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Wilson Chief Rooter as Elevens Do Battle f uni inueil from par? 1 they formed a lane through which the President made the muddv But about all the most of the BBgCl onlookers saw vas blue cloth a button?. Behind the blue snd bra?? some caught a glimpse of "schoolmas'er" face of tl topped by a ?ilk hat that glistened with beads of moisture, and edged under the chin by tne tightly-buttoned collar of n long, fur-lmed coat. At the Pri walked Mr?. Rait, who wore a ' i tting velvet 'unie and a small black reive! nointed at front and back. There wai a beeemot of orchid? a? her waist, and around her neck she wine a ' ned snow despite the damp. The cadets uncovered and i as the Presidential party mail.? it? way up the incline through an aisle borner ing th- A The Pn respo- ? i hat, Mrs. Gait with a smile, in h i ? road ''?? mmed, t?uat foil hat, J isephui ecretary of the Na ? a box adjoining that of I i It] ? luporlntei d arademv hsd as : ne gueata G North (a? Stuart of Virginia and a number of young people In anothei bol Navy senior, ?va.- Robert, La Secretarv of Mate Wit ? ? re Mis. Lansing and Captain Fdward \V _b erle. l\ S. N. While the others of his party wer? the gu???? o* ! .-- .. ?.. 'o!,-, a WH? ?o:., of Ir: nklili. Peni... I lined a' the tome of Colonel House. Thoee whi ? ? lohn V In th? Presidential suite ?? the Bilt I Mi Gait. M ' ?a >\ | . 14 Malo'.e. Mrs, Mslone, Mn Bonei l'i Mrs. A H I Prank liter dinner v inel ii.- iso, ' ?? pal t) ? ? '? nounced laal evening. ' rains ? in the afterna-oti. At midnight . nt v. ill return l ; Wit! ir,- dressmaker 1 Gall ? i'l i en.n il II N ? '?'? "l President and Fiancee Cheered at "Chin Chin" audii ' i ; manee o I 'Chin-* hin." ??? :t e '. o-.- I '?..?? ? ? nirht ?* hen it realised tha? an .. ? th-? stare vas Prcsid? The audi-n.-e raaaed ?' it? mil? ??? -,? atneas, and el lu -?,?.:? . bowed his acknowledgment And another cheer. itcs later, ?? her. Mi? (?alt. in a white satin gown and*] it,rr\>i.- *e buncl; "f Ol ii,nd ? h? r entra: i h ' aa a by Mr. and | Mi- lohn A. W'ilso ...nklin.l I ni of tin- President. Pi ?ent v. il: .r.. accompanied bv i t- through a side dooi f?'. Bill i'V'.o? -,. I'm v I.a.i the '.hi --il to 'hen ? the r?st o* ti,i ,*rty, which had dined ? tl ? Biitmore, The Ihei.' close? ly guarded bv detectives assigned Police Ileadnuirters aim Secret 3* rren und? : c command of Chie*1 1 No one was allowed to enter the theatre after tiie party had taken Somebody Stole the Army Mule "somebody ?.tole the Army mule yesterday, and all the kicking around that tha Navj goat got was liguratitc. The mule, the mascot of the West Point brigade, was peacefully chrw ini; haj in bis slall early yesterday morning, bu; between then and game time he disappeared and did not put in an appearance at the Polo I.rounds. < onseijuently he did not have the pleasure of kicking the Na?> g?>at literally. withou'. in u.g closely scru? tinize?!. -? into laugi tel end P iViWon smiled wanlv a'. a line in the ola readiest: "It's the .? cause half th?* world." Mrs. Gap oke and laaghed with the vi, f Ml Bl .1 hi* ? the pai ?.-. ii i laded Mr. and John A v -ni. Colonel House, .?? on, the Praaident's d Duvale, Mr. an?; Mr? ? Id Maloae, Ifargerj on, Mrs. Anna Howe, a sister of the P Anna ?othron, s d .