Newspaper Page Text
The Conning Tower ?| (Olli- NOT IOVK TIIKK, DEAR, SO MUCH." . . rOiag to Me? i ?'?.?],, ;,,, ,.?? p?rm \ addier rsa. tearing his sweetheart: -aid ere to war he did go: "I hate to leave you, but we must par'. fat I must flight my country's foe " CHORUS. "It break.? mj heart to cause you pain. t'>tit the S] have blowa up the 'Maine; lad though ye 1 do adore, I lov ? m) com i more." "I ha\c g ' a bran new love now, dear, y deer country's glorious flag, r a 111 expira without fear, Defending that quite grand old rng. "1 know y?;u world not love me more, dear, I Ba) OBU1 I r\ 1 .va? un'rue; > ou.- lo\e will be greatei than before, dem. ! "ic'nt for the red, white anil him." In the same mail thai contained the preceding revision, came Edith'*. ?r follows; I ?aw a couple stand together. \t ?i gaze with tearful eyes away to sea; ?'nr had broken out anil nil the young men ? able hearts to foreign loada mus* flea. ?in' billows ruthless men are killing ii'id men and children ami Hag St their play, But it's hard to part when hearts are fond and loving And the young Sana's voice it broke as he did say ?Hour?. I could not love you, dear, ?c much, If I loved not honor more. the groans of dying children are Now calling me to war. I hate to leave you. sweetheart, but We soldiers must obey - <*all of honor even though they die In lands so far away, 1 ne maiden's eyp it brightened a? she heard him, . -he kissed the ?/-allant soldier lad good-bye; The months went slowly on, then came a letter That asid "Your lover bold will surely die. A cruel foe-man hit him In the forehead, Hut when he's conscious, 1 cr.n hear him nay I loved you, drar, so much, but honor called me, That's why I had to leave you far away.' " Fifteen English newspapers have refused to accept the Ford HeflOT Company's advertisements. ''Mr. Ford," the Drapers' Record wrote to the Ford Company, "if the report fof o speech] is accu . rate, is evidently u enemy." If English journals refuse to accept advertising: of enemies to the Kngli.-h people, they will have to chuck away g terrible lot of quack-medlcine advertisements, also. Mr. Henry Ford's project is a deliberately friendly net; and mir buoyant hope is that it won't do any harm. And we hope, too, that Mr. Ford, as an American, won't bring apea himself, us so American, the fate that whelms most would be pacificators. . . . There is a story of 0. Henry's about the man who beat bis wife. THF MNATURALLY-AND-EA8IL_ FUNNY" PARAGRAPH. \V. \V. F.: "Maybe the Trenton State Ga/.ette would like to time in the Balkans, when- they Servis so free and easily." Ignats: "If Montenegro can't Servia Turkey with Greece, B:i!kan." Her H. "Maybe the forest fires tome from the mountain " although we informed COtttribs that they wouhl i.?it be per? mitted to write any "Why I Am Thankful" stuff, we placed no such embargo on our--eli. And it occurred to us yesterday that whai ere a-, most thankful for is the number -and the ?luality?of our contra' . Opening the day's mail is a thrilling adventure; and we wouldn't trade Jobs with anybody in the uni ver ??. "My wife is against suffrage." declares Yice-I'rosidctit- j ent- Marshal!, "and that settles me." We have known of M Many opinions influenced by a husband's or a wife's stand that we eai mdering which way it settled the Vice-president. Bcaradale Portraits. A. C. B. to hei ' hild part ? ??? ? U the ? oun ? ild i wclcom.- .n her love-filled heart, No other ght her breaat but tender care I or ever;. r?stete there ' ? i.rcsen?'?' like an oil 1 pon the troubled seas of life, Vid inifioth- them. arcs the weight of others' toil, .- Vipe to those enrulfed by strife. ? ethos them. U hile all about her seem to '. ?< '. her wondrous aim'* to : P. W ful banker is composed of about one-liftb accountant, iwyer, three-fifths political enonomiSt, and four-fifth C?*nt!c*;iar, and scholar.?The?.?lore Chandler. ? fot the double lives lad by so many McCarthy, who at the time of hi- ?b'ath was SBS pion Of America, ?S also al Kelly's. White Plains - .-.?ge't-, be is shadow-boxing. Anyway, the record in coins-backs. THF MAI?, MAI? WAG8. and I chanced to he strolling down Broadway when .i ?dame trying desperately to deposil a ?