Newspaper Page Text
WARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Recovery as Shorts Meet Substantial Buying? Dealings Small. RAILROADS FIRM; STEEL GOES HIGHER Less Aggressive Bearlshness? Wide Participation in Credit for London. Beearlty prices improved yes'erday ? nd the aggressive telling; that ha? marked recent ses?ions practically dis? appeared. The market opened a little lower, but traders found purchasine that appeared to come from ?trong in and c'lvired their ?hort eommit Reilroedt were firm, advancing ?Kin to a point or so ?n the day. ai.d some of the industria! ipccialties mad? ???ins ?if greater ex? tent United State? Steel, which had aeen ?o depressed on Thursday, rose a ?mint, part of tins strength being du? :o repurchases for the short account. Dealings war? ??mail, particularly in the afternoon, and the day's turnover fell below half a million shares again. There wai ?till nothing to indicate any important resumption of speculative latereet by the outside public, but the tone of the market was less bearish. An indication of this improvement in lentineat appeared in emphatis placed imong trader- oil rack part of the fore raatS of President Wilson's message as might be considere! favorable to busi r.!-s?. Better treatment for the rail toad?, it was argued, would form ?n inportant part of the President's ad :: ? MS, More g?ins In railroad gro?? and net Octebei came to hand yeeterday, r olable among them b?ing report? of lew Haven and the Norfolk & n. Announcement that public labsci tao Baltimore ?a Ohio Dond? had been four times the $60,000, ?urruslied another evidence nf t'ne improved position of the car- , l lines that furnish weekly .rnings showed a gain ? than 15 ;>i r cent over last year week? of November. This accumulation of favorable newt ? Ion industry, like the of expansion in do I'-netiting whole ia!e as well as retail merchants, is for ? i-tiy influencing the ? i-urities. Both have, ? he undertone of aa enabled price? to eels the bearish op ? -s influenced principal to be their . market's technical po ? tion. i art pnce? yesterday up trom a good fraction to a or ?o. In sume of those issues ? i '.here had existed fairly large gaina reached greater ? I specialties made improvement. Baldwin I over !?' point? high ? ? I was very strong in nd Allis-C'halmera la MMI made notable substantial ad t'nited Fruit, after an early Exceptional weakness d to NOW England ac . for Market purposes was, if myth il . call loans renewing? ?rer until Monday at 1 \ per cent, in itead of the 2 per cent of previous ses thc week. According to known ants an addition of , I has been made of local banking Institu? tions, some gain on direci " interior points, a favor i'ile as Sub-Tre??ury opera Si 5.000,000 of gold im abroad. angs waa a little easier ? arks continued under |l I drafts on London end . the pound, -?* of a cent ower With the formal I the $50,000,000 credit for London, it was made known that ?ome ;a?o iianking institutions jntry had participat? ed la ? modation. As another ?h'.I has be? t, ?sued for the proceeds of '.he A: loan, amounting to probable that there !?-,l further credit in no ? ? out customers across the . tins will read 'ranted a? collateral is proffered. -\\>.l<\(.> ?>l I III I KIHI \I ?? | 1st 1)1 i i i i i in BAUA I'i-i ? ?Batat* .. -r.trrcla. ? i-Ii,m? II?.?19 I?i-i . inl.rr : llS.'.IiS in,, ..?-. k naje, ut? 90o ?Int? ni ,ni li ?(? I Mi :?:? M mu . .104.125 naa fi>r o?e?as? . leaaei I ?w f,,r liilulier .106.425 11iart, for sr|,irnihfr.lit.91? LOW f.,r ?r|,lrmb?r.107.200 II ?h for \iiic'i?t .109. ISS l.,a? fur \incu?l .105.00* llifh for Julv . lOS.rWO latas for -lula .101.B18 l?Kh for ./mir .108.217 low for June . 10.V?B? IHrh for Mar .111.83S I o? f,,r mms .KM..1?0 High for April .11S.50S I..*? for April . 107.l?7 lligli for Mwrrri .10?.IOS Last f<?r Maeta . HUM Mi?h for Krt.riu-.rT. 106.758 Loti f?r r> ,ri;?r).IBI.ItS IIijcIi fur .Innimrr .108.821 low for January .IOS.567 BBSj-h Hi?? f?r. ISIS.121.?S3 I..?, lim. far. ISIS. 101.192 Hii?h. full ?ear. 1914 120.191 I ? aa ..ill >t?ar. 1914 102.009 .HI.HM.I. ?>K T1IK TRIBI VT? MST ??I TIH.MK IMII?.TRIAIr?. Ii'mnbrr 3. a emierdmy'e 8BBSO.. OS.SOS l?r.en,',.r ? . 9? 177 t)ee meek ?|o . 97.5SS On. o..,iilh ?a-o . 