GUARANTEE YoOaT Money Bock if You Wont It Se* Editori.- P?g*. Fir?! Column. Vol. - XXV ..No. 25.214 Wetu Doric First to Last ? the Truth : ?\ews _s___^s___?_r__c; ditoriais - Advertisements i airibtrrtt WEATHER FAin To-nw ayi> TO-Monaowi Miilil.l Ur WF--4T ?WMiS. \>*trr?l?.T?? ". ?ni|.?r-?tiar^s II ?I. .M: l???. 4*. lull reiKart on Pace 10, Fsrt I. f i>?>? rla-ht. llll.*.. II? Thr Trltmii, UawckBttaO.] SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1915.?SEVEN PARTS- -FIFTY-SIX PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Allies Press Demands as Greece Evades Issue FORD WIRELESS TO CALL STRIKE n WAR TRENCHES Auto Maker, as Walking Delegate. Sure He'll Si? lence Guns Christmas. SHIP NOT CHARTERED; OTHER DETAILS IN AIR Expedition l.ased on Faith a"d Moral Suasion Strike Break ers Not Feared. A geoera ?trik* on Christmas Day 0f the ?. ' ghtlog men in the ?r-ncr.' ? va--,? 1 he declare*] by ?nr.-lf- - rd Shoald Mr ford '?? ful and the -trike he .imi!?: trikes that have pre? nded ? mea of tin- aoldier*, that ? ^o on ? ? . : ttli jaloyir-. ' that there is a possibility ? oai being : tl.i' vvnrri'ii* mitions. I ? all ia*ether improbable y '" previ ..hieving his object by go .eminent. The quiet Mr Ford 01 inv - g who ander trik* without ob '.n from the go**ern ?etit ? ie prorlsioe ? ? i B1 fod'. i oajan act is known in mutt. : for fa - r in the world's roed through an an ?0U7 ?? ??tar. I.och a Coll Wei -trike. alien by B ?f ? -, ?- ktioa, either which Mr. the trenches on will Etc. I ? ittbt that he can ? hti?tmas Day ? Not rtoii of success be ind moral suasion are the ? i soys Mr ? Mr. Lochnor'? own .o doubt of the suc ? dition, for it is fouri?' irai oosion. It i? a faith inch as the world has ?'ore. Faith and morn io* : the *rt?c' u the only part of the p!?n thai it all lefli U Joat who m ? tOt b?-r ?rom.. eon invite ; n Wsnama . : r. Wanamakei "?oti.d -? it that hi would b? II! I 6 ?ft?-" at 1 ith him on Motsday WoaUBOkoi Books DcCollo. "But ? nter '??*? ? you can jud^e from the fit: thai ??'??i al . d Iff I.oebner. Mr. ] thi Oscar H. M ? ? first md M - ?iatr.r gaged. The third ( . crd:r-i Mr : it the Ford I*?-*- . ? not be on land PjCai ?, he Mitt-- ? . r. . **-?*"? -;ing them out in ?H style would ' "**? BSOOge be?" Mr. 1 ?."'???-' trooehoe on Chrletosoe DV' ' was Mr. Loch son c., ,. ttoaaof Wir? ..f 1'abel. ?en! by a wire ?"* ' ' ge. ood it will be ? r-h, Russian, ???.?i- . ?11 the dialect? ??"*-??*. to i . tries where ' . not ?poken. -.??r we will be **?'?- I message? turn the Mr : -thi? powerful wire _?? *7 sited m?Us . from Earooooo P***.? .en for the f.***--' ? on the Oscar ^ "? - y will dare to ?*?*-' aid Ml I.'.obner. , f the diap .'che? : Ford would ?*"?* ' sal i ttJ'*' ****** ifift -I?** "' ' I ??: ' ?? - ' Mr. -. ? ?linar? ?Jaf ?' ''?'"- ***?? mat* HU _ v,''.' ' P**ev*nt th? El r.;.r'v 'imler ?fUg?fl a-t * *" Shoot that." $"-?????0 ?- PM? 7. ssAumm ] BURGLARS ROB JUDGES HOME Take Tiernan's $300 (,1ft Silverware an?! Brand New Overcoat. County Judge J. Harry Tiernan, of Richmond Borough, reporte, to the Stnt?'ii Island police yesterday that some time between midnight o'clock in the mornini* bui into his home, in Davis Avenu,-, Weet New Brighton, and stele |M_ worth ol ?silverware and other srticlea. The silverware was given the by tin- stater Island !