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FIARSTON PLAYS BRILLIANT GOLF AT LAKEWOOD yttsrol Captures Chief Cup by Easily De? feating Steiner. DOES not LOSE HOLE IN MATCH . r. Russell Wins Second ltd Eight i rophy Without S-gfafi*. i Club. i - ? ? ? ca; ? ? a bal' , him ve lie ,."?e wa? 7 n? I r. I third .:?? ?t ' . I i do to < ? red a H? ? ? al th ? i which mode - ? . ? ? ' ' - ? .1. - ' Bads th?; .. . ... : i \ ? ? ' ? . i. . a 4 ?'? THE ARMY'S SIEGE GUN YALE PUT OUT OF SOCCER TITLE RACE Quakers Carry Fight Throughout and Win Handily. I ; |m Haven. Nov. VI, Yale was elini ? i from the race foi th* ipionahip hare tins afternoon by Pennaylvania The ?mal seen aras -i to 9, m favor of the visitoi , Pens lylvsaia i ;. into Isle territory mo-: o? the time, und bj ? ??! dash and t* an :? bj a on the The Y,-.\ g.I in : ? orty-?vc mil only one -.oui v .. out three shot the Pennsj three . but tWO t ? ? ? ich H .;.,, . || . -I |l ' I '' ?...--mini I !. la Mit). I tur ' : .? fl\? I! I OLIPH .NT, v.iKi SCORED ALL THE POIN1 s FOB HIS I EAM. Columbia Hopes to Play Army and Navy Elevens Plan Calls for Game wit One of Service Teams in This Qly Each Year. - - and Navy wh?". t? am ? ? ? ? ? tor thi : te eleven ? broached. that Columbia -? ? euatom ?? '.. ams nol to play games away from | t I ol thorii mount - .ill tie taken vm wil I. Whether an effort nil! be mod? (feet for 191 ?-.-hd leee, e,? ?,i, . *1 to play the Arm- el? Wes1 next fall, and i*. considering the n Host of Stars Named for Six-Day Race at Garden Annual Frenzy Will Get Under Way When Next Week Is a Minute Old. ? trod in %'? the lore (?sr '?n run " m tb? a? a fo'lowing of ? isands . . ?it dur i ? i ? r ranee. BMSny, r , ?? ' ' fr * ? ? ? ? -IX i ? d (ieorre ****"' ? ?.Voh! !* ^-'*. I ., .-, '.-.? S lUwrenei ?Vt la'' ' '" C?* ? ?? d Jake ?w**" -e?, are rrt " I SP '?Ha*' '' ' *"*??*''' a^y? ? j- ?v:th ' I?r W/"*"' II and ?ithai ~? ??siiUs. lh? aauiiuB mi _W| and the signing of ? With ng and teaming, two drawee change ? man Kelsey. of 1 ?al (ycli aoaeeiatien, ha- ? the coming i . ?m,. ?? proper ; hable to a h< ?' . extra pi ? pular l??t roar, --?11 l.e coi It wearies the ridel i, bul the *? inning- to . gi ?iid, the progl sprir ho ran ohT, Ther? le amat?ur hnadlcap. s entries I .IV. i . i ?tl. b big entry li?t. I i , and mile profet,. has prizes for th?- w || -.?r of eacli lu| || .ge a dissy pa? ? ? A? *he li:g f" t. ........ gramme, a thriller has bean am ? ??..i paced even i with tiie fisur giMtte-t paie f... ? ?orld entered ! ? eea me Bob A all bOB ' , ( t, r '-ire ' ;i i ?? , ' i. .'.hi* .. -. ?t befoi ''>.ir motei arlth pace follower' hooa leaa a ? a?;- n 01 i are also the n ?1.? world In their I ae, and nelud ? m Rudden, Jimmj ii ,? ? rein f BSaa '? Ct -1 I? r. Keli . s'andirig for the -,?ai n in.,?... ? and finds thai Linen now lead' v. He. by two i" ? . lpt1 m'? ?..r paeesl title Satin.|i g| ? ?.ven' in?/ riiatigs ' and decid* ?he rharr.pi'.nship In Wiley'i favor ? it will he th? Us? tree) -.i the hind I ?i-riof the ?sex. . Columbia '? ? proj . ? ' ? - - . the ; \ .... .