Newspaper Page Text
." " EMERALDS of IjiUnl rarity ami heauty m ly alwnys ho gelacted tVom the DREICl R collection ? Rinft?, Pendants, Studs R.u Bracelets. El DREICERaC0 /?iff?ik riFTM AVCNUt at rotTTYSOCTH NDVVORK JOHN D. FORGETS TAX SWEAR-OFF With Son and Brother Lets $5,800,000 Assessment Stand on Last Day. h# big ta ant of Ti ? ? - dears ? - oner* ? ? - a ? ? ? ? ? ' | had man had ? I ?, appear I ?won ? '*nta ? Mr. Pur: .- the as : pped. Tne head of "r made it a ? ? i\\ ulge the It per rdhv ?ere ? ? ? \ ander I R?| terta '.000. ENO'S PRIVATE PAPERS BURNE HEIRS DECLA1 Clifford and Amos Pine Produce Affidavits ii Will Contest. RECORDS DESTROYE ON CLERICS ORD I statt-. It Is Sou Believed, V Reach $15.000.000 Court Names Administrators. A bundle of aAdavitC telling of burning of papers from the desk Airo? f kno by order of a la* r! employed by attorneys, for tie ?x? tor? furnisheii some interesting i? Intunis yeaterda] the Burrogn o? Mi Ene being contented. ? the contention of iiifford i Amo* il l P nehot, nepbewe, and uther I - that Mr. Ene ne intended to leave Columbia Unlverai the residuary legatee, as much as I :h :t i* now estimated t Ital ?.n'ount to. lotaill of the destruction of t eonaiatlng of letters, recot sstate ef Mr. E were told in i ?-?ante Johnson, the Swe laemai rl fed the furnace ii I data on which the contestan place mi tance, i.:.iier instn ilei se pape I ; i ... keenei Estate Ma] Reach ItMtMM. ? ? in igate Fow m yester appointment c termlnatio ' ? ?. .- contended in be ? thai lister, nephee and nieces cor,te-t::.R thai the d<= : purer? n igl I have ihOWn Ml F>.o's reported briief tha-. his Mtai 'voulij not amo I B re than $6, OW believed the estati reacfa M 5,000,000. Johnson sa:d that the work of de ?traction took h:m *he greater part o' a: d evw ?\ hamperfu? of the paper? was left over. Johnson sa:d that thl residence, at 32 Fifth Avenue, wai with >moke from the r.urn'.nu which perhaps explains why t.;fford Pii next day found n a corner near some ash cans. destroyed paper of Is larpe'.y a matter of conjecture on the part of the coi ti 'irr.' ? - Capers Humed. Now mu- .'tter? and other papers thai troyed, c re? ii ' ' ? fac? I obied ef the niece? of Mr F.nn, for it hinted that tl.ry might ha\e ?ustain the eeateatiofl ef the eoatostanti ll Ml l:o ne\ar intended that Colure University should have such a ?a share, a- ,; that hs believed, as be o ? aid, thai hia 'state would probably ,; . - lg,0O0,0O0 It is also c tended thai his sei "' making a u veraity, beneficiary of ?bout half lila estate area Ojultt contrai', 'o ? ? en higher sdacatloB. William r Bas s?iJ thai he I heard his brother a??ert "that college eduoa'lon wn? a bad thing ' a young man " Surrogate Fowler heard an Spall) UOB yesterday for the appoint merit temporary administrators to act un fast ha- been decided, I OUni for T.ueiiiH II. Ileeii and W Ulli Mitchell, the executor?, asked that th be appointed. Counsel for Willtum Eno, the contesting hrother, asked th some disinterested] person nr a tn company be named. He argued that however, the sxscatora were sppoinl a* admlniatratora, then I member the Baa family should be deaifnatad sel with th?m Mor* in,presses Surrogate. . at the atory about the bann papers made an impression on '' Suirogate. waa shown Of his statOStSI "If It were nol for that 1 would appor the sxecotors," hs ?"imi MTo sppeii the sxscatora alone aft. i the deetru tum of the papers though I <loi suppose they had sgythlng to do wli it would be ?? ' Ssrregs PowlST. thsn appointed lifers ai Mitchell, the si rs, a '?' '!'am Former 8 irrogats charle? H. Becks appealed for Arnos !