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LACKAWANNA PUTS EMBARGO ON ALL EXPORTS Tracks as Far Out as Scranton Choked with Shipments for Europe. LACK OF VFSSFLS TIFS UP 6,000 CARS Other Roads Also Clogged with Loaded Cars at Seab??ard May Take Same Action. I he rif!?*A?re. I.Mckawanr.a si We?' em Railroad. i>hnse lines bet??. York and Bcraataa are choke?! w i?;. loaded freight rar?-, v. Inch because ol the eaactstloa n- fa terminal*. It h?i? not been ?hie to move. yesterday ?m nouncesl an emba??*.. b?-K?'.'iiii? . ' ?HI lili ' HI ? MilI 1. ?Veeteri agents ? ere Informed ae1 to m-cept freight until I irl ? ? I ? officials of the Lacaawanna ral predial how lone the embargo weald eaaUatw. bal stated thai il ??s- for th? purpose ?it cieanii; up th? ? ??? tha? ha? developed within the weeks. \. enough ships can b? oh* gi nm ! ni' I ?:?? . ? it ? - in I?. ? i _ s. araald *..i.i follow. I ti ?t be ? n Scranton end Ne? Vor. It was . sre now tied ap between the two cities with freight aweitiag export. This is the tret tla?e m the hlateri of the l.ackawanna that the tempest, ha" be?ri farced ?n deelare a freight embargo. "Due to the aecaasalal on of li?_ht ?lajre foi export by way <>' New York," roads the Lackawaaaa'a order to its ?cents, "effective a; ?nice and until farther notice, thi* company will not . (perl via the port of Now York. Shipments billed up to and including November l'T will I" Most iif onaea* kid, is. ihe faltar?.' ssf We-*?" irrsnet ''? r ateamahii - . their freight is) New York ? .u-?? - where inch ?r raagei ei : been isi??i?-. shipments ?eut through virtually without a hitch. Thousands <.f cart, however, have ?haply been turned over t<? the rail? road for ... in Eu* ? ich steemei ? ai might .ie Iiuimrv al other ra? ! t . m .1 office, d velope?! that nearly ? term: natinir here ii choked with freight cari ?tending loaded j?n?i islle on sid? . haadredi of miles bach alona the line. and thai other muds would follow the Laekawanna' lead shortly unie*.* transportation conditions improve mi ?.ally. For ? irk. mouth of tlir bottle through which pour-- 'he trreat bulk of America' export trade, has been elo-fKed with 'i<? ?ht in eXCOM i ? . of ha ?teamship i-or pant** attonptinc lo handle it. The raovenienl ef t h?- big ci n ai i the uaprecedented demand in E i for r"i'i"-r. iteel and used in w a if;.. e port fa w itiiin fhe last list] undreamed nf before, In Octobi nione exporta to tba ... ' apprex raately $175,000,000 left New ' IM ah pi The temporary r'.irck at tide made veaterday bj ?!..- Laekawani aid. < ?nab] ng ?he iteamahl-p eompoaioa t catch up in part with lb? tra?c aa ?<. permit tha railroad to .iur the: terminals and ?idlngi ..? the cumulation of freight awa BI 11n"L-rt* Export Shipments on Way from Pittsburgl En on ment - ? . . ? ?? ? ? continu rant fro n spite o . ?. i asina] - i ttlantii ?eaboard point m yai thi iriou? railroad* b* here and New York. .. d to-daj tha : ? . rdienl used to handli ? remi ? ? . ? eral expend? il ? ai Kan Ve Pennsylvania ; i.. ? ear? of 800 cat - -..- ..-- loading si availal ? i- assisted by ??? pei ? nci ? i rom Pittsburgl . I- ..i a ' m* I ? i ? feaied ?om? ol ''" ? Pittsburgh faetoriei whose output ii i.av largi ? -''l<l I"- com? i. lied to si next Monda' ? : i fferi d but ? . daj railroad n - ? .-- ? wa? being taken - ? ttle delay libl? ' tne oft ...? suffering -o ?such from :1 th* nu?'