-?',. v . . .... play an op? ta the then - thi \'ii? y team ... ? tnna] played Pi . !vania ? ? ,i. h would not '"<? benefit e ? ? ga' ere played, ' 11 lit I' V. n . ? ? ? , ? Btl : ? ? ? Arm-. i ???ich.?.! upon i But Colon , - forward :?? . eril than 'ha: of this ? .- ? gams ill be thi ; ?? in" 'ei. I ? esaon s . - 11 ;. v. pact everal | ? ? ? th Saturday of ? leto one -... ? '. .'?.'??'? Vorl. ..i. a date till und? e ded, B If Brawn were willing te . lb Columbia, it i? probable that uch a name woul .1 .ire. W 'nether Brown ?voulu be ?filling to i>la; annu .. -? ?on, ble ;ha* if the financial Dgh thiat thi i '. in-ill. a v. lured < .' ma, i" ?mu ? . nstate. Ki indie.' I ?11 be ut Agi n ? eight ...- i ? '? : . not eel ' olumbia ? ill mi el 3i . ? i irai '?'? , Bra SeatOfl Mail Five Off to Good Start O rang I . Nov. 2~. Set on ll? open? etbsII ason here l, .;: itbbing Cathedral < to Id Ban) the vis r 28 1 m Hal . r. . m ..r u.- .?.._.> ' . i .. '?' i. . , . ? I ?? ill. Mi ? - ' ' Bin**? ? I i awii _?. t_g- m**\? --?*? *** '-?-'-??- -a. SURPRISES MARK DAY ON ENGLISH SOCCER FIELDS Preston North End Defeats Manchester City by a Single Goal. '-'.. The Eni num? ber of ? startling ?Wing tha defeat of i Freat en Norto Kml ? their nrs? mon. .?con I ? . ? top? a th?, tabl? Bi. 01 ' mor? tts Connl tioi For??t 1 ( ?impl?te ReaaltS?Bagiiah Leagues. Mil: ' ! . ? i (ION I \ I I I VII1U A\H Bamaisf ? v .: ? i - - H ... I l.iiMs.iS I ? I ? . .? I I i s -i i ?ox ? rilr .. ? H 1 ? . I . SI ? n<?\ H ?h. . ? i I ? ?? ? T' v . . ? * ? T I ? ?? Ils , V I I. . ' . l'a I n;:*- ,, Unie.*h . , T III'. V I - ? . INI) 81.* ? ,'< ? i : i ? ?Ils I II I I ? ' : 1 I s s :?..?? 9 I ? 1 * .. 4 . I ' . . ? .'. ' ? ? M I ' ? si tt ? v : ? . ? ? n - . 1 -.. ? i ? I * s <e ? ? I. 14 12 ?? .11 li ' YORK RYBURN SWELL THE BEST AIREDALE J. VY. (iillis's ?ntry Carries Off Chief laurels at lhe McAlpin. ? ote K.t. '. -' i hampion Verk irn Swell, owned bj J. W. Gillia, Rocheeter, -1 ? adjudged the heal ; he ho ? ? the liredala Tern-: \ ?, ? i, which was held :?? * laj In t'ie ?-.nier garden a.ul hall . ?- ; ... Hi ? ?. Never bo* in New York ha-, thil bred be?i. II repreaented. I'?ig* from Canada, Mexico and England competed. York Kyharn Bwoll alao receive! oiher boaora, is* ho vrai placed ? i.sige ?las* ?if opon doga, th* " ;:"'ng to ' aptam Norman lac r's Douiile. I'm* dog is owned by an English officer who tationed in Regriaa, Baakatchowaa .i rived Ii Nop Yorh reeti 'morning, ?fis r ha lag travelled !?40 miles. ? s. Imported i - d th? bitch elaaa. This urai | Chesnc} Cherry Circle, .? big English r, aad an animal which has tal?en every h??w ?n - hirh i? im . sited The re ? to ?Theodor? H OsYeneaa'i Tart r,e til H Johnson, jr. ?rn?-:*'' '" ?JOB BpprOi al H. ' ? >en It.0 BBd M** I ' dog wen . i Ibited, a featara ??f tha I I lhe waadei ful ?oeeei i at* I ) latead 01 A mer i can brad ammala. MARKSMEN DEFY RAINY WEATHER \ !.. Rauuey I*? Hivrji Scratch Gunner uith a 94. t?as of the Army .ir.,1 Navy U game, ard 'he fact tha: it was a rr.iser tweni ported a*. *re Travir- Islaad ?-:?; the New York Athti estcrda; I "he fin?! Satur it eentred pi shoot for thi and es. In the former c e: I legl were scored ?v .. A. snd W. B. Luekett ree in a tie along ??? ?h K. I'.. i'hree con lesl wen v.nner EI. "i ale. Bis eimr ids n - .?es in ?? e || tot for thi rbey n.ere W. .1. Smith, C * .