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Matty Beaten at Traps? Next Thing Somebody Will Down Him at Checkers RUTGERS LEAVES P??CHFORN.Y.U. TO PONDER O'ER rffs, and Foremost Being v ire )i 70 to 0 in lual Game. ?LET HAS LITTLE TO BE THANKFUL FOR ? i ss and i ?ii*> to ?*le Autant.: ? reafter. ? ?i - r***-*i I : ? | ? ' ? :" ? . ted the surprise. ' | .?';...-;. I .' ? i - ? ? . and - . Hei| . u ? put up .. ish. For example, th all hop-. . ? ? . i . : : il ol -r battle ..- is vva. able to secure ? ?s u prelada 11 . the ball and . iras. Ben idvance through cen thtee yaids m a try : paos hoi led ??.. and he punt? Hracher, the dimi fboch of Hutgeis, . .id. ,n a . I . ? ? . . .? halfback dur ,'. a Tal mai ing?s ? a to ici down. Taiman goal and the ?con- ai Rutgers ". i r the goal line and Ighl out to the N". Y. ? .:,'? -i..d.? S ' ' . 'hen ?or. as it t i' i ? cticalljr the onlv to ml for holding gave , but this ? . ' -.m . , \. ? . I - : rlunitv of lost. . . ? a first down. " er? a bit T.. ? : told - c drives in Buc . ack who scoT?5 et luch is and ?hin guards -.v throut-n the crumbling n ling pis j* but thrn Nash battered hi? wa) Taiman It B0.'-l ?' riod ended wi'h in ? ? ? ., ' touehdown aftei ?rather. ? one goal after sn Mhsj ca- toe of Taiman. two One whs Be | it? but the *.? wa? ? ie to a poor k eh vuk whe?. ?'? '? b* ? carrmted ?''*" ?'? ' I the flefl . -.i ; period Brochoi and the In the third session Wien.ough tackle for an *r ? iater duplicated ''? its.', by a long end run. Taiman 5( no til his second touchdown ?? the period and wa- imitated by **?ch*r two miOOtei afterward ,c'-. '?' rter was monopolized ?* *,r -.vent by Taiman and -cher made the final tally ?i the (r. t period by a ard run around right end. A word should be -aid 10 praise of !M defer. !;a? and ?ga:r: broke through th? BB t**'.Tif Hno to ?mear n p| "Piton I estly "nailed" the i !y was ? ? | '* "Beeivi ' hia pluck and ?ss practically carried off the 'V sectil..1 , 'kl ?'"-?? I ii paying trib? ut? tab'? x-rr,?ves? with cheers and ap _?J*"tt?'* N Y. ?. man who ????rve. Kirk, it ap -ew what football was reeka ago, i ? ? ? ? VOloO the breach in the line the Injur ea to House and ?**?>>*"?' .?ame was against ?-?"?rabia last estei Fur *_*fsere, __ | ? . iter part A Lively Moment on South Field Captain ? ungel?y o? Wesleyan tackled b) Colombia Columbia Football's Rip Van Winkle Although Columbia do? not r?D?*?t th? much hsraldcil snd purely ?nvthifsl slumnut ?h? ha? "proml?i>d" $100.000 for a ?tadlum on South F leid to pay o?" thr money no* that th. B.u? and White fie??-? ha? son? ?hrouqh the ?ea ?on nit'.out a detrat. the unlys-rslty It r^'id of It? turn. In I?? f.r.t on |B| nrldlron In tnn yf-ar, Columbia flsVSd r.?.'? .von (Wc jsms?. rolllntj uD a ?fore ot IM to 28. This I? tat - ?la. '7 SI. LSBmOM .. ??. ? Columbia, 17* Conn. Aoal?". 1 OTTiimbla. 19 N. Y. U.. Ii>. Columbia. 18 STMNpBB. 