Newspaper Page Text
AMERICAN PLAY? CHEERING LONDO] Theatrical Editor Say They Are Seriously Coin petinij with English. MELODRAMAS AND FARCES POPULA! War Ha Made Simple Pla> .Most Effective "Potasfc and Perlmutter' Praf? d. |l r B( t sditoi stries ? *ard ' .. with Tribun? "Thi 1 , ?-. a ? , . i i bette i ? ) ' h '? i. '(?u New York. Surel i I ? i . ? ?. ? rici ? lieh wi ) drawinj 1 i ? ?-. ? .:. pertinent!? i / that Eu i ? . uch th? ? t\ i ? . ? plav , . ? body ol ? . thought .i Thi | K the London cntici ) 'to rapture It 'i ? Till .- ' . f "The 'hi. ? ? . ? ' .. < ? . ' 1.1- ".I '' 11? t lim Sttrai ? utput. I ? ? thej excr: ploy, ir' Vhicl juv . of thi sympathel th? "Befon thi a ? welcoming new thought in the theatre and for .. Now Wi- ? ? : with the plaj gen . . I. I by the heartcnini "W ??-. or, to look to th? -V hlgl .h at mg .- thrills in their rama. i to b? faund ? tract ":-?-> from the other "Wi .rably anc ... 'Pota-- and P he farce ele? ment btruaivo, and there i - a o? di ilraw :. it :,.. lovable soul of ?Abe 1' ? "A- beiden' 'Ro ssanci rla> bold- ?audiences at the l>uk. th- I intro <? eona. 1 Fout!. ? t of * vallini. She :n i.V. ?? - tortore - bei ""? elody and thai: An hat has s ? v- ? ? ing. ? ?. the lis ?" and the I Ml indicate tl i ? the A i ? hot \ ,? ? for ? .?? ? WILLIAM I? BENISCH. Leader el the indice ba?il. POLICE TO GIVE CONCERT Band ta Be Led b* Patrolman Beaie-rh, Ex-Metropolitan < orael 1st. . . William 1 '. Bel polies I 111 play the that won eoi ? - ? ?? annual I : .1 l.-m River The leidei ?1 thi pro ? ? .! on Dec? ;< at I'-- ' ? iklyn. 11.?nils of th>- ? - .lia- affa i been arranged bj Pi 11 , . .- gned to 'in- Detective Bureau, and Secretary William Ma* honey, a p e? to Wi ?t 128d . ? on. Beni?c . who to Traffic ? . a patrol added to tl em of 'h' When he ? del ??? ran star- lie led th* ham! ?it thi . ; . ?j, oi ? ? i alv aj - been a favorite. In thi ;? ear? the | ? ...ny chari ?i \;.,:.;. til i | ? ? . an eis tit-hour ? - held, and ? : umenta in repair. To the - veil. THE WEATHEB i?TPOUT Forecast and Records for the Last I ?, nt\ -lour Hours. ui to I ? - UI tll ? . ?? I II . ? . ? ter ? ? I/' L? ? ? i >.- ' - ? ' ? ? fro? parti] Local Olilrlal R or : ? . ? ? ? i i ? ? ? Humidity. I- ? - I ,,??_.,, ., .? - arrow ?ind?. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ? 1 _ Mai . v ? *?? i ? s: * _ '? ? ? t '? Kl i A ' AT * I M. St.. I H1I.II- ' M M'.l.l. ?_?. *l . '.i : . . i:i vi. K Ott i ' s ? ? I ? M, I M V I ? H M? ' Il U i : ? II . ? i ? l IM ? I ? I | ?? . , ' i . Il; to 1? I ? Ml I || , ' ' . ? CANCER SURGE! CALLED USELI Nine Cured by Nat Says Dr. Robert Be! of London. DIPT REGULATION A VITAL FAC? Specialist Assorts He Has N Known of a Successful Op alion in a Malignan. Casi ,'lr'T: ? -;. ,1 -- p Leaden, Nov. 16. "I ipers of malignant i am ? : ha noa to h. the itatemeat m?. Th? 1 i b ii Di R itM rl Bell, ithorlty, the | . mal -i ? " v ? eai .