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TEUTONS. CAUGHT IN VISE, DOOMED, SAYS GALL?N? Lost When They Were Hurled Back from Paris, War Minister Asserts. TIME WILL GIVE VICTORY TO ALLIES Recent Sue? W? Tnimportant The "Convulsions of a B.a? at I.ay." Pari?, N'pT snoral Joseph Gal lieei had ?V .?? of We* ?lock this morn .-?? ? sd the "orrespond ? .1 this ? plest of :' ? lf_d<r ' the armies of the | Tit he ?ai one of the nerve moi ? I rent, however, that he -u ;.. r and a man of action, bear'1 wlth c_!rr, IBCO. "V?hs: are the reasons for my un B_sks lenco in victory?" re psati I 3d - sy are those cf every Frenchman. Our ene? mies I .:n the esser.' ? every Wal the de? struction of the adversary's forces. In 5?.p:?*r:! er, I lid, when we arrested repulsed the German < r. - ,v?, the jane was U -? by the |_ "How do you deduce that the Teu? tonic empires failed from that mo? ment*" is kod the r?.rre-po' **Becau?9 that victor] the essential factor of time," replied Gensral GalHenl, "that has enabled us to organize the effective operations of our rassortes resources that are very superior In men and money to tv the er.emy and nenrly unlimited i:. ma? terial, thanks to our master-,' of the Teutons ( aught in VUe. General Gallien! then outlined the po?!*: ? ? f -t?c armlos as he Views it Taught in a vise." he ?9. "_1 Powers are straggling desper ? to free themselves from It ?he a*' ich upon our ser, ? sr.d the campaign In the Bi been the convulsions of a 1 . German ??*? i campaigns ? lenl said: "I recog? their en? rgy and rigor. ary. Evei I . madj possible hj I whir' ? -. armies ai ? uer each day and but to vai \ the German i frequent trnr?-' - er, the ' "Tr??? ? i the west, retrans the east and t_ the enemy's armies ai Is rapidly . tie of Champagno la ?s ved upon that ] Face a Fatal I*_.oe. fatal for the e? ?. Nothing but lack of tenacity ?' ? h?T? **? the sail If yon a sh l li - opin? ion as te that evoatne -sbout I mtry fl '. A .F hit own * ?ole is to r Forts, \ ???,-*, s . rational si it ad ?ar :ts | U sah* e s mlnii money. Th? hope ? ? ? cause 1 fool tl a: we hare behind us tho irdent ? ?operation of t bi tica." CAitXOT KIN WINS PRAISE Grandson of late French President Twice Offiiially ( ??mmended. Par's, V : - ?' .... frransison of the ?ate Pr? C.n. ? to or:. - for the da*/ for i As si ? e young man f ?forrr. . FEARS MORE SEA HORRORS. Brttata Thlaks False B p | - Mena l'-Boal i: - ? -- till : - es that I i ? ? * and its T ? ? ? ?? genei some feet higher ? ire by t't. ? biolutelv fi -. foi en Bi ? RUSSIANS ATTACK ON NIEMEN LINE Resume Thrusts Alon??" Vilna Railway Evacuation of Mitau (iocs on Rapidly. Ion, Nov. 28. The Russian? hare ? In the - north of tl marshes. ? >f assault force? northwest of Baroaovich!, on Dvinsk-Yilna Railway. 1 advance, thi m, wa? re ; I. This is ? for more than a month that activity on th mrn front, held :a Leopold's , has been remarKcd. -.ans evacuating Mitau are tinning du ..ons. Two Led ? -rs with the wid ! ow of I tenant General V. A. Bamso 1 noff, after two months' search in Ger? many, discover.-I the grave ci General ! SumsonoT nnd disinterred the bodv, and t te Petrograd. General vas the commander of the -ces in the onttle of Sold?n, and was \. i'russia i campaign. A (?? criptnred In the Czar: to bave dec?a.