. si of track ioom, man) cara bi h g held be? ?? ? ll - -CI! - ill" ll -I".' their ent raiting for veas? Freight Lmbarj-o Routs Bulls in the Grain Pit ? hieago, Nov, 27. Coagestion ol -.i I lend fadlitiea for export? appeared to ??fly responsible for the dlsappear a;;?<- of an i-.-.i!y advance tlmt took jila<e -?? ill... ?'. thi price of wheat, The mai ?.. ? rlii?. il Rfeah a' ?).?' -aim- ;. terday'i finish to '?i- lower, with Di comber si 1.03H and May 1.00 to l.06*a, Corn underwent k ol -, to I c not, and oat- of % to 'ic. The tina! range in provision? extended from 7'jc decline t<> a rise of I6e. I; araa net un:;1 ??-r.- came of hii em? bargo havinj,' been pat "ii export ?hip iom Buffalo by way of Baltira ire t t the 1 ill? loat control of flu- wheat mar',;' I Bl ? ? ':ment -.?as given furthi petaa late in the n- a result Of advice? tiiat a line to New York which was choked with loaded freight cars as far back as Seranton had also Instructed agenta to foi the present all busines? des? tined to Kii to Europe. The consequent downward swing in qui I ?re left the market in the end at nearly the level of the ?i - - Weakness in the corn market was a I contributing reason for the ultimate ?i the par! of wheat. U. S. EASY PREY FOR ENEMY, SAY! SECURITY LEAGU1 Like a Lamb Amid Wolve: Assert Speakers at Chi? en go Conference. PRESIDENT'S PLAN CALLED TOO WEAI Army, Navy a?id Militia Shoul lie lidlstered to Cope with An\ Foe, Ufg* Committees. IT . I bicagO, Nov. J7. Th;;t the \ like a lam lili.:d rav? ? i i.' ?. and lives aal; because th? 'Its aeighboi ? ai tin in i sin each other for tl being, ??.- leeerted bj speakers at tin n eel ing ol bi anch delegates of I ? ti.s-ini Security League, which apene? ? da} ? "W | ? tie COUntr?, ? he neglect sssive aa . each .h turn,' ?.???il ???.! Menken, of Nee "l . T ? II bii ?p? ech oui ?.i the "i.? int. late is ?? ? i u ? > . WO nssu appis i; pai al l?a*'.. whiii Americs is.s|uiis- \\ ? believe we *houl?l be prepared to (?Khi, ami, if need be, will tlL'ht to pi ?pare. "Preparedness means not aal) Strength of arms, but a mental Mat?-. ? condition of d?termination to be r.T. tionally virile ami generalls read] foi the aggressor, whether he be weah or strong, America .'.ill accept no defence that do?- not accord w.'h the | of our institutions, that ?a nol out with . nd ii not jual in all particulars to all ?-lasse? of eitisens." Oppeeea 'smernment Se?res>. Mr. Menken urged thai th? Seer? '..i pi of ?? h and the Mavj make pub? lic the reports of tin General Staff of the arm) and of the N'aval Hoard, all s>f which bave laid bare the weaki of tin- i nited State*, together with tin recommendations of tha experts a? to remedying them. He would ha\e the instructions of the civilian department :i ?to their modification pr. ?"i out. In th?- list of speakers were Governor David I Walsh of Maeaaeht Luke W. Wright, ex-Secretary of War; Lafayette Young, editor of "The I>. Moines Capital and n former t ' n j t>-. 1 State Senator; (.oven.or Edward P. Dunne of Illinois, and Henry A. Wise Wood, president of the Aero t'lub of America. i Delegate* 'rom more than half a hundred cities ?ere prevent, the rep? resentative* vr branches of the league including G non, former Goven It's Easy to Have Music in Your Home This Christmas In buying a piano, not only should the amount of money involved require an absolute ?assurance of honest value re? turned, but you should not forget that the purchase is one to lasf a lifetime. Aside l? ?