Newspaper Page Text
MENER'S TRIP 'cheers ENTENTE ,Vest Front likely To Be ' the War Secretary's Next Stop. ONDON DEftlDES FORD PEACE SHIP ??Not Needed for "Watchful Waiting." *a.vs Newt|?aper of Presidents Speech. p., ARTHtn a I":M'KK .p. fjjj . a . Vor : As Karl Kitchener Lcr.QO". ?*" - . -, from lISCS to on his im :9lTr,'inp r**?*v-r'n?s repasts arrtv* !_ThBi j?*-?*'l"provins oi inp8ti' "J,^!,,selbe cause of the AUlea. '-i,i, !? *m~ '""" *" ''"':' mimm****1 ?ted to demon? .irate I* I-? n0 ?-reerta,n w*f' Tf-?r? h ? ?sidersbl? st?rest and ?Ht-*-? bsrs s? to whst will be i asst ?saj sit* ?? se? i ths Italian i,',-. a Is sei lered likely now I pal bk Nsasrs i laelndes Egypt, as \\t itsud som? tim* ago, but th* B?,l v.? .- seal vveek will (-' him on tne West fronu |*SS 'torn hoth the East and the y t fmmtl "r> heartening to ?ii Alii?? isrlng the week, and it i? gfa in Serbia and Galllpell that the J,p?c? . Hut reports from Sirbt* ?bow >.?- lossoe do not exceed il MO in kill' d and wounded in addi? ct! to 20.000 pri?oners, leaving her irar- well evei 3 0,000 and with morale t?t htaSBl rr(* -*., ?t-,?- ? Greece is much more ijrorsble ente, ao it la ex ???tiJ "iat Serbia soon will get the mlitar-.? ? delayed. Lord-Per';. not? bss just a for'nlght it which to complet* his great recruit IMPORTANT PUBLIC SALES lit the Anderson Galleries ?"Where the. Hoe Library Was Sold" Egyptian Collection (1 moit im? portant, particularly in Predynsstic : Potter) and Flints, jthit has ever been offered In Amer? I;l MSB) very remarkable pslnt tfj ind 5culr''?r<"^ >nd objects In ?von, bone ind woi d. i he i ol? was formed during, ten yearj In Egypt b Robert de Rustafjaell ind bss been removed tri. Filth Avenas lo be '?old without reservations or restrictions in Five I Sessions, on the Afternoons and, Evening -v end Tuesdsy, ?? ? No? ' Dec. l. Valuable Books Plrsi : nglish Autograph Letter bj Shell j and 'he ' i Minus-rift oi a Poem signed twice bj Thack I ? cp" * original Massscrl] I ' Meredith, and many other VI ems '10 be Ml on the Afternoon a- '. I of Dec 2. Rare Antiquities I remsrl es and - -*3t txc ? ? Besuti arabs. : -hoice pecime elected bv Azeez Khayat To! ? and Sst ?iber i and 4. ? ? Ml ? sale. lied fstraot* Scarce Autographs ?CtiVl sale* even Legal : In Lincoln's -?? S mother's r"' ?***?< auto IP?*.-.- ? : Ute i December 6 ? Oriental Art ic-juers, I* Pe.? I t\\ of the '?'??"'? Madam?* Yan-*-shi i This bition ,- . : ; ?*her Announcemen*? Soon IC;, -?/7 ?*.-.i.j **?* i lie,?;, ; .;'* "f '???!"-".i trtj "?*. .. .. ' '?"?""""- (airre.nonH. '?a. ****** **" 'lia.,. "-.|K>ll?|. "" ?1,1, ,,*,?,., (I "?' ? ?I.... ...1,1.? ?i?? ?I i .'. ?,,,? ? n. Jhe Anderson ?allerta Ma, L ''" r|,.,,*(?.I ?>?>*> Avenu, .t Porl.ell, Si ***** l'iKI ?"a? ?*?>??? ??.as??,? ?-- ??-^7 ; inp fi-tmrivrn, wh;rh trenerally is c aider**-, highly euaeeaaful. in ?n ? tarlal callad "Conscription, i? Wa "We do not doubt that t?o I>e scheme will be successful and _ y hope it will, Hut in any c the Maa of conscripting the remn of unmarriesi men of military age i ' e married men would quite impracticable. , "It Would be revolting to the he: j of the itrmy, for either it would .