-1rs. Jaraeex irmance the party left i? Forty-aixto eut ru ? ? ? eai 8,000 person ?s'il and eheered President Wil ? ?' m advance ?if the Secret Scr and stood on the sidewalk smiling unconcernedly as the guard ? i and forced the erowd back. Tl I? Bl WCBt di? rectly is. thi i silonel House t?s speiisl ? ! s ni?ght, Commerce Wins Two Basketball Games -.. thai! teams of the High of < 'omin. pai i al > i' o\ei Dickinson High School at the latter', conrl Ina1 night. Ii 'vanity team eontesl ths score was 28 in 18, Holinan making 16 points for the Manhattan school. The second team score was "1! t.. 11. the ladividnal honors going to Gers danshy, who mads ii points for the Commi Gaffney Warns "Kicking" Brave.? Th?- H?i*t..n Bl" tnctic* on 'he baseball tield durini easoa were criti eiaed in some onartera, will Improve their mannen next year if ('resident lamas i.. Gaffney hi? way In ? Utter mailed to-night tu every member of the ts'am under contract th? tive announces lus "determina? tion that the conduct of the team shall he above CI "Umpire k .- s thini oi l past. It i? a detriment i?> the* winnintr Bti aid, eonl -1 ? :v player who ia fined by an urn n mus? liny ins him ?,nc. I?: ! ils ?lnj S ii-.'io: ? ? will lary ounng that liosl." i the plav* crs that he would "hacV. them to th? if tnev were right and the uni piro Wrong, but iie expressed the that the umpires would treat the play* , ers properly if me* In the same spirit. Army Team the Stronger; But Not by Fourteen Points < ..iiiinueil from patte 1 played 'Oo?e on ?ieieice on third a m fourth do? adding ?? _? of de? fence, especiall) ? . pann? ing, but en the nr-st down he s'uek j elesel) to d the Navy quarterback misse?! -e\eral chain?'- I" tak' ?Advantage . pas? attack, used so largely in the ? second half. In one case, at least, when in Army territory, a forward pass wig! ! hav? ???? the first doun, at th? secondary line of the cadets srss ? akened ?:th McEwan up in his position. It *eemed to r*_ worth a chance, in an\ ea I toked. Ye? Fumbles Mar t.amc. In spite af the unfavorable condi ; anil the more or less slippery ball, fumbles wen few ?.nd far be? tween. One of three b] tha Navs v.a= fats!. v the v hole, the ball ?as cleanly handled, As indicated five or sis time phant ws. the outstanding star of the game. He was the one mu? only eon aistcit gro ? for West Point. He stooil up under the hard, vicious tackling to which he was ?ubjec pa ax. It aeei him jp. He was a* strong m the fourth period as he was in the first. and just as fast, ju*' This fellow must be considend in building Ill-Eastern and All-America teams. Cofln, because of his puntin?; McKwan. beca his clever defensive work; Captain Weyand. at tackle, because of his steadiness, and Redfield and Neylnnd, I ..f their general all ?round effect, venes?. dOSOrva met. | Crsig, in spite of hi* unfortunate fumble, *?*. by all odds the most con spicuou mat. on the Navy side. He was fas', and clever ?ri a br'?k< n field and played rtrongl*/ in the secondary line of (|. '?? ? ards, from ta? kle to t?.-kle, d 'Ver in com MI . .r '?[ i 01. w'egtphall gave early ndicatioi in?; a good g? r, bol ??? s sieht ?,f U of the la? k af J.r?.; I ^a?> I Bflala in Hard l.o. k. Dead -torat-r for Auto, s i moh?n m __%Tsm PIONEER Fireproof Storage Warehouses .7 TO AS i I \ I III -Il W I UK I | S I" II <> HI I M \ I N 1 !? S S fi e. M a ' a | lite u r_t**_< ' Wa' ri,;. t?Uue u . i.. ?? a* | good of the cans?