0. of yesterday's battle. He fought '.inrd and welL despite the handicap, ami sis* .".*c!aim of hi> fellows in the i which wa I after the refer." . nding the l-OT'. Ru'ccrs presented sa team of unusual strength p.:ul eon itclassed it* me tl Tom ?ei?ey, the roach of N. V. I . . ime, "W? fa ? I ? . ?-. ?r _, 1 ??.'alel? ! t.I. T . \. 'A l . ' l.i ". I? ? ; i: '. ......... t . ? :. H. B R. H. B ; 4", " .. .. H .*. ', . .; Hu'i . I '.-il;. ? ? ? \> llrspsr ' ?.-?. r.f PITTSBURGH SWAMPS PENN STATE TEAM Crowd of 3.5.000 on Hand for .?itf Battle, berth, No?/ '"? 1 hirtj -not thousand ' ? " ' ? 11 rait) of Pittsburgh defeat ? State ('oihire h -re te day bj a *?-ore of 20 to t\ Rasttags, for riUsburch. ftAi thr ?tur, ycoritif* IT pel ta The winners nvi.l" meet of their ??rains of 'traitrht fo?-.*!. A number o wsrd but onij ?;:...? \?.a.s sompleted. ' -? . UI 'i - - ? 111 ._L T.?A'< ? I , '? ? . ' :> . .. ? . I ??:.; . . || I ? ?. .Cj. I?. ' I. II. S WHIlsti ?<-n i'i|.? ? R H l<. Ren 1 i ? ?. Ill i I last lis i - - 1 - . " . ' *!???>-?. ?,.?-.? ' . ' -_ Kansas Hieven Beats the Missouri Team (?.Me, Me. Nee. H. The Uni eereits of Kansas football eleven de " h? re this afternoon i by a score of I to f. The ? "? >* ? iipour of rala. {??v - . ."f???aig^i?^^ Army and Navy Luncheon To accommodate the visitor? to the Army and Navy Football Game wc beg to announce that our Special Seven Course Luncheon. 75c (Music) will be ready at 11:15 o'clock, SATURDAY MORNING. ?HANLEYS Clinton Victor Qver \ the Commerce Eleven Touchdown in Final Perio of Hard Game Brings Quadrennial Triumph to Winners. - football team of De Witt C!:i i; | h School defeated ihe Big of Cejamerei. tl e P Groandi yesterday afternoon. Th 7 to ''. ard the Red at ? turn in the long lane o .-. elled sine. 191 1. Vie ever; ould a? em. Twelvi names have been played between th. sehe 1911, and 18 imph c>( n toon wel Stall over a ban. ? -, 1 mas be laid li thai i '?***? ghtsof w!:;ch hi ? ? ad not dare.! tl It was a team inspired with 1 apiril 0? conflict; a determina to dl ' BOd -.'ore I victory when defeat was almo-' in Bat inspiration and doter? I ..-i could n< t prevail sgaii precision of the ? v. ? I* the I'om m?n reverted t" type and I with their hearts and hands, bul not . I r heads. Early in the last quarter of this gata? . Ritner, th* Clin orward paaa to : I'll catch on ? over for a teer punted out and after the loi! wa heeled added the ' "..vil. And th; ? - i -n a:- it wa? ? ning. end of the third period found ? 'all on At tl of the last quarter Buster Brown, the .. led Jerry Flood yards, and wa -,-. :. ? Hi : v 1- ..- ? II .- from ? I ?I.e. II' i he tried tu p.. ? ein, ai ib toi ned ? play, howevi r, Eiaen ' well. He i the right aide of the ?me and railed for a foi The end- ('"111 r-vay. end Polikv, ron : , grabfa . ? c ?h'lown. Ritner punti then drove the nail over for the , That acore crowned with success one 11 . ? ? ? ? ? ?? Clinton, li third period ths Red and Black ? i with th' ball down to the i..