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Cornell, Pittsburgh and Coiumbia Turned the Trick?They Have Clean Slates Cornell Comes from Behind and Defeats Pennsylvania in Gruelling Football Straggle Piles Up Seventeen Points in Last Period and Wins Sensational Game by Scoreof 24 to 0 Before Big Crowd in Philadelphia. By HERBERT. Philadelphia, Nov. 26. Pennsylvania threatened t?i work a foot dal 1 I'lirai'le OH Franklin Field hero to-day. At the end of the third period the score read 9 l<> 7 in faVOT of 'bis much beaten eleven, but Cornel] r0se In \\ hi and comino from behind with an irresistible ruth, de? feat? ?I the fighting Quakers by a score of 24 to 9. Charley Barrett did it. or. in any case, thi? wonder back was chiefly ?MOnsiblc for pulling his team OUt of what looked to be B mire of (jt*?-por!<i. Like Kdilii' Mahan, of Hur\ard. be crooned a brilliant ^ru\ iron career by UM very power of his own drive, skill and initiative. Pol three years DOW this marvel of football skill, this wizard of foot'-all percepti'in and gridiron aptitude, has done more, almost ?jingle* handesl. than eleve:: men OOttld do in the lean years from l*'.C to 1912, when only one victory loomed up in one rever: e ;.fter another, Barrett know- no. Um fading of defeat at the bs ? ?f Pennsylvania. Most ovrrv < ornell player for twentj years knows nothing else. For tine.- yeiir-. t/.;? Cornell cap hs.? played a leading part In Ml ?he Peuoayhrooia bogie, and the g to-day WR? his crowning effort I ?re the salient facts: Harrett stored eighteen of the tv ty-iour points which made lorrell possible; Barrett interce ihree fonrord passe.? and turned P ?ylvaina's strongest ploj into a be ?rang. Harrett gathered n twn ?irle kicks, resurrected by tlie Quak lad turned them into his own i Rsrrelt ran thirteen yard.? for .ourhdo'.vn and forty-three yards another; Harrett kicked three g. from touchdowns and or.. fl leid. All that remains is for ("or men to build a monument I ball memory. (.inTvd Team Hark of Barrett. Hark of Barrett, however, this ?ernooti was Shelton. the best end the cou; try. and I lean oached und so veil eooditiooed ths ?ell deserves that place a( the earned by going throogh the sea vithout defea? and with a 1" t" 0 :ory over Harvard, among others. It mav be I that eleven lacked the :. n by I'rimson in It* lost gome, thai the fence was not so d i '?"' ? aried as that developed by Haughton. Bui Cornell ?roo, and m dare say that 'he attack did not cai power and di v., ".?th variety .-no' to meet ali rei|tnrements rear games have been played ?' ? so full of thrill.?. Not a mom-' dragged (or the crowd o? . t and women who jam me I ever-, ? space around the chalk-marked i.e BMthiog new. Bomething ohexpecti flashed almost every minute. ] hung in the balance until the four period, and even until the fourth peri was well along. And even then ' Quaker? fought back and for a bri carried the f.,-ht Inte I ?erritory. It was football thai e depths, football tt I I How Points Were Stored. Bl! scored MM tOOCMoi second period, when Barrett scoot ? round Pennsylvania's light end for run of V yard?, and i-.vo m the la ? 1. one bv Harrett on a brilliai roo ? . ? one by Shlreric harrett a' from tr line after prt--> m thrt ?r?. BSyhroaio scored one toucluiuw the second sod to well cone ?aid ?ms plun?