Newspaper Page Text
The R. Rs. and the P. P. P. In this bull market, .1 lari? Ri?.up .'f stocka I ced com? parative!) little. II wil ? ? \v ? ihetn .1 ahmt 1 with thil ad ire be r they - your SJ? Send for Isotdet 24 "Partial Pay? ment Plan"' and "List" 245. JohnMuir&Q Specialists IK Odd Lots Mrmtwr? Km fartl Moel I a, lianae. 1 N V ? ?? tvkbn. S. J. We Specialize In Babcoek & Wilcox Charcoal Iron Co. Crocker Wheeler Gen. Dcvclp't Co. Savage Arms Renskorf, Lyon & Company (Unlisted Department | - M.mbfrf- ? hang?. Lchlcai^ Hoard of Trade. 33 New St. ( I New York 1 IRediiiQnd&Cii High Grade Investments 33 Pine St., New York American Power & Light 6i 1921 Central State? Electric Corp. 5l 1922 Cities Serrice 7a 1918 Commonwealth Pw. Ry. & Ll. 6s 1918 Consamrrs Power 6i 1917 Mickiran Rr. 6i 1919 Minneapolis GenT Elect. 6s 1917 Northern State* Power 6* 1917 Portland Ry. It. & Pow. 5s 1917 Poiet Sound Tract Lt. t Pow. 6s 1919 Uuk Secnritir? Corp. 6s 1922 Weal. Peon. Tract. 6a 1917 Western Power 6s 1917 and all other ??ubllc Itillty \otes Bought - Sold?Quoted Geo. H. Burr & Co. RANKERS 120 Broadway, New York ??"um? R'-Xor 174? phT.aaalpr.'.a, I - ?""t??eaf? St Ijoula Statt e Pan Franclace Funds Awaiting Investment may be profitably employed in the interim in Short Term Securities yielding 5' > to 6j 2 per cent. A comprehensive list of such offerings may be had from u?. Bigelo\v& Company SB 1 ii' M I' r?fx? .lohn. -I HMHIUill > _ M |lN , y ugfjfftj I KM I ,,, ,, >In( K Henry Clews&Oo. ?? ST Ml MBEBN s ?. Moi K 1 \? II a\?.| -Stocks and Bonds ! .1 sold ? Deposit Accounts ? I \ \ I - I M I \ I? s M I I; I I || n IHUIIIH? I I M EK?a ?ll I HI.HIT IHIM I? ?IV IliMillV AMI PARIS I . Si Bklya STANDARD O I la CARL H.PFORZHEIIV.?U-1&CO. St.. N. T. VV'rfot ottering, New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago 5s, Douglas Fenwick& Co. 34 Wall St. Tel 4220 John American Brass. Babcock & Wilcox. Remington Typewriter. FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. rtaone Broad 814A. SO Broawl St.. ?w York. titrate taJaatti'-'U? to Boarou u.4 Itki:a1r.'(it.:a. MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Slocks Show Firmer Trend ?it Close, After Day of Uncertain Dealings. STERLING EXCHANGE UP; FRANCS HIGHER Some Industrial Speciallies Ad? vanced Bond Dealings Are I arger, but lack Snap. The market made little more head ?ra] m either direction than on Mon? day, b ? wi'h e, and the cloSO, In , \ be ?ne appearance of an rard tend? . . ? tmall fi there | < ?s of .. little ? . ? the I ? some reaction followed by j t;ood recover). Tn . very the i a Amollir individual OUl for wide move:- . >.:. \ | I I licit.g over Can ? hour, mab Ing a maximum gain of - pointa, ?. afterward proved unfoui that good new? was to be c from the directors' meeting, but half i of this mil ' ? the close. Some of the tu| Toleum lo? mado considerable improvement ! few of the chemical stocks went ! ted States Steel had rather more On than of late, but ended with- j s railroadi continued quiet, cloaing with small ? onal pains. < opper stocks were tgh 1 ? i been i recent advance in the ! metal here and pnrchaaea for export and for dornest!