- - ? d *h? ?or, '.. I doubt that healing power,ol nature, ii ?uftic.c ? . | rapi i* ? agenta, ?. ? ? i ? ? ? ?? :. ome the disi ..i.out compl "Three y ; ondon, organised b cancer ? . . ? - - . . ipon an ma. ?AC thouf-ht that, by -:..!;. ng the < ,: . ? to vivisection experiment? upon a mais, more satisfactory result? mil laed. "V, | . i, i? if bort.e In mind that ci cer i' man dit!? i .-o very matera Inmanyof Its aspeets from that in ? mais it tnu.-.t appeal to e* individual that the onl* method of i taining reliable information on the sv led .- by closely observing 'he circ.u ? - which lend op to its devele ment and winch promo! and which we alwaj An . iicidence. Operation "Meaa* Big Fee.*1 ??\*. ? nave worked throug aethod Operation? w? ?.<? i Othil ' ' do '?? it'll. 1 t: ; am ? i peclali ; <.i any note i 1 have been engagi . - . and f< ? ?rate. 1 can truth 'all; ?ay thai m n< . it cat.Ci v a? a can the knl fe. L'm : enl > ? - Pagi ' ? st ' ?? eed ?? ith me o ontinue i i or parti) because patients wish I! ins a I";- f?v. "Hut in ever* ' of operation th pal ei not onl; i ur a great 11 ?'... bu in al 'i- n ? . . ol cui e. The onl; can ."? of th slightest i.vail ii where the cam r I ly of the non-malignant or der an I tl lea? r'-i. IOH fo . .? i "The Importance of a cure for ei ? ce ? : at ion can be iudge* ?"rom the fact that the mortalitj ii has increased 200 p- r cent in the last fifty years, and that a> thing ? '? 25 '-m-.nun ni the in pu ol thi eai re destined to di* of thi> disease un ? we fiad a incani it. I at Batter i? means. "Thi mused ui to cloi I..1U1" the la ' ! ut 'i , by merely sa? i ting . I hau- been sb .-lean bill Of health to i-.i? !.!>-. The ni mc and addrei ->? ut' e ght ? "Mr | Kerry Road, 1 the hi i i - Anderson. Park Lane, Ware, Her! cer of tl ? i>; Mr-. Rnbery, 250 Queen? Road, London. \ !?;.. cancer of ?he w mil.; ' hilders, II Bt Road, Lonco v -, ? - .', ? . ?. -, , ? imb; ? ? i Streel r the bree 1 :-.-_i?1. Greet ? mi til A M. Co? Brii ton, r.?*urr a 'land "All atel| ? !r. :i . wher fournir .T.l ob ? ... , . ? ? ? mar.. ? v t h. Ripen? Like Other lungi. ? ? nclu ?:...' ??her ?B1 ? ! rro-phol . I. ?? ? rv thai . 01 !y under a i magnil 1,000 d ... aten - h well known fact th .? ..ble to t-ke root and dev< only | .. ag, dead or .levita! rnat?.ri_l. Lloes it not follow, tl ? toil upon which the fun ??it's aouriahn ta?Sa i by judicious tTOatai fon I ? mrill be star out of e-istence and gradaall ?at in its environme "Beyond doubl thii ia the tu?