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The Motormen and the Navy Will Be Out in Force To-night at the Garden KEEN CONTESTS FOR THE TEAM HONORS IN RUN y M. C A. Harriers Beat Pennant AC. Men by Only Two Points KATZ LEADS HOME A FIELD OF EIGHTY "M. Oelrlch. Who Pltishcs Thi, In 33/4*Mil' Novice Race, (lets Into Hot Water. ?. iplrlted Ifhl for team honor? marked th? Ita-mlls cp'-n novice road ant Athletic Club. iur'. Bf trom '?"' clubhouse, at 146th 7hird Avenue, The Bronx, ?liter.: The N'inety-second ; ?roung Association won ly a BMIfiS ?I '- ? ?BIS S~OS the l'm nant ?T-.aJ, with respective ?core? of One peint also decided third he with th? Hungarian-American Athletic Club defeating tl ? Bronx Church Hoass with ? total of 78 point?. Three other clubs also Baiahed team?. The race for the individual prlio {roved an easy one for Julius Ratz, a om? dub runner, whoao knowledga? of th? cours? enabled him to defeat th? ?lid of ?ighty starters. He won by -nor? than ? hundred yards In th? good time of lOtdl J Perbest/y of the Ilnprlar.-Arrierlcan Athletic Club, wa? ?econd, wit.' Harry Van Gelder, an un attaehtd athlete? a elo?? third. A boy ft tores on the programme a? **M. Oelrlch. unattached, raced home In third place, b'.:t it was found later that he ??l Tom P. Ilarty, of the Holy Family Lyceum, of Jersey City, com? peting under an assumed name. Tho rj.vner wai questioned by (Jeorfje P. Matthew., ehalrf an of the local regis? tration , and to prove his as lert.or. that he was Oelrich pre i Fiteur card with that name on it. He v.*? thee aaked to display other er<? lom I?, but could not. Finally Mr. Matthews asked Harty for his hat, th? ???id of which was puncho I with the Initial? "T. P. II." He aras to appeal at a meeting of the com next We '? ??.* wai ? , to explain his position in the : The summary follows! ? i ' ? a r. , a,. ..- .?_- 1, (* ' . 21 ?a. .21 ? .fl . \ ' 4 ' - ? .. V M I! .*. 4 . ? : ?. . ' 4. . ' I ? : jl I ? : ? T ? I An Easy Victory for Craw. ? four lid ? day H? c!ub weak? .'r..W?t ' ? ? Pauli ?t Runner?, in Front. T*. laaera f * ? ? Har- , ' Httan "asa i f Jack reny third ? ir? for the h . event next Saturda Hon pla??t itrv? it o-ciuiivoly (kttlad by-E aj.BURKE BY I . Y< ,!? tfcrds t?.^ Bowling Pria*? < .it r*A? :,- , - , rt I MM HANICS. j. /*? I; ,1 ? _j~ **-. ,, |t ??, s,w V'.rk Boxing Bouts for the Week TO-DAY. Madison Square Garden?Jim CoflVy and Ganboal Smith. Afternoon. Rroadwar Spo-ting ( luh. Hrrx.klyn? Amateur trial-: Y*mmg Tuck and Jack Canaan, BtJdlo Canoll and Joe Stortr, I'. S. \. TUESDAY. Rroadway Sporting Club. Itroa.klyn? Jark Dillon and Jim Flynn, Fred. die Har-eee and Art lid ? urd?, J.,?h Mathews and Young Cohen. TH?B8DAT. Floneer Sporting (luh?Johnny Dun? dee nnd Fhil Itloom. FRIDAY, narlimi Sporting Club?Sam I.ung ford and Harry Will??, Marty ( ri.-? and kltl Herman, Joe Sleln and Frankie Notier. ?ATURDAT. Broadway Sporting Club, Brooklyn? Dutch Flrandt and Patsy ilrannl gan. Tonnt Drlscoll and Hushey (?raham, Johnny Dohan and Jim? my Flynn. Sharkoy A. C.?All star card. Fairmont A. C?All ?tar card. KIVIAT AND SMITH REST THEIR CASE Athletes Ask That Their Punishment Be Changed to Suspension. Abel R. Klvlat and Harry J. Smith, the two athlete? who are seeking to re? cover their amateur standing, did not present the new evidence they maintain they posses? at the ?pedal committee hearng at the Hotel Astor yesterday morning. Th.? two