--?? from the money involved, your ear is going to br? e?me attuned to the standard of the piano you buy, either correctly or falsely, according to the artistic quality ol the instrument. ?i *_j: _ ^Ssts, Ihr- correct and sweet tone, t__*_ viceable and lasting quali <V ; ? ' \ ?' _S ?? ' n .? v. ^ " fr -_ _- & ' _ Am/: ?! I- . PIANO & has Kriomr so established and icspe? ted that our Pianos are known as a standard ??I artisiic worth, ihry arr a guide for - omparison. IEA4'^'^1^^ \ he .Sterling stands at the top 1 _r?5l'Ti*. "" C?lit. as a t. hriatmaa 'THRU ?'- Kill.I" VO BROOK LI .? .*> BJWJ A \??M \ PJ |?VO //"' 9M \\ r own and operate three of th?* largest factories in this country, where the very highest attainments in Piano creation are devoted to the manufacture of Sterling Pianos and Playerpianos. Huntington Pianos and Playerpianos, Mendelssohn Pianos and the celebrated Sterlitone. The prices are the actual cost to manufacture, plus one fair profit. and the prices the same to all. with convenient monthly payments if you do not wish to pay cash. And the instruments represent the best choice for any pocketbook, be it large or small. Our Christmas stock was never more attractive, ready to meet anv requirement, and we extend a service that is efficient, practical and ? ourteous. If you wish to enliven Christmas with a VICTROLA From $U to $400 to buy from us means more than merely getting an instrument, be < ause you get our own attentive service, ever ready to keep your instrument in the best playing condition, ever ready to practically assist in the selection of music and help you to get the most enjoy ment fron, your purchase. Beginning Saturday, Dec. 4th, the Sterling Building Will Be Open Evenings till Xmaa. The Sterling Piano g>. SftSS Manufacturer? gX&?R u ii..ii-._i<- mikI Retail Wswrroaarai STERLING Rl ILDINO, IK ,;.?'l P?ilt'.n ?trewi, r*irn?T nf Hun.ver VI-?-s* R?w>Hvn ?? jora, ?ever?! eitj e*?:-..ut.v*,, educator ? ? -en and editors. The prepare, Inesi programm* I Proi lent Wilson we? indorsed h -i the right direction la the eon ' ? . r>i- that the adi ? indicated a desire l go fur enough to make ?he countr -at'- fiuin afack. ' report oi urged State* X? ie.s'or?d B1 "?" *** of the worl and that 'he b . Id ? g ,.'r:-' ? not ? ted bj i al ?itoatio ...... ? cover: ? avy. - ',. .. i ? ??? er tr ? . i.... ? , re* ired * New laijfland PofOBeolc-n i ! also a ?1er?, d e.'.t by ? ?i.?! ,? f.uf ,^ii army of 60, . ? . on New Engli dequat irrny could b Figure? ?'? ere ' hen it 10 - ?' the na - ? ?to and 55,000 ' tbi at red - " the f mannini resoi . ? ?level leal :...!>!.- ? ? . nanea ei I ment 'vas thai four battleship* *1 th \- Im?t..- fi< el - ? d iv* to be pla? ? ?i. a toi to got crewa t :i- - \r\ a.I "Tu .?..: rec? ? populai misappra-hvii ,...?? .i-a: ige o i ' ; ' ng." laid the re . . ted ? ..m," ! ? rai ... - i Navy foi 10,000 mor* m* qaate and that there we,-, aleo a Hgc of at .Mat _\<>00 sdU***? The proposed incre*?e of i.en was criticised fl'i ?? ?in- (-round that the "first yea: ?17 programme alone requirea -IT.', ad ?'..-. i ? " Th.? committee in doraed the building M'urunini" "?i far as it follow* 'i.'- recommendation of the General Board," but -aid lha ?inco no Congres? can hind saeceeiUni * "iiKres-es. the ahipa contemplate. . ould all '"- in id 'i"a n ?