* which prov? . ben cancel subdued i rid o? i i me bj dietetic, .i, ; thei -.i"' i' ??? mi u ed b] oa. And, if w< can ire i?r by these methods, it follow. ?.11 mon that mankind can avoid and er cate t'.s- diaeaaa by preventive me ted sliet. attention to I ?? ipe? .??.'? those bear: ? audition of the col which would rnuki it impossible i ? .it the body with< the eanci r neoplasm could nei a footing. ' is. prevent cancer the blood mist kei bo ol itely heall hj. In my >n ion. thi- t*ii : i only he done M loner 11 i mpplied by produeta derived frc ..!* which have not been ?J plived bj heat er other mean'? of th This i? natan ' Is ami man ii the only animal on '. ? ?? earth who contravenes tl destroying his food value i cooking. 1 maintain that tor a pe ."??et diel we must eat far less meat at thai a large proportion of our fo< bould be Consumed exarllv . eco dition which nature has pr? rided it. "Departure fron, nature's precept* I regard to diet invariably lead to mi m. An and ? IioXlOU-r ..:'. ; tOXiC deCOmpO .:,_' matcril ? in the eol in end is ai sorbed ood, ai d prediepoa?1 "W, ;.?*ate cancer, hut it \vi only be bj obej lag nato re'i I LOST GIRL PICKED UP HER: Miss RaaWCjr, "I Marrishuri*. Sa> s Sh Fled Mother's Scoldings. Paul Loaer, :i toaehor ia the Bay shore i Lonn Island) High School, wa walkinp aloni: Broadwaj at Korty-thiri Street yesterday afternoon, when hi ad up to a well dressed, attractiv youag woman and said: "Aun't you Frances Ramsey?" "No," she replied. "Dont you eemc fro? Rarrisbarg?1 She .M'K'?. hoi head. Confident he had recognised the pir tor whom th* Harrieburg police issue?) ? ral alarm a few ?la\ I BgO, LoOOl .? o M... Ws-st Fortv*aevent_ -!? tal Bhe told the lieutenant as Ruth N'yman, twenty-one years old, ai ' r*.'"i? '.. Hi lag at -m'. ? I06tl -?: ? ' \sii un' 9 ' ion of t er geni oui bj burg police ,i hed bj Detective Pits ? i did she ad I !.. I. . the i ?! ippearod from the rlvania eitj on November 17. Sh?' . statement to ay that she ? s ant) years old, s bookki ? ? ild ahe wa- m nervous ihe eould ? reprimands from hi : mothi : Bhe aas taken to the women'* court to await instruc frora Han iburg. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De oartin-?r from Port o? New York. an RI AI "AvAr ?? a? I 4 ???. 1" 7.1 mi i' m v n h p. vt 1? "?"I l\< OMi.NG STEAMERS. ? Vori? i . .. . . . ? . ? V I ;.-?? I Ul - ? I i - I ? . . ? ? ?. a . i. id? ? ? i . ? liia i ...? . ? N . 1 ? ' Vn .11 I - .. Illltl a - - \ ? s . s , , > I Ii . i ? ni? -I'll M . I ? 1 v . I ? 4 N .1 - . Ol TGOISG STEAMERS. i ?m? ??AT. S"*: '" ; ,, , .,,.?, Mill VIIIHI ?> . ?It \\s|?4,i im NAILS. I?;. Ira r ? 0) !..??!? ? '. .. a I - I ? ? a -a I a l?t? I . Aii.'r.ll?. .V? aVai.i.J ?? ?