Newspaper Page Text
This, dc-pai tment i* davotad to tasparating the sheep of 0*h?e*rti*liig from th* goat??and hanging a ball on lh? goat?. It deads with a very aeriou? topic in a way that is not too serious Ita honest endeavor will be to anawer with fairnea?, either in print or, where? that is inexpedient, by private I -tter, all fair questions about adv*rti?**nent?, while reserving the right to plead ignorance when that is the right answer. Ii ash? nothing for its ?enrice? ?xcept th? confidence of its correspondents in giving their name? and addresses, a confidence which will never be vio? lated. Please state clearly whether you prefer to have your name withheld from answers printed here. No unsigned communications will be read. Address: The Ad-Visor, The Tribune, New York. For ways that are ilark and for tri'-ks that ore vain. ?M HoathoB Chinee of poetic memory has nothing: on the modern fake aurtioneer. Prom the mouth of ('ha?-!e?i P. Korj-ues. an old hud at the "{SUBO, t"*0"***e th? following vivid account of his method? of "sticking the rummy," or, In commoner parlance, swindling an auction-room dupe. It is taken from the examination of Sorgucs, at the baa ring before the Commissioner of Account??, the subject being tho auction sale of n pipe at IK hast 14th St.. to a representative of the Commissioner's otlii-o, as ;i genuine meerschaum. Q. When vou sell merchandise there yon alwa- I repreeeoj it exautlv a? ! v A. Yes. 0. Did yoo seil this a? a genolnc meerschaum? \. I SON :' B II a "mere sham." Q. You don't make it nlain to the prospective purchaser ?hut ?rhal you ar* selling is what they understand ?s a genoine meerchaum pipel A. No; I don't ?ee how they cari think i- is, 'or BOVOI ' .Btl sometimes fifty cents. Q, What do you mean by mere sham pipe" A That's the name of the certain article. Almost anybody orbs handles them calls it a mere sham pipe. Q. It isn't a genuino meerschaum ? A. It is a meie sham. Q. It is a mere fake? A I suppose so. judging Q. You merely OB* thore word? to obey the law. I suppose, ?md A. No, not exactly that way. That is the way they have slwoyi been sold. There, in a few words, is the fake auction room as condu-fei to-day. Yot the puhlic still flocks to it. i Mr. II. ,1. Kenner, secretary of the Nationen Vigilance Committee of the Associated Advertising Club? of the World, suggests that you might be interested in a series of ads. we are running explaining ear abandonment of the comparative price in advertising. I am inclosing them. In explanation will say that since comparative price? have been taboo (nearly ?J year) the Ayres business has continued to grow with ItB accustomed vigor. Moreover, B few other stores have fallen in line, and advertising In general, locally, has become more believable, te thedfortheronee of the common good. I will i-.iid that the -pinky flghl you have put up foi righteous advertising iii New Tort" has been a rod of conifor? foi all BOjaore merchant? as well as a rod of chastisement against tie raker. It Is airo gratifying to note that your naper seeflBB to 1"- gaining Bomcwhat in 'ti?ing a? ?roll a? in enviable repot* abroad, HORACE K. RYAN, Adv. Hgr., L S. Ayres & Co.. Indianapolis, Ind. Only the rigors of space-limits prevent the reproducing? of a dozen of the Ayres little business sermons on the text of "value." Each is a ftiodel of brevity, forcefulnesp and plain sense. A fair spo*-inieii is the following: An Observation and a Very Reasonable Resolution "Mama, doesn't anybody ever sell anything for what it is worth T ' The comic column of a newspaper recently credited the obove- query to a small girl just beginning the study of world problems. Presumably she had before her a page of alluring odvrrtisrjnents. Wo asked ourselves the same question many months ago, and then ivr made a resolution, and Hint n solu? tion was tills : No Comparative Prices Shall Appear in Ayres Advertising Dont