* once. verj radical Upbuilding Of the nava and naval resei ? " siso a a favoi ' l!ei nnimend? i'ilizen Soldierv. I h>- committee on militia presented ; ilniibie report, the ?rsl section deal "i*)i coaelnaioai drawn up after ? ? ? ing last Mai ig for ? ?? "enrolment and education of the entir citizen soldiery" and the "maintenant the organised militia In prep* gth, not -m the ha-.s ,,f the rogo i ir ..Idler, b'l*. as VOlOBteer ?'it; ? dicr- of a? high an ordei ai practica ? The laiona were reiterated h the ?upplemental report, drawn u the announcement of the admin iatration'i plan for a "continental army. Tin was declared to be "; great atop," but "too incompletely for mulated to be a subject of diacussioi al present." The commi I.tpressei "tin- hope that a report of the Uenera Staff ? II be inbmited to l ongresi ii connection with any pla, pn.poeed." i he proposed army D.i-i I ngi pointed ."it. shonli he I to pro? ?de for i ? and eontinuoui education of officer .-nul for collection of large resen ? of supplies of all i. I l?c mi' y plan ng o\er tun long a pel >"i for com plt'tioi aaking no provi lion fo adequate personnel on ihipi limit ?.- and prop in tal arm, ' di ?--? ii merely ai i. tion . .' . i ? ? ? ges of rhteen an ? I.T. I . |i || 0 . ? let. a I'-'n t?. ? - ? Build a Hu?e Navy Now, -- ?1 of l '-y : LcaVTUC ? ? ? ? : ? - . . ? . -. ' . hi i r it ?i - liefet . tter < ? providing foi ? . ? i shall b? able f.. ?ir.--. ant ' ' ? d I.ia*n natioi ? , ? olonel 11."nip on' letter, In part, follows: "I? m.. duty U pn ? ' of the \n y !.. agtU , on behnlf of 60,000 n en ben of that orgsr and its woman aoction, to call ...jur at? tention to the almost unanimous d* rnnnd throughout the United State? that such naval preparedness be pro? vided at once as ?hal'. render it certain that no aggressively inclined foreign nation ?hall be able to BOad an army ?cross the ?ea? to our shores and ' upon our own land the horrors of war veil ich have ravaged Europe "Accordingly, we believe that the ci' : eaa of this country stand together in demanding that measure? he adopted which win provide us with adequate naval insurance against the horrors . f war in th.- homeland, not in ten or it' teen verirs. luj?. ;tt the earliest possible moment In these days of nal peril fio mere promises will satisfy public opinion. The need for prepared ne?s exists now, and it l? likely to grow more pressing with the pa??age of every day until the close of the Euro pean war and the end of the period of readjustment wh eh must follow. MAeCOfdiag tO the consensus of opinion of the world's political and financial experts, the end of the pres? en' war is likely to come in about two '?.ears, and th? year Immediately fol? lowing it? termin?t ion. when'he power? fully armed im; impoverished tstet of Old World ,ira? endrjw or?n-: t* ad just their finances to new eondf? ? likel) to be the period neat fraught with danger to our aim fabulous';, tica und comparative!* undefended land. "In view of this elen? emer? gency, ?he member? and director? of the \h\ . League and. W* believe, m va?t majority of all of th of the I a ted States would urge that as many dreadnoughts, haf!. rout?, submarines and aaxiliarj -.essels be laid down at once hs the ?h-.pbuilding reeeurcea of the eesatry '-ill permit, and tha' the?e ihip* be rushed to com pletio-i ? ? ,i? i* possible, Dr? ight .. en raahod to eon ore gn ?hip .? in periods of eipv-.i i months, oi even less, ?ml ? i" believe that American I vard? and ta ?.,? artuaoa ?*ill be i found unable to egual rreord? mad* RED CROSS FUND REACHES $58,933 One > 10.000 Contribution Is Received from 14 A Friend." SIENKIEWICZ TELLS OF POLISH DISTRESS Comfort Kits I o Be Sent from New i ork to Fre?d. Soldiers as Christmas Gifts. I he uptown breach of the Aasericaa Rod Creas -announce.1 yesterday I had ?ent two cases of BUppiii s to Earope, one from Miss Elisabeth rhompao . efe woat to France; the given by Mrs. lharle? C. Mar .