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SPEED TRAPS BAG 82; AUTO CRASHES KILL 2, mpE Prisoners, Cooped In Cells Awaiting Bail, Cause Alarm at Home. TRIPLE SMASH FATAL; TOSARY ON DEAD LAD Machia? on Meirlck Road Rams Another, Glances. Strikt Third and Upsct? Police Hcadquartera was bu?y yes? terday. Not that St I? ever Idle?but yesterday, especially after f> o'clock In '.he afternoon, H aras bustling with ex? citement. So v Frank Sullivan, ir. chr.rp? of the II nation Hunan Hs ?hat never I enooaa day. For SB who I about the when ? ?? they missed Most of th? ; ?ought, St found, \vere in police station? ??" for boil They had been landed there bv Commi??iorier Woods's strict enm paif*n agalaat apeeders, which started ?rita, a *oa p yeetorday. in all. eighty? tare nrreats arara asada. The usual pro? cedure tad ? chauffeur a sum? mons and nllow him to cn'-na- hi? ci.''. El ?-'?' ? :?: i. ' day ?' ra wei 7q.l: ? .?.oned on :' . ? n and Fifth. Bfld other ad also in The Fronv. fai . : Icemea went din (ft . commun c th their Sullivan, i- ire mo? ? k up the record? lbs arreeted chauffeurs, to ad been in the toil.? ? ? ,'. Taal Billa Bas <>i "farohra. .v tax;, whose horn, according to the police, a? not in working order, iast ? ?year-old boy a. Thirty-fourth Street and Eighth Ave f-uo. The BOJ BBS run down and . -.-.:! about twenty fett He died io A est Thirtj r of the tBBl, William . :.-? i.. homicide. Campbe',1 darted from behind a southbound car into the pHth of his machine, but John Tucker, a sailor of the U. 8. 8. Arkan? sas, said Campbell was dliviag reck? lessly and at a high rate of ?pt In the boy's pocbel were found a string of rosar> book with the IntcriptiOB, "Edward Po? den, Ko!ir?i '.," on the fly leaf, by which ho was identified by his brother. His home WB! ' Fortieth The vanity of Miss Wmona Badcliffe, twenty, caused her to rece arm, collarbone wbi ?track by an automob. '? la Liviaget had left her hou.-e aad tro-sed tho roa ! to return for a mirror when the nnchitie hit her. ,.- crossing Third Avenue at Six? tieth of 111 automob ? by *. Long [aland, i!'- ? . Flower Hospital, ?afferlag irom eoat and i gull. Sai k. ICO, (irove | ' .t when he '-. the earve Bear thi control. Hi Pren tlergast, a builder, and the auton. ? ' a dit bt'ii" .I. ,,r:.| \\ last night They ? nrk h?s so rnar.v jil that there m bo ?'itn to run one at a time into iy cars. At Orange and Third Stree's last there was a triple colli trollej ear, ia which Klmer K. "-?<-.?. a: Hrun-wick Street, Ea I Iraagt had his skull fraetared when I I He will pro'r.. Hind In Triple ( rash. - Island, Nov. 28. Oae mar, -.? Bead at "B ccm h m wbieh thre? automob.. ur<-d The d'-ad man is 0. Paulson, twentv or.e year ? of age, of Froeport. His skull rnoulder was i:.jur?-d. He aas ! It is ? mnchine Wt thi abou? : and inven ratchogue, gianr?.,) hAa). fTom ,, aldaor, rar and then ., hurt *femtH " Sfwcire*: Major Degr??; for 100 in K. of C Pr? i of I I .ng Ulan ?*'''?"