- re reported heav). in bonds, over 16,000,000, was well above that of the day before. thuaiaam in the bond market ?eem? to have evaporated. (.rowing as it did from the extraordi? nary Cft?0 0 great mi ' ons from ! rid individ? uals bought freely and nbeorbed with i little difficulty considerable from ' de of the water. There was, however, much t Led to Speculation, to mere trading among the continued rise of bond prices. Now, while there is still a fairly good investment demand, dealings are much quieter. Underlying investment I are scarce, and the supply from MTV small. It may he that tho proiosed government bor? rowing of our bonds in England for collateral purposes wil ent to prevent n; ount of selling here for some time. Honds not so well secured will he subject to compi of new issues announced and impend? ing. Exchange on London and Paris made further recovery yesterday, and was particularly strong in the later deal? ings. Sight drafts on London got above i "1 in the pound for the first time since early in October, with excellent support. German exchange went still lower, and : upon the mar Trade figures continue to run heavily in our favor, last ' ? sport bal- '?. anee from tho principal c . trieta amounting to 142,000,000. With . two business days stiil '.anted for, these preliminary uta* a favorable trade balance of more than i '? e month, and ej of above 5300,000,000. PUm.IC UTILITY SECT RITIE?. m?,. Ask. ? ? CO J ' Afllr ) 00 |<ref_ ?> ? a a a ? ? ? Am p a i?.. ei ? <!o ;? ??? I ' I -, ? ' t i:. - ? pf ", do lei -.rv.. n do pn I del I' I ref I r :. a t. ? i Un Oes & n It ? n o i? a p. U'V, it ) -...- -I I ? Ozark P * XV ? ? ? ' Mo pref I i T f.> :. I , Co pr?t... ? ... ? 47 : D pf. T? ? < -,i 1 1. a I pf St II ? i . . . , ? I Co I '"'. tl it 4 ?V T. 10 14 I *PtI Tllu? J'C : n N ? aeaaaaawsMMii i ???iiiaaaaBaaataaaaaa asaeeteaa I a* le Ceea. Itakuif Petr?eS I'M. I itie? Bervtee Ce, Amrr. I I a; 1, : Si irai Mon ? bevrolel Motee ( eiilral Mm?, I.Irrt. FM. PWvof? relestoas to Phtia. and Pee tee HF.McCONNELL&CO. es. nee *,., i.i eeei i .),? \, . >,,,,,. H you are interested in Buying Stock* and Bond? Write for FREE BOOKLET X 2 p? ii.eut P SHELDON, MORGAN & CO. aremeei ' hangt, 4. Hr. un?,, Nr? iork. MUNICIPAL BONDS ? I ?el ?t f ' ?1 ? n. ? m nu o., ?S I eilur Mr.rt. \r?i \.,rk. Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Nauau &. Cedar Street?, New York The Mechanics & Metals National Bank of ine i it? ,,r \r?? fare, tO Nassau Mr -re Capital. Sat plea nad rYoSta, ?n.onn.imo Service J lodern Trust Company Metropolitan Trust Co of the City of New \ork OcorccC. Venluyl. .1, , ft? - ?I WAfX .Mill I | All WALL STREET rcadt DOW, JONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1915. Total sales of Blocks Tiiead:??. 4.1s,100. mriunat 4?S.1,,?00 Monda? and .T?t?.100 a ?seek ?jro. Stork Fxchantre cl?i??'d a venr an". Presa Jarmar> I lo ?late, 1.1*, w.sno. Bgalaet isjsrt.ino a year age. Sh'ii ?"? sold. Quotatio Net (ipen. High Low, Final, elige. \ ? i Junrau. ?Jaska Gold Minss. If \ ' halmers . tllia-Chalmei rr. I mical rr. IOC ?im Beet Sugar. Am. > an .. . 19,600] 7 Am. i ii'i ].r. ? .'. i o tin dry., ? a ! A \ ? os Pi odui ?-.... 6 Am ? ? Ml pr .' Vi, I .i ; . .... Am. Hide .v Leather... Am. M d< .\ I .nthcr pr . i ' . Linseed . ? I pr \ n Am. Am. Locomotive . 