96.177 ?In!? V>. 191? .?7.417 ll'.ch for ?iiol.r-r . eS.70S l?.w !?? ??< tol^-r . ?144.1 II >?iti for BwaplOOBBHSf . 92.?00 laW? for -?ri>lrnai??r. BS.SOO High for Auguat . SB 250 l-?aw lu? AugutM. ?RIM Mlah for July . ?BOOS tetss tt,r Sots . So.tlB High t.rt j.,i.. . ss.asa l-*w ,"*r ?lune . 7S.SII High tu. Met . Mwe l^w isr M?, . 74 479 High for \,,r|| .' u llt ' "?? SSS '??rll . 75.S44 High for Mar. h .74.150? laWS for Mur. h ~i<<fti II,(h for IXiruar- . 7H ?it l,ow lor Iriiroarjr . ?O.S4S Hl(li 'or .Januar? 7*1.?,? low for Januar? .7?? 77B Hieb. Ihn? SjW, IBIS .90.700 La?*?, ?hu. laa?, ibis .?eets High, full ?rar. 191'.. BI.S4M Lew, fun r?-at?. ""*. ?7 4*7 r.?ainry Finances. Ti* >-'?-4Ulua et Urf 1 rijtwl r 1 *?? i I i " 4M l'?T I . . . reel 1? ?41 ?*?T ??i ,$,'???? ,, IW.M.a i u.? ??. y**.* 'ieo: uum ll"ii? NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1913. Total aale? of ?lock? Friday. 474,200, against fi.M.100 Thursday anil 5*?9,2t>0 a week ?go. Sto?rk Eirhange eloaed a year ago. Fr?im January 1 to date, 160, 618.400, against 48,186,10*) a year aso. rate Alaska Juneau.! 1,2?''0 Alaska Gold Mine?. 6,700 Allis-Chalmers . 4,700 Al?s-Chalmers pr. M00 Am. Beet Sugar.! 4.t?lU 'Snares Quota' 1 sold. Open. High. Loa I i 11-1? iTH 10*4 10*4 264 264 21 824 884 8114 824 79 83 4 TH 824 714 :i | 704 71 Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am. Am. Am. B. S. i F. ctfs. 100 1024 l(i24 1024 1024 Can .I 8,200 604 ?US Caa pr. 200 nu no Cnr A Foundrv... 1.600 784 804 Car A Foundry pr 100 118 119 Coal Product??. 2,800 1484 IBS A Leather. . 200 114 11*4 Hide A Leather pr 100 Ice Securities. 100 Linseed. MO Locomotive. 6,600 Locomotive pr. 400 Am. Malt pr. 300 Am. Smelting .| 12,300 Am. Smelting pr.. Am. Smelting pr A 62 ' ? 26 ?4 284 .52 4 29*4 n 4 674 1024 102*4 88% 354 97*4 994 600 1104 111 100 90 90 Am. Snuff . 100 188 152 Am. ?Steel Foundry. 100 81 811 Am. Sugar . 1.400 1164 117 60 4 110 TSH 118 1484 114 624 26'i 234 674 1024 844 074 1104 90 152 61 1164 Am. Tel. ?4 Tel. Arn. Woolen ctf?. Abb. W oolen .... Am. Writing; Paper pr 800 1284 128S. 1284 BOO ?it 100 48'i 100 114 Anaconda . 14.000 *-lT. Asso. Oil. 300 58*4 Atchison . 3,500 106 Atchison pr. 600 1014 1014 101 ' Baldwin Locomotive. 20,600 110 1124 IU' 50 4 48*4 114 M*4 58*4 10''. 4 484 41 4 114 844 184 1054 61 '. no 794 1J8 1584 114 524 26*4 23 4 69 4 1024 34 4 98 4 IU 90 IU 81 1164 1284 r.0 4 48 ? 114 66 ? 634 IOC 101*4 1124 Net ehge " - 1 ? l - ? l 4 14 As*. 11 * 4 4 2 Baldwin Locomotive pr. 100 1114 1114 1114 1114 Baltimore A Ohio.I 6.20o 934 4 Baltimore A Ohiopr...| 760 774 - Batopilas .Mining. 1,400 2*4 -- Bethlehem Steel. 910 450 ? Brooklyn P.apid Transit 1,400 80*4 7 Brown Shoe pr. 200 98 5 Burn? Bros. 100 81 30 Butte A Superior Cop.. 1.600 714 Cal. Petroleum. 2.400 25 4 Cal. Petroleum pr.I 500 55 93 774 2 4 475 90 4 99 81 72 s? 26 654 92 4 88*4 Bid. 104 2.V'? 32 4 884 71 102 614 110 704 117 l H il 62 26 4 23 1 88 ?4 102 % 84 14 884 . 4 1104 111 894 9o 150 155 614 82 1164 117 1284 494 41' 4 ?".1 11 - 12 864 - - 68 106 1004 4 1014 1014 24 1114 U24 in 1114 4 ? 4 2 714 108 111 M0 4 118 1144 114 53 274 23 4 694 108 88 - ? 14 4 ?>.i, ? 4 ?? 14 10 Canadian Pacific. 8,900 1824 1824 4 Central Leather. 7 < entrai leather pr... . Chesapeake & Ohio... Chi, Great Woltern . . . 4 in.. Great Western pr 4 (hi., Mil. & St. Paul.. 7 Chi. A North Western. 8 ( hi. A No. Western pr (hi.. R. I. A Pacific. .. 60 Chino Con. Copper. 3,000 (hile Copper.' 2,800 < olo. Fuel A Iron. 8,600 ( omp.-Tab.-Rec. Co .. 6 Consol. Gas, E. L. A P. 7 Consolidated Ga?. 6 Continental Can. 7 Continental Can pr.... Corn Products. 5 Corn Product? pr. Crucible Steel. 7 Crucible Steel pr. 20 9,600 594 100 110 1,900 624 500 114 800 684 2,400 034 100 132 200 174 400 19 4 53 4 25 494 235 42 luo 1144 37o 1424 100 B8 li n i 108 000 184 100 89 7,600 714 300 1104 604 110 63 4 11 -s 89 94 132 174 19 4 544 264 49 4 424 450 994 98 81 714 24 4 55 181 4 694 110 624 154 38 4 884 182 174 19 4 63 4 214 49 42 475 904 98 81 71 V 254 654 182 4 604 110 634 164 39 934 132 174 19?* 64 4 25 4 494 42 .16 ? 1 4 8 + 1 94 7? 480 61 994 82 714 1824 1824 93 4 77 4 24 470 90 ? - . 714 254 60 100 ?a 63 4 154 4 884 4 934 4 181 4 172 194 ?- 1 1144 1144 1144 4 14 54 2.-.', 494 42 ii :. 