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DANIEL BRADY HOST TO YALE PLAYERS Ball Team Hears Depew and Dines on "Cheese and Crackers." at. m r.j ? - - mbbbsb ?** Sa*a?l low ua? ^ ? ... i SNM Yale ?pint indulged in an old-fash? ioned revival last night. It twinkled from hundreds of blue electric lights. it waved in hlu> banni Yale cheers. Daniel ML Brady "Brass Dan"), a brother of "Diamond Jim" Brady, fathered thi? successful come? back. He invited team of 1915 and thirty or forty other guetts to dine with him <ti "a diet of crackers and chce?e" at Delmonico'?. The speakers of the evening were *'h*uncfy M Depew, Simon C. Lone, Theodore laatico 1 ;ko D. Staple ton, i Francis Murphy. Morgan .' O'Brien aad Loail S. '?' Yale baseball team loot spring. ?"A'i . : iid Mr. De *pOW, "wh.'i? : know] .?blette*' bar? no ?xistence whatever. Neither ?i d eugenie? Without that preparn ??- longevity it. is astonishing thsl here, right in the avvini. But I must ?ay that I never expected ? tl ?? true when athletics at Tale dependent for enthusiasm BB Brady. "Athletiee," continued Mr. Depew, "are a gr?ai thing to prevent our na? tion from becoming one of sissies and a. I don't understand these that the pacifiits ?ay. What .- a good, healthy football th* right place. r President, Mr. Wil?r.n, was eon lately. He'? all right now. but be WOS under the influence of Mr ! in Philadelphia one of those utterances which are so pe? culiarly W l-onian. He referred to a notion beinar too proud to light. Mr. Pouldiag, of the el*?a of '80. dis : the athletic situation at Yale, end plsced the blame for the recent dls aatrOUl football season on *he advisory ?ic commltte*. Among the guests were William O. ?'. president of the '?-ntral Rail? road of New Jei ?-v. .1 let re Vietor J ng, Frank Hedley, H. N. Hernp itead, president of the Neve York Rase - . Edward A. Mohei. I i!..- Third Avenue Railway Com and Thomas E. Murray, vice preatdeot of the New York ialison Com You will Profit by Shopping Early Stocks Are Now Complete 200 Women's Suits Taken from our Regular Stock, will be placed on sale MONDAY At prices so low it will positively astonish you. The lot comprises (iabardines, Poplins, Serges, \cl\ets and fine mixtures. Every Sail the very latest style and hardly **n> two alike. Colorings are Brown, Blue, (ireen and Black, from 12.50 to 55.00 Value, from 22.50 to 85.00 Fine Gold Jewelry of the hlfhesl rlsss Pmfff Brooches. Scarf Pins. Watches. Fobs, Vest Chains, Neck Chains, Gold Bead Chains. La Valliere Lock? ets. ?S'C. GOLD WATCHES, with jewelled movements &?*& t() 60.00 GOI I) KILLED WATCHES, from. *-MB to 14.00 GOLD BRACELET WATCHES . 16.50 to ??5.00 LEATHER BRACELET WATCHES ENAMEL WATCHES, with chatelaines and ?a*tarn Sautoir chain? . ******* *? l'-7!y STERLING SILVER and GUN METAL WATCHES . 2*25 to 9.75 LA VALLIERES. beautiful designs, in cold motintirgs; Pearls, Diamonds and other precious ?tones, from ??ai lo *?-W GOLD LOCKETS, plain; engraved and set with _ diamonds; sH sizes and shapes. ******** *0 ?*? './?l GOLD NECKLACES, beads and fancy links, ? ?**?*? from . 1.6,1 10 19.50 GOLD BROOCHES, exquisite designs, with diamonds, pearls, Ac, from. -? ?78 tO I /5.UU GOLD SCARF PINS, with diamonds, pearls and semi-precious stones . 1.25 to 42.50 GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS. 8.25 to 205.00 SEMI-PRECIOUS STONE RINGS. 1..35 to 15.00 GOLD SIGNET RINGS . 1.50 to 21.00 SOLID GOLD H.ANDY PINS, per pair. .90 to 10.(K) SOLID GOLD CUFF LINKS, plain, engraved and with diamonds ..... 1.05 to 62.50 GOLD FILLED AND STERLING SILVER CUFF LINKS, beautiful designs. .25 to 1.50 SOLID GOLD BRACELETS. 