-, got m the . I lay. On a h a ? wi to be a forwar?! pus- from a faki ; --. turf ? ? ? ., bad ? had to ?jo out more quickly than he ., - the hardi ? ?. ud ol hard lack. I- or three ?d" their color- on the Imtlle ed gridiron a- a fitting means of celebrating three well earn'' lor three rears boo the midshipmen have looked on with feeling! al in-, y. It was vowed last night that d? feat on ths gridiron must end. hap the vow will be kept another year The Navy goat has lost hi.? powers as a mascot. He had nothing ye?; rday but his blanket. The Army now leads in gamei the record standing in games to ''. with one a tie. I cadetf on an average were al? most two year- older than the midrhip men. The cadets, too, were nv I pern-need in football. Tiice f lingl cour.' The football season of 101 ."? - over. It has been a good season. Vale! Play by Play in Mudd Struggle That Drew Throng DespiU the Rain. ! ' I' ? Grounds yi which th<- Al*nf* ? " I ot n Captan W ey.ind of the Army met an ' kick-off. Captain M i lei ed Un ?Iriny kick? : raufht v. ith thrillini moment I hi by play ? . . . PERIOD i i ? ?; in Ohpnani - -. ? wrif l-led bad. . p le,I up, Westphal rippe, through the line I a fak I kick, ami then proceeded to tear off : neat little du.-h ? .:. ,; aroun Redfield, who wa- taketi out by Craig h ityle. Martin lost in h daah a McEwbb'b station, and von Heimber, booted a beautilul spiral to Gerhardt ? ed it clcanlv and twisted bad five yard- to the Army's 20-yard line i offii dove into the lme. but reb for h i'.-- of a yard, and Coffin puntei to Cra ?; on the Navy'i 12-yard line. Mai el he north stand aldaZ' with blue and gold when he got off ;i plungl 0 I I '?-? yards into 1 ?.,.!. Hi ? . Gerhardt, win. caught it on ne a hack '? vard ?' lut the hi ..-? ? he next p?a) i o fin I. ' on tb( '- l" vard line. The ball ? v and slimy b] th - time and * 1rs f hopped along to : he 5 yard line, where Neylaad fell "ii it, while the is tram formed into a billowing SOB of black. ;*,.'..I and gray "We want a touchdown!" roared the cadets, and across the 7 eld boomed the desperate "Hold 'em. Na- ?, ' Ho i 'em!" 1. .- ' well did the NaV) hold them, but i? .? too m.ich to aak. Ford contre of the '.ne for a gain <>f two vai he added an other l das] it <. .lman. Coffin found the way to the and turned back for a lllght i ierhardt was m doubt, and, '?? . plaj ..I ti umpa. He ealled on Pel ? of Keieher. itepped sway from Ward' desperate grab and fell acroai the line. Bedlam was let looae In the krmy '??a- Mill iincoii The ? . V f > ?i. ? n an.i ehanted ? Night. N'nvy," and " How the Army and Navy Elevens Took the Field ARMY (14). \ \\ V (Oi. Wl. Ht. Age. Player. Position. Player. \ge. Hi. Ht. 16.'! ."?.10 21 Rcdfield . left?end?Right Jehaaoo . M Ml 169 200 6.00 1*0 Jones . Left?tackle?Right i.ilman. . '.'0 .'?.11 1S7 192 6.01 22 O'Hare.. . Left?guard?Right **mith 20 .-,.10 199 192 6.02 22 McSwaa... (entre (.?.??Istein . Il .VIO 171 17?S 6.01 21 Mearham Right?guard?I cfi herrher... 19 8.00 is.', 197 6.02 U Woaiid .. Right?tackle?left . . Ward 21 .'.10 177 170 6.00 2! Neyland Right?end?I.fl Vonllbgh Hi ?.01 ihO 115 .'?.07 20 l.erhardt . (Juarlerback . i r.?ig 22 Vu?; 117 171 :,.|| H lord . Left ?haifha.k?Right . Wcslphal. 