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The Conning Tower As Alfred Noyes Might Write "The Lyric." i. In the Garden of Poems h : a flower, \:i {'?' I rirr ; - ry li< art like ? s i hollyhock, quaintest and queerest knows - ? . '. ? ? of a Ij ri - ' ?? ?five tn?" thr- lyric wh v teeming ind rhyme, while our volumes are filled : ami importunate di ! . iti itself is up | Tl)'' 01 ?ghtirr mirth ft of its S : ould ?be pallid, ! or t he - ion] of the earth. 8 . ' ' I wings ; \*?ril that quirk? na the pulsr oi it1* parans, \tisi Passion that beats in the heart ?.f nil thin - ? he ode, be it s<?,| or .satiric, sonnet with rule and with rod tmr nut the s'?'.il fr.?in thr lyric, lilt of a lyric's th> laughter ? 1 Lord Kitchener WITH \ PREFAC1 '?s OTHER RELATED TOPICS?THE DARDANELLES ?M-w MINISTERIAL METHODS?LORD KIT? lENER'S NEW ENTER ,-l . \\ l bSTl i;n EXPERT?NO HAI IM - 'V. Hmsll?-. I London, N Ko!'' .' up "? G? B? r'?'. .: visit to Loi ment out ? ' A_qu'."- 'i the House, and hard upon ' rd Kitchen? er's r- il of it by tbl "iiu; the r? mission of ? ' urcau tha' he had not I ? luppr and reas? ,1 ? Into biatoi made the i" ' t dad to make. In what the lawy? rs call a co"1 i -ce. The you pro nounri' ; ? judg? ment of England also; partis;, cepted. Far deeper win the impr Edward Caraon'a ?tateme- I hapa deepei letter of m in parts ??f Mr. Choate's remai he wo-.. I Wil? ton'?, policy if ba kn? m a ! pays bluntly th-it the Cabi? net could not make up its BO nd. In a QaMset of that kind there was no place ra. The Dardanelis Mr. Ass-juith's adnaiaalon I the Cabine* as a a naible . .nal nava] expedition to the Dardanelles is here tl ? 'irchi'l in - obloquy. I ?hods by which .' iuced to initia, the original ? ? I -?cured; and was ? . ? be) ? ' *nuch of the truth as i win a fat 1 'hat is the habit ? rdict ~e jury. P ?sj future, n ' I huge ? i ,- - - ? j that ? ? s-om ? trust ? . ? ?h0S?; ' MiniHterlii! Methods. ? press.. '" taat heroic i war, ? HSMai 4??. | '." '" r demand, ' il ? ? -?. war. ' ?? ?? ? ?v. ??? . ',, la auch Ta?, ? _l41 ' '. n ** W-i *i 1 '?'.'. ? Vet it is upon tho theory, upon the ad ".-??? nted. 1 .?? is in dispute. Loi ??. Enterprise. I \. ?? hope that even in A ? ? -.-st. 'l Lord K - ? The. i lay ai . shook ? ilth wa? ? i ? ? en n - ? ittioti Not ? ? '. way. ? - orarily Prime ter wa - ' eft 1 U'ur, ? \ rVeodlee? Myetery. could the ? truth? i ? ? ? - a quote m in ?retary of duty he hi ? It 1' -lent. Is It ? I| accu for War I . lommand In He entary rep ? ? .-.n he could ? ' ' be. i ord ?oldier. I-' ngulai ? ling. \?. an Listern Mxprrl. ? cove?-, ? . ?. . Minor rtant of ? '.'.?? B* i ? ? t?. Hi ? ? ? to imb as well i he ? ; is th" may seize ! which ramaader-in threat ? urce ? ? criti ? f this war. ?ay thai II I ..... ? ? .vould i P ? ? Nit Leed llaldane. I ? ? ? ,? ?le il Hal ment, and a - i ' ? on. I ' ? *.. ','. MUSICAL DEL?G I FLOODS SUND? Half a Score of Cono in a Day Approach City's Record. DELIUS AND MIS ORCHESTRAL MOO European Pianoforte Pia Find New York's "Chines*. Wall" Fallen. Bj M. L. KKEHBIEL. If tl r a of li dissert * to them in ? ? il and docta . ? ? ? ? ?ion that their SBtrs eoac irt i momentous end essential parts of record we should expect this m be largely ga from hal Oceasloaally there ? I i.nce, f ? .