-> the points. The Quak? ra al- . ??>'? points on a drop-kick fro ? substituted for Hopkins Bl or. man who-e oi-lv axperienc* waa limit? ?? of the Dartmouth ??aine. t be it ?orded in ?umble of a punt by Captan. Bar .as indire I ? by the -ame player was thi . [awley ha-, .n? s i le P'j" stayed until th? "1 ?ros over The fjmble bv Harre?-, one of th? -. ? . an cu' g*m?, could have BOOS OtOOOd ' e later blunder, a Haw lev his first shot at the goal, ano I 01 ? Where Barrett Blundered. Bai for .-. fon? ard pass, qoeo kble at any time when so deep Ifl territory, but d?ogeroiia to a degree under the situation which arose when a lo:?g punt B ?i> further chance fee !'? I I ixleooia ;-" was Rockafeller. who *d*>ed a brilliant defi me for ? .-.d te end, intei - I the pass and charged back '?'\ I.ri?-. With ? - -, Haw ley kk ?'???'I g'a?| or, the t.rst <lown and ? - . ' mid ' ? er,-- . kick ?ia*i mad* up for this roa a what might te prove thai ' pari I* human and rnak?-s mis I U". V'ir 'hrrt pa?ri'/.la Pel r. vivar.i? wan ' ' ornell in everything; ex [what coaches said after the game Bj arm ??? Um Ttt, ? Philadelphia. Psnn.. Noy. 2r..?Dr. AI Sha'pa "Can't ?a, (on Mich for ths flfht Corsfll put up and lor th? wondri-ful dsfnsca Psnn put up. ' Dan R??d : "Th* csarhe? srs dfllghtcd ??l!h th? ,h?wln?t ot ths m?n. Psnn put up a mannl fltsnt fight. This wa? ths ?tlmulu? v.? ?i?- fs-tl for our mrn In fvcry gam?. It I? crtslnl? wort? sshllr to ?lav sgsln.t s t*an* with ? lood a il.'rr.. ?s, pann had." Van Orman: "Thr-, lildn t fool u? anv on Prnn? nliys. I eapntrd th? ?crap ?f lot. t\?-\ ifllnw th?v# pul Mi b;?t Into HM gsmr. I am thoroughly ?atUfln! Jack MnalslryT "Ths t?in flnlthNI s glorious ???S'on. r?ssT ?urrly s'sma up to hfl glvlrg ?tandsrrj. bflnn much absvo hrr form ihown so far thi? ?eason." Bsrrrtt "It ?.?? ths hard?r,t gam* I r*rr p!.i,fd. From thr fir,? I thought ?. woi/d ?In Thr l*sm ai a unit p'.1>sd a wonderful turn*." Munn.. MftaM I il I rkvrn. flmt to L'it n,-nn In tvsrl?' \rrsr: "Thr. ga?*. us sn awful h.Tllf. Th? plating o? Saftest, Cosl ssd Ihr S*tt "'.ood out .'boy? IM r >?. fmr ol MM brut |MM ths I tori rll trsrn r?rr tat." cept the running attack, and two points ? r ?n the ico re. Th? Quaker.?. ai usually ii th?> <*asn when the men from Ithaca come i i. matched witi and tua." ifpoee. 1 h.- forwardi . fenca '?a.? sound and compact, the plays ?>n the whole d. Further than that, the men followed the hall closely, took i|u;eV opportunity which earn? thejr waj ami turned loos?? paai attach ".vhen th?- rush? ing game failed that nu?.!.. one touch* Quaken played than ? . ral thn ?? pr? rea which proved t's l.e ?uch a potent factor for Cor* ?n that last n?rj<*??l the ?ettTfe* ?I and was broken down ju.-.t . fa foi ''ornell to batter i, I for two t?.uchdowns and a goal from the field which tuned a hitter, ?ought battle into a decisive victory. Cornell's running attack gained 191 : sight rushing for nin? and, ? said before, il had plenty of power and drives even though somewhat confined in its ?cope. The and wall COB eeived that the Quakers gained only 86 by itraight rushing for tar?e Sum?" trouble was expert* I enced in countering on the forward pass when Pennsylvania directed thi* mode of ;.Uaek over the rieht side of the Cornell line, but. strange to *->?,. full advent! .?t taken of this. In the second half the Quakers shot four passet over *he left side of the SI I line, where faptain Barrett end this proved fatal tereepted three of the fear. <ornell Cains in Paatlag. In pu ng Coi -.?