misunderstand us. There are merchandise bargains; we know we have them frequently and we believe they are to be found tdsewhere. We'll even pi, as far as to say that most price comparisons are likely true from the viewpoint of the edvei-tisit. But who can say what anything is WORTH? And what has a FORMER PRICE to dp with VALUE TO-DAY? No valuation can be permanently true; markets are like the mercury, up an?! down, subject to daily fluctuations. La. S. Ayres ft Co. name to-day's prices and ossure you that they are, to the beet of knowledge, altogether fair. We guarantee them to be so, for what you pay is what we'll pay you back willingly for anything you care to return BEFORE ITS VALUE CHANGES. There, from the merchant's viewpoint, is the principle for which the Ad-Visor has contended: that it doesn't matter what the goods may have be?n worth at some former time. It is what they are worth note that counts. Ail else is but a confusion of the issue. ror the store whose merchandise is reliable and whooe prices me reasonable, plain ?ruth is the best advertising I ran across the inclosed in a Chicago paper to-day, but they pi ob ably have no local Samuel Hopkins Adams to do justice to the < . and the cure. KRNKST 1IARVI, I; Take notice, all feminine correspondents who write or have written or are about to write to this, column inquiring about the efficacy of hair removers and depilatories. In the suit for $10,000 damages brought against the manufacturers of "Electron" by Theodore M. Levey, of Chicago, on behalf of his daughter, lies a lesson for the gullible. Four year- ago, says Mr. Levey, his daughter, Hattie, began the use of this "remover" for the eradication of a sli?-ht fuzz of hair on her cheeks. After Mfalg more than thirty bottles, she now, in the words of the com? plaint, has "a full, strong growth of beard." Hence the suit. If the "Elect rola" concern I POM, it might change its advertising and **o on the market a? a cure for babines;.. What is alleged of it in Mr. Levey's complaint is true, in a greater or less degree, of all the patent depilatories. BokOT for reli'f tries them. The result 'seems excellent; the super fluou- hair disappear?-'. Hut it soon comes hack. She uses the depilatory again. Again the growth returns, stronger than at first, Hnd s0 on. And the la-t -.tat of that w?iman is worse than the first. Will you pl<-a?.e publish in >our eolOBBB the opinion vou have re hag the curative effa-ct of the apparatus iier? iri described 1 According to the demonstrator in (?ray's Inug Store. 4.'!d St. and Broadway, aod their circular, it practical ly eoroa ?Tl rythiltg from in if'owri toa?'.? to holdaoae. At I lava- grown BOBBSWhol ?keptical you began your campaign, anything you would write regarding ti i closed would ba? appr?ci?t?..]. M. Q, jj Nothing that the Ad-Visor could say would be as interesting as what the Vita Herpes-.Moa n**i *t Ita "Vita n1Kh Pfquoney" genorator'i "Vita Violet Kays." "Are you Vibrant with Vitality?" it BoHeHoosly inquire?. In chis- >.,u are not, it Ih-j-k to inform you that its violet ray* wiT perfctn- all sorts of mirarle:, fron, demolir-hinj? gams u. purifying mil? and de- ? M.ymg orT.-n-iv?. odors. An equal ?Kaon to th?- ?areles, dairy ?nao ard it' is skunk-hunter' Theae violet ray?, aie. BO the Vii.i Ctrpomtion' od***rrtiaiag natt?t *aplnina, H*?***f?*i eloetricity." Pro mmM| Um p i i - the itoofikllj and then otMtiae* it by bmm ' it own. wonder of wonders! "Vita Violoi ly 'ine that Hi';, pa- through ?date gjgi -." So, we are informed, wi|! jdain. ' ?urihght. Furthermore, the largi-, reliable, fi.?., unpal intad generator wlmli produces BtHllight will |>erfoi-m all the wonders which the Vito l orporntion's silly mach?n?