604 1104 684 164 98 4 \?,2 DM 194 54 4 25 4 194 II 111 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 2.600 164 Deere Co. pr. Del., Lack. A Western. Denver A Rio Grande. Denver 4 Rio Gr. pr. . Detroit Editon. Detroit United R. R... Distilling Securities.. . Dome Mine?. Diamond Match. 100 964 100 233 200 144 (?00 274 143 88 199 184 89 7.'! 4 1104 169 964 233 144 142'* 109 184 8'.' 714 1104 164 96 4 233 1 1: ? 274 143 88 199 184 89 724 1104 166 964 233 144 27 4 1484 .'?? 132 4 1324 132'. 1324 100 6,200 464 4,300 274 200 112 Erie .,. 16,40o 42 4 Erie 1st pr. 2.400. 674 Erie 2d pr. 200 504 6 General Chemical pr... 10 115 8 General Electric . 800 174 General Motors . i?00 460 7 General Motors pr. 600 114 Goodrich. B. F. 6.200 71 7 Great Northern pr. 8.m 125 4 Gt. North. Ore sub?.... 4.800 484 16 Guggenheim Expl. 5,300 774 Greene Copper. 300 44 4 5 Illinois Central. 100 108 Inter. Agricu!. 400 23 Inter. Agricu!. pr. Inspiration Copper.. Inter.-Con. 6 Inter.-Con. pr. Inter. Paper . 2 Inter. Paper pr. 10 Inter. Nickel . 4 K C, Ft. S. * M. pr... Kansas City Southern. 200 7,'.'.io 2.800 900 200 100 69 47 - - 1124 112 43 4 42 58'4 67 50 4 116 174 47,: 114 714 1254 49 784 444 108 23 564 45 4 68 464 604 116 1734 460 114 71 1244 484 77 4 i. 79 4 114 45 4 4 Kama? Citv South, pr.. m King* Co. LLiP_ Lackawarma Steel. Lake Erie A Western.. I.ake Erie A West. pr... 10 Lehigh Valley. 12 Liggett A Myers. .. . Liggett & Myers pr. Mackay Co?, pr. Manhattan .El.. 56 4 44 214 7:? 114 ?1.-.4 1,700 1794 189 . 100 6? 4 68 4 1,400 31 814 200 68 4 N 4 10 1274 1274 6.000 81 83 Vs 200 13 4 M 100 29 29 600 81 814 300 247 247 44: 108 23 44 214 79 114 47. 4 17!' I? 684 604 634 1274 81 13 4 89 81 24' 68 464 284 1124 434 684 504 115 174 170 114 714 12.-. 4? 484 774 444 108 28 45 22 4 794 114 4.7 4 1**-* 68 ! 2 814 127 4 B24 14 2!i 814 247 14 14 1084 184 -- tin - 89' 1104 m 16.-. 16" 854 215 46 ? 118 684 - 7 - ! - 8 74 ? 14 14 4 1 14 132 6!i 464 284 110 43 , 1144 1164 1744 1714 4.:'. 474 . 115 71 714 127. 1254 ;- 4?". 774 414 108 21 68 14 - 22 7'.?', 11 15 181 18 814 ? ' 824 13 4 100 1194 1194 1194 1194 ? 4 200 654 100 1304 Maxwell Motor. 8,600 Max Motor l?t pr. ... 200 Max. Motcr 2d pr. 800 ?'-'. May Dept. Stores. 700 62 Mav Dept. Stores pr... 200 106 Mex Petrol. 4.000 91 Miami Con. Copper... 1,800 33V. Mer. Marine pr...- 11,600 66 Min. A St. Louis.. 120 15 65 M 180? 74*4 99 '; 50 62 106 :,:i ?, 15 M.. S. P. A S. St. M... 200 1224 123 Mo., Kan. * Tex. 300 7 7 Mo.. Kan. A T. pr. 300 17 17 Missouri Pacific. MOO 6'? 65 4 130 4 714 98 62 4 614 196 '.?l 654 15 1224 7 17 641 654 744 66 5' 8 i 4 64 8 16 4 94 4 61 164 54 944 64 <i 16 4 137 664 15 123 7 17 64 64 77 Missouri Pacific ctfs...' 100 Morn. Power.I 1,80' - lit.! 100 1244 1244 1244 1244 Biscuit pr .' 100 126 120 126 126 Nat Cloak A Suit.. .. 200 90 80 80 Nat. Enam. & Stp. 1,200 284 294 2* Nat. Enam. * Stp. pr. . 100 Nat. Lea?!. 290 Nat. R. R. of M M pr 100 \>\ iida Con. Copper. . BOO N, V. Air Brak?. I4M 137 187 N. Y. Ce-tml.' 4.6'o *n]4 1024 1014 1024 N. Y.. N. H. A H. 3.700 754 764 744 77.4 Norf. A West. 2.700 U64IH74 1194 117 100 73 73 73 73 1154 1164 ? 4 + 24 1 14 2 4 4 4 ? 1 ? 4 4 814 242 118 ? % - 1084 ? 14 7. . 114 4'-, 1864 70 814 64 i 127', 83 144 32 82 250 120 66 1304 132 I i 99 4 lf>" . 624 ' 1054 107 ? ' . 664 II 17 1224 ' 7 74 164 i":,4 64 Ml 29 4 944 65 9 164 137 4 3 Nor'h American.... Northern Pacific. 2,900 1154 116 Ontario ' Silver. 1,100 Pacific Mail ex div. 4 Pa?. Tel. * Tel. I '?. Pe-in. R. R. 8 Phiia. Co. ' . Pitts. Coal. 222 Pitts. Coal pr. Pressed St "el Car. | Pub. Ser. Corp. of N. .1. g Pullman Pilaee Ct\r.. Ry. Steel Spring. ' 7 Ry. St Sp .pr. ex. div 15 Rav Con. Copper. 3,200 K Heading . MO? Rep. Iron A Stasi. 1,800 Rock Island.! 1.000 Rock Islafhd pr. Rurr.ely . Rumely ctf?. St. L. A S. F. || L. A S F. 2d pr.. 7 Sear? Ro? hick. .??ShefT. S. A I 7 Slos?-Sheff. S. A I. pr 6 Southern Pacific.j 9.90 4 64 12-? 41 ? . 1084 63". I 84 ' 10*? ? 64 ?' 42 4 H 864 1084 loo 1154 1154 tir 4 1164 loo i?7 4 167 200 4 5 45 4 46 100 1004 1004 H "' 81 48 4 \ 4 3 4 144 5 ' 400 200 100 200 600 500 17?4 1 254 814 60 ? 4 34 144 5 12200 200 So Porto Rico Sugar .hern Railway... Southern Railway pr 5 Studebaker . 