Newspaper Page Text
November Bond Circular We wil ?<Ttd * I Grnrtal . -i re irjsril??*? ? al and pub atmead tor iaveatmeat. (irrulsr cii Harris, Forbes & Co Pine Strss-t. Corner William NEW YORK We Offer ? ?nac?iar rnrj Sh Municipal Bonds To Yield 5_ to 6% Circulan en ippHcatkoa. W. . Solsr & Co. 13 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK VaUey Coa! -ales Phslps Dtdge & Co. FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. rhooe tlm*.?. *?U0. _!> Bro__ St.. ?w Tork. Prtfsi? Is?Bhm ??> ??*? sr><*. p_i!sd?iphts. STANDARD O -i i;*i|.?\i;lf- i m M m BLOC i j; \? ?in**? OLD HOC L CARL H.PF0R2r.EIIYI_i-&C0. .\ .??i?; ;. Iraai bl. K Y. W m.s'-.Read-.Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston London I Submarine Boat Midvale Steel Maxim Munitions J. ROBINSON-DIFF Specialist 61 Broadway, N. Y. ! *" aai3H___H___H-_n-M-B-Hni Amer. Gas & Electric Co. Amer. Power & Light Co. Cities Service Co. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Standard Gas & Elec. Co. Utah Securities Corp. Lamarche & Coady Phone 9970 Rector. 14 Wall St. CONSERVATIVE SECURITY REVIEW -. a, s.? Baga-e* C. R. Bergmann & Co. Imt?tment Securitie* SO nilOMiW __ M W YORK Ail WALL STREET 'cads DOW, IONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL m ri\\N( IM MEETINGS. hM i ? ?PftINT.1 III H 1 IKF. f O A ; - " f the I . :nc? of the < psr.y .?,?;_- I.ras at 1 r " ' - -;'.?"' Beting upon r?-so ? ?? ' hange the eertlf ?of .la ?*oin ; - : ? I ( ': I t ??very s ' ? s ? ? I ? ? - ; ' S' ? . r the s ' ' ' - n? in_y j s * * . . a bet . ? MAN - itarr ? * ? 1 ?. V Mil *> 1 ?ii'.l'i.ll ITIOX. - ? for th? .,'"?' ?r th? ' ? ' - i ' si ' -? < . ? ? - ? ? '? _?..'"? ... ; a v mm? r. utameet ? '.f \/is,.j,| Mr#li(,_. - ?nroil I .... f- . ? . ? | ' . ?- -. ? . . ? .. s ' ; ? . ? h . . , i t Lia**. REVIEW OF TU! FINANCIAL WE To Introduce Our Pe? to Investing Funds i Foreign Fields. UNITED STATES AS A WORLD BANI Consols' Low Price Emphni London's Present Handicar Railroad Finnncl - ? : ? ? B ? eorporatio ? Strong ' ? i ? . ., that I ? ? h ; ..i ? ? ?.ilixed W01 I '. ? ir help in habilitr.*:r.:i will ? ? rfu?y ' to our own Rood. The immense usual business we ere doing at prices for the warring powers snd gold that ha? come to us at a when through reorganization of banking system our need for gold been reduced have a natural tend? to make .?* lavish in nnwiae and un durtive fashion of our ne-.? resist this temptation and b ir business on a fourni will endure after the war, we sha! ah'." *? .in the intei tional i-tretigth thrust upoi. The new corporation for promo' our interests abroad is back".I by r who have already, in their several li done ?." ' ' p in our doi atTairs. Guided by them may avoid much of the un v. ment that is bo apt to accompany first venturing of a nation's capital i unknown foreign Aelds. We have I the unusual advantage that the gr Kuropean powers ar< desirous of r? uing on the securit:?..