? the f?th J ? ? chargi Million, of ' ? on ' obi r ;, V. Duff, of ' hami ?In < Komary, of er,'I A'fred J. Duggan, o? J. Conasll 'rOOR HAVE FIFTH AV. SHOP^ Christmas Toy Store to Employ Needy ?tee at Loss ?if Profits. Needy workers will be employed, re? gardless of profits, at a new Christmas toy stor*? te be opened this morning at given for the pur rj Phipps. T! I * eondueted bjf the Association i ? on of the ? . to tiit-n who '" ,. ? , or ehroi Uli And nt in their - trades. Eighty men will start I regularly at the shop to-day. re will be eondueted during' December for the sale of an unusual Il de in the Old Men's "hop "in the Dieeesan House at : afarette Street. The rental for tl II workshop is BUpplled by Bishop In a few da? i fancy bags by old women who i ir. m the ewlng ? ' - ..e stssre. Mis. '.' Bl *. Jr., Ml ' I .lames B. Duke, Mrs. Amos R E. Pinehot, Mrs. Jaast Koo?e velt. Mrs, M. Orme Wilson and .Mrs. French Vsnderbilt. WOMEN TO HELP ORGANIZED SANTA C.atlon Preparci to Send Presents to Childr* h ?at Christmas. ? n 1). Cluck, held ti Brat ? *< ecutive ?ession for this Christmas sea? son yesterday in the Woolworth Ruild inir. Keporti made by MSTganl II Brown, national seeretnty of the association, who has Just finished n tour of the country, and Misa F. May Simpson, secre'ary of the Canadian as aoeiatioea, ahewed flint already nearly 4.000 letter? have been received. Most of the??' ara from children who last hrlatl tfe and who were year '-. announced thai sftsi uly of the probl m ' ' ? - 'i?n (Inns he hnd effoeto I ? 0] ei tion which will slm pllfy ill und cut the . . one-third. rate nnd iboul ih? work," aal ' Pre i - n deeided to al . ? Ion to ? . :.'?? w rk "There I people are ?oo much eharity. On ? ? there will be I ? I for . ... Many prominent women, all pres: women'l clubs irk, hats been elected iry vlce-pi i il the as ? ?n. They are: . s AMI man Mis? '. v . ,? ' ? Mrs M R . . ' ? i The officers of the Santa ? dation ai?.: President, Mr, Cluck; II. Glynn; ' tionml execul iry, Margare! I Brown; executive leeretary, Sarah A. . and treasurer, Herirv B. Som? mer. i les ? ? ' lam llr* !. I ?? list?? v il r .' ' ' LABOR TO FIGHT FIRE PERIL Unions and i lri< Societies Start Saf?*t> Campaign Thursday, To start a ceni'ral campaign apainst r labor anil orgai .* iona will be Thursday by the Central Fed? Union and the Women'i Tradei I'nion the -..i children who " ork in Are trapa," i civic T'.'iiey, l eague, thei men who hav? ? . ? t foi mi will be ??ntral or Council, Printing Tradea Council, li ? ' i on ?,f Labor, P Union, Coi ? will be made by ihe Joint Com* :' GIRL A PRISONER IN OFFICE she Acenses Empires of Muht Patrol Agency ??f Attacking Her. Margaret Hoy. nineteen yean eld, of Avenue, told ;i itory ir. i..'? lorn . .' b? ?"i ? ' ;i Mi: ht ? ? ir for of 2186 ! .ven? trol ai nd jury. The police are 1? ith man, who the girl lured bl ? place. Southern Society to Dine. of the Wal? ? ? llnnei W a I at 7 ' R s> Ends His Life Ur.'ler Subway Train An D ! by a .-.lay at tatioi te make ? ? ? ?it of ? r bet re? lie WTl ' minnow'* 14th Street, near Fourth Avenue. PARTING SHOT AT l??'CALL TO-DAY Thompson Primes Account Material for Hearing at t Albany To-morrow. COMMISSIONER MAY BE CALLED TO STAND This Action Hinted If Bankers Trust Refuses to Let Inves? tigators See Books. ? ? pt to delve into the McCall account1; with the Bankers Tru*t Company will be made this morning by the Thompson legislative committee. The committee Is particu? larly anxious to get a look at the stock le?l?ers of the trust company for the last three years to verify certain aus plelons it bus relative to the 3P7 shares of Kinp: i County Light, Heat anil 1'ower Company stock which have figured so largely In the charge* that the som mittee hs pr? fei red ai sirman She ild thi ? ompany officers l] to turn ths. ,.'