-? irman army I, the qual ?teai ly fall? et Ivai Lomsa ti. , ' ' rlin ?ays: ' A-: ? g ; of Fli Id Marshal von ? ? near Bischof. ?en our po^ I ami ' rols. Ar:- ice I.'-opold of Bai ovichi ? RUSSIAN out this statement : Wil of i fli ? ?? rnpt by the '.nes in the - Aa, thei . on the fn PARIS HOLDS t SERVICE Pre-?1 etit Polnrarc and Rritish Resi? dents Pay Tribute to Nurse. I iry of Mis? : ? - ... i-i the ' ?'?or Paul M. latra at the , ? "iinme. I . by Andre G0RIZI? FALLS", SAYS GENEVA (i.nilnnrsl from piurr 1 where 40** bodies were left In front tion, und on the 111 situation i he Isomo ? our th? Tyi sar front - ? ? I ridge ON VIhW TO-DAY, 9 A. M. IO _ P M. \Ml IHMIMIM. |.\lll I Mil I ?II. inn i; 01 Mil. AI 111! ?. \l 1 I III - el Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms 333*341 ?fO-HTH AVENUE, AT 25TM STREET. an r x? ? ri i? s \r. < ?>i i i < i n?**. or Rare Old Chinese Porcelains and Potteries ? \l'\ l Is ! ?D1 * ?liKh (lll*'U- \M> ?>l 111 It I 111 l?.l - 1IM.I? *.|?>M.. PAIMIMiM ?IN 01 I Beautiful Antique Chinese Rugs S_ ??.1 mppa_ I?.mil? fr ,.,: '),.? \rt frr,ir?s of ( hlna it. i ni rao-ua ? s i hoi am o? Yamanaka and Company to tern NOLI) vi t s i:> -> i i-i? i i i? ri m ir ML1 On IrMar a?d ?"?Uir.i. .1 sis.I i, l ??< I... U l.ssh f>?s. III.NIC? \. II ?HI M \ N. \ . l% Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ?HK \'\?)VUA.K\ LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK MAMlVriAN . . '??t?>>,' ._.._.. ?il.ndt A\., cor. 1 48th St. ir. - St. )'" s A? 41th t -ih St* t?,r 12'si ?I A?/*. Ill (lllhl > s . or. Livingston St. I St. Pit I . _.. Av. PER CEI WITHIN .?Al L h GEORGE V AT THE FRONT Moorish chief, ,officcr of native regiment in trenches n<*ar Arras, saluting British King. BIBLE BUSINESS BOOMED BY WA] American Publishers f( First Time Selling Tes? taments in Europe. Tor the first time In the history Bible printing and selling, and sole becauso of the war in Europe, Amei can Bible publisher? are this ye making Bibles and Testaments to ?., in the British, European, South Afi can and Australian markets. A re-u in a Bible business unprecedented number of Vl ! issued and in vah of sale?. This situation !? not that of the mi sionary and Bible societies, but < B the regular trade. A partr.? in or.e of th ? ... gi t Bible rid, with office? in New Y*t that th? war has a Bible making and selling i .lee. makers and sellers say thi when other business I? bad the Bib - .r, becau? of the war, the Bide business of tr i i.-rmany and Am tria, is larger than ? Tl ? t, it is est 1 if th? nation? at war. . hardly at all In ? bat la Inal em it is handicappii eall ob Ameriea for ?u*. :land is atTet-tt-d la 'he lam Franc? has taken to Bible bui ?Bg, and so has Buaaia. Even the Be and Serbians have kept up thci The largest slagle customer In th i? are the Gldeom ?'?p trad, r? ? - . buying, six years ai-o. one Ne? taca .'.00,00 GERMANS SENT TO AID BULGARS Continued from n*C? I that the?e alteratioaa are necessitate b- the thr- Russian arm th? Dai ibi Ituda of Ku DC the rapture of Rad nik, southwest itza, when prisai ' ? and mad - . ?re captured, the Ger man summitry of the Balkan cat:.; and ? ?ment of its close an I I the scanty re IB army ir ? . ' ur great opera ? f i ?ecting com muni . Bulgaria a icen accom . f the army of icb; 1 I the n ' m > -, ?vi. ch a?s reinforce?! againat the Drina and th? ???' . ' I I ,?' r-tlOBI of the army ll von Gl ? ? .r S- mendria and ! on October ? of the arm] SB i again?