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INSURGENTS LOSS SUFFRAGE FIGilf IN PENNSYLVANIA tote association Elecl Regular . kket in .1 stormv Session. MRS. ROESS1N STEMS REVOLT s Op ?o? ;? g ui Coaventio in Hanaonj - II ,, to *A ill... . I I I th< rare "H - ? ? ? - . i leinhia su ? ? i. ? ? ?ntion ws? ? I 11 itne, <ieclr?r; ' ? ? I ? ? ?? ' of cryaanthei ? ired. elancei suRfo. ?...ol ipon the hell. I ? ;oiiii(ll> Maud Bav i"i. rliuirniHti of tl Mary M Ingrain ? ? ? I ... , . . .... ? ge i i ? ee-preB? SIlU US ? MIHin |ll\ \ Vorj Importent Collection of PAINTINGS H ' >.r) Matters of the English, French, Italian, Dutch and Spaniah Schools lectiea of s Well l?no?n ? uri.pfan ( oll'ctor viho hsa su *d the rjitprraal owinj to ond.tior. ir,l?r) b> the aasr. ' Will Be Sold bv AurtioD bv Order ol HON KRANK ARANOW ? edSrf ?.(reef. S. V . . addition? On Friday and Saturday Afternoon?, De lei and 4th. si 3 o'clock IN SILO'S Ftfta Ave Art Gallerir? . ??; i ? . P. MlO. a ? '.lull Turn your PIANO PLAYER PIANO A' a amall outlay your piano can be 'utned into a player piano of the Ma?ea! qualityand wbirb wefullv ?uar BBlss I "me in for a demomtration. KNABE 5th Ave., at 39th St. BUYA BOX OF /APPLES fnfift on exooKrJ>a ifl representing ?I tne hi^hc*t " ; cmairtv apples | grown m ?Tr* I producing section in at! the *orla Ltynge Orte- fcscouyou.? i&~vr fol,. Distributors tothS Tradl ?TEINMARPT UKELLY: NewY?rev ?tend ate Mi lexwi ;. I i ? ?> ? pana? daring which ?on . .'t i h feat! ei drop, The i li gn m '?? > ni on a >'\;>Uln tlist . i ct I tl ? lat? \'n <>ihuh. b ? . ,i .. racj m thi ei ? i ut lention to ti . vori " M i i hapman, a ho, .. ? lab'ii iffragi i lominatiom were made. .. ? then ha.l been ? ' .? g i omrn iti But thi ? ?! ?'.?till ? " en Mrs. John 0. Miller, of ? i leader in Allej ii.itilv I'll sound mv s ? II .'?:<'?'' she ' to be n nom in <? 1 it the ticket ai ranged b ? | come. , d thai her county lia.i ? :,,f the money and mu.-h o '..-?? d?sirs to ha elected and woi i iraa all to eo foi nothing. \ tell fen t"i?r,Klv that I one arranged l>> your nomina n HI, < arej 1 bon " i ? r vice her ..h of fo omen wen il ." the insurg ? ? ?ve a no ?-? ai rni?-ii of the Al !.. ... Thor.:, I but ? ? M Objecte t.. < mu.?: foi Plems. ? : ? cru) ni g ? ? rord. ?', ' ive m\ on i .Mrs. Phi lac I tl c pn Hut ? I iss Hanna chairman of the i is due the wonderful ? ""I o ' " day. ? ' I h. .. ? ' ' ?tl . n't like o ke" the i . tion I hi ? i larod "l be ? ? froi even mu i k." 'i h.. In lurgi at? ' names ol the r.ow shoti be written on I i dent overruled. ? tuched. 1 ? . \ ? ? . tete coi Ition and bj . d h" union.I by a . i.'lph v.or'.i". piedon ' er unt ANTIS EXPLAIN "ADS ' IN BUFFALO SALOON! Posters Put rhere Against1 Or dors. Says Miss t liitU'tiiien. If anti .h sali they were placed tl , according to given out ' ?' I a scoul ?stor. Mi ige can pai| I rough do'.', t: . rapbook conta ning i ? you tl ? - .. eenaidi ral oi arc i a." g ai comnai ied b. Iba ferexeing, Miss ?nutenden eaid. | THHKK DKBl T.WTI.s AT .M \ [OR AS SKMBLV. CALLS SUFFRAGE TO 2-YEAR FIGHT Mrs. Cat. Opens Conven lion with Demand for ut? ter Devotion to Cause. "Von ? ?? . f New " . i rour lives m your home? It must be ' 1 are ma and little ? intei fere." This was ? ted tl elegati ? r ? wei feel ? m.would bei f ? ? un that n if tl ? v had had the?o were borSS 'l>on botl Mr i Cattshi ? "You wl ifraid to be c -, .. . d my must ; .?re v ).. wopiei ? have a booth at . t at I I Wl ?? othen who re*. aai the ?ufTrajre l>u' 'A ? inch worki lign. "You muat give ? mpellmfr thin| ' ? ' OU wil have no m barity. i i ? ? ? ? r thai ? 