[-warded t* Italy. The lociet] butions for th?- week The New York BtSts Board Re I " roe? yeeterdaj se . i th* receipt of |ll?711.ei, *? its letal to date S5*?.MS?">'?? 11..-, ribution? were: -A friend" . |1*\00S.6I 1 llockei . IjmM Ii misa ri -1 ? . ?"?""."" i rrderick Jacobi . ?"'"'' Ucorgi Loash tt.00 it.. An.? Relief Commit . , ... ?ttor fro?a Heai?? , ?**"] .. Va.ii-" and gem ttee, ?ho ? al "i-. ?-.--. bole "i? of -. ? that m? Bad II more ?? ill to meet the needs ? daily being brought under ? and the report? 'mm our unfortutiati eountrj sr* ilmplj ? Palish I??? ? Net? 14.291 i -, that ths eemmitt** ? d I" 75, m king its total to data 1109.772.67. Polish Day, accord? ing to the announcement, brought M,* II field marshals. Arrangerai avi been completed by the Lafayette Fund whereby it? eomfoi t kit be -? nl to French lit :s a? il di 'id lall Francis Roche. I, ;. esterday told an, ad ling that contributions at this season would he especially ?ol? e?me; that kits could be shipped for ... at Christ? mas, i :ie,.. received al the I Vaaderbilt. I. mi? -l.itav. director of the Secours National Fund in fan?, has writ! Mr?. Whitney Warren, 14 Baal Forty seven- Street ?aaurer here, tell? ing how th* committee's contributions been received in Prance. More than 11,000 franc* and eonsidi clothing, he says, have arrived. Con? tribution! of |3f0 were received last week. An appeal to Americans "as issued yesterday bj i'olonel Jcvrem .1. Popo vitch, head of the Royal Serbian Com? mission, asking them to heed the cry which comes from distressed Serbia. \ - ' .?;, kind, lie explain?. -.. |i .. -.. in fortunate refugee?. ami the) want eapecially warm winter ear, blankets and food. Colon? Popovil i receive all con tributiom at 141 West Twenty-second Jews t rged In \id Palestine. Becau S all remittances from abroad ? i. the Zionist Bureau an econ?mica taat Ion ii P rapidlj groa lag werae. '. ??' eountrie? are urged to con? tinue their relief contributions to pro? vine for the urgent Material seedi of ? 'i abroad. Th- Relii f <lommittee for War Sufferer* announced ' 1 ? i h* Klina-i. the \ ?oi ? ' Hall on l leeember 11, an?I would glvi tin? entire proceeds of ? ? fund. Five hundred h School students "ill to? ll-.? ? offering .lev.-?. I mont, ti '-;.-?! i *r of the ' Merci. ackno** ledged -.'.?'.7.''.si.-.'j to dat trmenian Bund I I t.. Charla R 1 10 I \ ? ? . . its i " ? Keli '" Bond had ? ??? "la- |174,4S4.73, 1 anon] mou - ...- the Dollar Christ , i . ... . ? ? . r . ? ?' ? rnpaign I Be Tg \. v.. No-.. 27, I he on? rill have motion pict ? - , n Sal ? Le Boui th.- American ? The film? were oh? lUgh the eourtCS) of Ml -. Ri ber I M icon. Rie proceeds are for the "imerican ambulance fund. Next ?here will he motion picture of week at Newport, bj ? Go ? DEFENCE CANVASS HERE FOR CONGRESS Votes in City Campaign To Be Sent to Legislators When Session Convenes. If the Special Relief Society has its *?:?. ?'ongress will be deluged with little white voting slips when it con? vene? a week from Tuesday. The ?lips ?ill be marked: "We are for preparedness." Voting slips will be distributed broadcast in this city on Wednesday. The preparedneoa canvass will be con? ducted among the employes of down? town business house- and in many of th* residential BeCtiOBS of the city. On of th feature* of 'he day will be a thorough canvass of employes and members of the New Vork Stock F.x chanee. District* to he canvassed hav* been divided into a hundred divisions. Headquarters will be in the offices) of hanker-, brokers, lawyers and manu? facturer?, who have so' said* ?p?i-e foi tie day. There will be a eaptaill In charge of each headquarters. R<.