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5 PACIFIC SHIPS TO HELP RELIEVE TIE-UP IN EXPORTS Transfer of Bin Vessels to l.ondon-New York Freight Route Cheers Shippers. TRUNK LINE OFFICIALS CONFER ON EMBARGO No Farther Prohibitions at Pres? ent?Committee, to Meet Daily. Will Res?llate Traffic. I- v> large ?.team?!,'; of Am* ?r> ha\? I ' 'erred from ? me New York I reitere export fr. . ... announced yei \t ? -ne a conf I ? od to Imf rther embar? goes on tranaal -.t The whole situation 1? to b* aUtBt - i ? i I alttee, which will meat daily until the tie ended. Three of th< and the Mon he At? the K( rei. errupti d tourist tiade , ama Canal. \dd? to 1 reight Fleet. ? ? a iT-d tie Manchuria are I Mon- ? ! he transfer I) be a relief t-i I at many ? ' - \ resell rterda ?it? called by Presi- i keo of the Pennsylvania . ? i man of the ' Trei ".on: ??Thi ? respect to th? ; ?road?, par | -o export traffic. rece;-, i lay at the , I of 1 e vari* renda leading to the ports of Bos Balt and Newport N'ew?, i which wat. held in New York. Theaitit condition at each port ? ? .:,d re ere. Ronda Flan Hail; 1 onfereneei. | create a Biceri of N? w Vork roads whe iaily and re ? ach road, and, if roMible, di ds which may be, ;mnu : to relieve tins , ongt i i irrent flow oi truffle ae much ?i possible The Pennsylvania announced yester ?hat it had est?t' rpecial ??-a? to handle the congestion, and of Woet ? d ? i A. i '? York Cen? I difficulty of tl tion*. The princ; f.niDn. - ' ileing a (real many detail?. al will not ' it on an emba?. It may ne neo put one 'ater on cortaii that accumulate faster than -.hey i an apparent:;.- be taken away by ??msbip?." ?? i by Presi :-.fer with him ; Jay include d Dai ?ident of th.- Ba William H. \. H. Smith, <?; ? lj F. E. and F. D. Undei tragic ail SAYS YOAKUM SOUGHT TO HEAD FRISCO ROAD Frederick Mrauss Declares Re? quest Was Refused. Jefferson City, Mo., Not. 80.?-Fr?d erck Straus?, of New York, test to-day h.-fore th? Mi??ouri Pur . 1 emission, said that H. P. Voakum, chairman of the board of di? rect eta of *? ? an Fran? cisco Railroad, had asked to be made chairman of the executive committee of tai reerg i^embe- of ti e so-called Voting trust which i? io control the road following its roorf 1 nakum, who g the plan of reorganizing the road, which la neu in 'he hands of rteti\' ri request on August 10 last, according ' I raus?. Mr. Strauss, n ?trnian & i <? . of New Vorx, one of the ? . ' ii i .-. ?- on, a < atton ? Voakum, had tes ? stock' road." Yonkum CS led a' mj o'hee and asked I rust and I ? ? e executive com L "Voakum said h . blamed for the conditions which brought on the 'Frisco receivership, and that he want? ed to help in th,. rehabilitation of the company. "I talked the matter over with other members of the committee, and their opinion wa? I needed for naaaeli i 1 could not I ' raise ; \ ,-re a mem ''*r of ttir d chairman of the exec tl.e Wo there fore bad I ikrm's re. queat." The commi?sio>, || conducting henr ^sr? ->n a plan of n hankinp svndicate to reoriranife the road. DEFENDS PAKIS NEUTRALS ^endpaper '?a^ Americans F.spivUlly Need No Reetdaance Permit?. ? adopted by the < ? .tin in ? I -. <? Of co-ii whom : ' ? M'lHll- j . ing tee far. I WOMEN TAG LEGISLATORS Insist Krrnr Repr?sentative Put Him ?elf on Record on Suffrage. h ?rssaiagtea. Noi M Baffragiata an determined that every Senator and Representative -?hall have an opportun I ?nself on record fithet for or against woman suffrage. ThOSI missed the h.g suffrage msstingi is their district? in Kovembei be presente,i ou thoil