2(1 ...10 IM 16! :..07 22 Oliphant Righl?halfback?left Davis .'<) ."..OS IV! M.2 Ml 21 ( oflin Fullback Man in n .',.09 161 Average ?eight ?if \rmy line, IM pa?da i average ?eight of Na?> line, III pounds; average WOighl <?f Um? bachleld, III pi'imsl*: average ?eight o( \a?v barMield, le? iMiiiiids: average ?eight ol Urn? team, 17.", pounds; average -?eight ?>f Saw team, 171 pound?. scori; n. PEH10D8. \rm>. . "' 0 7 0?11 N.s... 000 0? 0 lourhdo??ns for \rmv?Oliphant 11), ?.??al? friso? tSHScMowa?llli phant (.). Substitution??\r?n> : Kir.t half ?Mil. In II f<>? I <?r?l .it left haifha.k. Ses otsd half?(.oodman for M.Tlwan nt ?entre; Bretton lor Redd? Id at left ?nil. lullv for Neyland al right end; Holm? s tat Men? ham al right guard; Parker lor Wevand at righl ta.klc Substitutions?\,n-, : Second half?I ailing for l?;ivi- al lell hull hark; (tlodgrll for von Hrimhnrgal lefl end (upturn M ,< * f?ir I ailing al left halfback; (Irr for Mile?, going to ?,uart<-rb.?eh, kvHk I IH?| moving out to lelt halfback; Jackm.n lor Johnw.n nt right end. Ofti.iaU-Referee. V S l.angford. Trinity: umpire, I red Murphy. I'.r.w, llMoaMMa, ? arl Mar?hall; I.. I.I judg?. William l'un?. lime of game? Two ?,YI.??k, on the Polo ?.round*. I m.e of pen???!* ? I if Ircn minutes each. THE ARMY RAMPAST AT THE POLO GROUNDS Oliphant alen' to uo over the line for the first touchdown Sfefaurt the Navy, ir. the first period. In the Wake of the Ball as Cadets Triumphed Over Navy CRA1G, 01 i Mi NAV*l blowi ? by the Nav; p .-? ? 'Unde . nd il '?? ?? ?' ? ered b* ? land. Oliphant long to i. when ? i ? Martii toi ' ?? "ne .ard i but VVi phal s tched on thi mberg then punt? ed to Gerhardt on I be Ai mj - 10 yard line, and he got -.ards hefor? he was toppled. The army punt.-.I al OBd ,Cr 'tie punt and being ' i , rae Intro ? ? ? tins the i gain ( Flo -In .I a th sui ? . . ? ... ,, The \ licked out the ? i ? ? baek twei Pord three ' -An punted o r the goal line. The ball ? ? ' he 10 Von ? I ? ? ? : n -,. i. ? I . .| line. \ ren picked "|T. ? the Navy'i i after . ?? i o Gilman fell on the ball A couple ^< exchange? ? and ti ? ? ded. RCEOND PERIOD The start of the v coi d pe? BVy with the ball, with the fourth I ;, ard : tO go, and the hall on the Navy's 26-yard lin* Vmi !' to the ? . the Arm'.'? rd line, arhi ? toppled in ? offin ed to Craig, who tumbled, ai -I .< aeyed man fell <?? the officia v bron - tn to i the Army's SI ;,.ir.i line ? ? ? game, bat th? tin ittai ? lived long < i _?. ,, line, i pe. ? ? ? , . ? . ne. * ? - - \ ? . . ? ? f rg dunted. I over thi Im". Again the be the 20-yai e. I - ? ;o<t i ighi yards, ami ? oflrlri ..?eke.I to ? rail on I he ' line and ii.- got hack ten yard ? pe i The Na- ?. ?' oii,,| it hard to gam. hi .? Von Heimba ted to ? Hipbai I 11 ? ? .. th . : irdi \ cf th. it the ru ??i. bBl their tackling was .,tr??. ml actually lue'?...I Bad? ?. ? rushing indii I knottier ? aault 01 the Blue in,?- was mm peo Oliphant the Hero, but Ht Was Strongly Supported at All Stages of Game. Cortil i . - the Na ?. 'i : lit!? got I I ' | t,;.-.* from \ i \ on Heimburg kicked. Thi of the ball ai '.. nrai tried, "ne p.. . bul ? 11?ii* ' ?? ' ?sini 'hi n 'he half ? ndi ? ! ?The da the field wa nol i ? tions Rollicl - ? i t b i ? ? de prr-iiic- - ? itingt ? 