-11 also had th? '? .. d ei ' sption* ally gsioil work; still Barrett averaged to 18 yards to about :i" for n is punt, after ; ! kicked off, carried ami re rds to the 8-yard line of the ' It wa? a mighty drive ami did much to boost hit average. < ..ri.cil completad tv.o of four t'or ?vard passes foi s gain of 81 yarda, ami Pennsylvania gained 81 yards in this ?.. ay. ! he "?s??, fj am Ithai i out .it running bach kick-offs, 148 yards ? hi ??? a]. I m' fumbles and penalties thei ?? wei i few, \,vt to Barrett Shelton, the dashing ? ornell en 1, it. H is a ?>i k both on the offence and sls-fs-nce was with? out fault Hii down the Held play and ?general tackling were the beat and sur* ? ..i ai d altogether he a credit to Kay Van Orman, . ter sear turns out such tin >nea for Cornell. Goo e to the reputation he ha* eatablished. Well ? ?? earn A.' I- American reputation, I ?.. at the other end, played well, if not so brilliantly as Shelton, whil?' power in the backtield. Collins, while not so spectacular a- a( seat ??g" worked bard and conistent | jailer was steady and effec llarly IB defensive play. The line from tackle to tackle showed the icsult of I?an Heed's coaching. 1 from Barret! and Shelton, ? ?J d I "' lUsTer in compar? ison, except, perchance, m the last pe riod, when the strain begs?? to ?''??? ilet.ning and Sei II, the guards, were .iaily conspicuous <?f the for ?he ?nds also playe?! Miller proving himself a go?.?l all* . man. Rockefeller played one of the si ' '':'' eaeon in . f defense, while ? toasistoat ground gainer. Bid before, punted well and t? tm with excellent judgment. while Loneke who succeeded him in the period, turned ,,i|t to be the most _ ,1 1.1 King William IV. VOP Scotch Whisky Received kxfkeit *nard oj merit and gold medal at San Francuco Two Men Who StooJ Ou1 for Cornell CAPTAIN I KRET1 dashing in running hack two punts one for tl irty-fivc yards and one for 'twenty. I? seemed a pity slmosl he COUld not have been Used BOT] The day wa? perfecl iweotera wen .1 burden. Th? cheering and singing, to boj nothing of the general i have nut been equalled tin- year. The 'Cornell cheer leader:' worked hardei 'Lan t) ?? nun on the Held, and la-'.-il ilirougli th.- j^anie only becsOBS thej ? .1 In relays. The crowii, ,> whs distinctive. When lin- game vva.-? over whOB 'Ur? nen': victory was assured the tele biatlon of the undergraduate en the ... :.i wa? carried throagh the usual snake dance. I' wa? varied, however, by gathering sronnd the band near the gOOl posl to sing that new BOOg which I.a grown so popular in that town on the ?horei of Lake Cayoga "Cornell Victoriou " Following the Ball As Cornell Defeated Penn. " ornell won the toss and dei defend the south goal, although th favoring wind wns little mote than summer breeze. Rossell kieked the Quaken te Min!!'r on the Ai line, who ran the ball back yards. On the Brsl doara Barrel boomed S mighty punt far down t' l'enri-;. !v ania'- three-yard line, a dis tance of sigh! yards, and thu-? put tin I Quaker on 'h.e defensive in the liai minute of ?day. Tin .