arrival i ngton with resolutions adopte? by their soastitusuti on behalf of th* Susan B. Anthony amendment. The National American Woman Suf frage A?soriation announced to-day th? ?election of several new members o? tie honorary OOmn ttSS for the seventh annual convention. They in the wives of several prr-mlneir Senators em ?re Mrs. A! ? ?. Mrs V rancis K Warren, Mi- William E, Borah, Mrs Sa E Townsend and Mr?. Moses E Clspp. Others prominent la the socia ami political life of the capital who an the convention commiftei are Justice and Mr? Wendell E. Btaf ford, Aeeietant Secretary of I.Bbor am Mrs. Louis F. Post. Mrs. Amos P.nchoi Gilford Pinenot, Mr?. Aletandai Graham Hell and Dr. and Mrs. Johi Ya: Schalck, Jr. BOWDOIN'S DRILLS GUNLES? \o Weapons Or I'nlforms Required ii Ne? Military Courue. Hrunswi.-k. Me., Nov. 30. Militan has been added to the course h physical training at Bowdoin College a the students will have i g U ? nor uniforms, they will he re quired to practise Infantry drill thrc? S week. This Is the firs' time slue 1SSS thai such training has been given at Bow doin. FIGHT TO "FINISH AT WILKES-BARRE Railway Company Will Neither Give Nor Ask Quarter in Strike Struggle. ? - .... .... ... i ffllks Bsrre, Pean., Nov. SO. Thedi Wilkes-Barre Railway Compai.y to-day served formal no'ir* 0:1 P, J. fchen, .:. charge uf the stieet car men's s'nke that from now on the strike will be fought to a finish The company will give r.o quarter and W?1 aak none. It will fight on th?s? Unes if it takes a year. I or the present none of the oid em? ploy?s will be put to wort, this because it Is feared that the presence on the cars of the old men would lead to greater violen~e than has hitherto been yed, but aa new lines are opened up many o? th? men who have p] ly asked for their old Joba will bs re engaged '1 hose m?n will p.. to warb on the ?..aie tixt-d by the arbitrators of leal . The additional pro afford? ? . ? '? I extra policemen ?-worn in by Mayor John V. hosek was set:: to-duy In increased riding. For once there were many men to be BSOa on the armored ra:s, ?i.d for tho first time In a month there was no disorder. Even Plymouth, where the state con? stabulary went on duty early this morn? ing, was quiet. Meantime the Mer? chants' assoc.ations, led by the Cham? ber of Commerce, are trying to evolve some method of cringing peace to the Wyoming Valley, The rejection of the Chan.her ..' Commerce proposals by the men lias not discouraged that body, wr. lei idering 'he ndvisabl] I asking Judge George Gray, of Delaware, to agree to act as peacemaker. [1 who brought peace ? coal ? .? strike in He ?.as thf confidence of the miners, who make up the preponderat? ing majority of the workers in this sec? tion. P. I, Gildea and Charles R. ?'eeae. of th* Ptute Bureau of Labor, were -. . the city to-day, but made no headway toward securing ptace. They are ?till evei ?f bra >- z th? dead? lock. -??1 CHILI FAVORS ARBITRATION Approxcs Treaty with Bra/il and Ar? gentine Republic. ill, Nov. b0 -The treatv regotiated by A , 7?) last May providing for seulement 1 ai enees wh It I c u BS adjusted through diplomat c :.e ? ?;ons has been approved bv the an Senate. Adoption of the treaty is approved , generally by the press. The "Mer ? he A. B. C. na? tions, acting in conjunction with the United States, will advance the Inter ests of the Western world. FIRE JURY RAKES COMMISSIONERS UnafolC to Mold Members Criminally Responsible. it Chargea Neglect. LAWSON TO REQUEST LEGISLATIVE INQUIRY Senator Seeks Ousting of Whole State Industrial Body