[>? to conscripti'd sla ers t.? special battalion?, under un tIoos mark of dishonor or to dr them into free battalion, only ' these leavings to be the scorn of th brother soliliers. l'lsk? Odium and P?ril. "No such unequal pian of consci tion has ever hern drafted or e Could be drafted. Therefore the wa odium of conscription vision ? i.tion Into two can. risk of itrikei arising from hard ca it from res?stanos to cni from .mprisonment of cni.scienti' ft nvs dilemma of I . Irish situation, which only wit! statesmanship would raise -would "'?r the sake of an obviou lr and partial plan, yielding ridii *.:iall results. Lord Deft) - me has already stretehe?! mo to Its utmost limit." moating ?m President Wilso reci ? si the Manhattan Cl Nation" -ays: "Americans hi awal ? rception thai tl in a dangerous world. W> Americans foar is simply militarism .?ct, and they propone to mi .? ?ilil conventional way II* the usual disclaim? in th? Pn ? ' pooch, and his o fing record gires them a sincerity ?hi such i rarely bo? went so far that Mr. Bryan and 1 friends are already asking what earth th ? President can wa'it an an Army Not Needed for Notes. M0ao doOO not need it fur 'watch' waiting' nor for argumentative not l ho ehoieo before tl a United I I m fact, ?something much more delta 'han th" Hague plea for a d* lore, which l>r. Wilson put forwai auaotion, rather, is whether I tod States ph.ill keep their place a world th a world poll? -naggTeasive, Indeed, hut aharply ? against some possible claims rhi ? r they sh live their life self-contained with own half of their continent." Practically all the Fnglish public have barred Ford ail from their columns because of the ? tomobll? manufacturer's remark?; abo ? ' British war loan. Almos? eve 1 paper Is having great fun with 1 ? ? ship project. Hoadwritors ? paragraphera ar(' ?training to out another, as nothing recently h struck their humorous fancy so ha ?- the proposed peace cruise of t .t n. AMERICAN JAILED IN PASSPORT CASI _ F.dward Hodgson (lets Si Months for Abetting German Woman in London. .'R? Cal'ip (s. Th- Tribun...] London, Nov. IT. Fdward Hodgso an American engineer, and his (icrtni companion, Lucy Wunsche, staying i I the Strand Palace Hotel, wero sei i il to six months' hard labor at tl Street pouce court to-day. Luc Wunsche was charged with failure 1 Mer as an alien enemy, giving fah information to the hotel and beinf* I ? aaaioa of a fai*e passport; Hodgsc ' with aiding an er and fal ? his iislslress. They ha at the hotel as America n ?, the WuBSCha woman ? ing i, date -r; issue ;n \\ aahington on March 11 Hodg on told the court I ? I .. ? t 1 from whom h hopor! to _ Europi He wenl t.. Germany, hoping him, with an id? ?jelling it ? ?iur- manofactuis him t go to Bi - could not accon pi a* hi wife, tti-v cam business, i being the I 'I go t ther. belie vi .i h:> efforts had beei govern ment, lu-r . manufacture of tungsten foi atnmuni . to tin Germans, I had ne quir< ?i it, petti; . ..?is. Th? Hodgeon tin woman could not ed thi . .? hout h . * you I Tiembei "Yoi lied when t? toat I sd li~e? a ornan as your wife year* rere '?'al wife ami family. am satisfK-d you are a dangerous per son." LUSITANIA ?'PLOT" RIDICULEI Btefteo of l.ennan-\meri?an Origin In? onii??n*>. S.ixs liorlin. ? 'in, Nov. 27 (by wireless to Say ? ? [liaiTris-s! by ; that ' ?ft* Office expressly approved th." ??j;. Inven* to por* ?? per? n-hols world will to value WOMAN GETS WAR CROSS lr.s.,1-. TUN Out f?,r Mil?'. Moreau. tocoivad bi Pulseara. ? i Mo* tly in an army order ? ? ? Po ? raaillee, ?he ? ? ..i, ai vtr* CAVELL INFORMER A SUICIDE l nu? h fold lei w ini*i Ceafeooloa (.used Nur?? ? \rr?-?l ilangs Himself. '. n ? earn ? wHos" ?, ii horil ?es l s ut ifsn ? ?? ?: ? pri.'