Newspaper Page Text
' ittempt ?il! be mude -.? interior? und.r ? .reck fro ore, railwaj and .>?... se afforded them. Tha' the gear ? that will be abtded by. are sat ?factory te Allie? n la th? ' i ? held up at tii ation? ? 'heir The the Greek '.. Vie dip lenaatic -?'* I ol Engten "- treat i und Lard Kitchen?! poaition Wh- ?xtrera? I .si ami British Km i pre ..? i- m . siebt of gratitude to ). Wai -i ? ? ? ici -uading ?? \ Expect Berlin to Act. ;? govern doing any tha Hellen ie nation in war with oil I ? ' ' powei ittral P??were, but King ( onatantine and tka will have ?o Tend warily If th? to continue a policy of ? Th?'' Greet reph to the Allies - i diplomatie triumph i?" Great Britain, but at th? -am., time a diplomat ic ?le ? at all likely that Berlin erill reel contented ? .. Keieer ?rill f ii prei ire oa I i la-law ?? rough Queen Sophie for a guarantee ? ? the event of Allied troops fall Gn ? arill not be allowed to undertak? from there a '. ?-?!. o?T? the ("entrai Powers, It is andera teed tkal the Allies have ??'^i promit? ! <>t,' e? ? monetary la* lemnity a 'er tka any damage which might be done through the occu of Greek ?oirit ?ry. IS th tke Groeka woi i I ;ause, <'.ren? Bri'.iiT ai.o* are proper build a great military position . ? Sal irucT. Large barrack? nre to be i rected foi th? \ and a greel electric power itation is to be built to allow the Allied force* to carry on rcpaii' work. Tke Germana a*?; bow eloa? to Mon Batir, aad -ve battle which will decide Ike possession of Southern Serbia la near If the Allies are defeated they wil! fall back into Greece. Tho Ger- j r ans Hnd the Pulgars, pursuing them. ??'II slmost to a certainty follow. Lon ?ioti wonders whether Greece ?ill BOO | -r 'roops to expel the Teuton allies fram her ?oil or stand by idly while a great battle tage? on her territory. MEDICAL HELP FOR TEUTONS 1 ?^?edition of Physicians and Nurse? Sails on the Hellig Olnv. The second of a serie* of medical re- ? lief expeditions for Germany and Aus-: tria-Hungary left for Germuny on the Scandinavian American liner Heilig Ola? y eater dey. ? Or. Fred Kwmerer, pre?islent of the New fork Surgical Society, is leader of, ?he expedition. With him are !>r. Kurt Sauer, of the ?tat? of the German Hos? pital; I'r. Praak P. Gorham and Dr. Krank Paschal. There are sis nurses, who are to su-, pennten?! the work of a staff of volun- ? tary nurses to he assembled in Ger- i manv or Au^*:i. ThF expedition will have its own hos- ! pital outfit, including everything neces? sary for three hundred to four hundred beds, if the British authorities permit. Thus far the British Kmbassy has not given permission to take the geoda. which ai" addreeeed to the United States Ambaasador :r. Berlin, although rubbei .- ltd other articles to which the British might eb.icct have been left out. AUSTRIAN* CROSS TO MONTENEGRO ASBULGARSGAI] Invaders Menace Retre; from Kossovo Plains by Flank Attack. ? 17,400 SERBS TAKEN IS BERLIN'S CLAW (itniians Reported To lie i I'rilep, Ready to Advance on Monastir. I'. ' ?? I? ' . Ttis Tribun, | ?i. Nov. to. While the (.??: :n ans and the Bulgarians, who no' command the Kossovo plateau, ai praaaing the advantage they ha over th" Serb torces, the Austrian; operating farther north, have ? the Montenegrin bordei loatkwei of Sleniea, Vienne announced to-night. Thus the Serb forces, whose ret rea from Nish has been a serie? of hnz ardi and perilous situations, face an other trap. Falling hack from th Kossovo plain, where their position ha ikle through tke inrad are* oeeapatioa of Priatina and Mitro i vitia, they niii-t teeh refago in Monte ii.'irr?. aid Albania. The Gei imiiis and the Bulgarian? have pushed past the