Newspaper Page Text
fl'S A FRAME-UP' OSBORNE AVERS Warden, at Yonkcrs. De? nounces Sing Sing Grand jury Investigator ?LACK NOT ONLY HONOR? BUT HUMOR" Trial of Life Termer After His Release May Be Difficult Feat. Me Suggests. -?fs s frame up 1" shouted Warden . Mott ('?borne to an audience Thorn?? M01* t i 5M prrson? w"(' Jf*I7irno<* til<> " nr ???re la Yonkers yesterday, fie wtf denour.. ng the grand Jury In? quiry into his regina al Bing Bing. jhe mas? I * proaldod over . ?^ . ? er, who said politic?! fOf crowd am ?rardea ' thon?gh "the District A.. . ... ,. |?li of Weetdsoater County BIO ? -' l*A best they know fcow." Bat ?1 " -T- ''?berne got the ?joor he aoven ?:?' condemned District Attorney Weeks for the way he has lodge W. B. Wadhama, of Genernl Vi.rk County, said he ?as irtere?*.fd in Mr. Oabomo'l work birsus' hi* own court "furnishes him with the r.sw material." Pr. Katharine R. Davis, Commis? sioner _f ( rreetlon, declared that it , | to her "perfectly stupid not to Osborne try out his plan." Mr. Oaborno, in opening, said prison reform and not his personally was at ?take. "You d?? not car.? whether T. M. Osbome Is worden of Sing Sing 01 I Bj' yoj do car?* whether Dtal >rP r.j- - And y.u ought to csT' ? warden who is doing hu dot] kicked out for poli'i ca! reasons. Since I tooh char, number of as*a' I -en cut in half; the eocalna traffic has been stopped; other o ?fences have been di - I." nbing the classes in instruction ava been started in the prison, he i action. "'. must | ichool." h" ? h much empl in la, "pi . dc the priai li Cormich for taking 1 a ! "joy r |_ when he looked i" bind thi ?onhoi '? added: "I sei that the Diati m to ?ni ? '.. 1 bop? thoy will. ro around i I haven't ? I did let finir nun go out ', se the es. If thi ?ro ? .- ? " I . l . ? . ? . % Sing pi ii ymi look over the list of one of th< most difficult forms of vice to har.sH ? you will f'md that the year before thi thi re wer?- tara cases pui; Do not think it did not exist. Il exist always." He denouneod the taking of convicts ? 1 to improper conduct ? ?? ??? ? ? v. ; i te Pinina to Le punis ? the state. -. in the man who is doing ? pon the men who are mak pnrt of the machiner. thut is doing it!" Mr. Osborno fairly shouted, "i* i- the grossest outrage, e does not eriti ? ? Attorney. I rr ? the D. .ttorney. lie Is dragi it should be lt-f prisor hand? ?i in twenty i. They bava not boon near the i". on. The? have not heard a won warnen. Do you cui! that mi inquiry? It is not an in?|uiry. It's a f] He ; ? I > ?strict Attor? ney's statement thai the Indicted in mitil after ed. "' Ine man's a lifer. I wonder how they hi?t going to s?>rvo the waii.ut when hs- goes out. It ?coma tss me that ?some Individunl ov? r at White Plain? ara not only without a sense of honor, but a ?en?? of humor. I understand that t! ? ? hating whether to hand in an Indictment or a T.'rnent attacking the prese;. ten. I hope they'll indict me, becauso I have that artistic temperament that ! never l:ks- to see a job started that is without a finish." Up tOOh Weeks tn task because a for? mer warden has been Indicted for two years and lie BUI done nothing yet "if ? ? un Sing Sing we can heap him buey," enl on. "Why are they hunl'iiing Westchi tor I ounty with the expense of ?his Invi ? * Put it up to Try tO ' i d OUt. I WOttld like to ' know." Never Buy Toilet Paper because you can get so many rolls for a quarter. You can't tell by the size or thickness of a roll how much paper there is in it. And that's what you ought to know. The only economical way to buy toilet paper is the count standard?the number of sheets to the roll?and see that it is printed on the wrapper* lotletPaper Has 1000 sheets to the roll?10c But we don't advocate buying toilet paper on a quantity basis only?demand quality. ?VotTissue is "as soft as old linen," remarkably absorbent and white, so tbat, quality.?-_//<V quantity considered, it is tbe best and cheapest. Remember, CorrrtsM !?:? _? o-t i _i>?r "It's the Counted Sheets that Count" Sani-Tissue, treated with balsam, healing. 