.1 over t? the committee's areou'it unts it la probable that McCall will again hs- put on the stand to answer cer'ain pertinent questions relative to his accounts and those of his wife and nephew with the trust company. A member of the commlttco said yester? day that the committee's purpose in ateking light or. the McCall accounts with the trust company was further to strengthen their case agaiiiit McCall beforo Governor Whitman. The committee ?ilso expeeti to have it Woosl ?su the witness atand for a short time n ;ng te sind out mon particular! about hissais of Ait ? Supply l ompany >'ock. Senator i'l.en-?< s> ? ? as left bt that I ths tranaaction, and II II sot improb? able thnt aome mther pertinent quea* tions r. ? will he naked C?:\\ oner Wood thi moni: ? of the o :' this g's hearings the committee will go to Albany In the afternoon tu pre pare for the hearing or, the McCall chargea, which the Governor ha fot ni on to moi ron. A stem eopy of all the teatimoi the commit' er with i will be ? ? ' ' G ? - At the hearing to-morrow the com? mittee will be repr? ? neral Morton 1 - and Senatoi Th imp on, ehaii nan o committee, each 0 11 sndesvor to eonvlnes t h ?? G that McCall *hou!d be : ?na i i of the chargea ..t* ? he i I Gov? ernor to combat the of the Ubany this afternoen. Whi re dis? of the eommitl indsr? will prefei ? iinii'i . ? Wood and W ? the I.?. . ? ?? . of its the up atate 1 i..' ?'i.- ? ntioa further t'? Inve I fl?&00 ?le h Geo ge W, Psrkina mads in MeCsll'i account. According to a which accompanied the deposit. the cheek was in payment fot part of ?he $10 ' of William II. Iluckley, .any lobbyist The whole trena ire Mci all became ..' ? 'vice como ' o the eomm ntci in it. HIS WIFE ANOTHER'S PIQUE BRIDE, HE SAYS Husband, Socking Annulment, Accused In Turn of Flirtations. ii I>. .1?. Lists. ?'? h . ''.s csme i, ?? er a quarrel wll a L?ale, be s I to de 1 ? ? ? nnnuln Mi ? i - day thai M I ever, to t auit, .i ir her p-irsli. iir;re?l her t?. accompany him, M Line ? I Gilmore I : ally did nol l,?v,- him bad i..' I by n pi ' h thi ? . ? bii I : ? o] ed the i ? eer in lu-r presence ai d bade h? r goodbv. .he ciime to New York and announces! their marriage, although thcr?' had been no religious ceremony. Mrs, de Liai? says aha hear.! from are hud slis'.i In fornia. 1 i 1910 de Lisle 'ind the prefer,' Ml ? re married bj th?- church. They have "ne child. On May 4 they were living at 640 Rivei D ! left their I ?!?? Lie] with 1 ?"? erti d, he would return home and expreai hit fe, Pinall ; ? rmanentli eati i Do Liale ay Giln married. CABARET *~0?JDAIN DANCING AND MUSIC CHEZ FYS O ?F* R BEGINNING WEDNESDAY. DEC. 1ST., EVERY AITERNO?N 4:30 to 6:30 THE FAMOUS PARISIAN CABARET NEW YORK P. M ? * EVERY EVENING 11 P.M. to 2 A.M. Mr. Maurice Farkoa, Milt. Suzanne Fein del and Mr. A.NiiionFyiher ??Ulli - *?? 121 WEST 45th ST. ?t I.? r-?er?e* In ??! ?:. ? 1*1 -1 llr?ar m*. IWoni Mlle. S. Feinde! snd tie*. A NilionFrther FAKE FASHION FETE TO HELP POOR T*nwwfl)PfflHn^^ - '? M ii H.i'olow, whe will take part in the t Show to be held on Decemlrer 1 at the Ritz-Carlton. SOCIALIST CHIEF OUT FOR BEFEfiCE Audience Aldis When "liarles Edward Russell " .".?us of Invasion. r 1 irre; ti !