Mitroril int? the Vaearn aeetioa, fro which they are about te croa? th? su m?. River. The Auatriana, north ? ? their alli?e, have begun i thrust south, and the Gernana, once ftCTOa? the border, will move in the lame direction. (he Serbs, retreating westward, may thus l'.nd their menaced, if not by the Germans and i tka Austrian?. Scutari To Bo Base. For the little fringe of Serbia which lies between the Sitir.a River and tka Albania end Montenegrin frontiers the Serka are fighting valiantly, but tke flood of invasion cannot b" stemmed, aad tfcey are ready for a new retreat, out of Serbia. Their capital has been moved to Scutari, Albania, and this City ?rill also sen?> ai their base of operatlona. The Montenegrin? built good road? from it during their occu? ltation The flereeneea of the defence bai the Serba many mor. men In killed and capture.I. tkat in the Mitri'vitza buttle the army of G von Ka? ? ? ??>'?? 10,000 pri while (hting around ITistina 7,-100 Serbian? were captured. The tak? ing of twenty live cannon Ii alae claimed. Monastir. in the BOUtk, I? .-till In the possession of tl >? Serbian?, but the Bul-: garians are packing toward it, while the army of General von Gallwits I? re? ported to be on the way down the Vardar Vail? y to help the Bulgi attack the Anglo-French tore Germans Beach I'rilep. The arrival of seven regime! German troops at I'rilep is annoi by the Geneva newapa] nor: to be diapatchea from Bachi There have been reparta tkal '' ??' the invader on Men I'r.lep would he d< the Bulge BOtil the G'-rrna'. foret ? ? ll| Greek border migl '? eooae u eo, - ({.a ?,-,. ? - - ':? Salomes, the French line I* still n ? 'u- i.-iiur? t: l| IB* I-.-.liC Kri unfoun On tl ? The !'? ?ay? tin.' . ? g te repot ta from Vienna the Alliea i.r.- | l period. in - ' -nachinei for sn electric bob awardii | tant::ti barraek*. I ? Dai -?? In : t in IC-rlin who b IV* be* expecting un? ter from the min?--- *| Vor, northei :-? rbia, belonging to ? 11 Befon destroy id th? ? implns wot shafts, end ton boil* tr>gs at the minos. A sta:*" "f 0*rmi ?:eers is now inspecting th* ii'tes te determine whether II ?'il! b ble te i??? .une eoeralloni AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL. The Si itOflBI :.' V:enn : I. - : Kii.i of I ora Ised th anegrin*. Southwest of 81 er.ica wc erossed th* Monten?*gri frontiei. In Ifitrevitsa An tro-H ; eoptur il 10,000 Sei biai mortars, twolvs Held guns, numer ous vehicles, ammunition ef al kinds, seven railway engines, I?t< rail win? wagons and othei BTBT BBS terial. \ si cing across Mitrovitzn, thi Austro-HuriKiirian column reachet the district of \'ucurn. ' of which Oerman and Bv i fon ' f ci -11n in. Pristina ?wampa and on --Uni were captured. GERMAN OFFICIAL. Ho; ; -, gave out this communia* tiont The army ur.tler General ? - Kce .'-ss took about 10,000 Serbians and 19 cannon near Mltrovitza in the Pristina swamps sn I tnica River v.i'i'i prisoner* and sis *? non fell into our hands. The amount of 44nr material and other BOpplii ' taken ?;> important. FRENCfl OFFICIAL i he Paria official statt rnenl on November '..'??. our troops had an engagemenl near Brusnik, to the east of Krlvolak, with the Bulgarian force?. Tl BBS were repu: ? Allied Brigades Safe Near the Greek Border London, Nov. 26, The safety of both the British snd French naval bi . recently were in Bolgi ? 1ed The f : ? at Ifonastir, near the Creek border, a ? legram baa receive,; from Admiral . from Mit! ov itxa Niivi | that nil ??' n ' 11 e EGYPT FIGHT A SKIRMISH Al-Kantara Affair Not Regarded an Renewal of Turks' Activity, London, Nov. 2''. A dispatch to "The Times" from Cairo, referring to an offi r-mmunication reporting al rttei with the Turks at Al-Knntarn. Egypt, explains that it w'ai ? th ? patrol and slum i..