-? ? of puni- after some , futile eiTot I at ^m-i . . - - i.v thl running attack edged the oall slightly from dangeroai groaod foi Peon sylvnnia, bal Corni y t"ok it m the middle of the i Id end eatting loosi the running attack for the tust time undei a ca? i led 11 fort* van'.- in the ilx-yard line. The | i ule n i i a ihorl. bol he forward pa for twelve yarda. With u touchdown m sight the Quaker? held like a ?tone ?roll and finally took the boll on 'l" m This wo* a shock to the andergrndu ?i.-- ,n the Cornell camp, who had i omc di rom Ithaca 1,00 I strong, bul '? - - inen from Perm- . ? i side of the Held. Be ? d the ball out oi momentary daager ? earn lu ihe t?-yard lioe, bal * In -it ploj I, one of ? hich Wai . srard pass for fifteen yarda, earried il back twei | .:.!- to Pennayl vania's l.'.-yard lini s? the ftr?\ period ended ' ii.Mi PERIOD. When pi.i ?? imed 'oi the Boc? ead pe? o ball "i: he 16-yard lioe for the fourth down, with yard te ??". sad Collia? pi through the centre for enough ground to m,u ? i -t do* ".. Then * Barrett, aiming plaj si boi took the ball anil dashed aroond Penn 1 ?ylvania's right end fur thirteen and a tonehdOWO, and followed it up i by kicking the goal. Then ihe fireworks bOgOO. Rossell kicked off to Colliaa on the line, and this speedy bock dashed ?i!'nig for twenty-live v..ids before he ' whs turned OVOr. He wa stopped on ?he next play, but Harret?, on B fohe kick fermai ion. slipped around Pean ' sylveaig's ??-ft sad for e dashing run of twenty yards. I hen came | I [ the tide Shi"erick fumbled on 'he I ne -t play ami Russell f,.;1 for Peni ... . ? 1 to the Qui ruck :i?'r ti" 'ag<'. Willis pped off tackle foi ?? penalised yards for holding. It looked fatal, Su the ? t everybod tho ?? black and his feet th? ms irity shou'in?, exultingly. Witl two yards to H? ? pas hurt! .. \ man battered th? b n i; hit th* . ad und .. m-'* : line ?'. . n. ? hen ? in thi .1 touchdown, M i :. ihe ball rolling along t he ground, and the score n favor of I 01 ns-ll. BatTsrtl kicked otT, but : 'Ihe ball covering s ty-flv? yard.-. A ...... ,i d p..-> b;. M : Ile thin rear midfleld, and Bell aeon punted deep into ( ?rne : rril H.srr.'ti so?.i. retui sed, bul !'? . ? ai her chance, and twi s eked ont for a gain of ty-three yards. Williams making" pretty run of ten en s double pai around Cornell' d. Barrett then spoiled a forward pass and ment later intercepted another, and again : m ted out of danger, landing the boll on Pannsylvania's Zo*yard line. Then followed a plai which foi ths minute made quite a dlffereneo. Aft? r t;aiT'.'.ng only Bve yards <?n thrw plungei at the line Bell punted, Barrett fumbled and Neil! recovered the ball for !? ylvania on Cornell's ;{."? -> ;?t sl line. After two forward passes had and one rush that netted Sal] yards, Bawley. who had been, substi? tuted f??r Hopkins, tried a goal from the 44-yard line, but the hall fell short und iran? tS Cornell an the 18-ysrd line. with less thai, ;i minute to pl:?y Barrett made t? forward pass an ths Aral down, Rockafollar intercepted 11 .?nul ran twenty-two to Comell'i I ?1-yard line, th.. i Ha ?Id be? fa?/? . kleked a prett] m the Summary of Games in Which Cornell Defeated Quakers ? I irsl llalf. ( ornell. I'enn. Second Half. Grounil gained b> rushing. 