-?.. ' ?? ? ed po tiout eg< ? about ? ? had previ lB| to a ci.ncert at ail. Ilectiofl of a German ci which told in detail of hnl . ise the critic did that 11 was ralalag when ad from 1 me and had to ret shes, wherefore he CO lUnt of how the er The loss to history \ ? ail of j would have enlis reviewi ? I . .in Opi of Victor il . ? -. ra m 1 . is am] I; t, wil ? i i ? ber mu ' nung? ; mai? n the? : ? he * olle Sf York m the aftl ? ? ; . . ? BJI Bl VI. rri ateat era? sung called "A Gerai am." . ? I, tru!>. but r. ? heat rt of I Hall in the afte ? refreahii re had been creati I Haydn . I ha? burdened and enriched it with h Delia? we ...... ?it- breal . They were set down, on the pr. . the nrst d ? leht "n tl by ti . Hearing tl . A . i?? i ? i? ai i to ii led b) the title?. Tl . on tl '.inks < an eomposi ?the cuckti - for hirn Korwa; ' ntaofNoi .'i with CUCkooa. W? are I.? anybody ever heard th cuckoo as far pring, hut ' '? matter. ?- Deliui found th ng :tl ex* rciaed iting the bir I pench tint for novel harmonics and instru metr " h? re ? Il fr?quent .-iiliarl lining immed ;?t?-'. after th . whi' I we fancy must b? I tluggilh ?o-t 0 athef ejuagmiry and a current in any dir m?lodie pi t flov - ? ? i \ I ' ? ? l1 there are frog? ii WO are quite as willini iccept the fro..? a? the river aa< ' ?;ht. The cukoo pi? ci t mattoi folk musician put a pretty egg in th< - nest, end out of it then lird call It u cukoo oi "a ??? . . \ agrai I Big ? . h key und ' ? . ala. ghtfulli ? . ? .. accompaniment), then an . i i di aleo v tl orchi numbera a group ? Braba Hei lecond num ? lughi a look of i ntl. The pro gran I as to it? lource, th wa i.-rinaii and ? g for As a 11 is a traa . r, "f an ? - ? ? Cargo irrang ? I -?.'.r' i found they Kent? Whatever diet Culp baa In it an ? Af. . ? ? '? Of the for virtuosi -ent a .uning that the connu.- of Paderewaki to America ed i, Chiaeae ?rail si ? ?an oiaaiat? li -ml the in the Mi: igh the 7' the few oi ' If I , . , ? ll"?AII US ; >hua's Jrcumvallatl ? ? I ? ,...'i. I !., '.. third and twen MISS KATHERINE LA SAI.I.E. heroins in "H.t the-Trail Holliday," Cohan's farce si the t y fourth are expecting to be heard to ??ay. Yeaterday'i He play? I . >mpo litiona I crnmnis' b? Ben u man n'a ." to arhieh he ! etrarea" n ? ? d on Ba "lanity - ? . be : lists. OTHER SUNDAY CONCERTS Philharmonie. Metropolitan and Kus aians Give Offerings, The file of tl. - nudi .- Tha p?.p . crowded with an audience ??? ib al I that i whist K..r? . r:..'l" ? ' - ? bapeody a feaa? for a Sunday ?. audience ?r> dead, ai ! all pla? Tba solo mar was M I. .1 i bar singing of - Kurt haa as ,* .? ' .