- regarded ss a reerudi icenee of Turk ? ivity. The Store for Men Separate Building. Separate Stocke. Separate Service. Broadxeay ai Xiuth. The Great Sale m of Men '$ Clothing ^? Is on Today? Wanamakcr Standard in Fabric, Fit, Pattern and Value -\i\ 'Jk S^ Suits, $25 to $30 Grades, $20 Overcoats, $35 to $40 Grades, $27.?50 (The ((?rrRCiinK on the Burli'i?tori Arcade floor, Wee Buildlof.) Suits at $14.50 and $16.50 Overcoats at $14.50 and $16.50 --*??-.?? ?-e fi* to fSS ?rade?.; being offered in the Lower-Price Store. Brotdwt] corner Highth.) Some men don't; nl<(' uto "Siilef" suggests to them inferior merchon fji ,'?. They oie good busi tu-ss ?men, ii ?? nil*-. They believe iii profits. They cannot conceive of hun? dred -count merchandise goin^ for less i ban 100 per cent, of its pri?e. It doesn't--not very often, it does, today, lien We got ready for tins sale months ago. C loth '??st then much less than ?? docs today; a great deal less than i? will cost next Spring. We were able to make fl satisfactory deal with each of ten of our regular manufactur? era. Take the overcoats at $27.50. They ore made Of a foBIOUS chevio? finest loomed in Americi - in Mue, black, oxford. One manufacturer bought enough of if to make 7?0 Chesterfield overcoats lor us for this sale. The price h<- paid WOS less than In- is paying today. This order from us was sure. There were no st II big expenses ittocned t<> it. So he cut his profits. And. to make good the Wonomaker theory of n sale, we did likewise. Similarly, the suit*. came to us for less thai: usual. And they arc go? ing for less than usual. Both suits and over? coats arc ?good enough for our regular stuck*. Quality, colors, cut all fine. There's only on?. difference between buying today ?mil waiting until next week to choose from our regular itocki You save Monty today. JOHN W A N A M A K F R ITALIAN GUNS AID m CAPTURE OF GORIZIA LINE Drive Back Enemy After Troops Storm Trenches South of Stronghold. FIERCE BATTLE GOES ON NIGHT AND DAY Vienna Admits Invaders Take Positions But Claims Success For Counter Attack. ?n? can* m fha T-turta j i'ans. Nov. '_'.". While their gum. stationed "?i Mow I I si ano and the i Podgora crests, wesl si Gerisie, rain shell? .,.. ;he bridgehead and on the town, the II s arc forging ahead on the < ' ? .. south of the strong ! holt!. They have advanced now to a 'point feel than five mile? from Goriiia and threaten to outflank the defenders ' Of tile Long deep ?renche? botWOOfl 'ho fourth, stir:: it: it of Monte San Mich?le Bad *he ( Imrch of San Mtr'ino were stormed, according to the official state? ment i" wed nt Hon..- to- ley. The Aus ileluged the attacking with shell- and made prepara behind -., eoartoin of tire, to I launch a counter thrust. Then the Its ' y guns oponed up antl ?in? Rome, wer'; forced to i r* -. leaving these important posi , tiona .1 thi hand? of th* invader. ?'Hit', r fighting," ?aya Vienna, "is . ii i?? riel bete eon the mouth of the Wtppach I four and a half | oi '. -i alo) aod Bon tino. It continues lay and night." The : fory Bf the battle is unabated, and in ere* lighting both sid* - an f.'iing heavy losses. The Aostrions, despairing <>f holding the itrong ? ? ? Germon sid, sod almosl do? .,: o thai aid. are making a final t "Italians gfectod Again." .\"..t tii of Monte San Mich?le the AuBtril that the Italians re-| pea?, I - : poeitions. Bol they i ? ? .. g la -ting many ? hours, the again. fluctuating flghtini tust nil v maintaining ? ??i- thi \ had loel earl ?er ?n the North of Gorl makin?* repeated counter attacks, in the /? ? ?'?