-?. -I. I. Bran C. .'. H. Lawrence, W. R. Dele hanty and V. A. Baker. Hach was cred ? ? ? ? . ? ?Vit e except BS made no difference. te n tie for the ? ' ll. Martin, W. B. 0| id G. J. ( arbett. The -i 001-off ?? v.en: ?o the last laer. eo ganaei egi rere W, B ' - snd i: R, Doth petit ion for moat ? ? 1 ? -' . ? ? w i-: ' i ? ' sev. IF ?'? Hesaian and ft*. H. ? .-ore? of ? targets in t at the ?ran? \ I R ?ras thi gunner, tal g th? i af s possible IM I i ii diesp gunner W. H Luekett. :?:? \Y. I.. : on the firing lini ? t* pi i.-e ?.?. tl e 21 V. |[ Yule w.'h a 22 out of ' POI _-? Montclair Golf Club. tlthouf ? : ' . ...? | ? ?? rts did no a .ff of the week ? ? j. <? r. I with a card o' l?? .- Because of the conditions a ret irned. More Neutral Reo:ers Secretary of State Lanaing ?mi Mr*. Lanaing at the Army an?! Navy game. PORTLIGHT h Grant i arid Rice I he End and the Beginning. ) i I t* tin lati gam? ht ? si / ? ' ? r/iel th? .-"''"'i i-- ?/o ' i t.., another gear; i > fool ti fat?h**d O im mu pu rnhle ' Would that .in, art right bat yes sra sol /; |*01 . ? iirrr I'?." thould havt you,- ?art examined; \ I to gas.- ? / /?'n. gas o., rithei Hind and deaf a, . ? - <?, ill tarte, Ii ?/un think 'in ssesoM is et-er "e*l a Von otes Thai Piltaburgli ia champ s (Ir a !'?''? Univ. man libel ' 'enieH /.?? X'unbrr Ot* : Or a Harvard mes that Cornell had Ti t hotter team; Or muggeal thai Mohan ia s greater guy Than Bam th ii,;- ?<? ;?.-'?(. /?'., football -?? ? "? ?? fast " ' ' ' H'..''/i(/;<f',|,.-' .' -? i ' -i be git i ;? ? 11 ? ? ? ... ? ii > ; ? i it Pn a? you might .-:..-. ? sited State?. Bal even the pn i-nci of th' rii.,.|';it cm'; make a good galBC What Do Your -,i: ju,i abat ?!" v., i make of this; Pere? Haught Haught? !'? Tum Shevlia aai ?mong those, etc.. who sa-. trmj diapoee of thi '?? " ' *"?*??*-*?-* "! ?'',:i ,uck t0 m> opinion." sad Tom. "that a football ByStOS* partaat as many believe it iv K I am to coach a - Ufa the best men and give the other fellow the heel ,,,r time Ami if he beats mc Til nhale t-.e football they plaj ? i. gatas with." .. ,,?? | . dial fast, si M - is? Pi I ., that lasted IM hours. We'll award you one ??,... -,, to what they talked about in the fl chat BSd spicy repartee that followed. Oolj :1 ??.. i,. aswei ? at.I ' i r three-] ertaia i,. rt The Armv - ? "?'' Na*> *** raaeleg sp is last period a m.tter of M , .luucfihg from tin? thi NS bad - - ' '" ' *' *** ?*??''? i- iclectiag our sll-star teas? of resterdaj ?a iaadvert rr.ilv left off one ef the best of them all Henry W. H?hiae Cea, the roted llaceeeeer, who ha? thi . -fence ??-aie ll ? forward BOOB ever de?, ised. W? 1 he BSriOBI ' ?' m i-take. -, .. . Botbell's Isadiai , ,.| i. to?i yesterdsj fr-m b - West \ n 1 isdel, ?.?here he has be SB CCaSChlag Als fall. then may he halfSS ? ' ? ?? I"*?1 :""" M';" tUn ,,; OliP ' ' S? ?"?' ?*?*' **** tl,P' ha^tl-t ? ' ,r, this section fora num.-er of yean In hit! . .. ;. .? . ,,p0i?,b!e to distiageisb h,m from a 12-iaeb sh* in I'nv 7a>utl . te. 1'i'e m< ? ? ? mittrv ?ill be the one if there i- one ?a!