1 BIRD PERIOD. Oliphant - the caica, ne plunged along like .? real '->ai lord to mi before he a ? pad. l'ne line bnek failed) | for a forward McEwaa, the Army centre, raced back and int? l i and gal? loped hack thirty yard- to the Navy'l ird line. Coffin rammed the line but IB and then ( Miphant an the Army into the line, running with hi* knees high and body low. banged In. waj past Gilman and si?. loa n tha Held for the Man ii hurled himself al his ? . ighl along in li 'iiIke ??? Malay run amuck, until ii" In-; he crossed the goal ii?- m tin ball dowa. He ? md I Army, I I vv.i- again in I rig "ii deep rhe tones in 1 he loa er ? i. csneciall good And the bn - gier *?.c!!ici| to he inspired .. ded "Inn-." The Midshipmen re plied a i'h a Outburst of cheer? ing, and then sOBg "Good By, Army lira;. I . ling vva? t'ntown into the battle on th.. Navj side, replacing Pa-, i*. lie ? i ii ? i k-olf, and ? ? .1 back to I line, where Neyland itoppod him. Neyland twisted his mikie end ?vas help?-?! ?>iT the Sold, anil P. p I ed in!?? the battle. One line plunge failed '<> gain ground, and Von Hcimbura punted. An Ann. wnrd broke through, and hurried his kuk. Ills' ball n.'vv high in ?lie ,-itr and gaining only twei An eiehangc of punts followed, 'he Na*. :? "H 11 - o?, n line V-?n Heimburg pii'ite.l to thrown at once. Prom the stands it seemed ti though id signalled for a fair catch, bul the official i ule * Hiphant then gathered in fourteen yarda, ainl the Middies ?rere penalised fifteen un. After b lil ? tack had railed la produce. Oliphanl bach to the 25-yard line and tried a goal from placement. The kick id, but he recovered the ball a: d daahed ahead to the Navy' yard mmk before be aras stopped Mitchell, who replaced I'ord for ?he Array, got four yards through the line. \ ick -? n smeared, aad then .? intercepted a fonrard pass Voi Heimburg puntad a* oaee ts Oli ? ran from W-yard '.. the Mary's 40 yard mark, but trraj eras penalised fifteen yards ? don n en the Ana) ' t line. Mitchell sms lied through ior nine ? ?' . . i pp? i. Thi?* ',-a? a monumenl t.. ?he went ng of the Navy line. The., crap pled ? . ner, holding a beul tin ihouldi - ? Ij helping ?long i? p .ded in his |. llled along for taealers Hiphai ? A touehdov | -cored. isnt ??. e tphal stopped ths march * en be ? forward as ths i" ? od 'ni ?TH PERIOD. is rap enveloping tha Held '.'hen the ball ?va? placed ..n '!"? Navy's 17-yard line Tim! ihe .riler to play irai issued !'*? <? ? ? ? ' ? i? .. tore th?' light-- flashed, I patch in the fsig aad driz .. elad ead? ' in be? h s ' the pi?? - *Tiii ! said thai those ?rere the candi? al the arake ??'" Na i?pan, :ii"i no ana ?iuarreiie?i with him, On 'he ?>*? plaj af the ? Martin hi! ths liae for thr.-e bal Craig fa ed to gain al all \ on Heimburg then punted ta oliphan?. ?ho famhled, bai an Army man ?as on the ball. After a line play had failed < raig in : terceated h Ism,' paas aad run from bl I huh M \?rd 1'ti. to the II yard mark. I ?here Is- Bras I. n .??I Minier a pile of lacklei McEwaa was badly hurt m this play and was helped off the lieb Craig ran two yard- paal .lone?, and 0 the next play Coffin intercepted Craig pass, but gained nothing At this jum ture Steam Rollei Hank Blodg tt former star of the H gh Bcho .1 "' Col merce, ot tin- city, wai rushed into tb trav, replacing Von Heimburg sl lei ? sa Gerhardt at one- tried the newcomer s Hank imaal ? d ?piinters and na in hi track . and ? ot' m kic formation and ? raig oi . Forward hard! came "??yard line. The Bine '? again-t i line " led. I ? a On the iir-i play Blodgett -ho' beautiful forward pa i to J on, wh had the ball right i i -? ? in? ?lorpped t, the north groaned. Blodget' then sent a loin punt 'o oliphant. It was long, bl ? -1!. and the endl covered ! he firm) run ei ws - toppei i loffin loon nun ed, and ? resorted to forward passing again Blodg ?" | .lohn-.m. bul thi atter again droppei it. The official ? he Ai my tei rardi foi he olay Martin then hit the line foi .. ioai o four J ;. Miles Of t he Navy then go: :, .. the game, replacing Failing. Or the first play he fumbled a pas- from the cet tie ami turned ins . ? 0 recover the ha!'.. He WS the tield, and On took hi place. On played quarterback, and Craig at halfback. Blodgett threw another forwaid pa?-, an : thil time Martin, the Navy fellbsck, wonderful catch a- lie raced. Two more forward | ? .... grounded and Blodgett sent another long punt booming down l Oliphant wai dumped hard right where he itood. oliphant broke away m, BBothoi run of twenty-five yards. He picked hii openings with uncanny skill, and with. tiff aim- thri - right and saving them clutching blindly at Seeing ? ? toward the end of the game the Savj held foi dowaa on it? own 20-yard line Blodgett had punted far down the field time wai called, and I l sea?on wa- over I ?.-??-_ Quakers Defeat the Englewood Eleven The Philsdelphis Cricket club de ? eated the Engte rood Fi Club .ter team yesterds; to n. The li/.iur.- .- -.,.,'.-lied n win mug lead earl-- in the game, H. Diaston scoring the firal point and I. D I ? the soeoi d Tl ral i the i hiladel phians contented ?? ?th I de S polie?, B ful in keening their o?? . . ? ? ii ?; i: i: i. it L ? ., ? i- <ii i. :. : i. ? ?i ? l n . . i I ? \ a .i . i ? T.ii. Hall m -? Hoppe St.-.its Tour Well. v .. Hop:-. ? ???id*- ha iard champion, ?.id Koj Vamada began their tour aril ime at the Jsmsii b Club. Jai ; ? i - and, last night. The i hampion ? "fair" sl rake, wini g st t by a score of 400 '." l:,.. These Middies Too Big for Submarine! Vnn.?polis bes not vet takei cogaisaace ?>f tee ?hange* in tin BBOthoda ol naval warfare. I'ln men who made up the team venter da> are inleiiigent. brave snd alto gelber excellent material fron which In mould admiral?, bul nui one of the numbrr. from Hlodget in .Mile?, could staad up straight lei sloes stretch, aitbaat pushing ? I cuuiile of plates mu ?il a submarine INJURED ARMY MAN MISSING AT FEASi Neyland in Bed, Skull Hun While Mule Mauis (ioat at Dinner in the Astor. WI idea aad the Arm I < . .-r the Navy tear ..nd it. ?_-?- t ?ere 'he gue ?- of, ball eathuaiaata at a dinner in thi I! tel Aator last night. Bobbj -x< ??mi w no was knocked out o ? ? ? third quar?-'! . ' I floors abovf B Ight fracture of tin skull ' ? - ?"?. a the doctor agi.hat ':<? has lufficiently recovera? the hote: mi , ent will give anothe ?or The doctora wbe ere sttonding Nej lay lu- condition is not scrioui ano that he will be out again after tWl days, lie recovered consclousaess < - ? ? 11 ? itely late 'n the evening and askec ? allowed to attend the dinner. It Itter to keep ii i in Bl . ?? FIFTEEN BASKETBALL GAMES FOR N. Y. U. Three Neil Teams Appear on the I isl Announced by Manager. \ ' P.ger of the New- York L'nivi iketball team, announced dula sat erday. The Violet qu ' ? play fifteen game-, seven of which will be contested thi home court at Univeralty He.glit- Three new teams appear on the I mheij'. Colgate and koch.? i itabis "ill pot be met, as in former years, because h conflict ???