--' heights : reports the re- ' a th ru ' . ': i. ? -. ?ry. Vienna declarea that' . i attack? ed 0 Isi la 1 sd and two con, : . The ? toon artive. The ? fj "I "'n-.ezzo. Arsier.i rhile the ll, bombi rded the aviation camp at \ ind four i 80 front. ' AUSTRIAN OFFN IAL \ ? ? p.. gave out this i tatemen t: ? proceeding In the ?Btriei between tha mouth of th? Winpaeh arid Ban Martioo. it eon night. Mich?le the '. ittaeked ||y the tions, but acted the last time flghtini .' many hont ? brave Alpine re* th arid Twei nth. Monte San Mir .r San Martino the flghtil ted nil day until late In the evening, when the Hoi .lining and ?ion. The Go .'lead and the ? hern ?"-n ? the town, P Soi ' . hove been kept nil.1er -.-ver artillen ti it . era1 BOI my BOttalliOOl which Bl ' ' .i i lalai la wei ? ' ? - ere le yed. ? . ? iropp d bomb on 1 ol? h ITALIAN OFFICIAL ?uuiiication was ? Durii g thi I the 22d-23d and the folle - : ? \ force to ro? en ptt f thi portant * I hese actions, i'-ry Arc, occurred on i ol di Lana, in the I end on a I ?' I I . ? la. All of these npu'.sed with very he;,?. ?' - the enemy, who left bodiei on Hill No. 188. ffeoi Ive en the | ? '. by a bril- i liant soei - day. Cong, doep ? ? i m mit of Hont? vu. Michel* and th* ' horch I of San Martino w*ro stormed, the adera Borrooodod sod s loras i"' them taken pr:-oncr. The atelj deluged the lost with shells of nil ealibres, ai-.d behmd .1 curtain i.*" lire massed imp?t t..nt inte. inter al of San Martino. Guns liriva? Out Foe. \\ ? . beld firmly their boa Itii sd on all si lee, our batterie? with rapidity and precision conccntr..-. eh, well directed rolamos und diepi - ? I them. Five hundred and four pria* them "th. ers, fell into our e..ptured great of provisions, munition? ami wer matei lala Enemy aeroplanei .hopped bombs on Ar-iero. where no damace Wai BO, OS A.?, where four soldi* 1*1 ' .. ? ol SOT air BBJOOd? n.ns bombordod th* aviation camp at I ? . :.. another CBUOp h. .: a Bl A and millood stations at Vagei ? . \ ..- a Reifeoberg end i Dooiele. Oor aeroplanes, which . .:-.-, .. - u-viai. '-.;. ?aft k'uns. returned undamaged. ? ENGLAND TO SUPPLY DANES Gets Pledge That Cood* Will Not Reocfe ( entrai 1'imor?. li ? .. .in, Nov. "JO. Another neutral ????ut tr-, ha? entered ii I foctory Gn ' Bi otherwiae pro froni EDO ?sh commcr? lai ? 1 I Clsosei i. ; BBenting the M. xan.h-r 1 ees, iting the Industrial As ' :..r., C. Gold, t- tin? i..- Councilor of State, and Knul ???It. for. most lianiiih !..iiik?r have |asl left LoOOOO after a stf.v of tour days, during which, not as rep ' o? the Danish Government : -? ?.. h for Dsaish am ? ? ved al m thoroosrh bi - Foreign One? i ? ? ?? ivi given icci pteble gooi ' h?ii ,,;, | Central Power , I !'n'!-/ be allowed to receive all the goods they require. FLEEING CONSULS SAFE Kusso-British Kelugee? in Bernia Kearh Kasbin?Hamadan Attacked. ? aerad, N?tv. - ? telegram f rom Tehei-T? Bril all and Roa* man e? ' othar member? of tka Rueae_ritiah ralooiee st Hamadan .:'? ';. at Kasbin, ninety ralle? northwest of Ti'heran. ?ral hundred gendarmM an?l per Bri lah and Rus . , ,?? : Ramadan, ? did not i'*;ter the town I i DUTCH TAX FRONT NAMES Smoker?. Travelers, ('?Dlialiata ind Card l'la> r* Not txempt. Ettkef I : on to pay nearly fiv.i dollar? ill ta*-.-*? ? in I ?tional ex< i< a? a direct result of the arar. trta th? anntul taxation o? i ? ?? -?: try haj usual ; imottntod to something ' over tSO^r<M,000 in round lijrure?. ui about il?*-'1 par capita; but the bow bill just laid before Parliament, th?.- annual total up to approxi match J'.ii?.?iiO.OOO." or t2l per capita. Boeidea increasing the ratio of al- ; .1..