12,900 km i acomotive pr. . . ?m. Smelting . ?.-? " ell ing pr.., \ elting ''i' R v- ? ??' Foundrj - - - \? Sugar . . . Am. Sugar pr. n Am 20 Am. I "''."'i .. . 0 #\m. 'i aba? eo : Woolen ctfl. w oolen . R a '? la . 7 Oil. . ? -. Atlant ? Line... Bald? m Locomotive... Baltimore ?- l Baltii ? pr... . . Rrthi. . ? . pr... . . Brooklyn Union Gas.,. Brown ? I . Brunswick . . I I'op. Butterick Co. ? trolfMim. ?oh um pr. Pacific, ex div ?-? M -". : 10 ^^^^^ w. .1. I., pr. I.einher. I.Khi ski A OUe. ? ?. . i. Icago <fc Alton. I hi. i.i sat Westarn.... i i hi.. Mil. & St. Paul... .'. Bt Paul pr . hi., 11. I. ? rno'fir-... 7 Chi., s: P., M. A n.... 1 oppsr. ? .! istt Peabody. 1,900 . olo, Fuel & Iron lo, a Sonthern ? p i .!? Rec, I " (ins. ? Ca?. in Products.I 1,-." rn Product i ??? ? i'(.. Crn el . 1,800 el pr I ; i ,? I gar pr... 0 Diamond Match. Distilling Securities. . Co Doma Mines. 1,000 ? rs. 800 ria . 12 ? Kne 1st pr. 1300 Krie 2d pr. Co. pr ? n Electric Co Gen. Motors. ? 1, W, Helms pr roodrich, B. F. oodrich, II. F.. pr. 7 ?it. Northern pr. H Gt N'or'hern Ore aubs. .cpenheim Expl.. i,r- ? er.' 3,''?oc .-. Havana El. Ry. I.. A P. .". I. Cent. ' ?Afp-ioul. ? Agricul. pr. -- Inspiration Topper.. - ? lnterborough-< fl Inter.-'on. pr. E Int. Harv. of N. .T... 7 In*. Harv. of N'- J. pr 1! .TV. Corp. pr. International i ?_ % li:.1 too 1 mi ! pr., 10 Int Klekel . Kan. < i'v South l Kim. City South pr. . . Keok. ID.? . '? tool. ; i . Id !..-h H. Valle). . i ??. trd, P., pr. i l ? .. .? ' h . '?'? .. I . . Co . El. . ; Max Motor i ?. pr... ?.i ??'.'' . ? ol. ? i la..... vi... Kan. t Tea. ? - ctfs 1 r. POO, "T pr. til. 1 . I ; ' ? .... . . I!. ? i". N'orl. ft v . . ? ? ? ? P I ver. .. . P p ? roi ' !" I oai... ? 7 IP ' or... 1 Car... Qi .... 7 !. - pr. . . . . Rep. In I. I 1. Rock . ? pr... i . '. I. pr.. - - ? .... ? I .". 1- l ? per. . 10 1 ' .; ?i Tl ' B.' pr... ' Toi., ' Peat pr.. . 6 1 nil \'n_' . i . I ? B. Ind. Alcohol. S, ?ml. Alcohol pr. . '' S Red I Ri f. i r. I'. S. Rubber. pr.... V . 7 ?, S. Steel pr.' 10 i Uta ' .I .' Va. h w. i.I A.: pr. H.' ?id. .... . ; Wo... cortil pr. wri . : ?. i i .? .... ; u re? I ""H? VZT. I . . i Bid. ! ask. .-..m I? I '' ?'"'' ,''-'' , ;-. || 184 HO roo i>; loo 8,900 I 'HI |0 ? 1.1,01 I-.. IK.". ?' 105 I'" 108 IM 185 '. 31* M 88 li i I , 106 . ' 674 ?' ' ? I I ' ? n "? i . i '?" , I '? '. . ; loo 100 112 112 I.- 140 im i 2,100 , 'm'.. I 1124 - 11" na ? ; 1 I ? ' ll? i i. I ? U2U 17 60 '17', 200 II ion ' 6,100 si ' .,?'? ] I i I.I.I ' ? 101 . ' 110 1% 14 : : I' I01 IS II I 41 II : ' 60 139 14 139 31 i. 117% ' ? 44 : US ;, ?; r, i : ' i ion '. 101 4 ? ? ..I 61 ' i 10 ? 19 ' 101*4 10" ?I , '."> - 6,400 101? 101 ? - 2,200 I 18 150 148 j 1 200'1 110 108 ! 110 '? ? ; ? 102 - 100 200 11 ' 102 1". I ' 211 61% 102 ? ? ' . i 116 .1 ' 2.11 0I1H 1154 1154 7.2?M1 . ? 100 900 700 ? ?i.r, ? .;i l - 16 % 614 I I1014U !? 17 96 110 . ' 11 . . ' 125 ? 74 124!i - ' ? 4 107 107TJ ?"?? 1154 1154 . 164 , ? 17 to: 61 ? M 200 124 124 212 294 % 124 514 !40 "II 113' ? V 40 4 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Heavy Losses in Some of the War Favorite* Oils Irregu? lar?Coppers Quiet. ? i ssearil lei ? .