-o tbtre. j FRENCH REPESE 3 GAS ATTACKS "Curtain of Fire" Prevents German Troops from Leaving Trenches. JOFFRE RETIRES TEN GENERALS Replaces Veterans with Younger Men Distinguished in Recent Actions. ;p.r Cafeteta Ifc*lMb*ai 1 London. Nov. 2?. Fxcept for a Ger? man atU-mpt to us? suffocating gases of the Meuse, between PorgOS ?.rid fiethar.eourt. which Paris nays was unsuccessful, thore has been no break in the lull of the west front. Kven this gas attack was unsupported by infantry, and seems to have been mero ly a feint on the French position*. A "curtain of fire" from the French artillery, Paris asserts, provcnted th? German* from leaving their trenches, despite the projection ci threo succea .ives of gai. -.ted artillery engagements are reported north of St. Mihiel, where the French succeeded in demol? ishing ?m enemy battery, and in Bel? gi'im. The French succeeded in capturing ? German arroplnne nc-nr B.?rry-au Uac day, 1 h? machine when ?truck by th? French shell? (ell int?. the Rives : Aisne, where it was completely de i il. TA? aviators succeeded in es? caping by swimming. General Igilinskv, i.ide-de cam-? tel the F.mperor of Kiissia, arrived in Paris . accompanied by Oeaoral A. 0. I. D'Amade, ol the French army. len ? ml li'Amnde had BOOS charged by the French government with a missio-. Is Russia Ten more French -renerals, seven of . division and three brigade?, were re tired by General Joffr" tu .luv, in his efforts to insure vigor and initiative in the higher commands of the army All were transferred to the tr [ and their places taken b"? younger men who hnve distinguished themselves in roeoat operations. Amollir the officers retired are Gen i ral A. M. B. I?rude end General ds Mas La rie. General llrud?? came into prom , at the time of the Moroccan crisis 1"' Germany and France In 1907. At he was commander of the French troops in Morocco. A inr-c? I in? of hil life has been spent iii the tour year? ?Id. rai de Ma? Latrie before the wai eommaader of the IStb Arm] ? l RENCH OFFICIAL The French War Office this aftei.ioon port, as foll?n ? : T' ere was nothing to report last night. Yosterdny, between Forge-, srid Pefhnricoiirt, to the west of the Fiver Meuse, the enemy projected ruffo eating gases, but without resalt Thcro was no accompanying Infantry attack. A German aeroplane yesterdev fell into the River Altane a littl? to ?he ? il of Bonry-ao-Bae. The aviators wire successful in saving them? selves by swimming. The machine estroyed by oar ? hell ? The following official communication was issue.-! b) the War I tffic? tc Itn'her spirited artillery actions have occurred In ii??i?-ium. In th ? region of Lomlniert/vio and BOOS inghe, and to the south of the Somme, h the sector of Fooqueacourt. To the north of St. Mihiel our artillery demolished an enemy bat tery at the ("ote Sainte Marie. Our KRUSHEVORETAKEN BY SERB TROOPS I ..III ?mini frnlll paler I lighting lure the character of an al al days. Desj nee of the Bui Berbian? continue ind ??? ? ' of Prilep. and, m s to a late on ...-.! "ktheni dispatch, they nave ? evo. I now said tO have 81 : the Raawaian frontier. In in i pal ' ilgaria :.y load oi .pi? ed any d?finit* ntentiona, The people, bow . .ei. haw eoi ? Inued I a ; * the Ei U ate much iterferenee from the .ment ha? h ' .ed. - con :. d nt Sal?nica, the ? addi A 101 more. ? cured to u ? Greek ->rts ? which probably means Kn .-nt delay will I"' I While the battle n: - : still goinir in favor of the Freeh, the latter may ?till have to ? .if the Monastir, ; far ha* saved ?hem from this DOC* ? geni ral opinion Is that th? I ?jars would not besitat e to j i Gi ?eh territory, bat ?he Berlin "Loks '? from ;i .irce that the i ? d t ol to ei line. This decision has been made, it ??.?"d. in order to avoid hurting ? 