****r '.X. "H in ; ? one ei those burning l<?v*' letters," says l . eouldnt beat me to it. Rather good, ?hat what'.' .1. W. G. ' an a* y ... reader read this sentence, from the I'r? ? "If it i- the ;?'irp<iKe to trade the matter "f a larger Iding 400,000 man t<> the regular astabl two months s year under the sub* tal' army, but who can be ealled into service g at any time or all the time during th?-ir r, the colors, and will actually be so call?-?! would at least give the country ? first line '? of half a million m??re or lees trained soldier-, a BUmbot ngr?-e v/iH l<e ne??* ary in event of war with a for. happy." ay- the Tim?", "becau.-e In ? H'l ??, bappin? .'* "Th.- Masse " and "The Call" '- ? ' ?'? - c notion to change th< motto ?<f the <? U. I A. b, ii It m in w ni m ?BADY?AND \tir 00 !_ WAk TO on \ND HOI HI QtJADV. ,. iKimate lin?- i- a recant Btteranos ??f King *!* H , like man) '?> >??* ? -. I ? column-eondustor 1 s ?that os "it?*," says thi King. i . P. A. BENEFIT DANCE FOR CLERGY FUND The Rev. Percy S. Grant Arranges Christmas Mar? ket and The Dansant. ST. LUKE'S AUXILIARY PLANS SONO RLXITAL Mr. and Mrs. H.I. Kimhall to Give Series of Dinners for Debu? tante Daughters. The Re* Percy Stiehoey ':rant, of ? hurCh of the Ascension, i ? arrang log a ( hristmoa market and th? dan ant 10 be held OB Tuesday and Wed iy, both afternoons and evening.", at 7 Weil Tenth Street, for the beneii: ef thi en Fond which i? per? sonal!;,- admii stored by him. Useful and fanev articles will be on ?ale 1 | tVie womea. who will have chili;.-. shlei are Mr?. John I I. Clarke, Mrs. ,1 W. Cunningham, Mrs. Oeorg* Kthridge . er, Mr?. Nelsor I i? ?. r\. Mrs. Frederick Johnson, Mr?. Cleveland Moffett, Mrs. l. c. Myer? Mrs, .lame? Timson Mr . James A Wrigl lor) K. Schell and Mis* (?race Wllkes. Under th* sospieei of Bt.' Hospital Auxiliary, e song recital will be given by Mme. Povls Frisch, the Pani on Taesdaj evening. January 4, with M. Jean Nerd s' th* piano. It uf,! lake place. 11.rough the ? tes** of Mr*. Frederick E. Lea - 'he ballroom of the New Colony Club Park avenu? ? ? v second Street. ? ? itive board of the auxilia!? incl.. memben Mr-: Jame* Herman Aldrich, Mrs. Roirci? II Hw?oi.. Mr-, kill.aid Derby, Mr Ii Davenport, Mrs. w. Willis Reese, Mrs. Francia C, Wood and Mrs. Charle? l. Hoffman. The first of the three dances ar ? 1 by Mrs. Ira Borrow* and others will take place to-night at the PloSO. Mrs. J, Amory llaskell ?rill gi?'e * theatre party, followed hi B supper at Sherry's, to-night for Mis? Frances fownBend Piker and Mie? Charlotte Mr, and Mrs. II. Inge.ll? Kimbal1 will be . ral ol b serii s of diianei for their debutan??- daughters, Miss Kathryn and Miss Virginia Kimball. ironing at their home, MM Indi son Avenue. Mr.i. F.ben Erskios Olcott will iniro M?bb Esther ?? I. < llcotl. al a i ' ? tl afternoon a? home, S22 Wool Seventy-fifth Street Miss Joaephine Boodinol Panforth will be preeented te ociety this after? at i recel on ?? hieb bei mother. Mr?. Charlea Ea tman Danforth, vill at her home. 10 West F.fth-third Mr M 11 Sabio, Mr ? Mrs wh< . ? !'!:i7r. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Russell Pop-' boV retut i ? foi tl," winl ? r 'm.iii .' ind. I. Fred Pieison ? ><? city 'rom Ne-.' pon rty-seeond - ? o. of 3o7 West Bev .' give ii n-, oduce her d \'- to Miinro. ?in- gUCSl M ' - Archibald S. der, at Ro -. Pong Island. MRS. HOAR BRIDE OF F. H. GILLETT Lansings Receive for suite De? :ier,l Officials Capilai Il l\ i ; Dray Hunt. ,i i i h>- Been tory of State and Mrs. 1 .- ted bv S ' of State and ? I Mr?. John w. Foatei and others, held s recep ?.his afternoon at their boi Kighti ? all of th? ? William W. Harts, ch:?f tary aid to I eral hundred gu< I : rn. ?? ;heir od Plac? Ai -n. their ? . the new WhiU .- , ethei I u < in ist i ne Hi ce Rockwood Hoar, of R ; ? ' ntetive of MassBchu etti ion at thi home ol the bride .?- it Avenu.-. Th. Smith, rectoi of opal Church, officiated nt. Repr* ? live and M imve gon I which will la* opening of < 'on ng i'.- were 'i'*' ..rai. d Mrs. Gillett Of dai ,-:..-|i famili ore ? i. William B. Rice, hi i Boston, a broth er; Mi Frai ce - li"..i and Hoar, daughteis of ,; ? bi d? Gillett and Professor Albert Cil brothei of the bridi LaUCy Hoar, daughter .-. Senatoi Hoar, etoi William E Borah, of 1 ?aho. to Neu Yoi k to dey und Borah m the Vand. They en for I be Army-Navj ? stall game, ' ' " ding and H int ? ( lub went on a drag hunt to-day Johi ? ded ? he I :di r?. Palph ( oftir ??? ' ' ' B hip and Joseph i ?. v. r Rila?) WH s hunts ?'. ? biogton tba uded M r Hru'i. the 11 i Counl Bonde, the Swi di il ii ' ral W. II. Brown Sinclair Bowen Hamlin, Profi.i Adolph Hurk l... ii.iiain .1 ? (?ri i ? ; , K. u ? an, V\ W Con ..lau nun .- Oakley Totten, jr. They were i by .. largi parts ef oflc ? . * ron I ? 11 i Childien's Books on Exhibition. Tort Public Library's an- ' , . ihibition "f children's book, sag ,.. tei gifts I? belog held In the Central i Street aad Fifth daily, ; 9 a. m until il ; ? ,? foi lh( children arid from 1:80 te ' Similar ? I ? . ?d i the Si Georg? ; and the I I Um. ' MME. LOUISE KDVIXA AS TOSCA. r _/~ _.> ' This nan singer al the Metropolitan Opera House makes her first ap? pearance in that role to-morrow afternoon. TAG DAY FOR JEW RELIEF I..100 Hi(rh School and ( ??liege Seniors to Aid Wair VIcttaM Sunday will he "Tasr Day" in The B r i ? ? i *:. Plfeen hundred seniors of Morrii High School. Collega of the Citj of Xi'.v York and Hunter College Brill on the ??ay after to-morrow con? duct a campaign under the direction of the Brans County Committee of the People's Relief Committee for the Jew* i*li War Bufferan, to raise fonds for European Jews, victims of the war. l?." eamteign was decided ?>n at a mass nu. t rig last nisht at the .Mc? Kinley Square Cas no Throe thori saiiil peopll i to Kepresenta tive-el?'?'. William Bonnet, Rocieter I'olak, oi" Ths' Bronx; Sholnnri Ash. the Rev. Dr. B, Solomon, Morns Rothen* teiu and Dr. ?'. Kling, the chairman of the meeting, tell of the suffering of the lews In the war zone. "l'ont let t be laid b| historians." Mr. Rothenberg said, "that the Ameri i their sti lehen broth* of need Are year tamed to stone! Never in the m bavs the Jews suf? fered si they have now. Pi Usait as for me. 1 plead with vou ? the Jews of Kurope." SPIRIT WIGWAGS TO EARTH IN VAIN Prnfessorhriend Silent Too Long After Death on Lusitania, Say*? Hyslop. If yoo hi ? I -???? i" died the American Soeitaj for Psyehieal K? ?'?ar?-!i thought you arare kidding them, wouldn't it ??. ? -our astral ? Thii i? the pi si ' "i Professor Kd w.n William Friend's ethereal self, ?rhich has be? n fl:i?hin(* messages to ths tot last Auru-'. Profss* -or Friend, s Her rd ii struct mem! ? |, a .is a l.u titania ? ictim. Thi ?nthi ago, ? bile Miss G. <?. I'.n by, ?. te Professor ecretary of the R ? ? testing* a new mediam, Professor Pricnd'i spirit wbgwaggod to earth. i in my infancy here," the i m, ";:rnl 1 want to know more It will he some time bc . BU ? full report, of m.\ ' "'IS." Mr-. . ? tine Glenn, the medium, t ? leti I ' ? ' BorHj lop as d yesterday, however, that he didn't \i s i j . "h. much ot the communi? cation*. "I novel I ol Mr?. Glenn," h?1 told a re| '???? '. 'and these mi? ?is of no value as evidence, anyway. bave known nli uhout Profei ' ' ? .1 befoi t' hs anas ? ? Bed ?n May. and lent until AugU t. Our ? r. mmui - genuine." ?'lion't you think you ought to en -*ood hard worhing i ?toes ' .' of his way to talk to ;. oil "" Pi ?' ? Op Wa a-ks'd. Th: - lied was not answered. WOMEN'S CITY CLUB GETS VANOERBILT SUITE New Organiflrtioi intends to Move In About January 1. The Alfred Vanderbllt suite m the Hotel Vanderbllt, which has been vacant Ines its earner eras lout on the Lusitan a, will !><? occupied \>\ the neu Women'i City Club, afra, Norman d 1; W hit? I.-?'. ?'??airman of the <?r ammittee, ssada this an ? yesterday. The club pr??b ?blj will wove n? about Jaaaarj 1. Mrs. Ogden Reid, whs? had change of the furnishing ?>{ the Women's Ual %, i t y i lub, rill act s chairman ?>f ? use committee of this club alee. The slab ??'as started last July bv a committee ef i"'1 sraasineol <'lui? ?romefl and suffragists for ths nurpos? ?sf directing womea's activities ia civic affairs. If WamOB ???*?? won the vote in No? York th.. BOW slab would have been mdy to <?"P m anil i*uid" the 111 -ts-p? sit the ?'?',*v politicians. As H wa*. there il still the BSSWS9 tO .in |n o\e. Hiss Virginia Glldersleeve, Mr I H..r.lcii ?arriman, Mrs Amos I'incho'., Mr? Braest P. Hra. T. Douglas Robinson, Mr?. James Bpeyer, Mrs. Willard I>. Straight, Mrs. Charles Tif Mr- Chanel B. Whitman snd Mi* ?urn?- Chapatea Catt are ?moni ths BlgSaiSOra. Dinner For Alderman Dostal. Frank Postal, who war re-?!?cted at, it..- ii-rs-ni .-!f?tion as Republican ?l<l?-r min, if the 10th 1'istnct. ?ill he the at * diaa? r aa ?? ? dneeday, J?nu ary 10, b1 Prom Cs ? M snd M v . ... a Wil lam < Rothmaan, audi* ? ts.r in the Bh? riff's ofh?*e. will In- the toastmaater, and Boveral siembers <?fi th?. Bourd ?if Aldermen snd sthei elty ' Bill !>? ;ii ' I NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "Stop! Look! Listen!" Is About To Be Exposed to the Public. Not even the finishing touche? re? main to be put on "Stop! Look! Lifi ten!" For a number of Weeks Gaby Dosly* and her company have been busier than h Hippodrom box office, and the result together with Charles B. Dtllloghom, the scenery, R. II. Burn side and a long ||*1 of other? will be loaded onto a special train to-morrow. The engineer will be WOTOod t.. stop ai Philadelphia? The premiere will 0CCU1 sl thi For? rea! Theatre on Monday e'er, rig. and the production will BSOVC Into New fork af tec the Philadelphia roo. Where M?e. DealyS and her colleague? will perform while in this eity is still a mystery, a? "Chin-Chin" i? showing no ?igni of weakness al 'he (?lobe. The only disappointing feature con? nected with the new -how is the an iiour.crmefit that tWO BXtrB eon '?ill be required to carry the eoetomos to Phil? adelphia. ? Army and navy official* in town foi the game will occupy box*? hL about a dosen different theatre* to-morrow night, according to the advance dope. "Around ihe Map" ;s the latest piece to be OCCjOired for London. Thi duction of BO many American play? in England is ..ow though' to have bOOB iii-pired by the Germans, whs hope ther-ov to keep the English SB Im-v that they will not have time to enlist Sir Hernert Beerbohm Tree will leave to-night for California, where he will do several thousand f*Oi of acting for I?. W. < in tilth. i be meet Imported \ itegroph an? nouncement sum- I. Stuart Blackton ?aw "The Battle ir., of Peace" is that Mr. and Mr?. Sidoej Drew vvill attend the Aim) ?Noi > game. At a benefit performance in London terdoy Poris Keons tried to break into Elsie JbbIb'i elosa bj acting a see end time before the Queen ef England. Miss Jains is still far in 'hi lend, how ever, it having been rec. ntlv diSCOV ered that sh. terminated her run in "Miss Information" solely in order te ha' i? Tnor?- tim'- in which to correspond with the Queen. Yvette (iuilbert, who ha? been away from America for seven years, will ar? rive m Ne? "fork "i: or approximately Bonds] The production ef "Romeo and Ju? liet" at the Forty-fourtk Street The? atre so impressed Warren R. Fuie?, a Providence bandmaster, ihn' he pur ehosed 1,000 ?eats. In toad of using them himself, however, he will have them distributed among coll?ge stu? dents in New York. The mnn in the Hippodrome'* all - night box office ?' ?aid to be looking for an easier job. LOIS EWELL GIVES RECITAL Sing? In >la?s of Flower? tu Big Audi? ence at \c?ilian Hall. Lois Kwell. well known to New York opera goers from her eppooioacci at the Century OpBIO HOOBO, gOVO a song recital last night in Aoolioa Hall. The stage was covered with flowers and there was a large audience. Among the songs on her programme were compositions by Surtoni, Lalo Faur?, Massenet. Use Lehmann, Wolf. Schubert. Brahms and Fran-.. MRS.~BURNs" GOES FREE ' Portsmouth Jury \rquits Her ?if i harge of I'liisoiiiiu' lluslianil. rsilsmnelh. n H. N"-- "?"' Mi? Mary A. Burn? Was found to-night not guilty of th.- murder of her husband. Frank A. Burn?. She was charged with mixing a powerful poison with liquor which he drank st their home In Nott? ingham, on December IS, If] I. As the verdict was announced, Mr? Burn? shrieked and slid to the floor in s faint. She wBs quickly revived, however, sad was led away to apene the night with her brothers and sisters in this my. The jury wi? three hour- m reaching ita decision. e Ex-Khedive to Go Under Knife. Geneva, Nov. H Abooi Hilmi, e? ? Mu di e of Egypt, arrived here ?? ? la. ta undergo ?n opon I ios 1 t. ogue I TARSIFAL' AND 'THE BARBER' Fine Performances of Both Works?A New Ital? ian Barytone. WAGNER'S DRAMA SPLENDIDLY GIVEN Giuseppe de Luca Proves a Grat Ifytag Addition to Our Opera Stage. Thanks'*?? .- Da brought to mimic lover? two causes for thankfulness un? alloyed "l'_r?ifaU" an.l -Ths' Harbor of Seville" h stranpe conjunction, Roe* fini scarcely being n corollary of Wag t er. T<? begin a holv dav in reverence and to close it in puriied laughter can off. nd no one save the r'tummi.-t el Puritana Buch *>?** the ?a*.' ? ?luv, when Richard Wagner's consecre* tioiial festival play received its SI I Than. . Btinee, and G ?i'* "11 Barbiere ?ii BWglia" ascended ths boards in the ever This year's performance of "Par? sifal" i? of special Interest, owing to the coming of Arthur Bodaasky. Uf ? . ? setei .!:??. s ith th< ? sei ptioi Savage English "Parsifal" ventui irational niosie-drai s had n New York known only the bate i of Alfred Herts. Mr. Bert i aras a ftn? , -. ? . artisl an indefatigable ?vnrk.-r. y,-? i( is not too much to state ihe- under Mr. Bodaasky ths work toes ? n a new significance an?i a height? ned ? ? .1 ??. The mysticism of the aaste, its. recondite meaninga, its intellectual brooding, was what inspired the ne*v conductor, and the result was b per? formance of rare beauty, charm and imaginative power. The chorus, newly recruited from the Opera School, pul fresh life inte ths tea pis scene. Pheir clear, youthful voices ?vere s .... 'in.,- ..;' .. ms "Parilfal" per'. I recent : ?? rs The members of the "rist have all boon heard in their reeneetivc parts before, Mme. Kurt's Kunury lacki per? il seductiveness, hut her beautiful ?voice was a delight unimpaired. Mr. I Sembaeh'i Parsifal, Mr. Braun's Gur nessans, Mr. Weil's Amfortas aad Mr. Gorits's Klingsor are ??id snd ? friends. The Budii srai as lnrtze an an.s that has attended a "Parsifal" of recent years. Perhaps some ?lay opera bouffa will come late Its own again. Even bow there are those who hear of ans revival of a Donizetti or Rossini work of thi? g"i'.ir. v th i. .... ekening ?>f m tere.' and ?? warm lg of the heart. To ?uch Signor Wolf-Perrarl'i "Le Donne Curi?se" an?l "L'Amors Mi were springs of water from far ll.-'.i con. A modern composer, arlth all Strauss a:i?l Stravil iky to drau had actually put his fees 'oward th?' heyday <?f aristocratic opera and eras turning out first rato imitations of the spirit all the world had believed long ago to have vaniahedl Hut, alas for such, l'.op.'s, triumphant democracy ii m the opera equally triumphant in ?irchestra, boxes or top gallery. This is the day for strong meat, bras tumultuous tenor li| I 01 Wo.f-Ki-r rari succumbed, Leones bis ms. Tot last night Signor Gatti-Caaassa made anothl I trial thi tlms of an old work of th?. bouffa genre and from the sise "f the sudienes and the ap? plause, it raallj if at last the wheel had turned full circle. "The ? er of Seville" is mi" of thi* mas ? ??r work* of operatic litoratur? given v?it'n a Kig-iro -uch as Figaro should bs>, with a Rosina of charm, iprightlintSI ;itnl skill In coloratura. two good buffi -. and a rOBBUntic is ':?. reason why it should nm till a theatre s it did in the days o? reutl Last Bight* parfoi manee did not possess T.!l these virtus '.w it possp-.-<.,| nu ? ?? than a'lv performance of the work sinee the ?le parture of Mme. Sembricb and Mr Campaaari. i t ui lismisi the tenor, n aewcomcr to the eompaay? s he is said to I i .? ion m Italy, by sup,, .? that there an' voices whieh may he liked in but which are sot liked here. Mr, l'un... ery aervous and i ? i ? ? better si futurs' performances. An other newcomer impersonated Dr. Bar? tola Pompilio MalatOSta has been ci: gaged to take the place of <"ir aid fat friend, Antonio Plnl-Corsi. !!?? proved himself s worthy races or, not In fat, ? . ? \ always ? rabie Basilio. M isi la Hemp? si id? t.: lt..-.'.ti ? a ion?*, long ara] from Bs Berlin, and Miss Hempel'i tempera* ment i? nu? quite equal t.. the journey. \ i ' vocally she was satisfying. The Pigara was Giu sppe de Luca, and in him it be dily evident ? the Metropolitan has secured an of spli bilitis His ? nice is a fine one. not one perhaps of great sensuon it but ? !. well tempered and well u?ed. H. - lingii g ? i as del ightf i expressive, snd ag volatile, rraceful and altogether ?B the pietare. II. mails' sif Pigaro, in face. A?gar ' i tine. Pi "m Mr. de Luca w? eertainlj ihall bear again. Mr. ' After all, wa should be very glad that "The Bai ???" back amoi us thank Mr. Gatti-Ca II thank Mr. .le laUCB. if we are aver t" enjoy again the old rpieee n?e mu il have mor? era such a? he. Ai it was ?? Ural pe? formaace in two rs, 1 east uf "Ths Barber" is worthy of note: t i m il UaMttti s. , t Ris first si Dt oasjam l'ompMo ?IslatMt? H ? ?Irst ?pp.