Wel? fare Folk Active. Regretting that a legal technicality prevented holding members of the Mate Industrial Commission criminally r.?ponsible for the loss of life at the Willlamsburg fire on November I, Coroner Wnsrner'? inry yesterday 1 '?arged the commiss'oners with grn?.j neglect. It held the chief inspector 'hrough ignoranca. and the hesd of the lepa! division was charged with r? to act promptly against vio? lator? of the factory laws. The jury recommend? that a copy of ?he findings be forwarded to Qevernor nan and the legislature. A copy a a? sent to Senator I.nwson, of the lojrielative committee, and ?. leurned yesterday afternoon that? after | over the report, he will rt an investigstion that will have for its ? the removal of all the mei of the commission. As som diet eras mads kr.u<\n i ? i -, announced th< : i p ( otinnission Scored. When the manslaughter ?urdid erai nd, owners of the building, ?j .1 the heeds of the I pai.v ! '?.iule-. I.. Wai ke re again to deliberate on matters than the fixing of i - ana Dleti i : v. i greed. The deliberations were ,,'ieii a- 7 ..'ilock, but ?' aras well midnight rema Wanke * fourteen page? of type writt i; repor* "We find the Industrial t , lilty of neglect becau.-te ot their fa act proper and regulation? 1" safeguard peoj ie ? factories of flee stories m th ; first >unt in the ; , tat.on. nng scores the former Indu'- | for failing te 1 prope at lee actioti, M scribed m .ount, he: uent out ol !0, in May. 1911 . . ' A ? ,ah .!. Flood, ch ' he occupies." Kegardlrig the handling of violations r i "We fin,i that va ?a- . refei red *<i not been properly and proi 1 cuted, especially those with refi ? ? ? I -eprooftng stair? ways." I'cciaring that the failure to during i0'..' tories dams immediate attention and a> ' ? jury said that lolationa re? garding exit, only 24d were eei with. Senator I.awsor.'s presence at ' quest caused considerable comment. He seemed d. e] ?.:. | rides at 1 se. CANADIAN FLOUR MILLS MAY CLOSE Government Will Not Consider Question of Compensation. ? ? ? '!1 engagsd the ] iling out of the wheat coramandi is no ir.die nt for ludden selture i ? . .. ? . ? . i -. -? | ted h.'re I. will allow them tfl have for im nu ??? : i... ? I rate quickly. This would tend to tire\ch? a tie-up and ..'her cont ' B Wl ??? ; , of the Iioniir.ion Mil lei?' Assoc ation, stated that the On? , tario mills would bave to shut low: ??? i ??. they could P'-t the wheat. i Port Arthur, Ont., Nov. BO/?-A| Your calendar says : this is transfer time Put your filing en a better basis. Dont carry old correspondence and papers In your current files?they're a handicap to mile-a-minute service. Library Bureau transfer equipment (steei) provides tha most practical and economical means of storing valuable letters and papers. It consists of one-drawer units which sre easily stacked, one on top of the other and side by side. If letters and papers are worth keeping, they ought to be kept so that you can find them in a jiffy. L. B. transfer equipment makes this possible. It works the same as the L. B. current filo. We'll be glad to explain the L. B. way of filing and traniferrlng. Or tend you catalog. Library Bureau is headquarters for transfer supplies folders, guides, everything. Library Bureau Manrrfartnrlae ?UstrTbufors of Card and filing Systems. I'nlt cabinets in wood and etool. O. H. PUCE, Manager 3U Broadway, New York H rnsteiv ?.oon.noo bushels of gram Wl (rail III rred before i|u? elevators of Port Arthur ?nd Pi William to iteamoTS ready for mn\ Mst. act .iriimg to loeal i es Miro i he Boraewaal tense feeling he yesterday seer the govorameati srd ndeering wheat bad subsid ? fu1 siipp!