- i ly powerful ?..?*,? as we ? superb int.' Bgl with ?..' ? erj gorgeou - nut that if aha coi ?in,i furo.? h irily, us sh" . dopai t lona I ? ap ? ia. Mme. Kurt, fine artist that she is, baa : virtue of vocal and vence. In Madii l lard? n the flrst ..? i.ri' denominated "civic or ? ?ok ?vis'', in the tha Buapieea o* New York Globo." The huge asdito rium held about 2,000 people, and tho ?ra, under Mr. A .-st to . r.y's Pathetiqu 1 ha hum siz?- of ? he a i ? ' rather . fed I re were two ??? ? The usual Metropolitan "ppra House conrs-r? bl I Mme. Mar:?* Itappold anil GiuBoppa Da Mi De Luca by hii "En tu" deepened the Imnn ? ? - ro. Ha sang I liabed ng and ri< In him the ired a barytone who pr?f?ra bel canto to ?l?'cin: ? are rare in tins day and generation. Victor Herbert and his orcbestra drew h good I audianee to tha Cort Th?atre, the pro? gramme being devoted to Mr. II?-rh?.rt's own co' MM. j;s? WILSON. Arthui D. .Mi!?"1, president mi 'he I rs. ,J. laughter of the late William . t San '? re married by tba Re*/. \ Ibort D Will riat < Ihureh, Broaxrille. at I rtwich, a friend u'..I te of tha ? ??room, in LewreBM I'ark West, | The brisle was ?iven away by Mr. Roatwiek. W1I\T IS GOING ON TO-DAY. I "-?..' Sii.r?' ' ? . - .-i.tjs or St* \ ?? . \ ? . .... : . . . . . \ s a ?a. ? | ? IT ? ? . ? : . ?t>i ? r?-< As.. u _ud Thlr it I ' - ? - . l m. ? ? , ? lit* . ? .-. I- - -' ! . ? " H V an i I N r_?l a I s ". ? - ? r I . s . ' Itsj-s si ? . ?f"l s I .? - . _ I, llsrr! <? ? . I'srl \ \ ? ?a " ?s M .1 il '?? ? !.. V .,,.-, s I.? 1 . . ' ? Ils >< .- .. .1 II - ? .1 I ' -v . I - II? .- II ' ' - ' ? ? I I ? 1 I s I ?I . ? u.-',- s . ? - I \ -.. \?. .. ... ? 1271b I I i. l..u?-?ls_. NEWS OF PLAYS AND FLAYERS After All, "A Bare Idea" lias Nol Been Done by Everett Shinn. ' )?i the eonti lenco te the contrary nol . . ng, deipil announcerr.i i.i . and Mveral ? ? the book of "A Hare Id ib." i A Weil. . "ion. enthu ?iastically proel;. as the author a month . far as to put "A Hare Idea" into re it th? illuatrator rittea the ? week, however, the rehearsals came to as complete ? il ? a? a dowo - H just ti;T' b Of '?-.-?. ! made an Ifl tion and claims to have diaee biaa had not writtea a muaical |y booh fit all. Fxactly what it was that Mr. Shitin had written Mr. Weil d.d not an youth, I WBI en? gaged tC write the book of "A Hare Idea." Mr. I'"gcrs, It that he can do it in a week, and re! I I will then begin ? again. <-.- of the r but in New Haven. It will o ? night, nnd will be gi *i ?'? m.-1er tie an ? ' 1 he I' and 7 ???i miera on th? No amount of persuasion can II him to put a ae< ' "His Maje?) y Buokei : ind 1 ? before ?eeing th? play It II ing a run in ( t.' ?. an fin' from ing. Having claimed ?verythiBg in Vor?,, aent ma? terial. Am incei terday tl. if son. bod A .. him - 'hin." There being no other way th.- numl ei or? in thia countr company i.'i New York and then to London for a run. The Mirror Films, j-.c, I ., ? ' Goodwin. The new concern will beg work In January. Perwent Hall Cain? is in Ne ? with a couple of new ?h.