- t_X? 1, tka governr.'ont , has decided to impose? iax?"S wkiek di? rectly affect rapitalis's, holder? of Itoch I, nensioners, pers.on* r.??1 tka army or navv. .. ?titatlon? "ii i ipcomoa from be* drawara of registci-d doeu-. menta, railroad ard stro.>* *tt t ravel irs, amokere, card-player?, ami po?- ; sessors of mor?' trian one from nams*. Tka point tkat ha-? arou<<<! liscus sion everywkerc is th? tux ?.n front ramas for th I Dutch are pron?. .. burden their children with from to six name* I glance at ,mv Dutch directory brin?,'? to ,ight raar.v in? ?t?nc>s ,.f family names being pre-1 ceded acnaetimea by nearly half the ul l h<?*>?- r WARNS BUSINESS BRITONS London l'ap'.T l'oint? lo Amerl an Preparations for future Trade. London, Nos. 26. | tka newly foimed ?American International < orporation, "Tka Horning Poat" any?! "It is evident tkat the United State-, is making prapomttona foi rapturing the world's trade after tka WAT. Thtl company must be treat"?) M B quite aoriooa proposition. Binea the com meneemeal ..:' tkg wnr American proa* ..i rity has rocoivod an enormous nil patna from foreign order?, particu? larly tkoaa of England. Franc? Moreover, the financial nr? ; ti?-?' of America ha.' been Incroaeed by th?- extent to wkich ita bankers . ra ahls* t?? finance tka necoaeitic of ?5u ropean and other eountriee. ".Nothing, tkerefore, la asor? natural than that Amu ici.n banker? and bu . : I??* looking ahead and step? foi maintaining 'h;? financial and col? ter the war. At the pr?sent as? of tonne, we ai>' preoc? the pressing problem? of war Hi int wi ihall d< ?roll i I of tka commercial poaaibilitii th?- war. eepeciallj elooer ?*onimerr.'il ar.?l financial tionabip of Greal Britaii and her A ?roll aa the commercial vantai:?'? under which Germanv is ? GERMAN FORCES QUITTING MITAU .ill llnli-il fi. s.. pune I BOUtfa of K. ira. l!?'.-.vy lighting has progreaa in this district for ?eren al na I ? n with : be Gertnaa Httcn-ip- to take Riga. I are of Beraemoende btjr tka Ra innonneod al Petrograd on No* ? ! 1. Tfcl bodies of two German aeronaut?, observer, of en aoroplai ? , Ukatn ? tjrpa artra die* to-,li,v in a marsh, near Dvlask. Tka I to deal Una ? - ?a | ?rmitt? d to oro--. the Russian Imr?. Its ??cape r/ai ?ur oil by i? lock of Rnaaiaa aircraft The German machine circled about frantically for half a'l hour, and then. : wrier - - no chano or ?teape, It deecended to tka marsh. i ..-arks on bicycle? started In pur . | not diaeover the I.i ?intil after the German? had met death. l_a a?roplane ?vas nndaaraged. 'an omciAL i lie following official communication ? Ths' G jreaterda*/ waning attempted an advance near Kein . nul aren epnlaed Near th?? Beraemuende farm ?gfcting eontin ? - i ??ii- troop? f.". one hundred tai ? prisoner d ? ipl ored ais machine ran i during a ficht arhieh ended in the rapture of ? hill in thi< .1 triet. A? tl.itkweat of the extremity of Lake Bventen our troops Lav? 1'iTuii headway, ll.e enemy at* ? ? ? i s econd I me, l'ut without Buceeaa, the tronche? which b? loot recontly at this point. In the SmorgOs? diatriei tke enemy artillery baa ?JtrveJoned a violent Are Bontkwoal of Pinak. m tke region of tke rur'nt Imr.k ?>f the Str?men, t h .* enemy attacked tke village of _omora. bul ara? repulsed, j The village of Novo Podehereritchl, lyinir on the loft tir.nk of the Styr, remained In our hand?? a?"'?