\ snd it i? < timated thai !? sdii x ? from I.o 10,000 to 1,600,0 ? n daj fo.ti tea da i ?mu million buoheli uere loaded ys terday, GARRISON TO ANSWER TAF1 beeretarj Hunks lie will Basra 11 aht*Prealdenl is Mistaken. irr - Sanaa | Washington, Nov. 10, Beersts Gsrri on. after reading BX-Preslds Taft's real) t.. his strictures to.d;, began the preparation of ,-? statome winch he lavi will answer in detail tl ebargss mads '..? Mr Tail against tl n's Philippli ? , . Beeretary expects to mal itement public to-morrow. Mr. Garrison spent practically ti whole day investigating some of M g?tions, hi ' I feS ?ho the ex-President is not ent.te accurate as to his faeta. JOURNALISM SCH001 IS FORGING AHEA1 ?Necessary to Add to facultj Says Dr. Williams In Annual Rrport. hap.d strides :n the teaching of joui riulism have been made .'it the Columbi Uaivorsity School of Journalism, ec ing -.i t'n? annual report of D| rtt Williams, director, which WS given out ? ?' It has been foun --?ry to add ty ?;. faculty, it i ,, efforts l>?ing mads la each cas ? rperlenced writers and news editors. Improving the style of Kngllsh writ ten by I si idoata of tas school St thi , | keeping || m] of the problems discussed by I'r M . UM m his report. He llnds tha reading the B bis '"'i Sbal holpfs ih. "h .ionsl school has end? end a I .f Ott," l'i II ? SOU 'it; - gfa beyond the dey'i ', as S;r Il.tiry Irving sa,,] thai the tbeatn must succeed as s bualnoai Of It eould not exist as an art, so a school of journalism cannot b? held to preparing its students for final task unless thsy are taught Englisn fee sell, which thsy are within it? walls.' I'r. Williams then points to tl apons'.'.i' at i ipa|i t i isitioas I gtnduatsi of the school. <?!.?< Is * ? for one of the larife news a ' | N'eu?," a'.d ail ??aie working ? ers." red the ? to gn. luats '.-?-. . i.. Williams says: ? failure of no huge a BBS those leulanta on the basi BMI BXBI : as proposed by 'he late Josepl V is due neither to lack of ability nor lack of suecos? in their new .piper work be \ fore tie. antera l tha seh "Bui *re firal yours of a young new-s? parer man ?re discursive to the last de h?vent? pi escribe a new task d:ii>. 1 The hours are disastrou?! . '"?> systematic in ition is acquired, i?nly the most ? ... ! hej make progress ? ' il smasing; they tomb ? fruits of the laboratory of looks and the lal have ? ? ? ? ; paril svelopi the mind.'' DEMOCRATS SPLIT ON CLOTURE RULE Senators tl Odds on Plan To Be Submitted by the Owens Committee. FIGHT EXPECTED IN CAUCUS TO DAY i Clarke Likely To Be Reflected President Pro Tern After a Bitter Contest. 'Fr?ta Ti? Tribun? nofd Aashington, Nov. SO. Whether Brea the small committee on cl?ture can , present a unanimous report to the , Democratic tgUCUe ' o-morrow for ac I an by '.he Rennte Perneara ta was eery doubtful to-night, M that final action by the larger body is not asueet. ? until probably tb>- end of the week Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, chairman o? the eloture committee and the most thuainatte opponent of unlimited de ! bate in the upper house, was confident i to-night, however, that what he termed a mild form of cl?ture would be ; adopted. Mr. Owen's d?finition of "mild*" and ' >me of the other Sena'ors I -hat he ox I | plan could be passed pro-id ?at when any SeuatOI con d?bete on any pending bill h id reached roportions of a filibuster, he could a?k for the fixing of a dato lor a vote, and on this preposition the - ?liould vote without any further Ulk whatever. Bhould the motion pa- ? in'?