- wa- in the middle of the road and his ?lifh Us at the side. lbs youth era? squarely in the path of the car and wa: knocked dowi. - was throwi te one si car went over her brother's body. Ru rineck ?topped, put both in the car an,I mok them to the hospital. Dsvis'i skull was fractured, and he was hurt internally. Mis? Davis ha,i internal injur ? Davie*S father, Henry R. Pavi?. is a member of the real estate firm i Robinson, of New York, (ieorpe Q. Palmer has an at 14" Cedar Street, New Y< ? i-:. _ FALLS TO DEATH AT BRIDGE Iron Worker Drops. 2h0 Feet Off Rail mad Span at Hell (?ate. Anton Pasderka, twenty-three, an ap? prentice iron worker, plunged head first yesterday morning M0 feet Inte H?-,i from a girder of the Ncv. | ,-.. way's new bridge. From dissy height the other workmen .it ??? deemed m.-.n was . ? ? elf so th il strike 'he water feet first. He Mist dimmed the sky trails of the im? mense structure, but when Pazderka sank into the water his eossradei clambered down snd began a vain hunt for his body. Pazderka lived at l-l North Washington Place, Long I ' ? . The recollection of his frantic grop? ing for the ironwork, which his fingers grasad, and the slippery girders so un? nerved the Other workmen th.v quit for the remainder of the day. ROBERTS BABY STILL ALIVE Defective Child Has Not Blood PoieOS) ing, ?Hadara Bay? Margaret Mary Robert*, the defective baby born Tuesday, may live two days or two weeks, according to physicians at the Babies' Hospital last night. There was no change in the child's condition yesterday, the hospital au? thorities denying that blood poisoning had set in. They pointed out that the chances for blood poisoning wire gr?tat if the child did not receive proper at? tention, but i.sHed that it Was '" I I well cared for. There was no conference over the child yesterday, and it was denied tha* an invitation had b<-?-n extended te ?Mr H. J. Haieeiden, of Chicago, who gained prominence from the case of the Bol* liage! baby, to come ?East? It was sa.d he was not even Qipoclod her-. PROF K LANGL0TZ BURIED Princeton Sings "Old Nassau" at (?rave of Its Composer. 'By T-slK/rspt. un TO* Trillin?. 1 Princeton, V J , Nov. L'7. Karl A. l,anglo?z, sompesar of the mu "Old NuM?au," was bur,el in 'he Princs' ton i.emetery to-day while studen's an?! members of ?he university faculty sang the las? two -.?-rscH ut the song he gave to Prir ? Students m sttendance at the ???ry placed a banasi bearing th? "Old Nassau" on th? eaoket, "?>d sang the u?? tare eerses el th? was lowered late ? ? I Ralph r. Urbai . of .'? pal Church, Trenton, officiated. * - Complains of Church Bell. Matawan, N. J , Nov. 27. John Ter i hune, of 161 Main Street, say-t the bell of th* M*th?.' Church sdjaining in* s place i* a nuisance ami has sppl the i'ourt of Chancery for relief. The eassplainant of th? bell ?re "hur-?,, loud niant." It? clangor. rd two si 'hrea miles. ? I B\. M.<>KIH\ ??.??.WWII Mf.l-IX >' ? Ins I >a? 11 v Atlantl? ? oasi lAOO It. II. Uli 11 ???jr.? A.vL President Sees Army Beat Navy on Fog-Bound Field Front row ?Mr--. Josephui Daniels, the Pr?sident, Mrs, (.alt. Secrot Service m;m. Badl row?Secretary .if the Navy Jooophns Daniels, Miss Daniels, Mi Margaret Wilson, Mrs. Boiling, Secretary of the Treauury William F. MeAdoo, Mrs. Mi-Adno (Eleanor Wilson). SIX FOUND SLAIP IN FARM HOUSE OK LONELY ROA Farmer, Wife, Daughte Son-in-Law and Two Employes Shot. ki \". ?' . V"'.