- esa perform (though not ol) that it rlai/iiM. i-y ^ny iin-nnn'.f and with much less fuss about it! DR. DAVIS LEADS STEALTHY RAD) ??RrS ISLAND "Pira.vs" Tiptoe Ashore and Rob Poor Inmates of Files and Hammers. -; "COKE" AND CASH TAKEN ALONG. TOO Then Desperate Crew Returns to Health Department Offices and Counts Up Loot. low, rakish craft, with i ti i .i sf( and saginos pped away from the Health t at the feel of litd 9 looming. 1 , . ? ithed "it i-hape ring coat thai ?li?i not ?tito ? a'n. ?-?noil the commander a women. Breed* should? red. wide-footed men, a bit too corpu. n ed foi the aide sea? man . led .tee 'leek below, (ire? ?.< ir eompei I ? are, the bulk) er? ? itk at* ? i respeet us the skipperess : instructions. "W. '. loner," they ram* bled ' om ? " ? to in ? "Nothing*!! g?t by." Ff.r half an hour ?.he sinister craft , ?ay on -i eoun o ' by sou'-seeNreet. ' Then ther?' same the faintest tinkle of the engine room boll. "I nil Speed .head." "Full t peed ahead for Hart'.' I?land." whi;.> ' ? oiee of il a commander. Six hundred ennnied gueets of the c.ty ?rere sleeping soundly and aneen* pectingh when ??? dark ehedow merged Itself with the shadows shout ths pi?-r. Ropes wort) made fast and a gangplank run out, all a lilentlj M if the .-"tout sailor-? were working In a dream. over the gangplank eame, Ural ?if all, the kipperesi She walked on tiptoe, l iptoeing after cam?' the crew, They stopped for s moment to survej the five, bsrrick*like buildings which towei -i before them tin* dormitories eh a orkhouse. ? ; :?? . ?"i i n? '.va-, to ; he remotest <?. the buildings, with her ''.? back she entered, Her riteh ai .1 In an ins!snl torn biased wil h light A h . ddei cei ed, sal up In I ? ... ! rtlhbisi ths-.r They saw the nineteen disem* lore from the lugger und heddered, for they had seen such men before. no i from the coramender of the shore expedition <.n?" of her companions ard. "Don'l let have any aoise or dis-, order, men," he announced, authorita? tively, "i ?::n Burdette e,. Lewis, Deput] 1 lea misi om : ?if Correction. This lady at my side ir the Commissioner. The reel are detectives from Lieutenant' Scherb's -? sciai so,uad. "We understand that a lot of knives,' toolF, money, drugs and other contra band goods have found their way re? cently into this branch of the work? house and we've come to collect them. * qeietl) in your beds while the detectives look about." dased prisoner! obeyed instruc? tions whils the policemen ruthlessly soutfht out end eon;, icated their treas ui?-t. From under mattresses they nro dueed hand-tooled knives, resers, nies, silver coim n*:?l an oeeaefoaal find of "soft money." Afterward the other four dormitories wer?- visited, one at a time. In not a single eaee vas tho *emtng of the' ? nticipsted, BO neatly did Commissioner Devi '- plan work eat When the rakish vessel later Identi? fied In the early morning li^ht as the Health Department Lout put out again dearest treasnri llnit\ island, in this wise: Knives and F'iles in i.tint. Xinety-four knive?, six refers, en/ht pairs of shears, thirty-one Mee, two ? rs, one "deck" of cocaine, some white powder not yet analysed and, $188.16. Commissioner I>avis said she had not msde the raid ever Warden Sehleth'i head, but rather at hi? request "Word r,iinr t?. me from a prisoner severa! dayi sgo that s jrrcat many' contraband articles had been tmui/f-li-d into the bianch workhouse," said the ? ommlssiener." It wa-? not surprising, for ere have only a single -creen in the ? is* room anil there are no cells. ?? >| for cuneeahneet are practically! unlimited. "To seize the contraband articles it was noceeaary to plan a surprise, m which we were fortunatel) successful. I lu- warden's force of keepers was too small to handle the job, so at his SUR gOStion I (.'o?. Lieutenant Scherb's men. "I don't think the fact the men had knives and tools in the workhouse can be taken to mean thaj figured <>n a jail delivery, or anything ol that sert Tin only danger Which su|*nested itself to ?iis> was that they mijrht be tempted to use ths- knives m tii/hts among th?