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ARWORED TRAIN OF MOTOR CARS GIFT TO GUARD Gary and Schwab Mead (iroup That Will Meet Cost of $100,000. OTHERS TO Gl Y L ARMED AIRCRAFT .lu^c Rattle Car Will Carry Tun 3?Pounders and Ma? chine Guns. ? ta armored car train | -ompare favorably ng that haa appeared on the battle! Gaard'a eqi. c\- year, 'o plans now BJB? ? Si ' k .: I conference SOS ? for an appropriation of and maintenance ? the coming fiscal ,-ost about he. en tin rayed by a groan of pa Guar,'. I the I promises to coa he necessary other metal n^rts at ? t Battle Car Big Feature. car, heavil i and be the This battle car ?? motor anpa-. : z gear at either Bad, .n be run in an-. hy direct - car will carry nine ur te armor plate, and for considerable am? munition. It will Op' ? capable of withstanding :. ? enemy train c;, IP1 I es Hatt> cars of ttii.? have done VII ? ? ,- arid Northern France -ont war. or seven , tlj armored tHst motor cars c* of carrying machine guns and ' mt work or the bringing up of ammunition, detachment will be '?eneral train BS bun- ' boned thht the battle car a: Kin will be ? ? summer's >'o.riiin \*ked f?r Aviation. General StotesburyV ? for $10,000 for aviatie ' ljutant general ex ?he Governor that this wa? to provide and equipment for an aeroplane corps which was in ... Hempstead and a military aeroplane, the ?r%% to form part of any state militia ta? ? 11 be ; machine, Reel and pilot Bed with ;i specially con Btructed machine gun, will be Dal ? ?ted in avia ., affairs. OBI Wanamaker, Glenn C ?cer and other? are devoting eonaiderablc time to the ? ? Guard The Naval LB a hydroplane. ?.encrai 's requests for approi-r .? iiounted to 11,147,540 dueed by ?he confennce to $9fio ? HUGE FOOD TRUST SNARING FARMER Or. Charles McCarthy Asserts That It Is Forminn in Chicago. TB? T*!rfTM'h tc Tli? TrU)un?.l < hifSKo. ' Dr. Charles Mc i artby, chief of tba Wlscesu n Legis ? Library, has uncovered a new i ?bile eneaey tbe "food trust frenp of Chicago financiers, he - organizing to monopolize the entire supply of the nation si il to farmei mer. Dr. McCe fl re?. ?? . st tbe n ? le after six found work in d B try i fann? ies, bo sa sin sdy had ? ?? 1 JUST NEW BLOUSES ' '" ?? -i. light I h. rr ?n scores and scores of i rustomers who eacne in i dij t., r, ab i! *.- h ivc i.. ? in B |?y." S I whethei I be s simper. Blouse in . ti rrepe, It? with two Hi of 'h, Bl ?n o I ii, Jjfamimdt?b mS I. ft tu .1.1 I, been laid before the Federal officials at Washington. Tule?? immediate and radical action were taken hy thi< farm- , er? themselves to organise eedpera" tivelv, he thinks, th< \ aeen will he ?' the mere] el the diatributing treat, ddlemcn fer middli ? ? , ? ? pi ? i ledged himself to ? timo and a? Inns; a? M 'ho tanner aid tho mei from the combination that i? ;. ng ' irmi .: . .? ? pred' not and l<\ maklag In m dcpendoi i ? .? bayei alee dependen! ea tho one pnce offered. "I vfll n.'i c.i any further at this t me than te eej that I knew posit