3.00 to 75.00 GOLD FILLED BRACELETS . 1.35 to 6.75 COMBS. BARRETTES AND FANCY HAIR HINS, ?n amber, shell, inlaid and rhinestone. set in platinoid. . .25 to 10.50 MEN'S GOLD WATCH FOBS, a splendid as sortment . 2.25 to 30.00 Thousands of beautiful FANS. .50 to 10.00 PEARL BEAD NECKLACES, facsimile of f-enntne . .50 to 12 50 REAL CORAL NECKLACES, white and pink rrorr- . ... 1.50 tO 14.50 REAL AMBER NECKLACES, irom 2.25 if) 12.50 Perfect imitation of AMBER. CORAL TUR QUOISE, JADE, i rom, euch.... 5q LORGNETTE AND LORGNONS.. ?OS to 'ISO ?st^iV^lM*n- " >"??' ? ?a* **** Women's ?Silk Stockings A lot consisting of plain Black, also embroidered instep in Taupe, Maize, Light Blue and _ Black, formerly 1.00 per pair, at. .75 Women's Cashmere Stockings in Black, Oxford, .Natural and White, per pair, at . .50 Six pairs for 2.85 Women's Cotton Stockings, in various weights, Black, White. Tan and (iray, per pair . Three pairs for 1.00 .35 Women's Merino Underwear I ir;,t Floor, opposite Mosterv. Women's Pure Cilove Silk Vests In White and ??ink, specially priced at. . . I . I V Women's Silk and Wool Vests and Tights, Regular sizes UM) |:xtra size8., jm Children's I nderwear, full assortment of Shirts, Drawers and Combinations, from. . .50 Christmas Cards & Calendars fjOOO.OOO to select from . . . |t to O-gJO Dolls, dames and Nursery Books Sunday Schools and Churches Supplied. BYoa?way.ftftion? 9ft? Sis* SUFFRAGE BOSS MAY UNITE BAN! State Organizations Discuss Consolidatinj Under Mrs. Catt. _ CAMPAIGN HEROINE TO RFXEIVE OVATIO Convention Will Honor Leac Who Carried Upstate Count for the Amendment. Mr?, ("arrie < hanman Ca't. 'he thi ? iffrOg* BBOI ? earn her title if the present plan? the '-? tote Convention through thi* uffK There i,r.- i'.Tl frage ergaaisatioae in Nao Tork, Mr.?. Catt it. to bo?* them all. call to the convention announce plan to eoosolidote ill ex:?ting BiifTi organ.zation.s under a ?ingle head, the head will he Mr?. Catt. The i ?mounts ?imply to BSafciOfJ | ermur the Kmpire Bt '? Campaign Commit in which all i!;e club? worked Bl Mr? ' iilt' . din i tion. Whin Mr?. Kaymond Brown nu )-,. | ;, . ? .."In\ -l.e will op? sneaking campaign which will toreo weeks, reverberating ?hrough i ?th'iis. There will be Are suffrage i ventions m three weeks. The I suffragists -v-.-?il have one, too, in Wi ington. Th* ?tot* conventions all c< t h i ?? week. New York. Peniisylva i and N??"? J******* begin their inn meetings on Tuesday. I . <? New Toril Btote Convention ? have headquarters m the bHllroom the Hotel A.?tor, the only place in city large enough to aceODlfOodat* 1,000 ?unregist ? whe will eom* from part- of the state. The campaign i hsirmen will be there, with of the campaign and reason? ? they did not or did win in their < trirt?. Part ef the boslnss* of convention will be to rook* tln-e ehl mar.ship? permanent bj changing campaign district- late Congresslo -, BUCh n- make Up tl - ganisotiom ef other political partie Heroine? of the convention will the four women who carried the s." upstate counties for suffrage. Tl are Mrs. Frank .1. Shuler. of Boffl responsible for < riautoua,ua and Cat rangos; Dr. Helen B. Oweoa, ef Itha who carried Chemong, Cortland f Broome; Mil '?> etson, ef Utl who carriel Fnlton, und Miss Le Btott, el Albany, in whose territory Scheneetodj County, which else gi the women a majority. The reorganisation plan will be i to the ? ' day. T will be followed by the dinner to M ? ?? \v. I . ?;... ? enlng and the el t ion of officer* on Th'! i Suffrage Asks Women to Aid Anthony Bi i - - i r..