*m selve- " ARMY-NAVY PLAYS ON TRIBUNE BOARD Electric Lights to Flash Every Pass in Game to Printing House Square. .ii.h mois than liyOOO electrical connection concentrated Is 200 lights on ths msrvelloue coison ??lectric scoreboard, l_e Tribun?" will estab? lish direct comn iqicatioo between Printing House Ssiuare and the Polo Grounds to-morrow afternoon when the Army-Navy f... thai! elaaaie i? played. -' time in this city in the ? i-, ..? th- pigskin sport, a gam ? will be report i b] electricity. The board ia s new Invention de ! !.-, W. W, Celson, of Besten. Hi? ?lull in perfecting thi? Intricate i* net folly appreciated until : thi "-.'? B?M and sees ?? will loniir i" ? ' ? public in front <?f Ths' Tribune with ' tws-iT' ttliag in 't-ush Stad i When explained, however, the ?? ->rk lags of 'hs> board ar?- simple ' progl of the ball. The of the board will be itted :? eating Aims- liaos* with light! of a istlng color indicating the Navy I ? "i" th.- lij-r.' - : tion ol th? minute of the ???imt* Special plavs will be shows b) a light player v ho mu?.? them, the line en <?f .-?ch t, :>*,? being m inted oa one ifde of the i oard CI tnges in line up win be prompt ? i "'? 'be board. Par tin benefll of thousands who will n"t be able to gel te ths Pelo ? ?* the kid. 1 p . . ? ?? .1 that the bal! .?.il travel un -? ? i? I deem the Held ee The Tritium's scoreboard ns fast ?is ?be players mov? lbs- Information I vmII be upplied to the ?iperator over h I direct wire fron th<- I'ols, ?,r?iur,d to II h?* Tribune. I "I'm a Pony, Not a Show Girl," Asserts Mrs. Philip Herrman Brido of Philip Herrman, sued by him for annulment of their marriajce, who insists she is not a "show girl" hut a "pony." "We Do thr Work; They Wear Clothes and Look Pretty," Says Bride Who Is Fighting Annul? ment Suit. "Shew rirls don't do anything but wear clothes and fill up the stage. The ponies do all the work." This fire distinction, subtly ex? pressed, il important for th?: full un derstaading of the cose ?.: Philip Herr? man, eighteen years old. schoolboy, and Dorothy (?ate? Herrman, his "pony" bride. The "pony" insist? on her rip;hts, one of them being that of her proper title from her father-in-law, .Jamo?? S. Herrtnan. who. she declares, nwght a' least recognise ber profession? al standing even If he is suing for an annulment of the marring?*,. "I won't stand for it to be called a show girl." deelar*?l Mrs. Herrnian fee* terdny, curling herself un or? her '.o?a. With her bol.bed JTOlloW hair and her blue b'h? white middy bloes? . ihe ?ooked about six years old. but she immediately nro-ed an alibi bv ?n?ok it g three cigarettes. "I am a pony, and i? trick one at that," s'ie went on, "I'm a self-n.ade girl. Those show girls, when they're born, they're made. All they have to do la look pretty and wear clothes. Kx eess baggage is what we ?all thrm on tie stage. The ponies are the littl* ??rls who ilo all th?" hard dancing. It's rerj hard to fir.d girls ih'irt enough for ponies in the first place, and in the ?ecotis!, it's bard to get them to do the work. Anybody can be a show girl who has the looks. "The chorus world is divided into three part?, shew girls, puni-? and me diums Tl..- mediums wear clothes a little an?l denee I little, too. Thev are five feet four inchs's tall. Ponies are Under five feet four. I'm ??n awfully good pony because l'm only five feet one." Little .Mrs. Herrman was very much slated yesterday ever her prospects for victory over her father-in-law "1 sidnl mean to cause them any trouble," the aid. "Thev came to me und treated me te annul the marriage for 1'hilip's good. They wanted him to ge throngs college and he a great mea They worked on mv tender heart, and, "f course, I gave in. as any woman would. Then I found out there was hi.other girl they were trying to marrv I'hilip to. nnd naturally that made me mad. I would give him up to go to college, but I wouldn't give him up to any other girl. It was that that made me tight the case, and I gtiess they are sort- now, because I'm surely going to win.'' JOBS FOR DISABLED POLICE ARE URGED Save Pension Money by Keeping Them in City Service. Wallstein Recommends. The present retire...en* and pension systems of the l'olice Department are criticised as uneconomical by Leonard M Wallstein, Commissioner of Ac rounts, m his report upon "The Work of the Police Surgeons and the Botire meal af Policeasen for Disability," made public yesterday. Commissioner WalNtein linns fault with the fact that partly disabled p.?