<> Ti.? Tr'.'nire ! I'll!. \ov. ?i. Advocating Oppose I to thn i- which i y lus party und d that the Uaitod State? army Bad navy larger . 'or a -ir, ' barias I eiaJiat ii fot the '? the Broad : . . : ' i noon, II.- so rs that the tl ? ? ' ? -hcl. AcensatioB? fron bis andisnes that hi- ?? ::- employed by the munitions manu- te preach preparedBeai mu? di remarha ?rere :i ie;u Soeialisl ?-o irritated Ru aell thai ha paaaed in the midst of Dated: "If I cannot be run! still be free to ?peak ni, 'hen you may consid?-r that I eial -''" , redictod that the United -? ' : ?mnent danger of la? tiera '? and Japan. Hi ?aid: "We in America mu?t either destroy tuen re 1 a ? ind de clare that under no etreaiBBtanei - a Bl d ii I ?? 11. rtiuitiy Bad Japan ? ..-i; . 01 ? '.. baud i?ri itrmy and navy tl i". the be?t. ??'I i-, ? riotie: 1 ?? ?rill nol ? ?o many . I , ??- d arlll ? ? . ? , ? i -.-cet his ' ? who the an ic thing to do i danger of ? ? - - eofltroll? I b nevei sabmil to ' let i ? BUI been . i-andi 'reaideatial nomi emben of the So ? ), after to-day'i at bil remark? at - ?rould .iron-.,, ?o much at: ? nation would l-e impos Buckeye Corn Special Comine*. :? .-?. ? or?i :. New Vert j the Peai ? ... mora than a rnal g ;t-t descent upon ? eial Pallmafl and ?ii'i Ihey will leave the Friday night ufter attending the 11 .| [...Ironie. Wr-rrs Commuters of Swindler. bToBtclair, N. J., Nov. 28. The Mont cIbIt police have wanted commuters' the lookout for a ? r '-.'':.. n pre - ?-1 ; * - h :ui?i?!f as a ? ? n-.-.t from New York m. article of value to the I plaee of the mnster of the house. The owner of i\ $900 i of the near-victim? of Th.- inr-.n's wife, suspecting roal 1 telephone to New York to find out if her husband at. The swindler ?luickly exeaaed himself. ! FAKE FASHION SI.O.V NEXT S?>ciety to Give Fete for the Benefit of the Peer. Perrons well known to society will participate Wedne iday in a Pets ?le V; ???. to he held St the R ' | ? ? I n. the proceeds to go to relieve Individual case union. New York's poor. Th" fete will consist of a fake fash? ion show itsged in brilliant co ?turnes, a tableen, del ring and a few surprlss features that will not be announced in advenes ol ths affair, EAST ORANGE SHELVES ARMY TRAINING CLASS Government Demands Call for Military Academy. "range, \. J , Nov. 18. There will be no military training classes in the East ('range High BchooL Correspon? dence between School Commissioner Hyron K. Hrooks a d Secretary I War Garrison makes It ppear Impracticable to attempt to start cla.??es under gov? ernment auspices, as had been hoped. Replies from Mr. Carris .1 indicated that only by turning the school into an out-and-out military achool could any aid from the government be received. One of the demands was that every aid?.- bodied led in the BChool Join ths riasses; an?ither th_t uniforms tie worn. Ths conns which the govern tuent r?gu? lations prescribe covers two years' training. The instructor sent by the ?.ment must be placed sin the rating ?ss ol ?ere ol I be and his commutation muat be p le Asids from this, a sal bo iss for ths equipment mnal be guar* ; [n return, the gov? i am - to t-nd a retired i .... ind to ? , .? nt. Member?, ?,f the East Orange hoard i an. Crowd at Coney Wir It Pool. \ . rowd a bieh 101 ? id to . Bve thouaand t visits.) ths winter peel eon m Brighton Beach, of whom nine hundn I denned bathing tuita and ill pool Durii - ? on he crowd became as great thai 'he deon ware dosed until tome s,f ?hs- visitors l?ft the ?li.ic?'