-. 11 Samuel Weitzmsnn, a well-to-do far . ? arder* 1 in 'hi home, a lonelv farmhouse three mil Rood. ;lv and '? .?lies also 1 ?ho' tu death. T that the murd?1 ? ? of the fur -the took hi? own life after had killed everybody in the hoOM. It I'immitt last V No motive for the murders has br< discovered, t opp* one of the 'arm hands he n-law. The dead are: in aid ?' Dial 1 h ? I ann-l-i ?a \| I - .'? Ta? fan ippai ? That the morder? wen doe to the rvmot of the Wi ?? : . ? I, ;i qua rom turnpike, w. tzmann, a prosper?os farmer, he Il liver tniik t'i .Ir In New Brunswick. Ti day m i ' "' itifled :.or near the Weitzmann horn that ne milk had beer, delivered morning Thi n< Ighbo ? over to the Weitzmann farm, nc . while busy place. W. K. Floranci of Mid lleses County, wa by 1 He hurried .Ich R. Ferguson, u detective, to the scene . laigc on TI - roo? ;? d by a central hallway. Pot fr at door. Ii (room on the right side of th* h?l he foand ' of Weitunnann aoi hi* .a th? hili.' they Thi i ? di nee there of a ?trug | ??? . r .1 t.. tl.i d* of the hol I I ? .'..und th? I :. who also hod bees ?hoi i : BOO* was from - - Going aotside, !? ? i broke open s windo**. sne ? thi bodii ? n 'I-.- two farmhands ami lene* her* that gavi to th?j pr< i..-.1 ? ? | iterr. Om mhands died while h? ton of his bed. H ' ' ? <- head. H* had ed to pray, and had ?-? t ipp* I hii bed W( r*l '"' Bg ?ired :. On the floor lay thi body of Klcner, In another bed I ? body of the other ithorities ?ay, did all thi H? bod covered him ll his right hand The Identities ef th* fonoaaodi sr* nnkm ? . I ?nul Proseeutor W. Edwin I '. tad th* t? und hilft been employed bj "What the motivi for the morder? was :? unknowi ta es. Tin- ei that probt bly on Wed) night tii<- ? ? killed tl then, m - ? nto Kignei ? m, killed he i .?. te. Kigm r hin ist! - vident!*" got -* inarderer lata thi i ....m ? i- 11 . :; ? here the mr - d< i *r mil killed K ?' i, locked the d* or, follow workman ,\u I We shall mod? ? ? . i n ?a 'm th* .? I i I 1 M Itllil - TI. UN ? ?-T1.1 I I I I i I till I 14.111 U? M ?.' *l \ ?I'M I ?I ?I'll .iriii.iM ilkai , :, i Ofl ? ?IS? aVIfih A>? ? la.- I Cadets Score 14 Points to Nothing for the Midshipmen, While 43,000 Enjoy the Spectacle Made Sombre for Once, but Full of Rattling Cheers and Some Color. By GRANTLAND RICE. Elmer Oliphant, or Olmer Elf phant, the Purdue Projectile, ye.? tcnlay proved t.? President Wilsor ?Secretar; Daniels an?l ?18,000 other that ?uir Navy has no defend Bgainsl a t throw (Talo runninp BtnUi r.. Oliphant the Hem. It w;i Oliphant who -"7.' the Army eheei ing section into its ? in the opening quarter. Cof?n, of the Army, had just dispatch long, floating punt through the fog to Craig, th?? Navy quarterback. The ball flipped from Cl*aig*S arms, and Redfleld, the Army end. "fathered it I .iiilliin?il on line?- I. Part II BILLY SUNDAY HERE IN 191" 1'ormal Invitation To H?* (,iv?*n Sosui by Cesandttee of Twelve. I?v TX,-iaiT!i to TV TW Syracuse, H, V, Nov. 87. Bill*/ Sun* 'lay will ?o to New York .?urin*, ?n latter part of 1917, if his present, plan-, do not miscarry. Ms. pr?smiso?l t ? !.i;. to conduct th?