed around te the aeweggper men b- Lenii P. Loekner, aeerotary of th No I P ? Ped ?ration, who is aeaieting Mr. Pord. Mr. Pard wa? in Rai ' . ? at < hour. With ?!'?? iaenance el this Mr. Loeknar remarked: "Tkal st!??? ih> plea." "lint ?? doeanX" he area told ' Wr'il," jai'l Mr. Lockaer. "wait until Mr. Fun! returns this r enim/: he may have additioaal 'natter for you." When M ?*. Pard gm buck te team he vn- inclined not to tniK, expleialng that the publicity end of th? project hu't been placed in Mr. I.orhner'? hands. At length, with Mr. Ford's au ation, Mr. Lechner atmou'iced thai il"> invitation? had been .ele graphed; hat Mr. ilry::ri had been asked t< go; that Theodora Roosevelt bad not, and that several aeeeptancei had been received. "Helen Keller, Prederick < . Hoa -, Cemmiaaiener of Immigration, and Mrs. How? are among th?'?e who have ecccepted?" Mr. Loekaer ?aid "Others are Mr.-. Alice i'Brk. IB-Vaga worker, of I'alo Alte, Cal.; Mrs. Anna Garlead Spencer. nstructor in ethical cultur? it. the Union Tkeological Seminary, at Meedville, Penn.; tka Rev, Wa hington Gladden, autker aad clergyman, af Ce* lamkna. ?)hi?f, Iie.-.n Samuel 8. Marquis of St. Paul's Cathedral, Detroit, and \i'i ..? I. HTeatkerky. of Lincoln, Neb., secretary <?f the NelMaaka Peace So i ?tj " M r. I ? ' .I iff I number of declinations Tom goveraere. Governor ?'lark of toara telegraphed that he wanted to know how long the trip ail] take: ?evernor Gate ol V?a* mont aranta iurtker particulars'. Gav* ernor William? of OUakomo regretted tin? ha eeuldat go, and Governora Ii * of Michiifau. Brewer of Missis riipp: and Sur.rt of Virginia wired that they would be unable to make the trip. Geveraor Willis of on.?? h?s not de? cided arkethei le will accept. Professor George H. Mead,of Chicago Uaiveroity, rea a i tarer uiea of the uadertak ing; .lu.lge Julian W Mack of the I'nitesi State ? ' ommercc ' mi , I bicago, ?*fll be too baay, ami John Burroughs, the nataraliat, deakta In? abiiity to joi:. the party, "because the doctor say? I un? ti.?' well enough " "What about Mr. Bryan?" was ?-Ked. | "I'll have Mr. Bryan up here to i BJMWer that himself, *o many of you inou* about him," ? lid Mi. I'.r . m a ton?: Indicating aaneyaaee. "w< ? 't he.u J from him." ?Whiit ?lo you intend to do when . m ?hip gets to the other side get in ? el with some of the hiu belliger ? ? ' ' ' "\A. are not prepare?! t?, tkl ' fori of the plan B<>'?"." '?aid Mr. Lochner. ??|i? ...u intend to r.iund up person? h. pr?vete I'f? ami have them work on the leaders of the warring nation??" We'll nrobably do that." said Mr. J Pard. "That is the only way to get at I Ontlaufd on pace S, column I Repuierl Berlin Peace Envoy to S*fe Pope Home. Nov. J5.?Cardinal ?on liarlmaiin. Xrchbishup of Col?.one. ?'7? c1 here to-:'.-,?, and *?as re i ' ' '.' ' ? ? s?'?>n h? r.'p?c>?. ? ' '' '.' ? it. Bediel and 01 tt),e I lego. 'i.-t n.-l ?-till a request to i Madid that he br received . --nee. At the same time he no*Hod ihc Pontiff (hat ft* peror W llliam, at the request of the Pope. !ia.: *0__Wted the sentence of rl? at h tmpC sd -n Baron de H"iiipfnnf, a |>rn. i ? t:-.i Belgian Catholic. to ?un : e: i itudc. ALLIES REPULSE TURK OFFENSIVE Aviators Bombard Con? stantinople Railway and Warships Shell Coast. Paris, Not :'."? ii. ? ? ghtiag has been in pro* ???? the last few days on the Gall ?pu! i. where the Turks uu dertook a atroog offeoeifs movement. bol v.ere ropoleod by the eembiaed Are ef the British and Preach guns. allied BOtopleoes hove bombarded tii> railway between Constantinople and Dodeoghoteh, damaging the md aratshlpc bov* bombordod h' bob I a MinOb Thi - Information ?