. Ssi larga eras the crowd o I idmis -;..|i cl'iiii::?' probably will be nimle bathers un Saturdays and Sundays. END COURT DELAY I SWANN'S PLAN District Attorney-Elect Is Working to Obtain Pas? sage of New Law. WANTS JOINT TRIAL OF CO-DEFEND.ANTS Change in Method of Obtaining Juries To Be Urged to Ex? pedite Business. To end the intolerable dolaya that atabe the criminnl court.? of Nea 'i irk State almost a disgrace, compare 1 with those of other states, will be lbs aim if District Attorney-elect Edward Bwann, according to au interview given out yesterday. As Judge of the Court of General Sessions, the next District Attorney has been instrumental in framing a series of bills doelgnod to simplify the form o-' I and to permit accomplices samad in the same Indictment tu in- tried tof at the dieeretiOfl of the court, ll parately, as at present. Judge Swann is now cooperating with the Now York County Lawyers' Association, at its request, to obtain the passage of these mensures. After discussing the delay in impor? tant triais, under the present system of selecting a jury'. Judge Swann says: "In MiissarhusettJ or New Jersey our practice would not be tolerated. In the former state, for lastsnce, the jun? to try the case of Lizzie Horden for the alleged murder of her mother was ?elected ?"d sworn in less than a day." Judge Swann believes that the sim? plification of procc iure, especially in reference to the consolidation of two or moro indictmar.ts for two or more similar crimos, us has been done under the Revised Federal Statutes since ISSt, would contribute more than any other thing to "smashing the police ?yate as." "Under the present procedure." he ?ays, "although the prosecution may have evidence of the eollecti?|B of po? lice protection money from many sources, only one apsciflc instance may bo alleged in the Indictment, and under the rules of 'the system1 I cast-iron alibi will be proved at the trial, where a. if repented acts of graft were al? leged an(j proved, even tho ready alibi could not be stretched to cover each specific insanee." of the ?'"' i.d amei Ims ti to ths laws of evideBCe, making it possible to introduce imitar < imitted by defendants in pursuance of a gOB? cral schemo whether they wer temnoraneou.-i or not, Judge Bwann aaya : "Such an act would have ri ilt?td in a more expeditious eOBvictlon of cer tain notorious crimina: , for ar-on 1:1 this city, and i* would make too '??' carious the collection of protection money by tin? police. For instance, the conviction of Police BcrgOBBt for collecting protOCtion money from various rej/u ar source-, would have been affirmed by the Appellate Division without a divided court." In reference to the proposed bill to bring about the joint trial of ac? complice-! in tho same crime at the discretion of the court. Judge Swann '?'?'il- *':i' Ii eaaea of refusal of ?op? erate trin! the defendant would I his remedy in an appeal. PIBING ACB088 THE cilWNL!. "Queen F.lizaheth's pocket pistol," i> big weapon for it? time, bur.- th< ? - end: "Feed me well and keep me ell 1'il send a ball t<? I . . This statement i r an exag? geration," says ? :'or 1.0 gun has yet h.