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Read Edith Wharton's War Story Coming Home A story told by a member of the Ameri? can Relief Corps. One of the many fine stories inth<-iClinotni<i? Scribner ' tfew9?ttltd? Humor and H union it y I hey're much the sam.~. And Brings, who recog that ta< t. owes his popularity to it. Under g all his work is the idea that folks are inter r-trd in folks like them . he has the human touch. You who have been taking Briggs in The Trib? une as a daily tonii for ( herrfulness may have been doing so without ng why it acted that way. ? his may explain? tell your friends about it. ??he {Tribune Fini to Last?the I ruth: \ t m s?l.,1itorials? ' \d\ trtlstmeati WANAMAKERAND BRYAN DECLINE FORD INVITATION Merchant Says Auto Mak? er Has Big Heart and Fat Pocketbook, but? PREDICTS DIPLOMATS WILL LOCK DOORS Plan for Trip Go On-Peace Messages Sent Pope and Every Member of Congress. idelphla, Not. 80. .lohn Wane n.akvr tonight, at the Manufacturers' Henry Ford's peace from serious consideration in , these ? 01??? "Mr. Ford baa three things-a mis? sion, a goaerooa heart nnd a fat pockct ; hook; but he has no plan to stop the war.'* H" doubted whether prosperity was reptf teim to apply to a eondi '..>n "thkt springs from the manufac? ture oi mi. His prophecy in . to the labor situation, followed the expression of this doubt. Kord called me up." Mr. Wana maker Raid, "and n?ked me if 1 would join with him In a movement I the war. 1 told him that'I would go tu the end of the world with him to go, provided he liad a plan. I Itemed, however, tha' Mr. Ford had three thing! a mieaioa, ? ? i oeketbeek, 1 'out that he did not ha\c a plan to ? p the war. "I said to him, Ton ?re a manufact \ urer; I urn a shopkeeper; another er of tour parts is an author; <i fourth has no profession or business, o ? :. and m on. When we get - the water we couldn't get a to open in Downing street, at Wiinelmatraaae, ? ? Ti,? nt behind Why don't you luiy ? itri^ht nnd j;?\c it to , and let lim use it the oppoii rieoa 'o make ? p in tlie interests of peace?' " It .? after an expreaalon of grcnt ? " and regard for Mr. Ford, no 1 one could detect any bitterness or In Mr. Wanamnkrr's words. It seemed f imply the pricking of a bubble, :i emberi of the club take it. '- Wanamaki ted: "if thia war la io be fonght out to i tho bitter end. the ?ooner it is done I the better." Volunteer Pacifists Eager to Join Cruise "Wanted! One Atlantic fleet, in good repB;: '."ora 717, Hotel Rilt more." Su"h a hurry call for addi? tional deck spuce eecmed almost neces terdai aftornoon to the local managen of Ford'? Ark when tha wares ? ona rolle.i 11 tide. rantry at large is awaken.rg io Lord&Taylor FIFTH AVENUE 3<nh Street n't*ir?B,?M?r. istia-j, | DRESS CLOTHES of the Moment From The Men's Shop Lord & Taylor Dress Clothes are in the van? guard of style and service-giving. Clothes of Today without a trace of Yesterday, and that bid to hold their shape and remain in fashion for many lomorrows. Evening Dress Clothes 0.00, 37.50, 45.00 up to $6000 ret? lyle and shapeliness of fit have reached perfc With braid or satin binding on collar, cuffs, cut in the right place and effec Club or Tuxedo Suits $25.00, 32.50 to $45.00 The dinner jacket suit for men who neither dress for - defense fin I " ? every mans ward and black, to match the claw hammer" if j nough to fit the dif? ferent personalities of the well-dressed men who will wear : Cutawav Coats and Waistcoats $25.00 and $30.00 ; his afternoon coal ai hases a little more than a ts a garment with a touch of distinction, line and withal a finely tail* red one of a brie. Two or three button models and braid to please your fai W uistcoats to do \\it h the Dress Coat $3.50. 4.00, 5.00 up to $12.50 In \ r and o ? ? ?1*0 in Mack corded Walsh uta for the Cutaway or Sack Suit $3.75, 5.00 and $6.00 Just the ? it to liven up the sack suit cr the ? the afternoon cutaway. In strij mixtures. the brncttig effects of salt air and trips when they're free The number of persons whose t 11 their o? n is amastag. rhey ? nothing for a brief abaance of Weeks or so from their desk?, pul| plow* or classroom". The number I who abbot altercations of sorts is even larger. A telegram from William J< uni Bryan, in Miami. Pia., capped climax of yesterday's hurried piep: It read: "1 am heartih In lyuipothy S your proposed plan. It if? wortht all praise and will. I trust, accomp' mneb good I deeply appreciate < on hi.