-., except in a few lastanees, i a steadier tone. The volume of boslaess done was of fair proportion, with some of the inrlustrials vigorously dealt in. Among these was Submarine Hoa\ which advanced 8 points on the day. Katliodion Bronze, preferred, wat al-o active and reactionary, dropping over 10 points to 45 and endinr? more than 1 points doWB. Weakness also ap? peared in the Marine issues, the com? mon declining a point and the pre? ferred a fraction. DriggS-Seabur? if its recent advance, dosing 101 points off. Pi ,rf changes in the petroleum group ? were h | Phase ii mi i were , an Oil and Pierce <?:'.. t i I ' other oil stocks dosed with tain? of :, , genei . held firm in a compai INDUSTRIAL!. - . ? ? ? 10(1 i . . ? ?\ ?'? a ' ' ' | I . TOO? ?? ' i : ? : ?? . n 11 u : II I 14 i > ? . pf a. "i " 10 K ? , -i > a - - a . ai ' , ' - a a a . . I t I -. ? ? . . ' ' ? a RU I I a ? ??>.:, '"? ' ? , : . I ? . ' . ' . ? . B1 \M?Ai:ii OIL BUB8IDIARI1 tasse- s? f,?i ? B) - i. !.. . 1 ? 114 114 14.. ? ? "II. ? ? ? n . Y ? - -. - - n ..j o minim;. ? ? ? 14 ' ' '. ?, i 1 1 a x Y.... 4 ' ? i 4 : : 'in 11 I! ' ? S "... -, ... Mini ? i :?! ' ? ? ? ?? ", i . ?? Mines ? IS l'a ; r ti ? INal /.lor 11 S '. ? - ? . ? 1 i ? - ?4 ? . ?M 'a < - i K V BONDS. ? . . i . INACTIVE YESTERDAY. ? ? - ? ? '. ? . a-, 4 ? SHORT TERM KOTl B. ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? - . ; n I oreigs i iv? rnsseal lasai s. ' CONSOLS SOLD TO BUY FRENCH LOAN London Much Interested in I Issue Across ttie Channel Oils in Demand. ' ' and is si well spplied for by big houses, ? BBt ex the ii ics in : II loan w.-re easy and tl rouirh i-ellinr? to participate In I loan. mines and oi! shares . e ile an in- ! ? . that . ? ' ? 1 ?? r; the new ill and earmarked ' ' ' CtTl t. 1> It] tr cen* Ion, 27 -a LONDON CLOSING Pill : i, ' < ? i v . i ? lil\ IDEND9 DEI : IRED. i i - ? ... INACTIVE STOCKS. The ! u ked pi ? . alt m on the , da/: I k M A H S I I. ?'? 1 ? ? : ? ' ? ' i pf ?'?: Buff K * 1 ? . . . . : i \ \ i. 4. H ;.. , . . '?' . ?.k i. ' .<. Knit 11 ? .. I ' . 14' . < I- ' I ? ' ? : i - 11.1 ; I ' , 4>( 'j 41 . ?s ? i mi ? *r********V*V****!**???**?*v I*?I^e^e^!^e^e**e********et*e**I*,a)*^ y* Benjamin Franklin sa) \ y '?(.' tttnt is tht f'u.'e tphtr*. tttet, y . . it twr <:. :! ttMthti Viti ? ? Z X "!\ TlYH or' the content that? y i *1 should accrue from the y y Z cession of wealth il tr- to?J Z T onset bi e many vexai i X y ? ??? tha* arise in its nianagement. y y To those a ho with to be relieve: y ?". ? .fr estates, the Fra i .-. X ?' v '/'? I ' ':cr> its ien : ? y y as i*. If will arte y ?j. toa Btteri I I Kail, lectinterest ? V I rei -, and pay over the Micome a: jt y i times and in such a?..-:.:s a- y i z Z Sen 1 for our booklet **Ct MatStee? Z V - fJtf?lmlldPtt i :. P'c'ets." V ,1._' J X ?'. . . .*. I tM J. .[! Franklin Trusl Company X J .'. ) ? . - 4- v... Iciest Y X .' ? ' ?n / i'i M t.. .- S'ieft ?. X ' ' ' ? ' ?s "" ? *-X?*X~X-*?X~X-X,<,<K~X??X~X?'X? Ciososj Milurlr; DecifflbW. 