-. I that will I Ko mat how eleaa It wei ioied cannon would not have enl a ball more lbs tl wav tcward ''.lais, despite tbe facl that it Hover and . long. Even or.-- of I ? ? : in- unable mpliifa feat \ - land from Prance :-. would ? I thrown twelve mile? Into the air. AI * i apon? could end a i - " Blanc, ? - Johnson" ? I the way from * Sill s\ ft HAM ' ? | ' :? II n ? i ? SUNDAY?MAGGIE TtYTE With SOUSA. AEOLIAN HALL, WED. AFT. L'EC. 8 AT _ ?Ee??cLrGRAl ER Maaaasostai Aniiiala Sas * SI I is Ist sii.|sI ,-. . f N v Msi <_u ? \ ??" TOUR-tET r= DIGPI?S moi tH AND PIANO nnnvr. Aeniian H.i'l. Tfa-wartaw ? Tu--*..? Ail . i?' 3. F??ts M eta le l-'. al Bern Oflee Manaea it. I Jslsiistssii i_ Plan Tl?RD B-LTMORE l'Hll? V . VNIIIMN?. MI MI AI E II?)- I I ?tu l H?BE DK. I, II II. M vit?. ** it i i i .11/ OBER KREISLER <il?<\ WM m <;il MARTIRELU ALLAH I 1 V?w _ it III"-, r- !: i SYMPHONY ? ?ateta -?r New fork. W VI I I il |s\Mi;?>-i II. Cumin? tur. M__j \*t., 1?. s-, J; "?Simla) Aft., itrv. .V BAUER V ._tt.-llr sinn. si? Saam IMS. ftieSaa H.H. Mils \ft?*rnii?iii. h? .'. CORNELL *?>i ihm II Ml?.I 's II. rl'ss/ ? V. ,?_nr- ?llr ,1, t'a?, at Hos Oftrs. si?. Rssii .2.2. tketttat H.H. \I??I1\N II VI I. Mil? \ftrrn.ion. h? 3. PIANO I.I., ITA I, I I HI I? iln (rar II.ill. HIS I\I:M\?,. at Mi30. ;,;. WITTGENSTEIN KNABE PfAN? l I Tick.ia 10c to is. -igt. ?Teetee a _*vi_ ?>-G0 WHERE THE CROWD GOES T COHAN'S ill ! - riiA A BALI "Ni M I i Hal B 111 Stall Ii on. Vahan i ? 40 a?Jfx "..' : .' .. /-Al?nfPR ITU THLRS 4 Ft?:. AFTs. WUSWIeSS* .,, ? ... FREDERICK PALMER 4 ' ? ' \\ ILL Kit I ? i IIIM 1 ??MY YEAR OF THE f.REAT WIR." . i - . 1 -? MOTION I'll Tl 111 - I -ni? IIY Fill ?-. H UKNKB' ? I ?! Il \ ' - METROPOLITAN ntehi oil l< \ hi.i -?i: 11. ivall ? tl '.'. ? Hi ? ? . B Mr.l. ?? II TrUliin ii. I?. I.I. .. i on- -, < i iaiirri.1 Kamt Irans. i', i . flott?, ?? Lu r lallacel, ? i -,. I.?.- . il!.- r it *?e\il|a.. ' : i . ? i Sut. Mal. al Trmii'.irr. Rappold, Ober; I S. ?t ?I. n. II..!.. III.-. I . ? ' HAH ': PDiMCP*;*; TIHATKI7 -?r a riMiacr.^j i, . ,i,|, \. THE UNbOKIN I apa-avk at lit* OR. HAIEEtDEN ?:?..- 1 KKlTfl PHYLLIS frif-ON Al A C V TERRY. "lh? Forrat Fir*.' 1? /"a ^ I- L ?? il.? a ?tiller Al' I -?r Carel M. I ? i . M ? II j COLONIAL ? \K\M.II. HAM., PLME DORF lU'UBI ??Minimus ir\iT." Trice?! .VI.--"*.??-? I M ? ?I .10 PARK rr vH. . . m 10c & 25c. iV:: ?, : ? ' battles of a nation $5,000 TO FINI) MALLORY Friend Offera R??ard?Relatlvea to Tee "Ads" In Hunt. Baltimore, Nov. 28.?Colonel Arthur D. Foster, a friend of D??dfrht Mallory, the vanishej clubman, to-night, actinic for the Mal'.ory family, offered a re v.T-.rtl of $.">.000 for Mallory alive and |500 for recovery of his body, for learehing parties are : ? ing the upper waters of Chesupeake Hay. rMaheartened over the futile two days' March for her hushand, Mrs. Dwiffht Farlot* Mallory, wife of the Baltimore clubman, returne-1 to her n the Rowland ?Path district of yesterday afternoon from [ Mallory and some of these who aeeompan ??! hot went nwny endet the impreaaion that an error et ?"