-l wonld ax t -pt with Uon, but after earnest eoniis ation of the anbjecl am Impressed a Hof thai (nal now ! can ren a greater t?rrica heve opposing plea to commit this countiv to n le and Indefinite Increase m expenditu for the armv and nav>, a plan WB i ot ont| wouid he opprei ii e to taxi ?vers, btt1 would, 1 bollere, pr a mennce to our nation's peaco and Hnenco, "I hope it may be possible for me join your party at The Hague, if if agreeable to ren, l si come to New York on 1'ridav morn or ??vening to explein more fully." David Starr Jordan, ehai I.eland Stanford ' nivenity( wired ? tfniay that he ami Mr Jordan wo join thu pal ' v. M rs. V\ i. un Thomas, of < I ieago, secretar] of national I'eaee par"-, alee accept bringing the total number un to d forty-four. Governor L. H Hanna North l'akota liked for further format-on nnd telegraphed he wo go if he could In the midst of the huge number i communications Bent out yesteri went a Cable message from Mr. Pi I tO the I'rpe, explaining the pnrpoae I .ago and the means by wfa the cessation of the war WOttld . ? Mme. Roska Schwimmer ci ? uton thi deep impreaaion nv upon ih" Pene by the riait of Ji ; three ether delegates Women's Pcsea Conference. Governoi K. Livingston Beeckn of Rhode Island announced il 1 ro? idenei I I leclini d Ford'i ItatIon. Victoi !.. Berg ? Socialist leader and former member I ? ??. lent a negative ai II SO, bttt wished Ford th.- b Of luck. Every member of Congress mailed ? lettei yesterday . . the mission of the peace expedition I ? asking Congress not to he misled nn hysterical cry of nTPpirodneBB v-' ? s party 'u? away, Mr. Ford i? expected to reach t city to-morro-v morning to make I Baal arrangements, THEATRE FOR GABI JUST FOR A NO .Millionaire to Give Her a PI; Home in Broadway, So She Says. Gaby Deelys, the vivaclons Pren comedienne who changed the hi.ste ( of Portugal, need only nod her piel head ind it)I will have a New Vo theatre. The offer to make | ant of one conies from a r ; oh, so prominent! American millio < aire. Not only that, but h that the actress, realizing that it ? her nodding made her Gaby, Il aquie-o . The tale hat something more thl Rroadway rumor to recommend it, f it came from thl lit I I herse and was confirmed last night at tl offices of Ch?ries B. Dillingfc un, Cahv manager. Yes, indeed, the oiTer hi been made, it was admitted. It ^vill 1 called the Theatre Deelya, and it wi be the most swagger olayboose in Ne York, or anywhere else, for that ma bot thl name of the giver 1 Ah; thai is the secret. Gaby is at present In PI ill I with the "Stop! Loo?' I. - en!" eon It wea from Philadelph -i I the rumor tirst came, and II specified kind of theatre that phia ply not U ite. For It i ? to be French, th.i tro, ai I the ai I i will i omo certain portions of 1 ;t wi| s s bit of use of on? 's an the theatre before 10 o'< evening, because I gel under way until tha hour. When it will Mop is anothe question. Everbody who heard the story las Igbl ? it ? | or ahl knew thl name of th :? millionaire, en occasionally it ansa whiapered into s i. cepl \ e i ;ir. The man is ?: I Bald, and he RSI beet ;. to do tilings of thia Hort b. n,r So why nut? a^ked Broadway, .? . . in vain for ait The information to be obtained a' Mr. Dilliacham's ofieea was a bit mor? ite. The house will neat 'iOu an. will open next season. It was said tha' Mr. iJilhngham will undoubtedly man? age the theatre, but it will just as ur. doobtedly bo owned by (?aby. It will be on Rroadway, of course, and n->t many blocks south of the Winter Go den. And such a theatre! Oh! I and silka and soft, luxuri? ant magnificence that II Gaby*! it was said. Perhaps theit ? : ? ? ? a pla ? talnly w.?. there is really ,10 of telling s I', i hepi she ? .11 not stop at all. And the mysteriom wow York and London millionaire no, it is m that he will come 0 ' : is unhkelv thu* | I denUfy himeelf publicly with ti ? On the highest and mo unimpeachable authority, there an ? t,. be i. aaons, ' PREDICTS, THEN SUES BELMONT FOR DIVORCE Raymond's Wife Accuses Un identified Woman. Mrs. Ethel Lorraine Relmont is such an obliging young women. I ago she was in the Supreme With her friend and apar' Mrs. Dorothy Gales m? lutter'? minion in court s ?