men, through their counsel, John T. Doollng and ex-Con? gressman Murray I* Hurlbert, did how i v?r, request the special committee to recomend to the board of ifovernors '.hat the punishment fof the'r offence Bgoil ' ' ina] ension. Doollag declared Kiviot and Smith were barred from further competition 1 as amateurs because they asked ex " expense money to compete In a ' race that was never held, and which ? * they never received. He cited i -he ense of Alma Richarde, Olympic -?ho, ho s.".id, was haled 1" ?ion committee of the ? Middle Atlantic Association, charged nor? I] '-rise money [than nec-ssary. Richards, Doollag I retain the ,, which he did, find wn? then ex wit h n : 'in \V. ? erd, the fa tanci runner, De ?-nine eharge? I ? ago, bu? the extra merely warned not to ' 1 permission to e to show ' ? ? A '? v? bearing on the ry n?-d that this ? it the certain to* ?i.vus T. Kir'-y, the chairman, ?'?e commit- I bave ? ry in the handling of the if-h ns tbn :-, ? ? I mi| ? ?- lines ol leral pro? ? - ? It had i ? '. to submit. hi? brief ' aJaoary 8. arrived a! wiii ???? it? I Proy ? el for ?at and Harry J. TIES GALOPE AT THE TRAVERS ISLAND TRAPS Big Fields Out fof Week-End Matches Ml Contests Keen Perfect ?hooting conditions broupht . end con nt tho Travel? rap? of ? - ' I -erday. ty of the - ?r..i in the '.he tourna? is.' h carne to I In the fi mer W. J., ifl BBd R. T. Spot's nil had full scores and so were <?? legs. It was Smith'? third, enough to become the permaneat owner of the pr./e , : ? ?cored legs on the tournament cup 'I hey were W. J. . w. R Delehantr, W h Ofdea, " ' ihon, R I?. s and W. L. Thompson. This tnrew Ogden and McMahon Into a tie - forme'r ?on by 23 to 22 ta pet?. The aceur- :? saw stral|,'ht ?cores regiatorod by (i. J C'orbctt and A. L. Hum?. ? ? ? ?? ? only straight ?core of 2r. targets registered by Corbett He i ? v on a ? perfect sr- r-i: after ? in a tie wl'h W. P. I1' I' I,, ("uiv.-r, w. ii. Ogden. ft. L I ?' annexed a ?pecial ?hoot with a straight run of 25 tar?.;.?' -m fa Outsprints McNeil. ? ? proved too faal ' i ik'iv raes of the lob, la B"*-rokl**B, yes iloth i ? r I, V.'.l I. Si ted - rival wn? unable ... ? was third. The .-.???: ??if - "?< ? ? ? - I A ' .' * BHJ Set? l?>w Coarse Mark. John !? Ball, startlni* from scratch, :? 'torn th? r''ijr?e tie ? ?. ,M*flMI I .- ? te tii- fri .? prlated ?'?> i.y tea ? thing Dorgaa and Hell re i<a.n?.i Hi? New York Athletic I Club. | The Choice of the Army Me F] wan, the rovlnfr centre, whs, ?.. sleeted captnin for next season. Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ By 1GOE _ Jim Coffey has to do or die ton at Madison Square Garden. This i be no ordinary demise should the ( nor subdue Coffey. J'.m knows i If ).!? in ?hipped this night it in. his pug'.lstic obsequies. No tliist. t big Fl unk M< spun him un his car in i hi a; Madi "i. Square Cardan Billy <i.; I ave bs'cn i a pair of Hengal tigers. Thi of their yowling baa been that t .fa chnnce to conti by a little bit of overcaotlc by Drown, that Hill stopped the . li ihman was on his feet ? That is a little unjust so far drown is eonc?'rnes!. A lucky thing Coffey, Gibson and boxing in gen that an leeberg like IJrown wa? d, the thinking for that mad mob t night. He Saved Coffpy from pessi I by walking him to his eoi the Celt ??isin't know whether was aftot or in a jaunting (Talked to his corner like a II?