1915 Psysble it Ih* Offitet ;\ Harris, Forbes fc Co Pine Street, Corner William, Now York Also Payable at the Office of our n'-,jn rirreV>ni1#r,t Harris Truit fa Sav.ngn Bonk lirai Aberrkrn. S. I).. In?leprnd>nt ,1 li vi t Funding Atlant!. . Iowa, Refunding Berkshirs Street Railway Co., Mass., First Mortgage Gold Brookficl-!, Mass., Refunding Tax Kxempt Cartcrsville, Mo., School District Casey, Iowa. Independent School District Cedar Kap;ds r< Iowa City Rail? way & Light Co. First Mort? gage Gobi Charles City. Iowa, 4 ^ & $% Council Bluffs, Iowa, 5'^ School District Commonwealth Power Co., Jackson. Knhma/oo 4 Lower Mi *?? Go,d t [II , Cicero School District No. 99, -V : Crookston, Minn., School Dist. DccaHir, HL, Hoard of Educa? tion, School District, School Building De Kalb, III., Sewer DCS Monies County. Drainage District S ,' Dona Ana County, N. M. Galva, III., No. 1 School District, Annually Hamilton County, Tenn. Highland Park, 111., S-wer, Park & Bridge Hoquiam, Wash.. V ' I undmg Hartley Iowa, Sr' Jefferson, Iowa, Refunding ?ine County, Ky., Turn [?.'.' e te, Iowa. I: d?pendent School Di Lexington, ??v., Refunding ?? Louisiana Port Commission 51', Harbor [mprowetnent BsaaH i ? " t'.-t If. W. Hoirn & Co., Inc. i ir?? i? ssiHaassj Marshal! Tov/nsh;p, tjt High S loi D '.ually Manning, lows s ' Man?a-ato Minn., 4' Monctte Mo.. Montevideo, Minn., VVatei Muskegoti He Water Norfolk. Va., Atlantic City V/ard Improvement Onawa. Iowa. Light Perry. Iowa. Peiundirig Rockford Edison Electric Co. St. Joseph. Mich,, Refunding' ling County. Ga., ? Court Hota ' Springfield, Minn, Sewer (An. Springfield, Minn . Water Worki ? Sterling. III., . ,^t Stoughton. W. Sew? : Willow S ling See 'i .. Groton, S. D. Watet Works Refunding 5 Mall White County, It ' House Mn', Crawford Co? Hot. riflrrnih [tester, Pe Watsx 4 Light Seda'.ia. Mo , Reiu i i.- ? Geneva II!., Bl December Investments We own and ? ? ? 4 to 6 for circ .' Ovainrj to the further decline in German and Aus tri |e rates, VJC of I a'.' NEW SEAMAN 5% WS? LSAI (Not callable before !924> 1000 (Viark ?202.50 Interest beginning April l, 1916 IMPERIAL GERM?N 4% 2C?I3S Not callable before 1918 1000 Mark S?85.50 The value of the Mark before the war was 23 ? cents, or $237.50 for ION Mark Our selling price for these bonds to day i?. . .$185.50 foi 1000 Mirk i?% THIRD AUSTRIAN WAR LSAH Redeemable in I930> i OOO Kronen $141.75 6% THIRD KURGAN WA3 LOAN (Not callable before !92h 1C00 Kronen I ;0.75 IN GERMANY?Deutsche Bank ind Dreadmr Bink. In AUSTRIA and H?NGARY?Wiener Bank-Verein, K. K priv. CeaterreicMschi Kredit-Anstalt fuer Handel und Cevacrbe aa r meine UlfSriKBl Uviiitb?nk. We loan up to 70% of the market value on our Interim Certificates or definitive bonds. Members of the New York Stock Exchange 9 and 11 WALL STREET - - iNEW YORK THE CINCINNATI, UHILTOI & DA?T0H RAILWAY COMPANY To Hollers of Certificate! of Dcp. lit for c - i.nder A ,: Holders of General Mort-age Gold i: . - * . - ' ' ? - ? . ? ... - I i . . fifteen days - - ? e pa y me ... - Bear i certificate ? - _ . - -? . ?ra? i ? 1 at? sa sgret enl ition Manasen Mortgage I ?? ; at the rate 1916, to date ? - the trefor. The *"? - ......... - ? ?* ? ., - ? ? : ? ' r . i ? Msaarj ? recommend? * ,i'*f, tar's of the ?a r ? - ? -.'..? . ' ' ? ? - - - ? - . I . - ? eri ol a lufitcient i - - ...?? er 1, 1915. CHARLES ft ?APIS', Oa.rrr.aa. ARTH'R It U \T' ' R - *-ary, JOI.IM , 1 \ H ARK Y BRONNEB, SAM0LL L. rULLSBj | !?: ? ? r, GORDON ABBOTT, r ? SMiTI'.. l. - -, -e?.