< B. and CitToi Pinchot, tv o oi the i ontestai Is B explained thai the family of Mr. En w?e aroused by the destruction of tu papen Ont SI tht affidavits present* hy .Mr. Beckett wsi by Mrs Florence i Graves, a Mere of the testator. Bhe told of gi hone of ht ?nele after hi? death and finding M if -. Heaporitis, 'he houseki eper, In neatly excited condition, "She said, fan Graves quoted, "thai Mr kfei ?ipstair? destroying everything an that he l a ; no rest cet foi ai She said he was destroying rev uncle' paper? snd letters snd bad even eon -.hat holy of holies, his safe." Mr? (ira-.' edi "I went to th library and called Mr, Men and h can c down, l ?rated to him, si ? ? I cut' rent? .lows: 'M renn,-; sou. in the name of re; aunt and uni e, M rs w*< Eno, itroj anything/ R,lu ?tated to 1 the i qualified and that hi I, Mrs. On When h< Mr. ! gate 1 -,to eoneidi in ai ? ? . .-i miniatratora. . ? . ? eoun? for the executors The Surrogate wanted tc ? ?' ' ' "Il li . ? fortunate Your clients have been out - ? || v.R ??? pis r., i by Mr. Bsldwin. for the executor?, that 1 I B< to the !.' il e an inventor guard the valuable art collection. Mer;: had no orders to de*' was ? | "Mi ? -" *a<d Bun r, "He s; ? ? H\e touched thoi,:. ? eei ' u tule i \\ :. Mr. Ei ? ????? er?i wills i life tin ' Cromwell. "He believed made man. ? ?? ? uncli It . Lad', ?'? Mr. K.-.o a liste ihi Pii the i testai ?? The Store for Men Separate Bv?ding. Separate Stocke. Separate Service. Broadway at Vinth. A Few Suggestions to Help Out in the Selection of Gifts for Men Fur Coats Kur lined coats are $n7.f>0 t<. $ 1 7 3. The coats at >0 are lined with full skin deep fur. Persian lamb. Hudson seal or ntt-r < ollar, black broadcloth -hell. ?oats which can be worn as a dross coat or in the car. as in inuskrat lined are $67 50 to $ 1 SO. Civet cat lined coats are $173. The < href-cat ii becoming a very popular fur. We have been compli? mented on having the best line of raccoon fur coats in the ( itv W? ire selling them every day. An Overcoat \ (. hristmas pitt that would be appreciated by any young or middle aged man would be one of our RF.D 1 EAF Listers at $40 and $45, or h staple overcoat at %21.50, silk lined through? out, or ? $2 7.50 9taple black and oxlord overcoat, partly half lined with silk, some lully lined. Scotch Wool Gloves A line selection which we ? annot duplicate in time for the holidays. Gauntlets, with inside glove lined with art] $4. ><> pair; with stockinet lining, $2.75. Heavy knit glovea, stockinet lining, $2 >(l 1 ong oxford gray ?Jutting glovea, $1.50. Hand knit glovea, kid binding, stoi kinet lined, $2 Short Win I gloVCO, , ), $ I . $ I . )() pair Room Robes Made in our own work? rooms, from ?elected foreign and American silks. $27 50 and $ i5. I hese are the only robes in New York made by the store tl a' sells them. The silks are chosen with dis? crimination. Quite different silks are | -quired to those used for I kties and worn en's dresses. I hese are heavy, durable silks in a hun? dred exclusive patterns. For the Car In the motor shop is a great assortment of robes from $> for a single black and green mohair plush