11. ? . r int ? "Vic tory in 1917" 01 "\, n 'i orb Btate W -oducpil to thi . : - ? co rent ?.' ' ? ilTraga ? winch it ? prim- ? will be .? new Brown and Whit ? ? Mouse Suffrage HtJarfag sit for About December 11 .\ i ngten, Ne u.hocat. I ? Judi lei rd ... ? | | bl held date. _ -?? - - I .ASSEMBLY DANCE FOR DEBUTANTES Former Junior Cotillon, at Sherry's, Larger Affair than Ever. NUMEROUS DINNERS PRECEDE THE BALL Mrs. J. J. Riker. Mrs. C. D. (?b? ' son and Mrs. Adrian H. lar kin Among Hostesses Most of tli? ilcbutan'es of .h.- .??a soa, many of tin >e who have con m the last twro or three y^ars and the usual ?lancine moa WSTS in atti'niiancc last, nluht at Sherry's for the ftr?t of tall year's Junior Assembly dances, formerly known as the Junior lotillon menaced for so .nun.- yean by Mrs. Arthur U irim Dodge, l'h?re are subscribe] ? .nor? than ever before Ij?st night i here were about 400 prrsoi.? or.--., tit. Beth ballroom ?uites were used, the ? ? tl S floor below for Many dinners were eiven previons A...,,o. Mi Mar) v i ? hman Below, M -,: I abel ' I lorenee 1 incoln. I., ft. Miss GIVES LUNCHEON VOR MISS GEODES Mrs. Samuftj Prat, Entertains II".- Son*] i lancee at Shi h y's. ? ghtei ' ' ? Ifias Geddes to Mr Prstt'i ' ? ? Mr?. Pin df?'* matron of I A. B. f J I her - M \' rginta S ! Miss Jos nette '..?;?? 0 ?", ,f ? and Miss Virgin* Key? I 1 | =tus Pratt, Mr?. < ' (1er! m o '.Ir? C. B. Pal H' 'i, " i Mr Pratt gave his fsi ' i. ghl B< !'? fl I. Hii included Ins !?? gBStm t. who is te bo hi i ? ? !... Bart, \ Clinton B, Sm th, of 1 Artrar.nin I den, Juliui Salmon snd I irter I i Mr1 ? Kathryn tVisner sfun ' v. est Thirtj reception this af1 oduce ? ? Mm-'.. v ed Cjiapin. si a a theatre it Shi ' . ter of Mi and Mrs I ? ?.I Mrs Adolf Lad? i ' ? '?' Ladei . on Long Island anii are s1 . ir.derbilt. and Mrs. George Beat : ' - - at Old ? Plaza. Mr and Mr- Franklin Q I N, V . snd i " ? Plaza for u treel Farley Freed in Extortion Case. ? - many - ? ? aiiJ. accor.i I to the o? i ' ? I laj _. I " W I bam, Mrs Herb? <?' Ten Brt lin. Mra V im H. 1 kle. " William ! ion, The ..ut |i ' - i ? ry l. to ? I ' Mr? ? - v ' Lou ! : ? Mrs. Chai M Va. : Mrs. were I I - . i . . Palmer, Ei . LI '? . Aic.auutr. Kgsgsa:? U-uuu*. B V, gil I g, I re,|ei-,,? K. < ml r. Ernest v ? Uten, ./?nie? S. '? Dengles Mef/at, Archibuld Mc Il "ni'., Juan M. Ceballoe, ? lame Kav 1 '.'? .Iliam Kyle. Mra, Philip 1, Hartlett gave ? ?inner a? hoi home, SSS Pari? Avenue, tor Misa { ' he debutant ' ghtei ' of Henry B. Platt. Mer gue?t* num-, bered thirty. Mr?. Thompson'? dinner, which wee ' ,r sr debatan ta daughter, Miss M?r ijaret Themeeen, leeh p'sce a' Sha r '< and arnonic bet gSWetS were Mlsi Jeari Hluke, John Mar?h, Charles Hj* ? d Frederick ("unninetmru Mr? Kdwarrl Kellogg fhinham gavo a dinner at her home. S S Past I I ? eighth .