-, ??-. i,, n the 1'lange and Hlue rallied and fought off . ter. A forward pass wai smashed up. and a fifteen-\ a? for? ? ihe ?father bach to ard Ritner then at empt ? ? . field, bol i i ?? hall .'.v and a t rihV * :? . Il th* BOC* ond i - Ritner drove one of his pui ?- down to Commerce'.* ? -'*. vaid line, where Baddy Born? fum I a Cl Inton fol war.! fell on Commerer tooa* than ? knew I en downs, in ngea * gained fewer than three ) 1 he portion .,-' be! ' It The team : flashed in streaks, but on the whole the attack lacked cohesion ami It would i jn for a while anri slip tl 1 couple of first down-? an?; th? 11 1 . ? laa plaj ???? ai 11 ? Cunten mo?: -,ften got the jemp, he game wai played in Commeree'a territory. With attack topped, and th?" line, Harry on the 1 Collins di er, hut I jUtlf* where the Clintoi ret ' 'hem. He shot I it the side lines them rolling re thee COCld not br run lmr\. ; ? r -. < I ihu? ?av.-sl many, msnj yards foi his ' 'I ( i Bttjick .. | ? "liplo. For the gre it :? of the line or ?he ether. wi?h the op] te ? 'ne in? terferenee. Then s back to hit the tackle and two men to box th?* ends. If limpie, Il '.vus effective, ami many ram were mail?', rsrying It tance from ten to rdl I tie profll was made in l asking the line, foi the Commerce men. if lis.t expert, were fighting m.-..! ami broke througl by the sheer impetuoi ti of their at? tack, ?i?e forward passing gam? played ami a eeuple worked f??r nie? IB s touchdown. ? i . teed ?.'.it for h is toan- II. res ','?' ball in thr? brok?"ii Held a I i great ?].si an?l had a ? '?' pace that baifled I n and lefl them itrewn sbonl in hi* ? Ils- picked his holes by intuition, it : Brown area another ? ? aptain Jack Power, when I into the fray lute in 'he final per,i.d. played well. Wt ter Having, who . that could be e\t. etched, ??d. hard ;' I - I , I . '? . 1 ? - ' I ' 1. n 'i I ? , >? ... ? | \ . ? A " N V Tin.* ' *.-?:?. W.&Js RISES AND TROUNCES LEHIGH Cabal.'. Goal frcyn F ?eld ?n Filial Period Averts Shut-Oiit. Sor. -'?"?. v i ti th? ? ? d .i ? 1 .' ! " . tO i Pols ? ? ? . . a hile Leh.. ?ui? thi .irop ki?-k for a ' ' . line to u ? t-oal. -.-o ?'. ington an i : . ? : ' I thirty-five ? ard i and carril ? yard 1 ? er the 1 "mud in a beautiful ? : outweighed ? ilarly in thi ? ?? r ami I'. >??' : he ball od. Lehigh D ::. th?' u mall? ?m the first d? had the ball. UMa ' . ??i I I. I I?. I? . " ' " Results of College and School Football Teams WF.ST. K^ST' c . ...... I Montana ??men . 14 Peooey tvoola ... I *g?? ?lo. Dakota < ?lumbia. ..lSWeeJeyea O ( relghtnn 70 New York Iniv. 0 Ames .-s "raM ICutgers.70 New ion? i ms. ? ?--? . ?osi I nui? ? ? ? ? ??-M'arliile I Georgetown WM. l*mtm ,?:??:;?*.. ::S?-.:::: o ZZZ -"^T. S^h.^eff.^Fehigh. i ;>;????; .;;.??.? . PHUborgh. 20 Penn Mate .... 0 Miami .M J?~J ... f 27 Springfield ?? ' siooo-wa . .. - ,oly(r.'.ss MWoReotorToek. I Woakl-Bgto. ..? ?