- I defend a suit for the annulment ot her mm nage brought by the par I I . . n-year-old husband, Hi rrmun. Mrs. Belmont ws I I ta< After the court proceeding Mr mont anggeated to a photograph? r that he get a new pictur? of her, pi ?ng that it would coma in so handy when she sued her hoaband, Raymond Reliront, son of Auci? Bl a divorce. Wei!, 11 i>e. Belmont wai served wil summons and complain? in S divorce mil on -M. I Hotel Relmont. An unidentified woman Is mentioned ** pondent. Belmont is now living at 245 Wi il Fifty-first Street 81 |ng fl'ifl a month from her h^ I under ? decree of separation ? she obtained in May, 191 I. On the trial ol the separation ac? tion it was shown that the husband, who had spent 173,000 in the company of his wife, had ? eery small Income. , a Greenbaom said thai Relmont spenl nearly flOOjOOO in three vears in ??a lifi of pleasant and reckless squen - pacity of Relmont. said the cour $900 a veer, end his income amounted I Befa led to I ? f?1?' da; - ago from W ? tated Julio*,?ig a fall :iuin a holte, s, ' "England ex? pects every fac tory to do its duty" was the word that went out when Lloyd George became the Nelson of ni imi? tions. How well he has filled Britain's war chests is told by Isaac F. Marcos son, in this week's other's TMI NATIONAL WCIKLY 19 BEAD IN COAL WINE EXPLOSION Officials Report 11 More Missing In Disaster at Boomer, W. Va. Roomer. W. Va., Nov. T!0. Nineteen men an- known U m killed hy an exploaion in mine No. _' of the Himm er I m1 :m<i Coke Company here to to rescue partie- emerg? ing from the arorkinga to-night, One rpa of the compai lu fitted \i;i M ! temporary morgue, hut the bodiea will not be taken oat until to-morrow morning. Eleven others are known to l>e mieeing, Three hundred Wen eiitomhod by the first blown-out ?. followed almost immediately 1). ther explosion! ol m The removing * : . pi OKI ' and it will I : Innern ? . i- ,? ? ? working*. ? ? ? . thirty had intod for, though other ' had boon ei I ? When '? ? from ? irking In thirty lohn Bertalle, one of eaened minoro, toid that aeventy ? ere ? ore Ing noai the a ai ? ? ?i eurred. He a ? : bi uiaed l ? flj ing debria. The expli ?he eecond north and the mine Ailed witb ?moke. minerai meetly Italiana, run to ' ? , and when the imoke had b< ont ni working! lead . . r entri? ? ? lied I'our men who appeared at I , aeon nothing of inner WOMAN "POISON PEN" WRITER DISCOVERED Former Asylum Initiate, Sa\s Titus No Arrest. police toi and now a i anno; that ?er of the ) > . ? jTOnng women following the annoi:'.' their engage? ment i or wodd u Ha added, how? ' ? far aa hie client a no a ? ? a number of ' eeived . ? t tl of tiu- wr:ter's h ettei bad " ? ie. Hi J ,. the handwrr In tl ' i rtner. ex-Captaii l her, wore called in on a eaae of a m who had re i one of the letter?. " V\ e went right after the r?.?c." TltOI lay, "and in a few days we the lettrr? were C4 ?le immediate vicinity of a cer? tain aaylun - I do not care to "Ta terday ?re clinched onr eaae. The ? a fora ara in ibui bi Shi lent ... Ight m ere iting - Polka dnrii ?? ? ? COURT DECIDES BOY-ED EVIDENCE IS ADMISSIBLE Also Holds Plea Buenz Activities Were Legal No Ground for Dismissal. GERMANY SENT PLAN MONTHS BEFORE WAR Defence Says Kulm, loch & Co. Handled $1,500.000 Fund to Buy Ships' Charters. I ' o motions of the attorneys of Pr. ' .h'. Huenr. and other officials of the Hamburg-American Line were denied rday by Judge How? in the Pad era] Court. The (trat wan to exclude all testimony relating to Captain Boy? I Ed in referenci- to til! BCtivitiea of the I steamer Maria Quedada as irrelevant; ; the eecond, to diamiaa the , the alleged defrauders of the United Btatei Caetoma en the ground that it 1 was legaL The argumert of these two motion! oeenpiod ?he entire morning session of the eoort In ths afternoon the time area taken up by the opening ?? of the defence. Dr. Bvoaa appeared on ?ind for fifteen minute-' before ad journrrcn'. He will re: ? morn : ing. lu his ?peoch to the i-iry. aotting ha defence'! aide of the ea a, William Hand, jr., eonnool for Dr. and his eolleaguee, announced ? i, ,? K il ? . Loob a- Co. bad been the ta throng! which the Hamburg of at the Hamborg-Ameriean Lina re? ined the New Y'H-'r. -office for the chartering of the atOamOTI fent out from the port ' ? re-provaalon Teutonic eommereo-deatroyere. Taa monoy, he ? .,?