> had been thoroughly separa fren his thoughts by Moran's kill punches ami to say that hs> had ' to continue la the silliest s Ha practically starts all over ag | a man who sola Irishn . ? to of only i ehronicler. Bin th won fr. :i h?'re night, ' . or.e in Jim (" fey'a life. So bu"k up, Jim. You ? ;? . * ft promis. : ber, that, Jim. Jo And spenkl'ic o H? sir to have taken an swfnl shrine to tl is as he ratt! ? ? ' ? . ley Wl ' -.the Ei .. | . SB to have ' ' .' ' ? ?? to km. laya H fsnl ? ? Englli ? ? he has e. He w, ? ' ' ' ' t them I up ?100 n '. I when he let me in on the a? "Til him out ?| . ' I . he had ever leen floored, even. ? I sa Huffy sprnwline among . d hadn't knocked anybod I ? I '.v I ' arlie Diel *er. And here'? a funn thins ?. "If he were human he would be ? ?' ? ?> ter !I - ? feel didn'1 thirty-five pounds apiere he could figh as a bin.tain Did FOS STSf see thos ( them that tip I I , Minion. Hi.' er in the world Don'i forget thai ltoston ia era y bo_| him" Ike Dorgan drops In with more o less of a gronel Begini Ikei "I'n lieh at.d tired of this talk about Moral : now ? ? ed down an ofTV of |7,600 for s meeting with Fred Ful ton, th" light I tho one be ?v, as t ?d baa r.evs-i been offered s match down there wit! ANYBODY. It'a all the bunk. Morar ? received an offer from their i ther. "We named ?T.nOO as the amount thai we woulil want to fight Fulton. We arr them now for an u Th. only out and out ofTrr that Moran has received Is the one of 111,000 from .lack Cnrley. Be i if he will eon ion! to mi I ... .? .?? us it percentage be Id? i. Mo ? How to Agi I After ? ?? ' 'I .ilk abo'it ? i ord'i Peaee si Ip. Whs donl :.I over on : : ' IL On wa ever had." ? fr Bartfleld bought a Mg, hieb and now h" wan ta to get rid ! thonghi he 1. He dldn'i .1 :? the ' f id .' hol m Ik of ? : the sthei day thai .,,.,,,. on? had Invented a gaaolei ? ?, ? si,. . ' the i ?jsllets ihsl jre | in a barrel of ? I ? i item off gallon? of gaeole-e for a JiUiey. Jak?.- J i? for thnt, but at the present Ro< feller ?tar.dard be bilk". Who wi ? - HP V Chris Rrnwn, who doe? the ba | for Tom Ccrwler wbsfl Jim ( on the road. arise! to stnte t he stands re ; a gaai ? if he ?. ? ? ? . ? ! ?round hi raanf hli courte. Re wai ?/Hid r at his best. I.i licked T( rum;- it quic ?for r-omethl Voran can bar? sat cars ' ?? i'r poail ?? " iny'l f\g Tora i for Deceml ?rill probably mee? ei?her Porky Fly oi Jin. Barago. ] i .vill ?uit u?.' .I-iwn P.-.rnell Dunn, tho -llv Hroadv. ' - - to fight J Flynn ti "They've be? l saying thit Dill would not i to New "I beeaas? ?he flgl ! ?-? - . ? ITJLD be hen ? ... ... e YACHTSMEN TURN TO H WATER War Cause i In Pl?m i Pletsui ' Iwners. As a direct resolt of I n to Florida r?s a wlnt resort a matti ? ? ? , of the 1 Surf and ? ?h ti Cran - ; ' I (itiif- - Cral ? - nota. There ai the i | ? .m?. The boat II no T. L CI adl "urn -, Jr. hai el art?re Payae w I RaffboB -? fof crti'?iug. Her boat ? .: I'pment Ir m one i ihiBi The tw'n ? :-."' houst lost Oi iwa II. ?rail knowa In Ha - ... ?old by J II. Wiehert to a well know ? ? lOBg, will start for the South nex week. TIES RECORD AT TRAPS Stuart Scott Star of Shoot at Ne? K...helle Yacht Club. Btnaii Beott, in (Haalag th? l'.?'' th ?? at tl - trap?. Th? . ratai last year by '/.. 0 OlTat The conditions for yesterday*? shool ... ? ?.,,? ,... | resal? boom leori ? '?? '?? r"' iwed ? - , "i-ird" seratel I re, J. N. tor In the high hand*. ,. ? ? ?' .'