* dtntaini immoaieation issued to-night by th? Preach War Oflee, "'inch saj has dlsployod lay* ai ncreasio** activity. On the Slat, after B Violent bom? bardment, he attempted three suc? cessive nttacks again?; the British front for the purpo'- of recapturing the trendies lo?t o'i the 18th. Hi? efforts ven? everywhere eheeked and eut down bv the Brc ef the British iafentrj and Brillier*?, :?i nrhieh had been joined the artillery end ma ? bin* ROOI of the neighboring French Torres. He retired, leering on the .ield lar?*? numbers of de?.. On lioth suit I the ?llbtOrroaeOB war? fare continues with the same activi? ty, On tlie 'Jlst we successfully ex? ploded a camouflet. On the 2'Jd. our ?:app<>r? came upon a Turkish branch tunnel and put to flight the enemy workers. Wc immediately prepared nnd exploded a mine, which ?hattered the enemy work The entire day of the 23d was marked bj rije firiog. ?it intense bembordmenl and a stream ef gre rtadei fron; tl a side ef the Turks, though ?-eplenished with .nu nil io ? i ne- '-ou 'ne??, har ld a? they '..ere bv our aero? plane', v h ich bon barded the roll* ii. t. ' lonstoolinople an.l DedOOghOteh SOd damaged the en gii eering -?-?r'ss, and by th? monitor* and imaTler warerofl which frsejoool ly bombarded the coast ef Asia. They are v.ithoii? cessation kept on the alert und ate obliged to oppose Bgaiaat ti. import-int forces. FASHION ROUTS PATRIOTS Ne*? Gowas Expel \rdor ft??- "Troll Cern?an l/re?*" at Berlin Meeting. i i, in London, Nov. "."). A well ritten,|otl !,ii->tiii;; eHlled I.;, tvomen ?e forf'er. of fasnioii ??.as h Md last even? ing under the patronage of the Crown Primees. The purpose was to appeal t., tiie patriotic women of Germany to < a?t off ?-'rench ant) other foreign i'ash ion i and to wear only a trulv German ef dies?, which, it was stated, should at the same time be boootifol and dumified, but free from fripperies. The speakers illustrated ine pro PO?ed fashions and condemned high heeled shoes and uumps, gauzy stock? ing', foreign fabrics and cosmetics. An opposition speaker produced sev? era! gown? of the latest model?, which ran counter to most of the theories tOOt had been expounded. The dis mr.yed reformers soon four.d that a majority of the aud'eno had de erteil them and were applauding eathosias tically each new gown and drowning out the disapproval of the little minor? ity who tavored the truly German modes. PAGE TO GET ANCONA STORY. Dr. Greil to Tell American Ambassador of Steamer's Sinking. Naples. Mow. t*\ - I'r. C?cile L. Greil, of Xew York, the/only American-born passenger on the steamship Ancona, sunk in the Mediterranean by * subma? rine on November 9, will go to Rome to-morrow to repeat her story to the American Ambassador, Thomas Nelson Page. She will be accompanied by Lieutenant Commander Jackson, as .. ? .ut naval attach? of the American fcimbassy at Rome, who came to Naples to assist in the collection of evidence desired by the American government concerning the ?inking of the Ancona. [>r. Greii reiterates her assertion the the submarine shelled the Ancona . while the passenger? were tryiug to escape m the boats. MINISTERS SISTER A CAPTIVE t,crinan? Hold Mile. Renkin and Three (?ener?is at Brusael?. Havre, Nov. 20. Mlie. -Juliete Ren? kin, sister of the Belgian Minister of Colonies, has been arrested by the Ger? man authorities ?t Brussels. The charge is not known here. Official advice, report the arrest at Brussels of four retired officers Gen? erals Jansen. Van Svrange and de Kau conval and Colonel Brasaine. ll is also reported that two Jesuits Father de \roye and Father Dutruy have been sentenced to fifteen months in prison for ornamenting a prospectus ot St Michel's College! with the Belgian national calora. BARGES READY TOCARRYMEN DOWN DANUBE Japan Sends Guns to Odessa for Balkan Campaign. GREEK CRISIS IS NOW PAST Athens Notifies Allies of Assent?Base Planned at Sal?nica. ?By i ?; 1 a Tl ? rrll-un? 1 London, Nov. 