- . licemen are tlismissed from the service ' of the city, upon pensions, without con- ; , sideration as to whether they .vould, not be able ?o do work of a different type in some other ?iepartment. He be? lieves thet the BOBsiloa list could be ? '?ut down materially if the patrolmen received an opportrnity to make a liv i ing in the pay of the city, even after j they had become useless to the Polic? I'epnrtmnnt. In th?s meiner, he points ? at, ?heir pensions could be postpon?-.) until hey became actually disabled, and the depaitr.uni v.-oul?! be weed n?> small amount of money. He advocates the institution of a pi? lerred li?t for policemen, by which m?>r, disabled to such an extent that the?, cannot be na?rd M the force may have first chance to get position*) as court officer? in any of the courts of the city. Under the present police law the Commissioner finds tha? men receive no pension on retirement unless -hey have served in the department for t?*n y? ar? Hy reason of this law, be says, , men are carried by the department upon the lick list for month* and some? times years .n that they will not be :e-' '.red absolutely destitute. Legislation bhoul?' be urged. Commissioner Wall stein finds, which will permit retire? ment at any time when total ?HsabTity is the canee, on a pension graduated to the term of service. Other recommendations urged hy the Commissioner are prohibition of the practice of police surgeons treating the families of policemen, and more care in the preserved ion of the health of mem? ber- of ?he isTrce. WOMAN SLAIN FOR A DEER "I am le D?ame?Nobody Klse," She Ig*/! at Husband's Side. Hianchaiu. Me., Nov. 25. Mistaken for a ?leer in ihe woods here to-day, Mrs Reuben Bartlett. was shot down at her husband's side. During a mo? ment of consciousness she said: "I am to blame nobody else." Melvin Bragdc-n, who f:red at what he supposed was a deer, rushed into the bushes, where he thought the ani? mal was. and found Mr. Bartlett stoop? ing over his wife. The woman died in B si-....- time. 14th Street, near Fourth Avenue. STRAND ROOFGARDEN * "?* mm ew BROADWAY AT 47TH. \. .... flassifHsss ar-.l ?..?pliai!:* l?ala;:. Us??, m. i Cuisine?Myilc and Daneins. Csfatarls t?nchten "Uan-lna . 11 S? t* 2. ta? (Dsnclns. 4'ii t* . ?0. Susssr t ts 12 Mlfslsht. ?p" BOVU S7??R MUHT CAFE BOULEVARD Broadway & 41 st St. DANCING?CABARET SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT The BRAZILIAN NUT and SENOR ARBOZ Dinner One Dollar Lunch 50c A la Carto Specialties. SUNDAY MIDDAY DINNER 65c Rooms for Private and Club Dinners 3 BOY FUGITIVES DIYEINTOH?DSON " Swim to Freedom When Pursued Through Black Culvert. OFFICERS CAPTURE TRIO WHO FALTER Youths Who Had Escaped from Juvenile Asylum Surprised When Asleep at Campfire. Pursued by olhcers from the New York Juvenile Asylum at t'hauncey, N. V.. from v.hich .they escaped Wednesday, .-*. ban.i of ?ix boys ran into the culvert that carries Scheduler's brook in*o the Hudson River at Hast? ings, between I and 3 o'clock yesterday morning. As the last of the boys, who had been surprised as they slept about a camp fire, disappeared into the black aperture, two keeper*, and a Hanings policeman followed. The water *vas above their knees, and the curre'it s.vift, but the boys splashed along with their pursuers close, behind. The culvert is almost 400 fee- long. It runs under Railroad Avenue, the New York Centra! Railroad tracks and part of the public wharf property. Neither the boys no?- their pursuers knew the nature of the dangerous un? derground channel through which 'they waded in utter darkness, but none paused. Where the brook debouches into the Hunson threo of the boys plunged into the -river and struck out toward the public wharf. They encape?]. The oth? ers, their nerves worn by the under? ground rha'e, hesIteted nnd were cap? tured. The boys who got away were Theo Hegel, KreJerick Hines and William NeUon, all fifteen years old, of New York, where they were committed to the asyl'im by the juvenile court?. The COLLARS afoTTfye* Clmmeu TmrnhmAy _ Cts., !??- Matten PHILHARMONIC eOCIKTt of MEW TOM .IOSKK S.TKANHKY. COMMI TOR. This Afternoon ?? l:M ?'mn^ei? Hall. PERCYGRAINGER BfBNDELMOHK, Overture, Fin/rsl's <:ave; BCHt'MANN, S nil.hoi,v No : ; llli'HAIU ?THAI IS, T"n? Peem DeaJaen"; DELIUS, Con "i o foi Pleno ?<ni Orchestra ?flrsi p?r forman.-?? In America l : DAROOUIHZKI, OrcbeetrBl Pantaa*> "Oeeatchoeue." Next Suniln? Aft.. No?, 28. ?at 3, MELANIE KURT Tis-keta BJ '?? ? . " ?? PSllS K T.?*lf?*ls, Manager METROPOLITAN %?& To-nlshl,* l.ohensrln. ?iirikai .|?b?it i . Met. r ,1 rlus. Ilraun.U'ell. ?.'?nisi.Bo4BDSky. Mat. Mat. < iiTinae of Opera st I Tosea. Hd vins iilststj? ' : ''arusss. S.'Oitl t'sinil. Poia. ??. Nett Mon. ai ? K???enkavallrr. fiber, Ham* pei Mesoa; ? ;?irt?/.. w>i!, Cond. BMnitky. \\r<\. a' ; 41 Tri.? .o si Isolde. Kurt, Mali intinir; t'rlus.\V?tl.Braun ?'oiisi Boilaniky. Thurs. a- * < avallrrla Rustir?n*. Zaraka, l'erlnl; Botta. De I.U'-a: follM by l'asl??*? I. CaJsttl; ?"arui". Amato ?"ond Bavugnil!. ? Barber of Hevllle. Kemp?! :De latea. Damurco. l'l?1ur. Malaiests. Cond.BeVBS?ell Thl?, Bus. E?| . ?tHO. nonowsKY"1? __ ?Jfcbsat-sl ?'."? t*-*1 U-UVTT-IVI ,Mar,|, Slit .:..-'?? SYMPHONY of New i o i DAMBOCCIL <onduc UPI'.. BOT. M, i CULP SoclelT of New York. WALTER DAMBO-CM, < onductor. NEXT M'N. AKT., NOV. 2R, AT 3 ?alaM AXtSA iF'ti?' nppeirs.n. o of the season . |IAtl?\ S?'M1 RIRT. IHrTS'IH. IiEI.II'S. 1IRAHMS lit? HARH RTBACSS. fiaatl st Bss OSIo?. sl.o Rssm 120*2. A-sllas Hall. TUEATBE, Ateta k 13d ?. rsrfurnstn.**? To star s>. 30 ic ') Ss: A Sui ' II . us, 1 to 11 P.M. ..* siraa'*?' tits Film K??r Trrttt t? i. tam IIE8TRA * UAI.l ?INT 60 :d B?UXNsT ??s-. Iloi H?SUll 00. T-iVMl'liONT ?M.? IIKSTSA Or 10. F IQHTIN0 OR RANCE CARNEGIE HALL. J7TH ST. sad 7tti Ac?. PLMEiDORF JU-I SUNDAY NIGHT at ?",.fl MONDAY MATINEE st 2.45. NORMERN ITALY FROM SIMPL?N PAM TO ROME. Pleltins l'y MR KI..Mr.M?0|tr Prlc-s 50o. ;jo. I !.*!?* snd SCS0. AEOLIAN ll.ll.l, ???i Kl No. IS. 1:11 FLONZALEY ?juartet. .'.o.-, ?o s;. Management Lou ?Ion Chariton. A**,.Dan Hall. Mon. Bv?., Nov. te. al 990. PIANO RECITAL VU TOK WITTGENSTEIN Tlok?ts SO?* to 12 Ms? PsetOT ?t- r>s\ld. AEOLIAN HAIL. TO-IIAY, at S P. M. SPALDING Srd Violin Ticket?. Mir. to $'*.. II.*fco.l., MHI1 AI , .% i\ _J ft?, J CORNELL AEOLIAN HALL. TOMORROW ,8al.) E?s. Stil}: _2_ SASCHA JACOBSEN | Ss?ats at Box ?Iff,?*??. 61?- ?o $1 LI iliu?s 111 Itilractlon Mu?"Concert Managern'?. Inr VKOI.IAN HAM., Men Af-. Vn :t at S PIANO 1 Hr.CITAL b> I.OI I i Ma? I.'.'i.lon <'h?!;t.-:, Steins . p.ano AEOLIAN HALL Tssssffsw Aft.. Nsv 27. *71i m- CAMPBELL * .'? ".O.- |1 US? p. i HIT-, H of ?If, Af?.i. ?'., AEOLIAN HALL TO-NIGHT at ?:|5. EDITH RUBEL TRIO I captured were Th?odore Abraham, of Broohfya; George Neil, of Ossinmg. and Herber: Mackie, of 448 Third Ave? nue, Manhattan. h'arly Wednesday morning the boys knotted their blankets together and ?lid from the second story of the cot? tage in which they slept at the asylum, ("lad only in their night clothes, they made their way to Hastings. Whi.e 'cir sought refuge in a cellar of Mor? ris Rosenbsun?.'* hardware store, SO Wa? burton Avenue, the others foraged. They met Mike Chtooow, a Russian, who lives in Main S'reet. Moved by ni'.y. he gathered all the old clothe* in his house and gave them to the boys. Before daylight they pillaged larders on the tack porche? of Hastinrr* resi? dences, then repaired to the wood?. They were sleeping in a guiley where Scheckler'? Brook enters the culvert when keepers who had trailed them und Patrolman Freiberg, of the Ha?ting polic* force, effected a surprr-e Arraigned before a magistrate, two of the three boys captured were sen* back to the Juvenile Asylum at Chaun cey. The home authorities refused I > have anything further to do with Mackie, who i? seventeen and i* said to have been a leader of all the mischief porpctrattd at the institution. He wa? taken to the Hastings jail, and probably will be committed 'o a reformatory to? day. Chresow. the Russian who supplied the clothing to the pajama-clnd youths, was arre?ted and received the alterna? tive of paying a fine of $22 or spending a day in" jail for every dollar unpaid. He settled immediately, caeh down. Police of Hudson River towns and railroad detectives were looking for the other three boys la?t night. GRACF MARSHALL MAY GAIN HEAin Girl Long Imprisoned by ?%**?m_ Has Chance for Life. B. Trlefrspli to Th?. Tns?,. i Easton, Md., Ndv. ?$.. Gr*c, w shall, the farmer's daughter ?*l?, kept in eaptixity for year? n her fa?" er'? house in St. Michael?, *tl ^7* improved to-day. ?nd her phnl Dr. iharle? Davidson, again ho?, save her life. She now wei-rj,, ?^ uounds. having gamed a ftm _. .' since her release. Dr. Davidson ha? received ha?? >f telegrams and lett.-i? from-^ -?*-, offering their blood for transfaVuT" help the girl. ?lus Lorrain- 5S* who recently won a prize in t J.7* tor the most shapely girl in Rihi^T "*r?a|.. Ill*, ? Wlo? _M came to Ea?to:i to-.?ay and offera*"?* blood. Miss Kmma Davis, of th? (V ren's Aid Socity of'Maryland __ t'ered to he -, party to traasni' a dozen other Haitimort?n-, lehr Hand, a young army man of ft; detphio, aiso volunteered Dr. Doeiooofl ?aid to-night th? the girl continued to improv? tri? iu?icn might not be nece.?.->?ry Nearly I00 person? easss fror? , parts of the county nn.1 other tetxL of the Kastern Shore to-day, ex-???t-J to see the girl, but wa? trJaT?!' to her room la the hospital. Marshall and his wif? ere s.\?\ , jail and will have ? Hearing to-m?r-rJi Many residents of St. Michael, m? pected at the heari? "^^? Beslnnlng To-morro.v. Saturday. N?v. !7'h Afternoon Tea?. 4 20 to ? Z'i V .1 Satnr inu?. l'i'.'rimt?, CABARET MONDAIN AT LAST. y CHEZ FYSHER OF AVJD. V* L'OPERA. PAHIR 121 Went -N ?NEW YORK. RwerveTabUt, 45th St. Am\\m*e\, A?^Sm? ??? .*"-*-a.i MR. MAURICE FARKOA EVERY NIGHT AFTER THEATRE SUZANNE FEINDFI AND IRENE BORD?N! MR. A. NIL30A FYSHER CABARET MONDAIN 4- ]s_^ NKfl YORK'S I.KAIiINO I If KM'lths AMI -1 I I I Ml " EMPIRE, H?^?. 40 St. Ma'a. To mor .A Writ ?I HO JOHN DREW ?ffioffifr LYCEUM. 4'. sr , a'r ll'v?a- Mata.T.i mor ATliur? ETHEL BARRYMORE ?TecSautfr." . l>*nlii!< a: 8 IS IRR'iW k w?*.. HAKKlb \(??; to-mi Ml in CON "?"?"?? *mh st Kern il us a- i 1". nUUi3V?ll Mali TilMilRII'lV'AU. i l'l?'lcH: NEW AMSTERDAM," ::~Z?uVl MATINEE?, TO MORROW K w?D.. Ml. KI.A'l a 1 ,il AN?,I l: I'rraaoi AROUND'HtMAP Bon? AfTE* THE "1 AY VISITr?a????aart'lt-??^ 2IEGFELD ??.."?cvraaa. ?-??Iinc; a\, ?-aV-vii v??aai -TITOf FF TINGE "^ 4-'-? ****** ?"*"???"???* L.L. I II1VIC m? jo MOIIH'UV 4 \V?.? iHHiaacaasHg ??iitY es? 1ST MATINF-E To MORROW. ? 30. YOUNG AMERICA" LAST 3 << TIMES NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. Seat! Now. Ollrrr M*s*seo pr?-?i *? a !.???? NBBaatle tsr^e. ?SAniF I OVF"b> Ar"f ***** ' JfKUtsZ, s-XJ V E? ?.,] MirJortr it?.,.-,?.- ; IflNr. ATRF w a? m it. .. ? .. i? ? ... LUIlUAlvRL Ma,. io-MOR M O? COHAN' A IIAIIIUS I'ltlSKST LEODITRICHSTEIN ??Sff* "THE GREAT LOVER nri a cm w"<- 4411 sr. i??***** 1 DCLAJtU u.tJ to MOR li A T LIBERTY ES^jf f:?? A Hat Vat . ? ? " i. t: tee let * I ? SPECIAL -11 ?lui 1c -r.crM <l?i. a. ! ror ><?*:? ?