robe 00 inches long up to $450 for a handsome beaver fur robe with satin back. Be? tween the two prices are wool robes varying ?n price up to $t)0 Some very fine mohair plushes hav just come in at $15; some in very bright colors. A veiv ?.ne import? ed rohe of , ninel s hair wool with a silk back is $2 5. I his is exceptionally warm and very light Ihermos ware and lunch baskets are also desirable ( hristmas Gift* Neckties Selection of Spitalftehls silks for nr<~kties to be made to order, is best made eatlv Prices, made up. $2 to $h, bow tie?, $] 50. 10,000 neckties at 30. upward. Mufflers Very distinguished look ing are those of Spitalneldi silks, at $10. Some knitted silk mufflers at $3.30 to $10; knitted wool. $1 to $7.50. Some ex? lunive designs in each group. ft * * Choos Custom Shirts Bring a shirt of hi? to us and have half-a-dozen new shirts made for him. Colored madras. $}; jai quard madras. $4; heavy Russian madras. $>; silk mixture or Russian cord on fine batiste. $6; |apanese silk. $7; heavy striped silk. $M; pleated bosoms. id, extra each shirt. Sport in General Guns, fishing tackle, foot balls, punching bags, punch ing bag platforms, consoli dated exercisers?a < orn p?ete assortment in the Sports Store, on the Sixth Gallery, New Bldg. For Golfers Golf clubs?a complete assortment in the goll shop on the 6th Gallery, New Building. I ' ' ' ' s F O H N W A N A M A K F, R LAWYER WROTE TO SING SING GRAND JUROR Prosecutor Will Ask In dictment Over Note Favoring Warden. EMBRACERY CHARGE AGAINST J. r>. LEE J'lea Defended an l.ejjal by Its Author- Court Sees Effort to Defeat Justice. ? barging 'ha' Josopl Daj 1-ee, a lawyer, with offices at M ? hirch Mreet, had written a letter to influence the BTestckeeter grand jury now Investi gatlag Blag : lag conditions in favor of Warden Thomas Mott Oaborne, Ills tttorno) Frederick I BTeaas en nounoed last night that he would ask Mr. Lee's indictment fur embraoorj Mr. Lee, who readily admitted writ? ing the letter, ?aid he was no? worried by the District Attorney's threat, aid added tkal tin P1*" ?f writing the lei tor had been discussed in Mr OshorBS's presoaes When this Information was bre Igl ' to the attention of the i'istri.-t Attorney late last nigh'. Mr W*OOkl sa.d : . ave no ijirect evidence to show .' Mr. Oshorns was behind an at tempt to influence the grand jury. I understand thai he spoke at a ? as ting In Pleasantville ot, November 10, and that at the close he discussed the plan oi writing letters to the 'urors and others With Mr. This is not enough did any one on, but if I had tht evidence I would a?k for b:s indict? ment. This < .1 ? rl sf ?"or." Mr. said vesterday that hi? lei ei represented tin views of th? Men? ef the i'leasant.ville Presbyteriaa church, of which he is a BWBlher, s Il did not constitue embracery "The code provision read.? that em bi icery ii si attenant to improperly In Tnere m r.otnmg Im? proper in my letter, i bave telephoned to Mr P/eeks 'ha* I aril] be a? my offlc? whenever he wants me. I don't think he will press the request for r.n in-lict ? Pa-1 of the letter written ts William A. Murray, one of the Jurymen, fol lows : "We all Appreciate, of course, that "and jury had an oath to obey, and murt find or re'use to And indie' i o? 'le itrei gth of the evidi It Bat there is a tremendou g in our community, and, 1 be ' re igl ? ? ? latry tha* ? 