-? the N |af_ .. ? ... lorow o comrrn ? ? oops have ?eeom f the foi g the v. tm thi K s ? . ? ? . .de. at ? of which the at Army Corps, with the !!r n ill** diatin ?- Znjecar. Ka.'aze Pl ? ? lote the hands of the nans. In ndd.tion to this our i have eom] th? resistance by th? ? fought bn ' mpen ? . i advaaee. More thai half the entire Sirbian pri? ? - and an In calculable qoaal < rial of a'i been captured. The (1er man loaave, howevo? deplorable, have ? rate, ?' .1 our ? . ff, red from d - Dally chronicle's" Baloaice ays he is iaffl : lartcrs that th? ? during the - ?? "iiau*," ?ai? t'1? corru*i>or.dent. ' U.? ' Bibles, (?ideon*, are commercial trav them ; in ho!"l rooms, i bi with which to pay for 1? churr!.. In ?iey f_et money also direct from For tl American trade f.v? firms n?.w handle almost ail u' the i . pr.sjerbooks si that si ? ? of the religious hod;?*. The ? ruanu factur ?? ? ? ? United States at ?_.*iO0,?W) a year. ? ? ? ?There an ; ? solely ? immercial I fruin ths- publl? ? ? fit fr'.ni 15 (nan the : tr.-ssis- ? he *. ??? rleai Bibli S la ?: pi si bles. 4 ? more than 2 250,000 11 large numbers of Bibles '-vere made abroad for tl AMERICAN KILLED BY TTRKS Missionary Report??! Daad *r??m Pol f-?'iiinii Vs.v? *-.i?i| lo Hivi- Hren Slain. an American eitiien, an.i sari Turks at 'itamia, w\ :.? de ? cordinp to s stoi iievrsp.per "Nouvelles de Bajel." A di*p:?tch fr? " her IL' , rd of i'omm:.* lloners for ] bad si do . r"raneis H. 1 , sts ? was doe te poil ii Mr. 1 - ? , Mieh. ? -n at Urfs main object of the .'. mans, of the .ri army, may . the Sei imander in chief, Gen eral i .. ? ? roads and the la? I r mmu nleatli onslji 111, remains with I ". to 'The Dall* ? it 'ho ? ? s- thousand) on Ihe jlisin of i. of th. With thi " Irawal af the c"rblan K ? . ' >n to _ T.'.sili the'-. ' ? The Paris Iih? ; ? to r?-tre?t toward th ? ? | ? com? mon ? 'hful until death, which it would ! : .very. ?? i'*-,. \ . ? i to re an?! the am ? .... . i the ardor that I ? I SS." hold a fringe o ? : . ? ? . I ' ' Kor some reas the Bulgarian?. ? ? .? ? ar,?i M any forthei . man Allies, who ? ? negri? i A dis] itch 1 " irom ?a . "A h of Km ? ? are I ? ? ws-:i providi d with ] ? ' fa lory, a the fi r.t as pracl le They have . - .. by the French fi ri?o Beighte. thu* constitutin. ring of! the tilled I force-s thus relieved have sieved westward! "Eoports af the tlch*;n_ ?r I he Hi.ganans are M bavs attar-. ? > it* "Ihe latest Xu._.__? ije-__>*_>e__ ma NEW U-EOAT WAR COSTS 18 SHIPS Fraucnlob's Sinking Denied In Berlin Stateme it] of M?diter* raiva i Lostet* teen ?hips, with ? the ? Bl --?in Sea up the German been sunk by an ? text :" ? hai itated, ae? I, that ? - much ha? been - ? Bal ? r" the Cent ? of results ' ? '??amer . accor ling ? rio-L" king f th? Frfi'ic- ? .. I'oh . i AMERICAN JOURNALIST HURT Head of Petrograd Bureau of Associat? ed Press Wounded at PlTtfaB i'ront. ? i c. Whlf? -U o>" ? thigh by an ? sort that th? ? I Pn - I - have . ? ? ? for the l 'aken ? ? f the part of th ? < almost c g i the I te bring up -. ? ? ns. '? Prod and ? iy, ac ... tch Frei two diviaieni I - ??inte Al ? eh losses on the Kr ' ? be - i only i scee ? ? that ?in. . nciAL. From Vienna th? - \ ? the ? r the : : giOB of . ?o cleared. A ima, n '.