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1 /T^ r\NB AUT? REVIEWS AMD COMMENT TEAR THIS LIST OUT FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING FICTION EVE DORRE. By Emily Viele Strother I?NDSTONE. BY R. A.Foster-Melliar SOME WOMEN AND TIMO'I HY. By II. B. Somer ville tust ?et r ?, a? ?tory. THE CARNIVAL OF FLORENU. By Marjorie Bo wen ? rr , t ALADO By He ry Sewbolt ??*, a_ ' ' g_ ?_ BET\* V THE LINES. By Boyd Cable - AB( Hi>\ iL SE. By Julius M?ller 1141 n#l. THE INVASION OF AMERICA. By ? M?ller 11 | -'? TIU .v RUSSIA. By Alun Lethbridgc I_. ? ? -Mirth Century " THE i G STOl Ye By W. Douglas Newton - - ?foee < WHO BUILT THE PANAMA CANAL? By VV. Leon Pepperman too ??< THE LITTLE MOTHER W^ AT HOME. By Countess Barcynska n oo n?f. THE STORY OF CANADA BLACKIE. By Anne P. Field. Introduction by Thomas liotl Osborne um at* SCHOOLS OF TO-MORROW By John and Evelyn Dewey n m .** thai bet mi WILD BIRD GUESTS. By Ernest Harold Baynes t: M net BELGIAN COOK BOOK Edited by Mrs. Brian Luck ?ixw net. ? ? ? CUPIDS CAPERS. By Lillian Gardener. ! ? ? ?? ? ! . Hm-'?; H-: ? ? ? ???? FOR YOUSG FOLK KATRINKA, By Helen E. Haskel IN SUNNY SPAIN.'^By^katharfne" Lee Bates |1 II net UNDER GREEK SKIES. By Julia D. Dragoumis A BOY IN!'e?rTnN.a By Padrlac Colum 11.11 Ml THE LAIRD OF GLENTYRE. By Emma M. Green I net GENEVIEVE. By Laura S. Porter ELSBETH. By Margarethe M?ller THE SCHOOL OF ARMS. By ?scott R. Hope ? ? BLACK BEAUTY. By Anna Sewell 11 - BtnaJng . ? iii E. P. BUTTON & CO., 681 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. The Most Important Work on New York City, its His? tory and Cartography, is The Iconography of Manhattan island Bv Mr. I. N. PHELPS STORKS Volume I of tins monumental nrork will be published early in lif.-inbrr ; bj <>\. r 1*90 reproductions of the rarest and ,,,,?? drawings, prints, docuinenta and niaps In the public an?! i ' m of Rurope and Amer? ri must artistic .'a 11 ? I beautiful. work announces some important discoveries. i pains ' D to insure accuracy oi state I e worfc will be published in four Imperial octavo vol? Imited to four hundred and two copies), of . only ihr r ? r"l for sale. Of : twenty-four ore on the best English lian?! ? r. Imperial Japanese paper. A lull froepeettss fnt on application ROBERT H. DODD, Publisher YoTtt City B .'I ? ?>?? . . ? ? Books Bought *-"?? ? ? ?run M ia?r?y ?_ '?AI I -<>\ ?.i,i .PKIN1 ? -y * _ Btaefrsf Letten ? 1 ' -? Cws.ims a! Our Store //// APOSTLES' CUlii> H\ tins i<l Jumes llurrvll. I) f> I VI k>Y I) IF !U I tiiinr W httnker Work, I). I). JUNIOS} PARISH Il y lit then W. I .ithe W? tarry nn eti client line til /fr/?/*?, Hihlrs, Vm/f. L'nrdn and BooSJoit AMERICAN iisaci soctrrv I'm k \ v , . .,?,1 40th St. . *?i,v..> i, iiriii l'entrai renal) A Selected List of New and Recent BooKs ART AND CRAFTS Painting, Architecture, the San francisco Exposition. AIl?lin::i Ti UK Of It? A B H ?I ? THE I'ANAMA 1-A? U I' INTKR NATIONAL I hr /.in?-, N...?a.a .- A - Al: i Hin ? tiki: AM) LA.fPaCAPE ?.a-im.-? ?nrii i '.!? rUn i ,\ I Pa ? IHI l. .1 lr?t?0 ? . I ?K l'AVAMA i'ACiri? RxpoerriiiN BARB] ? ? i ? ? sjaatw . i a . - M AMi B-il. . . . nta I \ I . . ? . -, / tiena ' Hi AN i UV TaOtl ' I . WalkW A IXOn i Ils Mary Air. H] ,.'