7 S'udebaker pr. 12 Tsnaassss copper.... Texas A Pacific. Tetas Co., full paid.. 10 Texas Co. 4 Third Avenue R R In ion Bag A Paper.. t'nion Bag A Paper pr 614 97 1014 160 23 4 r.oo 159 l,2n0 234 200 624 62 500 1494 152 500 1124 1124 1114 1114 HI 1 ? 4 3 4 144 44 6 4 1724 60 ??7 994 117 22 4 - 1674 1004 ?1 - 60 N 4 84 144 44 ? 17.', 604 97 101 158 23 4 ?'.2 4 1614 1,900 564 674 100 144 144 100 210 210 5,300 2074 213 800 614 614 300 7 4 7 4 100 274 274 .'.*', 114 21" 2074 ? i , t? Si 57 144 210 212 614 74 274 ?te?aSAS::::::: ?W, 6 United (near of Am... 200 14 9% 94 8 ? 7 United Cior of Am. pr. 200 n7* If ?4 If 1594 150 19 264 117'? 8 rr,it?'d Fruit . 10,900 15? Ir.ited Ry. Invest, pr. . 100 39 99 FJ S. Cast Iron P. A F 190 2.r?4 214 Ind. Alcohol.' 4,600 1174 122 4 4 C. S. Realty A Imp....' 200 42 42 I 9. Red A Ref. pr...: 109 14 64 ? S Rubber .! 2,400 544 114 S Rubber lit pr.... 100 1074 1074 U. 8 Steel . 91.800 844 894 7 U. B. Steel pr. 600 1164 1154 1154 1154 40 Utah Copper...,.' 7.500 774 7841 774 T94 42 34 54 4 1074 844 1604 69 25'a 121 i 42 3 4 hi; ? % l 24 - 4 l 4 4 -. - 4 ? 14 . 14 4 * i - % . 3 ? 4 4 ? 2 4 1 M - 14 I | 14 ** 4 . ? l Va -Car. Chemical, a Va Car Chemical pr. Virginia Iron, C. A C. Wabash, w. I. ??.?bash pr A. Waba?h pr B. Western Maryland... 6 Western 1'nion Tel.. 600 46 4 46 i?> 46 200 1134 1134 1134 1194 ? 100 900 2.700 2,200 100 300 Wettinrhnuae Mfg.! 7,100 Weolwor'h A 14 E. 2d pr...] 60 ' 164^ 454 28 4 814 R?l ?74 60 M 46 294 814 88 684 60 164 454 28 4 814 874 674 1144 1144 114 100] 641 64. 64] 90 M 454 29 814 874 994 1144 641 7 ; 124 4 125 79 294 94 944 186 1174 73 64 ? . 108 45 '?. 14", 4 4 64 172 4 97 101 17.7 63 ill1-. i 1*4 . 914 7 - 274 - f 1044 94 114 150 4 99 . 1214 41 3 4 54 4 1074 M 784 4-'. 1184 99 164 454 284 814 B74 111 64. 1284 294 96 194 !02\ 754 1174 74 1164 it l". 1164 168 404 ' 1 . 1744 61 8f 1014 112 *4 .-?7 4 if 4 212 98 7 4 . ' - . - Iff ' 151 11 122 4 - . 1164 784 4? 4 1194 - i II . - as - . 1144 6 4 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. '.AI. RK.-tRVE 1'ISOit ?.T RATT?ro? i In trn dar? or lu?. S fr cen: : op < ;? - i AI.I. MuSKY oprowl at I \ par t?nt. hi??.'?:. - ? , I \ Set ?? ? -?<-.? r,11??.. : ?. sm ? i - TIMi; M'lNLT ?a? U'll.t Rafa?. :v- pair r?r.t fur a*atj Saa* --,?<-?? p?r ?-?>?.t f-w r.i-iatj laja. 1% pwr aw IH BW M - . |W (??it fur ??? mi ..' ,? rrxi rarn ?.. ? i its? I i ? a. -. . . ? I.1.AU1 O HOI SI T?IA ? la ..??'. ? I B1 *?rw 1 I a? (I froia . ?taaa I ri?j i ??' ?? r KATl.S I I.-: .?- ? I. up iv I , . . ? ;-?r cci,t. - ?. IP 14 ?M .? , . i . ? ...... ? i up u> i . I ? ? ?MQ d?j? i . I ? ? i Ia Mi ? . i i?, - 4 . > . i 4 |??r ??lit, M: . ? ? . .'? '- r.? M - I : ? -...-., -. i . ? . DOME8TII l.X' lIAN'.i' ? M eS* 14 . I. n l.AVK ? l.r.AKlNiiS. - Baltlmn f ? ? ? . ? ? . ' ? i . I? SIX? EB MAKKIIT H?r ? ? -w ??a .. -, . Mi . . ... - . i . h am,i ?tarHna and irai ? ? .... I I Bill? god i ? ?? ? '-? -**"' er? . ?:? , Sat? l.i ? ? ? - ' STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES ,:iisto\ ???in Kg Ml.M ?'. lea - If . ? tu ? ? ?f.. TI . ? a Arli . ? . . . I.*.' ?. . ? ? . * a a - ... , > al? 14S 1->V? . ? ? ?. 5 'a ? - < 11?? . . - 1 ?> ? . IS a . ... - ? ?i < . i I ? . I.i Wolvefli hah I 4.7 ?: ' ? ? ? II ? M Weal En i ?l l;> M ?? mi? I.! LaXBOl ? ?IBaeSMM . - A ? -?enthalt 17? i? New Eng Teli ? 1... ? Bu? hola ? ? ? W ? .: uton \*.y . I KCMftB in- r.? 73 :: ?? ?. :?;? ? ?'? ? 4.0UU W? ?r.a dividend. Bxtari-aa ctnta ? ? ? BM A.?k., i . . V ? H ? ?? i? e% :. ?TVt ?44 MU IM K?a ?1 ?? 44 n ?s Mi : ? . ?s ?. v. ? 1'? 1. IMt - I ?< i 3 . ? ? 14 Hi ? : hlef i on? i-V i ? \ Me? MetaH i 'hlo ?- - i-i 11 PHILADELPHIA S? ? 00 Un MiKIn*. , I So i lo do i ? ' 'I Hrlll. ... > ?'?i I .. t . Oh V? - , o pi .'i ? i ? ? .<? i . < . -:i 4 ? -, 177 I "i I W - t: i -. ??', llu\H i ? I at, Oaa a El as I a ? ? ? ?- IM ? i Ha?? I - .... BT0CK8. tat*. I???. ? ? - i ? . - ? . ? ? RALTIMOR1 - rO( K>. ? ? '* i .-, ill ? ? . ? ? ? ?" I ? ? i. * . i ? -, ? . ?? ? - . ? , . < HICAGO >Ki? hv up?, A in 1: ?M . v H ?im i r. ?? atea a ni', 113', 144', taat ; j; ?? 77 S II It. I K?,ll STOCKS. - To A m u ? ?. ? a .-. ? Pell? i. nigh um lea 31 '. II 1? U ?aU IS*? '-?. ? ?7 31 < . I 4' ? . CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Moderately Active Dealings in Some of the Industrials? Coppers Irregular. The volume of business done on the Rroad Street Curb yesterday vvas re? duced to soni" extent, sheen trading in a few of the war or,!'