2500 sheets in carton of 3 rolls, 25c. At drug, grocery, de? partment and housefurnish lllg stores. SCOTT PAPER CO. 30 Church Street New York Makers of Absorbent Scot Tissue Towel* llillllllils Perfetto . Fa.ry sandwiches. Light, de?cate wafers with candy cream filling. Three flavors in one box Chocolate, Lemon, V ,nilla ?-otJr ."or t hi* Dteplee Rack at your Dealer" e JOOBE Y/lLES ?J^I-CVIT QsMPAMJ Boier? of : uns Inn* I Use (lit s Look for the doll in each pe of TAKHOMA BISCUIT. Bight pretty costumes in many other varieties. See list in Tak bocna Package. NEW YORK 'LAST ________ME! v WrT?M^~z&\ 1? t^__, f luna n IN OSE TIN 'h^*ytfH ??--Bill:; I ?j ?lli?lli. .. i. 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIUIIIIHIIIIIiil [? ! i Tiffany & Co. Watches I i i Plain, Jeweled and Enameled i, j? -' ' - MRS. GALT FACING FLORAL AVALAHq All Latin-Americans May Sem Flowers to Wedding -Bride's Cake Also Problem. ? !_s Tr?flNs-S P'lrssn 1 WM-?lftOB, Nov. 28.?Should th Latin-American diplomats, the head of em! : nd legations in Wash Ington carry out their intention o - with thrir letters o (-?.(.il wishes to Mr.-. Norman Gait 01 her wedding day, an rmharrasing situs tion will arise. This graceful mode o recognition was carried out when Mis: Jessie Wooilrow Wilson was married t? Francis If. Sayre, and the White Houss ?rravely put to it to know just ho\? to dispose of the pieces to the best vf feet '1 h?* huge piece sent to Mrs. .Sayre hj the President of Kcuadyr, through hi: minister here, representing the highes volcanic mountain in that country would take up :? leasl one-fourth th ? Boor space m Mis. Gait's drawing room, end . there ?re nearly twentj ministers and ambassadors from thes? ih speaking countries, the gram, floral effect maj t.s. Imagined. One of the Latin-American ministen reiterated to-day his determination u I instructions and send flowers 'l 1..- generosity <>f th?? people of hi?. se well known that the "sel piece" is likely to contain a few hun sir.,I orchids and other rare tr?pica! Other embarrassment may arise determination of nearly n hundred bakers in the country to i.-'.e for the h?.n?sr of furnishinR Tilde's cake. If the supply is tu with the demand, the Presi* ? may accept all the cake?., for there Of young girls throughout the United States who are longing to have a few crumbs to dream on. It is probable that both the flowers ?si:.; cakes will be ss-nt tsi the White .. instead of to the home of Mrs. -. for the ethics of American eti quette have been changed to meet the emergency, and many of the gifts In? 1 for Mrs. (?alt are being deliv? ered at the White House. Hospitals will gladly receive the surfeit of low? ers, but tne cake Is a different propo Kot wl'hinR to send tha usual gifts of cut glass and silver, Mrs. Gait's ad I are sorely troubled to selec' T.Ttig els?- suitable. Oriental rui's. rare old lace, paintings and valu eurios are finding places on the Members of the President's Cabinet and their wives will not combine in ng a gift to Mrs. Gait, but each family will select something to its own liking. * ?lit* is >..;:.i tss have selected ?? el of the standard poets beautifully bound and illustrated, while another i ? rummaging picture and book stores ?uni c??!!s-c-fsr.-' ?hops for Fomething of historic interest pertaining to Msine ??arlier President of the I'nited State?. ARABS ACTIVE IN EGYPT (airo Reports Frontiers Amply (itiarded?Senussi Quiet. Calm, Not, tt Aggression against ; | o * by '??-tern Arabs has end an ample force ?? purposes has been gath iccording to an official report I here, which sa?.s: "The chief of the Senussi continues to maintain an entirely friendly atti toward the government, but cs r tain hostile agencies have succeeded in inducing some western Arab- '.? commit innsir aggressive acts against our frontier posts, in pureuanc? ...' the government's policy of removing ? rinse for trouble or fr:. t.on at ths- smaller frontier posts, an ample force now has been roncs-n St Matrus to protect our Arabs t any aggression." NEW CHARITY BOOI TO AID SICK WAIF! Mrs. Helen S. Woodruffs "M Doctor Man" to Build Hos? pital in Binniflgham. The "Dresden China authoress." Mr Helen 