that a food trust i? being organ r, McCarthy, "I am not read] eel '.. a \o the detain and the name?. They ??ill C(>mt' later, Tho matter la i the hand? of the United Stetea officials. The plan.? that liavo been ?reeked ant are a- la) Phes have started b) organising for the distribution of it...lue*?. The next ti a program?is is thi table?. Ultimate!) It ?rill reach i liae. ? ? m MANY DOWNTOWN OFFICES RENTED N'eu Lessees Reported for Cen? tral Commercial Districts. have leased in ' II. Jarrett ? "ram Esckii and the Su ? Company Kuild ing, ofllci ton and '?' n the Mechai tetali Hunk Building, n the Fruit Iding, offices to Edward A. Karrell and D. F. Lauro, and \\ \ ilute: ei . ?ho M (fices to Si l!. Putnam; in the office? te ll'iriy I pert, Richard H. Portsmore, and Frank? lin H ? ?- i?ank Bei Arnencar Commercial Company. Inc.; in thi Coffee 1 . office !.. Daurn-. .. Taylor Building, to Will . ?a 60 Wall Btrei K. B. eon Linde Al?o leeaed for the Kiiuitable Life Aisurar.c? Society, office?, in 71 Wall l'avis & Co.; in eon ith Cammann, V ?. Street to lUtton, A-ipinwall 6: Co. .\ the third lofl in 12 Barcia) it for a ti?rm of years to Harry F. Bailey, Luiiesoiae Teacher Quits. N J., Not. ? of 197 Mein Btreet - city, ma al t in the disti that sh T'.vo month? was nil she co . Becuuno no '?< ? ?choo] ont 1 Mis? Goldsmith xva? hired, ehoel eras not opened her accordinn; to schedule. West Virgii;io Bars Liquor Ads. Ve., Nee Suprei tutional that sec- liquor law ; which prohibit? licuor iitside ! the ?t?te from advert? si: er their ? la West Vlrg : a I circulai li and order blanks. HUNTING CLAIMS FIFTY-NINE LIVES Sixty six Injured in La? teen Stales During the Season Just Closed. MICHIGAN LEADS WITH 14 DEAD Twelve Deaths in Illinois Low Casualty list laid to Strin? gent (Jame Laws llr l>l??r?i'h to Th? Tribuna 1 ? hicago, Nov. 30. Fifty-nine dead ? Nty-six injured is the hunting; toll in eighteen states for the season Wbleb ended to ('s- . as compared with 111 dead and 112 h-rt a year ago. Fast year's statistics were gathered from ? la the t'nion and Bl 'is Michigan, n-- during the iast seveial leads in the number of dead, with fourteen. The season in Illinois pro? duced twelve deaths, while In Wiscon? sin nine hunters have been reported killed. Accidental discharge of guns again ? d a majority of the victim? in the various states, while Bsaay peisons. in tl - deei districts took poi '.hots at I to be gams, tl tl >.. had shot down hunters. ere were f< s er hunt- , ers t: sn ei < r before is nd ? reason for tho low ri.' Wisconsin dur > stringent gamo . ohibitinp the lagging of does and permit? innter only one buck. Tha old law was more or less flexible, and hunters .?warmed into the its were an everyday occurrence. The saddest of all of the hunting' catastrophes was pearance or, H 0 F.r'.: ' tdrian. Erlacher left his lodge, near Eekerman, si ' vember 1?, witho i mean ion, ,1. -V 1 his ir.te1, He had a revolver snd rifle, hut li'tle ammunil on. l ? ? lays Knebush waited. ? ? . alarm, but a thor i to uncover any trace of the huntoi . il i"i l?cher , n the great 'trctch of kennen. Be l< 1 Id. Touraine Off. Waited for Freight. After waiting -meo Bal ird .;. ''or the arriva: --.