.-.?- ? | | Catatta? | .'I rfl BuO?. No more intimate story of Go.ham, and the fasci? nation of its night life, has ever been written. George Bromon-Howard'? lmpre?*ive New Novel j wWi y&\ 0s44munm New York ?nd Lo? Angele? report it in the !i?t of "Six Beit Seller?." IwWaT? ttSM ????th, |1 40 net, ?if Bti ?firr?. THE BOBBS M1.RR1LL CO.. Publuhe? HOLIDAY BOOKS A Real Xmas Belle SADIE LOVE By AVERY HOPWOtX ,lufh"' ' "J"ell tm? Il armar, .it?. I Hue tratoi 11 II a? t \ ipirited romance of thr most ? h ineymoon thai has eeci tak? n pi u ?? rltber on or ?>ff th?* stage. The drajnatimtlon oi tins novel hiis ust been produced with great wceese, and bids fair to be ai popular "s Mr. tiopwood'i plaj "Fair arirl Warmer." LrtMCOCmfs Latest fun MOO.'.BE&MS FROM THE LARGER LUNACY By STEPHEN LEACOCX. . | itafwra hind 'he Beuond," etc ., Il II test Mr l.i- ?click's latest book Is aptly named and consists of sketches, Mi? tins, take-offs, etc The euthor Is singularly wise to the littl?- fancies dm foibles of mir day, and he hits then 'ff in h way that will make y on hu?pil without I? injr n-,harnrd of It. \n Epic Novel THE "GENIUS" Th.? Rtarj ?1 the Saul's Stfaste Kri-ri Thn.iiKli ? tie Cira of ?.'?nTua By rHEODORE DREISER ?mthee . ? ' Thr- Tttin." Cloth. |l fl ?art "If America can boost of a novel i'f nOW living .if irriatiT poWCT, in. sight, Imaginative sweep, I?'t him step forward and claim the laurel wreath Dreiser si-cms to roe oar novelist now writing, and destined in the trise judgm nt ot posterity to be given a place among tin- noteworthy writers of this age. I D.. \l! ill MASTERS, la Mer of I'll. Spoon ?titter Atttkoe "//v." kt the CkiOBfo Evemtmo Post Seventh Thousand THE COLLECTED POEMS OF RUPERT BROOKE ?GEORGE EDWARD W0ODBERRY / i' ??? i lota, |i mst "The publication of these Poemi makes it cleat that the young lieu tenant, who now lies berieu in a trees oa the 1 prnn Sea, was that phenoinenon Increas? ing!) rare in English portrj ?a No other poet of our gea Could WrRC or at any rate his written lonneti eqaal to those grouped under ti? title 'ISl*' in this volume.*1 JOYI B KILMER in The Bookman. AT ALL BOOKSTORES JOHN LANE CO., New York When Owen Johnson writes about youth, love and am hi tin n you are sure of a good novel, and yon gel it, wiiult lome, romantic and ex? citing, in MAKING MONEY I ?I.II.drll li> jtggSM_ M \\i\l GORKY. v ? ' : -, . ? . s?**!? i ? - nrrnoois or PAJirma a vim b** nan A :i?'. ' J. B. 1 I I:. I. ??? ll< f .4 Mi tat ' HISTORIC VIU.WMA HOMF.i? AM? ?Hl PJCSTSS Bl ll-'rrt A a?*?r lUuAUalad J II Lly bistort ov ARnuTrxm aa. a \>:*. m *n?i Dy A L frothlnfTian LlluatnUad iKiublt POMEORA>ATEf?. A By li.-t ll.ualr?Ur?* in 0?<-?r 'a. l'ai? iHOI'BK or Slivrrr. ty J?.a!? M King B.-?ti'anu a LSNTJ Of THE TTirniS F'u? sb*Sb> gra. .-??? fr m ira??u,a 'J Ijrtwk e:?A*lo ruUi? MM . J It **SStBl It i J INTERIOR ?I.rofUTlON Ita 1'rlBrtp!?? and Tra ? Ii, A?t*h Panoru I.Iuitraied,. Mtaj i'**? a Co. IVTIV AM. THE EUTHANT By Oorp, Trad >l Ulu '.'.-: i? I? u Ii ia> l*ag* rrlrk hjiu a ? KMI KniJIOi KI.