8. Woodruff, is helping sic babies now. "My ws.rk for national slefenccs," si calls her new book. "It is the mo: Important th an de for oi country, :* || not ? To save children lives 1 Sick chilslren of to-day make 6icker country of the future, and tr st nation is the nation of tl healthu ' Like "The Lady of the Lighthouse earned thousands of dollars f? the Lighthouse on Pifty-ninth Stres the new book, "Mr. Iis.rtor Man," ! being given to cliarity. The proree? win be used to builsl a children's h? pital in Birmingham, Ala., Mrs. Woo? ruff's girlhooil home. "It uas while On a visit to my ol home last year," explained the "beaut fullest" authssr yesierdny, "that ? to the health conditions whic accompanies) ths- change to the ne' South, when foundries displaced plnr tations. Child labor I dishe in Birmingham, but slum conditions r? mam. The women of Hirnunghan alarmed oTer t!i<- epidemics whic through the factor) often ranched <>Jt for their own littl ones, sai.i: What s-an we si<> to ge money f.?r s ho pitalf When the ! me I said I would write a boo for them, like the 'Lady.' "Thai Is bow 'Mr. Doctor Man" ws begun. It isn't ? ,.? fell. I cal it a storyette. It is really nothing bu the story th? se friends of mine told m of Birmingham, with a little lot thrown in. The hero is a you: g docto who has hi .- ? lift to th? ? ? I ehi .'. of thi ? who wanden Into thi ? fslUlK id to health With his the slocto earns another reward the hospital foi which he had been praying for years. "A New Vs.rk committee, of whicl Princess Troubctskoy is chairman, ii ws.rklng here to help sell the book an? to gather contributions for the hospita fund. Last night wo had b delightfu surprise in a letter from a istllionain who Is interested In libraries. I can'1 tell you his name, but maybe you car guess it. He wrote: 'I have read an?: admired fell yonr books, bat best of a! I asir- : 'rit which makes >? v want t.. ),<!p with your pen. Jr.closo.i ?'-. to buy enough "Mr Doctor M - s" te sei d te ell the public librariei in greater N'eu- "?ork.' "We lu.;..- to raise 160,000 by .Tar.u ary 1. At present the poor little kuhlie-i of Birmingham have only an old private bonse Bonrerted i'.to a hospital. It can accommodate sis and ha.? no con tagiOUl ward." TEACHER SUES GREEK SCHOOL Woman Kriurntor A?-ks JlO.000 Damages for Alleged Libel. Miss Eleetra Salouhou, of Athens, who ha? ? wide reputation In Greece as an educator, has filed suit again I the Greek-American Institut?, of 909 Kagle . school foi el . .age, f<sr ? : .-??1 libel. M - ? Zalou me !. .... reet th? ii . ? that capacity Her eomj i I thai th ? lused the publication in a . -ii.. i of tl : .'?' y of a ? he was inefficient ? - ? "ul and had treated the par of the pupils m a "contempl?os end disdainful" manner. The suit is the outgrowth of a quar llisi Zalouhou ans! the ad ? ? trat re council of the school. B. I1 Damjountjis, secretary ?>f the coun Stter, in which he charged the woman educator with causing the publication Of matter? hurtful to the school. He ?lee said tin?* the reasons ? hich the gave for hs-r dismissal were grow Ilesa." HER 1U)()K TO BUILD HOSPITAL. Mrs Hate 8. Wo?s.lriifT, the "Dresrlen (,hina Authoress," whose new work, "Mr. Doctor Man,' will be sold to aid sick children m the _out4u What Is the Gary Plan ? By ALICE BARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers will find in this department a elear and authoritative account of the Wirt school system, proposed Jor this citv. Questions of parents and teachers will he gladly answered. The de? partment will appear on Mondays and Thursdays. WHAT THE WUT PI. VN DOIS. It takes children off th.? etioeta nnd keep* th?-m ? holeaomely busy at work, etudy and pla> lor .-?.\ M seven hours a day. It giv-?-. all children just a? much aiadetnlc work a? lh?? trad? I..;ial school, but by Icngtkentng the ?chaal day It ?{is?"? time ii.r practical ?hop work, science, BMoie, audi? torium and play fi.r ail children. ?THAT THI W?T PLAN MEANS To ??