? hoax of the myaterioui i Mme ft un Tere mi mbera o( ths ? ,,! m Newark te :?! illory. A? s last reaert they will advertir? fer the .". in the hope that if he It in seclusion aomewhere his whero nbouts may be reported, JU-GESHTP FIGHT IN QUEENS Three? Democratic Fartiona Contesting for Ttte Places on Hench. Two places on the bench in Queens to be Ailed by appointment by Mayor Mitchel, have es ? ' ' ''r> ?? ti'-ht among three rival Denteers! : iry i ths* ten l eaeh ami Judge Fleming ..... The ind the judgeship pays 19,000, I h?; terms are ten years. The regular Democrats of Queens hv.-e recently been in- the Mayor's (rood grncet and believe they will land both ? I. The men opposed to the or? ganization and who supported Mayor Mitehel two years ago ar? lihswiss con? fident. The thir.I feetlon Is composed of atiharents of the Wilson administra? tion, who are backing Harry F. Keith, Internal Revenue Collector. He seek? the Special Sessions place. Magistrats I.each and Judge Flem? ing aii both candidates for reappolnt ment. Tho former, who has held of? fice only three years, is thought likely ts, retain his place. Judge Fleming, who it Ktrenty years old, Democrats think will be succeeded by a younger man. Among the Queens lawyers in ths race are former District Attorney Matthew J. Sm:-h, George A. Gregg, Philip Frank, John ('. Judge, Benjamin l.ynum, Robert Pri?e Bell, William K. Ksese and Henry C. Frey. ?s MEMORIAL TO VANDERBILT ?Altar Will He Built of Oak Crown on Estate at Biltmore. Ashe-ille, N. C?, Nov. '."J. Hunt _ . of New York, has?1 ??is f,,r a memorial altar to th? '? ? ibilt. to be erected In I hutch. Biltmore, which Mr. Vsndsrbilt built and sup? ported during h.s I?f<time. A . niq ..? feature of the proposed al ti'.r ia thai it is to be built of i ak ? i grown on the famoui Biltmore Under the direct supervision s>f Mr Vanderbilt, and th?? work on ths will be don?- In the art.? uii'i l ; on ths estate, in ? some of th?1 fides! WOodcarrsrs in the world are employ?e. A commit! led b, Dr, R. H. l' Church, is m en i rge of the selection of the ;t';.i i iggeated several u iketeh lubmitted by the lark architects. As soon as these ehlngea ean be nude ths work of building and installing the altar will be started. POLICE SPOIL A HOP PARTY Guests Volplane from Window* at Haiti <>n Truck Driver's Flat. S'athan Core, a truck driver, was - s lively businest in nn . sy, at hi* home ssn tl , ? .'??:' Soul Brg, when he was -?? d late Saturday night De alii and Imperial heard all irpriae party in full thej knocked un the door. ? an intr?neo aii of G? teal ?. includii ? their escape ? t M'?V furniture. ? i ousehold IS I led ',:. opium oui ? ?i re. who lai : im, put up a .' " !? der?"!. ' I!- ? ?'????' ird Av? nue trday and held I _ 111 ItaU " 1 ._? sJ 1 Il-_?_N DUNDREARY. MAXINE ELLIOTTS. B ft ,: TO m w IVn. LO?-TELLEGEN WARE CASE MthSt. aoaaa ai. l?J_ THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUR. LYRIC1 ' ' i?_3_____3__l ? .? l'?TASM ANO r-EHlMUTTER. * ijWtJY. Et?, 11) M? ft Sal H?KS?iYS CHOICE 19TH ST. ; ... I II ?eis VfeA .1 BU . MS TH_ UNCHASTENED WOMAN SHU BERT. Etal 8 13 M .t.?. Wad ft Stl ALONE AT USl * casino ... Ml lian S ind S ? I II -. THE BLUE PARADI. . \C^L\ : PLAYHOUSE 1 j mmmmmm ? THE NEW YORK IDEA. M?ji R BARBARA Bet *> '"' MANHATTAN "'' T,V?;?,,-,' ,/"'. ,: HEVONPAA vs. LURICH CUTLER vs. JOHNSON BOTH TO A FINISH r it ? lit TL ESOAV ? SPECIAL MATCH B0TKNER vs. L?..0W LURICH vs. CUTLER n ?1 ft f u ' ' ' sRrr.? cJteNiiicm pil IIls t ttU ELEANOR PAINTER. ?' V.Til'.m'?i?U--" THE ROAJ TO HAPPINESS." LEXINGTON - fcU?,_ ?,'?