-R HiBToni or new V.HIK I?y I'ar , r?an A ?. i UTHf .<;HAI*I1Y AM. I.ITIIOiiltAIIIKn/I. By Panas i . . via sal .a LOUVRE TBS ri, t Leaaea iu-. ? -i r. alfa I '? ? .'o ? IE? 1*1 ? t j. I? ? BOd ffllSBtl Hy *?? at*? and . ?AX, OALLERY, THJ . . liar. w .'i. ..i ?? i.. , tS? . . I ? Thim ' 4 Men i.ity !.-. black and ? ... l'ag? Rr.M?.I.KI.I.EI> KA , Mary H. '""'I ?"?. I 1 ? ?? l'.r n A IV. BU < i:-.n in: - ..( PAINTTNQ ii? Haridair - ? -? Th* ? KETCHES O? OSKAT PAINTERS lly (MB Watti Cincinnati Th? B!?w | art a Kld4 C sapanj STosT of tiii: rowaa or u>??rDOM thi ... - Joba ' W.i.aton II ? 01 '.".i:aT HRITAIVH AHT . .? .?. . . i IOI I : I BRI v I . M M Mft Ban , May aard a O what ni rcnsn ro esa in sitsucA tty .?tra . - ' mi in? TRAVEL Seeing America from New Eng? land to the (iolden Gate. AUsM DATS ?FTTH IOHN Ml IS Hr f> Hall - '? i' : ? ? II ? , ai MiiAl Ian BTWATS i-, '? rast . ?n Ilarjior .* Bf ? CANADIAN ? .iMM'iMVK4I.TII THr l'.T Agi** ' I SUt. 1 ? ; anT ? OLD A.M. NEW My II n I' ?1? - ? . ' BJ OLD 4M. neu B| a i; gfcttSsssa .-. ' .i ENOl !- I IN! I RAJ H( Ml ? OS N..TED 4\'V IK A-. - Hi Ai ? H . ? ?'.. Ul.grV?. i .-?? ad ' i I . ; - - . iTir.*? or IULANP n, B**sSna Ma ? U la:. < IIM 4NH AM? THE rait H, Ar-r.ur Rral? ? GI/vri OS BfXOIl'M the T??-', ?tasas n ? . II li.i-a-i BISTUR? A Of TRAM-T. IS AMERICA By II I'u.iar Itluatrated HISTORIC ' Hi Ri IU'-? in MIA I. 0 I!) Htrt A i' i- n A) ;? g.i si Itaa* IN VACATION AMI.HU'A n, Harrtaon 1 at tl nitrated Uarya? A iir?. ISLES OS si i' i. ani> PALM I . .4 I . ?. : A . KIPLING'S INDIA v, Ar.rr S] lac* A . '. LOO Of IHK BNABJt, THE ?U ? .. .. ? UODERM Ai -IHIA fly ??ay-la till!? ' lats Maad A I? .' i: i? NEW. IU HSU. THE. l'y A . OLD CONCORD Hy 4 | - Urawlng? by L i old roads from ?rm un., oi mmm la, i) M'a .a . ..-.., .,.?,?.... O I- PuU.a-:.'? ? ? i OLD CALAfdUA Hy Norman lSl?J?ajj Hough- I . Wlfll ? i . ? . rrtrt ?ma picaudt r ? ? ? . ? i a Mi : '..?-?-.i n?? j n i . a- > 4M' BIS1 OF N'.RTII 1 ., ? - . . rumanos or oui beluii'M thi i?. bum ' aiullai i i, j? .*?T?'Kli.; : i ? i By Mary ? Praaaa i tratad ?TATELT ROMES OF CAUFORNU Rf rprtar ' S . . hi mu v BULB THS Bl t I Oraaa i. ua i irai. . I : I ?'? arm ?. TH l;>.' ?ill ? ENTRAL AFRICA IH'?M 'oAHT Tri i"A-r Hi Jai. ?. H?n.?^ I. jtr?t??l 1? Av 1 4 ? TRAM LB IN A1.A*-I?A ! - DMS ' 1*'')' \ A..4l'.?iM? '.?.', 4... i*. BBI :"-? *. A Ily ? ? . ??? > CAPTAIN s. ??TT Bal ? it STALKM A' ? li- ?aath 1 i : . ? R II?...Mil .*..*., Hy Eoula? . ? ? . Bl a i o ' EC?, : THI I" l>"-y B . ? 4 - . 4 : NAL IAUK i . -4 ...? A charming ?tory No man could have takem a woman apeurt and put h?ef t..grthar attain suit iadone in thi? noveL -N?.**,?*??????Issaa The rraine Wife By Arthur Stringer Puium in full <;,l?r by Ihinn. At nil floret. $US ftet The IL<hh> Merrill Company. PaiMtaWi HISTORY From the Stone Age to Present Day Affairs. Ai.rrrra Tnr ma it ; i ??-. ? .?!>*? o P !??:? ??? , I . UTION ra? 01 BABTURfU as:> SB. . .'? QlllJjU H.r) - ? ? roan yeakm in ?.onbtantinoi'li*. R?n?: aalBMt ,.i Sir E.'.wli. r.a.-?. I?"i 1019 i ..? lrau.1 D Avjf.i. A i rKENOH UFMoHi}:? or eightkicth ein? n Bt SJatXBI? a II? r. H r , ??