^^ avene IT IMckin-..,, I **> **?- ** *__* * ,. ?M..,,, ..:..- ?M? I N...r,'HameF 7.)e,ro,tIn.S.b ,,,,?,?,, . ... Norwich . 0 SOI 111. UOMon.\__\ ... .. .. g ?ir.ini.? I? Hoftl (anilina 0 (.etlvsburg . . 13 l-ranklin <*?: M . ? \ irginia - ? * Bache?te? .M Oorkooo Toeh.. 1 Notre Osas* . ? J "??- J ?.(HOOlltOV GAMES. WOOt Virginia 30W.-I <To. ?TOBl 0 ,,r Wittdintn 7<?.mmer?e 0 \ an.lerhilt ***"?_ . ! I.?r.?u liKrasmus Hall I ChsllBOBOSJB Nlf. ?entrai... ? _Z'*ZZ HCl?IITlBl . I Wook * Fee H No. <ar. Aggie?. I I Manual Train I ***** High ? ??-"gia .1 < ****** ? Rataer* Pre? M BiooMyo i'rrp o UoJeloao ftote IS ToloM . .1 Praocl* I"P 7 Mumn. ? V irglnia Tech. 7 ...burn ? Stamford High II Ne? Lnndm. H 0 Keotuck) gTenne.-aee Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ rv ir.oK._ ? he Bari? t 9tm? eroead I rd.'iv arith :. amile on bis fa?*e a us the entrance to ?eatrs '.us a great GREAT big seen hi ? ?!????> s- ?I'd v. i.'s't tell any . , . there, It seems that when Jeers heard thai Jimmv Johnston had I deem a roll of bills footing up ? ??"u for a fight between Heran and Willard, Jaw**, ran around ainl ".?aw a certain millionaire >-i'h nothing BUT." "I ran rieht up to this man," spake the barber last muht," and I told him thst 1 didnl wan! thii Johnston pe? son to . ?? tichr i fan in i rd will be .- men to " ? puts bol ?i i isyi 'John, I love \. D thii hobb] i ? of s 1'. T. Beraum ir line anil 111 | ' -v an Tom Jon? I ?fiv ' I ave BO . ptiol SI ' I Square Gard? n fl ??v. that It's i. ? ret. I can't tell. I eouldn' tell !> It Will hi " J'i-T ? GO cidding. I'- . I and ? ? ? ? fall r;?*!" ?i the lewall ^; i : pi ag tl. ? ??'j be 1 t? mpting for a?T Bgl ." apok? up B list? ? ' "Who said anything Grounds 7" n. "Who'? 1 ????ri lpt1 .i : 1 I'm r I v?.|,, "Werenl roo i over In E ** ths ? ? "Hey, I ' ' "-oar?'.I Jajy, "I ' Wh? -i ? Old John ' ? word. . T It list? ' t ? I k * . talk ?t tl.. - Is as ? ? ? that Cerlei ib st ? ? whet do I de o-iitioi! ami Jtc'k wires back to J (ist mi earful "t anything that His rord is his bond. I r and i. r*v He's ? will )??' nil a? mm.i; ?. I I m s di?> er i fou're egal ?HEARN A BIT TOO CLEVER FOR YOUNG WAGNER Carries Off Honors in Ten Round Bout at Cler mont A. C. Bj II ? gathei so price ? f Thanh tg ? . . ..?in bout a' : n. Jake wen s ?iut.on it John I that the crov.?1 . bit. . ? >r the head ? K?jt all the ? ?- in with arms 'dard lie ?. bay* ind on, ? rick i .. ' it alarmed, n ? i man ur>f??d Jake to rith a K. < r. but il hitter than Ahearn to u sgner. In si most every round Wacner tried ? t wei ? Dr. Cross, ey -A re not ? ?od enough ,;? i lei When Wmgi t \ this - " ?*_ieern simply eerefullv at omlng ? enough to one of his up; -wings. The best spot in tne ?ifrht was '.ho the pair ? Jake had it when the dust In the seventh Jak." went at Wagner in ? apid r 1er . liuper was ' i pit. Jake couldn't and at the end he was tightinsr itrongly. In tl . Prankie Whitney, ids his how Walter M be ?s trau.?" " Mohr i .uni.'