101,000 Serbs Prisoner??. "The number c.f Serbian prisoners taken up to the present time : m, Austn. Hungarian and ;; report h eeived to-day, Ml 101,000 officer? and men. The Invading forces also hu\. ed 2,000 Austro Hungarians who had been made prisoners by th* Bei iiiaris, but later abandoned during the treat of King Peter's forces. ?\\ Its th? rapture of the Serbian tsNrn ? ' ss and Pi latins," the ad ; . "" ?? ? ??-' sectios of the i ? "Reports from the Balkan front I ?? m command of the itl let, Infor,. r lered th.- deal ruction of ? ? tht re belonging to ? French eorporatioa. The hla-t far? nacos, workshop? and dwellings of the .ii w.-r.- ! flooded. 'I he manager of the ?AoiK?, :? Hungarian by birth, but a "The German detachmeat non pving th* dl " '? ? si rrerl n toring ppci mines to th<-ir former ne ' ivity." A dispatch ?o Lloyds News from Athens, dated Thursday last, I ? | ),. ?erbian goverameat aad diplo ,nH,,,. ? '.. arrive at Scalarl ? tro the Albanian froi lloi ha , ompell* d to sbandon the beai ?rtillery owing te la* ii i bod .I Th? Serblai concentrating In a frtah pon.tion paral- I long range puns took nnder their fl a itron?. ea< ament at BUI . ? -- and di?pe It is c ni ? mod that 1 mee. i ga aa made yesterday in the sect of Forges-Bethincourt wa? a comple failure for ths* enemy. Thr I vs. ?raves of gas were projecte follow*?! by a violent bombardrne ?if our trenches. H y means of a cu tain of fire our artillar} prevent the German attacking forces frc leaving tneir ?in??. BELGIAN OFF! The Belgian official communicati' reads: Last night our aviators b .mbar?! the enemy cantonmen?? at F.yj Keyem. Fessen, l.'lerckcn, Schaoba an?l Woumen, as w(?l1 aa a conv setting out from Dixmude. T<> day ths irtillery feel bombar ?i l ?.'ir advaaas ;,p ? helled the trencher and fai by the enemy and dispers -- groups of workei ?outh of Dixmude. GERMAN OFFICIAL No events of importance have I corn si. ITALIANS KEEP UP GORIZIA ATTACK _ Drive at City from Every Angl but Austrians Roll Rack Assaults. 'B? Cat's in I)M HI Paris, Nov. -6. The ?lay has brnug no let-up in the Italian bombardrne of Gorizia nor in the violent attacl ; on other Austrian positions in tl , coast district?. According to Vital erpry assault on the posts doasluattl Gorlzia was rol!e.i back with hea' loices to tho attacker?. The Pevit and PodgUlU Heights and the Tolniii i and Gorizia bridgi ? ro tl ta of fierce fighting which app rently left the opposing forces In prn i tieally the ram?' positions. Vienna r ports the bringing s|s,\vn and deatTU tio.-i of an Italian biplane bos Lorenzo ??i Moesa. The statement Infantry anil artillery attacks 1 the Italians extended yeatorday ov the whole front in the COMt district ? Mr/..?mi and outh "f this m? uni s won ' partly in hand t d partly b] tang!. - ? my sustain!] hea.'. lo H Before the Toinjmn bridgohe. attach bloke ilov. n ? I ? our artill? Italia t The most Violent eng?g<?ments too place at the Ooi la 01 dgi Near ' lalavia del ta of th _2d i lalmatian li I repul eha, Stroi I Podgoi ? ? The town of Gorizia i* eon1 ? in an air ?lucl | r a irme brought down an enemy i> ; .. _j Hoaaa, i ? del troj ad by <>ur gun In the sector of the Doberdo pinte? a battle on th? northern Monte Ban Mich?le reoulted in ou troops completely maintaining thei hat?!?' front. TINY WAR VISITOR SAILS Bab) Booty, at French Front \\ he Four Months Old. Leave-* Fngland. THj ?'s.T ? TMbun? ] Fond?n, Nov. 27. Among the pal ra on the Nioua Amoteraan ;i will sail from Falmoutl day, will he Mr. and Mrs. Lyman .l Beely, of Uammondaport, N. V., an their sob, John Lyman. one rear oh. The latter is 111?? youngest the battlofront in France, having ac eompanled hit parents there '.' ? nly four montha "Id. The Seely will home in Hammi ind ?rill is i turn to 1-. iglai d oi I lee? ? lei to th?. Albanian frontier. The; I communication witl Dun .curing a rcvir'.uallin "The Bulgarian m il irr, hu the i ?erni . ira 1 ? ? ?r." 