'he District Att-rne ? I ? let the grand jury hear the warden of Sing Sing or to take 'h.? .ury fora personal nvsstigation prison, 'he j ? bould warden be heard an'.' make first ha i ? eetleatlou o.' the pf1?'"1 Itself, befon handing down indictmente in such a situation ?is the prou nl one." "If Is generally understood thai under the present regime offender* are bj the eoarl of the Mutual Wei League, whieh t? itself on trial, ? ending that. It i? to he SSS it makes good in im prison diaei] It is ? red the pris ? f they eond id their conn properly a | be no' further ? " them While, of course. ft |] hind offl ? ' \ are morally bound to ' ? faith with : pared I era is had and should be abolished i i, we think, no man ? U In I | . , \, I o donee pre i oeecuting i I ty. "m should hear both ? v, hen th m red Ived l>\ the gtai.d Juroi yetterds ' ? ? . Moi ichauser for h The juetiee told tl ? eeery, i i :nci Mutual Welfai ? . t to pass en It ted "i ng Binsj Oi borne. Year on Job. s.i\s fries Are Reaten .11.. rounding on? ? "l think the old 13 1 th< Mr. Oaborne succeeded Thomai ?' r The ? 1 \ van's found the w irden in ? cheerful mood, ? . ? Marry Boleskey, tne prisoi rly an Inmate, I hook. .1 ttsel newi ? prison work. He has ama ? 1. ? everal ? alone has something appeared ? ry day abo .? I plet itroni BOS -??? M ?'?'borne and nmates, together with | I le the sdvertieing hai k I the eauee of pi f ? folks , ? 1 ? ? ? keeping of Sing Sing Priaon -, with the hurts goods mar. 3 BOLD THIEVES TRAPPED IN BANK < ont iimril from \>?f I mg a: the I! ?? arle . '?? - -? : ..... ant] -four, a maker, 640 Bive atl ted 1 irct ?. of tat .-? two as ? I tion o;' im who hi Gn ter Nsw ? ? Early ? rere picked out of a k .'. ? ICO S - H?t Apr;l a Folies Inapeetoi 'u; ?aid tnst the threi men are implicated in the series of robberies erhlen began la Itll and run up to 1150,000 In ee hi I ehi Theos arr?ete eve 'ihr!;, to deer op the rollen nur rebberlee: ;?.?>!.'? i I. 1911 W ? ? '' '?? |l. iim-rt * I Of.lri 'I 1. ' . i ?. . ? ? " v Pi' Dim? ??? . n II . ILnk ? > rrtl . ? '' ? . Hi ...i m i ,?. Heal Elliott was releaeed fren Elm ra R< i i o ?? liad hen. set,: in AUgUSt 1014, ' II ?? tempting to steal |6O0 fron the i ashler's cage <>i the Waldoi Aatoi Hotel. At tnal tine he a ted tl ?? and a piere nf shearing gvm, [toflasnn Is said te hevs s ; mord ia Be ton, where be i- kno i h piekpoekef under the name of Chi Miller. (lark Lived in g?renlas Drlvo. When the. polies visited the fctvei 1.1 iir Drive apartment occupied by Clark, lils wife became Indignant: "He's nn thief. He's moral] s lucky ira ruh 1er I've been married to thai ?oo Ion* to I. at "i siiv," she ?leolareil. "Why every time he a lucky hi? he bought me Jewels, only ? short tun.- age ho made me :? present of a ear far rny earn ns i. No thief sreuld de that," she erii apartment wai rltted up luxuriously, and the women gave evidence of >? mint. "I think he thought n lot of her," said Pinan. "il? certainly gave bei !"' ? <?' pre lenta." Hank honks ?n I papel h th* pelicS ICised, Will likely lead to h P'ltn bei .. othi r srresl i, il eras ? HER EYES, NOW BLIND, CONVICT A MURDERER Victim's Sister Describes SU) ? itif? She Sau F.i^'ht Years Ago. The material witness in a murdoi trl before Judge Be/ana in General Ses? sions yesterday was a blind wow ?? saw ti ? etime committed, I n sight years ago. Her good i naed in place ol I