.' on his hand ? won the II "bird' a ? ill score and ' - - ? berry, .1 A ' ? I J. N. McLaaghl i '!! !? .<?i far tho -, H. R. Stoddard, J. A. M ihlatedl aad I ' ??."ti a 1' ?? each for the accumula? tion cup. -? Miss 0. Lasher Victor ftl Neponsit Tr<ips ??.,;? r proved 1 ? the N? ' ..i - ? '. I lb Mis? ? and Mi ? A '?'? i with 6 each. ALL-SCHOLASTIC TEAM EUS MANY STRONG BIDDERS Weinheimer, .Morris High, Leads in ''nhattan Bronx Section. Jake Welahelmer. captain of the - High ?Seho? '. foetl all i e an headl ?h? Mat.hattan-Hrsti.x t"ams Us the indivisiual rt, the to. i? of the ?MS Ml, Ti.o ? 'ung can for a halfback position on Ute Bolaitil eleven, I I ital of ? - i ta bj y o> three toaehd >tm; nl from touciis.own and one from >ix more points wer?* Morris daring II season, these being; made by Fogarty throu?h a t'.Hichdown. imbberi of the champion H" >'? ton eleven pr?s?. Wsinhsimei close! ?? are rolaky, with thr?'o touchdowns; Kitner, with two touch , ansl four goali from touchdown for I. p. DtS, an.I Kitner, who with I for 12 points, followa. OH, of Commerce, leada hi? trim with "i ?.' touchdown and two goal? therefi * .with ? the quar ith a and a goal for " point?. 1 ar.n an?i ! owns for < merer. Bemsen was respons'ble for the only touchdown ma?i? !y Stuyvcaant during Its five gam? BI-SSSlo Clinton wat virtual winner of the Manhattan- Hronx title, as shown by its record in the appended tablai _. Tla i M j 4M ? I.? 0 ?M work of ?ge, who Mm N j* ii ?) ii iff ? i? "Hutch" led the Pointa MNat Gl_t_n _ M -l, ... s "S .. Btu.t..stt 0 ? The niperlatlve Karlson, of Bay R Urookiyn section, ail live long in the memory of the flrit b tch of graduates of the school. A total of rj pointa was accumulates! by the New Utrecht school daring ths season, and "Dutch" ?.??i. respoi ill for 48, through, tonehdowna and ils go'ils from touch down. Frugone and Rosa, of the ( om mereial baekfi? I I, are next in order, with 37 and M peints, respeetivi ??? Titus, of Manual Ti ? had two Meld goals, is fourth, witl __ ??oints. A. Etsel, "f Brooklyn Prep, sn I Cana ? ?' .-? Fran Is, d iputs fifth hon? ors, with '.' i eacl t in their a r, of II l A. Kelly and P, Carlin, of Brooklyn Prep. toree tnucndowna each, obtained the aneeeedli g positions A close race _ I ? tot 'he bor? ough title, with Adelphl for the second auccessive ft Bl W. I. Ta 4 I 1 >.?0 T3 I? i .-? s 3 o ' 4 3 0 ? 1 "I ?l t t ? ? 4' 4; i . s * t j; ? i 4 ; i.i . I4'l ill < i 4 " ; i * u ?j had little ! r?. fo; la : ?tal of ? i, while I I nta. Trowl <*com I all this ? trial ' -hing, occupy th'* for SO and Ds ft rrari of Garden rith f .-hdowns t tabl lahed a record for a whei t com ? wer? " .-.- H:'!.-e . were ' em? s' th? . ime. yo\ ; is-. ? VICTOR ' ' : ??? Ridge al re of ? i . - ? ? . _...._,? r1?M?n n . . ' ....... . . ' s ?ne ? ' i aefcfl ?s To Investigate Charges Against Star Walker Qeei ' Irman ef the local ?? ' ?? I u.. in R. Pat? ry, ?he oMtimc thampion, in which the lat? ??? fe -. ng, of Canada, of professional? ism. An Ineeettgaflon will b? begun at tho committee meeting on Wednei lay 'light. Parry will be aiked to produce the documentary evidence he main? tains he possesses. Li*p-v 8M ?*- ?4 WaiDoart?.*?. Arrow COLLARS WHh Inserted tips that O-dkethemifaoag. c/orSie cxrrrT, RtM '?' A gX. U* . m-_??? |. ??? fF-__-._-BK-i-1. ___ J _3?gg_?***-**? Dead Storage for Autos v, I ,?|>I|N \l. ?-ATM. PIONEER Fireproof Storage Warehouses ,. ,,, -,( i i \| m -II -VB. I??