- for the vote would be, fixed, the only restriction a- te the date hemg looner than 1er motion wa? al any time, would be able to force a ?i any Btoeoure within two i I.Ike the Williams Plan. With one important difference, this plan was ? ..;.-'- I set ? ? on by Senator Williame, of Mississippi, This differentn ^kh thai in the Williams p'an the vote taker? after SI -? I ai t hud decli i ? t uster of whether there as '.aster. on the Williams i tue Sena ; be morally hound ' a? to the accuracy of tho charge i ' do so merely because they we; on, or te had in the tin ? be eomm t< \ . ? rule? ?re Clai A rkai sas ; 1 ? G "rg:a; braeke; OTJorn sama; \ ardanian, of man, of North ( arolina, They are vx ?? i ve fight the report in caucus on the gi revision of tl rules she made a . ?If ? adopted in '? Set, ? : treachery oi . The Stroud <C "Piano IE i ? endorse ts quality, yel it ?s most i Moriz nthal, concert pianist o? inter? national fame, says: Stmud Piano has a clear, sound tone, o nd > orrect en tion, and I) I ? ??: a gOi price." $10 Paid Down firings This Piano to Your Home Price, $285 THE AEOLIAN COMPANY IAN H Ml . 29. ;; \\. ? ! ortj Ifiktrt rf 5 1 ?I , I I I^M^?JhM****.1 ? < outlined III The Tribune to-daj would he re-elected presiden I pro tern IS caucus to morros Ihe opposl lion ea ranch diaeouraged te-day e*e 'he attitude of the administration h appeare-d frankly afraid of ' arltn Clarke and anxious to havi peace -it any price, and the appearanei of barmen] nether 'ho real artich ??a? preaent or not. No ilnrnionv st the Caucus. I Srteluly there will b? no harm"'?? a? ihe eancus to-merrew, Senato < larKe ?ill ?>.. flayed by hie onponentJ am! if any new Bonetera on the Demo eratic side do net know of hi? reeer? On the Bliotew ?n?mlm*nt, or In th< Original campaign which resulted in hi election a? president pro tern, twi . , age, me defeat of the late Sen ?tor Bacon for that office, and the dc : feat of Senator Martin for the floo leederohlp, they will not be in lipio ranee after |e morrow's sessions. l?verai Bonetera, it is seid? plan t? ] enliven the proceeding? with spoech? on the subject of party solidarity. For vice chairman Senators Pomar Of Ohio, and Lewis, of Iil tiois have l?een mentioned. The Ways and Mearm Committee o the Bones continued at work all dai to-day 'rylng to readjust the commit ?i.-? to taha rare of the grea'ly In i~.eased Republican minority Thai: m ^. not yet half done, must be com plated jri fimo for the Democratic cau ruf on Saturday night. The cornmitteemen. including ('hair man Kitchin, who is opposed to the ad ministration dafenee programme, ar? understood to have agreed that in or? ganizing the Military and Naval com mitteda there should be no disturbance of the balan e of views as to army an I nary Increases that existed In the last Cengreee. It is stated that In the sla'e Democratic vacancy, except one loft 0| sn In lha Military committee and two vacancies' In the Naval committee, it Sited hy a member of the same rlewi OH deience as the eommitteeman whoi?? he takes WHITLOCK SURE TO GO BACK Flans Made at State Department For Ilia Return After HalHaja 1 -im Tl? MB BM I ??'