et ai ? ?.' I ifully that the lefi ndai I. Roaai i th Avi guilty to ni ? si da (free Mu ell i's infat?a) on loi wife of Bernardo R i, his initiier. Mice < friend until ? aunt, < srrai pored some? thing in his eor in their Bat, 29 ?h Street, on May 10, 1001 ? went straight to Micelli, but the Sicilian spat ii Bitxo'i "n. i and than shot him through ? In Huston last .Tune Micelli th a woman. In si ? bed killed R quarr illi I woman tin ! M ? rae i In the meantin i lew of giaae had return? I search 1 the police found Praneeecu ' s'?trr of the n, i Irre.' turned he; dg I Cy< lurtroom, and mid: "I eaaaei see his face, bat I shall , never forget to mj dying du- ? ' cell i. why did you do i' *" ? ? . then he fell back dead." Micelli v for ru I in tl r<*e at; | than night year? and six month-1. 31 DIE IN BLAST AT DU PONT PLANT < i'iitlniie.l frnni BaSJO I not enough of any nt" ?hem was loft for identification, with th<? except Ulan A i ii i \ ter, the w'.iose home 1? civi p a? Portland, Me . and ? peri his body was found Iimt-.k".r,^ was i ? d by i hi edi ' ? ( ; to il ; blown I pack llullding Blown lu Ri's. g I i one ? feet. and was divided a sin| to be fo ind badl) dan i ? ?? ? i bio? n an.. tele] near ?: sceni of thi ? ripp.'d fro ' 01 ? ? ? ? ? ,. . i ?? g boards, i ocl .... ere I Phi ?of and Uomceopathic hospitals, in this city. ' " ? out, and ? ? srs lost ai ? of I '? they v of killed a? Riven i ir up i cai ? . - H n ni, il ? her. Marge ? ump 1 \ ? , ?? ( lare- . ?lui ? !? .! sur! ' ' 1 P j - ' J. P Meredil . Si.n.e HUine Soark ? that the i om n ? ? ?. i I running ? list before the -? i ? along h n - ? ? ihock of the blast ? ? i i ? n . to s ? . un- barn , ? ? sxeepl '?v -Ah.-i) ? ? ? ' .n ? ' i jfc'ti ta tha ei .^i, sad there STATE TO SIFT BANK CHARGES Governor Acts on Com? plaints Against1 Eugene Lamb Richards. I. J. GROEHL NAME.) AS INVESTIGATOR Union Batik Depositors Allege Serious Mismanagement in Liquidation. Fredoi .1 Gn ehl, I itanl Dii tried \" ?rney, was appointed by I err,>,r Whitman in Albany yesterday as . i under the Mon Und .?'?' !?? the Btata Bank , ? ?; I ie*pai ? n ? I ittmi ? eeult of e complaint bj the depositors sf the ds fund Union Bsi k, of Brooklyn, who Eugei i Lamb Bh ird tati Banking Superintendent, ha* II ?'.tut ?on for po purpoaes and that the affairs of ?tie i,.-, i mismanaged by hi-?, ? Depoeitoi .. who number 23,000, point to the * ? I years sitti ? el ? he?.- i o( rt eeh .'d a .. ?dend, The fol . ment was given itive Chamber at \ "The Governor has received a num te in which II Is alleged 'hat tl :' g ] lepai ' ment, bj res ? . ce and m ' led o ei ' In the beet ta of the de| oaitor t of the | ? ?. hands ef thai for in, tidalion. li ?.fac? that -mue of the ii ts are at Go?. that rough lavas ? - plainl sgsii ? <er I arhieh hrough? appointment of As ., commis lid to ive ?.'? d with ii '? ? i I ' ? Roh rar, i hair ' ssident, and jr., ecrets I ? la tseoc iatioi . Ifd I.. Doi . ? ? in of of Mattheu i rlorsai to ? bsequently. the Goveri i the i ' fund? v ? Julj \ tent District ty. who is ? ? ;.id " rds wltl man -. bsnl eonl i of the le] o : ?? men mal . plaint ? Richards f the ''?.., ?? ? closing out of one 000. ting at the Hotel ?' g CI iiad been ,. When the day yard at 1 ? ed not to talk. ? er i| n ere not ad .lue te i ' pott ?w ;. ard. BOtt du Pont, director o:' th* powder operating department. end E. II. F dent of 1 :? irtment, were re the e explosion occurred and it ? once a thoroi;-.' Uigid Inquiry Kegun. \ mplete inveel gal loi : it will be mi do," said one of the ? ? . ,-? .. lisaster, ? k on, fin of the exp?o . ways rems m e - ? Sog;.'