-? n fro i-. g th? road - ?acre ? Goles an I Bn: BBt <.:' Prie? -? el Peri? Italy Watches Anxiously Teuton March to Albania Rome I - M ?nan? and I . ... i riatle Bee anx ? more manifest on th? - ' ' -itrol ?. of th? -, . -?-.. ? i ? eally ?. 'ur ' 1 . y to _, i_?nlir? ? -. .-?? a_...-.. ._.?..?:-?. TURKISH TRIUMPH CLAIMED ON TIGRIS Counter Attack Rents British West of Kontulamacia. Berlin, Nov. 2S? ? by wlrell .'.'. V.i. The following rep i No . ng to the Ovei ? \ -ich occup:. advaa ! -.. on the Ti, : south I "i in th? Caueaau? 'ron?. . > i?., i re; .. let of Van." An official Turkish ?tatement r? ?d the h report that ;.?'? i ? ' ? , ?? ?-. - at ti furthi r ad '. This later after another cour,-. JAMAICANS GOING TO FRONT More Becrults Sin.n In Leave the tad with Bahaman?. ? gatos, Jamaica, I Beav* rains are cuu?in?j? much damage ? raaahed an : I u*> More Jamaica recru; r coal Bahatnaa. . Ai_ro_rso good samamtas King ?>f .vain ?_?.>? I'nv anl N*??_:I Aio.f.g Priv-ner. of Teutons. ?Pnrli v tah to "I - ? favor of rl " T : tial in Germany and Austria them are fa ? Trench an . mothers a-, i a .v,'?. "Kmg Alfonso a" . spor.Jei.ce : sad tro stej *<ary are ordered taken b ? ?-?". rt regard in - I it ? .re kep ? ? ? .*? slay." NO GIFT TO DANES IS GERMAN HINT l.erlin Not likely to Cede Sclile** 1 rig.Holstein as Reward for Neutrality. patch to the Kxchange Telegraph Com ?? ? proc ? .tal o' ? toril ? the reren! tern to Denmark after the war, i rmaay's enemies or a: a reward fi mark'i neUtr. tat y opera that G ' awaj and ?? fair to 1 tUpp? .... should he dictated by hop? of foreign payment." Remarkal M are in circulatior In the Danish capital regarding the treatment of Darns in the north o( Schi? Than are over 100,000 Inhabitants of Danish el l? toncas In thli territory, and ever since they came un? an rule there hive been charge- thai the Dai . ? , outbreak of th? aor th? It is row marked that the Danes are g u/h ROW u?Tr?ir.tq. G?'rman comm.s' len I tl ?? I?? I ring up black lists of th? rs, wh?> are being punished with i rarity, i..!?.. ?'. nei pai en l11 province are subjected to the m. it rig ?hip. The "Heimslal" wa :'..r sigl * ? ta men ; tion ? - I .; in Era* . acconlmg to th" editore, wh?i I thai lr pi ' ' i ( hat the Km 11 . | .. ? ' . im?', i' ritles :'rom the.i stand '.es?*clg-IIols*eln Is a province of ti formed ant of the doch swig, Hols! ? -burg. s . to 1 which country it is ' OR the Th.* ars l ..bout ana-tenth of tho ir.h.s ;.r? Danea. Schleswig, long an .hject '?f conten? tion between the Germans and the Dan?- loa of ths- kings of Denmark la '.; In 1864 Prussia and A wrested the duchies from Denmark. i en ??porute these re c ? ? into her dominions. ALLIED AVIATORS IN MANY RAIDS Fire German Hangars. Wing Three 'Planes and Shell Noyon. 0\F FIGHT STAGED OFF BELGIAN COAST French Aero Hits Enemy 'Plane. Then Sinks Boat Which Comes to Rescue. . - Lot? k>B, \ el ?vlatora took winir in force lO-day. Some pur .BOB Bad succeeded in I :?? : - went behiad . aea and shelled poiitions of itrategi? valae, eettiag tire to a - gar \ I like this, coupled With 'ard ! n c.dej the grea re ef ?ber. One aercpl it.e, setting out from an Ailed .amp la Belgiern, pursued i? Her? man squadron and succeeded in hitting ?n en. The Oerman machina fell into the m a. Fron | Mid ..