-r. and \? !! act here in one of ?mans don't let up on London. : starter in pn.due.-,; . ' night in Cii St:!' Bnother or..- by Fn ? "At the a ...? ." ?> I unce "I.i bar I . ositiun of .id of \u --.-i i. A- .i i ?? -i ? - ' tache have turned c i ..Iso ghorti-. ? Cecil Lean will jump to the Chieigo !'. der d Leag ? ' Lean | "fhe 1 of 1 I - ?-rican "The Battl A r from th- Pal .- - I - ? I ? -?a ? new triangl:-: pi.ays Helen Ware Mil?? D?bat Marl T?ain Play at the Strand. Helen Ware and William B. Hart are ?tar? la the new Tr I pro? grame n* ?*? the KniCM-rbocker T aften under th? |B "Croes Currents." .. and li . ? "Be* Men." Fi , | :." a Sennett farce, lu? th? sea The first M?rk Twa reach ' and the Paaper," with Marguerite ? Clark in the ?dual roles. 1 REVER SAID IT/ yvette insists Those Awful Things About America Being a Bluff All a Mistake. WILL GIVE CONCERTS: BUT VAUDEVILL__?-NO French Singer. Absent Six Years. Says She'll Stay Mere Till the War Is Over. YVetta Geilbert never ?a: I It Ma years nfts-r'? - ? ? ... ? ly in ? \n ... ? . that ' .'. :?t that. .f her ? ??reatest ginger in 1 T Am.rica ' i the but not uni Mme. to bei home . ?.nou^h of it all. .. that that sh_ i SB C - : erica merely to '.1 strength . , rue to " '? me. Yvette, ? A rlea. ? ' ? ?*.<_ recitals. ? ? ' - ? ? ? . m-, : I ? .' ? ? ' . ?, fur ? ? "If i ,,?:'" con arith ai. .. from (raid you ? . I'.sl . if I ? ;her<? . ? :u tl.j ' I have ir sir ally I ? Fork 1 s ?II lous aoni ? oh, the bou t In re? t? in the libraries' Bui Il ., ull in ? "I; ' I llTS'l .?s of : "1 \. *s*e! I ?m miaunder is of madi ? ? . ? tj ;. mi h I have r ? it, Mme. A-i. I : ??ly! SOUSA AND VICTOR HERBERT Weeklj CaSMOfta ?.hen at Hippodrome and Ceci Theatre, laea was the ??-.-.t:r_ star at B ? ? ?.*'?. where John .: h.s band not custo- - ly s.'uiicert. Miaa N ? ? tare M :?:*. nnmbora luring programase an?i iang "The '? t Humaner." "K I "Kathleen M:i The feature al Mr. S ;T-nme was the "Peer Qynt" music, y C Victor Herb? rtfi Bg en cf Mr. I The from I ' Nat.nru." THEDA BARA IN NEW FILM "GaUej Sla?e" Sh?s??n at Academ> ?f Music and Riverside. Theda Hara. the depths ?f who?,* ? "m ? ? sraable, up- I icademy af Mo Theatre ?? . bara tie as ever hut it is only I bi ! ? appeare this I as ar* leL Th? . ? i* an ?adaptation of I!... play, and ? - Stuart H und Jane 1 ? ? AMERICAN MUSIC TO CHEER SANTA Excellent Native Compositions and German Blocklde Boon ket. The European war has chantres! the trade af New ?. a ; it never was ehs before cut off the Oes mee ply altogether, not only because It is Impoaaible to 'mport music frcm Gof* time sot by aaen af . ' many to tl " s l sines '. '. ? ; si in ' . y?ar In thi ? ? ? . '!M:?;c \ pul ' ? \ . an m a il moal Tiny oth.'r I . in mus;c pub ? ' Ills' ? South Africa .1 . ? ? ? s?. A new ? ' ompa raaoi ? St. Thomaa'a Church; II.. i , . Harry . ' the ' . and the ci nuaic ? ? JOAN OF ARC DEDICATION I ..??