- campaign, but ?liil r. >? fix s dut?' Thil Will be der:.In! Tu.?? day, when a committee of twelve, rep? resenting the Committee of One Hun ?ir.-sl in charge of the New York cam? paign, arrive formally to ptveent th?! invitation. T!its eOBSBBittae will include th?- Re" C. L Geadell, paeter of St. Pat}l'i h. end Bepreeentativ? '.'.'.? ter M ( handler and Williasi "* M-niiet. Mr. Sumlay also aiinoune.-.i t th.. re?|uest of the Kev. Dr. ? iiir.'iice Minton and Henry Voorhec*, treasurer of the Trenton, N. J. Evnn tle Committee, be had postponed 1 campaign there one areas. His first sermon will be preuched Jan? ear*/ -? _ POSTERS HERALD WIFE'S SUIT "Will Ile LatS "f l'un" at Trial, Say?, Basbaad, Held for ( ?snu-mpt. i. r ? .?-,,- I Baatingten, W, Va.. Nu'.. ZI ??}'.? rnmi' to s-.,'..-, whes till divorce -'.r- Sled agaii ? n-.r i.-< place?! on trial. There will be lot* of fun, anil you will all be welcome." read a handbill ,!;.;?.: throurhout this city yesterday at the slleged direction of A. G. Blake, a wealthy contractor, who was srrested Is,-slay for contempt of court ICake was Mied for divorce -? eeral TilT't. The trial is sel down foi -. . ek. The handbill* sise itated '?"??>?- tne teitimoay to be sddi ? will "canee s few pion srs to ? "i, and will '.'.- aoi iiivorce teeet soa are aeei court, unds-r t, BS '? law. IV testimony war- submitted in deposit Blake refuse* t,, either ieni or admit that he is reepeasibic I --?-iiitini* and strealatiag ?1 A New Note ? Perhaps one reason whv the tired husmea ma- used U> he so tired was because his nnlv wav i,f telling ?rhether a r'av was food "r BOl WSS t" tee it for himself, and the search lor i gDOd one wore him out. Hut tlui bet?re Heywood Hroun DOfSn to ever the theatre. Mis refreshini frankness and diverting phrssetdog* bsve struck a SCO ROtC In dramatic criticism, a note thil playgoers and the ItSfC alike appreciate for its suicentv Head his com nient t.i-dav?Page 4, "ieCtion llt-IV. ? <5ty ^ltn?ay ??rttnmp I first tu Last?I he truth: \cns?l:ditorial%?Advertisement? WILSON NEUTR? AS CHIEF ROOTEF BOTH TEAKS ED Spends First Half of Gam on Navy Side and Sec? ond on Army's. m" all tii" fcrty-fl*i thousand ?lar spectators who sretehed what the Art did ?o the Navy in Brush Stadium y? terday sfternoon, Jusl one cas be 11 to have preserved ? ^t riet and uncoi ling Beutrality. The neutra!, prepared for .through his oficial ?upsricpi*! in h.) ' ing a nation on the fence, Wal Tro deal Woodrow Wilson. With his fianc?e. Mrs. Norman (?ait, liis sido, the President occupied a fla draped box is the forefront of t Anpr.polis contingent during the fir naif of the | n ? II S Navy root h?. *h.ired the disappointment "f fl blue-coated middies at his back wh? Army nad? Its first -.core and coi 1 in the saddle. But m the second half, reeved to box OU t h?. West Point si.Is- of tt . th? distinguished ns'iitr.-il sri ?-rove his impartiality by ssps-r.l : s is,-,s*:iiT in the second Are down. And when it was ai! over 1 ? d to --mile ?lowti on the wh danCl '..riou-? ca.!s-t-. The Presidential par- . smong I In!?"-. ;.rr.-. .-?! on th shortly o'clock, the he ir or finally set for th b? inning of the game. Paeeing throne trefleld fate, the mich?.