-' moderately activo. Submarine Boat was a leader in the trading, and im? proved 3 points, clo ?? best The Marina i red itronget ii. quiet deii.mL'?. the eOBBBSOn aihancini OTOS ? I") Bl spd the preferred a sub? stantial fraction. American lateraa tional Corporation made its appearance for the Brat time, being dealt in at 10-1. I'nited States Light and Heating Cor? poration common and preferred each improved a fraction. Irregular price changes developed among the oils. The !i?t penerally ant . except Pierce Oil, which trat heevily dealt in aad closed a point down. Ohio Oil gained 3 and Prairie Oil and Gas and Standard of California i.'ich - points. Standard uf New Yon: lost 3. Mining stock-; were rather dul. and prices in the more prominent cop rreg n he i Baltimors & Ohio i per cent beads ended a small fraction lower aftei large dealin?:. INDUSTRIALS. Total ? ? \m In? Osq 1"? Ml ' ? Mil Zln<- . ttVi ? ? ??-, aa a .-. .v a i m 'tm V>0 rl.i pra?f... ? ; i 4". w? Ml II-.V r?* nrd t-r u : ? Ul 111 111) 111 ' -'. . ? ? - ", S t% ? lier Mot. :?'?, V) 7*'t 10 \I i' va I!.. l.ri !.. 126 ? ? ?'? ? 1*4-01 ? ? . 179 1 ?' i i irHDeCi I , ? - ? ? 4o "Ho-j .VA? M !?- M I.MO ?l . , U - ?Ir- Mr- Mai It-Vi KS W i ' i i m * . j.r-r . . ?: ira M-K ? ? ?.700 *?ni i ". tt-kj t ??? Kaihoiilon H ; ' . ?? :.- ? -< ? ko w I .... :i 4*. 74 ?ate] nu,ne Or?.. 11-4 1- 111* H?? Boni i ? . "'?? ?Um? . - ? m . H ?? M ' ' < ? Man ... 1* 1-, 1% I of ABB ?,\ .?>? - ?'?' nlm M mit 1? M-? M-sj 14 ? . ? .-? ? .. ne* ?? N V Tran? . U " , 1 M i j ? ata HCtri . , S ". '. , ?? . I i i - | , ?. 14 , | itfa. 4? 4'?, a? I . -i 34 !t M - ? i Prof Shi ? B U 4 H i . ' . ' . I . ? I . ? s-? ni ? .'. pcrten? I ? ? ? ? -l UfDARD o?l. BUBSIDIASm ? ?* .:.!'!.. H] 111 ? ' ? Il. ? 171 Il 17 II A- '? ' P :. ? ? 'Il of livl ? of N I f ??? Y MINING. ? ? Min 13 12 ? 4 4 I l'a Ml . 3'? ? ?? neck 1 i" M n"' ?n,, N.v-flal -S ?', ,', A, 1.(700 ?? El i r '? l :3 i ' i a . !-. !?"? ?i . ??? ? lier ? , ? r . Min... . 3'? r, V. 1.19? ?tint . 1 1-32 l.-? . ' . ?-? ? ? . ? i . ?? epp? ? ? ? Mil . -, 4 ? ??, et! ?M. Kln l'?r M . ?"t 14 '... ?? Mol '?- ? ih Bins 3', n\ t% 3S ? '. ?'? s l'-r Min I , I ? ' ?? .. x ? IT la " ? mio. m 7 7 . : i-, A % i 1 ? ? ? BONDS. ; ? l.iwi ; - . '7- i. ni ?I nlliiral tSelI? r?ni? pet aaOfl :i.i dlfl-lan.l INACTIVE YESTERDAY DtOCl ritt ?U lali F! aisaaa i "?. ? . ? ?? of. I is MINIXti ... - , . ' -a . I . ??A 37 Toi . ? '? . ?th. n '?? 'mu i. , - ? .-???- B? . BROST TERM NOTES. Seme aa I .'-.?? i i \ ? - 3 n -, ? "7J I . ' ? . ?I I.M ? '. i ? . ! ? : . ? a l Pseelga Coaernment leeas \ . ? t - ? - i < V . 4 .1 M? . -, . - . , ' - W i ? ? . . ? I ?1 -? MU TORR cm HUMS. Mi- A.k ? ?i ' . ? i ?4 I ? . 1 ? . . I ? | ?? . M - ?? ?4 . . . | . ?? . . I ?: . ? . ?? . ? ? . . - . SI??] ?I ?' . WA? I- SS...... I ? ' . ? 14 4 t? II . 4.11 ?3',. IBM . MO . , ?? ? -. .'! ',? i')upLa fi ?upun ? ? BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1915. Trading in bond? on the New York Stock Exchange Friday amounted to ?1.387.000. against $4,238,000 Wedne??<ay. $4,462,000 a week ago and $1,481, Frum January 1 to date. $830,538,000, against $429,262, 000 P00 a year ago. in 1914. GOVERNMENT BONDS. I 44* . I -I- .. . ? :j .In 1914 1 ?KM) S34 2.000 . 1 ?VO h.?.!? a a m ?a 1.00? Kan i i*> So i* II ... ? ? I <!.. 4-?i l?t>0 MUNICIPAL BONDS M a? -? I . ? * rrt ?u 4? ,? 1?W . . ?.-00 .. \\>S? 200? ,io .?4? II ? Ket laset 3?.0V? 3.001 Lisa Lau* Ml la 1S11J 1.000 il? 1?>%0 Laclrilr 0 of Si I. I ooo . ?I?. r:g .*?? 1 ?"?? RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOUS. loi S ??:* MS tan *** L*x?*' i*"!? Uli MLl 7.000 *430r MS ?j. ?S lo-jo Mil 104 ?? Aa Ag ? ? 4 * ? A, I. ., Am l - . ? tint aa ? . lib-?? . i - it; ? ?*i 4 ? I Lrti Val con 44* : wo I'M*.**'!' |:iArf| ?ttj* ?rB I^h . f N I 4V,? lawn | oij.j ? ,* a? M :i : ?un lean i.-, ooo ?J.i g .1 44? 4 ? 00 ?.?oo lo.?S : ?Mio I-'-1? Una la .1 in. 4a lo2S l.oOO . IS1 ? I...'-...?!*! it 5* 1?W .... 101% 1014 limo . ... ioi>? loi?, lois luis iHlS lia ttxitc t a t .%? m i.?**?. .... WS l'Mi.i aas ?S? let ' ii.?.'? ISSH d? |?nl *S* t*niP ou .1? ?.?"?O . 