_ - r| .- s . moa UGBTs or rn frlm-h nrvou ? - ! ..???-?-. Tue -. ' ? :? > ix ms rom su are or KAroinm wn u?? ?--.*? Hjr Juiim Uirgaii Th? ? BtKN ni Till. OU) - I * - - Ei.rtr . : in l:r n - -7 v.: u ' C?? ? - ? SI a . EAST THE TOOll WITHIN B> a H'<?. a ? .? . , T.E>a..jr 1KB Till.. IN E' KorEAN IIIBT iHY Bf % I! lit-., ? .- Ulftla . 1 IOXS Or POLAXD TIIK Bi Lort a - t?Y or THK IMTED < ? ? ~ MZMOtaS Bt iiy.r.? II?) u . .-? ? . -. ?i ' ii . ? ? ... ? ? u - I ? ? .11? Ot.t-*rt ?l?!? Th? ? ?-? i M?sete. M i i AJalALI r w rssearsMi I i' liantes a Co BIOGRAPHY. Mostly American- Lives of Re? markable Women. ? ?.MILLS DNMOtTLCfS P? Vlr.1? M-nrilrT t r d ai ? * c? i ?HUT UfP raOM WTTBTD?, By U.* prflMS i ?11a ?4* apata n?j?t/??*l beat Meal & Co KIIHA 1'A.IIWIN A Century of L*tt?ra i Til r ? ? ? Baatwna \Mamia. i ?ou i' am;." .?in fa??m craoaara ?tort or sini?tt-fovr ?KAII* B> H TTCTtr.a J?^'??t"i Tin ?".?mlr.l H m; a: y OEORU v a-miM,Ton-FARMER By fai-l U'.r ! I'l-rrh I..-u'.rat,?.! TU Bor>b?-M?f ?rpar.T. HEM' n?K '.Tliril FTl-LOW Th? Autahloj-ra pi.? et Bann P?fd Inu?.luotloo Irr Th,..m?? Edl > ? I.I" ? Hr . ? To LKONABD0 Di vi-.i 1 1 m A-.u? ar.1 Ui? Man. n. Datait! Bin? ? ntsmwe\ "a^ i'nlTfr?!?/ free. Ill l WH I.1TTFK.?? OS lOHM HAi Bt ?V.. I?j-. IK?. ?? TI.?..r "" ? II MjJaua Mtflua ino pai ?. un uro rotas or tf.nvtson. um I raaaaaa I i/?un?bury. y a!? Mltaantr Ir -i UTt "F ?I.AHA IHHTiiN T11K By P?rrr n. Eplrr TV Ml I ? I.I) ? OF BEXBl I I MU ? ?'-'TTV.R By BatSBS M-'f ? ! - M>. . : ? I . ? ' - Of A PI BUBHl B 11/ ?I?-?-?? lla??r, i ? ?? p i, i- i- ita?a ? ? UXUOIRB "I- Till: IH Kl DS HT PIMON . I and ? lt?d Fraud? Ar'awrt4hl. -.iv\ in * eete\, ???. I iv Hr" taaatl itcMoansa am> axaciaoms h. k?i? san i. I- Ptatj ?- ? Kguoaas or ivia i? dir H/?t>?r?. aaSaa. I'owi ! ,,i ..- i ? ? I ...? at.d . MY ' HUBBO 'I iitaiestl Th* Cwatw I - .. I n.EA?.T RH4 AM? PALACSS By I* ia- ?-.' ' Bra ? BKratad Tb? C*tv PSCSSIAN laTEMORIES Py l'ou!tn*y Mla>l<??. . P.EMJN-I?. ; v? y< By Uttaa Abbott Th* B .?? UTAX i?' LTA IAI .?yu. L<*iU* d? K.-?. aa Ma Ruth N. S .4 4- | rar Lr.iN4Ri?o da vtsvi. m Ft A J a Ian ?ran.-- 'rr".;l~? ? I royal m\iuua?.e mauxlt of si'auri rut tJatattaaaal TV.? Fu a A Waarr,*;l? Con?p?r.y ?T?. HT Of A PIONEER, THE fly Pr Aid? ?Imar! r"ia? II*r;?-r A B>-?? TO'.? SI...4.N Py I.'.u?trat*.| Bran ? WILLIAM WOR(i|i\i.iUTH H la LEV N ortu aa| : ' - . By O*ofi* mi#4 Baipai Berit..?' . ???? DRAMA Pantomime- The Ballet?Theat? rical Reminiscences. ANOTHER RoOK ON THE TIIEaTU: Py ij*-<rt? Jra.1 N??.:.a:-. B R) t, IM f tl ? Si ' ST THE Hy Mark E Prni U aatrata h :., .*? ? i ?Ce ?' '41> AN DRAMA THE By DAWN THE Hy En.'.:. Verhiar-m franalata.1 by Ar. I I ? In IM .'? rAlT?U-lL. THS R-. Jr-un M***S*:?1 Ma.-ml? .- ? VW R t-LA?fl BT EMILE Ar'?? 1ER P-Var* by Bl ?i? *. fM ?. K. : ' BKIU'INES "F im MODERN STAOE. T??i ? ..--4.4 By Fam*4 uatanJ sturg*.? A Wal BIBTOBT "F THF IIAIU.rM'.lNAPE. TTIK Hr - . ran.1 il* .airatlixi?. 1 . . B. Lin 11 .-?.I l'u MODERN DRAMA THE. By Lu.l?rlt Le?'.?ohn. Il U I? M - OLD i? ST7M DAYS By Kau Uy*n .