.-?. limply bemuse ?' and a bit .-slow after a five months' layoff, He has a great left hand and a-? pretty a right, cross been displayed keresbouta m some time. .Mohr ha?l his hobnsila ??n yeeterday, ? ? wasn't a ' ? ng in ?he art ousing thst he om tted. in the sixth round Whitney slipped in a ? and went te ene knee. i., was in this position Mohr .?racked him on the jaw, It was plainly n Mohr got Bwa) aith it. ' olai i o ;? fonal I Beve K ? ir". iu oadway Sporting Club ? i I .i;?;, afternoon in a fight. It was ind tuck 1 Toland came through with a terrific rush in the last th re rounds and sopped the ere 'ice. Ali" | '"Hied Battling George ? rounds, ami Harry \. Irons Beat cat, scored ov.-r B a tame number of V Queensboro A. ('. Hike Smith ??I Sam Boyd it. ten rounds. Tim 1 lharl y Dann in ? ? ' f Grift in th? YONKERSDEFEATS BROOKLYN TEAM (iocs Into Final Round of United States Football Championship Series. *i mfcen and Brooklyn replayed their Football Aaaociatio ' l i ' I ; ? on. Toakera won by a scor?? of to ". and, having eliminated Br from the competition, will ko h round and play a. of the game betwwa th.- I Mac!' , who will meet at Harrison next Sut: : . ? line-up: ? I ' ! 0 . r ?i .Ft 1? . Kit i . :. ii '? ( . ? ......C ir . '. II :: ? v . ? ' ?l , Kl ' ? ? I l: . H'ir-7-lk.-r ...... r.. D I . It.. ."I. ? ' " I ' "-r Greet point, i sdera in the second di? vision ?-.' the New York Stete Leesrue ; the Brooklyn C? a* Marquette Oval jreetardej afternoon by a scor?' of 1 j*oal f?> ft. Hoth teomi I] matched m ?i played s and when the (Irai I? I the Mere -vas ft. ->i The line-up follow--: : I ..B n. M .. B . It I! . ?I . . . I . . U M I men Harrington .O it.O'Halloren Uni hi .1 It. ? rin? .ails .i i. " L. . Gorm**!?y - i- .,-. ;?-' Ian ? ' Theodore Uillmsn. presidesl of the New Yerk Pootballers' Protective A?** la?t ti ij"ht that <*en England en i : be replayed on Christmas ? ; ? Oval. Callahan to Lead Los Angeles Team Lea Anirclrs. Ifov. 2?. John F. Pew* rr?, owner of th?- I.os Anj-.-les Coast lb, announced here fo-dav, that .latins Csllaban, former man ,,? ths Chicago American League team, would menage the I.?? Angeld Calichan bought a Mock el I ? \ reads a* manager l-'ank Dillen, who has piloted the team for t?-u years. I Boxing Bouts of the Week TO-DAY. Vandwbllt A. C. E aokl>n?jlr-aa? Marra? SRI Battlln* Lajin. Harl?m Sucrtlao Club?Batttlne lr?ln?k, and Parky Flyan. Tern C??l?r and fern McCarty. Frank Ha,n > and Larry William?, t-an-a-r? A. C?Jack Saj'lj and Yausa J**k Snarkf?. H?w Pa!? A. C?Jlfi-.> Blut?, and Red Mat*. SATURDAY. e.-oad??y Suait.J Clu?. Brookly*?tayldlar Oa.-t".id sad F.ankl? Nat-Vr. - A. C?All gtir SHa?. Farmont A. C ?Tammy McCarty tad Whltry A,l>n Johnny i In? tad Jimmy Murray. Quern?b?