'be cor ? ?? Mu? vith thai Thraei l'url. - ? Serbie Batgan Baaplefaos ?.r Tarfca. In' ? ? ? i r s ; , 11den1 Bul) ?? I iple. The Bui? that th? Thrace ha . .. I ah uld to limita m wl '?"l In I'll. The Idl : "if tl ? Premi? r :"mi..-;hv.>i*" of Bulgaria, in which fa i 1 that lid be Bulgi ; ? | end i ind fighting on the ? More than 11,0 ra and i ca| ' ured in the Vienna official announce fht ' Gl i. ?IAN OFFII . il ! . tag re] the Bal? I In the region aoathwool of Mitro vit/., th. ts rrltory as far as the Kilns sector has been el eared of the enemy by Austro-Huagariaa 'roop*. Th? number of priaoaora tahen in ..ron!..i Mitroi '-a has ncreaae. b] 1,700. Weal of Priatin? the heigh;? on left bank ?.r the EH1 been occupied l i German ? nal ( ate our l? i South of the Dreniea Bulgarian i have erossc 1 'h?1 gi running through GoltS, S?mlia, Jiaerce sad lajul AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL Prom Vienna the following r ? ?ved : Ir. the Balkan theatre Auatro-Hua : . f '.' drove 1 The i um? ber i ? nera made in Miti ??.noil aoldien and i. bound to i? military l |. *.< if OFFICIAL The Paria ?War Of ? ?* yowing itre: Army . if 11 a I ' ' '" Nov? mb.r ? ... rop ? Bul| la 11????. Serbian anal? trooj had aCCU] I ma have boon a Ithdraa n I ? hank of ' The move ?out ?er? carried <ut without Jiili SORROW KINDLES SPIRIT OF FRANCE "Day of the Dead" Brings Fresh Pledges to War to the End. GRIEF AND COURAGE MINGLE AT GRAVES Dead of Yesterday and a Thou? sand Years Ago Fighting Now. Says Soldier's Missive. R> MMK. ISAM ALCnn PIC\I.I>. Paris, Nov. ?.- A',1 Balate1 Da] the "Day of the Dead" have been cele d in France this year with a par? ticular fervor which lent to the tragic of 'ha war a touching stgnit. Despite the bad weather, whic ; to thi i the pilgrimage* ? f< rest r.ecrop ' trie capital have bren very nu? merosa. Many Impressive ceremonies., - Ivil and religious, were held, and 1 the sight of t ping flow? s tricolor on the grei ? ; ??ur glorios - id was at the asms admirable. Old and feminine France was bow? ing in sorrow before the graves of ita As we look at the name?. ive ones v hoac i ? '?? have ? ly in their affort to pr ' ? ? - read: "To . our brother,.r?. our son," "i . . "Twenty," "Twenty " I hirty-two years old" , . . lly till one has the im . '? ? all the youth of ha - boon sacrificed on t; of t ! ? ? think . "Wash b Not \ et Hone." Vet, this crowd of mnurncr.4 is also ? and encouraging in it I | ..s no- earns toai ' . id to fio? ... all tnesi ? s and ? .m? i" ?? tell ' ? :t- pain and th. ? ? f the dear one? : ave i "t h .--n given in vain; that hie ved, i nd lhat ; i weak? ' erased auf Of ?or to accompli' ; ' annihilate.i! How many eemeteries we .1 trench, a farm or ta w i th Id of the igain all the* graves, ? ? the re dots. -, M 1 lhe work in the fields nave the little knoll ?id. with their awkwar.' erosi i 1... ii poor maculated k?py, i nt piona bava made ? und them and decorated tin m. ??.'ni!., tho names v?hich tl in? of tu., v.i-n'm r bad i.lmost ' effaced have been pointed again. It i- mo-? or th" time the work of fh>- older soldiers guarding the mm. ! munieationa, or of the men at monument i. On tl s gravi .- ... verdure end flower? ?; their ingenioui ' th. y have tried tO S ?I ?'