- . i Washington, Nov. 87. An urgent c I to the Bunragiatfl of the nation te ru to the support of the Soeon B. Antho ?amendment to remove from the bal th? "obnoxioui and unjust quolificati of sex" ha? been sc-i.t oat bi gre??ional Union. ? i) thousand worker? nn:i ?j pin ?-.ill gather In W , December 6 to IS, Inclusive, to make demonstration end :? demand "7i < o \- I hoay amendment, ? more than foar ?? ? be presented to t! and Hen t the Whil '? ' . of the Sei I IV? ll :? ' . . ? .ll make ;i strong effort to ;. him to gran' a hearing to Mrs. Sg bard Pield ?' Prona I the er.. convention ai San Pranelaea la-* Be ! tember, who will arrive hi-ro bv mo?. car the i Congi Repi ntative W< bb, chairman i mitte* of the llou ha? promit ? for ? ni til [The Pre! I ngaj ment with the i ongressional ? ? ' PRODUCED SHOWS UNFIT FOR HIS B01 W. A. Brady Tell? Women1 Press Club DeCCOC) in Th??tre Doesn't Pay. ??'.- with the drama is I enough," I an .'??. hnndr? men.' | . i critic come nui and B play is clean; that it is delightful! written and well BCta d It empty house?," lie continued "but ll -tory of th? ru woman by some scoundrel, ? n opium den, and - to it. || doee nol poj in the then' r* to-day. BOd I to blame "Encourage the drama, keep il clean remove tl - op young men am g women fron ? you would med U inn in your hon: make it pay, I ha\, produced playa ii ?a* own theatre that 1 would not lot ID ;, ! !' ? ? tor I? not to'blame. He doe? ? ??' get i A bu is tl. Isrgoet In the United ? i, including m< ? Ing pictures, hai no place in the government of th? country. It la curious that there ii no place foi the BCt-OT in th* Hou-.. or - . . Hut the King of Knglanr well "f his .-.(-tors *nd drama He has knighted Pinero, Berrie ''? I;" S, Tree, Irving an.' Ot hers." Grace George, in rea! life Mi - W II an. A. Brady, was th* gaesl oi i Among those preeenl wer* Mr? liaryot Holt Dey, proeldi ? i.. Phooe A. Hanaford, Mr* Harriot Biaban Waters. ??]i<?. s*ra Bo f, Mi \rehia *'. Piak, Mr Villa Faulkner Tag-, Mis? Eldridttc loro l.hapsell, Mr i 1 IU| Ml '-' ter ( ' in! V and ? ny. ST. LOUIS BRINGS 100 HOME \niernan l.iner LeOVOe lanndon on Her Christinas \ n>?if. 'Il Ce - '?' T?- I London. Nov. 1*7. The American . r Bt. I.iiiii?, BBOkiog the i nia trip home. Carried more than one '?.i Americana, including Sam . Cavalier* A. Ambrosio, George '?Id.. Harne?, George B < lern ms, Mis? i!, rt, 'he Bl?ht Bei ii?- i arteros, NieoToi Drounikoff, tet?n! ?.erlarh, Raymond G. Hopper, Mr* M HutetiIneon, Ii? * ?cile Kii > i Mi loado, i: M Roymond, Mr lJougli?- Sim- ?ml Bomot I I Walton. | NATIONAL HYMN WIRELESS P.?AN Cornet Strains of "Star ? Spangled Banner" Float from Washington. LOTOS CLUB HONORS CONQUEROR OF SPACE Carty. Inventor, Praised and Toasted by T. N. Vail and Secretar-.' Daniels. Those inhabitants of Mars who were ' not asleep at a quarter of ten ln*t nifhl may have heard the faint strains (if "The Star-Spangled Banner." At 10:17 Venu?; heard it. In exactly forty t'.ve famtt from MW the name ?trains . will be hear?! on the North Star, if Mjrbedy i* there with a wireless tele roceiviag apparatus. A come':--* rlnyesl the national hymn , tii the ohVe ol Rear Admira! Blue last night. Prora IVaohingtori it sped through the air and into the receivers pod tu the ears of more than _*/? I hundred member? of the Loto? Club who had conic to sound the cymbal* of praise for a little man with ?-rayinsr hair. Il m not difficult to learn which of the d.ners at the ipookon1 ?able that man was. The eye ran past tan of the Na" y Joseph us Dan rd Theodor. N. Voll, president of \mer.can Telephone and Telc ! j.