>ro A. C?Jimmy Flynn l?J Willi, Schi? far. HOLIDAY CROWD ARD KEEN RACING AT BOWIE TRACK Harry Shaw Wins Thanks mP giving Handicap from a Good Field. Bowi*, M.I. Nov. 26. A holiday crowd -?? Georg? Pork thla after? noon, and for BOd SWa*f the best that he* ever been on the nOOOO* A lily good card had BOOB prepared ? M irylond Association ' IBB were ideal for rat riu- weather eras ralld and th.? . ? . . . ' .. la? I'afT, ? Stl ?? I a liait. H .,- ?? . ?-la ? I'.fT tdtt, I. ,-.? \. /, HXI. CO ? - ! ? a' Knr? el alao r.-. T> ? : . ?,: rautiae [ht I ?? ? ' ' ' ? . ?- S M ? If 7i.l; I_J? 11 . for thraa ss* use ur .1 - i- ? Duke ? ' ? i m ? i . ?I iUuj ? third Time, \ !'? 'J I. Trotato, Pea i ?. Htr .. Uonira?i r ? -? r? . ? - rail ? I N), iilaai? |7 70; ? 123.1 Ihlnl | . . ' ? . M Mil?) a two ? ?? S - . ? I I 41 : '. Shrapnel. M?l- ?. ; ? ? . pal.1I.jn?; -aJufri. I:" I?. pla.? St-.lO. ? I flete 113 1?. third l K.-u--.i r? ?? UtMli ? tai lli-ap. fur all ?1? fttrl tifs VV,t?r My. l?7 ..I VI Tagiarti. W'-n ;?> a tw?l PonUfriaci, 101 'l<:.i ?- ? i . . ' ' ? PaiTlnft -i. '??h.-r?r?n, Alileluran. V :?i h . 1 . a- mm ii ? [.aid IVitri 14: I ' . ' . . i - H, i:i to. BeB '?'. ?p. ' r ? u ? ?' ? ? ? ??-. Hi -, Bl aw, 11? ? ?i >>v two i?: sths; 11,..Ma?. 1 i Buil tsetm lb?' ! ?. ? 1?8 U ?v - ? ?I and l-aiPl-ali al?o ran n?rry Mia??. ?tralg! ?. - i ? . $.4 10. i 14.11 ? - ? . ' >? I OI i . . ? . ? RtfSi IM iParrlni ; ? f_ an. I a I.? ? ? -. liait a l?ii|rh. ?'aro ? Int Time C I i 1 -, Ring - , -. Rrs-sn. ?iralgi.t lins... pUca < , piS S 14 '?", 'M- I. }4 ??? Ird I M lag; f,.r 'hr??-T?ar Ott** and i -. ? ? . i. -..??- ? ?? ? Uas*?: latUl* llMrl, aeroM by a iioae; It? I -?.-.- th 1:1* ?-S i:,.u Around. Volant ?n.| s-i in T? sir Wl lam ?'??: ? Iraight II (KM 1?, fir?'? N??r?T p'.ai-?. ?4 10, tlilM I'll: Ro , th!? I I* 70. - --?a????^? MANUAL PUTS BOYS' HIGH INTO DISCARD Titus Does All the Scoring in Annual Gridiron Game. Boys' High School lost it?, loot came of th I footba leason to the Manual 1 laminar High School eleven in thejr :' Ebb* ' ? Fiel I. Brook? lyn, '? ?eore of d to O. ? is, the fast halfback of the .. eleven, B"OS 'he hero of the lifter ei?ht minutes of play in th? fir ? quarter he ?cored a j?oal from rtanding on the thirty-yard line. It?, the ?ecomi period Titos caupht ird pass from Johin, the quar . -.. and scored h, touchdown. tl rrato. 'j? r-'" m B " ; - .i. i: . .i. T . rg .I. 'I. < . . '. ? li. i. n . K '1 . . i. ? .R. K . I ' - . .. M H . Hi ?i. i R. H. I I F. B 7 ? Raid T.tus. ? Ut I ". ? i ri E<*l -s ' ? u - ,. - ' IB, U ,-.--.- " . : > ' \'. II r- - - i VI?;, H*?ai ? "? v ' i .,!'. |r? '-. . - il ??. ; . 17'-, rr LAFAYETTE^BEATS DICKINSON TEAM Closes Gridiron Season with Well Earned Victory. I-H?'nn, Penn.. Nov. U. "A'intiinf* a .'7 t.. ',' victory over Dickinson to-day, Lafayette brooght to a close its foot ball aeoaon of 1915. The gooM vva? played on Mardi Field before a large Mol day gathering. The Lofoyette team p?a) vvith the same dash that he* ehereeterlaed it? work in most of the other i/attics of the ?ea.son, although ? nn was clever in the use of the ard POS* and in the open game, li f-rown -, .I- T. Puder :' ' . ;; ? =;*& Shrllv .. . ?Iton i- u ?...F. M?