\ery parent : \ ehaace t.i gi\e lus child the enriched rdarstiansl oppiirtunities lanSllj recorvad fur tlir children of the fa? few. Tu feadicr?: No mor,? hours of teaching, more coagonl ,1 ?orl?. To the eonunnnity: Better citi? zen?; better action!? for I? ? root. THE GAST IM W M CUATES j M BOOL W1' < . : Hi U. Opponent of (,ary l'lan Tails to Sub? mit Speeah for Refutation. Nearly two ?reeks ago the school editor of "The (?lobe" made a speech so full of inaccuracies and m.?rep? resentations about the Gary plan that we challenged him to send us ?saJ speech in full for ri We added that if the ?pooch were t.' I it would be evidence ef tha fact that Its author feared to submit It to the test of refutation. The speech has not been rece ved. In its place Mr. Met calfe made the ItatetBCBt on November 2ft in "The Globe" that "all the quota? tions and most of the statistics < of his address i wer.- taken from Superin? tendent Wir We aekaowledga thi receipt of this Interesting ?.nee of information. As It happens, however, we did r.ot ask merely for the - arid statis? tics from Mr. Metealfo'i speech. W<* hiked for the ipeeeb in full because It was Mr. Mctcatfc'l mithod of dis? torting quotations and statistic?, and his laaoeadoes and attacks on the Gary plan based upon half quotation? and statistics taken out of their con? text, which are arfehed to gel late the open. But getting things out Into the open 1? evidently not relished by the opponents of the Gary p'.ai.. Fortun?tely, however, the educa? tional page of 'The Globe" ha? given two I'.tastrattons daring the last week of how it misrepresent? facts about the Gary plan. And these two partie i lar points arc used constantly by Mr. Metcalfe In his ?pccchei on the C-.ry plan. Misrepresenting the Farts. The firn polat ecaslsts C? the ac? cusation that Mr. Wirf "n. ergaaisatioai of eaonaoaa si/.??." Oa N'oveii.lier 22 "The Glebe" ?tated that "parents, priaeipals sad teachers seed to give immediate mi Ider i tion to that feature of th.? Gar, thst proposes tC create school orgnni- I zutions of eacnai city." "Apparently there laa't say limit to which Superintendent W rt la anwill ing to go in laereasiBS th? ea ' sebe?la" A? pn t.. ereal nsber? ? ?tree? wa? laid upon the fa:t that f ' city a policy of eo ?n of pupils in a contrac be nee? issry to hsvi ? I, B8, i"'. HI..I IS ell 128 I Soanda appalling, doean't it? It was appalling to thi andieBcea to which Mr. MetCalfc made this BBVsrfl ?talement. They gaep?*d with I at the thought thai New York City shoald Lav. . with 128 eli or I?'., or 88, or -' And forthwith they passed resolutions condemning the Gary plan, BB action which the manner of preaeatation of figures was nicely calculated to produce. Now whet are the facts 1 Daring '.he last fear M r Wirt h por'-?" t'nr tha p* of four ?eltool r ' '-' and one individual ?cbool, Public School SS, in Brooklyn. In all. fifty one schools are lavolved. Four are tO be torn down. Of the rema forty-seven, twelve are te bave BOM than ?? lire the ones that furnish material for scare headlines. The |2S-Claca lehoct Tie school thai un example of what tl.- n will bring a? to is the Here I ?' Mr. Mi draa i of il 6,000 cl .,.:? I into one building. 1 citing Is? 1 would he In tl sad 1,.i aroald I num. while ' '-*T 'n the street or mdoor playground. Now that school Pub c School 84, Brooklyn, a tehool b lildiag of enon? mous si/?-, which as a matter of fact Contains at the present time ninety-one classrooms and - exclusive of kindergartens. Public : s4_ however, .- bc eae school. but two schools, ore for bo for girls. And then- is a principal for each tekool So thai ? -? I of B ache under dren te ehildn i - school W Ir! plan two separate schools of 'J..')?'*) cl each. This means thai there would be 1,280 children, or thirty-two classes, in each school rccitiag la the r. guiar elassrooaas, while tea rises es, at 121 childr?-n, were m the aoditorlum, classes at play and ten classe? die! uted in the various ?BOBS, laboratories, music and drau lag Si ??tc. Witt Not B< ?pon-ible for l-arge School?. |> | tne 1 hat I laCboell are under eae root, bat thai I? hardlj Mr. Wirf? faalt 1* li O-.e fault cl York City for erecting huge can. ?utii? of over ninety c'assr. weald Bevel hace beca ga l tHag that m ereettag a Gary ?cimoi iii'l'-r the ' rcumstance?. how? ever, Mr. Wir* h?