-1 > v I'lln .*. ? M \ I > ?????'. Metcalf Gained Success Almost Single-Handed Alumni with Few Exceptioi Gave Columbia 0>ach No Aid in Building Football Team. Xe'son Metcalf, who coached Colur bla'? football team through It? fir season on th? gridiron In a dec?. wi'hout ?uffering a single ?etbsck, hi to do more th?n whip a team togetht from green material?h? had to f.g! ?he apathy of the alumni, who stoi ?loof from the first announcement c '.be reitoration of th? game on Morr inir?ide Heigh's a :.. 1 :.ot once ofTere g h?nd, ?ave In a few rar? Ir .- tance-?. Metcalf struggled h?rd aga'.n?t th double odd?, and the fact that h turned out a team that commanded th respect of even the moat pesstmutie o the graduates aisure* him of a 'fin placo In Columbia'? football affair? fo next year and years to come. It I ?trapero, tbeagb ? ?i true, thn the feeling irttb which many Columbi ?lam? I I l the news of the rt ??tab f football on Morning | tS, under the restrictions Im posed by the faculty, was one of in difference. Thli nev?r crystallized Into open ho? tllity to the plan Indorsed by the ath letic committee to Mm11 the scheduh to teams outlaid? of Harvard, Yal? Princeton, Pennsylvania and Com?ll and to bar all students save tho?? If Columbia College, but It waa felt hi those who were in clos? touch with th? situation that the Indifference w?! quite as deadly In its effect as overt ?on would have been. ' Throughout the entire season Met? calf never uttered a word of complaint that he was not receiving the support that he might havo thought himself en : to. Tom Thorp, captain of the *06 '-.un, was the only old Columbia football man who volunteered his ser - 'o Metcalf arhsfl the season be? gan, nr.l Thorp '-vas the only one who appeared throughout the season. Oc 1 ir itopped In for a n.i-.iite or two, but Metcalf never got of help from any af them save Thorp. The or!y explanation which has been forthcoming 7'or this apparent lack of Intereet SB 'lie part of tho alumni is that they resented the universi'y's re? storing the game under limitation?. Few of them, it appears, realized that Columbia College, ?fhlcb numbered less than football was abolished In 190R, has a rogistrattoa this year of 1,200, or more than the combined reg? istration of the college and the engi? neering schools in the early ISO la. Tint tiiere ? a 'nek of alumni en tbBSlasm a . " not only In the absenee af old Colombia football ?tars to help out on the gridiron In the prac tle? - t" a lei 1er ?*? ? ' The early I to be particular!-.- Iva to th? grndu u>?m came dowa to ?. It re - trwe or ie?-? general alum ? faetiea arlth the mhcdule of , and It was disclosed Bttik' NEL80N MFTCALF. The ooaeh of the Columbia Football ._ team. Ingly In the fallara of the gTaduatea to turn out In any numbers for any of tha games before the encounter with Wee* layan on Thanksgiving [lay, by which time the eleven nad proved its worth. Hut it It drident now that the alumni havs> been convinced that Coh.' football is not of a milk and water, i" . csdddle sort, and plans are al resss)\ under v?ky to enlarge the ?eating capacity of the South field stands to acs'ommo.lafs-s c!