9 First ?l???as b> rushing. Forward passe? attempted. (.round gain?*?! by forward passes... 2 Forward passes inrompi led. Forward passes intercepted. Number of punts. Average distance of punts. 4 Kunninr hack kick-offs, in >arda Hunning bark punta, in >ards . Penalties . (?round lost by penalties. I unibles . (,r?.und lost b> fumbles. Ball '???I b> I unibles . Fumblf*? reso.ered ..H ? S 1 II 0 (ornell. Ill 4 II II n o t 42 9.1 HI I II II I I Penn. II I 1 0 I *i 4 ?37 II !ft ?Thi* average ia for three punis, and do??? mil include one blocked. 01 THE brilliant end "I line I he half ended wi'h the - I off. ["BIRD PERIOD. Pi ? Curd period opened, and Muellei ? he ball bad twenl ? Cor? nell i . how ball m the ? little . ? i and flowed fo? ninuti . I i ' Anally tool thl ball to the ew . rentj >thre* yards in nine plays from a well sus . . trj a goal from ths ftsld, ? ? lell cfintiniied to force the fight in Pi ? territory, and iter the (junkers had a nor. . whi n a pon? by Bell vv as .1 on his oon 1" va' saved the litaation bj t'.-ii1 ? ball. The period ended . - -.t. 'III?. i . !.. I led by e ?cor* o ' irth ] ? .1 with mi B from ? ; line for i ?'amed plays, ind thsn Bad? lUgh B hole and tackle, ami - u two men in the ??:' defenc ?, and ran - n the < '..i': all ' in ring eolleel ? I the | . eore I point had snie never recovered from ? Tl bottli ??? . hardly resamed, vvhen ard pom Miller and ran ths ball back to After ? ? 'ii stopped la, Ba - ard line, Ba ?hat inter - Miller, . in h.? ? 1 again Barrett ? line. i hn .- pla) -, d ? mother firat down. Shi ? .lashed it end for thi third ' Barrett punted i goal, i II -.. '.'. ... ( ? ? B had sel on the s : line? because Rao? ?iian at t tackle, i n<j iii tlc ne* could nol turn th* tide. He himself kicked off to Shiveriek, earned toch irvard, sdded farther io hi? renown by dashing back forty five yard* befort be was caught on Pennsylvania'? 10-yard liae sod i of a tooehdown by s -;ure. if delayed, tackle. Muellei sad Collins could net ?1. bat Bhivei lek found a hole off tackle for u gain of six yards and ie ? loded pu' Captain Bar ret? in position to kick a pretty goal from the field v.hiie standing on the rd lioe. This made the score -4 I thei ? -tood. In ths few minutes left Pennsylva irried the fighl ir.?o Cornell tor? . partly on eeeoaol ef i "'imble bj Barrett ami partly because of tWO Loucka oi, receiving pun's. \ for the Quaker , verted a hen i% long forward pa-:. winch seemed eomneteeX was juggled. On the eery ??'-' p't the ever preaenl ...i ea*side kick, made in iheer desperation, sod Coiooil cele? brated. " Peaasylvania matched "Touchdown." the Cornell black 'n-ar, which has been a Biaseol of amasiag power, with a wolf m deer'* elothlog. Some ?.aid it was n, wolf, otbi r* Inal ted 11 aras a ?log, but ii, anv. ia?', he proved a bad ma.-cot. Pal ' m a row now Cornell rt.en have enjoyed their Thank ?giving .. . ..? : Mrs. Buiidy Defeats Aliss Bjurstedt on the Courts i r. j-?i n ? ? r-i? r::' i Heach, Cal.. Nov. J.".. Mrs. Thoma? C. Hundy. the farmer May Sut ton. vvho once held the national and WO! l's lawn tennis championships for worn?-- 7M u 11 a BjuTstedt, of Norway, the present national title in an invitation tournament hla afternoon, by a score of I I. ?'