1"0\ ??V. 7.04*0 . s??., ;,i?io IK"-? ? ? . i'w> ?J *. ?-' of C ta ?4 l "OS 114 ?j Plus ? ? a .xi L 4 4? at-r B 94?, 1 ?00 .101S I*oc*Ji?.i.i** toll J* ?3 S. 000 19 Port II? 5? 19:?o 12?0 ?-''Of ?3S Pub M*r o? X J a* 11.000. M Bay (?xi Cop ?la S 00? .'\ 1.000.1-* M?tj Raadu.t tenl 4* ?,?4 ?-OO? .? ?J lai 5* 100S ??s ooo i.tioo . i ? ? i . s do ? 101V? 2.000 MS Repul?.i.- Iron a Sirvl 3a loos mm ? M*4) 3.000 ...... . ?7 i;m Rio ??r Wrat lai I* ?tjg 1 000 .734 .1?! 1 000 do coi 4a 1.OV0 . ?I ITVa SI L lr Ml k ? i* - t - il?* r??-1?l*r*4l MM lois I<". k Xuli uiiiaaxl 4. 7.000 N t.000 .?4S ? :i dn m Loul* 3? 1.000 . ?2 ? . Mai-.i.a? Ry 4? W dl? 1.000 .?'"? Ml. '. . .: *. la reg?'?! * 1MI B.MI 104 r i a r 1st .? .UM'? ? F .-n 5j 101', loi-? MU MS >4S I de n ?< - i ? ? ??. ?. ? dspad > ,, l.oo? - . A'. .. . i. il - 4? ?.ooo t C L lai cou ?a ? or. * . . i, a x ?i Baldwin I/?? 9* P 1 IS* I . ?? .i.. rf| li - i !.. ?leu 3a 4?4 I 47 .M Il ? - a ?i i m 1..3S '? . ,1M J.OOO . 104 Minn k St L S* l.OO'i II h. A Lut S* l MO . ?J : K a T *n s* 1.000 do lu 4a .-S.000 o.OOO do M 4* 4.000 *30f. . . lll.OOo .654 .'.000 *30f I 000 *30f l.Oou io.o? 134*4 Mo I'?. ?ou >'* ? -, M 13 M ?S ??s ?; ITU 11 lift ?os ?g 3?S 1 l.?"Kj do ,00 V, ?' i 1 . | ? ' "a .004 M 4. 0*1 A s. '. h ist ? . i v - rt| 4v,a ' . . . H*? ts 1.009 . l.??S IIS IIS 5 ooo do Truat ?o ct.'a ?.ooo . 1.000 do 40 rr 4? 12.000 . ?4.00?). do Truat Ci ctf? *tp?l 10.000 .100 1.000 .1004 dt. Baal ?a 2.VO0 ..HO do sa 1931 1.0.111 IW? Truat Ce ctf? slawprd ' ' do rfg 4a Truat Ot eu a stasap. le,??? St I. Su:. I?t 4? 10.000 ..... ?OS St 1' M k M 4? Moi.ta..* rit l.0?0 . ?* s* Pria k s P 3s MM . I ? . Air i. ? rfg 4* 1.000 . 74 ..cou . US do a?Jj 3a 1.000 . T0?, ? 000 . 70S 14.000 . 70 no U?.: T a T 3a 4 0?l0 . ??S 4 oon ? , . 0..?1 ... , 1...... Bo l'a. 10. *'. . 14 0.|.i . 1.000 . 9.00? . ,-,00? . do 4? 4?S ' ??s 914 1194 .National Tuba 3a i.? . ?r l'r 3? l'JII 1 n??) .8?S 4 .o'/0 . 9*4 . s 4.11 8 ?? ..191' ft ?4?, ?oos1 MM :o ooo ?t 000 4.000 . <lo ? 4* 8.C0O 12 000 . 3 000 5.000 do ?o? 4a 10:441 1000 *30f 103vJiSoutli*rn Rj *.* ? 19 S ?04 I6S 1 * a30f . ?1?. ??umiMir.and T 3? ? - ? . ? , ?u'j r.i* fui p-i IIS | ! | l l'Jl? lop, a? Il <i Imp il N 10.1S loJ'a I : ??-? m? t ?',? ? . . ? 1 . . . -? l.O'IO ?'. B R T i pc n loo S 100s B ... ISS I . S31? 94 ?a ri ? , :, l'?l 44? Mi 4 7a . Is t? - Il ? ?? ? : A 4. ?r.- H ??-.i, X ? . 1- I, X .17 ?.- 'lrb 3a .103 a 1 .lois 1 Ml lo-. ... -. itamp4vl . 1104 78 ris* 7? 7? 10.000 5 OOu 10 . jo > ? ? t dafe ti l'.ooo . UM, 111 ??.ooo nan ivoo.i 11*4* ???oo . 110 ni do rfg 44* n.OOO .1.1'?i 11.000 . t?S 45.000 ...... MOj do 4a 1IM 5.0'je ... 10 000 .... 1000 MM ? o' do rfg 34* 3.000 SSs t? ?.'. 92 4 114 H ? ? of d?*p.r.|t .- ?S :os - f? rs*4 ??s do I 2.(.00 3.000 do tfa 2.0'") do M C 2,'roO do l?t 4? 2.000 -ju N T ?'?mur? tli.g R>? 4'vi MM IS v x 11 a 11 ?i osa ?.4? ; ''i 72 X V k yiir?v.? IJlec L?t k Powrr 3? 3.000 ... 101 N T R?y? rfg 4* 74'i s?, 000 4 do a<1: '1 ' 1?3 l.OOfl 102S 14.0'H) N 7. Tri ?*? ?9S L.O'W Il . rf| 3* Srr A ?s'?rt, * w I"'1 ?? I Ca ? . |.. m 111 ' > i? . 7? .. 764 . 7?. liu-ome Sa 31S 1 1 ... 314 11% 1 ? ... r'g ?, ->\ HI li')4 Indiana titaal .4 lil do ?on 4? :? -?? . r n.10 ?.000 do dl?I 4a 4.?v,?> 7.000 North Partie 4s 2.009 . '? . no?* a'of *? '. MU I: p 1 ? Cop ta I nn? 1409? 14.000 ? I" niM) . ?h . 000 1 009 ' Or;*?rlo Tr?Ul? 5* 25 000 1 00.1 102?. 3.0?0 loi do 4? 4.000 . ?OOO -. 100O .14 T?-ia? (o..-. >? 10.000 . '.?5 Toi A 'i C ??? '? 1.000 . fol Si I. k W 4? ? 1J.HJ "? US] l'a.- lit 4i 3 0. , ?TS 2 0"9 ' ? . ' . 4l 1.0'H ?50f ... 13 4 d? rfg 4a f S ll.'a:t)T a I 3? 7' j Vn R R .?? S f U 4' ? M ? ? V S II'.' '?r '? . a . - ;? ? . ? 1.0'M I ? O.'.l ? - II 00?. <_ 4.9?lO I - ? 3 000 1?'4 ? 1 000 Va ? ar i"hrm i>? lt% 13.000 101 !r* ,! M tIS Va Ir?.n C a c '? i.o<*o ..? , Va A s*n con 5* 1.000 MS a*aba 4 OOO : m do rfg ?? Kqt raid 2.000 .?np?d - - l?t ?a ? r I Tr rtfa y;.M9 4'. C"0 M 000 .In 1 "'um Tr rtf? I ooo W?' 1 ?v-trtc 3? 4 000 . IS ? . satt ? I 'Ihlo c.m 3a . . ?9 ? 1 O'l.i 10 IM I * 4? ? ... 774 ' rfg 5? 754 H <? 1 Ml ? 444 444 ? q . ?? ? 1 ? C Caa tat a I ? ? i,t V astaro 4* - '. 74 ??', ? ? . 1 . : KIM let la ... 9? riftnpt ??'? 2s reg 1930. Sil ? .?? Tr Ce ?ft .," ?* ir,.,n .,, 2s coup 1980 la reg 1?1? ? tit 6* 7.'mo ' -. T- r l I ? a ' I i. ?. '? 