-a.ra. ', ll.r-r-i It I. i s ? A in. . T.l.lnr VI ??? /.. Rta li.rts ..... Mir|, | A I ?iff..'a! nur,, \ . '.. .. Lecture on Trophy Flagps. II. C. Waahburn, instructor m Eng* list* at the United States Naval Arad smy, will giv? tratad lecture of the Sons <r ths American Revolutioa at !?? teo's on "Inseriptioai from ths official ? Trophy Plags of the United States." Among, the flag- ia igut'i last i arc from the Wai of 1812, tns Mexican war snd the Spaaish-Americaa War. Dr. Mott to Talk on War. " I bfl ? hue. ,n ! the Worlsl War" will be u . isaed at th? tweaty-eighth an? nual ?linner of ?He Presbyterian Union of New York, at the Ratal Bavoy !'? cemher f>. The ps.ik.-rs will incluile D ' lohn It. Mott. on "Work of Christ Among the Millions of Mob Under Arms, and the ?'.??'. William A. Bhedd, ?if Persia, ?n "Missions in the Near " Dr. Mott will tell ? recent experiences in hospital camps and pr tea abreed. Art Galleries to Honor Sutton. The American Art (.ailcries, in Madi IOB Square Soath, will be cloeod Sat? urday sfternoon, aft?-r ! o'clock, ?luring the funeral of James F ? intaii Sutton, ans of *h?- founders of the American Art iaeoeietion. dr. Button died Wed i,M," ? brief Illness at his hems- ia ii? dford (Ml -. Westd THREE WIDOWS IN NEED ?230 1 III Keep Home? and Children (or Three Month?. An anpeal is made by the Charity Organization Society for the purpose of maintaining the homes and family c.rcle? of three most unfortunate widows, each of whom is suffering from .-evere heart trouble. Pntil now ?he BBClety hs? ?nceeeded ??ng BOdlelenl funds to keep theae three homes together, ?' need* ISM to aeeompllah this benevolence during ?he coming thr.'e months. Thirty dollars a month i? BOSOSSOtfy fer Mio. I end bar two young chil ^ five and, a boy of three. '?!i- !.. is entirelv unable to work. Mr? V. has both a-riou? heart trouble and defeetivi eyesight Tweo will pr-iv ?de tor .- BOd her ',.*?'.?? giri. Mr?. F. i? able to do a little sewing , For her $30 a month is leooil ?1- Thi* will provide for h.?r and her thie? children th..- oldest a boy of nine. Gifts ?houid be sent to the Charity Organization Society, 101 Boot Twenty secood Street. Prompt acknow'.edg menl will be mod* The society ac';n,?w!edge? with think- ?he following contributions ?et.t i -, nSS to a previous appeal in I :e rribune for unother family: Mr. Herbert A. Wlee, lift; Mr?, charle? N. Cbspin, |10; Mrs. Jolie 0. Fry. $1. . M. P.. $1._ PROF. LANGLOTZ OF PRINCETON DEAD Won Fame as Composer of Uni? versity Anthem. 'Old Nassau' ?Was Eighty-two. !Bv T? ???.. . - Trenton. Nov. J?. Professor Carl A. L?agtotS, only surviving member of the faculty "? Princeton University ?>f Sfty years ago, koown SB the composer of the melody for "Old Nassau." died at hi? home here tins afternoon. He had been uaCODBCiOttl r.iosf of the time I since last Friday, during which period hi? death had been anticipated hourly H* leave* two daughters. Mrs. A. T. Kirk and Miss Emma Langlotz, of this city. I '.?? funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon and will be private. Burial will be in the old cemetery at Princeton. Profeesor Langlotr. was horn in Ger? many *ighty?twe year? ago and eras 'he son of a musician at the court of Soie Meiningen. Hi? father was an nstroetor on the piano to the Crown Prince. Profeaaor Langlotz was a graduate of the Gymnasium B??-'i Ilardinum. He also studied at Wel ninr when Liest WOS Kspellmaster ?ind Joachim Concertmeister. He played n the orchestra when Wagner eon* . ducted the first production of "Lohen? grin." Coming to this country. Profoeoor Panglot/. opened a studio in Philadel? phia. Hs moved to Princeton in 1"".':. where he beeoms a teacher of German in the university faculty. In ISM h* composed the melody for "Old Noo -..'-.." a prise poem written for "Th" Nassau Literary Magasiae" by Harlan Page Peck, of the class of 1H62. It tome years later, however, before the song attained popularity, but since then it has been recogni/.ed as the an.'hen-, of tie university, being sung upon every occasion where Princeton men gather I'ri lessor Lanfc-lotz little thought that the melody which he had hastily composed would vvin enduring fame. a ?? L C. Hl GHKS. Tucson. An- . Nov. H, L. C. Hughe?. Territorial Governor ef Arizona from ISM, died here la?t night fron pneumonia, after a week'? illness. H; ?roa -everity three year? old. M\ Hughes took a prominent part in ob? taining government protection for set? tlers against raids bv Indians in the early dav? HOME FOR CONVALESCENTS \. I. O. P, Opens Institution at Cone> Island for Poor Wage Karners. V new home for coir.alOBCOnl wag" ; oiieiied by the New \ Delation fOl Improving the ' ondition of the Poor in the section of Sea Rreese, it* fresh air home at ' ? -.