\ Scout? will cav eighboring residential sections. Each of th. votiag slips to he signed by prepared i adeSCStSS ?ill he ad either to ? Representative or a I'm!.- ! State Seaater, and will c*ll on the l.-gislator addn-ssed to support the nation-wide movement lor adequate na? tional defeaee. i he votiag -lips will h.- forwarded by the Special Relief Be* cietj ? ? , - I in time to reach there on tiie opon?as lay, December *v Thi-. . - been deaignated ai Defence Day by the American Defence Society, Mr? M Itiaa* C Better is head of th, defence day rommitt. a- -. 11 Reliefs.t; Other mombei ari M ' Va Renaaeli ? . .- charco el I the arrangements are Mn. William * a'r .. I , ,-,?? ;,!.,?,, , f ,y,r ror'el- ? Mr?. T. .1. Oakley P.hir.elander treas? urer, an?! Mr?. .John A I.oiran. jr. *ec Aasaag baa nee aad prafeaeional 'ii'n ..- e ?pace ?B their eetah* tnts ??' the Speeial Relief Secletj tat -he eaavaas hfad?i_ertpr? ara: Hear*? A. Wi>*. 15 William Street; Paus Tnonipfon. 10 Spruce Street: De*i*J Dl . t, 34 I'm?- Street; Dr. -loi'" {"*? Hau?maii. of the American Legion. W Bridge Street: Stewart B. Preston. H Wall Street, and Jules S. Baehe. hea-l *4 .1. S. Bache _ Co.. bankers, ot 4. H: ondway. -??--??-*? Kitchin Thinks Navy League Backed by Munitions Men tVashiasftaa, Nov. jr. Dt-Msrsl I -"..or Leader Kitchin is still wandrr iag far from the nsiministration fo>!. follewlag la the fe?tete>e of William Jennings Bryan, in his opposition to aatiaaal ?fefeace. Ta-day He joined Repraaaatathre l-vaaaar !? his ??? maud :'or an investigation of the Navy pj UM National Secur;t\ "I beiie.e might find some later? I facts about the backers of the Navy League and the National Secar* ty Leaa*ae,n Mr. Kitchm said. "Let'. f'.nd out whether tlu-y ewa sta* muiition*: plants; let's Sad out whet'i er ?Il th.* [ireparediT?- leal neat is real oi manufactures) lr. men who ex? pect lo protit by it." Mr. Kit? hin then outlines', a plan bis reqairiasj all bids far army an?! im. > contracts to be accompanied b l| o!' the stockholder? of th?- hi 1 diag companies. Bavaral Baltimore clergymen called lr. K i toi? m tsi-stay ans? expreaaed approval ,-,:* bis stead affaiast pi ? SEES WILSON SHIP GOING ON ROCKS Representative Rodenberg Thinks Coming Congress Will Be Stormy. : ? T i ...? lMrs-su 1 Washington. Nov. .7. The halo whic** has hung about President Wilson's head will be entirely dissipated before the conclusion of the coming session of Congress, in the opinion of Repre senfstive William A. P.oslenberg, of Illi? nois. Mr. Rod?*r.bcrg predicted to-day thai v. if hit. ^i\ months "even OUie Jasaes will not have the temerity to place Wilson in the siwne category with U'ashiiT?,?uii and Li.icoli'." The Illinois Representative, tehe iras one of the Republican leaders of the House until the Democratic landslide of 1910 carried so many of the old crowd down to defeat, is, with "Uacls Joe" Cannon, one ssf those who was able to come backe. He now thinks ev? erything is ro?;, from a Republican viewpoint. "Fr?ta Bresca* indications Praaidcal \\'User* will have a rough and rugged read ii travel ?lunng tala Caaaress.1 laid Mr, Rodenberi*. "Pemoslalic sol? idarity is a rennni'.cence. The Presi deal has disposed of a!! his p?.:ronage aad he is n<> longer in position t?. com? mand the abject obedience of the l>em ocratic memherahip. The members of the Senate and House can now aci like real Democrat*. "A great majority of the people of the Middle West an- unt'ue.itionably if fever of improving our national dc Bepeeially is this true of the Repu ?: can af the Muidle West. It is I* apparel I that th?