- . "light rhey ? ted ii ?! about the pla?? ;. ? . ? ? leave by I eve bet i i warning as fai i -aid the hi tent. ? guard Se plant was in bj Majo- Bytveater I P< ? .iepar'ment. is formi police at gtOI 'ser ? ?? bul nothing r hot lins of in ' on they are pun Inventor of "liquid Fire" I ells of Munitions Plots ? am >. i? n* t ? A eoafs - leelan Di E. w . . ?a of the Dei artment i ? eon munition -? sad i ' lay, at ttaghe. son ? lunt and former SI and Cer Ft le ral prison, r in the count in?: money under false prett ? er naid that Bit eon in the pay of .'-? ts, SO ! that dur ? ' ceived * total of Onlj 21 more Shopping Days before Christmas. Do you shopping now and early in the day. 3D Si The Seventh Wonder of the town There is one newspaper in this town, one hotel, one banking houie, one di partmenl store, one eongtructioti r?mpanj/, ind one public Car?cter, ciieli of which Borne special or peculiar elairji to public Attention <>r esteem. The Equitable Building if the Se\ enth Wonder of the town. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway =?? mM\mxxq&?*. +M 664*566 ue>666 WfflkJkPfnUt.4P 4D T **? 47T5agj| IN ADDITION ID thcirtf/nportent pfellina ? i>enh comonsuu/ xstcnsiOc selections of S'marf bailleur Suite Postumes bailleur ???? Blouse* Afternoon & ikvemno ?owns SireeMDreases. Dance Crocks 5San?some ?Evening wraps jPur trimme? (Toats i M.Mi OFFER mpovtant Values^ IN . 'nonio nable Mir? / INCLU? / >-*) . ( OF ( \l;A? LI? SI \l and MOI I yiXmd $|45 $|95 $J45 $295 >4(>5 _C ue !tV m up riy $195, #225 ?295 \ '? ? OF NATURAL SILVER FOX NATURAL BLIE FOX im-.I> BLUE FOX MIU.RH) I FOX RKD FOX \UIIII. FOX SKI V'K MOLE. At $75?$95?$145?$195?$395?$650 iurmirh $').i. $14$, $193, $243, 5-^5. $900 -QUartuicejof '1; $?,'W andVS GURLEY FLYNN FREE IN RIOT CASE f'nntlnueil from paae 1 ? oi believe him." answered Mis?. Flynn, crisply. ?' taesses '?? n lie. don't therf n markod the prosecutor. v ?Teat man., <??' ' lieTi | -?ir," said Ml ?s flynn, loo- - at Chief ,?: Pol looted on the first !?? ? ??'.:,? ? i rors. The chief cast a sheepish glance at the eolling, and every!. fie courtroom titterad while the judge warned them he would clear the if they were not silent. Lawyer Haps Holice. That was all. thank you. foi Miss Flynn, and. after bearing three more aritnei ?? l1 \ IB, after - UD. f'tphons leid he ecu' ? . i let M ? ?'lynn ?peal rreon ??sir or 11 " ia ????--? ry kt the ad "r.oth'ng M Fear Woman. 85. Will Rewed "- prer? Mr?. Mary Frenchtown. foi -*n for her ?a? ? :h> by W ? ir, *d ? li.- ?aid her relative? feared Mr? irry one of the ssitoi ? Hrr est?t ?? mated ? I r ?. rrvr"?f se/er?// butgl*vt$tine? it Fnrt\-hxe ytari ?t ctntmnt imSreWWUHt Centemeri Gloves Christmas Gifts for Men For darning and evening weal White Kid" . . 1.50-1.75-2.W IIM 01 : - i hor ?l^v we-iiiing? and rt-icptiniis Grey Suede.?,w red -., u m i ? ??* r\,r the husmea* man .... Mocha .... 1.75-2.00-2.50 Kor the keen dresser . . . Washable Cape. . . 1-75-2.25 lor every we,l-dr?<e,: ,,. Buck, Covetl <r Gswf 2-00 to 3.50 AU thtie a'f rr.a / ,n nra'.> ims.w WUtUU I r ,t?fn', Spatial Valuea at the Bargain Counter, on Second Floor 296 Fifth Ave. SS"