- that repres, their foreign inveetments. Such sto and bonds have retord ? to apply to their prospect? .??r sxparience. (lur (lovernment Must Aid. How well our individual invest can accustom thaaualvsa to risk their savings outside our borders mains to be work?"! out. If New Y? is permanently to take it* place side Lou Ion and Paris as a lead centre v.? n ;. m months T.v. in year . P? I - I I by the it riTiaii i.-" ?. nation to make a arondarfully qu ? own anthorlti? help our growth along inteniatio lines. In abroad hi. o lacke proteel by our 1 ? deral BUthoi ? and hf been liar- pered ! I of lai at home. The grs . * financial pow? ri ?.f Euro concentra' ti| I on in WOl finance. ;?" i ket last ? <?? tectcd b) -minimum price real Bril ? a vi??- et i.t rata? i bills ind ft- ? ' rma of tin ernmenl L-% in the ? \ ? r a\\%\ ^_F for u _B ' ' PI '.'.nr is making all form gnificant Wh the coi diet 1 - were ae .'? m ?m? h s I mum was I as they ?I . though it only in r? ? . war ioaii - rice that yi< around 6*. j.s-r ccit to th . full. Sterling s ir inte natioi laat I ? much of our fi ? .'jesi is ?loi i on th? ?. . . s tuV . ?? 1 an unslue ?'.s-ment ? or?!.:. ? ? ia of mu? mor.- have the mov? ' limits than to ra m it near? ? ? aiatain I.?' Sterli ig at l>i*.n,_nt ENew here. It Is troa thoritiea, bi ..... ? || whei' An :.?!. ? ? in Pari ?a ' 1 *-re. (io!. I | s- fror ^_ of course ?y ?. for gold. G ? * sug Alliei ? Th? ont] ring Se paid foi w? 10, ,".sri . - I : . rs.rsl 'r' | . . ? IIM.OOO.OOO, an.I *..r tl - fat orabla b ilanoa I to II ? ?. ni I th | romotating in this city ?? ? . ! rv. ?, .. I ?hip thern al ? Stork Market (Juieter. '???,;?;| Baaaltlai e?-ratraeta ?till have " 9 rta thai the Aille procure thai! ow, w?r .irketa an ? the outcoi ri in (lie Hulkan? iurrnahr,, ? , (ling influence on operatinr - Il ? tentative p ?' cent corrrp raiting ? '. ? ' - ? ? ? he country. ? rhan, theii ' .ndon - ' ? ? . ? ? ' tat 000.0" ? -- e ? ; la have ? of tl TEKLY CURB TABLE. . .... i Rl \I>. i ? Mr? . .- ? . : Banken' 1 I ? - ? ? ?ran ? . * -, ?hii 7sat Ha?. C 14 -'?-!? ..r Va ' ' an. 12 lot.. 16 C ??- I l?i ? ? '? "4 pbtdg ??. ? 1 4?. ? * r? ? : i. ;<;'-, ??'? ? ? ? i'-j ? ? I.. 1.400 . - . ? -1 let pre! . !? ? ???-.'?- i l . .. . '? ? 7? '. - j . arlesa Motors I ? 100 Pyrene Ml? .... , ? nn MOtC. I , . ?I it ii n ... ItU H . - . i ;, 14 II 4 ? . -, ? ?w. : IM lh um 4-, i, a?, - 4 ?. i . a . ?. Ii fini .r ii . ? ? ? ' . ? * ? ? '? STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. : . ? ? l - ' p L w I .; I. ... 117 HI 11 ? !? 1... in ill III : .. ? ? ? :. a a - ? i ? ? ..? -.i i on. , MINIM.. i - 1 ? . a < i . . - ? ? - i a 7 1 -, in . r ii n i ' ?'- - fa | .1 ? ? ? , '. ?. a '? Men 1 ? ? . ', ? i ? ? * ' 8? 7-1 -I I ? ? ' . . ..- r Iaode.. i ! 1*4 ? i l . . . -, *, > ? ' - -? I 1 I f. . J ? ' . . 1 l '?a H -, Mia... ? ? M - ? n a < . . ? i ' rig . ? . , _ - - , I M , t 4-, ? - . , BONDS. ! a ' W :r . -a a, International Steam Pump Co. Ti,.- rganisation coir.,- ? ? ?" ? Pua p < Iota of which Charles H. Babia is '. on Baturda) that of ires of prefi standing over 108,000 had been deposit? ed ander 1 f reorg? ?r tl per cent de A c n ?. I s -. . . I u from ? ? red pro'" tivi ' te of pro? be re ? I lent of ?i:i.4J per share, up ? I' ?g ?his payment m full now, rent now arid the rem? I cent m three Instalment* of ..-? . On or before the re-p.-rtive of Jaaaany 1". IBId, March 17, 1010, aad May 17. 1011 -ill unpaid ?t any ? m? I. ? lad eat preferred itoch ??'il be di ; with lub?tutitial uiiatiiiiiitj. Executor Trustee ^^^^^J Chartered 1322 The Farmers' Lo*an and Trust Company Nos IG, 18.20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York, LONDON', 15 Cockspnr St., B, W.; 26 Old Broad Strw:. E 0. PARIS, 41 Boulcnrd Haossaass BERLIN. 56 del Lista- NT. W. 7 TraTden' Letters of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian Bank and Trust Company Problems If you bave knotty or trus* company problem*, perl *q I IN <an help you to trlve them. Organize?! in 1881, cur '. ?Bf ex; tricnce of ur.interrupted -r?.-i re I I the various capac I I ? - - resources und | ! - , Oil -- ? ?Bit ientljV in the ?. lie various w.iv? -'i v.hich w*- ?rrve are iTf* a*ed in bo'klrt It? Service to Yoti " which will be gladl*" ?en*, upon requei*. Metropolitan Trust Company of the City of New Ycrk George C. Van Tuyl Jr., President 49 Wall Street STOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE WEEK .ng .s Hie uMial fable giving the number ?if ?.hire?, ot all stock? lirait in for the ?reCB ended NovcmBCC 27, together with the highest, lowest and final price?? and the net changes of Ibe week, and tbi high and low prices of the >ear 191.*), wilh the hi?h and low prices of the jear 1911. ratal M?e? lor the week. e\injtm% ?gainst 4,503,600 a week ago. This week n year ago the Stack Exchange aras closed. Pram laanarj i i?> ?lat?-. i.'iS,0!ii.,ioo, against U,.l>???.Hill in 1914. ;.i ?- ? a ? .. ., ??? 1 ) ? I'IT rala \ eau lpar I ? " . - ? 4 ? - ' ?-ar . \ k V ctfi ? - ? ? - ? . . . . .... ' a? ehaia? . ? 11 ? I? V. ?? I 121 . - Nfl .1 0 ? , ____ ? ?IS ? 4 - ? ? 1 . 117 ? ' i ' * ? tl ? ' ? ? ' I . ? ? Ut Va 117 . I' HI - ? 4 ? " ? ? ? . : - i : . a - : : ; _?__ 4"', ? - ? ii? ? I" - ? II N - in-, 4. ? M ? ? - - ?? ? .. ? - - . a - ', l?J ?? m% i\ 7'7V. 4 P ? ? 4 ? ? 4 : a Fdif I ? ? ? li - ? ' \ ;? Ha - - ? I ? : i.-ii - tmM . i . _^__ ?I H ? . f. : i ? ' I i ? 1 ? ? : - P - . H : -? I - ? ? ' i - t? ' Ii.:? . i IS ? . - ? ?1 .' . a M "lift - _rma : < ? , ; a ?? '? Ill . : II l| II II !.. Ill - - II "H , I . n? :-"*, - , . II* ? . * ?? . ? ? ? i ? ...- i. _______ - ? i - . - ______ I _________ ? i - ? i ? ? ? _______ - ?.I I I -? . 1? i?" lu;. ' - . ? ? 1'? : - : ? : i i ?a ? I - 414 4 . AI II? ? IV. I . . - ? ? II. ? - ? 1M - - - a II' ? I ?4 - ? . i.-i IN ? ? * 1 4 ? 1 . ? . H-MT < . ?* . ii- l...-- 1.1. - 4 if 1101 :.e . - 5 7? i ? ' ? - ? ? ? 4 ' - I < ? I - . . . 1 '? 1 . . I I ' . ? of X J l-apr-r ? ? i I ' : I ? I I' ?1 ? " ?! ? M ' * ?- - . ?' x - - - M ?? it 4 ? * : ?.; 11 ! ? i A -? I. - -I \ I ,, 1 ?U lyi?/? ?-. I 1<*. ?-a. ?-.a, ' To Investors The most thorough tests dictated by bond-buyin* experience can be applied to the purchase of Anglo-French 5% Bonds A careful study of the financial resource* of the issuing Governments and their long record of fidelity to every obligation will convince you that these bonds are thoroughly safe. A companion of the inerme yield of nearly 5r,??. obtainable when buying these bonds, with their.ccme yield of other Government securities, will satisfy you that these bonds are cheap. An analysis of the past record of prices and yields cf British and French Government bonds will give you some idea of the possible value of the con version privilege attaching to these bonds. These bonds are payable in five years. October 15, 1920, in United States Gold Coin, and are free from all pr?tent or future taxes of either of the issuing Governments. We shall be glad to send to any inviter full information cor.eerning thes?* bonds from which can be obtained a Letter realization of their many attractive features. White, Weld & Co. ? 14 Wall Street Chicago New York Boston STOCK EXCHANGE VOR THE WEEK. lu? Hl? ?1?! ? ' \ rt 5 0 ? T I - ? ? S t ? ? t 1 ? ? ? : ? ? ? rkin !'? i .. ?? %i.?ii ParlBi Tel _ T.l . , ?? ? .... ? s ill < ?> .psr $Wi ? . . .. -? I M . ? ? -re I prsf. . ? ? ' ? . . r;. sjf N ]. l'i;?.-e ? sr . >. 1-1-1? . ' . ? ? II ! I ;? ai.i . ? ft R f n '??rrel Uns - - . * _ls?*l A Iron.. No i QuoUttoa Bm ' shs-ss ' ?st? Ssslsl l B III .!-??? ' ??' > - I ? . , il I ? ? I - ,1 \ ? 7 14 ios** ? . Nst -' ? |? ? : * i i ? i I ; -1 ? . i- If 15 Us .? ' I!1j!i , Ills.. 1.. - IK', . M ?? i - -i . : ? im ?? ' - '. : 191?. Low Ift. : ??'?? ? i? ? '. i , . II ?3 : ?? S 1 *silIS" Joui ? ? : Mllliit? - ,1 ? prJd A'.' ii Bsl i ? I r ? s , -? Twin I f it - | ? l'si-r ?? rrr?1 ? _!'?? . I|sr I'n Cliisr? 8tor*s trs Am i - ? S ? ? ? ' ? ? . ? ? .-or ; ' ' - ' . I'M] s i ** Realty A It-; I OHii ? * '? - , ? I , ? ? . <r ?101 \ . . . . : ? .1.. prtfsrrtd - ? ? s i i "? Isfrtph ?' .-I 10??, lit ... . . . ? ? ? ' . ? . ?. ? ... >4 *: ? . ? * ? . ? . - ? ? , i . ? : ? _ ? ? ? .? ?: ? , ? ? ? I ? ? - ...... i.s.s ?.; ??i."? un 1114 ii.v. . i ? .. ... i. i ? : ? ' 're.l ?1 ? ? I . ) trsl .. f ??It'S 1 1 ? , . ! I'll, ? ' BOURSE TO LIST NEW LOAN Factories. Churches and Hank of France Promote Subscriptions. Pari?. Nov. Zt. The Minister of Finance, M. Ribot, announces that the new government loan will be quoted on th,e Bonne the same as other gov? ernment bonds. Even the certificates will be negotiable, ?'eridine the issue of the obliga) obi themselves. The Bank of Prance ?fill advance three. fourths of t ... value of the obliga ? ? no! I tcced I ** IM.000 francs to a single pe? Many induatrial establishment.? have orgaaised lubacriptiom by their arork? men. advaaciflg half of the lit | italmeal <jh all tumi over 100 fi i Pastoral letters from bishop- arare re?d in ninny dioCCSCS to-day ?-.vlicrt ing the faithful to subscribe. New Haven Orders Equipment. The New York New Havoa .<? II ir ford Railroad Company has placed or? ders for BOB ' viipit.ei.t the ?? - ? ? an expenditure of between $*, mi".'. and ? Thia equipment ? ii:.. haad passenger train car-, with ih<? O ?good Bradley Com pany, of Woreeater, Mas?.; thirty-three beavi freight eagiaes, with the Amen ca? Locoasotive Compaay, to be built m Scheaectad**| N. V., tare steel dining car.?, with the Pullman Company. o RANK STOCKS. i" i Baa. BM. a?'?:. ? , ???-.?.. - Am I ? B 11 ? ' Hattery Pork ; ?: -Ill luir N?t Hr>iarit I'.- lit ?'.:.-??? H 4 !. ? tan i*o B? ?17. I tara l'ha? a I' 1 M ? ' M ??? I Nal !?'. I H I rom-ere*- .SHA? i (?ora H v h .' i :--? l'ara: . * ? I I , ? i iver 7-, 13 r..., le'a .... : ? IBS ? i man ... 1 II I < i;arti?M . ? '.. rn it. Am. IS i:l-> ' ni? H .: ? ? . i i -ii.. ' Out!.am Nal. IS? ~liurk.UI? . ???* H* PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES (?eneral News and Eanlaga of Vorieet ( ?erperatto?o. The Eastern !'? Cempaiy. income account for I ber discloses groai electric revenu?-*! amounting to |29?0-1, being more than IT per cent greater than in 1914, income fron ment, aggri only *-1 ? jrh 11 - Total i ncrease red with tho Oetol ? i Til .1 ?:s\s ? .s-s's! From - ? ' ? j .,108, IM, 1; charges on bonda oui ate , thai le of Sn.007, an increase of OOOt tt ]>rr cent. 1 nited I.ljrht and l< a i I ?\ :?>*.. (?ross op?r?t:? | i Lignl and Sllls-'.i i the - ama a 1914. Farther im| men? I IIway tannage, and | i ? tober SI el ihowed an s . per eenl t -.1 with the tu ? ?.- ling, Preaidenl Hulawitt, In eon? men t in_r s.:. pn that b facturing eentr? aorved by tha iul material :r>'. TRIST INO si KiTV COMPANIEf ? - ? ? I ? Is I S' Y. Trust ? I v i. * r . ,.ii_- .a m s ? . ,; ... |- ?.. ?... ? ? I-ssjrr. - I? IW ?\ _ II . ?v _l I.. IM American Brass Co. Aetna Explosives Co. Babcock & Wilcox. Du Pont-Hercules-Atlai. Niles Bement-Pond Com. Safety Car Hts*. & Ltg. Singer Co. Yale & Towne. Lamarche & Coady Phone 9970 Rector. 14 Will St W0T1 i 01 , : irrioN. ? rORK i s-sfNTT ?in r ' : >-,k?r for an Ord . ith-a?wa sur?- .? tnauri . its unsi.r I t ha pat - ? 1 ' i . ' ? irdertij, Tl ? ? ? Statt, ? ?'. ltb?*__Ha !*[0?!''.-S ... >? s t?. . Kmallan Ksrput ? Ki'sriyn? _-? ?iuk. .1 . ? ?? A ?s ^?n \>- iatm ? .?ti. m*e I of ma ' ? ' ft** Tsrk. ? ' s?w Tork. - Uli. tt ' -hst dar ? ptlttsMMT I >hs beat ... i T? f ?.f til? ? |. . th? m ? Um ?? : ?p??r J?? ? ? - ? SI I ? ? ... ? said privat? l?nk?r ???.- ? 11 I T ? ; ? ' ' i ? o ? ... . . COTTON GOODS ACTIVE AFTER A DULL WEEK Total Sales Jump After Holiday Md Near Production. i? ? ? ' '.' ' , tira ju?t **' ? ;-.ank?r,r" ? - act ?*. *?" ?jri *-*??* : I eau?? ?a ?*?',n** MAW \irO* '?' L___l ', '? h ? I hen o? * for i>T-M ? ''?"' .'?it rara d ill, ? 1 " inf on all ? ... ,, '? mlIir#f which bava been ofTer.M fer etpe*^ ?.. .??!, approval ?? m* ? ?*.?? ?rr, timated at lM.OOO pi"-*?' ?. which about 61 000 p ecea are *P, ?l# ?aman?, *hs< ??j?*1 \^ through Fabraary tot liverj 1 ha quoUl ?*? 6" ? : .>,,?? i? n0J; 27-inch, ?".U'.'i. 3\c nom ; 27-.nrt, *"? ',,', HS**!-"?'"1