-. 'loight, the. setorday ! steerage pas?.' All but twenty of the men in the re Italian reservists on tl ci to the f] Among 'he cabin passengers were tte \ ' i-.uit, Mr. and Mrs. ? ? Berthe I the 1 ian Marquis Shipping Information and Marine News of the World V?asela Arriving at and Im? parting from Port of New York. V1INIATT-RF AI.MAVv M ? .- tu ; T? ? toea'i ut. M. HIGH WATER. A " CM Bkzti Beak ? ? l? ? .1 ??1 .... 4 13? WIRELESS REPORT. ? S Krul ? ? : v i\? OMING BTIAM] A? . Iltn ?? ? . .Lilt rv-.. i .Color, . ? > ; ? i -. ' ? : '. ? r . K ? aoat .Film G :? i. ' ? ? L? !?? i . . CrWiobal . Jarki ? TnrRJDAT. DECXMBE1 i ?aVrtrUU? ' ??-.?? ? "< afar? Kaj.aar ? I ?? 1! ? - I . | ? > ?-> . . Oui ? ? .1 .. *?*! '? . OlTt.OIV, BTI OlFRS. ID DAT. M?r. I Vf?,.' ,. . ? ? ...? . i \ ' ? ?. i: It? in ..... -. ? flan Jar 1! 00 m ill it i M an ? .. Ilarai.a Cri??*. Jamaica MO an < ' M ?a? Uik, A'f ' - ? ' ? ? ? l'axa ' ?0 an ? . . - . - 1 i - .1 1:00 pri < TR.\N>P\? IF? M\ll 3. . ? ? ? i To <1aj Ua?a ! ? . '?'? ? .-an ! lan l>?r 1 . Dm I ... 'i its ? ? I, \ . ? - > ipl . i. , . ". : , l)rr S 1 ?II? ? aaaiTED - " i .' 5 m. . t. I!?.- a *?- ? V"rk anil ' . i ? ? l'a J8 ? " v. ? ? i ? ? ' Cm 1 ini. ? ? l? I - RuiaUr. ? ... ? ? I ' ' ? I Uvi r ? - a ' : . i Le???. Ci-aija.? ted .a Iiobtu??. IaU? Xlt-j ? - * ? ? . I'rln . ? I I ? - Mil Rfl M 1 iiKUi.V POM - UUUVKD Si ? , ? ? : ? > ?. : ?ork ? ? - ? ? . . ? .-. 1 > '? ? I t .1 Mi: IUr.-- ' ? > . ? i . j Dutel ? ? ' . ? i - , ?? uf Alr.U i ? ? ? ' , VI, I . ? It I Not .. xm Nr? I r , i Luc?s, i i ? ?' I ? ind .Nan . >,'#?> Tori ' apa ? Mar? Bl . N'anj . i - \ ' Poli ' ? rest ? lau OtmB ?'rimar . ? Mil (Dai Vol ? ? i ? .M V ?? ' | Til THE WEATHER REPORT Korerasts and Records of the Last T?ent\-four Hours. Was) tostei n .? ip ? . ? Il ItSsaJ aep? ? ? . . ? .... . ? ? ; ...... ? ? vast ?? i lakaa. nuxirrai? t . . ? I wt?t. Faracaat? far SaatUI LaeafM M ? ? ' . Bl?mai i \ . . . ' . I wits ? : Wastera Hee I ? . , ? - , i .kT-.u-T VVl I ? I < ?. ;-a-i -r--:?\ Tl indar part t local OSIclal rlrflord ? ... I dale of 1st -. i .i 8 a. m ! A a m. .. . ?? ? r ? ' ? a. m i i.. 41 . Isa si 11 : ? ... gSreSMlsr Rr-idln?,. . , i ? y 9 ; Bt-al Ltval For?c?>' ? aal UcMtd oo'Ai ?uuari'e wart ?IlIs,_J TO SELECT TUSKEGEE CHIEF DECEMBER 13 I r?steos Summoned to Name IL T. Washington's Successor. Seih Leer, prealdenl ird ol trustees ?f Tui I ' ? haa ? ( nllod a meetini . te I i !. id at the ?hool in Alabama en I'e cembei IS, i -?'!??' ' ?'' aueeeeaei le Bookei T. We bin) 11 ,? Hewing appeal fei a iiooV.i I Wi, ? , ? i mi mortal fui d ha.? bei i :. || I '?In h peaee te numerous aeggaev m bol rao ., the truitoea of , si and Induati I ll In?-, tut. invite subeerlptiena for a Booker; T. Washington memorial fund. "Tuekegee Instituts Is Booker l Washington's monument, and the meal ? ., memorial i? the perpetuation of Its gTMi work fei 'he benetit of the id people ai d fei the promotion . i? between tho "Th.. man? friends "f Tuskegee ?'ill he quick ta realise the importance of rallying to the support of 'he institute In thi order that the work may riot suif, r through the los? of the nl support heretofore secured ihingtonl*. personal *f- ! fort "Subscriptions may Le sont to any cna of the inderaignedi Seth Lew, ( hairm u th Sticet, William G. Willi ? irer of the invest: ttee, i south William Street, and Warren S Legan, treasurer, ; T. R. WON'T PLEAD FOR ARMENIANS Refuses to Join with "Ignoble Souls" in Mere Denuncia? tion Meeting. Colonel Theodoie Roosevelt, who ha? f 0/ the Ar menians, fives some of bia reasons In ar tu Samuel T. Dutton, secretary of the American Committee for Arm? nian and Bj i Lan Belief. . to nerves dulled and jaded' h> the heaped up horror? o: tiie last : year and a half," Colono! Booeevelt tho news ef the terrible futo that ha? befallen the Armenians must KiVo a fresh ?hock of ?ympmhy and in- : Lei me emphatically point out thnt the sympathy II ?seles? unie?.? it is no ompanii a srita that ? I | itien is U'ole-s if 11 er haust? itself in words instead of tak? ing ahape In u"?ds. Until I honor and duty first, and are ?rill , something In order ti ?ousne-ts both ' I and for . v.e ?hall accoi and v i ? ? of the 3ti ' ? of man ? reason why F do not wish to ly for th" dei ? ? e atrocities com? mitted on the Armeniens i.? because nre igniv I onal pacificism as a or arl o be ? refused to attend. similar meeting on behalf of the Bel Srho ;.,?? do not t'l'M" to take BUCh I Armeniens i for the simple reason thst there is In I Amarice no Turkish vote, tr.d because, Turkey is not our neighbor, a.? Mexico , i ggressivs r like Cermany, and so It is safe politically and t hei l ii \i. ? cai rof ?liona! j ? ? -, tha an ericen men ? of the pe. . price type ' oin in moo- ,??? war' ?h empty teef on be-? of the Armeniens carry precisely ? . ? ? ' . . '?!?,! Chine?? *" at a similar moating th?: went through ? . ? "I ? ruai t) ?t all A. .orthy Amei ? ! erself ?ho can to others. Lot u? eord ? of the weakling deist f- ? '? the ! ? ? tO atop arrongdoing. Wrongdoing will only be ., ? well ! ? make their rink fron iird. not even 1 hazard of n SUBMITS EASTLAND EVIDENCE Bee retar) Redfleld Prev?ala Reaelta ef lagairj te Senate and House Beads. i"i? Mm ? I ' I sent 1 ? ;1 the : r to the steamer . ? summer. of document? contain? a ? ? made by ? and B ? . from ? .:y of Commerci ? ? tha matter, dated A ng isl 10, - i'ii; \(.r vol h i S ? " ? ? ..... V :? . \ M< ? ? . i ? ? . . . ' ' ? nt of I - after d ?? i . ...... - - - 1 ? i - ? ' - ? ? a. m.. ? ? - ' ? ' - r >? ' m. i I AUbaV J. ?!?**?'? U Jr.. rt?. R. B. DULA IN A $2,225,000 SALE Now Owns the Harrimaii Bank Building, at 41th St. and Fifth Av. RENTED f OR MORK THAN $172.000 A Large Number of Other At? tractive Properties Changes Hands. i he American Krai hs'ate Cornpan> has sold Its property. 6J7 Fifth av.. '? southeast corner of 44th st.. known as tha BarrlaBan National Hank Building, to R. B. Iiula. who retired from busi? ness several years ago, when h sice-president ? of tho American i ?< baese Company i his property is an eleven story nans: and o?.co building, opposite Bherry/s and Delmonico's. It has u real roll of over 1111,099. The sellers held if at I I2?2*,900. The property has -, front i age of fi? feat on the BToaua and 108 f'e^t on the street. The Harriman National Hank pies the tiist (loor, with sa vaults below. The beak also occupies ? i I SB the BOCOl 'ippti floors of the building an ? There ai? bo The building is fully rented., and ??iv been one of the most popular in the city since it was built about ten years ag > Mr. Dula gave in part payment ?welve loti on Northern av., near 181?t ? st., and a part of his country estate at Tarrytown, fronting nearly 1,000 bal on Broadway, and containing about lift] aerea, together with the ? os niun?ion, garage, lodge heaas ?nd other buildings. I'ho grounds of the; ?in deesleped with p rats rood-i vmding through ths propert An un? obstructed view of the Hudson Hiver Valley may be had from th( Pi whit ?' i: cons! It red one of I he ehi est?t-. . , i rownsend Hon.-' und L J. Phillips A i ,,. negotiate.; - ? ? ? loral -i that Mr. Dula will , rate th 1 'i irriman Nal Bann in its ,.? ins the 1 -es to pro B larger s? see requl '.if inei easing but ? tor i shown Is the growth of the i Harriman National Bank, whose dev? posits were 122,61 t ths last call of the Coi ti 'i $4, upon its i na-1 tier si bai k la 1911, Other sales yesterday were: WI8T MTB ?T.-the < Noyes Company I ? ? '.'. ? at 88 st., a four itorj de g, covoi lot I9i . between We I av. and Riverside Drive, to Van Vorst The property was hi $80,000. Steddard A Mark rspresent ? sellers. AVENUE A. Gottfried Knoche. arek ? '.der, purchased from! the Americar. Maltine Company the va-i steak front, VMAatS fe?'', on the side of A-i-nue A, bOtWSCn ' ' * i ' F| ?OLA ? . Kiek r itt have told foi Iwi r.i H. Corey to ..... f the fir? I .,. f 1iSth i ? ? ' ? tenem house, i ? ? ..? sac if i Dsy. v, i ? ' [. 1 i ? ' .. olot, 58 tl,.. north ? Is sf 21 loo foei - ' ' of v. m lye ? . \ it Building Company, which ? l i W i th ? H ; i it -i W J Bast?n I sold foi Di I eeaard I ? three '? Bide of i Wth Bt , S Lenox av., to M. K. Trautra 116 MADISON av K ???? ? ? | buyei of Dr lame! C. B property at llfl Kadison av., n : lold yeeterd ?. bjf I ongrlas I ? f.. Trade Notes Theodore Ro,.reit Pell and Henry K. Tibbitt i, fo the real eel - si ?' Cago >?' Pel' ? Co, ha- ' sB ?ffwo st 542 ?? ill mnke s specialty ? ' L ng laland | ? bore ei of 8. r' . 1 BUt a re \ White A Sone I - ti i ?. ,i. ? rVest 471 ' ? West New Building Plans. LENOX SV. a a e?r 1 ? air aaaimtirj I. I. 'a .'.- Mix M . ? I. biversioc oaive, ?, . ? . - i i iTs.eso WEST END ?V. ? ? rt. for I : Mil . ? ? II Wt I r- i aw ? .. , . ? ? Ft, SI I of V. a BWettt 1' a - . - ? > ? a'y ' I. The Bronx. k Marl nil ?. ? - ?? ir. 31 I'nlon - . , - i - JEROME AV. w a. II , .