- i land. The new home is to provide SB op? portunity for test and complete recov i rv for pool- wage earners who, with? out this opportunity for thorough con? valescence, would he forced to return to work before their health was fully red. Announcement of the introduction ef ?. -v line ef work wa? made ye? following the annual meeting of ihe . The following officers also elected: Coriuliu- N. ICi-s, jr.. prescient; R, Fulton Cutting. Percy R. Pyne, John Beoly Ward and Robert Shaw Minturn. vice-presidents; Frank It Kirkhride, secretary; George Blagden, treasurer, and George W. Wickerahom, counsel. Gary Plan Meeting For Chelsea. A meeting under the auspice? of the ' Chelsea Neighborhood Association and the Chelsea branch of the Municipal League will be held to-night in St. Peter's Half, 148 West Twentieth >treet, when the Gary school plan wili he diseOSSed. Addresses '?ill be made by William Witt and Pr. William L. F.ttinger, a?soc-.ate superintendent of rchools. The Board of Education will be urged to provide another school for the Chelsea district, the last school in that neighborhood having b. -n built in 1870. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. 1 ? ?? a In :..!..- Ii -ri? Ari -? rl. ?.i Mii??iim "f Vatu'i' a . r?:k. Va:: < ..rtlai.dt Part ?-..| (he A-i'iarlum ' - '- - .-? r.f \?w \ork |i I v - I 1 ?-. II"?: A?">r : m M ' ' ' data lta?k.;l,a'.! flu:?? fo-n ? IllllOi A?-??rla,tl.>ri 'if N V I'. V :? n .. I'.-,: ? '. ..f 1h? IVf.t Point A .n. ' I. ? ?: s u. m. > , (Mi ? Vatlonal : Um r.-opi?-? In ?. S I ! .?. Witt ?:..t WB Ism Uradr "n I- . Kamrf? talion cf th? till? S.-1/.iIa" at th?. i I ?? -.'? ? Vj -|. i|,?. Utfw ami III? rhi i \?l(lilw ? feurs il.Il II ?'ni t..?? iltUt so. ? A ? . Dt Harria ca I. PSblk W'r.ralilp * IV) J?. ??? Telilla.?- I.ra?:. IUr>m. s |-, p. m I . .- ?., -Ill n a.I. .if. .. ? tl Hi? nut-, a ? P. M. . . . r U.? IL.arU ?- I.l'i. all?'. ? 15 ? ... itt, 1 '? r : - ??? Pro f?.r : .".?,. * Miwl-a 1 ?'. u.-, ?. ? - ' -a? N-w . , .?, i- : - I Senat? !4trf?l ..,' |:ifiitli A' II-:: ? m lr*l.i HI rait?! ,, - - ?' A'rlr. " ? ?? I ?' ? 1 llr. , 1 i?) A ? ? ?ten** , ?trat, i ' ? t ? , Da? ? . - . . : Str-?l n . a . i \ ? ; i?-?- s---. a ? -i'?-!. T.. th? II.? Il a III '.- -I. It \a - < - ? ? liai? ?nd i \ ? . ? llr. Ii !.. , ? ? I s \ , ? ? a ? ? :<,?. ? ? . . 1 ? " Hindu?! to ?i i ?I? llinialaia, A 11 j 1 1?". ?uC -I? ?ml lllilnjlni - Tha> Viii.ul?.' ir? i , .,?,- i. ' - a . ?? i .. a . I i.?r?i?' - - . i . Vil.??. .11 "? . |-> ? ,? i | - '- ? ' A??,.,,. Ill ? i ?- <?-'. liai?, -?,.- <;, : ? ... i ?. ?'- - - -a i H| 1-..II.I AVttalM I'll, ?DM. Ili.i.tial?!, Tn? T.- < ."Ti .n,? l'ubll A ' ? '?? i ? A?mu??. Tli.- Hfiii i emtel a- i l*orr?ltln." r/j Jowpti p I ? . ?i"l I I ? ? ? I . :??'. I ? ? I.- lid II A la-rt.aa. I - i ? ., - a.??? -i i ? rth ? l 1'lih - GIRLS ASK GIFTS FORWAR VICTIMS American Aid Workers Want Boy Scouts to Help Collect Clothing. NELSON LEAGUR TO HOLD BENEFIT DANCE Friends Deny Lady ?Page, Said She Regretted British Were Allied to Serbia. The American Girls' Aid, following ?n appeal from those in charge of th? work of caring for French women and children victims of the war. yesterday issued a .statement asking hoy? and girls :o help the Aid U collect cloth? ing and the other necessities to carry on it? relief work. "The Ani feel*." Miss Marie I..>u*?e Provencher. the secretary, said, 'that it would be to the credit of every American child to ?ay after thia ter? rible war. that he or ?hs* had had a ?har?< in helping to relieve the want and sufferings of ?ho little brother? snd sisters of France. "The boy? could help hy colie-tlng clothing from friends and the girls by forming sewing circls?* The bag? sent by un to the sufferer*, will bear the name of the hoy a girl who made the gift and the little ones on the other side will write an acknowledg m.