-?'???? for "S????i Mary K ?>p? dyelte. daughter of Mrs. Leonard K "O dye^e Hiss Opdyrke was the f debn)ante at the dinner, th? other tl r. ".- ?/iie?t. be'r.g r rls who earns e i year and s BBBabo' of " rren mmwHrnmyi j?SK^gsiMf^m^iJ?m Are You Giving Your Best to Your Work? Can you do your best if your mind is dulled by auto? intoxication 3 Is it any wonder that you get "too tired to think'1 if all the while your blood is bathing every nene, every brain tell, every muscle fibre .with the fermented poisons and wastes of constipation ? The only way to keep your body rid of decaying waste matter permanently is by bringing about natural, r?gulai action of the intestines. Laxatives, purges and cathartics bring temporary relief but they bring also an inevitable reaction which leaves the machinery of evacuation weaker and more d?pendent upon the repetition of the stimulation. Nuiol, a tasteless, colorless and odorless mineral oil, is the natural treatment tor constipation. It acts by lubricating, not irritating. Physicians everywhere are discarding the use of violent purges in favor of the mineral oil treatment which has t he endorsement of the highest medical authorities. Write for booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Constipation." If your druggist doesn't keep Nujol, we will send' a pint bottle prepaid to any point in the l'nit?d ?States on receipt of 75c., money order or 6tamns. STANDARD OIL COMPANY i New Jera?} I Bavonne Sem .Jersey Ta MINiRAjJ?' xt". i ,.*,.'*.1.?i?Mjpi ' ' ?1 l?T H4-THJ ? sruej r.. >?-.,...?[?-! ?jWiav??av'Aa^mia?siusrri i-wieaiw a ij??i ?.??.? iirt aanwaaaiaii -jrawiManwaea^^ .1 saaaenl H n. '.for _every letter priifed *5o. for the i ? .i j - _ / ? i dim i \ Tl IE I RIBl NE otters ,i $2.00 prize for every letter which it prints in the \d \ isor Department .itt<'r December lal (until further notice) in praise or criticism o? tl'r methods of advertisers, excepting only communications aboul patent medicines. I o make this purelv an advertising matter (rom begin mu?' to end. the $2.00 awards will be in the form "t orders "ii I ribune advertisers for $2.00 worth ol merchaneiise i ou < an select the store upon which vour order will be drawn?and. of i ourse, you i an seit et the article which the order will bn\ \nv one can enter this competition <md one pi can send as many letters as he likes. The literary form o? the letters will not weigh so heavily as the idea behind them The successful letters will be those which illustrate big basic characteristics of the way merchants treat custom? curtly or with courtesy. The most successful letter printed in the month of December will be the one which contri.Mites a big, sound, constructive idea to present selling methods. I his will receive .i special prize o? $50.00 in rribuiie-advertised men dandi?'', and each month following a similar award will be made. Get your ideas to us at once, ^our name will b<% withheld if you prefer, but no unsigned letters win win prizes, because, we will not know where or to whom to send our order. \\ rit? \ our first letter to-day. cEhe iMbttnc Flrai to Loot?the l ruth: Sew?-^E?ltoria/t^?A?v?rtleomomtB. ii , u..n r. t?.' le eel