. k ?aun? ?n.l *.??> Hei ?????i?. MS?O. Hew Wem* lli-'i'ill Uni?. ?iMl Mfih \?r.? BROWN SHOWS NO MERCY ON THE INDIAN! Runs Up Big Score b Making Six Touch? downs. 1 - T-itun* ] Pro". eai soasen this morning ..: over ti Indian i .. ? ? ? ir l wa? anticipa ? f< :ce showing ?1 .rast I ' 1 he ana!" lis of play si great h the IB Bros .?, ele\e ? the si ? ing aga: r, and in tl ? i ??!.? rtl .. Sgainsl ? Aithougl the op? game, neitl . sue :ei . :..rtTT. In ill ? iriod t ward passes tor the h ' other to H. Bi ok? m- twen yi -. i, Brown'i ?*:irrn* aleo in 1 thr"-v ? | , . teei through for Broa ? '-. nu department i which Carli -' I its owi I ilac wi his I ? ? i Mil the s Brown an iverag rds. In rui ktich i . Indien own. . most at will, i>, rig held ? or doe four ? e wi often fa . ? : I I ? ' e of I ? ? . with Po .- ? . . Pol ' ird' brillier broken field running ? ? him in the limelight Hi a trio of ' ... , ne di g ...I wort ?? hil in ' i.e frai Ray Fan ' i for al! American tackle, i et o gth on the defence. We? - mad ?r an Ormsby worked ths forward pa ? ?lever fssl Brown gel going early in the ?*um? \ ? ' '?'? a irri ?: I bom? the hall . ) SI d line, and mad ! a arda for the !'??'. .1 completing th,* h with a 20 Andrea 11 leed tl Cai it ?in not ' .; Ions;, I sing 'orced t? punt. Andrea . punts, ami th?*n Brows Started SI marc!, which included a 32-yard run b;, Pollard, lerminatinir on thi I arl yard ne, where the firs! period ended Early in the second 1 Brows 1 snslised ten yard; and loel ; ball ?m downs, but 1 ' I it, and il ira in'l loi g bei bj An ? ? ? . Purdj 1 I lenl the bs rryi" ?.? 1 ? kicked the 1". L I ? ? ? or Browi san eomplel tpls I ndisns, Three .1 ico re No. * a proal. Brawn I? Irive for a ? ?re, w*i 1 Purdy, Pollai ' and I the ball ??? 1 Polls Purd r mil i ? goal, Less two .ma'. made ot Brown, ths hall ts> ? Brd Uns. "n the iK-xt ei . tad the 1 ne snd "? ? ? 1 rlod. V. Ht er let the bail h him. w ;i I artiste, gathered II in on Br??w ' 45,000 FOOTBALL FANS GIVE THANKS Faotasll ?as? ?sing Is thi? rrty )sster*j*>. snd ?5.000 lr>al ?ubisit? said tSilr hassaga. Etant ga-naa asrrs Slsyi.l snd thrss s? ttsess ??r? b*tv???s e?<ls?*rt. Ths high ??nso! t?s*?? sla.?l t? ths IsrjMt BBS?BBW. Than? *,??-? st tfts Pass i.rsusda. sahsr* Os Win Cllstss? and tss High Sohaol ff Csmsisrcs Issiglt thrir hstils. sn.l an rgusl number ?s?rl?a4 ths dostals h.*t*?r st ISbats flaM. ?har? Man.s! and Bsyt' High, snd Csmwsrrlal M ?'? HI-go it?. > '' ?saies ?s s ?jc?v??ful ?i??t siai.T.? Waammm. ??mis ?os? I j t?:sri isrsuifil UM itssdt. Fsrsliasi ?ntar ?sines) VOGO IBM _ It? gam* ?MB Vhitnsvs. ?smp.ii us snd iemn Omo flf'd ?nils rj ar.4 gcsdly as?si rs>?d? s? ?hs olhiv gsnsr- nt.j-d ts ???I1 is lotal. l ?>-??.-.- . ?riisle faded la gala oa 1 Broker ?lr??ppi for a Held goal, hsioting it pe ? ? N.?? Browa made its Tina! ? Andn w i ?* all ta Cat" A forwarsl | , . n e t ted flf tool ? V ? I , : . ha ' ? '. F ' ,.. |)0 S/ll . R . i K. T ': I '." !' ' . ! ? " H H T? r. u .itinsii ? n ?- ? . .?.ma 1 . . ? ?