-n'. We would greatly appreciate cooperation on the part of the Boy ?l?ente. I will be glad to furnish any information desired any day at the ?Aid's office, Room LfOS, 5?? Broad Street." The Serbian Agricultural Relief C'ornmitt??? acknowledged 'hi- receipt of an anonymou*. gift s>t' |1,. Mrs. James B. Watson gave the organiza? tion S?'iQ, aiii Miss ?.; i.. Frothing* ton contributed $100 Other ?,-ifts re? ceived bring th?' total fun?l up to $154.170.11. Miss F. Hastings the secretary, also expressed the com mittee's thanks to the men who be fore tending the committee a eolloctloi of suits, had the clothing suit to a tailor to be put in perfect ordet. I. Medvedieff, formerly tetwr of the Imperial Conservatory nf St. I'. tel burg, and Madame Medvedieff, formerly dramatic soprano of the Kii'ff Opera House, will be hear?! at the COS CO H to be given hy the Mets York (hap ter of Hadnssah for the henelit nf the Palestine Fmergency Fund, at the Hotel Majestic on Sunday evening, lie cember U. Tickets can be uad from Mrs. R. H. Hartog'nsis, 4 West 106th ?Street. I'mler the BUOgiOOS of the Nelson Lodge, Order Sons of St. George, a BaiBBI, concert and nance tor the benefit of the Princo- of Wales fund, organised to help war sufferers, will he hobi to-night at the Amsterdam Opera lloufe, 130 West Forty-fourth S The lodire has ?ent more than .*.*>,.? fur th?> fuinl, an.l iritfa ;? programme that lacludes the Scottish i> p? Drufn Hand, and many prominent stage folk, as well an tin <1 n i n t > Bad use? ful thing? ma?lc by ths ladles for Ihe ba-aar, the officers expect '" re H Several thousand dollars in additiOB friends of Lady Paget, 'he English noblewoman who Is boing held e| Cer? n.aiT- ami Bulgarians m eonojucrod Serbian tei rltoi i. .?i i .?? rou sd orai I report that, wiiie seplyinn fee sd ? ii to the Bulgariaa Red Cross, she expresse?! regret that England ITS alli??l to Serbia. They hara prevailed upon Francis Hartman Marko?', who wa- a*soriat?'?i v. .th Lady PagOt in her hospital work in Ser't.ia this year, to issue a denial in her behalf. "To those who like myself have has?. th?> Mod fortune to work under hi ' in Serbia.' writes Mr. Markoe, ".? well us those who know of h-r ?Je* VOtiea to the Serbian arSUttdod through? out this and former war-, SUCfl a state? ment needs no denial, being on its lac? too obviously absurd." Since his return to this country Mr. Markoe has associated himself with the work of the S.-rbian Agricultural Re? lief ? ommitte?-. He is ehairuwu ot the commitee 'hat is to eondaet a charity ball for the benedt el the Serbian War sufferer?, at the Hotel Biltmore, December IS. . _-?- ? DIEU. Anderson. I. C. Sutton, J?ihn F. Caster. Alfred K. Taylor, Mary J. Kitchtll. John s. Terhune, N P Strong, Carollae A. Twitcheli, K. M. ANDERSON After a brief illness, on November 14, at her residence, Ittl 8th av., Oakland. Cal., Isabella Car? ter wife of Robert Napier Anderson, formerly of New York City. New Canaan paper? please copy. CASTER -At Rutherford, N. J-, OS No? vember 24, 18*16, Altred K., beloved husband of Helen B. Caster,*\ service? from his late residence, ?l? (Vest Paasaicav.,Saturday afiernoon, at 1 'St o'clock. KITCH .I.L John S. Kitchell, on No? vember 24. Funeral service will be held at his late residence, Troy Hills, N J Friday. November 2>>, at 1 p.m. Carriages will meet train (leaving BoSOken at 10:30 a. au) at Morris town. STRONG Afrer a linger,ng illness, at St George's Manor, Betanket, L. I.. Caroline A., daughter <?f the la'? Solah B. and Cornelia U. Strong the S4th year of her age. Sei will be held at her i,' 2:W o'clock on Friday. November ft. < ar r.ages will meet the 11:01 train fron PsBBSylvaala depot. BUTTON At Bedford, N. Y.. after a short illness. John F. Sutton, in his 7_'?1 year. Funeral from his late residence, Bedford, N. Y., ot? Saturday, November 27, at _ : 30 p.m. Carriages will meet, train at Bedford Hills leaving Grand Central Depot at 12:54 p. m. TAYLOR At Spuyten I'-nvil, \. Y , on Wednesilay, November 2 I. IS] I, Mary Johnson Taylor, in her J?l year; ?laughter of Mr. and Mra. Wyatt W Taylor. TEtBl NF. Suddenly, at Passaic, N. J., on Wednesday, November 24, 191.*., Nicholas P. Terhun.*, aged *0 years Funeral services at his late residence, MS Gregory av., Bstardag, November JT, ?t 2::?0 p. m. Train leaves Jersey City, Brie Railroad. 1:37 p. m. TWIT? BILL At Newark. N. J., on Tuesday. November 23, 1915, Kathe? rine Mead?-, wife of Adelbrrt B. Twitcheli. Funeral service will ?Se held at her late home, 2_'4 South 'tis ?t., on Friday, November 26, at 2:40 p. m. Interment private. CEMrrr.hi?-**?. ths uooni.AWN ?r.MtrrrnT. ?1M St. Hy Train and l?y Trsjllt?. ...,?- nf amall ?'? for ... ? um?-s. *0 9m*t 3d St.. N. T.