** Iran - MTI . '"' ? !.. . * * * . . . I . ??.? ' ' -__.? ; ? , -s? /.'a ''*?*' *r" , . Ma. '"* ' lllppli I ..... ? - ,**??' :' ' * * I ?Is '? - * ?ved ? M_ .. . ? ?. It I I ? . ? . A , I ? . , ? . Ka . Hats . . I ; War II s ... ? ? ' !, 'S 11 I l'ara I? II? I ?II* mal!. I , ? ? V Dl ! ?IM. Hi Ir?. I .1 ' 1 ? s. '.. ? I ? . M STEA ?ii.i.s \? FOREIGN PORTS. suai t?a I- ?< ? ? ? I ? * I V II > S l ? ? I . -> ilisll, Xrs 1 s ' . 1 SLIDES TO HURI CANAL FOR YEAR Professor Miller Tells * Great Lateral Movemen of Earth at Panama. MAY EXPECT TROL'BL IN RAINY SEASON Return of Steam Shovels to A Dredges Urged b> Lehigh University Expert. ? Panam.? levers i rding u men? . . ? .- ? I Benjamin Le Roy Miller. CUpie I thi - *l :'::-. Li high Universitj Frei retu: rom a I of sevctal month.? :n Central America tigat? g condil ?? ?y bac ? at Gaillar i and At 1 i -.-ght h "Wheo thi Csnal traffic t:..- |fa :.- ;-? ..rally an ? ? fee that the canal ? ..... i ? les 1 would ' ' ??urn ? "W lews were ?xpn report iriginatiag ii ?one, i tated that the canal would ? seki Instead bees m-ict- the d iti ??* people .ana! from om lide to the ether, di hod. . ? ?' en II?. the ? ca.-. earci '<-nt to ' ".lebra Cat eraes l,sejo feet bu? k from the eaaal sad - ground m*' : gradually moving toward the eat Macadamised mads, constructed where the earth wa? s?p? oos, -.i t.. be ?table, have been destroyed by th' i oven ' ..? d -core- of house? hove had to ba mot id to iav* them. The ground has tracked under tl A.!m.:;: (ration Building, and a* it is ii ' line with bv an ..: earth hr. akii there i no doubt but that thii buil I ....ed before eery lone? ? "Person? ere apt te eeasider slide? as due to the ?teep slopes of the canal b-ink- am! eor.elude that they can be checke'! bj de? reaaiag the slope... However, the earth from the hij-h. . point does not go mt<- the canal fli nctlv. Instead, when the loo-ae mate rial ii Ailed with water, a-- it la dur injr the rainy season, groat bloch from ; the hiirher lying region- adjacent tOj Mttle downward almost ver* for? the ur.derlyinp mate? rial into the CUt bv n lateral pressure. "The amoual ' broken 1 ? sa i Is movint *ow' ie, and there Is ibt that much r.-tk now appar ? ... n.ove a? its sup ... ??he removal of Urtl I rock. Before the Can be said to be completed and inently 01 ?? ned ? ' traffic the ? ? of material that moot be taken ea not far short ? ;|.e Culebra '?Trar.vpertiitiet! eompaniea planntrnr lid realise that they must r.ot expect uninterrupted eerviet for l?verai years Purin?, th.. may be ?,; ? ? , ( rta to ? ? during ra ? the earl : movement ? Wr ? was opened _ the rel ? T dis) sed , iy can now be found m mil . . . . p irta of South A : ? .. tituted ? me are noa .? work on both tide of th< ?hey can keep pace with the in? coming material. I ul on other days ? "In view of the extant of the ma ? ? r ? it haa i tarted toward the ?? Tim shovels i to more ?... . ,.i ? h bat in time ? i ally all, if leh of Z Hill, i . ? be removed, and to ?rail ? - dges ean .??.. to be iwiee and un : la? ? th compte Prof? trip ' ?? ' >r, ! i eph T. S ngewald, of -linn '.'