-ilinif of Kronzi? Kiirure on Drive Set for MifrmhiT ?i. .'clock figure, after m? ??* ''>' of Or of owai i arm holding her . ; be anrailed bi Mrs i ?hs' French I'ark Com? i will n he ? ! ' ; ? Robert W. do Foreal of the ? M' T-n of . Us ir of the Na JOAN OF ARC. Bronze htatue O? the Maid of ?l ? ? : . -. i.. . r.?,:de I'rive . ?jgill Le dedicated un December G, GUSTAV LANGENBERO DEAD Man> Notable* Sat f?>r "the Painter oa Horseback." Gustav C Langeabefg, known to the ?art world as "the paint? r on h eras back" because of his frequent travels, died la St. Mark's Heepital Saturday, following three operat.o:-,? within a week. Mr. [aBBgeaberg was born in Pussel? dorf in IBM. Bia mother wa*'French and hn father Ital an. He ?tud ? i ??nous ichooll abroad and had. -tudioi in Munich. Paria a:-. : | lU - Ira : \? .?rk, among ^ - '?? the he :,. of I and Men.hardt ? i thei portraits he completed after ? ? a? ierful -.nee? rv li ?lent >?..-? . man I'm ? ? r-.m a sea; I ? ired his Inaui . picture wii? completed last war. but ? j of ihe war : is ?i ? country. The pui . - $15, Mr. Lange-.b< t., H ? ?uaera ? w at the <.?ermt.ii Mel con ; by Tr.n.i. 1. F. anj A. M EDWARD C. WALLACE DEAD Was President ..f Milllken Hn.a. Which Failed in INT. of Mil!.ken Brotl -1 . tal. H- wai | *4?*L tad i ??de .- I Ile Mi Cub, Fifth Avenu? il.- -.?, as a. : Wal? luce - Co . - i:rec - ?:v and the ? Hunk ? ce ?? a? the son of the late '?? .'lace. He was gra Cni te the I, ha wa? a nu .-. 1 'he '". IRAN MARIE PEBDINAND BARRIR ? ?r ' ?h .? Rouvtei i hemori M . romt? ? a ' y i I He s 1 - ? ' Justice in ? 'Im sr. . ein - ?, but He forme?! his I ? elec I ? GrlOICl WASHINGTON imi.v fifty-one ? old, an insurance broker s atad aritk I I 12.1 ., fat I H \? a -i ? if r for ' St. ?nng ? - He leai ?? a laugh? CAM. \. R. I ! m>in. Cari Axel : of many arorid, ? the ' Mr. 1 " ? are ?he thin the l'ul ?I in . the :. eh at ib? ? Am hi r | e-??> MALI OLM I8BI8TI I Malcolm I ' ""!(' - . his home ut US I Mr. ! ter a lie I -. r ???-..- a i ' *???*? - ?tion. MISS CATHERINE BEMMWGft. vt - ' ? r- ,h,"'?.J'' rsaae Lake. i ob New , Long Island, and wag ? All Saints' < bureh. that place._ DIED. Davis. I?. H ! 1'l,'i'"Tu Lamson, Job.-. 8_Val DAVI- V. on Ham IV y H rook? r?ona ?age. : . it i . on ;rom :.?nly Leas? N. J., on T . . :ij p. m.. on a: ? ;. tt from load. In . :.vate. RTANTON At his s ?. Stoninu oael (hurles T. Staaten, ? ?at? ? .-.i T. nr, 1 .Nano-, Palmer ton, in the 77th . fm, r.eral at late laida? BtoniagtOBi * ?>'?-. >>n Tuesday, Ne vember UO, at -:30 p. m. VAN BOSKERi K Elisabeth Row#. widow of the late George W. Van I. N. J., N'ovem ie?l '.. West Se.euth st., Plain? , on Tuesday, at 11 .'clock Car riHT-e? Will meet ?rain I -ruing foot of Liberty st.. M. V., at 9:15 a. m. ? icarrKKir-H. mi-. \i?4?intT??*r>' ? rMtrrrnT. lll.l .-i 11. .h Triln an.l !?> Trolls?. Loi? "t mmmtt ?'?- for ?ai? Ufllca, S? taul Ol *L .N. Z.