? . Washington, Nov. HO. Brand "Th ? M ? iter to Belgium, will return to Brussels sfter the Christmas holi? days, according to an arrangement with him to-day by Third Assist ?? erotarj of State Ph II ps. Mr. lock did not see Secretar". I^insir.g ha called at 'he department this morning. The decision to return Mr Whiflock so promptly puts an et.d to the belief kna | SraiSted here, thai the Ger? man government hold? him In disfavor la? of his report on the Cuti I Mr. Whitlock will confer with the President to-morrow, and it expected to report not only on conditions in Belgium, but on the prospect? of peace. II, refused to-night to make any state-, ment for publication. MANN CONDEMNS BRITISH SEIZURES Thinks II, S. Has Ni^ht tc Orab Whole World's Trade, if Possible. ' rV-rn ..? | II BUM,] Washington, Nov. M. No setlea i>: i ongress to force the administration' hand Is Its negotiations with Ijree H-itai'i i? expected by James It. Mann Regablicaa floor lender of the HoUSC Mr. Mann thinks a vigorous protes ?hoold be made, bat ha believes th. House e/ill sel pass such s res< unless the administration is saewn '? desire it "I do not even think that such a res Iolution would be passed If ths Housi "??re Rapublieaa and a majority though ;, pretest should be made," Mr. Mam f-aid. "I he reason for that is very clear Our negotiations with foreign power must be carried on by the administra tion, and It would be a mistake to ham per It with resolutions direct tain steps. "Personally, however, I think thi 1 time h;is come to s*on thn outrageoui interference with our comme' I real Britain, 9hs ha? been i liai ??hip after ship and detaining them ir | her harbors. Those ships ngV sou OUght to | ths ex i ports here to be taken abroad and re \ lieving the eoagostloii ports "I am absolutely neutral m thi? thing. I do no' fnvor Crea* Hr:ta:n or Germany. I am for ? United Si k.*' tting a? mu< h of tl s woi Id's as possible during l il on, portunity and taking a t.rm stand against SB] terfero, wb< Kngland or Ger many, i - VILLA VANISHES; HIS ARMY BROKEN Carranza Porcei Rounding Up Strai???lini? Hands. li : . ,-t El Pas I from (ieneral A gen, at No gales, Sonora, to the I Hrranza con here said ? adrad V '. i troops surrendered unconditionally to? day at Ms/ Is "onora, and that n'her? wer?, moving in d"= organ 'Zed bands toward the Chihuahua state bor? der and surrendering. The coi i ? ? .iumas. Chihuahua, opposite Colambus, N M -rod over to? day to ( arraiu?, and a 'arranza officer was BSai from r". PSSO tO take com? ma i,<i. IPs forces defeated and scattered. BF, ??- "S? HIM fCammeyerl Stamped on o Shoe means ? Standard /Meritl sut???.?mu? BtflMMa Duitor?s Bonk shopping It the piemr SSI part of I hrtttmSJ prepui t;on. /'ruf Our ?iftail Store, 681 FIFTH AVENUE I Villa has disappeared, aeeordiag te -. I, ... ?,, i ibregon. Gei i ral Dm j ? iry at Bermoeillo i< sa ; to hi? complete. Fn : anee, who ca' ? '. ,. ? ? BS, a has renounced Viila ?. uno? ?v ,- side. BIDS IN HIS INHERITANCE .1 H. I!. saint < >r I'lnds s,. Buj ? York i n i jr |. t Cyr, w room yeetei It was bid in bj ? .?hn. * ? ?ne owner. No buyer tras ' an adjoin.: | ? ? Saint C\-r inherit? fron. - ?? l marriage to him wa< ? I;. w:i? y I ?? yecrs oli? B ?? I . I H : ??on Terrs - Year's. The house ? or." ?> and occupies a large plot eomiBBI liver. "About as near perfection, I suppose, as they make railroads.' ?Thomas A. Edison. Mr. Thomas A. Edison recently made a rail? road trip across the continent. Commenting on the roadway of one of the western railroads in a newspaper interview, "the Wizard" said: "Their tracks are like the New York Central's ?and that's about as near perfection, I suppose, as they make railroads." The New York Central Lines arc the standard of measurement for railroads. '' it?V' Sv'" :r:::;;:;:;:.i!?:iH:r.ii;?:Tsni:iiimimimra For ihe Public Service raTin.Tir^r.rTrn.'c: J- . ' . "t--. i i .JT