* ?... > I Of CLTDB 1 1T> H THE Maitiortai fa*?. i ?. ? Util*. I ? ?1 l.ARl. "N THE HTAOS fly IM.; an . ?r? - : M. fat Tari A Ca Va?.RANT MEMORIES By William WlnUr Appeals as a very great novel, worthy to stand beside the masterpieces A our perma? nent literature, says the literary ?ditor of the Chicago Evening Poet George Brous.m Howard's Impressiv? New Novel JlOM-m l.ryrge \2mo, ?lorh, $1 40 net. of i'I ?tore? ?THE BOBBS-MFJ^RILL CO.. Publishers THESE TWAIN ES?ttaBBBH??SSBBBB?SSBBSS?n?a^ Arnold Bennett's Great Novel of Married Life "Profoundly representative of all mar? riages,"? "A master story of the married life of kEdwin Clay hanger and Hilda Less ways."? * 'No married couple can read THESE TWAIN without finding in it echoes of their own period of adjustment."? "These Twain must stand with The OLD WIVES' TALE as an example of the best that English realistic fiction has accomplished in the new century,"? C These paragraphs from The New York Times Book Review stive an inkling of the power, force ana in? terest of this last and best of Arnold Bennett 's novels. | THESE TWAIN By ARNOLD BENNETT Se' SI.HO At All Bookseller i GbORCt H. DORAN COMPANY f<.UuA-,, New Yorlc V**L ???A/ B Selected New Century Books for Every Christmas List MY CHILDHOOD II? M HIM llORHi. ?aatbor ?*f "T??anly-Sli nnd One" "\ very crea! hjman SSSBSBSSl not ev?n To!t*.,y baa given a more . baart pisrsiisa and basstsfsl aaaanassaa.''- .V?u> Vor?; 5un. Il uairata.1. 91.00 net. PARIS REBORN n> Hr.llHr.l? I \I)AM?4 ?.HIB?!???. ??jgg ySSr t*"* em?kor gaaa u? in his 'New Map of Kurope' the liest genera. BBTtS ' "' StSSllas SSl of wr.rh tne war grew. an.*, 'h.s year in ? he ha. firas II the U?t p.ctu.-t of P.i:is is kfas litter naif .4 Tt* InitDtnJtnt. Il.uitra??-! 99.00 net. DICH LIGHTS OF THI FRENCH REVOLL TION Hy IIII.4.IKI: 111 I I.'?? ? ?f a -? %-;tfe-* ;r. thi? ISSaSaS H RSSjId v* ? ; ?i?f -??* '?? '? I .-consciously ?el;-informe-I ab.>ofb-iGg knowleiije SSSB) mttfyis| tSS ptsiion for enttrtainment. ' -Sjn Frencnco Chronicle. I.iu?r;*'rl. 99.00 ne*. PLEASURES AND PALACE.S H? 1'RIM K?4*l I.AT.ARO? ICH-il HKBKI.l AlO V im l'htt'v. p'.q.?ii' r?miniscence? o? an Americtn girl ?ho rapUired the Fren?-.- . *?"- ?'"? It ?aSsTisd a pnnre and saw Eurupeaa tociaty ?a.? one of iil pv?:e.i favorite?. i . s ngf*Mta*rtat, 99.00 net. THE NOTE-BOOK OF AN ATTACHE By KHII HIIIIIK V. <>?H> S mm ?? ? "' ?aSFSfS at war. "A ISaaSSSS, absorbing, intsrtJtinj m? . in tse aaaatiSSJ Baton Pott III?IISI?S tl*? net. Ill? Ill KKEE t POM AHI'l.ll ATION TO THE IM HI.I4IIEK4 hallda The I enlury t'e.'a IllualraHrU Ulldar eaU-lotj-ue ol IU ,? .nd ..-..?1-ral bo.laa. Mil, ? Bf*Tl*fOft, .. Illustrated tomtit' lu??????? drain.? stilts I "?? 