*rnph lonipanv, and rested on John '. ? i-.rf.. In froal Ol the man who ha' done -?. mocil tor wireless communication . Hiere stood a telephone. There was ? [t?l?phone at the plate ??f each Of the [diners. John J. Carty ipoko into the 'mouthpiece and his message was heard In Honolulu and Pan?. He .aid that it also reached Jupiter and Mercury and Mat . tad Venn-. "The Siar-Spangled I'anni-r" and "There's Music in the Air" ?ere ployed in Washington, fend the ?train?? of the melodies floated through the air Into the ears of men on cortil und the unknown beinj*- of starry space ?'Some day. some Faster or Christ* tOS," Mr. 'arty'* mOOSOge ,() ,',',r' planets, "there will come a voici? throng- the air, an?l it will *ay, soft tad sweet, 'peace ??n earth. ir?>o?l will to men.' " Karlier in the evening Mr. (arty had ?lluatratod that wonderful ilisco%ery which, in comparison with the wireless telephone, has become i ri s i i_-n i ticant. He exchanged greeting! with San Fran Iclaco, Then he rang ui) Philadelphia. IA half-minute later he had Pittsburgh OH the wire. NO sooner ha?l he finished than a masculine roic? eallod the name electrical wixard from Chicago. Omaha came next, followed bf DOBTOr, Sail Lake Citj and San Francisco hk"1? the whole proceeding not taking more than Bye minutes. Vail Trusts (art?. With the ?Imcrx itill "listening in," tarty called up Arlington, Va., on the wireless telephone. Soon Roar Admiral ; Pine's voice WH heard, clear and dis ' net. except for the statics in the air, which rumbled like miniature thunder. "Thai was ;i gfea, ?jam?, at the Polo Grounds, eh?" chuckled t h ?? admiral. "Rather sorry, though, our boys loal " Thon Frank R. Lawrence, pr'-si?lent ? I.oto* Club, aniifsunced the name ?if John J. ('arty a* the next speaker. Instantly the assembly arose. Cheers end ths. wild waving of handkerchiefs kepi Mi. (arty on the floor, but unable ... a word. ?'ii.i- has not been the work of one man," he dually said. "I owe my w.?rk .to the labon af the men who have fought for an ideal. I owe a ?great debt ol gratitude to Gherardi and ?Tewett, the SOB Of an admiral and the other the nephew of a great Secretary Of the Navy 1 OWC I great ?lfbt to ? .1 hundred other subordinates. "Hut the parpo ?? of nrirelesi telepho* ny should not be t.? ?ist Independently of the regular telephone system. It should supplement il and extend it. It shoulil be >is.'sl ts. reach remote moun pa at ?.? " It did not eome as .. surprise to the guests to hear Secretan of the Navy Dani? telephony will soon extend around the world Hut it applauded enthusiastically when he pn isl with a "Hi : as is le John J. lore N. s thai honor- bil mes i rom ... ;.? hl ol rnj h...? ? ?Mir ('arty, l rtj here's to you ami your fur iher succ?s?' " $3,000,000, CORNELL AIM; SCHWAB NOW TRUSTEE I mid Will Be Birthday (?if! Baker is Dormitory Donor. i ? ? . . : 1 Chs ? , I i elected s mein! ? 1 L'niv? Bounced I ! U .ilia.-? ' ' ? I colls gl the boat .1 of diroctoi I loeiati Alumni at the Bellevue Sti itford. The addition of Mr. Schwab is reeard ..1 as significant of bii_- *l. .;.? '..r Cor noil, coming, ai ?1 does, almoal ?imul tanee. ilj with 1 ? om ?nittee on I elebra ? on in i'.<; ' as a birthday ?gift to nted to the srsity durii ? The campa?! t. to fund will ? th?. :ru tee at,.! fae* ulty committee is .??!.id in Itb :???. Donatloai arill be fclieited not only' from Cornell graduates bal from friends of the university and Philan? throp Mr. Peters also announced that Georg* P. Baker, president of the F.r ?? N. tl mal Hank Of New York, was the ' anonymous donor of the now Baker Court groan ?