-?,?.. ; CHOTONA PAR WAV ? i. ' I & 1 SO AV - I , . MOHEI.AN AV 1 ,-, I II a Cryttal. <: a ? FIELD PLACE ' . ? , a I . ' ? i. ? . a Sales at Auction. i - - I r r>nj Ml nsON TERPACF ? i - ' ? ? HUDSON TERRA!,!.. ? , ., : REAL ESTATE, M.H .11 R8B1 REA1 ESTATE MH ii;KMl PRICE $7,000 TO SELL NOW r,<-v Term? to Suit. Artistic Craftsman Home Large Shaded Plot . I | High in Mealthv M'ts and on the Lakes?Actuel Lake Rights?Win? ter and summer sport?. EASY COMMUTATION TO THE CITY ON LACKAWANNA R. R. has huge llvlni tirepla^ lining room, h ?. 11<.? r' v pa trj and kitchen i tir">r. four i irge sleeping i r-ith on ? ecoi .t flooi. three sleep* im- room . bath, dorage room third Qi lUrihMx.n irtin t lirniiEhniit : parquet fl.M.r?: ..pen rireptar?. Httrd with tlr.t dees steam seating plem and all ?eaters twivealeaeee. Konr Minute?' Walk from I.?p. MH'l..n riu.l,. i,n.| II,,,,, ,,n \p,,!li at ,r>n R. F. BARNES, 170 Broadway, N. Y. . ,,:, ,nrr FACTORY SITES On Deep Water with Railroad Facilities ? a, t ?('? ?. -, Newark at. I !? 'i- !.. I ?ni i - i BOM v v. in ? II \i i , frontina ea tha Paaaalo at. i Ha.* UM h?jr- of tha World's Greatest Labor Market roui HAH ROADS se, aldtagi Pennsylvania R. R. Central R. R. of V .1. D., L. & W. R. R. trie Railroad Nawark Bs . I I'.?? Channels up to the prop-i fr-t | I roperty suitable lor any kind ol manufacturing or commercial enterprise re? quiring tide witer and railroaii f-scilitirs. i MANY MEN .ai . . - I I ?I H. It rip;, ? - ' a ' ' ' a ? ,-. 1 I North Jersey Tille Insurance Co., Hacktnaack, New Jener. s 1 H. i- i, .=-.? | 1 ll\(, l?.| ,M?. HIGH-GRADE ,irv. ? - B ACK. < Ml TRI ritOI'l Kl i . ISAM lax ii as roa pi s< <a urti i. ?- O'tifa Maa*. i . ? Hoi.? I ?.. M, '? ,4 We? . i -? 1>V*. fc* Ii BBS) Alad. ti. DOM EST? SITI tTIONS U sXTE? Male. ?\ ? flUTll ? * I 11 | Female. a > man. $ i $1 | i| . MU* i a II LUI . IS < a; a SI RROG Uhs MM !? ES ? KOR. of an order ot U .? . a - ? ?ub ... ? ? i H.V\ I itrai >:'ic New '. " MLII ' - .' Mon - Count] j-uer. ? I ? ? ! I ?y Of New r fan? ? ! July. 111. I -. 1 i EG iL N'OTI. ES. Till. I> ' I I I ' II ?? . -; - . , ? il i Caaaur. LoCi. uuie, O.U 11, Mil, ).,,? ,, ,. ? il a ?? .a ' ' CAT HI SINI ? ? I. IS IS I . BSD ST, ?04 K, a ? I m for I ? , ? s? ie i ? ? i i. . IIH a? i I < ; ae si ? ' ?al ,1 HAStUTOK TESBAI r > MM M - ( r '. | - I I I , r ? . ? 1 I ? i ai ? ? MA0IS0M ?v . i . ?et , a Bf a? ?n Su r> SI ? ?. . . ? " 1 ? i:?.tm IT, .- ? ' ; uff for t ? | ? t, . INTLRHIR PLOT. Ill? ., l.-r?, ,t ' | , . ? f New Tori . >I, ipl " a.. i.-.t . \ ? N Thirl ?r ' i ri'LSTON A'. i ? roN AV . - . ? r, a nil i ? . - . . BRrAM A/ . I * AV. ? I. ?? i. IT CAST LB HILL AV I I - SI .1/1 R1-' RVQ n OVAI .?urTH |1 Br H srr i FRANKLIN AV. . , '. I i ? ' PIKE RECORD a - : - trtfllnj ? TWO SUITES TO BE MAISONETTE This Will i5e Feature of Apartment Mouse for Fifth Av. Plot. ? ? 'n . i '..ry apartment ha .?? ? ?r of aju ' ro?r hom?i'. . -. i ? ? ? ? *P??rtaoM came popular. Of ?