-i?n'l, ?????????"???""????i?-=::.i! .!? :! ".v? u..i.n.i ENGLAND BATTLES SCOTLAND TO TIE Rival Soccer Teams Each Score Goal in Annual Game. Refore a largje crowd Er.irland and , ,i met in the opening round of the fourth international aoccer cup tie under the au?pice? of the New York i ootballers' Protective Asseototleo at I.enox Otol yi-erday afternoon, and the reeoH was a 1 to 1 tie. i i u i - -a. Baatlai | - . O. Murra? '. .H H. Mil . '. !? . K?ll> .H il. m ; - - ...C II . M.'lanii fi rit .U H . Mclaeiin Il Mask.I1.0, U. il: M B>nna i I. la jUII "I. M ....a'a v\ Wlll'ama ?n.) :') fl?? ravliiut?? ?a?!.. KENDALL WINS GOLF MEDAL ON LAKEWOOD LINKS Beats Par Three Strokes on Last Six Holes and Leads Big Field. FAR DRIVING BIG FACTOR IN HIS GAME Marstun.Not at His Best. Finishes Third in Qualifying Round Of Holiday Tournament. If the test sf i? true gelfer :s the ? b prodet at the right tinis". then Perej w, Kendall, ??< DeaL fall) deserved to wia the mesial in the tooting round of the Thanks* giving toernamei I yeeterda) at Country c lub ef Lakoureed. Kendall's 71 I? .1 s Held of ? t titty, and it was ??nly thrsoii/h being able to beat par three ItTOkOS OS the bat the plaj s-i fu th I'. ? his? able '??> turn the tricJt. Hi.? ? tt'ort ".?a? four Strokes loOO '.han llar old A. St? iner, of Inwood, an I sis under Maxwell R. Manten, of Baltasrel. 'lit Kfiisiall might l..s".s saved other ?? but for Ins putting. On tho t.rnt green? for lastaaee, the Deal man, had nu sigat*feot trj ?or a I, but took setts fieri that dietaaee. Out m 43, ahhou;rii nothing weree thai, appearesl sm hu car.l, ho turned to the much oeoier inward nine. His tee shot on the short tenth came to r?st only ?.\ feet from the pin, but ho eould ?r?"t neither a 2 nor a 8. Altogether he took three putts on six greens. it was on tho thirteenth, foerteeetb ?teenth holes that Kendall wai ts? h? beat. Over th.? ground Welter J. ? has aavesl many a Itroki i match. Tho far driving Kendall wa.? able to score three :!s for a*, many ii s.ks's saved, sad the last three holes m even par gas?? him u .'?G returiuni*. Bis card follow ?: ???lit .? 5 I 5 S ?? 4 J 8-41 The golf of Marston, who was looked upon as almost certain to win th?? wai spotty. Berns hois.?, be i as he is quite capable ?if play? ing theOa, but othiTH v.i i.- -.. .1 iTerenr, N'o particular department of the game .' .?.!. 