<. made ' ornell sad the Blue and tt te tean ( ornel ? etod. la ing fi o ': i material on hand Billy Lush a/ill produce another speedy ? Mr*! regu sri White, Cum- ng ami Krunich feld 'nave ihown up weii in practice. and OoggeU, la?t -n aril I he avail in of Cann, Egsn, Man? ad Brwif to the squad make- the ?uilook ?till brighter. The ichodule fi ' : ? ? tern Jerk: Orne* i IV( . ? . i . i.- ? . - ? ? . Vai ?. ? ? I'wblni ? ?- .? \rv> ' ' ' l a ? r. t*. s. v. e. r. x. 1 ' ? *w) n w?i ? a 'la' a' Stm ? ? ? it r i at n r?M ?i,-- i u The Mascot That Failed SOCIETY CHEERS RIVAL PLAYERS IN GREAT GARS Distinguished Gathering Included Officers of City, Slate and Nation. SOCIETY UNDAUNTED BY GLOOMY Wi.ATHtR , .Most Brilliant Outdoor Spec'a* clc* Here Since QrMlroi But tie Two Yen*. Im, S'atioeal, ?toe aad ... root n well as ? ?? ingto ?. PI I Balm i ?s". the Po ? BOO ball contrst. It v.a* the most distia - in or gain? ? ? it liisl have R I ' ? "nil. ' >ad ha | ? ? - ? , , A. ?:. . ? Jame? B. Duk? I B i ? ?? Aaothi - UB tf Mr. and ?I il s. H? Sbipmai t aptain and M H ?,, ? Mi Ha? nah VVi ? bo.*: an si Do? m ... . | i ? ??.n Mr. s Dai Mr. Bl i Mi. and Mra. J. I V ? - 11.,.- i (J Mr. ?!i san had s box, and h Cat Mr. and I' ! , . . tie;.. i ._ Mr. and Mr? ? i Mi. Bad I "ion? ore? Il'.'li 11 ". i .-taini. h h Ilelen .1? M is Betbet .s mil i.< ferty a?id hi r daught? - Mr?-?-*.? n. ??K'm. Oth? " s id ? man, Miaa Mads ? n? liT.hi.. James Butler, jr. Miss Msrjuentt Caporton. Mr*, r Haten, .. ? ?*. . Mr?. Oliv? i P? t ' " 1'ijdler Field Malone, Mi MartlR, Hi aad Mrs Rain r1 P Bra? m Ir. anil Mi i. Blberi H. Gar*. ?I Mel I man. Mori Im? r L U Oahora, James I -right V. :?? -on, Mrs David w*.g-st?f" l .ceder? Freling Mr?. Jamei I "?" ?r.d Mi? liessige T sVil I IB eri. ??rave?. Ml I ?'? in M ! I . ?'. , | ? Billiags, Mra. George >'? Mra. 0 H Gr?ner, Lieati Commander and Mrs (V H. Allen. ?' the League I dt he i Mr?. I) H. Altem . ' Ahell, ?.- "? pletoi i I i I I'ernoi , Lieutena ' Ti.s! Daniel A ?am II. Ag' Roland *j*? f Ira. S, Stanw<>od em Ha Mr. and Mr- w ? arson hat. ??? ud Mra. I- ?wold A Thompson. Frank -\ Fran? v A Bodlne, Frank i ?? and Mi** CURTISCAPTURES SOCCER TITLE Defeats Boys' High ?? a Game That Clinches High School Championship By defeating ! sided game hi ? terday by a Bean 'u' ti? High School of Stal ? *? the high school with a total of !?? i seven v ic?oi-ie?. tied once for n go I ?'.'?' and .'J against. The line-up follow?: - ?? R . Utpm...It ii ? ll Smltl . '? i? .-. . " It ..,. H .' ?il . I I. (Joel- clan l.etc. i'l - I . a>v> :? ' .... , . D - lie Witt < ImlOti wa? defeated <* ? ommercial bi I goals to 0 ' ' nrw game of the day. but II fact that the Clinton team it onl?. eight men. later played ?*??*" ?"." and ... half l ni?bed ?'?JJ ten. arheraaa Commercial hud "?'' ? elevoB, i , ?? The game wa? protested Sl ' ' n<0 The line-up fe ll ? ? I ','? H l.r? | . ?a???" ': i Vt.'J.ale . ? H ^.?.-a . la H --a . " ' ? ?' . ' n . I , 111 .?tull? ?n "i. -?na . a llr.'-a-, l?l. ? - - .'s,?? . .sumar I. IL'"?-? \? ' an.) K..'?f?i Tlm? liai? ?f '""** ??"???? j