* a tyi? ? rtsiiiJ!; If you live in h ? ? ? would I av. : i Late Ap; rl it Rental. to Mn ' ' , O easasgsFS?HOHNS from. FROST to FLUTTERS THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS WEEK vacation 8 AND 9 DAYS. $12.50 AND UP 4 f.. ? | . SpecUl Sailing S. S. "EVANGELISE ' Under American Flag Regular Sailing S.V. BERMUDIAN" West Indies DHIgMtul erulm?ab 8. I - - > I CUNARD - . ? I IMS EUROPE via IJVERPOOL ?Caraeronia .. Fit.. Dec. 10. 4 SAT 1 ? i ? ' ?En : nu si, i m vTOBUl Tin it?. a COMPANY? OFFICE. ? 2l-.ll ITATt II *? ? FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTOIM $3.00 ? N H ft r ul'on M ? r M Mais S, ? I ?[?lull l.lM . lays Pier : I, i: it . ft 81 I oo V. M. \n\ II i\ n 1 o. ?a - . I' , .? . . a ? Brldsepoti I law. ^ da ? , a. m . Plei . I , .. The put-'.tc h? pl-aia 1 BOSTON % 2.65 rfci Beat ?mi Ball BOI n ii i >.ii - PROVIDENCE 91.60 BOI Mi i ur, - Colonial Line Pirol ? i.?- sa r . '. - ? ? days ai P M r>oss Plei I N K. . ? til O ?tail ' ? ? i, ?l.oo to f.i.mi. Wireless snalsvsseat p? aod ISu ai Mil I III Tsllll - I \ I I <KiM- ?1 ' i??ii< in. in.h iK pandar, StSS i> ">? I Kr. m !"??' IS F II Thon, . . s > AROUND PORTO RICO Ri'.l? t^ef pictur rsi;ue harl ties vour exploration 1 lea now Is onjov ?hi? un 16-Day Cruise $QA 50 *?* All Expenses ?7tT. ?r?> M-! f/?f :- * ? -?.?(? palpo - ? LaatJ - . - .. - - U?w An'n .>r ' .at " ' ' I ? -' PORTO Rim l !NF. adwei '??- Ysftl FRENCH LIiV? .. igfjl? netaetSlM TfBI ?attan"'i ? I ii-l M ?I at I' r nines for BORDEAUX \IBFAU. - - De. 4,1 P M [ ... D. ???*'?! i>., || t ? LA TOUIU M Ir M i r COMPAQ ? i ! " '' REO "?" UM?. ? ' BRAZIL LLOYD H" \l '' J?_! iv nit ci ion M \l \ll..l\-- M.Hill III,III The Berl;tz School o? Lant?ua??es. t 2S-1I W:ST Mtn STREET. ; i .?? I 1 It l| i . : ? ? ? Brvant ieheol t'<r Mamnicrini. ?Si a |?\N< INC. _L0UIS R7CHAUF I Graduate Suss in Imperial Ballet S:hoo' fersen-?!!] le? lies t.'"'li*r' >?<"? ^?na teure, Intel ?>i> live, retbeth, raet >i sad Nil I room .inn. un? lu dallj n>.i sreeadj riMI'.... I'.i ..lllir.. ; UrM l-*<l St., N i after-. ? .; Grand i ... i ? i . \.. Ill, i.r -..1,1. Sil -i< \l. LN'STRI C '< V KELIl.lnl 8 MUM ES, Mid-Week Bible Study . ?.-'i | 1 M -r church. i ?Uv. JusEPH W. >UMP Mid-Week Bibie Study BUSINESS CARDS. \ : ??. -i , : ? - I ; . * . .- COB J I r.VfUTTv \ i . It - . ??'? ii :s. lu.uixi. is ' i - . ? l-l 1 . l?pi I < . IM\Q v\ > >i: h - 1 .. .-. u M ? M -Wn fiM. in i.m ?..\u-. raoM .h caarrra I'll '? ? ... < r Ht 1 : r i .. i I ftvL avV-.ttf?. Jinaui. ?JT-ut Wim ell* -?. A.I.I.-.. I "?'""" OrELCRAMAON . , f ? Hi? , . .p?rt i: uotry ? . tm hlldr.S ? liter. iTA? . .111-. 1 T GALEN HALL HOTI i \->" ?AJ v" l,M VI. a S.,I . 'IV > * , ' 4 ? Ml ?^BBBBBBBBXT ,ltl i nit itM)iM> HtM)Ki nom nnanb?rousn i3Knn??im All-A S III ? ?' *?* "' onaim?!'?''" ,,M?iS' ?urel-in-the.PuKi I kkei NOW OPEN. FRANK F. SHUTE, Mgr TKAVMOUI:--" FINLHLK.ST, - Hooi. \(,i;Mit> ?m-Tl.-a ? ? aaaa -, ?_..?* ~> ' - t^?o.s. II fnlea bnuere?