- dea? "he best tHing poeelble la limit ag ike number of children to forty t.. n (lass. This is esiii-f- don? In ?hi? Brooklyn district,* I because th- Wirt reorganization give? modation for a hundred mor? -si; are now on register. W? I that New York now see? i the . to waye in r< ,*-ard to thii erecting larg? school build that Publ ? E ?in it ha?! not seen the light e did not M ' ' ? the 128-claefl school wa: two sc \ N-Claaa School. r, to take up a school with I T e. I'. S. 4 ore Mr. Wirt was a* I ? that eel sol had ninety fty-seren c seroomi ?? o workshops. Here is what Mr about It .n his report: ? -factory play yard and mnasium. The i???? i . - - on and au litorium can? not ' ludltorium pnrposei ild be i permanent par*I fe] d should be ?ho present lot s.r. annex shs)iild be constructed .- an auditorium, gymnasium, pool, two Wsi:'; sis classes may then . accommodated by us ? '"sir regular elaSS and the remaining nine class - and four workshops for special This is a "quota'ion fron Mr Wirt's .." but for some reason Mr Mat did not ine it in describing a hool. An M-Claaa School. ? m eoneider a school for m re rec? io.- Mr. Wirt, for example, I'. 8. 171, Manhattan. At the tin.I Mr. Wirt's report tins school ha?l so -.:??> four regular Hen- -,i what he said about it: "I'. 8. 171 has a tine play yard ? mnasium. A swimming pool can onatntcted unsler one of the outslossr play yanl-. Six rssssms on the I fls.sir should be uses! as a per . litorium. Permanent ; should be t h ?* andi the fourth floor. Of the re ? . - ? elas iroono ? ould bo u sed fc r regular rooms, four for science laboratories, ? th..i o nusii Eighty four regu? - ?? tceommodated, which fefe now regis In ol ' rds, of the twelve schools for which Mr. Wirt lias recommended ? ore ' two classes, four are double schools one for be v.* and one for gil P. 8. I the remaining ? | memied ?annex?e for four, and tl maining foal mended eighty-four ciiiss,..; ars schools, a.l of which ex? : ready have I a condition for which Now Y irk ?p?>nsible. The- important facts, however, the Gary plan earafl More Classroom Time I nder the lian Plan. On November _. i'ional pags sf ?? : i lone edi? torial ! Plan C jts ? ".a- I The Gary school plan s!o?*s r.. and Mr. lanme," he says, " the school lengthened by one I . - . . from '.' to -i o'c '- .1 goes on to outline a su: positil school day s?n th?- Isary plan, arriving at the col classros-sni is less under this plan. The ? - - rith his . res fact. Of ( , thing fact ? Brook lyn. nor Public S . -.- its school at 4. The faeta abo-it els t:on under ths- I lows: r:rs*. taking the whole eight rears I i Pub? lic Sc - - Ij n. or i more time for s issi iction than .? ? ehl ? time for els . i rj plan it nmre flexible than In th? school. For example, in Public Brooklyn, the ehildre ftr I pads have th?* same amount of class, room time as th? lar school, In I gl have less than tl ular school, because children in the first tl 0 .' have plenty of play. In gradea S and 4 the children in Public Bch have more time in the clasarool in the regular school. Il grade they have seven n (hiring ths. whole day I ?? ? om In* . . - In the sixth,, a? ? , ?'.. grades r,-.-\ three minutes more than in the n To sum up, In his statement about the number of el - under the Wirt plan, Mr. ately misrepresented I In Ins reference to the amount of til .- laeroom Instruction unsler ths. Wirt plan ho stated that which he knew was not so; or if he was not swan of his Inaceuracy we would recommend for his "immediate serious consideration" a study of the Gary plan. Backward Pupils Build Fence. Orange, N. J., Nov. 2? Ths. voca? tional c?aseos in this city. s-. ??? ? ? of chi'dren whs? ars> backward, are .; utilized In making ropail ;. One of the jobs was the erect at the Central School. Th?? pi ????par: men* turning Kinds of printing needed in ths' schools. EVOn the girls are being pres?e,i into service la the fm : classes. HOSPITAL FLOTILLA GIVEN TO FRANCE .Mrs. Qigfeikeiot'i $12,000 Will r.qtiip Santas to Work at Rattle Front. the campaign of for surgical motor dot illas an Bound Kob inssni Smith, chairman s.f the r*l?