-. . M s ?... lomail, T ? IVi.fl lala I i i SYRACUSE IN ? DRAWN BATTLE WITH MONTANA Eastern Team Scores the Touchdown That Tics Count in Third Quarter. oui i. Moni . v*'>'- -V M ans? S>'TM". . played a I '" I ?ranis' Inn % in k blinding ? now ?to im. Mon i a touehdown in the lecond period 1 y recovering the hall afti-r an pts'i! place hick, srkieh -hot the . ? .? third period bj i he line lirteen y^rds after twe forward ? itre l?eld. I i ' L 0 Tl I. Only their ability to brace Inside ?hs'ir 18-yard line ? a ? ad Syraeus? to pa with a tie score. The Weetern* it* outplayed their i ia a straight rushing came. The Montana te i ; ? nj ths. expected op? ?msshed 'he Syracuse line for loi lining 281 J aril-? fron. n ..r. < te i 11 for B? recuse I wind I? nie difleult, Vai Moni i two old ' i*oal sfter tou< goal after ? .. ouchdown. -,s.,| the I? ? well dropped the be ha 1 ama.! pa I tackle for . bdown. i>n five other ? Montana crowded the ball ' I i only to be be!?i for downa. Exeep? for ?*? ? ?er. ?vhen ? ? ? ;?? d forward ? .: tl i Ea (ten i from their 20-yard li:.?" 'o a touchdown, th-? terril M?." I I in the seco,id quar ? ; m, of the 9 ? ? - ? Dalas ?.mv?' Me do en. ip a: ?! ummary fallow: ma ?41. :? '?' B K?r.iii I, r '. I, Layton ? ' .... i s It. '1 i "Tl Q i? v. .I?. II ... la . - it H II I i ?s | u ne i o ?; ?i .; i ? . i IT " | ' '. i III ? JU'lfS 1 --III? How Cornell Took Field Against Pennsylvania Team CORNELL (24). PKNNSVLVAMA (9). Wi. It. Ago. Player. Poslion. I'iayer. Age. Ht. Wt. 16s .-.11 S3 Shelton ... I.eft?end?Righl Miller .22 'i.09 'TI IS* V08 21 Tillev .Left?tackle?Right . Russell ...23 6.00 206 20.1 6.00 l? Miller . Loft?guard?Right . Neill .25 6J6 IN 160 6.11 IS Cool . Centre .?ray .21 6 00 ihm Ml 6.00 21 Anderson .. Right?guard?Left ... Henning-21 6.00 IM 102 6.02 10 Cillies .Righl?larkle?Left . . Mathews ...22 6.00 19J 137 6.01 M FVkley . Right?end?Left . . Hopkin- ...21 3.0<4 |6I III 6.00 21 Barrett . Quarterback .Bell .2? -'?OH If] 116 ".OS 22 i ollin? .Left?halfback?Right Rnckafeller 21 5.0?? Iff 166 3.09 19 Shiverirk Right?halfback?Left ?err 20 3.10 |h0 IM 6.00 20 Mueller . Fullback.William?? 20 6.00 16" Average ?eight of the Cornell line. Itl pounds; average ?eight f I enn line, 186 pound?; average weight of Cornell barkfield. 170 pound?: average weight ?if Penn baekficld, 167 pounds; average weicht of Cornell team. IT-, pounds average weight of Per.n team. 179 pound?. SHIRK BV PERIODS, Cornell . ? 7 ? 17?'l Pennsylvania . ? 9 S 0?9 Touchdowns for Cornell?Barret i <2>, Shivrick (1). Goals from toueh ,1,,? im?Harrett (.1). Goal from field by drop kick?Harrett. -Touchdown for Penn?William?. I.oal from field?Hawley. ??ub-titutions, Cornell, second half?Je? id for Tilley, at left tackle; Zander for Kikley, at right end. Substitutions. Penn, Kirnt half?Hawley for Hopkins, at left end: Rosa for U iliiams. at fullback. Second half?Williams for Rosa, at fullback; I.oucks for Hell, at Quarterback; Captain Harris for Russell, at right tackle: Tiglu? for Willisms, at fullback; I'rkhart for Miller, at righl end. official*? Referee, William Langfurd, Trinity; umpire, Dave Pults, Brow n. Time of gam??Two o'clock, on Franklin Field. Philadelphia. Time of periods, fifteen minute? earh. M'GU?IN PLAYS HOB WITH THE FORDHAM TEAM Leads Villanova to Vic? tory in Game Bristling with .action. Villanova's heavv -es-n, aided and a!?eit?-.l by one Charley McGuktn, ? alfback. ?iofeated the Kor.1 ! , e -core o" IM to 0 1 v e ?tardar, in a gama iperately fought from be? ginning to "? .?