. NEW STEAMER TO BERMUDA Evaageliaa, Chartered f <?r Service, Makes First Trig December 21. To handle the ll ? . : ? '.-.urist trull's- to Hcrmuilr. ths Quebec Steam hip Company ha? chartered the I'van ? later sen lea. The ves sel will leave on her r.r-t trip mid? night, Fruiny, December J4. and will return Suuday, January _'. to give those who i- .;-, ?pure <, Christa-SS week from -chool or business, an opportuni? ty to complete the trip in seven days. The Bvangeliae will alternate sail inijr- with the Company's swift steam? ship Hermudian. which holds the rec ortl of thirty-nine hours and twenty minutes for the rout?, made when President Wilaon visited the resort. The Evangeline was built in 1912 by Maria-: ? Wolf?, at.d Is e?iuipped with every modern convenience and safety device. The bul! is divided into water ?ipht compartmeii? - and her engines develop a 9\.d of eighteen knots. Wealthy Widow Hangs Herself. Suffering for years from melancholia. Mrs. Flora .1. Wheeler, a wealthy widow, sixty-two years old, committed le yesterday, in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Cleveland, with whom she lived, at Westerlei(*h, Staten [aland. Mrs. Wheel? i took a window curtain cord and banged herself from the upper jamb if the door leading to her bedroom. itEso-?'r?t. CALIFORNIA Ho_el Green-Pasadena .. - I faoOl ll gl ; , -.v M ' .' SJ r .? 11 ?- f | .-?.- C-Jgwia. OpanMd i. . ? I'.RAI'lil IIT f i 'SHIM, On-trtl Maritger. ??nil. LAND "i" si N-IIIM. AM. fl.nWEKP - trtmmmt winter Cltoate in the \\...i.? . ? mi m teem t?-it? -, .-?? u ll ft - m?-tor ii.? T ? ? . ejees >?.i. ?Ml Plunlaa-\utril Orrti??a.tra. TKXNI* I'l HI' -VATSB \ v \ ?. Spai I'll-*?!, .-.? Hotel Bon Air AUGUSTA, GA. 1 rip?: f> ?:. Ml 1 '.th WI.;. ll ??i? '. four holiday? mer?? Twa In? IS-hol* golf ' -v.-?.||?nt ai,'. ?I.outing ind ?'?'. uir ? Addrei? C. G. TRUSSELL, Mrnager GALEN HALL Hill II \|) | \N Alllllll 11. in tViii i in a. J. -\ ?? , - Mur? I r**S] Ai?), bulf .7 i r ?bl? ? .... ?? '-..- ., . ...g .r a . : ; ......1 ijra:. : -, .1:.? ? .'la V 'IT. - .?. l--.fl? A ? ? ' ? : -, i" !. V' ' "70 . -." M'tf'r Itlt K4DINC RfS?I? MOIft Of Tttt W"RIO| lanar LDoroug n. -15 ic n n?i m ATI. A NIK I II S . > . .1. -, A N . ? a, H ? O ***** I ? I N t JQ3IAH WHITE 4. SON? COMPANY Laurel-in ?the-Pines I ikewi eai \.?? l.