- eppeaitioa ts> the Preaident's programme of -^ I paredness is confined to the D?moei-?ti, part v. At the head of this opp0|(t? is the late departed but ealamaZ Mr. Rryan. His chief lieutenant* ?L Claude Kitchm. Democratic le**?, . the House; Walte. I.. Heniley, ??' : cratic Representative from MliMm!, ' who is the recognized leader of & ! 'little navy' element in the Houit, S Frank Buchanan, a Democratic Weete sentative from Chicago. "Not a singU Republican mtmb?. .? the Senate or House has yet expriaa?., any opposition to the Programm? ?' reasonable preparedness. Thu, a??., ia a forceful illustration of th? f?. that when a great national ?mt--?-.B? confronts the country th? R?puMi*_ party can be depended upon to n?H such an emergency in an intellj?,,. and patriotic spirit. Although x\s Democrat? have a majority in ?-v. gress. it is my prediction that th? eto gramme that will be ultimately adopt? will receive two Republican vot?t f?, every Democratic vote cast for it." NEW DEVELOPER INVENTED kathi.l lo Re-medy Shortage of M?u| (?SSMSd b> the \V?r. Dr * fiarles J. Thatcher, a chemi?' expert, of this city, think? he hai per. fected a method of producing phot? e-raohic developer which has subit** tiallv the same composition is metol of which the war ha- caused a sh?rt' Hge, seriously crippling photographi worh in Ti.'> country. American m?ntj. facturen so far have been unabU t? produie metol. which n rrtesatuah used for all kinds of ,<'iotog--aphi'r work, including the production of rao tion picture t';ims. i Dr. Thatcher, who was gradu?t?? from the University of Lelpiic, ??-,, mad. asteaste* laveatigatioa? into ft? manufacture and u?e of develop??? particularly ??ne* the war threaten?,! the -;?'!' '. of metol Re ha? named hi? discovery kathol. and has tuh. to exhaustive teat? by photo? graphic experts a pateal hn? b??n granted on kathol ??IMD BROOKLYN Every Subway Station Is a Direct Entrance to Abraham & Straus Running time. In Brooklyn Expresa, t.. our Private Sub? ira- Station, 11???, t Street, is .-?* follows: From Nth st. is Mia ?-?I St...__ Min. Grand Central, .it Mia Uth St. .13 Min. Brooklyn l'.riil<_?* ..... n Mia ?Boa ling (irs*en. ... .V . \"m. The Christmas Bazar Is Ready Hundreds of insarers t?> mur question, "Whal shall i -?Ve?" chosea fr??m the Mperfa Christ? mas stuck?; tliniiigiisnit the Store, ?irr assembled ranvmlentlj here at S siripi?' mod?rate (?rice? 98c Rverjr gift, for raaa ???man "r child, in Hi?- folleetien, irflera the betl rahse you can possiblv find at tin* price. "Preparedness" for Christmas What a blessing it is that the normal human attil ide i<- .'ii< ?.i Itooking anead! Happiness, or progress, or t?ct terment never came from keeping one's eyes firmlj fixed ??a the pa-*t. We ?began looking ahead to fA?ii Christmas a* soon a* Ia*.t Christmas was over. Nearly a year ot preparan, n i** summed up ?n the wonderful storeful of merchandise en n >w have ready to show you. < Hsr Foreign < iffices and ?>ur American statt' of expert** have worked together with splendid MH'i'f**. And this !