&' ! * -' A ? "THE BU-BLC." THFATRF FIAN?AIS }?V! 3 r ? i. | -a . | MAHNE!. THI,RS. t. SAT. 2 30. ?PRiNCESSiEU.-iGtS"' M\:V'iK ?ulaiil Wit i "SON HOMME- . vitagkaph,",;': ; ' last week the battle cry of peace 4. Loew's Americin Roof {; H * ?_ *'.' HARRY BREEN. I 1 , s . Vl S"lAT, I ? ? HI || atVf r ?i Hmu_ s amieetal . u- M pOLUMRIA ! | |.. , | || ?, , ;? w b.s. _ |*|_ , Haitlsu Big .,>... i'rK? REJECTED, SLASHES GIRL km MOTHER Young Man, His Suit Spu****#j Wields Knife on Women I, Bronx an! Flees. Henrietta Zimmerman, a hookk-?,. ur.d her mother were vainta** tv.? , , ? p,i 's? per dishes at the r home, 756 W-T ehester Avenu?, The Ilronx, lait J*' inir. Father and the five other Cl? dren had ?tone to the mori??.. bS the doorbell rat)-? ? ? ri - ,.,| be, |,M. snapped on a light in the fron, cj and ran down--, r "See, here, Vineento Immen? ?, knoi? better than to try to call -,.,'J". younej man wl.? ._ "You km w ! deal ?_. If : "'i coin upitai,, '.i_ -?rmii <- liter, f. re d hi? way th?w the dour and up, Wh^T reached the second floor he wai ?**.? Mr? Zimmerman, who mad? ht-t*? inform him that h? wa? to hive ?J rtf to do with her dauf-hte- and ^ '? ,,(* P('rc attentiem ? 1 he arre-.'. "Well, here's my aniwer?" criedTSk ior-lik? kiid 'tOB* ? Mr?. _,. r*t be K?. Anger on ?*, left hniid; then he g? r M -heek. She grappled with i??r*ta> ?ng to her daughter for help. *\m ? truRi?led, tb? knife curtir,; Mri. U?. merman's right arm sad the paira? ?f h.T hard-?. When she fainted Vir.eatu 'ttacked the girl, ilsihln*? her rigkt i-heek and right arm. nr 1 : -.uppo?,,' Tenant? living m the sume b': ldtag Mimmoned a rmtrotman. i.nd Mri Zla merman and n-r daughter wer* taka ?o Lebanon Hospital Th? ?rlrl to*d de tective? ihat Immirio ?rai i?vcmty-ft-j> year? old and had lived ut T5S p?*? Itreet, Brooklyn She said she m?thla i.-iir' a " A general alarm vu e: t .jut for I Be, si \\ yokk'S MiuiM. iiirtrsra NEW AMSTERDAM ?5 HERE YOU HAPPY LAST WEEK? THEN CONTINUE YOUR HAPPINESS! HOW? By enjoying to the full that gaiety ?a huh ?iiipeli tb? gray ties? of lie and givel roM tint? instead ! S THAT F> TO AY-SEE KLAw i m ?aenrs pu ht rss pao ? ? t-; ,' ? ??/ ?. lit.:i ii -\ *m*a\ n LI I.I 01 ?"IT??aiOaiLYiHaHK? 3 EST .POTS OF MUSICAL "j ENTERTAINMENT!" I SI ?TB ?? LLIBI '"' X??l I. ., YEAKS UAr MAT,hlE?_. ? AFT*"/- - ? ' ? ??""??.-u?-' o . - ?GA'ETY ' TO-Nll.Hr At o.?rO. I.,?.?'. far? *aa> i. imbu? SADIE LUV EMPIRE li'a?, m ?L Mi'.i ? JOHN ?.?.-*- . ch.i'V l lYCEum, .? u ? i ??*? * ** jETH: MORE . USSeH KUDSO'. ?l!l_n_Lr !__ FLTINGE lb.?. .!_.' !i-_ii_lIL_J-l HARRIS i l_ii_:c':;???I__ ? !.!3r.RTY , ' - '?,' i i. : d ' , ? " ASTOR H'T-THE-TRAIi. HOLLIDAY l AT ?CANDLER * THE HOUSE OF GLASS _!. ? ? ,, !\r.i A' jENGLAND _P <? ?n li M. Wm B*L'_"-. ? - --'?' ' TO I'M LONG ACRE w ' | ': EL ASCO THE CREAT LOVER jTHE BCC I E ANG ? ^public ??k OBE v ,.'CH. ?MONTGOMERY & STONE c_ I FULTON THEATP' Cortl"ueu? Prr'er?-? ? : * v ? RGHTING l-; 'nNCf! . .roma ? ? ? ??e_: IliLL OHCHLSTRA. rSICCI ?'? * ***_ punch & judy::.;;;,?/?. wtojet1 TREASURE ISLAND v in vow ,.n -AM II-' '-'-I ]M_ Hal*** BAN0B0X -? I A? l'la?a >? .,~0C * WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS m A.I COBE?Y BUI CYEH? ?\tm}_je\ n|.,.J R'?a> A 4 M ?? '?' I ' "1Ti,ir Strand ^ KatWlL.t_ai?Ma ur???.???..?! * .??> .--o i>i*?m'*kW