*r a series of engagi n i Near ths .i.!.??,-?' of Semikovtxe, on tke 5 tri pa, onr troop? attacked the and drove him to 'he river. \v *h his t'M'k to th,- river tke enemy ally annihilated by our fire, the for?ai being drowned in tkeir attempt! to -scape i. ? t tarn. Mori than one ' men killed or eeveroly ?rounded were found on the scene of u tion, GERMAN OFFICIAL :ed at Ber? lin S.V. : : Army gTOUf ol Field Marshal von Uindenburg! Beraemnende is tirrnly in i'ur haiirl . The number of prison? ers has been Increased to nine <>f BtSOra and T.VJ men. iii?l *he booty taken to three machine guns. LONDON DEPORTING CRIMINALS 3Y SCORE Swcepiog Out Members of Its Underworld Throvgfe War Law. London, Nov. 2.">. Th. Hri'i^h polic?? are enforcing with a stmiig and free n ?ii deponing ando* sir.ihl?- aliens. R I nave always had tkl power, ami condition? have it? mor? ds-irable than in ordinary times, and the defence of the r?'alm act ha? given them more Ironclad authority No reason aood be given for those deported I statement that! th? y are conaldered andeeirakle. L??n- ; ?loo. like all big cities, has had its ? large *ha.iy world I a ?? living by! tkeli arita, bat managing moot of th?i time ?,. s-. n is criminal ekargoa. This anda i world contingent la now under* I goiac a cis-Tui sweep, and several of its ; memoera have boon dapeeted ?luring the lust month. The case attrnctiiig the most attol tion is that of Tod Sloan, the former American lackey, ?ko ?as amatad a iii?o on a deportation order I roa the H etarj and ?rill be ?eut to ih' I ? ! ?tal i 01 of being an undoa roble alien, a? .i. ? ir? .1 h? had been inuiiitiiining u gnmbhng house. SLY'S WAR DEALS RAN TO MILLIONS New York Furnished Large Quantity of Arms to London Broker. Leaden, Nov. 25 Hearings were re? sumed to-day m the case of Victor Sly, charged with dealing in war materials withOOl a lie?>nse. When the case was taken before the court 11 week ago the noane of the Duke of Manchester was introduced by the Prosecutor, who said that Mr. Sly and the Duke apparently had attempted to hoodwink the author? ities by communicating with each other .11 a secret code in regard to the traffic in war materials. At to-day's session the name of the Duke of Connaughr. of King George and Governor d of Canada was brought in, al? though not untier such circumstances . ? ?how that he had any knowledge whatever of Mr. Bly*s transactions. The evidence laid before the Bow Street Police Court to-day dealt with - ction? In munitions running into million? of pounds. One telegram sent by Mr. Sly to a man named Lunon in Pctragrad, described as an ?gent of Mr. Sly, was given as follows: ?v York make al! required ?r rangements for twelve million shrapnel, two million rifles, five billion cart? ridges." A subsequent telegram said: "We liave bought for Petrograd whole twelve million shrapnel." A message sent by Mr. Bly to Lurion on Sopl H "as given as follows: "Connsught .Puke of Com.aught' In? dorsement promised to-day. Four mil? lion rifles completely ready." Captain Du**aad, of the War Office, produced a letter, which he said was found in Mr. <:. 's office, to the South American Raill?es Traction Company relating to proposed participation by ? ".nipany m the sale ef South ?an nrmanient "wherefore con? tracts have been signed with Abe Stem A Compeny. New V..rk." The letter mentions profits from these contracts Of t?:?.".".i'" i. A cablegram *nid to have been sent from Paris by th.- Dak* of Manchester was produced, tolling Mr. Bly to "call on General at Whitehall Court, who has been communicated with. llave him shown all proofs as re qoested, s., business may be completed here." EMANUEL U. S. RELIEF AID Italian King Accepts Invitation To He Clearing Ilou-e Patron. Kerne. Nov. 21. king \ ?Ctor h'man i.el notified tl I American Ambas.ador. l'uRe, r- i,-,.. ,,?" his ac :ice of the ami SI I BVitS - -.. bocom* ? patron of the Italian branch of the American Relief Clcar ing House. -m WOULD NOT ENTER GERMANY. Helgian Primate Abandoned Visit to Koine to \void That Way. Paris, Nov. U, The "Petit Journal" - is able to confirm the report that the visit to Rome of Cardinal Mercier, te "f Belgium, has been post? poned. It publishes a dispatch from Havre saying the Belgium government 1 as learned of -.lie postponement of the 'tip, the pie-. :o:i announcement of which wan the has;s of reports that a peace move-: I .iider wny. The reeson assigned for the Card: r.T'.l's ehaag* m plaaa is ?hat ho consid? ered certain conditions imposed by the German authorities as incompatible with the dignity of his position. 