>u*.\ year of preparation lia** been witl the purpose of making your Christmas shopping easy, i i the sli??rt three week-- and a hall that remain before the light? ing "f the * lir?stmas tree. Preparedness is in the air and what we sa) em ? Im of interest to you?that Brooklyn's Christmas Store " The Store Accommodating " Is at Your Service. Its large, splendidly trained, intelligent, loyal force o? workers is "at attention." VVc have made its holiday stocks larger and better.* richer in happ*< suggestions, more helpful than evei be? fore. It provides COMFORT IN" SHOPPING, in a -pa cious, well-lighted, airy. SAFE store, in which your con venience ever comes first. PERFECT DELIVERY SERVICE, largely to creased for the holidays, assures (retting home \< par? ee 1*- accurately and quickly. We safeguard your precious ( hristm. funds by in? creasing their buying power t?> the ul ee? our LOWER-THAN-ELSEWHERE PRICES, quality considered. Thus thi** i*- the most imp ?rtant factor in wiv? ing your Christmas ?problem- t i YOI R Christmas Store. in short, it offers you, from even point of view, Service with a Smile t" make your Christmas shopping eat You Are Safe in Buying Furs From a Reliable Store WE II \VF r,< HV.HT ami sold Fun for practically all of the half century that w_ liave been in business. For thirty-five years we have had our own expert turril "m own building for Fur repairing and remodeling. We are g?ood judges of Furs, From the skin- themselves t<> the intrical - n rkmanship which bring the finished ?garments into <>ur Store in highest perfection. We were the first Drj - ?? ??><l- Store in Am?rica to have a cold storage plant on our "'vri premises in short, this is a fully equipped, highly specialized Fur STORE; not merely a Kur department. But in the matter of pri?e* we treat thee beautiful Furs like any ??ther nier dise- mark them LOWER than equal qualities can be bought for elsewhere. Mso we vouch for the quality and (genuineness of every piece of Fur wt sell. Kor all these reasons \?>u arr absolutely safe ?n buying your Fun here. There Is a Special Reason This Winter We took advantage early in the season of the much lower prices on skins which then prevailed, and are consequ?ntl) offering Purs that are fashionable, and getting icai rr every minute, at far below prevailing prices today. Saturai Skunk Mofl?s, f_7Jt, Scarfs, I1S.TI und llt.TS. Dyed Skunk Muff*. It ?ITS J s.siirf-. ma. Matural ?Beaver Muffs >?_ t.TA; Scarfs, fISJO. Black Fox Muff. si"-"1. Bcaris, S1S.TI and SIMO. Hn\ F..X Muff*. .?11.5.1; Searfs, $9.95. HadMB S?-al PaatS (d\?*d Muskrat). Skunk collar, cuffs mmI bonier, $115.00 V.'.-in. lliid>i>n Ss-.iI ('??at?, with v?i?l?* tinrr, i hin I Inn <?? euffs ;in?l tmrdrr, $150.00 Plain Hudsoi S?il ( ?tats, 40 in. l??n<_. full iii?>d?*l. $90.00, $98.50, $118.00 ?o-in.h Kcarseal Coats, $?4.50 Taupe Poa Muff*. * <- I?'? S.-arl*. ??_? ::. Hln.*k Wolf Muffs, * * ? s.-.trf... si?.;;,. Taupe U'.ilf Mats, Iff '', Si.trt*. HI Vi. i'l.??k Lyta Muff*. $S1M uni) ?ST.'.*?; S?*Hrf>. ?*'.;.50 mid *_9.75. OeeamA r - i ?>?:?-, ? Women's Tailored and Dressy Suits $21.50, $27.50, $34.75 In This Season's Distinctive Models That Were Priced Earlier at 02*9.75 to |7&50. Mater?.?1* nr< tin? broadcltrths. whipcords, checked velours, velvet! and corduroys Trimmings art ol fur, \>:?<'t and braid. Cat* are rich!) lined with peau de cygne n? interlined for warmth Skirts all new modela. ? A Most Exceptional Clearance