-r.n, ?NOW OPEN. FRANK F. SHuTF, Ngr. ?RTLETT.IHN MOTEL . MOOtRATt WI?!. ft V/iF*** "A SMI \M>-MK(T. A ** ?.?. I RMMIKIV. I HI ? U.i:. W \\ I ? V PARTRIDGE INN> . . T I . TRA\ M 0 R I: ?SSaj roi: SALE. > vii ?, RHAMl PI ' I ? I . ? ? Il \ WORK W liN IKIi. 'tale. : la t fill ?un II .. I. Il H A I'l I Ml I ?. Ma? I HELP WANTED. Male ? ! UNO AAiaaUAX AI rr.sji'ifastiirini -orrprn rs-iutre? ssrrlc. al , ,:. rl ,?i trs?-tli.| ?_l?msn lo ss-t ass ... . ???riai manaesr: matt r.? remmg. of ptrsslnf perwnalKj ? ?? ' edueatad, 'xrin ,.- ?? mrtu . irsri rward I ??:. ? . . ; ? ?. I ... ai 1 lost.'- ?a:..- . ?ialsry svlll ba nt-asTSt?. bel oppnft'irililfs sr? (ood; .?? rttsTS m.I b* r.-a.t ?.) t_s*atlTst of ? ? . * >-? ?*** ?lllliif '?> ?i? , . j*rt ..r ib* i nils l Butt* A.I t-.*? r -, Bei - i finii i now win? a n ti rut. t ? latir: , . , '..... a - ii'.iMim, ?. ? * DOMESTIC SIT! VITONS WANTED Male. .- ? ? Miss ShM'a Hi !'!.i it i _?_! Rui -.. - - . * .. r?.:.' ? 1,0 Call Mai -i. ? Afcii i Bt'TI.Ml ? AI.KT Ki.flis M * S'.au.'i i i ??ALTI it': BssfUl, -tfifau . ram > *. ?. ?. ? T h _? . i ' IIA1 Hl'l 11 . "... , . ; S*s - orfMifl ipei s ? ?'l? , r ..- . i rilAI I 1Bl l: ' .' ?..? *?: ? -i. a. '? ?i mi F?male. IRWINS AGENCY, ?.tSJS1 ?-? flab i'.li-sl. ; . I all ? A ? i Hi. ? . ' rs Ht. % Il . I .?,?.. i ? "... Il v -- \ .?? . lomMtlc Hill. tl , l..*i I'" I.. Miss II >.. ' - s HUI ?iotiikii smi' r?*_i.a 1 . ? ... s i ? ,, ; i it it: rus.?i ... ....', i IK? ? ???!.?. Bui , i.u? i A. .... ? ???HI. ?? . ,. . . ' tl*? Ml ? _ i; ? IIA'.llll l:\IAII. WAi ? ? * ? . ? ? I ?I . *.. ?'"":* .. .i. l iis_s*r; ? a . i ? - IM s-ouii ?. DM Ik . *_ Is . ! i . \. ? ? .? i . .? klu? s. Hi n rasa ?i rrtVr ?? M Mai ?? . ; >?*-' ?.1 : T- Br>a l'?H(K IDf : SI I . BOS ?: j r M?. _a \ s ? ? ? i-siaJ r-a. mall - ?. '.;?.??? ? _I . S I ? ? r -r . ? i try ; I ? :?. n s ? . .' Hrja i' TO?* s.jilsr. ? - T . :.. s?, M_? ,. . \< ? i ill I'l.K - ? i mi *.hau_n I l I.I M I, I ?ill s. ?? i, ? . ? ? m?a i*.i : A| la 4 stU ' ? I!..I -1 M'ltRKI * ' ? ? ?..11 ? si 'I 11. ? ? -.1.Will.h li. ? ? ? ??.. rrr? lil. , , . \. ' I . ,..k inaj.a_rr I Ishsal SI ? " ''??l ?'a laiiiij i i w i i, i .t. r-i. n-s-.t K ****** t?$jq?gmy '?jo Houk?. -/rum /jtost ro rumeRs a*m -A__f^_ ? : 5%-r-a, a^*""V* The Ideal Christmas Week Vacation 8 & 9 Days, .$42.50 & up 4 or 5 Day? in Bermuda -Tour? include all Expente?, I Steamer. Hotel ?nd Side Trip?, -?twnd ??.?' ir holiday or winter ,.r:?t;..n lk*M MmmtU 1 ... i ?cen? - ? - 'I' ",'! ?'-? "t'^' *P?rU? ' ' , ir vhlti ' ? ? Tr. iVrful natoral ' ...... ? . . i dan in?? alshtlj ? ?- ' Special Sailing S. S. "EVANGELINE" (l mikk USEMCAM IXAO) ,?T::: ' Regular Sailing S. S. "BERMUDIAN" ll? fr. M I th West Indies n??iv M v Delightful crui?e???bout 28 day?. New S. S. "GUIANA." Jan. 4th and rVb. 8th. ? ,?.