*r 0r*B*r? BJf f*IM(? StaatiMl?. ' 2 SPECIAL MORNING MATS, 11:31 SHAM TO-DAY and TO MORROW ,r, 1,1 . , ? ??.'..??? .-?? ti'ri LASt't?MI ?ATUBB**/ BIGHT. a-1 A Aim CD v 4.: ?-r. ?? 4*44 LAN DLL r. .,,,.. ?., M"T4K'.W A ?Arn.. 17 THE HOUSE OF GLASS ??th Mary :>,an .-. >;? ?a ?.? '*?* BURTON HOLMeVeNQUM 0 IB MuR ? a liM.I? SUN. REPUBLIC THE BOOMERANG ????- - ? ? HIIS . . ,,?u i?, mohriiw a web - i.a? M Canin ? Gr?.il Amarlraa far?, c-ftS.D-rLJ5S HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY SUN EVE. It? j". rBKU NIBlau a- . -UJD.I.; MON. MAT. at 3. !r.nD, , ? ? p r-kta-i? A -?If**? I GLUbt ..M'iKRiiW* ENGLAND I MONTGOmery & STONE ? 50c TO 11.50. i * _^^ .1 ist A'???, of llrossl'-aj - Ms? T??B*w & Wed. .?i 1 RAWS ROMEO & JULIET W'.l Mat. |1. wl'h Hup-rlor i's-t PLAYHOUSE UeTtVotelVas WA? GRACE GEORGE * II.** ?toheSM <"c_l*S!.* In THE LIARS SSTU CT To?*?:*?* K "f !?'?*?:? ?*"' ' ? ?lOin _l. mj.. r, nvr >? A , . I THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUR. I VOir'TI,??', 4'.'<l W. of B'aw >->fi. ? W LlfAH MaMM*a fa-ssetee? A v?-i I M ABE and MAYYRUSS A i-outlniiattoa of ths ??or* of "POTASH AND PERLMUTTER. ' M?XINE ELLIOTTS. l.sM Msi To mor'w ';? m EJ QUINNfcYS ^TSSet^ COMEDY. Hams. I |f ?s'a. Toro'v. A- Tu?. I II 85 ' T? ?! :, HOBSON'S CHOICE 3STH 8T. K*fa. S 11 HS Tor,.* A W?! . | | THE UNCHaASTENED WOMAN ?HUBERT, ?a. I II Ms.. To m a AW?, l : li ALONE AT LAST IV^'fiV BOOTH. E-p 9 11 Mats. Tn-B'st WeA . .1" I SOTHERN ?j?? CASINO. t?i?. ? 11 Mm Tsi row* Wad. SJ 1 THE BLUE PARADISE !\C?ACN,L princess ,';..:??-? fe _"!r?r_ LAST 3 DAYS GERALDINE fARRAR CARMEN _T_ TAKE YOUR WIFE TO in WBESVUKti lui SNAM NT MANHATTAN ?U'KUA Hill fl. To VHJHT ?I M'a BOLTS 'INK Til A l'l.VIHII p '_,.., '?TI? HT KAST OK ?H'AI rnnceu s-a?? n?? ?a saia. Baalsnlni MssSs* Eos.. N?>. TStlt. "THE UK BU? ?"fe:, Burns Mamie, of Efenl'.f Mat; ' ?>?? slrsmstl^ p?rf irnianess of s ?*s\nn han- tj#erT ??-t.- 1 m, r? sln.-wrsly or tu tettW purr?w " Ha. ? ,l!r**-t K-artr-.g on ths H?lxlil?n earn Theatre Fran?ais, ?fj Thou? 8019 Una;' K??a S 30. MATINEE TO MORROW. ." ?n LILLIAN GREUZE Vestte'ti . i? .la?. u::.Nist. snu a?. :?..? Man Ms :s ALL COMEDY BILL EVERY PARK ? ? i fia : lOc & 25c. I a-- Worst I M?.- rilnia a- * . .*..? Mat : IS, WiREIT T?\_NZT *A AI_*:B COLUMBIA. ? wa- * 1'th. T?IrsDsItT .9 I*A* IS Bob Mi;n-rn-.??r's Bur'.ssq ?si? with M-lit.- >WWaa_ I..",?-. M BAN O BOX "a. . A> 1 WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS ?}.? FULTON THEATRE tfJK, At I JO. S .10. 7.JO. i.K. P M, Oatf? FIGHTING IN FRANCE - - * a! *m* ' "'?.?'?.'.sli TTM I -.: I'l'-UMtv la?. ,.f tfS i ??.. Ainiin i.< j tifie throtii'i r. ALKXA.VDI >t 1'nWUJL. ?a ?** . Part at f? r? cal-t ?Ml et a.??a k ?? fr??-h R?d Cress. |*0*M ?r.- na O.VLT ULMS ?ihlMiad ? ? hi? iraiici i-.iiib.i??y i Wuh??"*** BS i tain lies. Orcheitra at 40 Pli-ati. FrlcM IK. ? **? C8BT ?A Mttg a- i-. Hi- 4? Be .)> ,?,. Tr-a, ? irlWaal all? THEI VKTOR niiiiii in-? BIlrCFST Ji IT ( ti.E*N0e PAIBTE? A, , VICTOR HERBERT*.' _?? STANDARD " " * louW?! M.i Sal "THE ?<;??.' Nnt Uri Mm If.*..? ' Tl a R. a 1 t-> HO??-*?. LEXINGTON l*?fr&m{?? I N'ait B ??-" L. Jla Ma . Tia? >**? Triangle Plays TkisW'r^i Ot*to_m*_ **ttm iv-it.i.ta ,'nT??Wf* ,.'. tba a - . *??'?>? Pi ?..Und; ' ?ASB_2_??L ''Th-ljr?atVe-uu? !"????* } Matan?-*, a*. 2. I.v?r.r.*s-*l_] PRlCF.?-1'ai.-Matin"?-?. ,->'f?-?"-"0?C?7 ?tassas**.: cu . ?et?. I* ?**-*-*?**"?" Knlckorbocker Theatre Braaonay a> ??_ Siraa? ? ? ir? OAY l \|. ?.1 HIP HIP HO?RAV ALiC? NEILSEN-SflBS* w Il i M.irilS M - EMMA C*?>"i, 1 PALACE <?,t M,Vi i-iiiu.iB M?i-*,iN n;?;-?' Ca? nui ai n-1"11 M f "V'!!*!!*.*? OLONIAL. lu?!Ht?*. SL Ma- I' H ',/,,n ' VfTAGRAPH-?y. '?& THE BATTLE CRY OF PEA? A "' *" Loew's American Roof i',.., l-?>jU| BEBNARDI. J- K "A ?"**?" ?t?ll"_ I.? Ii- a ? A O . and T o*'"?'* "?IH* *** I...?-I.?.-?!. lit? .1 ?"-?toftabto *~? ?a? Ol._II.'??, A 17 .?? "Zimt*'***!* I Kit V.l. Mar!u<riu CUsB, "rrtuca O TU