-- roi ?? Tilonir the sl?ie lines and deliv? ngers a? the DOS entrai At thut time the middies, fogboufl on a ferryboi*, had not yet srrived, Sfl ? ! all t'n?' welcoming, Thei I aen : ? eeeorted the rutan ?', ! ,-r . .? Peanal Maa I'.utts In. With the President snd Mrs. Ca! were Mrs. A. W. Howe, ?he Chief Kx eeative's sister; Mies Margaret Wilson his slaughter; Mr*. A. _. < ?.thron an? Helen Woedrow Ion?--, his I i>r. Cary T. <; ray son. hi^ physieian; Hertha Holiinjr, Mr-. Galt. tel i.ttiI Secretary Tumulty. eret Service men, plaincloth? and uniformed policemen surrounded . but thi'ir liru I were ?s rs si by a gnllitnt charge by a littl? ?f newspaper photographers ?.nsi movie camera men. When ths> picture, taking was over a stronger cordon ol uniformed men, romssaaded by In* or Thomas Ryan, eras drawn around the Presidential box. through th" first twe periods th? dent, was hidden from si I save those who had field glasses and occupied vantage point?. Only once was the corslon penetrated, Then a venturesome and irreverent peanut vend, v slipped between two pre? occupied pe th hi., bask? l i the President's patronage. Two ?.ves ?pounced <>n him snd hurried him away before he had a chance to complete his sale. "I don't think he was ?roinr? to buy anyhow," said the peanut man, as the detectives sent him ?-n his way. "I held up a cupl? o? hue? of peanuts and yelled TV.-,. a ba?.' but he just Set ? looking ?,v?'r my head as if he Jisln't see m*." Police precautions for the safety of the President were most elab?srafe. Ar - a?, ti-,,. Pennsylvanie station at 12:52 o'clock, hi found watting to re ? him, beeidet Colenel F.lward M House and Mrs. McA?loo. four local Secret Service men, Thief Flynn, i .?? sal Began, a ssjnsd of city de? tectives and a special detachment ot uniformed men. In addition there were poiicemeii and detectives at every en tr ince to the station. Pressidenl and Fianc?e on Field. In sad around the stadium Inspector Ryan hnd tit uniform?-! mea, who cleared the eray f?r the entran? the President and for his walk si the field. The plan to have the | deal move from the Navy section :?> that occupied by the West P hud been a:ins,unced pravleuelv, und thsiusands of spectatan poured onto the tield st the ensl of the second period. Preeeed back by the policemen, ? Coot ta tied oo pa-re I, Part II HOLY WAR SPREADING. SAY BERLIN PAPERS llerlin (bj arleosSSB t'> Savvill*. N. V.l. \?.v. J7? ???u-i-iirdln?* lo a (on BtSOtloopU di-iat i h.'' 0090 the Over seav Nowe \|?eni-> to-dav. "the lurkiib i?.i. ernivoiit has opened ,? net? fereign d?pariaient, Ihe lndn ?gyo-tion ??ect inn. "Comment in?- un i hi??. Merlin OSS -papers BO) th?t the action taken is a i?n?fquriii'e of the holy war ?Oreadlos, eve* the Mahometan world, golalng esOOClol lie.idwav in India and Egypt, ?here Hritiah rule, lli<> polol nut, has been unwilling? Iv endure! fur decades." TURKS CAPTURE ALLIED LINES AT GALLIPOLI Penetrate Trenches and Destroy Gun Positions in Surprise Attack. Ill l a London. Nov. 2~. The capture of a large \ | - near An Borna, on the (.allipoh Peaiasala, BS ;i r. -'i!' ?' B I01*pr ? bf the Turk-. -. reponed from Coaetaatinople to-night. II. a-. ?. :? . ... repot ted to hav* been th* Hntish and French troops, together with the <)e ??' -." ??.?? ef their i.