-. m BRSMl*DA ??- ?THT INDU? ippll I* '.' -- a ... .1 - '43 J - I ? I? ' Kr. Ik rwirl ? ' ?i A? . 0 K Mai-Man, : Lifi B-_... ..._ . '? -y- Kins? ? A ii.anl, :-?i? 11 Jtli A? CRU1SES?TR0PICS By the Mijnihcent Stcamikips ol the United Fruit Co.'i "Great Whit* F!e?t." Twel?e Cruise? Under Ike 1. x c 1 a ? i ? e Manafemeat of Thoi. Cook Ii So?. MOST VARIED AND INTERESTING ITINERARIES EVER OFFERED. - | f lib?. Jamaica, Tunamil I ,mil. ( ?Inmhlii. CCSSB Kien. Ilni?iliima, Brilla* lloiiiliiriis (Inf?rmala, ?le - .'.? :l-.rougg. oJt, lap. lOCltkS? II ...?I? ?! i ? Mal m 1 raii trips a* - I ~*tlfi?-, tn ClO/l mapv -'. to u ?**?-, in**? Sartas ttmmmrr, SMraan ?1.1 Mm ?PiOO 10 ?j)o?7iJ SOUTH AMERICA ,' _\_ ?Hill?- -ll I .... I . .1.1 ' .!.. ?? ... --?- '.-?> ...11..-. ?h? -r..:. .if th? VV ?? ? 1...". ? "(.reut M hile Fleet" I ? Boll and i Top ol the World. rr*v*l Um ?.MII'flDK-?. UK RAST, wjkrihl . ,_1 V... /...I....I l.,.lril... I I.,,,. ....I 1_ COI ITH *nF A S >VV?'?n.N.^Ve-W-eiii...... ' A.islrali?,; Oil?a aVd"j???? JwU 111 kJLaa**liJ mwl , ?-??. CALIFORNIA BERMUDA ?art. * . f VVI:i'?r T V?eifle l'oaat 1 tamoaa 1 .*M?& Tlekal* an-i Tour* bj Cam ? ? t.ini'i s .- ?[.-?' 1 :?-? and i"r?.ju*at| ?aillas* ?,.?,.- rt, ? TDI??. to nearl.y r??<?rt?? "allitnllr ( It-, SHORT rALL I Kir ?** HSnaSorS? TraihtariTn riiamss. sk THOS. COOK & SON Official Railroad and Steamihip Ticket Agents ,,, ,*roa..,a> (Opp. CM" Ball "*"*> ?l TEa-iVa, iZ/'lH^ (161 gifts Aie. (COT. iDlh *???> FRENCH LINE i' (ienerale Trans.tlantlqiis rilXTVI. SKRVIfK Sailings for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - ? Nov. 30, 10 A. M. ROCHAMBEAU, * * Dec 4, 3 P. M. ?LAFAYETTE, - - - Dec. 11.3 P.M. ESPAGNE, ..-- Dec. 18,3 P.M. FOR [NTOaUfATTOM AI'PI.T COMPANY'. OFFICE, j^__*g^U&. CUNARD attakti led EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *Camcronia ...Fri.. Dec. 10.4P.M. 8/ \..\I.\ SAT . DEC : 10 A M ORUl'NA s \t /AN 1. l" -v. M 3AXONIA SAT . JAN tl, 1? A. If. ?En R II. ?. KOI'MI IHK ?OKI.II lOt !<** r ? ? ? all prli.tpal p^r' ' COMPANYS OFFICE. ? 21-2? STATE ST. N. V. BRAZIL THF. ?iM.i STKAMSI g?? X s!A SAO PAULO. .Dec. I S S RIO de JAN.IR? JAN.. 2th f South Aman a ?a Barba : THK ii.M.I STEAMSHIP UNI NOW OPEB ATIN?; NE1 TKAI. PAMENOER <7E_8_U? II V V ?It* Tlirc tVsjs-ka. ? - - LLOYD BRAZILEIRO. RED J ?.m. roa . m?'?? ' TKA? ah a vknkzi'ela. i AHA? a- - IPHILADEM-MU MAItAl All'H IL- s/t l.IA s ips a . in- fan. BUHS 1?AI.1.KTT A CO., OanL Mgr? . i i ?j.o?-r U Wall tttff t:.6(l Prosldrnc- fflrtet H '0 <>i r**u?i- >r\TKKnoM*?. .1 <"? Dull?. Im In.lint SisnilHT. ?-.OO p. m. Krnn Pl?