- the I artillery attach) l'ari? say-, in ?iahiag one. A squ.i 'ri h o? ten aeroplanes born bnrde.l th.- hangar? at Habsheim, ea?t of Muelhauaen, and dropped twenty eight ?h< ? ? the (?ermaii hangars, . ? ' !'.re. One ser? | camp waa damaged ? ?el ?'ut in drivea back after one and aiiotlier had cr.i : .ml station at N'ovon wn ?belli force?) to descend I rhi lay Bt Martin, in the Peal ? Mousson teeter, * a. re bi ighl do? ?? a Garatea ne. in the ' region a French machii ? ting ? '..-?xn a German "pis I pat ?tr to flight only infantry BOtlvitj is recorded in "The Labyrinth," loutb of Souches? Her?? the German? elalm to bave en? miaea and to have occupied the cr . . r .r.s ?ad? mits that tl pied C .rater. GERMAN OFFICIAL Berlin pave out this statement; After tueeeaaful mine explosion? In the aeighborhi . 11 tween Arras and Lens, our tl !'? oc? cupied the craters a versl prisoner?. At various point OB tr.e front hand grenade und n-iine throw? ing ? irre.I. In itn I igne H'.d Argonne enemy artillery Th.- ' ?ays: lu Artois th?' I I ght ? ? chy an I m ? ? l n Koclin couf ' >rm. ? ? ? ' | . the enemy, after having exploded ? mine in front of OB? .iks, . - .ling followed, which terminate. 1 te "ur advantage he l Bol suc? ceed in reaching our trench, lie wai onlj able ?o occupy the crater ?en of th?) mine. r port M the root < the 1 The night ItatCmcat follows: Be) Sod I ? ade there i? nothing te reporl ? atlre front except I t of Berry? ; Se, where ? noissance was di ; irsed by our fir?. ?mm n il il f?u?*m*>tiatatam***amma^^ THY. PURE WHITE MINERAL OIL Adui*ot?_1 br : Hi,-.?- w tntmf, rrWmetrte rxv?_ M r ?? ?re'j?.r Hvir__tl ?f -\xxis, S?_..? .?Ml an4 Pj^? \\sm^mm\ ?Ci'- "... f -? Mi i^L__. < _ ??^M-_-U?'r> i ni ._?-1-WI1 ?? > lig-aa. CHEER UP?BRIGHTEN UP! ANY doctor will tell you that "the blues" is frequently a symptom of constipation and it?, attendant evil, auto L intoxication. Take care of constipation and "the blues" will take care of itself. But laxatives and cathartics won't cureconatipation. In fact the indiscriminate drutfffintf 0f the system with tuch rem? edies only a_*firavates the condition and tends to make coi> stipation chronic. Because of the evident dangers of the laxative habit, physicians everywhere are advocating the use of Nujol, a pure white mineral oil, which does not drug or phy.ic but which acts as an intestinal lubricant. Nujol softens the contents of the intestines and lubricate? the entire tract, so promoting normal evacuations. It is purely mechanical In Itf action, and is not absorbed into the system. Consequently it is not habit-forming and may be taken in any quantity without harm. Write for booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Coo stipation." If your dragflfat canimt supply you, we will send you a pint bottle of Nujol prepaid to any point in the United States on receipt of 73c- money order or stamp?. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Now Jtr*.e>) Bayonne >ieW Jersey i n | I ? matmWmXmmmmmmmamti ? ' ^T TO