>ttllsr? committee, report I had Mrs 1 heim ? s , : . . .s! . that mase up a -. d by the French tl-.? most direct : :ri oi relief possible, iiis-st ?ires at the least cntl Mr* 'u '.1 be M ' .irton In twenl .-. hours ?r the .Isatis 'il consist of ? _? only irry . powerful 1 .- tiag and : ing only for fifing et to ? whole ? outfit that ?'an f: . -oiled irth is a drying fifth hae t -it for ..?.. 01 \ermln, si* , itei Ii *.ers, . : ;, d?J *:!.0?*?n i< .-oust .. ansl she appenled to tin. public to compl? the *> i _.<???' ni s ded. Mrs. Guggenheim's flotilla will i??- the : r.t I To-day Will start ths' third week of the "Sold ? ? '.?n at ? Fifth Va fay ? fend ccording to fur.d, entiel si ure* een added foi I riday u;ll be . inctnj rhe ?-x ??? ii?. move Iphta, - in a ?? the patronat*? of tin- Fntrlisfc nobility am! ths- ' - ? I ? : 1 :i ssffl tha ?o S-ISI1 duet a per rork "The Fire Uni!" m Paris ??:t December It ed Um Metropolitan Opei i ? srdav, 'i I l>_ ? i- ! by t?o. , t ip. intry. *? $50.000.000 for Japanese Navy. 1 i; aval ? -, from tl.? 191.'* b lis* ?1 of m ??? u r four tment foi 1911 is An Official Notice The new 11th edition of The Encyclopaedia Britannica after this date will be sold in two forms: I.?The "Cambridge University" issue ? the work as at present published by the Cambridge University Press, England, and sold in America by The Encyclopaedia Britannica Corporation; a large-page book, printed from large type and with wide margins; in general, the form that it has appeared in since 1 768, when the first edition was published. 2.?The "Handy Volume" issue, designed for a wider public, at a popular price; an entirely new form, more economically manufactured, print? ed from new plates, with smaller page, smaller margins and smaller type. It will be sold exclusively by Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago. The text, illustrations, maps?in short,the entire con? tents?are exactly the same in both issues. Both will be printed on Britannica India Paper. Ths Encyclopaedia ri r t t a n n i i ?. 11th edition, In both ! ? ? eonslsrs f ITS?, tl.eei r-tteles *?* 1.500 contributors peses ?? i 000 woM? IL.000 Illustrations and mapa, THE Encyclopaedia Bri? tannica is at once the oldest and the newest of works of reference. First published in 1 768. twenty one years before the inaug? uration of Washington as President, it has again and again been rewritten and reissued in enlarged and im? proved form. Each edition has been more successful than its predecessor. The new Eleventh Edition of the Britannica is the culmina? tion of a century and a half of constant progress. How useful The Encyclopaedia Britannica is now and has been for six generations is proved by the fact that more copies of it ha^e been sold than of all other ency? clopaedias combined. The following are the lowest prices for sets of the "Cambridge University" issu'j printed on India Paper: Cloth . $166.75 or. if the order is accompanied by a first payment of $5.00 and the purchase completed on monthly payments of $5.00 each, at a little more than these prices. Full Sheep 203.25 Suede. 225.25 Morocco .... 267.50 ( ?II ft'e guarantee. Be holier* of the American copyright, that ire will not reduce these prices M the future. The present price? for the "Handy Volume" issue, printed on India Paper, are: Cloth. $53.88 Full Sheep 68.54 *y? Lerant .... 81.88 Full Levant 92.00 ( LSH or, if the order is accompanied by a first payment of $1.00 and the purchase completed on small monthly payments, at ? little more than these prices. Thrse prices are subject to r.d:avcc. To or ihr the "Handy I'olumr" issue, or to get more informatum ahout A, ?rite to Srars, Roehurk and < o.. Chicago, the sole distributors. We guarantee that in both issue.* the text, illustrations, maps and plates throughout, the lnd:a Paper on which the text is printed, ami the U ' r I e'nt!. in u liirh the volemct are bootttd, are the The Encyclopaedia Britannica Corporation By H. !.. HOOPER. President. 1 20 W. 32nd Street. New York. *%