'Jii. Thi? Czar has proaUood the appepranco of Russian f-'"?'ps in Bulgaria within a week. The pledge all given, says a Salon i iii dispatch tu "The Daily Tele j g "aph." in a personal telegram to the Serbian Premier. The Italian pro?, eminent, according to thi? dis ? paU Ii. lia also promised to semi an expeditionary force nf t\>rty thou? sand men. Russia is now proporod tu send ? larga for.?? into Bulgaria. Rini, lying on the Danube, cluse to tin Rum?nien frontier, has been converted into a huge military camp. I 1 he harbor is fill of'boats, contain ii'ir 'ompletfly equipped iTDopg, and , tnese barges ran be towed to any spot at n ****opjiont*B DOtkOa ' Thi e,i ?? comes In a Rotterdam dispai I I ?ally News" and | ernannt : from a MBll oflktel Gcr ! man source, ('..?.led with the fact* that the Czar has concentrated n l.-.-t-e army on the Rumanian fron? tier ami that a new offensive in Gali ( cia has been lautn-hcd by the Rus .f'ans, it seems to point beyond doubt that Russia is about to send her promised aid into the Balkan?. The news of the mobilization at Reni becomes particularly important in -'lew of the annoutici'ment from i|e mine Gorman sourai that all traffic between Re,it and Gnlatz, in Rumania, has \t0pr\ rmspan4*led. If a Ru '.ii. .' ? <? is to b*> sent into Hu? paria, i' can ninrch through Ruma rio or pass in barges down t.h?? Ru r.ianian Danube. Galatz ts along the li.tter course. Greek Qaaotfaa Setded. With the thorny ??ucstiun *t ('recce ou| of the way oftkutl an? nouncement wa- made af Athens- ye* te day Ihol the .-\iMi-d demand? had b?-en granted inter?s! now centre' or th? attitude of Rumania sn-l the intervention of Ru ia. It is now will established thaf R11 ?^ n i a ha irooood a f*reat army near the Ru bianiaa frontier. Moreover, reports ruceivud at Co penhagen from Berlin state that ici eat I'on.-ignments of hearVy Japan ese guns are arriving daily at Ode* *;?, on the Black Sea oast of Russia. I'l'om theae dispatchr- it is inferred that Russian cooperation in the Bai Ir.n campaign is to begin soon an?! that all the preliminary moves have already been made. The concentra? tion at Reni and the preparation or supplie? at Odessa both confirm this. Much interest attache? to the atti? tude of Buchaies:. There have come rimors that Rumania has already iiached an agreement with Russia t> allow the passage of the Crar's forces through Rumanian territory, as the Greeks have agreed to altow the Allies to cross Greek soil. This is suggested in Premier Bratiano's statement that the relations of Rus? sia and Rumania "are better than ever before." Kurharest Mast Act. Whether Rumania will intervene in the war on the side of the Allies o.- content herself with benevolent neutrality and a-sent to the passage o.' Russian troop? is still problem? atic. The view is expressed in many cuarters here that actual interven? tion against the Teutons can be safe Iv counted on from Rumania. In support, of this view Take Jonescu'? statement is put forward. All signs low point to a speedy decision by Bucharest. The Greek situation has been com? pletely solved. Official announcement was made at Athens yesterday that the reply to the co!!i?ctive note of the En tente ministers had been delivered te them. Th*^tatement ?ay?: "The reply is couched in very friend? ly terms and ?rives satisfaction of the ! demands of the Entente Powers and all guarantees considered essential." Cordial Relation* dial. With this reply cordial relations be? tween Greece and the Entente Powers have been established. The Greek -*ov