1? \?a merely thai When SO ????lit ssll lie was away o?. I.rnppttig an ocasional e\*ta stroke, lie reached th.? turn in 1H. <>n the short tenth the New .1. title holder played his nmshie tee shot too weakly and the ball went int-> ? arasai so (reek. He elested to drop, then repeated tho performance. Only through ?inking a tarent) Uve foot putt wa? be able to get a r> there. Another IsMO Came at the twelfth, where be ?li?i aet get his ?lrive suf? ficiently hu:h to ?any the cop bunker? Mi failed to Ret out on hi- Bl It, .n 1 i then got Into s sand pit Altogether hs, took 7 for the hoi? and "in Be m all. Friend* i Van Scheid?, of Sleepy Hollow, congratulated Ons ar I dent gelfer on his reappearance ><** torslay. Van Schaick -..a* badly hurt in itomobile at! I July near Tarrytown, b il he said he no langer felt say ill elTeeti Be gained b plate in th?> first division. It is not often that Donald Hrian, of Dunwi ? down in publ prinl ? u .1 gelfer, bul as such mu I m In? . in in and took a place In the thght, where, as he commeeted, h?? : ?... likelj t.. j.'.-, .? n . ? ? match with Matt (?rau, an old theatn :i.| Three diviaiona Will be ?ent away to day for me eh ; "??w m ths? ? Randolph, jr.. re. Kin II, MeClnre v^. Morten, Kelley v- Marat?n, Oibson . Kendall >-. Pralieh, Van SchaiCb v?, Ban BI ?0. I'.ndemus ami Morse -, ? Hicks. Rarely li>? ? Le - eon bleeeed with such dee Breath? r at th.* Thanka? giving seaeon a? ami the ?? Th?- ?lay wa? ideal for gol" many not in 'h" toun .?c ad* kgg of it m th?- afterneen. ? Tatet w K. - sU. Dsal i ? llar^M A ?I 1 ? ? I ? r, ti ai A. J M ? ? -I '? <? %t '" 1" 1. i ' t i?. s. r ? t M ????"? I ,11 Mr. W O Kra \- :? tt I il ? I II. H II ? s ? . . I. A II ?. Il |<? 47 44 I ? m -? r . ' ?? t p. a p. ? ?,...?. , ? ' D -IXIF.KN. Il M. " . M ?'. M Jar.:?? ?, . ?I <t ... , ? ,. i M. ? l -' ? i w m '? 4 I ? B. T. l'stf-n S . ' - " ? ? William t l- 4* l"t H . -? 4? l"l W. S Van i'.'l.-f R! : ? '? V >nl Philip * I ?M l"l A T W [.,. Las? ! '- M 1"' i: .' ? ?I H A t ?,-?!? . ? --' " M I TistsMa II M '"J ?,$ &0 iej man mvimor ir h M ? ?'??'* ?? ?. tl in* . v. . ?_ ? \7* *i a-, ' *l ?I t. n " :i ?i t. ' ' ? ?2 Il?rr-l. ' -, ?i j. F Murphy, Pssuseadls rs m ___-* Bay Ridge Beats Commercial Pleven "Iiutch" Karlson was the h"ro in the victon- of the Bay Ridj-e High School ?.leven ovar Commercial Sehool at Fbbe'? Field, lirookly... yes , . hy a srare of 19 to e,. jho ?90-peeed halfback scored two touch for the vic? tors. At the er..I SI th?* rame th' I'av R!dge enthusiasts raised Karlson thoulder high -??:'! eanied him off the K:ir!"To-i wee a terror in line nlug ing, j*...'.'.-. ripping through the (-m llii <n?i r . g wsa parties irly r-ote with litt]? interference, h ha? ?.'?' - in.g off taeklere with ? tiff ? -i that sent manv a player down. Rar R? ti- ?T1S1 f- ?; ? ?v-simerr'. ? 'Irrirr. . I. j* . A Baidwla thsl . '. . Ileofl?? I. ? - . '? ? . ' -' . UK . 'I I? . ',l.*i*'Y*rK . t. h ; . R M 1 . Hn** .V Ii . ! rujon? Kar's . . Ouel (r..?i -.- it. a . f. r T-"f?-a. l'Slim fn? DruiD. ? l: * ?? '. . ?..i. Impl??V I lel.l s,,,,;.... I? Hrimiu. P? A IrMs? ?rrsruaa. r.ins nf , .. ? ?Inn?*? an I ' ; "1 "i ni TUFTS OUTPLAYS SPRINGFIELD Springfield, Meen., Nov. M. Tuft*i outplayed the Springtielil i M. (. A. I olleee here to-day, winning by a score of 21 to ?.