? lines? of the >y they fell: Dead ? ? y ' " " i !,. ? ' . I ?.ii?- on F-erv Grave. For ti,.- annivi of oui ir, ? .i ind of that ? ? -.?hi-re their di lying; ? ?; from one to a ? ? X. . . . mort poor la looke ! SEES FOUR BILLIONS FOR FRENCH LOAN Economist Makes i itimitc Big "Poor" Peasant Pays in (20,000, Partlj in Oold. Pa ' I the MOI : I SUhsr. ' ? ieu. . . ? ? ' ' ? ? which -. Th. which all ! to the call of givi \ ?':.. . ???asant Bank of 11 I . i from hi? I ; 'the peasant responded - 'he better. Hut give me i.- 1,000 frurc' worth." Hi ram in goid. A ??tail of the loan aub - the increase in gol : by tin- Hank of Franco Coming from privat British Resume Bagdad March: Turks Admit Loss : ttle bet ? : Turkish forces at Cl phi ii. for a time eck to the Me?. tn: an ? - ' h after the ?red by th'? ' . - aanoune ? ? i : ? former position, i troops at ... indo t ?ii. in pryvi i ? ipnon ha? been the -rene o' The ancien? r I ? ?.me? and Romai I . sacked it. | LONDON THIRSTS BEGIN NOW No-I.rink-Bet?een-Meal? Schedule (i?-ae* in Kffect To-day. ;b> i ?-.? -..? Tl?? Tnl'iia*.] London, N* ?? f| After to-day Lon? doner* will hftv* to live up to the old formu'a: "Ne drink* between meals," and one of the greatest social reforms in any cour.'ry will have been accom-' plished without any real opposition. by an order issued on No? vember It by the Central Bosrd of L.quor Control, which was brought into ?? the drinking habit? - tisb were hindering the con be obtain mly between l p. m. and JiT?i p. m. '. SltO p. m. and sa : 311 p. m. ?saloon? will not be permitted to ?ell more than a quart bottle of spirits for consumption ofl the premises, and even this will not be allowed after 8:30 p. m. The order applies equally to restau? rant?, where all drinks must be cleared off th( 2:S0 and 9:30, and to - placed on the ?ami - ordinary customers. .Club? a >r!y c;rcuinscrihed. The order hai received strung con domaation from brewora, saloonkeepers trade unions, but th? author ? remain inexorable, pointing out that enorn -he direction of temperance havo been achte uii munition areas wh re n similar ? been enforced. GERMANSTHROWN BACK AT SVENTEN Vienna Denies the Russian Claim of Capture of Czar torysk, on the Styr. ? a ? ? fl ? "7 ' London, Nov. if. The Germans are still desperately striving to maintain their |u the Dviaok region against the relOBtleSS pressure of th* Russian , and havo boon attempting to -. iiche? north of Lake Sventes reeoatlj lost by them. All these attacks Petrograd claims have been repulsed. With the grasad in this region al? ready frosen, th* possession ef trenehsi the free! becomes importance. But de ? borate defences and barbed wire . ? inents, von Ilm have heen unable to ? . Ruaal y'a al tacha. Vienna the Rassisn wrtorysh, on Btj r River. Ac an report?. Csartorj lk th* ground, and ? .loss to the of the Stvr have been A- proof of German claims of Ruf an atrocities on their own people. Berlin . eg id te se the ued to the llfh itei that Em? peror Nicholas ii deopli grieved st mmitted by Rua ? .'ti country. This order say?: "The Rmporoi ha? heard aints coi corning mill . who ill-treat the popula iteal and destroy properties by tire. iror recommend* that commander? give hoed to these cus? toms, ?- ' the srmga" The order is lignod by General Alex ieff and General Ivanoff. German news? papers say no farther proof is neces? sary of th.