4? Wrat Mar) a- 1 4? Or A r?l lat Si * nr^ II on?) . . .. tt?S fr? ' ' Ion ?4? Or S Un* rft 4' 7.O09 . 0"'? Wra'?' ?- ?Ii.? fu S 009 O1 1 ?09 1W 1909 .. . !>?"? ?1?. >t '? repti ' 1.900 ?SOf ,.. "2*. I? .?O ?? 1 mm ? ' n*?*i? '?".? ' Or W It R A X 4? ,?? III 000 V7 1 0n0 IO.'; Pa Ifle .'?.a.?' 'a Wn? Shore 4? 1000 N t 000 MM GOVERNMENT BONDS Yesterday. Thursdav. Bid. Ask. Bid A<k. .99 4 '-'',:? . ???' 99 .1014 iom .1014 DM4 ,109 H 11"4 1"'.''-j 11"4 ,110 no . 99 98 98 KM4 ? 1014 ? 3s coup 1918 . 4 ?? reg 192? . . . 4? coup 1925.. s 2? Pan '3?5 reg 2s Pan '38 reg 3s Pan '01 reg. .1014 Si Par. '?il coup I'M 4 INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid and ?? Bed prices for stocks which are lisi i bat which were BOt dealt in on the Stock Kxchange Friday: A.a?.| Bid Aak i I tr 117 IM r W1 .. i < ... 2??? - ;.;*.' Hi? SS . ?? : ' ??' ;. ? -i \ ? r...... i ism . ? . ? , M a. . . Manual B?? I m? .114 10? a I. I . " ?4 t: . ?. ;? |Mlrli ' ?? ? i'; Il M f. - ? I. : ? l . . - . -.1-I-jL---a| ; ? ; . . . u??*.i i. : i ?,i it pf 117 11'. Morria A K? ?1 ll'i . ? . .-. i Bal : I lio vat c a a in ''??? N?I I/I.I pf IIJ 114 h t c a m i. 4'1, 44 ? -i ? -, HI . ? ? ?.4 m ?? i Deck 14 l?H .. i i ; ? il.i ataf 11 4t ? i i pf it? Hi \ i :.*?? m '? ?-o\ ? ...?,.- t; , Niirf a w pf ??; us ;MiT4ll M ?? ? LP? i I l??t 11 1J'4j I r- . f?a? A <' i: . i ?, ? ii' r c a at L i ?. i . ? ?. i N ?? ?? ! IS < 114 do III prrl I ? ? ? . ? . i ?a . - r M .?? ? , ? ? .' ? !i 4:S ,\ ?i i ?? i ?. 41 '? - . ? IH '. : s ? ? I ? . 1**4 ? : 4'l 41 . ' ? ?', da .1 , ' 4 ? ?? pf.l?S 12n\ > I ? . ?IM ?-' i*P t-t Tr lent?! m i t L * W pf 11 It I 4 '?-.: i R ir M f"1-? ... .. i.. Jis -.-? r a i * w ? ? i. \\ II- ? ;-w a.? 90 .'... erel IB1 lio II i l: LAP ? ? Clear.. I ;.?,,,.. Il<ark V 113 da |i' ? ??. ' 121 I? :: I . imiPAl It 4? ? II I A II ? ? . k Pow. 49 4? , ? I 1 4? fret UM l ? loa? Im Irai i fnl Mil nrrf. II 41 ? I . Wi-ym? Uni 7'? da p ' II] II? ?DM ?4 Waalworth |.' U?S ?14 Wru? At? ?V !?! p-rf || I? r IM 111 ?at, i>? 'r.1 M 4? ? ', ?I1 i? iir.r 2?0 IM ! ? , Sa prrf 1UH !13?t Braden Has $537.534 Surplui. The annual ieport of the Hrsden Copper Company covering operation! ? !,,r ths vear saded August 31, 191.'?, itarday. showed a net rperatiac profit of $1.258,170 and to ? proiit? of il.''. 1-1,210. Undivid-d for the ye?r wa? $o3?,.SS4. | ? as of AuiruBt 31. 19U. aniuuntiiij? to $0,809. Copier produced last year was valued nt 14.126-040. ren resentta* 30.2:?2.o-u pounds, at 13 W08 cents a pound. _ _ RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BOND3. . yirt.d on a p. rent a?? lull Ma Rat?, turl v p ? Atlantic I'oaat Un* . l?M-'a 4 44 Baltlmor? A Ohio.IMS-'M l'-j Burr. Horh a rut? ?"ar.aillan r?clfle 1911 Care Clinch * Ohio I9M I . ,k ? A 1 'U> ..WIS-'M 4'j Chi? <* N'orthweetern I ? 1 11 Ind * btxjlavlll? I tl?-" a n-, Chlc St Ia>uI? A N 0.191?-'24 5 . ... Cle? i' ?' .V Ht La*a*iB..ltl?-'3S I..... I>?iaaaar? A i'uleon. ISM I?*... ,. rema... ????' -H ? ?, I, Ho.-king VaJlejr... IttS-'M M Ullnola ("e-nlral.IMS-'M ?VS. Ix-ulaatlle A Naaha-l.le I91S- ?3 6. . Mlaao .'I Km, A T>i l*IS-'a 6. MlaBO iri I?*. IB? 1911 - N v I vnttal Un?? . ? 1 7 Norfolk a ?Testera. ? ? , N V. N II A H?rt . uas-'a ?i l'?nn ?lenerel Krel?ht ??:??. .3 4-4?4j Pt Uul?. lr M * So.. IM<-'M 6. t-i-alioard Air Un?.. . 1S|<-T3 I..,. ?rn Railway.. .. Itlt-'M Su-.tlirrn Pacific. Virginian I ?llway. 1 nid. a?v 4 40 4 2J 4 4.'. 4 ? 4 M 4 37. ? ? ' 4 I ,4.1! 4 ? ? 4 .' ? 4 . ? 4 H ' 4 . 4 ? ? ? a 44 6 '-* - I. ??14 4 3? 4 . 1 ? - 4 -' ? ' 4 4-14 ? ? < . 4 n ? n 4 ? ? ? 4 ? ? 4 4 4 ? PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES M F I. * T pf 4a lia? A ? Im M |-& do pr?f... 70 Un da? a I 16 ? n o i, & r usa do pr?f.. II Nor Pf? Pew 3? do pl?af..... M ' >zar!< }? A w ? ST. PtM OSO A I Mtt I ??? Hid Am L A T. ?70 do pr?f....lOO Ul Adir Kl IV. W D M ;>'et .70 75 ?Am ?1 * K '? ?tie l-rrf . 4?V| M Am I' A I. * ? do -.r-' Ani Put. ft ?7 41 ?to 1 rrf. . 72 76 Am M. ,v K. I t do par pf 17 21 So toi 1 ral 57 ?1 Cltle? ?Jer? 47 w du irrf. .. 7? 7S <?oi Petrer.. 26 10 d?r pr?f.... K 100 C P H A L I7%i ? ? ?o 1 r?f.... ?4 M I-'.aK *n I? '<S?4j tf-t Cn I? A B*? 47, El ?.i n rf 7o ? do i.t 1 - - 4 E 111 A I pf ? 102 ? Itah r-a-ur . 