-un posi? tion.? by thi ? artillery. For Bevei - ' illowiog the arrival of German manitloo? and beavv at Gatlipoli by way of the Dan? ube, the Turki h.. in ? ? mied a ?en? tra1 offensive in th? hope, it is be lived, of nrevontintr, the withdrawal of A'.'... ?[ troops, -i - re? irtod from the ulo. thess attacks have been re poised I'v the P.ri*i-'n. and no report hi-.-i vet '.tu roce ved in L?ondon re? garding the successes claimed by the Turks to-" Uli" i ! monitors wet forced to come t" the "f the hr.r.i ; thl ? iolent ;..r?illery m., and bumb fighting near Sedd-al Bahr. Near Anafarta enemy battleship? un'. Ik mbardi-d our posi ' ir artillery, fing, forced one monitor to re ? t?n the morning of November If. through attack near Ari Hurnu. we occupied a considerable part of the enemy's trench? Near Sedd el-Bohr the enemy ex? ploded mine? on our left and ripht wing-, without injury to us. Through bar-, ? of two mines, how ?- .: | of 'he enemy were hit. m. the Dordanelle* front, near Anotarte and Ari Hurnu, our artillery troyed tome machine guns of the my, SS Oell as (?run pogitior.s. Bomb throwers killed s prest num b.-r of loldiers ef the enemy who were .-heltered near the landing place at An Hurnu. Near Anafarta a gun of large cali bri. which had lee?-, directed against our position at Kirctch Tepe was put out of action. The gunners were hilled FRENCH OFFICIAL. From Paria th* followiog report has been received : Expeditionary Corpa of the Dar? danelles November -'. sod -?"> were character M i by activity on the part of our artillery, which succeeded in taking under Its tire several Turkish nuns of large calibre. An apprecia? ble weakening ef the tire of the en? emy artillery resulted. Wounded Turks in very large numbers have arrived recently at Constantinople. DROPS 10,000 FEET IN A PARACHUTE British Aero Officer Wanted to Answer Official Query. and Me Did. [Mr I all?? t. ThaT-V London. Nov. 17. ' olonel Maitlaml. of the Royal Noval Ar Service and probably the moot expert balloon. Britain, hr.? jtt*t suds a daring parachute .??scent over London from ? of 10,000 Th- question reeentlv bas been di? ru--. ?: lh*f an airman could t ta ? BBfi . .-. ng froi.i a poroehat? a' loch an >.'.titude. Malt ?ar.d believd the .de ? WOB prnetli?-i hi-, OOd .7 wa? just a question of BOOM one trj So " d: "Some one nm?t BOly on- person I care I ?hall make the at f." ?' up in an aeroplane >n a ' 12 SOgreeS below the nt, despite the fact that he II over forty. The parachute fell hundred of fe*t before opening, url*. Maitlood'a hand? were ?o chilled that I or." tin.- !.. - rilUst let 'ondon's cheer ful view ??f the (?reek . ituation ha been succeeded by something la th nature et a reaction, ami the prevail in,; opinion at the present time i that the press and public jump?'?) to? quiekly to the agreeable concliisioi that Greece would eoncoda rut ?ally al the Allied demands. Although all the forecasts am speculation regarding Greece's replj to the Kntente Mini-*t?>rs' new note embodying the detailed demands rty of action to the Ftaneo-Britisli troops <>r (ireek soil, continue t?i he optimistic the latest information from Athen? clearly indicates that GrfOM _BI I "< yet definite!*/ abandoned the ?lilator*y tactics which caused the Allies such unea