- vi realty of German re? ports concerning Russian atrocities. RUSSIAN OFFICIAI??. The following official report from Petrograd was received here to-night: fin the western Russian? front. Excepting the failure of a new Ger ii-nn attempt to retake trenches re? cently lost north of Lake Sventen, yesterday along the line. The < icaaua front is without ehanga. GERMAN OFFK : U No events of importance have oc? curs ' Revolutionary Plot in Egypt Denied by British Embassy Washington, Nov. 87. In-mal "f re .11 ths United Sti a revolution?r] In Egypt made by the British Embaaav here 1 .n.lot: The embassy issued ,i'ed ;n the Unite : that o great : .-???,. r. 1 in ..: id by person* in th* en nee E litan. The con iv* plot ? ruler an - and rone. en ar? rosa*}* ese : ,. it.. -.-.- i or pi Office has : contradiction of thi? rumor, in whicl so word cf| ANCONA WARNED, NEW PAGE REPORT STATES Italian Survivors Say Liner Tried to Escape. :f?U 1 Washington, N I I its Depart? ment rts r-ceived I from Ami.Ige In Rome ite that the Ano : .. was pel ing in attempt? to escane during the ?he ?'.ibmarne. The . from of the Italian snrvivors, and. ? say posit ? i wh. ti thi first shot ' meats contlictmg ? connection w th if the attaek. Tl. ? to make the re ? nue informai it is bel evrd. dispoa. of th. contention that the A: t anted, but lustria i ? 1 re iponsible for the of passengers who were aboard ?he ihip was ?uns. It i.? held no eireumstanc* short of refusal to lea-. ? e de- . I the Anemia w.thout pro-' v iding for thi if the i saaets? ? Aus ' yet replied to BOO* Bg*s request 'or additional inforn -ire points .n that government's statement, t'ntil - ,-. . -....t the department will maki department believes it is estab? lished that 'he attacking submarine wa? ? the Ancona was sunk after ?he bad surroadeied, but before all ti ? ? -i ? had escaped. The other ei facto are is doubt. -?-? VON HARTMANN SEES POPE Asdleaec Lasts an Hour, hut What Was lay Remains Secret. Rom.?, Nov. 17. Peps Benedict re- ; I Cardii Fella vea Hart mann. ; -ivate nwdiwi H " conversation .- d no disci ? ? importance of the conference ? dicated by the fact t!iat it lasted emt, and that ?'ardi?al von Ilart foetion a-, he was Kuving the Papal apartment CHARCE PURCHASES MADE BETWEEN WOW AND DEC. 1ST, BILLED JAM. 1ST. I 564 566 asms 56? f?UU?Vfnitf.'W' 46? amo ?47 iuill vc-commencc? Jiondau t/ieir^Jmportant elting LOenti? comprising ?xtensi?c selections of^id-l?intcr'jdsliionsat ! STILbGmTEIlKEPUCriiWSc jkrzzi <? K^AxillnXj Otuld rtchiif ?runmed imtk far ^)or afternoon- otreel^JiotormOear llUitin^^^L?ilUn? y?lilh? Jjitcst models-- ofrichest fabrics tikuxino vatOfiA S l O rap? ?Xandsome styles in silk^odi'ei SireeljJrtM^) , *' (Plue effats ukth or Without fir ^leanincecf ?lUlluwy ~~~ $?MO and 13 Ostrich Trimmed Hats Formerly $4$ to #?75?at $20 and $25 iBioims^at $SJIO^$l? [-Important Values-^ _i V?olida u fats? ~. j OF CARACUL, SEAL anH MOLL V^O^vW ( Handsomely trimmed uiih contrasting furs $ 145__$ 195?$245?$295?$495 ? Formerly $195, $225, $295. $425 to $575. J \ ^ f OF NATURAL SILVER FOX DARK NATURAL j*\L j*9 BLUE FOX- DYED BLUE FOX-SILVERED FOX - / U CV^ STIEL FOX -RED FOX-WHITE FOX-SKUNX-MOLE At $75?$93?$145?$195?$395?$650 Formerly $95, $145, $195, $245, $495, $900. f 5?r___ci^^d. T"*6^ luir1"" WJ|??iMgSliiiMl9 ammOmVeen ^JYqx?) ^fashions 6jor Wear atnot Springs llMe Sulph urtfinehursl oliken-Mshtille and other Southern Jlesorts^ INTRODUCIN'. THF: T.ATKST DiT*inNS I* RIDING HABITS MOTOR COATS-GOLF SKIRTS SWF, AT ER S-OUTING SETS-MORNING AND AFTERNOON FROCKS-EVENING GOWNS?AND OTHER TOWN OR COUNTRY APPAREL KflPKCIALLT FTCATURIN?! - T ? j^imshjmther AS WELL AS SMART STYLES IN GLAZED KID CHAMOIS CLOTH-SUEDE VELVET-AND WHITE GABARDINE-WITH AND WITHOUT FUR. L ? ,.-_____-i'*-"*?,. ''?ssl