4 *<ator> 4 o. writer. ....I ?lirlr work. Published by THE CENTl RY CO., New York City (ontlnoed from page ?lev??. it may not be amiss to insist here upon the high percentage in pleasure and profit which books yield on their small cost. They have even been adapted to the requirements of modern living. Their format offers no difficulties in even the smallest city apartment. There is even an added pleasure in the weeding out, the caret ul considera? tions of value and space which the new conditions have brought into the sport of collecting. It is then that books acquire a living quality: and it is then that one begins to make his own definitive selec? tion for the famous five-foot bookshelf, and to plan for making it a ten-foot one. A book a week ?that is one of the fixed charges in many a family budget; it should be the universal one. BUY BOOKS! GIVE THEM AN OPPORTU? NITY TO INTEREST YOU! Children clamor for them?remember that, too! Whatever the toys that tempt them, how? ever ingenious their mechanical contrivances, they must have their books or be disappointed in their Christmas mood. F rom the nursery to their introduction to grown-up literature, they are al? ways reading. It is thus that they gain mo>e edu? cation, more knowledge, often, than from their formal schooling. More American history is taught to our boys and girls by the story-tellers who write for them than by the text-books?and more patriotism. The appeal to the imagination at which modern education aims is made unerr? ingly by such writers as, to name but one of very many, Lverett T. Tomlinson. And do not forget the steadily growing, purposeful and withal romantic literature of the Boy Scout and Camp Girl movements! OLD BOOKS, NEW BOOKS, AND BOOKS OF ALL TIME. Do not insist upon the newness of a book; neither respect books only for their age. lalk about books, and listen to the talk of others. It will help you greatly in making your choice of the gifts you are planning for this season, and it will help you in your own planning for that re? serve of perhaps as yet unrealized pleasure as well. Give thought to your book buying - and consult your bookseller. Shop early, give him time to give you his attention, talk freely with him. Every bookshop in New York has several good salesmen and saleswomen, held in great esteem by collectors and connoisseurs, and they are enthusiasts in their profession. Only give them a chance, and they will convert you from an occasional, holiday, book buyer, into an habitual one. And you will thank them for the service and its results. PERIODICALS AS HOLIDAY GIFTS. Here is a form of Christmas giving which is not nearly sufficiently practised. For children the choice almost automatically suggests itself? "St. Nicholas." For grown-ups the range is in? finite. Reviews for information, magazines that offer both belles-lettres and knowledge, periodi? cals devoted to the interests of women, to sports and fashions, to country life and the house beauti? ful. There are the weeklies. With us they are not so many that they need enumeration. And remember that to many a professional man or woman the authoritative organ of his specialty may be a necessary and yet a luxury not lightly contracted for. At this crisis in the world's history in the mak? ing, periodical literature has, indeed, become al? most indispensable. It supplements the news of the day, sifts it, and, in some measure, fixes what is likely in it to have lasting significance. And a year's subscription as a Christmas gift has the beautiful quality of being a gift twelve times re? newed.