>f dormitories, costing 1840,000, and scoured in part through ths. coop?ration of George C., manager of the Waldorf-Astoria, Now York, who is a member of the board o? trustes ?? An active campaign to put a Cornell' ?Tub in every city or town where there are at least fifty Cornell alumni was I sis rids.d on At present there BM er.ty such club*. ALPHA TO OMEGA IN SESSION Thirl?,-ne?en Fraternities Represented at l'niv?*p?it? ( luh ( nnferens-e. Nearly the entire (?reek alphabet was repn ? U i at ???? w snth annual Interfraternity Conference at the 1'ni veraity Club yesterday afternoon. Dole From thirty-seven frateraities, winch have ti memnership of more than 600,. wen present Chi Phi and Psi Up lion .??i- represented t'<?r the M-t time. Amoiiir tii?. del? . Thomas A. Clark, Of the University of Illinois; Prnfsosor h ran.:- w Shepardaon, sec? retan of the University of Cb i denl of the In.*? School of Applied **cicnce; l?r Cuy Potter BeatOB, president of the University "f Vermont; 0. H. Cheney, P.o?*? i Bacon and James Duane Living ttoa. ??s hi. COl? ? be obligal le i ? aduate fra ternit.- men tuward un?!ergt aduntes Witt regard to the laiter'i morals and college work; ?nd mean* of oppo?ing orj-aniiations in the colleges ar.tag onistic to fraternitiis, such as ?nter frateroity Boeieties Method.? of op? posing ?t*te legislation host'le to frx ternities in state universities were *Iso discussed. Reports w*re read showinr; that there ha?7 been a great improve? ment in scholarship among fraternity BOS in that they are in many colleges maintaining a higher average grade than that of non-fraternity men. i'olon??! Jam?? P ( urti.s is president of the inter-fraternity ergoolsotioni Henry H. MeCorkle, aeeretory, ami 0, H. Cheney, treasurer. CONGRESSIONAL UNION HAMMERS AT WILSON Insult to Oppose Federal Suf? frage for Women, Says Mrs. Rogers. ' The Congressional I'nion continues ( to hammer away at President Wilson. ?When President Wilson favored suf? frage for the Filipinos, and in th* same breath said that auftrage for women was ? matter for separate ?Ute?, not the Federal government, to decide, he was guilty of an impertinent insult to women. It shall be the busine?s of th* Congre?sional Union to mak* him repent,-' said Mrs. John Rogers yester? day at the first meeting of the newly organized New York State branch of the Congressional Union. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Julian Robbius, 33 East Seventy third Street. Mr?-. O. II. P. Belmont was elected president of the New York branch. Th* vice-president? wer? v?, F.m*nuel Ein?t*in, Mr?. S. Jevett _u turn, Mrs Joseph Griswold Dean? o Harry Hasting? and Mrs. Henry Bruiri Mrs. Leonard Thomas is treaiurer a?j Mr*. Preston S.tterwhlte ?*cr*tap? Mrs. Harriot Stanton BUtch, Mr? T?s fany Dy*r, Mr*. Frederick Hatard ?\s Mr?. Marcus If. Marks were amone t? delegates elected to the annual conem tion of the union, which will be held j? Washington, beginning December 6 The suffrage envoy? from th* W?? did not call on Mayor Mitchel veit-V day, when they learned how ill n? hii* been. They hope, however, he will b, able to sign their petition to-morrcw ?frankUn StmOn & CO. Will Hold on Wednesday, December First, Annual Fur Sale Of Women's High Grade Fur Coats and_ Furs Much Below Regular Prices Jranklin Simon a Go. Fifth Avenue, 37th and ,38th Streets Annual Sale Women's Silk Hosiery at Reduced Prices for Holiday Gifts WE GUARANTEE THE WEAR OF \U. SILK HOSIERY Women's Pure Thread Silk Mose In black, gold, silver, white, bronze and colon to match vino? or gowns; also crmbroidered or extra site Hose. 3 pair for 2.20 "Richelieu" Ribbed Hose Pure thread silk in black, white silver, gold, sky, bronze, naw or taupe; lisle sole, garter top. 3 pair for 2.50 Paris Clox Silk Hose Black, white, flesh or bronze, with open work Paris