-,, ... ^ The Next ^ ?i!e Coach. ? .m- fot i ... porstelj on. mav I Bah If . ?! call r?g in ? bat I friead Mack osen '.' Surely the 11 i I ;-? ? - ( 0 It of a 1 ?' the well km ' ? i. ? i'.v not it up with ? fulni " IVe gotta de I ?n mske ti interest -, ?. ain't w< ! SEWELL FORD I Tne fact that Cornell beat Harvard with Chuck Barrett OUt of the game during fifty-five minu'es of play is evidence ? nough that Cornell had a regular football machine and BBS that v?,..; not dependent upon any one s\n I he VX inning .Machine. ,'nn was among those who obi rved ? ie Cornell-Pei ? Irmy-Navy conflicts. ?ml one backiieid -???- *,, carry the e others a ii- up a winning ? mell a-, i Hai rard ha I the ? v. nes and the ira in Barrett ami In alabea rhey not only could g il ea ici r backs to work. Maulbetsch i to work 1 lahan nor Hui retl WO ? , Ivaatage." Job for Mahan. ere Ned Mahan will not take up coaching after If Mahan is uncertain about his future he should g? upon the stage. In addition to proving hirr.?.lf B great football player, he proved *o be almost a? groat an , ? -hed actiag v ? Mahan rose to great : i pi cm sad act 11 went through his sert 10 well ' as frequent ! and tackled -hen - -a- nrryiag the ball twenty -, ? ni - ? a i ' tl >? Spring Training Heai Pord ?joes a 11 i .pe he I ?? ? me ? New li..- ? | Mich, and Phila ?'. ; i ? Pel 'i. V, ho Goes Next ? '.'.,< health) dent m his football ? when he .eh Yale in 1910. Howard Joni 1 ?ran made good Bl euae, *< "k ,;-. and thereby dropped ? 1001 coaching fame. Pranl ii ? hey follow? d , . . i . I of the glorj ; i-.- job of essebiag a Yale ei.-.en doe I S trench inn machine gui Ire and Met a i i If Mi. Pord ban- Chi ****** "'*?' ' ' ' ' ' '?' together. Bu are would Fast Basketball Team at C. C. N. Y. , proipcCtl 'or a strong hashot ball team B< ? ' ?? I "f *** r,;>' ?f Keu Tori ?r?- hrightat ?hai they have been for the last three reara, lor the last two month? the team has been playing the BtfOagOOl ?"??'' available. The competition ha* 0000 M hOOl lhal Palmer, the roach, has been unable ta make selections, although Leftkowiu aid Captain Joe Drake mil he seei at guard and cditre. respectively. The schedule eoald m '? he with ? a"'- i r"ireton an? Daitmoath an- a!r? .? ired, Bl ? aith ? olumbia. Tli- schedule follows: < sas i- i ? - ? ' ? , . - s I, ' ,1 i .- ? ? i ? ' . H ? I i.|?.r.. . -. ? , . I III?-.. - . ? 1 \, , Us Latwsatw. ai bin? Six-Day Cyclists on Way to New York .'. rai??? h. r. ta pr<? grmd which be* ' . on Square ??arden on hrer Lawsoa, (?cor?; ? ? ' ?d Harry Kiiiser. who qui! Chicago lace bef?te the linish. ii. ander susper ion by the Nationri s ng A lociation, but hope t?> b? raina ta ted for the Now Cork race, The] ; wore among the ri?i?'r- to make tlu trill Has FEDS NEED A WINNING TEAM IN NEW PARK Outlay for Ground So Great Jitney Ball Will Not Pav. MUCH MARSHY LAN MUST BK FILLED IN Rumor ??! Peace in Wl'k'? I ?Peace Ship Ha> No I .: i [?, Moating li Bateball ? ral Lea -. . in thia city, bul ? aad if 1 Lall will to patrol I ? ' league piicei ?ill bs imperativ: It 1 outlay of mom II ?Till.. I in (he journal ?>I . - \ have to bs- bail! up aad mai il i ? I mill have will prove to Li.' Bl .ill COmpIci the] . ,i.'ii th? re i Mr, ?iiiiiT." anaaaacad that it ?*> , modern in ? plan be carris'si suit ' ?rill entail an expend! ? ossiiie The salar;. h?t of a big league will approximate 1100,000, and the ffl IS hav?. the .s \ ., - .. -m ? gl major league combinai ??ni. Travelling expenses ??ill ap proximate an additional sin,no?.. B.OBg with the curr?"Il ? ? I " mahn a total arhieh might . - ici ieel ' ??? The aaeotloB whim , "?Will the Federals chaig? i league pi.. es, or arill 'he ??ta? ?. poli - h rough *" A w an ing I It 1 pries I t'a;i< liisv. ? ."H'.i in pa) ??????? would I"' is. keep it - head she? i the ^ anhee ren_J 1,000 a year to pa P 1 s com* ?m g moue?, s.i || wauld seem I the ne", magnates )t;?\ >? contracted ?? ? * money in the fa?e af adv? ? re was a Bereisten! rumor sbou ? elared bj tha a s - ., d ? !'? H. John.on ? A Gilmoi sVeeghman would fall af Gal ; ? 'i ! coul_ no. be ' . much mystery on all mi.les. Il: B the weather prophet, i ? ?? l - ilence, ai d G ? l the vacation s - af i? man train?*?! in law. 1 therefore, no wa] rumor. A man a/ho insisted t; ,? Mid 'hat lle.irv Ford i ??? ponen' of pea.'e ami brol nad w.'M! ltd of ? h? I - |n I 11*004 . Interest of th?* th? I are equally weary of the war, h? ? that he would invite Ban .1" l ? rnor Tener, Jim G I ! ? Gerry Hen mam eaee ?hip. and when th? -ijfhT of land. that the pei gn? I Hut hi* anticipai will . lie woulil rn ? ' In . : ml is- ?I s. saau ' ? ?. ?? ship properly, pi that Colonel Ituppeit have ? Til's lions. Hera arks mon hie, for (ian ;. Hen 'ha' i olonel Rapport's ioatlj famed product was all right, only the work* d dl "t pop. He objected to < h:sr!e\ WoOCh rran'? sandwichea, for Charley i ?nigh butter on the brs?l. Go ernor Tener said that ha had nf\n_ been out of sight of lansl, an?l ' intend to star*. Smoky .Toe Wood ,s ?getting ready for 'the BOaaon already. Jo.- -i ? . rii the wooda, mall KHiiis'. il" reporta thai 11? i goosl condition and tha' he ia looking forward ta a big year Tiie Pacil ' ..? ? League has an? nounced that the first step in the long ted plan for retr? ??'..en. The .?alar-. . at '?i $4..*>n0 per month, a redu. if 1500 ;, month. Wo redi I mad? in the player limit of eig men The International League and A in". \ atlOB have salary Iim ?th, and are prr men. Harry [?? (;<"'', h"* hcen ,,,,<'l**r' ; professional for accepting his for plavirg summer baOCba men eould gal IM* ? iron? i'n,i be amateurs in skill. Avenll A. Rate?, a -' Peniel. Tex., ?a I? masrot to a big S IS S ? at he is luckier than - ago in ' Ms Bpolied ? ? ? tiling, for i ? It :? said thai the s * ? ? -?l. however any day ? !? i : mat s Pittsburgh scout ? ?able reaorl an, ihe famoo H .r._? i fullback, and tha? efforts w . I to sign with ? ?? I' for a? Everett Eleven Beats Waltham I -?on. Nov. 27. The Kveret: H | ,r . sd a succesi Eaal to-day by def? atin. Waltham High. The *csir.* I I \e\t week the team Brill go to ?i.-troi: to play the (entrai High M tl at < -it> KENNEL GUIDE ?i i ni S ? _4BKk i? ? r-iaii... ii a?-?? *>** rtmxim* . ,, s IP i si I l?rr*ls??tnas. rsts. _ _?st? Ws .Hi. si)?:ai? iStst? hrsast rsq-trsrt > Na- ???SB . ||:t t. l??'i Stfssl, N V._ H..??llns \U->>. ntlilsr?! ? V Tahl. Mfrs Kspalrs. Supplies Mars Hres 10 Union Pi.are. <Pt\