<. next year. With inch teami a* Amh?Tst, Brown and Williams on the schedule, the ? liai Is, arhleh scat ?inly 4,000, are ltd be iwamped next fall The south stand, containing the Co? lumbia cheering leetlon, will be in creased In aise twofold by the n>l?litlon of l rowa of ?esta The north atand will probably remTiin as it is, but stands of a doten row. each will be tha en?t and west ends of ?he Ths score brsinl will he built hij*h.'r ' he provll kc-p ti roe 1 oil the playing field be? tween ths halvea. a RESUME PACING IN FRANCE SOON London, N'ov '_?.. In ?pite of ths? war, thoroughbred racing will be r? sumed in PranCS la th? new year, tha N'lce I -ft been BUI lied ?? ' Pebmary, If the rues gire sa-'sfsctor, I arriu..- !! he made f<^ tl e next fl sent in aeeeptanceo fot the rHce? In Nice and entriea are expected from '. the hs-?t '?. ? nera, PLANONE RACE FOR COLLEGE ROWING TITLE Association Making Effort to Standardize Sport and Drop Early Contests. Cambridge, Mass, Nov. 2S Effort! to bring SaDagS crew? together to de? cide the American intercollegiate row? ing champion-h.p under a f> ?tern lik. thai prevailing at the fataoai p.ny.iaii ???'?'??' ...'.. by tha ag A? .-.1 an nounca-ment made here to Bight, a de ' ?m ? th? ?. eoad BBBBal im eting of the aaaociatioa, ?rbleh wai held at Iba Yale Clab, la Kan Yerb, lust Fri <itiv right, with rsptoseatatlves in at nce from Columbia, CoraoU, Har? vard, Cnited St tes Naval Academy, teten, Uaivi 'vanta i'. It iras decided to ?rorh upon ?om? plaa tbai aroald ?! i aarai a?lth many of lb? early aaaaaa raae? aad ?reald mak* it poeSiMs to settle the Beilege rowing championship definitely. Th? plan will be reported at the spring meeting of the association, to ne held in Phila? delphia on May 19, th? night before tho American Henley rae??. At the meeting It wo? pointed out that the present American Hen!?v hrough* tegefhei the second crews of thn competing college?, the first *var? re ? . Mlag reserved for the re? gatta? Bl Poughk?ep?le, N. Y., and at ?i, Conn As a result, It was said, It tvaa impossible to 'etermine infere rill eg ?ta rowing supremacy In a deelaive mansar, and sentiment ????? I In favor of a mor,, representa tive regatta t" he held lates la the sea - June II was eOBBidsred likclv that a new Amer.can l!. I de away with the annual ! ? i?gatta, representative! "f Harvard ati', YhIo .' the between th? Uhu? and tie ( r:i>i?on en the Timme* ini?t be bel I a? u?u?l, a week or ten da)? after Iba ID Th.- ' - leriag new plans for tnak ng the race? nmre inter ? ignal at I method? of ludgiag similar to the ag Ht th'' Knglish lien lev Effort? will be mad?? to ?tandanli/? of early season races to rrplaee the irref-ulnr>' now in h rh the length of the races vanes cor-.? ?I. V M Rfltler, manager of the Prince? ton crew, ?rai elected [.resident to ?uc . - i Klkina, of Vale s. If. Pel |l , of Harvard, was chosen - tary. ft? l*aee betweea th? Naval Academy and thi ? i.f P? ? a a ' be bald at Anna] i f 'i I-,..-. ? . ? t at Uli ? tiff In New York i rJehofleld, lameeoa ai.l W. ?'. noil; 8. M Peltoa. jr., W. Itockwell, Navy- A ! -, unirer ?ity of PeaaBylvaala? and D. 0. Elkin i Anaatroag, Ya'?. r m-m.> ??' ???tefmiot *<i*tf mpqmam?r~\4mmr'r ?_>.? ?, ? .^-.-, ??*;>#*????*?*??'*"? I1 ?" 1|l'i"l*tl?^'^0"1 \ _* __ ? _. fi e _n *v 1 fl 6 1 _?_____ THE CIGAfiETTE OF QUALITY FROM the rich, sunny fields of Virginia comes the best cigarette to? bacco in the world And only the choic? est, mellowest Vir? ginia tobacco is in Piedmonts. That's reason enough for Piedmonts being the biggest-selling ci Ba? rette in America. Try them?today I eo^^^eiJ(yayu^tkttaM(^ 7? A-" *?*?*?* '*%