> tral weeka after the beginning of arar, in three inatali aaeh. .:.? in the light which it threw upon the preparedneai at Germany for ? co II el ? ' iraenl bj i 'i Boom during bia fa ? ? , of direct I yesterday. He toia of h?.< kppointment ai reaident < ductor of the Hamburg-American Line I'.M'J In the winter of he testified, he received a letter from irg office of tb nom ? ? that in caae ox war the Una had a o h 'h" Oar man A Teutonic wai South At? lantic. Hr. B '. dire sted by the trad of thi '..;'? Q, . man eonaulaU Now York. After he had noted the provisions therein he i irded botb the lei tor and the ab ? ?. a' Waab it probably is now. Six or "it,'ht I later, when wnr came. ! ? ? perpared to act. ami when, on inly 81, eeeived word from in- government, aa nhie to begin the work of char? tering proi once. "The government ha* conceded this." he added. Mr. Rand declared that in fitting out I On the 'i; Buena and bia eotleaguea ha I been guilty of no onla "I hold with you thai the act waa irful," Judge ll..we mid, ? the collectors. 1 on out v.tiv to end out eupply ship< in - c . ? the neht to deceive the govern ? Mr. (?ans then aaaerted that the tent to se;i to aid I . ndeavorod to reach the port of call named In tl I''- adn of the manif gfa error, and that Dr. ' ? and Other ofi of the line on tri:il ? The jury, which had been diamleaed during the argument of the motion-, reconvened a' - o'clock, and liatei a length* opening * Mr. Rand for the defence. He diaclaimed thai any of hia elienta hrui knowledge ? ilinga with Captain Hoy Ed in re? lation ' naval attach? banked with the Ham 1 He denied myth ing to do ?rith the 175, recelved by Quatava B, Kulev. FATHER DUFFY A CHAPLAIN Take? Police Vacancy Caused by Father Sullivan's Death. Commiaaioner Arthur Wood? yester- ! nonneed the appointment of the ? be Catholl ? Police Department, i le va ? recent de:ith of the Hev. ? an. I 'he rector of St. a B, near red of an, the Fii in partmeni Illllllllllllill1 IT is just as important that your will be exe? cuted by an experienced and responsible executor as that its meaning; should be clear and its legality unquestioned. Our officers will be glad to confer with you re? garding any trust and banking business you may have in mind. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY ?I Wall Street Resources over $225,000,000 DEFENCE CANVASS TESTS'CITY TO-DA} Slips To Be Sent to Congress t< Urge a Preparedness Programme. Two hundred thouaaad ? to sisrti ?lips askini I th'-ir Senator! and Reprt aei i u?'- their Influence m the S4th Con Igreai for adequate militar, prepared neai .Miro than 100 society womei .11 ?? on bueli morning ai mod with the llni to membei rreaa. In the afternoon 1,000 Unitei State! Boy Scouts will aid In the can UTS, Hoada of many downtown house; rnvn promised '? rn era i oyea, among Ihera the Hunkers' an? | (?uaranty Truat companiea, the Firs' , .National and Chaec National bank: i and J. A \V. Selfgman 4 Co. At tin and of the eaavaai - ill b< aent to the headouartera of the Spe? cial Relief Society, a1 Wl Fifth Ave ' i ue. From there they will be for warded to Washington In time for the cpening day of Congreaa, December 8 Wh Ich haa I as defence American Defence Society. I In addition ipecial eanvaaaea will he I held m the Val?. Union and the Rac md Tennia Clubs and in the Mar - . \ ' r Hotela In ?bf work will be Mrs. Will? iam C. Hotter, halrman if the organi dev committee. She by Mrs. Charles A. Val M i SI Cornelia Knox and ? Davia. Already more than 1.000 signatures Bed, and the names of known ;ti ? ippear on the voting elipa already ^mt in. .- thoec ?n this city who have 1 are Edward C. Delafleld, Gria wold Lorillard, Charlea I. ?