*l 10 I ?; \ ? . ;*??0 l>osm?c 1 ? | . I ? Tide* "~ n ? . SS Dirist MUM! ST! \M-IIIP LINE ^r'ZivuA PORTLAND Urdus I I ares Ail Pointa. Phon?* h:?K<>( ort. I V I . ' N sTK\*|>|||P I l\|s. I I THF. :M IIMIN MM11Y. Str *? N?-?l.urajla" (or Highland Falla. : Bi ???? T i - .:? . |i oo. I - ? It, 1:11 a M ?'.?mi _0 SOUTH % AMERICA ? Wonderiul lour to The Continent o? Opportunity . ? Ml . !? ? I .K. Teh. II raison i ?.? Toarist i.?. ?. Ittnara Montha' ? ? , Em? unii *??? ' < ? ? ,, , ,. ?*e*0?a. ? ? . * ? BOSTON $ 2.65 ?r? I...HI .....i MU. a*M M> mir 81 pkovidknce $U '??Il Sa? ' . ?. Colonial Line First s . ? . ? . an. fcS" d :>. ?.?. o P M I t?, I *. f. ?? Ws -. ?:i ?intsJt lasas. 81.0?' lo 13.00. *i\ irrl?**? ss|uipjsssi. -?? .... ft Ptwt?. Til'i'.li- HI'll FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON ?3.00 .. ,.. ?a, f. r- rtd -?. j ? ?? ? Hr'.;_.|...M Lin? * "?_ _S A " ?S? ?***?? im at. a y_,_. Iba WARSHIPS : . YACHTS _i Bsi?*-. r.r io <o . et 9tntiI? BTEAJSaRIt* TICKETS ki SEI r??r, Ofllf-mi .???????its all lia*a. Karmoofl A lllnln. <??, Mb *??*??? BUSINESS CARDS. i , ,..,;.,. ? ,i BOI ?? II l.v I ? -, a ? ' A - ? - *>'i* ' ? I d?a ? . .. i . ild ni-. - ' ?? I - ? \ -a ; , ?. i ?; . ? . . . - : i cos ? ?il ?Ai ... HI.'-- A ? : - ur Drli * Crac a < 1*1 t <jrth a? ItftS . -I? Mldlaan B* . . :; i; !.:.? it - l S A'c?'t I ! -? , irlo* old |*wel? er?rare t-m? miniature? an.l w??p ? t KAPU -n'rivviiiTT - ? ' rr: ? il .-., i" o-'i N I Broad? i ii ill? . b: ii , 4-, . , > . A'ii-:.T ? l'A? IN?; WOSKS i : ir? .- vi -? m . riNB m ,:- ?" '?''''?'? ' -U>*" " ' ' - N 4?7? -terni llnaiil 4.'T ?j? Wogt i5th ?l DOMESTIC ?HTDATIOXS WANTED, rossais B ' ? ? H ?. ? V. W - ' . . . a- . ? . . . .-.,.-? A. >.?.. > . . - Ira Ali ? . v? , I . i " ? ... i ?. M? ?o ai.. ??! - M ? A .? I ?.- I ? I M .. ? 774 .. mal ' nA.-iu.KWAiti s.-, i, ii , -. . ? -.?,..,,. il art ha i \ : Ilii i? i:i h ini .' i-i tnttni ... ' Ul. a? I A* ?> 4J. ? ? la ?.?.iii:i:im. ll nsrKt" | . . . .. . ? ?i . - .. ig . ?. ? Mil m; ?.MIMA' "ii.'K an.) l'ATIHMH . . lu? ( i.. ;..., Irri.h Kni.lad. .laair??. | ?Uli faiiill? earn? rrlttrune. llrruiaaiu Ni.??. Ho- I ! taoka?!.. lav.Lt l ta? tua. An i ? . . * As.- Ht i ) WPLOYMEMT A___VtU?__ MISS ISABEL SHEA, Lsii.p.oynient Agency m s. um>. :?n?. m\i? ?>. ween m se l.t <M snsj ? :. icphon?. ?.;'. i iii.ti.i. lliii. MISS K.W RYAN, Pr.pri.W employe t ?' - iiscr. 1 loi ..esi l ?>... v RtLIAB.t hUf ? . ' . .. , CITY OR CliLNTHV. PH V .1 ? EOWAR. ODELL CAMPbl-.LLVv - Nf\ y I ?v > ? - - ULL \ iiiMj MRS. EMILY MA.ON ' III'!. . i : v ..-. r .. COOKS ? -? AfiFNCY HltRIlF.'S ?. ! M _*_| A"*7 . .1 ? " ?_** s ? -*? *' ,_.'. l.i r. 4 hl Ml \. i. , \i, ? 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