--I the local team in everything but condition. Billy the Fordham trainer, had irgea into such good ?ha? only one substitution gam* that ?a* ? through four full fifteen-minute periods, Kven when ..-.I in *he lam half by the charg? ing Villa: . . who shot ? with i he irresistible ??".im roller, the on team went doggedly into the ?er.- ?c?reles? but not life - did things to Fordham ?? liege will never for get- lo kiel mg three goal? Pennsylvania a . from the field of hi? own, i Hreithaude, the fleet right end, ?cored two touchdown* and .In* of M Guckii rom the field, in th* lust period, wa? a perfect 1616 model of Charley Brickley'? bhat performance. Standii ? "ii rordham ? :i6-yard line, and toward the northern the gridiron tlhat the angl.i - sibli on* to overcome, McGuckin ball ?<,uarely be In the first half, toward th? latter part of the second period, the halfback stood on th? 31 lin.- and sent th.? ball between rhai kick had plenty ni' r.iiini to rare, for after clearm* the er,,-, bar the r>r?11 kept -ight Oi top of the high trda fuit ner on. Bui these feats did not completo Me Guckin'a liai of Bceempllshmeole. In pi mging through the line and skirtm;* the .rids fur long gains he was alway Or to the Fordham eleven, and th-? ?i playera nevi r felt secure s long a- the Villanova halfback wa? la '?ne hi Id like adaman dropped back f. a kn- I all the lime in the i v here he wanted . re h im a feeling i exasperatingly d ?olden. particularly ' he Fordham nuarter ii th* home team. and many ? tackling that I .a hacks from ? runs. Yule, ul ? ? forwards broke eqaeatly. vvss re . ii-' and proved a hard he attained good ty. r ?- n.n'iii perseas were in the i bei sn, and tin horns la? '-: of a brass band in the noise-making line. Fogarty kicked off for Villanova and Dunn ran the ball back for if teen yards. Buck .iii' the line did not prove satisfactory i. I ordham, and an ?-?.change of punts followed, with Regan, of Villunova, having alightl) th* better of the argu men' over Yule, Golden caught Re the ha!! back fifteen and followed* moment later will a dodg I un for a like distance, ig the ball on Yillanova's 25-yard f.. I . J ? "onklin .I. i . . I! ... n . VI. li ' .1 ....... i . ..'. ?' u . Dim h H.Butl . F. Il i vi..,? kin r<.. ? ?I '. , 'r al* Ir-sa ?? J K?ap fof !? ? for l"i? am !?? ?i a 111 li.plr. ? . -. ?a?ti Ii strikes us that lots of young men from prep school and college are in town over the holiday. Fine chance to stock up on Wimer clothing. Fine time, too. to get acquaint? ed, whether or not your wardrobe is depleted. Four stores full of attractive | things for young men ? suits o.ercoats, hats, shoes, shirts, ; scarfs, underwear. Sporting goods in all stores. For holiday functions? evening dress from top to toe ready to wear to-night! KoGiKs Peet Company Broadway Broadway at 13th St. ?he at 34th St Four Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. at Warren at 41st St. **\IHMIN MJIAKK GARDEN. VI. 11.U? . Nov. **._ SMITH ?v??- COFFEY BOX OKKICB NOW ?PEN. TV I. Mad. *?<!. siae. ,< una Allay. OlliaaW* S Tabla Mfra. Mg ~ huppllea Mars lo 1. I'm >n Bastsara pairs .^.a__A 6r.-as.aaOC ?sea '**-*r *?? ,,i-.,.ji.|T un I > dat.- ?ioln* South, ?roa14 K h^V-ViK ?XC?..HS ?*?*&? chauff?"!?- **ry r-a-??nabl? mr 1. i\?ny. 1 1 1 ? ??