'Rome, Nov 26; Cardinal Mercier ???tied the idea of coming to Rome, according to the Italian press, because the German authorities wanted him to h through Germany, meet Cardinal Von Hartmann at Cologne, and continue . m company with the Arch ,-?? i ologoe, while the Prim?te of Belgium, it ll *.i<\, insisted on trav? elling by way of Holland, England and The Over?eas Newa Agency of Berlin sait! on November 20: "All foreign re? ports that Cardinal Mercier has been detained by German authorities -while on his way to Rome are untrue. On the contrary, the officials placed every fa? cility at his disposal." BRIDAL GIFT BY PARLIAMENT - - Viole* .Xsquith Gete Brooch and ink? stand .it CoaoOBOOO Ceremoni. 11) i ?. ? t.. T?- Trl'v ? | Condon. Nov. 28. The human side of ths Boose ot' I ommons stood out to? day, at a litt!? eeramonj in the library of the BoUSO. The Speaker, in behalf of the members of Parliament of all : ' ?- . presented a wedding gifl I Violet Aaquith, who will be married nest Tuesday to Boohom Carter, her] father's i rcretary and rii*ht hand man. The present consisted of a gold ink? stnud and a diamond brooch. Mis? Aacjoith, who seemed quite re? covered from her recent illnes, which caused tlv postponement of the Wod-I mads a pretty acknowledgment. ; Her fathiT, adding his thanks, point- j ed out that timoe had changed since] the perio'l of heated political feuds, when h* rust lie-cam?? Prime Minister. hornier opponents, he said, now were - :.- lus ?'.'le. while the small voice i f very candid eritieism arose mainly ! fro-:' iri| ?"rii ndS. -?? - B WAR RENTS BILL HITS AT BRITISH LANDLORDS Commons Favors Proposal to Prevent Raisiny; of Rates. Ill- i"ari> to TNi Trihue ? | London, Nov. 25. The government took the first step te-day toward end? ing one ot' the deepest seated griev of the win-, when Walter Long, president of the Local Government Board, introduced t,he war rents bill in the House of Commons. As was cabled to The Tribune on October 12. II and I '.. wverol landlords, especially those in munitions areas. look advantage of the war sitOOtiOO to increase rents in the cheapest class of houses, pleading the) .'-ore compelled to do so on Bl "int of the increased income tax. Feeling ha.? run dangerously high in many districts, and consequently Mr. Long, who -.'eral ?une? has de? nounced attempts of one section of the commuait] to pass on the war burdens to those below, promised to introduce (..-day's bill. He told the House ef Commons that, although the question w.i> urgent in certain districts, yet the pra'tice of rent raising wasn't very widespread. In some munition areas, he said, rent raising had produced a, very deep feeling of bitterness and re -'titineiit, uliic" ara* dangerous to so ..'.'! ought to he removed. The n?'W bill would apply to Lon dofl and ether district* with a popula? tion exceeding lud,'Kin, or aleas where, owing to an influx in th-i' population attributable to war, there was insuf? ficient housing ion. The bill would apply to rents not exceeding I1M in London and SlO.'i elsewhere, antl the effect would be to make all in? crease? above pre-war rents irrecover abl i, So as no: to prejudice the small landlords the bill would forbid in-' creased interest on mortgages and would restrict foreclose.