- >|| C. Co'.', Allan A. Ryan. W. I.. Thompson, R, St. limrp. Walker. Fred ? . <' ilgate Hoy!, jr., Alfred r.. Arthur H. Scribner, Cus l". Kirby, Hamilton Piah and amin and Charlea C. Auehii s. Staawood Menken, preaident of Long llat I plant to bring tion of every itate Leg) meets this winter th< of obtaining from Congress adequate ? t reparation for national defence, Hii ..! will oe made on the g ? ,v.e Federal government gjara:: teea ei freedom from inva OLD MOTHER LOSES FIGHT ON CONVENT I Court Upholds Her Daughter's Choice to Quit Home for the Sacred Heart. Mrs. Maria RuceellHfo was all alone in the dark little East Side kitchen In 'he back oedroom a child fretted for its = 'inper, but there was no one to help the feeble little old grandmother. That had been settled forever in Justice ??iejrcrich's court in the afternoon. An? gelina, the baby of the family, pretty Angelina, had turned ho- back on her mother and had ;rone away with the Itera of the Convent of the Sacred Heart to become a nun. Justice (Mejjerich had expressed ju | dieial approval of her choice. 'i am a Catholic myself," he laid, ad dreiaing the lawyer, Jerome Licari. "Tell your client I should think shl : fee! proud to have her daughter enter a religious order and devote her life to God, when so many other young women of her age and attract: ring themselves to the pursuit of ire." lira, l.uccellato wept and kissed her ' daughter goodby. Il I ease came into court through the mother's ftar that Angelina restrained at the convent agi her will. Lent Pridey she caused a writ to be served on the ||tU m to hr.t:?? her daughter to court. Yesterday it de? li telina hud mv.\ oluntarliy. It was s.x months apn that the pretty twenty-year-old girl diaappeared from her home, at 328 Beat Kiev.-!/h 31 "Her mother was sick for her a ?whole month," said the little girl ? * \- ho was interpr. never heard from her all summer. Then ?,' ' ?' '?? "?? ''id ?0 by Port Washington in the inbwey. There she found her girl in the con Iler hair was all shaved off. Her mother cried to see it Then the girl she cry, too. Her hands were all red from lent have any servar.*' there. The girl said "he didn't want to ? ere my more." In court yesterday, when questioned i by /estico Giegerich, Angelina said sht? n id .-;, inged her mind, and that i iriab to stay at ?he conven?. Ski ? - ? she ilid not liki home because her big brothers b< .? An Exclusive Overcoat Group $35 to $65 The Fabric??the finest woolens loomed, em? bracing both conserva? tive weaves and rich novelty cloth*, and pos? sessing that soft, silken "feel" which is your true ? criterion of a classic in i woolens. The Models ? box ef? fects in graceful folds, double breasters that follow the form like a shadow, kimono-sleeve coats, and semi-fitting model.? thai just $peak the waistline in pairing. The Tailoring?our on %i smart, but not faddish, easing its way iightly over the form, decking a cuff, rolling a lapel, or re-charting a button with that consummate assurance which is art. The Result?an overcoat which, inside and out? side, is the soulol tailor? ing perfection, and is merchant-ta?ored in nil respects save three futile try-ons and ten days delay I Broadway at 34th Street. all the me Tha* wa? why she ran away, she said. Mri. withdrew her fom plaint and 100 her daughter oaee a month. Within h few m< "Siat r Angelina Bow '^ he kte and take the permanent of the sisterhood. MAYOR ON JOB NEXT WEEK Will Go to Ulantic Cat] To-morrow to Spend a Ke? Mays. Mayor Hitehel expect! te rotan te his duties It City Hall the litter par* ' week. That will be in time for him to ex ? i veto power "r ?p prove?, us he feeii dit to the reductions m the budget made ? Roard of Aldermen He is alio anxious to atter.' I tiaaoniel dit ner to Rresident v of Aldermen at the Waldorf on Decem? ber 10. The Mayor will lear? to-morro? for Atlarrie City to i| days Be > . ? r.very linee he left Roosevelt Hospital. I fi Let Others do the Crowding BUY EARLY by TELEPHONE DON'T WAIT this year for the rush and crush of the Christmas crowds at the counters?buy early, by telephone. Buy early and you will get better service and better goods at the shops and stores, and you will help lighten the last-minute load of those who serve you. Buy by telephone and you can save the walking and waiting of personal shop? ping and you can make your selections from your own home or office, the com? fortable, modern telephone way. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY