Newspaper Page Text
HAND-ZIP! $n,ooo GONE Black Bavi? Chock Full of Diiimonds. Vanishes in Wall Street. PUZZLE HAS $19,000 INSURANCE CLAUSE Stranger from Coast Tells Weird Story to Police. Who Cry ?Marvellous!" iterdoy's Me-,ir.c V?? -" ' ***** ?': ?*?? Clutching .. ; !icd from Benjamin i'1 ' atnond broker, oi he] said to contain V. .. ! t?*ftl' I hi myati hand Mec? : *** font: ?or? '?. \ no Kath frmi. ' : Dr. Wat-o-i. whose ted "Morvell limm i -inner of the .- i hoold ? Be .;. |U \ . ? ? th th.-m the . ? ; t fa police COO ?? ? v lay F? ??? Maidei Lone, ? ' i Sud ..1 ? ' ? : im in ?-. . . . . ? .... ? : called blaci; ? over and e tin., ere hur I ? ihetlicr ? ? ' hether - ftom ? ? rer had ? o cor-i - ' ? ; a or.'. I ? rti .i d, be known, hi* m oui w* ? ? i ? ? \ gi ? ? ere not ? had ..iv il wai leputy aid he wool ? ? f thi robberv . . witk nd a Ha?h of ' H ' 11, I tn not b] of the - ' ? IC say, and on ? - ' i Co ' elatch ' icha?ed ' MAILS ALMOST SWAMPED Holiday ?Xunh Coos? Cry to Keep Empty Sack? M?.vin(-. Washinpto-,, Nov. 87. rrnoo? quantities of tni.,1 moving throughout the countr>. which the Postoffice De? partment Bt1 -he progress ef the business revival M well a? the ap- ' prooehlog holiday season, have . OS seal to all post? master.'. "Owing to the great revival of bus says en official announcement , published '? volume of mail | has increased to inch on extent an to ? embarras* the department seriously in, supplying mail sBcks. It is necesiary sackl and pouehe? be gathered a* the depositories vvith a to meeting die extraordioarily demand for empty mail bags that 'will be made by the service ftoni now' until after ?he holiday .season. The! emergency which confornts u? require? ? that ever;, tack must be put to work ur.d kept working until the close of the year.'' DETECTIVE BEATEN IN RIOT ON TRAIN Attacked as Thief by Passengers When He Tries to Arrest Pickpocket Suspect. While Broadway, Brooklyn, "I.' ? wing 'he WHliomsburg ? he rush hour last nigh! n mie of th.- eoi tton, >T thi I pic', pocket undei arrest, va., mistaken ?" ..;:-, beat?n. Patten end in-- partner, O'Connell. had ' ? th* Army and ill rr:>tin- '-" pick un iumwi: incki ocket . i'-"' - wen dreeeod in old clothes, blae -huts an-1 ; Unable to detect any ero* -?-.i.ic. they boarded a Broadway ..'i i. i. Wille Avenue. The ?? ded ? the train loop .11 'i P ? cor ?md ' i'COnnell another. . . th?- incline of th? bridgi ? " ? '.o'.'t ' .i ? we!! ::. v. itii a raincoat act.. nr.n. i.. i- B, WOB jostling pOi -, i ; ? . ! - j - he sow ' I o1 " ? of th* ? grabbed the placed him under Hardly had he laid hii h? ? n tii.. man .'hunted: "11-"-- trying to rob me.' could move, ?? ? throwing ' ???? ?. Re ;' en again grabbed his pri'oi ? ; inching and Kick mi.- ni' r sin ro-.iiiiie t Women screen ? | lit for the i door-. The guai the motor ?:,Tht on the train, The : *nt th* train apead at full -, ? '?? neu '.'ne riot ? histl* ' ii ennell had worked hi? the ear. Pinning on hii ceman, no avail, dreu hii the crowd. The Mercy \ ?-.i realised ? .'uui d O'Connell th thi lu.pei . .??..-?.;..:.. ??' i ' . bli ? ding from ., : nd heed, wo? <>n th? floo?.-. The patro ear* and in a wet.'. on, carrying the ?uspect handcuffed. v the "th Braneh Bureau the man said he wa Si nuel Berating, thirty-two eh owner of Wirm He -aid he ? i lends m Brownsville when ! : rai held es s conduct, WOMAN HEADS TEACHERS of Her Sex To lie President of Middle States tsaoctotloo. - . n* i Advocate ion for women ? rorta; ' here te ' ?? bi d Pre] ? ?' ? Middle Stati ? ? a- presii twenty-nii ? ? ear of ? ? K. Puncheon, princi? pal of the <;-rls' High School in this chosen National Education A? tion, which embraces all th* largei ? ? ?ions in 'he country, saw in Mi-? Pune1-- ? '-n victor) tor women n the Dr A if Mere ? . nspector of high schools m New '.'i-rk State, wa ?? on* of the s-pn Professor Adam I. Jones, of Colum inoouneed that experl ?it Welleeley, Hounl Holyoke. ^i.-lith and \ assar showed that Indent? who entered b) > mad* bet ?*t record? than -hose admitted on pre ?y and high school certificates. WIFE HAS RIGHT TO DANCE Husliand Wouldn't Let Her?She Hale-s Him to Court. Mrs. Kimer ?isborne, of Mohegan, a suburb of I'eekskill, took her husband to couit v. ti rday to ?earn whether h right to dance. After :i* I a ball in Mount Ki"co, her ' her, ?he allege when she pleaded privilege, slapped - . I him to court, \- t ? ? ?? irned . be could dance. Then .?he of assault Ogoiuet her husba- d. He was found guilty ain* put upon probation for the next ?ix month?. "I'll done* when I like now," ex? claimed Mr- Osborne, triumphantly, ai ? ft court. ?WALTER LIPPMANN'S? STORING ?NEW BOOK THE STAKES of DIPLOMACY ft* Ike \utht,< m ?Drift und WHster\,' etc. $1.23 net. R LIPPWANN maltes a serious, constructive proposal in this hook which mi|*ht do aw*?/ with the prime cause of interna lational friction -i? . ?, , T.,,. ,?,, v.hi?-ii s.ii ??f iiv art nan rather .?.?i ?i,, m?tame ejtwpp?ie. By t?r Ms most - .-.I. r-ii?. Itesl r'.s,?i??i i?????k." /'s-r-r/ri Treneeroji Y,U I ll'J'MANN S INTERVIEW IN III!. MAOA/IV. -*i<_ii'?* sivi s ?SOME ili! a Ol Till. INTEREST AND IMI'OHANCI. Ol rtllS I'OOK. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY S?&S! CONFUSED BAGS ?HIT WEDDING PERMIT QUEST Fiance. 64. Gets Woman's Glad? stone on Quitting Train. Philadelphia. Nov. 27. A in<->?i<TH "Comedy of Errors," with two Glad? stone bags as the twin Dromios, To-diiy almost prevented Klwin S. Piper, of Brooklyn, from obtaining a license to wad MiSS Lillian B. RiggB, of 1H1 <;..'?>? Avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. Piper nlij-hted a* tlir* Broad Streit terminal. .. Mr?. Cecil (?riffln, of Ntw Yor';. Both Owned Gladstone ban? of the same pro? portions ami i? poaranco, and the Pull? man porter obligingly handed Mrs. Griffin Mr. Piper's. ShS hurrie,! with it to the Bellenjt*8tratford. where -.he beheld military bmshei and other se* ? essories ? ' be mere handy ' to o otan thai in. Th-? I called. H* found in -h Mr. Piper, which intimated ?' about *o seek a maiiiage lieon ? he rushed te the bureau, but found that I o Mr. Piper h.-i He hail beei *? cwp did -."7 li He h n riel 6 "Mr. Piper, Mr. Piper," h. ni'-nt latei there eomi Kigg? and i er : at.ct identified, the ! CI .nd it is to be hoped they will . i ver after. Mr. Pipei . a former pres.i. the Eagle Saving? and Loan A-socia t on. of Brooklyn. Re : ilsty-foor year? old. Hie Urs] *| 1914. M;-5- Rigg dry good TRIAL WILL NOT STOP h?SS FLYNN'S TALKS !. W. \\. Leader Faces Jury for the Second Time To-morrow. tter wkel Paterson SSltkOT* .?? decide about the I. W, W. in ?re..oral, and herse!*" in partic-iiar, .1 ' rial, m hich is scheiluled ..-.i. to-morrow, Kiizabeth Gurley will keep right on tall Bf. if ? ..? tted ? ? -:' a* Skoal i tks jorj *ensl ?u-r to jail th?* ?p.- nave to be post ? . ? for .f i: ; ? ? st ? : Bf ?" chai ? 'e? inine leader of the I. W. W. at her home, 511 Eait 134th Street, y*s terd*y. "1 think I'M get ? fair trial .-'.esa they try to 'railroad' me But it won't make any difference wh*t they do. I ?hall keep right on with my work." Influential friends of Mi?? Flynn hope that they may obtain a postpone? ment of her tria'.. Mrs. J. Sergeant i ram announced '-hat if it could be ad? journed W. Bourke i'oekran would help to defend her. If the case i? called to? morrow ?he will be repreier.ted by Henry M?relh, of Paterson. A fund of $500 to defray the cost of the trial was ra;?ed at a ma?s meeting n Paterson Friday, and the L W w leader? are planning to hold a similar ?.-athering here Thursday. Wealthy friend?- have sent check- and laborers have contributed their d me? for her ?????.'enee. Miss Flvnn --ai?1 with pride lay. MYSTERY PHONE VOICE MALLORYS, SAY POLICE Wife at Newark Joins Effort to Trace Calls. Relative? of Dwight Farlow Mallory, the Baltimore clubman reported drowned a week ago, continued to search for him yesterday in Jersey City and Newark. They were aided by the police, who are satistied that the man who telephoned to Charles J. Symington, a business partner at Short Hills, from the Holland House m New ark Friday nipht was Maliory Beyond tracing t\?o ts'\phone calls made from the Newark hotel, inclu.iing the one to Mr. Bymlaftea's kOMO, ths. Newark police were un.ibl? to g*t trace "of the movemert? of the man who mad* I the call? The second call ws? to Bait!? '. more to William G. Bofmaaa, treasurer of the T. H. Syaaiogtoa Company, deal? er? in r?;In .-, ai 30 Church Street. New York No one at the Holland Hou?e ?aw ! any man BOSeretiog Mai'ory'? deserip : tion. The message to Mr. Hofmann ?was that a "Dr. Smith" was ?peaking and had Ma'lory in his charge. It [ht Mrs Mollory, her sister and ! some friend? to Newark yesterday. : They took rooms at th? Continental Hotel to await word from the misiing [ man. Inquiry at the cum ' pany office in Newark. however, ?howed that the stronger, In cil Ing Baltimore, told the operator ht- wat "Dr, Mailory" ? .t "Dr. Smith." Thirty-fourth Street S. Altem Se dn. FEFTIil AVENUE-MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK. TELEPHONE 7000 MURRAY HILL Th.rtv ffr'tr. Street u perb Collection of Furs the superb collection of rare Pox Fu sai . eluded Natural Blue Pox, iiral Silver Fox,NaturalCros?Fox_nMi .-..ate wear; as well as a choice assc truer: of Pe ... or _n.civ__,ua. selection. . ; Seal Coats, Kara <\ Coats i Coats in the t _efl are ?f ?prone, tine tion in the ?isp-ay; i " ts of l\ cren's Fr?rs anc Fur Trimmi iff! very unusua >urc lined Overci b Robes, an? Rugs are also of notable interest. In ih-? J ?welry Srcti vn ; lite go..-. :.' is dis_>laye< ... . 8* Altman & Co. ?.ludet are -. ants. also rings, wit !" P r*ra" pearls, :.r. _:v:. _a . ?; : with diamonds? y set i im. Si?ver\vare s season, ;r. diversity of ? gr s ite rling dive ? 0 "v Ware af.r I t :; ecti on co itaining rnanj e .< sive patterns o? mix . o a -. Jic br-:' . ol t ' periods. The art:-; . ?Dut - er are aliso most inter?s . a ?te '; anc the enti ?: . . ... ? loteworthy for Its richnesi i care in selection? Ar. Exceptional! Offering r;: ?ay win inc.::(: ?. Mmatt & C?. announce the purchase of the collection of Ciovyn* and Wraps o? the Paris Couturiers C ALLOT, JENNY, DOUCET recently exhubited at the Ritz-Car.ton Hotel, under the auspices of Le Syndicat de Defense de ia Grande Couture Fran?aise. Reservations for Originals, or Copies, may be tnaue commencing lo-morrow (??onday) B. Altm-nn & Co, are displaying a M.d-season Collection o. PARIS GOWNS -'"'? ece? m other eminent French Couturiers, DntoCallotandJenny,Costumesfrom ? :?_. ?. Cie., Rondeau & Cie., Bernard & Ci?., '.?layer, Brte, Worth, Weeks, etc.; also French iers off distinguished modistes. ?f Ingerje from the Philippines Recent shipments from the Philippines inc.ude bei "v '>r.!gne_ arc exquisite.y hand-embroidered Nightrobes, Chemises and B.oom e~s ^ashioned of crepe ce Chine, the SI ~erwear from Man:.a be? lly new feature off the '...seasc. em '-?; ce-* .owers B The care ?be= stowed g out the small? est petal gives an unsurpassed daintiness t ..:n_ent. Broadcloth ( sponged, in ilack anc the desirable winter shi at the special; price of per yai .... $_.5G The vogue of this materia- fc - smart winter suit was never m pronounced. A Sale of Silk Hosiery FC- ." :? AND WOMB1 wi.3 be he?d on Wednesda !ce?m_>e: THE SHOPPING LIST Sett\mmmdtUa,wwaMaa? . $M0 Vtitwt Hock Beeai w*fc r-ii.ln._i I IMtsIss.$500 aslope B_f Of p_*.t lM*Sf. ? r-t -n s.?*rl,ng ?Iver . . 14JO Silk Brocadr Dssk Ssl . . 6.75 6 00 Fanrv Comb of rhineMones 6.00 Writing Paprr ?nd Envelope? (in ?orocco; nttir.y? " m -?r r Child, Bai,.??! leather . ? 0.50 Fancy Party Bag .... 3.50 cabinet) ,, ?,. . i 7S Ye?! Set (four pieces) let 6.75 Leather Calendar .... 0.45 Leather M B_ ( a?e. of seal . ? I?" ? ... OQS Cuff Links of Mother of Pearl, 14 kt. Sterling Silver Pencil Sel ( m Tro* pans '.t popem ? mvn . . , , , ,, ,i I SO ??*l?- Mounting? .... 3.50 Diarv M-n? J?*v.el Case of !-alher l~" K B ., , .si i !_.. Stud? of Mother of Pearl. 14 kt. Fountain Pen Tobacco Pouch of IsUMT, IBMS? ' 00 Bold mountings .... 3.H) Double Inkwell lined ...???*" ... 100 Tie Clasp ?f 14 kt. gold, green Hailv Line Pad Ke. ? ISC. ol leather -? . . s n L i i L _??( f"?-.?h.5.00 Desk Lamp L-athrr bound Desk (lock, *?'"? ?..ill Ven . Sra ?un-, Jacket 4 f*,, mam'* Bath Robe Men's Muffler of knitted silk , alendar 1 r.?\?*lint* Ba>(. russet or black j||||?M| Sihrtf Candleitick?. per Merl.n? S'Ker Mower Va?e"tlver Cigarette lase Merling SWtl PksW* I Stirling Silver VsnHv I SSS 7.SO Men'? Lounging Robe 7_? Men ? Silk Suipender. 8.75 Men? S Ik Half-hcie J.7? Men? Houie Slip?per? 9.0U talking Sbcfc 1.00 0.45 0.90 9.50 0.85 2.75 0.95 1.65 2.00 _ 1.75 .1.50 sM^ogwy Clock .... 6.50 1.00 Indian Head Book end? of Art 3.00 Brome.4.00 3.00 V?ate? Pitcher, Hith t.x glasses 3.00 8.50 F.ngraved Glass Candlestick . 5.00 Folding Card Table of mahogany 9.00 Mahogany Smoking Stand 12.50 Mahogany Candlesticks, per pair tal 'oirrv The lai ge menit off imnorted anc domes -essive of the most i ruh-. ...... p ..- _. . - ? . d corre. :re_ .-nan _. Co. as kuxurious cesk ,.-."? a id New Yea me.. . requirements off those g to sene aipproipriate gs. A*i Extraordinary Sale of vv ome:rsTaIlor-n adeSults for to = morrow ?ay), will t off twe ? 6 styles in Bn _ P'ain Moceis of / super:*)? m_:V.":a.c anc wo;'_cman -, . ?:?.?' ' ;; ;:_'.. Women's Knitted Underw nr t?:^ latest ? e n?w ' played In -J?. ta rttea far evening occasions, ?f ?et wear; in Bio? ' - 9f ve "?:?'.. o a?_? '*': c.aliy for skat: ?"??. _.__r . . X"!_'; ;_ ". - :.zz::r.- ? ?. ?_ . -,: . . : tiens ! va ?;. ; Sleeveless Vesta of wcc'. ani cot? ton; '.ow neck.(55c# Tights ? . - . cotton, white, '-'- i:''':" -' ? ;:-'' SL35 Combination Suits of wool and cotton:, :?;...' : ar.k'.e or knee ?length . ? . S 1.85 This wiii afffforc ar. : ':v.ase Hosie*-' quality, appropriate ''?. gifts, at much .ess --: regular prices. I_ ^^^______________________________________ , ma_n?ficent collections of merchandise, suitable for gifts. An Frustrated Hi. every sect.on o . . 'itore will oe ?jIMQ magn?iw??- --^ J P?n - s Special Articles will be mailed upon request. Attention is directe __ ?nmodiou; Madison Avenue Entrance to the Store.