**. i be d?bet* following Mr. Long'? i 'lain i v -i.-voted to the que*- - ?io., ..f detail, practically the an tire House favoring the proposal. The two, I labor member? G. N. Humes and ? The Equitable rent roll a Who's Who Directory! If when next you pass through the Bquittble lovers you will take I look at the big easel 00 which the Equitable tenants are alphabetically listed, and more particularly at the calibre of the names, you will agree that it is nothing short of a Directory of Who's Who in the commercial, financial, and professional activities of this city. This .slit mid unan sum ft hifig to if on. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway =^:a Charge Purchase? Made Between Now and Dec. 1st, Billed Jan. ht. ?%?W&&imitm $c ($*? %L? aeorftoe _? one IHfth Awnur-V* ??<*. _.o tar? gra RESUMK?I 0-DA\ ofpecidi e/ales Q/mart fashions in ^Woman's Outera?pparel JSS? _______ 4 * ?t?-*t'-.'V"-*"? Air fron "PoUsh Dane?" Op ?, Sa. 1?.Yar*r Schnncmnka The Kranich ?S: Bach makes its appeal to people who?,.* musical knowledge and musical tastes are above the a\?*r age??people who can understand and appreciate real tonal ?beauty when they hear it?people whose busi?ie?*.s intelli? gence teaches them that cheapness of price can mean noth? ing but disappointing weakness of construction, transitory tonal qualities and false economy?people who know that only in the painstaking, substantial, artist:?- constl such as characterizes the Kranich & Mach, can the) uret the permanence and worth for which thev are seeking. ICH-ff-BACH iJFtra-Qua?ity PlANOS and Player Pianos u&*p into a real ptano factory and make your :haus\m 233 East 23d St w"_t_i 16 W. 125th St W. C. Anderson -made impassioned i speeches, pleading for the small ten ' ants, especially women whose husbands | were fighting for the country, which : made a great impression. The Tribune correspondent was shown to-day a letter from a soldier at the front protesting against, the raising of his rent in hi? absence. He iis.-d one phrase which struck the rination of the recipients: Those insatiable landlords are even roods to suck the color from our dear old flag." I The bill probably will become law within a week. GETS CHURCHILL S OLD POST Herbert L. Samuel. I' .?imaiter Ge? eral, Added to Cabinet. London, Nov. 25. Herbert L !?imu-l, Postmaster Genera!, bel b**". ap? pointed Chancellor of 'he Duchy o' Lancaster, the Cabine? post vacated by Winston Spencer Churchill Mr. Samuel will r?tala th? positi? of Postmaster Genera!. He will draw no ?alary us Chancellor ef the Duchy of Lancaster. 1. Alimatt & Cd? Women's Ready-to-wear Gowns A magnificent collection of Women's Aft** noon anc Evening Dresses, ?por;:??:..;/".:'g the latest fashions, is now in readiness. The ?prices are very moierr.: A Special Sale of Afternoon Dresses ?has been arranged to commence to ?ay 'Friday) These Dresses are ?eveio*pee in English Vel? veteen, combined with Satin or shee: Crepe, at the extraordinarily low ?price of 019.0U ?f t?l? Atmmr - ?Radiamt Anriu? M| anb 35tf? Btrttts Urn I?-* gj| Exclusive patterns, desirable models, tai? loring of marked excellence, and materials that sparkle with splendid quality?those are the appeal characteristics of our suits and overcoats. ?j Lasting service, features cannot be cm J\ bodied in clothes of mediocre quality and J workmanship. That is why neither of these are found in our garments. Sack Suits $18 to ?48 Fall Overcoats $16 to $40 Winter Overcoats $18 to $75 I 3 Brokaw Brothers "*1j Astor Place ?& Fourth Avenue -f'. ?-.iiUi/ii, v-ti." .'u?.i ^L^_ ? "?_J?