1? Kmo !> B 6? 7IA, l?-4j W??tern row?l7-, do rref... :t ,j? mrmt., .. 13 K?d U A T. 10 14 ?l'ar ?alu? 150 Aeft t? Kl 25 15 M 41 ? R?P Kv A I. Il I do pr?f. il So CM M... 77 ?e iT?f. w | ?Sun <; ?. K -i, I *do prtf.... 2Sl? T Ky -I. A H 10 do pr?f .... 44 22 7: M .?? 9-4j 11 H?? ? : ? Vj M DIVIDENDS DECLARED. T?rm Am <'ar A ?"dry g do pr?f g c 1. a na ? toi pf g f U A B l?t 1 f Am I???? Si.g M g ?Am lira??. S?d O?? A Kl pf Muako??? (1 K pf g Mav |i?pt Hta pf. g t'nlon Tniat i?o . g ?r Stfc r?BS S H g Manat? Bufar pf. g H.? R?v BY h Lan g Safrty Cer M I.? Ii;??r?ii:'. Kand (f J I faa? Th pf.. ??anadian l/oro pf B ?t Rf pf Thompaoa Htarrwlt R?' V. IV r l-?-Rj l\?i IV"? 4% *r< IV?. l't*. l'uvabl?. Jan 1 Jan I Jan 1 |v?o SO I'?a ?1 Dec M Dec is Rrrr.rl ilat? D 11?.- !" 15 I>?, Dai ['?? r<o? % a i-a,*. We Ml Jan. 1 1. Dea? Il r> . \*c 1. Ilia- 13 I a?.? 10 Jar.. J?n Dec Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan I'r, Dei Dot ni ?1.. .-. . > .j -a.j 1 au c?: ?tua. CONSOLS HIGHER? LONDON QUIET Shipping Shares, Colonial BoBdj and Rubber Stocks Active if London Market. London. Dec. 3. Foreign Mitj'staa* Sonaino'a itat? merit regarding Gr'?*? :n ?he Italian Parliament yetteriT* gar? to-day's itock ni..rk<?t a t*?!! ton?*. Conaela improved, but buii??!! generaKy u ??.?;.., ??Q bond? an.l ipecialties moit activt. l?a feature of the trad:!,?; ?.., ?n tiirta of ?i point? in Cuban Ports Con?!!?* Katars and rubber and shipping ?^?i; were and lirm. Contolt e}Z^i 4 higher at 98; the new war loui? higher st 97 4. ? American s-curi'ie? were dull tit ?agginif. in I rut pa thy with New y|r|* but reports uf further ?urge aal?. J bonds wen.' contirmtd. The Rank of England bought ft***, ir. bar gol. ,000 itLJ ? r? Ifna to Spain, ??30,000 for S**?i America and earmarked a' 100,000 f? Egypt. Money wat in better is?***, i id ?1.?count rates were nclinedta t?. I 70 Ii, and cli .' ,,n BtM. purchases. Frei ,-,. tdvit^i ihsrply. Monej i to 4\ ?,r cent. Diacounl .?-or, ?J.? three month?' bil . per tant Gold premium a ?, as Paris, Dec. :?.. Trad rig was doll H the Bourre to-day. I ... per e?|t rent.? closed m ? l fraact? centini? - I ; .ndon, * francs '?0 4 esnl -J LONDON CLOSING PRICES. .. ? -. n \ \ Catata ?eaHn? ' *? ' - ? l Caar t onaola nnsnay... M TV lirulah 44, _ ?7S _ I . 11'? <? I ? , ... P.. M N sj ._, I'enver . 1 . 41% ? , 4.1^ i;n* lit tr. . ? 1 , ? , lllinol? ?'entrai. . Ill ?' IMS l? .'.% .4 Naih. ..113 , ? Mo. Kan a Tea.. *% N m s y CaatraL. . s s Norfolk a fful. IM ? ?reel l : *, lala ? U% _f ? ? *? s e.iiith^rn R?. |?4 t _ 4 ? S t'nt'.n P? ? ? , r?% -it. ? '? "4 I ?i ON THE CONSOLIDATED Prisas str?agthei dated i I'nited -plyfrtt? it? lowest ard o^enii ?? ? ' notaslr frong. tonel ' ? t4!d win Loe under 11i>4- In 1 hest ?a? 1 - ' 1. Interbor? ited ret? to --4 ?TOI U l?rn'?* op* rt Alaska ? ? ? 1 1 ' * ? ? MS ?? . ? ? ? : 1 v ? . ? ??? m .... ? .... < ? ... 4.. ? ? ?o Oilno I . ? ? ??t an . ? . ? . * '. ? 11 1 ? n ? ? ? ? ... ? ? ! ?? ? 1 I ?1 TV ? ' ' ? : - J < . . ? tubbef 1 ? ? , f;i MINING MS Atlanta ? ,? ' ? ?" ?HP1 ? ? S ? as 51 O II I . . -. - DAILY LMPOKTS AND I \TORTS Dnll. in? si -?? of pa eral merchii:: I ? ' - of WSM Toril were: ?i rriAay, Pee s. 1 ? . "-r *. ? ,.-, ?y. ? ? ' ? ? ? ' ? .'. '. ... ? ... ItMt** ? " itssas s???lisw ? ? . N Sov .1 Nov ?JO?.*-? PUBLIC UTILITIES No p . '? ?? ?r**** to tl? ? .. -' ? ' t t**' r ? ? ? IbS ?SS *"' Mr w M I ? ? -? ? ,,rr 1 . . . ? . ? Tais . . ? . 1 met? re* views tnat Th? F aa tl ?or141 ? ? Send tor Copy rhe Financial World 18 Broadway, New York. AJ? WALL STREET m? DOW, JONES BULLETINS & TICttB Investors read THF. WALL STREET JOURNAL DIVIDEND NOTICES. .^ m 1111 1 111 m -nn < i?Kr??n*T,tY'' V.ti.e ..f llitidrnit t.n rr,f?rrr,l M ?>*??, TL.? f...mi, lr..talim?nl of . \ P?* l.**t ? f tl.? .--?.ii l'.r ('?11? I?.?:.l?'iJ mmmm\ : m?.11 1 ha pralarreS ?t,,<*afT Sethi?-! Bl? t'orporatle* on Jana*" ? I ?. .. ??..:: t.? payable on JakBuarr mt ?1?. t.? ati.i-lihel.1era of r?e?*r.l at J ocia? I' M ? H II JONF.S, fnawawsn Dated 1" i?15 ?? iMKIUCAN CAN COMPAVfT^, A ?laxtrr:? .llrl.fl .1 ,.| on* ?II?! U r**_y?Mg| ???.I up??o th* ri"*,''r"*\?47| ' ? ? ' : .?.t ? January t?t 1*'???. '.? ?aw ?f ? *'"*** J^ ;'.-*?.?fa? I)?"** sSS w**aw m. H. ltUfOrt. a Ta?a**?n