clox, lisle sole; garter top. 3 pair for 2.50 .erlor Quality Silk Hose re thread silk in Mack, whit?, gold, silver, pink, sky, bronze or taupe; d< nblc her!, toe and silk garter top. 3 pair for 3.60 Silk Hose, Hand'd Instep i'nre Thread Clack Silk Hose, richly hand em? broidered in self color; double heel, toe and garter top. 3 pair for 3.90 .75 .85 .85 1.25 1.35 Hand l.mb'd Novelty Clox Silk Hose i'nre thread silk in blade, whirr. pold. silver, bronze, navy or tanjie. with self or contrasting c* lor cl* ?x : garter top. 3 pair for 3.90 Vertical Striped Silk Hose T'lack and white mixed with white vertical ?tripe- : or white and Mack with black vertical stripe1-. 3 pair for 4.80 Hand l.mb'd Clox Silk Hose ?ti black*? white and c lors, with self r\r contra-4 mg color clox, also black . r white with sell i broidered insteps. 3 pair for 5.35 Openwork Clox Silk Hose Pure thread silk in black or white, with open work Pari?, clox. double heel, toe and silk garter lop, 3 pair for 5.35 Women's Lace Inserted Silk Hose I'nre thread silk in black or white, with Tan lace insert*; oval designs; double heel and toe and double garter top. Heretofore 4.50 1.35 1.65 1.85 1.85 2.95 Annual Holiday Glove Sale Women*! and Misses' "Parfait" Gloves. Made in France?Qnr Own Importation Monday at Reduced Prices "Parfait" ? loves?Real French Kid Glace 2 Clasp Kid In Miik. ??. hite or ?olor?;. 1 Clasp Pique ?lace Black, arlliM md coloi ? 1.10 1.25 ?S Button kid Whit*, Mack or colors. I? Button Kid ?. black i ' ' 1.65 1.95 16 Button Kid Wbite, black or colors. 20 Button Kid In .'. 2.25 2.95 Women's New Model Winter Coats Fur Trim'd Vicuna Cloth Coats Fur Trim'd Velour Cloth Coats .'.' Hudson SV? Collar, Cut?* ?t*4 TrmmiHgs. ! el of Vicuna Cloth (warmth witl * "Ge* rgett* lei ol Cashmere Velour in b: *lit) in navy, green, Vfrican brown o high Ic. Large c nvertible roll c ->a/\ rr/ii ' and buttons of Hudson S a(\ rn |_i *-tV.a!U n lined. ?O ***i\ special *J^ ? ****** shirrei Special ftankUtl Sttmon 8* CO. will hold a special Sale Monday. Women's Chiffon Velvet Evening Wraps, (/allot Model. Of Chiffon Velvet in White, Black, Rose Pink, LVile, Porcelain Blue or Purple, 5U.UU flare model from yoke, new draped sleeve ivitli silk cord and tassels; Recently Sold Skunk Opossum Fur muffler and cuffs; silk lined; warmly interlined. at 75.00 Women's New Model Winter Suits Pur Trimmed Suits Fur Trimmed Suits New Winter Modelt. Hew Witter Models. Of Wool Velour or Broadcloth, in naw, brown, r,f Wool Velour, Broadcloth or the new basket green or blade? fur trimmed ; also a number of new ^q rn weaves in new coloring, fur trimmed; siso new -to -a models not fur trimmed Value .??v.50 -?V?*~,U models not fur trimmed. Value 49.50 -3".SU Women's Underwear Silk and Wool Combinations Medium weight, low neck, no -decves, Special I ?15 knee or ankle length. Swiss Ribbed Combinations "Parfait" (ilove Silk Vests White, pink ' r bine, crochet top; reini'mrd "Parfait" (ilove Silk envelope Chemise In pink - r white, reinforced hemstitched i nc ni ncav-v r,M)'''1 l'"t-,,n- crocfict .ini??h, top and bottom. Speiial I .v5 knee length. "Parfait" (ilove Silk Bloomers Sill**- and Wool Tights Black, white, pink or bine, reinforced. Special \ #().S Swiss ribbed ; knee or ankle length, Sale of English Ivory Toilet Articles Special 1.4.5 Special M Special , 75 Hair Brushes-oncav- buk stiff bristle. Value IM | ,J5 Clothes Brushesi oncavt, back, mut brtstk. Valu* US 1.15 Mirrors ami trsiffct hsitdle Value 2.00 1.25 Powdor BOKOO-Of U**y BagHs. ?,.,?.. Valut IM .85 I'ilescc Hooks n?xiMcfks,loagbsadlcbooks Value .50 .28 Combs_AI, ,()irso or COilr%i. in? tin, Value JS .10